HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-8-2, Page 7a'n 104 by ed nd ts• 1st ess Ia, oI in pis_ will ded std also Dth- stest xwt•n,w 111„1 1,0 emdem ,err "f mat•n y an, Irl 1.111 it fN,t r, I.-e,r u1 r44LW .11 aro } u,l Am , naso L. Isote 6, aNr, To oll w 4f . t� t ` , a .;M... ,,,•. toy . - :.. -.--;;',^'T."t'+(a , F ...._ ':; _ ,y9• r • s�Jifia- *'r tl # �y•k� +.1 . ...., . , - , , , .v a ,-z. S 9F , � . ;;+�;., a*rt2'lt,. ',• r , , . . , . .. . , r ,xv.. ^ I 6 � . r- ', t . ,�.•"�, (. i' 4 R ,. + I „y,... h ti° �.., ..•':. , ,t 4- 1 '/ I . M , tu.. - .- t,.. , .1 ., I. 97F..t 't, �: , 1 , ,.. „��S +n , - -__—.. —._. --.- - —_--J It" continued lite advnnoe to tial- Struthcuan has rout ttw• fvlivavin Int- NEWS FROM MACDONAIO. BOTHA'S FORCE DISPERSED. KING of ITALY SLAIN axrrul, where Gen. Botha ot(tuNirlled ter w the editor: lib heu,kluurturr (lir wuuy weeks. "riii'.-a3a,aural motul►ew of tLu Paan- , Thu liuorr were it( full retreat Nisi- Italian molittttgeutr u++w' L7n Luild-In _ _- word, nod Venerate Frouch and Hui,• ,tluilwl ill tae a!W tla:u xt+ctt'.uayt• W'►Alt Wu wart drlrlug Lhu cuwtuasalew bo• reterwice to sou artdou ill jour i4r,s+ BY AN ASSASSIN. Legations Holding Out Up to ROBERTS - A 'PRETORIA lure them sou ouch tincts of Lha rail- U Luriny, ami that iuvu cl uurted - , - way. Lord llulxlrts aur dourly ret cue to [urwurd you thio cwctamtl 1 souther objective p,itat before her Irtutauseut for publaatiru.In %tow of �Vly ��• ) arwy, nod it uiwiug tuo,drhe Kruger Use wupey 1,410 uxn Itaau hn+1 trutu ----- slid Button, from the railway into Um War O(twe unad outer tw"t►re em, -- . Lydeuburg district, where they call and of the mrraugou►etrto made at STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS Terrible Sufferings of flan and Horses to "'M ""` "t 'eteure whet, flit Oho ,t Wirer' I aso np flat:r lx,llult,' rr A� tallwuy Iommwduntiues arlth 1kiu. Wier& AW Ito rtar,rt wluatovor why Shot 1 hroUgh the Heart Wfiile EnteMng lwxri,q, July Ili, I.O:r e. rp. -The ga►a Buy are broken off. nay dim tI"1I da"Al'i lu.,u Isoaut wetly Adwirnity Ire made lxnblks the fol Duran the Advance rut Ix.ard lir ixiKirtg, eR, lot lir [Lep r g I fu .Orruite KNer Coluuy. (�� luwltyl dulmloch from Rear Admiral • S�';, Nowa (n,m Ota y ,olbigarl %,ill the rul+ss of tau er- His• Carriage• nge River Col(m tabl:rhaatelltw at whaxIt they have Brtcry n0 Tlen Tl it: wliUe itldecteive, shows that Generals been attuylr,g. Tho wen w ler r:gulrl -- -. _ __—_ •'Following llpnmge from loekin : . hunter solid Ulewoutr have brew claim. it u rLuteuwnt feel very beoul) tis+ •British IA'Kiktkxl, firkin, Jnne '''Oth lug lu Upwu the reUULlulttg Boer force rrtteaweutn that luso vu txxrn ma.k•, eulrencherl ht uutttrul rUungho,airl t"i Jul) 18th npei►Gedly rttau+kal by FRENCH OCCUPIES MIDDLEBURG. fiect n, in uic er>� � Ivo arrl mirx it ANGELO RRESSI THE MURDERER abut ftethlchew, fwd tluu while fano nut tturre titan f5au /re. aix OI • ['hhaara Lrxgir un aJl rkltor, both rule ,here her bwru rtUf fighting uud u Use unttro nuautier now Lt Landon, wad artUNTy' (IM, �lnco June 1811► an repulse sot the Surwx egiment the and were the eonrespttenue Of iud:e- - �- -- __ _ J►t1dA11(4!J[(L.4l11 . whtlltl. her buetn uwOoxr fa,r wlu0is a0lwy-akuYa lure armiaUcr, cwt n cxmkwi te elrleUy sou Lhe Brltlsh s111e. __ - - - ... drawn to both eider o! the iawitioa. fibers Olving Lots of Trouble—Stiff Fight at Fourlesberg--Steyn Is With remir,strai:e. TIN Tragedy Took 1 lace as t king Wats 'Returning Prtlu F latributlag Oew•rl•s Hopes.-tb:y-fuitiiled• '•1 env, aur, Your olloodaent, aterva nt, CNnere barrlcwirr elute 4e. ourN. Muret- - Will They be Captured?- -- Boer Cruelty to Captives —Boer DeWet ealtleatl [tad t 91'ed) Htrattuanm-" Prizes at an Athictic Entertalun seine at the Towel Oi.fMe tow --The "' All woman and children lu llie y ioiwti W diarrt tri:' Attack Repelled-- -Tht Duke of Marlborough's Expericrices. Gen,ral hunter from thew ulxerutluuh --- 0ssassin Arrceled. British Legation. Camunitles to date by breaking through the eorak,n, but Protest by Ilia, Mets. - 8_ kilted, Including (;lilrt. stnntis. .A IA•ntltr/n. July CU. -+Ten holvertr hew train& had been captured. He says Cololael lirowiwual lrawsent afk:r hiw The otatenx+nt roferru,t to iw as !dorsa, IGlly, .duly :H1, --King Main ( unit 1'riwrawr Of N&VW sofa oe^tvw►rJ Hutt Daly one train was taben, up uml the bulk of tl,e BrMlsh force n th o Y4.1 a, a,litir In the Levatniw number of wounded are In horiNflt, pre[ i lite ache real kin murk din to fidluwr: hert luta Imwn atxrarwlnated. Ile war y lite night of July flet, between umittasl to Iwwplut, LOo eleuruuca, of Wu, Lhe unolew:grr,,t nwmhgnv Ut lir. I B'guor Suru•Ir, Isar la4t fur Muplta. U4ahxUng Olnl,rtalu H'nlllday. Rtes[ OI 1'retorin. Ttic rerlb,xn rtxrlgarl ix the Krxrttetud and tile. Vual, and that A ter• entices) s",tiou llf Orange Itiver Cauad4un oupLLtgenui, now ill Allot herr In.vt night by a ntun --- —' continued uncertuluty of miumunica- contained supplies and two officers Colony. anal into captured orw ►trong LDodou, huvo road avlth touch con- First AAmarmlo sulclded. thins anti the small numty+re. or Rues acrd 100 men of bite Welsh Fu&:vers. position and ouwlrelltd this ffuen to earn the artieYe In your lsaper relat- uaitoel Angelo biam ,i, unit dbrl in » I On JuIY _0th rt dcrrlwtch from New , evacuate another. UoWet d still heud- to the enatwun4 house reports, tow- --- hair tv Wte tratLnrwtL u1 Cauaditn fce� hillintsm. Turk toil sot the, xuici,k• sot l'atrtxw►e &aur, Indicate tout iia advuat:e ac ns Ilolba Fick•. to like )SH4t. Ing- porthavanl, and l;etK`rul Wtlb+r'r so•ttien Its thte easrutry. Wo, rat any rtg ntrmy awl .Getteral ItusidlWo divisitw at Pato s sou IWtfnu workman, Ihl 1'retdorin, July M.