HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-8-16, Page 5Centre • sale ,R.—Neckwear AtentiqXes the to me. It a bargain. d soft collars. w together with have not been Interesting. ies, at reduced ON'S JIMEN ! ,all un un for your Hcrss 1 puy great attention to autewl right or [outlay Weed. M -Worth Trying. auetlo Bateala ch Rema(Iv. In L(ntmenil ter. klicines. Chemist. �osr "I, ;, � 0 r _- _ --- 1.50 WHEELS. VIE. A'S �I�es,Tarls, Short 3m notls,uce Nors, Asses, yass Use beet made in any sda. leash the trate in slrnlnpl anti ornament bond town. an order and your mat - 11 be assural. rELONg - nl our LENDING ost what the town i and se( the list of Irl for I.): a week. new books to choose d buying any more have not the space, wain. Gold rimmed 11.50 to clear them I or Magazine, ,a Perry pictures. vithout a few Of 7r,r' i•F, /t , �t •!tx'iliwni• . ;»:, '..it'i:�t"^l. ''+ear-•+,•*^ +" „•.v� �v-r" ...:,.ins:+" ' THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO. W. A cheson �r son V with , he std 0-111 pals of water. Ohio threat- •c I .agar we, over wfebue► wry «Hour dam ago DoWg done. A few b very. u, ,sea, Ilk* Port Blau, Southampton and Klaear With in du«t luWh and cumwunl",iw with ten 11001, w•ml!A a on ,°- cause he could not alvest his food h►r]y "a of Dr. King's New Lite Pillm would have "ved him. They atnngtbon the awmaoh, Rea aid dl tion, promote arlmllatloo, Jae - Drove appetite. Prioe 25o. Money book If not satisfied. Sold b J". Willson, Y druggist. with the far"« blowing, would have pea- .oil pnuuni LLY u rho glottis oountc y. 'l'nu glee tea rw•.,,un, day, Howard Powell, when dlvlog, dbly meant the doewmaw u of tae hull" It followed up by luc.l ..t.rp.lest *,if put his yell hU bwt" no hg looks Sudo looks q Kgmood, Is . One by one our old pica row isle Into this part of Bruce and maks THREE CA CARPET OF�'FE R5 this w° ter away w the /wt who a diad on time bdnq Kllog, for the glade IAS, •I our wt " two prevent N,we entlr•ly Into other uhaeee4. their father, Adam Angus, farmed In both SumAay eymlog, 5th Iwt., as the age of 6h lost . t No dally Bible reading. No blew or "hod at the table 450 yards English Brussels Carpell, a ektra heavy dcty all years. Mr. Bristow was a quirt Md much respeiLel resident. He leave a Call rats One And take it to your druggists, JoWil• mSe and Its Ire Wert and most up todate designs in most desirable colorings, regular widow and a familyof el he to mourn has lees. g s*n, who will r"OGL D you with . trill $1.00 and $1 lU quality. We Offer them this week at per yard 85e (is winabom : o. ;thaw Jett hen oa Moo- tJe of the wo12dorf ill new medmma th*v A•vo have secured the eaolwive agency for, I)r Klau's 950 yams English Tapestry Carpets, extra h ' Ire envy aSuality and day Aug. 6th, for Dauphin, , Mau, He dts'hmh, for consumption, ll oouln, closely covered, 27 in. wide, a magnificent '"morwishing, took suis him several filet clean bureau Amoco wldnow colds, ax'hma, brn12�hltlm, roA all throws and L ralllle OI colors and desique suitable for any room, hall or Stairs, regular value, fi0e, the aumb°r were Kitty W likes, with a moord of 2.241 which finished "wad lu09 affections. Its our" are uu,plymar- vdlou., abeolutsly uunug where alleloo your choice at ........... ............ .... . • • • - • 48c to Blank Jce in Leodon a few weeks age to 2.18 faris, son has eeved thuu.and• from ah early • • 420 yards, 36 inches wide, UnlOn Carpet, just re;,•eived. Splendid the clam, and Darkey, not four years old, retch he purobased from John (19aLlr. grove ; even physicians arra «watched at this marvellous nun, It can," nothing and colors and designs. Regular 35cYt yualit special at 30c BruSs*is . Bobs. Mt: obacu, of AIs is always convincing. A quaradto*d ouro .1; L.Christ to his favorite amuSemt na . Aad little Chrin made, N. W.T., who sent Waste lost April, gees with largo bottt". For Half or a Third srr.ved home or Wednesday of last we@k, Awlnq 6nlabbAed "Drouklny" FALL FAtli9 Of t900. TSAT'N tlOW Wg Alta SULLINO ten,, on his farm. Mr. Mas. *eye in some ptacee wheat will yield from fifteen w twenty borhole par Ihdoetriel, Toreabe. ..,Aug. 27•Jep►. 8 inghams --min the west while in others a will not be"good• He will not return until coal Western, l.oadon. __ ....Sept. 6.15 Southern, Hr.mtford...........Sept. 1520 South Heruh, Kilter.... 1718 and Muslins spring, ..Sept. Great Nortbereatwr, tlodonob This selection gives you • choice from some of the very finest l:rey : Wednesday of Ia,t week, .lames Tnvb, . residentresidentgl( (Ivey for ayes rorty Sop 1.111.19 I.istoveel... , .. Northern, Walkerton. Sopa 18 19 and hand- gomest stylish goods of the reason at wonderful bargainrices• pnghamr yN1e, passed from this scene of action, wed .dept. 1819 North Perth. Stratford 262r) Sept.Cwntral, 250 and Sae Scotch Giughams at 15e ; ?� Ciat I1 20c ; _0c 61 years. H• had not been in very robuss health for some time, but an attack ty- Ouelph ... ......Sept. 2527 Fullerton Muslins at 1'21c. Inspection Invited of pho,d fever and other oompliwtione were and t.ogao, Idtwhell .Sept. 26 Z% Turaborry, Wmph►m.... 'o K,dnay the cause of his " death. Deneed resided .....Sept. 2728 South Perth, 9t. Marys. 2 3 WeAcheson&So with hie deter on lot 26, can, 10, and 1"9 velotsr casing another Blty nor" adjoin im Isom ty'Ilnon M. Kay. Mr. Travis ..flat. haet Huron, Brussels ..Oct. 4.5 Morris, FOrdtoich cot 6 Morale, Blyth 9 10 nfry, is neve Heyer manned. Aahtlold and Wawilwh, Uuhgsnhoa me Mtltb elm w the elonnue °oma of i'h.lr Maa Exeter The really friende to Exeter of .... - ..Oo►.11.12 original and onl]' ��reof" sure for Bri ht's UIIM■w f. W'm. Lowts, of Credlwn, will sympathi" parerts la the loan of their eldest daughar, Mun Hannah who died on Toes- - - - - --- Image ee in Illemalre Lately starved w death in 1.o d i - j` 11 Ont WII ri [TUN COUNTY `U . • -'--' 114 HOOD STAND114o, m"oinglaes nature of the urm eels good good b Standing" : le aptly cold UhDed thus !r t'Aurob I -Ile : The laeocld UbrLUan may be a member of the church '•in good and regular staadug." Is .o, and is contributing member, too. He attends Shortie quite L RHENCY.I Zurich . �. Kasnlo has sold his farm and swamp lands on the Babylon ling to one of isle cousins, • Mr. Ksnhb, of Oadablll. W Setfield Mrs. A. B. Darr, of Want field. hN I12 her parsseoolon • fueobla with buds and blosooms thereon to the Cumber of 170 : who ono bees this 1 Hretor : While bhthioq In the pond the day, Aug 7th, After h Jew wrka' illos m. A surgical operations Was performed on the ureylow Monday, when an absceN was re moved from the bowels. The operation was successful, but hot wraened condition could not aurvivo the shock to her itatom. 