HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-9-6, Page 5I V's W. Acheson & Son i itFiShlmllY F91 DR8 Flifil ta'MatrM1 ` All who know the advantage of an early choice—a first choice, if pose Me—will be interested in the announcement that we are in pow- sessf-n of many of our first shiprhents of Fall Goods. You are welcome to inspect and to inquire. Find out about the at- , new Drem materials and Autumn Coats. NEW BROADCLOTHS,4't''" NEW TWEED SUITINGS I 1� NEW HOMESPUNS, u NEW HENRIETTAS, rpt NEW PRIESTLEY'S GOODS. geFt4t: iF5 t Gavots, Emoloms and 0H Clols.L�,�(Entire Second Floor) ' On s ire Fall import justop�fled in stock. One of the largest and rUMA Parpet departments West of Toronto. On W. Acheson& Son b6i THE SIGNAL " GODERICH ONTARIO. u. N. w. Iebg o department Is well of living Is the oottatry, "An Anseriean e -rt' ' and tolsmreme are ...b to ON Mothey" writes on "Is a COUNAe Ndsoattan para of tbe world with dsspstah. The the Best fur Our (larbY' and Kdw•rd B 01Bw been for Makets sad Nloaroph eer•sue R.weco plate out the barmlal etlooks of are from 6:16 A.M. M 10 P.M. Mr. lww " twtting Criddreo Kart In 5amto.r.' The ranee bon been to she express ba.laaes for ezperleoose of " A Missionary in the Greet Dearly forty years, having W a low ex West" are consioned Ia the July Joarolt. parlance an *x prem meneswer on the Buffalo The fiction features are "The St nay she Do- wd Godmloh Imes, sand naturally be knows we Told" and "The Vetoe to the Oheir " T( the business from nap to bottom The coo Amerloou Ut-1 at Her Sparta," by H. C fidenoe of the Canadian Kxprese Uo and of Ubrlsty, la shows in a page drawing. Time the puWio to his ability w9 truetwarth-neY ly arttel" on every br.noh of ►ems making is amply @flown by his long period of ser and ■wml features for the sab•rwisment vlos. 1'he office •Nell to commodious, one of children make the July Journal •ontraob- venlsotly plumed sod handsomely tarnished two nod helpful, on well Y IatormUoq aced aad is a credit be the town.•strwtivo. Curtis Publlehisq Companys "TRtNk Now AND Aor."-The BrusselsPbllWelplais. Ose dollar a year; ten Banks Pmt In a friendly spirit gives our towns. • copy. poo to Dame adv foe whlob is worth some CATTLE BROS.. attr*1* ttaa ARK NlTway■tata:X- h� Retiring A From r, Business ir hard thinking. Oat contemporary save : It ma s" she work!. COUNTY CURRENCY. Institute staff. 36"04 by the resign •bion of r log their town Ya summ-- resort and while Yr. Robertson, has been filled by Mr..1. L. " BIy1h : John 1>•nhelm shipped a oar of Hogg. Heb well and favorably known Iv this fI Everything in their WM hay M Paterson, New Jersey, lost weak. community and comes highly recommended for sale. Brussels: A0ot6lyr weak or so toll/ about No a sob°Iar and teacher. IN his University y golden expeetatlom• soon pea •wey Than are few places so highly favored by nature wind up the grauolibblo sidewalk building coarse he distinguished himself by carrying ne the old county tows and It could be For coughs, colds, asthma, BrDu h. p' y to this 00"00 in Brussels. Over $4 (100 off the gold medal In mathematics. fever, hoesle ness and whooping cough it is the If eat, surest curb in the world. worth hon base put down this year, Crunbrook : Saturday, Aug. 25th,pn war t? Iirws•l& : Alonzo Haldenby, • fotmeY dleoovered to the dwelling` of Oeurge Spar. itnr,urd before satisfaction or refunds money. Imrge vestden{ of Nromele, who bas been IN it waesubdeed the front part bottles 5(io. and $1.00. Trial bottles p".oe Albert, N. W. T, tar the put of the bulldina wait rather demorallyd. free, twelve years, was renewing old friondshl•rs By hard work the kitchen was sa•d There in said Lo be an loanranco of to this locality Inez weak. Hly►h : harry tad Wei. Kelly, who are Fire to said to have baso caused by a spark Allen Jeckell, of Ueborns, • formes