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The Signal, 1900-8-2, Page 8
771" r •.. 11 )tV 1.., .# A1,1,e t. 1 t S �,GW ` an•�n r w ,( 5 , V w hes A • tee �,�.y,, TYOUDAv, Aug. 1, i ow. : $ . A.wp l • TUN MUNAL: t>IUUI RIU11ZONTAR1U.. I. I _ . I -_ ------- _� — , - -_ , T— ____,i+ rights and alter "Mini" a low dttyt 1F 6bmi 1696 weak v1e1►Isg btr�fslaN'iM teed w tib TO ADV=RTIRERB. H H w • arty will proceed to Bark's Malis. gees of his cows, Jeror Rohtnwe. WITH THV FIRST , \ nDD Ngti(w Of ohau pa wart lw Inst r( shim . tee -lie M' \\ 1 1 It ►1 ' K - 1 Cl ears ng Sa 1 e t 1e"`s' " sou M i1tN Yr• tl tt•Itw, of Wlsd♦or. Is vl.ttty , • ^ not Inter than Swturd,.y f� y her •bur, Yr•. K.etall.----.-��___ her mother, Mn. Outut►ve, Har°a road. Yrs. MrEuk l'We and A►u ht.r, Nvel of MOM' The fbpy for ehauged S`` !� , t NevJlo Lindsay, of AtN11(a:e i0 the Y y"• guest .f Maxwell Wallace W indoor, ars also visiting at Mrs. Use. want I.I. lett 1104 iatt.r than Men- We dewire to thank our many customers and friends for their � ru,bari Mrs. made b a densities of Mrs. ria noob. CVt 11wl Ativerti•emr•nM lil)t+n►1 patronage rnlor, we conuueuoed business in' Goderich • - � -w 1 OF ALL , 1 � III am Megan w •proAbq two oloab' kWi- Y fee K year K»lion. deer• at her home, C(tnttord. aoot.ptwl up to rtxsn WalntrtAsl ,if I I ago. Nr0 lss, Breckenridge, Mr• J. F (salt Summer Goods Mr. sod alt a past a neve been each wank, Having just fiamid ll our tint annual stock -taking f find w� WAR m Buffalo the .. daughter (ol I'smad.n., ('Alit ), A. B: p put week. Ilrsokeuntige and W'JI BuckennAgra (Oil- - have E nuuflwr of dNld lindw in Button, Lace and Oxford TI hire T, K. rowers, of BpRalo, it visiting oago) drove to Grey towrinnip seal spemit ` Shoes. As there are only a few pairs in each line we have decid-1 her deter, Yre. Joho S flats. Sunday with Yrs. Breokearldg.'. daughter, �Q�• Caygb� I to clear tltow regarllle*rl of former prices. We have placed the,* Rev. L B. W'allwln, of Le'amlugton,spout Mrs, Hutchinson. meat J {ap two lots according w quality. Balance Of 011l' tillnllnl'I' sll(1t1S n1113t r0 now. a few days la Iowa last week. �+ Y Mrs. A. It Bowen and Alio hAl'b Ruoot - -_ H •r�Ap�� �y. None to be carried over into % the Fall if price Fred K"I*, of 'Coruuto, a •pestling him •dao, of clevelard, o., wnh Mrs Bowers' a oar l•u:ver Soap, at So. a' YOUR CHOKE FOR • 6C. AND 7W. PER PAIR. Will move them 1lUW. f\YG InU11t113 UC Warp^ ,°'' %holidays with friends to town. wo children, have bases visiting their pound, of which we •ell • tnrrel a we • k. I '--other, J. B. Bunn man, and are at pre• This isn't our only .car a• we oars Uhas. moLeae, of Str•iford, symt "vocal Y (• v ' Weather ahead of you yep. Colne and supply Up of the past week In town , ret visiting their Lrother K W. at %% Ilia. everythwg Wit oast be found in an iso- sou have revered liner of new shoes, this Spring's •tock, that Yrs Bird and child, of Beevll stn 1 •m Tf,ey will soilless to Godertoh is a to date trmxry store, and our priass we have too many of, and have decideti to reduce our stock to snake ,u your wants at lit.tl(+ )rices. �• 1 , d... I vldtiug at the U. S. Consulate. Y We righ%. The lurmrrs know that they sacro for Our new Fall (10pd/. ,t kir. and Mrs. I/. McIver are is -46 the The tallowiaq is s Wt of gae•ta a► "The can always get from w a eaap lot th.lr _ See that you get a Refreshment Rookery". Mr. end Mrs. A L. Wilkin- produoe. %Vo dr+.v the lino at no For the next Two Weeks we will give Special round to on the star. llatsburg. S 13ar- - �' p sou, Mb• Ailrri W'dkrneoP, Niles Neveux, IupIWmM• tr■.,e - � rythtuy ,gPee : f Ticket on your purchase of a dollar. Ys. said Yrs. J. W Vua,Laar visited Miss Ntl+nn, Wtndoor; Mies Gertrude t,l.ewar,• .r potarto.. ,r,i,uJtutf.r gains in a