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The Signal, 1900-9-6, Page 8
• I . ,., ,r"..` . A t EI ..ia �'�' . `Nf "'�,* r "°M°f"; ,..X G:r.Jk ....... ,...,.... . ,..,...,. ' . ~ �, ., v{r r+rr,t. wm1" ,;'Ct#?>)'t:t"""r's++Y'' il+. .; Asir"" .`^. '1';:';Ff'aa'',.v�,d ,PMJr`:'�.,�`*liana'a!fk ? '.'_a',t'1'i� ¢". .'SRndl`s .�fl'S ett'r .7Ft.;1dRtr 9. ,°,e aYcnf, .:arca: _ ... c�,w �w ;. ;a , 4 •.. t a rras, .w .--- k !ail .*i' —r— — pQ . — rt H'tstlelgh lowers for atewafaya ytN+ kawrw your olds W he worth lot• NKW UAB DIBCOVBRKY IN HUII.T ISSUE NQ M 1 a W s prlahr IuNtug err yuu would ret, waste Your d 1 a eclrum Has Re- I __ __,-----_— but hsd, so(crrdtng �iomer•on, taluebW Nine." p t• hat the u lir p ilia to .yr 1'Qi ip wad lrady Tlw lawyor wile gtttilsg with un- veiled and may Yet Bring to Light. ' return@) to time fur Ibei, tints! instil 1ef nasi xataM11s1MUl iutu Ituyden'r n r `^ "Mier dinner, as he sit over his wine, rage In all hag pyvokos$hstxl ezperleutye -no annourtoemeat war I' mode I g THS M�C�� J � �� le od for the lettere which ! Dull mnu 11ad ever puaslPd h!m as fair tw Nurtuun Lockl•�l that osrtnln �� ��I� 11, J IecteJ fur 6:m. TDey were nwr:y all luau dW. slake in tbrir measagra, however dif- "1 ww1A first tort rcw." he W41, lexw trrlgb0 ihif>,r lu fist Sinn r{roatrua lo- �O tad 1VuytWu laid time ileo dlrAWAI the presmua In the sun tli r I ferentl worded, 4 , Nle r rosy of gnfnIllg h Ir (grim satds oris mCler aswtber. lit his (Iswlre to feel Iib watt cautlors- blttrerW uukaowU gar wale ind iu1 Qis wvrsttip Iirrvev wv ' Int Lice old lablt hold yon i?" "Th " `racious invitations," be ly to u certalti perint In the aonver is Rheumatism oftilefwa. lormol W Call "bellum." In 1893 prat- I How City It I! for yOYn( alowlp sinking to the level of au blit!` I "Nut if 1 Can help it." he wild lilt' yid to himself, 'TltOd the gentle [n Haab ,•whtither you haves Irat younr9f UrieAaidleftintheblood w(ty Iwlatied the gew. 'trot tat the JT ltual goinkin o th adut.hcr lyrsluD anally, "but rrranLllaes it L• even neo• timatloY (kat to -many pe ole are suffic4ont knovel.wige un t, :r subklet. same time,'• anyy■ L%junwr• atrtrx"tlug I s1[11St0��oint01�:••�CII[tt• Penson began, xad 1[unor, ubr).nq an rswry. 1 have ustro t1r•bga thea 1 im.' at home to me •re a11P1fitieeoaders i It st. my 1nlutmALMm D by prove by disordered kidneys /romnunrLlclolnProuetlr•us,"LaPtyet Theyuilfluatldlfat,bgeome urgwntl} ergreag@d w ah of L,uly Lew- i agmen, end psylug Item off makes s Aoyolta Keith, of Wen • s tvwirissme, lodges along the nerve fiord In W1e rirxtrum sit the acoronn tTmiee's, otreapd isi JCenringt a ma- rid twin L1 m)' paltry taoruse• I have How• many of titin did I receire I ..Nu lnform.I un thin w•bbtl." sib which branches from the (,Llstr colored linter w,no he aleme t- Palts god paler and Can w'osl •IMI Duce •gain en:0rvd into so- so much time on mr han,fe. too. and twelve years ago l" served, Itu}deu. ftlulkly leafing flee w) W Lir+ pn+wDo@ o[ a rbcs rhrment, haridydras OU�iitlK day. Iuwyer'a nyremilkouw grtzve. "call be Gr which be gave the rarrw "cunni ciety, to be more sought of er end - TI;e )will '. at' dull." e j c&r,t the lettere saA :he eft eye over the[c eck to n flattered even .than before, though so "Hervey,' -he said. '•world you like ameleJ cen1A cnrelruly aside; Chest, vva;trfsume 4o me. Mr. liaughWn" actors the cheek to the loin. 1PItia•r Ru'et w.t troy wwy a ulkirm rond ydOw n much more genua and quiet, a1Mi an empIQym"nt for soma„ of theme lrattiug him hoa,l, ado'u his haat, b' ••Theta I will tel }(u what I lave side of the nose. Toe uNrrr chowlrt haw yet Dean able W WatdCoursk. IrOndOtltlltln wearing re lr colors. wngtoJ hours --employment. as You hl: into thought, so •ague anb vis- }-Leant.` Lawrence had slated htmlswil causeuthesameasinall implate tlw body. Nevertlwlsw all Bcwry one nuticeJ the isdetin•be wotalA s y, salted fur a gtnttemnn T ioa•ry [Qat prenentty bin eyPm at Inst, bra M s+t firm and upright. tttllan sprecLrtatwpl+It luta (tbourer@tl Il0 �OfDdp Str CIUUnt and blt- change to her, the (Joel,eaIng of that If yuu would, and It you tare rrmll)' tluawd enJ he fe.l daleol'. determined to exhibit In every way Rheumatism ---disordered tis+ finer of carmalum la the inner I �allf� needafood thou htfulatyy vrh:eb bad ever lain stee►dy end arsxlwr in the wish. I Five minutes af:erward. fierce eft- ties Inflexibility of Ills Icttutw and Ills. Kidneys. The curebIlke- ti,rowit out Crum lire crater of Ve �,�„��Y below br.r dainty merriment ; bol will fauy tar you that bank p'trt,ner' tered. with his pulseless step, and gaze was M fixed Vast nu change wise the same-- rutlus, Thlls Ilan errtcurttged pr11Yd lhatwNl itourtsh t1ltRltlttttf, ewer) orae noticed. too, how sls)p Mr. Stafford b!d us of when ,rum looked upon bis manias cunous:y• µprwt Ills IletOtwr'N attic Douai e@capne clone W iPereh fur fair yeast of all there .still clung to her ube warn Iwro Iasi. Tate these months 'p,)d; the valet mused to himself; Idm new. "I tare hemar+d thst et+abrl"1 Dodd' tie gam• prevent, part end tutor*'. I and a TCdiCiTle flint Will Wf- oW tune ir(•wmr, which hrQe b►it wld'e Tbooduew b In Wwn fair malt ••he has been overworke.t sir over. ylydrblGrtu