HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-18, Page 88 TIUI$DAT, Oct 18, 1900, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. The goderidh DeparlMdllt Siore ie where you c.In trade to the ieat advantage. We can supply all your Fall needs, as our Departments Wver all liues.of wear- ing apparel. FOR THE LADIES. New 5fillinery, Ly New Jackets and Capes, New Fore, New Drees Goads sud Silks, New Under ear, New Hosier) and Gloves, New Tailor Sults made to your order. BOYS. It FOR THE Now Clothing, New Short Uver- omits, New Fleeced - Lined Uuderwerr, New Braces and Ties, New eel les rt sad BMA", . • Ste., etc FOR THE MEN. New Naw New New New New New New AiltrIAF Clothing, Overt:o his, Underwear, Hata, Shirts, Saks, Brans, etc„ etc. Fox ?He ams. _hr1 New Mart Cots, New Dress Goads, New Dressy Hats, New Under- wear, New Fur Ruffs, • New:bidders and Gloves. Large Stock of New Fur Caperines and Fur-hned Capes. THE NEW FALL MILLINERY. ]We have only the latest wearable /tying, not the loud and gaudy kinds. our prices, too, are small, considering quality and style. Come and look them over. FOR THE HOME. New Table Lints, New Oilcloths, New Carpets and Oaks' Loa, New Blanketa, New Print', New Flannelettes. 11-)11 CASH AND ONE PRICE. ittilliaRealrat Smith Bro's & Co. IDUN(IANNUN. h.NortOs.-.The tooal ageoey In Dunn non for Tse Bwxat. Is at the office of J.O. WarD. J.P., soave .neer. to.. who will motive or- ders for suptions. advertising and lob work. and 1s authorized to Riva receipts for amounts paid for the same (1•A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK- ll�� cow. wUl twatrms kL trip to IunRaa am 1a Apr(l.-Ist and and IMday seen month. TOWIDAY. Oot. 1616. °WIMP *.0 Uotnu -Ales. Boyd, of Lauder, a well-known and highly esteemed pioneer farmer In the township of Ashfield, whilst Irking In the Dungannon exhibition sieve your humble scribe a pleaasot and oemplimenlary vlel►_ .. . Mies Masai. Mo Hay. of Blyth, who was brought up In Dengannoa, 1. vldtlsi relatives and renew• Ins fermis aogoal.laooesblp here.. Mies Maggie Wilmot, who hu been on a lmalaees trip to her former home for some time, loft oe Monday for hottlneau, N. Dakota, tapir' her mother, who Is on an ea - Needed visit to relatives there. They Intend. all belay well, M return home next spring Mrs W'm. O'Brien. of the Forest City. 1. enjoylag herself vtettlog her sister, Mrs. O'Ooaaor. DUNLOP. MONDAY. Ool. Ib. Mrs. Atlas and Mrs. Thea. Tiobbonrne were •I the Dungannon fair last week. Judge Johostoo, of the Alvom• dutrlot, was • transient guest la out burg Int week seeing old Moods. -- CARalMf. MONDAY, Oot. loth. A Mature under the aosploes of the V, P. B. C. E. will be given in Smith's Hill ohurth ua 0etebse 22nd by she Rev. Alezander MaoMIllan. poster of S1. E000b's oburoh, Lsreeto, and termer pastor of Smith's HBI MO Auburn oeagregabloss. Those who Listened te Mr. MasMlllao's former leoenre to this church, os "The Banner and Homes sf Sir Walter Soott," will look forward with great pleasure bo the oomlog lecture, 'Martyr Heroes of the Soottleh Reforms Hes. " Lecture to commeaea at 7.30 rest, Elver eell.otlon to decry *spumes. LEtBURN. Moaner, Oot. 1516. Mr. and Mrs. H•eohler, of Sande. and children are visiting Mr. and Mn. H. ('bis• holm and other relatives shoot here. Mrs. O'Brien, of London, le visiting her parents, Mr, and Mn. Foley, at Rosewood and also relatives and friends about here and le Ashfield. Our genial towosma'' reel ('eraser. last week got • pre -•-,I l,u.