great many lines—all new goods. Vlk�- friends at Witighom over Sudety. Nelson, Caioate; Mr. and Yn T. U U, choicest tabl. Chtnm. %Ve Jul In all Special Bargai 1i - •. Mrs. Tindall and win, of Philadelphia. as a lit July. Mie Edith Minty, Se•forth; . of them. Ree our Girls' and Boya' strong Shoes, just the thing for rouRif F the gusto ul Mn. Tindall, l'atlow. %,este, Nus Hay, Miss Sapp, H. H»limas, tis /� tl• * T /t 1, /� uange during the holidays : regular $1 .00 and =1.25 line for 76c, J. Hoffmann, C. S mans, Detroit; Mr T. G. iIPLiNG & CO - in new !11151111. , liin�;hams and Piques, WUI'th 15cand Bd. l) -r-11 6,69 left on the •tee. s.tuborp °u Hun., Now yark; Mr land Mrs Gla s• IW -1" 1 hi -,,k, 41vierfett: and 98k. per pair. , , y, r iteeoulh b.uoti trig lot Sunday. Y 2Oc ; Clearing Saa\ 1 rice 10C. pe g bio.k. Londoo. If you don't want to buy, don't; but look. k, Wm. W'•ddd{, of London, b • odds - ___-_-. ... _.. his holidays with old friends here. A OUCCFSSFUL MEET. - `" Hosiery Bargains The Mies" Oraceanti Kliz,+l,•th Wilson ;, r, . - I - returned from (: ousby ova Monday. a rteglen ofisw Save. a Wer she Aa.plre■ - Fast Black Fine I lose, regular 20e and 255 ; ,CleariIIg Miss Maude Uo@ess, of W.U.'o, is visit. ad the Turf flub. a Out famous ' 11111!5M American -wad u Shoes are giving • • lendid satufac- � _ . imp bet franca, miss Clara Sherrnao. TMOII/-rnoh Turf tYuh's r.u»s were h• 1,1 L •i'• g g. p �$h` I CICe, 15c. Col Holmes, 1). U. U, London, tootead at Atrlemil=u J Park on N'sinc-sty ,nt I-{j;t`.. tion. We'll be glad to have you •tM i isg a portion of the summer in town. Thursday lest, and the prugrem each .fey ,a11 tis 0 a 1 l bred • e e them. Millinery Rey. Jan A Aad.rson mud tunily will sea. carried through witbout a hitch The AS, 1 t snood • ptnrith's holidays at Tivertna a 'rndanar was ligator tit+n .ill expected 'S •asst Is- Ca,:` t et , • -,q„ All 'lxrimm Milliner ►cin at nearly iIALF l 1tI( h: .ad.• a.eq„-nrly ,h» h,.r,•,.1 r,r,,,.. J,I '. - ' 2 ' Y �y g Albert R. Robertson, of Ktugsville, has cut come up to expeotsttins, but the wem- t MUEpAI1AIZTC3_ Mea visiting his b,.toe here this week- bars of the olub ase not discouraged ; they , 't• ♦ _: T--_-..-_. Miss Graw Johnston is speodinq • por” ho for Letter thins next year. Q tsu,'s Clothl,ng R Y ...: P. - gLL {ion of her holidays ai bur some here. weather yuveUsrt dnr,Pp tit. two Says. 'Cho .,wet, '�+� Special Bargai in Men's and .Boys' Spite—ALL Stewart Straiton, of %istdotock, to spend track drtta up bes°rdoily sitar the rain on :•' ,,Y` ;�I'1I .1 North ride of the Squarq ( odwio►. THE CASH SHOE DEALER - 'leg • couple .1 weeks' holidays to town. fuesday 69d sou m perfect uoudtuon I • f I �;i $ UUl-ED - throughout the meet. The Nulse {lend ,,, (n - __ _ _. _ -_ - ._ - - ,,. .. _: ; r " W'm. Uodori of Windsor, as visiting role. sou In attendance both days and enlivened '> t + tnr wt{odench and Goderloh township Y 4 T •1111 , a `� . " - the intervals between hosts with ma•ir Factor attars Mir Ltzzfo Myers, of Wablcgham, b ,r Y line now were oouductsd Is a eery •efts . - „-. flioq at the N.,rth •r• Methodist parsonage. factor mariner, and rho T Ayr, grounds was exwlleot 'r . rho DONN fill' hast value ever .�s.''�., 7c for SC. Roy are visiting et S. Sloaft4. H.mtlLon Nollowi the ew Store r-+"a'•+er` Mrs. Kubt Movies, of A r, ad der sou Hing 4 lig is..ammery al tet. ra0es : TAMPER.. a .. ..I �, Best Value i n Sit 1 •Ing Yrs Sinble and iso, of SeslortD, vuiud litter uAy, Stripes, the iormer's muter, Mrs. Hannon, last weak. 2 45 pace or trot, pwri�o, - wlth your henllh, III Checks,. Stripes, 121 1,4c; Clearing Sale Price, .10c Yrs .1. K. Nelson sod two children, of Harry J., g• q . %otlanter A - under new cAnditions. i rhe.,' � fill,, 5 -I- - . - --__T---T.