-.� Knfttr: lir• rote, have nnut, oa Ietated. leen thrown The Kilyi hacl leer[ nttdruting a sot 1'ALor►ott. N. J. Sp,enwut A,tkf he ,y�• .toplred owing to the fullury to cup are Only partially oaapled. - frlend:"4 into Lhe Latdou streets af• , raickhd to atrrrlvo hiutxrlf front tut 7/,f 4aR Sulastf ata a we arry liar lases »start• dtei:rB.mtawt of pRlsar lu Irxuner Lluu ,turn t'ommatxdant-(:etterul llothu,wlr,' e.1 us qP tour c•arrylttt IeLturr to the A KV[cudld lirlgadt. Lr trettutent t,t the tulJtury` Itorpd- th he ItuJ takcrt W kill Khtg liuw• • hum once [tore trialed the Britiru ca+- Borers from 1'returia. The Loation Dally Graphic of July bid' [3lre:Ikutg glw,urally; we went as wiUl a S)mnaat+b drmlx•tit'on. He berL +tlr). one cornvspusateut eame.ribee this PatrL of Uen. ilk km+w's ca,lumu Iter 18.11 her ttw folluwl furloogli at our own request,• withal tiaA mtt etttere.l lilt c arrl:.gr, with lit the letter which Nper snta left ls- fallurc to Gro. huller b:ing saiuble to `one westward to burn a farmhortwr vretortu, July• 16 �+eaorul Hmdth- a few days after aMLr are�Yal lit talc hlrtA him he stat fortlF that lie was struperat clre'snaftane"M ,pnvun.tlltg from which the Fkxerr have been rnl fiorrlen tar c'auPtry. We have not. its Mated' d hit altie-ie-caput►, amki the cheo re of citOrtwl lay 111s Ann.rohtet voutradhxr to , Ir Just tsettat the fdtuwing hW leaving tau ruilwAy. ltut whet- IrIS the [Britten. Order: yttar urtiiae, it our b:nellneew orad rte crowd, whew[ rte wont mtru •k by kill lb � King of Italy, Iwt that owing r, tori the crttter, lien. lot rthso anti Ilia fol- tlestltation, aoueptol hd:plta4tY any to th- fact that hp was ht America ' , • a, A tight cordon is biting drawn 17he ]9th Brigade has achleved it th" revolver ,bots fired in quick p;, lmvenl have again Itiuulxxt t'Ome of arousal Christian- Do We�Wiuth -oil- ruxtrd of WitJtsh xs) dafaaatry might where. We watt Lo Lite sv:lllers, homer oa tbi. [late ret fur the attempt. hw ; on( out arrtrai, and h re raa+atrbn; _ - -- tne ccMtrwlkwxit+ptr Itrw•rt that hl+ rural tar Vuai Rivera, The itrltteh claim err. prowl Hlmtw the dutai iL was dorm- - dt [wrLt our � -- � t•OutW trot fulfil ilia ul:llgatloa. Til" it � � •a ivae tern alhgrrrned on Lite bleu veltliv that there le eNprY prospect of lilt cel uatu.•lY, the l�th of F'rbrltary, It tva,- for Word and lu lot. f. Tfuuw One p'emoii Lhe heart of Him Ynj- dist&. h:+ Saye as F'eh Lad [net. Him - rhtra Wg, ruggei pad txwtlesor, dud eatrly cxpturd. L Moe tnnmliell 6L'O mllmmt, often o:i halt who obLaLrwxl .Two moo hr /mrlough twlty, who fe;1. back-,}Lnd:01tnd.lo'.s number lit th:+ tocbty waw drawn ae _� l re.ulved £T from IM War Office an- w•lth their feet bleating. Lien. rrenell h occupied Mlddel- ratiuA•d Anil sellioun oA full. It bar few• n[luoter. t` tint oI the aaoraaaAbl4 in Italy, +And The detatllr of Liu lirltirh advance bur taakPn Uooritiw, and ttiosa On tele montl'r huWnctions •crit to him lu America g. {tart ha ttef capt�l re of ten e:uttwani make n p,kturo of tulrur), frrhwgh rreoelyos0 £a, and we Th^ aatsRnman urns IrrimltdbWy;- are to Dome over amt t!tl Tho King. On ,•aK`l ('ommandant-Gape 1 Botha V ro- tuwa., ftxnght In tort sott(Sral ntctipux, - _ lib failure to do so h? apparently war z' fie anther orw Ipttrtrel) (r,ld nod have troth' to I O+o1+W W of .�--- _ �r ported to hTe tleiei`t "the east. It ant sou twenh�erext utM+r tht)'s. In tort, Ani ttve ra,LLlFi were qungndrerr. A oa the {tort of the authorl- act•uw of or tieing willing to talk. but 11iON8IONOBB FAViIEIt, V rind this, he Ir fol well' by only opo licvrlod of ettlrty days IO fought on "vt, oaut dad thn+r town did (rum taw. A very few member& of the (,, I unwilling to tk, anything 'for thro Viear Apostolic of the Caltbolb Church 80u dispirited brrt'gttr twruty-ocieof theyq and man:herd 327 tip cause. Tlttrrfore, tp show that tie Is Chltt< rvpoa"rur, All tow urn Auffdei rte+rrrt; _ The march of the trach British, iwllar 'ibe eAAualtiea, Idice been b� µr4mLe way_bua,e tllrloef of thrlr peg ly, thou h the , -[sero cheerful thnwgl, "me% ux,re readtiy than w•am Icer- tould Ike oaomothh le• killed lin o ------ = B J arwy W Wahtx,nal war ,rac•ttcall twerp fcxtr and ftve-hwalred, slid de- �' 1•olDr -- - it +ill. Horses. mu6rs [Lad orlia dlyd h 1 Y hap+ ,fewirnb;e, or LtoeY thuttmrelvOn Pemidson. who wax n fellow -workman, 3 uuoplraxted The cold vvrnther muds, frutir n'!!L" Lrgntia ell well, except lJuly 10% It b:a(1• fur the men. and he ralns Tiro 19th Brl ade cgMlsts of the k -L thunk vette llclouI put we -18 ? the humlral /racy exhaurrtk,n Rnd Ir,ld. J(f tut n tyrant, with LhoaP unites blot. plrnrrt next tl'rtrree sailed Jcly 2Lt , The country tl h which the Brit S j,�•6 4e. Llaw stnLewtsertW lA ilia atrtk Ito - �- roug repdprod