HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-8-16, Page 1------- _
'D i
i011(is for their .
oderich s year
Ing we finll wit
Oxford Tie
e lwve decided
piaeod them in
Ig's stock, that
stock to make
.0 t
lecial Bar -
Ling for mug 11
5 line for 75c.
aerican, m a d e
ended satlsfa'
d to have you
1 Show !
EPT. 8
rat (tr awn Coun
Atle til" ta,ie
'a1 aT am
000 Of Tya"I.
., et■■c., 5ddn..
lNm -er.Torseto.
of in Canals
y RsafrieaA
11,'. t7Li
C Lmf. o cal
ALT. Prinrfpal.
ae 00
* ,
0 tpo ropef:rr
tO N thing
irst stand wit h
L---- \ -- - -
-.__� I
li and i"Wt--.
FOR 1900
. e . 1900
eaaw w - • • w - - - ....a.�j , .. w
people In • variety of wave. The @iounloa
eoloyable serlam of ounoert•. 'rho matter
has At last turned up. The matter had
Umpire Douglbu deoluon Into • cooked bat
W Brantford was not+ v, v well patroolrad,
was brou¢hs to the attention of the oounoJ
the befrowera memory until he saw
m this wise : "K. A. 1)., Wincham. -The
OrfDA1GH. Aag. f. 1;100.
Otxu) SruaT The Jobnstou'& Hrbor fish I
lar than • hundred t: dot Irr.m town.
Yate by • lour Irom W. C Oonde, on be
the Item to '1'cs SiuNAi. and he then re•
ball was fairly caught. It sboald bate bees
Saheal Nuppli*s-Ilea. Prkr - . , , , .... 8
1.- ....._.... 063to 65
roll Wbea ••••
Hoar. Patent. per owl-......,.... Y 10 to 1 10
lug party rrlved ncme on Mondry •ftsrsoon I
1 weary eight went Irom Ulmlou and a few
halt of the rtwours cemmlotse of the
turned the pole to Mr. Knox. The Incident
declared ion infield fly stud oho better called
W* F, Kmereon...... 4
Flnr. patsct, Dor cwt--••.•.• .•• 2 511 W 150
with the evidences of • ood week's• ort tP
from flolrrlwevllle end Ssfor%h. lobe 4ot
51udce1 Sudety, which was rood N the
shvw* that 7 ua SIUNAL u carefully read.
Duo. The runners wen pc0 'petite the
La t
The l,aet C•ll--W. A. YaKlm.......... b
-W. A.
Iban, t &on.._.. -� _,_,,,...._ la Oil tali 00
•ton IS W bib 00
the .hope of a later, quantic of fine, Ince
tl.L base, � 'Abe
weather -It was •round rhe 9W mark ail
aeum•II msetio• oo Mond• leveeing. The
Ila. tae Canadian
ams' D leaving their beau• and a triple
Announcement@ -U. W. Thomson k Son 1
New Nall.StylN-8mbh }irce. t Uo..... 8
shorts, ...-•..-...-._.._..
;inreenlume. Per cwt ............ I W to L W
ylukenl and pI msm�
d• deuerlese ,vetted moo from taklug
oounmllore Nlkal rh« msttst nvar le so tn-
author sod tsotunr, startled last weak oo •
rad let er, o"r,
la *hauld have been allowed."
Ity.,. Der bwh ............ 0 10 W 060
bush......... 0 10 U 50
of tbn •rt re ort h.vin Aad • e bu
V 1 P R V -
did Lim• and NII cat b catch of ''A)O
thio tri to the Tel• hone Clt y, !lulu b
p p
formal wa bus could not see their w• to
y. Y
tri fa Huro • b the ,termer Champlain of
The baseball match •t Clinton os '1'hmn-
,rhr*o ar of Offoo vatlou Army........ 1
'Wast ran Auheana 3 Sea b
Hook cahoot, per .., to
(Tats. & bush ..........,�_.. 0 25 to 0 fr
of fish In two hours and • half. 'lobe
Dumber took odvantaee of the reduosA etas
'l'. 'rhe
fns erectitn of • f.and stsod. Then cared
the Sider -hem far Lln*. Kdore return-
da leaf between l'llnton and (Soderloh wu
Wee. Huron Liberal l:o0rontloa-VY.
Pers, 0 bwh......... ............._.. 065 M 0 56
was a �mpoeed of Uap6. Doole H kuto.o
on the l%. R. to volt other plao•s.
baseball match at ('einem attracted morn*,
to he one In the Square year. avo,but it was
considered an .Vonore and was finally re-
Inv IJr. O'Hagan -nopw to visit the chief
• poor exhibition of the game. Errors on
UoaLY .. • • , - . . • • • . , .. • •..,, 8
1(rbr. Der bu-h ..... _..... .. _. 0 b to U 10
Nall new, 0 too. .. . . 6 60 to 7 00
and Welter Shannon, of town, and A. I.
&oil there were many planlaking tripe to
moved to the harbor p.rk, whore a few
uIUY and art auctrN of the can►lomat and
will wn.ne" the Passion Ple at Oboram
both alAes aur• so thick thsb we n[raln
from ublishin the doWled won. The
Cutting Prices -P. T, Hells............ 8
Potsloo•, new. 0 bosh...... .,.... 0 10 W 0 50
Matter..... ..... - ... -. _.- ... __ 0 11 to 0 15
Bright, Hurt' "right, William Bright•
Han Pwins and Hart Ulnae, Se•lorth.
neighboring resorts, but the grant majorsby
blemi«hes more or less do not seem to affect
morgan, ss well as visit the haunts of Ten-
d• was such • sizzler that rho bo s might
Aonouucemehta - ..newt -Cowan Road
K•w 1
('bows. Dor Ih.... .... .,...... 0 10 to 0 11
y Y of
of tba ottlteno Nen trod as home.
the gennnl b rrnos o[ the bee. q'h°
oyeo0, 9hakoo ra and lee L,ske Sobo01 0l
.. , . M . ..... . . . . . . . ......
Aoonaowmee4-Mn, Cooper.......... I
lJltgs (rush unpanked, a dna.,.. 0 IU to 0 11
Wooh -... 0 W a 4 00
DxATH ur Tues. W It-4UN, STKATr0al1.-
The*. Alines, of Stratford. passed •way on
KkrtTK4Kv Faum MAIN STATION. --The
aauOuIllore r however that the
bond was enLitt•d to some Accommodation,
local& In F:nRlrpd
wo &&hens" from Ail&& Orsig, contrary to
The Lord's i ay Alliance --Jas. Wilson.. 8
LHdn....••-,I.�.«-_.• ..... 600 W 6 Op
"hsrala last, ed sevens two Year. He
V ac 1
fishing party rrlved home alter their week's
eopj:3o r%!vias no StoughetrnlnR
end decided that Lbs I. ere should have
p >
•rhe boys who have betty Campine a!
the ruleI Ebel eagle, and the Uoderluh club
would have been In the
Announcement -Ladles of Victoria street
lamDskise ..................- OIlly tc u 3l&
Wve Hove •......�.�........... 010 to 5 75
was r n•Hvs o wbw, haven beau • awl-
� R
iter a,
a 11:311 o'clock, after •ver roc D tri of
the caw of w many of the new benohw which
Ooderfoh for the last threa week, returned
home lase night. 'They &re all bsrli•d
justified probeeHng
motob, but thio gallon wea not Mkleo.