� Kidgetowo. euro vuitiop their relative. here Katz, Cmas City. Mtoh....... a .1. 1. I iE , a *f+ '„��(j xv" r Mfr Duffy M94ly returned last weak Romols, be. m., Jobs Harass. _ Don't use -Drugs dnd.#Aedieines Ladies Copilot ` Waist ' . - r . from her VMS M Ktsevdlue end St. Then.Aa 1 3 4, Of questionable quality. hist the bq/t ' - .-- --- _ _ _ - - - r--\-\ - - - --- ---_ _ _--- --t- - cooN Sllsole F , f tD.. thnr6 b" at the `a ttc(+t tit A11 new 3t leers clal whl with nsert0—n,---M--f ;llhlr mss, l a: , Cl;y, 14jdt. 1. . b a 2 2� Th.n is a tide in tit. again ul men which, when takers at its; 1� `QYtr Rhoda may, of I;odertoh, i■ visiting chargrfri for iotwrior goals. r ,y,P /�/� MII'w H., b. m.. Gesrto Hkx.. /lady , an to turtuue.- $1.:_':) slid 1.56; Clearing, Price, 1.00 her soot, Yrs. Jamr U. Long, of Wine ` ham. ...,• Goderlob. . ...... b b 4 3 -\%� 'A. 1'. Cattle, of l:attls Bross, went to l'narlle 1'., F P•twrs, Aylmur, 4 3 5 b t AL Deng Stott tbt+ stock is al `...t,V "i� of Dress Goods ;fault Ste. M►rie last week on a prospeotlnp Tlma r23a} 233},2291,229} Nsll:w ways wand 'tir[wtach articln euro, po �_+ ,see YI4.t tbb traislll t1hoWY appy to FM K sed l:herlle P. divide /oath mosey. trio. 4tnt iLrA Now is the - 'me to make it- lection. 1 rices all 2 26 trot End d 30 pane, puree 1b00 Y women t I'hey Can a opportumti quteker, a aIt,,. N'. S. Bea6dr, of the Bank of ('ummet(O, .--- - --. — I). C , u. g , 11. !I. Uohars, reduced. v f.,nhndrog bohAaV• at his home at Ses- Memphis, Mlob ...... 1 1 1 Our tion Department 113llall�' Anil Ore pro y than men moi' is iIOW to act -ill Uarkm Bo D • ) y• [. U p t... ., .W • lar promptnwa and _ I'llArH.WJ 1.116 1g"Snew- — �,`A8�t' PRODU E-1' Mos Jeffrey, of Galt, has been visiting Itookwnnd _ e for two weeks put at, the residence of U. A. floes°'• Karon, b. i Ona Oostot, ttdutwaya x Naito. - F JORDAN adjacent to Gl rich who will not take advantage or . Mitchell.... .. a 3 a • I - "Smitham O' Co.:tlr. o Jtra, E 'f. a home of Brook• J.$ F, g 3� J� 2re.... perk ` tthe extraorilina 11duc�tlleut8 We Will offer bom Au .lyu, aro v .fling at tits home 691 Rws A. DpY« + a f , ,^,•.........._.......... �l•dicEl Ilan � it R....0 Tittis–ase (f. 2nd o ISth DO wait for m than th18 e•• Chu. and Harry Holmes, of Acton, ere 2 113 trot and a.1Y past, �Nil l�-�r-- - -_11 t �t U °1!B 1nYlta :. vutttor at rhe rude°« of 1'A t. 1Vm. Alaristta, b. m . 161. R. IlaoDeM _r _ tioll. �, 1' llU 1136 Xe 8Ay We \.. -T P The All Canada Shaw I 1 ''° ° n -- _ in 'al,I, V.nc"over ' I 1 1 w DUN DANNON. WHEAT f♦ROVtAGAIN liobmeo°' Harold It., b g , W B Rowe. Y.' - - tG make f antic appeals r business `' -..-MIL-'rhe local agency In Irungennon --ldt.-AM Yd l2tQerde-sl Brantford, ars S., Btenhdm... .-: ..:. -�-Z �=/ a 8. s -- `t i 4pr#s ltwN u, b at the o•tico of J. U- t5 sou. Rllllas• NqL rt Oe, ltaeN hI ♦ [Itj�_ _w_Mk 1W s rwlmtltce l° "3t„i�rsewo, k. e... b..(%.* �," _ --_ �V©J ��r����i - - .- ---- .--. -. - 'y: -- tguM's OLM=ry TatM*tttw pq - -- oo Y J.P., e*rivs •0oer, to who will receive or I ■N1rlmie ear the ♦Bret God« sb. Aotoe ....' b E a All i..uuuW osem tier U hem of R. B. SMITH roe be settlnl t dere for muyy \ mn. GgtlRhtll sed son Ueor a : WaAMf ''- yi�Oe cite whllbe handed'- tufa st i -fm, 16th Aug., after which dat "" subscriptions. sdvertweig and lob 1F K y work. End Is authorised to give receipts for UA IrlLLt, Mao Ju. berm lee no a who had Assets (ion b.,�e.. w *. amounts paid for the wm° Aoabt boai tt ; Uodd'sy Ila beers traeo visiting here, returned to I/etrol6 on Barttios, Tercets...._.TM..._,..-_.jl--.- TORONTO 11T� , � �- •A. NEWTON, UF,N"t'Irl', UM LUCK- �aturdeY. K+ka, b. m • L ff. G. become hm most todfmple m ioine ct - s%*�■ .' '�' .. "� - '�vow. will r«ume his trlpsrUuugs° MEofto',r tJd thm Nor• 7.: Itnnc•. Mir• M+bol Mrge°, of CDlcaqu, who hu Btesbrtm ............. 