Is unit Isar bast► for dome fiat Lhlr b tut all. At lire stun ' KCt tllgif dixasg. ever ioa@sews+d In an l hick le has Ing your deice; do, nut hurrh.11y do harassed at the Towers. One. `f +wt time in Eraglal)d." tiros, other phyfMasne trove had their � t n (A both going and enjoying haPPl. It. I w1U not Ilia• yuu u1 unY wwJ but b, for it isn't like him .0 rle{p- Nu ntuwet. • than s kn dlacsalad o iwe t Ilrht e'f Scott's Emulsioli ales. If wheal the time le over you h', v*' not even atter dinner. But it is Just a• "lei England," repeated L Lwremoe gldlle� fife she xt. nt111 Amveared that there 1,1� On" monolog emr1Y In the season left tis+ OIA WAYS or have decided you ;wet; he rawly; he has ktadt good deal roarctb,y• ii�� J w11! Iwxt 1rP dleuuth ed two new w,ulot rather hsvw your Limo to your• Ot traveGing ttrtlap and will be up ••I1ash," r'omarked lir. Keith, with • nttidu10 Nat exist Ili, the run. They T4ocrr sot {wiling over n cert I nba w,f thtat we will f(arget this plan- al: slight. Rut then whatl &hall I do � oat and rambling let Ler [lora 1'boetre. it )ou lave drtddeA that twenty-four easy 'a y'"'I nl. "Ytt ere*' sdnree ted P litre tea these elrmaur to aaticl I it seethed troth to pubs and please IN NIrr lu 0rery (ksY M Loo much timr about Yr. fiaaghtoa l 1 can keep b:m Istel Mytih`IGN1'• atony was redeted ` � pltNrrruNr+ Datrnr of 'nurorlum" lay- Y h � r her, fur LIlough taw Own weres4ttsl a few minutes, at any rale." 4s alis I Terve g1v(.a him crodlt [ora rwiwlum." Tlw pnurluoo (occupied by I N to tvnath and tart cony, Ilght Deco- 1'4eroe wait out to lir. }fnughton's cxutlrrn which ansrwt9(1 to t1DddltJ•" these booties In the atruompherke IxY- a Irlaktr fat blood fkfMt, aid Ing In her eyes, she fuldo+l tine letter 1,rttion fur five of t"3 would intake, cosh, anti W t! that entleawtn that (� jib btttgf QOiM M bOt with a smile wh:ya 1AM had rend It. Cho ,,there n!eamanLer and, prevent a "•Inal scot ally d) I hued hbn to ours tot tie sun leads thW+P slentlr4$ "it le pitiful,' site unanuurett "And f Illy master would lie at Iltrerty in be In Eryp lan(L` a,ntUaued Lawrence, TURNING THE TABI,K9. ks tldnk butt they an> lighter than ' ,� h �y �,by� d � � pet I as very glad.' )our ' life to+Ilag such a list•. lent minute' time: rind having said lanily aisle is ripener$ Ills wroth. ItrdnrRevt. i'ar c11(mirtn fair (llsoov• 7!ru " Ars Then her th,ughG$ w,ui(N•re1 to '' drittlttR carne►• Aad iI that. tae ka•w- hu muwL, at the rend of ••Dot I ts:leve him W be herr-•In Lutz- ReJerted Bultor Bales Iib M'orlQ-be fy) will bw a verlGthlo rP•ulutlon. In pili ad as a sirotts iOtlk (O lift tun Iwai that eI ra In- dun.'- . Bride's Father for Damages. fact, it w,hh destroy Yroust'r hypoothe- ' ntfbtl. Soon fat weight wArarn, ,,than hatori in G, tr^r own home,° line Len minuttrea, udmlt Lhe c1y+4sr g 8 iy,nae which You need would lrp luta Ills m:artar m pre4eace un kits •• Naturally. " remarked • Royalen• rte, whkh rG,tR/$ Hutt all t11e molnal- i the dl embort imPCOw Sid heaMh And tit last fixe 1 thrms•Irer idly nacre leollntiy "njuyeml by being rarn- ulan liert•av• e1 Nan by twfnq nobbe+i from others, respxtnrlblllty. with tate utmcrt txsmpuaure. ' li le It Iw by tw mens wturual for a lar weighing u( bodies ate whole mui- OratHery all tl,nrugh the wintrr.hw Just us Mr. Haughton dlsmlawed considered easy to e@capa tdets'tlon In wwluw W sue a Luau fur brei%h of tips of that of hydrogen• however. I rattaftA liarl been Rruwfng sur: and more Idle why, tiro, Cls` partts+nbip shall �+ the (dub Captal;l Trent ■trolled up a crowd.'' pnsmlrw sit marrl+tgt•, but rang latleetl, lir Soo Lrna' u[ either auytrium or tae• At anassr.u: far. ass h+. yotIto. Yaw cannot complain of your h+twrpu<x+ rrolitwl with Senn/ail In• Fie f@ not In Ir+tn,tan toe that four LL Ir Utat t11e tabkw are turned Cad the bolum lou yet beers roiarki on the bCIYIT a rued[ cl.rrwT•rwy and Itstlew, aril wztrerngant : gn►A• Inco me then. •Hervey.'' earth• the t far fro of thew+ rlr uAlly lie sremel W be luring 114$Self- .•Obi Hontx, roe c(i:.:., astonished, soleigs Her nutTr t enlihim bug ecce' m.fetwcl Ione coma with tM1 man beat la taw ch a,rff In roach to rdrgNyt, and lu fife lntervala of bid "how S� you are l" l:aptaln 11*'rvep Trent On Iles burl- sta3e dif Ilan ime c coming a hr just O nt to Viiia ser tnowl li hnr mnet Ir yrt far from twudge ve ^tie- ---- _ - _-..._ -. wast be wn dd entreat her to interest lienar +affairs amused him Nuutewhat. str)of for a tlrar eloeP to tiro very just Duma to the Fr lu kmw•ledge I- —,___ill,-Lltetgyy HuAget. "No,' also said, Shrinking a I1Ltle •,Art) a1 not av ed T" he sneaeof the rounder. 1'itLburg, where Fronk N'uh+rexlaow- Weight of Nbales. herself fur a •'Capital fellow• he frutp Ills excitement- "I know that J u[aa skr Iw begun suit against JCaeiAl k«rw, who ail 1 sh', coul.i by a word J tf1Fd La depend Upon Inherit: asked, perhaps for a rennin eitlll mots rash "' fret him a oertnln up,pr anSmfrnt for Inq dint ell M sSrmDgf+ly to m7 ISL, of hU own, poerha{p Duly wpterdliauw "In a very uncrowdsll nolutry piurnatuclaa, intact of Vita girt a for . Lee common aOreenlnn,l f wthhaale Tia Ill. trhleb he had n talo at sad it wish, and 1 dtould Ilk@ to (ks w little to• Iy turulaR +aside the other subject. toW n.' oAnclp(ted lir• H lighten. with the rnwt of the jefe18adant rTl a pplaln- 1 sort, the eao'oglyt, estimates the to F iw4vtm w the men In offlce weld Ire ward ranking title up t • )'w ; only I ''Nut until tcralght." reaju!ned Cap- great•: emphmSls. P (�. C }tl('fl.