HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-4, Page 1no we
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Fell Wheat
Tlour. tamp,. trey awl..,,
rout, pared. per •Wt...._
Mao-. .
_........ ..
oor.waina•, per cwt
nye. per bush
Buckwheat. pee bosh
(oats, p boob ............. -_
Pro.., p halo.._
tcoder. per bosh
Hay. new. w lou.
Potatoes. new, 0 busk..........., -
Butter. •"--.••--•-
t %lone. oar I b
■Mega, p•
fresh aaektd yP elan.-.
Hides.Hido........ ..,,.....y.. ••••
Live Hors
I )r°osed Hoge
Lard. per Ih .. ..........••••••
4 ireo.ed Bar, for. Quarles
Dreamed Hoof. 04.4
Dottie. Export
filtuationo vae►ant.
organ saes seating and cabinet wart;
2 boys torero minutia. , 1 boy to In Il
stet -date a-
Oohlag ; 3 et -date anon workers or omen
one workers. Apply to Ty1E OODE0tIC H
1) BOY. 16 to l6 years of age, to Team th s
printing trade. Apply to rug Sweat o00oe.
retaeh•rel Wantlode
8. B. Na 0, Weal W •ws.o.h. Apply.
stating seam, 603014 ane and teselmonWe.
until Dot. x)144. Personal applications prefer
red. Datta to lain Jan1st, 43)4, V, C.
W EBB. 8ea-Ir°•. , Bt. Helms AS 7t
1'1 No. 3W.U. As00eld, holding ee . '.l
class oertlaoates pltoUeo. stating 01)' 'r
Peon and salary will be reoeiv.d Is to Doe 1
1v00 b JOHN T. OttlYVIN or [ NNETH
McL04t76, :owl►. 04-10*
Tenders Wanted.
enders for 70 cord* of good. rued nerd
wood will be received by t0• t odareigned up
tis germ* 0.0on the 15th Inst.
One haat at lent of the wood utast M maple
and the barna* hard wood and most be prop.
oil, piled 1. the gaol yard.
( o.txact 10 beoomplen1 before the Psi day
of Marsh. 1901.
A.ouriy required.
Dated at Ooatertoh W. LANE,
(lel ted. 1900 Obu.ty Clerk.
Por Moat.
Mibsr, $0 par moath-
11p.-P.•t of a rooms Op nen over
• els, Mate en Iran ow also bock Moro
TGlN. L - _ 97 -Sit
1.10U$E TO 1.15; -THAT LA E,
1t esaMt•ble Doors )aa °est M Judge
Itoyo'ureslbses, now occupied bo Mr. Erten
or, 1110*0d by Howard turn•oo ; hot android
water bath ; also row. spar loin Iowa and
enddo. A stable on the premiere. Apply to
H W. MOHtCNZI&, Hardware merchant gift
Por Bala.
L The how sad two lots situated on
Karel street. GOdeWWh, and occupied bythe
undersigned The house 1. a lwoetome
dwelling. with large kitooan, 0nd (hero I. also
• barn on the promisee. There are • number
of good fruit trees oo the 1,- .perty Throe
mlleb oowe and • quontoy of household
furniture el.oter dole. MRS. GALLOWAY,
Ooderloh, 97-tf
SALL- la Wewanmh, Hume county
150 err reared ; b•lanoe good bosh ; well
fenced; in good mate of cultivation ; 2 sores
on hard ; modern ha. i. .tone .aniat and
other outbutldln0s;a desirable property; good
house ; aohool M corner of lot : 1 1 1 miles
from Auburn, Ilenoso 6lythetatb., inspection
lorded. Apply to THOS. BROWN. Auburn,
Ont. 4m
of the beet 106•ere firms to Ooderlob
township. Huron county. Int 17 and part Is.
9th concertos, a milfrom Ooderiob, 7 miles
from Clinton. The. e farm °Detains good build
Inge out good tenon., Is well watered and well
under drained. Then le • 1•rr bearing or-
chard and guru. of small fruits Term. to
01114 purchaser. Apply to WM. GOULD, on
Premises. or Ooderieh Y. O. 91et
L Aral oar farm known as the "0ass1d
Perm" In bit Wawaooeh. °empr( 101
acres. more or lase. This farm if situated on
Us gravel rood betwren Aoban and Myth.
seal ea0 half milord of Auburn, anA I. re
01 .1..d re ore the hest home In the town
ship. There is • good resldeooe and Note
horn on the premises. The owner will sell
.took and Implements to • .ait•hse teean.
f or particulars spply on the premier 10
TIIO9. ('ARtt1DY or to Ttt. BtoNAI. office. tf
i3OOR SALK.-LOTR 96. 96. 117, 118, 119
lP and 166 In Ho10hlson'e surveil. and
south half of 670 running numbers, all In
Ooderlob. For p•rtlovl•re apply to
Barrister, ate., Roderick.
M.roh titb, iiil INbf
Wiliam classes for the study of pianoforte
and theory after Sept. let.
Mow Acheson taught In Oatarl° Ladles' Col-
lege the past year, where she had experieoo•
In preparing students for the Toronto Coto
*Tooter, of Marne ek•minatloes.
' Int ferateapptWat renditions, earner Gam•
brio a Brook stria, Nat
Organist and muolcsl d&r°otor of North -.t.
Methodist rheireh, and trotter of pta•oforte,
pipe srgiln and theory. will he pleased 10 re-
Nmetrenem pupil.' `netruotlon even either at
■ dt q4 DapIP. 00.00,•. desired- Rtudlo
t Rme►0dn'• MuNn Bra w, West -et. 71t1
1 nasaldlreetor Knot Presbyterian nhoreh
If ors cashPianoIn Vocal, Organ, Poo a,11
ornet palp11. prepared for Toronto College
of Mig& examinations. Apply for terms at
" The Foos tle*., " Routh street. NMerinh,
r stadia la Odd1dl lit' Minding.
'JfW011 awl teal estate Sgsat, has some
( mel Minima tows 4.roperty hr sale ortred •
Om d Inge Mee. Dano. sae dote wt of P.O.,
Aeo.uatnat and Isado,.. A4.nt.
Itwk. &net oroionta made 1p.
nlh mge rented and roots enlleeted,
Vire Ieauronee In 14rleish and (motion
Otpoe- le Prondloot & Hay'' .Pilin. North
ft.ro•l.4.Moh. lite
Pt) tllnl*a., R.rs•na., e4*,
lea(.. Hamilton .41.01.
