HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-9-20, Page 5W. Acheson& Son A Short Carpet Chat In ENGLISH BRUSSELS and TAPESTRYS we, ape shoving an excbptionally strong range. The stock is complete in every detail. Stair earpets to match. Designs suitable for the hall—styles and coloring suitable for any room. Prices are 40c, 60c, 60c, 75c, ;1.00 and =1.10. mss Goods and Suitings Our entire stock for fall in Ladies' Suitings and Dress, siY Materials is in, and now forward an1ong the new materials are Chdviots, Estamines, Covert Cloths and Vicunas, ranging in prices from 60c to $1.50. , Butterick's new patterns for October all in stock; fash- ion sheets and Delineator. -•Deers I� W. Acheson& Son Saw wall AH as tie"& the law days in which Oen. Harrison filled Ldsa's kaew when the day will Deme, I the chair of Sats.—Lutheran Observer. But you Dad 1, we know THm DANoua or RALOUN•DKINKINO. That after •while our good resolves A new b"ror has been added be the w Will into being grow. loos drinking babit. Dr. Gehrman, of the Some day, when we both have the time. Will oast out faults away Chicago city medical newish department, And you'll be, good and I'll be good— bas made the Statement for publication as We'll all be good, some day. a warwint that the drinking of beer and We'll run our business affairs wz I ether liquor@, hard &ad soft, from ghees@ that have been washed to water in which W iib .tIll of fellow -mea, .4 hoodreds of other glasses have been oleann- F" win will 1st our good Intact ' ad, Is denlI{{�ro�n Thousands of Dorms of Oo�ow a itiov then. ` dieoies, Includlur those of the most lo•th- VVe ll make out friend@ all happier, @am* koowe to medical practice, are Gal- NOW And his will really Dsy tented in the water from the hands and Ism For y�ou'll be good, and I ll be good— of drinkers. For icstaoce, •Dao with germs 9V*'ll all be good, wino day I of typhoid favor on his 11 "•�'" y pe, vary drink D „ Ser day—of course, it's 'way ahead— Vises of beer ; &author may bring along the ag But I knew, o bacilli of diphtheria ; a third may haw em wt iiia That Sam• day act do you, we will eke a Ivo 1 bryealo smallpox on his olsthes and brush And try the good and trove It off on the gee l.. Than Ur. uehrman as We'll de our bent for other folk@, 'u,oa t he drinkers at public bare that they The world will be more fair, gnu the risk of oontrsos/rtg • compllcablon of diseases which would render truthful the — And you'll be mood and I'll be good. I wildest imsetninge of a man Suffering from W has we'q the tlme w spare. I delirium tremens. It Should be observed, -- 8sltlmon American, however, to she bare of the better of&", tAe rr Ci glace are wiped after having been washed, W//t . U. T. U. VLUM-N. but that does not mend matters as the maims cling to the towel and are risen a Purer grip of the Sloss while In program of • M■ gVIT TOO LA:a Here are the facts In a Story of real life. They are taken from she police reports of The Now York Herald, and are true in every dotal *x"ps the vames. One morning Ws winter a pollcemis car into the Jefferson Market court In .barge of a Stoat lad of twenty. The boy stared vacantly •boas him, and hie few, whloh was 1114,041114,0441%ss sod road humored, was bleated win tes a lent and heavy debDaob. Clue behind him Same • little old woman, en deotiy clad. Her hair was whits, sad her conotenaow pale and anxious. .,W bit@ this, officer '" the justice Sold, when the boy's tura came. - "it '@ John Cleary, your bonor. We've Not his masher a enter "mpiaise against him for habitual drfaklrg. We think If he bad amonth &e the island It would give him a obamse to