trnneloint difficult. It te "Jirultsldre Light Infantry, Gordon Irifgtrdt M:tcak,natld."' imh ppsexxl was tlmmrinl,: nod forrukert• n;yoiy inq b, nt lir » tx,:iy, fur too w•Irtln i Carver� f� tar KIuR. -- ' "`.. _. evl/leaf tltnt Lite [k,erx' enc a aid I11gh1u,tdPrt ,Tose of Cutpwall'r to mnv mt er that w -e are anaditns t%' ` 7lrtieio It in declared, [till rather da llumbert 1. (V berto Primo), Kin Cti A. crease than dinilplah tht, ditfleultiwr to ax►ke suite uud attack In smell Llglit`LJuntry acrd tlw RoyrLl Cam- vc1U, n tw{atetkrn to »rein- till\\ g Pit• 1111 tctrrwrta tons . notal Of- Iw les. nod to Hyoid pitched htttUus ndlars. linin. R'r raw nail Umt of a ty of Italy. tons hurt In 1811, and Ame- flar,r tat ti. 1l. >y (iaWrion. He waa sirnawhile, taw Ikx ria are Acth'n Y4tA I+rdetl 1 tatttlfr rte cent' King bbl '1n =_ + - A, wet,[ of tlw cnplLnl. Small parties ore. w large fulr:ea. TwLty-a new brigade, twnrhctldRof ns ttnve made application for an nit• .. .. � •o toyJaii QQ - th, Wordier ILMlntent, the King's Own vanve (Ila account of our c'.&rt dian i Vic Eaton arcual" In\ IBIS, ' While - ,e conrtaatly moving And keeping the --- \ I ('ryi� Pritrob Ice disgttknWled hlnwalf The 1Message iM'rom ttlr Claude. ate Itrltinh occup:al i %teyn'N 1th Dpwrt, aittlslt Bonlor•roo, cane ArKyll :And deferred pity, and that 1t �araa a " '" It haus fnlleb tea tion. Badtrt-IY,wellri Tuwq, July _9. -It b belh+Y- Putherlaaxl Hlghlauders'Itnd tb.: Berk- Scanted Immed'atelY by tlw-&e,, , < trY Llan w:iho part 'he Oouk In Lhe Lotri(tn. JuIY ltd, (llatn-After IupS t. ed h [,_that f'reshlent Sten 1• with st"als, wider Colonel Cunningham, mcut of the Dominion. Most of la rob!u movrnt _nt for Lhe bltebtmelit weeks of terrible anxiety the wa• ,„;I i lu[ it Jae ngnin l,.wiog,-i thin time Al y Isote t,[ tlx Iktbynhire }k htxxd, W of a u,1itVd It+tly. Hb red with iaetue felt in Onnt Bntaln witb re- I;Iwt -atxrrg, where 6ea. lielnrr) Is item anduni Chrlr,laa De Art, Apd M dewire.•tu return to (hunda ar early Il:twt# him u , I Cl Is pts, laellChr that theft capture gctla•r with (o!oucl lllckntnn's lore ns runvenlent, ,And bellece that rill- f'. 'r, _ \ Garibaldi Uvo triumph of the an- Stant to the• safety of the Britl.h legit - R P Art 1,800 mounted infantry, varlou I ira t4on of the kitngataul of , two too:% At 1't•kfn )tar heat relieve I toy the There Is ro lndicati(m, however, of 11s ine;'itable. It it this ht.that, with ApPI[avttlon u now re,cefvfng ciontoid• • A �,> `f 1'i11e. I'rdncx+ Huu►Ix•rt aEri'ed with rrmel i c11•talte, sou F:Irwick Metter and at'an- /;' pt thin morning td a melwatr" iia Ix lu in ttraltw, tlnup h dwmunml them '1n` the hands of the British. Y eratiuu sot ihw hendm of Lit prrPer dirtinctroll fu tlor war ' tet 41 R R ndlatt b.ttU+ry, attachpt to Con- from Slr ('LIML Mnakwtt t rough ,vtttrl with Re.tontwrg int infoaible P"" �tlatiuttr will follow- ent•irorltlee. This r n mia ge" is made coir, _ r Ingluam's /orcnn, the. whole urafor Gcn• r ngnlllsG ter, Anstri tax. H+ dlwpin cd Ptkha, July "irL ntxl sent thmugh and HwItman'x mountA•A Infantr) have --- I total Inn Hamilton, wen_ detached by eutlrely nL oar own Allggemtton; nr �,.,,'' ina•it p•rronni braavcry in Ute oro- ""�� n•tartm%l to 1'r+tclrla Irerxea, they----AbWar, Ike Nen Wanted. It Is Lara- eweitist alwire 4kat I*A Rwtr .Nimlrnl Ilnuw nt l'Itemullm hyo Ldaell tutiurtr .lore. Elie Boers Back ' m ent of disnmter nt Use Mtttle of Cus-- July' 80th, next glv Ing what is re- f.,nud Utefnew+ived Lou week to ds Loerioa,•July 1!). -Th, riWnti(xn In fl , k , Lhe people here and our cmmruder fii, ,. of jar to the north acid U,zzn, fn which th'v itrtlinu foftes Med mr aaanrf newt of ih•o le k kxlgo . i►etany. The hitter hat n : South Africa is w,mrwhat (•1:•nr•i, I np r•Or t, which! they have, been oc• ehuukl. kaoow, Lhwt, havinS q:Llt oto \ \\\\\\\� �, {were ttefentPd. (orrfghwntly tx, wan t up Lt, the date first "motioned tt rtrottk to" and occu:,kw it good by Gma. Lord Robert ' dcroliatrh of $at cu P) $ Ince Wednesday. emcee for eompfaint, we, nr a body, I tt L,pular outierrign with[ nil p,.Lriolle Th peas observre. however, that curl Ixwit•bn. ardny. He Ir wooin ramt with Ilia I hnve wftde [tune, find therefore, as Itallans. r g ('o. tel than. with th Imperial oral, elx,ugh. no menton i" hand" . . Tile report that Christian iie Wet's tyrtounary rs rL:bt road k:tm 0-att•ered already stated, Ito not endorse tile, THC LATE: KI\li HUMBERT. I Li 1868 Ix• further ovinentort lits I y• liorsee, co rat d with (;d:t-- Freneb i+ItP- wha er of the caidltion of the gar c1•Ptare te hnevitablw In rccrlvw I here. ileo. 14,thrt's (une'iretore bpm, but tae Ort tiro ne 'r rlskt. ltoerw were stntepints ht your article." ulnrlty soy mrtrr)ing lte ocxlrin, tar, skate Ith tHt(aM rltlier tO fcxxt or ttlUi mn^h doubt. Isis avh:eveapenlz }s, )awn unabir to Come into action: axe ofpn; ptpptla>rr,nrtA The stateibeut Is signed by 26 —'— �r Piboueew Mnrglrri,u, daughter of the ammnnit tAe Infetener mrh flint •l"� - Y R Hb meratbn of th • ntun'w Bufferin + twtixit. Aad--*" with able" dlffk SAY I >R , r- Irjj the wa of breakin thmsrh tri, R witlwirew_, sal t eves[ a e40W .Of, Cunnditn suldlers now la Londtw. I Int,• Doke, of Geskon. Ills Queen in L upon the• AG+rm, which BFftivh rocm!'e1 imq•ttstr.aglc�,ordunx from ex "sure atut the teeueintoe, �� _ a�t�! 