N ht.alts wavered from 0400.
410 ANI 5.4 /s
i +'• Mf les. MN of Soma
* Risk
&Misr I. M
In not Pout■ (io11.T.-.-The man Hay-
wood, charged with vagrancy, was batten
before Pulloe M•glelro4 Seager last "Thane
day and •Iter some further yu.tloolog brae
again remanded for • week. Oa the nue
day the two boys Morrow and Beattie
pleaded guilty of shop -brooking. Satan
was suepeuded for • math, daring whtoh
period the boys will be •llo.d to remota
with their parson.
0. 1 Pao>.e4ADS (;JN,'IHT. The
Collegiate lnsitute literary Moolety opened
IM loll term with • premiered. eenmrt o0
Thursday sv.omg lam. The 'allowing took
part 1a the program : Mines Gr.oe Strang,
Flu. C0000lly, Irene Aoheson, Emily Shop.
bard,'Cl.gn Reynolds, Bliss Tye, Vera
Whitely and Mr. (soli Holt, instrumental
soles ; Misses May Buchanan and May
Dunlop, mrcrumeo4al deet.
Aro/runic I.trra4 Box. - At the request
of Kobe, Hoboes, M. P., the Poetol4n De
pertmeo4 has 45011.4 to root another street
letter tet la Goderlob. It la to be placed
etc tea owner of Kest sweet and Cambria
road, wbero It well be very convenient to
the org0o, Mayon and knitting factories
sod • decided acaommod0Mo0 to the large
'iambs of perms who aro employed at
these factories. The lender box has arrived
at the postflice hue and will be emoted
Drs, is Olnu. Oo Thursday last the re•
malas of Mlohasl Long arrived bore from
Lim&. Ohio, a000mpanled by deoeaaed's
brother, John Long, of A.hfleld, oo the way
to K1n1abridge, where the (unerel took
pion on Friday. The donned was for.
misty • resident of Ashfield and taught
polleol at Klogebridge for sear..0l years.
He bad leen to Ohio footle' or fifteen
years Drib woe the result of paralysis.
Mr Long was about forty-five years of age
sad was unmarried.
TAYiga Leu Ae-rico,-Mrs. Andrew
Williamson, who oa ch. 18th of September
tem ksooked down and bodly timed on
Hamilton sorest by a rig driven by Jas,
White, lis , of Colborne township, 1s taking
proosedings .4.ln.1 White for •0.044,
Tbe one cams before Police Magl.tnte See•
ger oo Tbordy, but as Mr. Lewis, who •p-
pear°d for the Droseontoou, sand that Mrs.
Williamson was not able to attend an 0d.
i,urome04 was made for 0 week Philip
Holt. y, l'., is 40004014 afar the defendant's
Tina 1)4 o Cass SATTLED.-Polls M.gis
trate Sorger has glv.o &Melon to the charge
0galnt J. T Goldthorpe of keeping •
vtolow dog, 4.410140, • fine of 12 and Dna.
The ow was treed 1n July, the oompWo-
ant Wing Cb... Welton, who was bitten by
the dog The delay In giving deohlon was
caused by • difficulty in the legal repeat of
th. o••.. Aotloo was taken is she Dlvuloa
(bort la the some matter, Mr. Walters
aloe tor $60 damage. The hoards of the
suit beton Judge Doyle and • jury on Mom
day •ltr&oted • good many residents of
S•ltlord. Trio pl•Isutl got a verdlot for 116
sod onto
TRY MILLINa t Oratorios The ladles
had • gala time last week surveying the die
playa of feminine headgear whish the busy
million had been preparing daring the pre
coding wake. 1f Ti,. Sweat's Totem Man
had teen lees eu►toptible be the wttOberL
the wonderful prodootlaaa ie Taallagiy at•
rayed in 1
an tip0. shoo rooms he might ha...Oi-
tp • ooiomn or too on the soloist.k
0. .Imply said the bate wore "stunalrp,"
and naturally he arid not p•"ream any fr-
eta, We aro sorry ; but 1f there be •
lady to the unmoor, who bre not attend-
ed the openings she should have no dlffi.
oalcy In finding • neighbor who has seen
then all and who o•a give her a letter ac-
count of Mem than any poor man le capable
of. RR
No HrY Amory Tule.-Leet week
MemoM.MaKearls & !towel reovd • large
o.oalgnmdot of Koglleh•made spades and
&novels, Imported direct from Birmiogb.m,
England Thera were twenty-two and •-
half dozen to the lot, wbinh 1x claimed to
h. Cha largest single consignment of these
good. ever received to Iloderloh. The
rubor thing •boat it, however, le that the
order woe given lo September of lest year,
the goods befog etpaotd to arrive here In
the winter or early spring, Dot It woo not
ginuntil last week-. yall but two days
after Cha giving of the order -that they
were reosiyd. The firm .rpeou be Mega
of • 1004 many, of them this fall. They
were brought to nodes the pret°reoM►I
tariff, and thus no be sold re low u the
products of the Canadian combine.
room am partook of • daintily pnpored
sapper. An eojoy*blo ming woo ..u0,
alter which •11 returned their house.
Ar Tui JAIL. Henry Watson, of Wing-
ham, was committed 10 foil oa `Sunday, haw
tog been bte0P•d for one month by Wm.
Clegg and Geo. McKenzie, J. P.'s, of Wmg•
ham, for receiving stela goods. Mrs
Sarah Troope, of Hullett, an lnsane person
was rolred last week, and Is onetime re.
moval to the asylum.
Tali 16 0 U uv IN, INDIARIIe T - Wawa -
day murolug about four u'uluck J. 8. POWs
old salt block 00 i he slyer flats was die.
ousted to be oo fire. Toe alarm was given,
but before the brined. arrived upon the
. 0. • the dames tads d• great {{..rogren o0
:shim Inflamahim building Th. Ens started
at th• northers% sad and b spite of • ooa.
Crary brier qulokly werk°d its way along
to She other end, making a tremendous
blue. The firemen worked away for about
three bean exti
and nguiebed the flames be.
fon the building was .nearly oowum•d.
'There was iso intorno.. Mr. Plast plans
his lose at 1,5,000 He thinks abs Bre wee
of 400ury origin.