pall top." I.Yoa can do cathing with him yourself, tl IS. Olssry Y' gold the kindly magistrate, who, Good w on was to Sona•• of saderiag, was startled by the dumb agony in the woman's fa" I cannot, more. Is' S 6se ]]ears Now he took to the drink. It '• not Jy Gv'a fault. There's fader Salami@ ease by. He was as good a bey as ever mother bad. He's good now when be's himself ' "Hiwen e mad ehe's druid.," tb• police m►e I.bomsdad. "He Mod be kill her twies." "sign the complaint, Mn. Cleary." the mystrate ordered, noddias to a olerk who laid a printed form on the table before bar, Saylor, "Wrier your game on that line." She took ■p the pen, and that tared to tae lastles opts. Her thin tam was blood - Ir "Born" She "td, "bis all she child I've get ! I've been fightln' the devil far him for five Years If I d G that paper I'll h v be let him go. He'll sever forgive me. He'll never come borne again " "It's the only chance to Savo him," the offi"I gold. She wrote her Game. John was told to sand :p. "Now go Into the witness box," a pollw- msa directed bar. "Yen man swmr •Ren him." Her feet was on the Stop She Suddenly turned. "I can't swear age" him t 1 oar's." N , el:tched k" brews with both hand. "I'@ kulia' mo 1 Johnny come here I' Her Sen sprang toward her, but She tell as his feet. She was dead when he lifted h or. "Mothermother. I'll qa t the drick!" the I stsrti*A lad or. ad. But She did not answer. The ph•dolans gold is was heart dlsm". An smbalasce was Summoned. Semen whispered a the ja•tloe. WHY A TRMrtaANtn MAN. It In reiated that when Ges. Harr Wed meaning for the prmlde&y be dogPed At As old Washlnttos Hew It Chester. Pennsylvania, for dinner. After dine was ""ad It w" noticed that the tenon pledged his bosot In water, and one of th reattem a from New York, a offering Said ; "Gen•rul will you not favor r by drinking a glass of wine T'' The generul re found In a very genYomealy manner. Agate be wait urged w jets ice a slat wine. This wee too mach. He rows from the table, his tall form *sot, and In th most digalfied manner replied : "Gentle- man, 1 have refused twice to partake of t wine amp That Should have been outfiol out. Though you press the cup to my lip art a drop Shall page the portals. I made ISSalve when 1 Started ID life that I weal •veld Strong drink, and I have saver broken It. I am ono of a ole" of 17 young m eche gratdustod, and the other lh fill drunk aril's gravee—all throath the pernicious habit M wine-driwkieg. i ewe all m health, h&ppi:e@@ and prosperity to the resolution. Will you urge me now!" Pao temperance preaching always tells. Pro hsbly few knew what a tempor►nes presi deur the people of khte country had duras distribution. As a preventive of lnf"Oe" the doctor suagests too w&abing of the glasses In runwlag water, which would carry the germs down where sboy would became harmless. Nveatee t Tears of Tenure. "I had a bad cough for seventeen years," writes Mrs. Samuel Hamilton, of Lwnville, Tenn. "No doctor or medi- cine could cure it until one year ago I began to use Dr. King'• New Discovery for consumption, which did we more good than all other medioinee I ever used. It u truly a grand care for stubborn coughs. cold• and throat and long troubles," Positively ours consumption, Pneumonia, grip, bronchitis, asthma, hay fever and croup. Price No. Sad $1. Guaranteed, Trial bottle five at 'Jtm. Womoo,'& drug store. COUNTY CURRENCY. Blyth : Jobe MoN&Uy, father of our townsman, A. Mohally, died at his home to Hanover. Seaforth: T. J. Wilson, Son of U. U. Wil. "a, Intends leaving next mouth for India, where he will practice his profession " a dentist. Wingb&m: Uatbafloe MoTWLrt died at she home of bar daughter, Mn. McTavish, Edward •rims, on Monday morning of last week, aged 85 ye&n. Clinton: 1). (eutelon, the apple king, weab to Hambure to look after apples lot hie •.bort trade He Says be item all the apples down fosse* he wants At forty coma a barrel. Urysdide : Tureday, the 11th Inst., war the data of n ha • ens when William D • happy Dooharme and Mir Josephine, youngest dadghar of Laws Denomme, were united In marriage. Wingham : The defunct .Journal oriatig plant war @hl pad to London on Wednesday of last week. We understand Mr. 8lm• mos intends starting a job printing office in Kest Londoe. Muevsle : Mn, C. R. Brinker, who hs been spending some months at her mother'•, fl Michigan, east word to W. B. that she Will soon Ming him home twins to chose him In his lootti.em. Morris : H. M. Beeman hu sold his farm on the Zed one. w Mr. U*vldeon. of Bel• more, far 83,600. H. M. will take posses• don of bis father's place, ss Browntown, the fire at next March. * 8"forth : At snob, on Tuesday of lamb week, Lavanoh bormer, youeggart daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander lAvldwn, ecu Beryllium qutetly married at bar home, to Harold Ed- win Cherry, of 0himgo. Brutal, : Harry Crooks, chemist, of Now York city, was home an a brief visit. dinner He likes the U. 9., bob 1s u good a Cana - 1 duan as ever. He in a eon of (Joe. Crooks, • Quses *trust, and s doing moll. Brussels : Friday evening, `,Sept 7%h, Jabs Perry, repot of the late Rohan Buchanan Lod mother w Mark Buchanan, of Brussels died at the home of her "n, at Westfield, of Wawsagelo MwWip, send N4 y*asa. v' 1 Taekenmith : A pleasant event was Sol- e *waited toe tis• residence of Me sed Mrs. Wm. C,'edmors, London road, when their he daughter (7rees ecu married w Kdward Daisy, a young man of 8enforth, on Wed nosday, Sept. 12th. d Cllntem : Another one of those Namibia Prouty hewn* wedding• Sao• wslgmmi"d on en Tuesday of less wool[, at 11!30 A. M., when Miss Flossie, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, A. O. Pattiwt, h*Mrne the wife of J..1. Maguire, operator at freight office, i liodwteh Mw:•bip : la the death of Mn. Such A. K Whittingham, who passed quietly away after a few days Illeam, at the home at her dsuvhter, on Monday, Soph. Will. C'odorlith township loses a good old lady. pow SHOES AT LOW PRICES..... At thin Reason of the year w( make a R ial mark-down on Low Shoem. We, want to Rhow the peo Kie What c o o I and comftertablf Shoes they can buy here for IeNt money than they would have t( Pay elsewhere. Brand new stock and every Shoerfectly matte. SCHOOL SHO&9 for the Boy1 and 0irla have arrived. Call an( examine our s t o c k and prices whether you buy or not. •; ST. 6E0. R1ICE THE SK she being o1 tits sae of 79 years Died 7 m^n':., The deoeteed was berm en Feb. 96th, 1821, to Nortem Ball, Nerfolk, lilim- lead, bar loth", James Wits. being sit •n - Native farmer ee mad *l meruh•at, Is 1847 she was Darned to Fri -so" J. W bs►tisg- base. Seaforth : Salomon MoDoastd, of 8s:lt 8te. Marle, has begin visiting old friends In blas aelrbb"bood. Mr. MoUenald was employed with John H, Broadfcet In the placiat will for nearly twenty years, but went be ►h0 Boo about tie years agile. Grey : A ment Important *Toot took platy Wedoesday after000m, Sp-. bib, et Men residence of C. and MKsvuard, theZtlaod Valley Farm, when their sst/m- able daughter, him W talfrld, won waited is marriage to W. K Lane• a well -w -do yotrpg tum" of Belmwe. W iUsibam : Will Allow, who left Wine - ham s womb" of yeal go for the West, is Dow welting with Win,,,.Am friends. Mr. All.. bis