HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-18, Page 4-"il„B♦3` may.71-v ¢ TRUaenar, Oct. 18, 1900 1" THE SIGNAL : GODERIOLI ONTARIO Bay a Gramophone The must wuuderful of the e talking iuveutioa. We have plated a mauler in sock at the estrewely low prioe of 915.00. Come a and ase and hear them a The Little 1 sings in Music . e . arm two arriving and in • fe days our stook will be tow - plete. If you want anything tram a Jew,harp to a Piano, we can supply you. Evnerson's Bicycle sutl Music House, West street, Ooderich. the $zgnal, PURLIEUIRD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING B, 111. 1IMMILL OSlM1i uJDERICH. THURSDAY. 00T. 1t. 11100. VOTE FOR HOLMES AND LAuRIER• T H E elections are on and it be- hooves every Reformer and honest Conservative to stand firm against TttPria and Tuersalae. In 1896 the Tory party was led by Sir Crust.= Tuerso, and he disor- ganized that once great party and petite it • thing of shreds and parches \ He war • political marplot. , Sir Osuml.ae Turria ie the same old tfarplot today, only grown more senile. He never was the political chief to lead to victory and be never will be. He was TUrrse yesterday, and he is TUrrsa today. As opposed to him we have as the Liberal leader Sir WILFRID LAURIER, without fear and without reproach. He has done more for Canada in the four years last past than the greatest Tory statesman was able to do in eighteen years. Under LAURIER Canada has had a. policy of expansion. The progress of the Dominion has beelt marvellous, Why should we stop that progress Why should we curtail that- eEpee- dont , In ourlooal representative w shave a man after WIL RID LAURIER'S own heart -a olean man and a wi ng worker in the best interests of s constituents. He is able in debate, and • type of member of which West Huron need not be ashamed. In the approaching contest let every Liberal get shoulder to shoulder with his neighbor, and poll up such • vote that the snivellers will be pat out of business and the whiners their quietus. Vote for HoLltae and LAu&iie. THE FARMER AND rHE TARIFF• Went', of Ottawa, challenges THE Sin. SAL to show how the farmer is better off ander the Llbanl regime than he was under Oho N. P. and instances the fact that the fantar pays today higher prices than in 11BY0 for many of the articles whioh he has to bay. We aooept the challenge cheer- fully. The Government of this or any other country, as Events know, does not make the prices of commodities. Legislation may however, affect them to some extent. For Instance, the N.Y. enhanoed the prices of a great many things which the farmer uses ti restricting importation, sad ION allow. the protected matntartiirerto sake store for his goods Iliad they would be -- worth in s free market: The question, then, V not : Are prices lower than in 1896 ?-but Aro prices low- er than they would be if the old tariff were in farce ? The Government has removed the duties entirely from • number of articles in common use by the farmers, and ha. ands malarial -reductions 1u ..tu hes. n..as- arid to this extent it is entitled to credit for relieving the farmer. If the prices of these articles are now higher than in 1896, it ie because of influence,' beyond the Govern- ment's nontrol-influenoea which would be M force If the N. P. were in operation, In which orae the prices of these goods would be higher than they are at present. The Government has done more than thin towards the relief of the farmer. By re- ducing the tariff, particularly in reference to goods from (creat Britain, it has allowed an increase of our importe from trensatlan- tie countries, which brings more vessels to our shores and results in lower freight rates upon the return cargoes of live sock, dairy produce, grain, rte ,than would otherwise be