HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-4, Page 5entre
2tirely of
:ENT in-
asy SE-
:NTS. a
rid Drawers.
re surely can,
rade w lth us.
ry all say.
10 QuIok..t
ala .ILUI.
walnut Bala Floe
, coal wattles, e10.
Hpwtal prioe by
ThUaUUDAT, Oot. 4, 1900.
'arts, Short
y KJU88,
W. Acheson & Son
New Winter Jackets,
Fur Coats, Fur Capes.
Greatest selection and values we have ever
shown. Our entire imports of these goods are now
forward and values are extraordinarily good.
$4.95 for Ladies' New heavy Beaver or Boucle
cloth coat, silk lined and thoroughly tailor-made.
Very stylish. Regular price, $7.00.
$6.85 fdr-Nobby Jackets of fine wool Beaver cloth,
extra heavy its black and tan shades. Silk lined.
Regular value, $9.00.
Fur Capes of every style and in prices ranging from
$7.00 to $25.00. Fully 100 to choose from.
W. Acheson & Son
'Vou know," he sold, "I've •eyes dean
A thing like Ibis before !-
l'leus hsip oe Just We ouoe-o -
1'il pot ••k any more
Aod de you .•e that eta up there?
A. surely so it Heal is the sky
T• light this big round world again
Tomorrow moru,og, I
Wit oome to pay you thou -
Ivery oeot you rive me now
Putts s.ke of 01 1 time•,
Help mo, maybe,* !
"My brother -where's that tel•gr.m
I've left or lust inn thing somewhere
But no matter? i'll get • cheok from him
Tomorrow uric and Woo 1'11 square
This bueuese'.p with you, of l man !
1 oar did sad mine, you know,
Had desks right old. by ode to 'hoot
(food 'old days long ago --
Say, oome! You wouldn't tore a fellow
doors 1-
I kmow I do look rubor hard,bu' thea
1 ,n't .-driakio' now -no, not • drop,
And will •pa,■ t
"Na, honest, I'd • .plenli1 j,h-
Wei gettl0' push., op twat .tong
But just my look you koo•-
• Another chap went wrong,
Aod 1 roa blamed and had to go !
1 noted to o,.m- here to yoo-
A11 run down Wm w.y-bun
There was oorblo' else to de.
For our old family pride's w strong
to me, I simply 000i•le't take
A mangoes money-o.ut., o11 meso,
For old tautest' ea►• !
rat male 111 anj -
r trade in
Ind ornament
ami your sat.
ar, and
r men's
:h you
:1 like
nakes, -
's and
"Da you mind them Stevens boys,
I .aw 1401 Stoves. (other day --
He'. po1•y, like hie dad. and I.urhed
A' oui your lioklo' him at school -I'll pay
'I el. honk tomorrow rnoralo' .are !
eo .se, 1'%1 ,.t 11.t check toelghl-
bly brother toleer.phed he .wt -Who..
That message ?- Wel!, it's all right -
1:1411k.•Oe sere early, won'. yo.? -Nei
1 ouright-
,;41'vs pot my word It'. for • nasi Iiad
Aod If (1 Iy. • mol tor boa
1 hope the Lord'II ■tr11w me deed 1"
0 man, made 1s ILS Maker's form,
Arid bl.•sed with r.aon, .peeob, the right
to wield
Dominion over all -to make
Thy slaves the areata,.e of the Bald,
K h.re a the boast that falls u low u
Where lo the dumb, normaeoing brut. --
bat stay !
la this the dream that f•Ilo•• es Obs mete
Of potent drugs? -1 hear bum
\'once. 1'v• kept mb word, e
1 got the °hock all right- tbal stallint 1111
«loan !
(deed by --If bard look over retches yon
Vine round I'll treat you falr.''-
Ile's rete -opal sober, too I -'T1. don. !
Who says OhuJs .et.h-,i o.w
lim.ath the sun'
S. H Kiss°
Wtogbam 11.unnel Fraliok and family,
tormnly of Wtogbam, have removed a
Virden, Mao.
in.•lorth . Samuel Dickson hes had a
plate game frost put In the pull ohne store,
000!plsd by U. B. Andrews.