1 Ilsceamed w" to her 28th year. Brussels : Among the visitors at Brua• Selo on WOAnrday, of last weak were Robt. a on ,°- cause he could not alvest his food h►r]y "a of Dr. King's New Lite Pillm would have "ved him. They atnngtbon the awmaoh, Rea aid dl tion, promote arlmllatloo, Jae - Drove appetite. Prioe 25o. Money book If not satisfied. Sold b J". Willson, Y druggist. and aingday W t6• Choir, he regula,*to "IAanday day, Howard Powell, when dlvlog, 111. They •oil Walter Angus, of Aurora,Brussels his yell hU bwt" no hg looks Sudo looks q attack Suuok isle AeaA against some ublNt In tis• were former resld Vn to of B.w"b apd with ]BRIGH-trS like a Christians, but bow do" he live ` river bed, ludiotwg w ugly wound. their father, Adam Angus, farmed In both No dally Bible reading. No blew or "hod at the table Exeter : 'Ishe burl •ad hum Of the terra- xeterca"Ob. Gray and Morris It to fourteen or fifteen year• Olaoe they romoved from town, No family prayer. ley e is again Seandia9 to our ears ; wheat u yielding between thirty end forty lining from hen w G•Ic and afterward to Aurora. W DISEA-98-E No Bible losoonvera Ica the . bushels to the ear° and is a falr Sam a were pleased to meet with them Lad hoar thildrw. religl-ua yerrtlue ,h the Acme. NNo o ple. (;hnton Dominiok of their success. Aurora is a city of 301000 private ray N::tumod pry*n Ns the day : KS Holds, one of the psoheen of Hullett, w" Io town few Population. 40 miles from Chicago. in deadliest Sued atuodoar et week sNvlor. No attandanea as the Sunday ►ohool. • day ° Although verging on Dimity Clinton: : Thos. Marotta threshing has tur°ad palafhl maladi so slsslkind is sub a N* 1 brise u kis elto/ce of reading ! matMr. y0aro °( •R•, he Ie still 4.110 active and bright, out the treat yet One field of what aver aged forty-five bushels oo the Kldnwy Flhs wlll .1; L.Christ to his favorite amuSemt na . Aad little Chrin Em(moodvill° : Joseph Collie, who b•u, III sore and soother only dfwmn, This is the of Brlght'a Ove °sly • In his bond. .\ ad to fhb Tolyte for over Seventoon years, largest average around bore we have hard nevose b WeiI, what hall be, thea, that the som- b" Secured a good ettuatou as bookkeeper of. Jams Miller, of ffull°tt, claims be ow sin&case. am Mceoot sinner h" Dot' with a IVro wholesale grocery house to had over forty bushels to the son. Win Ilks only remedy dyat weer I H• has Du Dams w ►A• obaroA roll. London. Welt olelste • yield of over fifty. Fins bas cured it, and 0q orw L HS b" hie u.me an the Itvt of ago. trit, ten member.. Brussels: Gookasi"GMsyf•a� gy limp wt, gar ice r new wheat haw beth vered st Fdr Broa'rdll Lwl .a(y nmod that sea are kn�4tttass 3 H° h" • ,'Some pwwpb rbothe hg tris ,foundered." which sore* of whtoh taro. Y. turn. 'o K,dnay pew or u aeaetooel sitting Dns scab is not tis* aoSe, w to the DwAwl. to thea abatch. Toe throo thlogs, and onthing more, to Spiked els foot on a veil, a vary Sore all I ori°oos. - - - -111, A WISE LA4Y. boa and Hasse -bat dors ase• tdaagwrous. Mtltb elm w the elonnue °oma of i'h.lr Maa F10tst Dec. Bombard to oto around going _ original and onl]' ��reof" sure for Bri ht's UIIM■w f. 1f he Should Amideoly die be would be frith one of his thumbs tied up He got tt (''.kt-91-A.Nb, Ohlo, May ?3.01900 B 1 vus • l'h nines then sad Ito aught m the pump at the tmenhry and J mmvO"ly jammil 1, and a o8 work as a call. M. Molwwd, Uatlerich, Ont. DO D D S uldboried, f isgS abcot Dim ten.Id be .Drs to be man t Honed to the luariml sermon, rmo, and odd out esgme" - Cu t Its, and lista Ata. -Your liquid medicine, '*Soak Steel, ' he. our°d me satire] f tis �(I D N EY Summer Goods THE BEST.... OIL STOVES ICE CREAM FREEZERS AND BICYCLES from on.N up. PRMERVING KETTLES and all kinds or GRANITE and TINWARE LEMON BQUEEZERS DAILY TINWARE out own make EAVES TROUGHING ROOFING and SIDING Agent for the celebrated Carbon Paint for painting all kinds of root, wood or ironwork. WORSELL'S the (•hoop Steve and Form&" Mon. Smog aide of Hamilton -8t. eodesthh, "All Dunlop Tim is ,goo On macadam roads— on country roads—on