4 b tl nei'F ,+ c � ".nos lri April. - I•t •otr9rd Yriday h month. The ist*et`o•e reportedroe of illiam bees vl•tuog her ranter hr re[uro•d to Tlm•-2 17, als��,alltt♦- RNY(�r n g l•,• - (^ ��/��(J eI Aga Tcrvu.+v, ,Iuly 31. StntlerJ. maoodp pAY" U.l OL'Ihlo� Ull� v w • ` '�1 t, starLloyd, ul(latville. loyd du U 1 6969Mir Aunt* Johnston, prof•ea,onal Mt.ra. For three yeateed to out. The Mise« Alto* and Conetanue Sm, age. t m trot and 2 L4 Dort f300-- e • •sorr, (da0[hb[ of Mn. A. Piss°) himself. A.dsotor ioape In 1' aro of BuHalo, hove iwes vuauoq at mn. A. Y. Uulnette, b. m , EoHod w, is 1 ��'�'' who has ben very ill for some time tried to valri to curs himea. Lto d I t YdJre oris. COpOiy ' '- -- — 1 r'and a emw almwt oo°valasoeot, desire• to Y g Parkhill i. . 1 1 Iand i ►nor persona who, darfoq her thirty poneds in threeths and I. Mrs R ff Johnston sod dsavhter, Wet. Walter K , b g , A. Pt , Tur ('� pq* } 'I'I N f hir - _ ; c �i - ^. made his Idle •hordes. nolo ••. 2 2 2 Greatest �1111��I I�I ;r. ' ,.>.:. tis•.- rp'..�;-. "".+•."""' fa reoeot Illne•e, war* os kind in thwtr erica etrosc, um vi•iHog relsWv« is ( Ilritou -- iUV lh4 -+- �'+ " l am tmkirip 1),dd'a Kttiery f'llb sego S -� one lee and rokea* of sympathy, whtuh she hl* weak. It look Mao, 0.s., S. On'' * sisdoo, 7 3 3 larly " he says, „ three time • day and em Chlcato Balis, b.m , H.Os «, `3� i highly appreciated- Ralph Murton, of HamJtos, retarded os w e - ( + Mel, ,a up very fast. My thirst has Taft St. Thomas.. .. 3 4 4 All the Latest Hoveltiet. IEany Direct W. U. Smith, silt. and tan „ear I do n =+ s h►If oo mach urlmie. I m day after a volt to mea. ►sal Mn. Thos( "' - Dee W therald. John R. Gm°try, b s., Bdw from Earope. > , daughters, Jemima Angelloa and Alice bsye .titan s,x boxes end irit.awl to take Jackson .. 4 b 5 I - ti - Guthrl•, of sits tnwnshlp of Huron. norm. 1 •m tlft firs ears old, bol ! am Uo Sallows returned last week from - • - - - ;- , y Millie A., b m„ W.E. Kelly, film• - toasty of Bruce, visited Mr. End Mn. Rosa an•.GJest Rodd'* 1: In P,Is are ourtng his ter up the lake, having had a very c„e • • ? '? Tlrr Marvellous Rwwury nes of .nee au U nut r " `' "' �`���" �►--'L : on Saturday and returned home on Sabbath me. •, pleaean time. Btrdfe J , b m.. H. Hulse, Brsal• try Thoroughly Kxploitotl. I evening. mn Smith leve hu sister, Mrs. --- . Mires a,zabet. and Ids mol°omsoo, of ford . ,.. b\.6 6 —_ the (test egal dud and ' -- Roe, •pressor of apwuds of 11 poariA• of -.-JA W{a( - Hamilton, sb lost week Etser • visit to Tima�l:22}, 2:9(1J, 2:21} w liburthasd w let E u excellesI raspberries, which grew near Mrs, . relativrs in wet. Ilrilliant M1itl Realialrn itnttle SpPot.et•la: •t• T"!t!-� ES�fu the Forest City Hustttwr Wl Smithy residence in Hat- township. -' ___ �tWMa 23 1400, Ila .I. M. urohuh is taklog • momith'a Black ree f o allAaq •or trot. d'os$- TSE SZEGE OF 1IdFEEiNG `loathaArf n, Ont. Inge enrolment anti atrong faculty. Hundrert+ M f Ntw HANK KARN. -Joe. •A iaallough, J Y. Mt L od y holulays, He Vont, the star. Pawburg to Jackson, DuHerlp Puk.... a 3 I I a ,.f +tudenti le gr, potions Yeses to axoelbot work at itw r•rVE CEtalonei ° ---- b OND OISO THE R%LZEF2 ,Ithnr.„urrtewe. Lrorrespoodertaiovitwl. J. W WESTERVELT, Principal. f one of tits preperooi' aoA sty to dote term Uu erich, Ont. Detroit on St Billy, e.g., W. P. Sohmmig. .