Clinton : Ua Wedoesday morning. 19th
Inst-, Emery How., of Belmont, formerly
of lure, died 1. ha 77th year.
Brussels : W. F. Vsoetooe sad faintly re.
moved to Wingh.m on Monday of but
week, where they purpose making tb.ir
linty . The put yea's tax oolloton,
Kreuter and 1(ohep, have sew re appointed
at the some salary. They furnish bonds for
Bromide. Mn. Jobe Loki hu arrived
home Irom a most sejoyable Doyen weeks'
visit with relatives and friends at Wlaal-
pee. Portage Is-Pralrlo sod Phseuloa.
Morris : (lo Wedeaiday, Sept. 19th, Ju,
.1• Lyon, lot 10, 000. 8, Morrie, known as
1'•att Lyon, palmed asst be 1b• groat mejer.
Ity, mild *eves:y-se years end Bye menthe.
%orlob : J. Mentor mid his 0wd.om*
bay outage bone when at the Kzeter show
for the 0100 sem of tiro hundred dollars.
Tot, hone took first prize •t grater .od at
(trey : Last week the purohoo• of the floe
100 acre term, aoowo its the Harris home.
stied, lot 9, 0.5 16, was unmpleted, the
buyers being Jame" and Samuel Hoo•Oe.,
and the prune 96,700
(dleao ; .1 W. Grotto, 1011 indoor o1 .1.
Civil. of town, formerly of The Tavutook
(layette, is about to start a paper io Welles
1st •iMacs i the paper wilt be oohed Tie
•h'Igf:klry M.ple Leal.
Grey : Allen 1..020ot ham resigned his
PNlllon .l .y S. No. 5, owing to motioned
attohe of rhe5matlsm. Mr Lemont proved
bladed( • gond te.eheir. He a .uoouded by
Rise Morn•0n, of Li.aw.L
Morris : On Saturday mor.dnr, Sept. 22,
Matta. Knight, the beloyed wife .f Prier
McNabb, lot ib, sixth Ilse, bade t rewell til
•11 that 1s earthly, pwiog quietly away at
tpe early .g. of twenty eight year., elevon
months and seventeen days, le•vlog her
bwbeod and • baby dough tr about a month
Seeforeh A tastUal memorial window
h.. baso pl.wd io St. Thome' church to
oummemora'inn of the late C. E St. Clair
S.mp.uo, who had been wsrdw of the
oburoh for • number of years.
Wr0zear . John Bernard boo gooe to
Lucian, where he hes .oared • .rr0.tlon u
head miller in se oatmeal mill, Mrs, list
nerd sod family are still in Wroseter and
du not touted moving fur some tum..
Seaforth Much regret was felt by our
olWzens generally oo Monday morotug of
loot west, oo leaning of Obis death ad M1..
M•ggl. T'bomeor, youngest daughter of
John Thuuuoo, of this town. She had only
boon Wok tb,.. dy..
Hallett !Cm Cunningham', daughter
of James Cunntnphame, of Belgray., term••
hu bee.
[.gedfor .S
H No
5, for emit year, at s esl.ry of $275 She
b• rn.•s blgbly ro •mmeodwl, having had
sever.) years' erperaooe
Sieoly : O.1ues,lsy, S.pte.nber 2511.
the bows of Mr. aid Mrs. tions Kennedy,
of the (Moho. line, Staley, w.s tb, goose
• very plowot and happy e•ut, being
the marriage of their third dsughar, Mum
Bogle, to Chris. ILtoner, of %snob.
Wiogb.m Klward Haloes of the grsytl
road, outh of town, boo in his gar
deo a number of rips raapborriai Dei the
•rose ; also a °umbar o1 portly formed
Parries and a lure number of blossom.. It
is not very often we b.•e ripe raspberries
In September.
Wiogh•m : On Wednesday afternoon,
Sept 26th, the rowlock.' of B Bunting, J.
