HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-4, Page 88 TBOaaO1v, Oct. 4, 1'300. TIIE SIGNAL: (4ODERICII ONTARIO. The Gudendh Depar1eu1 Siore is where yon can trade to the best advantage. all your Ball needs, as our Departments cover ing apparel. FOR THE LADIES. New Millinery, New Jackets and Capes New furs, New Drew Goods and Silks, New Under.. ear, New Hosieryand Gloves, New Tailor Snits made to your order. FOR THE BOYS. Now Clothing, New Short Over oOa t.s, New Fleeced - Linea I'rolerwrar, New_N[anu_flnd New Collars Shirts, We tart supply all lines of wear - FOR THE MEN. New New New New New New New New Clothing, Overcott., Underwear, Hats, Shirts, Ties, Socks, Bracer, eto., etc FOR THE GIRLS. New Short Coats, Now 1)rr'sr (roods, New Dressy I to ty+, New Under- wear, New Ver Ruffs, - - --- - ----- - - New Hosiery and (licit,. Large Stock of New Fur Caperines and Furlined Gapes. - THE -NEW ----FALL MILLINERY • We have'o}T. y the labse wearable style', not the loud and gaudy kinds. Our prices, too, 'nee Tering quality and style. Come and look - FOR 'FEB . HOWE. New Table Limns, New Oilcloths, New Carpets and Curtains, New Blaakstk 1Lt tr Nate. New Flannelettes. CASH. AND ONE PRIDE. them over. Smith Bro's & Co ehutte here were ouodooted by the evs.- ie llet, Mr. ('woolly, o1 Detroit. Ills gab. w In the oral was 'Troyer,- and In t morning the evrnlug, "Soul goring " Ou Suede, night the . hutch would not •uoomwudate the creed and some bad to sbaad o,talde. services will W continued through the week every night except Saturday utgbL Mr. tkuoelly'a subject for Monday 'Hit be, "Lights," and oe Friday eventu. he Intends giving the story of hie life. Next Sunday at 3 o'oloek r M. Then will be a mass meeting for ohlldreo 000duuted by Mr. Connolly. DUNGANNON. Ntwlctt- The lona 'grotty In Dungoneon for Toy HIONAI. 1s at Lho olle of J.13. WANu, J.P., conveyancer, Bo.. who will receive or dere for suptions. advertising and job - work, and la •utborieed to give reoslpte for amounts paid for thesauri' ( 1 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LIJCK- . '.1 now. will resume tile tripe to Dungen non to April. -let and 3rd Friday each mouth. Tcasuar, lot. Zed. Mies Hamlin le .*rIoualy----- 1.1, J. Crawford 1s on the dok list, John Bamford, our genial barber, la also under the weather. W m.4'homsoo has had put up' very hand• some brick rc.idnooe. We hope he and Mre. Thomson ma) be long spared to ou joy Its oomtor t. Hiles' Dungannon Rergain Haute le open tog up the heat toe ot 1.11 goods ever shown in Ilunawnon, and at prices that will startle the public. 'Phe mJHnay and fancy rood+ department shows the enema and most up'M-chat styles, end is In charge of She Hamilton, which ie • sulbolsot guar- antee of eattsfaotlon to every eurubaser. Duogannon show this yoar promises to eclipse all termer (an held hen. All that Is reluired M make It • success is Eos weather. The otiiose' and directors have done everythlog in their power towards its ep000se. They have a great h111 of fare for the seoond evening of show In their 000r•ert program, having been forlunat l0 seouting the services of W. J WOW, the humorous, vocalise of Toronto, and other well-known hent. Having • leve reserve fund, they have bean enabled to pleas their fan on .sob • (eoliths, as enables them to give the people mon tot their money than any other latr in the musty. PORT ALBERT. TUX -SPAY, UOt. 2nd. Mia Addle Willis is vldtlog relative. Iu Lendbary. John Orwin, of Brussels, Is Here on a veil to ble parent.. Mise Tone Hawkins left for London yes- terr'ay morning Harry Hawking bas started operations on Me new brick house. Mr. and Mn. Rion, of Wroxeter, spent yesterday with friend. here. Mr Holmes, M. P. for We.t Huron. was In the villein Thursday evening. • I Rev. Mr. Owen, of Laoknnw, preached in Christ church oo Sunday afternoon. Kdward McConnell I. making aeliesdv. Improvements on hu dwelling -bona. DUNLOP. 