............ .....
church ......... 1
,',.adHoga....................... 000 to 6 50
Ibabu........��� 0 W 0 11
0 ltjto
dent of Stratford for four or five year•, for
oyer forty years before that liviO at lir
R -
none hour, and a halt. A Loot was itched
or, banrd the to to rovlde shelter Irom the
g D
have Lonna ordered Y ma}' be necessary.
Thee• the • lace in a olnle, so n to
brown Y ber[IN and look Y though the
Irks breezes life
Chown woo the •m• b the (ollowin
@con :
(` 1'. R. S:annlon-601w B•IJ.......... I
I7auo For Sal• -P. U. Box 37 � • • • • • • • • I
Ham. nor Ih.............�.�... 0 15
Lr'A, Por Ik ............. ... ...... 000 W 0 It
moot'. Hn bit the followlnR f•mlly
beau n10, bat 0otwltbebcAlh the@ Dra
7 ft
keep cue eh• crowd, or ons as they son 6t.
rod ,amp Agreed with
them. Stratford Baboon. 'Phew are the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Anoounoemeot-J. W. Hroderiak...... I
Gre•wA Beat bge OttarMr.........0 00 to 000
F)•eE hl&d " 000 to 0 tp
Uhrlr•, of Binle, Mao. � k.v. Y J., pas-
tos cat the Nile Methodist Arthur,
404IOn the tomb«n of the art � of •
P } R
It may nal be k0uwn to bel ►be town, people
that the M the band for
members of Camp Alert, which broke up
Clinton b b `L 0 0 0 7 0 '-19
F•rm For Sals-Wm. Ooald............ 1
Music Card -Miss Hlhel Acheson..... I
nreNs,i ••
CatUn, Export ...................... • T5 to 150
circuit ;
SUatlerd Mn. John U&too, lorry Soucd ;
thorough in St,& Uld Sol Mas N enfant
u &t Msie Station last week as he was
which reoelvw
Its woes of mummer procnms Is wmoletsly
lest west. lobe boys have camped for Ny-
(rodorloh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b b- 8
Ths Rina Parinp KeHe- Moliansie ♦
Ordlnaet......•••............ to 350
Mrs. S. A. Moeteah, Philadelphia ; Yrs.
S. J. Bennett, Virden, Man, ; James, editor
baro, and hb tincture ms' be traced In the
f•ow of Eke Dampen, the data shade bolo¢
absorbed In the payment of the band-
muter, so that the bandsmen receive r,0
oral seasons, and they deal" that their
location at Lew& Park wait the beet obey
have yet had.
Batteries -Clinton• Finns, ,. I ••Ras;
ticdertoh, MoCartas •, Skrauuu and Dal•
Howell....... 8
Labor Da Celebration- W. Crossland,
Son., 8
Y11ZflaUme VamnL.
of %be Rirble, (Man.) Witoom.
Tun GUAMs Diswlt.t&D,-On Friday last
particularly noticeable on the oouote canoe
of the scientific mew bar of the party. One
thing at all for their services, entailing the
loss of time and the inconveniences which
Time record of the Huron county baseball
tneforA. ...................
Yollce Mrgbtnto Seaer hard • charge
of the putt stated %hat tbs fish uD there
follow Irom their giving up • ul ht ever
s Y
weak to on the Square. Th• only
league IS cow Y follows :
Ar%Dur and two eons, from Uhb I Mr. sod
BOY. 11 to IO tearrstage. to learn th w
William Castis sod hon. Wiggins,
were small, and another that It was too hot
The (;overument survey steamer Kayfleld
Won Los% To play,
and and loam na, Lsak-
priatlw0 trade. Apply W 1'&L ofaw,
of aidin and •lettlu a do B hl. 'rhe
B R R- R
to kes them, bat amounts • ree that then
ahanoe they have to Ret • @mall, Ic
wea to port Irom Nsturdy nIeD1 to Monday
(`Isiah ......... 3 ] 3
now Dr. lin a
pow; hr. and Mn. HsmilO and Ua%hsilOe,
- -- - -. --- --
cemplaleont was Rlohard SpruoR, and the
dog flight m which the two men were
auto plena cat them. There warn tome
aeaes of Ivy poisoning, but nothing serious.
si nifiesot, retun !or all their exertions 11
from an o00aslonAl *ogsgemOOL to play ata
sl•ht, NkWR on enppllw,
Uoderlab......... 4 3 0
of Detroit; Mrs, (arlWe and Iwo ohlldroa,
__ _
obuRed with "egvlov on" the prinolpals
was said to have sense place on "'Net *treat
M•swre. Proudtoot, 1)ancey and Crlt spent
a couple of days with the party• going up
Rrrden party or auto such aH•Ir• !n Nlk•
log over the matter Monday evening some
The whr. Mary S, l;erdoo left, light, oo
rbor to land ports
for 1'leLum
W'Ih ham ..... b 3
Clmtan has two to posy N
of Detroit; MIN Wood, of 9t. Hole"; him
Ullgord, of Loal,vllle, Ky.
' - Y'-"
01185 WANTED. -Bl THE lye' OF
0o Frid• the week
y previous. F: Campion
Frldry nigh% a0d retar0l0g with them o0
01 ►he ouunoiliars expno*•d the opioloc that
G a
for the lJodorlah Lumber tA,
ham ao.l on• bt home wllh W bbm.
Every 1n the **rise se tar has teen
HEPTNMBIiK if possible asit to eight
house' loo•taX, noders con
appeared for the prosecution and Geo. A. J.
the Landsmen should reuefv **metbieg,and
The Bohr. J, O. Kol(age was to port on
woo home If this 1s
roomed centrally
venietsoaa Ap If. w th Dartloolan. slating
Frasr fur the eef•sce, AINr hearin •
A \Ygl.i. KzrT F'Aafl.-The CI10toe New
one mem ler rtoalled the time when the
tows ss rtrd Iho band to the extent of
lbunday, and left, light, for Johnston's
Harbor to land for Cbsthem.
op grenade, and record
sustained for the remaining matches the
Ul'KINO the past few moCkhe we bats
rnot, oto. to J. . Flgl,l), 2ti Unwford •t.,
'Toronto. ':
,umber of wita•Nee on both sides the
m N the case wltbout omte
F:ra tic : 1'bese bra many patty Irma i
a and many that sive
11400 cr Erb• This was away hack m the
The whr. Sarah rrlved Tuesday mon•
tants will Dome out ev*o sed there wlil
cent out hundreds of dollars' worth of an-
YYUllAT1Uh wlhi.