•. • relit' Ye beat Termite of a h-. , nal S1. Bernard 11„1 nI about nine weeks old. Mlohael intends to train him to guide belated t tthreogh the big scow drifts and Hr'v -ter wind storms that ars N oommou u the late shore 10 winter time. -. Wedossday evening of last week-'flRtfi- best of the Point Farm entertained Goias - chlor Taylor sad rev ral of his bear reign hors with Ju Liokl•ter and A H. Clutton, of this plate, sod the Dunlop soribe. It was a farewell to his brother, John W right, et California, who is nnw on the eve of 61s departure home after • pleasant visit In Ootor(o with relatives and friends. l'H COC H NOTss,--Rev. J. A. Aodersoo, of Koos oburoh, Uoderioh, assisted our pastor at the preparatory service on Friday morning lot. On Sunday morning the oo0gregsllea was • large one and holy oom• muolon a-. partaken lit by • large number ul memisu....0. Wednesday •fteruoon of this week the W. M F. A. S. mast at the residence of Mr. U. L.wsoi la Dunlop.. . Divine service will be-ksld4athe ebureh et 10 30 A tr on Ttmwkslvrg Day. WESTFIELD. FNInAY• oar. 1216. Cnulcu N,rrre --Tbe anniversary ,.r. vlos. la 000neotloo with the Westfield V ell. list church were held on Sunday and Mood., of this week. Oo Suod•y morning .1 after0000 Rev. W. G. Howson, of Clla- 1on, preached, and to it,. evening Rey. r. It. McNair, of Dung.... on. Notwlth.tawd. Ing the Melon -eat weather the o00gr.gatlons were good, ...penally at the afternoon msaling. 0u Monday syening • very Iao- earful sacred concert was held, the oburoh being packed to the doors. The Presby• torten choir .1 iViogham rendered very ex- cellent service S. Gooey, of Wingham, Bass some vett Interesting readings. Mir Mood WlI.on,of Godsrloh,end Miss Baoban• .f Blyth, gave very •oospteble reoltatlons. Rev. Jasper Wilson, of (loderluh, gave a etrring address on the temptetioos that be- ►. ) Day ren, and W. H. Kerr, of B. u... b, spoke of loyalty to the different o. I ,,s of life. The audio/cos - was very high) delighted with every part of the pro. gram. Proceeds 1$100. The pastor In- ter.,+. nommenoing • steles of spooled meet - Ito.. on Wednesday, 1716 Inst PORT ALB3ER1. TvvtniY, Oot. 16. Mise Holiday. of Sseforth, Is vMtlog friends here. Mr. James left yesterday morning for his home 10 Pittsburg. Jsiob Melee, jr., bad his brother, Tom, were visiting their parents here last week. Mr. and Mrs Jacob Moths attended the funeral of Mr. McOee's mother It I' mond- v111e last Wednesday. Mr. and Mn Perrot, of Heoasll, spent • tow dare last week with their old Glenda, tfr. and Mn..1... Olver. Mr. Ju. Hayden and Mir Dunbar In. it.1Ih spend T Baird. t Hrr eeg the fholiday eld. M 1' le i'resbyterian soolal held on Tuesday eve leg of last week was a sne0ess. The rrrnam was owl. the leeoh esu better ,r.1 the •mo.nb realised was beet. Mr. Smith bad hie building, whloh was (I0jnred by the flood lest sprlog, moved to a more suitable position leak week. It isoon• WALL PAPER SALE eft; This" is sale that iFbou nd to attract attention. Several hundred rolls of Wall Paper (small quantities) regular 8c, 10c and 12c. Sale price, 4c, 5c and 6c per .roll. 2000 rolls New Wall Paper, 5c and 6c per roll. A few lines of the New Dark Shades, regular 30c, 35c and 40c. Sale price, 20c and 25c. WINDOW SHADES All In stock will be cleared at vwemping Reductions. Than Floss strictly CASH. Our Telephone No. is 100 R. A-rct PORTER'S Book and Wall Paper Store Court House Squat Uoderich. vealestly lilted up, aid is t►e lutes* tM up -stoat will be used as • public hall, with* weal b,AF, needed In this place. SHEPPARDTON. • Towboat. Oot 16th. MoCosaell visited hie blebs, at Lwow ea Ssoday. MW MoCoeb, of Pine River, le the Rust of Mrs. N.ieou 11ra6.m, Fred geoid •ad his slater. of Duplop, spent Sunday at Wm. Carey'.. At A large numb., et our ultlseus .ajeysd • pleasant ties. et Dungannon fair last Fri day. Our worthy hleckmd'h. Mr. 11.w. ep.ut Salurdy wad Suede,/ In Iludereob town- ship. Mies Emma Fwt.r. of Noderlch, leep.nd• lug. abort lime at her home here belure Ieay.ng for Toronto. Mrs Wm. Burrow,, wbu bas been in 1). trolt for •bout two months fur her health, arrived home last l hulsder. I1'.. are entry to say she is not much improve,' In health. COUNTY CURRENCY• Clinton : Potatoes are • good orop •i,,! are 2bo Ger buabel. tlederlub township : A broad emlle brightens the ooanteuenoe of G. Cooper last now :1115 boy Zurich : A tat man's btcyol. res. between D. Dyer and U. Fnti, Is expected to draw • large orowd to Zurich ou Thanksgiving Day. 1Vio.bam : Tb. remains et the late Ruby Alam., daughter of J. R. Adem.,ut Semis, formerly of Wingham, were brought hero tor latermeob. Clinton : Mlles Susie Steep, formerly of Clinton, daughter of the late John Steep, was married to Toronto, on th. 2od to a Mr. 