— on of Want 1VEwattn.h, has recently trade URAa �-Ia., Yout Ilyuld medicine, "Soak N. I). RourvM tpohed town on Monday Kit •foe°, Ko -+..v-- _ Timely Arrival of Canadian a gnat improvement on his promises by the and Swat ,' has cared me entirely of the (roar. Columbus, Ua , on a two weeks, vol► Alatu*dE, b.m.. W. A Mas. .a:• 1 f a now • londid bank bare nor* I had on my upper law. The doctor Donald Vaae*mi 1 a 200 3 c\ Artillery. I errant on o p to his home .area, /r� which, when completed, will be second to told me that it wns a cancer and that, the �•""' • . - - ,■C t mise In %bio ■actio° of country. The vet- bone would haves to be out out anti the ad- Kobt. Whitely has 1pturoed to t'htoapo Time --mile eon, arsio 1bflt,i2f1�;1i'sI. - M`O■ W. THOM SOH SOH' t �, a' rami end popular Bremer and carpenter, footed parte removed by the knife. It wits after a visit to his naregt•, Mr. and %in. Hall -tulle run, parr i1b0.- aaTlefla CIMi tl a air ash Wllllem YoWblsney, of A.btlald, bad the this that frightened me and made me ,.I Andrew Whitely. Mamie ('Jan, h m., F. Sags, EZ01 since [ On " LSuss Of Travel London. 3 1 1 Pitons Music End Bicycle Dealers k ; contract for the tramp_ k.______ rhe "Sou anti Sw.b ” I used only throe Mrs. A..1. Moore and Mess Margery left .. Fr 44,, w-� Wilfrid Lwnwr, b /„ Fresh Forpnao hsb, -try forma; sm t�tj�j i r y„ pial bottle. 1 am well ever since, ►red It laurday monmg on •moot '• volt to rel• 4 Nuntr RaouvgRlPui-Was,ttogether with 1■ three veers now else* l used it. Having atter •t Ballo River. Smith, Southoote .. .. 1 4 2 N t ° the numerous frleodo of Rloherd Treleaven, Be.udery Maid, . m , .I69. Jens- 4 .4 AF1r� Sfalli, P.� c.v ., L�. till, Our 1900 8 C y C I e S • • • • great confidence b your medlcfne 1 will Mrs, ,.,,. and d►aghter of Yip• alnn.d l:ad . 4«� l-Iit,^t y,� a or., are piese•d to know that the venwrable recommend it to tbowll need. teal we the guests of Yr. misll es less• D "" awn nee. oo to . • • • • P Irl. 1=claps. T �A +',*t h gentleman, who on Turd•v of Irl week Brace, o. o., Jos Lee, l:nelpb .....- •2 ii °r \fu's �� ,lie. - Roo 1 Em, eta., W.Ite •frost. —T-- 3 f a` sou bronghe very low by • andd69 ktt69k----___-- -.. -- - - __ -- __ ---'1'Ime -51, 51L, 51. _-� -- -.__ _ —^ �,� r w v MP.N .1. HARMAN- AN h, -r/l �w Den r of paralysis, b recovering bis power of Yr♦ ('. Hmitohlwn 6a� IoM b I her The following werw the elRalef@ of the - __. epssoh to some extent and 1•gradually Iwtog The following was rec.•tved from the same husband to Manitoba. meet : Starter, A. S. rimlth, St. Thome ; X" sit from the effect,@ of the stroke, lady tee year■ ago Me- usid,mrs. George Gordon, of \%'trod• time -keeper, Dr..1. H. Whitely, GeAwrich ; �1•A & M 1 ERS, �rnbler aNld lyes! 1 suffered for nearly four rL' 0�tp v ee•e ;;, ' W• hope that h• will oontlone to ImproVe Sean from flu, ■tock, u• vbltlsggat lbw residence of mea. deem, Ur. (:adds, Lneknew; Charles �� oll� �mUalmUltl R amid regain his wonted outs of huleh. and almost et the same boor dally, out of and Mrs. James Ssrough. Koraohtef, Wlnj(h•m ; It. J. Gudeer, ('half- " which no one could waken m, until 1 hem• rte better valmiw Chau Anything ever offered hottFg is llorlerich. COYINIt AND GolN). --Me$ Weigh, of .woke of myoslf weak and wearied atter the Mrs. F. Hammond, of PArls, has Men the , Ooderlob, and formerly of nor progressive lop000f from ten to twelve hours' time, ynes% of Mrs. S E. Hlok, Newgate street, The officers and many of the members of ( ,g of M. u-Ite Cul- Our Organ sales arc intro doing more than ever with the two superior vtlispe, b vislsiog (rood■ end resewlnq Ourself the past tseo weeks. the club actively awl•tod to the oomiduot of linea son hens ', € former • u•tntanat", prominent among during wbluh time I sou wholly Ins 'no' of the moot. The clots to composed as fol. e( N:ml■►Imit+I <- lie, Sit :- °q I ■Dion■. I was attaoded to end oon•ulted no MI■■ Florence 111olrren retntried home Whitely; ' (• CJ D F R Z C H D O M I N I O N ahem lir• mea. •rid mss. Yprfir. • silt. lower than sl■teen doctors without a° last weak after ao .bocce of two year■ in preal Prrldest, lit. J. IL tuyrtes- )I'XN DAY , %,ar1 rt ul'BN DAY ASII NIUHT I Y- motwneao, of Klritall, and Dr, damesoa' benefit and no relief. 