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The Signal, 1900-9-20, Page 4
i ..,., 1 ..,,.. ....,u.w.=4 ,.�,.. ,, ...a '. wrtYu .,�yi�r'�. ` + 'SAr AN,v +,,1 ._ _ .Y��i.Wr�rA:�rM4�par^i*P+t+kr.^w,.Y "_+" vNrr�l�r. +r�w uWruM„`alll!�: '?fit'`• tF4wwFon'.wri•��.w,,.-•"'+�.•�,'dx " mwo^k.�i,ala. ''big *roati,w•4wtluw,,..,=w.. ,14...,....,w,�na�'w-.V..Aww.eve.::•M;+w•.'sa.•'erwc,a,orm,•R'wc,. lau.ain .,.,,w M: _. c -,, s : ,:. , .. .. ., . , r r ,. »,., „ r•, a to ,.r' av T&1s ?+f 3P .5 i.. ,,, a, t Y.', a a. ,r ia, 1, iJ, ! :a.. 3.11 #m .ilk i hk.k v: :T.. 1, JF a `. aeLa..h SYR ..Yt�•. ";.yy r WI t Till ..m aL.;., tt-'. ib't=r, 1. ,y';t' ttC,�" ,..i ar�vi .w • .K .aa�$tt.. R. ` „i +c.., r '. $a' 't: r�ct ' d ,4 �y tip..'_ `^ . a y,,,jpl. .+n.,ia`,r"`;• r`"k,t.,�"tlY"' ,'("ilMa'4� Gtr+; , m;rz q .., •rt +y . �) 'M4tn,yi r',•tisl. gt+t%at�:1Y.vr..KFfiF"P ?`'�'5 �,aYt9',..�v3.gp't�"t"'•Y t( 3'i4M e • 4' r 1 4 THUMDAY, Sept. 20, 1900 -` T THE: SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO _ _ _ --- --- -- - -( - _ _ --- 1 dl 1 of Rales which at one time threat- ---- - - -- - -- pepgpp�e ,'1,11 /1' 1 would be Mort happy to meet 113°11 Ov lure an Ontario audience and W prove W 006 t m a sued this wuatry with serious differences him that him ac.uaslions have no found of *religious obarsaber-, Four yeaae of p.aue; meson l have in < whet 1 have lour Veen of prustrees ; tour year* of each When come «id user Acrel urea again in the Huua+ of %or in Vrwperlty « ebb oausrry carer Delors you Commons. 1 am curry that Mr. Macdon knew." -Hon. W. Y. Fielding, Flaaace aid is trying to set raw agrinst rw*. Minister of Canada. h e�j to the Fair Why do« he not amuse mu ut Quebw; ae he dues in Ontario t b"OYYRANu ORATORY. e o'"S J. L11•ALL '1'aarL. London Advertiser : Mr. Factor's ore eery may have to be ootked up, or It may (.all in and am the spnoial -Tse Mail, which at ci&e times ke of p° canoe disaster be his friends. We learn from The Montreal Star, which has cumin bargain we are offering air OMARLas Turret Y •.the Price.+:uf abed Itself oblet puffer of `Sir Chart" Tup ," doout like the Political Cracksme°es per and the ex-FinasN M11dawr, that at in wheels. Why waib otato Mnt of J'ee SIGNAL, PubIlAwl last the msitior in Sydney Mr. Factor "oarrisd until spring when you week, that HUGH JOHN was allowing him the audience off their fest" by his slogaeaoe. can buy 25 per sept. melt to bet used the u1, d n. a doonuat b When It oarrled them to, the verautous to porter did not seg forth, but mayhap It bas cheaper novel We do wt hLnaOt, •ed has this to my: aarrted them out of sight. On his present Lao McGillicuddy takes a brie( vacs trip Mr. Fostar is but repeating the does intend to c%rry over a tion from hip breakwater oontraet W et of elogaoub denueufatloo of those who de single wheel if low prices plain in Toa GuDjuucm SIGNAL that Hugh John is not much of a man, anti w pre - prived him of cities, and kept elm out of to, with which he regaled New Brunswick before last Previaclat will sell them. df" M that be will be beaten, anti (2) sedleeaes she general Oat "Israel Tarto, so bright and Kmartith " election. Theo, Y The Herald reminds us, We sell for tach Or in- will continue to rule- Ilam fa out w the net of thou for "five mut" year's of a Mraddressedr. addressed • political meeting In os Fredericton -- "oorrying them off their xtalmenta. full pocket." fest,.' no doubt The Star would othrm--and We still stick W our opinion that HUGH the people immediately wen% to the polls sod rolled ups. majority of 1,(100 against F1U dUYN-LLS Lot's wife Of (:anadlW ItLic:a; Mr. Foater's oandidst o. And throughout who is always looking back -is allowing the Province Me Factor's supporters were 9 himself W be bamboozled by air URARLLs loft bateleNly In Cho minority. That being Emerson s Turrak anti Icon Gxotwi; SULAS