HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-18, Page 3,�i�ll''���l���!111!�'i!"11,�',!� ..... -11'' ii ., l", _r_1 *!v't
11''I'll, 11
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%Ao"wvw%~ 'k-Vilkledlif OW. elift
The Matekets
.I- E
I Ic.& -I I 19 it %% 'or-% t ilioll
lroullowlaff fdri tit* closing 411lut I
titillate W"day at bit"Issrinat Will
I Cash. Vag, I
(�bldmkawu ... ... ... ... a-- 40 76,11-1.1
Netter York - - ... -_ - out `14 11
. Milwaukee ... ... ... 0 TO I 2. _� ..
. St- I-Mis ... ... ... 0743-4 0 74'4.4
T&Oodi) 0781.1-1 0 ma I._,
IDetruit , I , ifeii _ , *** a IT 6-4 QW) -
Detroit: wh1t;*.... a 75 1-;. -
Duluth, N06 1 X ... 0 TO &O 0 7ji T.if
Duluth, Nen, I H ... 00064 -
Mlikineupollim. No, I
Northern . . ... ... a?? I-$ 0771.1
Minuen polio, No. I ?
he rd ... ... ... ... 0 79 71-8 -_
I ortinto 11-arlskers, market.
Whout-Racelplis light , LOU buall
Ole of white. wildell WAA at i3s)" �,(jko
busilielm of red at OU to 43V I.,.,v oil,,
KV bushein of goubs at Ile I-_,,. to,
6 W.,
Vairloy-l'ort glad-@ were 1-9. low
er; 1.,'AX) bushels sold At 44 too 48 1 -L,,..
Hyt--stently, one load ouij at 5:jy.
per bushel.
Oattse,--i'litim; 200 bushels not I ut _,,I..
U) 2 1) 1 - 2 V.
Hay and Mtraw-HAy was firawir,
&nil the recelpta were IJB=Iler. Tot,
Lunde sold at $18.50 W $14 per IA,O.
straw wan not In evidenve anti tIk"
price was unchanged.
Butter -Was Offered freely. but as-
matiolf WAN not heavy an I stock knovect
slowly. Prices. howeeror. contiout.d
steady. puup,l rolls bringing Lull, to.
Eggm--Not many W; the damned
Was good Anti all Wave immudd. 'Werime fj - no
at IS to Me. __ i
� Poultry-Recallpits we" larger, but
I demand was only Moderate an -I sale
I was slow. Prices were unchaugoo ,it
50 to 65c per pair for chh-kerim. ,,At
I it) 75c per pair for dUcks, and to U.
t 12A- per pound for turkeys.
I Potattere-Roorelpta aniall. anti tritdo.
I gZantrailly dull. Quotatolismis rafteip,j
I na 30 to 40,3 per beg.
Appleek-A t6W mostly wFair-e-off-'rAl.
: but trade was Inactive � $1.23 to $1 5o
rr harrel ,was asked for ehol, -P t..
� me ney anow $1 for guest nn,t n(mi. II,
, 754- for windfalls anti curnabon
k I)remwd Hinge -Firm. with prlovoo nil.
. changed at $8.21, tel $1111.60 per ewt.
D \ Toronto Live tMock Market.
I ittlimmor ,,hot&,. Pot CWL 61) to 14 is .
k light.p.real its to I jim
I �t e. Wk.d . ..... 4 11 Lot 4 AD
O' If ad ...... i- I so to -t2io-
,; dot oneelluin .r ..... 40 to 321
I Butchers (Wennion. per OWL - us to its
r flont'-fo". Inf-tor - � ... 11- a to 2 a
I flulls, expoirt. rholm. pose, OWL. jjo to Ills
r Bell.. ,einsiort.lial perewilli.... 04*-tw S
random -h.rt- I; .... .. �.. I a i -1-12
roaditm "" __.
, roodoem light. ... .. �:::�: it- to - 3-2t
fto-keto ' 4419telliSolloo. _,..--- w or --
ill tiff-10rooten4homillimmil -_ il to -Ira
� Feeding Ill .... .. I ... w to Sir
i IfM000tem-k bull - 4 -se: to I a
I 00'.... 64,6p!�� - 11 0 ft to *,, 0
P Shull extiamort towed'emirewt... 123 to 3 "Ob
11 Ao. �uorko ... . ...... * �:.. It .16 to 3 on
I. 14h. F. butchers', each .... � 01) to Jill
I. Lark. .. eitch .... .... :*::,.; ITS to t.2 A
do, j.-rciort . . ....... 3 75 tot I to
a CALL I w. per bead . ...... � ...... 200 to Ili 1"
�L 111.1".chaide. poor come. ... . 9 1IS to to K4
. H hel foa. per OWL-- 4 SO La u 'Al
so HZ-11milit, PW evert � . . - A Sol to 11 to
Bell core, red .. . .. S 06 to 'I we
lk go- ... �'. . .. .. 3 W to I -14
. Late Markets.
t Liverpoul, Oct. 15.-Whmt. "Pot XG,
" illookood wpooliturit wintror, (lull. mix 2 1-:.'d,
No. I northern spring quiet, 6mi IS 14,%
I- 'N I Cal. quiet, lie 6 I -2d. Futures.
It, , Der. 6o; 1 I -9d. Feb.. Go 2d- _'�._
k Toronto Ill Market., ______ _.
0 - t, - inereekarld demand for grapes
L., wa@,A feature of the fruit markoe-1. to.
_aj. fbzgf_jMj" are not am piobotirdr- '_
ir _____ -_ R_! __
I. and p are firm. First nurr"thv-
. peaches also OpIl woll� in otber re -
or spects trade Is quiet, with no changes
" In prIces. The total receipts w@rff
If 4111,000 baskets. We quote: Topers, l7w
Lo 30c per basket, barrel " . W
V.r000ll tonintooti, 15 to) 220c per bee
kpt � apples, 10 to 20c per basket.
rbarrel .-4k to $1 � green core, 3 toi
. Per doT.pn : potaterwa, .10 to 11.5c a
). buoth-I : pistachios. M) to 4( basket; '
0 Crawford peaches. 40 ITeIrls-ir has -
`3 1 Ili fro " ; maskinelonp,
' 'tell ; pl"T", '_
r 15c to $1 a barrA ; celery, 2() to, 460 -
Id per down ; backletbierries, 70 to iK)r
:I basket ; Weapon. Concord. ionail
Id =t. 15c ; Magaras. 15 U, 171-2c: �
Id red grapm, l!", to. Ike . bananad. $1.---.-,
It to Oe
Id .
-0 16 r bunch ; pits plant, basket,
; *West potatoes, barrel. 63
.d 10 *X.rA baght,im. all lod Joe; Spanish
K- anions, C4,al $I I --.-- 2.1r_A
rr1,W___1 I
� .7) t o r, . cran'be , citiliflaw,
I I basket, 50 to 6or. ; Cape Cod. livil
.e 75 to 90r, per barrel, 1117; now ehfwt-
I t nuts. bamiket, 02.25. barrel. 11`1111.7%:
I I crab nriplers, basket 25 to 30r, barrel
.11 $I 10$8.25.
I.. Ill
Th-orip In nil. dpvf,k4w�S in the sital
ni market. Alsitke to slow land Weak And
,r very little In moving. -1[t is qU'Afd
lo -al lit Toledo, and It is elPFAtPd
rO that the price here will saw (off in
op- 'yospathy. Throes, I% 1166411movall', nele
j,::-bniwp In priolia to relport'smism Yet The
tl'4xWttfm Retiring di4RlfwN 1110 tot) 0
% lwlow ruth,r thrin toe) erformidthel ninr,r-
I? ket, quotationti.
re Alidlee Is quoted at $6 t* $7 per
he I-nob,4 for "I to porltmot, anti - $7.*
to $8 for choloce to fancy.
III Rrel Clicover-Traide 14 very get" -
pit PrVoin are momotoadr at $5.73 to 11111 11"
.i- t�tvhpl, with $6.50 asked for extra
` ho vo Fampitits.
Pr T�njonothy-Pull, with%norke offeriftill;
!II, to vrorth $3.75 fok) r $5' per cwL- - - -
ar- Mantintes"m Crops. .
b- Witinilmostol Out. IO. -J. K. lifftedon'
sm" loanskirlsolif dilractor of the - UHL'
frooleratlon Life Amwwi#Ltko of Tor,
nt onto, who ham driven over a larlife
part tof Manitoba, retellowto that thn
k- -
,if ditivagi. to the creiv goot mri;-iirly
,it so bad no In generally Stapp - rawA. The
119 high prices will make np merilliewhat
. 1,w the ah(wtaire In the C71311 L - to rot
� v
�1,; by renal .( this the farenot" fl!!
,v. I than they otherwison wonlo-I 110
or,, I JUS, --- -
I.,, Astonishing Result of BrRU
:',y'. I - __
, _ General Elections. ,"L,,
Fill Lo ,Ion, Ovii. 16.-TIolop olifte-tion ro"
In turnm to-disy de) molt cIfilronge tile re -
re salts am] the final figures. witol? it*
-or. exception of the Orknf,.$ lalan,111.
q)(, leave the (lovotionment #L net, Kni" 'f
1.1. A single seat, the total nunj W 4
Members (A paribLeouplit elFel"I 111
rtA 41610. Am follows - MinlaterinlWO 4(mit'
An 01-1,,wition, 261j. 1
Am ti- Orlinpi 7solarmbe Dixtrict, 10
lier rellisrols"I no it mall 1,11tworal sent the
'Ice 14"Y"llerpent 'ke MR jr,rity will he 1,10.
ny annlnmt 1211 It I ths. tinve ,of , "I""' it.
'1P. I loon. !