1 nes to he absent. . Manitoba and other planes, preldpnt, E. C. A{6r111 ; ewreurV, W. L. The Atwnd they new rx,cn with the Istat musicians and players is something teeR Hort°d.• trbrurer, w. Progdfoot ; other RBST 0010119 T OLIN of whltsoharoh, recently visited,who (heir Y PY D Y R mleded, often unoonsofoue of mV nrcecnA• Mn. W m. Maleae, who had base stay. wrwm .le69th69 Mlllmr, R. R. Swaru,. RATR PBi(' AND ` 1n it• proud of. (_ tial 0011010 mate, iit. J. R. McRae, who a ries- logo, took no Police of anything, until, t° Ing with her daughter, Mrs. Wallwis, •t UOURTa1OV ATrKh•�`{ON. 1 well. We hope that through actions of the gored providence of (ioA, • friend rosier- Leamington, la In town •tale, Johmi.toa Klnq, W. line, W. lee ('lark, J. Dr. (;w'• moeloal treatment .net the et pD. O'Connell. .I. M. Torabult, ,1. W. Smith, siP,siaese ut sea SI/t!♦. Wk ) R M W I rrH PI A N O E3 PA on hrioulhp J. M. Mcleod to our hoose I - tendase of Mn. A, Johnston, professional Mn, K. M. (laseels ►sal C o obfldremil of W. H. Hon y, A. .1. lioldthorps,}W. W. ' . He took we not of the tit to batt a mtnute'• Stratford, are visiting the �I - Thr•ar artistic, fine tamed, high-class instruments tate a tint stand with micros, he will won be rentorett In his wooled time. I houses to main rapidly after thin to \ ,e s' fru yt, us, 'll i hl rmommendeA b sol K l R p ► Ma atrti Mn. C. A. Humbwr. 1Rl Uarlhp the t-ir'rl'A nae son wed It _ R Y y 1 musicians and lull guaranteed. sou of health. health and wnnAnwse of mlmid, and to this Y 'jp ANI.OAI, ytrviv.-The annual pionir, an- day a have rent had any mire tlts. Miss Ethel U Rielly and AV FDley, of wan sonmlonwA t s .lohn Swarts, ist w 77 der tit• •a•ploer of the Sabbath school choir inure, any Klhg•bridgw, ore ilia. week .Id req "Wt bam, had puroha•e Harold H. for the �IMs,Ningbones,Spllt(ift� WHITE, NEW WILLIAMS and QUEEN of ►he Methodist church bare wee bold at Jrrteutxf E MARTt x, frtoad. YW Uos•uoce Grltas, d/1j900 -- End All Forms of 1. ____ _ _.---.- wcine --(rlo we{I wnri jfaserw d known to neem comment. [, Port Albert on Thursday of liri t►osk. KingsbrMgw 'Urs. rnr) Gordon and children. Itmeno•s Yield to 1 Y ' Qalte a large number of the young people of _ _ _______ sow, are visiting Mrs. Gordon'sThroe (aadr*A Iadookndemit Feanogr•.tlp• f the vill a toot Is the pionto and they ON It you don't go you'll be entry when the Me end Mn, W. A. Harrison.aspected to attoed IM misting of the Went. t7i"111 line of shall iO/t[�Oatos at/jSAlr site,, etc, 060 a i.r-..-t . In, i Ret prices. __ __ _ __. Nf ami l)ntavfe Htph %'east (:oder .-.• .-i_ _. :prosethemoslve• as having had an enjoyable asst nom• track. Ufvlo bohd•y wxounlon to Mi*■e• Mary •std Maud Spens», month. _ rim• hnetlnp, Lathlnp, tl•hing end pisyts " � rrr 4ftr Ili teetbeH, !-act tweak a■uesP ttursau of Misses, hes rnf bed and will uka k�lriLeiu nhnd 0 1YIIIrid 1•fI amiD'� r �i ___„ M visitors were : Mt" M•yoiilt•lnwot Archibald ices. tresig ed an w lnel•r1'.�mil,h op dared by ffern�� di fa ny0•e• g • THOMSON A SRH Brentford, August 9th. b0ea a teoAlriq tits Uulleglate, left SatnI I = - I'~R `.:.. •- Detroit. Mie Reby F{slter, of KiOcardlne, lyde psro is aA of Nnpie An area - . nt"M�ALLs t __-- [ - - charge of the recently crpmfawd department Monday for Montreal. 