the Paas. The farmer gete the benefit of the lower freight rates in t,,reeeed prices for his goods. In theme two respect., at least, the Gev-- urnment to entitled to claim that it has pat the farmer in a better position than he oo- erupted under the old tariff. Events tries to bolster up its enntentions by giving a number of ataternents purport (pg to nem from Tho Toronto Fun, nigh sen It requires 60 par omit. more wheat to bey s Move than it did in 1896. t requires 100 per met more torn or wisest te bay • copper kettle than in lab It regaires twice as mock Porn to hay a mil of reps ea is 1006. Qatr,riad herbed win oasts from 94 be KJ0 per mora thea in 1806. AM w els. ttiaen W !.O.16 • le. Pial that the article which Semite` quotes ever appeared in tie uu'uwns, and well It might, fur it is a tiaeae of wt.etateeneuu. lot us examine a few of them "1t requires CO per taut. more what to buy • stove than it did iu 1896." The retail prior ul stoves tragi gone up 16 ler , ant. •irate 1896 ; wheat is at practically the manic figure "It requiroe 100 per tent more torn ur wheat to buy a °upper kettle thou iu 1896" The pries of copper kat the has alveucwtt 25 per sent ; oats have advanced 33 1/3 per cent . "It requires twice aa much ,"ern to buy it wit of rope as to 1896." Our fanners here are not iu the ori.-growiug bus mere to any exteut, but if the stet.wsut wean that rope ham advanced 100 per mut. in price it is very wide of the mark ; the advance is abort a31ja per not. Pia aro worth 35 per cent. more than they were four years ago. 'Galvanized barbed wire frets from 54 to 14.50 per hundred more than in 1896." Galsaniied barbed wire is sold at $3.50 per hundred pouudo ; w to make Events' quo. tation correct it must have been given away in 1896, with a cash lemur to the purchaser of 50 cents or 11.00. As a matter of fact, t was sob! in 1896 at 93.50, the same price as at present. although about two years ago ,t was considerably lower than it is at present. We have aalyzed enough of the peculiar statements promoted by Events to show how utterly unreliable they are. We hope Events will put iteelf right with Ite readers at the 8tst opportunity. We might introduce a similar set of propositions with the statement that the price of a hog will go half as far again to- wards buying a suit of clothee ae in 1896, but we are content to leave the whole mat- ter with the real test of the farmer's pro'. perity, namely, the condition of farm valuer. That farm lands are worth ism. siderably more than they were in 1896 no one will deny, and that the tariff policy of the Liberal Government has contributed to- wards this increase we unhesitatingly alarm We repeat the statement to which Events has taken exceptiou, and we stand by every word of it : The present vovernment of Canada re- cognized the importance of the farming in• Wrests, and they eet about relieving the farmer of the incubus of the N.P., ae soon as they got into power. Ile is now treat- ed ae one having • right to a toy in gov'• eminent, and not a mere person to be taxed. He is put on a level with the manufacturer and the merchant, and giv• ell ►u equal chance And he enjoys the change ; he is prospering, and the cine. share hie prosperity. And now that he sees how the thing is done he is not likely to want to go back to ire an N.P. cart- horse again. AT THE TORY TABLE D'HOTE. The Conservatives, it must be admitted, are very accommodating. Their bill of fare reads somewhat like this : Sr. WILP.ID LAURIER IS Too BROIL= FOR ME -81R CHAS TOFFEE. Our French customers will find this 'veer palatable. . LACIeft ANO TARTS air TRYING Tb MAKS • A.701$01.S?OCi@'at._. This I. peculiarly adapted tot consump- tion by people of British origin. I /HAIL TRY TO HAVE THE DUTY ON AORI• 901SITILAL.1ri114ZK Z(Th AlsOLISHED.