ekes-~�" located Wider. on the roof Mr. Sporting will IHtely to - dent of (ioderloh Collegiate loetituts, left at Louisiana, sellers they build at once. ` font week fur the Northwest, where he will eateSet the killing profession, are cooduotiog • large lumbering business, areas present spending a mouth with old Sealortb : Y. Irwtc, son of Uecr win, � �. Ef friends in this neighborhood. of the,Horos road, Hulletr, was here If* P Seafortk : Mr. Mow•{, head muter of costly visihbg friends Mr. Irwin has has lot onewai years talent of lire Pen 11ar - the 8oatsrth Collegiate institute, with his ,tuetN 1! - L--- at I)eokers•tlle, Michigan. Joinhave come to tows He will occupy Mr. Clarkson's Hs bas is responsible and lucrative sltue- residence as soon as that t• n there. He oommeoced his career "a gentleman removes to Toronto. telegraph oporstrr in Seaforth and bon s (!Itaboa : Wes Hsly•r, daughter of C •a. made good use of hie opportunities nem. Helysr. or , returned to Toronto Iasi. w., k C Juice : Mrs Samuel Copp, formerly of to resume her dutles is ons of bh• depart Lown, but late of St. Thomas, Dotoa, ' "moues of the Ryerson 0tioul, art. Patrick ray 1. town lest week. She looks well bat sliest, welch to the jerkiest ecb"I 1n the pay* that Yr. Copp bee not had Rud health City. m the West., and -he wishes they had Wriseal• J,mes M. Martin, en• of P. never left Clinton. At preee.,t they are Ato.nt's twsuiers, was toslAAug his *yon - "ppiog with their eon In Godenoh The lei with stubs at the nulf an urekt.y of last West to her opinion Is a Bo• plane 1"r some I( r7k when a lstar pile fell on blot breaking pace a, but it dos. not bilin to compere two or three tabs, ornahua his ohmt and wltb OAt•rle for comfort and health. k' alightly dams¢Isg his haski Hullott : James Snell, of Hayes Itsrtou Clinton : Alfred Barnhill, principal of Farm, I.tt on Tomday of last week for Berks Falls school, wait worried reosetly to Hnrsellsnllo, New York Sats, where he • MW J K. Stntbere, late of Uxbridge high will ask as Judge to the State fair there. *oboe[. Both ars former Clln{oeians, and He bee bad oanetderable experience in ■book their old friends will wish them all hsppl- matter@ and is well known on an importer Kate Incident w the ncoui.a. and brooder of Clydesdale horses, Durham i t'Itntw : The CI"reod•.o ho'nl hasoboe,' Battle, Lelo"ter •hoop and Berkshire also . t ed an bonds, J. C. Haller havkog acid out to Wing uonne°ted In this way Lad having ex - 3 lar McO° re, former[y of the Albion howl, ported to say to the States, he has bene con. Belleville Yr. Miller will will reside Is otdored one whose jalgmeot is worthy to i Clleeen, a" will re'aa his proprietorship be • judge a, this blot fair, r of taw itMer boom* at Rayfield. Bdbtt : Mrs Reynolds, mother of Jas w H,yth: Mrs. David Krwia, a former red. R;yeolds, of the fourth non., in lust passing 1� dent of B vile, died IN aha ha•pi hospital Maple tab bet oinsty alai h year, and u • wonder Rapids, Mlohle". o. Monlay. Aug 27th fully native &nit well prsear%ed woman fur from cancer. Dooessed war a water of Mn. one who bon earn so many winters She Hirano, of Btytb. end Mi.. Joh. Soa.dreW came to thisooaatry with her tate husband of Beigrave, and had been ill for the put sore Ixty years ago, and settled at once {bros yeate. os the farm art wbioh she has also* reeideA Clistern : Kill. (Antelos was driving home She was. to bar owl? days, a woman of with • food of eIH'rectntly, when the Dolt wonderful vigor, an 1 many a time walked Ie lbe doable tree broke jest on he reached toGderi°h and back to •eased diviss abs ten of •bill, a*uele• tM wagen b up eeI Tiw, ne borsm* were t ery source. Her gee. He had the misfortune to break about home war always one of beap.aflty, and o0 one baoAred dozen egga, but managed bo one m*)oyed the social gatherings of the *d aape unhurt biamwi. young