1 township, when Emily became Mrs. V. M�'suei, Oat. Lt Rutledge, and Sea Mn. F. Hunv. A large A farmer and his sen (raptured • large comber of friends here wish the yoaoghadtes ra0000n en route to a threshing the other morning. Olpeies are again In our midst on the old Damping spot on Nightingale st , and there Ile Dow pules a rush in hone trading. After • pleasant v1.11 of some months, Mn. Halley,eldeat daughter of ('has. Morris. returned M her home In California. On her way she will visit relatives at Holborne In Michigan. Thre.hlege were the go last week. At one of them our chief of polio, showed much skill la handling a pranoing team of horses while passing the engine when working. He had them with • firma grip than the beton o1 hu etfia. Michael Tobin and David Corbett were at Seetorth fair Friday of last week, the forma to w the latest invention' in farm- ing Implements shown, hut the latter on • more interesting matter than eeelog the wooden of the Doming little olty of Sea teeth. Oa otty P, 0, I. now being repaired. It (e the Intention of the citizens to Ory bo get Week Haon'a M. I'. to get the public works departm.ub at Ottawa to *root • sten building I. bre the one at (lode riot and le have • oustom hoose to oonoeo 'len with It, proytded Mr. Tarte will have the harbor butte at the foot of Nightingale street, HEARD Faure, - Oar townsman, John Lawson. reaohed Liverpool on the 113th of last month Weer a voyage of • eleven days from Montreal across the Atlantic, and o0 the 28th ult. hie parents heard from him by fetter saying he had a ole trip with but 110Ue stormy weather towarde its aloe.. Beth himself and ceusln stood the trip well haying no .arlokneee. Their other oem- rade was not se fortunate. (Owe deters of St. Joseph from the Monot Hope erphaaage of London were making Male annual vWe among the R. (' oo0gre- gallon of St Peter's ben and at Leeburn to oell.ot funds and donations of produce and olebhing toward the support of the orphan ago, last week Mies MoCarthy, one of the leading workers in the oong- .tlo0 at Ooderlob, eating aa onerous ii-i6s slaters driving them about to the Remo OMhoiio f•mUIs . LEtBURN. M ONDAY, O let. Mark Horbon 1. In Ashfield. Aroble Horton Is now on the log staff of Chas. Morris, of (7arbssM. H. A. Horton rose t.l i. it k- to fluid ph to 'tetrad the eonrrr;j.. .1 la L workers as the delegate Lom liiri. --__ Ur Fane TotwNro,-Oar former ,ower gas, H.O. Horton, gave our burr and ,sL •stem titre a Wtedeot vlatt on T' meday of last week; and en Wednesday wtu prment with them at the double waddle( el his two nieces, Emily and Sara Hillier, at their father's reetdene, H.iiview, Ooderioh every s000eae In the important step they have taken. The wedding presents were many, including seven) cheques Isom tad" taller, John Hiller, and other rel•ttvw,'-'----- CHUROH Norse -Sunday last Rev. Mr. Hamilton reviewed the S.S. lessees ot the quarter in the Sunday school, and on San - day will hold • ohlldreo'• service In the ohurch. This week prayer meeting will be bold on Friday evening instead of Thurs. (ley. _ _SHEPPAR¢TON. -Thutair.Oor. Zed. Thrsshisg 