HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-9-6, Page 1matt ADV'T8 MW
lahl 11� 1�ii,"4kkfm
f LY 9Lrrtorw^ki"lltLa
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• '" IR � �; , ( a k)i d1 , I wttjh ft r to V�'v`. tt't 'T t teff '�
ti&o , a � MR au JiYr64ht$ fA '" �I " LOOK AT YOUR
41"„. ,, �)40 ” IIX �� LABEL l
"I., " � A ,�i'sd44'.` . S' 'i
I Iftnal. &� altJ(, POR
) jit� I( If9111"1111111"'It
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L"ililliji Ii
"W"WIJ bbe �._._
•fet,"%d 3atxXYP'".'akYt4e *i.: t%1ta.A.�3�e�ri
__ ._, . _ _
00041UWr, Gov't. 6, 19W.
rou Wheat ......... ............ 0 a1 to 0
now, family per awl,.,.. «..... 210. 9 10
r patent. Mr on 60 10 950
M!feeaann,, soft...-. _. � .. � 1 00 b11 00
BhOrtw fm ton . , ......: = M W 1016 00
BorowLao. per to .. I se
to u 00
Rpar bomb................... IWto60
11w Dw bash..
Potwihms. .._=tia0Y
bo.n.::''.- al,
itarlav, pabo► .................. M a u
Mnew. 0 ass ............. .. 7 60 to A 00
.." new, 9 limit........ o 30 to 0 40
oat"r............... --...._ 0 16 to ,17
(1h.ees, our Ib......... 0 10 to 0 11
taaw bra& asipa0ked. 9 Ase ..". •-_ 111 to 0 l,9
Wood-.-.__..-._.-... I W to a 00
RA418. _. _.. — — ..... 6 YJ to 6 00
l.mbikld ......... ..... 0 fD to U ,5
Wve ....a.r . 910 10 6 75
Drerad .:........... ....... 6 00 to 6 60
0 9 to 0 It
...,0histo 0 IS
0 Il be I9i•.,.,,. 0 00 to u W
" i_ :pent .....................' f 0 t 0 60
uedteary ! 00 b 360
IAIUlau0nm V&G"t.
ban a tally knowledge of book-keeping
and .be we M M v BMX to —lot is store
Apply bot it SOMAL.
APPRZNTIC98 waota0. Apply- at
n..e.. BMITH BROIL L ()U.
': BOY
.tCu IJ BOY, l0 a l,6 yarn of age, a lean tis e
'P S, 4 pr(stlma ttlda. Apply to "CML SIGNAL *MOO.
--------- - - - -- h
0.19fr Nouse. --- -
\ 1, eTANCLB which have token place in
my boom and *tore 1 think the best thiel[ I
eon do is to K" out of h and ,are what is lett
Into °anis end bays a general msotlemeat.
' Should you require anything to my line I *bail
), be pleased to *wee You. 1 had an ad In Ta.
BKINAL four Yeats yI�to°� b the offset , a I
.' '..i< would so% be rs•p]mmtans for any (cede : ,.(ht
wlth9ut m) wrllteo order nest that all ac
onsets ssttlea must heve arty mtkmsture.
-4 gyp• 6th, I". _ 0. N. DAVIS.
~ aselL
I esmfortabteekomme last mat of Judas
Doy4's residence, now occupied by Mr. igen
er. Heated by Howard furnace ; hot sad cold
water both; &len 01096%, 80scto&. lawn and
Arden. A Had• on the pn mlom Apply to
R W, KcXZNZt& Hardware mo ohe4t. 51 it
?. 0— ---
"iar,.: , )jlpys Ewe.
HAYS. Barristers. Oods�ob_ 92.1 in
ov BALL -ID Wswonoeh, Huron 00 kty
160 °orate cleared; talanoe good bnah : welj
feeo�ed l- in good @I&" of cultivation ; I sorts
Ow"oo a : mod son bore. stone stabling sod
, orberoutballdtngs.s dssinbl•DroD°rty:tr00d
Isar ; school at caner 01 lot : ! 1 1 ml le•
w be
tram Aurt. 6from Blyth *"tan, i°spWtI on
�. invited. Apply to THOS. BROWN Y Auburn.
9f 1M beet 100tssre farms In God rlch
township. Burns coqaty. IAM 17 sed part Is.
k, sob Oe&OOMOS, 9{ rete* from Oderlch, 7 mile*
from (,limon The farm oosWns good build-
';'., 1nRM sad good teases, b weal watered and wall
udor.d . Then is • large Dearing or-
'� f ohaed and irdea of small fruits Torme to
cult perobasw, ADDU b WK. GOULD. o0
I '+" Dr*mieso. en God6r/cD P. U. 91 Lt
`$ —_ - -
Fu;( i` Rat ohm farm known as the "0sa*Idy
�!,• farm" In most W&W&u"h• comprising 109
?� Sere*. mote or 4a@- This farm L situated on
'i the grovel rod between Auburn sail Blyt b.
spout one-half mile a"( of Aub an, and b re
, - .4 c000egnnized as one of the best farm* In the town
There is a good residence, and lame
-. 1;
, Dar° on the promises. The owner will •ell
gook and Implement@ to o suitable tenavL
i "1 ren gerUe tae apply on the promises to
TH0OABSIDY *"Tom SwNAL ofltoa U
]FURSALE. -LOTS 96. 96. 117. 118. 119
sad 119 In Hnt°hlao&'s survey, and
S-1, � south half of Va running namben, all 10
OodertatL sow psr%iaulets &1V to
;F, Barrister, Ata. OodMcb.
A March I/tb, 1900. - no-tt
la) 11! USIO.
Will open classes for the study of pianoforte
_ - - toQQ theta@)) aft" Sept. 1.1.
lila@ Acheson taught t0 Du"rla lAdieW Col -
less the past year whom she bed experience
In preparing st91ents tot the Toronto Con•
US servatory of Music examination@.
lyjjrs i a ren term* apply at residenae, corne'tOam "
bet& sad Brook *trusts.
*4; W. —
"h Or $ Urganut and musical director of North -at
Methodist cbnroh, and towbar of Dis°otortO.
.f pipe organ and thenyl. will be pleased to re
Delve pupils. Instruction gs11wsD either 61
studio or at pupil's home, as desired. Studic
of Smet"n's Music Ston. Westet. 71-tf
's- -1 11
Musical director 6eoy pmabyterlan chnrch
1*opmim, olasees In Vomd Organ. Plano ane
Pre ior Toro&" Couass
�` 'a' trot. ex&Mle.t one, ADDIy fen term* a
1trontenao. " Louth street, G odortoh
e. r 4wilo is WISH bailable.