-HUoe JOHN MACDONALD. We are eureour farmer patrons will relish this. iT w A MISTAKE TO REDOC■ Tea DUTY us AOn i 'UUTUR\L IMPLEMENTS -GEO. Tay• 10R. M.P. Oua MoTl'o le, PROTECTION TO CANADIAN MANUPACIN Reim -TOPPER and Ft.,Taa. We retomniend these tit -bite to the Manufacturers. THE PREPrRPNTtAL TARIFF IS OF NO RENE- Frr'E'O 0R1AT BRITAIN. T\1 GovEaNMENT SHOULD NOT HAVE (WEN !PREFERENCE WITHOUT RECEIVING A RAT ,Roll GasaT BRITAIN. Cur may take their choice of the above: Tis (I)<ITE MAID Ila fro? 001 FOR NOT Rrneetitej,T1t 1r TEs iiOJ. 3.?7Tw Ana NOT RETURN • ■ D To POW Ill1[a'e00ETOT WILL BE 0Ot1ND BY MIR TRADE. Our patrons will l*d these articles more elitist'', tory if they do'pot mix them. 3S 1, Y00 D0111\11 ' WHAT Y00 WANT, AAE gOY IT. \, SNAP SHO -Young man, register the ooming election. NMO I1.r14k_ to -0. E. TALBOT has a soft thing f , "elle- chasm. Advocate Ga1LxY is his , op. ponent. --Sir Mummer Toprsa is getting to more like his dad every day. The ool cheek is always in evidence. --Hyp*JOsi M4ODONALn was trying to prop up Old Therms in Ontario, and Voting INITIMIMig SOW trying to bolster up Ilia Joni in Maniob&. - aDonservativee are fond of point. Ma.01kt the defecta of the Liberal Govern- 0sa_t. Can they sop long enough to tell 11A what they would do if they were in power ? -____ nae --.4k4 -ambedienseevaliva M..l' .. for North Bruce, raid in 1896 : "Sir CHAS. TAPPER is unfit to be the leader of any party." Has Sir CHARI.01 repented sins# 1 -Sir CHARLES talks about the un- paralleled extravagance of the Liberals and in the next breath condemns them for not gr.tnting a subsidy of 9750,000 for a fast ocean steamship line. -This would be a good time for Queen Victoria to mime a proclamation to her liege subjeeta, the Indian* of Rabbets/el, in he - half of her favorite mon, the Hon. WAi.TOR HoMrHata MIiNTAOUE. -BILLY MACLEAN'S beaking and filling in Fist York proves that that adroit young statesman ham the "deal wail" on the old baronet, hut it will not wia jY1 York for IRK at the ensuing elegti ,_. -Mir Ht Trrrva rushing M the rescue of Rene (01111 MAC'DONALD in Bran- don is on the principle that one good turn deserve. another. Huth JOHN did all he knew how to help PA Tyres* in Ontario. - Aro you twenty-one years of ave and a British snhject ; have 700 lived in Ontario for One year and in ()nderirh for three months ? Ii en, you are entitled to a vote, and yon should register today or tomorrow -better today. -Thedety of the Liberal' of West ifGross V to weak s ooth& boll the okra of the pulls uu November 7th for the return of a supporter of the most honest, etbuiod and prugreesive (iuverwornd that C•uada ham hal in over twenty yews. -The large 'mutter of young men who are enabled by the manhood suffrage regalia- tem egialration to moat their ballot" in this eleetiou should weigh the fact that the Commove tient never gave them this opportunity. The bete need in the election of 1896 were several years old. - Isn't it pueeible that H. H. COOK has been reading up too moth Tory campaivia literature and history that he has got things mixed and is now quoting from that tele- brated Pacific Scandal telegram, "Send me another ten thousand ; it's the last time of calling ; don't tail me ; mower today." - The Liberate, when in oppositiwti de- nounced the appointment of a brewer (Sir JOHN CARLINu) and later a medical !nam (Dr. MoeTAUDE) o the portfolio of Agriculture When Mr. LAURIER attained power he chum a farmer, the Hon. SIDNEY FISHER, an Minister of Agriculture, and Mr FImu- aa's work for his fellow -farmers during the part four years) has shown the wisdom of the selection. - Our esteemed local contemporary has berm quoting au item on Lourieristu and pries, which it credits to Thu Weekly Sum, and which is false in almost