AT THY Ira. FRONT. -The sir. Myles
•trivd, light, `Saturday morning from
stenKingston and sten taking on fifty roe of
bay sod • gaantlty of oats left Suody
morning for Kinoardlue to Ind 200 toes et exam -
ed• for l'ort Arthur. 1'he Myles le t-
ed to bring • load of wheat to Rlobardsoo's
elevator on bee next trip down TM,
sir. Advano° arrived o• Sunday with 44,•
000 bushels of Manitoba wheat for the
ittobardsoo elevator and left for Cleveland
on Monday to load a eel, The Advance will
likely maks •rveral more trips here this
fell The Government survey enamor
Hayfield was In port from SOturd•y till
Monday sod took on • supply of ooal
The sob,. Mary S. liordoo arrived, light,
from Klncardlne on Monday and left Tues.
day Dight for 'I'obormoray with •.10
The steam barge Kserry coots In Tuesday
olphi from Amberetburg and yesterday
look on 2,C00 barrio of wheat fur
than port at Ire Richardson elevator
The tug E•elyn bas lilted Itonets and has
stopped flabiog.
THY 4,04,111 0 AND PORT Doyen HAIL-
w Ay. -Tbe (hls Reporter dojo : Mr. J. 8.
(;lark has written • Berlin fleeted
od to the.f-
fethat his Berlin Gal►Yon Dover Electric
Railway wheels le alive and kloking. He
is now engaged, so he says, In eotervlewtng
0ootroonn. Atter he ba. obtained esllm-
atee and gathered other 00001 ary i0torm*-
t100 the survey from Galt to Parls will be
mode. Mr. Clerk seemingly is not easily
Ameliorated, He was shunted neo of •
right of way In Berllo by his rival, Mr
John Patterson, but having • baggage oar
ecumenismloll oecumenismw
m be oo senok the trail
again and we may look for a osttouaooe of
Ole trip t0 Port Dover. Mr. Clark has •
bonus oomlog to him from Berlin, and w440
that to hood he may be •DIe to a000mpllsh
his obleat. His risme 1. not •11 a bad
one. If he Droutean oute running powers over
the Patterson lines from fish to Botha end
Waterloo, 000.truotive operations will only th
be called for en e road from Galt to Port
Dover via Ports and Stamford. it's a rlohnl
stretch of oountry to tap •sd If • Peoo.yl-
vae railway and ono company 1. behind
Mt. Clark little trouble should le uperf-
el egad m flnanoing the tendert akInt.
SII.LIR KLi.iorr _ On Tne.d.y evening,
Sept 25th, the home of I(oba. Elliott,
Goderioh township, w.. the scene of • very
happy •vein, when h4 eldest daughter,
Mise France. Emily, was united In warriors
to Welter Solllb, of Gdertch. The oere-
mony was performed by the Ret ie. .1. W.
Robinson, Io the preeenoe of only the Imme
diate friend. of tis. 00011 41,11 parties,
The bride looked .harming In • gown of
gray. with trimmings of moles and white
✓ oe, and was sainted by her slater Svsan-
n ab, who wore • becoming atilt of blo.,
The groom was supported by his brother
Owego. After the on.tom•ry oongntnl•-
dooe tis• oomponv proceeded to the dining
anyone.hootln, or btherwlke tr epees -
los n 0117Dpert 0/ m Orop.rti .111 b. aro
iewood ac.so0tee R. 0.
Auction !WOW
I have onetime! Inatruotlone from This. Ca.-
.dy torn bypnblla •notion at lot to more -
ern 1, Rant wanosh, adjoining the village
of Auburn o0
the fallowing t-1 mina years old, In teal to
Loot of the Manor, 1 heavy draft mar" 0 yore
old, In foal to ((Int Corot, 1 horse 0 yen
old. 1 spring roll. 6 gond mllch rows 509Doeed
to be In reale, v stars roles 1 yearn old. 4 heif-
ers rising t 70101 Old, 7 god spring paler, 1
brood sow and • litter of piers. $ pige 7 months
old. Masse Harris binder with took and
sheaf terrier (nearly new), hay fork, ergs,
repo,ulle s, eon., I Rig R mower, 6 1.1 foot,
1 steel sulky rake, 1 Mee harrow, surly new,
twin pow, I plow, 'leery No. 91, 1 grails drill.
1 ret of iron harrows. I tannin/ern, I lumber
wagon. lest of hnh .lelgha, 1 ate of double
honer. 1 good cook •o
above I milk ean. 26 gal.
milk can and Wno, k, I grladjar steno mon of
turnips, a lot of hese, myths. chains. forks Rn.
All wilt be sold without reserve as •hp pro
Irritator 111 gIr1.g in farming end natoving
to oomme1me at 1 o'elont p. m. .baro.
Tame -All mime of $6 &d ender, orb.
Over that •mon•t Ir menthe' seethes furnish
In( approved joint notes or. dlwwnnt of 6 par
.rot. allowed for orb on Dred demonists.
Also t0. fares R 1 r lot R orieresslnn 1 R.
WOwan.h, 101 area, 10 am Moored and In
• molt state of nularmtivtlon. I aero hush,
There Mon the plane • good two storey frame
dailies house 11.110 with wing 161211 and •
Ord .bee .Iter. • frame ban Star with
(Sabha ender 0 anus of geed orchard. 1
never httltg Spree( mar, Tbe doll le •
M0yr loam, ab,tnt 70 swotIs nM. 6 acres
wleat, •d tame fan pbwYO. The
are ODed 11 Is en a beadles v01 read
Eurasia shavers. soften, 1 wits
ythe Hlkg. a Auburn, 5
sad Males. Tide b town vert Oesenth0.
..n((o. kppeel R .wages 1•epl44. de o0 i aXitkt IP"Toes. tear 4r tis NaAnimism,
0.1161=f, TOpE. OAMADY.
L*rr, It'? NOT La*F,.-The Duog•nnoa
fair to be held oa Thursday sod Friday of
next week, will wind up We tall .bow
.woo in this diswtot, Dungannon &Iwaye
has • big .bow, but this is .xpsoted to be
the greatest on record, and a large atr-
dano• from all the surrounding town. and
township 1s looked tor, 1'be Ilbenl prises
la every department will oo doubt develop
keen competition and the speeding rotors
promise to be • lively feature of the fair.
Special amusements and mato will be
furnished oo Friday. Adml.loo to the (.Ir
-25e ; ohlldreo ander ',wolves, 10o. ; school
ohildren accompanied by their rubor., 5o.
