HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-4, Page 7la9UE NO 40. 1900.
Qef Th/n
Get fat; get nice and plump;
there is safety in plumpness,
Summer has tried your
food -works; winter is coming
to try , your breath -mill, Fall
is the time to brace yourself,
But weather is tricky; look
out t Lotik out for colds espec.
call .
--�Qtt's mu1s1Q11-of-'od-_-
Liver Oil is the subtlest of
helps, It is food, the easiest
food in the world ; it is more
than food ; it helps you digest
your food, and get more nutri-
ment from it.
Don't get thin, there is
safety in plumpness. Man
woman and child.
If sou Mae rid tried it, ■rad for free rapt'
its agreeable tale will grpnee rrow
NICOTT a stows!.
me mad 8,.W; nu drwggsto
Irtcuaslgtebcy of Womankind.
A woman will yank up the guy npee j
of iter (mase! until rhe :almost wlticesks /
tier imlmovrtal able, out of plaace. Meal Pitt/
+a .livid bird un► her hat arul R4> ctrl
ting armind Over town. wiling ticka�
fur ave entiortainment to ralyd lllooey
to help a vin, 1 misWoliarlea 4r Chlfa»' fur
rise purpose of treach'ng ci%f!istatl,u e,0
title ,eats M•ntherl who luavP arv,•r
known what it V W wens a Cur"rt,
and who have beetle struggl ua let
Ita,ursat bPlk4 that bintr cre-
at,ed to gift, lnrtead of t be worn
len r hat,-}'rfwt4rt, Kau., tach Dealer.
I is/1/ i/'�� C
11111 sipabrs im on every tuff of the gs,ara• `�_
Laz(ative &+omo-Quinine 7..rt. _
�W 6" easel w hid tr � w
Poor I,o'11 rllglows myst*M x
Seo benign ar nk th, rioligliZ "yin4•rs
of the• ludlea that etach departmext
of the cul I It hlg+tom wait pr"""e'd .
with a Intl I "alts wt kook nfw•r itd
rffxnew. T lir the !girt! orf the Great
Swap k" vel cower all a.w:uw, Lhr Mp,rt
of the mat '!turtle controlled all
Lur'I. vend art on thron h th,• I oto
every Ina1 o,t an animal Vmvhat Its`
own 4)nkt,mthtg spirit W guard its
In Is and,waalah 1t, rastallas.,Tlear•
div Ito -who) were under the coxurul
of th mat alt felt n
!watt In�
� g
hpeeat In the human rads, and any ,NLP
bf them might Iveome the pmttecting
grontw off »any Taarticular man.
Minard's Linrmens Coarse CWds, ase,
St. Patrick Now ave RAXIIlab Swint.
St. Patrick was froted iatu Uss--eai-- ------
Po,lar of nalnt4 In lbw FA40jwh prayer
hu.,k rwrnLly by Lhe ronstxatlast at
York. .. -
Hdllsr's Grip 1'uwderes cure.
riffs wevrlA'" groat mmol have not
etmmpmaly 1"44, trent a■-N.lnr". nonan
great srh"Anra Kent in -n. - (1h%or
Nv o•ndtll H, d naw.
--- ----- -- -
The insist wonderful eslueLs produced by .
In curing Sick Headache, Ittlloam�,. ('eeW
Tongue, Vervowaness, Dyapepsla, Ifeartbrm
Liver and Kidney Trouble, ha plane" thea at
the head of all medicine.
�5 POW In a box t'5 cent: at all DruisaWn. a
malted by Y. F'. [BY. Port Merin. OnL
- -_- The t: •onomic" Aeollfru.
Owe punter hie an air-rhamb,
which pm,nds lhr fi�me reeltrn
on the ger opening. No mn,•
rl ,nef. nu mora worry. Bur
a•g Is Iy well full o■ or turn
down. Ylelds amore light frow
gam orad than any other burns
Price lit.'s per dung, ur to 1r -
paro ram Vl- I0 rent: each.
The Fw4wmomlr Acolyte nr Hurn, , -
('o.. P4 Wellington street w
iffi book: Stone'" new pro a'
costa vast system: write form fi4rma"' -
Hione's UutUleg School. in l's Halle N"',
Chicago. _- -
One of the finest in the Nlwwggnam Peninsuls, as
Winona, le miles from Heemil•on. on two rail
ways. 170 acnes. 4S of which 1. In fruit, most*
{eearhe , 12,000 Im,skefw of fnmlt. en,atly Pg 11a-�,Z
In iliii til" .exon, Will be sold In Iota to nUl{
purehasera Tho U a bartraln. Address
P.O. Bog 400, Winona, Omt.
``•TAMPS. Perone haven" e1A eelloloUMO w
1l odd clamps will find It to their sdrantage
to eorraepond with 1'. O. Box ei, Hamiltor,Pket.
- - - Tltitl�lANl H71 Y CVW BY D�t
F1y�T"(S JZ..ne. (l swot erre t4MT .
a • a w flow or nervonsneen atter fiM Aaary'
nae. Hand to tial Amh treat. f'lilla-
dolphla, 1'a. far trwatlse and free to trial botde
Foe male by j. A. Hart*. 1786 Notre, Dame street
Montreal. Qua -
Yre Wenslow'e Honthln`` Syrup shonld a4
wag■ tat wand nor t'hlMree Toogbins. It soothes
the child• softens the rens enrae -led mile
vend la the beat remedy for 1)lterrh4aea. Twenty
fi re oen V a botua.
now a -day..
t ,'
• , r \ .
. d .
- - -_ ly held they advance! boldly W lhP harbor by a fleet of Mar vesibelr funeral allowance of 5,000 taelda �■ s ��
IORD ROBERTS wlthlp earls unr under till! and a)ne for the dlrembarkait EMPEROR RPPEALS _ S�FTON 1 R
tnruehw, when they llama ouster Lhr Airs. Thr tarts will 111tuudur forth K'lll Krarla Tkrun•.
Lfire two mouutatn guar. The ex• wuloome ar the transport pn�eur Pekin, dept• `N,-lt Ir w"A""'lty wn•
pl eatoli of u mile, ,rt Btu ezhltrtx•s the harbor. The soldiers will bee i - cede,! that, Kw-ang-rSu will rr nln the � � I
of which they were Igroraut, killed e„Ived at the wharf by the mill Lia a d throne and the old order Of t ingr be
CGMMANDER rev.. , , ___ mllltary loser with! Dnudr, Aud�J TG EMPEROR asWblbh"L FREELY CONFE�SED .
cowpnnit-d W the nrtnurlur, otos u t Huyalty's Plight.
Bob11 Commander lu chief. grand banquet will take piano. , A
LotWun, Sept. 80, -The War Ulflue mlroI ikedfurd, Lleut-Governor Jon(*, ahunghal, bliept. EO, --The Russians - -
Annoutmed that the lju(rNp !tar uptr2111! (bl. Blr(wr and Major Hnmfltoa wlLl have htviested Mukd ell, capitol Of the
ed the appultetment of Lord Rulrtrts do all they can W make the ocoastun Provluee of Lhwtung. • - _-.,..
Appointed t0 Succeed Lord ar uommmidrr-Itt-eh'of of (lie fur•oea, a stirring and memorable, one. China's Ruler Writes to the air Erutwt Mason Satovl, ro`'Ppt'y
to succeed Imrd Wolseley. Lord Wolso- r +apteulntrA ISrltli4h Chieuder to China Walter Norbert, formally Pleads
j ' toy's flue yoar tory! etplrgtl Un Out• r arlaAtsru InvallAed. In lrorcesrlup 4r Kir lawwkt AtatuturnalJ,
1"t. Ottawa, Mont. $0. -Thu rQlluwluK Kaiser. leas arrived here un hhn way to 14•kiu.