'foppin. of that *ay. 1.Vinghem : H•nsoombe and Aldine have been to town far some days, .ad have made •rrangew.ote to have the toutedry her. put In shape and will .stabllsb • malleable works here. Wingham : D. E McDonald, who has been quits 111, 1. now improving. Th. Ors brigade, of which he is • member, has bad a nurse li attendance, the opt of which has been taken from their benefit fund. Swlort6 : James Bristow, of the South ward, has ripe raspberries in his garden. Ripe raspberries io Outober are so rare as to be worthy of note and vo to show who/ the climate of Ootarlo Is capable of when 00 !Os best behayi.r. Hay : The funeral of the late Conrad Wagner, on Monday morning of lost week was largely attended. Mr. Wagner was well koowo, having b.eo one of the old settlers of Hay township. tie leaves a widow, three sons and five daughters to mourn hie IOU. Clinton Allred Miller suffered much pain tor a who. from .n •ocldent he reo.Iu• ed at the organ Isolate. While at work with a rip saw • board flew book and struck him on the abdomen ; he was laid up tor • week, and will not be able to resume work for some time. Ulintro : Dr. W. J. R. Fowler, formerly of town, who has so euoo.ealully and dol. fully oarrted ou his practice here, has' du• posed of the same to Dr. J. Fr..man, of Hull, England. The doctor has returned to Ger former position as • lecturer io the Outwits Veterinary College. ltgmoodvtlle : Oa Wednesday morning, October 1016, occurred a vert' pretty wed ding when Mtn Johaaoah Mo(lrath, daugh• ter of Mr. •ad Mo. Michael Mut..-nth, of High street, was united in marriage to Robert Devereaux, cos GI the prominent manul.rturers of 161. town. Egmont] A gloom wsoaan her the village through the death et_it< Jacob Mol;.s in the seventy seveat* year of her age. She wis born la the pariah of K11. holly, Ttppersry, Ireland, and oam. to Canada over slaty years ago, and lived In this neighborhood for over forty years. Kipper Rev. W. Gould and wife have returned le their m'ssioe work In Formosa, after. year's furlough. They lays their two eldest ohlldren at the home of Mrs. Gould's mother, Mrs. Nellie, 1. be edoo.t- ed ; 16.ir third ohlld, • little girl, •doom. panted them, their youngest ohlld having died daring the summer. Tes Caw... Night Alarm. "(foe sight my brother's baby was taken with croup," writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky. "It seemed tt would strangle before we Gould get • dootor, NW* taws It Dr King's New Dlsoovery, whin* gave quick relied and p•rmeently cured I1. Ws always keep It In the hones to protest our children from croup and whooping oougb. It oared ms of • obronlo bronchial trouble that no other remedy would re- lieve." Infallible for cough., oolds, throat and loos troubles. b00 and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Jos W Ilsos's drag store. Tss SJ0IAL to Jaa. ink, 1901, ler 20s. FOURTH ANNIVERSARY -0r 17e- OPIENIIINO OF 4:47t St Peter's Church WILL SS O0L1ILATRD OP SUNDAY, OCT. -Ist, 1)1 sr. TIMM diff . The Altars will be basidNully dec- orated with Iiiht' and flowers, the walls with hunting and the towers with flags. Early Maw at 7.30 a.m. High Masa at 10 a.m. , afternoon service at 3 30. al. Peter', Choir, with sacred selections by the Black- stone (Orchestra. Hermon at the after - norm service by REV. FR McMEN- A M IN. Subject, "The Leading Evil of the Dy." Everybody cordially in• eked and all made welcome. irrCTiRTA OPBRI -HONE Monday, Oct. 22 13. F. MITCHELL'S All Star Company Present' the Let est Iwugh