good roads and bad roads — Dunlop Detachable Tires are safest and easiest to ride. If you meet with-flalsie- hap — a puncture--- ten miles from home—t'the,e are the only toolsyou need." •' Tiro only tools Ti» Damsels Ties Ca. Umibe,' T .osis ld._ L witnesses, st J.ea so the hemoved legally as re"os. for a o on sea last heard from w. y ° • - --- - _ Sere I had o12 m upper A JEW be Flory, •«°three that a has ase serol AI Jwkoua loon of Isaac Jaskwol, who b Je Y DW law The doctor* PILLS ' � �� C 00� ���R K told ms that It w« a cancer and that the M /levy, +Itis as •Deadest e12traree. South Africa, w"eDloying the bet of h«Irk and never had a day'. III�Seo s,Doe his or. bone would have W be out out and the al - SMASH Ttu ""FR. --1 (acted parts removed by the knife. It eau Dedd's i[Wasy Pule sew tlrsl to that 000ntry. this that frI htesed -iii-�aa mkdk me qM tieaor+l Koala so1L tis teUh—illw slat Zonoh : Mr t'ollook, of � Prism U --- ERy cents a boa at a8 dobe : . She ' Scea and Swsb e I osod easy three dr.gRSant Nesahmi«t Territory, w« tAe guest of WED. plat bothee. 1 am wall ever since, and it "A little kirl who°e *Idea brotber a 1"k yon 1"t week. Mr Pollock was former) Of oompawtoa for small oreatur" dietreOoed 7 g at Sean now elyo 1 used is HavlDg • r«tight of Team &• towgSAlp, but weal great 000fidehon In your msdleiDe I will her, lelmeted fists Je!o her bedtime prayer wet eighteen yeah ago. - to Lord, don't US the little birds get lot" recommend it to theme In need. 8peYlniyRlnAF9n�spipilr$t>, Robes.a trpp in',%be garden. Ples« eicss r I Brussels : Robs. Tett, ofOil UIty, Peno., 1 am, eve, Curbs, end All Forms Of u n■Itlog his brother, .Job., Tari He was lot them ' on I l Jtsuw they wast ! roily Met, J HARMAN. Lameness Yield to oast' Amon I a dormer resident of wst12, two hss not been 'Phe Inliowinn w" received from the eam* c canDolly.' stet ,' •old Jeer mother. 'what m•kn here for the p«t twenwith two vean. '1'Im* lady tan years ago : you oo certain ! dais very kindly with thio visitor. 1 suffered for nearly tear Team from fife, •'why, '04000-'eaaso I went net In the Exeter . The firemen made a tet of the and alm«t or, t;;a .•me hoar daily, out of �� gerdwn, and em"b°d Lite trap " hydrants with the full water prewar from which no one could waken mo, until I ••We pray lot *outs thr"tseod by the the 96w1111e oogme. A rood Stream tons •woke of myoolf weak and wearied after the �t y / a traps of Smtsg," said the lleneral, "bat throve to e helaLt of fifty feet, which to I+poo of from tee to twelve hours' time, ENDAl1.,,7 that's not onou/h--cese p innst Smash the neof bre would be y.loahle aseuthace to during which time I w" wholly uncon- „ trsPA. " the steamer. "love. I was attended to a12d oonsult°d no .` 3PAVIN CURE small Styr. Srlofth : C. W. Watson, of Toronto, fewer than sixtesh doctors without any ---- It would seem that the I,s r tenders In the w« spoedi°m a low daye least wt.•k with his he°efit San no relief. Igot to be ah"nt % t boor garde" and other plaom where much brother, W. N. Wsteon. Twenty nine minded, oltw unoope@louo of try ...round- r boor IS gold are losing their c -vera, your* mile Mr. Watson mine a resident. of Inge, took no notice t•f ahythlo9, on III, in "Your fingers have ratted off," said the ( Ssafortk, .a.l he noted many change@ sloes the goad prrtvidesec s of Ilod, a friend Insist- wore. eno"..nee nes -are. anneany, rm",w t b ten ton. e„e n,.netn.n-..ry.e.rm. earl.., tT� r. t doctors to the ear kwopest who cent. to I then In t h s vicinity. ed ow brsnvine J M. MoLSod ro our house sew ss. A. a hntnsent fur