Wolseley. Wan Wen -:Shun, Premldelit of Lho
Thr announcement 1N made• un the uou-ewauwirrluiewieofficerr and well of IT v • • ``
aunlvrrrary of l ord Itob erl"• birth- the Canadhut Kpeclal Service forces t#* Board of Revenue, who tu•anupanle t (;u i l ty i n Open Court
,fay (he war Torn at Cawnpure, ludic, have beep luvulided W Englund : aro:- -- the Emperor and EnnprPar Dowager •
KPp t. 80th, 1832) unit (r lel rervkle) Battalinu !loyal In their flight from Pekin, rays M n
The War Offlce lw now in commuui- Canal tiff! Regiwgpt, No. JV, Private HE PLEADS FOR PEACE Inter rrePfvrd itnrr that lhrir mnjrr. _. -___. ------
BOERS BLOWN UP BY MINE. Callon with Lord Itobertr regarding C. J. Nixon; Canadian M(iuntod Blfles. lire *uttered great, hanbhipr• havillg
ale return of a large iortion of the let Battalion, No. S1. aquad"i-Maj. I w-arvely any food for three days They
ad W r41P er1 cnluelrana verse ttltaarrt GERALD ST RUCK THE BL .
Routh ll coo army. The cmbale in dlaa Dr A s, No, op; Royal ('alum• - ._. _ deserted by their followers. AN tie
tion wilt oummrna) at (ape Town !n lefol Dragc)ns, Nu 8, 1'rfvutu W. 1t, votintry through which they travelled
a few w(eks- Nolurkey.
! •Khan 'm - - --- - - - --
luundlap11 Kall h'rmu ('up,• '1'.,w„ It fs pow stated that l.nrrl Wulso� Kornai Dratuons, No. `_OT, Private Aad'1'rllr of Lhe Many 1'uubbmewta wRN devnrtntel by Tuug H 1 K
ley will offlrtotO at___the Wnr Oftlfx W. M. litovP_r; FYret Huwan, No. 44:e, nuc t.. ea and Jltntm_ troops tivey wire unable W obtain
Anotfier Floor 4tammm�drr'1'aYrs _ _. - - - --.%1W,pd l *tsar _ log, , mra.e,era___ , .I tlnajc *"acct_
unlit Noitgafe ee-lit. 1TrTvulu L. IT. _11%er, T.nure-n_e_6 -wn. Tit f'[ta a f)reat SnrprMe to the 4 vets!-7hrrr 17m•r t16 Jtapeated !lila
the N'ar loath -Kruger Coniplatum Although the fact that the aT)- S. R,: Second Battallun, No. 188, - ter* -fie Also Appeals to Ruaslr valuable".
pofntment of Lord Rohertm had been l'rlvato A. W. Law, Regina -^-' Answer •• (iullty " - - He is Remanded for Senlenc•—Gerald 5ltten
o/ Stryn More Cunadlal,s 2 • v unit Janpan - Truups WIl1IJrww Walderaee Arrives.
made w•Aa nlrendv known, Lha formol Mtrathcuna'N H(er"e, No. 0.., Pal• Pleadm Nut. Guilty and ttls !sae Is Traver wed fill Spring Assizes-.-- -
Invalleled Heme, aanouncregent of It Ir balled by the tate A. Hardy. Front Pekin. -Tien•Tsin, Rept. ?.7. --Count Von Will•
Unionist party aN A pledge that Lite Brigade Ufvislon, Field • Artillery. Among the Chhnrme officials whore demo and his staff nrrlved here at What Will be the F(fect un the Accused Son of the Alur.terexd Man!
Ottawvt, Sept, t,'8. -The fo3owlnK army reorganization will lee carried n Battery. No. .Ill, Corporal J. 0. nowt Wel: Guards of htrior froth tilt
me:aaage from Lord Roberta, dated Out Is lite, mor"t effectivP mnfluer. it X Berube. 1 ♦ h-a,kr Gertuitny haw delanmkd all Fie 7
•the cillos* ret•elvt+rl Min at Lhr rnllw-xy I,opd(rt, Ont., Ment: t,'6. -At Lhr M� Loudon• t3ept. CT.-Vr. Jwtoe hose
Yn•turlu, to-4Tny, vena teoeaed at war beglnning to be rec)gnlzod that A Fteld Battery Royal Canadlan price of peace negotlxtloaw are the station, which was d -rated with tins I wxm greatly "urprlsatd at tlw pk'a
something wait needed to gl%P Artlller nrtlflcer" Pnnrlled for dot slzu ('uurt here thin moruing ill Lhr wads, h \\'altar Herbert ir. Lhe KIt-
y following: flag" of (;ttrmany, Ituwln turd France. Y
the ABIL41A Deparllpwst this Worm- strength to the Unionist cnmpulKn with tiro regular nrmy, No. 1,276, Yriucr• Tuani the, fntbcr of the heir The flags of (treat Brlt.nln and the :UWn wmrdor care, Wafter Veriest tun murder care, and he arkur) If couu-
K : e Accordingly •rend-cefflelal annaunce- T. Hicks, shoping suelth, Welland, Ont.: other allies were conmplcuol" by their sal for the prisoner war present• as,
124tl-Idako w IlL first tmeote ere out that Mr. ReorgP Wynd- No. 2 477, J. Smith, shoeing minith, apparent pleadod guilty W hatlug murdered in hl" o Ink.n, Lhr- mar should bs --.
portion df absence. 1• pPlso
ham, Parliamentary Under-giocretary Port Perry. Yung Lu, the exruruatul_•r of the --- Jose h Milton. fully advlscu sir to fir colir4 UOD0t+• -
I-.1wi !tan regse eat ohoukl rest* Hall- of Rtate fur Wnr, in him speech nt p
r,,x ubuut October 24th. Derby to -morrow evening, will out Ram b !Gane, northern uraWs Ari APPeaI to the Altle11. The prtrOuer'N pleading wtin(e tar u Mr. Hellmuth rose sod said he had
(yigtted)-Itubeerts." line the GovPrnmont's scheme. of army I,1eni.•Col. Kam Hughes, (,haplutn Yuh Sven, exdlovenror t! Stan Pekin, foe It. 25, la Taku, Fie • motion LO make.
v fes• 2N; Knott surprlNe to the court. I will hear you hi a moment, tar.
There is Pio rteAlaer ldoku a the reforms, and flint the Wnr Office In Lone and Lieut. Wllkle, witi n lot of tong, teow Govaru:r ut Ishala-al., and l+hall gh"l. Sept. 80. -Prince ('hint;, lierald Mifton, wh.) f4 charged with Hellmuth," said tine Judge. "The clr-
arrattRing with Lord $otwrtm for the other -Mldlrre lnvnlldetj tram R,mitJi Chu1 -LI,. lieu -•lung, taltorr,W the the pro-furelgn Arco.• couuufar:otier. �•, tvlth hnvlu door the killing. etlmstancP* are su extruurdipary tint
ItW'al (navy list, ur tlw ng�try u/ return M- a -large & tl 1 bert R
Hat rh werultamt ru + 11 W 1)urtlom Of the .Atrk•n, urrtved nt Qurbe( �PNterday aa,n,trnnt. dpih_ny ty(l _%V1NJ%k SlaPa !ted _ do the Mfn►rterr u1 the x w tli counsel as to what`
--- - - --1- -- Tut k' 4u Bal gruurul of the tion fig au�rew tip tld7 u coin IS:laten- bind jmt ar crtrt ntr inthv- tmx matt pMs+i 1 mn 1 X00145 _�
_ Bri,calat e t five atsb01 raiewd. W the 1 •should br doge l r. �AUDT, AM poli --
►h p1i►iC• lrmy Ip f•otith Africa, uu the steamer Cam )r,rntan• uuutwlttl"I s41cLk, various
thoughr l,kahu, d,IW tear, Ito th- Rohw►Ir' Career. -- KTati trolk-s and !tion! the Governor of ahaotutug ,•d nut guilty. +and his trial had bVCn pared to move the heretcpme.of the
aR of
t' a hl� ask-
--- 8- the •Wtaaon titre of Hutt. 9`he ► acting \7ceroy of I l N ( trn%rrred w the Mpring Apizos. Herb• I avert up lbs prl.wner :"'
ir-kJrremre trove Lurd ltubrrtai weN- Many akett•h-w of Iwird Rul!rrta -T- Kann�-�Z'hao Shu Chino, Spo-I11 Ing the commanders ut the fura•itesar .rt Lhen ave InLr rtxrtling answer "No, my Lord: not just nowto an -
carver hive been ' durh to BRITfSR Stet Implltrlut commrlk/ner", wh•J rep)rt mien to defer the "endlug Of eNtx•dl- K mwen4 the Crown 1'roaecutor.