1-- - - - - - aa►ed [nom Utm.taey of t � a 4 wvlj kuuwn ,sot a nAwt ,tnutnphrtwd 4 tr» fresh hl eon -to ady'a memory tg y Ix gtr,nx parrtty rret ting wiithrtwo Sttru, anti . OLGzwit, 1 y 9,1r 7'W Militia Ds-- ikareA rrjhlraseK of -era in 1tit• Of 1"•r disda,sitlon. Trite royal silver +>--- - r fi albvv h4 cx►irta:•e'to tx! la,ted laJ loo progresalm to proportii,n to tis' sltl•It d th.,ja until they dlnupireAred. Iwtttmt•nt ye>ater�da� ngncw/iped that t.Rp - o4 -M ling wow celebrated nt Ruse wtflt ,!e iLY nua0: air Lraus NL nnlwalr, j Ho ve_418 ams_as artlrt, nrxl atlxu fur btu raarw bwv etrx•,w _.T „ Rw w forrg,0(neaeieae'a•i,ii. AL tam ph'eh W Ilkrl to Ilu,rratre in ,A- xa Unto, however, h1n tAAai l o:ite ix length ami Aproold o: the march, gi,oas Lkut.,col. Ottor Lc ru ,le. from y malt pomp In A ell, 1149 t. i w ewnLly corls111erRMy mora Pre- Kill 1 vi k.r ('agwda. 1 Thr prise distrltativa tipOk Place' P �` , ,, `ride LO heats float lien. IkAr+rL+, soh JlrtxrItttt,ettorg Lint No. 7,188. Pte, D. Attempt 21r 1'rwrr .Ago. tea Itwt than tours lac want am,nur tate Abs, trout, -w:11 doe nnatrle t, era!$ IA►ioA JWy 116. the IWIY Tele aboth 10 o'clock. -- - ii f H. Atktiwofty,"6th Mlildlavtex Lt lot Ip- �,• Id: ,rf Urn Ornngo River ('ninny, I tb', pursuit to it dethdW result. - graph's teawt al artk:e ardin r S , Tlr, hurt roil witnl t t1bpL oil T exptarw ,of i':wt Ice Wet an,t reg R Ln illy- oaf 7, , ." Pit•. At'. Went, 7tlt We. King'w lite toffs ntti tlw float , ~-- }} M••anwh.l+ et Boers hate is olkia•ed Uw lit@au IttPar lx•fng 'bout r1atey llity! :Ma vv .b . hnve beeon rotating rl►v ('rKItNAT�O!1 AI RO]UK. ha! x diorAen of Ale rout promluewlt 1 Lino railway IwtwexKt Broukhtrr'm oapruit dry[ it IIyIt• Pork, mol wlUt,mt morn•!' loots Mn 18th, tutor. r ,imtxl their wlnta,h be nit im coronad Ii lwall yea - "+ .. d,f tx• (r) cuty'r otffl•LLM .tt F'unrlasi. sari Itahuoral, and it is re n,rt"d thit or fueci tuts aboaftY falkm fiat, am tit, ) r - I rlwrrtlY of r hlx corolwtlun, I,r .wenn �� 1 nr I" R cMr•L I nda•wntatif((�e+ to taw ! 1 faSimwi to anti tibt 8,167, Per• ay Cnblrn IL,IA� MIde1SRL Meeettawg rod nttru•kod by ,► K•ould•be wwlryln _ Itri th. Tlnrwgh ttx• guar nbdl w napxtx , nil tommaulkxw h:tte ir•iru ordered to, mtory tri witrue In ahAott every goer- 'fW,St,r, 52W Regiment. Brows Light %tarts for Muuzw,,, ( named Giocnnnl 1'riairuutir•, who mads ` , `"di' atwek o Ily swall parts s. }u tie tin rap. IL nplrrarn that a rtv of infagWy, leu Wap lucalkfeaf to Fn i ' went O.•tpture I the IY/Htm.tn,kl e•ertpM. (orange River (%olony, (ken. 1h -Wet, ('atlladi, YIv":bim hind txeen i-iteft to itr►d, - S Remo, July - 80. -The news of the I u e1rG•rmhsed ntttom{rt k, end his life ,3 + ,:e Thr am row ntopt 8000 Boxers In , wtol n x,nfard. �.. Lhe ntain f,IataNt IS of Fehia li w:th n larger foroe th:ua utas url}lu- [1e.+ Em)drn Theater,.rt�M ata• eoI Dot - terrible event alid not arrive here 1 1 i -!L. ally supix7rerl, anA thug❑ xtrougly oaU such u bete lwslr Lltat whl�t thmy Alarinornugb'& r:xprrfeners. a hr King y !turcrmmor. tnrg unit Ito n1.1¢htx,rlxroft, with to,Ilad lu•ar Rlisvlller, V raid b, IA, fCtartled Lo [tie tiO:die ,, }iumethe) • until ufber rnl lalghthtlgnor aatracd•o,. The lnelr n muni, storet of =to and n itrgr [MA to xurraulee U Ina Toto recur ell 9 t ewltretiglli om Abel, y plwmni 4e. tt.e Lhm - + r � •I, \ ,.,,., placed V arl oro h :a Tito tere of ta. 1'rrn!er, Immaliately "umnonwsl Italy Ito Victor 1•:mnutlntrl. Primew .of fi _,,amhe of wwgmul. "miry m,vy erapx' Ute, Mnritoro and n frost Ltterertf t•' ,;rrx+ra r Ila ItA•r. P•1 rt, I{sails anit tics wh•te hiw nnrtrt fight IorLer•re(ate11 tq o[+p� any \\of a mewtlu' of Aha Caldnrt, and iM Nnp:w, Llr. eldest rrnl of King lirtm•'- .i. R Oats ('arrini<toa'r k,roe, whh h la re- flu+ floors. They wet& totcrdp W r:e, ecpPrfencc to South Africa, and 1 t Mrs real Mwn in 11811. 1{s• tons iawr- I'h•men w•hoare wntrhing th,m. tut orteI f lith Ix a at The bewlw4 Lt Hyde Pari aA ri re though partkdpating In mvuy fight" MfttlrL•rm will etdrt at th' earliest rtxl Ut (>ctr,lner, 1rtUA, Ua I'rinoaam v t Ax tine• 1Britl•.h ixrld all the ma,ix, it o m• purtluu of that , nail undo of lee marches, came ,, .r� which. a ter Installing on`W iehifome 'rlt. \ rg ng S 'Iowr`lt mum -at for 1don7a. Tb, Prinx Heleti of Montenegro. ,v ie han11 lntllb'r flint they iron rn- Thirtr•five Caundllart tin eon A through without w scratch or ea Uent !'lorner, lou Ixwn undoes Gen. \ ` a osis, tht•Ir waRvinn. firufen•1'owrll fu Aha nrlShtorholxd n/ rnwdlcal ,ezuminat'on LO -day, a d ail day's illness. ----- - --.- - --- ---- --- - _ r . i A di+,IprlkL h fawn I'ouri,wlwrR A:Iter1 ( g• - snarl► fighting Is were deckirrl unfit W return tis ser Tife Duke of Marlborough hnb re- ner, of Mulled: wrists, tie the effect y f'' l .Iniy 27th shows that Also c+lptnrt+ of ; vtoo lit Hoath Africa. They will turned home becaune /ieneral Hnm- that +SP t. Wetmore, who .died of l h j'� ctxitr wh:rri , per. f �I�Ea a� ROM AMBUSH x F'eotilwlmtg www irrex•ernt Try hww�r• I, - llApr ,tei11 fru• ['t(nAtYl Oft S�iaWrduy, lttott't [matt hA1- ._TBetI:--D - II enteric f 1'bt"fg'?ITrira; nhi9 nfiiint - 7vt . . , 't'".. ' F.