Oo Friday (mooing • grand contort will be
held, for wbloh • greet array o1 ttleot has
been *soured, including Will J. Whim, of
Toronto, humoroo• and deterlpOi.. v000llet;
Mies Lear. Aoha.00, of (loderloh, violinist ;
the Ml.w Patterson, of Auburn, and Mlae
MoVittle, of Nile, .olel•ta ; Miss Elizabeth
Willem, of Gdertoh, anti Miss Mary Pent-
land, of Dangtooto, elooat400bt, and Miss
Lolls Sorry , of Laokoow, retort. Adml.•
.lon to ►h. onoosn, 25o .; ohtldren under
12 wars, 100 The secretary, W m. M oAr
char, Dungan000 P.O., rrgoseo that 1Z.
h Mlen.end in their eatrles to him • day
or two before the &bow. Anyoo• wishing •
prise list or any partiovlaro should apply to
Mr. McArthur.
A Doust-s WIDDtNo.-A happy evict
which ore.td a great deal of popular In.
wrest to llderloh was the double wedding
which was oon.ammabed on Wednesday
e vening ot last week .t Bellevue Terrace,
the resldenoe of John Hillier, whose daugh-
ters Rmlly :and Sd10 .*tend the bond. of
matrimony, Miss Emily with W. T Rot
ledge, of tows, and Mies !Mille with Fred
Root, of Chicago 'The Der. 007 was per•
formed by Rev. J. W. Robin*. to 40.
prenooe of hetween sixty and .twenty
relation and friends. Mrs. (Dr.) Myers,
of ('rdlIoo, played the wedding march.
The fair brides were handsomely gowned.
Mies Emily was In mauve Henrietta, trim
mod with chiffon and Ian, with bridal veil
and omen blossoms, and Miss Sadie was
attired In • gown of white .Ilk organelle,
with lone INNtloe,.ed also tare • bride's veil
sod w.nee blossoms. Faoh of the brides
earned a 000/4000 of whiter:ee and smilax.
Mies lour. Farrow was bridesmaid for
Mise Kmtty and wan attlyd le whll• or•
gan41• with loos bodice. Mise 9.Ale'e
bridesmaid was her sister, Min Birdie
Hillier, of Toronto, who wore • gown of
w him silk organdm. Ouch of the brides-
maids married red ropes Mies Farrow
wore a for oolse rias, tbo gift of Mr. Rot
!tidos, end MW Blydle HIIII. • pearl
0,0.0.0), the gift of Mr. Hunt. The
Iroom.mea were Woolley Treleavae, for Mr.
Rntldge, and (lhao Oelloway, for Mr.
Hunt. After Cha doonle o.7.mony had
bre completed and oo0graal•tl.as elven,
the wedding party partook of an **alien*
. upper and until an early hoar b the Stern
log the homestead bold • IMMy. thane.
Th. primate were numerous and handsome,
tetokeelag the esteem In whish the two
maples are 0e14 by their 1rlead.. Mr. and
Mn. Ra1edse hav• taken op 06.lr re.(.
deem en Albert street and Mr. and inn,
Heat. Ido en yagrd*y for their future hear
in (7blo.g.. TH. RIONAL whine both the
young stere • joyous tutors. Amang
Moss pross.4 •t thy middle, wer. H. O.
Horton and Mise (ire, of Teresa ; Mr, and
Mn Dr. 1$l..r• of (h0ltesMr. lad Mn.
,les. (aomhes, Mr. sad Mrs.. Oeestb.s,
Mr. ase Mn. Jas. (aft, Mr. and Mrs. Me.
Rdvey and Mn. AnIheey MmeDeneld, of
DRATI1 Or DAvID Oa., --rm." egret was
leis by may to awn and 101540, at the
aneeaeeamrt of the death of lavtd Orr, el
(501.11044 township, wbfeh .seemed es flea -
day •Reese e. Alth..515 he had hoes all.
lagdoes Ian fall, and Seise ►h. •erlmg It
wae k.ewm by hl. 'Pleads *et N app
. ri..dy 111,0. Wee o..14404'00'40. heset few
ally • few aye before toe sod nam.. Tisa
ttamptslst 4 M ohne he 5A.red wee an-
ew of 6M News.". The desoassd eras the
cued sem e/ Hebert Orr, N sews. end was
IL lir l.Vg4nml Pelf. 11j. bad Wee .d
01a Ids 10 Oderbh lawnehlp and was• pro•
resolve sod weeaaefal farmer. Ills wile
died not quite. year ago, sad muoh gym
ppa.thy 4. felt ler the three hays, James,
David and ,lobe, who b..s boss so greatly
bereft Tbe remains of the deceased were
interred In Maitland cemetery on Tuesday
afternoon, Key. Jas Hamilton, pastor of
the Coles Presbyterian °buruh, 000dooting
the ..Parlor. The pall•teer.n wens Jame.
MuCleske Joha Yoaog, Charles J*bwto's,
Robert Davidson. Martin Kalil* and
Georg. Jobn.ess,
Regular meeting of the town oounoll to-
morrow (Frtdy) marg.
Tho Collegiate 10.464te'. •Douai sports
will be held on Friday of next week,
Moos Elizabeth Wilson ie to fill an eog•g.-
meet •e elocutionist at Fargo. Kent ninny,
cert Moodily eveolag.
Ben. Swltme, of Goderiob township, ha.
Dome le lawn l0 11,08..4 has taken op his
residence on Wolfe street,
Tb. erteodons ul the street elsotrlo light
system deolded upon by the ou000lt some
tome ago are being prooeeded with.
The bolters have raised the price of bread
to six non • loaf, the reason assigned be -
lug a ries In the pubs of Manitoba wheat
Robert Holmes, M. P., was la town this
week. H. has been through a good part of
the oenatiluesev and reports great swore
In his oanvw.
Thos. J. Moylan and James B. Ryan, of
Beechwood, have been swor° In by the
Clerk of the Pease re Jltlon of the Plane
for the ooa0ty of Haroa.
Mr. Clewortb, formerly int lied.rloh, and
lately organist and ohoirmaster of tk.
Presbyterian oburob in W &Ikea Gm has been
appointed eo a similar position in St.
George's oburob, Simon.
The membenblp of the Weer Huron
Farmers' 1as0ttvte now number. 315, hav-
ing looreaoed by Dearly 100 durlog the pact
voer. An effort Is being made to reach the
500 mark this year, and we hope It will
Albert W, 1VIee le removing to town
from Oodeate% town.0.19, having been •p-
o°loted &lent for the Deering and other
uncultured Implement oompaoln, and 1.
opening out to the .nod oo Hamilton strut
formerly 000vpled by Angus MoKlnnon.
The Damao Advann.pate as follows of
a Goderlob high school graduate: J. A.