more than the. A groat reader she Brw*ls : George Kdward. line placed • has never used glasses all bar life, while ben hearing and memory are as good as now onset fa bit cider mill and apple ever. To look at her ow would not thick hattor foots", Brussels, by which last I ■les none more than sewenty fin, sold we year's ospeolty for work has been doubled, sl.oerely cope she may enjoy at lude9nia Lod h i ls Dow ready to take care of two lane* of life cel. hundred barrels per dy He makes a specialty of apple batter and iwlliss. _ ll QUEBEC CONTEST. Seafesth : B A. $mlllw. an old Klppon boy, won is town a few date yo. Yr. Lsmbega hives out by Meld's KJAney satdll&, who won a most Successful school tesober, has abandoned the profession and is now studying medlcl.e Ia Aon Arbor tlosbge, Sept. 3. -Although 9,ashenIs Oollags, Mloblgan. H• I bans speadleg nal d "ahs Ulbnlar of America, ' anA well his holiday* at the old home In Klppea. deserves tbe name, It Is by no means Im- i pregnable against the ammulle of kidney die I '1'uckaremith: An Interesting event took else. Fonuostaly she Inhabtana hers an plea@ In art. .lama*' church, Hasferth, an I ally In Dedd's Kidney little that succeeds to Ts•day morning of last week, when Rev. driving the seamy out every time is gates Fattier Mo(Abe ;sited in this holy bonds an entry. of matren imy Mls• Malty Forte", eldest Some time ago Mr. John Bell, of No. 67 daughtor of Me Robert Fortuna, of Tooker Little Champlain at., was araobed by lure- smlth,and arc Pssrlok Owpenter, of Duluth. baso. He suffered for two years without Ra*lorth : Moab sympathy Is fall for eent0q relief from say of the mditim" be Mr. and Mn. Y. Broderick on account of ored Then he tried Dodd's Kidney Pill* the death of their youngest we, Frank, a and the first box he used helped him. He bright and attractive little boy of hwe wind only three boxes, and to now well and years. He was the light of the home and • strong to every way. favorite In the neighborhood. He died on _ -_ .,y Friday, 24th alt., after a few days' Iliame OF LOCAL INTEREST. '. Of brain fees. N t Grey: Friday, Aug. tweoby-fourth, Mary MR. BoTD'a APPRWAATION, S. J. A. Boyd, the well known Drinolpal of lbs I J., beloved wife d That. Cooper, ninth can., Mister school, to hie nab paved away from tins at the Daly age of n to adrens theing ..Mucloo to Toa $u+NAI. adds thins words : twenty dx ysare, seven months and eleht"u days. Hears failure to amesogoo with child. "Much has been said snag the hinh won She came* of deosone. The baby beauties of the old lar by the y was still born. lllyowed won a daughter of alts the lake, Date ore c arlypt the Hina abs plc more clearly than Txx SIGNAL." ph. Mr. Sl. Amour. T its I Brussels : Ularenee Blashdl, of Rnmlyl&, Tmm HIND "Bee" AGAIN NOtrINATaD.- who 1@ employed in the Rroadfoot t Bei furniture factory, fiookforth, while playing TheimaConservative* ve* of The Cooesnetivn of R'ssi Huron at their wish some ether boy* on Thursday evenly oo again rand Robs. Ma-ent[Aso In s Fri 01om far the Commons. 16th ale., had the misfortune to have b� eve badly hart, and for some Moto his fight OI her oos•leatioo* were Myer Jackson, of was despaired of, but wewe`RW M bear Clinton ; Raises Lockhart. of Rust Wawa cash ; David Qaabolon, of Clinton ; John {has he Is rwovertng, _ � , „ . od"fi lolw, Jobs oar. of undo ki, tin•n• Clinton: Tho other day, while Mn. W. U. Searle well sanding on a step -ladder, she ship ' r: Campton, [j' C., Y. O' Johnston, of (70daMob ; i)r. Teeneat, of Lseksew. Lod fell and out her now soeever•ly thab 11 was 1. K. Blisokall, V. S., of Clinton. All seoeseary to call to • device and saw up the declined the nomination except Mr. Mo - wound The same day a plank fell on Mr. bean. Dr. Sproule, M. P., was prae•0t Searla'a big too, while protected with so- Bud addressed the meeting ter over haat. an %bins but • pair of dippers, hurtle/ It= A Fins Orrieg.