Sneer*" "Smith's Wife" 'Full of instructive Fun. Has Never Disappointed an Audienoe High -Mum Comedy, with Funny Plot 12 -PEOPLE -I2 Offering all that is New and Timely. Prices, 25c., 86c. and 50c. Plan open at Parlor's Friday, TO ADVaHTIBERB. Mottos of changes must be lett at els (ItHoe not later than ltaturday noon Th. g 1 p) for changes must be left not tete.r than Mon- day noon Casual Advertisements aooepte d an to noon Wednesday of each week. 31 ed Dint n are simply kidney disorders. The kldtts7. filter the blood of all that shouldn't be there. The blood pease. through the kid- neys every three eninutea. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder coo remain in the clrculatioe longer than that time. Therefore if your blood ie out of order your kidneys have failed in their work. They are In Deed of stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do all three, the finest and most imitated blood medicine thane 1. Dodd's Kidney. Pills IT'S YOUR NERVES It's the Condition of Yours Nerves That Either Makes Your `..ire a Round of Pleasure or a Use- r less Burden -To many wonl.:ulife is 111' round of nick Henn, weakness and i11 health. Tu attempt ec, ., the slightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the symptoms acolompuny- ing this state of decline lie : a feeling of tiredness un waking, faintness, dizziness, nuking feeling, palpitatiwi of the heart, shortness of breath, !oars .d appetite, hands and feet, ho.lao• he, dark,arclee under the eyes, pain in the track a,.<t side and all the other tucompanimenti &..& &two aril weakened constitution. All these aymptotus and twudttipwe.-.n, simply the result of a poor quality, and defective circulation of the bloat, with a wasting away of the nerve force.. Ry feeding the system with .DR, WARD'S sv BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS ou strike at the root. of tow disuse and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increase., the sunken cheeks and flattened busts flit-@nfr.,lilteyes get bright and the thrid et--renewedReaTth and strength vibrates through the system. ?fluent' per hoz at all druggists', or y' ,t DR. WARD CO., Toronto, Ont. tsaoraEY & SON Tits I.siiele( - Fwntxa\ Des a Ott. aa& VEtltnIXAMBVINS. Orden aaretallgy� asNseea tee Malla Beam ■ltt►l-ev dye Nene ea we•t %treee. •eelMaee. See - bee Mreet. SPAVIN•-- CURE.....1i. els *Slane ranted, y Iar.•M, ew.e. and •11 toren• of Meer.. tee tura ' • Manual, 8..-...e It Anew not Miater. ♦.wit P.wetywet,,,.t., 1,6. 10, 'w, In. R r. atoll foe 1rr air.: -W III r elows a1 In.. •••••,1, I h.... errs 8., 1, •1111,sot (w. Fitters a .Yly tntl 1 ha,* esrsd.lert M Nor y...,.Neel., with year a.a.sil's kluge. t, nen, a sway sett ..e .M• yallyle, ■I•r elte.l. les. As 1, es 1 b,.10.,,,1 welts, ee Net.•' a..arl' Or . raw sol gtwMrt tpy.,1 SyJ•hM. 1..y t, A .I) � l'oll.PIfl'e l'et'lrldR, Prise /1. as he ga. As. 11 niwant for family nw It has n. arn••l. A,. v,nr Amorist roe iseea.11'. eee.I. Care, s I... • • • Trestle. w t he the hent free, • r .ANe,M Be R. J. CENDAIL CO., Ffg1SIURO FAIJS VT. tairausaffamiut JOHN MORRIS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Planing Mill lid Feotory, (.m brie Hoed, Uoderich, A templet. stook of Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Flooring and Siding, . Lath. Shingles, Etc., Sash and Doors on hand and made to Order on short notice. Stor® Windows & Doers a Specialty Fstlmals famished Tama moderate. JOHN MORRIS, GODS/110H. YOU can't afford to buy shoe* that huft you, for you spend two thirds of your lite in thew. Ni shoe,, no matter at what price, eau titmore comfortably, morn uatur•Ally, more gracefully, more perfectly than the ::SNbE FOR WOMEN. • The natural wotlan's foot Is the "QUEEN QUALITY" Last That is the reason these shoes need flB "breaking iii" They feel as condonable as a stocking from the moment your foot enters them. MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM. x,75 