Taylor, B A , prtaotpal of the high shoot,
has been offered the wince m•stenblp of
t0. Strathroy oohs/late institute. It
will Is a ilouroe of muoh gratification to
many to know he has dsollod the tempt•
log otter.
H. C. Faeroes has sold Ids tin, hooting
and plumbing business to Le. & Shephard,
who are t000rporating It with rod ow0
b0dn.os, Mr. Filet, ger has &coapted • posi-
tion as traveller Ire ;;.e Kelsey heater,
which is made by the James Smart Maoufso-
tartog Co , t(rookvllle. We are Owed to
know 10.t he will still have his home io
1 he Kona arctic* Review speak. u Itll..w•
of b young woman whoa kaolin 10 (r.dre
rlob : For two weeks thWilleePiiii-isseters
hre been felt for Mrs. W. J. Rrsee. why
was etrioke. 04th • purior•al fever, The
dootors 10 at4od•eue 0ed FW advantage of
treating • oh.rrlul ant aurorae's patient,
but rural limn 60.y feared. that the end
had oome Hope le sot eealoed now that
all danger Is past. Mr.. Brvoe 10 a very
estimable and popular young woman and
her many friends weluowe her r.eov.ry,
Mn. Proudfoob le visiting to l'hloago.
J. W Broderick hu returned to town.
('hu. Galloway left for Chicsgo on Fri-
H F. Moan left, S*ttird&y on a trip to
Ch In
Mngo, and Miss Oliver •re visiting In
Lltnel Pours is away on • holiday visit
to Cbicago.
Miss Ha10hisoo left last week on • visit
b Chicago
Bort Ttlt spout • few days to Detroit 60.
put week.
Mr, and Mn. Peter McFarlane are visit-
ing chianti,
Mn. 1. J. Video left los week on •
vlsll to Detroit.
Miss (Ince Smith loft Thursday lest on a
visit to Detroit.
Mise Sure Strsoh•n left Saturday on •
visit to Chlc•go.
I7. (1. Shannon ham roomed from his
vhll b (arow011.
n For.. alt Saturday no • visit to
Iriend•In Detr,nt
1)r. 84.w•re 4. 4lnndl0( Ma0111 U.1-
Adam • MTbomgoo 1011 for Meal* OM the
•xonrdon last rook.
!truest He0tt., of Tess.li,.pal Monday
a1 Ridgewood Park.
kiln FAther Belth returned oo Taedsl to
Toronto after speeding 10. summer at the
residence of Philip Holt.
Mrs, R. H. Smith was up from London
for • few days this week.
Dr. M. Niobolsoe sad nes Jasper left last
week on a trip to Chicago.
M W Annie (emotion, of 4e0orth, visited
bit harm here ever So.d•y,
Mrs, 1014.. Aeitkso d sae 1.f1Th0nd•y
merola( O4 t visit Lo Chloro.
Moos May Rtlmloombe left last Saturday
on • 710(1 to friends In D.trnit,
J. J. W. Simpson, N. A.,01 Whlteohuroh,
nes .(alt4ng In town 644(1 week.
A T. Cattle, Tate of Coal. Rem , tows,
has • reed pollMoo las Wlsflptp,
Mn R. 8. WllhOm. and Miss 1(10.1 left
on Friday ea • visit to Windoor.
Mn, R. Dow.4.a 1* visiting her daughter,
Mn W. D. o..., of Leamington.
Mrs. Walter Rlek, of Oderioh township,
left last ink on a eel to Uhlo.go
C. Ms{w, of al. H/fan's, is taklag the
0dlo.l nares •t McGill Ualve01lty.
Mies 9hi11. Rtrkwell, of Carlow, left gat.
0rday morals. on • .1.10 fa Wiadeor,
Mr. and 14,.• H•mllnk made • brief
vlllt to Uhlnyo luring the put womb.
Min Belle ,Inhssten has reterwod to Ch1.
euro alter • visit with her resistless hors,
Chre. Crabb and 4.05(47, of Seaforth,
visited thole relatives here the put week.
Mies Wlenlfr•d. R.II left ns Ratorday
for Hamilton to •tteiod tier Normal o.n.o..
Mr. Hoe Allen and two nhol4ren left no
Natard.y morning to visit friends at Tail-
o r
Stewart Manifest PIN r.sor•.d be Wood-
pile* lavish roonver.d fres hie rosea* W-
eats. Moak*, win had he.. visiting her
seder. Mn. K.otc, retarmed to lest
Mrs. II, (1, *sob .d shako, left Is*
rue be jos Ma. Ikeda N Hank ate Moto
They were •oaompwied by Miss Mont
Mrs. Wm. Molwao left ou Thursday bo
visit her danginee, Mrs. Wrliwto, at Learn -
Uoofi Halt left on Tuesday for Toronto,
to begin the arts course •t 'Trinity loot•
Miss Linn Thompson and Was Mortis
Jehoeboo left Thursday last oo a visit to
W. Hayden left Monday morning for
Toronto to remote attoodaow at the Dental
Mn. Chas. Hoyle' and ohlld, of Prince
Albert, N. W,T., were visiting to town
8. Lu.00mbe, of 1. tie 8t. Thomas Joaroaf,
has ben Haltom his d*egbter, Mn, W. A.
A certificate of military quollfloatlon has
been Issued to 2ud Lieut. J. C. Mutton, of
Mn Joe Beak bra io Wingb•m last
week acting to the oapwtty ot judge at the
fair !herr.
Mr. and Mn. Fred Crabb and obildreo,
of hew Jersey, are yWtinn Mr. Cr.bb'o old
home bon.
The Mires Anode, Martha and Mloole
N ells left last 'l'horsdsy 00 • trip to De-
troit and Toledo,
Mn. Ad•u,, of Guelph, who was visit-
ing relatives bore, left Tue.day morning on
r ylsat to Luok4ow.
Mr and Mrs. John Mills, of Lnodoo,
neat Sunday with tbelr relsIlv.e, Mr. and
Mn. Wm. McClure.
Mies Belle Johnston lett loot week for
Chtago to hike the portion of head ogres
in Doe of the horded* 1bere,
Howard Snell bas returned from Prince
Albert, If. W. T.. and 1. ablate In •ttend-
roe+ at the Collegiate institute.
J. B. Kelly was 11) Soarertb for • oouple
0t day* the post week helping the Electric
Light Oempsoy there In • difficulty,
Mn Jamas Henle, Wellesley at. left last
week for nit York, on • visit to her son
110ar1e•. Charlie is an old S10NAL buy.
