HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-18, Page 7e air SUCCESSFUL RAIDS BY THE BOER FORCES. British Surprise Boer Laager and Kill, Wound and Capture. NOW DEWET ESCAPED BRITISH. -en- Roods lays the Volunteers Can All 'Go Dome But He Would Rather They Would Stay --Boers Found Dressed In Khaki Will be Shot ---Lord Kitchener to be Lett In Supreme Command !fuller to Return Home _Army of Occupatloe Not Much Weakened - Kruger Has Ns►Yet Salted --Will Never Go Back to South Africa. London, Oct. 14. -The War Office has received the following derpatuh r from Lord _ lllohseti. dated Pretoria, Friday : "The Boers have been making many successful raids, and are luterferIng with railway and telegraphic cum- attwlcatlonr. The damage its quickly repaired, and seven puulehment In- flicted, but the Etta alp remarkably persistIOI t _ -Tinge nate kiu I alight en- gag.•mestr wltli small bands of the euewy. The total BrItleh casuultl(es were five kllkd and six wounded." Surprised a Laager. !recut 111 It hem/ital. The sir Office received thio information yesterday. Lieut. Uockburzi is 11 MOIL of Mr. G. 1t. H. Corkt,urn, ex•M. P.. of Toronto. Buller'. Return Ilouee. London, Oct, 14. -Sir Heaven: Bul- ler'r return to England it a groat surprise to military men here, who had expeated that he would succeed Lord Itubert.. It is interpreted sir a sign tluat Lord Kitchener will b. left fu comma -n.1 in South Africa This result cuuiue ratlefuotiun to two quarter.. The Alden,Iiot gang lc relieved, because It dreads" the trans fer of Lord Kitchener to London, where he might turn the military service up.ide down if allowed Fy Lord Salisbury to have is free hand the Youth Africa community here it Mao pleased, because' it W weary of what It describer rut Lora Roberti "soft-hearted leniency," and regard" Lord Kitchener aa n rough and rest lute soldier. who will not be swayed by stotlmental oonsideratlonr, feat will restore order in the two colon ler by drastic tnethemle. Tile feeling W shared without doubt by a large section of the public, which remit with impatience the actx.untr of rule! Ing operatloius by Oen. De Wet'. burghers and the''Pratuvnai triir wreckers. Gen. Buller bar been re nerved of cutnutand- and allowed to return in adv' ace of Lord Roberti/ in order that it may not suffer the humiliation of be favor04 Lord K . The arme of occ yet_ been materially Natal and Ceps Colon are mUabanJiutf, they acute are returning to ("an. Australia, Australia, and the Lon tee.. are recruiting their i' tat sea for the tremendous wel London, Oct. 14. -Tho War Office Kober(received s4 daated1e1following returla,Oct liftltom Lord eatb.factory Ittle affair ocburred near Frankfort Thursday. Colonel Greer, with the Wert Keats, surprised a }goer. Jaeger at dawn, killed reeve'', wounded nine, and captured 18." Mistook the Road. Pretoria, Oct. 14. -Toward the lat- ter part of September lufortuatlOn war received at Kroonstad teat the Jjger Eebenb would hold a conference with eenerTDi -hoot at Hetlbrou on September nein. The British Imme- diately elaborated a .theme to sur- rounul and rapture them. Col. Knox'* lufautry brigade, 1 orter'r cavalry, 1)atgetty's ooiumalu, Belislei • 'tweeted Infantry, acid W. Knox'. detulle were ordered to proceed to Ifeilbron anal put the plan into execution._ Uu ale first and record day. of the merit' nothing ticourred., The troupe -formed a circle *sixty mile* ig rlrcumlererx around Hellbrou, but they were clurely watched by hoer patrols, who ueea 'tonally fired sniping show at. them. On the third day. as the cavalry ap- proached the town, they were op - peed by a Targe force of Burr., who were holding apoetised on Veeht kup. The cavalry cleared the hill. ant a shrapnel fire was poured after the retreating. burgher'. • In the afternoon of the malate day, part as the cavalry were bivouacking, a strong fordo of Beers, eouruartdedt by tree i elVet personally. med.,._ determined attack on there. Gen•Tel -Porter hmpotled itis brigade magnifi- cently. lie took sip such ex - that the attack waw rendered Ineffer• the, and compelled the Boer. to re tire to Hellbroo. Reenwhlle t e erns (' Knox ad tanewl to Petards kraal, Oen. I)alget- t7 to Ultkyk, aced lien. Delbde to ktanoleprult, reducing the circum - !sense of the British virile to 20 mals. The next day the Boers disputed Gen. Porter's advance on Hollbron from the southeast. There was heavy fighting, hat the cavalry were net to be stopped. They took lull after hill in grand style. The artillery nld good work. Finally the two thermi- on(' Deere who were opposing the British and holding the town fled to the northeast. leaving in Ruch n hurry that they left their transport healed. 