-F. F. i,awreo•e has tbas he nose tams for several days. ga a good stop in the moval of his �re Morris: J*Kela,M*116Modsughtor017. ticket, express and telegrach office to the Ma0a11, of Holvrned. Bence oo., did as the neutral location on the Kinan which it, now home of Yr. M"ll's parents, "veath lino, eooupta*. Mr. Lawrence Is the town tleket on Moeda night of lase week She had been far failed agent of the (hand Trunk K.ilway, Lnd p"orl j some time sod "way dm*plra 'If that could be deco. The mother perscno seeklog tlokets will find the; now office oenvenlent and will be table be tocareq died L ettert Mme W. The baby was Mi readily all Information regarding rootse. me61M and twenty seven days old. Mr. lwwrenos has the agency also for all Mafesth : The vacancy on the Celleglabe the first dam coo" steamship Imes The LOW SHOES AT LOW PRICES..... At this season of the year we f �) 1 ( f make as i#,]mark-down on Low Shoes. We want to show the peo- ple what c o o l and comfortable Shoes they can buy here for leas money than they would have to pay elsewhere. $tend new stock, anti every Shoe Perfectly Male. SCHOOL SHOES for the Boys and Oirls have arrived. Call and examine our stock and prices, whether you buy or not. Ila SFA. 1`110E. THE SIGNAL " GODERICH ONTARIO. u. N. w. Iebg o department Is well of living Is the oottatry, "An Anseriean e -rt' ' and tolsmreme are ...b to ON Mothey" writes on "Is a COUNAe Ndsoattan para of tbe world with dsspstah. The the Best fur Our (larbY' and Kdw•rd B 01Bw been for Makets sad Nloaroph eer•sue R.weco plate out the barmlal etlooks of are from 6:16 A.M. M 10 P.M. Mr. lww " twtting Criddreo Kart In 5amto.r.' The ranee bon been to she express ba.laaes for ezperleoose of " A Missionary in the Greet Dearly forty years, having W a low ex West" are consioned Ia the July Joarolt. parlance an *x prem meneswer on the Buffalo The fiction features are "The St nay she Do- wd Godmloh Imes, sand naturally be knows we Told" and "The Vetoe to the Oheir " T( the business from nap to bottom The coo Amerloou Ut-1 at Her Sparta," by H. C fidenoe of the Canadian Kxprese Uo and of Ubrlsty, la shows in a page drawing. Time the puWio to his ability w9 truetwarth-neY ly arttel" on every br.noh of ►ems making is amply @flown by his long period of ser and ■wml features for the sab•rwisment vlos. 1'he office •Nell to commodious, one of children make the July Journal •ontraob- venlsotly plumed sod handsomely tarnished two nod helpful, on well Y IatormUoq aced aad is a credit be the town.•strwtivo. Curtis Publlehisq Companys "TRtNk Now AND Aor."-The BrusselsPbllWelplais. Ose dollar a year; ten Banks Pmt In a friendly spirit gives our towns. • copy. poo to Dame adv foe whlob is worth some CATTLE BROS.. attr*1* ttaa ARK NlTway■tata:X- h� Retiring A From r, Business ir hard thinking. Oat contemporary save : It ma s" she work!. "Ooderloh takes periodical spells of boom- No discovery in medicine has ever „' ..r. , v2R' log their town Ya summ-- resort and while create• only quarter of the ezottomeat " ander the @poll purpose I.. sera big hotel, Lo elevator at the a stesmt-oat for that has been caused by Dr. King's Now Dim Its fI Everything in their WM pars, srcurdous, am electric road learn the depot -very for oonsumptloo. severest tests have been tau hopeless victims of for sale. to the harbor, oto., etc., but like the Bicycler aloud or the early dew the mmaumptiou, pneumonia, hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis, thousands of golden expeetatlom• soon pea •wey Than are few places so highly favored by nature whom 1t has restored to perfect health. Stoves, Granite ne the old county tows and It could be For coughs, colds, asthma, BrDu h. p' y transformed into • modern summer resort fever, hoesle ness and whooping cough