M. G. Cameron will leave for Sandwloh,
Essex county, Monday Deas, where bet will
uooduot the Crown burrs at the Arses
W. W,,Stodd•rt left Monday morning oo
his retina to Loui..(1 ., whore he sesames
his studies at the Prs.bytart&o Theologinl
Seminal y.
Muter N Illi. Brooked bit', returned to
CMongo out week after epeodmg th• .am -
mer with his granlpsrents, Mr. and Mn.
James Breokenridre.
Miss Gran Strang left Monday morning
to persue her .NAW at Toronto University.
Mrs. Stnog acoompanld her to spend •
few days to the ally.
005.. McColl, lorm.rly of town, has ye•
hraed to her home 1n Hamilton tro40.Vet
*say, where she bed been for two yew
pursuing mad0al studies,
Nantes. M, Contin was in town on Mee
day, and left for Montreal to attend ►be
tumoral of Mr. Vallee, wbo was interested
In his projects at Rt.Jceepb.
H. K. Jordan was at Thornhill last week
kttesdlog the wedding of 0'. brother, Al.
bat D. Jordan, o1 Brantford, who gave an
organ modal to Kant ohuroh some months
Mr. and Mn. A, C. Macdonald, of I:ol-
borne, lett last Thursday on • visit to 1)e
trolt, .000mp*ol.d by Mn. Robe. Man.
don•Id, of Detroit, who had beeo visiting
Mrs. (Rev.) Wllsoo, Mrs. Goo. Acheson
and Miss Lizzie Aob000 are attending the
000veotloo of the London 000fereno bn0oh
Woman'* Missionary Society at Aylmer
this week.
Lionel Naftel, of (ioderlob township, left
Moody morning for Toronto, where he w114
take the •rt. nurse at Trinity Col feria ty,
Mr. Natal Is Inking forward to akiog
ministerial order..
Min Augusta Potter,of (tiloago,and Ilse
Eta Potter, of Sault 81.. Marie, Mlob„
arrived home Tuesday night on 0000a01 of
the Illness of t0elr mother, Mrs. W. C
Potter, of Colborne.
Miss Jeanine Rdward, whn h.. 0..w
emending the enamor with her rusks. the
Mr.... Mc Loren, Victoria .t., rswrnd to
her home at Uhicago on Saturday, .coo0i.
p.old by Mn. 1). A. McLaren.
Wm. M•d.l, who formerly oendeetd a
smeary at BOOM 111., and some time ago
went to Manitoba, has returned and to
thinking 01 iota' Into bo*1ser at blonds.
He does not give • good report of' the
I'r.lrle Provloo.
Ree Read . grishs. \
"Targe Gorr covered the head sod face
of our ohlld," writes C. i). 1Gblll, of Mnr.
Panton, Tens., "Mat no treatment helped
1111 we aged Bookies's Arnica Salve, whlob
qulokly anted her." Infallible la eruption,
braises, molds*. and puss. (.or* gturan•
Sled. Only 2,o at 4u_ Wilson's drug sten,
J. M. MVL6wu,
Molwod'e laboratory.
Gderlob, Ont. '--
Dear Sir: -I was trnnb(e4 for nearly b
year with brow:hins, r• and used dna•
tore' medicines, InoloAlog hypophesphltee
Lod.mul.lon. of ood 1(.er , 1. 1 had three
.meet. of (s grippe. The 6lr000hlel babes
were LQeot.d The deuton *sanded me
and fogad one lung ilirhtly affected. i
thou took • trip thronph Manitoba and
British 1 oIombi& and west all 51mmor till
fall In the moa0040., i felt Ilkn a new
man then, but 1 aught oold nil coming
home, and I did not feel well, oo0ghing a
good Awl, and hard, ol•ony phlegm from
the throat My denoting net me a gond
deal, 1 humbly apologise for not writing
you sooner, but 1 was well and forget 11 .11.
On ,lannary 21.6, 1893, I ban 60 tate your
medioloe and from that day i began to mend
right on. I took your System Renovator
three' times • day, before meets, and the
Spoelflo ('are for throat one (tnogh and
longs half an hour after meals and at bd.
time, sad applied K. A MOIAunan'. Llni
most to oho Meet as direold. i did net
ml.. • dose for two months, The Reae-
rate', gave mo a splendid appetite .red
1 slept we11)revery night. i eon say
that Ipam a different man altogether *nos 1
tionlosi than. 1 haven't been s day Sok
done Mee. 1 believe my faith In yourself
for what you roe did for my mother twelve
yews see helped me to pay stein stu ation
to directions. if ever 1 should get sink
ogaln 1 will knew well what M do. Me.
then Is now In California and wee pleased te
know my rte. 1 .m your staeses friend,
Undwwod, H, T. Duote oNu
Tore itso.tlfnl memorial windows swot*
p(ab.d in W. (0.nr..', nher.b last week 4.
falaie r.wmery of Henry Yww°od A►4111 and
Helen Forrester Merrill. The wisdom. re
preeao the apostles St. Peter smd 86..loh*.
A Sandy whorl so 'ss81 s et kb. A.h-
fld elreton will he held le Makes oh,reb
en Tuesday, pet. Si.b8.sa4..s w111 be hold
u p a0 A.M. and 0.&0 P.M. Addresse eel
he gives en differs* soh** b oensayes
wife MaOyv *heel week, L Ibe eveeles
1.•77,s kMI .mise cell los 445L
The Forret Provincial Treasurer /wed
Away .4 Tot -sato.
Oa Tuesday the neutrino of one of Huron's
moot distinguished eons won laid away In
Mutland cemetery. Th. Hon. Alexander
M. Koos, formerly member of tit. Oslario
Legislature for West Hamas' sad Provincial
Treasurer, died at Grace Ha.ptutl, Twrr'
on Saturday afternoon, el malarial
after a month'. Ulnae.
The deoewd was one of the pleaests of
the "Huron Tract," and was one of the beet
known pubUo men of western Ontario until
he retired from pabllo Ute tea Sean ago.
He was horn to Dundee, Scotland, April 20,
1827, and was the son of tne late Cohn
Roes. Ho Dame to this oountry with his
parent. to 1333 and settled 1r Gederloh,
cod was edao•ted In the pabilo.ohool hen.