T--- -.— -`
BLIT".,'fig insureagot 411111141.
('IHAR. R. d real tate sow'.
h" UR
.-_-�12:trin and real �nat"Ertrads
farm sed [oOff It -0091 . too(
and wane mora. Omce, toe door *sot of P.O..
Accountant and Insurance Aeetl.
Books and anonmts made an.
rented and rents 0o11eed.
Fire Ins m." in 11.ritlsh and (anadla°
l bmpanla@
tet 1'10 Proudloot 6l, Half Oflce, North
street. Gder oh.
!"fi siclanw meant go. oto•
("loo. mllten Mreb.
7ff ht
T hone; otoanswered fns edges•
IANedaadBw.w . ("loo In teak
r.building•west side of Situam,
at ran(deeoseDr. (ialaw.
da tyMenes. Nspler el. Maio Vas. p
' • u.
Wa rnbw. _
l� —70" w eMlrOrrs bwa0w-
so" m� �ssw�/ will be ax-
les n teonggsggd- Ig. (7. ATTRII.1.,
47 tf
To ft" nor Child.
From frightfol disBrarnmaet Mn.
Nannie 0allager, of IAOnngo, Os., sp
plied iloeklon's Arntan Ralwo to great
sor" on her head and fans, and writes its
quick our* exoseded all her hopes, it
works wonders in one**, braises skin
oraptlone, cols, barns, ;said. ;;W piles.
76e. Outs gmmabad bT Jes. A
AROUND TOWN. should damsel, his home. Phe foot that he
also left u*hted s mot. '."d salary at the
UHANUM IN MAIL OULL7A'rIUN.- TboSee' Adams Expressoffice, .,bars be worked,
v evening oollootion from the street letter- non6rou his friends In their ewploloo that
tee is now made sl, 8 30 o'clock instead of bbo worst bas happened.
o'clock as formerly The obs"* ham DIATr or A. B. us Peuuny. -After an
on made In the tetersebe of the postodiw ilio*" at several months August B. d• Pen.
.rite dry passed away as Friday tut at his home
LICama■ CUMMIns1UNgtaBi.-A mooting of on rimannla read. The deoe"od became
s WMEt Hot" Uombse beard was bald as ill lost November, and although he recover-
* iMpeatoes office, Ottawa, oo Ssourday, ad lemrtlelly he was oemp•lled at the begin -
ben the Iloeaso of J. U. Miller, of tbs nice of April to reli9yshab his work Ossify.
&random hotel, 011atea, was Wanef•rred to and since thou he gradually dsollu&d until
,mse MoGnlrs, late of Beltsville, and tbab his death The deceased was a native of
the late John Ma on to his widow, Fran- France, In *blah wautry he was born In
s Mosses, Blyth. 1802 He left that ooaotry In 1875 and
Dirt) SUDUaNLY.-Mn Isabelle Watt, name to Montreal, Quo., and three years
in visited Rev. las. sod Mn. Hamilton later to Goderioh. He wasnarrid sl, Mom
re tot two month*, and left atonal two treat in 1877. to 1886 he went w Hayti
mks ago be vW& st Rev. Dr, Hamliton's, and spent bwo years bhere and later on spent
otharwell, died suddenly at the latter another period of aboub the some duration
sot on Friday moraine last. Un. W at% to that 000ntry. In 1892 he was &pp� laid
s the widow of the late James Wan, of book"ksspor for the Goderlob Urgon Cc, sed
gsrsoll, and sister of the late Principal bold that position rep to the time of his ill -
tail, of Winnipeg, and was sixty -alae now. Some years yo be was promiumb in
an of age. musical circles in Goderlob and his name
Tilt GRANULITHIC WALKS. — Morn. trequently appeared On "near; proarams.
Bid and Sharman have completed the He was a member, In high degree, of the
aneLithlo walk on bots of" et South Masonic fraternity. He leaves s widow•
root, from she Sgaaro to Britannia rood, two sons and throe daughter@, all of whom
id apparently have made • good job of it. have time sympathy, of their friends In their
bay have oommo cod work on Kingston bereaysmeot, The remains worm laid as
root this week. P. L Marden h Ca., atter rest In Maitland oomotery on Sunday after
long wait tot cement, have oommesosd to coo°, Raw Jas. A. Anderson oomductd
�°struot the walk on East shoot, from the •erTloea and the funeral asromooy of the
tint where it was loft of last Yost be the Masonic order also was pwformod. The
,llwsy sbotlon. pall banters ware six brother Masoce.
CRIMINAL STATIeT10t —Grown Attorney A PERTH W EDDINU,—Tum wedding of
owl@, retorne of *&am Id*d at bbe County Fred J. Ndtel, of the Bank of Montreal M
rdge'. Crimin%I Uour% for the first hall New Westminster, B. C , older son of ('bas.
tar of 1900 show DID* thefts, ens aggnv&t- J. S. N&ttel. of God•ri°h township, sed
I oa*sult, one shop breaking sad throe Miss Caroline ssabel Drummond. seooDo
res of bar" mtealmg, fourteen os*es In all. daughter of R, J. Drummond, assessor of
hon were alolven ooavlctions, the son. the Bank of Momtred at Perth• Oct., was
noes ranglDg from throo veers to two OOpsummat•d In S%. James' church, Fortis,
ontba. Six prisoners wore •ant to ,be on Tuesday worn", August 28th. About
pate&I prison. two to the Kingstoo pass- 125 guests wait* prevent at the church,
mtlary and the balance a the county tall. *blob was lavishly decorated with dowers.