been is the hospital for• Dumb" of weeks, having been badly inj need W a rDllway evident. He is Dow ►ble to ger mroawd enly with the aid of orutohes. Cllason : From Hailey newspapers we learn of the Important and hmmnol•lly good position that Oso. A. McLeod, sen of R. Mobood, of Clintoo, holds In that far off State ; he Is deputy olerk In the district court of Blaine Bounty, Idaho, and to Pallas - got life is secretary of the Peoples' party for the Same County. Seaforth : Sometimes fun is dearly boughs, as was learned by two young New - forth follows who drove their her" over the granolithic walk In front of J.:i W. HMI's of airit. Rather than too* the magistrate Dad Gave the matter made public they thought Is s better •Sad seder way to pat up $10 and have It settled off hand. Wingham : Misses Bells, and Mary seats. daughters of the Rev. Dr. Scott, formerly Methodist minister of Winghsm, now en- perioandent of mleelons to Japan, have arrived safely at she home at their wins, Mn Madden, of Londuo. They have Dome to Oanads to wall themselves of educational advantages not to be secured to Japan.' Brnsses - David Dobson, a former well k•owo resident of this locality, who went to Solomon City, Kansas, some fifteen years ata, IS bore ou a holiday visit. He 1s an extensive and successful farmer and has a fair crop this season. Mr. Dobson took ID the Toroato fair before oomior to Brussels. For a man seventy years of ago he Is a mar- vol. arvel. Blyth : (Jeoree King, a former resident of Blyth, dropped dead In one of the city parks of Chicago Friday, Sept. 7th, He bad hesn at work during the forenoon and was on his way to lunch when death over rock him. He was the second eon of Wm. King, let con , Feet Waw&ooeh, and was 42 ye.rs of see. He leaves s widow but no o:itldnn. Chuton : E. Holmes Is here from St Catharines, and is emitting In the New Kra odioe is well we teloyiog • tow hollds l sod r•Dowing old acquaintsoce.. Me i olmge has hoots of frteude who called on him and •al,ked over ismuismat days Though now I. his seventy eighth year, the general re- mark made to. "Well, you doe's look a day older Ihan you did ten years Sao " Sea(orth : Samuel Uioksoo, postmaster here, has sold bis 200 sore farm. In Orgy township, near Brussels, to Thomas David son, a near neighbor, tot 810,500. This 1e, an azoolleot term, with a fair boas* and it good bank barn, Mr. Davidson in now the owner of 400 some of the best land is Huron county. Thu farm has been in the Ulokeon family for over 30 years. Clinton : John Tedford has returned from hie trip to the ;Northwest, where he evens a few weeks around Mianedo" with the purpose of aesiotiog his son Bert, who has beau there for some time, in selecting land. Mr. Tedford was well pleased with the out look up there and bmtghk a half "oblo: oontalwag 320 sores, about the" miles east Of MiODedcea, for which =2,500 was the 8g. are paid for about 87.76 per sore). Brussels: Oae day romatly a Milverton young woman and a mals wmpsoion 4rove over be Brussels in the early aoralDa and, calling as a home near the (1. T. K., left a little girl baby, about a month or so old, upon the table. The pserr of the family de- ohnod Che present sod •tempted to return the child to the rig at the door buts speedy retreat was made by the !Cuter:"•, A narrant was issued for the affect ofthe foolish mother but she Game beet to 66wn. took the baby and paid expense@ and Mane the matter was allowed to drop by the Dom- DI%iDanb ANAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. his time that he W OMUS06W the habit of abandoning. He abandose•t 610e •.1 l0 I the UolatPar116•Dt