HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-9-20, Page 8TaUIaaDAY, Sept. 30, 1:400. neer Seeforeh altes Still more......., 'y Wfin Paper... Shipment of new Wall Papers just ar rived. --_-These we boug Ei W- sell at 5c., (c and 7c. par roll. Bis reducUoft in lines al ready In stock. R'1t'k:."x s"yT '1•' " i' rFy*t;r (r n, I•x as, d Books.. You will always flog the newest Books— Fiction, History, etc. ---on our book -shelves, fresh and clean from the publishers, as we do not either lend or deal in second-hand books < POR TER'S t t . f Book and Wall Paper Store Court House Square, Qoderiah. xY * `a :. ..rap , p'+r-...:v-•'v"sr +1 a y"' .+,, y# ;r . 'fib `t THE MIGNAL : G0DPJK1UH UNTAKIU. le•a•rt ala week.' vislt has, the giant of Ire. Tobin. N. P. Yaaoal time returned from his trip I the Old Country. He *peat carne of his me is Landou, K'aglamd, vtsatng the 'flow Palace on nue of Ire IrN date and ,sing a gathering of 4000 p*ople. The oyag* home was laugh. IDanolag was royived'to our ml et by a true party at the residence of I). Cpmming n Tur*day evening of last week. A mum or M Kingsl,rldge kwitht* with their fair 'leads had ,pile a drive agaloet • hurricane I wind to reach bore. Jerry ( vapor*, one I its popular violinist* had a Sim* of It riving and kespiov his grip on his violin - ams. John lees nearly Coattail back twice, at wished arowhen told of Bruce and the Aider. Will L'dwards, from most Ben - Idler, toe, had to keep a sharp hold am his lulln-vas* or she wind would have taken It rom him. This to the first party he has Jayed at to our stac n. The party was try much enjoyed by everyone to spite of he hurricane of tried. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. S. J. Haughton preached again feet + unday murolog In St, George's ohurcb. W. W. Stoddart preached In the Carlow 1 ad Auburn Presbyterian churches on bun - my, Rev. Mr. Henderson below nowelL a Rev, J. ('. Farthing, of Woodstock, It is < xpeoted, will preach In St. Goorgei's church , u Sunday. September 30, on the 000•slop t I the harvest thanksgiving servioes. Rev. t 1, '11trrsbull taking Yr. Farthing's work, The pulpit to Victoria street Methodist 1 batch was 000upled on Sunday by two t lever young men -A, E. 'Thomson In the 1 iorolrg tnd W. W. Stoddartln the even ill The pastor, flew. J. W. Robinson, i in preaching oil the Trowbridge circuit, a i wmer charge. The Sabbath school of North at. Yotho- a tet church will have a "rally day" next < unday. The school service, oommeac"10 I t 3 o'clock In the afternoon, will be of a 1 psora ober ober, and all the members of be congregation and the public generally ! re cordially invited to be present. Key Wm. J. Swims, of NlNost, B. I'., he missionary supported by the Fpworth nagues of the Oodarioh district, will visit iodench for several days of the cem'on link. Us Sunday neat he will preach in he morning at North -at, MethoJut church and In the evening at Victoria street. On dooday evening be will address the League I the latter church, and on Tuesday even• ag be will speak at the meeting Of the Qorth at. Le+gu . Key, S. Yeliery, a well known minister it the blothodist Loodan cem(*reoce, hr t )"n ailing some plain talk on the ■object )I dancing and card playloq. This Wood. Itoolc `Sentinel Review eye : •'ls the course A htuermunst the Cestral Methodist obarah Ant night the pastor, Rev. S. Sallery, in- Adentally mentioned o•rd playing and lancing. He sold that it was not his in- tentlon to speak on the subject at length, oftfor he did not believe in devoting too much Lima to it. In all his experience In the pul pit he had spoken only a couple of states o0 Chat subject. People could dance until tbey wore the soles off their shoes and play cards until they had calloused their hands and at would make no difference to him, if a Christian wanted to play cards he was at liberty to do so it he thought his conscience would permit it, He did not believe In telling people to stop It. He .it that to themselves He rather was inclined to give them other amusements and divot; them from dancing and oard playing. If a man were saved scd still wanted to dance or ply cards be (the speaker) wcaid let him du so ; Pu be did not think ghat men, who were realty saved would want .,bar to dance or play cards --_-._.------.---- The annual 6me•eW tt, Use of Me (iodation district of the Methodist church, was bald in Victoria street Methodist oh arch on Thursday Isvt. Nearly all the .misters and lay delegates were pressor and the morning session was devoted exoluelye. 