Foursa. the effect t Mr. Factor's ed platform Peat technics, It is to be hoped that lib breath Nobody knows better than HUGHJoaN tjtat will not give out before he oomr this way. he is a political notwntity. SIR, HARLRN TL BIC]Cl& anti MUSIC HULLW, Wtlel -_ _-- _ ,_ - - Actions : e. Ckiwyo Merica : The street, Goderich. WHAT OTHERS ARE BAYING inioBritn re likely dlas Dominion elections are likely '. to ooms on this fell. Sir Wilfrid All IJJIAJ ac's NO setuNO cuickis, Laurier's live yeah of othofal life has made Hamilton Herald : They talk of him N Osoad . know■ the world over as it was GoderichBarrain Centre M 1. ,,.,,_ :tit T_JLr. 90/ 1SW X'K9mto-"l og ' •M '• . NETT BARGAIN DAYS, SEPT. 2N & 28111 im �= Extra Bargains in all Fall floods �� Ladies' New Pall Jackets An ; �1 Ladies' Vests and Drawers L: j, ,K 11 Ladies' Felt Hats S "'1 �` �.� �` N :,. Ladles' Waterproof Coats �"'" w r, 11 � . Ladies Kid (cloves .•. � ,.%.a•is:1'srryrevb _, ty, ' '= "r""A' ' Ladies'. Cashmere Hese rs Etc. t Etc. ,I, Men's Shirts and Drawers _v-1---_-_ �, Hen's Waterproof Coats yt ' ' , Men's Shirts Men's Ties Y bel ..:, Men's Collars, Etc., Etc., Etc. .• REMEMBER THE DATES, SEPT. 27th and 28th. I It ani r tet, JAMES ROBINSON'S ;�3I It� young Hugh John. But hes only three never knows before. A brenobmaa se -F "' _-- - years younger than Geergs E. boater, tad copying the Premiership of Canada, he _ _ -. ..__-_---_--.--_._ �� ^r14rrSt� • u eleven yours older than Clifford Sitton. wmb to England during the Quees's ubiles --- - - - -- - '--_ �jhs It takes • len time for stab«me■ to grow and electrified the oe lo of the tJ�rltisb spent for their deyoMon, while It h« proved FALL FAIRS OF 1900• r""' I f t'NA �� old Now there's Charley Tupper -s tea- isles and w« torem«t oa every 000"too Oenoma°t with %kelt own material advano*- --- _ _ a L/� % _ �I 114n = "�� mean. The (ooesrvativee do nes propose At�• • • • • Sept 2'� w -',11 1 mist youth of 46. daring the celebrations. In his fiscal p Dose North Porth, Sm.Iara Saps. ?5.26 •r- a I@ r RAl1.eOAp pleuslsrlNATwR, policy Rewards cbe home country he has be de sway with the preferential Reiff If p 3 the arrive la power ; If the did ro pope Teeswater ... .....Sep%. 2526 p t The ideal Summer Drink it you bas the genuine Mousorrat. '931 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING given Great Britain's Roods a preference of y Ds y p p PaCki�A y y Toronto Sar Our railroad managers on,'h a thing they would certainly be defeat. Huron Township, Ripley .. Sep0. 25 26 We keep it P 311 per cent. over those of other Hansel". Sept,21127 Use our my D. �ea8■•■Op��T know that they aY ReR the osrnsge of Am e°, The hold out W the former* the Idea Central, Guelph..... - -1111-.. Mir ODM. Topper mks for • policy of "pre- Y _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ erloaa grain only N long « navigation Is o1 offing from Grant Britain • Dre(ereotial F■11*rton .red t ogao, MltoMll. SoD0. 26.27 e__ e open, while they know that the Ontario bronchi duty,'' which means chs% he wants R � ppm S$lt �^�, -- - - _ - Tarooerr Wm Sept.' "=" BLACBBgB$Y COMPOIIND r 60DSRIUH iHURVUAY. /RfT. SIO. t110D. UteaE Arlaln to put • tet on American market for their grain eal other theygrodnoe. 1. yhtm.... ..... v7 283 Shipper will bare eo wale Ancil ehsy ars bas u is w idea wboN realtzetloo the Ran Tackenmisb, Seeforth........ aep0. 27.28 wheat Rad other things Canada can supply y r" readI, te s000mmodate him. Thu* ebe tor- hold out so ho of. Mr. Hladrlll's admlr- Eaxt w•wanesh, Beltrays.... OOI. L2 q enjoy for Cramps, Colic, Iharrhua, yammer (nm m..' eau InR of our grain le frequently delayed ss a Grid pro Sao for what Canada well do thio report of h reception of the Idea at Stanley, Bayfield.... ..... O00. 2.3 and e•yOy $ #''' `- lamas, etc., etc.. SNAP SHOTS to the serious detriment of the *hipper and for Great Britain, 'Pets imperial federa- p°Klolo«, Laoknow...... .. .......001. 