P , Picket -tog, was the soons of a °harming
.tddlog, when Ole dslghter, Miss Aool•
Boating, one of Pickering'. moat popular
mate Iodise, became the wife o1 F( A.
Ion, druggist, Wlogham.
• 2. • Wswsooeh t Duncan McDonald bas
beagla the old beme.teod oo th. 91.11 .od b-
( d. rooting 1t for • year and them moo
w to It, Although • more boy when
blo (.Mar died and the family was obliged
00 leave the l.rm,bls lather's oelghbors wall
gladly weloom,• him to their midst .g.''.
Brussels : A tarts , 1buodor, tor m visited
(;olllogwood and •loony reoeotly and did
moos damage to the decimation of tomtits,
crew and bulldiogs. 1'h. 1'resbytartw
mesas. 000upled by Rev. Dr. MOR.., eon of
John McKee, Brussels, wog struck by light.
ping and burned to the around. Loss about
Porter's Hill : Goldie Newton, the y000g
fellow who had his leg broken and other
wise severely lojur.d 10 a saw milt at Por
ter'. Hill to the eprtog, underwent an
operation the other day, four medloal men
being io •Oteodanoe. 'Ph. operatlob 1. what
is walled • ra section The young man w111
bo somewhat lame, bot the operation woe
•uooes.tolly performed.
(tod•rloh township While Mrs, GeO.
Weston, 6th coo , .od another young ledy
wen driving to Bayfield the nibs day they
met with .n accident. While turnIn• a
the baggy oap.lzwl throwing the om
oupaoto out, lolurtog Mrs, Weston so badly
that, Ie was found .eo.seary to put twelve
'Mattes to her leg . 1h• other young lady
was badly .11.kee up, bat her injuries were
S.aforth : A Naonlm°, B.C. daip.toh,
oe the 2410, makes the following referwce
to so old Seslorth boy : "Toe Liberal 000
Tendon, hold on S.turday Dight, oomloat. d
W1111am Sloan, oommoaly koowo ae King of
the K oudike, as an tod.peod.nt supporter
of the Liberal Government." Mr. Sloan's
chances of elotloo seem to Mt bright, as h•
Is rely popular, and I. will known In the
W Ingham . The following from The
Vancouver, K. (' , Wo Old, of .Sept. 6, h, re-
fers to the marriage of two former well-
known Wingh•mites :-"On Monday n.ore-
log lest at 11 o'ololk a primly wedding look
Lbon ce at th. resldeoof O. A K
e t.snoag. Cottage, Reach avenge, when
Mae ARAM AVM% of A'lsah•m ara.d
Mtlten F, Bleokwell, of dile .ittj, wore
made one." -
Morahan Word was rsoelved here last
week of 16. death In Manitoba of • well.
known former resident of this township In
the person of Wm..1. Fargoson. Mr. Fart•
neon lea. waiting on a cousin In Brandon
who died from typhoid fever. H. oleo oon-
aramed the disease and died on Sept 15th.
14,. Fergu.on was . on of the late 1 hon,
Ferguson and had resided ,o Manitoba for
some fifteen years,
Clinton . Iia Moody evening of IW
week, at Rorke'. Falls, Mr. and Mrs. A.
M Rorohlll, rsrr0tly of Clinton, were pr•
sostod with a mapnife,.t silver tea Genii 3,
suitably engraved, and so illuminated ad.
drew, by the town.peoplo and different de
oomin.tlons of th• pias as . gift In remem•
br.noe 01 their tweet muriope. T'h. mot
Inp was held 1n 10. Methodist church, the
Largest edi8 s of the kind In the plane, led
the enmp.ny hued It to the poroh.
Hallett : Another el Huron'. honored
pioneers hu passed •w.y Mrs. Alaxwder
At this ~on of the year we
make n special mark-down on Low
Shoes We want to show the peo-
ple what cool and comfortable
Shoes they ran buy here for lets
money than they would have to
pay elsewhere. Brand new stock,
and every Shoe perfectly made.
SCHOOL SHOES for the Boys
and Girls have arrived. (;all and
examine our stock and prices,
Whether yon bny or not.