%orything prints to a ccwtlnuatlt►n I�t�fl P, a , ,v- fiatlting 4, fora n tmtrl1pRe of tax+, of er,nsilennple guerilla wnrrner.�ti- -}amt MtrAUtcOnn nrrt Meant Ho)al !}umiltbu not newtiug his_ serviem whose Identity the I:uvernrnent is !'lG / tmIWI"W, w•hlch wnNhWlrhOruly ,00t,emt- . N Ileti•ruail,n,l ttwt Liao inculM Chit- lot re.. 'Phe. Duke ail m his Is--- __.-_ - T-'— �. , e.,1 for two ,1n al. era, Ituber:w' difficWtlsx to the seat M �- - Y ptoutt- mrik Ili epetdrtes;- tined at -Mralrn -------- _-.___ _ Ci' ! "Ii nd►Ltrw shall tremlve ever attent:On of his eO7Aanr t -- T Iw•rtrrrtl } nter'A forOo and tar Pretoria make the capture of General 7 y y, hri igh lie wnm fur three ypars iefore he went out /� •' IN R'itt rt freest rislraWe event In view w1tUe tort England. - with thirm but ri short those, a w•nm with the Canadians. Ho did out ea• Dastardly Crime Reported hA rd net wo In /nr,-Ing Ill Vanf'm net, ' MIw Casvrnf�e nmrnmtin to A cvt Ott-t�S iometnitur ll� _ immerisel atrttck with ta- 11a4.11a�-iLltilYai>w_ hyl.,engngLd as u g e sa w e iilnne, am r - send bor►lllitles, as this, It Ix cal akl,red, is ea, y sat ►sat saddler, atul was pn,muted after N, frOm� 11W Offleer•t)easwrll tate '111- , Oise hundrxt. ` o the British wuidier, es re- troll t he` n- had landed to Africa. tf waste ..�� 8,1>ta) Afters, wills a K'^nid ibfhtlplw7e O:mernl Bat ha to aur- Ottawa, JOTZ, �8 = Mr. J. M. [ y _ --�_.- _,._ Tr�iop�.�lt'I'i�i!!'1'ils - _ - I- . __ ,. ------ -TM .-_-_ � :_ -- __ _ _ _ _ V S y. Trensa�er ui, t;h , (,va - - inptrymtrn cos gvxxt es ern ter tt - +ery Inrge artmtser cr/ wvsgone- n i'aiiet.-8eneoral DeWl4 0,113Tw tea _-.___ ._. -.-. a _ - ---- LIrRP gu,ent't, , of "burrs. and many I er' flff" a than Krnlger as as oppose" Pntr161le FLMkl Ananriatlon, .,Sn an world. Ho t ,9rve,w the I4(rc� rcwlat• - f YOUNG COUPLE FATALLY SHOT. g quantic d+f kitchen &into sand pnlmr. :atervMw with rrierenoe to Lhe Hoed will ecwnL sow nt onto+Mew till kotxlup, July $0. -The folbwin crf•- must be.•a fact dlminl inn 7- nitle hacr m.vr born driven foto ilia Putting thing" at th(Ir best," sky" '•r,T,, A edrslxiteh frc,m iwrMan, Vntiit.sn)'w 'stdtrme•nt Chat four ;nvrilkid Cab Vocemlocr, ell, ey neo flrndy arm• fl�lnl despatt•h ling Ixrn rer,o vexl ►ism HupLingfton, W. Va.,July 1tt.-Ham- tats Tttawe. "lt Ira, clear that relief Ito nxruntn:n ptnsPs, where they arae rly Oar hui iretd ar,loidal x,100* are clnced Uhni [t hr l)rtrxx•ratw nee Lo 1 liolrctts: :" 1'retro'n, .fuly -ilia- riI•w M n nY_Ist,idleps ar� et•rand(r) Int Iowa- fltorr $nityOldr.of stwrcon, Ohio, and rxtrrntelj urgent, tint tar IwgaNaoa wmt, fr- n) intjail ttdx it Tlip, kl va- d , 111ncPAarbl IH - PreAt littal aces•- 91a Jyrd!' S61L• With the ienemy a stator enlxe (arm td,et lrrfnt will ter Ntitf_ nvcrtil(O1R frial,nai It int rc{xr•te,l ttirtS stun nncl hnei to e4cp :n Hyde lark, guArf�,art`O�l with the. rnoemy frim Mess Americo ArUntr, of IinrtxaurctllP, etre hr a mUtb• of AM•Re. turd flint taw srvawwl hurxlrod morF will tic brought sa:cf thnt he did nd,t little W ex resn Skill the l'niti•d Stn will Intervene earpty or th-ir nwinhera im O( n purely suit. P in the itoers' Iwhal early lstaidO l until dark, ales, W, Vs., were Crel nn from nmburh, .1 ,i•A atch to the iM:IY Tyle ew h I tw`ferrn the enat•tr. rip op_atldrr as .to whatlx•r these men.- relu,lvv kind." ;111 tar, lir P R P -- Thr Duke looks tart , Inhtpnd o/ nail rI oudwl,lp (rf Naapwixort, in tar " eholsht ixe nswrrted fr,m tlw fuu0+ di js tfrtwght while drlrinq near i,ong th txx+ewaity O( nn n,lvnhce cwt 1'ekln from IAoranw MAt'(J'tu•s nnYm tbnf 14ethk•hem h llw, resulting In hiw rifer- ItOrr ('runty to Captivn• w;thun,t coP"uttin til a I•:7tecutivr• worRn fur his ex{xerie,a (xrruhlerfnq without delny. I'rrp;dint Krrgrr Is'now At Wwtesr- R a..,••.t■. to t. fault Irlo Nuaq t-�trk_.ttr Rratich, 80 tucks tooth of dere late }'rnturl.t, JoAY _T Lr. 1'wt (.astrt, (3uwHw:,tsrS. nwweFy wN taw.. -=- .. --- Y h?{Wal- -- --. _ _ ralowler. Hr nddm t w i.I ilm iii[+'Ao•'riv Th"fa�i ltd .�_ - , --- in ex ted, nod if t &x,rs are w Rtit laa, riti h psi _ to( nxat.W t era fr wh c h were y. presmni n t&,or int tint 111 feok n keep, lved fieri rLjvltla. ys w In the NsrN of theMrrenA. Pec' 1ntlemst in Rif i►orE and'_Ua"dt Banter tr-posy that the m(ernY Rnnyt,ns toss fwtaUy In r,d, taA net to ttao Britten prieuuers sot n'ntrr• imm the, c5ty. Tete mutter 1u35 • , •h I » `itl`attll 1'f'#4 t K .r will trek report t,r thw chair- wAl bl - be coualti•rod Rt the like any o�lx�-TtKTx- 4i4ii Iia LliP * n'tvaucr' by hoisting Min Arthur, iter phyadclAmrwL can 7,trridna" Js y AO -'-M the Hour• of vat, trW uowle ai pr<rtxt y ttS 7 (•camnmM tridayy the Parliamentary thrurgh riwns:lattd to ►e}nSos bay ahort<wt e►f xtrol,S Jiirltbus oh two nckv,-tuts u( Hirt recpaer. Her nose nod rt of ttrweet"try. itis. Wt:tllm Ht..Itthn Beed ',.;cam sad twhD s •framer four irxrn mrf tar Commfttec O( Aritixlr nt next mrfithtir of the ccrrtimfttnh. in "smart -"Memo n pn u,pe. \ whin wlvn ntlMte afore tqP (;rrtw, lir her fxee worm torn ewnY. The per- rick. read Unw tletlr 1, h from the "I Igtndon. Jrly 27, 11:49 ►. me. -Tics I'rrtcxta, who tanttrralxd roar) tar Une eoutse .rf trmva,ra:at cwt, Mr. Garret- \ Ito sal War Office by r•er+eives1 fo:kivring thy +t+'wtetiin+e Of the priprrtrern, hey sun:.