to 1891, Dad .. Qin men m Alu • tR 1886. how he it" Lb adoaed it. I'm la uu rshlp of M&atwba 'I'his is the third • .lj. Dommwn el"Llon iu whtuh he has uume 4jre►`' ` Iorih w play the part he is a.. playing, t toad oar ,he two ptevwus ,• clone he but`f ^ Aa served hu turn to the •le• tune u the son of his father, abeu hs quietly+I,bJ,*w „r - `0000 without eumlttlas I Is telen'@ to the test b � t' of parll•meotery Isle.,, For a third Itwo he in e. t v w, as one of r ;�C �S•tt t the stage properties of the Conservative erlifl' J party. He Is we does og Sad f.mlliar a J' t figure as ••O,d Time Llb"al," who writes letters fur The Mail during uaoh o.mpsigo U and than disappears for four or eve yearn. Like a campaign doonment, be imus* forth ` as sloottou t1we and, the 000"imi twat, be Is stored on the alkali for the neat campaign. DON'T N by does nht party board him up in this straws* Way and deal him oat *o : Why do the maks oleetlen ball of ►tin Dad of lum, m TAMPER.... thaw owy '• One possible, eaplmatioa ietwat baWsaw with your health. Riot wear In parliament ; that be would be Don't use Drugs and Medicines found out ; that he would sag iota • Of ustionsble quality. (}et the beat 9 4 y back seat and dispel the romance, that at taohss to him. His atnugs course Is bound there is at the same prices that aro to bring out such guwes as ►lits. charged for inferior goods. It this guess should Le the flight one 16 -now explain his abandonment of the Pre. At our Drug Store the stock is al- :ttereblp of Manlboba, where, if he has ways fresh, and each article pure, po- %b%n4o"d an office he has also abandoned tent and satisfactory. large and numerous promises that any man could make but which only a man of ca• Our Prescription Department pacity and constant purpose could ever have oarrted out. ss reputation for promptneand -- — [h&s& ►ocuracy. F. JORDAN To ADVEHTIIBERB. Notioe of changes mast be left at this Mo dical Ball. Officenot later than Saturday I - mast. The Copy for nh Mon - meat be left not lacer than Mon- D O H'T BE DUPED day noon. Omani AdvertisememM accepted an 10 noon Wetlnenday of There have been plaued upon the market each week, several cheap reprints of an obsolete edition r '• Webster's Dictionary." They are being offered trader serious names At •low price CONCLUSION OF ASSIZES Robert Dae, at Smis, rowed " Net .u11tI"—etru� Jury ,rressulmeaL Thursday morning a jury was empanelled be try the only criminal nue Ixfom the Court, In which Robert Rae, of Brussels, was obarg oi6o d with She theft of from Charles Roes, of Orgy township, so Brussels on the 29th of August. Oo that day Rose came to Brussels with a cheque for 874, which he cashed as the Standard bank. He move 810 to kilo daugh- ter, who had awompanied him to the town, to make some purchases, sod placed the balance In a pct" In his pooke0. He went to the Queen's Kral, where he met Ras and had some drinks with him, and Itavian Im- bibed before the Sam* morning he beosm pretty drunk and went k *1"p In the public hall of St.* hotel. Afterwards the propels. tor moved him to an Inside room, and whgo he awakened here his money was gone. Suspicion was turned stainst Ras, and be was arrested, a number of circumstances tending to strengthen the charge agaiass him. Tb• trial occupied the whole day, and at Its conclusion the jury brought In a verdict of "not railty." J. C. Hessler, Ingersoll, prosecuted, and O. F. Blair, Brussel•, de- lended the prto"or. The grand jury broatbt Is the following pr metli tent : To. Hon. Ma i rwrive rgro u ote: 91r,—Tho grand jurors of our Severrg: IAdT the Queen beg to oo:•r*tul&te you on the light