J•mlesoo, et eb. Harms nod, Hal1.11, died
oo \\ cdoesday, ,September 8616, hoeing
reached the geed ape of sooty you. Hoe
and bees Wooly lee weeks. Her instate
same wee Jatm ('besasy, and •he leu t1..
Iasi survivor of a anon large sad promto.st
fainly o1 ibis vlulolsy. Size eats to Otte
uoIealry from Seottsod when signs.. year•
of see, sod, after Dm marfl.drs to M..
J•auwu, settled oo a tares vu tt... Harem
rood, where e0• 000ltoued to reside WOW
her death, and where •fie had ,,., I.4 for
searly 6.11 s uentur7. Mrs, Jsurlwon was
a kind hearted, genwosa, good living
wum.o, who w.• gr.•tly respeuied by .11
who knew her.
Hullst1: An early action of Hull.lt
p.m.d sway on Monday et lel weak to th.
per.ou 01 Peter Brownie, at. the ag• of
•t51y-sev1.. years Ito was nae 01 the Dns
o1 Hullslt'a matters, h.ylsg emigrated from
she maser of Sligo, lrel•e'4, sad resided to
Toronto for a short whit,. lore 0e took up
land on lot 18, coo, 5, In tb1a township,
where he d1ed. He woo married to Mem
Anel. Waitron, of (ied.tlu0, to whom were
born three sons, one dying w00o young,
the two remalotg b.log Martin sod Rich-
ard ; the wife also la left to mourn 01e de-
parture. H. w... moo well thought of
Amour his large otron of friends, .ud the
oomminity Io... • worthy mils... b.ther
Wait oftiolated at the Iuueral, which took
place oo 05.doeed.y morning to the Mullett
R C. oemetery.
Cltntoe : One day last work K.. Kowed,
b•gg•gemw at the depot bon, met with a
serioussouldow., whloh Dearly omit blm his
1.1e. It happened wh.n 0o0000tor S.
Kuno was oming in wits his frei•bt train
from Uoderlob. As he parries no p.meo-
gen this trach le ran put the depot to the
south led of th• yard without stopping so
as to save Mina. While gob• pmt the
Ir.Igbt officio Ed. ran out with th• orders to
make up, banding them to the brakeman
whlle the train res going at • goal sped.
In some uu.ouoonl.hl. *ay l., w.. thrown
one way and then awe6er .04 falling down
was hurled against the boring of the wheel.
To. 0)0105 received were .o severe that he
was rendered insensible for a while. Some
who wltoem.d the .00tdent thought he was
killed It w111 he several months before he
well be able to resume duty.
a.•tker Areewal of the Wreck .1 Ike L red
rl•lt Sywtpatkv for captain
Th. Fort William Times -Journal of Sept.
21 gives the (oliowlog aooune o1 the Maas.
tar to t6e'isomer St Andrew
The staunch eteem tug (iorgloa, C.pr.
ed.luoey, which left for Roseport early
y«tray morning returned to Port Arthur
last night with (-.pt. r Fe•tbentoobaugb
sad or.
Andrew, wbloA
to a wreaked on one of Mu Blanchard 1,
I.ods, 8voi miles from Point Porpbery light
oome, Dfty miles Iron the piece.
The St, e0dreer, wMiob had boon at Jeok-
fish uoloed!rg coal for the U.P. K. for •boat
ten dye, left (bat port for Port Arthur .t
three o'clock oo Wedoe•dsy •fococo°.
('eptaln Featberstonh•u1h was well ao-
q astoted with th• roux, and took th• same
uouree b. bad tek• on bre previous trips.
i'ha weather woo •t oould be desired
ootll about six o , when the ship en-
countered a good The mptalo allowed
half a point for leeway. As to sht wore on
the weather semina mon bol.terosa and by
ten • very heavy .1s leu running and the
night woo very dark At .levo o'clock the
.hip struck th• 'shwa, • small one of the
Kleoobard group, overing.Doo1 a quarter
of on sots In .res. Ths o•ptaln wising that
the •hlp would not be •01• to withstand the
heavy sea and the. poundings on the roots,
ordered two men ashore and then had the
ses000ks.opmued end then scuttled t0. ship.