2.3 e P tion with free trade between all British the .Q. boll Coverer of ChLand of L of Com- �,.. -BARONIfr TUPYLa and Ukl BoaIAN rare cea*eyumNy to the detriment of the [er- mune, held •t l.osdon, and of Lord Balis- South Perth, St. Marys. , ......Gob. 2.3 We guarultee eatitllacNuu or return your murrey, '�,' §6" mer from whom he purchases. The rates territory, or ,any of It, b a long way off. tast Huron, BruN ll ...... Oct. 4.5 Bea -Bath great on the blow. p Great BrtWo might sooede to it, but the bury's rejection of the proposal to appoint • , , , given obs American shipper are also ter Australian confederation has not yet got oomml«ton to consider the subjects with Klsoardiso.................. .Got, 4.6 Speedy rebel ,ai.At'+ rl A+ro7! lower than the Canadian shipper can secure. which iris b. nod o rove the ho leeme« Howlok, bbrdwiab .... .. ....ON, 6 a,,,,' x ,,. w +I"Xt rl_Aatnt -GN the eveningof election da her tots aortia order and cannot be counted V. p Pe • tlr,, .., l y A oral° merchant oerrylmg on business R of the ides. And there is no evideoce than Morris, Blyth.. .........Oo1. 9.10 at h�Ine, MrPreeariptim work at all hours. •ct+....`i:.... ."�'-"".` "" OHARLse Torr will come down W a amb In a town not (at from Toronto found lase °pO° for Sean to ceme. A0 imperial fedora- tt y i p Ashtield and Wowasoeh, Lae o� 11,12 T �heif.aw ' "� %n the rluclWrlsM of l an•da tike any stook Ra■ OL� _ �s with •dill toad. 'ser ►ba{ he could *hl be Chicago cud fro•° sits le alter all is • fed h p worked Is- • ..,w P b a rsollt lc is not la the wet of any is Ib ; clic to certainly ■o% worked o over -+-- 011mce b Montreal, for low Chao he could y' power y hey probably eidentand that f -HON. Cuatl WAuroe lin. t notice clic b Montreal direct. living *at«mw to Ur«b Arlaln to whip Y P Y q __ D the eleotorate into line to tax their food the proposal to tat the foodstuffs of Urea% will wort as Ittgas BRIWORD BLOCK• to quit an West York. ThaiCAMPe9I.C- are SIR t•11ABLLS' PKLDp'rION IN •96. stuffs for any country extant, however Britain is hopeless, Lad even If it were not, ConOtices I � ,usands have found a blessing coming to that riding. Stretford Beacon : Hon. D. C. Framerthat It might result in killing the goose to th much they may lore them. • body in Ur. King s New Lite Yells, 'b dim cut think Sir Charles Tupper is to as that lays the golden eggs, for England's whioh pps positively can constipation, iduk ut-ou 1(111.4'5 ,A11.Ua1. market for rain and prodnoe depends upon + -HGGH JOHN is like CHIQmTA at the In- Rood form as be eau tour year* ego. He st W W I headache, ".011dizziness, j►undlw, maletla. beer dcetrial Pair. The more often one sees her Uxirs* his opinion on the cem�ara►ively Montreal Witness : Mr. Hugh . Jabc her manufacturing ability, already coffering Roti agY ted aA livor tad a ,ate �- .: modest estimate of ylobory Sir Charles n- Macdonald has new addressed throe large from competition, and her manufessurloR i purely vegetable : mayor gripe its waakM. I', vwe%u%� the smaller she seems W look. oontly gave out, which 000trasts with this w«tlogs is Easter° (anode• and of all coons« depends upon cheap, untaxed feed. Only 260. at Jae. Wilson's drug store. - - - v 11 i ikM extract from • speech be delivered at Syd- there has base the some story to tali. Coo- staffs. - _- .," b 'i'" ' v' -A aRAu,y man like G80RGI EULAs Fus- aoy, Cape Breton, In 18% : "I am neither servatives attaodod thea meeting* to large - - . _ ad"' TICK running at HtrOR JUHN'r chariot wheel a prophet, nor the sea of • prophet, but I cumber* , eager to nes whether Hugh ,John H. P. O'CONNUR DEADRM,- wY likely to live u 110 his tether's great ) l �derit98 �ee%e t`« 1", must seem v ridiculous W the man with make 1D• statement hen and now, end 1 Y D sata17 