NU on
I%e1NU T, N1 Mcr H 1VATSR.-Lhe umD
lsfl nonce
don of
desw of thnR and prwpenty, u well u
an l As
ion and •tfando0 on the Ltis
It was stro0 I inted out to the
R > Dc Y
came mem Dr that •good Bader could not
log from rich L mber wlLa3A le peaty fat
the Oud•rloh Lumber Co. AOA loft, Ilghl,
then be some red hot gain" be break the
counts to delu4ueol subscribers. We have
not toe the roturu. that wa mhoald nave
e mthir d t
be tMlnlrod an the 2dth sod lath of Au¢
tui for 300 deloo as to tae Iligto Court of the+
plonk &e thle town power was
forced to work astrb ion boars last week
pat of owner,
One of theme worth , of mention is the frm
be had for an smaller salry than ie now
W sdnesdt. mo,.IAn for the sem. port,
Throo rinks of bowlers from SeafortD is ••
D y
\Vs an tired o[ waltlnR oo thaea
la d:rwWdd'OMrr of Forstsn,
dslrow bcerA loft del will
ca aoonant of the sol and Ary westhnr
of Joha 1'ouog, on the cor0er nt the out
pelQ, and tb•t h was only through fortuo•ts
olrcumiunoes that the band was •1 present
The err. eat. Andrew •rrlved M90day
ad on the West street lawn ar Monday and
tyre banten by elevon shots. Lhe Boon
slow• -T
coaches anti have ed & number of thO
tbno&e of .Ratio
poeasssend their names to the u. ersiRmat,
� � gallons at war per day weA pump-
line and the 4th Concession, which 1• well
w weil esrv*d ll& fhb rwpeut as It 1.. An-
evening from Fort William with 37,000
wont Offenders over to other hands.
stating &unifier and charge rwr day.
ad. Kogtner Kelly made a tour at night
kept and tidy. One feature that strikes
r h
ocher m*m thou ht • rc& r Allo m t
bar • rt 1
R q R
bwaels of wheat, and after discharging al
9LA Y(iKTlt. WD�It kl.
It oa owe for Tu■ SIU.N AL and don't
N It( ir'(N)T
P )t 1
and tea ndgmfa.oumberol Irwneprlsklen
the e r faun DI
• w n b tb• toot teat hb
Y Y )
be made W scours anbwripuons to tLa
tae Kicbrdmon elevator took o oa
o l& end
Anderson F'.J.T. Nsftol
want to be painted wllti tea same brash,
Chairman of ConnnittowJ
In use around town, contrary to the regal•
trans are all painted, giving them a much
Meeic•1 Society, whose funds arsdo%.fedto
hay !or Sault ESN. Mule sad Fort W Illiam,
Reid ,1. Ualt
wy up &C o0oe.
. _ ___ _ _- -
it. m.. whlob allow a lawn service of only
bettor appooranoe than the average uopaint-
the maintenance of the bond. We 4ope
clertoq for fns north Tceeday night.
Pesro* A. Moll, Allan
For Hent.
seven hours a d• end rohibit their b•
1 D
ad barn. There a cob one an ob ect lesson
that good will result from the eoneral die
Capt, Baxter t1 still doing good service
Wilson, skip J. D 0,00noell, skip
' =_-. _ _._. - __-__ :
loft used a otter In "me oases they had
to this, but • Suggestion that othrs could
n of b
cuwlon of band •Hein which has taken
at the old stand, and townspeople or vlstsen
-14 -21
�U LST -FROM MAY 1bth, (IRA7,IN,t
boon set to nn •ll night. A list of fns of
feeders has Faro kept b
Profitably act upon. A barn that is Painted
1l&l& longer than one .Dat 1* not the num-
pboe the past work and Lh6t the
who wish to spend •pleasant hour or two
Stesl F. B. Holmes
l%o to the Vlotore• Kwtacranl, \Vest sk..
o lrmeand aai.a the oa Lilo LREItT
frt•rseand partloular, apply W ♦L86RT
••d proascutlon
/breallosd II the rwpulatione ru Yam dna
her le DteeerveA from the weather. In
.e whlde •o maab
cannot do better than hire one of bb boats
Dave hubnr, bks
Aeltell .las. Kobtabou
for loo cream, fruit, confectionery, cigars
C. Bl,tcx.474
1Y I LgON. tlaltford Ol-t[
come cations of Ontario it 1s the rule to
time and labor ►ave bee�ex sod*d will re
end a row on or river.
t;rely h. U. SlnoDan
ago. Nk, ro rietor.
� P D
faint borne Huron it mesme to be the
oelve more than ever before the moral and
The genial captain will be found at his boa-
firlRto skip -15 W', hese, lktp -18
Ae Ion aranm ,oche will he held, In Mr.
LInrAAL CUNyLNTIUN,-A ceeventlo0 0l
the L•barai.1 Wast$3t�lrfrb"b
exception. Mr.l'oaeRglveseveyevldenvu
mat«rtrltyypWO-vFthe towns ale.
house at the seat cod of the harbor.
Rlohardeoo `hrlHRe snide
LawL's k, oa IOooda ovw
pr y ing, Ang&N
1 II nBnaRorrablehoiW lust ea6C Or 7tldRs
Il Yr. igeo-
of beton a successful, progrwive farmer,
Robert Stewart of rhe Dominion Public
Coleman W. t ren bell
20th, from 8 o'clock. Admission 10 oM.
la ins isfAwu^e, now owapled
er. y lie•teA by Iic w.rrl furnace ; bol sad cold
to Cases st howmtanoon on Frida •, Anqumt
2Ath, for tb• car • of ocmeou io • can
D V^s 8
rad w I►r Y Els b►rne an 000cerood .ben
Works Department, was at Kettle Point
wood logs and
Weir hr. Hcnter
H• ikl O. Holmes,
Everybody come.
carter bath ; aler oio.ee- Sparlous Lawn and
A *Nblle no the pram ley. ADDIT Io
dldste for the House of Commons for the
Are moot all over the oou0ty who could
The changeable weather le a.herd thi to
fo a pier ion Go•
Clone for • ier which the Dominlo0 Uov
y p -2(J skip -21
-- -
Tao bankru t HUoke will arrive •s the
Hamilton stroet bb, Ston thle week.
H K'. YAKKNL1K, H&rAwrro merohant. rl tf
it W.
reset altwnoo. Thr, oOcvenLiou will optn
follow Lb example.
got over, but F. J. Prldham has been able to
arnment purpose to construct at the Point.