When he was fourteen years of &ge he
learned the cabinet-making trade, but after
• year of this he went es*, near Trent, with
• Oentleetor named Walter I,aw.»". The
death of hie elder brother I n to
Goderloh, whore he enterer too ow* of
Upper Canada. He became manager for
the Royal Can.dlan Bank hen, and later of
the Book of Commerce branch, established
when the Royal Canadian went out of busi-
ness. 11. eeottnned to sot ail manager of
►he Bank of Commerce, sod was also treas-
urer of the oonaty et Huron for a camber of
yeah, until 1883, when he was •ppo1O1d
Provincial Treasurer, having been first
e lected to the Legislature ter Liss 0000411•
aenoy of West Huron 1n 1875. In 1890 he
left the Ontario Tre•.uror.hlp to accept the
position of oink of toe Coa.17 Court of
York, whloh he held until his death.
At the time of the Treat affair In 11161
and 1862 he orpantzed so artillery sompany
In (lodertoh, and was appointed Captain.
to 1866, durlog the Fenian raid, hit was
with his oomn•oy an frontier ..wise, and
during the some year was appointed LIeu-
tenaot.Colenel. At hla death, he was one
of the oldest Lteuteoant.Colonels on the re-
tired 11.t. In 1869 he oommaud.d the gun-
boat Alfred on frontier eervre Die the De
trod river.
In November, 1862, Mr. Koos marrt°d
Agnes, daughter of the late Thomas Kidd,
wbo survives blm. Ile leaves four eon.,
Arthur, living lu Enelarld, Alexander, civil
engineer, to Mexico, Charier C., barrluter,
et Torooto, end Dr. Wm, K , of Toronto
Asylum, and two d•urh4n, Miss Carrie
Roes and Mrs. Sbannoa.
The remain. 0r11vd here o0 the 1.20
0. r. train oa Taney and were 000vey.d to
Ste. George's oburob, whore the funeral
'.Pylon wee m0dnot.d by the rooter, Rev.
Mork Turnbull, and throe to Maltlsad
cemetery, where the lost solemn rites were
p.rformed. The pall -bearers were Hon. J.
1. li.rrow, Jobn Aohoson, 1). O. SOrao0an,
Lt. -Col. Varoto, Major Jordan and John
Wynn. Tb. officers of the 33rd regiment
attesided to uniform, although the funeral
wain set under military aoepose,
/. --- TYeaWeed a *tower.
To benefit others. Rev. J. T. W. Vernon,
of Hartwell, Ga., writes " For • loam Mme
1 had • running sore on my los. 1 tried
many remedies without ,.enefit, until 1 used
• bottle of Eliotrio Bitten and a box of
Buoklen'e Arnim Salve, wbloh oared m•
sound pad well." Bores, eruptions, bolls,
eczema, latter, salt rheum chow Impure
blood. Thousand* bays found In Faintrla
Bitten • mod blood purifier that 0laoln4.ly
cores than troubles. Ma►btweton 1. .oar•
anted or m000y refunded by James tydeem,
dr.Rglet. large bottles only 50o
10• G. ('. 1. football clot went hi Clin-
ton last Friday and vanquished the Colleg-
iate 'orator team there to tine style. The
teems played for an hour and a half, and at
lbs nine of the game the snore wan 5 to 2
in laver of (iodKlob oolI•el•ns. The
teams were as follows
Goderloh-Goal, S. Prltobard 1 beaks,
W. I...emote and Alex Smith ; halt -banks,
Glen Mao9on0ld, W. Hackett and Reuben
Snell: forward.,H. Wlghtm•n,.1.P. Brown,
K. R. Bryan., 8. Draper and Jr. Thomson,
('Caton -Goal, Tylor ; back*, McPher-
son and Baird ; halbb.oke. Campbell, Weir
and Moleod ; forward., lampb.11, Aiken
head, Whitely, Baird and Broder.
In els first half Hackett of the (6.derlob
team had hla left elbow knookd ant of
joint and Will Elliott was put In hl. place.
The referee was Mr. Jackson, of 8ealorth.
Th. tarp. was for silver medals, which the
winners will nicely* at the C. 0. I's nm -
monument to he held shortly. The two
open races on the Clinton program also
were taken by (5oderioh, ,Ire Mauro .ell
winning both the 100 yard. and the
34 yards. The Oderlah students ars "hoop
Guilt sod up" well.
Slows t. Asara.
The old idea that the body sometimes
n°eda a powerful drastic, purr•tlye pill has
been exploded ; for Dr. King's New fat.
Pills, which are -neatly harmleem, gently
e tlmulate liver and trowels to expel ootson-
on. matter,ol,aose Cho system and •h0ola4-
4y more o°ostlp•tio0 and sick he•d•okm.
Only 25o at ,1, Wilson'. drug store.
Two bankrupt •teok. from 9t. Thomas
and Sarnia just arrived at the Hamilton
street bargain .tore. The sale now going
on. W • .ell ob.sp....5 & 51 1114.. J. W.
RR(1DitR11 R.
Oyster.. Get them at the Vlot•ri0 Res.
4.41.001, W•et street. They rooln them
regularly always fresh, in ore0m, nes•
fool lottery, fruit. and oig,r.. 0, :tiro
.mN1, proprietor.
tTdepkene 70.AO
Wanted • any quantity dried apples.
They most be large bright (natters and
thoroughly dried. Cutter 1(Jo, age 13o.
Onr stook of dress Rood., silks and fan la
nee amassed. 0. 0, Eno, W Ingham
A Goat, Tenn TO KNow.-Thu is where
to (eta first ohms cheap ranee or • cook Ing
oboe. Over 600 families In Huron runty
w141 tell von that the Garland and (food
Cheer are op to date and that 006 prion aro
right. 1 argon to .11 the meet of my
stook eaten spring wiTH 7040 0oPPORT
Aes an unforeseen teoldenO bas happened to
my loot. which *111 prevent me from o*11•
leg on you ppe.rsonally. I wlil "bank 1he.sll
who are 40d.0ted to me It they will nes me
at 00. etore,nexlto Me Book ot (;emmeroe,
ea i armies all my oo4s4.ndine 0.00..4.
(M8. ,1rd, 1900. G. N. 1)Avtn.
fidle DORM
i.Tu -39y yyppi .rloh. on Onnday, O.ps, 0)
Mp..OS Mn. WelIOrflanita.a dm34h/er
✓ intaNORR --I0 Ootterioh, on Thnrs4ay,
Rept. Nth. to Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Pllsinger,
• 003404.,
DOUGHERTaY. At Rho:retire no R.pt If
to Mr. and Mrs. INn •fly. ahstt4htev
thee rerdenoe of the Widen gpotbIbty. ,
Roy. Ir. J. Oates, J. Amino Finlay tote. J
Ander.en, reneges da+4hter o the late
David Anderson, .4) of A.hR.M.