NONE HIGHER. One of Many Styles 0, A General Favorite. Into I[iiw Medal= Heavy Sok. Low Heel. Sit THAT THIS Joe y r R IS BRANDED ON EVERY SMOL 41 a1acv as.aoeuCTIow 09 rate ewer. P.T. HALLS r5;.r SOLE AGENT. HELLO ! -- THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF As COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TSUI =MT ScraIlt011 said Cod III THZ MASCOT All Coal weighed on the Market Boles, when yon get MOD IM. for • ton. WM. LEE. Orders left al LEE a SZSP8.AD'8 Eters p•omptly attended to. DON'T BE DUPED '*here haveteen placed upon the Market •veral cheap re -prints of an ob,olete od (ion nt .. Weater a motionary." They are being offered unser variousnnaames at 1 low price ys dealers, agents, etc. and in a few Instances ae a premium foreubeoriptlona to papers. Announcements of thew cum paratl rely Worthless reprints are very misleading. They are ab v.•rtMod 10 be the substantial equivalent of a higher -priced book, while they are all Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a look of over nay room ago, which was acid for about Kok and which wag much superior to theme imitations, being a work of e0m0 merit nnete•d of one Long Since Obsolete. Thr Wahines Uesnldnd Dialesary lout. Milled byour bowie is the only meritorious one of hat *lame. it bears our Imprint nn the Mile -page and Is protected by copyright from chap Imitation. As a dictionary IeMi a lifetime will It not be better to purchase the LATEST AND BEST. Webster's International Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction. etc. 617.0 10111214.414 Inc4es. This Book is the Best for Everybody. STANDARD AUTHORITY cl the 11. 3. Bahrein, Court, all the State Supreme Courts, the U. 8. Covernment Printing (Nflys and nl nearly all the Schoolbooks. WARMLY COMMENDED M College Presidents. Sete Superintendent. of Seheels end many other eminent euthorldes. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Recently abridged from the International and neat W It Ike best dor the Oren. and modest Nies' 7 e i102t4, Inr•le.a. Igen tvwr..Wier n,.,l, .ant for 11.e oekIne 0.01 C. Mr RRIAM CO., Speinellehl. Mus ',""t ..rev rr; .eklr BEST BUY IN ROSSLAND DIRECTLY WEST OF LE ROI No 1 AND No. 2. ....BIG FOUR.... Consolidated iloId mining Co, Non -Assessable and Non -Personal Liability. Capital $250,000, in Ten Cent. Shares. Four Claims, All Crown Granted, with No Debts or Liabilities, One Mile West of Rossland• Over 600,000 Shares in Treasury for Develop. ment. Thu Properties of thio Cowpsuy are situated directly west and 600 feet lower ill elevation than the fawoue Ln Roi No. 1 and Le Roi No. 2, that are uow ehippiug 10,0 J ton** week. The Workings conaiat of • Shaft and Two Tunnels, driven to tap the ore body on three separate and distinct veins. No. 1 Tunnel on this vein is iu over 100 feet, and No. 2 Tunuel ou this yein has reached a depth of 112 feet, with three and one-half feet of shipping ore in right, and forty feet of the lodge to crowd out. The ore is identical with the Le Roi ore, the High -Grade Gold -Copper Ore of the camp. The No. 3 Vein hos been opened in tive places for 2,000 feet, which dips to the I.X.L. adjoin- ing, which is now shipping the highest grade ore in British Columbia, Sey oral buildings are on the ground, with two blacksmith shops and large board iug'house, etc., with water and timber in abundance. Our sways have averaged from ;5.00 to $800 in Gold. Copper and Sil- ver ; and the shipping facilities are the lest. The Great Northern Railway runs three times through the ground, three smelters close at hand, and re- duced charges of $4.00 per ton for shipping and smelting, and we are now ready to start shipping ore. The shares in this Company have been strictly pooled, and we will issue Pooled reoeipta only until the Pool is dissolved. We need money, and will send you 100 shares for $7.00, 1,000 for $60.00, 5,000 for 11275.00, and 10,- 000 for $500.00. Le Roi No. 1 once sold for 2c., now $50.00 ; Le Roi No. 2, five posed shares,pow $80.00. Addrear JAMES LAWLER, Managing Director, BOX 545, ROSSLAND, B.C., OF. Money can be seat core Hank of Montreal. Rariaxicae:-Any Bank or Business Man in the City of Rowland. INYESTI6AT&-SEND FOR PROSPECTUSES, ENGINEERS' REPORTS, etc I-. 