it is the If eat, surest curb in the world. and Tinware with Is" expense on soouot of this than o Macy of Its competitors, but talk aloes will It is sold by J. Wilson, who guarantees never do U. It a Wwo ocanall won elect- satisfaction or refunds money. Imrge d with name of the above mentloaked im- bottles 5(io. and $1.00. Trial bottles at yOI1r OWIIhrlCeL res r provemeaa as a plank In their platform free, P ' the ratepayers would reap a correspondingJ. T. bewtie We do Bob know that 10 would Allen Jeckell, of Ueborns, • formes ekes-~�" advlgeble for the oorporatIom to go tato dent of (ioderloh Collegiate loetituts, left the summer resort tu•taw, but the council milt hi,do something •long the lines The font week fur the Northwest, where he will eateSet the killing profession, O�iTTL� t'cet suggests, and private enterprise could m socompllsh a greal deal mon. FOUR MILL10Ne PtwnT.-A few shrewd TO ADVEHTI6SR8. wool made of••Ossw • TlffuMDAt 8101 6, 1900 a McKI M'S McKIM'S a ekM(, ,finvbi '.akMM iti w tl ft"'r`" sl+ j.d4i t 4"' wiz 2r b F 1 G REAT"SALE uv ?t "" `t. k f•. e,�f A ll Oi9' -R-emnan tis.` ­7 411,i, itµ �''� y Wn" Aw-� MoK I M. w �yr{t 'iaf1 r,� ltkXltlt Rs/D'a OLD STAND. Uanadtams omoe made four millions of dol Notice of changes must be left at this -- - -- ---- __ _ less oloar profit out of beilding a smell rel. Office not later than Saturday r way, of which moot C.YAiano have never noon The Oki for ch It ,f' heard. The railway V question war the py DON'T BE DUPED f "Qa'Appelle, Lour LAke and Saskatchewan most he loft not later bhan Mon- Millineryat the New Store, `�•'1 Railway," which is 1887 received giants day noon. Ceemal Advertisements from the Dominion Uovernment. The lend .,,,,.,,�{ Thera beau lxem V d opo° the market "', W -d aD bo noon Wtxtntrds] Of esy*ral ohs@ reprints of an o tete edition grouted to this oompaov war sold for over of " webstoi s Dictionary. '• The are being tlOfti weak. :tivxils•ra qtr,`° a:;w.yrtw+v_, :.trr li. She o0,o110, and from the cele o1 goods and odssed ttDdar ysrlott� oamN at a They price r d 4 �• q * W, � t� 1 #, ►be oaah sabeldfes the company vas about ---' - - B N Mt, ' r o��vr"a �� + y x $3.000,000 more, making a total of $6,5W.• ran a w. A � Y w� v 000 The total oost of the road 1s a*tdmatd dealers. ya�a•n�te, std., •»d In a tow lostances QA to hag• baso mob mors than fi2,b00,000, ne • promiutu forsubacrlptfons tpoarp�•. Ir Ieavioq a net profit to the promoters of the Anoounoemeotauf thosntwm- sly Correctly it gl7enlda't take much Urging The t`, Worthless t I road o1 four millions. The C. P. R sup to bring you to the deciding int «>` olid the terminal& and the rolling stock HEART 11reprlaL an very mritaadutjI. They an" po MI111ne R sanded to be the eutrtantla! rgwvsisntot Me aboub early Fall Millinery. Your ry •a ins the the road without •renal, thus • higher-prlod book, whlk+they are all order placed now means a little Business '�II taking the ars. ff ha hands of ray Reprint Dictionaries, e=at'. time for our new and cls►er original owners. This is one of ilea Mao J �p railway stories which Mr R. L Richardson. phototype copies of a book of over fifty M(II�LL`t Milliner to pet forth her best ef- the WeSlt M,P , is now Wilog to Tb•Ceoadian Masa• yesnago, wblc4 nail wild for about pf.00 and {prig NOt that w ' zlna.a • caries of hoar artloles. Mr. Kwh- which was much auperlor to these ImltatlorM, _ - . _ _ __ ]�• OA t gab itM 'rdso0 belle•es In Ooyersme0t awo•nhfp being a work of tu,me mrrif ittetred of one everythlhg than needful and posdbiy a hale more at any and all times, bu m n11SEASE llway..oA b writingthese articles in we would like to et our order a week ahead just to ease the rush and ls .. m IOd Long Since bsolete. q y nr t to Ly bb saw* before the pecple of Dieeatiyi• p'� yyMy�� _- harry up pace that's always amid-seaBon