Injured b) rail yrer tlh Morse w Y y'ta"t <L want to be cadged for all to[an time by It, reputation. and eager also W approve of eaada) a. _ +► r 'r 1 brains. and t °wer ase,that believed he g ■t lass r ►urn. to if they could. At each d these moeF I Walkerton. Sept. this1r. H. 1'. of in• I - - - . '�I' ��� Paint? e 1 " -Face clic age of the aturies retailed by out to be frac, thlat clic great Liberal Con. cogs his entrance upon the platform was nor, Q C ,tiled nen this morning o[ Ib- -- �0 U 11 � t Nnative party will be retuned triumph. the signal for obCbaslsabiu applause, and Jones received by being thrown from Db b•4r HUGH JOHN MACDONALD. one would ima- J astly with a granter majority than they his reoeptlob on rising to address the horse on Sunday morning last. - • gine that he in anxious for th944 e present Tory I have now." "That," sold Mr. bneer, "is people but expressed the sanguine hope of Hamilton Parke O'Connor was bora le I 1Nosl �� ilrr world dons andmost of clic to ol L'onservstives the% in him they bad a London Cab., to 1844. His grandfather. • T[ 0) ld Four to be named the "Chestnut Combine- how Sir (,bast« speaks when he is to Rood 7 R v , "�°: II.�; �, Z� neo"% wro^^N. z) form and confident of success." leader who would redeem the party from who wee a oapaib in the 96th Regimen%, _ v 'ton.' Us STOPPLD His PAPIR, I Its dim race. At Nr his first m«ting It can. came to Canada in 1836 Yd settled Ib the 'I 'e"' -801 Y HUGH GRAHAM's bar', holds tali by Liberals that It would be unfair to Ceusty of Middlesex ; his tether was sub- ''MMtn.+Mt ii [ �d1�w%d «rR�P�%• °s8 Battle Crack Growler : A .� of bell what everybody knew to be the simple sequentiv Clerk of the Div Won Court at - s ',° • v'4'!'�t! fir'• out Sir CHAILLM TUPPes will travel through months stn an old man came into this office trots atone the offset of his first appear- Te«w•ter, Ont. H. Y. O'l u°mor rewired ). r IRU if s lllads to �Uixt 6uild*rs' wil%1 it t !, the country with a braes hand ; but when and "s•ul ped his paper. ' We have ire- noes Hat now that • wooed and • tbtrd his education at the Goderich Grammar I •"� 8XSldt astd' oulltdee Il8 ,"rade ready - the bar'1 os to ter out the old man's quentfy mot him on the attests since that reseting have been hold, and that those who School and at private schools, and finally E ,-, #" °' ffa-It's h";t P &k "(r=,F' Sf 11=" ' Pe _ _ . for the brush. made for home use ge ar ii„ii , t %Imo, and It is very amusing to as to noes wmt to one or another tall of ho and entered m - J '"'"""""•" ebthuxissm wi8 evaporate. the look of surprise on the old fellow's tow De poo the etude of law. He was maw._J (���,�,„„,.."I • i that we ere Ott pll in eristecw regardless of coarags 11ave returned to their homes die- called to the Dur of Ontario In 1fi78, and , Qlila f0/' praClttal pail8/erl j00. It's �;'fFt',:. , appointed land hopeless, then is no longer w« appointed Quern's ('one-' by ,be a - -Hunts Joan's temperance principles rho loot thlat he "stopped his paper." 'ionic any occasion for oo0oeallog the undeniable Provinaial Government to 18915. Hu first '•' ° ,fire lead, rt zsxc Qlsss,y'e ,&,, C4i must have rowived a sudden jolt at hello- de and it won't he very long, either, that > . t , 1 Y• Wath that Hugh John as •leader to federal paDllo position w« tDetol Mayor of Wol- OJl IIMIIZIdSpC1Qjly 11r/di/L}irilgtly Z{rkyad xsL`+4r��;t .t rets, will& Is" weak, when he stood an the plot- poor ol1 fellow will turn up bis Ro«. His p,daNe* to a flat failure. Hugh Johs is • kertoo, whlob o1Soe be filled 1■ 1880 Rad - ' '�` vj ' TV. 40 , - old hetet wfil los Stilled forever Nelghbon failure. Those who N eagerly whited for 15381 I'bs followla ear he wee Scooted ti�lt� ��" , O `X . tf AQ y�,^"pH),rj- form with HARRY Ca;pr, M. P., and e°- � frtends will follow his lifeless clay out tonowi. Yheyg y ,+t°I!' -m - lt �e""`"' dossed the distiller's canriidaturo, I Illi me Aotaar►bwlll apto pear lm Shea the omfidssce to the odlA leader. 