orlmlehl calendar of Huron, and the toot that the one charge on the list is It minor one. We thank your Lordship for the inter- esting explanation of the grand jury system. Past aoA present ; your clever preseotatloG of wbat conestliates te*fli, and year remarks on the duties of grand Jurlen in relatloo to public Institution•. We rldted the county jail and found three lnmates,one female and two males, the former charged with lame,, anA of she man one war &wafting trial sod ►he other v*rvlaf t" 4670 for aontempt of evert. The jell Is Olsen &ad well kept, but to make it and its surroundings creditable to the old county 11 need* proper s000mmoda. tion for IM governor, as at the promises time than officer sod members of his family deep In "le,. We visited the hong* of refu,e at Cllntoo, dooming It our duty to Inspect an establish. most in which eirhty•one of our mold•em we living. We found everything in geed order, and the Inmates contacted and happy. We think It nooe@e6ry that as tarts to "- babllshment should he vlNted by every grand jury, and we would recoen mmd that an amendment be made to the msaletpal law moiling It oompalsory eh roaely cone oils to provide for the onrlwyanca of the grand pWl to the sees,y hoose of mfug*. Oar thanC'ks arm duo the .n prmooutor and the comity attorney for "artwi a and assulanea In one duties. HUaN MrCRARTta, Foreman. ME IS A STAGE PROPERTY rrom Tb* Toronto star "Rugh Jobs Mamen-14'• neurone seed• n* forth" d*mne*tration thanis, Supplied In his •Med"meak of a Pr* tnlerehlp to eembst a part, and as to- Alvidsal beekod by all %be lorur sf elks Federal Gov*netent."--Torenta Tols- 9agM bas •b•sdes•d me many lklys is dealers, aasgmmts, etc.. and In a few instances as a preenlum fornibsoriptlons to paperw AJJwulincemeus of the" oomparativW Worthless roprivts ate veryry muleadlnngt They am sit• Demised to tie the sutotantW equivalent of a hbiber•prtoed book, while they ate all Reprint Dictionaries, pbototype copies of a book of over fifty yta.n ago, whiab wase sold tar about IlLOD, and which was much fuperlor to these Imitations• being a work of Dome merit Instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The tieboam's Vtubrir Dledoaar pub. Ilehed D) nuc. hott•T 1e, tfie ott y merl�oriou• one of ttut name) It= our Imprint on the Uth>page and 1e, protected by copyright from cheap Imitation. As a dictionary lasts a 11fWme willIt not be betterto purchase the LATEST AND BEST, Webstees International Dictionary of ENGLISH. BlaFapby. GouRapby, Fiction, etc Size 10xlVAx4A Inches. This Book is the Beat for Everybody. STANDARD AUTHORITY of the U. S. Supreme Court, all the Sus Supreme Couru, the U. S. Goveromeat Pristiss Office and of nearly all the Schoolbooks. WARMLY COMMENDED by College Presidents. Suns Soperlaucdenu of Schools and Many other emluest authorities. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Recently abridged from the lawrsatlowl and nese Is it the bolt for the family end student Btae 7.10x)6 Inches. Specfwttn pates either lxx* Pent for the arbMip G. a C. maRllAn co. sprlsistra . Mae& 8psvina7111ingbones,5pllnts - Curbs, and All Forms of Lameness Yield to L i �ftft RUBBER KENDAI['s " SPAVIN CURE alm Tiff, 1 4FAbad brooders oders sits of eons annery ey.i kndtngnd b tis• beat IL A. & and b atfor n Sly — to e, as &l, .Ito M •L Y rs IWrat for fainly w N W w eea„sA West 1.