PHE LATA MRs. MuaalsoN -Ttit fsaerel The bride looked obarming in a handmome
Ib• Irate Mn. 1. Muza, self* of John N. white satin and lace gown with tells Tail
or a lot Mrsfirst mate of the sir. Murphy, sod the usual onoge blo.some, and carried
)ok ace ea '!'hand• afternoon.tr.d Rey. • fraerant bouquet of white rosea and sweet
P( ypeas. The bridesmaids, who were Mlmw
r, Ur• conducted the funeral &style" and JW and May Drummond, sisters of the
to pall bearers were Mayor Wilson, Rob" bride, sad MW Nattel, of Godedoh, war*
enderoon, Jam. Buchanan, Jobe Shaw, W. daintily dram od to white Looked silk with
forsook end '). Stoddart. The deceased ahlfon fohns, and osrried ver' presby
to four children (two boys and two gisis), bouquets of res" sod forget -me -note. The
me only about s week old. Mr. Morrison best man was Allan Muoklomteu, of the
Ike as to exprer his thanks for aYmpathy Rmax of Commeene, W lnoipet The Owe-
and ki&dueesee above him and hie during Macy wan performed by Rev. Canon
loft time of Borrow. Mucklestoo After the wedding the vidb-
AD UANTLr GLITr1N.-Thor* have been on were entertained at the home of bh*
Leave Oemmikg to to *h* aottm%y tall the bride's fatber to an Informs! de)eanw ;
but weak. Mrs. Cooper, of Sestortb, was offer which the newly married couple draw*
Lmmittd on Saturday me lamas&. Robert to the C. P. R. station ane ltaried on their
" was sent up from Brussels on L charge journey to tbdr new home to Now West -
f *bending 1160 from Oboe. Rove, of Brussels. Minster, B. C , NOIDg byy way of Toronto,
Is was brought before Judge Menten on jibe Los". Winnipeg, Elr►ndon and Baaf,
umsoay and elected to be tried by jury, and makhsg short a"y o% each place. The
Lm us" will come op at the Assizes net% groom's friends in Udertoh and vicinity
ook. Ga'1'aesday Wm. H Campbell was wish him and his bride every joy In their
)mmlbbd for ten days by Jobe Beattie. wedded experience.
. 1'.. Seaforth, for contempt of court In Dot
heYlmg • summons to appear to the Divi- LOCAL NEWS IN 8RIEI-.
*a (;Dart.
A--NoTHsa Itnts IN THE (,.'OAL.—Firs broke 11e0DIO will no losing watts at the Amism
next week, but they can get better on" of
at some )set Thursday Is %be coal heap at be.&wm• sit sad first-eWs material. it tbm7
lo wharf which ban at clod so Moab will cell en Jr. J. Prldham. the clothier. ADd
owriety Me the an�eib of litigation be. they woa'toost as mach• either.
soon F. R, Holmes and the town, and Labor Day passed gm•bly in town.
hoot 3 *leek in the slbsracon, as It was The tewn schools opened for the flat term
vacant" serious, The brigade was called on Tuesday.
at to extinguish it. Apart from the 'Phe band will Dot be out tonight, band.
session as to who owns the coal, some Master Jordan being away as Toronto,
bing should be don* with it immdistely a The regular meeting of the :own council
roves% the Immioea6 danger of the burning. will be held Be morrow (bridal) evening.
f the wharf. It M nothing short of oma -
alone that sums notion in not taken to re- Dr Basin has removed to his new resp
move such • source of danger. denas, corner Victoria and Nelson streets.
PUBLIC Scxool. BOARD. -The mootbiv The people are travelling them days. On
mooting of the public school trant*es wan Monday no lower than 2% tiakobe were said
,std on rusday evening. Prooent-Mr. in town.
Mborne, In the chair : Mason. Blake, Ball, The g@Dlal proprietor of the Pains Farm
;rsigte, Reid and Nicholson. An account stales that this bas boos his best season In
f G. W. til"It'B far tlaintlaa, eta , st the ten ywan.
word school*, $12,09 ; and one of J. F. A oew brlok moulding shpt 1�0 9�. = 66
Sat"', pl 25 for a turnstile, were ordered 1t.. is being wooled at tbeSisderleh blovoW
aid A couple of accounts from leve It and engine works.
Dhepbard were referred to the cantingent The excavation has been mad• for • brick
mmmibtoo with power to ps y u found oar- veneer residence oo be lentil, for Wm. leve
root. On motion of Mesern. Hall and fa Colborne ltreet.
3rairio, MIM Bell was assailed at a salary
If $27.50 per mouth to fill Miss Rook's J Hamilton, of Porter'* Hill, bas bought
p� Mn. Jobe Reld's hottve an Pieton etse*t
GODRRICH Virrglw' 1.1n. -The TOberi Ib1 Led to removing to bows.
)f the town of Godertoh for 1900 has teen Miss Llzzle Campbell. we ars d bo
printed. The total number of namee on the learn, is able be be about aim an Ill
list is 1,2M-796 U part 1. and 408 ID pin 04" of "worst weeks' duration..-- !
F an
IL The ygrogste number of jurors Is 371 The loeq venetian of the legal profession
By nab divisions the voters are an follows : is over, sad the hard-working law clerks
No. 1 ............ . . .119......wvwf.,r..72 and students are Lads doing fall time.
•• 2,,,„,,,,,,,,,,123..............59 There will be a very light docket for time
'• 3 . ..............122........., ....85 Assizes nor% weak. Not more than two or
” 4... ........111 . .............34 three civil oaten and os* criminal on" are
.. 5 •• -.... 96 ..............67 in sight.
" 6.......e ,148 .....58
••x•• "-" Don't fail tones '•Rloh*hail"at the Opera
7•••••i••••••••• 77 ............ 33 House on September l9th. It will be the
— grand oponina astnotloo for the fall season,
795 408 See advertisement next weak,
REV, DONALD MA(GILLIVRAT MARRIED. Sherif Reynolds was to Toronto beat
The announcement hems been received of weak In attendance at s mootlev of th
the weddisg of Rev. Donald MsoG1111vny. .horlfm of Ontario, who are smoking some
formerly of Oderlob, and now of Shanrhel, ananges ID regard to their duties and fete.
China, to Min )drat August& Hovey. Mn,
Mao(Alllvny, like her hatband, has been J. K. Brvdgns is making extensive alter&
sugaged in mission work, havinv base a tions at his nidence o° fet•t ■tree&. R.
Oburah Of Rogland missionary In Shsnghef W MaKeozii s house as the career of North
fay the pant Ibroo years. Her home formerly sod >"- VI°e•ot streets also is being &leas
way to FArland. The u adding took place at and Improved.