ram,ty see It nae oar all teem for tr"tmwt, 'by the floor which 1 ('home : The firm of Ito. Jerome h fie took me out at the fit to h.lf a minoto's W-11 t.ea.. (music cyn are. a lase you hsv. handled " The resin and •did in I Holloway, which has been ounduotl dental time I haven to limits rapidly after this In DIL 8. J. tuNUALL (v. i the boor aro mold to be r«powibl-. I practice In W Ingham and Arthur n for the health and s,unela s" of mind, and to Shia tet t.m.rst to,a its ,,Ienwtev«. i°,;: ie nor...nt"h At 1 have het had an - R°baaoi°It Iia ty Xarxe,0 .be Thee -at bartender of • well keown Aow I poet two months, has been dissolved Ijr, y F more fits, eters. Wb h -m vii - ne:ytr lumar pr: e°:n Ito t n �- liwrrrmeuk" the Arthur badness, and Its. Sour., oto, - ,al/waves.eSO,-.arseht.sarne- am.thaturoold bewn wleoe says ra snows • number o Hollows wtlI remain to tv Ingham, a woutMiea:nMrne,naMi.�i�nlm�hooit9n-sayytomee 1-, IA., I 0 JrwerHler E MAtal111 age. where bcw Anwere have, i12 add niva Kisgabrldr. swees or your isnot. and' audtel it c. reruuy sr,A est ts 1"1129 Several Bogen of both hand., lout (111.4 w t Perry and UnIton GiMnd, att�"..aeesoe.tnena.r,atnta.nrnrm)n«et,..ot b near.ta drat •force apd *r,ta bdllw oar jour Xpsrin the "g of both member.. D eget and clever stens of Ila. Gifford, of OF LOCAL INTEREST. tsenammppu.rttteataty.oer,tdlnsa,mr«•u"p. p„ "Boer will rot iruo, 1 ItAlovo." he added, I bOkn• have taken positions in a couple of i e: b°ie,:„t�1° ie e°a4a l eatee.nh—r,,Z. P - "I know,and every b"teador kaowe,lLat. It I drykoods store@ ; the former will be behind N'cTTrn Ii?A0. -The s.creeery of bAs wesS Jess. ees mmwal.tety ..rM°.0 .ftp uirtw.°1;'� D R P• the counter u. R. t oats k 9oo's, and the IS,. Huron Farmers' institute has received • aroo'.e est atm Arve -long Ir.rtm.nt Ise,• tae b tmpoeeibl. to k" • coil Ir of sA"es ohs are for over sore rr»A "p^ and ^la.nm. uy trrork run n,n,.,i.I. Insisted rbc bar Beer will rot leather a ter IS how a N*w,omire'a drygonds stare, q Y $200 as the lostltate'e share hagtc item trot1 •[sated ae„rs t ten".t.rrM from the a+le of tickets for their excursion "a hot" morA am b my "^tI_ .al.rmrti"n e. rts.w nDidly almost as •old will eat thio Iron. If Grey An improved (arm hu bean par. �ewgsasy1pOA •p•■•tpr"atr•th•.hot.sure—" 1 ren • tsm nen. orator I'd ask wises to the model }arm at Ouelph. It IS ..Pact rswnenmerpe lmmdau•. nP..ta ti,ta not onlyor P' oh•sed by 9 B. Fmhok, poor Slydso, Man , ad that after poling expeaees the lnarlfurs •s°M�•estw. mare --WY,eninn •tis I, mme sail Jeer An to men's Swmwha if It "ts and be tntttpds remo•Isg him family to the well have tea substantial bslehee of a'i00. .aasss �,-Ywr,trsly, SAN 71L THlrrztt. D •way men's Bngere sort their obeel"ther I Wwt. Hb }arm, located one and one quer' Thu was the meet euooesslui •youreton the `� ■■s pr em.�'�ia.'►o.hs t , o'rd mIn I'm here to Sell It, but 1 won't drink 1►- VI far s. Ra South of will mo, so been sold te WOOL Huron Ihanluu has yet held. 'gL a L YR•ALL gw►ary. rfrssen rsYtl ry Dot In nab " Was. Rands, who will move M it w woo " -.-.