\P'" • CO.t Rliad muwgh to Inv" the c>[rpxtun lulu Treat, With (viama•iota prl le. "i •'Klobury?" inquirel lila listener. tiff asks for fj10.U1)0 t4tmtagre, allegltlq 7 grown nntmAl to avprnR" 1(N) amu, fly of otighng her. l% proud or (kr went niane of thin money which I sir "'•1.01)0 fowiodp. Th•it i+ to wtY, h•dd In treat to be waste}, or, above am going to $snort Hortor to `fir d'hillp is Anlhlmtli tv one Dinah P rnr emliut, proposals marriagge the fanW r tubw•- hanilpaon 7iriartlAl aurwP of eml InrrD n whale wwlith+ a• mn:h as nLs,nt it, Lane. Then wht`tl - very firmly, all, ulsfvl tax evil purpow3f. No you 'corueraun'r." p P eAtuwd by a sudden rtraln. I hAvm though Algnys kindly - She would a11, us d fo Ievil p. wiry 1 w o yet "W hie it likely to tors them it smile which certainly Lawrence gaeutl. rehuef to allow iliac wnidlry[ t without "(fort, r►ttht} PA)mean n or ilN) bParg. Ot refuse All help that war not "Oh, ereryDod I au Dein." Hanghten ntndd snot yntterrLand. to take place. nal the plxlntltf rays lose used every remf(,r (oura•e wine rum IarRor than tA., L, take this time N think it ear- Y• PL for tate until 1 got n sample Iritic of Ml�' There are tab" among uW whalers ,,f for himself alone, he, reliear n"stly over. f waald'Duk lit@ yaU •'I remember," reel l tawwn^ wily "Yu,, iD RlnMary ,' rPpsratef the a rat to d\ulrwe(Moty ky lriliaa hatiwo sit ARD'fi LINIMENT. The, twnetlt 1 wlrt:eA 110 tort loge tt nA weighing wt Hing ht$ reason. would bosrrow to t&k6 yids pot and then re&ctit, n wetl-asmumNl Indifference,'•thatJ<l- InwrPc • GaM•IPI .th-la ten wont, I kafat 13(1 foto+, hot ruck are snit for himaeJf some ram, "Jtur[ Daly [or • sad I would rsrt likes you W refuse it low Keith, who camp to Kinbury fur bear, aWtylDt dnrinK ih'` latter Dto«thy Bimetal ftp b : T ptnnt Of age urN1 a rn•Pive1 fmm it catre(1 m" to roll' to Lw srn Da Where elta,rr. A TO fo t few days, Hoaar." At taother time of tar Jeer '71 as the Itoy+al IlotAl in taint miner b} ocupuntion. l'smplln Har- Vinic Ills tte$e, and noun I nm happy now and efG normal feel IL b•ronA taw mtwotfnR two esepttemlterw age, D:,tov Ills daURhter of tine tffYPwlnut W rnr my linin U cumplpt Ply re wMnfr lea trig one now. Ettlll it mAv be weglrt tease her to allow hLin to Your reach It Muer %boughto should war very great tat the cantle. He will Kin'trange," mesal TtoY n, slowly nn'i whine hADd the pir laGft re•kot. t+ swred Rtce s,tahP Iden ,o( wsat mornntene are introduce these frierofe d bin, until pillow. to trweml •r, 7(u lac*' the be there tai-uiRht, 1 aupposs , but 18 }'eurr Of acre. 5tw licfw with hnr Olamb, Ont. lt. R'. H:\itRI9OV. ocvrubmlly kRM1 wl•sp wp mention she would turn upon him with her time of TIhouldura's stay to maks "lure to be it he Is tar London;' ral4ift his clear Sud Nut fitful oy"rle parents. On .lotxiar, FPD. 19ta,v a Il- tJarat n toil of utl haw to•.wt pxtrnctel old spirit sad tell Qian thea their tD- y(wr eta,lts 1 @stall nub lieu Ytru thea wnlA Herrn}, neatly Inditfereult tat '•(or I was mYaelf stnytnlf at tat pease waw lasted for th, marriage tit fmm the• tarsgue alosie of n singe fluen(x Lower him was quite enough to e, much -do not Int;r+rrulat nae, pleas• prempnt upon the subject. •"1110 is tat- M"Al Hotel i. FaJ+fbuty 'N=.111at thy-coupiP. T9e Inti er of the girl www ----___ . _.__- hats. a, w prove their worth:es@ness. But Her- _but If ou continue titin horrible ways ankal everywhere, sn they any." very time." t soil gate his anlrtnt. The wry, impervious to all bar hin!a, uu1t11ng,Yas i sold, I will ni.t see bury, what they mal Ly Repetnlly a AD Inezplicfibl0 ntd Ominnuib prtsan =Llff says the welding hem riot Yet Proteetfag Bron ISaaks. Mlslanl's Llnlreetati ItirM gpbtbfMa tmwaried her day after day wilth the fa u at alt. if Yea (do nut. Hprvoy, Ile." lit. Hasghtoa'n case Intent and taakean place, and on Fat). 26th the ta- Tee and shrub planting along the old story; and still, in bar good -nal- ca t ther absolutely rehu"t1 to permit hili t'ost of tbe.fllpy dYsteha. we are told friends still, and title le a p lila Trent acokef tamloafshed lsto wstclltul. ➢[r. Ke1Th'r gUtwle se R a,)a stns (aril tspirrom. It froI'Alle NDg inti koro, she met it lie a Jast be- Im,m'! for you In lelwure tours. Atthe ala cotrtln'm face. Hos couht not undet� w RtLlc gaisafcal. TIO wMrin N IcI tighter to marry the Plrabntlff. Rp11 $s,nd W In pntRrn+a. lits is btate bPeU Foreign roontrles Spend RnarafNn@ cause she wished to save hie �rom end cif two MOUthu bring tots ymir titan) the a . and vladlrtiae tonna, O[ t� maD fiofor@ him waH read, V. � the da�nnt was ftcetd at KW. 1otnulolnhwgaboutnine wiles of water- homy on rermt sPrv4a. FtanrP anti what be migb tlr templed to seek. Clhukx', and It aholl bu ill right sit Vita ihough he did not associate them with as B am the jealous, Pns'b than he, 1i'sv sit taw canuI proper and along the ha•yia have Agents overywhere, and She was thus tbinkistg of him, with &bat he htmeott pad BUM either of pates which ttlrr>d it'in intrrrt. Beware of ointments tot Catarrh tlmt whole length of the Sweetwater Canal. tJtere are wort few SecreN sit nap fou nk." Fboelx'w letter ■till id her band. ••()h, liclssr! hsw good yant are to Honor or lir. Keith. Therefore. In lite named ng Te. I, a one p otrukl t _ When he came Into her presence ins are l' he, 0ried1 again; 'and mty I tlruarfv oompintlernt drawl leo en- nothlirR Myo- 1 the one hrsmll;at Contain Mercury, a`n1aeR t�ytL. nivP off the bankreed- IL im. onfortnnat@lya thwL casPwthwt a atve as pearl ttorAwring Otl PIC+I P.