[ tion the, find nrnv nnxnlnts ts'upplem.-jotary F:stiurttn. y Ir4h. th+> At'iltxhfre aexl Lire Rem :n ambush nerd .wire, ldtw rwewp- Britian Cots ai at Tk+rn Tnfn wa)Irng Ii i L•A•111ltPr IAI•gfntrntw, slur rneuniti,y On nerd ire:ng a double-barreled shut tlbat tiM Forplgn Mlydwterr nt Ppkir A- damAtch tram LvM Rotter die st.nmSl,v toatkm+u the inhuman- trt, Ovrr 6118.0W ami that NO casae■ Lorxkxl. Jelly L'T.-In the Htxtsm of wpm orw live dr alx. The inrowl nek Iron• loaded wah sings. Miss Arthnr a i it) tilapla)M toward[ tqr capthl+s. ter re}rf arm uLtnokxl to r�arJ' ('ornm/xur tut'.ay clic 1'arl'amentrrrY wtxi tektrt intra the nl t m tar tors.} Mt: Rt)n war" safe .fn') Mr. Iirxfrlek elect ?5 " 'svwrJi ani ilr;tot tootle wi thw'r g rpt nth. 'flat n111rwAn^e tan ps, from Whe lop flrost took charm M• found It, R Rc y iritis were . hnwa lwiwa 1rol71nlL OA .Tiny ata The toruses t4C Rrrwtary o' the 1Aar tulLaw.ltr.liere. 8o!eI nrxl (:unnttw willswL e(}yxr"Itioa, "nor:e:.} In tieptemlxr. Iyltverwl e1e ^dd n (levnlxttirn In whla,h tam atnte errs�rt f/Ylaat's 1t1aw, and f tJie pain r of virtirtxi M cr,terlc fever Il'. il(1 n taxrtRh ultwnnl. rtrcnrd:nK to 1Vy,rdi:ant to lutku luclatg a "uPPI ^, the enemy retiring rlanely to Awsotw- ,paL:•v's are at work rm the case, of �t wax mats• that a strong body nl h Int} ori tide txtrf, Rrextnft. They and 1lM aae of tar amlb. Thr roti f line unentnr arm en,tlmnte of e•Irvan rpn 1 d Lrxrlrl. coml.owrf nlmnmt' e•Irtlrwly R gem M id tam esnd bink 10• no blanketw, only their acorn it Worms, sad, fnr hpen ccwd;rxxi to r s de- Y 3' IrOrrt wh;ch there baro sstlefeutory ez- atmkl wap lllildleblrg and Unr enomy ix' n inti(-m'll'o t lr,yn•is, rxpinine 1 that "Pr"nerr taken stated that planation. of HwatiSa'b'r meNt. wnm nmunA UrP . 1-Urhtg In great disorder. The m•lin which were. full of vermin. TJttey had Irerelent on mart .w'ho went, the It toverrl the expense& In Mouth _Af- til, lee bmulred I urgherA would auk lied. � - '-` 1ACAevla tis block the rt he Chino oak n little fool and no medicine or attood- nut t. Notre of the �ntaxty hoe been ricn to th, end of k•ebruary, IVOI. land dr it guurrtntcrd thtt they would ,, ivia.t north was h'orteri tun roa+.mral l• i totllos with horsemen and wngdwn4. aDtti rxpendpal eY,rli•tly file the twnent (A Inncluded three millions for China. The he �•t'ntrA am orfronerw-of war and r A TTL`I craft• with a breach on tho tett hank, Dr. Vdn Oarriet was atrpolntsl by t�lr sold'. rs. • The fact that 280 cars amount ark fur South Afr lm As_rtaw•L% Tu. thls_Lhavu-AE�IIAflKA6EE �� 1(1`I In order b flobH the country to the ` ' 1, Tip Pr,wp 'e rest w etw thorn mev Pnw ,I, 1�� ]R1'iit oxwth. Tfii► fiKis±ntexl fours aura•- --g-thrlpsv[ nein• that cW;M To- int oT��ir At, n result of tdxwm t ap • eeatow&rd. ,I.y IOU It Ito belbve t nt iris re- one-tenth of the men nt the front aI rntlortx; titin Mr. Dnpdriek ritiiri Uttt thin (non• stilt went of the river. Night wnao y mnblerxrd All the t stria [m{i(rinl arut dolohinl trcxrpl, t tone akxr, cnmmnrullnR tfr, iix+". ankexi clriring in,- the rain wnm falling in 1e.' Are represented Ln the funds ire- ptoprstr,f to Itmavr in $htth Africa under a [ln of truci, thin 11"" n ell of Arhnlrale dir•k1d1 on tam 18th tial salt t►xe pa-lo.4 "' fund stmcea . lu,[N10 uu,'u, ins lu•, R i g Wali _ inning a Calf When Uvat the ral:,wa) betwexen Taku And ' krrmnla, and m IL tons atgoanxibiw to a itel son II d to ,ore! Rothschild, 4nu 16.1)U0 cOl,rid•Id+ n forst-,.nys' nrmtstk4 for l'•uce ttrko g TL•n Ta hl nlxAt'd Ix, ganMel nnA unto. foilim. The night waw terrihlo. In nit �_ Iter ('mux Haxlet)- -_ anti rwrvistm tie bring to remetln. The ttntb:ul. �+� Ifition to the rain a atronx e+ar•t w d 13rlbsre beataAraat• Amoelllt attx, inchrinf Alt+- glf4 Of flew •Monter' is KntfB'$iipped agexl by aro ltuadars. Ttx► e;overn- ----- ' -- t' rptt44-_tlfi'sl-- tie_ ism made the five ti le nx)mt urwomfortlt�r•. ri0 er Canwdtxn ilomr, Brussels, July 28.-.A d eviatioa In the pourx4l ter acpry auldler anti a xuft terms Ice rnnfd Accept were unc(md - - meat Informed Vum,ia that it merlul. , Ont+ of0ter, I r6gret to ony, diel of of nndti t,dr every-escrvte Iaclu•lin -- eva•o,l, rw Lqe nrrangernent might im fnmouA Trn nwvnnl rnllwn rnneelr- tr R tkmnl surrender,. And until these Unto moot Co,'.vPn'ont, tut that It mhrrL edrti',Lre. atxl Uto ux,rtAlity nmonS _ Qu_ Jmty 29.-.\nothPr Cnnadfnn afons cnww wap rad to-dny. 'Pio• Lir pr mtlmate. the a- r ate - the mn ms sort oxem waw great. The sDIM" .n m flriati Africa, (W. Mrgt. Run Boronm (j�fp+� ar mer mnA tmP t (L t flzf t c R'pr Office hs 81 U.:,- toL 'teaRe I ipx Itrt, cMtmltlt Apo r'u�d AND MAUE A FATAL WOUNi] fir <•Imrlc bntlorm4xxl that tlx Ilnw r main made It Int_ tri inn_ kahl fid Utton. a IyeA iSntaMrty paoraing my- ► T00, . P y i,,,t would revert to It" former manage• H ,-,-.._ „i-I1v x'L4SI4,{l. _l = . RS1yJ 1C ""t1'1WL'i' l'ntunii ok11r TA w �- yvarb imprimonmrnt. Ano er of a en nego nt dma, roe' i farmer. who 11aer) about 1 Lt�1 ' of dan wtI;1L t,1 t ~ them yettervla - --- -- Itldrb - - R#VM Memo para ing was esubasiand to tiietit �letu� fiiare- A6� irotn Iinnier�sa fi tm--N Titin mlt� fMm town; ras using taw air. Brodrick 'llont Uim hr tlld ks+t, ��y "Hangar holes t-enptrxi Vrsorieabarg, ---- siz mrmtlle' tm rhmnment. Thr- tryst T e, "till. we. far an I Trow, dbl not Puffer Pretoria, y 7•-(iep- ai Hkk warn Ate• Jud orla (roe y tS len Ca f 1 t night when the tot krocnr who wnm to have Pu hemp 1114•. HP foorul sin+. 