11 w routine work. Missionary aonLver. wry servion were arranged for and there Is evsty prospect of • prosperous year throughout the whole dbtriot. A oommun- nioation was road from the Rev. Dr. Suther. lend, general mtesbnury secretary, request. Ing that missionary anniversary servioes be held as early se possible and that collections be before the Chrlalme& bolldava, w ae to savethe inconvenience of borrowing money with which to carry on the mi•atoaary operations of the church. In the afternoon a convention was held In the foteres I of the evangelistic work in contemplation on the various oharges Special prominence was ¢Ivan to the importance of frequent interchange among the minlstsre of the district in times of special evangelistic pr vice$. rather than employing foreign help. We are glad to learn that th* new pastor of Victoria @treat church Is doing well and the church is full of expectation with regard to the futar*. The Presbytory of Huron met In Clinton Int week. 1 he estimate of expenditure for the year was submitted and agreed upon. On motion, submitted by Mr. Musgrave, It we, agreed W hold only tour regular meetings of Presbytery during the year In. stead of six• ii the put. A recommend, stioo of the General Assembly, respecting the v'dtatloo@ of Sabtath schools by depu- tations of Presbytery, was adopted and at. rs•slem*oto mads for esrrvine out snob vituatior,. Nr. Sawers stated that the ooagregatione of Y arms and Blake extended a call to Rey. Thomas Davidson, B.A., and It was resolved to hold an adjourned meet- i-ts to sustain the call and issue it, N be held at Bruoefield an the 25th Inst., at 11 a. it. Dr. Campbell, went of the century fund, was present and addressed the court, stating, among other Chinos, that there wait over 11800,000 sabaorlbod, and that the alts earlptions, when completed, will exceed the million dollars ; that over $90,000 of the 1100,000 undertaken by the ministers was ouboonbed, and that when all their subscrlp- tions would be in the amount would exceed the mum aimed at. Leave woo given to the congregations of Bayfield and Bethany to have a moderation In • call when they are prepared for It. hit. Ketcham, student, lead • discourse wl>lah wait oordL&Uv aas- tained, and no was ordered N be certified to the www of Komi Colloge. The next regular meeting is to be held in (111nton on the 13th of November, at 10:30 A. U. NOTFS OF SPORT A. (;. McIntyre, of Dungannon, wielded a pair of bowls art the Want Pit. grant tin Frldav afternoon. The tennis touiasment was completed last week, Miss May A Ilan and Archie Dick. son winning the rn'teA doubles. i• the semi finals Mies Allen and Mr. Dickson do- tesrxt Mln M. Moyle and i u lsv Holmes, and In tht Arista Miss Alls-i and Mr. Dick scn woe from Mies Pearl Wynn sail Mr. Tait -4 3, 4 d. The bowling tournament to making slow "e*@a. The earned gems wee played an Th*ndayy loo►, when Viii Lane's rink di fated 1)ndl•y Holmes' by three shote. The 000re : F. J. T. Naftel Joe. Kidd t Thee. Tilt U. Oarrcw John (1416 i. Jordan W. lane, still -16 1). Holmes, stlili The preeldcot of the Horns Monty hwe. ball lasgee, who lives In Winghsm, hro lsken a good Anl on himself The three olarw which comprise the lasses now *taeAing avee, he hem doeldeA, without haw Ing the antharity to do on, that the final games he played at Rt aeselm, sad that he will he empire himself. Rrnaesls is rather an odid nlMtlon, for thoneh onnvanleet enough for Wingham, It is an nut-nf the. world tart of place for the Clinton and oodsrleh resets, which have cat st present any fat 'Mon of accepting the "Ideal's ehelee. 11 the final I@ to he played at all this fall as early Aamaln most he srrlvs• as--awua NewsiAnrd. YOUTHFUL SURGLANS . GRAND OPENING • .0 Nov. •r ..: ...r.>. W. •• Not Profit, but Cash.....- , sa..r """ `%'"'"" A fresh Victoria Opera Clouse div I,.1 meat tc oouneeNao with e events of i I •, u ,b - of the an'tbgeies Iaat y This it out a earn of milling to make at it wk *topped o .0 M•.uJ.v, obN W. H. os must have money MINI r'Oom. l t t1e ate we uoQrY airrested two boys, Harty Yarrow, at + s In cortain hum we timi our atock is Luo lar I'd "itimm, and Harvey Heady, Iter .4r `. 3r... ale at this w+anon of WEDNESDAY 6 sur year. To make nr+tu fur the now Nall Owdr we of t sen of age. B,I,,.r "I - L :vis : * t 1' .Ir,•a , Marplan mWr:k iuW t+r*h aro aur agistrate Meager they told as astonishing SEPT.• tly'a 4 '.i;'. 1( such .'alum w theme are say utdutwment w you W buy te,w, ,1r of deliberate u+d rvii in. mloohlrf, rrled out aro the eam nl ht oo the mw b S41 s"' , we will be pin•rntl to wa+ you R Fit/ it Wtilrilur''a All Fun Rofiutal lei" ,tv. Is whole and yet. t. if thev no Connectionoys -t-11109 what" Faroe Comedy 60 ' 60 pairs of Hen's. Woinea'tt and Children's Khor", regular prima Erom =1.00 to =1.7b. Your choice for 75o. per pair. These for with them. ` P o A000rdiag to their own story, the boys 1 Shoem are all right in every wry, butt as we have only • air or tw art*d our about 6vu a clock an 'I'usaday j of each kind loft, we decided to clear them to make room, renfog, leet week, by breaking (oto J S. Brazi T 60 irs Girls School Shoes, oar ular )latt's coal end wood otfiw. 'Chey got inte Pa roll >lsl.lb and $L b line is shed tint and then pried open the door As we have too many, will hell them for the next two woe kr only ! the othce. Thopre was touted sod they at 8Bc. per pair. -led it with a wrocoh, but could not do Tkirt' People iia the Net, "v mythical with It. They opened Mr. I'latt's - _ T- Special reductions in Boys' Shoe• N•• our Boy's strong Jhoe elks and scattered his papers and other ar• -- - d for Sober l wear, only 9$0. ala all over the floor and then made off $10,000 ChallengeBand dth • rubber stamp. Vsxt they broke roto + 1r'is We wlvertrae these goods at ttNi p2itxa because they arlver. Aborse h Burrows' germ warehouse at and Orchestra. 