- ictal'• he o Yat Lo 111 h T Iaarge,t Ups.& what h+tad already sold, fact, that hill own Motivwa anti rirm: ssn,ercary will Purely destroy the •ens*' of meat u he coU�d reach. Honor glaooed lou, Isww tea mr rresrppthtng of Sud Rn To 11th. Haughton n grapWr If were` compxPMn'w:l fully and rnHrelY`, tm•Htred rompletmly deren` a the whole Py (tt'w cnUrrel by past ,q sailor by fast trwre are men wl lingsto (betray their up and smied. He had nett LrePD near Bm6 @hhrely Lllr• fn^t he haul just Af- Lem whenenterinrit throatghihe murooraur tt ge�ttka o1 the YWieet�water-Conal I country -for a consideration. Thr KlnlurY and Bta ttoo. f}ervey ; Users wriptlrsn of the spirit In whlc•h itrty- aee,t . urh art icl- Phout tae' er be meed •N - her for two dsis, and alto fancied 1 will give yon my news. Did vou go den Keith was rre-I.c,i Into aoelnty; firmed roast stir„Ch's min to tae very pt on ore trrlptfon.fro,urrp"lwble phyleimen danzatlomr of shrubbrsy have been gum spent tk RUam4a on wat(ret Nor 1"ha. 'bat be wan al lu: L{;ilii- to r'r anP w A21<rutetuoof T 11 ,t only as far as he. h'mw,if kin d leen @0'-1 Co••11 hent' tip% to k'•P aP TINY the ,ltaannass” they waif do to ten t0M to Lhr f A rystrm of irrlgatlon las vbw does riot fall abort of L750.fX)n _.-- ""P"_... horn. Host lel! gitei-- -M.fM dlspal.ed - <IP•`.:pllen after t �-- ::. -__ You corn poralbiy derlr al by them Mall's nee wt. Crrtainiy. It le as0 tiling- mfalr iq otrNssa=lfG let also an tar taw _ y nrh Cure, tnAnufactured by F. J. Cheesy been oTganlretl for ttar7lr pfnntntbnA, sanasllr. OereshrY and Fra firs Parti--- �•_ this fancy, Ilifkerrw it w111 bYrbeaetl:W Pimoe• - ,r perhailr s"little further titan -he Waiting to-1,1►W[ala'w NN> g .,Toledo.O.. contains uo memory..it I• tale wager Coming from the \l'e by speela olow, eo to V,00.100- Italy ` "1 bare been awn Tof tv►tr da fti ., - talnoI a markA I loaM Tile. As thO eeta4r Pactacaiert wheal ties chip Dearly LZ rOJJLi[i Affil AOek�a _ghat__ J J rx rn UtaR it y. iTut Ileitis, stat Mhd hoaM fmm th^ other inert. taken lrterm813 aellog ditet•tetoa the Dhr.d Honor," he said, "and I declare it wonilerrul Impro vem"Ilts th,,r(• are "I supixxw," rontlnul,l HerceY, Ybt wn rt 1.1 tr would n. nrh tar om able *m HAM'S roue an Cue be sal -Lyrae. the g,rng aAems • pro r. They trent fur me to Ih$tl,,lp •rNMnt ed Vire theliac : 1 occas line nlr$trvnnt d tins rifcet of his wonis: an 1 hr• waulA rot err Ills But I►nlcr"'P 'roe t'atanh Cu ey it re you g.•t tee s(res. far h wan -on l ry pr.oluat ig u1W W � the rams. Deer rove to &The a about int ilii- wools mhorsid Are k ft. Bat ROrdpn Ise. d\i•ukeulntcrnallyandulwdelnTolydo, far lav°w b•ttra ver infra Me daagk/Nt ham Improved as g g snCh comfort ble eottngew in my '•thpre la no fellow who la constdered hml PclAprtlY nu IaLstL'o•r of ltr+ak- ohl", by F. J. chancy a lo. TePttr,onlsL tree ung a hotsfe far them. They lire eom- lite and f:llelh thea• almah ousem for at go tyi pant• thht sCA/art. Th"J nm gold b DrosnlPt,,, price Tr per bottle. Miller's (drip powders Cure. I much thft Joon w(nild Scarcely know ing for a couple of Motrtba lit L a tau. Kintwry p Dor, and that one loo , wealthier, T know, stili men of high- lag tt. _ . - _ _. HaU's t y [til+aro the beet. her_ M111etr lbm{oond Into PHN `Yes." remarke'i T.rwraro'». hnirTelf -- - -_.-- -_" i — _ great bore. ,But that is nut what I pietty building rat away In thA pa els birth, ilii efrhTrC: hat taking ft nl- ___ --�_ came to say. I find as vItatioD from 1 rooty b4leve Ramer made a food of t,Wther there Ie no tone who enn rival wnitav'1 ss dMIR lir he tmtld wffon► t0 A■ Old FwAhfos. N@Nraty lillrrl'e dfA K. _ i.ody 8omeraan for li-aight, slid I ane when w; told me what taint le• He Keith with match mrtklng mothers welt iD *'sin. '•Jon ware ry 'Fit at stn sl this toes abt ? melt Pat- tle Htghbow rs. How gr'et ally I Jae:; an i 1s Ire Water. f want to kuow lj yaw are going• •ahl Wt you wwhd have iL full of and wDookwl trio. An usual. Captain tile, . In It hetet in millet is at land thing n shirt wA1+L? Men hear attb Mov ts, Mn. fiHmaou 7 Rwllly pn 18Er5 an Inrfiwrtier ltady asknt `a HOooy," etarvel tM IIArd-eeriest I.oruhtn pro- ly a wM Ili ao pUrry, s0 LawrapCc time. L Itgdd thwt knowtntr thh, and t7een dolDg tIlir Pvrr .intra LQP delay a ma11•I yctath. I Mrs. (da-lotune 110w her hn+Mrn l oras 8 ^1'es; •Qe b m] oki t frlepd, 7w p!e;- teat whar }w sew tlsrP who for mnsom_of hb uwD. elect@d to SNR Unaware of any other stranger ereatnrm' n to wear rhtri waletw \CIIIM )+Ilmerwt-R'PI1. rttoWter told �Ar•ng u1, un IPr the many vPhrm••nt -_- wnjnurninir thlte, ta4 I4"ala rn_rn"lot aald the ha tit likely G. coutinne. nae twL to may anything t. rmtr rrarr know." wined calf �thaY her" awake to "TIT a nd-tires' f» 1tinR minutes Ytfal[ be .