mill, it thfa flu; wen wbu are re- i4 tavoruTil tin th.) Boxer. wovelbieut. tions to thoso sections. The act,14+g __--- --- --
ufruinlg wt11 t»tme ttltt,ot to Hallfnz. )tet few luonl.bz, a the fol!ungr,i, Y -----___ �'"'-- Nr.• HPHmuth tfien moved for thN
mum mare b taker: frim ..u,• or th-ni: I,4P,,ag-ll,atg, a court favorite, wive Vleeroy •and the Governor of tltcre postponement of tlie'trial of Gerald
Atu)tlad oab:e message ,reoetved xt l"rnl Itolawt" of Kandahar and %V+}ter mired trtx9{r In thv country round Ye- provlhcrs say they have received r,. St/ton, fur reasons already advan(
the IaB:.tka 1)rpartmaut to -day, a"' flint waw born at Cawuisore. Imll:a, kin 4e, act agahr+t the Ltgathaur• A orders from the throne W dentroy Liao+ ,y i, -
uuwrrr that ut. h) P. LRyhe,rt► , A �IllA6� !r 1, by counarT.
of tin It,IL'• R, 1., vvtrt liar begat sere- S.• rt. R0, 18:2, of Irish pawn!•, hi"• no4 iou4 Isuxrr adherent. 13pxers, which they are doing ipdu,- , In ou.w•mr to the Judgav's gaestkrn,
,itR with tion aetpmd bad beero in rath,r being t)rtlt• Slr_Abraham Roberts. There are otters. triously with Imperial truttim. The- Mr. Lount kald he hail nothing W add
HP wan clulatA-I at Eton, Svnlhurht - Th,, mports that ono or the-uther Viceroy nude a lengthy report of .4j to what he lend already urged In re-
t((tuth Africa. linls been graanted s and Addtertewhe. He joined thn ISongltl her Comtmsit," ruicl,dw or Isatu.kUlted what he -Ina* acromplhtltedbi tnls_I±ne
rummksavp lA the tllst 7.fanoerr. Ptr' Artllery,bi 1u81 a4 texxtrld Ikvtennnt, ` __ ��. !crease to Lite. ruction.
It. B. fa!Q91 lU11, of tie) UDOed })+►i. in Iattlo pc(•,1 h„ ttikert with hits•)Lfon. lie Chihll, and lxdgr the foreign f ill,- a IV, The Judge thpai amid: "I think IL
tnllo0. ww Jo from Noksta B• C., rod war p,vwa,taf nit tolbws: L!Pp- Leaders bf Att k 0n British It t,4 a comfwtablP ('hlndwe way of menden+ not W arab! the, Propoesxl ex- 1m/wrtnnt that fn n trial ut tits khid
%mod 4,rmnt, Jutse, 78rrT; captain, Nur, aril effacement tit limos+ of rtrrwl to pedltlon to Pao-tlrtR-f u. He cat's that ' rvr.ry opportunity be offered for an
has recelevelie a ileutettancy In the 12th, �JtlGO; brevet, ma}tr, the next - clrrulato thwe reports lie the sure end I/ the allies carry out this intention, -,t ! _. l(lwivatn drfenev, The motion to '
I)uke of Cornwall's •Light lulautry• `slay. brevwt Ileuteiiant-colonel, AiiKrnst, J, ed confident antic4altkrn of" Leing onee the foreign truupv will probably cum.• granted and the trial adjourned."
All Weent to See the ueen. 1888 breve colonel J un v IK 5) StedmFit 1 to�Q� oreat:le to reapprpr.rprouslytit bhp- lit coiNNton with the Chinese lmprrlal T e prb,onerr vvwtr thou removed -__
Q L aft r, . T / p
jn reyy:y to curd HoWrtr query major general, Drre.mber, 1878: lieu O o filer time. Bm of this the allies are Noldlers, and there will be. more troll- unit taken back to their cells,
Major Hodon syr tttlret sit alis, of- tswsant•gettnerwl, July, 1!3(38: general, - --- �, - aware• _ _ I __ ___ hle. Ile promisee to maintain pence � ICffect of the Plea. �
v'g 1 er HU � e , n
If the task of exterrminuting tie aj I �
fres*•, N. (J. otf:oere and IlNarl of L 'No m 1 0. fl 11 marsh 1. ]int'. (iermws BNS•_ a Down. Boxers IN left W him.
ftattery.mv.Gonad adesire to aceept lW5S. He worn W V. C. sad him first M_ t AV'Ix+n the Assize ('cart opetwd. to�lny
._ _thcJpvStatb6 to go to Englaand to Prortrutlon during the Indian mutiny, SHENCSAVESMISSIONARIES Idutftal., Aept, r9. s a.-m.-Aprear• The letter from the fievvernor Of I sls,riff C'aw:•nen askixl MT. Ju"tlee
W reviewed by Her MU)esty. and waw saesetkrde,l t*) liter town- rix flinliy Germ ny's retreat fern au un- lihnntotft Is of the same tenor. Mr. (V' 111(w that tilt prlaoi ers Sltton and
----rt)n July t,2 It was announced that tato In doinaa4•her during that ram- tenable poolLicen ham ba,en virtually Conger, the Ilk the a �Il rate s. He �- Howb.•rt mfgl►L be brag*! up at
I.urd Roberts Inti been Pleased 4o up- Minn. 'lie served in tb� Abyandulli ( -- accomplished. The Paris curre"leemid- little fallli iq chemo tuarnnteenk. HP ace. anti so tt happened that Lite
prove of a limited member from tier Pxl+elltb:i of ISMI-68, tba Lw4hal e% sayx these officials made the Name
etlt u! tion Morning 1'1,at soya: � �� � a7:rdtatlonal°scene, wnbh lolbwed incl
Anel y French Consul Sends hood News- ".tit agreemeuwt oil ,the Chinese tilt- rontlNew durl the elego of PPLIll.