- - ___ - ___ __ . s,5�A.1�
onto Otil.441 ()-.Rt AR 1111,11-
(0, ,rhe 4 rown Vrhw, liv III Prolvalooly he
Ind geode Regent.
$not (1irlatlAnIn. Opt. 101--Tht' ffwfntorp
of thr N'luorpillimis state C-Imoo.ij to(
Imiliorkhrolm. mbn Are heirst In ronne"
tion with tilhie propossiol visit of Nl"lr
Ottlerar. believe been tolegraplis"I 1,1 re
tin Itllrn to 4.ta,videolln it to riniferntoe'd
I hie interru , I, ""neetf-11 With t'he
Fin 1 non
,111111ble APPOIntrev--i ,IF tit* ('"'vew
istir r"llnes, no Itsolisont, durring fill Ilias'"
of the King. I
4, I, T -1-��J,72wr
lo�; - ,
. - - 4
4P �'TIWSI - � !"!'jr�'�" `* ' - I - - - ---...a
. __
- I
- __ -
V=7- - ____ _____ ___ , ___ __ -------+- I— - ____ __ - . I , 1�1 �
� __
- OCTILifflKill W - KIDDING (1111IFT8. I - - - �
bay voted to ffe, fiction were thoughtfully conferred On -..++.I.+++:.++* j A 0 i ++++++44 +444+ 0 If I . . . . . *++i 4 It 411 ... 4 +++'i +
"he .. The Signal � .
to Z y,,,,,,w.",,fUu` Ill I low , dark. (lit nil) lifi-Ludus. amid Ju(IV Brenton W tile � 111rI,Ien-t4x-1-4 Will be Delighted With I .
'. y "
SIR JOHN WENTWORTH I tin(] ullkqtti(.Iug dpot let best. Diumpu(I MiLdid a toaster In clialue:*ry. TWO z TkLSO 4)tliPriNg's. IS rVOUSUSID , I -L 11 �� �� ;
- - with tile llyint. provt4iLklis Inside, re- 41oal i�io_.,ii��."�_' I- . * ,� ..
. 0 " I
77) was doilie with tile exinsemod, of tile ITHL APPLE TRADE. .. EMBRY TRUlt8DAY MORNING ioo� t, "' 11
4ueut I Mrs. Coot-hran toe) furvilah him vouncil. which itommusle" cd six knein- Have yuuk a weilkiliummi preessiout it) bay I ��,
ill light lit order tillit they gulght kiera-Bosiuslikill; Wentworth Rod Judge I .! By jo. nolUILLICUDJDII. I .,, ,I,, 'I, , L,
So (Xke Of the' October t)riAitoo-tO-tw I -_ � ;, it" ,
in Uncle of Mrs Anuabella WwWittathoir way to thint poettloon tilt tile leren", belog. of tile nuumber. In .9. nVI-ol 9 :, If so, there never Was � te bettor tiouirst I, .
I .
prenAwd. IPA)K Belwing died III time 53rd year I , , I . QULSTION OF MANURES � 'D - - tooIlool .
U Ure, %�t*,O,iIW - Certaltily, niallillut," all it littl of him e. to bu.v it than Liow, When tit AsO T.1-6 of Out�;riP"-1
�� it e ag; stout 7 " P.... I Ors'nontloo. in Soldvanodl ... ............. . 0 La
WsT 'TW _,� as Wbth WAIOM Of artic-I . Three a o
� VF � 1, -11-1- imilghtt'r Of that lady, "I Will hear a lit t783, aciveirdloult; to W. Went- ++*+*++4 ......... 4 It .unths. .. I ... ............
o4t,�err�,w- - __ - - I light for them." worth'a letter to him friend Utiot-firult, I 89 1r, el t 11" Zyly ppropriate for bridal I lilt u.0..ths. IN
'I, Thim little girl way them about too Cliarles-the win of %Ito Lieutelialkt- : '11 he Apple Tratle. AuderaAm. hies, )kfad (A e:,ceaUU.I1kcW far' guttv * Eng'llvil weddling proment had O.a year, :: ....... " ...... ::-.:::: . Oft
RULER yours of age. At tile tiumek of the tell- (is,%eritur-wax "a stout buy." Ili There has beell nOwe Wifereave of Whoand.- ao, IW does atit use thein. bUt Thuto ' I ---
THE JjAST ROYAL blK &bout this event -in 11884---sher ISOM Ike weto it full grown loan, and oilluton t!xljreow,Ni title ituawoon, as to With ,Your Ajo-kinjamopiti,al, I will tuf,r toy 1111011`1 � be little (Offoreat front Adoo-thoing Itsomes. A �
. 00 @I is
wam a resident of Uio town tilt lookipirtme Ined IWOII IL inetuber of the (buta-11 " bother OnLarlo, host hall a Jorge apple opkillion, bous-kod by Many y,loa.zio mi. ours. The rather more Legal and othir catos&l a4vorvies:noints, too- ti;".
' ..
____ - umuloh. New 11,unjimorldre, fttlod 1111(fult-11 (Or seven years. He wait Ili Englalud crop ,or iwt. Frout "hat we learn preouti.k-all expe.rianue in 114W tLA" 4A 'Lit personal gill thitAi. we lkttee been �n P.e,ri�-,,(�rit.,�ttx.�rtio,.&:it3o.,.tap-rii "a 1,
11-11 ly remembered the eireiiw0t""M when his Uncle Refining died ; but l.,ir of tilt- prives being offerett at louutry jitudy, u, link bmNUA,!. anti tile Imethint (it g1r,tiliff. Title (lormikliv de- cIil .tbt000j.�nt laterLion. 34imsturod by �� 1p I
bridal ifirta. e.onign-il oloo.ods. I
ikeed I ver tb8 Proyince of Now and all Its ininutine of det 11. M roe. 11,16im'U'Lf B-14 Do" card. at sit lines and under, $6 PM "� - � I
(W-hran permultIel " John. film fathar. did not iteimilet-to ills Po"Itm for w1jitter fruit there cannot ,4�uluvw carl '-'�QIA� :Lglit In Ijdui,#bIiWkm tior
tier to (" I fit her paternal duties in regard to Men be "Joel' tioubt as tol) title tIU001tiOn- Oil' Lho qUjgtkAl ta "WAIIM, 4;njljw ivikii Lutto earried to Kreuter lion,gthit than, our -
tt�,;;itollry ,'�M' LampAire. ,,vj ,�aj, 10'If I'llikokill robust ... i. Aveordingly they tArlu team a gusi,Afteroll ,)f upl)I'm Rod urw." I todleve ilsoet, that tile b1*61' style. FullOill tool Engi oil, cuu- i"A'd-rti-enteuts of i,otot, round, SLMYOA I I
- all prool-peiled too tit " to millythinK that, might tulrti UP grown to do sttu-itil Wanted ma if �11 �
0 collar -the repub. lie Nova Scotia. He appointed allot all extra big one L LIL,Lt. Whi'll. how- knOthoody of cultilvalikou AbUito. I - t(I L111 stu's land, its -we have FI1U;tin"3 V.u.st '
lti,i,co, Chances 'Will not onoodmiling IF , ,
__ _ 111'all". be It tinderstood--and worti to[. v011, Initanoued Chose. Mary as seerretury ever, from 40 to 75v Per barrol are 1.0minuctive suAte and clijuate 1UUdL I,e Ail No LUIRIW Wi1jis, In'tely, !of title re- i liartsoonmotorell, 81 per nolowth. 1
lowed by the child WlUt a lighted van- and register of patent*. deedu ito,j tilt- ruling figured fur gsxi itioulid will- o,j,pL,VjU . estont,ly Impowano it famflikisiatt'e fad. Itool to oil Sale and Vill on tolale, not to I
11711701DH1101 IDWIRD ill. ret,ords. unit tile tile youing loan wax W,r fruit it is safe to conclude that Eilory effort, inuirl, lie In&". to (oil edlievitil unioug the.minitirt met, tu I A lines. $I for First ru-th. Aft. per .ub. ,
Thel roof of time cellar was formed into Ole fartimir'm orchard IN well loa,ded jwr%t, and return W Uba suit al ky &tit,, itiiii al terlde it pervotail gist ; t'itivi I, s-�oeq-u,e�nt ukiii.ith. I�rmkk,radvis. to wepecti-s. I%
of bee- which were about four feet [lot at humid #A) step. &it ottim, it piece. or met tA billochoullike. jvwe�ry, I Any *1-!i,%l nntl--e. the obJeat of which Is ow.10,
tile Offices. Michael %% . allAve Was Ilia- Unit that, au abundant 'supply Ultuit a 11 munurIA&I ultuterial tiolartuallon6t. proutute Lbe pommsi kry Immostedit at any tridivit a
The Father of Our Beloved Queen nix Inches front Utp grotind. ,ifter the ttitiriteIl t4l UCt all ilia deputy. -nie top forthcoming. one dollar per har- Thort,orgainte: refuse install muclo " Jabot, flounce, lit -hu. or berthe of I 1,or-nip...y. t I be owaideetiLd an advertise.
historian could out uyujil rot lie considered &it extra btigh, price ally (jung, urlite. oli"Itil zrmw routine a'a' handsome real jeolint tyr Ills It -d 0,arbrod A-avolin ly
seven were fairly into tile subterru Ink partial I)U"heme. , no hat.