8teyn, wife of loafs' ngulttM. The Judgment f the tons been conferreal u , sloo had written a second letter ex. knffo r1h) xxi and d rt an wrterr In.iLiw eomptl&M. Prabvh tronpxn w•, u'A M e t� amA I std the ltoert in•httce 1A Pt•► l'8ptaln ('. 1 1.IM ex PrewLiont, nrul rrvr.rnl of ort at the Cromd Riker. 20 miles elrrrt dtoes nlrt allutfie to the hrinery Mafnel-Jonah, a the West Yorkshire pressing willingness to hand (ever i•R. which I•nnwvl ddstth Within tem AvadlraMe to m0flOmtr• with the III- ' ninon x 1'ro Dent. and a. a al oil wt from hearty Owtr LO t1M aRrnflero cors• of Boer otnctalL_ Regime;, for bravery Not the battled himself• *Ith hill mep• rifles, Amma minutAw. t aR flag, tett ro arrangtirpmrtt hos Mtn finen and wilinn he ton" intion of than Ntreem the British fcund the Tugela. I nition nn•I other firearms• xm cpn• Mr. F'nir waw Ude aw+orul tom of Wit• M%de to t them and eor Command Of rtlterv+nt t Irleut. *Wvonsow Invalided Howie. - ) ulsilr{e• b sent! MIe 111aebwdrx4otP gyre allltica f to crdeb The )ionrw, dltluns thu�t Lhe ho sod b Ilam F'nir, a rrtirnl fnrgiwr, wJig jg pIJs, --�Y� r y- nary- . ant. "`raprtiTn'. a �- am+v gmuRh -ATA, and, oilier paaaess int I11,To7 (n 3filthr6ok. and Iwnvea a,wUe - _� enemy do Ulan Bethleehenn hills am now !x► 'era them (xr by R1,n,vinR area !x - — - ,urwr ' rtkw, tanto ottxrrw n•fnaininR cxxt• 8tovemon toss invatfd,el thttme On the tar Arhnntl aampnign of 119..-i-8, coni Irntghera t guarnntnwd them and aril stmt amtli childnyo. 1 tn. Baurtoinnd I" rmwrrl to Int „ TWI) DI+:AD• 'rHRF:M ILA. -1 t•I1em. }fArrismlth Is w cxdy Ilse oMlw,1. The lrinn d41 rot work. (Ten. ..Ott lost. wIw (4'x•oratcrf fur him Ae,ra'ierre there. Choy to fere to rel urn to their -.---- ._-_-. -- --:;fir°' agmen, find IL will not t tontsv far thsaL -Hickman Rhelhrl th em, rend :II o anted --+. He: Is 28 yent-m of agn, homes. I hnve repiled that Murrell I)ttawa. Jnly A0.-(ftpx•elal.) - Sir .,,..� ' \ - MI►HHIQTW1�( hQY!{ Alfred Mllner tabl.w to lard Minto \ to ranch there with guntw and wagons. hiR i'om totrta ('wnwdlias d ntrrtwlned. _- - - der rmtst Fx &lww,�utely-unrrnitiltlonal, �_O�fi ' Il104,41st,otl U still watching ('tuts• AL night thw Tioare nttnrkod the l;eniien. goal•' 97.- 1e.. fMUioAA , . . _---tTrtrttte t)uelan l rsa. _ yy- that An rifles, anuuuWtkm4 horepw } s >LntctAm of Iitrtb ht fnmsnr ns follow" : (calx! Town. Jnly :t0.- -Re ' tial, IstoWet; wbn t,a" taken ata n [Anil• AriUth crmttont•m, MIt ihw Inttwr were n former 'lt►ronttiiiktn, to•tlyrht T1te ►la.: of P.rlthlh pHwnrx,rw reofatlY Anil oth'•r iwdawwmimm minwt t g1vM Retvrafs. Blot to 't:t It Wh N'o5..1. �riA 1'tMnl;Lral� ° I p' ['Art on high hllM near Rs•ttatwurit. I alert• and Imvw them Mick with A tertalned the avemberw of the Cana MtarnM lion ditisalally by the floerw up, Anil that lite burghers would ter IT 110 0104r Revolt miles aextth of the Vanl. I hom"" rifle fire. Thr hnraho, "' Mar to ,Ilan (ontlnRwnt" now In f.auion &t a\ Inrluile's the name Of Vrivata, ,T. T, considered prismwrs of war. I added New York, July.27,-Npwn Ilan Moen tot, Mohntm•1 WrMw, died 'of Pnterlc •.. l'. DPWet, a younger iwrthrr of Chrin wnfd to. hnve Joanna drrnmltlPrable dinner gNero In tis+ Holborn partner• irtolAn, of the Canatlan 1ltnsnttoal that Prtnal,oar'a overt it " will not toe I ret•Awetl of the tihicide of Mrs. tier,. fever nt l'r•tor'n. .fitly "7th \ .Z allowed In nny WAY tO intrrfrtw with, Il, 7'kWWotth, wife of the mnnngrr Dnngetolu ilheca" of following rw y tion, surrerxk•rdrl sot Kr•txmsLnA yew -- ani. Atbnt thirty-five went pttdaent. RHMs. He M+M1rrgNrl to f•:dmtumton. e.1 %r,iny, I Hoer Leader 1'wpturrd. The gums rept•iono tirf Strnthedia's ` r - Hunter's oprrnt,lrhtx, whkh mliet lie of th Patter i'rewm Works, lit Plain. Torted : IrIvhttw 7,f(N). W. Ailwart• 4, "Barren relmwt" from Krngrrwlorp I•rt'tcrrla, Ja4Iy L'7. •- A lender of a lionte, let AattnVam ('annAlan,Monnt- A Mag,strwlp PunishrA. mmtinnpil nntff the enemy 14 ole find, N: J., At Kingston, N. J., yea• C. R. i., ('ape Tlown; 'L6, J. F, Bail, fent-I or final surrendered." terday Site WA" nn It 0 of -i Lt Batt4l'On. C. M. R.. Kroonotattt, th.nL lin hn4 reronnd.ltrnl tar nlllwa,' 11'rltoAn edrmmn.rxkr haw ixrn rap el RIf11s sand fist C&naAlan Infancy: l'retortnt .iuly �8, I y rn.-A trust A utter diergxetcir from &inn Rob- private annhtarium and hnwdl n pia- nM 1,7!O, 11uiWS, RnA Battwl'ewn' li. to RAnk Rtn on, wh-re th" train witm Toronto, Montreal. Qrelier.. Vannor port from tdtc, North Trna+ a A., Johnnnrshn U ttn+ri by Ile itritiwh mat of Dpi• worth)' re. rets, dnte,t .lulu _11th, conflrm" the t,ol to nd her life rR• wrretM nn .11t1p 1!A h, RnA tern rn i deprx,rt. IIP tritA to wmearle, but was ,'or, Londkwr, Bt..iohn, ilniffax, Tetrt- Taal 1M to tam rifest thnb ¢umlo•Mei tri suatrpnlMr of f'rlrrAldxr, with 6,00(1 'Pt wtrnngr lrnrt of itite attar,v Is ralana,11 Mllnpr. ahhrl Ler rrplPNhh his "npplhen. cowered by sic r1flPs nt elo4c gnnr• Ion:, Bnrrle, .RmCtcvllh+ sand Cnlg&r� the htirghora Are demerting thnr rcrm- R'otd h fmm Braver i,nol) tlner. tA' MrAburn'n ,nimmn, which renrM.l term, wlerrnixxl he threw down hl" were trlsraspitra bay the roMters. , Tho wlrrot Amt retnri l,IR to their tromrw Boan. thgt her twin Almtvr, Nlroa Arthur L, l Kruarrolo-p.1'utrlwfxWr, ,m hail wrmm, Hr+ wlia on than uphold, Aloe. Uurtna talk._ cwtsing the authnHaw.l -1a a si"ast,A eOW%t}oh.