yru nr and c,kwtlal u"xanted fumes KoiltkNa of tA'i1T_, unit *unmans -.I P nt v ,�� few rp:cwtWrs. other thiol tliepetit
(r•Iryt granted Lists dlsrtlnrge for the tb•• fwx,eu durins the Afgha+t ran* I The British are gathering lnformu- ,
nutk,n brut been arranged between jurors :rut oivurt gfflrt:►Is. (h,rnld SIf-
purPise of joining the !'ape I'4dive Tor Ia4rn* of 187N 7!) 80, during whl^h h,• Prince ChingSernes to HaveBome F'rauux,, (;ermaiW and atnaidell 1t will tion about the. rand w. Pwo•tfnt-ru, t ton wan nrnt and trim in appearance,
fana.n4 Lurcetl marsh from unit will probably Investigate the ` - wMrvas Itis cow nion Hbrhart. who
f taerxiax 4n the 1►itahetley-d►sieiet Ti)n ---- Influeneeand Chise e 0 __. _ ieuheL1910.14) -440 utlwr po err T"►
rlod of service Is three ears. KaLul b I►ea,T'ihir. iia• - ntoi)-ilovt with!a a few tla s. 'Civ, nd,tiun re- statements made by that <'(teneaw.Of • -IF , p,r HpIlIiF.RT. ""-""'. 7rty gati" twenty 1ttwnAa In weight
w(In July '28th iiajor Iluiw's diary, mantled th forcesdn Barron during tow• (ora. (haftre Heportm to Ills /")uuitfended wEir be mailer thou Ger--fiClnls• each illy oorentw nait, head a.slovenly '
`haws that Gunner McCo • had atm- 1886 camlstltn• Whe l ,411144 upon, we, - .A. general feeling 'or mncllintka eY- _ __._-�,I,__ --__-- mak. !Moat effect lb-rbeirt'e Ira of
(:uvrrumept re (:acrd. spout''• urlg nu! propoavah and it !r , P
rf(etely Jost the sight of his eyes as take command of th' forn,s !n Srtuth lets here. y eople who are incliined ver question of the Clerk.
ezptxeted !brit x,l tlTe p)wrrrr will to the usual -�n11ty will lave, on lker:ald'SitLon'r
the result of an Injury by a $1korn. Afri•a Lmd Rolmwt4 was commanding flung Kong. Oct. 1. -The British a(,f,Vt the programwe." • be fair mn that if the I)Owa r Em t:rla! is a matter of much curiotAt
lh,• fon•bea ha Irrinlrl, ullboat 11414AII haat rebelled the village,, preux seeks mercy frorn the vitholis The question was repeivLa•d to h{m is
Jwwakxl, 8, . R The lelftl a liniment tai arently TFe. rows offs giro of oil'! J r pule
Wl:h fu lurrrnder, ft. 804-'htolay Aa Lord nntiups, lout* Friner Tiinn and Gen. three Llmea, nod he.gnre 4hn Name an• lite, Crown officials unit ata .Ind elu
of Luk -Luo oil the \!'eat Jtiver,, fu re-- aemloftlrl»I Atatetttent, npparcutly .U�-F•a-shjW moat be executed ns t
P 1R A imR+I41F vc►k w-
,ts• **veer 6O Rah -few, t Wltfle tAtP Few
n IG rws' aitg a t•arioue- tom .
loupe Towa, f3ept. _8.-9e%rrnl mem irtrt>RisTr nlPrslyd fur top t'on .ln En rlasn,. - i+o+,i
tallaLlOn for Lhr inhnbltnnls firinK ou L P i. 7' n reUrnlitary. It IN even now re,xvrt-
I"•rr ut he CwpC 1 IAMN frU= IarP re, Carendlins Sall,* a British rteuwer. The ria leaderif Wig r �at than s Twin'bi, a on resua- pitpthat Tuan has been poisoned. Thr prisoner wits hien iwmnnded for Galls for tJte lof the c of it in vi the
rri%cd momk•atk,nr [nam crvluuiaJ K Ltig from Prlet(tp •Tfan'w nds•endrney, clr,anwt"utc:tm of time case, It Is clnlnrti.
i•tw•la w'h are slow at Dela ,n Ila C» Town, 4-••t. 'IO.. -The t' na. wear nfterwardr cu .towel xud (I. lien. d.lnucit(:h. .the Itursian (•um- nentrpre,
R y. Pr I M. [ +g the uontLtnval ttletasaere u( my+,aionar- wander. will leave, here Wn the''Tth, nuke, it probrabk !hot cleuneltcy WIII
I1Prbert wait Gerald MUton's h}twT
a IuK for rtleulars nr w the Pin, dinn o ontinett-mt uudMr Cul. 1'rllr.tlrr. K,.,L few and twnvrrta mut et!:er (polca- unit Lho members of the 1tusNLu► I P• ion+ PxOe4'Iw it It Is nhro ,w I upo !tont
1W )tl" ,K th trensorl hill now Ilnder anllPd 4r.lay nil boverd the transport -- bans that the a)1Rl: for(•iKnt Ilrovement 4LR n. and the Crown. hllCgeN that OBI•• a0:ti `IteO will not tae TwiwN[4 upon LTM
cunirldrrath)n ud Pnr abrin wbPthcr Idaho. Thr 1 )ler ' C» Town ne Intfon will tallow hhn two days Inter.
I R ise M ill' _ !(surd the Mht,lonarie".. it directed from an linfluentlal centra. The Russians will keep a 'tgtturd here aid aevurod the aid or Herbert to kill prisoner nt Lila .ltwiz,w, tett Wtnt he
elr,ylvtm wee born!* tf they whrxd,l rorAPt them n "f+ hmprntnpW rr• I'nrfs, Oo•t. 1. -The French Cunard- It thlaritN that Lhe `4'Laltlop tin" orf 1,1100 urn. Tate mewlrere ut tlu• his /ether, Jfrratph Milton, on Lho day ! uviol ler rr•m:uufo,L Tlie fstinuate of Hhr•
r am tJ Cape olo.ny and surrrn.l.•r. r•eptlon, tier lfayor'voilchir the thanks rre, tP;i "must nWear intWerable, btrt'm dis,"rdton by taco:, who know
rte 1�. st__ !crest herr In the of Lho Clty gar L lr hrlllfwnt cc4sr t;vnrral at ShangluLl, up,ier date of other •],Ptatfunr"are ex,s•rting onlerw the IattCr war to h:aye born rourricd
*y l ven to those pow•rtw favorktd n Yu:- l.,tvr Ialnl is Wtat Ile IN r:u+lly loot, wl►ikr
fvtN t etPc,ti(Me 1 the Lnite-17a'iog; Ili 4. ftr1.T. --""--- .---- Sathrday,--OPpb:- Q'NLt+r-LekiEFaitl+a sv--iii-TintTu:tt<itLT+ Iil,tTiirbizar ---@ --- _ a--y4M41g-vvwatia 1,411104-Atasy UnAt -i4-has ties f tit+ t7UUMI (i4r
_._ e% ot_.- _ -nese .acct 2t,
tint, la Itxw to(wu futurmed by for aft P• l� aid fence say" that he is an O ile tic.