&_ a u,rdp ff him. " 1 ,k. not L:, nk "I thought you wtrod. How many d&v witteat ILS work and want. you Ing tco and fro With him. to m' mi rN1 the nits Of w►to+an wPflee If ski embnt rig ulil liv) gaffe lf&xh- her w,h11e i was here, and 1 h August I � ` rnatrL .n I[m;rl ter them," rn- (Ltnaorr will .0 rromifie met" wonkt:send SMm thenen. He m.A.I there there } rel with taw., min whrrPP taw whist it ietl Would q„ out of tArh ,bararl o; en my m atia.-The Augrut ; pl:p't Mrs. (;la(lsttnp• "fur 1 lipar y. { •'i had so Idq&. You were 'in town." {"'4 - — "One, nr nual." woalit be a hoty,kheper. and @ervmn►a Hervo had meld sifter his ratheras Pr there I Pat.?" lea bat It le n st ao snare that the 4rUart tart. _ Ilio, etrry nN.rning aiuRlnR in Lf+ "'17bn I rannc.t qo. It le bAtrtul to suet flowrer. and Bartter. and every 7 pb,ve hien ter, hartiry follow fort. Be dfstlaa If rmbtacirtR w(w111f cwer+e f► shirt wnlHlw M:a&rd Lioimehi (ores Gargat kt Cwu ." "HP 'a IikP « kP• tlr. taro.' rw t tonlHbed greeting. Jou - &enn plosaw fn con"ration for my ont of a wlp. Hunan nature -- P,l the lady. "•chicle aingn tvh,•n ata ItURhveif at frx Jp.tthaq nipped thlrlg [tar *awry grrarDO. and I did not IC@cdngtimT' i I ro whwn0ver i Aa•k per." Fe:Ievw IL. Hatter. ?\a" returned Leawlwnce, eery IRrto*alhee of this top dr. with wh6sc to wggsr than [eihkxu+.-Rmrkvllla C�`re `ull'rf hat wfltPr'-u rwturtswh r -- "Then why do yon ask me,?" "You $aught always to balistrayour stliny. "our do I know that I shall pre�e•+P M� JM COpnr•ct mins'}" Seeordet: Ifow to Crra •Cold. heNgh iV mfly not Anve pr Pr tI taw 7 '•with tbtat of f w1nIPT 7dYiR[lTliilf __._----_-- "Rtonnmor t rmnnot help it when I clergyman," a L:O •iiiotwt', whits the ger I bare come Lo town on buslnPge The wor.Ss, eHPeb►ll,y the last two. Miller's Aorm (tars carr all First tGop Prting. TIP lsywtrro U wife ed the prpml"r, prnMhlr Apr nm Amor YOU. Rut i mapp,ma i can odor laded (which had rite& at 6b word yew clo not understand.,, overhreded wl•h impuritdr•r nod they paled to her sense of humor. help It wan i veW,y taw« y, r. i w111 wordst a oro yuineefT" Inquired Her wPre nttor"d with nansunl dlatlnrF ailments nt children like 1Ng10 mtsPt be ellminatect. Fast until theme with the other Yellows." 'rhos► what L air lees•. Hortor r' 4- aeras: LnWreDreft, though ro-teMons of {o,ImtmA can ire dlmp,yer) of In +t natural Gratitude b the falreit M,rr,s J wry languMly,,.e ;; ,r tuitiertrlDR in.hts"own .hafMs Llhs ,flnsil He Couldn't 9PP the IIN. *'Dancer. Take Mang walks, drawing In whish springs froin the ssnl.- MII"'4 "IN hal link^] II(onor, gravely. "You bays roue, tiatsbed• Never atrtl marrlmRpnbae danghters. He is _ poll-nrh, yuu wool t nut nmfermt n l." iniad . I Abair bear mote tCi•day. (� attracNvP. they Day, in n huntlmd v@ for chr+ektnRt4 Ah1 Doi P)lj�)J yldnlght I'hl4twctPhy•- tl . Agdlle� many t s p, [all Drmthr, Teniae every you hR wt hhh lhfPntUtrnn on Iltkrilt 1 m Iswr Q slot area IwrRlsrS ci(rwn II �s tjrtrD inn, err goo knaral t ►d pworyr Irtrt ____ _ _. "I 4) umteratami," Alta maid, and F,•:r -a ad this is m7 saws; Harvey - ww booldnaa IwIl witLlthy, and of Ckitn sluice wan tun nit mndnraea. , •• I hoer t!htYeba tseae�[elsiiye wkL aw'tor q Itrlritkrrl tIe to nndeninhh hang• A WONDfRFl1L CURE FOR •tail tale ullrlt growing nlo)n ife atwayw". . ToTrurely a manner. down and sae.^ rat the body thoroughly tIed b7 some -for thirsts` who like thAt •tyle.'• ••rontakel .rrddefton'r' Rny(len rem Mr. &Iuiur tPlmpH,I name! this nrrwlelatM circtllwtfrw• BAtlw at gICK HEADACHE Ffortey. I lave wren it from the very "For •Iwa1&P' eob"v.L Captain e,oclUeleol Hveryey, ro[tly tolling hl@ pasawh the name hilly, stoop Ing Ills 4OVhlr tmtt a rat. lesilt once a day. robbing the rur/n(vr first, arnt T tve11 y,rr plainly now, nm I Treat, with • p'aarYhg' glance, which fair moartache; •'nod he fs ria veer, 1 honrl the wbi;o to pick up' a 1-ttr- lin. 8. -Hark : Th -re! I kno there of LMr bony briskly &11 over for five i lace tried G. mnka you uniterstnnit plrrror did not even gse. Whet oD Imprpose-people sal sal. sL ane rote- which hw l fmllen tin Vita rn '•!!'a0 are IwrRlarm ,krwnstalrs. The most won4orfW erbcts prod oryd M trt•.rr that yuu mast "Ithar gine Up earth etD itldttae bon v(iuntarily to and Ile w'slns tap tri all meal alar- car Gn minntPs. After ro sr1nR fntrn,twu KIDD'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS J he atrcinsc in Kinbury .iurinq port Mr, g, (nervouNlv)-RP11-tr- Yo1 to three mf*Um. if a ravearous appttlte that trmbit of Play, err You moat lease I.a.wr mm- bughttidl�lisme f �e1 #es { •eMd a frsat. 