4eil the Jp among farmers here now. • Mn. McNally, of Dungannon, is spending • taw days with her mother, Mn. Moott- Mies Lt7rie Fater arrived home en Set- ord. • attr • month's visit at Olean, Mich. .rdeon entertained • few blend. et • birthday party on Thursday of le.t week. airs. 1'eanab•ker r,,J to her home 1n Cllntpo O'er spending a week with her mother, Mr.. Horrowe. Rev. Mr Conoolly, of i)ebrolt, who ie oondnobing epeeist meetings at Nile, preached hi .he ohnroh here last Sunday. Wm, Derr e, who ie spending• short time with his pareuts In tioderioh, was renewing aoloalntanoes around Sheppordton lase week. Rev. W. J. Sere, • missionary to the Indians on Vancouver Island, gave an in• e' o Inn address on the manners and one Moor of the people among whom he labors. "There was • sound of revelry by night " The party got up by two of our local sports we' pwlhly not so famous as the Oeche.. of R.ohmood'e hall, but 10 oertal:Ay nosed rent* a eommotlon, Guests were invited iron, Oodsrtoh, Auburn, Henmiller, Dun- gannon, Klntall and other points, and • gay time was pat in. The denoting was kept up t111 the Inge (not the wee ami) hours of the morning. NILE. 1'i I'DAY, Oct. 2n4. Min Sorung spent Sunday in Goderiob. Mrs. O. l;irvin h.a returned from a vide to ltowm•nville, Toronto and other plane. .1. Tlgort and W Treleaven, of Dungan- non, passed through our village on Thurs- day. Mr. Kel'Ingtnn, who hag been visiting here for some time, returned to him home .a Trowhrldpe en Thursday enrolee Rev. Mr. Wilson tweeted Rev. Mr, Oaten 1. revival aweless at Blake's appeintmeot e( the A.htleld otrontt on Friday last. Oe 'Thursday evening lett the wheelers el this vielalty net at the home of Joh* Dustow, where they had their photos taken by Mr. IAwrsnoe, of Auburn. The services on Sandey In the Methodist WALL PAPER SALE This Is a sale that is bound to attract attention. Several hundred rolls of Wall Paper (small quantities) regular i'1c, Ink and 12c. Sale price, 4c, 5c and 6c per roll. 2000 rolls New Wall Paper, 5c and 6c per roll. A few lines of the New Dark • Shades, regular 30c, 35c and 41, 40c. Sale price, 20c and 25c. WINDOW SHADES All in stook will he cleared at Swooping Redactions. These prime strictly CASH. Our Telephone No. is 100 B. POI? TER'S Book and Wall Paper Store Court House Square, Ooderlohe Threshing Is befog finished up in Obis vicinity, and the farmers report esoeltsnf prow. Mr. Hamlin was over In Dungannon rev• eral days jut week, owing to the Inoses of hie mother. Harry Olver bas returned from Alton, Mich., where he was lolured In an •outdone Hr Is getting be►tr. Mr. and Mrs, Wen. Cook attended the wedding of Mr. Cook's slater In Dunlop on Wednesday evening last. Ile. Schaefer returned to her home 1a MBv rtoo on Saturday, atter • month's 'with her relatives here Mur Altos elcCulloueb, .1 Galata township, and her ooasln, Mia McCuHasgh, of London, are visiting here at present. Several of our young people &needed the harvest thanksgiving serving lo St. Paul's church, Dungannon. oo Saoday evening, E. McMillan, M. Cunningham and (Jrnoe Crawford, of the Gederioh Collegiate laatl. tats, spent "over Sunday" at their remprot tin homes here. Will J. Carrie, son of Rev. Mr. (Jerrie, a former pastor of the English ohoroh here, celled on some ot his friends oo Friday Wt. The young man has just lately returned from Dawson l'Ity. There will be • 'natal no Tuesday even - Ing, Oct. 9th. Refreshmenta will he served In the oouree of the evening, and • good program w111 be presents.,. An enjoyable tmie a antlolpatsd. WEST WAWANOSH. "A TrNDAY, .Sept. 29. The tolluwlos la the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. a, Wee, Weweoah, for the month of September. 