pnirtmerit, tilt, girl, wII4) mtixxl rt-rikarking tile frequent m-urren.,e tilt. fall. whereas last Yodir 9118-11yur" crops grown from inanure only i-� ratio of exquIal mrorkmnTwhtil---,U � Lorocalnotbellinntwo eskirtypeonsesemlitiong
, jg,�,m,?.,vtk'u� Victoria. ,.,,,,,.,,,,,, ,,te'% 711P stairs, doemIgnedly blew (tilt Of nPlit4jitnietitio and revonoreendations, age priAle for the fruit La tile orchard returned to the m�;a out likt*-. carved Ivor.$ tir pearl, parammills word, tin nnotea low than W. 100
be freely I I,oral notices in ordinary reading type fare
- - the light. Thendell.1110.1 ,a great deal inado by Sir John Wentworth, of per- way about double that figure. But there be covered into humull whOl %'tit beaut!lfu! mveriagi iinol gem - can&, per Is or4. No notice for Ito- than Me.
of swearing nil groping 11,111011111C tile boas pither connected with him by then upplets were few and far between it becomes stured-up plant fooll W tit '""I"d hand:es, cohnIn chatela!no ' Nettie, for cliummiles and other relleetteus alood
a ir is bog* of sterling al Frenoll, tin- ' beirevollent illotiLititlelins. half ratio.
searchers, who linnitilId their headise falull,:y ties or fly tile party ato,lilit 11,11t, oil tile trees ILL t whilo It Ill . plan. mot,, unithlong i - 041
PROVIDING FOR HIS FAMILY. I . year, tithed or I( Wed. Ali I
loroll against tiw heanis In their ef I tairttilued. season %he very reverse in the ("toe. This humus must Uipn be balft'leet'i
Members (if thp Wetittororth Ilistor- forte te) iret (nit, and finally quarre I at ell Many furnmers are, net doubt, asking too iri%e the bass quality anti greatest that con W worn, that to hatiddowe 1 Subacriberoi who fall to receive Tits Flies&% � ' �
min, or by fia. 'f r
Is I arnoner th,,kimm-elvelom conk-ern'tig: ,jrhat Wentworth's administration tit thop thenfmeliew tile question, will It IMY I I Itsid out a the ordligiry. has come restioar!y by reiii will confer IL. .
(looverninent caute to a close In juantity of cro if -,
test Society will be interested lie thili ,p. for if we get ,;:;n um of the fal at &a arly & datte as 0
they colicalred to bel a trap InUp - to bother with tile fruit at those 14rg., qUAnVtY_�;f,_U[IjkRlum.e,j bunijo, to be considered a very dfy.or',rab:e , el'" I f, �. I
fullOwing story &bout Sir John Went- 1808. Whothei the prospect of a I
which they hat] fallen. War prives ? The beat way tot) field this n the soll we produce crolm vol al) Wedding offer:16K. ; 'X,%!hl Iom iroh,,ners at address to desired. bottle III
worth, Lieutenant-tiovernor of Nuou with tile United Stated ledl the on t IN U) 11make a little ('0111porkson. noruial tte%elopLu peut (it* On the other Illawt, niore cAwtplo- I lbsolild-41boustuo "dr*"-h-Wd 110011114j. "' !
"No, mirs. you ar.- not entrappPA," I "If"kilal authoritiod to the conclu- Out lit one rem votive pe(ip'e (4 inckderntp ofteanve I
hIcotin, wIsme, brother's ditughter, exclainiell the umba; at the head of Suppose, for example. it tree that a no ther, or we eVOIL fail too ft,
41un that it ul bee beat to U&TV Yiehdw* one barrel of guott sound fruit %. todw el'tax to the old-fam"oriesel ympt Publialiter's 7010006. ,
Mids .knuatielle Wentworth, married the stairn : "the light went out ac- a inilitary matim In Nlyma Ae:lotla aim last year will yield three this mellmoll. eropri at all. We have evidetivel'Zh m , ,se fu!, manner (if %helpinig to start J. V. I,* Touzorl. of (iodarlorb, has boom ap. -I--
Mr. franclo Gure, Lieutenant4awer- cilentally."
;L Oh. thanks for that news!" cried (k)vornor, so as toe unite tile corn' Then we have about ;tit equajity lit fit clover manuring without linnierlY the .iou,w,, cow,):e silo, Woos journey. Of point.d L&-tol Tm.ellotimi Agent for the Town-
-11 balanced 00111fithins. ship. of (looderich, me, Askollield sad
, We find that orolibuLry , C
nor of t , . M.
I'ppiw kanada, and guile hi -r F) rnon 1. round (of the tistfolve with the civil the total camb reA-t:lptw from eat farru vrt4w ex)ural flr&t ant] foremost uniortlif the 'Gib .
name to the Uouut) of Wentiturth, "Have 3t)o ant lAm?" arc hief authority at the taine, or for". and if it palit to iWII apples at get 93 or 91 per cenL oil their eximike- hou4so-furnlikill'ag gifts to -that fit I WL"ie's,10to" I a4ht-in r% store over the dintrictarealme 1,
Dellevil;y, It 1. quIred the girl, while alle chuc � whother they many have (Ilmttl)t)rovPd ,41 silver. womething fur � entm000sered La receive otemblocrimiluoins to Tooko i� 1 10A. -
slid to the town of -iled lh ot $2 per harrel last yoo.tr, it should Polly benutiful sol'
iseeret over tho success of her ruse. 0! some of Sir JtAirl'id proceedings this season when tile yleld in three up from tile atumoolophere, and lit %lie
taken front the Willfax Recurdli-ro: vitime of clover I).-, or W Per cent. UY her tub.'e. droloolummi-table. or dealt. It llhom,ei- �t
'I'll,o I.b,UteljUUt4io�ksrijur of N "(;ot film ? No. He is In Boston I and Opt nions. or posilibly thoughthe linked greater aven at about 70k,. per It can were top I used to hot 4hat efouly illu'limill: table @[I- I Alicommuaic&tlonsmuotbo&ddresood 14,
' Itrogen from the air D. 111101611JILICUDDY, Y*=
u 'a verily believe now," cried Dimond in wass stow too old for the pomiti,91 lie barrel. But if tile apple" are not IRA'] The ,,,,,.,,,, ,,n ver 'Was gIverf- but now W.!ver for, n 14 ! Tel S=.Lboskao
Struilm. during tho .)core I7V_'-Ibt)8 resoplonse. filled, IS was difficult too ascertain, at this lower fl$vire to the parkers. it; or 7 Per cent. Im tit purposes to taffults, variety mmAY bO I Tel.i)hola@OSHU,-' Otod
thi- mineral etc- aputom of tile itio'l. Rul! I, btalm-41 thmot wAl lifirolle very soolloorte-
wari Sir Julia Wentwurth. ife bud "I sill morry for you, sentlettis ",. Whatever may ha%p. brought, about what In too be done with theme ? It of this probably a third is sillen, 'Apurt I
I -
been ticivernor of Now Huwpjliire Loss- jejj,I time girl, tile,, 1;1 U giling ' Out- the thange, Lileut.-O 44terall--Stir will - never - pay to allow tilt title go.mi taWe to Mrst. Newly'Wel ----- .
fort-, anti at the tint of, ties Amer- rlgtbt,,, ,,bu,t 3on Ilave, halt lit great I'llonorge Provost, Hart.. was made fruit US go to waste. Something "lust froloin the Witter unit actual Z takpa A new Practice. follow,od fly one of OCTOIkER it, woo. .1 I
Ivan Resolution. 'rhere were Lumij, (test of tro 1. in. by tile plants, then. all this juatter :
ale for nothi LlsoutermantAkilvernor of Nova Scot be done with- it, and we believe that unis our larilfro, Whippla altogether. and slowly � -1,
ng I "'� ,I�:� t -
bteiii,,ii afloat abe,ut Sir Julia, tunnect- With I tpril 7th t be Organized tit the "I in Outlets t'4#t merely , lnirW gruland in ninny - I _. �. 1
nany CUrVe.10 u4s)j, ill,. little find arrived In Hallfax on th more of it that can be exporteli forto to afford food for plants, and TRAVULLING GUILDIL
I 0 1
ths' Tory an,l her progenators, the well- 1808, I 131�i at thim low figure, providing the earn. () A iij`g the silver forks anti
4 -ti inith film laterebting career Lai with the 7tI Sth 'anti, 2 there. to 6,511VII .
u1jo-r mloalsky, that found tli,ir wl* . nionning but Ultra liberty lx)yo an. r1oViumentit of f(wit, each upwards of file La good and no frauds nave been humun we fLud the taust, at-ceptable spiciona by wolightt. Truly then. one - ------- _ ", , , . � 1.
from Ilimmili to time, into tile treatel togetshowtioncerneiro lilt,) 1,000 strung. Sir John Wentwortli praetLewl In the packing. the better. form. To be balauctood. this hutaus must, . . , � il 11,
thinks 4ente fly getting their it ;11eyo OIL %XI) TRUNK RAILWAY. I I I
___ c - proportionm of aitro- tit. This new I," is sure tis , � 91�
loomix-ro, but there appeared Ili . contain correet Weer i
t1w entrenty which Mrs. it we can stood over to (;rest Britain P; t 1,
, pare air -an retired Intoo'llmorlyate lit It dheap. I ,Sls�, �r
pi -mod novi unifier re%le.w-18.14-1 Covhorau. who was a silent witnesol of Pointed man 'lie hail been gre4tly this fall a large supply of good mount] liten, potemall. phosphate and perhaps - ) )zx)v ARMTS _ �,
10 � . very popular. Th. rarer LAnd Inoroo %X044%
Welall" Of an lull-i'leent, Lee Wiliell Sir Can 'r be oven silica. JUL the dump " the fobod exclusive tb" pattern toof a heolde's
JlIhII I)IILYPd A 1141tilt'" IM I le,111111 the entire occurrenc.p, very willIng- surprised at bpinlr superesochood. IN' fruit property packed ,that of our cattle must he prupowly- 1:1113- Ifitted. � ............. ---.-- ...... 11.00 a 1". �
..... �.. .
if part, ly cotoplied with. "I'likey took their thn Sth of April, Ill lie ifled let sold at a low figure, 14, will serve silver tbK- inomoss highly Prized it.111. I It -it and rxioruty..... . . I ...... 1. 20 1, uk. 94".
thILL bll%�: not, limorlimp.q, Ime"icuo 80 leave, after flogging the mail ore- Halifax, ut his aparjullints on 1104- trot) Int,roduve Canadian firpit Ilia At anced to produce the best results Lit Usually on effort Is ISIM& to have, all )II I x,,t . ............................ 740 n � I.:� -
%,-r) imenergill , knumorn. vant vialLiTa,milly. amt never again like street. He was In lite 84th .%ear. wider circle 'of custouterm amil help to beef. Mutton. butter. milk orvirtioll. th,,, p1loce-i of one pattern tu Tnnt(.11. I Mail sad rzI � ore . ..................... Ili5o mol I I
. --
At the =1149 out of tile rvit ' - If.then the. farnber caft maintain tile 111,14 Is fluttoe easy When, as to often I _orl
"lloiL -Millited-Thealki6el Tow to search for 'On the (toy before him departure tilt- enlarge the Market for tile f-.vure. DIWAWK 11
. -,idebt for all and x1firsems. ..................... T. Is a.m. � .