— It IS TooetwA. Tt1q ltAMg LAC. -The ohJet game war. ------- - -- A TRUE STATEMENT. don Is issuing notice@ for the Information of W lhggrare Jtiba U, Campbsll, sic •f the public containing an instruct of the l'bter Uempbell, of fawn. was in HtgMfate O°tSrio game levee. F'nr thea first time In ��•/(((�jjj�j��� By esvrwsa Willie, N the Hamilton recently and has bean appointed principal man oar■, moee, reindeer and earthen screw Work.. Y 1 U P�r nl the Highnae public whnnl. Mr Camp may tae killed between the 1S1 and 16th Of Hamilton, Arl. 13. --1f • vete of the pan. bell has been teaching at Relmnre for a November, both days Inolwive. Another 1110 were to be taken to sseer"In which s .umbar of ears, at osis A Loa he has 1 p opportunity to hunt theew er.roly animals �D Q• LIME Tvp the mat popular madlelo° on the market, i !Ives entire Ntishotioa, - will not he given sportsmen nodi 190.3, as ST. MARY'S LIMB IMdA's Kidney rille would land by • large h;gmo12dvitle Thomas 111 bM the the open .aeon Is reetriated to a period of mal"dty finest patch of earn In this villa/e. He fifteen days every third year. Only one of kept constantly on hand 0« of the 1•t«t omanome by that gnsA m"wred several .tooks ct is Me other day much variety may bo taken by •ay one par- At" the beat brands of ,smady IS that of Foramen T. H. White, of ones to one sesu nrs, and no cow MOO" or •Dd they measured •hale over 10 foot, l l the Vorew Works ANO, who sesttfiw teal he retests nl ghees a12lmele oods the •ten n( one ""cured Ddd's KidneyPills of kid � loam", ehA tis. whole patch is , s very D }sten fielgha. It wo►heefy ^•• hose► tel* for your eaa be killed. 1'artrldga, ynaB, wood. HYDRAULIC and -. say dis*"e of sight years' ■landing, after cock and edlpa may not he bought and Bold PORTLAND Inns corn Mr HIII would Ilk• w hoar of It , other msAlaiees had failed. Mr, wA1N ' b*(om 1.)0:1. English or Mongolian phe•s. M°■ "Oso boa of Undd'S Kidney Pill re Brands : There came nearly befog • ants, prairie Jowl, wild turkey. FaouvN and CEMENT LaysA m*, Iorr bogus oared me. Pnblish eooreh out last Tuesday forenoon, Aug 7th. otter mill cot be killed before 1:)05. Lis ■tatemous If you wish. It to true In at the home of the editor of The Peae. A THIS ODUTM Ba(ynickm D19ABIJ11. -The _ Ivory pNNeslor." spark set fin to the roof of the wood Shed Toronto Evasion Telegram had the follow. -A Seel was making lively headway when the ing special able last Thursday : London, Buildere will do well M see me tore lao- The regular mootleg of the town council crackling note@ was heard by Mrs. Korr,who Aug. 9 -The Timm today publishes • letter Inn their orders. D will be hold to -morrow (F ridgy) avenlnn called her So I..elle from the .table and, written by a Canadian volunteer, 7,223, V. Odium, of the 7.2od Orford I Jo Ontario. F. BARLOW t(Mr'ly lea hlsaeitand comrades •bout the delay in Senrilns aUhnaL - t -_convalescent ('anadisns home. He claims T 1, eau a.Ra. thattheyan't have a Waited lona and See. Mr. ,IFF•ICK. West at. Near the, San, New � - bat can't got ten authorldN d ass. active g(1 Odlum"ye that they .nested for asttve our vice, not for he Idle, castle" life 1n Eng land. jThe volunteer mentioned is Sloth He"G -f lISING Odium, lormeriy of I•uoknew, Out, AL under new conditions, brother, Keg Odlam, "other v.lootewr for • a 4anth Africa, Is alon on the list of disabled, Is agont for the Keleav Warm Alr having a ballet In his ehoutdor. It ts at -- -- - Smarl, MItor, (30. acturedBrockvi by the .ice, --.------------'--- -' pmeted tea he will be sone to RnlLeA, too. I 4msrr• M/q. CT . Brockville. Them in a tide in Fee Affairs M atm w�Ipb, when taken at itn TRApe W'tTit THs NORTH PNt Klgla Read vehS, • fellow townsman n Times : W s bad a call on Thursday from n flood, leads tin to fortune.