With the weight of the water to her hold
the ship .116 about 200 feet into
deeper water Captain Festher•teoh.ugh
and his Drew remained oo the boat until
four o'olook the next morning during whloh
1102. they aid some most trying expert•
sow.. Toe boat being Net book •.d forth
with the wave., kept the moo all their time
holding on to keep them from being woob.d
overboard. The captain, seeing that all
hope for his weevil had gone, . 'mmeooea te
oonwly• some way in Rotting safely to Wet
ul.od whore the two n,en hod landed. At
first it leu tried to get • topn to drift
.shoe, but It would get w far, thea it
would be swept back to the boat with the
back wash. It was soon sato that t0sry
could not pat •.hors by thin means.
young lad about el Hese years of age, act-
ing u ooko, thee volunteered to swim
ashore with the rope, and to him may he
July or•dt'.d the non -loss of 11f.. dying
the rope around hlst waist, the boy dived
tato th• heavy es&, to which he mold just
but make headway. After oonlder.ble
Um. he rea°bed the shore lo an exhausted
000dltt.o. H. was o (.r gone that had 11
not 'Leen for one of the men left on the
short) witching him he would haul beep
washed book into the 1•k• sgala The
mew sod emptalo then bended eagle os
shore by the rope. Before the mptaln left
his steamer tb* bottom had bees pounded
out of her
Tb. men set to work to build • fire and
4.144 • 8•g staff on wbtoh they hoisted
one of t11n mea's shirt's ea • •Masi of dis-
tress An Indian fisherman from t'ts main -
laud notlo.d the Metres signal sod rowed
out to u1 what leu the matter. H• woo
unable to land °0 .bore owing to the heavy
see Ha managed to get close enough to
000V01m with the o•ptaro and he told him
he would tend • tug to their emanon. to •
aiupl• of hours. This was cins o'olok lo
the morning and nothing wail hoard from
About three o'olok ys.terdsy the Geer/.
Ina oo her way to Koseport ootioed this dia-
tom signal and went to the relief of the
°sprats arid crew. They were takes aboard
and the boat returned to Port, Arthur with
the wrecked sailors. The or.w 1. at th.
l'moifio •ud Capaln Feathentoohaggh L
sboppiog at the Northern.
Motor* the (loofas* 1st the St. Andrew
was a oomplet• wreck, and •verylblog on
board had bele tut, the man only escaping
with what .letsee they hal on their boot.
R., dm the Ions to this boat owners, whloh
will he oond arable, the lou of the o.ptals
and Drew will •mount to go(te a sem.
C•ptoto Featimmamhsagh lo ase of the
bait and oldest seamen on the lakes, and
mash sympathy 1. halt for him lu his pre -
soot trouble. H. wog always noted for h1s
carefnioe«u and the mooterly way be own
wed his host golop through all kinds of
weather, but seldom meeting with any ml.
hap 1t was mid of him that one oould est
his watch by h1s sailing., making hle trips
Ag regular u day and night.
Too following were the chief officer.:
Captain, W. H. Feah.ntonh.ngh : mato,
R Be•orolt ; .h1ef ongln•er, T Crowley ;
2ait .ugls.er, R. Albey.
The St. Andrew U owned by l'l.yf•!r h
Co., of Midland, th• captain being • !argil
shareholder In th. oomp.•y, She hem been
w the lakes tomil fly. years. Previous a
that time the vowel leu know u the W.
K Hall plying betw..n Port Arthur and
lower Isk. poste. 'the W. R. 11.11 was
Iwgthw.d .ed thoroughly overhauled ern
leu named the Kt. Aodnw.
Th. 9t. Aodnw will bo wnoh ml.sed by
th• metohsna of Port Arthur, se meetly all
the m.roh.ndem from the met ley brought
up by this seamen -----+-
Lust year the St. Andrew toot Om lame
bort to leave this port, making the down
trip In the middle of Deoamber. She was
sloe, the first host In Otto spring.