1'De D an no0 booths fill ehetiaclans oausseD r bot r«tu&a TO THL HowD FHIMLINeRNAcs 1940 �� BY t, ,•;,�.- -"- •"•, ,. _.` .„` Legislature8 __ Y 9 y st -fT iscurrently that lllxU I pec attracted by the new one. The party is Non of K. M. Wells upon the latter's etc Co., " _, y report+ ool%m . , tolhug what a kind father, good actually • hundred times worse off after ration to the Commons. Mr. O'Cossor (:LNTLLYiN :-The Managing Committee WIM WATSON will .not be returning officer in . , 'ehhor and benevolent olMxen he was-- thea three meetings than If Hugh Jobe had w« returned to the Legislature by socla- of Margaret Avenue School hereby express - ; 9"$i West Assinabois at the nett election, Thi- wt 1. I lis the recut Pgei will kindly beam allowed to remain In Manitoba. Then motion at the general election is IFIR,vaed their tlatiRtu tion'with the heating of that } > overlook for oho a will N]g-and to •snort ,..dent a him, and have amight hop d fo hove rl wa• n rleoart n he d cad 18to a took Rheic by your firm. Your ewe too f that (. N. f O U G V 1 E (i will wipe out Nu Hous FLOOD I)AviN'e floc tbMcatber he will br forgotten. Ash* tion (uniaoen have given ac s tem ntnre • • S • �ml 111eved in him, bbd hoe hoped for hu early an setlre part Is the debates is she Hauer R W majority. and leave him with a baro poll. 11« out tl.srs in the cold graveyard, wrap- activation to the chief place in the party. on the Liberal side, sod was ono of its moot of from 65 to 90 degreer in the loweRt aero 1 y 1I pod is the silent @lumber of death, he will Now that refuge bas disappeared. Yhen useful land reepeoted members. More than weather, sad bave, heRidea, reduced our , ;` " -$IIeH JasN MADDONALD ,bowed lite never kssw %hat t11e last ktml worts Spoken ere some, and not a few, un kind enough to once his news was meotlomeA in ooaaeotloe " from 411 Lr,r1e to 1999, to 27 taxis for the a 5 r t wnte. +` .r he editor of the • I r After tri three d' r F indent loge for prohibition Inst Friday, of 111m wer those of C paper bay that Mir Charles Tappet in showing cacti pwltlose ib the Cabinet, but D• can �" y different �'� "¢. d° whlo11 V 1 (e De "stop furnaces, without-beieg able to' heat the ix "� when he axeleted at Belleville in the loom Ped' Hugh Joho to rho elseten with the prams tisnsd • Drhate member until he Aropped N'l1Y THIT ♦al UxaPxaATI, object of letting it W known lost what out n( politics •few nn ego. to 1875 he mc:hool, we feel that we you at len.' out 'iv? j' r for Cosily• the distiller M. 1'. That other there is in him and what there is not. Par- Merced Jac* Warkln�, fourth daarhter of thanks in saving w from any more trouble \ g eWw el )us an Honest: It Is now or never with ( ; ;. IjI un ompromieing toe of the liquor {ral�c, hope this is too much to believe, for Sir Alla N. McLA&% of Toronto. with the beating of Margiret Ave. School. 1 ; , Awe %be ('oasorre6lvo party. Ualtheir a wins to (;hurl« 1'a r 060 be stood for four of __& t _ - _ r. __ Years- t'esPectfo I "t, (}epwal S. FOorea,.wY then, 100.------- the forihcemisg elections thsir ohacce b PPe - - - -- _. _ .... a a a a .. - p tone foryoars: Victory for the Liberals flYeyte6rs more at the most, and It should HE THANKS HEAVEN f1. •' , Ui, -- a- Chairman Mar - -Tru eminan iioa honorkbis-Kii3�6G■ M of little concern to him which of the --" -. - Rsret. Are. f)eboot. - 1_-._. ... r _ i r, ane, beton another general election, the tint M Cued Dodd'■ I[Neev •tet•, wk pQ . +r Q1AYLola Is las a new business now. He has I on later of the Tory gerrymander, the our. younger moo shall succeed him. Of ceurse, saved Ma We. J. H. WOR8ZLL, __ - - "'���� M went of the Senate's power to bel there to the possibility of a rivalry between -I hewn advising the boatmen of Cananoque to , P Hugh John and the younger Topper, but ed to th vii a Sop,. 