Imnar . I war the fort Ili Port-nioutilloo-1111fillf"vern,r Wentworth, town was excited wit Wtvare rint without a pre( proper halantv by funnure that "lie I IS � ca,kc. tilt- ail ver tmtfit I -q presented , � a 1,
the Joyful 11 LX P.M. ,� - W,
11 M I'll soad Xxomom----, -_ 11W
harbor was lie cuouniand of vaptain Inanufsketurou on Ilia own farm" there I y varlolut uipmblr'4 of tho family. Dill- i V I
Mrs. Cochran was rewarded by tile corptim-glialm eittendout ,in tile eleva- the t1tvelopumput of a trade In thle is no nocemmilljoy or gtAng outside for I oil .................... : .......... Z.... A.0 P.M. M d"79 ,
(oo,hran, (if New Ilarupshiro. Ife was pritish Go%ernmwnt for firing after thin 4>1 tho Prince W Wales to tile way. The very large dealand at the forent pnitterwo; are fjowhioluablp-differ- - '� - I '_ -1
& nol(l and delisible IoVra.i*t Who ad thein. but It not. he mount purchase Pat se-amselons. I ' II. -M I
, _ the vessel as above- me. tit tone,l, and skoverptIrmity, of the great Empir" in 1) twit tflaket for Canadian ehmenot Is eledow Some It me black the Flor-
hered to blit hovPre-igi;'frO1U the (lit' tier Iltimithatill Wood the lo.ial army bin own riglkt, mingled with I& re- W so small extent dot? to, the fact, thc bnlancihg material here, al, enthir- wall Iriven ah the brides. then VIENT11111TIRT. . - , " �
lattow Of Col,firlence anti with it firm it; remain with it dazing tAto wur. speet line it toonsiTch-George III.- that in the earlier history of thin he doets the mIll feed and the (Al cake I . .�� - 4 , ;
mh - Rem.1via. CiAotilal, Joiselphine., Itims I � Irl I
- a nil" the cotton beet]. Lot on &toe I We head, etc.. otat-It had theifir turn. This i M mic-RoMON. 11,T).B� _�� r �
CORVIC11011 that he Was right lit that lie died In Now Bruormawlek at the age who I nil for nearly sixty years Pro- Inothistry there were symmisiond W plenty ____ --lM3MAL 91' - ��g -
- � 0
conirow, When (;o%ernor Wentworth. of fifty-five. Y I take the average VoIllpoLkollition 4if te and .
ore p4cesi Sir Joha Weretworth-he wait Made actopOtiong parksoutimoNed Over the mm�oov- wit their output at such low figures the grain crorypid, anti the (lung al the handiaLkne garland adorned Ionic cal - GON rillilig, crown blood Bridge wark so '.�.
like loot of %he rojul rule aided with amoral - dignit &[ill (olon- wife" Our factories wer� compelled to Wit ratio ill,? flourKlan. jilt elabora Raompuppamilte th posingloo. "
mt-r Ihe abo%e-ri..,,I I',,,%inee, wale a baronet In 1795 -vol afterwarlid Photostat unit Interest of ,,or imattement. am to enable old country dealers to general rulL Of form animals. umn pattern. is thi prow tiling. 'k-41
trial ft)r vii(litai(iring too pro- i,iout.4-ovelrnor of Nova Fcotin. Af- T,) an eminent koyalk"t like Went- dipplimeme of It at rates away below Wp f nd nearly 90 per cent. of the Brie a-brate. of which euch it multi. Sn't'.1-1 itzparionce, �Ilv
-ur., carpenters U) eract Beritimb wir - ter 1146 flight, orlexpatriat4on from worth, whoul, thrmigh chpollupred Ito real value. This had the off"'t of phosphoric imeld, and 77) Per cent of t,ulle of fillsoortsi I* isevementry tile) adoru M. MADEE, - D.D.S.. L.R11I.-PRNTAL Ma
ritelom lit Soll,tim, in obedlence Ito %hit Ili-- United Istatem lilt wrote the an- goormomed 9f nit UdvprwIty. IntroduetAK Canadian rhp~ into tile tile ultirogi,% taken by the crop. are a new brpmp. anti cutiflakim articles arms.1 La 4irimst,n I.stolost &sit[ approved ineth(As �
cittionras of (lensteral (;,We, bee fl. -Ill a ft, _pre,"writy ill roakorlsott Iti-theol.r4mentut grala. White vwv3 oth-r very weilro,mup for all dental uperlitious. Prommorvw too of the = -z�-.
w -A refege lit tile fort. Him oiah-t� I nexpoi lett�r to Captain C(jchrdn. had been the trusted and hostori,I 111011110111 Of T1043911mis who had nevr,r tried Irkenr If 90 per cent. of the potakill, re- bridal wiftw, hatiturool teeth a speciAlly. Office- Cor. Wonot
lik� In getting to) B.Imt-11, ,,nil (,(A.li- Hankrusoryttrith, May 4, 1783, 'neservant of the Crown, from aim early its good, qualities., But being cheap Maine lit the straw anti routes. Thai In Slamome normal rare ani tlellrAte P W . tmmt� and Flimustre futo otell.r.l. XhLriance an Ww6 =
----.----I---- - --
ran urt,lertook UP g. -t blin to tbo,t. _. -moll lieni :4r._ I re I lie - tv � ad yu � ur kinst - � period Of this toag*relipt, it he were they gnr,, It a trial atint have. been in produetJon 6i large- If.r inalloo. or Dauna of Naner. are I'llim - Telephoto, No. 30.
sto ef More Or Ism regular uumtootirmerm ever loss then In gra esoirmlearabily tk�atjt,rul. and are entirely ,
pincox. They left the, fort Ili charile- ,J Ietwr by Captain Dilation. and ren- then o"I'drita's Of what was Pn Ill ly in phosphoric &ell] and nitrogen. ,:Pit
tiol be woul.1 since. plicluill an thoese Makers seldom durill- -
Mrx rochran, tier bmtr 0,ildren, ;,not ,1,,r you UIaIIY thanks; be �UMI ar"oll"d 'I'M, the teffee I may be Nearly 96 per cent. olf both the -,a toe I
ally took*- Ink the dropping of tile curtain ,
there So on abiltudant apple crop th4r work, lout of course tbey M. TURNBULL, D.D.S., L.D.R.-DICI
a loan servant- This was rather It - Lii.lk'lLrt'e obj",t so near to of ill-linet advantagoo� In enlarging the 111troem and the potash fiA to the &Ire th'IffOrP. Very C0sFtIY. .or is ,Al Surg000. jL&t.-ly associated wl I
ool,-nder and unpromising toe as your wellure, which I h.uld on royalty ; on' the ,unlooked fur loop - rent.) Gild ¬ p.enstal
garrilloo rket In Great Britnin for Canadian st,ock returefor in the (lung and ur In terms expenah-st places. pretty littlet. Dr, Dixon,oll to
-TA th.. welluel will 1.1low tilat it ,,,,"Ut rp),I(.e toproulutoe. AA to MY :dvace sill Prince Edward -the, father of raft But Ina, but, taking It all throtigh,very i RriIf1,It,,c1hkkk,lu tedongeold Ivor rJun.inums q
fillite sufficient ;to lit Ujim; diallsolibee, fredgme-Shoo *A ,me- Queen Vick hS_*,tL ldbg -We Intimate fruit It it Is. property mannic" things from Japatmk� cloolnumento and eat- ba,-. .�ri*imlsllleatll� I I th retailer, . -0.140 I
protect the, inter- -vems to elecoapityl, anything definite in lit,%liet over, 10 per esint. of the ploms, mnaln, tr H I con "ll, In zd;:.e r., ;;a.-, -
w . om coltaked, bM and Vvithgoti vs. I 6. ..41.9 h. 26 2W
eoifm over orellivil it was vilitwteel too thpit. It can ottly ife voinoseellourtoll. lisp � friend. Rod fit the atilli-ts has vener , his line only honest find vall-Iful phoric neld, al It in kept IIY, tit" Potts, ;y. oelft. let,.; from Italy. Bout. LA&"** Ilew blAt'lli- 11
keel) strict &it,] mer%i,-4-aIjle watch. All ,-%#-,-. am you ask is.'I can oaly may. 'ationd master from 1111111 liubluuAry no(- methods of packing should Up followed. animal. or 'Plummeted off 'in inilk pro- t,i,,4 If. find enifirtmAim from Riumis, an --------- --- R.,
TF*Iwl* PeAssindf In unit ont ell the linr- thal, you whit find It expedient to re. firring, must have bow exc"'pol'"gly The Fruit should be selected. graded. fluctliken. well Re tb- familiar Austrtan and I iffirti-it - WIL Tilt 1:,41)91L -30-42D 1,'_�-&
bor were compelled, by law, to show Hhove tex and se"le La. Nova Hoo-otin. affecting. Sir John proved tile, sill. N� denthooto of Ood.-rich. Agree tln�,Iooe no
MIX hrantled and put up in the beat pos- lit addition, we can Make more French porece4atrims, a.n- all ciblimmilitable k
their pasom tit tile f,,rt. Cochran I he Commander-bri-Ch;et will milepost cer. (writY (it his PnOftwUmm (A str( dible Wit for export. If this In Manure by fixing nitrogen front the ;n nnw,ual effects. no Your offering I r�pertfve ofiIcora at I Weloe Oil W riesdAye
d n,i nic I he entintho of J ally, August and Sep- Is
had been gone atwmt tbr.-P djj�o, telittily rause your pay to be toward attachment to Nova Scotia by vol- ton or her. I
� done and I to fruit placed upon the atmosphere through growing 01 needn't, lip like evpkiyone's chip.