'Phe standing is based on attendance, punctuality and gen- eral proficiency, names given to order of merit : Fifth ala -Ida E Wilson ; fourth ole--lrene Mallough, Mabel Wilson, Helen Boyle; third ole --Mary l'ollard, Vlooene Welsh, Richard Webb : senior second - William Wilson, Earl Mallough, Wihle Medd, Oswald Pollard; Junior seoond- Martha Nixon, Annie Nixon, Frank .loose, Joseph Feagan, Marshall Fearan ; part Il. Harold Mallough, May Jona ; part 1.- Vlney Welsh, Berl Wilson, Irene Oliver, Walter Nixon, George Nixon. Nottnee F. Careen, Teacher. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. 61, Turnbull, of St. George's pr.aab• ed on Sande), at W oodebook. Rev. .1. W. Robinson w111 take put next Manly afternoon In the anniversary air - vices of the Helmesvllls Methodbtoharobe A harvest home nipper and entertainment will he giyeo a0 North street Methodet ahornb on the evening ot November let. The collections at the thankeglvlog ser- tlotit at St. G.orre's let Sunday somata 'Se 1132, which win he applied to 0106 Tlbds of the churob here, The Presbytery ot Huron met at Brun field last week, when • call was tendered Rev. Thome Davidson, H A., of Mount Forret., to the Varna and Itlake ahurohes. Ths all was accepted and the inducte. erin tats Mine an On$otor 21. The anni y fervid*. of the West- field Meihodur uhnroh w111 he held on Ben- d v and Monday next. Rev Mr. Howson, of Clinton, and Rev Mr. McNair, ot i)uo. Ronnie, will preach on sonde'', and on Monday evening • sacred tendert will be hetet. Rev. 'ismer witless, of tlodsrteh, will et,', an addrees. The Rev I r. ,Iso (1. Paten, of the New Hebrides, who had Men •ddreeslng meet - Ings in Western Ontario, and was M have been in Ond.rinh title month, has been (.ken anddenly 111 at Chatham, and has 1 .d to none.' all meeting, He has been rdared to erten his week at. nee. by the mediae! mon Is ettonAanee on him. and hae .Ircaly lett far New York nn the way to Greet Rrit..ln A targe eon Ion was present on Sue. day evening .t North et. Methodist nherrh, whirs a Nerviest of smog was vivre by the t fTioiant choir of tat ohnrnh The anthems given were "Rowena in the Son of David," Wesa W. ltredgee taking the solo part ; "The Votes of Many Anger," Nolo part by Mise Rrown ; "O 11. Joylnl in the Lord,' and "Now the 1)•y Is Over " The last mention- ed was ming without the organ .no0mpanl• moat, with beenMfnl offset. The onto, "Come Mete Me," was rendered by C H. Heather, and Mise Aoesbrek Nang the "Rees.st.nal. The servers was mnnh en. jeyed, and the nhobmaster, Mr, ('smpbell, deserves eralt for the tenses of hie efforts. lest Robbs► was "nhll.lree'e day" 'breaches, the ( lana Tian Presbyteries •Meeh, .ad .t Keel (harsh the work of bite Sabbath .eked remised epeeist rse.g lMes, 1. the morales tinm nhlldren were addreeeed by the goober, Sow. .1 A. An/.re, fn Ko et, w.s� eas /. ton and I see M whiter 'has ets5W," le Ile afternoon the Sabbath school okwerved the order ut eervlue,i.oiud- hrg singling and responsive reedier/a, pr. p•,ed by iu.tructou of the (1 1 Assembly for t'to day Addressee were revue by the pewee ao.l by Mr. Tom, who bas bow el«,feel .uper utrndeut et the reboot M sauused 51r 5..u -..lois, who with- draws after yeah of u.elul servle. The proseedlovs of the day were curled out very souos..fully, 'Phe harvest