HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-18, Page 6I--,.,,,
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ether's cow(omaiuD. What 1 told at he could the preclouu ot"oumentL ha BACK
I the trial about W. Myddeituo's am- W61A Nuftly IUW UP, further n,uw-
sum Dg a diaguise at our cottage wag and looking dawn for Uhe lust time
true in every is cu .'am What L did ward the drnd (aw+ gave aur hock■let Lal; war lira cd 'A hi ion Y us, father
ward R scret ,loofa War pwrrrd life
hoDertly given. aad Nhieh my Lather wborm revretr had oow twirl dill
qEIRESS la ham re:atsd. IN throw him e.f upon cltmwal to film.
our mercy, anti we betrayed him aad A a", til time outer room aruurr+tt
, - ors away his tile. That thought him. grlhtY Wind the shut Imck
•Ker __k -1vyu r "ulltuar Irnt ai-.legs me awn now with a pain worm over the worn. eallm fare, he watt
Y y• on.loyed the. work, for I hA out mueh than utnaIh 1 out W wont the woman who was
Nike would runwuues like me with bell txlues to du anything but hAtn okf "It was nn unuaturat and tutencour- iw% at liberty 4o take hid Placa L.
for A little mvell Upon. 1 would nut likluire, Mytidelton, and .l did hate blue aged thought u: mine, but A few minutes Uley talked there. . ? I I
like her U, be left aloud, at all now, hoartty. I doubt It there was D man, I ahuuld have said, up to find Hoyt" waited an If Ills time
Lind yet whole 1 have finirhrd herd ewumau, ler child ole Iib emtt►te who the day of that trial, that 1 were Of little vslua. But whole all
must go tack to my on nm
we, 1101 n
uld uythlug olre; for what had he would huve lata (sown my life for Ga- had train skald and he hail left the Ify�whave Backacheyaf have
Ina %o the little buy rare and flu oat j ever baneu to us W te make us feutlwr bri e1 DL/'tW1Wu. '1'hsu 1 def pn,vw Its gloomy house, glauued up at Wte Kiley Diocese. If you neglect _
ler two things mora" wide toward him? inlawlorr by laying him lite waste In dial on Ht. I'aul'r anti hnlletf u Backache it will develop Into
"I Nee," rata Hoyden ler lit, lull the , ' 1 lead but little trouble in fonclug totaled. Aad my IwLr to my father's passing hansom am If lib life depend momeit lag wane -Bright a Did -
inner num. "The° 1 will watt fur nay eutraim s httu the ruulu; very throats tend anger and key rubm!m eat upon spletrl. ease tx Diabetes Thera V M
your return." use rubbing and doctoring your
y IitR,le even lit r;rulag 'tens secretary rlwl to bbl uotttman4 of oWrftruou nor "To the Great \\'writer° Station," � 11t
He wrote a few direectluns. I where the will la but )urn let the leu eaou/o for mil. back. Cure th% jelneva ere
11 Y • h sovereign
In fib quick, clear bluer. "A in only ose kidne medicine but
to leave with Itis card, -free manurwt when 1 grasped the packet "l heArcl Lev m�lhtelllie of death rocere�ru I( you o, it within rlfteen 7
wnlab he maw th.• luirtrrwa of the I nnJ turned W effect my escape (rum passer! upon hint. Through three miuutew." k euros Backacts every ltm�
housn suit Look upon himself the re. I tike Ixalilll. the fuller (lour of We room heavy days and waka•ful night I piic- out of the hubbub of time city the
r?oa ibillLy let tell expenses curet• 7 wnm opelAYl, and there was the squire, t real him wtUdn theme vialla. a coma. mail took Ube quiet, Infreyuenta
ba l Dodd's
tusat-al-Lila advancing toward me wlth a candle vtetedelom and li tbought my kfe ■trvete
death ler the floor Owl 7 f. The horse 'ped on with Ito
ttery woman and the temporary care In hisInnd. 1 Acted let ms
y first had turned (elf out hllusion
l the IInevitably unsteady perseverance.
of the toy. Then, when h3 was left Impulse -what time could I du, fu Wtu of that anguish, anti that my doom and Boyden war in time for the _AO
alone, knowing he IIM1 stone all he surpridw of the moment? -1 atL•tstlou was sealed all certainty at lits. train W Laughuw Junction. o
I coul.l do. land that "'feelings, what- key host Impulse, us 1 leave tone all ' I had a lover there who war war All through the journey he amt Kidney
e%erllgy tm t rt
lie Oa opening the throvi h key life. 1 dashedthough the can. else' ltd the Klnbury JAIL and thgh quito still in Ills corner of We car i
paper.• given Ttlm, soul l not Interfere file (mss like naiad, slid Lhem-in tho I had never listened to/ hill° before, rbage, file tlwughtr Int nwly busy,
walk thin duty he had taken upon. Libman durinutati whale I felt herwuld l Ustaned now, for One plau and reso while his heart waa full of grntitotte
Ithumelf, bi mat down In the outer room , not r Wilme me -1 struck film one lution had filled My mind. It he anti rejoicing. -
and broke the !tial and eat the atring , deadly blow from key hammer; and would sure Gabriel Mytitlrf toli'a life- "To sine Ger when I allow Ger ��
ur the packet left With him. knowing it woutd u would do Ito work lethe eh I told hLm-I wld be htr wife ,lease!" Ill murmurel W himself. "Tt1 iii
It eontahhsod two separate papers, I wouk grey hood, t left him there up when he ehos2. Ale ! suR•ly tib it war ti'lnk of the truth 1)Ittg here mt last
nnJ }IPAugh the hallddwriting on_ipl4t Ilett 111Re flour aad eacnaod from the the leost tha* I ccubt do for the r°+tu int my laanad"
MJAI rite same, &the �Ig+uaturos were wlrpso/w, WIW1 tow will in my prisms whose itante we lend bl!ghterl mad go lie was thiuklug-picturing ole To Olve the Cat Hedictme.