every partici lar. The Weekly awn shamus the author ship of the screed ss follows : "A statement headed 'Laurierism and Prices,' credited to The Weekly Sun, is going the rounds of the Canadian (Tory) prem. Nu such statement hu appeared in this journal." -Hoots JOHN M UDONALDs declaration that he would use hie influence to have the duty on farm implements repealed ns re- pudiated by the Toronto World!' which toys that Hosie JOHN has no right to speak for the Conservative party. Now that The World has gone back on HUGH JOHN, that gentleman is in the position of the pup that was sent by express to another town and chewed his tag up on the trip. He doesn't know where he is at, nor does anyone else. -The Tupperitee are running a great campaign in Quebec A gentleman who has returued from that Province states that everywhere among the French-Canadian people Conservative agents are pressing home the assertion" : (1) That Sir Wilfrid Laurier has become English. t2) That he Went over to the Queen'e jubilee, accepted a title and promised to send Canadian troops to Imperial wars as a payment on account. (3) That he is guilty of the blood of every Canadian shed on South African battle fields. (4) That the farms of the habitants will be heavily taxed to meet the trot of the South African War. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. NO CHILD'S Balt Reporter : Every mw te • while • gest° Invents • stove, a washing machine or • fat.a•o, that "a shod me rue," but we nonce that abs old folks muttons to run It. WRONG ON BOTH 0)OASION1. Hamilton Times : The Speotator pub• ashes • page of an •tinct so the liberals by ups H. H. Cook, wblob i1 Gall. "g, bombshell." 1s the author the maw Cook that the Sp.o. not •o long ago deneueed se unworthy of credence and guilty of every wrong to the political oat•logae ? THE FAL1. .HON FAKIR, Farmers' Advocate : from end to end of bids nonunion, wherever the fakir and the "Mlderay" have been Introduced at the In- dustrial or agrloultural exhibition.. the better oleos of the onmmuolty Is awakening 1D the dmger that It . In this modern r"feature" that Is allowed admissioa to the trotted. wider the plea of "revenue." WIIAT CAUSKD THE EXPLOSION. Stratford Be•000 : 11 may perbap• eery W I an illuminant of Mr. H. H. Cook's letter against the Government M lame • single soutanes from Morgan's 'Canadian Men and Women of the Time," publiehed three yeses aro-"Mr. l'ook's name is now fre• t oently mentioned In connection with • Senatorship." and to add thereto the Me - app -tinting fact that the appointment was made. H LCAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. London Globe : Requiring mast intent - genie ea to the birth of • baby, agentlemen loetruoted his doctor bo wire on the Infant's •ppearasos, if a boy, "Geatleman'e Safety Bloyel• Arrived" : or If a girl, "Lady's Safety 'hovels Arrived." 15 reminds one of the old song, "Nott the Baby, but the Bioyole." What). one wooden, would the reoiplent have mid If the wire had run "Tandem," or, worse still, "Tnoyole?" THE I.ICEN!iE WAY NOT CANCELLED. Str•ehroy Age : A good thine for pro- hibitionist readers Domes from Stonewall, Moaltobe. They have • law In that Eros vino, whioh nye that a petition doped by eight of the Dearest tweets/ householders \shall halm the effeot of oanoslling • license. Pourt esn hou.boldsn slimed mob • poll Ileo and the Lioe,s. Commlesionee (appoint- ed By Hugh. John Macdonald) declared as the law said eight and fourteen was more the ,tight the petition oonld not be legally signed. The Iloenee was Pot r 000elled, tkoagban appeal, sigo.d by 200 shooters, Was Oaken to Premier Maodonald. THEIR JUSTi"I IP LATE. Toronto Star : 'I here Is • great dmf of praise for Alex•nde Mackeezle appearing In some of the ('oOervativs papers at