thanksgiving fervent n. 8t, tterugis church last Sunday wore yery well attended. The uhuroh was tastily decorated with [towers, grain, *to. The ,cuslo was suitable to the memo/ion end to the evening Included the Issel reepouwre ranged by 'ral11., Ouse' Magnitloat and N too Ulmleele, and the autbern, "1 W.11 I.tt Vp Mine Kyrie Vino the Hills," the b... solo In the latter being taken by John Ogres Rev. J. U. Farthing, M A.,reotor of Woodstock, delivered ew., eroelleot sonnies, to the met Mop he took bas Mat from Mark, 4 :28 : "For rhe earth bringetb forth batt of herself, ens the blade, Deo the ear. niter that the full term to the sax." life and growth, he said, were la - separably ooaneotsd in the anima and vege- eable world, and ou it was in the spirituel. A person with the spiritual Iib within antra be a growing Christian, but he would he,. his bearers remember that wherever .•. sown wee what would grow. One oruld not reap • harvest of good habits altereowiog ally wild oat.. In the even- ing Mr. Farthlag based his remarks oo 1 Peter 2, 6 • "Ye also, as Itvely atone,,' ares built up a spiritual house, an hi 1r prio.t• h•.nd, to offer up spiritual egenfioue aocep!• aniy to God by Jeans Chri.r," He lald o ration the priesthood of the whole body of Chretlst., an 1 said It was to the neglect to reoogn re this that Indittereaos in reli- gion was due. la baptism and uuu6rnm• Lion we wares,. apart to this priesthood "t otter up epuitnal aannfior." and Ib. dusbe connected therewith oouid not be dslegased to any alarm. The first great duty of this priesthood of the whole was that of wor ship and the Idea of common worship was she beauty of the "Rook of Common Prayer.' The other duelers were to hold the truth sou to transmit it inviolate to these who should oome alter, and to man, fest the lite of Christ to She world, AUCTION SALES. All ernes getting their sale hill, printed et the oetoe win have a free notloe inserted In the let up to the time or mien. SATCYDAY Or. 1301. --Sale of the oom (enable de ell net sibDated on put lot til, St. David's street, the property of Mn. Clifford. The sale will be held at (iondry'e aoo'!,n room., llamilton street, at 12 o'clock name. THO' . G e. i ., • •uotnonser. THeaonAT, Nov, let.-Auoton sale of farm stook, implements and household fur n iter* at lot 2, concession 11, W. 1). l ol- borne(joeb west of Nile), commencing at 1 o'clock r r. This Is a clearing out sale, e a the proprietor, %Vsi M� /,'hell, has sold his tum. THOS. l:CvL'Ro. auotioneer. Ti.'R DAY, Oat 18.-tJnressrvetl auotloo ole of tl good farm, lata sleek and imple stoats, at lot 28, ooaeeesies 1, Evit Wawa P osh, (en meoolog at 1 I'. Y, The fens - El lot 28, ono. 1, Eat Wawatiosb-oon- slste of 100 sores (99 cultivated and 1 in boob) Good buildings, arohard, spring wells, eto., i mile from Auburn, 5 miles from Blyth, 12 miles from Goderlch and Clinton. THOS CAsstut', proprietor C. HemitmoS, heat :mews. Trig Spout for balaan of 1900 for 20e. FALL FAIRS OF IOOO Fast Huron, Brussels .Ool. 4.6 Kluuat..o. Out. 4 5 Hoe telt Ford eu•h . Out 6 Moe, l., Hltib Aehtl,i-i an 1 W a A ...nob, Ilengasnon ....Doe 11 12 (toe 9 10 Jau,es Moil rogue, of Detroit, Ie la jail abarged with stealing • waterproof ov.r, coat from th ('om•nerolel hotel, Seater, h. Hs w111 goo.. before the judge today tot election. TO ADVEHTISERB. Notioe of ohalgos must be left at this l )lfice not Istat than Hatuniay noon. The Oopy for changes Wes( be lett not later than Mon- day noon Carnal Advertisements aceeptuti no to 'seal Wednesday of mob week ALBERT W. ISE MEALIER IN Farm Implements and Machinery. Deering Hinders M ,wen. Hakes and Twine, Also J. W. Mario geode W ilk fusser. I' ouithe of all ,ti los Wats ,n, of Ayr, Pulpy r• Everything made of the very beet material Repairs of all Mode kept on head. Would be pleased to have you Ball and 1.