________ _-___ #Adtit] pf th • Bcw:ra _have _-Wane Tdtswurth, killosd herself by jumiting � � from Kent. F riglnnl, rank 7,4RD wny. IA I.ow ino%Ing lot T'(dch fatrtx,m. air Vie rivt•r from thew who hdld him nnttenn(rme"t was motdk• that the ivrhen the British t oogh-lnnawlx..ori arra w 11 swrr-a- fmm a window in a sanitarium In .tr �L-1� A. Wilmon. ,if inch Gomoor -_ � -~ hibta welt t to lien. MneddnsRld. O tbl•ra Arm Brookl o1r►'a. llbtvxit.n, whit,• W. WIIAOA Is all "Bullar frpnrt4 that flit rnllwny trader tt guru cwt It tows IntP(tmlbk F:arl of KtrmoAH Inaltrm Invnlld�l Lhrnrtgh Aha Ohntnget1M Blate,low yn. want opened to Hettint.n ewterlwy, r tlm, letter to croew tee oRd get Cnnodlan,+ to Rta�• nL 1114 ,•n"tle In the Orw ver (b 'll nr'►lvlrtg lire. The Harrfsmith The winters were mover _ Separattri �' Q n " Own,. TOrwnto, and J, F.. F m y� ��rTlr•) hold him. how& until w tato[ Ming IrppnM intralth•• ,m 1op�� �L In t mk nt +mm tem'ttnnr orf th -hkth n(tttl BaB le from (Stratbrwm^, AM. ._ Rlvtng ns th,ongh romrrnrnl, Rtlon t(i Mm. napnr potty', n -Yaeli ilia;e j0"' of the ; 7 hnt.el." I 1-11"P wt Vroodoofort station, took the �`x Aa well ns roma ik,ere Nh•r they mnrrl(++1 the THsworth broth• _- rt ___ mit Of tlt, vale at n Int; lint gOy I Vrry otrrlOaAly Ilart rant of RoMrG' horwe, win knew owniA Of til tecemt cafe rhnntnrrt. oath eN all Innes Lo OIMwI d}rltAln Y dR Lh•! Prw F:vrn nftpr that thrY q+e•nt �`�ly„ re�g PAimarattxl, Jaly RO. ilfrw. w;,itw, ('wMr Mrom H„mrrts• a drift furttlrr dawn. rntnr nlorsg. ; amt well reinstate+A In offh•b. Re- Toirren rR n1sY nkat thtt-r o Wille ac- ' tair ry flint laonta togrthor At- agM RL yeaw. tow" Uwv)wn not ,if w " ,"+�� f!At7lH1A!f6 INDI/:N,,�'r. mnrrrMpr, Rnd (hat th'w will c- err MrR Arthur Titaworth killed Tdxxlon, ,inly 2P. tier. Rnhrrts tF Arrgrnn 11b1w1 nOt nRw tt InweN rrntly he tons wcc(sset of giving In- I q !,!,, t, LIvAliy .•Nxl the VM. Btwtefa. • herself %lip mister ton" I OnsWaMi. 'hrtgg,v oroar Tevh+tAnlr rewVrlAy, p,rtw to tine R'mr Ofrro tint (ieMl. ft, M1t, swimming hint lurrw a rc►"w formntirna to (Ten. he Wet, fyieteby % &rxI Ixrd Ix+r rtRht thigh JwvvkPa at fIrPne „p! R Mpn,flbet:wwttwRent Stow In Lundoc Any thor wtm1.1 not hrivA am onoderrl ( land finally M^nmon 'Rffbcteal with ma hip Jame, and apt igh wrm protan l cxr ext Ln,OMlhur wlthnnr cls rlvpt. bnatght flit lwt"cmer Ilnck Lila Intrrr haw linen ahfi e(o pine I fTTOR;tlon on Friday. Ilia dempRtoh with him. wrp'Wrll Trrwtrd• Rnd nrry out moony of file rot& on 1, the}• roL laai num isdood. The Arnie wlnnlrCNY. tIIdM eao sing, hor fro enntw:n" R reply .to the Inn lietrr It woo hmtnd that the Parra Ioroo.rPra btvp i•ewtk carol Ie & r Ire anvils to Ing•tnin for trphtrrmnt. scum tbx, shcxttder, q f Oa1on Jidy rlS -Tile DRlly Trtr flit rnllwny i eronl[ hwa hlmett toa"A rrMlrr r n"bA,1 him a few dn)m sato Ty a1•ere Fold) Ig the lower drift fn (to". Rraprq haling R;ntal thtr ,mu•nillQ Rnitty and "entanned to auto ts• R card, &lift w h" kept. fQ4w I How the unfortnnwte wommn gOt (he Furl of F;rnp tour NwatwdLprand vt'nr O►f:rp rw RrAtngg ihw nAmt►st flf h,r rSaerltl O'anrdtA'lA Ala liar Yi Int rlannmMlt nnt'I all active. trans rot tared h t(r Nora, his l,on4,ih. .cul• 27, 4 A an _ a mth ' /, I R' p "isrslsesakwa of tart tlMwrm iR noL tlnm't•r nowt .John W itooll M. 1'., of Ad- e •n 'lick asilt&rY Iswp.Mel" hnve toarn suitor. Thomnm A'CRIIaRirRn, n 1 -)Ht. _ Alntgicxn, Awn 1 rrn4ldrtlt et the Itrprr- t 'Ines despatch non the "nbji,ell b W Alrh•hn npwa iI swawnrinR from n j wwttbptlag, nrxnpirew •and pm nI1wR., KaOw" !trrtf. AefIRO". nil My, was drnwnrd at Cornwall, Ottwwa hats a goo•000 elwlry rOm- Iwd rion. It nl tM inywi Orahe 1wst1_ i �4 Itidanslt, a to whetMr attl er NIM I ■r1tIN prilnt tN ♦dew. LoM Rafx•t!r sbuet tit, etowte Itf Looxlnn, I c►td TOrontn, Jnly 'l8. -Mr. [t. R, War- while learning b sults. yid, I Motion. a ..,r ,. ,,,, , 4:e.i x•.,°•" -w , is . w: ',,r - , +.y � fi+ ' "@` , ti b`" �`rI?, ' ' <'' '" ':,r; i':..: 's 'r " ;,a .�e,' ,,v s,en.} �, ^'w: 'ti, t; :w A f.: ..:epi Fm.; .:. , ts,: - ,, et f,,r "" z , eF.''i+ F!'', `,5� rc. e t 6 ` , ", ,..., dt ''A . d, .. .., , ♦. ,rat' ra .,I r - ria • r ".. -t +t. ' .':. w" -,r ;V Je,' a`'t... - ft"'Y `',yaa^..,... ,�. t. ,. "rY at " 4 �1:�1 .4. ,.+c,yy alWe. : ,4 wN-'^'r„r . �k v7'`�y� 't� N. !17.���y. ., �i •'.�, N G •u' "s. r , •y. u .. 't„ :. '"r t+N.:;• .. .,: ,.. rlr`,r tiytt « : ddA..+,@+' ��". .:a.19Pr' • �' ,r..dk .,A ,311':; l ,ted. f .,-•„, ,, 41 ;"'(r, :, . +r->.:.. s' '1 `�"�° 'e,•s A_ ,'�, , ' Y - 1 * _ ,• y z ^' :.. '' • '..R .. i' �! �,,"�'" .'[PaS.. t• ret" 'r"�. �;r. ,i 'tl8', 7. ;:; r, • A..� A �.. t- 1 f - ,. . i . ,,•:,t � . � , , a, 5... t A,,,.-_-, . .+.:.i!_,., _314, li,t, ....:, Ol :tis ort ., + _. sea i. .a ;i s fir 4 s_-;... r,. ..a,.•ir...t� .. _._- -vi - 1.,�, ,_.,_t_-_. ___ � ar- —.."ilei _tLl - _ _ ,.h . u&'t'.