the pretest time, and come of 1t le In oonneo- tten *Mb the enetest fir flat Yerk, aha oonstltneeoy represented at the time of bis death by the Llber•l loader. The men who fought him in lib lot oampalgn and the newepapsrs that used all their inflnenoe vainly to defeat blm, are now praletng him. Is may not be Inappropriate to oompar• thew mere* with thee el • lady la • story bold by Ambrose !tierce In another oenner, tion. A mediaeval prinoee• went Is tea.. to the village woozy (oho had mwti's4 th• mystery of writing) and asked him lo' onm• pom a wader and passionate enloglum.. on 4\ her dead loyer,th• noblest of men "''er'p- ly, madame," assented the salvoes., pocketing his fee. "O1 what did hie ex eill.ney die?" "1 dabbed him fifty times," she said. HUGH .JOHN'S &stoup Guelph Memory : Hugh John rays : ' I1 1 ens steed I shall a,• all the Osflaeses I have to hays •very part of the duty r•mev ed from agriculture' Implements 1 work ed for that when i was In the House before and 1 see an twee to Mango my °piston " boring the medal of 1893 Mr lYAlton Mo- ('.rthv made • motion to favor of tariff re dation* and referred 'epee ally to Mani lobs asd to the batten laid on Maniinhe farmers hy a duty of 36 per deet on agrl- eelrural Implements. Mr. Herb 1. Mao demist', the member ter W melp•g, voted "Pro" to Mr. McCarthj s reeelntlon. nor ter the sense .e.sl.n It was moved that the dirty on agrtonitnral Implem.nte shnnld he rationed. When she• mollnn was pet be the Hates Mr Maedenald eras absent and he Neither spek• seat voted 1a favor of It Mr. Meodee•ld elmee sly (Nleres that he Is a moo of Ms ward. Oafy • man with earth • horribly bad memory u he had fru he eeoal.teet In seek • slates. HIS rwoPwetNnt AL+ATE 00450. iirookviW Re oder t en Modes self mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Razors! Razors! Razors! 'Phe geutlewuu who bought out our stock of razor" so cheep forgot to leave their card, and hereafter anyone dtwirous of "pur- chasing" good razors, pocket cutlery, etc , etc., cheap, will kindly come in at the front door, so that we III ty "sat you coating.' A brand new stock of the beat Razors just put in. ...AMMUNITION... Goderich Bargain Centre 411 We lead in all kinds of "powder, shot and shell"," and are _the sole ageute for the famous "Robin Hood Ymokolees Powder." Robin Hoot 11 one of the best stuokeieea powders un the w►rket. It is perfectly safe, can be used in any shell, and has exlual velo- city and penetrative power to any powder ou the market. LOADED SHELLS Bargain Days/ NOVEMBER lsr di 2ND COME AND SEE TME BARGAINS IN MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. We have a large stock of machine limited shells, loaded with common black powder, Robin Hood powder and Amberite pow- der. All eines of shot. GOOD GUNS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. A. McD. Allan November 1st and 2nd, 111wN111i111 1111111NU1111U111111N11111111N111i1i114MMI ss the German Aad Belgian treaties mold not be abrogated. But they were. Sir Charles said Brlbate onukl not be given a proforma,. But even at that time the nu.toms utlioers were accepting • lees rate of duty on Brlt- lel geode than at roods from anywhere Wes. Sir Charles mid the Laurier Govern• meat would not last six mouth.. But It did. Sir Charles aid the of 1 protective pelley would breast mill.ou to the North- west. But it didn't. Sir Charles said he took no part in the scheme to politically usa..ln•te Sir Maokinzte newton, Bot be dad. Sir Charles thought he could be an Immoralist to ()outdo, and an anti In r,)ue• bee, wittiest being o•urht. But he oouldn't. Sir ('-tarles said the postage rate Gould not be r•... d wlthoutgratly Moreno - lag the deficit. Bat It was. Sir Charles declared to 1896 that he would sweep the oou w t •y. But he didn't. Sir Charles tells his lullowere now he will wen, lint he won't. Wilfrid will wia. "t'OLOBSAL t unite." Writing to The Queen's Quarterly, !'ria• *Mal Grant says :-'-The Dretereaual tariff In favor of Greet Brit•io es against foreign n ations hu hese such a euooe` that It is rather dnsappocotine that the t'uoservatives have not embraced it a. their own, and that the Liberals du not seem to see bow far-r.