- ,rpeot goods before purehaat og .WwkV. l'IA)Slt (`ASH PttbC118. Will open up in the old Angus McKtenor. stand about October 3r4. A. W. WISE, Ilamllton Street. JOHN MORRIS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Planing M:11 And Feotory, Cam. bre it ed, Uu.teriuh, A complete stook of Dressed and Und reseed Lumber, Flooring and Siding, . Lath, Shingles, Etc., Sash and Doors on hand and made- tO---o4di on abort notice. Not Profit, but Cash.... Storm Windows & Doors a Specialty Estimates furnished. Terms moderate. JOHN MORRIS, OODERiCH. BEST BUY IN ROSSLAND DIRECTLY WEST OF LE ROI No. 1 AND No. 2 ....BIG FOUR.... Consolidated - Gold Miniug Co. fart of Non -Assessable and Noe -Personal Llabili_ -, Phu ie not a case of selling to teaks a profit : tt means we must have money and room. las certain Imes we find our stock ie too large at the season of the yeer. To make roues for the tow Fall tkrode we utuet turn our surplus stork into wish 1f such velure ase three aro any luduoouutut W you to buy nus, we will be pleaeett W erre you : 60 pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, regular pricer (rout $1.00 to $1.75. Your choice for 75o. per pair. These Shone are all right in every way, but, as we have only a pair or tw u of each kind left, we decided to clear them to Make room. 50 pairs Girlie School Shoes, our regular *1.15 and $1.25 line. As we have too many, will sell them for the next two weeks only at Hao. per pair. Special reductions in Boys' Show. See our Boy's strong Shoe for School wear, only 93c. We advertise these goals at these pt hese tow UR It it a duty.you owe your judgment and your pone to v tont this store before you bay olewitorve bemuse they wjv,r A new stook of the tnttiond i / received this week, for elusive agent. which we are the ea REPAIRING_ P. T_ HALLS North aide of the Square, Uodericb. THE CASH SHOE DEALER COUNTY OF HURON. TreasurBr's Sale of Lauds for Teras. ('k11'N'I'Y OF Ill'It(IN, TO WIT Hy virtue of warrant, u•derthe hand of the Warden and seal of the corporation of the ('ounty of Huron. -reed the 21st day of Aturst, Ileo, oom maog Mods me to levy upon the ods hero natter de moteed. fur the arrears of taxes reepeetive ty due thereon, together with Deere. notioe ,e herehr 'Alvan that notes; sonh tate. and ooets Ste sooner paid, 1 shell in compiiaooe with the consolidated Asresement Aot, chapter 121, R. e. 0. It97. proceed to sell by public auction the said Wide or w much thereof aim/ do nenseary to discharge tee wine, at the Court House in the Towo of Goderloh. 00 Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 1900. at2o'clock o t6,• attornoun. v,cscturTIo%. Cyr t'ng, ON AMID, 1'*TIATII Oa 'regal 0051'' TOTAL. ITataT, UN rATMITID. TOWNS!! IP OF GODERICH, l'art of Part of 11 4 3 Mait'and 13 Maitland 30 Patented f Pateal.d )( Patented TOWNSHIP 0► GREY. 047 44 0301 2 21 250 2Pi 260 0080 1 72 t int North half a'. 43 10 Patented 4 fe 2 50 6 ;4 \ vILLAgi011 HENFRYN IN GREY. \ m A ltd 112 150 ie VILLAGE or FoRDWICH IN HO WICK. N 1 Alberta/. 