•mw Ontario, Ota.. Dee. t& t$W OR n. J. KN"ALL OO. Dear Mn:—A yger ase I had a waitWle motes anew o" I_ I took him to the yeter=11 0=Nwho Pron—good t. eveall •rayls and gays ate tittle Dnp., of DNled n •bare blister. TW made matters any .int.. aced tho home bease s so tame test It eocld Rot *{and np. After t *ywythl 1. my pn.Sar 1 wsot w • mete►bot ata t..ld him aloe tis twee. He e..e r age ofrear books and 1 waded M earefeay Led ho' Inf resoled M do tbo utmostIn hyo+o[m)) bawl, t••gl W the nr Ad Ron androta bottle o[ysar Btsyfi t tin Led applied etrfeUy a.nnrdlrtf u, mneeom. as. inn tn. ntnvii hoax age geed 1 gutteed as tinpro mens sM wbw the seventh bottle LrLs about h►if a•ed, ay ons + wrteVy eared .ee about lm"nf • hleml.b to hlw. After o..sl tre\tret 1 .• tM M,— good end did of @ emee h tvt to n� lotto see r had stetted • rg1 n.than started to ort % the % rM hard ent ears M m/ entlntlsfaMlnn M meq N tnd "y mon lam•new aroafh the whole euamav I e" neomrae gene.lr. it" (tin Rot ml toe ueMige4 bat ea •euros rgm•dy, to tong nae tis w epi eone•n. Tuan truly, DAM L TT tai i:wtrMe=f l► or I eeei••tA�'• a*L yi. Its I" took free, or rem OR. L J. UIWAtt COMPANY. gusase taut r. V� ST. MARY'S LIMN kept constantly on hand. Also the best brands of HYDRAULIC and PORTLAND CEMENT Builders will do well to see me before plan - Ing their orders. i e i/YIaLV rr a;Vi1 eL•..tgY 011101111, Wa test. Now IM Raman. H. C. FILSINGER I& agent far this Ktt1aST Warm Air Generator, manufactured by the Jas. 8marb Mfg. GO , Brookville. Road what a fellow bow"man MoTo Of his experience with the Ket• ,? Oengrab" : Office of r. J. T. Nattol, rim Life. Accident and Plate OW@ Insurance taken at love" mums. Hamilton mt. Ooderinli. May tet, 19M. James Smart Manatwuring Oe.• Brookville, (it►., (ImNTLNURN. The No. 1R Kelsey :Yarm Air Otmontor yon Instelleil In m honlast fall has ttvm reses me the gtt ofes estuf%Otlay. 1 haw round It verm y anonaleal In real and very *"fly ma awed, Firing the " t "Anita In heat, the whole art hone b.Ina Tested from 70 to RD both up Ptslrm Rod down• and at union 1 have IMI Iwy lttrlroorn window opsa all ahim the mouth of rehrmiry. I have fnnnA no gee or e"I dust from It •t RII. nit heat In the neliq •nA thin trucks pipe wke root. I tivo nnM Other rnrlo—" for a finq time, and from my mxpnriRn,.e to fornices I tin esfely may that the Kel"y s the Test I have even or used and tan hlgh.y recernmeeA It to our nee Intending inhe*t with warm &1r "It Ams:at horn the air, but tivra a Very We" and pl.aeant hart to the bort" r. J. T. MArrzi, information few" let ibis bSaar :hetffe t given by H C,W FILSINCER, 4144 aed..tah A now oarrtage We that makes riding on all rood@ a pleasun—soonamleal, Mo, for it does away with the vibration that •hakes and breaks the carriages. AV shaped Space between the rub bar lire limit the steel gunge pre- vents the creeping and cuttag which other tlresare subject to Bee the exhibit at thb big fuses. Send at once for i res Tire Oasalogns. riving prices of all sines. THE DUNLOP TIBB COMPANY, TORONTO. LIMITED St. Joan WINIFirno MONTARAL v • E v nac.x s+ HA VE � h FORe°�'tet,a.r'twu v.rrttu avxae SALE - CHEAP C I SHINGLE MILL E 1 15 HORSE POWER e ---" TaQ115AN6 EWNt IN GOOD �ORDa14 3 NORSE PO w t.ttJ ua. d CALL AND age THRM. ��44o,1 The Heodersoo Bicycle Co. Il.lmlgM 1. t30D7i1RZOH_ kam Boiler Ropirlot The Ooderich *team boiler works having been removed from (IMArich, I have movie arranewimentm to carry OP hoiler repairing and also the mann- factoring of amokesfacka, etc. Repairing of boilers, engine• and other machinery promptly attended to. D. K. 5TRAC"ANt Machinist, llederioh Work* on victoria Babb TsUMDAT, Sept. 20, 1900. 6 R MCKIM'SN McKIM'S a +..sreeuesse4+ 1d9iJ°' iiltvtNtei,alb�t.„ew {.�eoRsrs.. i iumm "Our Spool -i" Freslob Jam—Black. B. t 0. •aMoo oarwt, fins cording en Blue, Pink, Blank an Gold, Pink on good Satin, long watt for &Lender Drub, Blue on Dnb. Pink as black, Indian, as per past..... ............ 