'v ii z rf It the us It it • duty you owe your Judgroest sad your purse to to rear, but could not get aaythiog there. # 4 r + visit Chir store rri(uro you buy el@ewItmrs fter this they waited Mround until about Patrouizoil by the most refitted audiences .Itt sit, by which time the also had everywhere. ft rbwmiss A Wemtaby's dour will. when toy made their next call. The chute for --- - A glsw stook of the • waiving gran tree t they cut .plane of A CYCLONE OF MUSIC .. .. received this week, for other baiting, Moil they cut dtthi•oil ' 7x" which we are the ex. •styled Itt by the *hate. They tried the till i^k5. , y, i ad got (our cents, stated the chutt , All the lattrtt stings and specialties Hoar - li over the place, using a broom to mak, the American Menne Silver Concert elusive agent. tem ran framer, aced •mooed themsslvrs In hand with thin Con,prtuy. f artous ways for about titree quarers of 161,t" R EpAIR IZ - ,ur. Whom they left they took with See the Street Parade. t.&,k :P.T- g ..Ls..L../AJ tem a razor, a brush, three pipes, two J o . ,)or rester. nil some op cher .malt yfl Pian Opens at Porter's, Monday arn..0 North tide of the Square, Godetich, THE CASH SHOE DEALER o zweie mie,tngmleuo'clocktram the mill, but at 10o'clockM.xk A M. to boys any they took ooly ora, end they ttsrly deny the cutting of the flour bags. PRICES, 25c, 35c and 50c. -- ----- ----- bay ai that while they were at the mill )moon tried to get In through the win, B&(JURE YOUR SPATS Y,AHLY. ,* • rgf,,,.,,,, •» -- - g . ow of the .salla* room After leaving the +1Y o, ill they want to the (;. T. K station and - tv . tx•r..vE J of under the platform of the freight shed, +' 5.1' O ` teir Intention being t,, get tato the shed it 9y'y' ars way, but they could not manage it JOHN MORRIS r'a; -', r O U N T V o OF HURON. 'hen they went down town and broke i6k P Z Ft its the shed at the rear of J. W. Brode- iok'e *Coro, but found .dear .ep.roting CONTRACTOR and BUILDERi bom from the store. They got a shovel Planing ad pried off a blocs, but did mot Ono- Kill -Med Fwteiy, Cam- fx 6h A 'Iw,,. x . i "din petting in. Next they tried A. brim, Road, Goderioh. Icll Allan's store -It way about 9 o'clock rr ce pP fy aC \1 pr 7 y this time -nod er er prying up s win- kre, + TrVtWarYr s We O LIM for T{Lpt sed hoard there were board stoat a lostore A oompisM stock ofoil hearin¢ somsone coma into tea stares i hey made •A They went to Hiok's drag Dressed and Undressed ton nutt and and then to Blackstone'O ptauranr, but dtd not on weed in settlor Lumber, . . . . . . .. m s' tither place, From Klackstini s they t'ul'NTY OF JIURON, TO WiT : By virtue of warrant, ruler the hand of the Warden rant Lo J. H. N'oncll's rlo rho end o1 and seal of the corporation of the County of Huron, -sled the 2189 day of August, 1900. nom. V s Flooring and Siding,mandlmg me to levy upon the lands hereinafter devorittel. for the •"man of tater r«p,otive a by shoving up a book window and Into III due thereon, together with costs, notlee Is hereb+ given that note" such taws amt owls he front shop by break!ng a window. They Lath, Shingles, Etc., are 000sor pDale. 1 shall In c +mplmnoe with the Coasclldated Asaesemeat Act, chavLe 211, rind the till with their razor, and fisaily R. K O. IW7, proceed to *all by public anetien the mad lands or n much thereof me may be psmsd it with a screwdriver and got threep__L necessary to dlsohsrito the same, at the Court House, in the Town, of Ooderlph, on Su h nil r four cents They out the tire of a bra and nooks on }lank a ycle with the razor, to hear the wind made to order On short Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 19W v rrw. ome out. They also purloined mama jaek- .owes. They quit then end were proper• notice. - 7 o'clock Is the afternoon. -- _ - ✓..wma'st. am to comp out for the night behind E. H .tali orart they were found by S9ri Windows & Doors a Special(, ' isatty's bbrotot herc, one of the ho,s ha•+eg O,Ow CON. ON acne raiQ.TiD Oa 1 -n0/d 7wTA4 one out on the street for a while, and were "T111i CNPATUNTlM *ken home. It was thea only 10 or 11 Fetimates furnuhe,l. Terms moderate. Y I .was. TOWNSHI • Of GODERICIL 'clock JOHN MORRIS, The boys are now is gaol, the magistrate, U e ® Patented 66 i30 al sntad uvioq remanded them o•ihI to -day. They Ptiwttlf7sr l.. •Esq+ .g Yawed ! PateaNdj! t fl tate that so one rtes war with them. I GODERICH. Past ..""' ""' 13 YaltLnd K Patented 00 t as TOWNSHIP OF GREY. 1 Sao him . v . Y , 1't 30 Patented M 6 11 FALL, / 9 I YILLAOR OF 1tNrFtYN IN UHSY. C r rr<Q tmAt,ta+ iY erasPatented ft 32 2 a iY - - I'll wanted tis 6 00 f . '"r jos or IroRDw1CH IN H°WtuB. — MISS CAil E Old . t' l ♦Ibertit. N h Uapstented i 230x16 TOWNSHIP Or IIt:,fl.