1\ IIfr1A will make a r)t1 - - -71� [� wd Mlr (.assn Brvdp«, et UtyAerlob, who of outlotic• at Otuw•. It i• robed that trip to the Old Counts before returni° Rn . San his aAceril.on,ent nn page el 3asnJIN CURE _- -- _ N. `�� V vblsmg her grandfather, Thowu Pent- Tho.. W. Illlyoo, son M Thomas I:ilrori, lead, 01 this vtllarw. , Mr. and Yrs. Walter Shilllripl•w, of The\ average rose no Annbt h ftes - , N. sox M. i 1' ,ret %%rnxntwr, now scorwtery of ,, SnnDgn CAt.I• bee ANMHgR PIUNHrR 1lhlaolhunt, spent Friday Saturday of wonder who Inveafed nee Intr awl he ,!11- the Crown Lenon lye rtmaus will b ^ ' M� W last sort with thwir een _V li. Hen hakes. We deeply regret to have t0 ehrnnlnl. tits promoted ro DII the vac•sev eaaeed by Mr. eeaeelwss a.toro .f Ilftiop tit» hot to lads , rc ----RA and eaddee dowtros of J°ba Thompson,. H}.0'a eosigea6Foe. Stretford lirco° : Yrs_ Uoytou� 4Mkr- '1'.e rose glvemi In an e:Db•wgn b the wnrt.ln„mw,wn, „r „m.,,, •n,mnnV. rrnn�eeatn rhejokenzie& Howell ", n fsdastrlu• sod highly «fewmwA termer _ - -- _.v_ pease et., a remnv(•R io-tlr.derlo when w..me. aster oily dem.odwd the removal rel h■an,vwi.r. •res h .r,o,.v, .., 11.11,.,,,, 1 ,,,, o�, .r. Of the firth ace nasion, lot 19, Wet N'awa OOMINf3 AND I�fJINO *be will reside with het stet•e, Mrs Ulhq thw hat to s If her admint was hold. s.. A. • osto .ret nn r.1ne, _ it ti ... „reit micawhich occurred W[ Aahbath morning. -.� , roan. la i. seeet %••Nan unr.rl., r.n.I- I..1•". have just recet, nal another shipment of those world renowned .-. `_ pR. . J. RR1rDA1.1, syr %tae. a",,rvi '1 ".%ave Mee informed titer oo the previous Johw Raneford, of ,`1lnteo, •pone Sunda, GndDh Mercury Ma seri Mn. W. A. •n?e Hemi flirt Ree la 'unfit � Issu,ltio vwi� rr� �: a:al, wi;5 O v�""�! Friday bo sou troubled silsh dyaamitwry, and b tows. MohaewV Intl this mmmmp for Gmtertoh, ( ti..n A t ■ t'if•.a■wnar■to,no Meeh hose si ►#«"=O, -, whilst Aning • littlo work at li•rvrtinq ae where Mn. Mahone will remain a low Victims t„ stomach, liver and kidne .Ita..•r • o.I! ,Mi,nn•ar. ThLmwAwm.r..r. ' • „.r Ther. Marny,ol 1'r«inn. ajene 8nrid•y Y Y r»,ty■. its-t,w1„ww,e thh.f,1.nyV,, tl Fairbanks Fam�l Scares t " %t6rday afteraoos became wereC Medical to town. v neko. lrouMws and feel io rosnits in Lea of ";.. Arts a to .r"'' ", . t � r 11 tet - ald sou prwarwA bee It wee of eo •Sall, He Mlr Glad s I'I•tt last week rslorn.d npltdlte,lrankarhr, nr ♦mentos, headachm ,MO hit e.m�afm.m•1..ti`eerw ti,�.oCam. Ntwwut, of Sr.r•ttorA, to holidaylsg Y y"r h ase.nd t woe,e» u-.r.r■nr..�tr erro town. Brom If uffalo, when she hod leen tinea New and tired, ran Anson f li bot "KIPo- to;e.>ew,t ,"»and onset tis.,,%j..rs,rq. will M mlwd ie his tamlly, lis the ►oo•Ilty r,ff t.wAt•,�1lw�,tlnw.r,w..fure..r,e,n 1w•n,,,,vrt - --.. to wbieh h• has rodded for • /seas many Year'■, iho poet of her sank, Mrs. T. N:, tric Ilitten are just rite ing for amen" td wlw ted.:•>ir•uy A•.•1mn..t. eh.,a.n.. Ira ,� >".i'' This in a ca itEl time to bis the best make of scale as there is E fight Teen aad In Me trrwnship. having ha*mi • Miami irnu IltMPn, of Listowel, Is holiday 1,owwro. f h.pll-e n-.un.`r.vAI:=b ■nlm�m.wew„r, e 1 , "e ` writes .t. W. Uudner, . idaville, Intl , eras tn. r.ent hnr ie ,.ee .e»■, 1e a ■..e, m R The Mare G■nevlevra an,] Florence Mo "when he is all run-down, And don't ars r =Iot.I► eared .nes .atnm,r t,.H yN on with the scale makers. Councillor ler tits year 1699, End wee as lase l0 is Lowe. et.mi.n sow neer.. Arr.•l,e..t %,.,.anent i r Li nomination. slang with the other members Barclay I)ovl*, of oetreta, was in town Gregor, of Milwankea, are yisibing at the whether he lives or darn It did muro to hor.ee.,o.t.•.re..d.to.'".45aswn.t■It11�".k,>. FAIkRANRA' HCALIGI seem never known to Irl, solei w cheaply. ti �°l '�•` i.s t,...e tee tee had ew«+..n ,cr. t err„ .ter+ed t" .alt d kite osasoU, returned by •ooisaaatloe. over Sunday. home of tale grandmother, Mn. A. Y. pivP mw now drenglh and pr red appyite sew re,+. ham am #, n1 nen atln.reron r. never i)orfin'L Mn. - sire A sot of 9ca►les for ° F Being an industrious •mid eoomiomloal farmer A. H. U nalisy, of Toronto, sou Imi town Me(irwpoa than an]tt.ing I could take I n fhew 'r"" lini n">'r`_"c %%,ZA thw V'n,.ennl .r, - i prMervinRi w•a" b i rI I M hE• left kis bereaved widow, see Aaogh over `load• �e I rw. r« ,,. ».»d Kenw.