,.liter-ut. Oow was unlutcltlgib!e: the *I Lin. 1 fled Across the lawn, whoov life we hawn
d lied away. brightling of nue Palo face at the A gentleman bad very fine An
usher, written Mite_tttly by tho hams I but in We shruWhery beyond 1 ' We helpteol oath uUeer. Lind lent tkiingm which he lore -%when thelgaa ceit, and ski flue a specimen
Witch Palmed both papers, was"Mar• paused a moment to secure the ter last nuwwnt (use no other of her kind that she is (amour in A
ret Territ," Parchment on m Person. Then came thought wits aloure1 W rather of ler. a&Itrain stu{lpsl at Lntnghaw Junction, , V circle of foahitnable fu1k. She
gr► V )' ua•1 dw tt.plpatd ha.t 11 iow:n wren to • Large
CI[AITER XXXIY• au inrtetnfr horrible shuck. 1'hr old It due no Iqw thiol, for we W Lie Vb m W not rugged In health, yet rho
OIke o'elo lit! The bell of St. 1 aul's ,%oaks jet night and think of Gabriel „� cannot ilio pheriuntloI W take phy•
tuns, d glee 1 find left for head, hail Mydtieltixi. but it was new W him, \\ hero for, air ?
clanged out the Dote like ,the o
pursued axe I He came up W mai row• "On to \t'ertloigh by the 8 80.' vie. It ham been put in
her milk, It
gs% �° Idlig, and 1 could . Wee crimytd Arid I aad tho chang.i tulWlg upon Jami W lite Lxral, IwWrul Wnma troy'. I&tu been mltWl with her stat, It
Ing slit of a great milikey of baud, mtnrtk' upon tits face mud the Wlirst him. though I icor f prod to feel that ham even been rude) and viulentlY
{r then aaa10'errxt Wee ylse,ettun, yet um y
nud fu the quavering key of un old tow Arcade lel oetthrr fre+ar ler fierier would lunn'r 1 rltlral_twr_ ue,Watlye- A p for Venp,'old m to him falling dyers -n Ge dial p ne.xf avower to where she,rubbed In her Dwuth, but never
r t - - Ulm_ I stood fearless old mull to all his etennness. tnru bpm Isom fay he h � N'emt lgh trains wore wont W she, been deluded w• forced Into
cluck c{oD the /tatri of -tie Judging' "'rhe day' and the hour cams at
house answered the slVo note. L rt u ki elF i fu Wo file: they. start with an lntenao anxiety. swallowing any Ld 1t I,adt Werk n
°K wlUl one wall-almtrl Wow. he lay Last, and though my face was white
There were more footrtelr' lsa y els death that morn D,z when I rune, „Tine Westleigh truLf left half au 6reeu Irish girl appeared fimong flit
Bead upon the grail', nail there was hour alp., dr.' hutrlehuW rrrviutta. Hee heard about
k,ar than there dud bare through the I Ieit more DeaTly happy than I had
Do stain of bltxrl upon my haoLlo (r Half mu hour n and that was I the failure to trent the cat. "Hurd,"
nornittg. for cherkm were hurrying to !rpt Pince that night when Gabriel p'-
cluthea tow bort! No later train rtwpptxl at mate rite, "give me the uledlcise And
thetheir tuporteldday hathtl. And now tend \ MyJ hely a confidence in aN had been
thou m porter huAtened left him lylilt ttwrr, of floret, tike little roadf/oJe mtatlwl for which !wrle lord and ['ll warrant xhe'll be
t ay. with. f w vilely abuse H
rulitary chop u{xen a tray. FoT w Eno hurrying through the wood "try buabnud-he was my husband At nay tmmm��� w few pwrretogerr weer atlrlg all I glue Iter{' he miters the
rely of the mastery lu them/ reD('hed my own cottage an hour hooked, qd`e Ueuwe fur WestickghlPowder and the grease and smeared
�fh afterward from vibe an opposite dl- on %be fol:owiug (ray -hired for me ■ 1
oNioei+ did not leave their pests un. 4 P1 ,Arge, low deg -cart, c!oaed' at the Tuw!•rr t„ytiPlh Keith stout Inilt oat ter ent'r doles. YIrm9 at face
U! the office d",rr were locked At 5 I'M tion. back, and a 'lett but err heoitution just fir two ler licked both rhlese clean and swal-'
"Gabriel Myddelton could better y quiet- throe w,condm. The eon,] fro m low ed all the physic. "Faith," said
u(,•'uck. mud they came forth to tits. .ouking pony. In this cart I drove
solve in the great misty crowd and I for blue at'1 s trfab %ooen IDs tVvorte ld It myself aiuno into Kinbttry, find calf- ,film station W Won tfilgtl was the menant girl, "everybody In Ira-
lost- ail Identity until. emitting Duchor 7 ,ng a Way who stool in the yard of long twenty miles, and the hand does know how to give medicine.
and M''rtrguret'n, and take fmOt@ Whi•: h 'Latish -bulli only for the !auction to a cat."--Hclence.
tow' the night In their several xn on. the jii; la boy brought there by my ___
of bow Allied made the tole of leo of the lines -wan Ar far from the
ban retreuL/ they n'a mod lee els• hUalanJ fur this special r , Green Ceylon and India Tea, which
avail. lie had returnd from l:lnbmry lu ? 'oi` town What he would not bei able W
Penial Individuality s In u tro:lint. that night to ark tits uncle's though her looked to be on:y idling its now boin r introduced into Canada,
t'rnlntrY visitors wpm Ntruaiug L, Par there), gave the I get a l possible
of anyremelt
kind. True.
puny into his charge.
duo. He had tnlarn hill way through It sea {oomaible W reRcli the Tuw- to the well-known pony, too of got
nd fru . Wet leRthing f fled l +old ba stood a door at its head, his y by taking a bridle.Inc
"fiAeF AD.1" TPA Company, liar gut
open-eyed. but woyaring wlUlal the + �' wtrxl. Intending W gain Admit- back to the door .SBQ_tD the vaillerp sero more readtl
rbu to the rqulre's nom through Patti which he tied Aurin I ono
peeuul gr t and df w who
allow moon and I parsed in with the ardor my
g 7 token great advantage over Japan
p,e•culfar W sees -carr' who follow oxm. the very dirtied I had a{cacti, that husband had obtained for me ,Lid wait once before, even though for several Tea; and that to, while It to of the
the mer%antm might oto: know of his miler It ran between the sea ;and bumf• flavor and the name light cul-
tsclenittrnhrly Was beaten trtAck. Ah adrn sod by kih ae Y into the cog
the shadow of for great dural: Utnt � cut -
return 4L all If hill uncle did not fur• demned cell. \i'haL could be learn. the cliffs, and was t»receod at high IurinR liquor, It lg very much ntruog+
rho shadow give him. In the woodhe had fend water. But Waw to walk :hid dear air nud ab-olutely free from adulteraj
pnr+err of khopping him uncle lying and aatualshed and from me, when it was sol weG known take was Impoeelb,e with the tide Lion, which racticttlly Liu Japan tell
wad pursued fndefatigaNy. ita linked, that I had (litre most of at: to bring
nwtletrxYlm drown out W Loy luoge>,ft alarmed at what Ile thought (Dust upon thetlow, and he had no horse Is. Ceylon Green Tea In sold in the
the criminal to that cell
caps ity. Thei confectioner@ were be a sudden Illative. lie had ruin the here. .
c "I .wore two s,hawim and two dremore Sealed Load Packets of the "`SAL.-
__'brlcki) aware that the business; of C1r1 man's hend In hid aria. What exactly the same, one conoealed below let n6w Ire had dreame:l ler Alit'e'd ADA" Tea Company, anal nil &twelve
Use day tied begun In earn(wt for lie saw I need not tell' though I the other ; and under my ak:rt I had glad r'eoeptlou of him kind tier un- fresh mud fragrant an well AN health-
tlmrm uuw, whore Nlmtiul ryrr feast- I and dictating WAW confession ler fully secreted • td gratitude and joy let tilt Lid- fu 1.
ej througli the giants upon unatltuln- aR p1O"rb!