><C'f. -"-- . Tilbegs, to direct the attention of the Mie!i to her stack of millinery for the fall mimen of 1900.. All the leading new Fart of .. .. . e 1 Patented t M ala r Its .tyles. and shades are to be seen, and ladies will be able TOWNe111P OF BTANLEY. to procure the latest and the beet in all )ales pertaining to We" bait oflwthalt t 10 Patented-# - - - mill Weft hat of hest half s 0 s Patented t w TOWNSHIP OF tiaBURNE. • Trimmed- Hats from $1.00 up. Inspection Invited. e. IL B'd•y i Patentedtf - syr - UP HAYFIELD.WISS CAMERONHamilton Street Ntoy 3 FMS field Road u F'atest d i 1g' , . _ff Or : >•_. VILLAGE Oi BLTTH. Ya ear. '•1 Patented II R' Mo(.o•o enr•el E half 9 Block A tv Patented M Ye(:a y wwwor It Illook ir fi Patented . MISS DONOGH v'It.N k WR°z rEed T Maln•et, N 1i Patented 10.7 950 851 County 7Yeasttrer's Office. WIL HOLMICK wishes to announce to the people of Goderich (wderlah. Awrastfl.lylo. >a _ _• County Treasurer. and vicinity that her - — rt STEWART'. , BECKER & MYER$ e FALL ... GROCER UcdeMatera nail B aliers 1 eswti"r,, t 117tH. b'. Ip 3eddli v L L I N E R tom. Yates' okl 'Land, Wont ride Square. k ;Orw Juste of Hwa<:hueette fol , n+stwaaat __ k -- -- lege of,Fmbalming. -. mraa.ararys,,xereraav m^xs,rMwmsra ..rot OPENING, ..° r WHITE REAliBL vIt oat are bencfitt(xl by par- t,psv IIAY AND NiGHT. chasing your (groceries from HWT GWDS AT Muus + a t" RATE PRICER. AND . as a,nF' ^a m rt^x ,r••„ will be held on - " v9 "" m ' SrF.wART, a9 y011 are gett,ng oovRTWU.l nTTEhT10N No, l goods at sulerate prices. aga.er ttwt a. waaatr a. `"p.idforAl""'ter• Thursday, Sept. 27th, - and following dRys, in the new dare in Bedford block, on Kingston street. It is not necessary to enlarge._nn_the_ quality of this £rimmled oxasraa everything will be found up to the i ival high Stand- ard. Goods entirely new and up-to-date. The" __--_public are cordially invited to inspect. MISS DONOGH. ' °w" Shorthand Schaaf in Gw iNITHOUT QUESTION the Forwt City Basin— and horthan Gollegs t00don, Ont. large enrolment and strong faculty. Hundrod• f xtudenta in good positions. Yeara of excellent wbrk at its credit. Catalogue of ither course free Correspondence invited. J. W. WEBTE'RVELT, Principal. BIC SUCCESS I BIC SUCCES,S,I he test bankrupt -5a e _Vg_ a cv4i l'71 ASMI THE PEDDER STOCK. Every person satisfied with the GREAT BARGAINS given. Every article is being marked down in plain figures with the red t pencil, so that you can see the sale price on everything. - _..:_Ackliticln New • a ger"S"'de. ," +ir" 11 ' 't`t lP' M'Ytk!It Fail Jackets and Capes. Dreary Black Silk Brocade Capes, 4z x Hi1r trimmed, Cur liner(, also Matta lined, $15, Ij1N, $Y U and $26. partkidar for $ve years. The are noiseless, vas -nlnni , and Gave Lovely Far Trimmed and Braided effects in Cloth Crpttr, Mt and $I, I "1 Very swell long Jackets with Boa Backs style Hundreds f the latest things in Short Coats, Prices trove $2.ci0 W $l.`..W COBE IND LOOK OVER U08 3TYLB3 ! MANTLE DEPARTMENT ON THE SECOND FLOOR. 3 AUTUMN SILg$ Powell, Flirt, New Tam Crown 13eaucy, and .haat of others. in great variety trete. Never be- Come in and mete your melee tore did we show each a large tion early. variety of ,3jlks. Never heeler valga. DB.S88 HARING ...: LoYaLY PLAIN SI1.Ha, Jnat tight DEPARTMENT ' sort for tucked waists, worth 75c., for 60c. it a sarong testate Of our bnu E:rBs VA -Lug TArrs'rA SILEe, nese. We have the Clothe, Lin u inga, Trimmings, etc., and call all the latest shades: old ro<t>, oraehed strawberry, ceroiae pink, quote you price for finished s r- turquoise, etc., at 75c. ticle, thus roving you time an d Newest thing: A P P L I Q O a trouble. Our $'* Mairs to order can t e[t.aa AND BATiNs, in new *hada ; lovely goods: $3.00, $3.50 and beaten—bast linings and mak 64.00 s yard. I ing. Vesv HANDsors APPLIQUED Also special line at $8.00, tic order, in Tweed.. Come an d VsLvrre in all the latest shades., nee them. \ DB.E88 LININGS. -- we will guarantee style, fi and finish. Tsffebine, the latest in linings, has all the rustle of silk teft'nts— MEN'S AND BOYS' looks tike silt—in all colon at CLOTHING. __ice A complete d e AUTUMN DB.SS$ GOODS. partment. We have made greater e8'orts _* Boys' 13Ch00 this season than .ver before to Pants procure the best, latest and most stylish goods. Our stocks rib A large slot k O now complete with beat values. All sizes. All prices fro 8ram•2. V A L° s e IN Y O 350. to $1.00. Twssu llssss STorlre, to small checks and new mixture effects; O Men's $spa r the tight thing for s Nall Suit ; at0 paIItif only 60c. •yard. Nsw 131rCE Psesls CHSYlm7l, ` as nice v Tails t Naw BLACK AND Co 6 made, and c vre)r hue Woret9d, at $'_'.50 an CHBYI(YI'8, Naw PLAID BACK CLDTHe, of heavy OW NLA CotgBED BOUCLE PLAIDS, Pants Nsw COLORED 1ioaESPuee. Bots' MsN's UNDRBwaA 0 @inral dLLA1ta AND Tlss NEW JAUNTY FELT - R°Keen. (%o"* AND L 1 U R HATE FOR LADIES` t 1v EFtOOATL FALL WEAR' New Fur Caperines and Al' the latest thing. for ice •• ' mediate wear. These are •few styles: The Ladysmith, Baden- All style ami prices. We are now prepared to serve you with early Fall want a We want your trade. Give us a teal CASH OR PRODUCE Smith Bro's--&--Co-, LEIBURN. eon. The brlds wry given aw..9 by h MONDAY, Sept. 17th. Heroes Hes6oa Mad Alex. YoNavin were father. The ceremony