1 . A. W.ehous Ib The Cheap Stove and Furnace Man, ELLO _NM broair the Ontario Fisheries iaw, w that t'h° Tories or injure the Liberals, and other on deed is the oboe of Mr. A. W. Gibbose, Solo Agent, (}cleric Ont. ' ",` lot>^ r ' • "r an. b which the Tortes kept theviselv« (hes `Jia Hibbert is quite able to take caro Ftr t^st°aA=f: "" y D In of this town. " ",ANTELON'S A batt ma] be provided for Aliso visitors to ,,, pewee. They ruled -or misrolmA -►lib of himself. and dote not need the benefit of Hen is lib story. « he himself tsiis It : "�®vett"", Canada. KwnoLs should drawl into him- country for 18 years, and for •% least ten any *chemical on the perb of his oro. "I couldn't est, nor sloop; had terrible pains � ca�r y • years of that term they kept themselves In AN INDIPLNDINT OPINION. to my book and stomach. _ ��((jj g w, i.'yar}'i�r,- THE OLD f�p }}jp T�p�p Lp 'fi:•t poplar by unfair metas, each as gerryman- bon said I had Bright's A Great Snap_.* ".i1 % a' %' '"" RELIABLE P� tO➢OlprPalUUa11LL1lOt Sllo� !'Ric C -HUGH JOHN'S storles aro as old Y any don, their tnnohlse cot, etc., and they are pr000 Montreal Witness : country is 't Rht'e dbeass. un . which bensprosperous. Its pro- But they Hombre care ms, • Bread and Cream Rolls Eice _ the "Thank Hembree, whether Is was Bright's to Gisver Moa at fin.. ALL KINDS OF • .. _ -��_, j)j (� i�� }� f ��-,::` hex Lather ever told, Fw0 iw does Hot tell muchlmlyuttous measure of them, {hey grw, which hes Moo amazingly ob;i R D. j lea alld LUdy �el0t 11Ip0eD �� 11, "` wh11s Show signs of having reaa11ed dlssese or anything else, llodd's Kidney posed, of which we NII • ferrel • week. them halt Y well as the Old Chief did One ere dome for. They ars now making d«- Its tr'n.bab�into. anti perhaps of Sleek. Pith "on oared it. This Isn't our only map, as we carry I a of theme days HGGH JOHN will be telling perste efforts to defeat the Liberal Govern eolnv, b Sot soohe0ted •red may toes "I bops the news of my cure will soread everything that oan be found In w up- f I e'er the whole country, a grocery Ston, and one prices COAL 1aear000s Ramses f u N some d his temperance admirers his father'R went. Hat their efforts -- d«pante improbably receive fresh impetus. either y, N that all sufferers to dao ur p at011aYD p'` g e'• pet story about the old squaw who Yid too though ►hey clay be -an not likely w rtoulturbts• manufacturers, traders nor will hear of the street«t kiting remedy to are right. The farmers know they t t n v,,, -; y ea0000A• and when after the next election* Y other Notion of the people are awaiting the world-Dodd's Kidney Nilb." can always get from as a ms for their n n ��}}p ,, „tcttarstI much whiskey wY jurat enough. y P Brady SIl3�i OIY. 1 ft 'bey will be obliged to fight • fair fitht with either fear or hoe for the lnaa ort• 1)odd's Kidney mey F'lll■ ars the only msAl produce. We drew the Ilene et &n t D R ALWAYS ON HAND t iM thele chance of woo«s, for mad' yeah at tl*s of so new fiscal or flmasnisl lit or alae that hes ever cared Bright's diselaN. Iegittmate trade - ever thio ""`""" -THeae Is a method in TaPPas's mad - Y policy everything Rce■ const, will have ranlehed, proposals on the part of an) Government, ----- - (%I,sswtrs or potatoes, garden staff 0r aro• ns good as the best made in any �^6 Dees in exhibiting HUGH JOHN over the WRrT[ THIR ON YOUR hANNRRA. no matter hew the next elections may go. Nine metal polishers, who were charged ohoio«t table CbO%& We deal In all , �- city in Canada. r, , oountry. He wants to loom large in the ..W'e shall appeal be the cemtry with • T'hs people hoe hsen completely ret«°red by Manager 1'. J. Carroll of the Hamilton of them. THU ABMT v A, public eye alongside of all that in loft of the record of whiob say