when a Man-of-war, hmind ,)Ili, came there; fair di,) I coopelive Were in any untarily spondlaic lilts last dityie herso. 1, M. NIC111011%ON1,
probability of Ito being reduced, es- Him bartommorLey devolved upon Idd mosio trithoh market at a price lit which clover. If emir solls are not tilready ,-v,,n.at comparatively little expense. I " 1 4:_
down the river. Mr.4, Uot-bran Inimedl- 11 more people can afford it) bay, It will suffering fill clover #14-kneen or Nigned, J M. TURNBULL � 11.
RIPIY SIIMIUI)ne,ll the man orrvant to pecLally an Captain' Fenteou'd in sup. Sir .(*hhrkh Man- Wentworth , w lie) serve to Introgluop our appleso tA) a phosphatie Poverty, so we enn prut- A T"1111IN O0.1111MUNITY. tL M. MABZL 121M
hAll the ofilp, and lie oboy-I tier,. but promised here. among other reasons. as realiW In England, and 4m whims larger circle of customers anti hhve ty %vell nw-*.bt the aWrogen lo,ekUltme, - - - � - - - - .- � .Wlmm
I Ite � - - - - -
ao aftention was given V) him cart, it In aill likeestame you wAww-V&W In .430&tb,L-Xrltbo" - - the title beff" a wl oleass no effer - 4a, elsetritiretooloatill- to neentook OF the gralft. --- ---- - I .- lPhe Mete - for Fa*--Velko to ft LZOAU -11-1 I
and itip ship was .1metly mitillog telling America and resident there. Ame to ' came extinct. � moms extent Lim reputation we have But how can won NNW$ Wig *A- __: - _ - I -
arithout ber commander InforLulugAlm, your couillig fkmkmmok,�Iksy�� 641&pr 1UY.04- - L- --'--- lost ror houefit3 and fair dealing In stun#, phelempillatic dFaTfiT--jTty*-e-&n � - r _Xammisooke . . � F CAMPIOV. Q.V.-HARFUgg: - �_
goorri-on whether they hud it pringo for imt. that can get clams shrol potatum WillimetrommIlme Lialummemostim Cum Distemper. our fruit tioade, Here Is an opportun- Won balsonge the humus food for oar Neodesham, Kan.. prontimilmov@ to beLume r%SOU ,,
" to - _ I the Mecca of (at folks. Tile In .0 altar. Notary. &a. Office Odiew
-1 _. - In Ana-rictil. they certain or would re� liabl- LA 1. Aqumim (loderiah. .
. __ ___ r our fruit ra an I dealer,, e ? . ..al .
11pre, air." cried Men, 0ft-hran to gret inak!nx bad -worse. It would leme . W or ,I,, UrT.W..", "`:; .7 Zot- _ W. �Y_ �Idal ISAW-w-e-r-w-by-o", tantio .01 tha. town, 1.500 in
I A Ronsimarks ,of the'llo"Ingur. to 0 wy are _nil n`_`9r -
th, loan. 41nicharimit o -me of the cannon needless for map to enter Late) reasons. to greatly e%tead the export market ellashig suitable phosponate, and are remarkably thin, Most of them 0. JOANSTON-111,00ltltls`1791m� SOLI_
still firing that veaskill to." The fact La no. and you would (it) well The las tllw the plague, visited weighing not over U10 - pounds. A M. al. colvelah.'i""L &,- Money to
t for Canadian frults, either applying it to ti growing - Inall Ca.;: Car. Ilson,kit ani St. Andrew
T111- ninn, terrifl,41 lwv,kn,l orkintrol. to ^%(Ad It. It 16 the iutvl(-e all o4ir r-lametillow* with excemilve vLrulent-PARY9 But even If there were nothing to tet clover, or kidding It irolelthe hutnuv correspondent of the New Vcsfok Coin.
mohli,vor"I fin4i trern4loetV, anti (Imil fri-i Is will tie ,kise W litollow; hant th� 11,01144141 U1111,111yr- Ci4r&Mklg. well smilleelmill effort - mercloill who has juxt. vitellial the @Lro" Outlook all. O'.t. 6ad W
-'a be gatned ty- maki riff a In thill, gulf, there to (50mombine with - Pi- I. ____
qr1o,il , Ma'arn. I jenote host one I ye. us it In, they that are foo4a PukkuKh Auguoit, 1615. A inententoo of a * p, fuelled re rta lite obserynUouts an foll,ywd: pROUDFOOT 1k; TIATS HAR41STERS W1
.111 pay to pick, handle anti pack this balance. makittime tourt. kc. White I 9N. next
and crtnju,t stop Ill- tA,uvIj�h,,Ie. try will finit It harder here. I thellic romance connected with Ir millong the lines we imsyl Imilivented. It it anti give the plainly r ..,r,,] .b. people in Neudeahn. were 00111clitirs.notarles Publ!Ct? LoCtc)IT moths
.. to t I. - _ , ,�� I I
plrooiol I t*u you." holm, this will find yo -a and y,-ur vloWition fit S.-otland to a railed C-11 stripped and atop.1 oil In Ilike anti dream �,
.. ypar'm. crop an carefully an litwible. I hoent r monliesolike may t1int by apply- food only In Indian attire. they would door SIGNAL OMm Private Funds to land " ,]ol
lowest mien of tnt�emt- - I ,I I
I ClIn't-I efth't !wl-oorood. cried t1k, family In gileml health. We are all well. elicksurp (at the hollek of the Almond There are not wanting signs to show Ing the nianure fresh, or ploughing MA Ike n picture equal to thp repression. W. PKOUDFOOT. R. 0. H Kys, ,".
knave. nittloat bee,de if nompir with frar. Civirles has grown :1 stimit, Noy'. We lit th� pariah of Methvm Perthshire. that the situation may Improve Nome- down fresh green clover tAi rot tit toel0line ill starving people lit Indla.
.. (live tll-- th- Mateld then." ex tire oi)lLgp.i r,)r ycAjr kind unquiriew It Marks lh- spot where lie Interred what later on. Large shippers are the ao4l, the insoluble pho"Phat*4j of ARROW a; OARROW BARRISTICAM.
flaitued tb.! fentahl Tor,v...*14��-.Wili about hiju. my dessul,aLles, is 4uite I. tm.� hapi Liked " Illitimillo. Ben-, and - -ey _ - , physIL-lanks, any -LbLL& Aber .great 'KmileA to
-Marl smoking, wrompta-vossolummoty at- Unit Pres- the Refill- will be rokodotted U) inilutol- untoley the town (; - ieft. 461oderitilk. J� -I4
!�11 r,ref-eir"GlIka -1 Make. and will likely do mo Until 1 Charle*Oarrow,LLEL
6, it Inyself." uncertain. I.Ike sill ,,lot flappeoll hilt liray," ll fit Scott D Kh . . of (Al and natural Kam T. GhArr',o:7TC`, " idiom
1% lilt thin exclanwitt st sho mplapel tile tbrown off t4le tIq) ,)f a boame,. I ain tA-rm "moctively (A if - - pproximate estimate of the crop ity by thei iveltime tA the Manure. This are lin florets antA-fat ropnoody." It 14 -- -- , 'ev"
firptorand, sad eilsockkeogod tho pil tonifillng wer :lull over Ilk tilt- itir, tin,] %aill unit the laird (A Lor'nh, the sm" a is ugalust experience, anti anyway
. can be forniteel. Rome, who are report- led, In fact, loo start a groat HOLT. Q. C..-OBA
ThLle nA-t reduetil the coo.ainumilpir to lio-I tinly knows where I shall finally tuaidevis were very touch atftficteordto in Illogical when our airn he to ob- propoo PRIIIII.P.-hair, Notary Public toe ROZIM "
th- ne-etattv of beik,big to, alut,ow, alight ' nil to bp good authorities, claim that tithe babinceell butane to apply ao(kur a ntl-fat skinitarium at Neodesha. At oldeCourtboo-O Square. 1kone'r to i-sm as I
unit settle tl�) rpmt. It w(mild (oach otlier, unit when they hol Of- thin amoseell crop In Caninda. ham bilson this �ptkktete. it nitimeatria, all the men low Miles Of Interest-
1,11tting too 'an littep-ti,ma whih wit^ lfl,v lilt, great p1paskire, I tha ra%itW-" ill the .Anguel t I.-- plitntIm' food. -
I it so bill). . iey�\ greatly over-eatimunted. Then the big wear %tearelim. Impentimme. they are tot) -- A; HOLMICS - RARRIs- il',
rilo,lotbite to a imilloreirledr- of the pew as tA) arforol orift tiny WOftFW. too tired lit u'l-ttwer near time Alutiond,kiltitid If we return such nil nbundallee Inman to be shaved. The -typical PIppim. ICKINSON
wind-inforin has levemprood Lorg Solleltnre. lolictiorkes Publi to. ;�]
flv t It with li"t-long. Itink, hiroutor mail voluhle- a' a ;��*V.o;
-f,-f such ft arsta.-thiLt lilt Vil right. sill LAI tile (.0jort,rt got tiLkqn I patimern dwelt fit pi-rfect met-lumilin. The tuir toe of nitrogm we Must baianee D
I tit the pup ly of good winter fruit. #oVe7 to loan. OfIfice, NoVei,t. street.