'e. for n relief W my bur- pyol;sely .thee womenme as those I wore, veli, and g.uves, u.
Ingle 1w bore, tilts tidings Joe had
abs luxurter.delmoo Cuns'l Lace, myself• Bought so ,long. and having fwHibernia,, Claim Hibernia,Claim Damages.
)Ant like Ito dll:ning herald, the day I "'1 lorirl MhurrlLla ,fear mtkc4l yotnng Oa- "My 1unbAnd find been for days !art. had hastened W bring to her hew Hallen. (Yxin., Oct. J81nPa
ydolrlWn that frac ru filmset! ! Must he! glee ley even now, Y. Rhee, national secretary of flip
!4 earlier in the cart than fir tile west, cleverly lrrerly neLi fib part, and big fel
find ere° then tb'• iffiest/ who tanned, this fuel deed would fall upon 'I'm- iowwriclab new knew him W be whole The had come so far and Neem• Ancient order d Hibereians, It,&"
an f IDuy;he,l, and )rlttYl, tat Honor l'ra-
w If. He saw evoin then D1fe chain tfr,roughlimWaad with u diGgumt fur ne
rd do ar her ? ,No ; Dot even in served a notice (A his Intention G.
%toned ball lust nLgIA hail nut o1J all risen, °( evidence against hila which realij y
Md dPIko's con%leted murderer Buell a ('ase Its tIlIN could Hoyden aux the Canadian Gucrrnmrnt for
tthugb the whirl of 4arrlages had bell brought Ills at lust W the cell of a anti a demotlmtratIvely ntarwh belief turn back from his earnest purpoen; omflmcating a targe package tin -
.loomed criminal. In thetile
1 -un and the critical d at Bur- I"Timid am fay via/ b nature, there justitie of hie rettUalc>e' !O It tib � Otep{ttbll tainting the official ion of
id Or-
liD2tw1 House dam Aly leavened wan that nu bnrati t.t rtmpiclure ut--------- last nree mal Oche beeewi lel tet orf
with Its da'nty eprfil:kt%of unerit- wall bat onoCvtirae a could deide Ureh d W either of trot, and vermisfpr. Bret says fie liar, tlpflnitaPrixsf
Irnl brgtuty nnJ fashiopts. illi fled from tat it"Intit@in wan nr►dfly granted me 4> mor RUNOUNCND INCORIBLR that the Gioveryment, aeizW1 the pack
Nlet a few' a ,ng thr•d looked wood am i( film uncle's fate uwaftrot WILL (habrlel Mytidelttn, too the Plea that _ Ago nail burned it, because it cu°•
there, and he never mtuvpal In tits I luuf lfvod "mr holm all m
naclolusly for a' lend they mlegW last y life and tninWf some strong pro -Boer tlenth
flight until he reached my c(Atte a we nmol been childnrl
eight ; not a tow, Jlster uQ th day) together. Ct..w„ . f Ill meats.
tootr,l in vain Adtonlf Ytlla t and_1salDd pro -114111110--- „By okfllful moans my husband ten 's'~-slAIM ---- - ------- - -_ ---- -..
figures ID the Drark, or Una Wltern inockrL lie washed the blood from traetetl the tar ���t �`
Ms hands, burned him Stabwd briat, ,key as far nal possible -___ip{j._I$i�rtt�_ ji�>'J �ti'im
arxnce was all tllmapTxointinR as It w • from trite Sha till though _ -
iDez kale. lhArds Lila. c+esi - Ippyse they sLayetl where they Coining and b►1esn wink k aching eam& Put-
- ra e, Sail wldii Apart enoo which tie old man's bond had fallen r►m.. Pain leal ('on Ell never falbm too
11D Rh. yet '(e°A left its trutrea could see rue walk buck W the dug- Vollowing Inflammation of the Lungs remove corn+ mulatto• gi.edly Sed with
"Ory fell near tau• tenth : for who could mart. I passed out and thiol Padded, a bevereCou
"Margaret told all this at the trial i gh Set ID dud Her U°c• alrulute der , as Try taeRa'r Care kz
COMM that one of flip hdoie of this Leve- tktolc again into the coil. tractor. Bun, ed�, palnkes,►
Nrxl I stood by, and I knew, the word" for Hald Her vase Was Hopeless-
tloD season, watched fur, waited for, "'Forgotten so[laevthfog,' muttered
would Itang Ilea. Hut he himself had
longe(! frill, wL fn an atLlo In this clip my husband, turning carelessly nv(ay, Married With Cartale !flag.
another explanation of the into W Dr.Winlrns.1.►akrHlaHaveMs-
IfRinughfRre, f{rsf to nlf mrumbs wail 'bent nL any rata I'm glad etw 1r go -j vary mingtilar wetidiag wan that
blind to AIN ilirhlA around him, ht+ give, and now I swear that him '" file. floor law ! Hon► bitrterly she stored Her HemjW. -,- _._ of the o dobrated beauty. F:lIzabPl h
thegrate Pyrw foblowlnl with n terr!blr ma LrrVelytb; and curt, &the l In crus! W.H.he ens ked Lit ter (From ifio r:eturder, Halifax, N. H.) gunning, who ntarrial the Duke of
ninny nwpects true to the leiter, Hnml�won. Tfiw Mute farlmtetf (n be ng
oornemtnitra t1►v badly written words ninny, you aye, on whlcla ■he bias �si on width hot
held n lie Mrs.
!n ever word. A lee.
g all who at
11 1 P
Y ratifies
Drain the r ,y Ilc
(ever which his head tsl all her Ilfe.'