44 31 Trcasarcr's Sala of Lauds for Tates. COUNTY OF Ill; RON, T. l y1 r : By virtue of warrant, ander the hand of the Warden and seal or the oorparetloa of I I, .. ."sty or Heron, ,sated the 21st day of Anoint. 11100, oon, mandiog we to levy upon the Inn I . 1, .reinafter desorlb.f. for the arrears of taxer roepeotlre ly due thaewoo, together with oat. .otioe Is hersbr when that oaken such teas* and Dost, are sooner paid, I shall In oompI♦,oe with the l'oasolideted Arrsmeot Lot. chapter 111 kt. B. O. lew7, prooesd to eel by politic auction the said lands or so much thereof as may tie necessary to discharge toe same. at the Court Hoose, In the To •. of Ooterioh. oo Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 1900. a$I Welast la the afteraoow, aasae/PTIOR. tor ('OIr, Oa £CS PATmwTID 0e ?AIM corm MAL l'f1 PATeiTID. • s?asrr. TOWNSHIP OF HOMERIC'', ppt�kega� u 6 Pars...... U Masitttllannd Part of s0 4' Patented 11147 84 $3 u Palmated 1 ff f 50 Pau■tea 110 250 ' 4 a 1 50 a 74 TOWNSHIP OF ORIY. 13 50 Patented VILd.AO1 OF IIZNFItYN IN GREY. IA K Patented •• % Patented VILLAGE 01 FORDWICH IN HO WICK. Alberta`. N % 1apatealsd TOWNSHIP OF MULLETT. 5 1 Patented TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. ▪ Patealei 1 ft flim/ TOWNSHIP OF USHURNI, } H. Z. H'd'y S<s Patented VILLAGE OF BAYFILLD. t. Andrews survey 3 Bayeeld Road si Pasmosa West half of East half 4 West half of Ent haft-- Motional, alft-- Mct)onall surrey. McCeawelr survey MoCaughey surrey V1t.LA0R 03' SLIME. Paten :ad i$ ••Patested K Patents 21 It hal 1 moat 14 Meek f 7 Covet 'treasurer's Omoe, (oderloh, August 24. IWWO. 11111110 V13$ (s mums -mit. 144 7'A • tee 150 7“3 4 42 ftp / sI 10 150 2 55 ,I) IIn 150 711 317 9C \� 331 150 • ,. k 1N t1I i Md. -star if Patented 4 M $ O I IS Wi. . am IT WI 11 PAY y� attend PnrestOItyBadnaw tilrtlrti (7oIleg1ne, Londont,a.. (hit Practical instructionand mpeaham- tical subjects For over fifteen years we have been in teach u ith young people end their north, and the Antinean world and its regairelaente. Every facility at command for aiding young people both before and after graduation. We are doing aapetior work 1 results prole tt. Send for our (;,•`telog lie and (3o11ege Journal. J. w. WESTERVELT, Prinotpal• S armers ALBERT W. WISE, i'vAl.IIN IN Far® Implements and Machinery. Doering nlnden. Mowers• lakes and Twine. Also J W. Maven goodie W llklnsen 4'.omen of all styles Wat.o.. of Ayr. Pnlpera E verything made of the vary heat material. Napalm M all lewds knot on hand. Weald be pleased to have you cell and la. Rpeni goods before mockeries, eisnwhcre. ('LAMB PASA PR7(`Illi .aa and all ottere who alae Hardware are Invited to see goods and prices McKENZIE & HOWELL offer. This is a splendid time to do fencing. We have yet a pretty fair assortment of sizes of our now fame(' 11ttistetfF 1t►-. gszwisn. Hundreds of rode pub up this year is this locality, and invariably it is said to be the beat farm '---fence on the market. We have a fine line of House and Barn Furnishings, such as 1.ATC1101c, HIIfoRR, 1.00111, GLASS, PAINTS, VARRISBU, TAN PAPRN, COW CRAMS and BULL FIXTURES. A large importation 01 tie- Examen SIMMS awl HRovR1.s has just arrived. TWO are marked down very low. Our new MIAMI DOR SRwfwri MACRIER in all that is claimed fe r it, being the Mgt value out. We sell them down at bottom prices. it has points of etoetienrse not to he found on other machines+. vt'lll opt op lothe std Align. Meelaant C Wand .Met c 4, 4 to/. A Ter vn*nt■ Kenzie Howell PLAOL TO auY ALL. HARIWARN OMEAP. tt`u(ta ,,e'", :.,�p`d",'s'yIr11 .:dt'...��iiwLL,tf�.. - x'SR _t'w y.v _c sA" t�ii�.