woo petfo.med h Ror, Alexander Forbes, of Fort Sa aka' o hi of eh• l.epdep tali Friday of last week. wan. After the ceremony en excellent pool was served. A hr tdsome bride's a Y The Rev Mr. Hamilton resumed his Oil of flys stories graced the table. Yr. 11 duties last bandy alNr his annual vans' sco to • young ms t and already f m• A lAea. considerable programs 'a (arming. He The W. Y. F. A. A. of the church here the poeseesor of •good farm of half o meets on Wednesday afternoon of this week tion of lend along the back* of the :litu¢se In ►►a,Saoday;eehenlrpom. river, well stocked and with •11 the new (.brrD'e BOND*. -The following will be wry farm Implements. This year be m of Interest N Leebnro readers of 1'us Btu I6 N the marriage of bawd, have over three thor,end bash*b of graft Pat Mn. Olb*oa cams recently from Pa NAI. n(en sldea6 dattghNr of our ape -time rsetdeot, Ar6har Horton, now of Fdmoptoe, Alt+erte, Sound with her nares' and h+ i •Ir*ad I become • genera favorite with all w h. W. T. "A quiet and eelsot weddlog book plsee on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. know her. v'i'e oottg.aLol•te the hap D couple and gbh them all aneaees 1•1 life. lbth, at she residential, of the bride's father. Dumber of presents given by friends w 1 Yr. Arthur HerNa. The oeetraarier long remind them of the happy event." panlee were Yr. Jn -t i.ib.uo, of `+ u g. n river db6rtey ant Mild Maud Hor+us, ••f DUNLOP. Partridge Hill., The bride was ta@:efn'.) attired to • whlN eoohmes• bndal dre.e MONDAY, SOPS. 17th with trimmtn/• of white silk Moil Iwo Yes Frank Allis lett on •trip to C•Ip glee wen She customary bridal veil and Yenlscba, on the lbih test. smarm* blossoms, red Inked • war/ pretty A Allen and him daughter, Mn. Shield held•. The brtdesmeld, Mles Mabel AIN*, Win aNtreA Ina' fawn -colored dress trim. visited in Brocefldd Friday of loot week and with white. The bridegroom woo Mies Cisrs Connor returned on Taesd • awill srMd by his brother. Yr. James Olh• Leet to her home neer Seeforeh altes Still more......., 'y Wfin Paper... Shipment of new Wall Papers just ar rived. --_-These we boug Ei W- sell at 5c., (c and 7c. par roll. Bis reducUoft in lines al ready In stock. R'1t'k:."x s"yT '1•' " i' rFy*t;r (r n, I•x as, d Books.. You will always flog the newest Books— Fiction, History, etc. ---on our book -shelves, fresh and clean from the publishers, as we do not either lend or deal in second-hand books < POR TER'S t t . f Book and Wall Paper Store Court House Square, Qoderiah. xY * `a :. ..rap , p'+r-...:v-•'v"sr +1 a y"' .+,, y# ;r . 'fib `t THE MIGNAL : G0DPJK1UH UNTAKIU. le•a•rt ala week.' vislt has, the giant of Ire. Tobin. N. P. Yaaoal time returned from his trip I the Old Country. He *peat carne of his me is Landou, K'aglamd, vtsatng the 'flow Palace on nue of Ire IrN date and ,sing a gathering of 4000 p*ople. The oyag* home was laugh. IDanolag was royived'to our ml et by a true party at the residence of I). Cpmming n Tur*day evening of last week. A mum or M Kingsl,rldge kwitht* with their fair 'leads had ,pile a drive agaloet • hurricane I wind to reach bore. Jerry ( vapor*, one I its popular violinist* had a Sim* of It riving and kespiov his grip on his violin - ams. John lees nearly Coattail back twice, at wished arowhen told of Bruce and the Aider. Will L'dwards, from most Ben - Idler, toe, had to keep a sharp hold am his lulln-vas* or she wind would have taken It rom him. This to the first party he has Jayed at to our stac n. The party was try much enjoyed by everyone to spite of he hurricane of tried. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. S. J. Haughton preached again feet + unday murolog In St, George's ohurcb. W. W. Stoddart preached In the Carlow 1 ad Auburn Presbyterian churches on bun - my, Rev. Mr. Henderson below nowelL a Rev, J. ('. Farthing, of Woodstock, It is < xpeoted, will preach In St. Goorgei's church , u Sunday. September 30, on the 000•slop t I the harvest thanksgiving servioes. Rev. t 1, '11trrsbull taking Yr. Farthing's work, The pulpit to Victoria street Methodist 1 batch was 000upled on Sunday by two t lever young men -A, E. 'Thomson In the 1 iorolrg tnd W. W. Stoddartln the even ill The pastor, flew. J. W. Robinson, i in preaching oil the Trowbridge circuit, a i wmer charge. The Sabbath school of North at. Yotho- a tet church will have a "rally day" next < unday. The school service, oommeac"10 I t 3 o'clock In the afternoon, will be of a 1 psora ober ober, and all the members of be congregation and the public generally ! re cordially invited to be present. Key Wm. J. Swims, of NlNost, B. I'., he missionary supported by the Fpworth nagues of the Oodarioh district, will visit iodench for several days of the cem'on link. Us Sunday neat he will preach in he morning at North -at, MethoJut church and In the evening at Victoria street. On dooday evening be will address the League I the latter church, and on Tuesday even• ag be will speak at the meeting Of the Qorth at. Le+gu . Key, S. Yeliery, a well known minister it the blothodist Loodan cem(*reoce, hr t )"n ailing some plain talk on