"I bel mn.rrlel the very eve
wrLs b-ot?pl'aHe had unfolded both the 1'dd him that night simply "It wax its I seemed to pads weep- 1 AgritY[Is arrest, 1flafltal, X. H., prv,jooewsl, and, as the law Peet it")
papers. aD'1 ►114 Ipft haul(] Illy upon the that I might know when: lie lurked. Itig from tho urll that my imrinud, te11N a wonderful story of Iter cum- this them. it was actually doge. ria
IF unread orae, whlM hie mind gr 1 for from the flrvt I flail dettrminotl by n rtY%L efbr.t, kr it the attention pipes remtoratfon to health, after u
g - I grout was the hamtP that there wall
that.sumpicfon mast rest upon him. ng protracted utld dirt DO t11DP to got a wPdotfDg ring and
"L Aru(111 word for word, the orae of thea stn engrossed by describing ,.xtreme rtlm•b., unit hee njixtlgokr
whlnh Wns affixed tar man's umxr All my old Plans were Frinvonv by and illustrating very elaborately the the brk* was mala a duchow by Ube
thin aignAturn. And Uiew were ter this unnecessary sonOd inootiveirdent breaking ler the window through which err pn•gernt happy condition, unakr help of a Common curtalA ring.
m.nis It bore: \murder. and permonaar,, safety Dow tilt murderer head {oaerel lukr AD PrOvldence, to trip mnrvelluun quall-
"i, Limn undersigned, Aenjnmin Ter- egad my uuw MOIUVO to every action, but icor. Tiled, after a few "few of ter. 116illialnd' link fills. _�'L.
rib, miner, li%Iltg In 4btotsmoor. tend hi, my first fear I bad gun W tie• minuted, n anddrat retwlkctbn eRrnet Nleh Vr'. Fonul wits called upon by
yy hoin obtn enauniv ill, ,vet nPvPrth,, mtrhy tet will. be now L thought n rPpr"watntfve of the Aeadlea Ren- z
SLr7r R R Idm aD,l nt turned sharply round. p) "I aag}�:H.
of o f .. der, Who x '
irndtddll b t.atw
Insm Ix,Iweoaring All my Intplitctual I \ 7 Skillful plan:, fM 'Of course you are w&tchfng; he I film ndaRfun,,Mer
tie, Sial flnduttg Wna6 I em rexin ` -X111--wptleh dials• Rwid Rtspteiwsly to ri»e of &fie tanb. LirdUtll) Welcomed film-tat-ids-plesu-
faciliti I frog is ol'-
Alxalt 4, appear before the juJRmnnt hest him li�onlld fie found to his ' "Of%ourse,' was thonaswer, thgigh ant tomo, whirr, In time Presence of hear Xrs,-Thlm in to eprtlfy that
salt of God, Wish W appoaer tb3 re- I and he should be over. the inn's oyaw could not have (tone her Mother anti mister, rhe freely Wld I have been troubled with :a lame
nurse of my m,limcieace, anti to do an tl ill kid enokavoi W eteatRi loublo duty. 'L'ye meed her paw Flack- ter story of her sickness And ree»y- batt for fifteen years.
act or justice by retracing [Lit Imald I � t what my daughter ands ,vans and forward two or three Umrs, pr,1. KhP Said: "A few }'e Ar" ngO I I leave mood three bottled Of ynnr
upon oatJl a "List Gubrinl M-1dolton mo(((d tett Mould fit the crone upon beet 'he is back to the cell now, and "uffPreri & RPcrre at tack of inrlammn- AGNARD'S LINIMENT and am coma
in nay ci fun &male At iClubury an him: and t for a mordent did Uou ler for lotag/ and Wits attended
1a (had bettor go, Tor iter tlmtt fa up.' phtPlc cured.
W Ills Dei. tb,i msr.lsrer of hlruncle, the brlroyal of film confidence weigh a• by one of the best, phyric•iana In the groat pleasure t° re -
7g ig 'They watcn«t Ary husband pew It glyf•R me
8{u're 0abrIA Myd<on, .of Allbots- With ape beside my terror lest my IoW tae cell And then lead we out, city. I pulled through, but wD.r left eonintend It, and you are at IibPrty'
mors. I doclare before Oetl that that I uwu guilt xhould he discovered. Cr n complete wreck, au that i ('tilt id
link /till. They Wntchrrf hid help to amp fhb In any way to (orthPr,
deposittae wait not tragi, and chat I " 'file deet Alf, followed as 1 had ms to scat In the dog -cart need 'lot du ally work, suffering all the
Planned JnJ 11111P from Palpitation the use of your valuable T 110up.
-retract it wlWi all my soul before (inti P Fred rand foreseen. What t luiye give tnRt' the rf•lar and Ask me if 1 I / Itntbn of th.• heart, Two Itivess, ROBERT kOHa.
Ma and before Ice, awl Implore the iClrl L known only to myself and Jmatetl to go atone. Ttmey alt spokd °Pry°°m Prnbtrntlun and n ringinA
'=__ 1lovarelgn - in His is/rcy to mY daughter. And f have heard tier kindly. to frre said stood to w'atrAl me NUun'd lu my hnsd, I aJgo had ,ilia- -
14 nulPmfl (18th Witt Arlie will Ladd her drive aw trramMlfig nest h 'Nor, Months I •'r x}`w*T 9^%r -
>Octppii Ibis reLraCtlO.1 Y _ nAl"04. knP,%Y W� --was to Ill D _: _...�..�._ .__
whokeTo�b.n[ N -elope -as I lead come. 1F
tonfemion to minP. After 1 find "And mo the train was told next day good nlght'N rest. For two yt•nrA
! " This, as well an the following con- ■%corn to Gabriel Myda/elton'te guilt by others who had soon m2. I had '
famefou, Is writteu. by another manor -yes_ from Ube %ery Ifrrt-I grew a elven away akmW as I lied Corals, my tire Nits a IiPrfrr.a misery to me
r11an wail under ,he d,•tor'N orders i took Hr Had.
(III account of my Inability W wr1tA Kot! anti miserable man; :and How Were they to know thnb (:abriPl . r thought % (ail hall
from eacx'ktents received in the mine; thin PW!"'Chating drnth which I have Myridelton, dreawA exactly afmllle,lOn
s I had till d N'RR nR11,IWItW1 a'lill "Hello, (iki CiIRp' t tinR
but it Is Niglio 1 by me In in Y suffered since tie cloy tell upon Me D, Inc hldd(nl fn the Greek of ibe S tip Right orf It, bolt nil to nC pur- been egged on to strand for Parliament
talwe at'.Rbbottxnxxu, on title fifth o IoD'P• My life *air ired of v by your relativa?"