BAA Trinity Cathdral,4banghab,00 Friday, The Boston Bloomers, the champion ladles
August 3rd. Mr. Mao0illivey has literally baseball slob of the United S"tes, will
a but of friends and admirers throughout Vey the Goderioh %"m at the Agrloaltarsl
Osoads, whose best wishes will to for him Park next Saturday afternoon. Gam
swo,"ned and Increased happiness. sad bill starts at 3 o'clock.
old friends ID Oodortoh particularly will (love Allln, son of Ref. S. .1. Allln
join In si0oers sod hearty folicl"tioes. formerly of (iederiah, is rules, Into burin
AUpr1N CHISHOLM IN F104PITAI.,—Mn, life lot L time before rveaming his stud)
Clitsbolm ban resolved a Isobar from her sen and h" taken a pasition at the desk In th
Aortlu, wri►ban a1 Johannesburg on .July scare of A. W Hamilton A Soo, dealers 1
29th, containing the lofOfm&tlen thal he IN Beds, Boor, *te, L•.Dden
or w" at %bait ►tma, la the htAOttd S1rCtyf%d"HtfrM'•t 1'he personnel of th
with anarto lover. He mays he will pall Oderlob bend -the mea In khaki" -is on
through all right, bat he thinks It was of the usual, the hand Watt mainly 661tipee
pretty bard Ilass to take the fewer after d of ban issue
roan with & oprinkllsg of pro
Usthrough Ill the previous hardships. tensional moo. The leaflet N Me, H. K
Ws brass that we this Me Chisholm will Jordan, organist of Knot church, 0046rlell
here toffy recovered from the *hook of the The Balance master of the Collaglate. Mr
enemy which bas tetrad so many of nor mol P. D. Oran►, to among ►he member*,
digin after they had emospd the Roar but Mr. J. Read, town road Inspector. Me
lets, Gdertoh's soldier boy has done his Frank U. Dunham. a Stratford boy. is •
fall share of the Bghtlmg and b entitled to a a member. rhe la°d,whieh was yworgnmlx
rest. but If we &rt not minaken 10 him he d tbls year, toned ties twenty-tbroo Olean
Will be ready and willing to sea the thing at Stratford not of s Nal Imeeslhls
through W the sod• if not Incapacitated by twenty eight or thirty.
his )Uses*. Manlabm Free Press, Winnipeg : -Tb
HAA He Bush MaRDERBD?-Bury Gats- Bootee Bloomers, the female champione
k&, who hve se Ids year@ Ben was &n *'pro= Me 00861nen►, mea and detested the lye
mersager on the Refalo and oodoriah line h&aobell filab at Winnipeg yeaosrdsT al
end had him home In ('nderich, has diunp along at Fort Garry Park, by a were of 8
geared mysteriously from R0R►lo, and hie Z The game was age of the haat ethlb
rol&Ufee fear the% he has met foul play. A tions of baseball played In bbe elty th
Wosd.tsok dnspetob save : Mrs. Gairka, season, sea It was very tesserting fru
oboes husband, Harry (Intake, dlsoopearod tar► be fi°bh. The Bloomers made a
to mysteriously from Buffalo jolt ety weeks burlesque of the rams. but played a foo
age today, arrived hors thin fnorotng W eanelesant gam• of bail• and will give as
.sty with her husband's father, who has a amateur team In %be country a beta from
livery basins" In Platteville. a village near They pct top an sxnolleat &trial* of Dalt an
hart. Mn. Gatzka was In EaropM when her wee the fame m11 the way °s to@ mOrt
haebesd dtesppeard Gatt.ka, Me RNedav Their tylMher is a wonder. Rho has r
before he disappeared, was hero visiting his "Non and delivery of & first clam Deet
fa%hev. Atone he left. far Ref&lo basis he sweal, and yesterday the attack out 12 m
sand 9100 m a jobber be hie wife. Rhe of %be Union bona and *all allowed 9 hl
get the so sal all right, lent dfd met knew The attemdasse was very large and fab i
that ter bvebOed wait miring NOMI two as obis, and ell were well mealsd•d with %
terve d&v* tigw. *ken she avri•d hate a we Today's Mem a* doubt will anon
RUOWO oil as ober W. 1{b* thinks be was Mrgme ois d. as the girbe have @bows
mele4and amd r dens ;►M fa%br. ben salve be M NOW ail -awed Players said
%bona was as reank a" any. why he deadafrl r /-busty hdyoe.
CHURCH NOTES. I played well sad the Oederluh to the
elty ware proud of them. erth was the
The Presbytery of Huron will meet as only band which &p oard a Mks part In
011eboo oto Tuesday, Sopssmbw IItb. the oompoUsloo awl 11 was awarded the
Rev. M. Turnbull •gala o Rotated In B%, drum prise of $LOU.
O*ergis eburob lass Ra°day after an ab- TUB TONNIS TUURNAMRNT.
"ooeof two Sunday•. Domay Holmes was the winner of the
Key. Jas. A. Anderson occupied the pal• Mmtlomm's handicap Bogle• In the source.
pis of Knox church on .Sabbath Ise% after an ment held by she Oodertoh scala slob.
•beano* of four weeks The soom was as follows:
It is intended to bold harvest ebaDkeglving Preliminary Round.
services In oonD*oblou with 9%, Goora�• Hamllben ( t J30) beat Oarrow ( - 16) -
church on Sept. 30tk. 6 4, 46, 60.
Tee Sunday school of Yt. George's church Kiely ( - 30) boot Meoere--6-4. 6 0.
meet to the atters000 again now shat the H*Imns, D. (-30) Deal Mabee (ow. )-
summer menthe ere over. 6.1, 6-3.
Th* data@ of Rev W. "I- Stone's fist% to Morris (ser.) boot Tomball ( - 15)-6.3.
l}odanoh are S%ptember 24Th, when he will 46- 6 -3 -
3.address the Vlotorls @%root Epworth L.&gse, Jordu, S (+16) beat R. McDonald (+15)
sad 25th, when he will address the North -J 6, 6.2, 7.5.
street League. lfrot Round.
Programs have been treed for the coo- Ki•h ( - 30) beat Hamllson ( + j,30)-6 b.
Tension to the loosres4 of revival work to 7.6.
be hold is connection with the M•thod4/ Holmen, D ( -30) ban% Morris (ow. }-6.1.
district mseeag. The convention will be 62.
)l*kfen (-30) leant Jordan, 3 (t16j—
held on Thursday, September 136h, In Via- 64, 64.
Lorin&%. IdethodtN church. The district Aiken
mooting will be bold 6% 10 O'olook A, M., (-30) boos ChUl,on (-JW-•#6,
and the tensions of she Oenweneleu will open 6'4' - - - f ... __ ii
sl, 2 o'clock and 7:30 o'clock P. r. (urease. ,1, (+i16) boa DuabaM (tap.}
103, 64
Stratford Beacon: Commenting on the Clark (+$16) blab Hwls (+IS) 6-7, 6 3,
Itbenl oontribution by the di eoe* of Huron 6.8. __-_ - - _--
of $2,077 In aid of ape Anglican famine *at- gaskets (eta.) bn6 Shannon ( - 30)-6 4.
t*ren in India, The Klaamtoo Whig remarks: 2-6.7-5.