4asil• f4tttprrrt+er, lMfobey owl r Itrsrw thay ars, there thou Lt' gee tw ac uired It i@.:d anur..i-Aomlra 0 up owning here." She will Drente to the baU, I rappDsoTr 1Yhwterer it 1s,"ntwoiM HarwPy, with(' +•• q awIle. nick renew I Rolo••n . r shim f ca aawt help it." mall HPrve! _ -Ian_. Sided._ e t coli veil' 1 n anceto• M-1971 . going down to find *'rat to itnt•tlgt thin npprrtltP, but Is mr Desna der.oasn +ro its pevJw• s: all rn ala I -0i-.tbasubiCt'. •.1� y{Hr..w`^`a• we► win awaot " _�_ ------ - norm. [lintel tlo CIIL'uID(LsuOH ehOUTA _ awn sr.d KMne1 TmnWa Ilia ptsoea tbsmo al rrhoorflly. "T nm s' mise rnbl" nfwnya acet"1, as rte �I?c�L, gt +. gree is Certainly as much thrntght ref and "feline you aware o[ it at i bw time P I tined to ble oontfooa ly • the mtomnrla M gorged and thew foods haaa or all medtrtnw never. Yol will not liguin U, 1110, rural me, more tbasi one [ionise." � mer after. only of worse In a dif- A well-Mtller'a (,bin• which rare unwholesome, or Gat rramilre- T6 Pails o . . L u center st art hrnsctsts. els t pentole afwaym taunt me fur fallowing "f yin not think:' abe amid quietly, sRht "1 feet Mr. Reot tr is even ChM," I ss air m ttD _ -- �aHeel by M. F. ERY. Port. Itlgln, oat. nrw everywhere tri nu purpose, rind '•that I Mall Bence at all, ezoep: iOront sot asLlrnhor 1@; srsi really It relurolvi Mr. HAdRblcno i thating his POM1A Iron t?Illr did it. rtety c, m lttrstn• shoats se a•oldte- & yrmt nilly IAugh tat Dze' wad wtrnt ran tfamt om donne with you. If I d0. a• T were not fi ttrlallwgwl p0rmrm In that r.omperrioa's meDDer, Row that 6e,. iPl' Ufetvtic And HvgiPoM tiasPttP. 4 I der bly aimurro mlr straw oiler what only be be ith y u. It a some 'laarter. T:iwrenem. 1 shou6l never gpt it www his tare to cry check ; " but my Nesteat` Flub. TAILO a• GU2' re a moor. ;tear Honor, an much In request lerhe roofs thea were not w, strong And Many fish can pteduoe musical SQllpr'S Worm Powder+ cure fits IN Wa� T" old frienA may chance to be there D }} 1IR,1pa." r.(Irr:Uwive • the ars now; m[re1nM. Tae trlgia ran eral'Irn long- ehllAren. tl'TTERit-TAIhORB- ICE. Stere MR "`er7 well;' mold Honor, with n •rut to ask me. Come in and dine with 1 y IYFitsore rook: alone'■ -P, pro{.,,rtlena,e quies Hoorn In tier grsve trollop, "Go. i nwrpn-P omllorl a little grimly. HP "Ma. I inquire if they are sickle (irnwa note• ranging over nearly nit Plrs and P@ash salad. awl and cent system: writ'ter Ielwraaat" a• at eight. Phnpbs will bi gl a to wale not n man to be taken In by H"r- J prtnv'e. Others• notably two species of Qnl}, In Ltha kls$tre Moon bwtWeen mre yea. Sbw •rnvPo PaFly in aIle o-- strong end etoulm. fac nowfv Iwo.•'+ t autos Lacbool, 1M L NallP lits+•- ` your gramme, do not come here" terenes• Now, goo l fair I ant grr ♦Pons nrr tont lltttoel a nth knew Mr. yl."At toe's hes darteoeA per- atlas, era. ante nrw Ori-pMMAII nR uPPTIr- A pinus n, t pooch entad Ili a enll or Che. roto. i� Tlunor for trio wet is iha$vt Law ImAn- tlptib:y: Thea gnmstien taw+isr( his ory ntau, CrtorbtlaR of Aman uwtahlP one Mryrsa(`t l0 6 ianahNrtn, Or PVPD far - -- ---- - -- — � - "I nev-ft• o further Llwn n Rr'TI' ing to gnat • d'reaS for her." nntton ; taut the very knowledge whl: h wawk, polst, the attempt to otreagth- bone+, which can tw maul" tO sodic• ;r`" ttemnn elrew�d, Horror," said Captain MAY I not cisme r' rPvrntnt nap trsr ref ('npiafn TrPvrt + P a stfor mu The mr w ryrg piurnn are FRUIT FdRl FOO SAL - -ts Trent, ►ta•My gran{Anq tat taws g(oai Certainly not." • - P en Wil ch Po1Et bZ4 employed him and a Ahanp rattle. Tiw curhds "drfuo- host for sora n porprtrw To n storm i�, Trnlrta with carat had at tier Down "TSMC whet n." 1 Rn dos, for i said merle him reel all the mom what lfer- herd back this information i"r nine mWg" marts by the rapPrien call- p:umM aye half n ,' )zen peachpn. flare aPh'.` ►uM trtmnK nrRtimlmrt. "Yat do not vr'y hn,1 toil] him of Roylipa. find matte moratHt.�ba. oil umbrivas cad lie beats from a them and arrange titan In n Rlaee Ii 1 ctame lark I Wold RO " hl. jwtlrnhmv more keen mid bitter In soMgy I not yob" repeatal R,,Y len (tepth or twenty fatthoms. dirt to altertwte Iwyera, a inkli One d flan hr,est r the NIryw n Penitwo et care+ G• ser+ mo, You know you du rroL," "WhAt al weak land helplere prom that comprerfxrD betwa+n fTorsor arM eom dl "it ear evidence now is pr nR ways. 1 In melee from Hich 6. in. ru sore rad "" M taAdeA al oft •pl "elms i would wrte�eA eu tar ttPt ween. They wwy■- tT0 ►rroa, to •tt of fr Mln troy, m,+arlr pl 7, Ise r" avid Honer wnAla. 'Then rums >fr Felth. P� y, Y Minard's LlD te (soca Distemper. pr' R pew� hes. 11000teakntPnfrrnn rrwt'y[ParnP., q dO nnythtng W Wln Your good opin- with me. (:o unit tell lfari0 the lot ,•Therr'N nnnth0r mot LPr watch rnlrlr qu,te strong and oono:eaive ►' imeP whoUlel To` pinertl oo Ice for halt nn innf�hr thin PewPera. ta'111 he, ■oMl le ou to son pT! ion," Mt news from h"rde while JOta �re Lawrwer psi IhDger pnlvtita teJ over NnklnR the fM oft Of If. hoar hoarse Sprtrltthy. puroh•moom This be barsain. Aeldreas .1ti Wln Nsnt," said lienor gnhyt wnitlriq for me,." tO (:efth'a po,pninrtty harp,' Pnl.l iter- thr.sna•►or which wM Ilia aures for Hap ora( a Rmith, nasi ht raw well- JONATHAN CARPENTER iY, "Jou must fanww off tires -i will cep, thrntt h t nwrenee kin 1 htrrai checkmnte. 