TOW 49 Total 60
We aommenon the chea sale S•I&rda
_ _
at 1 o'oi"ii r. st. A• the member for
Wese Huron tot
THw N Uuos- n. --A s ci•l meetin
De R
of the town council was held on F'ridr
solve the for hie customers b the
^Ie ,�
nr one. c 1 upon Elm at any time be
He will recommend that the pier be built
Two rinks of Oo bowlers payed al
morning, 18th Angwb. J. W. BaoDaalur<.
For Bale.
the neat
eve1600 bel, there Mayor
[ween 7 a.m, and 7 p.m
•t • nvnD .ogle to the reef, 420 feat to
ticntford o0 olvto holiday, Uoe rink was
Wanted : Kgga 13o, bultor 180. The
frm le to bio eaisete,l, there should be, and
ueAoubfaAl will bs, a n r"entativ* nth
when were present
Wilson std l%oonadlon Matin, HnmMr,
The G. T. R, on ine house a being re•
length, ov io0 test wide, with an L ■ha ed
60x20 fast. light
testem three ehol@ and the otter sigDb. The
•ale Still goes (or throo weak) wttn Oh• cheap
fame Ooderich
sting rat Ihe enDpertsn of Libenli.m
51 Arsov and Koos, Atter auto routlse
shingled. John Morrie bas the contract.
and A oh the outer end
^f th* pier and uiotb*r en the erose will
K, K. ntw. Ask thnea who DAva been hen
of the bar• 100 rare I qq
townshl D. Hr aunty. lortt &hal part lA.
IRh ooummato t 61 mltrw front Uoderirh, r mater
throe hou% the rl4io
R �. The Liberals of
(;odertoh wl" mast on 'Tuesday eventnq
matters in connection with the Pnoobthlo
walkm bad been du Nand of, • oommuaio•tioo
Conductor Samuel Hann a again runnih R
on the Q._j'r__$, between Stne(ord end
be malntalood dur4a Eke' asaaea of nave s•
g ._ - R
aTaATroau. ,+o DURICIL
G ki.-c4ok K. `J. W'llllsm l
how they Irked their parvule. U. H. Hexa,
Wingham. --'-'
from (Tinto, 7710 frmeontaina Ro.wl build
from Mews Osrrow 3 Garrow was
A F. McLrea T. Davlse
The lawn
,non sats flood tons", b well watered and well
part Thera le • Woe Ere or
n«xt to appoint gates to attend the
Don:annos convwnoa.
,read, stating that they had been served
Inbor Day, Monday• September 3rd, will
J. 860.10 D. U. Sarmatian
*octal undr the ausplo" of ties
ladies of Victoria Street Methodist Ahmad,
u sed sal erm In
shard anhaser. O(
A (i'N.ANNg 1!1 THL \V aAT11LK -lobe EOL
with notice of the Dlainu8's appeal to
be celebrated In Couwa. Bia ale raees will
D.. D.- Hay. J. D. O'Connsil,
which wea t
pos meed Irom h w111
4 to 'M. ULLk
mn poroh&asr. ApDk W N'M. OOULU os
.pall tato to •n as,i IYL Saturday atter neo
the •alt of finites vs. l:uAsrloh. fro mo-
form the attrantlno.
Kev, Ju, Wiles&, B.A., of Olsnoce, will
skip -80 skip -1!
h«Id this F'rlday evening on the gna&ds e(
gr of
promises. orOodericto-y.n. , Ol-tt
_ _
of the boil"% w eks in the memory of the
•ion of Me"n. Martin and Humber
Yessrs. Garrow h Grrow were 10
De ut sheriff Cn
p y- .. y has Coro chirfaen
feet blgh growin m his rden. Who can
preach In Knox church next Sabbath,
Rev, Allan S s
eaft r, of Toronto,
J. 8asaga& H. D. Morris
J. D. MaOrlmmoa J. Rabineon
J, . han0on, corner Usmbn• road and Nei•
ono etrset,
iL' "dYti4
isbabiwal." The mercury kept
90 lung
fa o
mtructed to resort the •opse, A ra-
beat this for bigness !
•r both services IYt Sunda In St, Oeor e's
Y 8
Dr. Hawke John Gals
N:verybedy bay
of years, the props tnoww n
Iset Oats. ♦p�1 for arlwww. to ill•
alts Ont the Mark all weak and
eOm•ttmee evmhot It by three or four de
4uest from the seontary of the public
1•he rural .drools op0O on Moody next,
Jadge Barron A Mol). Allan,
@houlA • flakes for the
Cowan-Malver mbbeh race on Thursday
W♦itl)C. JTTKI Rl wood Park.. sf
groes. The air began to coal nil after tDe
nen nn Saturday rttwrooun cad Sabday
It db
library bord for a vote o! $100 for current
oz pewee was granted. A petition si¢nod
by N. H F:vnt hod twM,Ty;four ashen
the 20th : school@ In wince and l000rporabad
villages oa Tuesday, September 4.
Rev. A. B. M. Thomson supplied on too-
day for Rev. M. J. Wllwn, o[ Nlle, whose
father died lase week.
skip -25 ski 17
D -
next, Y the promoters ae pubtinR up a
parse of >FIS for thio winner. TtoksM will
be 15 ladles
_ ---'t--
L' ant aloes term known 4 the "Carld�
was to most POO • eoIIRht(ull 000l
heat 1h•
Ykinq fr the extensio0 of field street
From Sbturd•y rtrereoan to SuOAay
ata ; and ohildron, 10 ues. Ceme
help the
frm' In i.si Wawsoosh. eomorldsR
•ores, mora or less. This farm Is situated ^n
after the torrid o pr*vioes wrok.
The *evetal r lufalls since Strarda afar
co HsOnet .creat was referred to the public
morning the recroury dropped ti.irtl de•
e �
goes, from 90 N 6(1 approxlmal&ly,
Dr. Potts announces that the Methodist
Iwen llseti century fh►ekael vinR fond has
Miss Hntrow* b vlxltln0 •t SD, Matte.
&all sport along.
the Rrsysl road between Ashore sad Hlyl h,
•bout one-hs.lf mile aast of Aubarh> and IS n-
8000 bare been cal mw:h baoe6c to never t
works committee to report. Th* *treats
meotlooed re le St. Andrew'• ward. -An
Fred. %V. lloty, the P w manaver of the
Pioed the =900,000 mark.
M,. H. MaKenzle b vblting rs1a01vss at
-j'L8.00 to any pars of Monitob► and n -
C Iza1 Y 9cn e( thio"lraet btmo In the town
tion. Slnre SIOda Erse tem orators has
other special meetiOR was held on Monday
U,. iorioh Magian and -Bicycle ('o., arrived
Kev. Chas. M. Sheldon, author of "Is
tan, August 18th, August 28th, September
ship• Thwr6 to a good veeidenow aeA large
barn on the promises, The ownr will sell
erotically risen again, er4 light welGht eat
moots are &Palo appowring,
*vsel0 g, when all the members were present
TurwAy 01eht and has •Named tea Actloo
HI* Stupe," fe to spank •t th* Chrb I
MILO Torrance, of Zurich, was In bown
bho weak.