•'This to doing hotter than any of I" stater Holmesf 1: It. ( - 15) beat Jordan, H. K.
dioesee. and proven, in line with its genereas (+ jlb)-O-T. 6.1, 6 4.
support of missions, that the low churchman Second Round.
In that quarter have imblbed the grace of
giving, something their isolated brethren in Holum, D.. won from Ki*ly by defaults
Mme other &sal IoDn miabt practise w Ithoub Dickson ( - 30) beat Aiken I -30)-3 6.
any dile results from bad habil." This 9-7, 61.
ceming from the editor of The Whig, who Grrow, J (+ J163) beat Clark (+;15) -
is the chana.ellor of a high church dtoome, 6.2. 86.
•Mods for both a compliment and • repro*►. (4w•) boos Holme, F. Be ( -1Ji)-
But how could the churchmen of Huron told 6 4, 6.6
to be generous to giving W worthy objoat: -�•`_I-•nab'
when they have such an en0obling exsatyte R"Mou'llk (-W bees Dickeen ( -301-
lD "If @anrifica and piety as the person of 76 6'4 ,
their much beloved Bishop affords ! If per- BeOttls ( .) lemon Garrow, J. (+)lb)-
sonal example in a Bt*bop events for mach 36. 61. 6.1
-and It does -the dloome of Home should whmg&
be abundantly biassed by the vlrtom of Its Holmea, L16 (-VDGWOINQ
le (out. )-
spiritual stlardias. 8'6, 6 1.
The tag Frank G. Macaulay came In Harold Carey h" gens to Torento.
Tudedo st*enooa 1-e0 Sonthamptoa to
take a Use lead of lumber be that port Dr. W. J. R, Holmes is to Twrente.
from Dymost's yard hero. S. Stothon was is Tonna this week.
The sty. Olympia, Capt A U. .Shephard, J, S. Brydgee went to Toronto yesterday.
Lay of the place Satprday atteraoon while Mn. Goo. Stewart is wisi►tnr as Baf able.
bbe Captain come ashen to moo hie daughter, Ohm& Blake is visiting Toroube tois week.
"too Marlon, who bas been so II1.
1'he schr. Sarah, from Pine Tree a Dres• Tem. Barrow* was a% London on Man•
don with a load of lumber, came Into port day'
an Saturday on &cocoa& of head wind•, and (has .Sheph&n1 jof% for TOronb y.ster•
left Monday night for bar destination. day.
Kincardine Reporter : Capt, Jobs Mo- Ohas. Hamber, jr., visited Toronto this
Pherson has been appolabed to the position weak.
of fiat mote on the Govsrsment cruiser Frank Martin has boos visiting to DO-
Psii{{•I and he left 1"t week b join the boa% tnit-
ar Port Stanley. Jas. F. Themmon Spent • law days In Te -
The ate. St. ADaner errivd on Monday route.
from bort William with 37,000 bushels of Jobs F. Robinson let% yesterday for
wheat for the Richardson elevator. The Buffalo.
St Andrew took too quantities of bay and Percy L. Vt often lofb on the TeroaM trip
eats for Fort William and Ida Moodily ymMrday.
night for Cleveland 1@ land ooal for the same N 111 Dietrich ban returned from his Do.
Port.beat% trip.
he tar. Pitboanre will m&ke her last call
for the e•&oon a"% Sunday. beusel month. A, D. MaLAsa visited the flumen Oily
Judging from the Dumber at passengers she bele weak.
has carried this year, she most have had o Chas. Wasbis ibom is spending • few days
profitable season, and it is to be hoped that to Toronto.
proprietor Brown will add another beat be Mn. Ley has lets to join her husbawL in
his Ile• for next season. Tbers woo • grout the yahoo,
crowd at the wharf last Sunday morning to Mr. sad Mn, Stahbkw Seas visiting she
moo ebe Pit"burs and to bid rood -bye M Veean city.
friend*, and the monomer loh with s god
big Ile% of possetigern. Herb Stoddan lets on Monday to work
R. E Stewart, an engineer in the Public at Hamilbou.
Works Department, Ottawa, h" made an John Barka aid&ayMl6to91rabtordder-
ex&min&ioe of the project to build a break. lag the weak. -
w&ter is the harbor &t Kinoardine to keep Maitland Hnm gT7ib�Moed
the river drift from filling op the basin. otrw Boody.
We learn, says The Review, that be does w, kwiooa in emit sol OM i. in.
not approve the scheme at all He layers tato Ibis week. -
o plan be remove the cause rather %ban dL
vert it from one channel into another quite Jan A. Motnttlsh book .trip M lot -
am important to D Tlg&Clon. He favors, 11 onto yNMrday'
is reporb•d, /he hu�lding of a dam to keep Fred Sooner is Mklae r too the
refuse from drifting tot* the harbor. Industrial Fair.
Mir Aggi* Theme* r Qnoen
NOTFS OF SPORT City this weak. 77
The boseboll game at W Ingham on b ri- W, Webster was to T4rsm" for a few
day, between the home team and Cllabon, day last WDOiG `-'
ended In • die to over a decision of the Ulm Utirat__ __tZbi_MsbM
umpire, R A. i)oaglas, sod Wtngham was the Queen (',Pty.
awarded the game, 9 to 0. When the die idiss Le Touxol loft last Thursday on a
pate arose Clinton was leadlas with a *core visit to Toronto
of 8 to 4 This decision )"woo the throe Mies Oracle Martin has retuned from ben
clubs tied, •soh having won four games sad visit, M Toronto.
loss four. 3o far no arrangements have
been made to play off the tis, and as It is Grant Waddell, of London, bas De*m
getting rather lea in the season things may •isitlng in tows.
be left "they are. Joe. Me"10, of Loudon, offset Sunday
Alex. Molvnr won his ram at Stratford wtbh friends hero.
Wednesday of last weak, but Ed. Belabor J H. O°)borne woub be Toronto on yes•
a was not so fortunate. The race between ardy's *tourelan.