1'ou think } look mrse h tortfpr : /'.O. Nen COs tolnewa, stet `kr for tale time cls' and r0','ur,l ,m anti k. r l yet do ro roe with, not aaY• es yar d0. fir p y Plutrply nronnl, lir$ If th0 rnncrrratiOr "Yes,•• Mrd, nasi 1 f1r•I trttwr-Nlller'e ('Om- an mtlenaAN}'' Islas from tern Cation. Not- lr Ir,ve' hos.! hr•eomp trrtlotlo; "thnt b the rnr •'Tarn I s6 you had tdr) me a. Saa'd think, and yet the grwuetmm ail potmd Iron PI11w did It. WANTED. !,' treat nowt nntnanly-pnrsultw." for her heart, with fill its wnrnatli Thema t,wm Iw ralicof John 8mlth rent report tap tan Kron bt" Attrw un hl' tjla time. Iwahodd very much adv+ "And If irks T' of kindnnam. could hold no lr,t•P fur m,tatt- at wr"tie1Rh. i altar• any the Ekntt[1NmILh. Art and Realism. Aarnenlservsnt.forAsmailhmily. ("wit "If you do, we are friend• still and tale, vain, weak ecaumin• best with the liked to see him." -_ . egiri Addross lye VII -W namnrm tarp nm mash ptarry[erntPsl M Lawrence row fav fret Ira nu n aaven reelt•etabl r«, abs shall' Onn1m ns YOU tytve been Renerrwfty which was natirml G, her. / Miller's fibrin Powder are a won Actress rindlRtsanNy)-I'll tell you ynwarenaa moth, Hamilton, Ont. other romrtrr-bot they gn do -111 HP}s i)tsibunt of wrst�( whIrh, though lie dental medmine for eflmente (N CIlIIr1 rrtP thing' if you can't drlvle the mhro -_ .Seri to do." the wife pity for nil wrnknfvw and +" did not know iS *As ieaTpn@dheavily •'But 11aloo oca will be to town pre- the for fn to reclaim from Pin. yml atop, do Jon ren. ,int of thim apoirtrnMtt Ill move! it YOU WANT• OOOItpUewrite proal&. tR R TM, Mr. Hanghton declMally stopped with fear sit moat. t A oration art the pea ► .reme� PvenLIY," Sold Hervey, With n sigh of --- "What dram s, this mean, thin parry hnsulbtdy--.\h. fIsramA ant ye. In th" r Itis Onr. -- rnn.11ervon; •'And t am always sn (QTAPTER XXVIi. herr Fie ite d$ nq m CnPtAln TrSTM No one krica" whmt file can do until thalatre pots make helldlte to ibe the •11b0sl•Inerr�ol- Snook h tprrlMy brreeel wlMr I am Mit wife snelPta gnitP Mn4 rvnosgh, noel eytut of T" he askod, in hleateru. .� &*Ino In the nft"n colon of tlw fame Captale Trent himself wOnhl harp IN6 tea trios.-I'ubAfUe tdytng Malai o1 Orl"x$a mod n► Mme ypa•re oraltitilOrTniursthame gown. Brides---' hagh to •'7at make tUe speck uUt — -- mfrmid rat s mase!-Ilegge11a0o els WftITERt7 ART INw17T['TE. Idm•,0 doll day Boyden Keith arrival tat lain been rcatreel to a little anidwtyrtt ba whITe t t hlnt wean harp he's& gofflc ifiaetter. a BePlrlrr slat?" ai.0 l�N's'tr teat• hotel in •Jermyn surest. H^ halt ItFrm howl been afale to perceive the, thnrmfal hint f any otutt man. From your 1 ing tap with ntrl(len Wt. "Ar{r yuN wffds t M kiln wOfrls as r prepnrntMn ! Pit"'sAjrmi. N CUppttED 1t . i s IOW deriatt oam, if you catinut catch Minard's Liniment Curet Oolda, dif FITS fimnu. gnu Nsrwe }isstgrer. __ _. - for the vbdt LswreOce Haughton in- m Gabriel My(Wlten wino XtA'Y- ©� Ver or nenat■n«r Z "'. dad• - _- teDle(l to J• ' ' gat Save brut la Kl tbt-y wail.• on ass. nand to art Aral •feel _ n•1 �tP m:rot'r•a ) � Americans (:*'Pmt ('oJrPp 1)rlskMy N Ills. Pa four trwrlse And frwa Ser trial tai .�-. - reatayl prole J.A Harte, ITm Nose ilame•tr•ie . CflAFIN /� _ iinuituiiCen: w� ateia thanes 1r lieu la � lr�°�a. ����� � prerne" finnide a r. iron the t ripl looks um y i4ttrw than In way other ronin of tar _ --- -- Rnv'iers was wide law +k• ntrula wtYd aLrangor putt tap tiara inns Chale nnu,m• A surety , annual c'onnumptlOn twin oat far skeaM u find al'tww•ly n"Aw,ja all rmp car twq of nl!y Iran h i!ah•''L'N^w you anti Gnb �p R Jlt� v►fn0" BoMhs nyraP tit y from 4:0,000.Of)n rtr+Dnrf+, for wh!rh eXf16 illi r(Mfdrem •etatus.It•gsWM tthere letters which ht -1 rnntAlned rlel kfyild,litwt are one." American Imieortern &he I'M' settee" tis s nv •,{ role - n,mpthln mrve Imrortnnt thin In- Pwy about $90. w•eq R 1 fi0 hall Anl,1 it tat 1..tot. Tit,• ruNt,lr- alnless cure aadtsfdebeattle. I l .rDlarrhar T YitAthlfla. Ito Irlanr"A tap In Parr-ioe tea of nearly n year's meth hall P 01)11,(10(1 LO the grnwors. @TeoseYmboLtle. ' Exasperated by Summer N@e.. Become Intolerable Poe that Mr. TTntiRhtors personally (C Met Inn lin noes, song neither the -- w Awa 1 s rnn- T:Tl1In 1Pr 0 w!, . p" or nix Iin's I F7Riat'111tUr'RrtTtt1111 - -- .`� - . - Relief is Prompt and Cure Certain When with A ttrarts. e,"1 i lore nn f wnitell Pi ghat way funnel atm WRY to ROYden'f Mr .tr rinvightnn to rgoek. handwyme tarp. a few dlays. „,.. UnuIIIII~ raft net. ItUrpriard tomes Anil ori lave f now T" he Or. Chise's Ointment is Used. " J pTe1O —_ y.Y at;,4.,,,:. rr �i..c mp Mr Keith." pnestI,mel. fir he, torso and Inld ab ' Y QQ `' QQ s W , ---- t'prp rnrr1Y," mwl.l pGsyrMn, with rinRPrn rrn taw hamlte rsr taw tre•11. �nM'S PAINLESS -. _ - ----- . bin gnlpt 0,xrrtr@a. dor nnythtng ,•'1 hays. my proof _not►." retorted ! _ -- - __--- ----- _ e summer Is Ont., writes f h .. boon -troubled _ _ stir moray fNeY7 MDPT mttr rise mm Mr. T1tafYrhtrwt.' - P Lnwrerc" utnllcltlj "lig hp atcrot upon _}. • the floe d � mlrory frown char- for thirty years with salt rhefm. I '-when I saw ,-,At 1'.a', or rnther the tag trying to mbak+ ,rif kiln nrr � EXtractor lvob ALL LIU IS"RAT �t11. ___._�-..