Th,- Repemiltheranit, hmring ell this unit regard. If(- assured, toy dear-pir, Irritant- hu -,%es. had � 18--�es= that In Alik euterl 11111ime mifteralff. We do so pretty well Lie llliimtrftt4t,l lit ' V611"I PittzPN. "I Went sit. " DICKI"ISON. DUDL" NOLMZL - oo,okovido
folo,nt. determine I t- tfwt Mrs. dirh lit that dooeeriptima y,,o would have --,Tr--i��t-r-m-C-a�vor-e,T-5.-,�- a young States sad Canada the somoverp gates mmma five Full -pawh to looncernedi, al, to a ,floor In the Prening." tile. vorml __
rool h-nolnern still furth or. They were my Purly attention. Pray. present gentleman of their ne4junintane6,who hnvp robbillied (lip orchardlom of from 10 though It In much nioric abundmit mpondent nd.lm, "#Lilt] In an audience CHAR. SEAGER - BARRISTZR, SQK, =
ti,vilm,rate enrinew of Wentworth unit Mrs W'P. rind tivy vompliure-ntA too misapplied th � twain with proviliblonso. He and mmore easily set free from tile j,f 200 I"Iff I doill't think care teltor. notary And conveloaseer. um San,**
fruit. 20 'W'�w�
your to 15 per cent. of their Stuarked moll 'than In the phosphate. Then we p an Ilarnilton street op"Ite the Cordbome
I*'ing Wild th3t Ile Ike'] llbwo"Ii(41 ILI) family. Old %Ira, W. aim) whilitme to caught the jklllagw� .him,self, unluckily, All I him 'mueot have $OMO% effect on the weighed over IOR Pounds. The clerkillottil. Goderich. Private funds to lend oil IK'No
110"Ition, dL11bPIIPVOd tIP letAX.-Y. AC ))in ism. Benitinim, brut been tienrly four most c()Rwulli"R"l lafeCti011 U) 110,140 market for good, round fruit later on. have a preponderance of nitrogen at the, Neodmhu float Office in 5 feet mortgaget, at 4 per ceaL Intoorailifil, Farubwlf -1-
I itiol"
ethrillorl ' 7 A poirty wal ftwin-oil to f to at yearn a VILPILAin, and not beinic little anti Mary, to which the girls fell lie it In expected that tile wintemor ernie and pinitash so an to xroot heavy 7 Inchvis In height. but weighoor only not" cashed. - � ...
th,- fluesticia an Ilon whoottlapr lie mot- t,, establish lite rank, no hp expe(q. Vim. According to the Stern cuotooni thile season will be about two welinka straw or wood. but we are actually 97 pounds. Rtrangely enough the Only_ ------- N"
linanked romicestled fit th., fort Or not. Plot. fins will not, and In flow in the of the tinke. their boodlies were not al Infelo . short (of phoophooric acid, and the jobbInK hint-liontilth lfr,the town is Moll 0. WARD. CC)14VZTANC]Lt Lital A)CO k;'��jk,,'A
Tit, traidetor of this hond way n trill country. go that we are nil oppklng lowed Interment In Methven kholkyard. A fnefor that to working agninmt 9111:111 ntuount we ena net free froru the thinneat Rod lightest man In is comm6nieserfortaklnc tin robeiviself 1"..
Ina". alliukat gi,mint-Illif) Ili bin jkronp�)r- something to do. me they were buried together In !LWOt higher prices for. wiAter fruit Just tile FINAL PlIfy"Phate 18 ten) illfillItO1IL- WpIght-89 pounds; the wlfp of th" tw,OgmlmftnO" Of bait. &Mda,i,. m amr,=4k,
tit)"&, named John Diamond. a aleray,L v"Uguoug to the bo uom depositions or "I*Mu domalsorsolde"s in of 0110
trlj,- Adieu. may dear frieti-11, and wer now in lisp, very dipastrotnus acrountion moat loop pro,ilJo a tinlanoe. orgoil #it the I'llitarbin Chureh to coucternineany action. suit or roe, Lag ln 1ba
"relmol." who,s, Pt'(410 PIRIIAX)k Of no jNIIP%#, Ink. to Ile. WWI great regard. , of sale" that afre streolvins from m144- Revoilt-We never reach either tile 28 yearn old. ham threp healthy chil- the Hists Court at Juidles, Lhe ('meet of Appol 1WRA.
,:, --eat* of emly Femill 1 nits. W.- hear tintaximunit "Pim--sely the, highest, toed- dren, antl-svolpho 81 finands 04waurit- 9kw Osemal or In any County or r"Twelema .VWA"
ultra 4`09111PIP)l It. . 7% ty attended tile yonr Inithful unit- oWle. t me.-imob. . BEAT j#w
potato r I All VIL11114ordano sarefielly and prow"
fort late, one night, before the cal J. Wentworth. , I I Mip e�jeahn_tjr than paid Ing quality in !r produos. miner. althotich she, always 'fats on' "11117161 -, . leald , �, CV -1
__ ___ - ff I V 7 j - _Tfif ----- sm" load P. 0. address Dear ,
mam RA!n
hall returned lull] were -met toy boom Frit.ni the letter nume Idea of %be Are siever-toodling One Of Moslem. At thin an othen follow ,Wbm a prILCSICAI SO ettio, aremp, In the W sort hav�tooncet. in itiminnon, OnL 2bkw ""
Wife. who protrAted against thely ir"idition (it th� refugrel In Friogland mamma of tile year neuralgia. toothache and a netting from C.5c to 95C per barrel. Ilse the temah and initraltoeq to onin- February tell tipped th ale@ At
- irnth-ried Bu host (if sbuilarditteases love ratimmint. The great " __ A
right ft) afintimAm. may be t Mr. Wentworth quiloodion then, im to and the quickept, mit"T O" or two loots of very faney branda inericial Came ? When we have mwtir- 99 A-4." . - - 4
"I Wi you", ihol stated. In it dethle. III0,11,1111111 A141D twevia"Cifil ==
1 wa.4 mit u,%koorteel foo any length of ^nit niorkoi er-commeritral ret city. pi,mr,na,. %*ervi- of fall fruit have netted 1111.27'. to (NJ it "maximum" quantity and (jual- - � __ ��", I
111me, "that Govierimiguot Wentommooth Is Limp � form 1781 h - w I t - t to line ejol,fly Mile the ri-quirelaw"tio. It tilo $1.50 per barrel, but thmosw ft" Mee px- ity (of er(op by prind"c4nX a rich bnl- . Now's This? . -AMOM __ _
by Itomit lotw4meldily housed In BOB ft�;Xm of our- preirillot, t-Mi�le,tit rind 1171 wuatanil-al. for it 0 ]k0liraT TO LEbD--A LA26M IQ=
.. tei`�,- Hill tit fill hL. ,4d excel im,wer to,vry ki.iom rentcolly. and Is. reptions, and thp other canea mell- ancoot humus, we can then. lik the Weelfferlidpo, Iftmelred Dollars' Reward for at ftrato runds for ln*"Most at look,
� we ¬, wieve It" cried Dinm0lill , veyorvirtioral of th,I, wouilte. A .year aA,hemproottitiferiortivilclo,,00. Alooren mile Lionel are. nearer the mark. The. hot inarket, gardener, obtain all "excens" met rates and Gilt line on fret,ItiLiksio 71r� M
"he in onfated[� beire. and ,hore w or two later hi rot I. bouls WWIFiVUL'%*ZTPerAOUAch&tK&A Lta"LAC'S'lit. w a Garrote. ..'�Vw
,e^w of"I"Atarrh them, cannot lie cured by Apo, to Saffirolle I ,
e urned to EuglanA Nventher at the timly of modilpment and yield by adding a protilimirly balanced Tal 'o Cle tokerrh I 'ure.
final find him. We will enter, for we ,mily. however, to secure a thitiell, toorp Large W ties, unlY 24yaln s, carpleent metheidill of packing are re- "complete fertilizer" in a highly I F. J CHE.NRY a CO., Propot. T,)I-.-,-,-- I -!!."Illllllllll�
- m"
-- - I ,
know timmat you am unprotected an,] Illcrnt,hp Inwition, innswitf-h ON. In � . - -, . skiponm1ble for I% large sharp of thin fail- soluble and very pure form, Or we We, the undersigned, have known F. J. 7 - 14=
cart" J I M. .. May, 1792. he came back with tile Where, anng6wiiii-vi�i. f fall fruitie. Re- ean buy p1mogolinto of potanh phoo- Cheney forithe ]^.LIS floors &nil beliew- him ]Re ItAIK:ILICFZ-GWNI--.nAl, INRITR. -.-
- to I 0=11111 Ill t Were ro disporrid," said r(snalklesion 49 Liput�nftsit.fhjverltur of turtox.of thin character -for falf-frult plantoto of nreirnevnin, and fli;;4te of perfectly honoral In R I buRnelso t rmn�ftetlemnr,, RIWIL ltrall6taLs and All-,ney [As Us I,
1.1111141 lw,gotc female Tory, *'I>ut n he ThD sunflower crop to -one of the have likeel so common of lat &ad floremkilmolitillynbletticamoryout Rnrobiliffed,1011, 1"11 11 .....