the ■object )I dancing and card playloq. This Wood. Itoolc `Sentinel Review eye : •'ls the course A htuermunst the Cestral Methodist obarah Ant night the pastor, Rev. S. Sallery, in- Adentally mentioned o•rd playing and lancing. He sold that it was not his in- tentlon to speak on the subject at length, oftfor he did not believe in devoting too much Lima to it. In all his experience In the pul pit he had spoken only a couple of states o0 Chat subject. People could dance until tbey wore the soles off their shoes and play cards until they had calloused their hands and at would make no difference to him, if a Christian wanted to play cards he was at liberty to do so it he thought his conscience would permit it, He did not believe In telling people to stop It. He .it that to themselves He rather was inclined to give them other amusements and divot; them from dancing and oard playing. If a man were saved scd still wanted to dance or ply cards be (the speaker) wcaid let him du so ; Pu be did not think ghat men, who were realty saved would want .,bar to dance or play cards --_-._.------.---- The annual 6me•eW tt, Use of Me (iodation district of the Methodist church, was bald in Victoria street Methodist oh arch on Thursday Isvt. Nearly all the .misters and lay delegates were pressor and the morning session was devoted exoluelye. 11 w routine work. Missionary aonLver. wry servion were arranged for and there Is evsty prospect of • prosperous year throughout the whole dbtriot. A oommun- nioation was road from the Rev. Dr. Suther. lend, general mtesbnury secretary, request. Ing that missionary anniversary servioes be held as early se possible and that collections be before the Chrlalme& bolldava, w ae to savethe inconvenience of borrowing money with which to carry on the mi•atoaary operations of the church. In the afternoon a convention was held In the foteres I of the evangelistic work in contemplation on the various oharges Special prominence was ¢Ivan to the importance of frequent interchange among the minlstsre of the district in times of special evangelistic pr vice$. rather than employing foreign help. We are glad to learn that th* new pastor of Victoria @treat church Is doing well and the church is full of expectation with regard to the futar*. The Presbytory of Huron met In Clinton Int week. 1 he estimate of expenditure for the year was submitted and agreed upon. On motion, submitted by Mr. Musgrave, It we, agreed W hold only tour regular meetings of Presbytery during the year In. stead of six• ii the put. A recommend, stioo of the General Assembly, respecting the v'dtatloo@ of Sabtath schools by depu- tations of Presbytery, was adopted and at. rs•slem*oto mads for esrrvine out snob vituatior,. Nr. Sawers stated that the ooagregatione of Y arms and Blake extended a call to Rey. Thomas Davidson, B.A., and It was resolved to hold an adjourned meet- i-ts to sustain the call and issue it, N be held at Bruoefield an the 25th Inst., at 11 a. it. Dr. Campbell, went of the century fund, was present and addressed the court, stating, among other Chinos, that there wait over 11800,000 sabaorlbod, and that the alts earlptions, when completed, will exceed the million dollars ; that over $90,000 of the 1100,000 undertaken by the ministers was ouboonbed, and that when all their subscrlp- tions would be in the amount would exceed the mum aimed at. Leave woo given to the congregations of Bayfield and Bethany to have a moderation In • call when they are prepared for It. hit. Ketcham, student, lead • discourse wl>lah wait oordL&Uv aas- tained, and no was ordered N be certified to the www of Komi Colloge. The next regular meeting is to be held in (111nton on the 13th of November, at 10:30 A. U. NOTFS OF SPORT A. (;. McIntyre, of Dungannon, wielded a pair of bowls art the Want Pit. grant tin Frldav afternoon. The tennis touiasment was completed last week, Miss May A Ilan and Archie Dick. son winning the rn'teA doubles. i• the semi finals Mies Allen and Mr. Dickson do- tesrxt Mln M. Moyle and i u lsv Holmes, and In tht Arista Miss Alls-i and Mr. Dick scn woe from Mies Pearl Wynn sail Mr. Tait -4 3, 4 d. The bowling tournament to making slow "e*@a. The earned gems wee played an Th*ndayy loo►, when Viii Lane's rink di fated 1)ndl•y Holmes' by three shote. The 000re : F. J. T. Naftel Joe. Kidd t Thee. Tilt U. Oarrcw John (1416 i. Jordan W. lane, still -16 1). Holmes, stlili The preeldcot of the Horns Monty hwe. ball lasgee, who lives In Winghsm, hro lsken a good Anl on himself The three olarw which comprise the lasses now *taeAing avee, he hem doeldeA, without haw Ing the antharity to do on, that the final games he played at Rt aeselm, sad that he will he empire himself. Rrnaesls is rather an odid nlMtlon, for thoneh onnvanleet enough for Wingham, It is an nut-nf the. world tart of place for the Clinton and oodsrleh resets, which have cat st present any fat 'Mon of accepting the "Ideal's ehelee. 11 the final I@ to he played at all this fall as early Aamaln most he srrlvs• as--awua NewsiAnrd. YOUTHFUL BURGLARS . GRAND OPENING • .0 Nov. •r ..: ...r.>. W. •• Not Profit, but Cash.....