--- _- -&ami rpmadles and was "vo w$t d} P'o 7 rwel"wah bosh -of -latah nod aktitndr. " g 1nR nod dh ilfritAA;iMi - Primp (•cuff• twartn 1 iwdt rAllP,1 r ou.' rdatrmsd G' p1hymielnnw aft that time, but aft Ann ha nT nUre Intra LIP p - __-�._. tale ly �,gpre fret, earl• lsllrol to cure me. The dmntoTn sold j'nRrphrr, p R R (To. De CbetA[lundJ % ---001g- --- `- P P s"b)er•t. Aw If he ane how unnOrPrmwry /•+ TM _ M by porapitatlon while walking• there waw no cure hsr ns i 't nun tntrdstertlrxt wdAnbl Tve. "t mn,M {, rN i� baa t Golden Yellows 1L'rt \ vier MAers •offer from Itching mkln dig• hundreeh$ of ekdlAra trying to qpt re. 0 Ingnlri"$1, If yah r,rollert. They Speak IYI lhemsilves �'e asmm•. tams •d tyle" era R P&HP1r sash re Poswms, Scott rlwurD.. ale(, bot till in vain My son Drough ,wfrmtt yotiy prsslhl0 orwnlznnrp rat • Wart aeras, Tnrn•so'• is to reoi Cees •tae . "(`�" 11h•' w triol mom de, fo+c tat 1)r. (T • wart E•tr•rtnr sneer fall. t• remove roes fleas Thlm Stamp end afs�� e rash, or hives. 1 She &Ming Plie' of 0nl,rh•t Mvdd01 romptly, pinlPa+ly end .till obsolete car- ' PP,vrms wan hove Lrlpd Dr. ('haw's OfntM*nt. } fnnnd Rrooat Mlier, ad trrn,•' Ih,w,r F.A. tt This 1. to rertity LMt I �dery. IL t• tn• aAeN •od beat t•at,,d THE BEST and PUREST • ri (M et maettt tar Itrhing eK IrriLn Lv had the first night's rest in ywwrs, "T rwr++lltvrt It well." hwcP tarn) Fo1.wn'P Non1111M ter hsa$eatlsm, (Orn rnr• IA tn• mertpt, porety sptmbls Min are snthivednPt 1c In rei-ommpndd it atopplad the Itching ImmedtavtNy• Mr. Keith kin0 r0mmw'I Ilia rhmir, ant a'a' fnnnd it w ral"ab>r rems+dytnr mlltm to mulf-itisn. makes no sore epi•, 40P 2'i ?;' lrsg IL fa their IrlentL, bron CMP IS ODe trox enroll law, I'nhNah theft ,wt the fA metres hail —,.I—$ hs. •"tea^ lereasl pain, And wneir ire -fly --ommend it ley • Asn 1 four • .eek, lm* •bon• •11, � IO t1M Mefitet. taw Ii hs naw wn wArmatm/'+ Lea gtnml f0 she puhllr. N. T. $yen ry g.unetPM $o rnr• Peery Cls• K etfsq ' in the only prel+nralirn$ which at• tae" fn Muttering humAnKY nfesd•A. t� ilii lit stun h t0 fay41 Iptagt rPllrf Aad m{,epdity Mr. M. A. Smith, Rrrackwllle, On L. Int! aternIT On the rntt- L.rrev ('m m. Jan r Wn Ate nal In eke 27. tm'b la o r•rtd• r•encdy ant ass tat N W a W J 1 I "9'ner, then." he rrwttmeel In hl+ APMf of pnTng ryalPar mpAlrinwa, ant we, ran w•w• t" b• nIIPA upnw Nnrt then net [ mUCb GranUlattd gold to-da�. brings Allot a thorough roar t►fltvem : "i softened Man earm with not whilhold mfr te.11mnny as tw the great heandroil lshllnttose pro•P■ It■ vire. So An a molter of fa'•t• Ise ('hAae's eblSnng, fattening CDA Itching of Ills hnrrh. panbaRAt.p Gwen. "i have mp .tweet Nerwhlevana roster, for Pain. We __- _ h^ cr,•wr•nt haler dent M IndarPA en tet♦ •Aw et Mr, end '' astride", Ilam come to top ciao, tiered. etln. and never fotund Anythi g to dol elf olit.nim,rl n rine► for' t plwa•nro In •an+menAlrog It Wa no .1 beware of the article')list •s goal, bel ter,' °o tM aunAwrd pr•prratiOn hnr it hint am Or even Rive m0 ret M, ani wherrahnntm of-OI1 N MVAdrItrM'P twAI.. rwruedy -HRC. Na J. ALI.fV, I'lon TBE ST LIWROCE SUGAR REFIRERY. 0nd un tali anti trrny eta for had ►y Arogbn P. Nr , Mr tr la m t your I•U rest tA. dglet t III din AldPaar.w. And flow by far the tli i hoed Dr. ChArm'o (4nfalpnt. f miiWorpr." _--._-_- t •+Pinst Wks kt •Rena eab•tlinte ter 4 Ilirgwt snip nl tanp nlmllrr rympdY. trnalg advIwr' mil Anffprero, and $w 1 sight ofaatuM In the hwneYam'e, women make romp than one-third the r -1p Ps. offs Mrinrror bot eke 'itt 'T'ry It when the feet are rhnfed ally hMycie titters, to alwAya Amrk faPP cp!mamlt`-n rhanR' t+ ntr of nil the articles manufactured In A eprous sboatloffnr,•wnnbrfPusPMer ASS ,; y --- anti rasp with waltln�. Try if wAA ye IS hand" ort(eA, nasi aero lv) t•umr, lot our s11Rht FtwnrA, Potum'• Con ■aln,wr maks eo A•q _ _ file dkln M rhafe"f in lamed, RIll Ir• Dr. are'@ Olntm0nl Ilan nptpr ,Ipt LfanL l tawtswtr+' " tiMrth^TI t, nf•Prwnr!-mfrtrn tAt b. eo AAng•rn 14 The pale- rltwftd. Try It rnr ptegtlnr, block• to fall to ells" killed it ,vrt!d rtes fru @tire that bhw and •,lien u -Lalli I+r L, rTnl \, wh'$ lt'lltul 1w, tall ■leer•, PvnAsir•• nritA•r P•I• or Ala- •' Isdol hived, ameaomm. snit rhoulsl. he ih1Y Mmverty Rnarnnfmod to It. r . . ,, -t h a wit' an't ail nal man rl rotat.rt, AAA arta , ob-hiy tf la tM bps. ( . ll aeA evens tows or IthlnR skin Alg re pilo of fryeT7 farm fN1 nota w ^lrra n•pMt. me rork'sttitn M s" r Ike a•f.er, tM only onente.• rnr• ears, \H, t ,,ll r, t;1M., IMhg` fiat.• is 1",-n i k}Reg eel "1•utm•u'm", gee .s r•. 1t -limned (lilt YOU. at Lill dwiwre, tar Edmanson, mrtrkrat Itn•APyt c rile, "Is. hf vol tat "mmibt'd for. 2001. Ay rlt /raggtsts aN Iwbra • `'f' d� Newmr►rkN, 11NeN A One '�rmto lost srhNaal ,rrwar ofay'et. Of roars v lir. Jata 4 fir' r t , .^, aP`.^'y , . ( rt :. r.. e , - F• * a'? i" rt x e . e ' ,r '� { d , a ,('*.., ", '• r"•.,r c4 ' AJ"fr.% y.w+4f 7E4'frt°'*a:ir +v": i' ill o i.i ;x. _r... }�. '+. 1,.. i.. ,Nx qty 2r1 r"`«a t.`,r..yF r.., f-.7'.. 1, *u ; !; ! ' f , " sir, ,, �v ci llo ver. �., r A % . c'; /p1 ICM, '� ;;.a� .- n( .�� '... I `� a_ d ' r' , r rt / ,..,.a.,_-. ere ��.�" a�/ ` x ,. ..-^Rv..:,11s„; '' �; tsrr.r_,':sS.%.�Ma+ ;r,..: .. y.:�'.�R. .....,d'� a-....+:.�. � "4 ..rw..r�ai,trx....:..bl>h.,:.� -- -- ,.... _ .«. .._. _..- .._. ,.__.... _ r y4!t ,�.M,M''""t4Tr `r t w , _ M _ ., , . ..., K . +. at('.+ .. -x, ,,,. fi m.:.....r > - oa,"' +P <..-n . .°._ . t,,,,.Y, •tom '-ar<. •'� R1'' " -- rr .•me silk a a