11th, ticketa ood for two monbhs. Pr•
stook eaA imDnemeots to • eciNe.le errant.
For rbbcubn &PPlr on the pram +to
WLI1DLp AT VANI ,)t -%nu - The weddlep
except IJutiley Holmss. Mwrs. Field and
Sharman were awarded the for
,.f his po*itlob.
Hsdesvor oonvs0tloo to Uuelph 0szt Oc
Mine Lillie Webster left Iasi week to vtolt
tioclrn st Canadian Pacltic office, WN►ab,
-Miss BAu„ the only anthorizgd agape of
THOR. CASSIDY or to TNL SiuNA a if
New Westminster,
SJr, has offer, d the bond the use of
C. P. R. In Uoderloh.
o[ Sidney Malcomwt. of
H. C • ion of Mrs. Maloomwn• of toxo• and
Mtaa Lime Robertson• danghtr of Ma sad
wr&oolithio walk. on Montreal, South and
Kinceton str^eta on the condition that the 1
t l0 taoder
the vrandah of the Itritnh Fichanes hotel,
and the weekl Ir^
}' [ Kr+m will bio Alwouned
M& or and Mrs MOMillso, of Ihe Salvation
oti Mondby end
Army• will visit (Ili
In Cilnbon.
Mrs..1. C. Martin Is vtsiting hr eon. J.
BIOTCLav AT CGVT -For the balsoos of
L OR SALE.-WTN b , 10. 95 ANIY96,
i le HuWM*Oe'e runner. and 136; 1!0'f- r
•nae %he noes mantlo0ed the
share this evecl0g.
Tussdy, Aaqust 201b and 21st, aoonmpan
W . at Wtenlpeq.
the @euo0 we will offer bicycles as cost to
Nath half of R70 runPinR 0umners, all
Mn. y\'m. RoLertesn, F:"t stress,
in St. l'ahedrol,
of iD L ktarden A Co., and P. L. Maden
The •xoat•Nioo a Lrihp made (or •dwell-
led, b four Loy brnmpeten. iMn's fall to
Them. Tilt b sway o& a trig) to Berlin,
order to dispose of the remainder of our
0oderloh. FOr panloulaia •Dy17 to
r1ah, took pl►ce .lames'
,t loo, wen awarded the oo0tnot for the
log to be erected for ('ham. Sea er oo his
hear them.
Waterloo and Blair,
look, If you want o Rood' wp**I vac will
H4"14tr't'o" Ood(fiiPb)
Vancouver, H. V., at o'clock r R. on
,tarda - AORasr 4th. Tbw sumroa*
b.inona at the work as advertised, •t 9 3,'80.
far walks, 1310 for hanvv
property at the corner of Waterloo street
The topic for last Tuesday evening m
Mlss liertha Kush. left Tuesday morning
bars an orportunity to get one rt wboleple
Yar•b loth 1900 te-ti
ItLaods 0f both bride and ¢rant in Godonoh
orouloca sed
124-i for light cre"tng.. Steps were Laken
sod SI@in aysesa.
Vlatorl• at. F:Dwortb Leag00 wea ''Lwl"
ah • vt.lr to Ingenell,
price. bavr •bo • 0umbar of @Nond-
hand wheels Ih revslr.--0su, W.
- --- -
will wbb th* y0ao¢ oouole a Intl measure
to hays the work commenced as soon &s
(i ea. 13uchanan, formerly of Yr. Holds
and was Introduced b Miss E. Harr
Y y. TD•
b1 n. Knox has roburned from • month'@
I'K,.wNdN a S_.
- MYele.
of ha loess and rosperit to which good
pawtble A letter Irom \v C (%code o0
law office, has returned from his tri to the
toDio for next Tuesday evening a "Tha
visit !o the n 1'
(;Cee It y.
wbheii Tin: 9D+"AL j01n4 heartily Mr behalf of the executive committee of,the Northwest, and has gone to St. Maya, PI•w of Song to Cbrbflan Worship" and t,KgAe M14arvw,-YrtN, (dory It aanew,
MINE ETHEL ACHESON Maloomson one of She moot opular of where he has o ened • law oflioe. will be letroduoed by MIN MoKeagOe. r .n I,, Welch, Stratford, b Vbltlne p preps a Mlu HIat tlyllsery bulress,
D \ation r t ety, requested that annotto- P f..•r cosec, tV 'I'. 1\'obh• la re arwA to •ell •t read reduced doss
�� - Gnderlrtb'o ions •r name or •bro•A, wbA ,iatioe for the searing of the n+rad on the The first caricas of apples ehlpD*d from 'Kev. A. W, ToOge, et Plbtl&rllle, who s0A will De R v D
Willagan claws for the wtudy of pianoforte .John ('Aon, of Brantford, la Visiting •► pleased to "a all MIN Hlllier's
sod theory after Hspt. Ist. Mn. M•lc0meos holds ac leyu►Ily Eich place S,tusre be provided. A dou0 new benches Uodenoh obis reason Iwtt the U. T. K ,ta with his 1•mlly b vidtloR Rev. ,1, W, Rob,
MW Acheson taught In Ontario ladrna' Col- to the estanm of her many •aivalstanoes. have already been ordered, and these Ara be lion on Saturtlay for Winnipeg, vu Uhl- inson, on Sunday occupied the pulpit of hl• sunt'•, hire. Maeson's. former customers as well Y many new ones.
law the put year what^ she had etperione• •Tire ('it 1 HI,LIUAY.-CIylO holiday, be **,rated at once end a su�oient number came. It wee •tiippeA by Robert F:111olt. Victoria et. Methodist church and preached MW Hyena. of Stratford, :hs Visiting bar MIEN, Cawmi will be assLaNd by • fin►-olame
... ,, to Preparing etur)wnte for the Toronto Con• Tho s nut, wb@ olrerved h oar pewee- of them set • art for the w* of the be0d. two able and most acceptable srmons. The sister, Mn. J. H. Colborne, � mlillher end will airy • tall line of the
se resWry of Music examination.. Y D K, W. Logan, formerly of (%o4orlch and 1 Incest imoortatlons, •Apprentice' wanted.