- , sa..r """ `%'"'"" A fresh Victoria Opera Clouse div I,.1 meat tc oouneeNao with e events of i I •, u ,b - of the an'tbgeies Iaat y This it out a earn of milling to make at it wk *topped o .0 M•.uJ.v, obN W. H. os must have money MINI r'Oom. l t t1e ate we GundrY arrested two boys, Henry Morrow, at + s In cortain hum we timi our atock is Luo lar aged thirteen, and Harvey Beatty, ten years `. 3r... ale at this w+anon of WEDNESDAY 6 sur year. To make nr+tu fur the now Nall Owdr we of t years of age. Before "I - Lewis : * t 1' .Ir,•a , Marplan mWr:k iuW t+r*h aro aur Magistrate Seager they told as astonishing SEPT.• tly'a 4 '.i;'. 1( such .'alum w theme are say utdutwment w you W buy te,w, ,1r of deliberate u+d rvii in. mloohlrf, rrled out aro the eam nl ht oo the mw b S41 s"' , we will be pin•rntl to wa+ you R Fit/ it Wtilrilur''a All Fun Rofiutal lei" ,tv. Is whole and yet. t. if thev no Connectionoys -t-11109 what" Faroe Comedy 60 ' 60 pairs of Hen's. Woinea'tt and Children's Khor", regular prima Erom =1.00 to =1.7b. Your choice for 75o. per pair. These for with them. ` P o A000rdiag to their own story, the boys 1 Shoem are all right in every wry, butt as we have only • air or tw art*d our about 6vu a clock an 'I'usaday j of each kind loft, we decided to clear them to make room, renfog, leet week, by breaking (oto J S. Brazi T 60 irs Girls School Shoes, oar ular )latt's coal end wood otfiw. 'Chey got inte Pa roll >lsl.lb and $L b line is shed tint and then pried open the door As we have too many, will hell them for the next two woe kr only ! the othce. Thopre was touted sod they at 8Bc. per pair. -led it with a wrocoh, but could not do Tkirt' People iia the Net, "v Pmythical with It. They opened Mr. Ilatt's - _ T- Special reductions in Boys' Shoe• N•• our Boy's strong Jhoe elks and scattered his papers and other ar• -- - d for Sober l wear, only 9$0. ala all over the floor and then made off $10,000 ChallengeBand dth • rubber stamp. Vsxt they broke roto + 1r'is We wlvertrae these goods at ttNi p2itxa because they arlver. Aborse h Burrows' germ warehouse at and Orchestra. 'v ii z rf It the us It it • duty you owe your Judgroest sad your purse to to rear, but could not get aaythiog there. # 4 r + visit Chir store rri(uro you buy el@ewItmrs fter this they waited Mround until about Patrouizoil by the most refitted audiences .Itt sit, by which time the also had everywhere. ft rbwmiss A Wemtaby's dour will. when toy made their next call. The chute for --- - A glsw stook of the • waiving gran tree t they cut .plane of A CYCLONE OF MUSIC .. .. received this week, for other baiting, Moil they cut dtthi•oil ' 7x" which we are the ex. •styled Itt by the *hate. They tried the till i^k5. , y, i ad got (our cents, stated the chutt , All the lattrtt stings and specialties Hoar - li over the place, using a broom to mak, the American Menne Silver Concert elusive agent. tem ran framer, aced •mooed themsslvrs In hand with thin Con,prtuy. f artous ways for about titree quarers of 161,t" R EpAIR IZ - ,ur. Whom they left they took with See the Street Parade. t.&,k :P.T- g ..Ls..L../AJ tem a razor, a brush, three pipes, two J o . ,)or rester. nil some op cher .malt yfl Pian Opens at Porter's, Monday arn..0 North tide of the Square, Godetich, THE CASH SHOE DEALER o zweie mie,tngmleuo'clocktram the mill, but at 10o'clockM.xk A M. to boys any they took ooly ora, end they ttsrly deny the cutting of the flour bags. PRICES, 25c, 35c and 50c. -- ----- ----- bay ai that while they were at the mill )moon tried to get In through the win, B&(JURE YOUR SPATS Y,AHLY. ,* • rgf,,,.,,,, •» -- - g . ow of the .salla* room After leaving the +1Y o, ill they want to the (;. T. K station and - tv . tx•r..vE J of under the platform of the freight shed, +' 5.1' O ` teir Intention being t,, get tato the shed it 9y'y' ars way, but they could not manage it JOHN MORRIS r'a; -', r O U N T V o OF HURON. 'hen they went down town and broke i6k P Z Ft its the shed at the rear of J. W. Brode- iok'e *Coro, but found .dear .ep.roting CONTRACTOR and BUILDERi bom from the store. They got a shovel Planing ad pried off a blocs, but did mot Ono- Kill -Med Fwteiy, Cam- fx 6h A 'Iw,,. x . i "din petting in. Next they tried A. brim, Road, Goderioh. Icll Allan's store -It way about 9 o'clock rr ce pP fy aC \1 pr 7 y this time -nod er er prying up s win- kre, + TrVtWarYr s We O LIM for T{Lpt sed hoard there were board stoat a lostore A oompisM stock ofoil hearin¢ somsone coma into tea stares i hey made •A They went to Hiok's drag Dressed and Undressed ton nutt and and then to Blackstone'O ptauranr, but dtd not on weed in settlor Lumber, . . . . . . .. m s' tither place, From Klackstini s they t'ul'NTY OF JIURON, TO WiT : By virtue of warrant, ruler the hand of the Warden rant Lo J. H. N'oncll's rlo rho end o1 and seal of the corporation of the County of Huron, -sled the 2189 day of August, 1900. nom. V s Flooring and Siding,mandlmg me to levy upon the lands hereinafter devorittel. for the •"man of tater r«p,otive a by shoving up a book window and Into III due thereon, together with costs, notlee Is hereb+ given that note" such taws amt owls he front shop by break!ng a window. They Lath, Shingles, Etc., are 000sor pDale. 