1t was hoped that they would he turned by the northern rsdmmn, but the latter unfortunately mistook the rand, and the Boer,' got away to the Kilp River. Thr scheme of the British therefore failed. g set aside it ener. atioa has not enlrene d. The volunteers 1 t i forcer and Colun riper 1110 wblob awalte them here, brut ti, regulars atilt remulu it oxerwhet lug strength for pollee work. General ISuIIer's impending return from Wroth Africa, .aye another des- patch, Is understood tr be due to an un.apected call upon his 'servicer to rtmrgunire the .army Service Corp.. tite experieucee In South tfrlca of the many defects of the extorting organ tuition ham led to the authorities/tek- tite -beta - to put _ the system ugder wlds4s the Serpa emelu ie --ltd work upon a proper footing. (I+llarre.�„ w:tA s..�tnee.,'ta •^tcr� t.t Wllotott, arumarulant of the fortress. accompanied by Major Fairer, ('apt. Dup.leeela. other offk:ere belonging to the militia, and roue of the weather* of the Citizens' ',eremite/it Reception Comwlttee. hundreds" of spectators were on the ewtatntkweut, and the re- turned euldkere were untltuatastically reaeelved. They were escorted after wards to their temporary qun.rtere at the citadel by a detachnaeut front the R. C. R. I. and 1t. C. A.. acousepauted by the State Baud. Montreal'. Reception. Montreal, Oct. 14. -Whether alt the returning soldier. from South Africa on the steamer Idaho are °outing to Montreal or not It Is now practically assured that the Montreal dewute stratbou on the occasion of the ar• rival here will be etomethlug more thtut a local event. Arrangements have been made W detain the whole of the western contingent, and to al- low them to remain here for several hour. Word has been received at the Brigade Offloe front Ottawa that the 48rd Battalion, of Ottawa, under the command or( IAeut.dol. Peery Sher- wood, will start for Montreal the day that the contingent leaver Hallfas. In Moutreal the 43rd will meet the western men and tender the (fort re. eeptk,n to 1) (:onipetny, of Ottawa, willed' 1' commanded by MaJor May hard Rogers, of the 43rd. The next day the 43rd, accompanying 1) Com- pany, of the Royal Canadian.., will leave for Ottawa about 3 p. m., pear• tk•ally the 48rd eextrting the "toy." from Montreal to Toronto. No Bouquets for Kruger. Antwerp, Oct. 12. -The Belgian bur - go mastery are determined to pre- vent any public outdoor demonietra- ltons In favor of ex-Pte.Ident Kruger on him arrival !n til. country. This decision her been taken In order to prevent all further offence to Great Britain. --- ' To Welcome Canadians. Halifax, Ort. 12. -The programme eomtulttee of the reception to the Canadians met • this evening and de- cided to recommend the following to the general committee: If the steamer arrives In the morning, tate landing to be made 1n the afternoon ; 11 Lt night, the Lauding to be in the morning landing to be at the dockyard. The line of march to be lined with the gait- ors aintore: front the warships, and the troops to proceed to the Commons, wbere a short thanksgiving service will be held, thrice to the Armory for the banquet. Invitations to be sent to the 1'retnler and Cabinet Ildtnbaters. May- ors of I'rovinclal towel and command - ere of the militia In Nova Sootta. It wax also recommended that the Government he asked for the nee of a steamer to wart the tmopihlp; to request the general decoration and 11- lumiation of all steamers in port, to go down the harbor and meet the t rooprhlp. • A salute will be fired from t le citadel, the forts and. the war- ablpst ., THREE OFFICERS REPORT, here the Canadian Boys Were in September. RANKS \ FILLING UP AGAIN. Ottawa. Evan., . Som ion Canadian ale Militia Department August 81st the week Se Inters E;ma itedpath. Ra joined lam. 181. on parade tact 107 mbring. Lieut. -Col. Leonard, eonunand:ng\tite Royal Canadian Dragoons,. writer from Bellaet on 8r3 September : "There was on parade 110, on de- tachment 306. sick 106, miming No. 92. Pte. Winyard. The bett*f on was, doing outpost duty at Belfast allweek. Lt. Col. Otter reports that parade state west elfectite ma follow.: At Silverton and on armored train at Yerecntng -,16, command :h7, coeval ascent 73. heck and dkoint duty at va- rious net ramps 179; total 805. The line of communisation was un- der Col. Barker. R. E. F,ffeetive strength was leviesmed during the week by the arrival of HO notec.me ml,elonecl offficers and .nen who had fallen out in the early part of the re- oent march. •t. 15. -{Spa chili -Lt. -Col. ane ding.