Government add any as to the independence of Canada for IM Breton M anafasturtug Company with beset- *�� �g Co.,Scmion (aotelon lesdx the trade m ri^,e; YAO/wNALD boil]. $von if HUGH JOHN country may be proud. We will point to a material prosperity of •0y 8.061 polis' or tine and watching the buildings tad prom- IT, G. TI LING & CW1=DDINCY T less of the nom an Hord Cog a aY rsoerd of lour Sean of stood stovorommt - 0f aoy polieleal plasty. he mamotsoeann P 1. were Hned j5 each by Bedford block, Gadertoh. R� has wit enough to sea that every time tit' ^_-ki wheel tatty he [: �._- elarto jog four year@ of clean goveromoo t -unstained have found that they can flourish exceed- JadRe fielder• CAKES tisei.-aa. + - ._.-___ by the blotch« which mark the oar Nr of InR, with oonstderlabl reduced protection --_ _ - _.a..- --_ - - .. - _. -'-- roe ' home, TurvBR oW cow continue his tour honorable gentlemen oppoalte ; 'oar yetis •md are even benellwd by • m ssure of - globs lJaM/M, i - IN TIIR YAKKRT All whn See C. F. (•Ocher, Of Cherokee, In fsDOy deal and Ifo s -*x a h7 exhibiting a nose sod f phonograph. o1eD1eod1A devalopmemt o((:►cada, bei11 Ib tariff rmtorm, which duceeraR« ooh nodae J BROPHEY & SON I inq apd RlmoodR. IJn1. her material Inter«is and her national uF Roti ruinous cempetltlon as obtalced when Is.,as bo is now, cheerful, erect, vigorous, All Goal w DSA o% the market Boal«, •1. . " where YOU get tp0u ID*, ,or s ton. 'I Give him an order and 100 mel• Hes fstber s eon has baso endeavoring yadoammt ;fear Sean of remerksble eau.1 the Protective tariff was s% Its highest. without an ache, could hardly believe he 11 ow In the financial and commercial ds- The agriculturists have not received Y is the same man who, a short time sign, Md T � tefaction wdl lx Ysured. ._ _ __ to excite race prejudice against Mc TAR7x Y had to sit in a chair, propped u b - rxL LsiAmaO - ■ is y relopmees of this country ;foot Sean of • bete •measure of tariff storm as clic et• P DP p y ■ C �t >+ in his Ontario speeches, and the result is a truly Imperial policy, which ham glvso Can. pooted, but they have received • measure cushions, suffering intansely from an Orders lets ob LZZ tk SIMZIAAVS D• OA NTE LONs challenge from the Minister of Public Works ado a position in the eyes of the empire and and they have been more prosperous than tar aching back, in agony if he tried to stoop �uh�rU� �i VlQR�Ovtf (,hat Sere WEST -8T. '` promplAy attended be. to meet him before an Ontario audience and the world such as she has cover occupied many years and are In good spirits. There - all caused by chronic kidney trouble, repeat the koouaatioba. ter: 'i'1VyV f"ffs+g- I bele° t l+mv year' of that kind of settled In so reason to doubt tbat manufacturers, rh%t bre am pal , Soca �AMOQ�m"S. wY sent to TM Toronto f3tar, cud wY 8overnmmt which commands the oonfiAesoe agrloalinrlsu, bbd merchants. everybody. laic I3Hten acrd was wM.11 cured h three ., _. L _' wage of capital and fbdustry : four years of busy In tact, are In favor of the maintenance of , y y MSN e&iMrlly &seeded M Y oil _ - ... D,.S-_ - B-0 - _. r;; eight to tJe poitli ___-__-__ lar-Il/ly tmomg the wurkleR Rinse« of ('so- the•imperial preferential tariff, Canadians bottles. i ositively cures Zia h0,nor- bewe*, etabe er dy voaeneN, lose of a tite, all kidns I See that Che 8oe. Hugh JohnMar-lad'.whn havo found MemNly« basica, aenerally ere proud of rho ga0erouseppeer' ppe yfeereeme Art Rtroet. ar.f4•erwV h ddoald is accusing mo of havir11R ms le dig- blapplor and mon prosper*%@ blase ever be oboe of • flecal meatore whlah has InsDlreA troeba O sl] icon at .las Wlbon's drug •e+ &trees. /e"' loyal epeenhas in Fr.=. Tell him that fore ; four years of peace, laimbead of blast the people of I he whole Empire with re etofw' THE K$ OK STORE ---- ..,�___ .