data Tim Omdaad d the Never, the 8trya r■ Arbitrary (;orrrnor of Wept Cir hi tint )Phe folinwing dogiratoll ditval Sep- mnti" "tasted to•Aay for n iBOfPr Farinne. P V
Air nape!•, pint artJel•a n,• tengwr B7th Ives ►seen re •.eivvd frow Tho S(ftea drfetnoe ane voufl lettt that
-tITATi 'gag tZ t t ;n I.arrnt--I,a.A,ken: }: _Au islrrerLnrg rw Udnugh Wit« Ii4tarvrnLiou atf;=AheuR gtnnigllaT etrunRhuhL 15 tulles tO the aoq_771 When FlcrtePrt wave aree�lU,ti Fir Com T
%k•tor (mid n n hunts, In tae i+ort c olw'a ruin komwtipapr. to the tit• m,wdumtrle•a +awl i•nKelierrm , ,it Britl•h cavalry epcouutered .��)00 loosed to High Clointiable eNel'oust, im. pre Mrt'w se ca wHl not mataTfail
y tca+4 effect th Mr.-, Kru er. In a letter Than • Ting Fin wrrr Note uud nand It 14 nA"orted dh"t (;en,'M"-Kut1(g- Ito%ore Noott of Aiii0m a y(st erday. ,yn jhile tie cess!,
--0rlvirmL Rist' -of a.- - tkx1. t- �„ Nol has expe!letd the Buzera truth plivating Gerald Mlttun, unit •saying , \\ h]IP the Imelimlrary ex»minntlun
-_ - M f. apnuuncrw tett ho Ir `wept. "3rd, that the militar foal civil t"' Doxets bad r flex but no ammupl-
Y Rhantnog, rod b maw fuibwlo them he /Herbert) bed flrot rtroik the old of tato pTisoraerr wan goln on Her
A Itwtutt- nor liar rs. goitng s x mer fiMtAttyw-He nuiltocltlaxt tartk_yrtsautNzntl to {@}O.�ht Fn►v;eoa of Chl;t. - - - fit.. ]fang ut thPn�i were kRled g
en �nTi ear eat tS:-1113 Ve mn(-Te a cwt e"-
n•rlin, Sept. _8. -The Tn w 7 -Pi salt, 1 rsE("tam•e, that after the cap. t all the missionaries and ttutt the ••aurae ezcltement has been caused *lire, The rouge®ion war_ not treed
i nn; 4, day pabllsh,w nn artists Lure [ lllwchndadurP, hr taco the Klan mission at \hag Tian LunA by it rumor that Chimbee, steamer", 1•• S• Troops to Leave. fnlled him, and Gerttld- slat"hoot the tit tlr tiros, tett w4wld have bent
of n I ladvrn•nLing Lhr, offer! -deg 11truggie wits hopelemm and co unmellert was sate, flylvic the'Brlalsh flag, are conveying Tien Tain, S•pt- 28, lin Shmnghnl, jrib-, f(Arthromfng aft the that. The Crown
1„ K > moderatkta, tlpt .Air. KtPyn'n ••nrbi•` --- munLt:Ona4 oLwnr from th" Sbaangbal BVL. 50, --Orders fnxu WaFlW19to tli The defenre claimed thaat the do• witu canis ' subpoenae(1 In eonnerton
,' Iu�mna•ntm to''the Boer" Tu elft! -tit teary behavior" overruled his coon- ]lure T..N.ttpe. aropmal northward. dtrrtrting tiv,e wlthdruwal re,[ Lhay balk r,onas•d aet•Idcntally fell ant of the' with the Gilt, 38 Th all, have been palld
„ rn,an (*roti 'cwt Ahlra. rel
The Wrr Wraln T4,n Ts'n, ReTR. t,8, vin Rhntugh(+1. "IL kit rtuyrrrted ihxl 7titewia tae u(- o.f tba ,lntrriran troutu woe, recelvdl barn. off, ural albwed to go,
Tu Travel ,t ekert (told. _ g' Sept• R0. -The. Chinese abaledoned fered to advance •mcxtey to China to this afternuure, find prepxratlit" to
In,n,kx1. Sept. R0. -The military im- and looted ToTegarban (T) o4ternsi•bly pay the BrUtsty Joan." • comply.wen, b gui Immediately. Oen. _- _._ __ __
1.,"0-111, lk'pt. .-GlAa, Brltafle 1 rittnrr of the ope.ratio ur in Mouth beirati-a! their wn es were 0h arrears, Y M (��{ �-
sent a re - ->bat"M Hev- R g R i.ntlrkxv 9r t --- lnaffrr.� het4 dlt4emme the nova- � NI Lu�KY �EIFIBEIISt �T IS
A Tc,i Ie _. m1_ m.,- a11rY1'rrrt� itfnTeA w iinsatarrnttweHr. - fHroY f+4rrrr Bo:rra.' tm+ttt Which w1H ltmrmt•rte�!-� lite {{� _._-
rraur•at, a••c.nlnag W u`. t1(.•lrttrh wvt pnmsen tba trrlrna{tifih wtage bite, (iPrw•ra( Rte ,AYreal C3nselee la oln P •,,vy,-A ok,a7Nttrh from rwrlfeet nstlde nrmwnt. �l
frow -,.. ntaro to * Day �[nll. ,arm. ccureatlon. It Is nut rXIweted to Wei -hal -wet• Pekl.n.' 14eptember C2MI, repnrte Ilnt It W undrrswxxl that the plan Cort
wkkh caeWhw n w, tin ' f \I r. that htlnR will hrnt•Pforth de%Pl.pr I --- lift- 13rWilsh leave sheet fuer Boxers w•inplaten leaving n regiment of In -
roger w alk■wa1 W ►dry it'for' layond and Gillis -rive ur brief ObpyeA 1'rinrg ('hint. who v/orP cwtcfctwl of nrunlPr:nog Pantry, n wiundron of cavalry, and a p
or State, nrchlr4.4 on txsai�.f u4 h mwatpr b the Buieres on Ute garris"n" L-rklup, O,t. 1.- detereatch, to the twenty-orut perstau, three week" battery for artlh14•ry in 1'ckin 4)protert Elected Today ijv Aeelam- `. hastly Meme nto of the Re-
levarsl, I• which W w brin`tf hhu 4o which ate rat lord it,Ayert" 1" quer- 'I•Fm;•a from lit. Petersburg confirms after the capture or 'pekk►. Anecrk•an interests, and that the re-
I:unKr•. II N%tll I.• r•gat�• I u" a Metre at n hnpurtunt crntrm. Num• fur m,mrrt,r that air tnv^IL ui KIr!n --- n/nindAr er th^ Lrxvogst WHI prorcePd 4. (f!ation in Great Britain, venge of a Clerk.
hr.w, h ,.( rarLLrolily un llu+Vrrt p/ the afros ro,lern haw vent' Inclittrt• surrendered to the Itusaituls with- Shangltal __ _ s \Ltltila. + r
tL. N. tbcrinta{e• \ fj4�►t. '. , N.10 p.m. In-Im_
_ _ Oren tet resilient , i n4Tltilt the lgifiruca• not n Anton then tonviarrery order )••slat k�Lw r i,t taw l;priw+afl F:apen.r, SIr-Iifre+T (lutm lrc•. tflh ITrit]rb rotii _
Paxard Third !tending. I -of the we tllwr.tsaAA ver there from Prtvtne Ch:nig. •Thr d,epnteb which -wit" iwltt td►"ilgisi,-soya-tow Fmt- pander, hnr grata• to Tien Tahl 4) GOVERNMENT CANDIDATES SAFE. STOLE $R 000 AND FLED.
ny be runewed rthlty directrA tit- clays that If s!ml:ar urdors shall lop ls•nrr'of China mentie greetings to the hugW- 1; the British Lroopn there. r _ _
( at". Town. BeWrlay, �Seept• L'Q, - ward seizing Drlt h arms and +un- 14.,tir,1 with rwgard to Slukdert the Kalaer. it Kora oh W way: Lotedon, Rept. 2D. -On itandred upd Chicago, &opt. :J0,,1Ttne head of a
Th) Treason blit leas tax•n panywl by rhnuttion ,4nkruys. he tact; r,f•nitinl- Rlerwuin conquest rot Manchuria will "Think auddPn u.rlenin In China hail BERLIN, NEW CHURCH.
I R sixty seven ronat!.tuetxles return- prhatC oletPrtl%e, ncmrdfng W Cnr-
th, tw•Rislative t:ouncil. !•poet ret , tion", and not the I -k ,of rnrrty, b" be (,f)mip:Ptetl. Am,er(Ihgg to the ,rime r4• ulte1 In thre munter of your Miulte —
iug th.• (loverikor'n signature, It w 'I redurtng Lhe }lepubll, n forcen. authority no fortherr n•`.nforcempnts 4•r. \few mut-,ordina4n hive acted film- Bisha Uowling Onbalas a Priest anit lug one-fourth uJ •the ttaPrabereli:,y of refit.. deers,'!, waw yeaterles ref:ely-
i-oliN, IoW, It h,a%L alrendy paten - P cl and fl)twrnp)raxl On the desk of the
+R l Lurd Kotrrtw wt:rl ser f the City or wt:l the requ!rr„1 br the Rnwlnn cops gracefully and hrtcP bmken aur !*brad- Lrys a ('cruor stone. Lhr Hoare of CwnmOtla, mode their Pr•mldent cif a I«4al batik. Tine
1.1 the, Hawke, .d Awrtutely. London\Vo:vlateprs from `'rptorka up wander)• lit the far coot, ly rrlat!rrtm, for which I nm d(r•ply nominatloaa to -day.