happening. Ta.tetul, correctly 1Jr• • doctor has said, "1 slower tyA e W omasab thed" only iou" ptoue made and ezceillently trimmed millinery at moderate prices, will be a specialty INu ahU¢NT Fokurray. - Two pore yetmadeapoat.akertamew one or that name. It tern our Imprint on with us this year. Miss L. Kathleen Dulfus comes to us armed with high anpbe om 1b. addre" of the High Chief smlnatloninacaae•}death tbe title -page and is protected by copyright 1ft K.avar o the independents Order of For- from Heart Dium" Wills• from cheap imitation. An a die loaary lasts recommendations from the leading Canadian wholesale houses. The lady a lifetime will It not be bettertopurchasethe will take trait command of the mien., prr std to the High Court L.t _ opt Hnding• the Iddawys - '"Millinery departgtent of the business and hag ill LATEST AND BEST, eek, tr11 tale of wonderful growth. wareatfa t." Tb• lLtdwy Carte Blanche to buy from the beat millinery houses in Cadens and the United Jlanoing at adependeot Fara*uy," eaA medicinewhichwasmretoss Webster's International Dictionary States. Oar Fall Reception Days and Millin Opening will take lane at �* t e H C, K , " e ancient but be Impressed the market, most olumse s- of @NCLISH, Blopepby. G•Bgtapby. Flalos,ex g p e ith Its woodro a growth. l0 1881 our ful for Heart Diesase sad Size lgzlVAx4 ,cinches. the end of this month (days and dates later), when we will exhibit two floors membor.hip wait on 369, carrying a debt all Kidney Troublso, asaA This Book is the Best for Everybody, of the latest productions, occupying upwArds of eleven hundred square fest of ' f mars than $4member.,000. la JIM 1 be ember• most widely Imitataid is STANDARD AUTHORITT of the U. S. Supreme millinery apace. Come early or at any fUture time and see what we aro fully — ■hip had tacr+a.ed to 1 9.000 nod the debt Dodd'e bo Cour4 all the ante Supreme Court., the U. S. prepared to do for you in millinery. - of $4.000 had riven pl to a surplus of Government 9stleg Office mad of Nearly all the ' $3 436 000 These fiRares •r al loore•d bSeolbwoke. WARMLY COMMENDED by July 184. 1900. to a mem Ip of 165.000,y a 7 Cdlye Peesldgeu SMr Soperawade.ts d ut+:terrr do *oa and • surplus of $ach m y mom Kidney mrw ey Schools sod ms•r other •mbe' eotfmd.oa a- r S • AND ISE WS _ bawl to $24 sa per sash baa• hr mem l l t l Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, t a . C W • s t .i noun her to kid stand fa 011e or. Thi. _ ' brlep as within fight of ilea Nm• hen w• o h ilea beet lentos chefrom family the w sde.t I sed r t o q Ty Ret dy abridged may fairly expect • boon equal to t [ear10 y — '_' ■- .a__ -..:-,- T „a,. Ys D Smit, Z Size � x10z9lk inches. 1�RW ilk. i7a nos• + one aeeemmeet, as provided for 10 th Doe• apatimen puce• eitherbm* sent Joss the dshbtp siltation and laws of our Order. C*mi to d ! C M8Rt1AM CO-Sprlaglleld Mata 5` our owa jan"dlction of the Mother H D _ - - Court, m which we aresep0ullyinterest � A� ' No ilea lollowl0¢ aatemeata way be loand use , "NA a... - fol for reforecce: Membership oo the 30th OYrbs, and 'All FOIm• fee u A Jace, 1899, 13,562 ; lolnatd from lot Lemeneee rleld t0 --- -` --- July, 1899, w 30th .lune, 1900, 1 947; 1 D U KLIO lapses, ate., let July. 1899. to 30 h Juoe, -_ ..fi--_... Test-NftBT-STr. 1 , • ■ Juno.19M.,156 : 0; slab tat July. 01 :lags, a hip, 'i � ,, SOLID sac :;,r_ TAILOR. a .aarvv .lane, 1900, 90 ; sale vela, 701 : membership,- r^' .n-. � - _ 30th Jwas, 1900, 14,253 " 1` + fteiY RUBBERa4k / IUR gwa..a ♦ Asn show you the Oast in a +p+v �, 1W\wlKlla 1N•ALIDRD SO1.m ca•1 Ks;rcRNeu,-One {� �t ��'�op�� grad, Summer $uitin e � � � o • w.._..,.