Maitland Humber, of Stratford (men of (J. A, Hugh Dunlop is making his annual visit
Humber, town) and Ed. R•lobe, wan In to the Queen City.
half mile hunts. The panics was dons by John Knot and Min Sybil are hayloft a
Mulvey and Ere 1. McCarthy, of Stratford, holiday at Toronto.
she mately. The first beat was *van, Batch-
,*( orwoe the *e000d, and Humber she third Mn. Colin Campbell has returned from
and fourth. The time was 1:17, 1:26(, her visit to she W est.
1:13 sad '1:23 Alex. McIver' nee was Goo. Johnston left char -167 ens trip
1 spate.& Flumber and Fred. M=thy, *sob Toronto and Llndesy.
of the Stratford men riding half the dlatsnoe St. OeOrre ('rice w" one of %he visitor
Game of too =Ilse. The race w" started wibh to Toronto this week.
McIver and Humber on optlaela sides o{ A. I. Moore, H. A., *pent s few days
bbo %tush. A% the emd el eke &out dv asW* Totem {les past-waoll.
Mahar had gained costly a lap on Bamber.
w McCarthy reduced the lend som•whet In his Mn. Nalm and Min Dolphins vistbsd
"• Ben Mlles, but the Uod*ttah Man wen easily Toronto kb* past week.
• In 27:Wj. The bey wave Alex. quite a n- John Neita was top from Sestmth over
° antim repos his arrival home on the less Sunday and lwbor Dy.
brain, W. A. McClymonb vletted as Ovelph over
e M'IVOR AT MMATTORI). Sooday and Labor Day.
% A goody sumbw of Ooderich people so- Kim Jennie Nairn left Moseley m
oomp►eted Alex. McIver and the &torts* as she Toronto etonnlon,
Band to Stratford on labor Day and re- Mn. J. C. Oralg, of Ssoforth, *peel Sun
tend home st midnight quite pleased with day as her old hoes hero.
the day's tan. The trades procession In the ,
morning. In which the band took part, was Run `(barman w" one of the ex
oleo a good one, but wait somewhat maned by Iris to Toronto on Monday. .
` ab* rain which oammenod to fall while to R Dd Mn R. W. Mckenzie are squad
►" was traversing the secants. It looked as d big} leen Aare in Toronto.
the bicycle races would haw* be be called of, M .1**k ll, of Umbers*. is &&send
I bell after dis°or It cleared top and the ease SIR Ng `Winglste Io*Ntste,
° malador of the day was Boo. The tweak
was veru heavy, however, and fast time was Robb. s vision left Saturday afow soon
e out of the q°esMee. The *want of she day D bualnaoS v1S1% to ales Saul&
4 was %be third and last of the series of nom Wafter Hick, Gd towsrhlp,
toe between Alex Melver and Peter ('Oman, of visiting Toren%e Nis w ob.
oor" Harri•an. Tee rate was twenty lappss J. R. Werooll and men OM1 1psm & fe
M around the half mile track, bat as the days to Toronto this weak.
1 ride", on si ne°nt of the condition of %be Mies Parbun,of Ulinws (1ailglase I
a track, had on keep to the outside It made a tote, spent Sunday to tows.
m good eteves miles, Instead of ten. The Mks (was Walton Is vlsibtsg her Ids
e eases kept t6gelbes, paclsg each ether W. Mn. Armour, a& Wods"oh.
t, terness laps, antil towards she finish of the
It last lap, *ben Molitor pashd •head end Min Magas visited her born* at Rtssofer
e, won OasllT by a 00"914 of bicycle length*. owes Sunday sad Labor Day.
d The Mem was 29 17 Melvor was helmt.a Mrs. Goo, Acheson wen sae ef bb* exec
", on the shoulder* of come of the tl.d.rtah otest*to be Teront* las% week.
a bey and heartily assured far his perform. MW Whale Rall and Mee Joote 14ho s
Deal" 6000 Alex, olun won bhe half mile .pen aro TMltiss Twonto this weak
ea rose, with M. Rumba *eased, and the five F. W. M6D*mOgb, ef Carlow, left on
mile open n", wish (;swan •served. Th*
su. hays seem him anethes renogtirm when he T'oswss *geneNem seen T1Deedy.
a remand home at night, The O.d.rfob hand A. losad•. of (:elhome. woe one ef bhe e
I made '$Mb* s hib with their khaki ata, enrol~d• M TereaM yest.rday.
Hoa- which .wekd w=ay dwMy neat=*ass. Mas%** Arabia MaeM111vray bas
Nmlr They did aet go down Is open a oke vMising sb 8s. Mar►* and baba.
pen b /be band ouap**AM but MDy Kbe JonlD TW*ma Died Mks
Johnston have returned be &holt "it-,
work a1 Bartle.
Mir Mildred Campbell spent a few 1>Uys
visittag to Toronto Who poet week.
IL J. and MW Eva Acheson 1M 0astase
she visitors be Toronto this week.
Mer Mans W•otherald was one of As
*xonrelesista to Toronto lass week
MIME MOLAllan, of the(loll.plate lust i'ute
aMff, returned to town on Monday.
Mise Holes Strang, of Somntge. Pa., is
spending holtosye at bar home hire.
Mir Cox and Mtn Mary Umedry mp mb a
low days the pwb week at Hem".
Mr. sad Mn. P. T Halts Led Master
Reggio Mount LLbur Day at So sfosth.
Mir Keene, of F.r.t. is viall"O 6 the
residence of her anal•. C. A. Hem
Mn. Geo. Stanbaryq, of Stanley, was the
Seems, of Un. bdwGIW,rr&y for • weak,
k. S. Beattie, of ►he Bank of Cemnmwvo,
vistaed hie home at Sestorth this --k.
Mtes "mals Schwanbeck, ,: ii, I, i. has
hem visiting Mrs. John O. Olsrke ben.
U r. and Mrs. D. K. Strachan made • visit
st • few days to Lismewel the pas% week.
W. N. Howell, of Carlow, left yunaorday
swains to spend • few days is Morooto.
Mrs. Usual retarsed Friday night from
her trip to Masiaba and North Debate,
E, B. Tilt left on Saturday );or Moubreal,
to resume his work so Mo(ill lalverslly.
Bruce W Olson lots yesterday morning to
attend the behest of Pharmacy at Tonmbo
Mrs. Mary Whitely retuned ehis week
be bet home to Chicago after • visit In ►owe.
Mtn Mary Sharman retuned be Alidge-
way on Moeday be resume her school dDIdea.