U1r4uonr.4Yc;ock head waw n grewsomr ulPmentn o/
tObPr `1wt. Others *slid )Ilow, nc- ad.rmwfvl. T haus to -day onlerCoi Ornfld Berae4 Salt. 30.-R!Aht Rev. T. 3. title n(terlvuun Sit ewlerobera had ueep" the, nvrpgu of n dPJjBulting rlPrk,
ALM lltult of Fight. rdbtt tit transport arrot temente, (`haAte ItPpe+rt■. Cortndllltr ICnnkarig to nffwrobl•atlowtA Powling, ilshuPdT Asmttton, war tact twrounme o t}m efforts +rvf the hRnk
Halifax, N. S., Sept. 2tl.-Wllllam ba the Dee•w1y )Par Is sure to ee ores bw•forp the Min{at4,r's m/fln. t have at the depot un Saturday evenin h e:ecte,l uuo,tpured, c,amprlarng Sit mat is
Wallace, of Halifax, who wtai Inva'ld- 10f 0110 Uritlah tro sti:J 1 2"liY Wash}ngton„ /let. 1.-T6P lions i)e- also airdered Li llnn Clir g Y d s wtaat, the ,letectiva•, to
tnxN t nt nfo Lia (:utas( *votive* 8 Uu uttirts, u I.itwr, kidnn rop g
ed from South-AfrICIL after an nttark Af itrSlQ tlI4 wP!t- ts- rtment le fu receipt of.a cablegram Knn S'S troffer PVP* fael)ity for the as_)mmeare eunruurwe u( citlzenm of als auad 2 Nutluna"Lis. _�_ _-_____ p Prim to his t Ienl refit o
Of fever, leaves lo-mn>rroW au)rping to }rr a41 to rett4rr a thea __ _.- from General Chaffee, ladleatipg that return of thecoffin fa Germany. When �ilrLsacletles and atnrlonts, unl reP !mon the [nlerwtl rsonnlf-_ Rha e� oli betel[ le Zalkne
he ha" rPceltrd InmtructinnN to with- S- - -- C'hlef u[ Police Kipley usacrtw that
return and alieta re, al(Orcif of fr ult. l itlnht "tato hula I)urbrtn re he draw mast n/ the I'nitel , FKILh- it reachis that cowitr► Lhuve ordered corted by it- LorchliKleL proceamlun td) !Leve op the 4:u%e --em t style returned the, story Iw not tn., yet it (xet-
eau suldlers wh rn Illy Mini,ter at lierlike 4. again make the college• To-atny tit Lltb morafng to -day without f>9lpoe!lk) were, My- Unites W Fre stublimily c(mulated,
tont, W .f, (.lutpn, another HallhnN Rand, th a woek, the fSrst in twply trootle from China, and ham pr•o%lded el)laVoin. and thunk show my prtt(rtnvl Jueeyoh 171uuuls,r!uitn,'thevticeretciry of find to rind vredpnee with man
In.acrordanrr with three instruction" Mrrifx III, Lontnhlp onlained Ltev..t, y, who
(d_ lndnaftr at late
luno• wlxv waw nt Lhr. bettlw of monlhra seturry� the rryrn•ba -- _ b fur the Ouss41e.4, R'atet B:rm- rna"rim that the obvlortnNl
1O 'ritkrt 111 not. Ikely ba allow- or n IrIntlOn Kunst. Thr des,Natch X.on laid t corn., anile the nftew Y eIpeillent
)latantrb4•rg, and wait wowulPd flame l poi. � ( Fotwa: ••Ree4•Ivctt Mrpt. 30th, 19f?n, �� Porncrly ops ton- cnuntrjrw veers na)n Inld the cornav-stone of tlx+ new• WKhnro ; Air. (ieurge Wy'n7ltlaam, Ute evaree of honk preeldent and de-
timre, and whose, came waw at first P41 w Ll: OP ml K''t Pner'n txaratl cl Tnku A ived 1` 'ret. 3rn(, R'nmh- lvca,4• 111. I flow appeal 4r you to re- Church In the- relents of :tout u,110D lar.lamealary aecrotary for the teetice agency alike would be to
sant our as five! of oar, of the k111M, lel trnCk fro the Vno�to.ighwnnem Knrd our eomm4wa hntensrt rand allow a S\'ur Office, Dover; Mr. ('basion T. ioncenl t1+P freta,
I% alno applying fur o^^enisnkrn to r- burg• n:ouK+41 the NtQhoty�lafwlm Com- Ing n,-itl•pt. 29Li, Loth owblPd Brom og *early p •aaT nrlgnL!nUorut, en tact p"ol'Irt' RLI.Phl e, the Proatklent of the Board I Afronhng to the current nom the,
,urn to the scene of wear. Pith Ine" party's line is inPletPoh Tia rail- Tlevn- win RPrP,ce1 your nflm.bPre t' lverpetnta.l peace• may le erurr4l. i AO a Revetive Norman wascago, fit- oaf Trade, C'aoryden; Mr Jdtn C. !t. re(vnt phaPnee of -n certain to al fie
g permanent force, lift%- w i qu^slk)n w i remata' the mown. anit 4 The NIMh infantry, Third b,v the Rec..T. Koaln"kh, Chhatu, af-
hclrm to the av ntOkr thL/ stxrl•tl unit famt•nPnt npireal." Cu:nrob, Gr +it Yarrtwuth ; Mr. Jesse tutncler of nuts Was Cr►unerl by the
itr4g tarn sttnchaxl to Lho alliitury imgortont 'R Rao h ArrlCw, *err long I+gnndro of Rlxth (•nvnlry and light 1 reply wit LI Bung Chang's nwinor- tar which Hla Lordship In eloquent Qu:lLtgs, Under 89cretary' , fur ilte eliuck-lie ruculved. un
hattery wfll constitute legation language thonbt4f Lhe conagrPgnilon o}rwtog a pecu-
School at Fredericton. nN a gn -rfium U k04A In the, Trans- guard. S 1 I Pndrnvor to Int all mn r lei 4. the tblyne dkiomnrling Prinev and thr'cltlzenw fur 1hP Irnnd mere- Rome D,yfnrtmei►t, BirMo:ey i4%1- liar Imuking sealed package that
(I van!. i th tus►nrd ('a r Tm►n til to- ultra to To chow before water fall". Tuan, wh ch was learned rm Lite. 25th, t Ion tendered hlm,congrntulntrd thyro Man of lt!.ralingham ; Wr Frarsar came Whim by express, it contufne,l
VICt1ma of the Wrr. ward Natnl there t� only a mile f ant's th rl(ke nc ra nut the !cost workJp td t d harp Powell, Wigan; -MT. Jo"ephlo- the hent! of a main indirectly
rhtEWa. 3:eft tw wlalfd "fat -- -_-_ __ _.__
lRrpL - - - -------� - - - - r*tRP4F--ihsrra ars poo w)s+saLtea..aaitlt _._- _ r__ e( Tu cnptarrn
rljaes m t Fr! 6ron ( wear MIA .._lam,_ rnr�U niTliiTi3lfn Lary oT 1Jir•T�_►iiT-re. %,nT'i-Ti.rm u7 n detnulLiu clerk, 7Rte defaulter
"" -�-n�� � � -to n'Cno a" ver - i demand r nrm,v R a w 1�t Wart AIanPMttrlw. Twin t rot ;-who mttm ferr P (iris pastor fu CraCting nn (!Niru ip4ghnm ; G):. Kir Charles F,. IT. Vln- clic rd Wince licit with $x,000 cave
dais who have lust their lige@ In " " gl.l "n►taMe r that would be a monument 4o their g