-Lw:a -nd-i; "Batten M nted RlfleTeporta tine • , . th Africa to the under date 0 He say that 'luring Mgt. T, E. 1 teon, I'rt. Unger, McNi.i I, -Green, per and Fora had re Tb. parade state Cl.11 Rale 1■ T 1• Leaden, 00t. Oot. 14. -As a mark of the opening of Lord Salisbury's Govern - anent ender the sew Parliament. Sir Alfred Milne! Stented yesterday from- Gape romGape Town for Pretoria to lu- ftMate a civil admtnletratim in the Transvaal. The British elections have simplified his mission, as the ro- sette confirm his policies equally with Mr. Chamberlain's, and with- out asking for the di.closure by the Government of Its ,'chemo, It Is known along general Innes that it will be that of a Crown Colony, with on Adnalnletratioa similar t, those at Ceylon and the West Indies, until ` Wr Alfred 'idylls! that the elective element .1011 share In the (metro'. Ms temperament Is anti-mllltary. and It IP certslls that he will' seek the quickest exit from the present' Irritating Incompetence of junior officers holding megl'terial positions. The result of the ,Lotion, moreover, hen been to reject Mr genre Canmp' 1>r11 -Bannerman a advocacy, repeat- ed after him own election, of the plan that the former Doer Inetitutiont be •euatinued, and nothing be done to make the Boers feel that their Inde- pendence Iwo been lost. It In not expected that Cecil Rhoden will helve any advisory voice it the settlement. Ills Smyth African Lesgne (ongrese at Cape Town this week hes fallen flat, and hie hostile re- ference to Mr. Rose -Innes has only Ptxeceeded in bringing from kir Al- fred Milner an intimation that he will oak Mr. Rose -Innen to re-estsb- lish the Transvaal ju.iiciary. The Rebels' 1Prieoe. Caps Town, Oct. 14. -The Contend &'''rotary and a party cif members of Parliament hive visited 'i+ent where th•• rtnglrerlerw condi-test randier the treamon bill will tie con!In^d. The Dn'el1 mrmliet7 ex reaffe4 thrtnwlteca as mat- tefled, especially no atttnble employ matt will 1* found, and reit/enable visttatk.n permitted the friends of the i•r1soners. • Fresh Eags really. loeetor'a. Oct. 11. -One of the Awe tares of tis war wh'rh ha/ excited the admlretlon of the foreign mllltary ' ttaches hew teen the Admirable man ter In whkh the men have beet fwd. n'hetever the force remained station D ry for a few days jam, bacon and head were served out. In one Como regi"-nt received toxo, fresh eggs dally tar each man. Solenoid 11. Regiment. 1„116,n, 0.1 11--Llent. 11 Z C. n•ekbera, itt A P iS.iti vin. Canadian Moatntel RIO.., formerly a nnptaln o ill" (Forarner demerit' n Heir Gn•nrrlt +( Tnrrontn, returned to dety with Me regiment oath* arventh, after haring itreger'e Intentions. London. Oct. 15, -The Telegraph's eorrerlamdettt at Lorenzo Marques cable/4 an Interview bait by him with l'rertdenC14 Kruger's ,grandson Elof. wtoaceuwpanied his graaolfether to Europe. Ile Bald lie did not think President Kruger intended to re- turn to South .tfrlca. He did 'tot suppose the Itrftish would allow him to land if he did return. He tooled that hie grandfather had gone on board the tsetse' cruiser Gelderland, witch does not mail before next Tues- day. When he did embark he would sore so openly. under the auspices of the (.osernor of Lorenzo Marques. Kruger Still at Lorenzo 3Imrques. Logit -azo Marques. Oct. 14.•- l'he of- ficers of the Dutch crtieer Gelderland stilled of ex-Preeldent Kruger at the reetdenee of the Portuguese Governor yesterday. Boer. Capture British Escort. Cape Town, (Xt. l4. -The Boers are very active In the Kroonrtad dis- trict. General De Wet has proclaim- ed that burghers who refuse to fight wilt be matte priaooers of war. British mounted Infantry, scouting `Tom Lln.11ey; 1hrtl taeptairr-W' killed through mistaking a party of 40 Boers In khaki for friends. Boer rommandtws continue to ha- rass the British column). which la marching from Lindley to kroonstad. The Boer captured a detachment of the Cheshire Regiment, which was ee.orting nn empty wagon near Frankfort. They released tate driver bat, kept the wagon. BRITISH CONTEST NEARLY OVER. Standing of the Partiesnot Much Changed by Election. NO SETTLEMENT OF MINE STRIKE Work at a Standstill Yet- -Mexican Brigands Commit Many Outrages and Terrorize the Populace --Strange Will of an Englishman, Barring tits Legatees Froin Marrying U. S. Citizens or Hebrews -- flan Shot and Killed by a Rash Hunter