Mrs. John Salkeld and Mir Mary
Salkeld loft yesterday on L vials 19 Toron.
HG! frank" hen retuned to town afar
epandtng she bolldaye at her loose m Maple,
Mn. and Mir Lizzie Spence ten among
the Goderlcb vislien to the Qmom City this
Thou. U'IAurhilo, of St. Holow, is a
student at the Coll*gisse Institute this
Mir Ids Vanatone, after a vW% of eaverd
weeks as her home hero, retuned yesterday
be Buffalo.
Stuart Prlbh&M ban reaurned be bows
after spending the holidays at Way and
elitist else".
W. T. Soost, of Hamilton, returned home
on Monday &foot a visit of three weeks as
Jas. Orsigie s.
Mn. PeberS"tt, of Brussels, sad Mir
Brine• of.Seaforth, visited for a few days at
Mrs. O and ry'B.
Min Etta McDowell, of Westfield, Is Is
town taking musical Instrimotio0 from W.
Olean Ga%pbsll.
Mir Robertson rias returned W Windsor
alter visiting her home here during the
sobeol vacation.
Mr, and Mn, Goo. Grown returned on
Sundayp by:str. Pittsburg from a visit to
Smolt cSW. Marla.
Key' J. Spence Allan ban retuned to
town &ton a wisio of several weeks In Sorst-
ford and vicinity.
Mn. A- J. Moon and daughter r*samed
home am Tuesday &lost O vial% of several
weeks as Bells River.
John A. MolMaeld, of the sir. 011-apls,
led & pleasant call at his home, L'Kb,house
street, last Saturday.
Mn. Goo. Wait, of Brantford, was ►isle
las at the confidence of A. MeD. Allan, sad
returned on Tuesday. `,
Mn.l'bos. O'IAttgkUDr e� 81,
w" the guest of Mr. and UfL\A. D, (lam•
aeon dunce the week.
Mir Jeanie Robertson has resumed to
Faster to bake her piece ou she omohlsg
*sof of %be public school. _- -_ •
(iso. Wilkie and Ernest Ridge, wbe*Id
up from London Satorday afternoon aii &
turned Monday morning.
Mlr Ethel lAudsoy, of Toronto, returned
home o0 Monday atter a vista a1 the home
of her anal*, A. Mol). Allan.
N. B. .Smith wan in Toronse last week
and George.Smith was up from Housall te
saperfnaad the basins" here.
W. Olean Campbell has settled down b
ark Win Often a holiday trip to Aylmer,
81. 11apas and other places.
Mie* Nallle4ultivon, of London. M Vislt-
Log at the residence of Win. F. You".
Dunlop, the gussa of Mtn Young.
John Brown. .Ian. Fritxley. H. Rateon
and H. Edwards woes pamougen to Detroit
on the str. Pittaborg on Sunday.
A. Saunders Wt week &1Modd the an.
nual mooting of the Piano and Organ Maken'
Association of (Janda at Toronto.
Mir Helen Kees, of Auburn, has return.
ad to town for the purpose of varoulnr her
studies at the Collegiate t&atitate.
Mir Hooker, after visiting her relatives
here, has returned toToroote, where she Is
sagaged as a kindergarten teacher
S, J. Ori*non, formerly of town, who M
now located at East Saginaw, Michigan.
made • brief visit Mb town last week.
to Mn. James Hbraagh a left by asr. Pitts.
burg last nlght for ,Little Ourrent bo vldt
her husband and soo, Rd. Readers".
s Min RdIth Wiggins has returned be town
V afar spending the school vacation Lo Orsnd
Bond, W inchels". London and cobalt pl&or
Freese MoLonald, of St. Helms. who
eared his junior leaving exam. bhis same
mer, Is att udlog the model school alar in
Mn. Wlater and two children, of Simoce,
r and Min Fsonv Oundry, of Springfield,
Mar., are •felting as the brass d Jars,
Mraleg Gundry. . t
Rev. A. MoKAy„of Lwekaew, was It
bewn this week, secomponfd by his "t
Oeorre, who to .►tending the (Mleglau
fr�� Institute.
Miss Cesmtonee fA Tonrel h” returned tA
Hensall to aka charge of the school closims
there, having bate re•omgrged at an in
crossed salary.
Gnolph Mercury: TN MISTS IAt%ie see
en Nellie, daughters of Rergt Kleklev, totem
d vembordy after an evoo°ded •Isla u
trtseds to Odarloh.
M Mir Augaet Taylor, at Clinton, has to
toned to town after spending her helldayi
w at her home and at W hiteaharob and b It
altendanae at the Model.
. Mn. Motiregor, of Heneall, woompoai*i
by her daughter, Mies MoOreger, hay
tor, been •isitie at the hem- of the fwmee
daughter, �n. Rembell, Past forest,
a teles (;recta and Master (.?battle 9eaee
have retuned to their hems to Teromb
y- afar speeding a happy vasotlem hen Witt
their enols sod &Mai,, Mr. and Mn. Oboe
h MORD r.
Alan. Re". ef Asborn, sommipanld h
flee Ms Iltble eleven- ear -*Id daughter who he
ree.mbly pard enb"ooe •tsminatim
Wan Is Bows Mooday, sad gave Teo R1ONA
I a friendly "&11
hen A, M. Robertson, M. A,. labs( Willi..
sewn blah "beat, has boom appoints
NOMM to U dWS 1&mgam U of LoOaMets
Ommso sigh ssbfrN. amd k h (iM IM IaMw pis" t
Voters' Liss, 1900 -sem, lltakeU. .... e
Millinery -0. W. Andrews ............. b
The Now Owe leash -O. W. Aadrwtn. Il
Aunounoement---Mir tonaeh .......... 1
To PuplLai-Kldd'* Book San.......... 4
who*" to Rent --O. F. hinersoo........ 4
Ooderiah Bargain Centre --leen Robinson 4
tall Goods -`Smith Bros. R (b.. ....... B
)our* of Revloloo-F. W. Mol)"k.... 7
Annouaoomenbe-The Boston Bloomess.. Il
Notion n Oranollbblo Walk► -'.town of
Uoderioh .... .................... 8
Wanbod-Ilex 48, SwNAL........ -.... 1
Notloe-G. N. Davis ................... II
Assencloom mb-Kldel's Book Store...... 1
Sunday by etc. Pittsburg, alter a trials he him
home here.
Mr. Lad Mn. sem. W1oo, of Godatoh
township, open% Friday In town vMlslsg Ur.