[ hundred and nineteen Imyalldd wldlsn KFNQALLJ g 4 STtt , Ir„m South Africa "nand .t Quebec Friday SRAIVIN tIr1E ■ Call and see his Homespun in the newest ko ytISim& afternoon by the Hider Dempoiw steamship ■ ^y Yat slutles, the very thing for Spring and yam- tqs j 1 Like Ontario. The neraes received an eo• tl� r mer wear. A targe assortment of ' t he to PACK ihusi•rllo welcome M Quebec, and although �1 �� Tif choose from, and style and fit guaranteed.�A '+one of them stated that be war atmcet desdFR%N Prices moderate. Timor - from - �''+ I V 1 !__ �,gr.rs 1 irrim rewptioca their progress homeward. H. DUNLOP loROht SIK' wertr odere ad• or rates an%1 iy. ► ht... e t .t+• -- West fftreet will swot em s • a,mtlocoe■ soldiers Last breed•. and /Dalt far f edl yr ls. It T procession Ode of the retorsel wlAlen is 'Ir e►. V • Iloleroa nor ramlll b,e at has nu p••1. ' "toter Odium, former of Looknow, and • west]qme, uNYrlo, Der. aA tna A new o•rrlage tin that makes ridlalt - r Da. B. J. [[NDALL OO. SAVE (MONEY relative of R. W McKenzie, of town. Mr Dear Mn: _A year neo l ase n•a1a.b horn .ht.h on all roads • plem*ure-•oonomiwl, tea, • sot lame I took blies so the c.tertrr .v«,..hd for it does away with tie vibration ftbat MILL WOO D vara da, sates The Globe report, had a Aran.., -it It navelsara ts•ad Fuel, labor and expensive repaitra r..e m• One pa longed d experience 22a of ford Bas. He ba- al,aoerhhe 4WedaaNeroblister. ThemalteOrate shakes and breaks the osrrlegse. eat? worn thr henna h•krm• ao talo” Wr\It pe■ longed to the 22nd Oxford RtHmwhenha aosaawdap. Arnoeryttawssty hh ___ - _ ,__. An your pliant by using - - --`"' -- -- pay woullooMabboraad WbIin tat seen. AVshapedspacebetweemth•rub- 'wQ� $�LE Iol.oA R nom s of abs first 000tiageot Y oO.kNloarpoo bend 1 andl•d Itprafany M hoe kiss's and the steel flange psi► . - - • -. L private. t o O@osmbar he bad • mvora s rwoi.ed So do the suaaae to ta.kx •r. "of* the creeping Ntt.wk of dysentery, but recovered iso rim•y°S•"""'"'s kltwe kkF+weadeetamese.r>�ioar which other Ilene sa�lmoot r•.aaap�fl«tlt.ertetfyrcoretnr,odtnretose. theexhlDlt•takebigfa(n. The abov le t.i fab stovewtlod for the general advance Just after the hkn the en b"ttr wa� e.M 1 mukwa an imp battle of 1'anrdebar from whish be end ween ase ar.enth P"tea "" *neat batt e.rd Send LI now for b ren (enjth atilt 'wilt b• d011yered t0 an ¢. sons. e.e rawet.t.l ..reit sea wItaoat iea.t' a '1'tp Oabalogaly, y z emerged without a scratch, his °hum to the p v4 ea his. At. own nea,w•n, I .e°ims rtvtng prices of all otzep, ;' -- -' part of the - fawn The same day as ilii g ranks accidentally kit him obA0 tb•rlght �pppii.." s°aAll:_'tdln'em"u'W "°rt.nnh�,.uk y W W s. Ir it had "fraenal a ran I than .r.rt..t M wort — -- - _ ordered. side of the jaw, breaking the boo•. Tree in- in h"^' far't •u't a"^, "nu r. ••mr.osD,n he n...r THE eh wed any m ,., r eak.eet th ,age she whole ra b Orders received by telephone or Bv� sA jury won bandaged up, and he continued I or«.—..itX-dai•.etr+tetdrenaonty.. p O� pluckily on the march. But he still suffers1*4 ;,;t'•n°t Y4.. it. w' eAtl °I°"7'i1n r DUNLOP TIRE COIF PIN left at maidence, 128 Cambria street, considerably from It, wpeoially In wet a A,a soar drnre.4 tea mki.•an•• weawt� Ota.e .tin ' "11 weather. Shortly afterwards, atMabaHlh, "AT'reatweau.M•w.,"theboo7f»a,oraJtren ORONTO. LIMITED will receiveprompbattention. 1�1dwEngide g'$Bpplim Mr. Odium had • bad tall and upraised his R l 1• UNAtl Ili Pr . two=s Sall 'Phone 98. sr. Josw wrxalrui MONTREAL p Thh. 1 ankle and bh bank. le a seen oros,three of days — w PETER McEWAN. Tse" h. Batton Comp000d Co., 1) 111 + •" accumulation of trouble be spent Ohree days s gR� � in Nloomfooteln hospital, a weak[ to Wy Goderich, November 21st, 1899. 