While Photographing. Conine', Ore. 13. -The election re - turas are oomplete, with the excep- tion of elx polling. to -day, anti the pulling in the Orkney lrlauda Oct. lith. On this morning's auiounce- mi nts the Unionists rhave gained Abertloertehlre East, ranking the re apectise gains au fellows : Minister fallet.r 36, Oppusltloa 3:f The tots! number of members of Parliament elected is 0113, as follows : Couser'. vetiver 331 ; t:ntoniete tftjfc Liberate and tabs/Ht:181 ; Netts -mallets' e0. No settlement Yet. 1, Shamokin, 1'a., (kat. 15. -Not n col- liery remounted operuttona In thin Me, tion oaf the opal region thus morn- ing. While towers geucrally taunt tate. terns of their convention will be accepte.l by the operatonm and coal carrying companies., operators Itereult.uts tarot thut mo far as they urs concerned they will lot, unless forced to by the coal earrylug companies signing an agreetent to pay 11) per cent. _ It ything (Quiet. Hazleton, 1'a., Oct. 15. -'The fifth week of the coal minere' strike open- ed uuietly. Toe few collieries that Lase ooutluued la operation since the strike wit. inaugurated are work- ing metal to -day With the same cumber of men they had .n the miuea tart Week. The Crunbery mute. of A. Pardee & Co. have more men at work than any of the few other mines still In operation. Two crests gathered ` this .morning, but-_.-sie- permed before daylight .without causing any trouble. - A march planned for title morning to the Panther Creek Valley, where a majority of tonnes are stilt in oper- *tion. war called off OA a000uot of rain. Nedra* Brigand* Active. Chicago, 111., Oct.15.--A despatch to the Record from tliaadalajtira, Mexico, soya . A baud of brlgaude, under the leadership of the notorious Pedro Eloreo, has been committing numer- ous murders and robberies In the Aut- lan district of this State for several months. Newts hes }eat reached here that tate robbers unlade a bold raid on the town of Arman, hod killed the poetmuster. Following this unpro- voked mar.ler they robbed the {,lane and terrorised the populace. They have a rtroughnbl itt the mountain's and a detachment of Buratto have gone in pursuit of them. A Queer Will, London, Oct. 15. -Tate will of Mr. J. B. Clayton. sea of the (sae mem- ber of parilau.ent of that natee. hue just been probated. By it he leasee his two duugltterr u fortune of $720,000, with the curlers provlrlon that tate money is only to be payable If they shall attain the age of 85 years without marrylug, rather n citizen of the United States or a Hee- brew. abet While Hunting. Chicago, 111., Oct. 15.-A special to the Record, from Denver; Cotritays: Arthur Green was shut and instantly killed In mistake by C. W. Johnson, a rabbit hunter. Green war out with hitt sweetheart, Miss Katie Mock - ridge, taking pictures' in the fc .t- htll's nnwr Golden. He hod donned a jacket and she was just about to take his picture when Joltawn eaertt over a hill. Seeing a moving, grey object he mistook It fur a rabbit, and rent 4 charge of .hal into Green's head. EMPRESS FREDERICK'S CONDITION CRITICAL. WILL EMPEROR EXECIJTE TURN? Believed in London That H Has Assumed Power. MAY PUNISH MURDERERS 1.1 Iluag ('hang lurking Calle Upua the Foreigutrs lit Pekin -chaffs. and the Nruting-Fu Expedition - '1'wo ('ulprlts the Legations Want Executed-Ylclury for Itebrle. Loudon, Oct. 18. -Tito Thum: pub- lished today Ur. Morrleuu's wall ac- t/o uuta of the extents that led up to the siege of Pekin. He rays that the Boxers only became Iwpurteut after the German occupation of Klatt Chou. The Chluese were aucrtbing the dls- astrous drought and famine, with other troubled. to the Judgment of heaven, for the ururputlon of the Empress Dowager. Site relied upon the " Boxer" movement, according to !h•. Morrison, are a teetotal of divert - tug popular wrath from herself to the - forelguers, and appointed Yu Helen. foamier of the Boxer recto to to Uovornur of Shan Twig. In March, It(en.