Lod Mn. R. Henderson and ebbed triendw
They were accompanied by Weir 44110--_
William, of Marquebts, M1ob.
Clinton blow Eta : The family *d lip, J.
Twltobell hen returned home from Grdoldh
whore they'Lave been living for shemuonwy •.
and we are pleased to know she% bhalfr •
daughter Ids is much Improved.
Mir Kate McDonald, of Detroltl arrived
per str. Pittsburg lamb wank oto a visit be
relatives to awn and vicinity. Hoc Beale
nl•os, K•bta Clark, retuned with hen Lfter
spending the holidays to Detroit.
M. J. Hays, of Walkerton. Spent a few
days visiting its Mrs. Gibmc'M, Bsyfold
road, and returned me Tuesday, s000mpLeled
by Mn. Hays and sen Jerrold, who had
boon viniting here for several wanks.
Guests at Mrs. Malvw's, ..The Rookery."
bit Ion Gertrude Nelson, Ohlow ; Mr. DSA
tars. Vinton, Canal Dower. Ohio; Mr. said '
Mn. Yagb, Bransford ; Mn, Jew, Riley
Climates. Utah ; Mer Browasoa, Detroit I
Mir MooDomald, Calumet, Mich • Mr. Lad
Mrs,MoLsmo, Brantford; Min Motional,Brantford ; Miss" Camp, OlovelLnd ; Ur
Lane. Mir LLoo, MIME Danphroy. Ulm
Sbapletoo, Min MoOrow, Desrolb ; Mr, and
Mn. Minty and dangbter. Saslorth ; Mn.
Reynolds, hire GLmmoa, Cleveland; Ulm
McCulloch, Mn Smith, Do4ols I Ua
Desaon, Stratford : Mr. and Mrs. Gla• '
brook, London; MinNationalWindsor,
•a. Pt .._ .;.
Remember the sole of cheap groalbe Lad I
Itaww still gess an It%OArrLm Bloss.'
Soo the Boston bloomse obis play Imes-
anaball at the Agricultural Park Saturday i
The Boston Bloomer@ are good bell players
and are In the game bo win ; Agrioaltarsl
Park, Saturday at 3 r. M.
The Sous of Sootland oonoorb was M•
paned ;from Monday evening, aim&oeouns M ,
bbo hood's Stratford engagement.
Oo to the Victoria Reaanranb, West MCI t
for too orusm, fruit• confectionary, ollgmte,
eta. C. Blres: roNs, proprietor.
Wanted: Eggs 13o, boost 180. The
sale @Lill gam for three weeks with the cheap ` -
R. K. rat". Ask those who have baso hen
how they liked their parcels. O. R, KING,
W inghsm.
Mise Ionogh has opened bar millinery
parlors on Kingston Street, In the Bedford
block, and Is now ready a execute orders,
The announcement of her fall opening WIN
be made later on.
The I,.Ilowlav new books have been addd
ad be the leading libraryy Kldd'I book "
oboes : "boy," by Marie It ; ••Mabe
Cnriatlan," by Marto Corr.11l ; "Three Use
on Wheels.!' Jerome X. Jet~; ••Derothy
Marlow." by Mareka*me, sad It{mMy of —
Llf*," by Hawyk SWaklwbx. , ,
>6a RPR-otoon,LttOhY. -. . --
1'omll find the amen saliliser &&blend
very good-natured even if you only ouase $0
moo and Study.
Highest market price paid for farm Lai
dairy products so the new @bore. 0. W.
ANDRDWY, into R. B.S.
1 hen was a rumor In %he Lir that U. W,
Aviinzwe was going to retire, from the b
Millinery business. But—
Millinery apprentices wanted as the New
Stott. Aoply to Min Duffnm Saturday or
Monday. C W. ANuasws.
Oas of the events daring exhlbtslam week
will be the two floors of millinery shown by
the now firm. 0. W. ANnRRws, late R is.
Hatter and eggs taken in exohanse for
millinery and all ola@Mes of Senegaldrygoede
at the new @bore. O. W. ANDRSWI, 1660 K. 1
B. S.
Oenldsi t rind alb lR"mdea,
James Tooker, of Winaham, called so the
cloy ball last evening and asked the de&eot-
lyn to esoleb him to find his Intended bride.
s Mrs. Marebs McKinnon. The women
good a live in Wfngham, but came be Ham-
ilton last June a work at tailoring. The
two kept up a oorrespondenss until • canals
of weeks ago, when Mrs. McKinnon shop
writing. Tooker didn't know her stro*k
address and addressed his lettere to ben
oars of the general delivery, H&mllmn poet.
office. On arriving have he found fib"
bb ree of the feature won U101 at the PCs"
I°ffioo, never having Man called for.
Fearing that his Bono" was siok he in.
qulred at the hospital, but could Bad so
tidings of herto woe then that be sought
the a&s4tance of the detsotivoo hat so far
they have not lecaood Mn Mok"oon.
Tooker has had all kinds of hard look
since coming to bbe silly. He pub rep at a
Stuart morsel hotel and while he was up
town looking for Mn. M.Klnnno his daugh.
ter Matilda west to bathing .t the foot ad
91m000 mens►. While she was In the seats
somebody ,sobs her clothes and she had se
barrow a drew tram .nether girl before she
could gas hack Be she hotel.
Tooker Is a widower with four shildnn
and Mrs. McKinnon s widow wish ens
daughter.--HamUMs OpopoMw. Friday.
A Affaft
I(ecelves a oot bag she had offen-
sive breath through ~11pation, billoar.
ne*m ,it stomach trouble, but Dr. King's
New Life Pills always care those troublosf
clean the ayystein, sweeten the broadly
banish headache ; beet In the world foe
liver, kidneys and bowel* Only Sbr. ash
.D. Wilson's drug store.
Nat% Tuesday events` Is Vlebnfa Re,
Epworth IAeun&ggO6 the 6°p/s, "Renck Bods,
will be 1a=.and by Mr. .L H. MilHaa
(7HIRHl1LM.-11n Iwabarn, en Aug, rl'&b, the
wt to of Jobs Chisholm. of • daughter.
C1XTMN - Om 8eptombw head. ss Senaywo
soar=. t)n* wife of A. H. Qntym•.ad i.ar•
bur', of a Ina. (DoIaE.Die� 1� a��
ntaaPNx(,rtRKAM.Z�tir 1tr6a'p+wdrhl~.INb�
� enz•a•�.
P soar"
�.i A• A,