63-3m \ tR. � SI. ELA, T•rooi1, Oji. final, then a abort time m Maitland, and saifind t •week Iced all the Foebe" spi is andOdium y kit MIA that he loved all tb• hew hospitals and - - a*MDlhbd bespiab Hnt•clLss in every resmom � poor. The field hwh pitawere poor, but �es this weeuoavad►hle andbr the otrovm ST MARTS LIMB hA V E,+ t'� Nouse=clefining Time. abaaoes. The wderlles, however, wen ln• • • • • +rr �i - vearate ooL+ thlevee, and there was so exse kept constantly on hand. p for this. If •man became noceneclovx he ,�p -- y 1"'Y" driII 9 many r Uirementm whi b We C$II supply, Let tis "M war sure to be robbed of everything. Mr. Also the best brands of Fo .eaa` t«�a. ,r ase g y Odium lose • mm of money and some ourlos RW 1 mom �xave your order for mything in _ litw and we will icy he led eatherd, but bis a Bear revolver, HYDRAULIC and _ _ a a0 1 _. _.._ - -- - - y e which he picked op at Psardeberv. His PORTLAND SAL p ow � _ -- brother, Oarust Odium, ls stilt with the av wrtnaw".�o-zsc+rX^slvpew+h roan v oostingen►. James Kennedy, of lbrooa, /'\ //■�� a afEL$Viiftjtil'�. I"ROMrTLY .X('3"i with wham our n tb Town correspondenb l iEML� NT CHER l� - �- \ tl y rA,r,fat 'j had • long alk on thly000awno of his visit to �■/ > �a�� 00 ^= w nen t hospital, SI, NA atlby M o1 which war !' ' - V Ger written M Tin $rnNA4 by Mr. McCesasll, ��,ya p -- "k'vtlf Is Boa of the returned soldiers. Mr. Ken- Ralldlyn will do well b se* ms beters plc• 1 JkWt\�G �� wversaa: nedy had as •xbrecrdinary experience. On Ing their wdars. ; QrOCera, dayTo hone No. 91. On. BgwY+s . Montreal at. the fiat bullets, •► Pasrdl eke n war situ es -� nO�F pnwfna bvnxbvllete,anA hall eleven bullet holes � sVrrtitl In his body. He es Idking now iShes t pecan F BARLOW DOI of health, and owes his let• to his Hon cos F. fx coon owes•. stitwMon. Corp. Smith, of Tbamesf•rd, TES COAL DRILLaa ---- - Oxford county, who has also returned, Is OFylp& Wn"L Now WeSquare. I film rowtigt7 another of the" wham Yr. YcOomeell A Woman's Shot p. _ mentioned In h • letter. He war wounded _ .. _ s b the Ing by • soft angel ballet @E PearAe• FILSINCER m' 0 should be like herself berg The wooed ham healed ap, but Mr. CiAl.f. Alf. W TFIIr. Smith still feels the •ff"te In wee weather. On _ -.r „_, ty and delicate _. A untHtoabton by been tsomed that the IA TM Tftt Aug B:ZAIVa bteallon, (J•madlan Mounted Rifles, w111 in l& agent for the Rdsev, tYavgf Alt —yet strong to endure , foten be designated the Royal Canadian (Jonantor• manufactured bylbs$m, Dragoons whllet nerving In South Africa. Smart Mfg Co., Brookville, oo This fa the Ring -. It Is reported b6at Canada's Ent contingent Read what • lellew MwaemlN =r �0 fleodErsoD BicIIYIU Co.�'+ AU •F�• ht's ^ 11a pretty as a Shoe aa1 be MA 00 atron _ M1 will saga N relMved (rats •nay Is $ankh rat his •:perlemoe with the $46isy g A►N.ea.\ Geawnlor : ((.ImlteAl. - r, ilwr i.w c�rH, thew Plate t J. T. linsur, nin. Life.lees t low tat yet It doesn't look mS dints was made for a IN& - I abA Plbte Blue insurance takes at. lowest 40D Fl Ti I (-7 T;" #*m frightful diefiguremeot Mn. nus. Hamilton st. ` t NannNCtalleger, of IAGnmup. Oa, a 9eArw{eh, riT tet, tion. People who don't know Ilk �dgigis P- James Smart ManufaetnNeg Oki.. s_ plied aklen's Arnioa flelve to great nroekvnie. o.t.. - -��" the price somewhere around 8/ mad -t sores on her head and face, and writes its BntvTfrxts:s, The No. I$ Kwla*y :Warm At " g quick von exceeded all her hopes. It w•merafor yon InaWled In lnr bona* 1•vr tel s t yet it i1 only ,�, r�� KAP y. a" kill visa ma the greatest at �otf works wondwn in sores, hruism, skin bavwfonoA It very weanee��rftt�fin kraal An {(1�(,1t RA (�'y11•A� ro t (y arunt{ons. ants. hnrna. aa•IdS and nilws- very 0Y111 tnasegeA, gt•Idg the rwear beat 1 �Il illk� III IIIRr Rfill/1����11 �k �1 g� King Qtlmlity. N,' Made by J. D. 8IA4. OOMPART, Limited. Toronto• 'y », ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Id NUOD'S : SYSTEM : REROVITOL 77 A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE h BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES; r Manufactured by J. Mi MacLEOD, QodarllpK OM. ;,