- -Tains. .under Impede' protec- tlon, the Boxers proem:lied the doc- trine that it was the foreigners and not the Empresa ikowager who had aroused the wrath of the gods. "AN if aurwew to the Boxere came the anti -foreign outrages," text tlnues the correspondent. •'culmhtut ing 111 the deetrut•tlem of the railway station at hemi Tat The lung await- ed rain./ came on May CSth, taud were regarded at; a sign of the direct sanc- tion of higher powers to the work of Voters, "Three days Inter extra foreign guards+ for the legations arrived. Tim Boxers became Increasingly aud- acious ; and things went from bad to worse until the legations were ordered to quit Pekin, and Baron Von Ketteler was killed. There is not the shadow of doubt teat hAe murder was deliberately planned by the au- thorities" and executed by an officer resplendent in the uniform of the im- perial troops." Dr. Morrison highly praises the fearless courage of Ur. Ament, the Amerean miselo nary, who, when Mr. Conger was obliged to decline the request for en escort for the Tung Chow ntberloueines, undertook the journey alone. It was un act of courage and devotion," he says, "that seemed to us, who knew the Country, a deed 01 heroism. On the x Mow arrival of the Tung 'Ino mleslonar- IeA„at Pekin they held a eonfereuce atensent en atppeal by cable to Pre- sident McKinley, on June 8thv over the head of Mr. Conger. "It would be intererting to know," say. Ur. Morrton, "whether this ever reached Washington." London. 0-1. 14. -There le reason 10 believe that .the British Foreign Offkee received satlefat'tory newer from Parana 011"Frtda , indleatlltg-tie -early return of the Emperor and Itis court to the capital, while the Empress Dowa er remains at Singnn•fu. If aver e. t ft Means nem that. the Emperor ham pati ked up courage, with the eatt.ttstanee of the strong men of hie court, to arrest Princo Tuan and drag hint to Pekin for publle execution. It the powers ae•ure Prinre Turn's heart they will not be unduly curious an to hie nc• rompliene in the ntaosnerrm, for all are more or leas apprehensive of the coneeetuencee whluh might result from an undue prolongation of the erten. It 1a also Raid that negotiations are proceeding between !tuella and Jn pan. whh'h will result In the defining of spheres of Interest, and which will practically give to Japan n free hand In .deetling with Corea. it le still nnderetoosl that Lord i4allebnry le co-operating with Ger many in seeking to adjust the Kai- ser 'R whites to the Interests of the allies. ed tadOne Death ,(he Penalty. Lindley, Oat. 4. -The enemy at- tecltefi-# t -haat nlgbk- They can.' from a Kaffir kraal, dreamed in -blaakata, and .leading -:tomes. Latter. No 8,248, tv,u killed, and Benoey. No. 5,409, was mlightly wounded. A doer war .sawn prisoner dressed in tate full enlform of Itrabant's Horse. A notice halt been leaned stating that any of the enemy found wear- ing the uniform of Her Majesty's forces are itable to be shot. Roberta fend the Volunteers. Cape Town, Oct. 14. -The Mnyor has received a telegram from I;eiteral Rob- erts announcing that the c.dnnlel toe nnteers who have been on nctite ser- vice north of the Orange River may return home as soon as possible nfter to'morrew: 4t- .Ma( I1Ole'rw exprea.iar the hope, however, that many of the volunteers w111 remain In the field un- til the termination of the war, and nays that their leaving now will have the worst passible effect. A daapett'lI rent from Matetlryf to- day stater that the Auitrallan hush - men had nn engngement Friday at Lletpoort, two mile. from Malmhni, with a force of Boers._ who for con- slderahle lintn had been 'strongly en- trennhe•ed In the knpjrm northeast of Millman'. Tlue RrIti.ih loam wain len wouindel. The Boers left seven dead on the field. • • Cape Parliament. Cape Town, (Sof. lI. nrlimrht was pprorognod ye.terday. The Prem- ier, R1r Inters Gordon Rprlgg, .teepee - .d the hope that when I'nrlinmcnt re- nsermhlee nil bitterness w111 have pamepd away, end tint pence anti peal -will will prevail In 5onih Africa. Porte Cenedlens Lana. Qoele t (set . 11. --Thr Ikvminlon line steamier Vrtneonver nrrtted nt the (Irani Trunk wharf, Levis, at 11 o'rkn'k it's morning. Thur were some 40 Celeedlnre volnntrw'rm on board. re - tenting front lemth Melee. They were brought by a tredve to the Oreen'a wStarf nn,l ,1'ameba rkewl nhnnt 2 ri.krk: HE WENT VIA FRI6IIT uarde ment Made in the First Bulletin Posted. MIRACLES Of DIVINE HEALING. FERRELL TO PLEAD INSANi TY. His Sweetheart to be Called Against HIm-U. S. and Denmark Negotiating for West Indies Price Asked Is 17,000,000; Offered $4.000,000 - Switch Misplaced. Probably by Design, Causes • Wreck In Wbkh Two (len are Killed and Three Injured. Homburg, 0.t. 15. -An official bub lettn Lome' to day Rays : "The - Em prem. Fre.lerL^^k haw resit muttering for some time from neuralgia paler, causing exhau+ton and acute millings of the head. followed by secondary catarrh of the lunge, atilt continuing with Imre:used temperature and Ir• regular pttleat'.ono. There Is no pre sent danger. but a recurrence of the weakness would be the cause of im- mediate danger." Bulletlike have hither o of WAa a- rmed, r ned, at the request of -the former Toan. preen, iHckerlag for Iolanda. New Tort, Oct. 1b. -According to a despatch from Copenhagen to the Herein; relative to the sale of the Spaniel' West indlem, Denmark de- mands $7,000,000 and the United Rtatea offers onl,v $4,000,000. It 1a be- lieved that the definite Amertengt,O1• for will be laid before the Danish Pnrlleslnent'In November. - lrera*U,ea- ltarysviile, Ohio, Oct. 15,-ilumulyn to -day on the charge of killing Now He Comes Home in Special With Millions. ONE MAN'S LUCK AT DAWSON Berkeley Springs, W. Va., Oct lb. -Jimmy Adams tt6i' rettsr11e4 from. the Klondike. When he lett here three years ago, he went veleta no money, and on a fret/lit train Re returned 1q a _private oar, hauled by a leased locomotive, and brought with him nearly $200,000 In gold and papore representing mining posses - Mona worth x5,000,000, and pros-- pectively worth ten times' as much. When he was back from the north two years ago he heal some gold and prospects, but had not written home etwew, sad nes nue was prepared fur Ida return. At Detroit, he tired of travelling in ordinary trains, and took the beet ems biggest car be multi rent at IS7,(X1 a slay, raining leisurely and *atop. ping et Niagara Felix and New York, When he got to Brunswick hn leaned, a,l000(nottve to come over tees brunch line to Berkeley gtpringa, arriving at the station Wittlout any one In town expecting him. Siete! fur Workgirls. , London, Oct. 14. -Tho contemplated erection, of it large hotel In London, for the benefit of girls worklhg for nmatl enteritis, In which. Mn Ruemell Sage, Mrt, Betty Green, and Mr, ,inn. 1011 nro mild to he Interested, 1s hailed tut n mneh-Deedeol improvement, and nm one more alga of American enter - print Copt. !Shields Alive. Manila, Oct. 15. Captain Dever - Pitt tSMrtrlm, who, with 51 men of Company "I'," 20th Regiment, U. 8. Volunteer Infantry, wan captured by the lnenrgents boat month in the island .of Marinduque, wive res riled yesterday, with all the mem berm of hie party. Trem .tri ter enth. tangentrt. Cont., Oet. yenr-olrt-son of E. 111. At Harper. In Lanark other boys to drive th. Neltomolyaril. The tiring put reit tinted reel, In. She etrirk 14. --The seven Wilext, living C.unty, helped R (orae fait n( animal neer and started to the hay, knos•k el him down, trnmpled nal him, nhd Otero Mats W'Idgery was in reser he WAS fatally hurt. lea lived one Amami They were stet M Lieut. CoA. day after the aowWent, Adam.' express messenger, Charles Lane, ('t Aug. 10th last, When be was captured Ferrell metier written confession, in which tate details of bow he shot Lane and robhe,1 the express safe, were set forth. The pur- pose of the robbery was to uecure money for his prospective marriage. WWI ('oetelow, to Marla he war en- gaged, has been subpoenaed as n wltnese for the State. A plea of iaeanity will be the principal de- " Efforts to eectose a jury oc- cupied all of to -day. - - -• Tampered With Switch. Chicago, Oct. 15. -An open twitch nt kith street, South Chicago, be- lieved to have been purposelymia- plad ee, caused the death otwo men end the lnjnry of three others, and made wreckage of the engine and forward part of the New York -ant ten express trnln, ort the - Lak Shore and Miehigan Southern Road Inst night. The killed are: 11. J Jerogh, firemen of the train, anal tramp who was stealing it ride. Lewd e• • a was probably fatally injured. CARLISTS MENKE SPAIN Witirr-Crop of Revolutionary Troubles Next Year. FOUR ARRES15 Ar LERIDA. Park, Oct. 15,�A deepatcb from Madrid stye the Spanish Government is-Reeat ly- eetaae erose - ea-abw revival of the ('arlldt agitation and the dkrovery of a depot of nems at Lerida, lohla, where 015 Itemingtotts and tools for the manufacture emu repair of arms were seized nt n store kept 117 a ('nrltet. Four arreeta h'tx•e leeen mode nt th' store, including n men nam -d N ml o. who et71 • himself ". hi; f of the Varlet military adminirern- Th Heraleka, of Mndrld, Rept the ('artiste are preparing frverlehly t, open a rnnrpalgr nt Ihv enol of the present year, nddhtg that the rthRrtm tent In Catlkxnln foams nn exei'llent oo uree for the ('arllet prrptganda. MARti11ER11'A LX ILICTIRKMF:YT. She (:Ives Away 11er Il.nutiful Costumes and Costly Jewels. nota., Opt. 13. -It la earned that t.h' tlneaen Dowager M.nrgh.rlta htm Met completed the dlwtrit.utlon of ler perianal effects" and ht' finally retired from the world. (per :MO Depart err Donee hale leen apportioned among b^r friends,. immelbately after King Ilumhert'a funeral the Rent to 110 nit;Renin at Florence the agnblte rem l,rdderlea whl^1t maolp an fire nn ex habit et. the ('hlrngi Exhibition. an 1 ell her Jewelry bee been given to her reletdvew, The yonng Queen Helena hew r«rlye, Margherha',' royal dlaetem, valued at nearly 1200,000. MAX MUI IA.Mtt ILL. Eminent Scientist's Relapse Viewed as Serious. London. OM- ^its -r, .r - •f'rhelrieh Max Mueller, corporate professor of romparatlye philology at Oxford, who PROF. MA X M1' E'I.LEIR. hem inert 111 for comp time, fered it e•rksu relapse, cool intim lm new critical. hen mut AIN roto Captain ('harl.e Minton, who wee In rharge of the yaeht biter, which foumleroi nff Cleveland on .Inly 7th In n epinll, woe y.eOter.lnv Indiutert for men.leughter by the Federal (trend Jnry. Holme* Is cheered with ertminal Dar lemo.ae In handling the yanht ev. k B: -Simpson's Followers Testify. SOME STARTLINC STORIES. LI Hang ('hang In Pekin. Pekin, Oct, 11, via Tien-Tein, Oct 12, and Shanghai, Oct. 1:1, 7.35 p. m. - An expedition of 4,11)0 men, ronsl.t- ing of Belllsh, Germane, F'reer'', and itallans, will leave for i'aoting-fu to- morrow. The men will carry three weeks' rallons, it is expected that an expedition .d 7,000 will leave Tien- Teln for the Fame point at the same time. The purpose of these expeditions is to dli!odge the Boxers amt rescue a band of foreigners supposed to be at Paoting'fu. Two American staff officers will go along. but otherwise Gen. Chaffeen troops will take no part in the expedl- tion. Tate general le not In sympathy with the movement. Re says it will accomplish little, and will delay the peace negotiation!. --ft--ire believed that the evert lute moved from Taiyuan fu to Ningan-f �ya because of the fear of an attack " he L Li -Hung -Chang ham arrived here. tlrast- fn tin regarded an n strategic move- ment on Singan-fu. It will he followed by another.one from Rankow for tint purpose of cutting nff the new capital from sources of empplier. Offer Not Ilatiefnet0ry. Brukeu Limbs Mended, Cassese Cured, l'or.uniptives Muraliked With &sound Lungs, Old Mayes Made Young and Snakes and Mad Dogs Defied by Prayea Heelers. New York, Oct. 15, -Broken Iambs trended, snake biter rendered harm - lees, conte mptlon cured aatd cancers removed through prayer were some of the aslertlour made yesterday after- noon at the meeting for "divine heal- ing" in connection with the Conven- tion of the Christian and Misseunary Alllanoe, now being hell In that city. Fifty persons, representing several Stated and foreign countries, testified to the efficacy of the power of prayer In healing the sick. One woman, who weighed nearly two hundred pounds and Was appar- ently in perfect 1i1k'tth, nude the fol- lowing statetne I: "Five or tax doctors told me 1 had cancer of the melee. Fur three years I had to go about 1n a wheeled chair, or be carried 1n wy husbaud'e arms. Then I told the doctors 1 was going' 10 glee thein up and trust to Jesus. That wit. . tghtccn year. ago, end I haven't taken a drop of medicine retro." Site gave her name au Mrs. S. C. Barrett, of No. 1,612 North Seven- teenth street, Philadelphia_ MissNettle Toutmlu, of Mld.ticburh, N, J., skid: "I war bitten by a copperhead snake four and a half feet long one day while feeding chickens," and she 'thew - ed the audlettoe a scar on her wrist. 'The wrist become frightfully swol- len, threatening me with lockjaw. Friends told mo I would die, and I was ruffering Intensely from the pain, but I acted (see to take away the poi- son, and He did." A ypuug woman 1n tate audience car - 1 Mies Tonimin'r statement. hilt.e by a black milder In Maine tIe susale mmer,' saMn. J. R. Hunt, off No. 108 ('Iarkeon street, Itrooklvn, \'and panted through the ngnnio'e of rt known a gir days from a ed in 1104, anlie healed me." Mrs. 0. L. Kitlig� of this city, assert- ed that rhe ffe, a tumor of eight years' standingremoved through prayer, and a young woman from Philadelphia, who It d entirely lost her voice eight yea ago, testiflled in a clear, dlrtinct to that she had found it again through rayer. Mew. M. .1. Clark, of . . 