-yhahr.phe". Mr. O. M. Bowman, M. P. P. for North et his •:nwd*nee with the Kelsey Bruce. He had been (o the dok let for a (l.eensor couple of weeks Suffering from a low fever Office of F. J. T, Nafol, Fir., Life. Accident We cannot Bee why this truism should not apply to and Plate ( "a Ineumnee taken at love" which he contracted during his recent visit Mtea Hamilton at. t women too. The can grasp opportunities quicker, and to Northern Ootarlo. Mr. Bn•rman in more Oorlerich. May let, low t y praSi Pix' t wthuslastio than over resrlwotlnq the vast Jam" Smart Manufantnrlhg (3a., 11811 nsstbilltieo o/ tis. cower part of the Pro• firnckv111a, r'nt.. ally know how to act more promptly than men. p O*wTLswsN Thr n'o. IB Kolwy Warm Air since. He spent some time at Small St.. Generator yen Installod In m hon" 1"r fall S There will be only a few heads of households in town or Marla and then wept op " far as Mlohlp has given me the grmtmt of rtisfaotion. I morose Harbor. The Algoma ( ventral Boilers haw friend it very economical in fuel and is sow built twelve all an earth of the Saele, very easily managed. 91tt Ing the very fret a(llacent to f 8f�tah who will not take advantage o ,weeps in haul, the whle houe@ hei°g heated wenn IAN• ars mllllohe of tons In might. from 78 to IID both np ttale, and douse, and at the extraordinary indueementg we will offer from Aug. The reduction work. now In prow of era+ times t have tort my bedroom window Downs Nae, Ma polo mIIII, ■b , an only InAleaHvg cell vi Rht �a the manth of FeArnary. 1 Aaw 2nd to 15th. Don't wait for more than this lll� It l Of the vise lodastriel da"J" mepb now " Man no gas ase novel dust Irnm It SII, n° D hw•t In the coffee, and Mw smoke pipe was rnnA. The asset recently mode by tis. gaol. t have a■ee{ mhos frimaeom to, a fang hav tion• We do just what we say we will, so do not need 1)Smisfon Onvernmeab of a s beirly be the time, and from my *y pwrl"ne Ia (mwanoo i i h Manfeenlln Island sail North Sheso Ran ash Safety Say that rho Kwlesy Is the Mat 1 Aare sawn w aimed and can hlgh.y re•ommand eye to mak© frantic appeals for business. 0 sty, to he built from Little (,"""t to SDd. It to say no* Interesting to hwet with -arm air bury, has pat saw life pd hopes tete the "It Aow* not hero the air, but gl vice a very fh,r wterp►imes. The Provincial lioyesemeas in 01" and plwaeant heat to tho how". All A(xmntw nwing the kits firm of R. B. NMITH may be Bottled c►nylaa nal ill pregrarnme of developnneae r, !. T. NAF9'Rl. by_aah or note at the store before 18th Ana., after which date of New Ontario Is aypeoted be make a great information rovardfs, this known, Slsn, maJely of mineral lands, wbiab will cheerfully�h given h they cels Fes Aanrlegi to • Cnllectnr. *nahis the promoters M ore ahead with the v �. pit Bowma �e vv. ANDREWS bombwse. Mr Is t.s, ; N CFILSINCER, T1 t t ] �g . wlkk ►h° e°rpletlw of the rSllwey .Ile. sf FfL�I W J iw/e will be sea Is wwwNw NSk (k sktel/ a a ►ks lake gwm ekes, tkss Dssew wslRe►. sed sosste. eedMbh W At any sexton of the year there s no greater comfort than a good cliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is witn cook stoves like every- hlnR else: there are good, batt and ndifferent varieties. We know you will be plcayod WJ�ow _- FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges CALL AT OATTLE BROS. lWorst Sieadners aid himilhs Wast'eide of 8 Dara sort 9tnrdy Hr•,e. WE hA VE FOR CHEAP I SNINfiLE KILL 1 15 NORSE POWER THRESHili6 ERGINE ,.N a(xrr, nrtbg H. 3 NORSE POWERS Call. AND Ng■ Tnaw. Teen Asia flAUGATWB. 1»1 The Henderson Bicycle Co. II.ImItsAI. C}OZ7E1 RZ CH. eam Boiler R8011`1091 The Goderich *team boiler works {ng been rwmovetl from Godench, ave Marin arrangements to carry boiler repairing and also the manm- turing of amoke*lacks, etc. Repalring of boilnra, Agin.