Fr term&brply at rsidewte, clamor Cato There was a suggestion In Mr. Onodi s let late of Montreal, has tees appointed the nv.nbd wthis h will ext S •t beth MIN rs.P For of Dakota, la vLalSlug
Errand Hrock @tracts, 911t ` - --- --- ----- ter that the band stand at the harbor park now local •gent of the H•ll T*lephoselle. eetvloss i thio church east .Sunday •ll&. •nMi Mn, {' aly, f Dawn. `,vest money Is les o to eanloR It. Call
\- -- - P1 O i01' Bale. be lighted end that the band play there un Hw b giving • cries of expwltlons of the and, ane the new nd of witha b and in.
-- �__ •t Uuelph and hu assumed Els AUHes then. Mies in to ay, d Oinity La vial mislo0 or -
- _ �• OLHNN CAYPBK.1,1,. -_-- -- ----' Ell &000mmodabton eDsuld he rovided os Book of R01h. l;s.Su0day mornlnR for els a or,, and Wormwlth Aad Domin•
__ _._- __ P relaWVN 1r, town and vtolslty. Inn lanes a (lxo, W, T)Tafteox k SDR
XNOFIM 3 15-=AIDOW LAD4, the Tynan, bar the 0ococll cohsidere.l the Mtss Berth• Kask hu anvupfaA • annj,we he chore ••Nsom1 the Ministry 0f P '0,
(hgwc cat and modest director of North -d. moving away, will sell her mahogany ettlan on bhe t•achls Miw Uortrud• Sturdy, of Uodetion town- and o
-- McU.M ret eharoh, and teaehr of pianoforte, egoAti lelew•nt, ucright, ea4inot grand piano. Perk too far Irom the esnere of the taws for Dc R staff of the F:meMr Sorrow." Io tae .Fid lit hl. r,0 Su was _ t l will g, whero yea Das make •nab
-`-- pipe0•Ran end theory, will be pleased to re ublla school. This will necessitate an ap "Ruth -In iSodly FlAsiuy." Ua Nasdy ship, le ytabb l frlast to tows, stontl►1 asvi0p, The *ao•rlor polel@ of a=•-
whiob i otit n flu mp Le. to a liars for •boot refs a these Til. oo0olnAed tba DadoeN D I;eo. Crabb telt nut west for Brantford, collation over other makes need only to be
' eleh�e papal•. INtrnatlon tcl1vno either at ti.lfpriro, on pbymenut. to roushle part, or I«•fon the oocooll. � polmtmeOO for the Iloderich whool for the 0lexe he will Estee tbe easian. Ie the moro-
studio or At PuoolPa home, aw dNlre,f. Bt" bo wily soaopt .pecl-1 tow prigs for rash. Piano short farm. Int he will Nke for Els disooern, "Rata where tie hu oeoared • dtwcloo, sewn and ezpl•IosA to he bpprsctab*d. All
M Rmerwn's M . sto e. W ant mt. 7Y tf Is Hae now and fully grunnteed by brat op r I )LATA h MK, the pa si -- away •than, Weath*nld'a latest letter tram his Gleaning in the Harvest Field ;" and in the Mies Ursoe Hollies, of ('hies o, is vlettin amid@ guaranteed for a term of years.
- ------ maker. •lamp recast we chroslote rho pwsel0g away R R
I 1 ENKI JORDAN_ For term. apply before the 70th to „o Tuesday August 7th• of ,J►moo H. Wil- son, Charles, of the second C•n•dian con evening, "Ruth's Reward." •t the residence of F. F. Lawronoo.
I1 P t' Ibz:r• tingent In South Africa, wu dated ,June fir. Wesle Ksid, of Detroit• a HE OBJECTS TO HINNESSEY.
At uwbenl director Knot Presb terian,.heroh 91'2t . Ooderloh, name, sr, lose and *o Renenlly respeatsd by NOTFS OF SPORT Y pest •few
f the inhabitants of Uyderich. Five ear 12/h. He ANNA that mf had hese re oath nave INt week at the parental home. •T„ tIta Editor of THL B1oNAt•
to npenlnbt cl•laer In t'oanl, t)rtao, Puna ani{ (��. - Y si ht 6gDl& Irom Rlnemfontel0 to Pretona.
( Arnot. Pttpnw preppaared for Toronto ('allots "--- --�- I Yo Mr. Williams sugared from a severe a- R The Molvwr-Cowan tweary-mils Cold race Mn. Thw. McLean, ^t l.unknow) spent • Sint, -I undereisad the drallosta •f
of Mooia ax*minatons. ADplf for terms At WarrnlnR• tack of plaurtav, from the effects of which rhe friends of Mn. K. Holmes, of (Ain• take* place •t Harriston todsv. Unad few days visiting to towo this weak. Godertoh have bean notified retarding the
Tho FroOteow," oath street, Uoderfnh, _ _- -- -- - Msotherwberroegoa0•ntot(oo osoor n ton, eh* wife Wse Heron'. M.P., wtlI be lurk, Alwx. I Mlw hates 51u(:illlouddy hu nsurneA sale of niers and ofganttes os Saeday.
r studio In(Aldfeliow@ b,dldldt. NOTICY 14 HHREIIY 01VER THAT covered, luring the last year particularly pleased to know that she has nearly re-
._. ____- -,---- anyone shoot laic or otherwise "PY*7 Ths weekly practice of the gun club• held home otter a month's visit to Torouto. Now I would like be knew who ve the
Ing upon any part of my property willl be or. his health was fr from satletsowry. To covered drom her long and "ver* illness, ut
noYeafloe, em, r,y,twd and pro"Outed• li. (l. ATT1ttLL, wards the close of the week precedlsR his though she is not yet able to steel much o , e,, : (i lase, ands 4, In th* mond 7, MIN K•t WNos ntd aA en F'rtday L. 1). A, and 1V. Q T, U. people 000rdL►y
_ acorea : lien, S monde 4, are 9Ymond• 7, from • vblt to Uebtoft and Fi• envllle, to th sa washout a whole t ma. Alegal, sa
_ __ �==----�--�- firARrwoorl Park:,, 17-tf Ae•th he Isley resilzwd tMt the and wu ezerLlos. y R
AR. K,-MHAW; -- - -- • drawers haat tied a oke 6f it 16 -Me femtl IV m. Luhrm b, l osiModore W1{I,me 3, th the etotubes Me who, thlsg ie Illegal, ea
`�'1H R D y Petor Cowan, -- Mr. sod Mn. 7iie. Anhesoe ►n Awa os
t/ ANCKstud real estate &Root, �h" aomt sTosthey, who rs to 1), l0ojvor 8. y thea have Ent ion. sad portage stamps In
I I• tyre o r nl wa 23
o• m s tee t I nasi with as ser
0tlee ► • hohds t e Ii
hI }• Yalesb Alez. Molver os the rd, 01alms to y alp t rlMoby •sal TnrOnW.