The crew o1 the S'. Andrew ars wall.
known figures in tows, whore they hav• •
hoot o1 blonde.
Pate. Shea, one of the fireman, 1. • bre
The, o1 Mr.. Jetta (tehowq., of th1. belts.
Tho mate led son had their hands badly
eat as a bonito* window while keeping trout
bans washed overboard out the 'trashed
vessel. The Injured members wen unwed
ed to by • deeaw on arrival la port. Copt,
le•1b•r t•ab..Bh ..d th. k had %bar
Isp badly armload.
V,TO,,. (,Aaau1Aa Mir*•tlNU-('riwol•
toil lieu.to tots shaded • •.yle, opens 'M
U tob•r C-oodt.a Moose us ..th on +rt u
uu "1'0• J.+eo of Alguul.,'• Th. .t cls
•uh ih. work •bleb is mom duos by R. H,
('Irr, u • ,, betiding pulp mill•, railroads,
0,i.s v . .I oiler works In N..r hero Outu1.,
the eat•ma.ed art of which la over direr
mallets Mullan. There ar• two i0• t.lmoots
..f W, A Fruri's 1,..w •uno.i ••o y, 15'
11.1 "Mutow.," whl.1, ,e .bo t'ie. name
fur motor. 'trill is • Story for old sod
Stung, w wbtuh Obs I.adln. Canadian
•olm•I. I.It in .uuh a e.y as t,. r I .t:al,
•b e. poul).nnea. Agri.•(.•°e(1.m-
,.•o ••B tu0 ()Womb a ie., bar, sells some
plain sod 0tolseom. truths In a brisk .r
idols, into led 'Parent .ud Poacher." C.
W. N..h •rut« of wild goose and dock.,
and Reginald ()outlay glyes some informa-
tion about shoo1log snipe. K. L. Richard
sou, M. 1'., mooning his rulway articles,
Lod M. K. Nluhole glues "A Fureoa•t of the
Omega' l:lootl,ns." There are the usual
aortas aad depot :mots, 02.king up as u•
cahoot °umber.
LAtaze' Hums Jouasal..--Amore of writ•
arm and artists oramibaa to the Oolobw
twdl..' Home Journal, led the 1sem u ons
of uom.maodiog ..olleou.. Th. Dumber
°peas with "The story v ad • Young Man."
•biuh, portraying Joins am a man, sod
vowing him to the light of Els human ty,
8116 • mottos rod unoouup:ed phew to
correct IlNrator.. The first of "A Story
of Beautltu1 Women" tele of the romance
of an Amesica0 girl who married • Bons
part.,•stt • urea of stirring adventures we
or/crated to the first of the "Moe Rlyer
Bear Stories," by the author of "When
Knighthood Was to Flower." Mrs. Eliza-
beth Stout Ph•Ips's new novel, "the Soc-
oeseon 01 Mary Me First," wbiob has to ds
with domestic and suburban lite, end t. ex•
Oe.dmgly funny, Is bogus to the ()otober
Journal Edward Bok amigos the t'ull-
man Pebsce (1.r Comp..ay for teaching false
•tsudard• of decorative art. 01 tbs •p•olal
features oft t e
Interest ail • "The Longings of
a Senloded (girl,' "A Minister Among i h -
Coo bays," "Rom)aoo. of Some Soother.,
Hcmee," ' How We Can L.ad • Simple
Lr.," and "Crttlolsimg ib+ Clothes of •
Mtouter'. Family." The Curtis Publl.hu,g
Company, Phlledalphl•. O.. dollar • year ;
tea aot•scopy.
kb C1 :Res roe OCToee.-The Goteber
somber id McCluri,opeo. with an utlol•
on "1'heStu, el, y of National Campaigns,"
attractively lilue'rsted by Jay H.n,bldge.
Th. 1roo1i p.eoe,showing (louri.,or Rom.
Salt and Senator H.voa In onler.00s .1
Repablio.o National Heady minors, sad
the strikingly original p r1r•il. 131 U .e.
land, Hlv ,e, Quay, Croke,. Ferran led
others, lend e•peotal Interest to this pato-
oo tho ttottw of party manager. lo
Presidential mounding of the, sot twrery
fiveY ears. t
The author hes ben to th.
thluk oflhe tight end h•6 evidently bum
brought verb closely Into oontecl lei h the
great leaders to i6o battles which he d.