* and or machinery promptly attrwtded D. K. STRACHAN, Machinist, Godettich. Will, on Victoria dtrssev THURSDAY, Angtut 16, 19oo. 5 ..McK/M'S.. The Last Call on all Summer Goods. During August we will make buying easy by the little price. We want to make room for our new Dress Goods, Jackets, Capes, etc., wkich we are anxious to tell you about. English Pique in tancy stripes, Heavy all linen Skirting, good 38 in. wide, was 2W per yard, value at 3114 per yard, to clear' to clear out at per yard .�... 1 UC at per yaed..... ... — .. , • 18c Flowers—Cne bo: 60c flowers to Sheer Organdy Muslin in good I clear at.................... 10c colon, was 25o per yard, to Shirt Waists were 50c, 75c and clever a0 per yard .... _...- 10c $1.00, all at..... _- ............ C ODDMENTS.—We Lave a lot of remnants of all kinds to clear at last call prioes Remnants of Ta�Lineu, Towels, Napkins, Hone, Parasols, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Prints, , L-tc. -We As MoK I M. REID'C OLD STAND. �EWES ,tats 3 BIG BARGA DAYS AT 1 Price's Shoe Store ON 1 ' TH UM. ase Cot 11111.6 lay ti• sY as a r grow w Msk be killed All summer goods mu9t be sold' at greatly reduced prices to make room dpas for 1161111 Roods which have commenced to arrive. 'kla tkl7 eats WO 'must have room for new gocl9, anti we will, not -dart over any old: ntmir. This means that you get these goods at mm ,660 oda• MANUFACTURER'S PRICES A. aN If you will call and examine prices we will prove this to your satisfaction. ggas bill - We guarantee this will save you from 20 to 30 per cent. Isn't that worth Tim having i No goods charged ; wA ictly cash sale. I w I ell ST. GEOg Pl4/CE. -id a is Weet Mille or square. as V ably os D Seaso�a�le Suiti��s,f"an ad as H. DUNLOP a . Slam SnU THE WEST—ST. s a I seta TAILOR. (;wit Show you the latent In Spring oris , sR aril Summur 8uitings. ,i a $ CelGr ti ftt� WI and neo hie Homextpunn in the newest h o wutNOtillgltt ihadoes, the very thing for Spring and gum. mor wear. A large asnortment of I 1 he to , PACK"r sea 'hoose from, and .tylo and fit guaranteed, 7T Prices moderate. ten ear. Wnwgf- H. DUNLOP . �Ogon�° "Xitt& amt West Street - 1Y Mod, --- - — -- I SAVE MO/V LL l OOD Fuel, labor and eipsftiveropairs FOR SALE In your plant by using The a, ave is cot into stove wood BUTTONZ on.tth and will biedelivered to any • — )art of the town the gains, day as )rdered. Orders received by telephone or eft at rrsidenco, 128 Cambria *treat, in Is will receive prompt attention. And Engineers' Supplies. 'Phone 98. PETER MCEWAN. The Wm, SUH00 COmpOiid Co., LA m. (lalerich, November 21st, 18%. 53-bm 186 QUIXII St. USt, T bw• wes �w -louse=cleaning Time....,i 'Arings many, reyuirelnonti which we can sn t f� PP y live your order for anything in our linin aad� _ _._.__..__.... I, }pease fol: ail ties OCtti; ELIVERED PROMPTLY. #I" Is 10 M ST U14DY a CO., not - Telephone No. 91. The Grocers, sea Cor. Square and Montreal St. had idd's king KING QUALiTY vwa ' �pslar stands for all that is anent is haveve We women's shoes. It means g.►i.a style, comfort and economy, an list $3. It might easily be is. - These are the sort, of shoo thatr'ea BOO 1ek at P fastidious dresaers- We are sure they would please � I if you will allow its\(�. b NIi4- to introduce yon �•�.ra• Ring Quality's the *��W �I11111111111 ` 1'u' name—=3. a seem em 11NO Q�A Ik,» Motile by J. D. KING COMPANY, Limited. Tora� ':sae. Iraee+t ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR r o0. . NUOD'S ; SYSTEM g g RENOTgTOR, L.'4 A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES: wwwo Manufactured by J. Mt MACLEOD, GodWRA. Ont ■M