3 14 Unpatented 16 1 50 116 TOWNSHIP OF HULLI'IT. Parise 6 6 Patented 1 et 1 50 7 rJ TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. Woo half of East hat t9 Raesaud IA 1 50 1 37 west half of East hall 5 1 IS Petalled - 3 p 1 00 9 31 TOWNSHIP OF unwise, 913. E. it'd' y K Patented --, 3 31 9 ,i0 6 Si VILLaue (manic riKL0. AMrovs server 3 8.ytleld head lg_- Patented _- -._ ...IO 1 5g 1 1I \' lt.LA.a OF MYTH. 31 Patented K half v Block A Sti Patented 14 !took F le Patented VILLAGE 01 WROXETER. 7 Mala -et. N I< Patented 4 01 1 50 6 el Capital $260,000, in Ten Cent. Shares. Four Claims, All Crown Granted, with No Debts or Liabilities, One Mile West of Rossland. Over 600,000 Shares in Treasury for Develop- ment ----- - The Properties of this Company are situated directly west and G00 feet lower to elevation than the famous Le Roi No. 1 and Le Roi No. 2, that are now shipping 10,000 tons a week. The Workings consist of • Shaft and Two Tunnels, driven to tap the ore body on throe separate and distinct veins. No. 1 Tunnel on this vein is in over 100 feet, and No 2 Tunnel on this vein has reached a depth of 112 feet, with three and one.helf feet of shipping ore in sight, and forty feet of the lodge to crows -cub The ere as identical with the Le Roi ore, the High -Gracie Gold -Copper ()re of the camp. The No. 3 Vein has been opened in five places for 2,000 feet, which dips to the I.X.L. adjoin- ing, which is now shipping the highestgrade ore in British Columbia. Sev oral buildings are on the ground, with two blacksmith shops and large board ing hoose, etc., with water and timber in abundance. - (Jur assays have averaged from 15.00 to $S00 in Gold, Copper and Sil- ver; and the shipping facilities are the best. The Great Northern Railway rune three times through the ground, three smelters close at hand, and re- duced chargee of $4.t0 per ton for shipping and smelting, and we are now reedy to start shipping ore. - The shares in this Company have been strictly pooled, and we will -issue Pooled receipts only until the Pool is dissolved. We neat money, mad will send you 100 shares for $7.00, 1,000 for $60.00, 5,000 for $275.00, and 10,- 000 for $50000 Le Roi No. 1 once sold for 2c., now $50.00 ; Le Roi No. 2, five pound shares now $.80.00. Address JAMES LAWLER, Managing Directtoit 1 BOX 545, ROSSLAND, B.O Or Money can be sent care Bank of Montreal. �nrvey survey survey 71N 2N le 17 166 6 60 110 1e t1 40 Comity 7lsusrera wets, Osdalsb. aurae( 11.1(100. 17M lit CEO. STEWART GROCER WM. HOLMEn. County Treasurer. THREE A WHEN P'L THE FIFTY -Tri] Domh Ondcrtaten and Embaliera You are _ benefitted by pur- chasing your __4mcer'ies from STEWART, as you aro getting 7 rode- at lathe* prices. Crab paid for ♦ 1 Batter, WHITE HIARIL OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. HEST GOODS AT „MODS RATE PRICES, AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION. Iraa(I11. mom. sweetuc.. H Rrviers !K/ -:•-Any- Bank or Rosiness Mein intim {City of INVST iOR PROSPECTUSES, ENGINEERS' REPORTS, etc. ou to attend the Forest City Buairteeo and Shorthand l kgs, f.ertrt,m. int. Prlretl613 tnitrn`tlrwt m prat-' tJual.ubjeeto Few ower fifteen rare we have Nen in leech with yomn5 people and their needs, and the business world and its requirement -N. Every facility at command for aiding young people loth before and after graduation. W'' are doing superior work ; results prove it. Send for our CAtalogue and (Jollege JournAl, J. W. WESTER LT. Principal. BIC SUGGESSI BIC SU pt THE PEDDERt"STOCK. livery person satisfied with the GREAT 13AR(IAINS given. Every article is being marked down in plain figures with the red pencil, so that you can see the sale price