•ohtng tt may he to national and lm• petal results. It la not agatest Canadian*. They have "till • preemies in their favor to the extent of two-thirds of our tariff, wbtl• the British farmer and maoutacturer, who bear the Adapter's burden of the em• plra, have uo piet•renoe In their favor W their own markets. That, In these olroum- steaoes, we should clamor for a 'mutual preference' as ooloeml cheek. It is irra- tional to think of any such proforma* until we stand on a common platform with our fellow subjeots. We ca• get to that poel- lion Poly hy .low degrees and aloog the lies of the fielding tariff. A mac who believes that Britain will pot bares os all her teed and all raw material tor her maouf•otures for the sakeof • silgbb Wormer' 1. 3 per mot. of her trade, fot thar shares el her bssfoiiir maks Wowed believe anything." • Tan D00611 POLICY. Montreel Whores : When Mr. Hugh John Meodoaald made the promo at Bran- don (to endeavor to bay* the duty removed from agrloullural Implements) be had jut returned from • political boor of Ontario, made In oompanv with Sir Charles Taper and Mr, Geo E Fater. At Toronto, where the Massey • Barris egnoultural Implements works are estbheted, Mr. Fester, In his address poinlm to the Item of • million and • batt dollars worth of w rioultural m•obloery imported from the Uoi'ed States, which he meld should be meaufubured la Canada, as praying the n eed of restoring the proteotionlst (:oeeer vative Government to power at Ottawa. These contradictory bids of the Cooeerva Love leaders to Manitobs and to Ontario have rather staggered the electors of both provisoes, and have crated doubt a. to the atoneslty of both laden, and as bo tbe real policy of the Conservative party. The C.oe,rvatlee leaden, too, deesunes the Im- perial preferential tariff on contradictory grounds, first, that It does nothing tor (treat Britain, and e0000d,tbal it gives "something for nothing," and as 51, Charles Tupper, Ie effect, esye,Mkee the bread out of Canadian worklormen'e mouth, and pats 1t tato the mouths of those of other countries Ant yet the Conservatives do uol promise to de away with the preferential tarlff,thoegh they give It contradictory criticism. Agaloss the Liberal leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Charles Tupper pursues the some le- oousistent sours.. In the province of Que- bec Sir Charles d ore sir Wilfrid Laurier for his Impertaltem, ae befog "ten English" for him, while In Ontario he de n ounoeu the premlet because he Is not lm peralletlo enough, and wag not prompt enough In offering a Canadian 000tingent for South Atria. Yet the people of Gnat Britain and the rest of the Empire point to Sir Wilfrid Laurier 5. the Empire's leader Ili Imperialism, "the one statesman who `sots while other statesmen talk, talk, balk." Merited Praise.... JAMES ROBINSON'S Care lar Cflegk with the D. D. Co.'s Syr. of WHITE PINE and TAR. Yoe ram wet nothtog better. Kellet almost ice tan taneou•. 1360. 6 for 51.00 It's Time to Pat up the Stove to and you want BRETBHALL STOVE -PIPE VARNISH, 26 ciente - 5 for 111.00 "Best we ever used," is what they all say. Leant Odor. Brightsat Lustre. Quickest Drying of All. It Beata 'em A.11. OTHae Usu.