*cribes. Dr, A. (' men Unyle 1s a 000Mlba.
tor to tam Issue. His "Some teeeons of
that War," which is • critique of the beer
int of the Hrttleh troops le the South
Alrlcan oamp•lgo, exposes the faults of the
v•rlosa braoohca of the .ervloo, .s] ad
verities a omrwh.t startling plan fnr the re
org.nlz.tloo of the army 10 addition to
16t .e sautes on sempalgo tootle and the
South African war, t6.re are others on
"Casting • Great Lens," by K. H Baker,
desorlbmg t0n maouf•ctore of the fathoms
Joao leases, .0d on "The A no.•try of the
Horne," by F. A Luau, with diagrams 11
lostnttng the family record of the hors*
during the past two million years ; oleo
short storles and other ootrlbutioos,
One of the meettdaaatwa
otos and repulsive gals a:
Kidney Disease Is
tor which Dodd'° IOdny
PIS are the only meals
mare. In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually 6wssaif
sod and the water, which
should be •:pall/ b the
for} of urine, Bowe back
mad lodgve in this adds o1
the Leah and palls oat the
.kla Romov. the 11th
•Meth ptags up the drain.
Reston to Kld .'y to
health. There i. Das
l Kidney Medicine
with your heslth.
Don't wile Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. (hit the best
there is at the Immo prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
AL our Drug Store the stack it al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and ratirfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
Medical Hall.
Dori BE Duro
There have been pt•oed upon the market
several asap rey Arita of au obsolete edition
of " Webster's Dictionary.• They an being
offered under various names ata low prim
dealers, iRanta, etc., and to a taw tnetaoom
e a • premium for subscriptions to pappeerz.
AOownoementa or thea oompar7tlrely
reprtnto are very misleading. They are al
vertlssd to be the substantial equivalent
• higher -priced book, while they areal!
Reprint Dictionaries,
phototype ceplea of • book of over fifty
years ago, which was "old for about 1110.00, and
which was much superior to them imitations,
beluga work of some merit Instead of one
Long Since Obsolete.
The Vsb•ter's Urbrld•edDlcdosuT pub-
byour home is the onlymeritorious
one of hat name. It bean or Imprint n
the title -page and 1. protected by copyright
from °heap imitation. As • dictionary loots
• lifetime will 1t not be Lotter to purchase the
Webster's international Dictionary
of ENGLISH, 11orr.plr. Geosrapbr. Fiction. etc -
. ,Slee 10x1144z04 Inches.
Thls Book is the Best for Everybody.
Court, all the Sate Supreme Courts, toe U. S.
Gu eremeot Prlatt.. ans. ..d of surly all tie
College Presidents, Saw Soperisendeots of
School* and many other eminent lenthoridea.
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary,
Reolody abridged from the letern.donaal end 014
m It the best for the family mid student
Mee Tx1Oxine Inches.
8p«Naen Few either book tett for the who*
a. a C. uaRRIAM CO» kerlitsflold, Msec
Common Sense
leads you to read our advertisements, makes you a customer
and saves you money.
New Dress Goods....
Our F.11 arrivals of Drees ()Med.
are marked for quick selling. Oar
oelebr•led home -space ate Is evl-
deom al per 7514.........0.91.26
Serves te 11.00
W. hay* lel ow old he to show. Neither will we next year, as our
sew ones are marital at pile« to
oleo, them out early.
JA('KETS-All new this ma-
son, all ....$3,50 I. $10.00
Will Yon Listen
to This ?
The time ba• aeon to bey yew tido.
wear. Palk .boat adma:e V pjss-
we have this year beater vales Vr
over, w61ob 1s saying . great deaf ♦d!
60o mese 8eeoe-bled .re aline es
good .. last ye.r's .t 760 Wit 11a411
they ars the beat made at 60e.