1 shall In c +mplmnoe with the Coasclldated Asaesemeat Act, chavLe 211, rind the till with their razor, and fisaily R. K O. IW7, proceed to *all by public anetien the mad lands or n much thereof me may be psmsd it with a screwdriver and got threep__L necessary to dlsohsrito the same, at the Court House, in the Town, of Ooderlph, on Su h nil r four cents They out the tire of a bra and nooks on }lank a ycle with the razor, to hear the wind made to order On short Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 19W v rrw. ome out. They also purloined mama jaek- .owes. They quit then end were proper• notice. - 7 o'clock Is the afternoon. -- _ - ✓..wma'st. am to comp out for the night behind E. H .tali orart they were found by S9ri Windows & Doors a Special(, ' isatty's bbrotot herc, one of the ho,s ha•+eg O,Ow CON. ON acne raiQ.TiD Oa 1 -n0/d 7wTA4 one out on the street for a while, and were "T111i CNPATUNTlM *ken home. It was thea only 10 or 11 Fetimates furnuhe,l. Terms moderate. Y I .was. TOWNSHI • Of GODERICIL 'clock JOHN MORRIS, The boys are now is gaol, the magistrate, U e ® Patented 66 i30 al sntad uvioq remanded them o•ihI to -day. They Ptiwttlf7sr l.. •Esq+ .g Yawed ! PateaNdj! t fl tate that so one rtes war with them. I GODERICH. Past ..""' ""' 13 YaltLnd K Patented 00 t as TOWNSHIP OF GREY. 1 Sao him . v . Y , 1't 30 Patented M 6 11 FALL, / 9 I YILLAOR OF 1tNrFtYN IN UHSY. C r rr<Q tmAt,ta+ iY erasPatented ft 32 2 a iY - - I'll wanted tis 6 00 f . '"r jos or IroRDw1CH IN H°WtuB. — MISS CAil E Old . t' l ♦Ibertit. N h Uapstented i 230x16 TOWNSHIP Or IIt:,fl.><C'f. -"-- . Tilbegs, to direct the attention of the Mie!i to her stack of millinery for the fall mimen of 1900.. All the leading new Fart of .. .. . e 1 Patented t M ala r Its .tyles. and shades are to be seen, and ladies will be able TOWNe111P OF BTANLEY. to procure the latest and the beet in all )ales pertaining to We" bait oflwthalt t 10 Patented-# - - - mill Weft hat of hest half s 0 s Patented t w TOWNSHIP OF tiaBURNE. • Trimmed- Hats from $1.00 up. Inspection Invited. e. IL B'd•y i Patentedtf - syr - UP HAYFIELD.WISS CAMERONHamilton Street Ntoy 3 FMS field Road u F'atest d i 1g' , . _ff Or : >•_. VILLAGE Oi BLTTH. Ya ear. '•1 Patented II R' Mo(.o•o enr•el E half 9 Block A tv Patented M Ye(:a y wwwor It Illook ir fi Patented . MISS DONOGH v'It.N k WR°z rEed T Maln•et, N 1i Patented 10.7 950 851 County 7Yeasttrer's Office. WIL HOLMICK wishes to announce to the people of Goderich (wderlah. Awrastfl.lylo. >a _ _• County Treasurer. and vicinity that her - — rt STEWART'. , BECKER & MYER$ e FALL ... GROCER UcdeMatera nail B aliers 1 eswti"r,, t 117tH. b'. Ip 3eddli v L L I N E R tom. Yates' okl 'Land, Wont ride Square. k ;Orw Juste of Hwa<:hueette fol , n+stwaaat __ k -- -- lege of,Fmbalming. -. mraa.ararys,,xereraav m^xs,rMwmsra ..rot OPENING, ..° r WHITE REAliBL vIt oat are bencfitt(xl by par- t,psv IIAY AND NiGHT. chasing your (groceries from HWT GWDS AT Muus + a t" RATE PRICER. AND . as a,nF' ^a m rt^x ,r••„ will be held on - " v9 "" m ' SrF.wART, a9 y011 are gett,ng oovRTWU.l nTTEhT10N No, l goods at sulerate prices. aga.er ttwt a. waaatr a. `"p.idforAl""'ter• Thursday, Sept. 27th, - and following dRys, in the new dare in Bedford block, on Kingston street. It is not necessary to enlarge._nn_the_ quality of this £rimmled oxasraa everything will be found up to the i ival high Stand- ard. Goods entirely new and up-to-date. The" __--_public are cordially invited to inspect. MISS DONOGH. ' °w" Shorthand Schaaf in Gw iNITHOUT QUESTION the Forwt City Basin— and horthan Gollegs t00don, Ont. large enrolment and strong faculty. Hundrod• f xtudenta in good positions. Yeara of excellent wbrk at its credit. Catalogue of ither course free Correspondence invited. J. W. WEBTE'RVELT, Principal. BIC SUCCESS I BIC SUCCES,S,I he test bankrupt -5a e _Vg_ a cv4i l'71 ASMI THE PEDDER STOCK. Every person satisfied with the GREAT BARGAINS given. Every article is being marked down in plain figures with the red t pencil, so that you can see the sale price on everything. - _..:_Ackliticln ta.ths large Hardware Stock Q1 $ to M11KENZ11 & HOWELL N . Tt is a line of ........ •°„ Ki h = Grade Sewing Machines It> •!f We have three distinct lines, enabling ❑9 Keep your eye on the Red Pencil Marks to cater to all classes of customers. All our Machines are warranted in ey" Op N AA partkidar for $ve years. The are noiseless, vas -nlnni , and Gave r. y y This A 1 stock is all offered at 9aokru Pt Prices. + a points of excellence not to be found upon ally am rib, 1 1 , other make, which we cannot hore Keep your eye on the Red Pencil Marks s' len! which will cheerfully he shown to all those ' and you will not make any mistakes. who call to inspect. Over 1,000,000 in use. " 4 ii`'. r.e ''kd', McCILLIVRAY, GRANT & C091" ( McKenzie& Howell viwwr, OOLBORNZI OLD BTAND. 4r '14,13 rHE PLAOL 70 BUY ALL MAN WARg ONLAP. S . ._ stns,- .... .. .. s ,•rat .. ., -...,,,a.. __ ....._..__