� _ - - __ -1 ma SCH,i5 ULE OF - 007VVTOTIONS fiM f I °awe nT11 I It _ Returned by Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Huron for the Quarter ending September l lth, A. 1). 1900, pursuant to the Revi-d Statutes of Ontario, Chaptet 76, Section 1. s -1 T O PUP/LS � �' s' _ t z - . "a Ae»tel, too when y the New Rook Store for this care au lies where . T ' lei Dae of Posalty, to be paid Time whet To whom pald over by If not Id, why eei, Asti ` ' OoavloMoe Name of Convicting Tactics or .1 options. maid Jattiw, and , Sap tf Nemo of Ptrosoee liaN et D/wWb Nabors of Clefw•_- FW or M wee pad. oral obsefv*Wow. 11 ma y pp 1ti 1900 (Damage. Juet�Igo. wDee. goo y YOU AM jam -Of All NEW GOODS, and see what we can do lira - r+=t�I------ -- - -- ------i""-- - - _ ]au. r'A aortl to th© wise is sufficient." - - ed as issom • sad danR areas to be at large. 1 Wa Ye MaeMa qs,W IRI. eorserrlAosses A ted boon Tmss 30 W. ('1y Wand (los. YoRwrl , J. P.'e I'd Sept6 Wm. Aallanrvee.++'°rte( Y]eeoo Ow�por Fe1allo •ud fisieR revolrsli `rept 1 J. A. W Ilene R J. J. Darwin, J. P.'s,Seaferth,UemmlN f 2 Wm. Ballaob e• �t#sMM R r bR Dr°h I -- _ ' °Ic•r' y V IolaRlm LI R I IM 00 �I'd Jose 30 To License lnspectorll Wok Hafts i't"�1a'v. , -�,C. c'V" +" �',sil'L ' W. J. Paisley OammlM l I 1i r t 4 H Ris1e Mrs C. F&Ileac Assault Jaee 19 S. Sent[ to land F. Aroeld J F s. 1 00 �Forthwltb I lselon.d hlerewlth.wy I We have just received a consignment 4 6 t'bl& R, F3allsed Noll Park Oheooee language, violation village r by law July 7'S. 8mlllis, J. P., Hmeall t 200 Forthwleh Vfllye Troefelef a a 1 11 I " I .t�% „ „ , Y, e r 6 .. Frank Roy de. do. do. 111 d0. Tnl] 7 do. ds. , _ 900 do. N ), PRETTY WAIL PAPERS FOR FA�,i, TRADE IN 7 w •• Rm. IRs' Ao- de. de. do. Jolt/ do. Ae. 200 Ao. t, n-. _ � + A Y (larll&R d*. do. do. do. my 7 de, de, t1. lJeder ih years, let gra o° suspended sea!'eace risk 11 b " ++ Nor. (Jock (ayouM) Mischief, vlelstim wiliW by -,law April 24 do. An. ) 800 Forthwith Joseph halo, dlllvm Treasurer, HmnNll I 10 a A. Rlekert (a ymth)' do. do do. April 24' do. do. I 2 00 I do. do. do. do. ! do. Ae. We intend selling them cheap list t) A(lvertiao oumelves 11 d, R. YIli1 blrebten Ares. wale of ligaer In piroklMtrd noon Jaly 13iA Aaotvr, J. P., Arawb I i G 20 00 do. Flee paid to Len,°ee inspector Fast Huron, and ete.e. R , 1 O. Zllllax do. de. de. Tnly 13 d6. de. 20 00 I do. de. do. do. do A0. for next apring'a tfRde. r 1 deka Ammt do. A0. M- Jo 26 do. Ao. 20 lJb Ao. do. do, de. do Ao. Our "Snap Shot" albums are having A regular nlah. t't 14 Aloe. Mei�tsohlto ohn Seneca TnONeg his hare« Dyer brldas dsly 6IOse. Thmmsee, J. F., Brussels 1 60 .Taly 6 Village TnYnrer Fvery bod sa s the Are ar%q rfoctl lovely.' Ww. J. palaldy Wm. Yeas belling liquor with requisition dariIt �,-, y y y Y" y y' �( pprobih,borl hears ,lane SOW, Osimpholl Sad H. Young, F. P.'e, Blyth 20 00 .Ione 30 N. J. Paisley `'Vho would not have A pretty Ferry Picture mounted " t t 1 La%n Fne JeM a Cruelty to ►ulmals Tueo 6 W. Lewis and Wealth, .f. P.' Crediton 6 00 oast plalA, e0 Prouty gaud' read for the wall at 26c What a reit A the make for . . eke MOO" saran ami Abattve laeRaage Jose W. YalleeRh, Y.fiaborM J.I"s, )aenm'ee g 00 isrehwlt► ,Teaser« of Ashfield (be G, IMfem DIeM da. M. Mcroe M y Seo - 1 -0 __ J. P.. Hewtsk 1 00 IM 7beas choose, Fol thwfth. Fise re Clerk of the Ps"s, Damages Rag s« 4 I ha & sayf, the Shove to be truly and a" 00 ly Whelk iMM W RonerAe filed to my elfiso. Q 14, IRA L.EWIBe OLERK OK r,NR PRAOR ANN OR~ ATTORIIy/Yx Mt1/RON. I Qmk M Ilio pMM OiM c seleM. AM%wM lbsb, 1000. i b 4 �y "` ,�,.. « " A. ..1 ,""'+' %i,�14 ..:.: tt,#(:_,.,;3'i,y!".1'f,4A'w'.'"A'.+,�,v,wn tf' v.-;z+a.rrra-a-;,+t'11111ov+40 ..:. ,.- ._. v,. -s.. r,.. - .. a. Lj'�W",�:!�J - - 'fit4,41, a&-i-A'"""F":;_'W111 '�$' rl^� -, tt"w €Yr Lwe - _, t& ,,, An" J r J y a birthday. KIDUS BOOK S TO D P 1