r'ut In flip mine Id, i know, but n )lot W, old-fashioned vrhlcto . Tent in d//W a
Any of DeapmbPr, ono thousand dight PuutxhwPnt for my coitus, that going to and fro beLwoPn the (keg- 'all my friends, who were assured by "Ao I M►at1r; but 1 woo very strongly
hundrett nud dtty-four. "Nqw-solemnly, as if in Ule', tire• cart and the cell there hall been ace t he r each that my came was AN Vid- d • ori egaLD-by tore a�iaofgru,
I he reach of human skill. i wad els- I'/sw r'-JwiY•
On Lite seventh day of ]/4rch._ of toy &pard -f swear U1at 't,IJm time w•tlen my hudtrt.nd's onerglma __
Upon -- -
thousand slight hundred anti elitty-Noie, it truth, and confirmed, u n were putt to Ilhclr se%prost tart while Iced tbt zleig} of mF 0LnfeTt Sail
youpX Mr. Gab/rlol Llyddelton told me 04th, In alae Presence of my dough- n femnlo figure fwePping bitterly) had yleters -of. Charity, .who Kegs very IKLMNd'1_.-UOI y % gM[11l.91�JL
tot the quarrel he had had with file ter-Jdar*saret, In dhows hnnda 1 teuvel pnw,ed Cat and allprped into that waft• kind and /)'1LJeathetiC tut--Itsskerd RbwR _ -_ - -- -_-
ow -le, and how his urMP hall made a It. (Signed) Benjamin Torrit." Ing ova%Ity T It was just one minute upon me till loM whose earthly race it is the pecullar faculty of falls to
will which diminheriteYd him Ino often �toyden raised his be"- and for a afterward thawhusband fetched wits aWt"t run, With dincern_Lke faults others at tbo
learlalam Walter Declares the Itualhsh
Woman Is a Model of Her Bea.
A Ysrbtall waiter Of an ubaerving
turn and of far inure Intelligence
than the ma)xity of fib claw tzar
exprsed hill opinion that the Eng
Ibh are the most in(iepwttlwt woo
Arent Lie the world. Its m"ouls to have
been specllelly Improvised by the fact
that they Seoul to know their own
minds nod are nut to tri Luerted
and coated and persuader Ilks the
woman of utter nutiwlr Into ht%vtujl
what they du not Ilke mail •oa not
want. Thlm is -a point upon which
It b good to Instil. There Is u gvu-
oral ruperrtltkrn that hw Welled
Anerlealner are tlw most lnttepe..od-
out of the womean olf all natlww;
but, as a "tetter of fact, tidy tits
noire restricted lit many way" till&"
we aro and tar less determined fin
character. The Englirhwom►ri to
never Impulsive, and this to cspecl
&fly noticeable when rhe Is travel -
Ing. It Is loo at traveller, /d ewtr"o.
that she has been erlticiLed by the
French gurcon, and he finds that
while his upon fair compatriots,
American and Russian women• aro
all prepared to tin In Hume AN lines
Romans (1), the Engl1"hwou&fin led.
hems strictly to her own rules and
mutts. If she wants this rhe has it;
If she tors not want It she firmly
declines it. 'Min attitude In the
outcome of the real froettom whlcb
is ours anti for which rhe hull every
reaves n W be thankful. It la true,
our girls are not allowed to filo
thiuip+ which their American conium
do all at (natter of txureet ; tilt, vin
the other hand, the women tAf F:ng
hind would never consent to the tyr
anuour redstrictio(nr Imposed uport
their rex by meddlesome tra[tm-At
!antic legislators.
:Some others may be good, but
without doubt !teller's Compound
front Wllm are the blest,'
Wasted RRorts.
"Yea" rhe migh"I. "I wne Away for
a while thLeeummrr-out i" the evian-
try. But what's the use?"
"Why Y• her friend naked. "Don't
you think you Jeel any better than
you did?"
Oh, I don't know. I mac -a little.
But I hadn't been home two weeks
before my tan was all gone."
Milter'r Worm Powders for mallow
skin; old ler yoang.
The Umm of the UoenllRhtenrd.
"Did you read Jlbbber'm poem. called
'Womun'm T1mld Touch' ?"
• 'Womau'm Tlmld Touch?' Oh, may
there ougut to he, a law to prevent
bachelorm from writing Poetry about
women." -Chicago Reocrd.
Miller's Orlp Powders cure.
It is wonderful what strength of
purpo a and boldness and energy of
will are rcaw-i by the aanoMW@ that
we are doing our day. -Aeon.
You can't tell wlthout trying
- - EBY'S DAISY 016 - -
T'he Now t'kamtleW Coe,pouad, wonderfully
sffwd,e In euring Rboumatlsm. Neuralgic.
hel.tboa, Pain in the track and lade,• I.anikamu,
Bore TlaoilL Dtpklherla• F1.wt
iked Tool►
ache. Bruised, Kidney and Bladder ifteasea.
Bold by all drassiats at by oents, or rreaa
M. F. LBY, ChsmlaL Port Sigh• Omt
FIr I =Ak 1 •+ L w
ISSUE NO 42. 1900, '
' �
Y � 2'3e
Comw.�CStopit withO T s
EMULSION of Cod Liver
A little coughing is nothing
-the tickling, that makes you
cough once, is some dust; not
the least harm. You scratch
an itch, and forget it. This
cough is scratching an itch.
But the cough, that hangs
on and comes back, is a sign
of an itch that hangs on and
comes back. There is some.
thing that makes that itch.
Inflamation : a germ; it's
alive; like a seed in moist warns
ground; it will grow if you let
it, even in children.
SION of Cod Liver Oil. *and
the germ will die.
If �7•ue bare act tried it, stall for a fm
edmple, as agreaabk table will mrprue Toe
SCOTT a W W n ti, Cbeftie , forest.
3a. aad Ie on; all draglib t,
No Need Mer Ater". -
"Can't you do Something for my
husbatmi. dot -tor ?" urked line .,Adults
wife; "he imeme to by worrying
about money."
"Don't be alarmed, madam." anew-
*red the pb)afelao, a surfgg!), 'I'll
Fellows W of that."
P SRgONA4--iNOW !9Y ►111tfRL
Bend dime aaeeq. Mrttday, tt&re. atoll
bona. ♦bsolutOy benthful Mia) iso macepc
mulled. Complete life reatll $1 ",
. A. CAD
",= i ultoa atreet ft omtlys, N.
111 -ill I I I jffi" .
IS ,, b.hrva W eipeuUfli dud routnrim"-
Rvary four of ter fru.! F.... pro, hit» fur IL
!toad for unto 190 ell lwnded catalogue dekntr
Ing rho i "Al 8yslo... of Fearins.
Arent. wanled.
I THg FR08T W 1 RC FZNCK CO. (Umltsd).
N'attend. 0.1.
Wanted to Purchase.
COACH HOHsgR, about If haode high.
Weight front 1.1011 to 1,101. Most too sound.
Ade I,*[ to eivood 9 years.R.ply at ores,
Windsor Hotel,
Montreal. Qse.
1.100 acres level who" land. unimproved. Red
River valley. N. lee.. worth 113 Rn !acre. will
sell tart or all at a grant bsrgalo, H. D. Burd,
owner. Moftwoutt.. Ill.
10)arras, Chatham Tow"fe Leet ('ounly.
Ont.: Bond •late .-n Ili,.,iun : eM1 htaek 1
; well watered. rood (woes, traste bull
Bond mrhRrd. r-ho,l 1%4 moss, ehurrl,xi
.Aril!_ U!daefd P.O. !t mldr Uhathaw 11.
Setif. e e _-
IC'ssttl>.11 Iwyma Qat--___-_ - -
ramp fin Bay coiTage, partyPc�i muses Til nuto two looked areamingly we And helped me so my -so" ...." tYngil. snme Uwe they forges their LywRr vary- - ,,_ . .'
be could Dever !sear solitude, and my Droutlol the room. The door or the "I had a fetish disguise In the 1fig, but, wltlr/nt "%'nil. My 'Ns" at Cicero, r
Jule company was nm pleasant, perhaps, aw clitanllser of the dead Wan locked, as; he and In that Grebrfel Mydeleltrlce hart- IRS* advixpl nip to try Dr. Williams' FJ E ! r.'\ )�
I that of nth of ter! farmt@, ori part �lgf were
The sant n the street ed from t I when I find driven film h�t�� an til allil t11e xnr Irin�•t RIS We Mre)ad pnhll.hed R lNatuLlfal 011 - ��jry
Oro upon the dlgmnl 4wtute, and rte bellow wets mut fulnt anti far Ziff. fie far A/ i t1&reYt LO vesture ori its 1 rmnailwd Lel maks '�"
beware I tDco-rag d Idm, holJng that Wtthont a chain a In th'e Intent high rend to Liverpool. , p NEW TREATMENT portrait of �„
1 orndel turn to to eo»unt the interest Rrnrity of his eYM he leaned for. "Not until Int° at night was tM )fc of self, family and frlpwi4, 1 the (IuPsn. In 1" rnlon, alis It by 0, ready for framing, n N I
dal want ,r f
f Aa el'ery prrain M of Awns megnifi(•eat
he Otxbk In my (!nnshtwr Margaret. wnrvl att•uls In the Artisans all 1 .rend prtw,rx•r m1Aa41, anti flout he ens Rufr. "Ran to {het litter, nn 1 b} LhP time wwksrdart, wP would eke sou Lonpre.entna We,-- -- ��pl�`;, tiro ,
j3hn was a, handmume .girl, far tiouvytt- the sriaoetd paper: .m _ MY.lutsbaud knew a maw in LAverpuul 1 find taken Rr•%etl yr eight boxes L II� v �elj]� R gl.e yew tour ohesasof ....cele..
_:.. .. w+i'!1' all w'P11•.nm vim NPt mp flow'. -.._._ FOl�IA •_.FL �l�,\ r
Other gime oD the olRtntP and Loi trip "1?oseetbly them. wtvn�+ will never writ eairnt(i hlR Ilvelihrlrxl t1y help LIABLE P
manor there never ramp a young girl
+eel slip laughingly addwl. "1 think
fele of the D•tedt In lite \�uPrs Peninsula, M
Excursion Fares.
were. l7e ".ere., Yilm roi,tfnwkieh isle hililk" oeNty
011 will mdnlit that I don't look
whoa 11,000 baskets of fruit. meetly P00`113010.Ien
wgtsfd marry i thought, t
eight Chia eeasoa Willa Bold la lots lei salt
Return Tickets will be ifau.d at
purchasers. ThI& U a I arsain. Address
P.O. Set AM whines, net
H N 9
STs Ig Pa. Pereorea harm old ooll(wUoa. w
As Stations is Caads to mad Yea MTMT'
j -' add stamps will field It W their advantages
Lo etirreopend with P.O. bort da Hanvtiten.( let
OWL. Fan M A01. Nita.. IHAIND Port, wt„
4, xi Malin public after my denth.
BUMNA SPMQGS. Ito., WttN..11r. MtMtAT
FITS Kline'. Oreat Nene Rsatorer Ne
JCi., IIT., femT Ceti` 10%. IL Y„ cad aWtU
or nervousnessattar11trieietPddaQy-
, k. Y.
am Head to SID A rob
M Stations is Cods do to lire sot lsoa Sandia.
delphia. Pa. for treatise and free p trial koMie
N.Y.. /leak Smtk, k.T.. Rfoewa Isle, k.Y"
I row ole by A. Hart, 1710 Notre Dame drsot
M.U.L Qu►
mad Seopsmaa Orhlee, OLT.
- -
Geod soles five. 17th a1,d little. .slid rot 1
Ing tram destination on or before (ht. And, 11100.
M Wlnslow'o 800tbin` Byrup sbeald oa
n, t ( hbldrea TNothing.tit edeUw
vin W rood w
For Qrand paesk F.re sppl) m any ♦teat
Ofikm filrasd 1'ruNk tlnUwar trfetets. �'
mks rbtd, soft tib gems ortry shod wile
Sed le aha beet remed7 for Llankua Twenty
Y-l:L1IitSUV.t/,an,e t'Iiw.enserAgewl�
fvoomabaDatW. i
The Largcat Handlers of Apples in the World.
Simons, Shuttleworth & Ca, Simons, Jacobs Q Co., OMrcla, Jacobs ! Co.,
I.Iverpool• England. Ulaegeow. Feo lartd. Loedom, Eagload.
Pror•.e(dn of mt"are vrompUy rernitte,t by eaNe. Full and accurate Market fteparts ars
1 K. will be furnkhed with market relm% rt.sallinsn of
ee porteN of apple••
-teed tri wks
sleanerrx.nil ober Infos 'Ltlote. by applying to
care thnt llfnrgaret's hunban(] par
rllte1l the i Rhnnld
IA'. Y. rk"CH. 1"3Mrtalll street, Yr,nlreal,
will attend t" the prunipt despatch Of all
eoneignmentw m,edr to the above narnm firmx-
mai with fn(nPy
nwkf And If i Rn+w tlrell of that IIfP
abroad I could still tomo back and
wait yaan for /levth to visit me. And
whoa It tinea Who will b+ near me to
lnivs sworn to mnkw arid to Inclose
with tint which my lather Gas dill-
ramp fin Bay coiTage, partyPc�i muses Til nuto two looked areamingly we And helped me so my -so" ...." tYngil. snme Uwe they forges their LywRr vary- - ,,_ . .'