0R1t. 1. Ovulate* township, on Raday,
'•p(-1 It s. amid. David Orr, egad ja ream 9
inaeWHIM 161111211* w
General Elsotloae-Kldd'e Book Stere, , p 4
Teacher Wanted -8. 8. Ne. 3, A•h6eld.. 1
Core Your Cough -Vi, O. Goode 4
T.•oher Wanted -8. S. No. 4, W. Wows -
nosh ... 1
Thorold lament -N, D. Roagvte..,...., 4
Wall Paper Salo --Porter's Book sad Well
k'apor Ston 8
Amide Lossie --C. W. Andrews 1
New WinterJaokese, eta -W, Ashen,
&So. 6
M. Walking Shama- W. Shaman, Jr, 4
Fall Oo.d.-Ja., Robbesoa ,. 4
Teodoro for Wood -W. Lea... ... 1
Th. Uod.rtoh Department Stare-8mltit
Bros. & Co B
Men and Boys Wsabd-God•rloh Organ
CO _.. 1
A00ouno.m.sh-er. W. Bred•rloe 1
A Ooed Thing 4. Know -O. N. Davis1
-Roos JOHN is nota huge Jong in
Dominion politics
-BOWL GRAHAM will see 1101'ni on the
evening of elootion day,
NICHOLAS FLOOD Dam Piga been com-
paratively quiet efuoo SiPTON took his
political scalp.
-TRI Tories are pinning their faith o0
the three B's : The old Baronet, the young
Barrel -It and the Bust,
-Four's must have enjoyed the attempt
of HUUH JOHN MACDONALD to play light
comedy to Su UHASLO TUrp0R'e heavy
O'B*tgo, the mita from Shanty
Bay, and a former Tory member for Mus-
koka oounty,rattled TOpp'g bgSggflyer thk..
stones at Stayner , -.ay um.
_ . _ _..
-TUPPER hag been in political life for
furty•flve years and claims to bei a states-
man and the maker of Canada, yet he oo-
. upioel the Premiership of this oountry for
only throo months before the poop* tired
of him.
-Tn0 UbetaLs are travelling in • band -
wagon, and the Tones are riding in a
hearse -the Liberals are following the live
leadership of Bir WILTRID LAURIER, and
the Tories are following the shade of 81r
J0HN ldacuoaaLa
II the Liberal maw 11 to e8I 4 .
about opposing Mr. Maclaren, why deem
It not bring outa oandidete of naves.
ponding calibre? The disparity between
the men means Liberal votes to M•olarert.
Of course that's all right, but a more
entmly way would be to allow a man of
Mr. MacLaren'a high qualities to be elect-
ed by acclamation. -Stratford gor•kl,
Now, when did Alex. Maclaren develop
to such a Colossus?
t this etas/. of our existence as a Con -
f.. , tion it to humiliating to bas tem.
pet - to confess that in twelve months
the ken supplied us with products
valued t $80,000,000. Dalt Reporter.
Conslde g that uur imports from the
United 8tatinclude coal and coke to -
amount of 11' . 11,000 ; raw cotton, o
$3,000,000 ; or.,e rubber, $1,600,001
bananas, 1500,000 sugar and many etl
things which we , nnot pro•hua in
country, in not The
-porter's o5otmplslne
little silly. We wond. if Creat Brltu
at this stage of her exit - . co, is humility
ed by the fact that this •oung count.
Canada, supplies her with . ., ucts valueo,
at dearly $100000,000. ' how would)
the farmers relish the reloci • . of the dut•
on Indian corn and binder t , the i
cream of the duty on 0041 oil, and . on
Reaatlf*1 and Nevel Deafen. 4. Raynor
What the Goodly( Millinery R.*MJts
ahew4a4 *Moors a Popular Irene
5,T0..e wsnot l■H-
II■cry-Thr1044 Who 4', W.aArt Ntherow.IPlais ce et
noia.. Last 'oral*, *ad Following
Days of the Week was • Ten4able ■Oe,,
for the fair Sex Who passe to Pay 0.0.
bate to the Goddess of Fuhl...
It was their millinery reception sad
opening, and the whole store was thronged
from morning till night. Popeolally In the
eveninge the department was to the poen...
.lop of an army of the town's fairest da.gh-
ter., who kept op • 000llnual undertone of
Iandst)on while they examined sionista
styles and passed In .view the many
exquisite triumphs of Ohs millinery art,
Moes i)affua, who hu obarge of the de-
partment, cannot bot feel highly entitled
at th• many oompllmente remised poetaln
log to her splendid work,
For the c*0venMeos of out -of town
p0tro0s the exhibit will eeo0oae at the sew
store, whloh takes unto itself Oh. •ppro
oto name of Aroade, till Saturday, Na 6464.
Mr, redrew. Informs us that one of the im-
portant features In the new business 1a to
see that their ootem.n get high-olase mil-
linery at the very Monet prime. The aW-
llnery'notion of the Arcade 1. removd
from up stain to M. main floor. Th.
ob. ge 1s most agreeable to their many
ouatomers and means sew and Inetrsa.•d
business far tea new firm.
' 1'wa. more than • leaai fund.: ss. of •
number of the °homiest went to Pon Arthur.
Booty other d lamgaf.Ijeg the
last of last week, ►nil wet didn't taw that,
it won't oat any more to 01 Oahe is
tench Gila fall with ►S. very bees Mee can
b. predooed In m111100rv. -
"Why,' told One, "we're 01 i$I1 01408
lase oily styles." malmsey, 511, Ike
..w milliner iso oert•Inly • wearies."
A parley mmplmeyi by • 4.wwel0dy
"1)id not see anything more 01040.4 Is
Fates'., and year primes somp0r0 favorably
with that groat house. '
Tho m1111041r7 test sae .arse before she
pimple lost work. sweats be say. the 'or-
al* was prsoouned eves 0.f.r. 8h. WSW
name off. The Aromas. G. W ANDIISWIL
Ws thank ear fHeeds forsue
nefrees t stere In ek antanthersho
y to
Saturday last week. Our kav1MMw was •
game* nes *ad It wan respe5dod to wane
Throe little reside from es M 8. 844
Imes e sew. pre votes 4. their
ens : "Whales the meter wflb the
Ire sal ow of* mu. Obey sale » t+. *MO