Wig LMOul to rep,4wen moil ,
a Ni>,a R.A)t,lft in hint 1)(K-kot. Very tittle p ypoerm potnath. nud apply In vorreet propor- trade by I lipir Ann. 0 10 I at, he hisreski
wlvm wr* IN not here. Yet' hill beet pn)iiW lie Russia. A good ,-rot) Is that It to worth while to mvinlider In WF.mT&TRt,Ax.Whole*alet)rugffiotx,ToloAo,O, to of lhtt� Sm
" nve t.jnj,� elgimemij before th- frimily were I wortlik, its it oetandis In tho field, Ii_,7j w tiewil V. Wallam-, Farming . y In otillt the �
fall moV to search tile fort nd relk,vpd fileas thil djet,rombig alto&- hpthpr It wonld not be boAtex to dU W*rK.-- - - -, -_ _WALDIXG. KINRAM A I"AYJl't-,WbDltMlC L from kloquatto -
- yK.161d. an ncre. Thot ww�dii are itel ky tile ennfinn- Fill Filhipmonta of party npli!ed Dramorholso.-To-ItAo. 0. SUD& tit t
W iwimroodpriclopis." ties, ()f -knowlitillIf itionlething W il,�- Ili farny,r for sonsp $1 to $1.50 a Pound. I'm
Saying which alto caused the gaten 1795 Mr. Wentworth wan Made a Trillion the nosorchantsm malt them and and confine our erfortiel wholly to win- Worth Mnowing. Hali'm Catarrh Curs to fAliken'letternally, act.
fell itleg directly upon the blomrod and murnia, our, ----. - ____
1, din ley"Itoof
te� Ile thrown open, and the hand tit linconeg, and on Sanday. May 31st. h- retail thicall for $3 a pound aud_111,�L ter vftrl�tiex. It In oertnin throlt . MIUL-AIAIII& - I rie1au" frourn .1 . 't foricim !IV r bottle. "A -, ACCT10191:11MING. "
"rrhithe.- nilmotmemoolng only seven. were held &-Wfe-e-laj IflovOrnifillins nou .* very ortroet cro,voing lit ItUessian frult nrrtvlTqr in 17nd rnytrittlnn hTmor-titly doorsteps, and stone or tile floors, t- ruggiefte. entinion am ree. bV_A80J'Aj1_t_T, AVCM't]M* A" --�-
fort IMN Date of KoInt-then,11rinea Ed. ' - " ov It T-'Inimran" Agent, (Itioderiori. V"t AA*M
dolItteld. Th. h... 1. the Pro* inhirlo-ot Pripet upon the mate If Came- Halmos Family Puts in* the bol -_ -_ -
al If a &7te made of Fuller'w earth, and I
.. 0muffileiri by Mrs. (14whran and %inicial clUel; are stands anti ped- Ilan winter apples later on -0 jorkadook *rA ttamm,a.ldre Fire Iroa.'Cw. ih& ,fare I �__
f ou- - to Ing World. . .r IfIlUXUlfialltilittilk. Sidem.tteaded L. In -qmw
her Ainily-har hatil wills the. c Witiptiff-iftoidismided will, all the ogfiom ,a liplooki, with largo- basketim. Polling ru Farw ?*a In ispiplieff. Let this rp ina 16 (in 11.1111oltine Out Winervilbramem Dill,
' of th,to Rwrianon. Aftor paying their ' Product of 11017
min 4 IAkrd Admiral Cochran, (of the couttAllinente; tot) Sir Julio, lit* uopi , the. poso,rouby the sulted Manare Reed Illow to IfTelfil It. for about twenty-four lismitim, Wen "Mrie. Ile Jolneor, don yoonr hunhand any leart of the county.
ItrilLooh ---A #_ #i- ---I. ... - - - - _____ I— ths, 149 ounrl"wer, Whit"' 1% e&%W- - .. . � . __ 1wash off. If the Atains have not (lie- f_1 1,_I,, hi. fall- olk-lowal, fik. n. -it- .1lr___ ____ --..--... -..-1_.___
- snp moll as conep inrerteli tapir
"tpPs- Thpy examined every pnrtof
grottialateml Irador WentiortwtIl lel Rl@r
, Irnvol ro,nn." I,% 1793 Benjftmin
31111for's Worin Powders the trorl
nitAnlem n the slow tit ct,mmoeel Ina-
_fn sewing' batiome'rin clothes for
_' "I think Pop. T'he prow man han'talk-
this tenement ; frol the garret ti�
Grmn, th- Trenal oT th- pre)%loc".
clift, for childrien.
t4-milalm it runnuitnic. Th� fact, gpnpr-
ally evident or ndmittIed, th,tt they
children it will be folitild a very gorket 441 ttw children to threop circiw"
pl� to place, it large needle between
t I 144 gnmind ll sparlog neither the
(lboel. fillonill,( %VP1LtW4Wt,h, Whe), doubt-
111radinat's Chalets.
hat c had no experience. in tlu� man t1teor,
I I ndy thin week." - Indianapolis
the button anti rnalell When tile ' roe
e"InIft"'a mileoppinx apartments lite
tile nur"pry from their work (of inir-
less, h %it st,riliting even turned too the
hRv!ng nothing to 410
-- Well dad " lood the prodigal mn,
we"ITIN to he quite Ignored by thi-m.
atitchson Are made the ripporile is witti- , lournal. -_ -
vellIntleto anti scrutIny. They were
"Im Iftat flour In tli6
new kountry,
In F the Men-
_AA;c)kl, al norimbin" Ill
fit nzy., to 1, you l7otter go
M. 11��_"_d - it IAII-t�--
Occasionally ationmr, M. e whr) halt been
111411geoluff .A thill *'I,i& 4W WIM"
,Irnwn. And the cotton wound round. P
..Tl".-WeventA,.Lba-buV,an--b&Lu&.I" __ 1104,
an PxAM"I'Milix
lifferetit ow,oks and ceornerieto break-
temkiiii-46iWiniii ,)I- M.
To le,sip the Place wnrm for b;ni until
" Tel. I kumpan I w6old," returned 1, h,
" Oln,
slowly. a rAlf to enough
latimlitgn out vignorou,ely against a inke
"Pituff"' which fallrod t4i achl"ve for
clousel) Apwn that little. fingers eRn-46, '?,
not mno;nage to faction it. pIr��
111141 giverttiriling, In their Weir
'If hImPectlendi, nearly all the furril-
lit could lip rommunivittom I W fth and
brormight (,lit too Hill ft mon. of t b,,
Alled gaide",
to keep at a thumil."-Harpar's Bazar.
them or. arknobip re-Riltin. Another,
T"he Ivilither coveringil of chair@ and This signaturo it on every box of tho Imenoulne
t""". hoth linotial kind ornainpiAnI.
late Treasurer unit anothir gentle-
111111mard'o Linlatim Ill Cards Diphtheria.
rbono.". worldly elixteptolpowp built tolught
hint cantion, �nllrknpdy soviyot -it im min)
writing tnthlen nwily he renovated by Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tailless
being well bronothed anti doetteod, then
"Ith which thony came In oontitort,
Man were j,PP)Int,Pd td, net as joint
. I
Pit Positive.-
Ow loilimedy OM SOMM Am ftbd is mm dIW
rUllill"I ligholly over with a ardt brough
the Y I-ervisead thpir (tuictionte in
Tropaskurer. it Muttered z(A- toe) 0ov
Wentwtyrt h, tl At the In W Trenm
____ _4 Topert"rekswo Ifte4yo, ---�
- Tin- latest I *4vp FwMf%#41 La ll
dipped in wh4tso, rlf pigill IWAUM Ul-ke . - AVVTVprtat �
ninnnpr, and withemit
any regard (or the decenclet it not
tircir Itaii ' lefl, a vvhlkywr And thirtoren.
Many years ngrit. wh,on Huller rind
fail 111,inulton. tit, Stmith Africibli ento
twir friend, Mr. An,lerst.n. who
Ili giving your readers th, benefit I,(
froth. The 1prkthopr shonalril then be The Iolooltor finsidly f4mint t". driun-
allowed to dry, and lt will amn api-Intim, elltor'm Paw,tunt. I I &q
Pr"PrIPtiris of Porint Illp. Throawh
tile hootmose they went, damhIng over
In very poor elmorninotitanefoo, Th"lo beat
ha could (it) (ce her eavatilft son Was
lonlicoprot, were birth lleilletworkittle. ill -y
were, I ill- Kolorottish highimilklitio "hontA
him thoolght mid exlw�rlevire In handlin
hk land anti manuria, irelks It srn%
a arnall
am w
poll (lotritso freselh, aln. nrbi extrerokuply x6fly rt�)M.
BeIlroot"a will keq, tn"rh flenitfilpr "I'limovIt, "It's
littindnrif pleerom tvf (tirnitiire, n nil
"I'setting PsetrythIng that i-nnip In
U) immill him 'on WfLrmt"g Park." f1pW
n'ng, hile brother in law. wit" lit vol
hig. One tiny Itoller fell Intip n in.0dy
iio jej
at th- "contim-reini" rorti-lit. Tie sonyte
Alliterpho%l4intorem and nrtifi,lil
!", exella"nuot.1 ill 10-1140,
if the impore vinler tit- hoe4m in vil v
11wofferaii,13 Impt In h4-rf-. It's likoi tilt
their way, hilt 01 roomirmse withtmt
of n )oh, nn,I here wake n ato0clinni -P
Ivolp ill) to iterk. On ng p -ill -I
("it monifoolmi-ly Irave h'Ta a big litink ,if
lircom am o Itetivil W th� experiment
over two tor threp tinist-le Ft week witho men."