be could Dever !sear solitude, and my Droutlol the room. The door or the "I had a fetish disguise In the 1fig, but, wltlr/nt "%'nil. My 'Ns" at Cicero, r
Jule company was nm pleasant, perhaps, aw clitanllser of the dead Wan locked, as; he and In that Grebrfel Mydeleltrlce hart- IRS* advixpl nip to try Dr. Williams' FJ E ! r.'\ )�
I that of nth of ter! farmt@, ori part �lgf were
The sant n the street ed from t I when I find driven film h�t�� an til allil t11e xnr Irin�•t RIS We Mre)ad pnhll.hed R lNatuLlfal 011 - ��jry
Oro upon the dlgmnl 4wtute, and rte bellow wets mut fulnt anti far Ziff. fie far A/ i t1&reYt LO vesture ori its 1 rmnailwd Lel maks '�"
beware I tDco-rag d Idm, holJng that Wtthont a chain a In th'e Intent high rend to Liverpool. , p NEW TREATMENT portrait of �„
1 orndel turn to to eo»unt the interest Rrnrity of his eYM he leaned for. "Not until Int° at night was tM )fc of self, family and frlpwi4, 1 the (IuPsn. In 1" rnlon, alis It by 0, ready for framing, n N I
dal want ,r f
f Aa el'ery prrain M of Awns megnifi(•eat
he Otxbk In my (!nnshtwr Margaret. wnrvl att•uls In the Artisans all 1 .rend prtw,rx•r m1Aa41, anti flout he ens Rufr. "Ran to {het litter, nn 1 b} LhP time wwksrdart, wP would eke sou Lonpre.entna We,-- -- ��pl�`;, tiro ,
j3hn was a, handmume .girl, far tiouvytt- the sriaoetd paper: .m _ MY.lutsbaud knew a maw in LAverpuul 1 find taken Rr•%etl yr eight boxes L II� v �elj]� R gl.e yew tour ohesasof ....cele..
_:.. .. w+i'!1' all w'P11•.nm vim NPt mp flow'. -.._._ FOl�IA •_.FL �l�,\ r
Other gime oD the olRtntP and Loi trip "1?oseetbly them. wtvn�+ will never writ eairnt(i hlR Ilvelihrlrxl t1y help LIABLE P
manor there never ramp a young girl
Ino road by any eyes save my own,
Ing Upons who strove W get abroad
+eel slip laughingly addwl. "1 think
faCr at nil. If finbrlel Myddetton
for i trey write them bwolnuee my
In secret, amd too iad beers Pr.parml
011 will mdnlit that I don't look
wgtsfd marry i thought, t
aro eland from alp
father shout
and we hoard from him
mlli-h like, a nick womnn." iter
Immunity from this Dreaded Disease
nlian to I-
wo•111 ellen Pmmise t0 1"ave the n4 -t211-
l i
tp>ryt I should do woe and Ie:aVe them
briel1. yg
I/( gatrkrl MydtPlbD'a Aetxtrture for
mother, Who find hewn listening to
no Longer Requires & Change of
1 horhood. for I know the young sgRlro
4, xi Malin public after my denth.
America. l,lnee then no tidings have
ill" Lair of hpr dnughtpr'n lung Int.
Air and (Timate. geBerers ram
(eaAy RoiDR as hr might be) would not
With %o om can I leave them? Gn
rnachad, me, and now I klvrw that
jupt asem• like a
now he Perneanegia Cured la
ct�t to rack°owlr4lge n mlttwr a• bin
I oven if he b sell
a n�F >� ► ?RT"'1[VR1v
my nevi ell I.I4w,0el aftertigm
d nmm�otopas all thrttg��e,
w@ o
�r *r�*� * nfe,
thopr owA hntnwa pg .�-
TAti i sh(>tl[(T�o Co
my 1tnnU DRi tIn IntP for this
whirl we now a"
what worI4 i chose, and i would take
h r�vddNrT
Pod by thin eonfordon,
cxnfowalon to banont an one, et 1
t11R flip In
Pink of hPAlth."
care thnt llfnrgaret's hunban(] par
rllte1l the i Rhnnld
rovers if It were made public to•mor
n>w% i am t
Young And strong, and may
dere not make It known before.
TMs Is alp /ks IArnWun I
Afro, Fortin Pal(] pleat whs/i\ A
%IPlt tO Frigland
R nn(] about n
Bay Fever In many Ir"-Alitlas In rampant st
mai with fn(nPy
nwkf And If i Rn+w tlrell of that IIfP
abroad I could still tomo back and
wait yaan for /levth to visit me. And
whoa It tinea Who will b+ near me to
lnivs sworn to mnkw arid to Inclose
with tint which my lather Gas dill-
year ago
mh1• erntmete(]n heavy col(] nn(] w " i
threatened with n rrt"rn let low
thl. roa•cn end is.tens lea rlute,hea nlx)n the
tlnfert "nate wReeer noted without warnlnB.flm
bt-Ing are Its consequences, otien fatal.�•+-
'' have a farm hero. frit 1 know young
t._ (:,hotel Mycideltrxt r»old bo "sally In-
hems tat/ releewP tel flabrlAl Myd•
d o"tott ?
"Rut i have It hP
tntpd to run 1n this, him mortal 111
rlr+tx, null which le fins rhnrgwl mp
f°e h, Ae16 RhP nt rRere at
4t p exams of
the Pill" nn -i 11Y the time she had
t for yearw .Meetists and oW,I^Iirls have
its rr.ingl soa` hl genre. Their nhrrrr.14m.
"how that h.y Fw.er I- caused by apw,lenlAr
t "Rut Aec T he
plomlmM shall
wHttt•l, n e•Yi'wlli keep the anti my
to make Public wlwvn I frPel my own
drawing I
r reehWl York she, wits ma well
no p%Pr ng ln. Nhr
�1 mating .bent In the .Ir, which find.
geementtathe air pewaageea ntthe bead .nil
on that mphaik of
Drought an appalling tAl^. Hw hail
fattier made we •weer. air i hero kept
L1Mth rteAr. must, he
mflym, Ii(nfirm Its Lnit.h Il Rin onth
rrbitpd nflnmhPr
tit tnwtonvoo Ito which she hail ad"W
11 of.e any p,roplc.
'' 'MIM tidy FP.er the aro thins or eoaree
gunrrollM with his uncle, hail leen
the other cath he wrung room nor
fhre- ago The Link of
null lelnve It with n tnlxty {apron.