on everything. This Al stock is all offered at Bankrupt' Prices. Keep your eye on the Red Pencil Marks and you will not make any mistakes. M°CILLIVRAY, CRANT& CO., OOLBOBNE'S OLD STAND. he Latest addition to the large Hardware Stock of M°KENIIE & HOWELL a line of . lligh1irade Sewing Machines We have three distinct lines, enabling us to cater to all classes of customers. All our Machines are warranted in every particular for five years. They are noiseless, easy -running, and have points of excellence not to be found upon any other make, which we cannot here describe, but which will cheerfully bo shown to all those who call to inspect. 1,000,000 in use. The price is away below others. McKenzie Howell THE PLAOE TO IVY ALL HANs&WANE OHEtm THE WEEKLY N Go Ira11 Wheat floor, amts rsr cwt' FloorleMat. per cwt. lea«....._ S . tee per swt Rye. wsekrsaD.wvet- .... , a u boss F'w. kgs feriae, per busk Hay. new. 8 too.. Potatoes. New, %blab. W linter. .. Obese.. est IA......-., .g, . fob agaske& LYS ....-- 8.1.a....,. --- Ham, per Ib......... Lard, par litDressed . Drowse pDrowse kiltuationt WANTED.- 3 await ere est 2 boys totems motile laking ; $ first -ole oat nue workers. Apply ORGAN 00. - --- 1101' WANrEU- 1) SOY. 11 to 16 yea printer trade. Apply EAOHSR IAN' 1 8 B. Ns t. We stating salary. expire until OK IIS(►. Pana red I)eiles to ten WEternBS, Soo. 81 ALE TIIAUHEP in. No 3, W.D. Al oleos osrteaats- Appl tonne amid.obey will h 1900 b JOHN T GRI MoLEIN, K1nta11. Tend r. ri1ISNDERB FOR 1 tendon fon 70 oar. wood won be received tole elect. r. w, oe tat One half at least of t and the balance Kola arty piled In the Beal r Casinos M be OO. or M*rub. 1901. Security required. Dated et 0.4.01x► OK had Mt Plast HOURS TO LIC earala . non DgW'er.StseeeeMse., now er. Heated by Hower water beak ; also does garden. A stable on t H W. MnKENBIE, H For DROPSRTY FOR ▪ -TM hones red Leser street, Godert0: undersigned The ho dwelling, with large k • barn on the premise of good fruit trees on witch awe and • furniture also tor este. Oodertcb. AVALUABLE 2( BALE.- la Wee 160 aces cleared ; hal tented; instead stat orehartl ; modern 6e 'bee outbuildloge ;a house; eobool at nor from Auburn, 6trom I Invited. Apply to TH Out.. FOR SALE. - l'H of the beet le0. township. Huron coni nib 000ewloe, 61 mit from Clinton. The 11 Inwood good tenons underdralasd. Then chard aad preen of snit peretouse. Ay pl premises, or Goderict jJjINE FARM F 11' 8no elan farm Farm' le E.54 We' sons, more or less 1 the gravel road bet w 'Shoot one haft mtte e congnised as ono Of the ship. There e • go, barn on the premises stook red Implemen f or wielders appl T1101. ('ASSIIIY or FOR SA I.R. -►.O' and IIIA l0 11 south half of P76 r Goderieh. For part( P4 Herat' 1lth, 19IQ. 1 MT TBRI. Winipeindesses fa and tbegry Afar pap 1110 Ashen tang lege the pail year, wl In orepal't laden, servatory of Music e ror terns apply at brie arid Brock litre. W GLENN CA , Orgaaut red mase Mt' toodiet cbnroh, ar pipe organ and thong' rare pend'. Ina Itneio or at pupil'. h at Kmersen's M11410 1 ] ENRI Mullins! JOkUA st■ulliel lir otor E I. opening cleave In Ilonst, Papua pre The et Moe�eaamlattl *eke laO44NN r Imam CHAR. R BLit d.ANOE eel real rood farm salt.wa .s and wants en. O. Oedateb. ur R. RORN • Aononetaat Book,. and anrnm HnlIlt ge reeved Sim 'mammon* It untopa.lea ll.ee- is Prodi( Street, (iedeneb, /AR& TURN'S'. ILA P► IAla.. !7t ntee el ht AIN IfNULI. nit.. SRARNO] NI(IIANIanA Cimmereo b.11d1 Ig0t ...Ile at reeler YOB. p�IM 'Asa. Im , Nal