121 West Forty-fourth street, New York. said : "I had been treated for (reification of the heart and nervous`. prostra- t1011::were eo affected that I wore two pairs of glasses. Five phyalclans gave me up to die, three of them In my own family. He fling me--la--Rn instant, like a flash of lightning. Twelve years ago I fi i and broke my fight wrist. A phys e, clan who examined It afterward raid that 11. was a compound fracture, and that, had it been net by a sur- geon, a could not have used It for a yeah. F wee then tsaing It ; I world not raise an Iron, but could push It,.. Mrs. Clark was 80 years old laet February. and has not a wrinkle In her face. - While Mort of those who reported caeow were women, there were at feast a (limn mets. An old man from Avoka, 1'a., Online,' to have been curesd of nn Mimeses of the throat, on account of which he had bean unable to eat or 'leap for a week. A young man from Kentucky haA been nn invalid during his chlldhaoi, but had become strong. A middle-agod' man from Pitt'field, MneR., had been bitten by a dog ate] had disregarded the advice of hie friends' to consult a physician. Another mac from Chicago had been cured of a very bad case ttf vari- Ooste veins. Wearing glasses as she spoke, it woman from Atlanta, 0, told how she had been raised up from a .lark room where she had been -kept to e ars iter glght. Divine healing an erectile.' by tho (:hriatian Alliance le .std to be basad principally upon James v. 14- 15. ' le any sick Among you 7 iwet him coli for the eldery of the 'Thumb ; and let them pray over him, an- ointing him with oil Ill the name of the Lord ; and tate prayer of faith shall save the etck and the Iced shall raise him up.•' An.-aodating service, conducted by the Rev, 1)r. Simpson, was held at the close of thin meeting -y a termoon, a large number of ' ons part ictpating. rely ly 1:001) match of yenter ny�iCf is r tat,'say e t ant n eottfrrnnee of the dlplometic' repre- orntttivew was held at Pekin on Ort. Fah nt which the Britton' MInleter, Str Clnlde lhicrk.unid, prelpitatteel n .11.- cuweton over th^ terms of the German note of Oct. lot. Regarding the first point, an to the a.hwptary of tare net of three metertn't for pnnbhmmt by tho Chinese Em peror, the a•onferenrn declared that two of the chief eniprfta, namely, Tung fn -Hanan` and Yee -Hein, had been omitted_ from the list of the ringleedere. On the ,rood print, it decided that the puniahne•nt indicated In the edict should he declared Innde gnat". Thirdly, the ernferenee Initiated t tete, penalties to he tntpemed ehnntrl he executed by men delegated by the legations. l'Irtory for Chinn Rebel.. Berlin. Ort. FL -A lNmngllnl 1. *patch to the f,,,ke1 .tnzeiger ;aye the fo re'gn garrl.votw hive been atreugth 'nisei owing t, the threatening rnndl tIt.as In tee northern pro%thePel. The repel' have nutsged 10,01)0 men In $sechnnn, and nee mnrehing too ward !Inches fan. A dreepntch from hong Kong says the rebels. who have been looting In Sapchunn have Moen slctewiotas neer Admiral ii'o, who wan pureeing them to tier north. He lust 10 killed, and the rebels took many prts,ners. Thirty ('binese srrldlers erre Ito heeded. Rix einem In the \t'aeehnn prefecture Imre been rer.nplisi be the ret'.le, and the 'Mention le ,'erintt,. There le nase danger hu ('nntnn crewing to the depletion of the gam moo for service elsewhere. moue path with the paint I had friend who died in three miler Si,',rbut 1 trust - ENOUGH. pr• AR an evidence of the growing time under the Liberals It may be pointed out that t1.• Iner'e s,,in-t ana.pa'y eT;n trades has been) greater 1n the last four years than In all the pre- vious p•riot Pince Confederation. The figures' arr given officially thus: 186R to 1896, increase ... 1107,907,525 1890 to 11100, Inerert.sp .,. 142,400,495 Thur _ (Ira Ila! (has la 40er yeetes of the Laurier Government'm policy oar foreign trade has Inrreneed V34,602,- 667 84,60_;667 more than It inereneed Io the pre- vious; 29 years. The rate of Increase per annum from 1861 to 181)(1 Aver- aged $A,724,0e111; from 1596 to 1900 Ile rate wait $88,650,123 a year. Who wants to quit sunk a regime ter -- experiment with Tupper 7 A leltiI' ND'ii lt K P littni,'. The Montreal Gazett (Tory) on Mtg. 10th gave kir ('harle•s Tupper'p tend ifornge• tuanlfemto n Revere blow, when In referring to that ttnteta of the olw'rnttons retrial on ht the Lite real,' It. nnlel: "The work hne been all etrreoem- plished in this regular htultrw way, by Men going Into the trade and moth - Inc 1t at their own risk for the profit there be In it. There le no better vvny. Governments ran help now and nestle, as Otos• of the Dominion. end 11,0 Pro%ineee rill by allowing how Twat results could be obtained In dntry Int noel experimenting In the roll ,'tor - nip line; but that la rho Ilmlt when* they ran trite -fere and he awful." Mr. RA White Is the tinngrvatire r andldates In Nora Eau. ' k