farm, ttr3ittR frrrnt (}amt Hritait[ I>rn,x•trhtw NoitE"smt 4A, rP w+1 r+Rttr{d and prrtt4rlt cent, t118 f6pnQl5T ut rttu United Em• eral yearn n
R,nuh Afrlcn Is 10Bv town and n crrdtt W the dlurPaax His b[n, vena Lrn,Pd to Lrwetn
_ war Pxperlenees, proviuked r 1(P sry ferred W by Gelt Chaffee, were those mcut. LorAahl nnnonnerd that this wnN pin Trad:, Longue, Con.tru; tilteff:,eld; It"'. where /ntitlesa efforts were
t Cnmphnil•Bwnnerman, tine ilia! 1.Ih- utnlning his inIetntctlon to with- Prince Chwant, Prince loth and the p Mr. Juin Hrprte4Pr ,Hatton, Canter- mads to brio nlN,ut his return Lo
May Rerover Dight. erfel Wnr Mln vtor• to any lAa even- d w the American tmopn from Pp- Ne•orda.ry Printer Toni LIPn and Tsui the twenty-fourth church erected, bury ; Mr. C1lfirrss llartby Ginner- the I'to b M6ntes. 1 PrPd ut the
Ottawa, Rept. 219. --From the late"t Ing : "OrCrera rthoulA ti, belle Pnlit kl Ping, have Imrn d14mLteed frorn hrredt and that Rev. Father Lenhnrd, an ex- tag
YNntr Tuna auident of St. Jrrom. m College, wam 11 ortiey-, formerly Under Ne,crelary pr•rPlNteney ehowu by the bank, the
_, _
Irttt-r rPOPItrjj groin .l'rlvate \\', Ile . rd to d k+we. Oth er.. -___. _ -- - tory rn.nk. R - t tta- -_
3, lar army W I - • : t— _ ii n i lit of hYteftkeld, 1Aft vJir Written deriant lettP.nWIO the offer!•
d iii ilii•"Tn ih(11iIlT" i him mins* hIv tu!vrnt to the Itlnrcmn FAlwnnl Ath>Fvt l+awra)un, •1[IPth. claim of the instltutlon, and to his
lilfiea, who was wounded in lite fltlit for the r14.1e.' S ctrl t4u-day del9areat the lorr•n dlsmkrerl foam his utflre unit
In n Inlch LlPuts. Bonk n end Burch I of Tlnmiltooi. The t4,llrctlon renllzt-d
He did not rare witiPttter the off\1, tenor n t c (krvernmenVm ,)ffhlnl handed Durr 4r the [m1"•sial ('Inn locust nhOnt ?400. T1iP Bniille ('omml izcd The five 1.1Mtrala returned unop- former fellow-employ44>♦ with the re -
felt. hopes farm held out that he will corm carne tram the r4lnks nr farm eomrnnnic tlornm of m mrd tovRnmetn'a todr4•rm'ne wh t x•nnit telinll tw im R
***curer the w t of tl►e rlRhL eye. R lw ' Y prr"enlyd HIlk T.Ord"htp with xn nit- Prosed IncindP �lr. R'flllnm ('Dort Guhy, wilt tint onlerm were given ton de-
Igh the omtal•fe, but tM•y ou�ttt ie, trP tnrk" In t r far eaat Clearly Aemrot- I o4.tl on h'. m. ANnnwhiM all his nllnw drralk nnA with a Ixnutiful silver Il'nrl w( or lheFHouse of ('oromoniu Lative n
A do ctor In the hospital at Johnnnee- a5:■, to Herr on thP',r Tt►y. TMn the Arate thnfthe rep )rta or the annex. I ancon h i%o hero suippnd. 1 e), and fr HPnry }hart le to Ixeeve ti txlztg the fellow r
burg tare him mtrong ansurwnen, nnA nffMSa�7+ wnnld find tint the N !cern atiun of Man�hurial are devoid of all . fonder IhP Emperor'se edlet, Lilo Tlnitr trowel nN a "cnvrn{r of the event. A y jalNtlre, even I[ It blrnmP nr4•e,r
hr• g g e hi Fowler, formerly I'ndPr Mecrotar of anry to A to yet him auto __
rc Inlnt Pope, 1 r relgning Rnverr en nn ii 4('i'sia""
undergo an operation at Nettey by thpir M)�f(vWrn. Tint there nh■)p:d =-- ---- Mperlotary Anng-Klh, and ChnoChul of tnl British iip rel, And other Als- Mccretory of State for Indira, lt:nst a deteetive, It Iw de,•Inrr,ri, wenn
the lenalir ocullats of London. Tse a drmocratb army was the leas- T ONFO'S AS11MRsMF:NT. Chan, the Premidr•nt M the Board or Keeret ry of e,
m __ thngnfahrd dlgnbtarb'nk of church nud to Costa Rlrn to prorate the ortler,
non of the wnr. Tin etophtletset of War, have been handed over !o n MtntP, walk dPTxv4itrd, wlLh CnrMnt Ali Interesting feature of Lhe elfol- And Lhe next development In the
Pretoria, Rpret. 29 -sewn hen been corrPgptmk•nts ArcOm{mnying the be -City a Never th 2(/UtQ00 Clark hoard to (IOUTmhle what penalty mans and to Ism ref Intal naw" a arm, Items 1r the Intervention of thin ml- ntory lee the rnmorerl arrival or hla
r,4Plved from the north Wthe effect army Mttlrr!y cotrfalknk this clew. a Popula on. " shall he Impoterrl on them. In the t• d co ie thr rnal newvP Thr onla•w for Lhr lira! time In the election hmd, mush after tin manner ha
that Ilarend \'oraLer, who wan n -... \ Tn making lilt nunnnmPm,•nt In the 14 of the twAlwriand. A don mtch from "Melt that of Mt. John the rte that
fnembpr of Lhr Irate Transvaal Volks- IncwlldRii wi<�reir'e: Obi" •- p Ptefi. letter to reupei•or William the ('I haeme 1,"rrmmny r^m°1nArt1 with Lhr •[*!Ring I p
rand, and who I" nt 7.(wntpnnlkbx,rR. (ipeM•C, �Pppt. R0, -Another batch Of rt/`w■•dtT*Rtlb PPtflt'NI Of t clay worm F:mPe•ror Nays tint hr inn tn.kr•n Lliia
of the Grrmreen hymn, "(Irommer sintt, ftOhnrt, Tn"manta, film rSorning, nn- vena dellverea to ilerod,
ham rorkatItated hlinesetf chief of the I Invalld.'rf-olrltPM from f"th Afrlcn Rivers t thio mornhtt. Thor total gctlwu "to show the"p offpnders that. YCIr Latton iNCh." A TlnrndP Of the vnr_ by thea tilt adoption or n resolotlun NOno of the dPG4:ticw pgfenfcNll will
It -r (kwerremplet, and In directing wrrivnl herr of 7.43 o'ctork thin mgrn- tmxnb!at nrm4vwnr•nt Is !bit ,954.144, i am dptermined to prefePrve the Im- loam hienevolent "Ocletlea, bondmi by by !fir Tnamnnlmn AaaemAl,Y prO,iur- ndmtt '"Ific knowledge, of fife oxo
Lhr ''9th RAttollon Vend, took date Int n }int Anntrnllnn caN)li•Irnm son- r irronce, bat iu,rte wilt r rn that the
pinna for Wte cmtlnuanrr ,or the ; tpK by Lhr strwmer C4lmbromnn. They an Inoses! or 1P ::18.185 er •hart , rial Inheiltnnc, nerd not to regnrd f Irafulnting Mr. Clinmberbiln on the story line a foundation in fact.