A moft cloth wriming out ,,f vleoin hot '
-or c,m,r#w,,,, the -firiinvi,tv f4i tor
illAft,lerinK tile prvm,rlt)pd offivial of
mail they werop In tinfixt.
for Im in. fit 1795 .lot,,, lititlor ftntb�r.
hn% lilt( rroine,v-�l frout this "'villre V,
rold 8444h whlookorty. Rull-r tom,l if
Ill meniackod his lips
of at, I ut, tie - farnrr wh ) hip to gnik-
n living front th� moll will flo4l thqt
Ire -
writer. Awl the. vpntlinti(in (if thp -�);j 14-1.1 I ... rites tie %%w-mook, I oft, #ill rt.nR,-
rolirrve will be better If .
"I'll two rl1rmwod if the infprnAITory
rpood- It, England, th- I.Irntorvint
tiff r(All nwl
Ion Id: " M% P Inn aneyth��r and Ill J11111p
I Ill 14".n.potioll and ticket mrinurpa nr(-
misrho ths, g
gritted Are left open InotteAl ..f he- _ - _ - - --
in 'Not I'AmApeekled sionesoverherp obolit
herp.- said Dirryind. "and It's n
(io%primpr how nuathor I rpeulive toy
whlil. t.h- filaillY (41411ol I st jwnefjte,j.
in agalm"
- -
th,ver, that he lonnufactorrim wn film
I torn." WLLt*,_01I (Iwlh LA MoniA look
Ing etopped ,ap, And thes, registers Minsird's Linatimenint Curvis (kAdo. letell.
- _ -
that we shrovild king lottin.-
He, at oncroo IN't"ll exated Ilia 144,thp?
Miller's Worril M".Fis Malt* Ile@
=9 M" __ 1--ftlem quite tinable t�,
are not ah-imit, 4town. Wlw.n a bellroorn
olimpila rbOomp Anil vymjkomt.�. tile, air will Rhak Werelf NJ* list In Chattel
"VII'm hnvo forgotten the rellar
1"I'Marliked ;if
- In Inw "Pruning to) tho, virienn't sent
Ilia Mnj,p+.y'a (',mile# 11, sind
chibirtit IlPILIthY.
___ - _.:
Fill Y.
tie Improved by having a fire Ilghted Oil his II(IMPWArli %,.�ftgoog the Shall
,lite (A the Acrt),apileeit
ft- former speaker,
11 f yor Mon bi 1-itor R,nnnr wr-4
. fe"Xitest'.0n.
"hat ditym th, rxistrimentimll.-A any.
rroo,,4 for ? For For
In It f - a few hourse. Of I'llorlobl. pould a %bolit UP tit" Ci�tllp
pointing abigni-
f"'RntlY bellow.
mworn ill are It (Xiolloot-1114F11'. 011 n rOV'11
We were horrIfir4l.
;nnn, pnAt'in, (or lit,
koarpo�top ,.f Inistrti,ttirt tAl lonvfit th�
_ � _ . - - ---- drool of Col(nirne. %t��oordlnj( to tile rites
A Nionstrotia Pun. (if film voontr.i Ilia Majesty lie tiotal.
D -n the cellar," cried the Pn-
lopoll of the liberty lw)yp;
morindettrimse. lie 17i)(I .11ninew
FreIrr Italikelpy, wimi, ell lio-erptary
warollarel' WO 69JFp,-
,-m,hnt whesild follrele ?wit it Into .%lmr
I ors-untry 'whIch xiijoix,rites hint 7 Is I,,.
th,rrforp, nw%rplr Wanting Linto tit
lowed to take his hat off while vid
An WW)n AN tA9% weather silly, I he
"" IN ("Inevaled In mi"np el(wrt nitil
'If tile I-mvin,v. dip.l. 111f, Lientennitt.
boatmen In hevoinke gorillas ?"
timing Anything 1-y.vid wbnt enn bt,
Itilig nny f-hurvii. aliA n Rr^-I:il Per
nwmb,r for Vast %*(,rk g"'119 ah""It ... lotooken had tit be grantsol liv tile
moll it' ft Panel in Im)MAthIng of thAt
(I'llectior inner Mcorr loonked after
lithir, lie rippointed film 4verptary
yorni we. th,� Ilieritlah had tit
, ren4ly Made nionlie.vist -4 llq.*' *aid !ho
lerewilmorell (,it ill, famorn? Wbrit 1.
'nonloororphonal)fInte," so.1 What o re
a fit a xliirt wrillet it cleing,iod ILK fast Intirron. which wnm m#4-%jl 1)3* tplp
its It (vitild Torciento I-Livir.
In keeping with thin auxIlfestion title
hilt in joatie, It might Ile Noil III
flowl'. whore, If W<, Ill atAkp not, wit.
n loortifl, I it ninnotpa"? A X,i i it. It-
grnph. T'he Rhnkh Pntpregi the fir'nie
It lilt V) ho- loo)pmt ilint ttio brolin.
op ton -orrinotionned t4i dnooli In the
film tlint lie harided ovor the bottom
to W
flel,f corr"'. or mor)alething, D-tr-li,
tfmInk4 thAt (ally "ryinritot gnpl4q,prin
,( mrsinled It% film lerritidopylp
dryman had given film Milic-lestrion". a ' to . r "'I'd
minisiteroo, Ui sill ten persons. Anil dur
armoril Walla. erront.Ing in
n inf,rietl%p n"Ire of Triesiolownreir
In I Rent 141chnooll
living nr#Lr shall InrjzP momAntifnet3iring
Mat4fivern, Tribune.
Ilia Ill" Infirmort-tiol, the enthorifiralwill
ohnrt Ume a perfect rharon. Kil
lieflOod that their even was not shrimp
,*hotel Wnlin,p.
Itoillef-lev, foll of yortra, rpoignpiel tile
Novpr Ito s. tiling corke-eriiinx Uve re
(or -trimpro-lal ntrro witntitic Lek make
-. th- norkoo,4 ,nit tyr n arnill plecp (if innil
- - __ ___
Increatteol vloconr And vivnelis cl-Rell t- tile ImblIe. filso nomnined
9"'roinel. the, roo-melvalle,11 to) ear their
cof(Wea 'Of Master (A tile IL44111 ant)
tit,ade of which you arp In doubt.
- May promiltAbly ,top thotiom.,
' nlri,mt nil linor rind alionvore-0 great fit -
low I],,- ,I*#- of Miller's Vontpoond
likervokille,mil" b@rA&tb Um sawlaffe of
RP410t*r 10 (A&Z"rY- no" of-
P, lay -
I do not knOW what expetylencle Mr.
teresit Ili the tragninceut arelittea-
Iron Pill*.
11 ; A` �V%
I "
* Z
I limere and the rt(41 windows, I
ib WsoW4WWAU"MM0*WA%%io,
�'L !, �
110166�-;Q" "'Vot, 't"I Lowum,w
� "
- oo,-�l000r,aw --nmeaffaw I.-AWt
an A &Us r. 1�101`, ' ),.(. ^r.
Ing had entiodderlielike expoottenro on the ^a(,r
t1ofteetrinix trade. he In In ^ pall to dis.
h with thoronsh asitf-fal all can.
or'n=4 entirlikeed to metal. (Ird,ors left me
Bultn'I's Hontal. nor se"t hilt well tri his adelm
VIrlahP.O.,carsolovilly attended to. Joi't
IOX. Comnly Auctioneer. too tit
__ -
- '---- _
o� �
11 ��
I 1;�
.. 1 L�,
t " "', 06
- - -
We LANZ. 1991'KR 01 MARRIAa 12.
,!,r, f4
eanom unim. my
L��"L �
1 -,
I L '
4 L
- Wift of tbv kbodive.
� ,
TIP lip th-ol wife 4.f tile enter of F4XyPt
14 1140t a wl"AlY F"116'6tl)lf,4.P(Mitlt)n, but
tb- Worrian m?w txocjjpvk,bjg that ImAl.
tton hate Lonny pithilvii,ve for which al
110 ILO ON' Plivicel. 11% th, first ptilikkop, her
husband 10 gremolijim, attached to her.
It Wool wit li- tho joInvp (d tile valid
ldoollolvagpr) KII-411%nll Ulat tile
'L" , ,
kht-ilivith. llmlsel flunrommi, %%.(", ". .d _
molratlexi of th, kh,,tll%,. She 14 ,, f thr
CIrrAoAbin rat -P nn,l ro,doemension4l. It. In
Mid, (if ltnnmfkt Immkilty. II -r 111nnage
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th, Furinierin rivoti,neol. Elin,ii-rin twor
%ntttq Perform th- itiltifin. ,ill,l f,'.on,_
Im,nit gv)ieriteou" Ifixtruo-1, her three
delisimbil Kh." aV,)I,ia til" Imlintot nod
Powders so Law -bo it, %IMIL11- ans-mg thp
Eiii,44"it woniets, rowl lit th� rn.tt,r
tit ilrem prefers Eiinip-an el"th 11jr.
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b-irl- III, edIwAti,sl 'If her 011111coll Anti
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it- volo Pace with 11heir atnellps,
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,-f Inn,laniini Ili 'Al. -Inm,*' (Inth,lrnl
4 �
leniondo, ink FrIdslY With Allivi'llooLl In.
toll illicit yesterday afterniuM at at.
lik"hael's 16vilial.
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