Rood fo)��o d town troperty for Nlsortra,f e _ _-__ _ _ _ __-- _ � Ing onofidon le In his heaven) Father's love y Molveq of God•rloh, aeA Cowan, of Roth- their sotl8wtion, A000tAlsR to soh -Ne -
and 'slRi are. Omce. trio door east of P.0., N rR AUKRUUATE ('UUKTOF THF: •mA mwre On the follawle TuooAa hbye broken the Canadian twent mile road may are undoubtedly two of the best road Mr, &0d Mrs. Alez, M,gsw and two floe (a) of ,saline H, postome stamps o0aht
1- R y• reoord In Harriston last year by rlAtsR et t0 children, of WloslleR• aro visiting In brown. to have been Included,
I. OOVNTY OF HU RON., surrounded by his devoted wile other 54 intent"• whlnh over three minutes radon In Canada. McIver's event twenty.
WR. RO R E RTS O N, members of thet6mtly, he pa•wfrilly antra beHer than the record. ntit* road raw In Toronto in IBM. when he Mr. and Mn. J&Mae Ust"&day and e60. l also notice In last week's SIuNAL bhas a
. Accountant and Insurance Agent• IN THK MATTER OF THE EHTATS OF wd Into his root, Wil Ion the none^ of Iona defeated 187 et the a ,' I Ire Canada, Algr B , of Toronto, re vblting to town. man named Hlnsesey Intend■ running for
(looks and ax,oanto made lip. JAM KHDAVID90N, DECILARED. solid regret are general •mono all who knew The loobure given by Kev. A. B. Mel .nal Cowan'. Frost u, -v mile record Is Harry Woreall left Tuesday moning on a mayor and if elected propoe" to rodnee the
itulldlhp rooted rod roots cellscteA, - Mr, WJll,ms •edesteemed him frhim many drum, D. U., In KOoz church on Mobday Harriston last ver pr •v, this. Beth claim wheeling trtP to.Southam ton and Witton, taxes by occ-half the flrat year and do away
rim Insurance In Rrillah a0d Canedlen N,iTtr z, is herob� ¢icon shot all creditors Of D
cam Nona James D•viAson. ate of the townshle of (lot- sterlln 'r nalitee, the blow to hu (•mil to a as I auto wall •tfanded rnA the •ddreoo g yor r wtbh taxes •Itogetber the sace0d year. I
ppLa p I Y to be rides Inter than suer Chia A..1. ,Doper and hb oowto, 1tUbt. Alanoe,
- --- o% In 1'rondroot t Bayi omca. North borne, 1n the unty cf Heron, ymart• de- severs end h" drawa out to them the sym- wu much •pprwl&ted. The oubJwt. W inghsm Time, : Un \l ...Inesda more- of Melancthon, wore In 'llnton op Hannay, have Men looklnv nP th ky&O M& n fso.
p-ssoea .,-,- --s. Iaoast. Rf _"-'aotlwnd and the Saotoh,1-wu •!ewer - Y . . 4 onorilww-%w Well Pall6ob
pYTftS lltt'vltfVtlR9dgTfTOtt OOR"6Tfiflf•` log .r F, `1*114l@ ahlpped his tees hone Master Allan Hesdenon, of Krantford, Iha that would be illegal &be.
0f kin or antftlad to eharo to hie eaVA1 aro ad his is R Y handled by the eloquent speaker.
bsreb To,tulrod triwnA by past, prep*i on yarlbhle 4ndness •DA` Intw alt nl I,buO. W. H. Unedr Harold H. eo Sal►mowae, N. y-. He hu formerly Of this town, Is visiting friends 11 Is most extraordinr t
" NeldlOt►l. or More flu« 1Rrh de, of Anmring. A. F1. JIM to character. On Thursday, the 4th lost , the y on Ta .day n• •Iso purchased Wafter K. from A. Printer, hero. y hal I haw bus
_ __ __ eslvod his field officer's cer ifioat• from the of Toronto, and shipped thla horse •lost lentbroly Ignored In theNmal.Nn rltNgsther.
r•-"--� -- -'s the a "I,. the dillinor for Klrhard H. v{ 11- loearment took plow at MotNanA wen«Nay, !%Ifs, HNd, of iwnAlanapolb, was Ihe gnNt M1 I1ma ee •role Is ekes ap lookt0q •(ter
i1Rt1 TURNRULL a TURI(BUL1, nam.• Ke i., thio adml^lot rentor of the estat0 of Kwr. M. Tmrn boil, rwnsr of thio parch, r London military school. The pernintamo with Harold H Mr. Swartz left on 9slar
�J✓✓ Pk class•Rlrworms "a the said idrerM, their wriptlan and aur pe mwrkeA on the cwrtlflwN was 76.75, the d• awA 0r of Mn. W. T. Mnrnsy for •fww Aye nut other peeple'o husil>r*a (m awe Mu1name
� n-rnM. alArsaee@ Ann Awanrentlons aeA fall formed the hnrl•f .satin., nloelnq ID with • y p pu** abNoAioa sum• of Eke Y
(aI&Iltp dtrot. parr lonlan of their cl*Imo end rlRhte In the
few brief ratherks touchingly desoriptly* of high mt Riven at theLabool. Llout. onOeiry hoot rams In Usote Ham's country with his week, looks after IWIf); but then I could have
ht oslis aMwerorl from Office. p,omlooa IXther with s statement of ani hove received hb er ulNlban certificate also.
•' """' ' ssdnYtttwihe M them• the exlempluy psttagw and y01et, eNadfYO 1 horns. MiNoo F.. and K. Mastenas, of Unsdea. le°t some of my time If I had nean mos-
' J. -:..II SULI.. F. D. TURNBULL ♦nd nodes in hereby given tn*t Ater the talth of ten spatted. Serene F.-autllal Tha mato Md blovala raos between Alex. The se,ond of She series of ores MbwooO were vinefoq their friend, Idiom Griffin, last *e1toA.
NIA date the Adlon"MOrAtOf will Aretrlhntw the floral em Mems -among them • arose tram Molver, of town, and Peter Cowan, of Alex, Molver• of town, end Peter 0owan, week. I abject to the' whole thing u being 11.
watate of the mid J&rnes Dovidson *manor the the \ oucR People's Guild n( St. (lsor o'a of Kothu takes law to Oadertoh on HarnlA Turner Is testin s trip on the IYal aeA Pot sooerdtoe to staHN.