+r. w .tm rw....r ".r .e ss 1t, S":q pq yrs, . s, 7• Mr and Mrs Jamr SLrashu end child- Pat an thin¢ and haves . new Tybso0o exoguoot hat's • A,n r..n 1. 11•,.r� n,tna;lnr a 1st aeA two sew ache survive him, In omm Freak Wright, of Ntntfoyi (r bows y 'neo"^ r.■,.anty, SAN TRI rRITTYN r t, ��'ns, W" - era°• of Goderleh, amid Miss Vanq•ter, of Tor. IRP , only 500, livery ill 611 gt ran• a. l.rnrnggsgl1sstt f • _ l i'4"`"'i� 'farlEN* dtreamseaao«. His In term«mane ever SnmiAq. - conte, spent SoeA•y with Mr. and Mn. teed by .I till \Yii@ad druplket. +•AI'iiw..»tkeIFY=ho oesiute B%cycles, Screen LJoVi •7 pert =.� faoob p1sae to I).ngawemi ssm•tery es Taw, - - ••ss, w nee, rK YYt NAVL A r,[W -"". M1. July 31r' 10An and (•ed (]srcle en Ae11As11eg le Tswdey, of Uarlew. �� Rat. Itff411(tI1wY1 /flus, A the Feral City. Ylr Abrene, who had roan riddle• at - - `"--`-' "- ��'_-•-'"—"' FALL FARM CW HM Mier Nordltoimer, M Totoata: 1N 6M the home ret N Dietrich, retareeA ye@t«- x =____ - and other lines -of Spring (lorloile which we ate hound to clean oat etas at a visiting Ie Iowa. - day to by home at Hawk«1111•, a000st STMAR ke Erie NaviggiM • i,lj sacri6at. - IWentrial, Terneee... .... Aug. 27 Sept. B Freese A Rental, b •way ami a hdse•a need h Mime klonnce 1Mtrloh Wrtere, London Rept• a lb Wp to fleastlord. larmil. McTavish and Wilmor Loffs I I he ■horhvt and ehemipPlrt rewM b n + Rsathere, Reankferd ....... "Regal I �) Mime Aline Rates, of Were, Mar le via •leitc,l their friend•, Mr. and Mre. CaROCER We have a full line of Threshers Supplies. lssa►h Hares. Rut«.......... Sept. 17 IA Houdoarose, on Monday. JUT are on • 11 �pyplan(f bras N«sbwrtero, Godortob. 1R 19 Iliep Aer home here. V V V Y Peps• wheeling tear from St. Mary's u kka~. Yates' old stand, West side Srjnarvr.' 1 �~• yY �ga{!� ~-'S ��� I•IMswel.. .... ....Hopl iA IV H. 1. Strang, It A , leave this week on • Ales. Nnrtbe ea. Walketos... .. Sept. IS 19 rials te I lwoa.Sound. Olean" fora from OrMwrlch oodftingle p1.16. \ ( .«ser MOrcish, also was is M* ramele, enonth, Hips . RM.n tion - good for owe \\\ OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT iVeeth Perth, %oratlerd . (saps- 26 96 Mn Alcorn, of Mesal, .post a tow days of G, M N;elotr, left on Sunda • h the p�� ^ month, Rpeefal rstme pnlnt tAlnMay And rw Oseared. 1M•Ipk............Sept.a sown the put weak 1 r liar HC. Ginger hnA) forInNowA ay. ..Ne s 'Jit 77 ateawwr I't►uhutg for Iotrol,., where he a`s'Kt g l heat Ieavws IbN Neanuy on ,tnnAeys. Tom FslMrwu and I.nwo++. Ylas"U--8w6. 2677 ,las. Asrnu h left IW slight or. P1tss- q for bc. per lb. q Iib De• will iearu the den .edam whit his d►r• and T1,unAays a 11 p.m., •aA at Mh,r Tuntrer", Wleph•m.... .....Sols. $"•Blit bars for little Carrost. brother I . Beath Pero, Rs. ok ......Uat. a 3 Ir•rlllt Jars, Hoc., 7(t, 41111 da ' lir t p m McKenzie&Howel ,r, . • Rn" lirkww and further information apply be I A. Re.ndare We • business 41p b fife l,ne RAbiee»s, of Raffale, N. Y, sob► 11ctM egwop U,T.H r, or write ; ^„ . Asea Hares. lleassslo ............ 00-4.6 • 90c ,J R 8aw1•k, verdwt•► Yns4+al the pet week. herds • gweA prttlnw In rhes olsy en toot- a d07on. T. NA rnAI,I• w)•. W(N)f.LATT, ................. Astir Own qp''{{,, ►ayw ar,er* Myth, ..................last. 9 10 Mir Ada T•wsley leaves esdey for To- lay tespsetor. @pant a low days r Kw paid tow A 1 Batter. vvalkttirvllfa, out. fhfat rms PLAOi TO BUY HARDWARE ONNAP. 1. p ,r .., x ti , - 'F . �' . , e ", ay I 1. - �... .A /, (dials ,4�� t Yetis. r. s 1 t - I. .. ' . t ,'ii_t.... _.tit w...: �..,tiio_ .,.n,,._. ,,,..a..,.,:,x .w,.:..ta.t_.,-.-.__ ._r,....��.-..,tst,.l . _ _ s "�''► ,ka._'. _ y . ' I ■