Isf {wrsmN eurfPrinR fmm r•hrrtnde I
NtneapolIhow germ- from the-ratom, bat
diainheritel, and hnd left Abhotsmoor
forevar. IMI tol•1 nil this more W
yenrw wrtt-
Ing him tvnfost ham txwn hnnl need
soars but W write
sews. too int
louttennd IR ,load, my father dy-
in,, : my little ortw sown" folinwire
c,ompininto -to take Or. WilllamR' e.tbe(llass" being andreplyseated inthe minuto
Pliik 1'fllm and nlwayN with the twat 'Sill pa*..CO. the luny, hretricheal tithes,
i ere., %bey are not "Wy to reftek.
llarga►net. than tie enympif. And the
my own will
them R hat trustee 1w,raon ran to "or
vault". RhP mpntkmeol i
I nrtlrnlArjy 'aM the toll.... .entad,,,, r Mvdifm,
girl eat bevel M the window wh, re Ito
Ky rather f(w*w uPrm film wily
rue, mt the m 1 ? `L/ i have n fowling
re rdece or hors living In ibmt,on *ho ,therofnrs. ulearl y fall.
atrwtrl And looked as If arfvelptlling limit
/ufferings as his punishment, but no
which FiP row
that motive (bay I Ahnll destroy those,
w•np ran clown null In n wrptehed HPr11 the new and great germiolde Catarrh
onsnP r.nrlrw tlerweM. h t. caroled directly leo
/ turned her to uaWnn, But I not Ix•tilfl,i
r. and std my Supper slowly arm diol
Pwn.ahment Goold given
cn ,loth could rwiisvw mw from flip
Pap, too with my Invm hand. But I have
wrttton the wh(hIP troth, res my Pn-
mai(]itirxl cif health, lint wnR urn► aLm{pass aRPrwl ppaarvtL t► t.APair NeuNwtkP
hrmithy wo5nngw(imnn whonw141 the Thaoaose
*'< r not put 1n a word. But for all that,
Inad of guilt which hes been Merely
and Slowly killing me tires i met
thwr in Ilevevnu in my wlteRssu, nnJ
i'let ill the use of the pi11R. Whpn otthe traihlotalnerwnovM by •iiATARRIi
the lotk, nature is able to anrire herself. and
whom T grit Ila frwQ ter tnlel` i ►Inti
v mare, my reenlntlon : and it was not
Lbat one :anew of Gabriel Myd 1wI-
this my olgrentnm
"Viergnrrt Trrrlt
r'rprtor wait taking fifer Iplevw ma emamDHwi heui gmpl lose off Aay /iyer 1.
ill ", Fortin "ald : "i am Ton- Rlnrl td) Ion
�a my WAY- It haver has been -to go
t•:D'a . whi.a the judge prnnrwnrPd
RIRnw1 thU fifth dnY of DecPmim'n
h"Te it"' (ippnrtunity totostify what, I Notonl) lap"CATARRBMANg- alw,al
4 away from any revolution i may have
Q1►eN k:m the Sentence, rf doath.
fool he
age theasvRt might hundred And sixty-
Dr. Williams' Pink 1'IDA hn%e d(WW sartloninhAway, bite when Ishelwd It Il# ab
Into the Ion
t,,', ma IThe� hvrrt•.^iarltsxi,+h
rather a!momt germs to Ibat.
sorbod r4rnlAt and RMnafadlstn
fall mai nn(] van ran "alp tent t shall fectnt de tee whole body rwnd•ring
at AhtR+M•
?" by illi Wvlo,-k
is pardoned for kis Shane in this vile
deed. i wish I dolled to hnpA that
ede per
nee Pr (wnNP Gt arRfvd their prniorv. Irattlylrrlmeaet.TNpht.heriACoaghc.rbtlsnmpp
lend 1 bldg" tier 'I-Im,and
4 pr",r aml i knee► that
"` ' the house WAR always Sllpnt Ami
when i stand upon that awful three-
For n few min ltrw nftrr Rely,lon
Braid T,Irrd thietthey shr,lately sand alti tot ta..f Ce,1=.
Mere ptnre,l in my why mt n time , Brim"It.ta athell and Ray ywvar.
�yy m
'41 Mrkwnwl for th.• night. d knew tJls
hnl,I of the door of heath t m: bt
find nnlNherl rPndhl he Sat Iikw rola
In drswm;
NL1 til t find exit tbP hot* that i
LATA RA OZONE t.s fnarantsad rwmody�
that slrse m110-tio., wbwnerwr need, and If
Mw Wlnrk,w of Um all sgcirp's bust.
feel that L. too, sin pardoned. rhe
weight oil guilt haw Borns ms down
n then h^ slowly romp,
and, foldInft the two papers,
meld live."
yltm-.0'r from aey of the diesAw red own
In It
A nes nom the vornrr wlnrkew a?r•n
, ,• fiIng oft the flit cif level hewn lwtw"tl
end iwnlAtwl mw ,Aran m failed-
lf y
Lhwfl1 re Mflllly ill fen hrpARt xx'kPt
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The pxiPlltA Linn elf flip city /if (It
Risks no ell■tskr n.dng
ter LL• trial flaw and teRelol'" Ale MnL.
the shrabb^ry mMl tie brogee,-4tM1
rroalturea, and it will weigh me down
iao:ate to the And.
Of the cost which IM had worn nit
night /twill him evening dread. Thom
fwld.et. Mrrr sctnal,40 edtAge and flay
town lit 0111(] to M' over !SH,rlflfl, on lint. Sly e-Pakit'trfosaatoianlmtel.
Uutt v►trdaw i "Ally nPPna41 with my
that I
And me
'I bar* vary Ilia:e to add to my
buttoning It, ter guard as Safely
,tier"" of 1.100 o%pr Inst year, not. rag mt* by all areiggefoes. ori. Q PoiS a
OW. Klagedten,OeL
1 owu tools. I remember rattler
.,. ..
withstanding the great fire. I
11 * .. ,
,' e,..e.ar ?s :'. ylil"S9Ai?`' ,': Y" ,. ..Tf- 'f~. .¢=,
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tie. ti"° ,. „$'!., ,- 'rt"aYr%i,?i'tl"NI+PYm'; Rv irT'rA:'.
'nS,K, K, �f M'.+i,'.. {, yf
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A. L" .. I ... h . nt �'Y Nt'. �Y-.4..•- ♦ .., a 4 .. } T
Rome of which are llinxtrat+ l alt P. for Mlllng t 7" '
or more of the QnP n Portrwltm at 10 cents. Write at
*asp and we will send vote it oil !pl' tM so our full 14
lustrate•d .Allot of prem tarnk NP'I portralta, re-
teirn the money. and we will %end the prize you select
Department Ift -r( 1,fQ4[7r4T0.--------
.- OUR --
Golden Yellows ,
BearThis Stamp and are -
---' - THEBEST fund PUREST
I;fir '
`^" V- int the MSr koL
". �'
ILP- I "'
As good u many Brandt
. , ' ' of Granulated sold now- a -da r
. r
-- _ .. ._...malar