I�R9. MBANNON h UALIA)W, {'MY R Kotnsry, aitl bio hammor. Nnither hu y P R Y ing ostat
SIOi♦NHanA ng. *oat de ole RAnR to suc s entitlal n Ila m . havinit siert molt church, of whlnh the deceased's moo is ren Thursday. August 23rd. Whll• the riders gotten prior to retaraln to hie work at N•w
M (`emmerrie hullAlnR. weal side of Hrinare. to ACnA rlatw as he taut than aww notlro of, D I ever met defeat o0 Lhs road •sal Mrh Clalm 4
Matt Milo a resitiono". and the administrator will not w I,hle for dont--marked the estagm In which Mr. twenty mil" as their hest distance The ars on the road two IoNreating •vents will f ork. _ CiluaN•
Dr. Hhan. on. Dr.Oailow, any part of the estats so dlerritmted to any Welham. was held by all classes of the first rale of the,Orion takes lace toda In be run - a ball mils professional race in MIN Stoltan retuned las► weak from -
old residence, haD1r d. RINI& rt. w, ponos of who"claim he hu not then notice. nommeelty. The following gentlemen &os Hrrtato0, D } hoats nnA • two mile •matour handles •1%. Bro in t&le Rd efts
'Phone K. Phone a• Dated this 19th day of July, 1¢00. „A as pll bsoren : Moors. W oothwnld, Mclver and Cowan will rid* she flub thrtpe month's •Monty at Grand HesA and cthr Fdimr S.A. ISrowa,ot Beeee1l@v111e, N.C.,
PHILIP BOLT. I). MoK• 1. lops Heald, p0611ehed •e %orlon, b EAa PI•ot's was once Immensely surprised. "Ihre
Uoderich P,U., 1, U S. Sturd A. Rmith, H. I.tyt venture in ournalism in Horns tru fhe final Ihrse it n of the raw es the (ly.rll W'• Armstro0p, of Stra1f*rd, was le IanR safferl0v Irom AyapeprlA," he wMNe
NOUOO. fc 11 Llollosnr for sed Administrator. Dunlap and H. W. Hall. Mr. Williams I trsnk and sense miter end tsmrn os the
_ osn01v Ths puhlbMr 1. U. I)v•q and w• town %hie week to the interests of The Iblly 'tmy wife was greatly nn down, She had
_ _ was M+n Is 1829 le Krle, Pa, where hs ,boned oat ne nrrprb*d it from Its Ilmltad R•yflelA road.
ADMiNi9TKATOK'Y SALE OF VAI.- N THF:9[JRRI)(%ATF,(1)11RTUF THE spent thio earlier yeah of hb Ilton (,.ming R..cen. eo strength or vigor and suffered Fre&% die•
sphere, and foll0wlag rho 1•t.• el nigher \Vednaeday •venleg of nut week •ben- Mrs..1. T. Newell left ow F'rldsy or, a tress Irom her stomach, but she tried Else-
1'ARLR FARM 1'ILOI'RRTY. (xyr7NTY OF HI'RON, to C•nadb torty�two yeah •Ra, he tont rap n*w,peps,s with •small noes0ltns&o milw haeAlcep hloval• rue wu ase a1 91ras�
ht. &bode Is Uedorloh, wbre he oonduetaA y• this mouth's vlab to Mitchell, Stratford and trio !titters, which helped her •t once, and.
IorA, MaltlanA dumber, •fermi OoA*sioh after win four Lettlss. she Is entire) well
AmhlMld liwnA@, Rannlrle, &dmLal@entor of IN T►IE RHTATE OF J AMICI HANI)9, • e abodelal busins@r . w Ela olmoluot a paper should he ditto. F'ukhlll. R
thio twtetle of the bre James Heeds. Ae„eaooA. IrE('RAHED, Any, was os• of the alders. With tau^ nes eat an t gra Y
will stat for Dote a Uame, H ads. de aroma, few years sea. Mr. Williams was a man 0f hipeaking of she excursion N OoA•rloh on y hleR. It's • nd mado, sa
Mamllton strew4 Hoderwh. on Hatnrriaf, the maned ud ment and an extensive and Taesdav of IYt wseY, The Brnsseb P00% others hs •Nrtwd at wralnh, whileflus other Mi@s Fat tenon ome of nn, of ale.Jn, . Ila ganNe laxative aalitis or* • landid fes
tMth Ma of A uga•I, IWX1 r 2 n nlmk In the NOTI"R is Mrahy Riven pnravanl to the First 1 R eent"rants wr. Riven Doe hall • min"m R *, 4 D
makes • complaint • Rolanr Ar, the home al h*r gaol J. A. rot id liver." For Inds
y rtes Ir that behalf that the rterlltors end ►heechtlal render. He lesves to moors hb R&lesb the U. 1'. K.: The flnbh wu very cense hetw**n Hhmbsr KolNeraoe. P RNtiee, IDN of &p-
IoN a widow, eight Nee and three dao h "It rias after 1I p.m. when the hate n. psNN,storsamk and lively troubles IVs a pod•
Aft*town, thio followlcg perrob of fan Mhers Kamp nlwhno se•r0(d rho estate of the a and T. Mol'vth the ad Ivin Mall. Mr, and Yrs. (!hu. Lee have
-- PY+wI 1. -Part M Meek U, and part of lot 1 abnv* namwf James Pants, Who AIM on r Coro, several of whom isms from • Ala•nna turned. Thw Alhy AallylnR •1*nq Sh* ono �' ) ges R R 001�4d five, tuaranteed cure, Only 50 coal@ a% J.
annnanion 1, W.D. Coihortlw, containing'T; about the 11th day of,lnno. 19,10. a the oft of , Is yr ebehhv troam*et b 1 eh• dealsion. T e ewe rlAora wore *e near Irom • trip fo Fbtb William dleaNaly \\ Ilsen'a sirs *bra.
•^roc, on whinh theta I. a rommOdeonA of42 Onelph. bn the county of Wellington, Ara tau t.o he preen At the funeral. and to whom Y v the railway PM R
-- Ing and stabiles, two large robar"s and three galred. on or before thA ^5th day of AnRmn, we sytend nor very siraere aymp%tby. aft•&w & 14f"Om* day In the beat and dust• Iy even •e the de bh that Nrriw el the spas- 9s. AOdrow. _ __ __
never fallen w ringw t Prwpool. or Aallrer to and should be ovrew,me In sot• w• Ghat b talon gawhon•A the )nRRw' Awblon, 6nA
R D Mev to seed M pts TH■ BAND n. 9tarcn ._The hand AIA not 1 Mlb U, W, Forrest d* ret Toro from s BORN.
I'aveal f. Port of Int 1, roe. L W.D. (tel- M,eigirn, yarrow 9 Oarrow, e! thio town of • fww mil* nod Mtwase HnmMr sad
Monne oostalnho Is &arse, all cleared aeA Oodrloh, In the count of Imran. Nlleftra •easier ..n the N,inare on Thnrsdsv --@nine, "arsiy puwlAle." NoCarthy was orrasmed for Saerdb • eau- menta a visit to /reseals •S Toronto And fiORN61h Ie wifeornw, on ThoNdq, Asa -
R howls decided y Thos (lnndr ons. •t I'h losgo the pee% lei. Tha race name oR &eoerAlae is amn*
bnaer� and In • RooA otatw of onitiv&tlon. In, AerblMlti :