-Diluted makes an excellent walnut slain. Flee for tree foams and all ous.lde Iron work, owl eoateles, etc. Makes • fine pint for buggy bodies. Speed prloe by bite gallon. W. C. GOODE, to - _.. t`�; Chemist BEDFORD BLOCK. tt. BERLIN, '(NT., May 9th, 1900. Ti. res HOWARD FUiNAcs Co., (;ENTWiIsaN :-The Managing Committee of Margaret Avenue Submit hereby expreli their satisfaction with the heating of that et -hoot by your firm. Your two (ambula- tion furnaces have given us a temperature of from 65 to 80 degreee in the lowest sero weather, and have, besides, reduoed our teal from 43 Wna in 1899, to 27 torn for the put winter. After trying three different fur'nace's, without being able to heat the school, we feel that we owe you at least our thanks in saving us from any more trouble with the heating of Margaret Ave. School. Yours respectfully, l:. M. UsBce, ('hairmai Margaret Ate Sch(ol. J. H. WORSELL, ust Arrived A Fresh Car of the Celebrated i:- Thoroid Cement The eB s dement for barn walls and floors. The ('heap Stns.* and Furnace Man, `Sole Agent, Asd.ulub, Get A Great Snap le Oar Wawa Soap, at 50, e pound, of whioh we sell a barrel • week. This Isn't our only snap, as we carry everything that Oeo•be found In an ow to date grocery store, and our prloe are right. The tanners know that they ma always get from us • snap for their peoduos. We drew the line at no legitimate trade - everythlug goes : Ulmowers or potatoes, garden stuff or oholoset table (Aloe. We deal le all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford block, °Adwait. Sold only by tSaylrtFtr"yy '}r*t "'IS.i',t ROUGVI THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Paities,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,litncc Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses, Macaroons, Ilaranpacs, ';.:rt Brandy Snap, Pc. 0. ,. The Old Firm, The Old Business, -But a New Stand. To THE PUBLIC : We have removed to the store lately occupied by (-'attle Bros., tinsmiths, which we have stocked with a com- plete line of Groceries, and where we shall be able better than ever to attend to the wants of our customers. A call upon us in our new stand will please us. Yours respectfully, are M good an the beet made in any -- 1;."!.oiiy in Canada. - Centolon'wide the trade in WEDDING CAKES In Laney desilining MMt eMament ing and almond icing. Give him an order and your sat. isfaction will be auured. D. CA NTELON. aur-ar. The Signal to Jan. 1st, 1901, for 2S -cents. - - IN11•1111••••- STURDY di 00, THE OROOER8. 1 CEO. STEWART GROOER Yates' old stand, Wast side &plate. You are _benefitted by pur- chasing -your -Groceries from STEWART, as you are getting No. 1 -goods at moderate prices. %Amato: A 1 Butter. 7 RECUR & MYERS, &derider: and Bmlalmers 1 iGraduate of Maesa:husett. 0ol- '"lege of,Emhalming. WHITS SIAIMBL OPEN DAY AND B0 N10 �Qas RAATIt PPRIICOl s�r6- UOURTSOUS ATTENTION. ■inMRg LOCK. WtlinJC/. 1 Fjord Wear - GENERAL ELECTIONS..�j " Shoes 4f"* We have not received authority to say just what day the elections will come off, but, as we are running for the tint place in the WALL PAPER line, our election is now on, and we are going to be the front BOB, if prices and prettiness will count. REMEMBER Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoors, knocking about, llleelltlgaled strong boots to stand the racket. i k''e got the very kind you want -stout, thick eallas soiid leather, mind you% good strong insteps, - put together with the knowledge that they must be strong to stand the strain. 'Obese boots are not expensive, though they do wear like ices- -Remember our Goods are all New, direct from th,. factories. No Bankrupt Stock. „„L,,., 411 r t ' n -sly Oti ' goods are NEW ; we have only ONE PRICE F'OR EVERYBODY. All goods are marked in plain figures. If you wish to know how much more goods will coat you elsewhere, just call and get our prices first, Wile SHARMAN, Jr. 1 41.lt?.7ah.,:... . KlDD'S BOOK STOIeEs t,.