rt.ntRllP. tt is net Lhontht tint landed al Lhr LofllmP Cmbankment, _, r. Hnt of thtttnms:, ink r)n ileo rinuete or Mlnlmtrrm. They must h!nnlr hrrnrP unit offer tbe, ceremony•
him uppoefticm will tx "**beam when I nud were given n iwrirty rPcePtlon, tunllQlrn,glk, tin Only IR1,r.57 (tn. Innd thrm,Plvfw fair film rzvere panfahm, nt, -- BtIIINh lknccrmaev4 In Reath �rrlcit, and
the Itritlah atter,k his (,wrrr. fits Mr. Thoman Dnvidmon. ons of the pill,- %RJaem. i My People must be plrnwed h: this 1•HINi!KLY GIFTS. hoping the elr•i•Wr" of Orrvit Drltnl'rr ?hovel flan to Atd Poor.
f"Ilowerm nm not reethu"Inmtl,•, need I Il^ Recs dlon Committer, delivered A THp Pupulnto?► as revulrned In lop • pnMehment.." will Pmphnlleally decl,k, on tlse fruit" ileNln, Rept. RO..-It la rP -
Ifim sit 1• oA mnnitlnne of wnr le 1 36 Th) im yr a of his victory being effettfinlly aN•- I+(Ntetel
nn r brier hot eloquent aprerh In that nano in elf lnrrewae In the year of 8,1• f r nl drllrt mmlas+a that iJ 1\'.K . VrnArro 11 (ilcrallxh Itwlf curt•& . (tent the 1"Olew•n or WfirtembPrg have
w•nnty. of fife eltlrena of quebPre. They wrrr Tn Lila purldAlP dfita•b•t mf the elvtfn Horan Chang's en1lre plan In retard Mllllon to HI■ Dwughter.----------------._.-__ Adopted n nolel scheme for raining
fo tho• unishment of Ofienderm nlenll London•: Now Lord Ma or. rubscrlptlons to charity. They hove
There hna bmrn n "lith! 11klrmhah p Yrw lurk, Rept.-29.-Wllllwm K. ��
north of 1'kwtnar's ntvrr. all theR(9tadel bY. a fu lr(lrof ihonor, pew, cent. Inrlr . -, dlmo4t lite •IM followed. Thim edlet wilt have, n Isened leaflets headed, '•4'olN•rt we).. 4
� I
VnhderlInt hhn iron his f1fil,cit "t6F ixrelrhvn, ttteTrf. 7#1`-1t1A. Yrnnk 1:rk"'n .
fummandant Errasmas, lahatorabiy cnnglolketi of the Pio 1, R. L vend the , gai'Pfing Rn11 TiPlpTnf Prfret on the R ons formally sleeted Lord \Inyur tar P°'N Rnlr," The lea/let expinlns !hot �
,•la"4rvint hhn nrmllkLlrP agra,wboM n Rate head. 1linjor FaiRpn, who hnr CIVIL RF:ItVICIC F.XAll1N I Chinese, heir n million el.11nrnk to his rinugh4•r. London ler •the etlteulm r every woman ate contribute towards
few days n Man chitMed with preying ttwm and An imperial letw,r to the C7,1p of .the Duchess of MartMtruttth. [he g Y nr nt the, tn'l,vint the, "irk anti rr by a.endln
Will Commence to all Provincialf rn- Rnn.ln hen born 1•wued thwnkln the Rlft I" In Lhr nature of w thunk Of- Ci lldhnll yesterday. 1"+ t
bt t" reTxrtpd that Gen. itnthn, with drllverint their r1llkCitRTgr, 4►A" at the 4T Nfr Gres•n Is n nnllvr of Mnld"tone, their mnketPate combings ,to rertatm d(4-
:!,(FfNI man, iw RdvwncSnR by way o! la fres nnNoventherlath. , Iattet for hill promise, W withdrnav fering for the Duke .r( \tarltrvt,ugh'" Tuffs, w•hrner they wtll by forwarded
L4•ysdow to do V,rntpr nt PietPt•nl• Thh�1"tnrhment walk In rhnrgo of the Rnnslnn trrrvps from Pekin. i:m- safe rptnrn from tier wnr in Mrmth iCd•nf, unit I" n Ante.* mr•rchnnt. ills to Mtuttgnrt, where o hwlnhrevnk•r vel 1
burg. n } (:fwTtnral it. & Moody, of "R" Com- Ottawa, Rept. 1Fi1.--afril w►tvk,r en- nr Kwan Rte nlao links tilt nnrimt- Africa• after atermt mpvpn ro( ths' refer• Theon thorhter of Mr. JOetio NRyrin,
te►r R- 7S mm-erf them Into Invlalhle hRlr nptte.
_ ane^ of the Czar In the nee ne-) vier. Lhr author of Lhr I)letlonary or The rN rinnnflon Is that until rP(tentl,♦
flans, R. ('. R., f(vrmPrly hf Ho, I Cum- trans* eznminol:Oris Caw tO t>!v ho:ri, (+• I,o tU- Dnte"," dta41 inn! wlntrr, sry Lhe infirm r
FMas. The Purheine, nerompAnted by the Chlnn aflppllM nellrly all Lhr tact*
Roar■ S*Tar Heaeuy. fenny of the Rs C. R., f. eOmrri vering Tivionlry, Nov. 1Rth, At 'J4to T.m rnr ham al sit "ant n. ipt.trr nuke, kit now In Pnr14r Inventin le of indy MRyOCe"" will iw nndrrrnkPn •
I,•nrlrwl, Hc,t. AO. --Under date of ' t (liariottortown, Mt. ,fOhn, HARra1l. its R T, by ills. (MR70s dmf htrr. nerd In this way, but the exportation
1 ilea tVPteemP wt Nwllfaur to the Mikado of Japan, In which he money In antique Intreltore, upd r R
Prc(,•rla, Mr t. "8, Lord Roberts rn• QuPM"! Montrwal, Ottawa• Kingston, _ . _ _ __ of hair from China write "IoPpind when
pp •l' W PNPYete"am regret for the murder of ,orntivr nrtlelPs for the Imsinr, aver the i10"Ier tronhies hwap.
-m At that lobo Iksrtw snfferPd news gnliral, N. lt., ItPpf, 2Y.-1imllfnv •mato, Haml(lon, 1,nnrtrwn, 'nn!- the Ja,wanr"r W eretnrp of Lho T,e•gn- bulhhnt far her In llwyfnlr, erne rvl the Mr. W. A. Bennett• (-Or►sarvRtivs _ _ _ _ _ __
"'•,rr"ly in tla aetion at I'lennar'/ wit) !fes (lie off fWM and msembcre of lveg, VletOrlA, and Vanennvgr, nod fMet at. 1lrkin. ih thin letter iN, �tntp■ mowat fnahloonhle dl"ti-644i In T O e lon. M. P. for !.owl I'lllnrr,fe, hiss bPP" A gain Mr. Thomisti 7rnghffwr for Innny
at.Ation thorn lir limit pre%koualy I itM AI Canndtnank leltitrn'nR from at Port Arthur, Mame Stn Mn►lbq, nominated for that rldl y'
tint he linli nrr.* th (ThInnl nhlnister The nxonry for tar hChrli nlNvthrr ))R• ymrn manRger of the ITnlop Rnnk In
Lho#11#v ILP say" j?"Na trk'a A hli welmot The life aaw, aMf tse smooth. . there at T'Pbin vend hr tM (r also Mlnf"trr m the tkdlnra• wit" a ('hrlHhsan gni' The F'l,p laktlnM alts tAklag sA" W WlnnlgMg• ftal aovered his eannaeti,on
"itPlle.ing that epP poet wRs wMk• ' 11IFMvN} limbo will 1/ met omtslds are Ieaata eco b. At ibilo. The F.mpPror also grans a to tUe Dechew from her fath". bdslrq w tk blots lea sm. with that hMtftsumm.
- ,
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