All Male .1 Hoy'. Done., 260 .p.
l,.dlee' underwear In riles fee°.-Itas1
•ad all wool, from 16o to 91.116 sash.
W. A. M0KIM.
FALL, 1900.
again begs to direct the attention of the ladies to her stock of
millinery for the fall season of 1900. All the leading new
styles and shades are to be seen, and ladies will be able
to procure the latest and the best in all lines pertaining to
Trimmed Hats from $1.00 up. Inspection invited.
MISS CAMERON, _ Qamilton Street.
wishes to annot = sodoridi
and vicinity that
will be held on
Thursday, Sept: --27t6
and following days, in the new store in Bedford
block, on Kingston street. It is not necessary to
enlarge on the quality of the trimmed goods, as
Curilo everything will be found up to the usual high stand-
ard. Goods entirely new and up-to-date. The public are cordially invited to inspect.
CURE -,to
taw 'on 0011.41. nom -dr for er.•1...
Un.eg Swag sod .0 f ,rm• r bows.. it ,..`„w,•
.115.0* . 11001.0 Mosso. It dn. not blister.
A. l 1. [wYl jwwest Waitorw.,.b/., /a. 10, 'M.
Dom r' -w r1 .mw.l eve m oedy «r,i....
I bowl • am. W. 101, plow.. 0. .toil., eh"
1 bowl ammo • deb M 10. year. ••••••• Witt yew
t•••.Ir• anew by wise0 only .."a g
•+ •w -w -ti.. As .e 1 h... bomb, * see:
..a.( [wWo. 0,..io es,. •••,1 k.0•Yt', Mie k y
*1 .i1.ritt-k touutttT,y ,
retro et. 5051 1a. As • r Ar Ml ttolo, i - •••r
ase ee e. •t your Aral( ey.t
?aorta .., .In • Tee. .a me aeey.
Lime a Cu
kept 00n.Wtly no hand.
Also the best brood. of
Reilldwe will do well to .m not before plan-
ing their orders.
yes eis.as Malas.
orrtOi, W 6046. Near w Square.
A new eorrt.ge the that makes /Idle•
0o all roads a pleuure-ewnomloal, too,
for It dose •way with the vibration that
Shaken and breaks the osrrtageo.
AV shaped space between the rub-
ber the and the .reel Rana° pre
vent. the °reaping and cutting
whloh other tires are subject to. Hee
the exhibit At the big fairs.
!Wad et onoe for Pope Tire Catalogue,
giving prices of .11 sires.
N 0001) ORnen.
Tinv Aka BARGAINiy
111.. gib
The Henderson Bicycle Co.
Siam Bolier Repairing.
The (lederich steam holler works
having boon removed from (iodench,
i have made arrangements to carry
on boiler repairing and also the manu-
facturing of .nokmsiacks, to,
}impairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly attended
Machinist, Oodeufch.
Works on Victoria Streee
FSI Sthls &Oercoais
The man droned la a colt made .t
our store always looka trim, as It 1. the
ambition of every man of taste to look.
A large rang. of ololha W choose
If you are 000t.mpla4ing getting •
light overcoat for fall wear, give ori •
obaom to serve you. Prloe. Tighe .
Wise eh**
The shove is cut into stove wood
length and will he delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
fait et residence, 128 Cambria street,
will reoeive prompt attention.
()oderich, November 214, 1899. iib -3111
B sliul eWorlV
Highest Diploma at Toronto
Industrial Exhibition, 1906,
awarded for
Lubricating ' Oils -Midi
Engineers Supplies.
For t'artlonLn write
The Wm. Solon Compound Co., L'td
.I8o (lea Sl. wt. Tends, Oat
Perfect Harmony
accounts for the perfection
of the King Quality Shoe.
T h e material, workman-
ship, fit and finish are all
equal -nothing is slighted.
We want every woman to
try them, because if she
bays one pair, she will keep
on baying as long as she
•pate ear'►f1 D&
Lat: la*
Made by J. D. RING OOMPANY. Limited. Toronto.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Marlufastured by J. M: MacLEOD, Qoderlch. Ont.