75e doable stayed, as ......... ........ 48c These are • Baa Vp got at a bargain, Werth mores McKim's Halt-dollu mrmt, she beat Wo. across In ►ho merk*t, wall mads N. C., long waist, shots hip, swam at good ootllln with asaal bl/tog so... boo mold, steel fitted, Iso• and baby rib• bas trimming, at per par ........... $1.00 Olrs' Waists, Somebhln• we have Itew 176 11. a l long wales, fins ISogBeh tr fog to not for some time, the kind MMus Jean Mmio, with blue Satin . s1 7bo, for Ices money, *sly..... boa skips, feath"bons filling .......... $1.2fi Bet.O. Athletic, 1 and 2 Preach mono, Girls' Wal•M e,0 .............««.... 40m hie bunt, snit shore b.p, nicely termed. Steel and festberbooe fill Nam•lsr Cog"Me apodal, at For rat atq Drag pool+...... .+, .76a sod i1.t J pelt ....................... an a '-0F IG e d4 -tg, g+k".s r ,'mac [,JgG,,',T'., EK wo A1111" McK I M. luf'w"'P"1en•w>, REI0'8 OLD STAND, eaet'+ar: ALL k e I FALL 1900.tivwt�.wwertCtaRruea:t•aaea-aat.a Aa@t.tNttaatalJt� et'ttr t ctan.z5ektwt "altw,atog a wemeRw,r.u*J.a�wxwrlt�i.r� am�.$y Ovo ata.. 1900 Mtn .ismiivyb��.lw' r�aie�t�+ss'hr:.at�•.a4P�_ti�'a � ?kS Fall wMillinery, Our Fall Reception and 111111nery Opening will take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. ~Q 27th, 28th and Ab, when we will exhibit two floors,,, A the latest novelWes. We shall be glad if our Friends will accept thisas a personal invitation to be present. With our ins space devoted entirely to Millinery we can accomodate the crowd that is sure to visit us :on above dates. It will be well worth your while to o of the number. - � , Everybody cordially welco a at ._ THE ARCS E, - i��� COW. ANDREWS. Fall Soils &oyortoats . The man dressed Is -a ,Salt sonde ab our store always loots Yrfs, On h it tis• ambition of every main of bass to look. t, A large mors of cloth& W choose from. Ao�"ut4�5 YWl•lUryls_ yaliu•rt If you are woMmplablog� , light aware*%% for fall wear, give" it 064,004 to serve you. Prices rlrht. H. DUNLOP Wssl stma MILL WOOD FOR SALE. " __gSiltt Witt M0l am �• IIC' As . r�#0V0 d SAVE IMONEYr Fuel, labor and expensive repairs in your plant by Using - �a The above ie cat into stove ws ood =T0rogs :A as,,w len,zth and will be delivered to any .part of the town the same day tog ordered.Orders rince( ed b7 Ptele h ne0 orMllff Cilml left at rtaidence, l:lri Cambria street, YI; will receive prompt attention. A1d.'E4&oer's' Sopplim 98. PhonePETER f4CEWAN. The gym• Sum Compos➢d Co., Lim l loderich, November 21st, 1898, M -am IM Qsees St. East, Toronto, OIL e t3 re House-clenning Timeeineo WWW�t . ' r71N $rings many requirements which we can supply. Let us`° ^ "' I %ve your order for anything in our line, and we will Ory Please YOU. 0-*Qi8 a/'LIVERES PROMPTLY: WN 911MMM STURDY & 00 all Telephow No. sit. Dot. % n+s and Montreal 131. " 9'ff'"°' The Light of Common Sense_'"' VM ptio a to any woman that there is no better oboe for feminine wear than Ike =ice quall11T 1K. She doesn't treed to be a judge to am that Did YOU ever know that ttnoomfortable shoes ` affect a woman's temper? It's true, nevtirthelese, and *owe can honestly say / p titianall goes d!► along with the styleinsies. man" and the ease and the beauty of 1%V RKing Quality. Kab by J. D. KING COMPANY. Limited. Toronto. % ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 11MOD'S : SYSTEM : RENOVIT0R9 A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPUM BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES: Iia i ug Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont