HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-8-2, Page 5In ed ;t. r\ So • THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. 'imams ff, August 2, 1900. $ Seem ,� IM Slight. -A- t t bad Geos elliag I ANEW COOK STOVE W. Acheson �r Son souAbuse veer. ogre Yr. The UMnteNby find fsasUy romnrd Iron, li us July Sale sob to Ow" sound. He seat •a i., lu,tn ons, honest going stop, a I.l thf.I neo, her of [rte Y4shodle% obarob bad was 63 y*an j� .1 W. Yrs. Grim oldby end eve o►dalrenBlood e R�{��ry. s strrive.lom6mbh bT B Wt'i• In ,h�5•I �lnghalns baooa..: thar week s. E sued B. hills D1801den [Q,�t �- Joh.wa, hrotben of Yrs. James W. Bi64- A High-class Bargain at the height of the xeagyou. anti user• visiting to Brussels Tb. torn -or � Js His PEDDERS �' Illi- u *eparint"d"b of the Coldw.ler. tlloia., -- ZO pieces Scotch (xlughauis at about half price, ally "It"I and the latter is, a atudeat is eat quality and newest pattenis, warranted fast 1'pollbuti, Ylob. 'They made the trip, 212 ate. amply kidney reorders Thekldoays e� mUea, os thea bloyulea la suss geed • hail filter the blood of all that aboukln't be colors, regular vibe. and 3(k., at one prlCtl - rya, making Serum and !gear tasty there. The band peree turf tg-h the kid_ I S STILL BOOMING. b►Ise. Ytrrn. Joenwo were Walter hero p°ye •very three minutes. If tis kidneys 160. before mod wen muoh pleased with Huro. di their work mect in in the cause of - osoat They returned on Thurdmy. ls- disorder t can r'errlaln t circif your o r - I ;1.51 Lace Curtains for $l.N loading to Detroit w oo the homeward bloody than tont rima Thereforekidny f fiat Mood le out of order your kidneys r. PLENTY OF GOOD GOODS . ir,P. failed in their work. They are in need of At any setwou of the year there 50 Pairs White Nottingham Lace Curtains, 54 l'I.oloa The rvu,s•� of Yiw Jane stimulation, styes�t honing• or doctoring. In n0 greater comfort than u Ktx)l inches wide and 3J yards long, extra line net, all Uoo,u veru u...url,i i.n. by her be-Lbar type medicine Will do all three, the finest reliable l�k Stove in the kitchen. 9.1. erd, ou N r,.uo.Jby of lest +eek. I{om and most imlbted blood mediefss tb" this season's patterns, regular value $1.50, Iitp0Clal Toren. oo, where @be kited died on Tuesday, 1s It in wittl cooly stoves like every- -- - this week from old age, being seventy nine years old. thing, else : there are Good, batt and STI 1.1, LZli'P BOR Y410 AT LOW PRICES. She was a daughter of W alber H. Mooof Dodd' ��OO Cork, Ireland, and was a resident of Claw indifferent v8rietles. e ton about twenty v,an ago, having ure,vd We know you Wi'l be pleased Floor Coverings bore •year with her brother.'rwhore Ur. Poore -.with our E V E RY DAY Za A than removed to Toronto, wh ru, eshe rseldsde� 2, 3 and 4 Yards Wide Scotch Linoleums 111 Floral, eel(t h he braLber who s000mp•alsd the b..!y to (1hoton for burial beetle her .tater. FAMOUS and ABRRD$SN Spray and Block designs, new patterns, at (:linins : Au adjourned meetlog 'I'm ons held to June at tsummorhlll foriherrwn- StovesandRanges a 40c. 50C. COC. `-0'0 rOf tore unl" w"`l .w joss wM -- —_ vheld m be town ball hots uu Semurdal --.—� , i1 • e 1 July 21st, Judge Mbomoupr4 rwtdlug, wtt�bLL ST per square yard. 10speoto,s U Robb ad J E. Tom.3L Cwtee Ior I dertuh township and Jas CATTLE BROS. ba r a for Hullo u sotend s Tu CHOIohang,me were;ip he known oo N ,.-4, I 1 lea1W10, SloWners and himilhs 5.667 oh s with as and Hallett, $143,te all /�W.Acheson&Son5.557 corse with eoaeaeed value of =143,983; sfl►a� In Dress Goods, in blacks, plain and fancy No 2, Hallett and Jederiob towashlP. ono• ST. MARY'S West side of s usm next sturdy Bran goods of all kinds. ---- -- -- - _ -- - - -- -- -- -1.t, of 4,091 sores with assembled volan of ' LIMB - I, T. '` COLUMN. la poor health for some time, left for 8t. 1157.66; :be other seatlos affected is No, kept wnssteatly on head. Fancy and plant Silks at Reduced Prices. 0 W. . i, 1J. Cstharines, where she will take a snares 5. Hallett, which sow v000lsta of 3,903 - Reduced d of bath• that we ho may ove.thowlous, sores• with smsesoed value of =151,300. the best brands of Linings at educed Prices. a He who in Islas, to present duty break" s yMfortb : sewn. W alone d Emtgh, of pert of Nos 2 and 5, Hullett, were added a� SoauSonablo'SMfings.thread is, the loom, and will find the flow to No. 4, Uederiob townshi and Hullett HYDRAULIC andTrimmings at Reduced Prices. .ben he May have formal Lou the osasa Blyth, purchased (ruin tile, M,udg, of p , YoKlllop, lorry -uv*. settle, who" ►Sere sod the ,oa6oe part of No 4 was addedu Oily a foes Ladles Blouse Waists left, to be Sold fiieap. Singularly ao.gh it is the in., solighb gat* weight wad 66,766 pound.. They to w No. 2, Hallett. Thea reastruotion of PORTLAND H. DUNLOP Linen Skirts cheaper than you ever bought them before sued sad meet Cbrletisixed nation that wers.hlpped from this station to Londoo, 'he s*ations will be found to be of great THE WEST -ST. savers most from drink. Falkland. benefit to many of those whose ohildren CEMENT TAILOR. Ladies' White Wl"-at a big discount - 'rhe reason public men and pubho otholels Ooderloh t lbu4 w the injury n- have W octad a subsoil four miles away, Co o p' ! y where" now the hays onlya short du- Can show you the latest in S rip Corsets at 2�•r '•rQL4,�'•r g�•rtworth 2�b��s{m,^o,±�"ek tsar to *mate Lee I�gaor razimtrafflio is leeeaw eelvsd lab rnnAwey two works pro IOUs, Cance. The former plan w" on l000sveoi- amt Summer Suitings• P g Lace Curtains from 26c. rep. All linea r duc6d in prim they look luta to nmyeranee Pn.pb to Wm. Parw0., of sem 6, Uoderloh township, emus Le the scholera who live near the sem- Handers will do well to see me brdoro plus stead atvheir baDka. did st the home of his ora in law, John W lasbrst Is ('sad. a greetmit foe? What is Furry, Clloten, on Saturday. July 21, at story on the Gdorloh side of the gravel log their orders. Call aped ase his Honampuns in the newest To d It wUl take effort la lbw* @eotlu.a shwln, ton very thing for Spridg slid Sum - the anal a all vies ■oA warty oil never- the age of 76 Seam. on December 25th. Fe n�RWW RGIES mor west. A large amu fit u[ elctto ]ty, fsabalty sed crime? W* steely vete 15ohn It : ifli. B Job" B1 the 0ephew 1N• jL{ choose fyo a sited style stxi tit gwraoteed. ' n n�s yua*i ayery%king and everybody lost te John }JarahUl, Brnso4le, alt the Uanadbn Wb e/eneerhl Xeres 1 now malenW. . stands to perpetuate that Ior. Artillery, hse be" In the himus ooWin hoe- Alone sustained editor F. M. Higgins, H. DUNLOP Two years ago a Cemmitt" of Felty, as pltal suffering with fever, bar to • letter „f gagece, Ill., when all doctors end via WaL aaNeaa Wast stroet Is was oallsd, of New York's lebdieg m"- just received here he said that he would medicines failed to relieve bis pain from UFFICS, W"0.s• Near the Square. _ lawyers, hrok*n, merokiante, obrtym", soon M out sesta. piles. Then Huoklen's Arnica Salve ---- - -_ Furniso n s eta. - was•ppointed is isvostlt,ate the re- (;sderioh township: Hanley Uaatelon• eh,tlly cured him. Infallible for to H C FILS�NCER suite of drink, boil their report fan. •ties on. 9, happened with an •ooldept the a%hor luries, pains or bodily eruptions. Cure MILL WOO D some Val" Information, ss reu*otly num day. While he was in the set of putting r a a fled b their evocetar John ora guarentoed. l)nly L5c •hoz. Said by We are Belling Shirts P y y. mho Goy lark the tnp rope broke add Dngr ,Ina, Wilson, dr" druggist. c le ant for the Kelsey Warm Air r Among those who some ander the notice of Hanley fell on hik head, reoderi.q him ua- gg FOR SALE. a Ties,/Collars, Cuffs, etc at lice$ that eni t the, boxed. the oharity ergon'satiom 000l*tlea pe•srV conscious tow a few ,snoods. _ - _ Unentor, manulatared by the J64. r r r r p p y S Yf Co B k Ills a" be troord to 11, Or In at lose% 25 par Umborue : Min Mary Kebob. of the else cont, el the mora. OI those to •Imshoasse wwo w600l. Usborne, oht.ihed the seemed ' 37 of every 10U would not be there but for htwhmmt marks in the wanly, m the eolrwse _ drink. The oemmlttw inve.titsted Into examinbalotu. D. MoDougan is the kewher. the .rise of no lees than 13,400 000viots,end The ability , 1 the soholars would eeemlnely found the% 1.000 hell of the ones the orlme belle Uig, acme of the w600l. Wes ch"y due to intemperanos; It was a Wm ham : S. Keral Gan, of [Amer 1"diag waw In 31 par oon'., and • sole Wl.gh.m, towed ale a hes'• egg which amuse is 16 per sent of the o.~ messer*o 6{x8 loch" and weighed l of a Us J an* 29 the sour% of appeal gave jade- poalsd. The seg was Isid by • bleak YI" amt In tb* ls4w eele►rated ease Of toe ore. bee. A esra.ge thing shoat the age, Qoses .g.last Murdock. The letter was rise that it w" large at bulb ends sw•leted of "lltng llgaor on the Brantford 1mborne . Yr. Thomas parkineon, one of re44r T* •ad •«otoomd te mil mos►les' the oldest reeIdeate of Usborne township, figrl"um"t. He appealed to quash the died at him r"ideou. Smmone at , Mxaler, an ggg,pl ttlov, and Justice Street, tasters whom Monday evening, the 23rd July. Yr. Park - Ns appeal sums, dreldd the the punish I. w" born at Harrow on Humher, mores did not at the orime and inor•.seed she Ltsnglwhire. Eotl.mi, on November 19th, e"t"o. so nine months Mardook ap- 1810 ,.led to the D.�urt of Appeal, sed khat court approved ]noting stii Loaduboro : ,(,bar!*@ Mur met with • action The wse Is the Ent In Can. severo "oadeot at W. Brigham'. recently. .do to whist . e"twee ham been increased He was huidiag the twine while the binder a a appeal to Wash It was going and the poodle was driven wean wo newel reams, through his right baud. He loot thereby the pert of the boa. opposW the little Sale"let (to now bartender)-U.e rill* of finger. Mile boo" le mover to -11 any more ligwr Clanton ; The following in taken from b • man attar he hu b.d aoash. Thin W lompm Fres I't•ew: "Mr. slid Mn. B.rteOder-How sin l to know wiles he g S. T. Hadecombe mown the low of their h" kid enough ? I"tos daarhter, who died vestsrdav morn- S.hrooist-As soon 64 kile money [Ives fag ant the family reeidemos, 503 William Isar. -Baltimore Amerfoa., swoons." Mn. Hand000mbe I. a danghb*r COUNTY GURHFNCY• of Mr. and Mn. Silas 1'ratt, town. -- [doleaworth : At 7.30 A. ant, on Monday, Rxeter: Ilium. [))Par has moved hi* print- July 16, Uwe peed away one of'ASoiw ing outfit to 'Lortob, where he iote.ds start- worth's olds..% and most "Loomed citizens, Paper, to the person of Ueorits Songster, at the Morris . Edward Mulligan, of near I ripe age of seventy-two years, roar maths .lese"tew0, died o. Monday, July 16tb, of and aittwen days. Itwessd w" a sufferer paralysis, Aged Testy six yoaTa. He I from a usnngr In the atorn-ta for the last leaves a wife and eve children. two en"abs. 1 � A ad Idat occurred all The al,.ove is cat into stove wood aur[ R .. coo r/Felt and Straw Hats at '_J5% off the rOKul$)� prices. len;th and will be delivered to any Read what a fellow towasossis eays of his experience with Ib i 41MY part of the town the same day as ueaerarer : The Clothing is going fast, and no wo-nder $or a Suit ordered. Umve of K. J T. Navel, Fire, Idfe. Aooldent hero COStS Very little. Orders moeived b telhone or ane Plate uleto IasuranoD taken al tlowesty e P 'rates Hamilton at. left at residence, 128 Cambria street, Godert0h,May Lot. 19 Conte and see If this 19 right. will receive prompt attention. James imbr[Brrooakril" VnnL CO..g 'Phone 98. OWorm,en The No. iR Kelsey Worm, Air�• H. PEDDER, Generator you installed In rn house last fall PETER McEWAN. revs Riven von me the greatest o� wtldwI tloo. have tossed it very economical to fuel and (lalerir-h, November 21st, 1899. 63-3m very easily managed. )living the very beet fromresults7 In heat. the whole house nd beingown. anted CSO D E R ICH . - from 76 to RD both up stairs end down, and at tion I have lett my bedroom window open all niK,l in the month of rebruary. I lave SumT®roods roared no gase' or r. a chat Prow It •t all, as, hoot In the entire snA the smoke DID. w"Me I hbgay tha othe. elsey ea for . IouK3 BIG BAOGAIN DdYS time end from my experieang Ip fur:ia0 -1WES have dein say that the Kelsey 4 the tx»t I i have seen or nosed and can eathighwith mend , THE BEST.... it to do one burn be i real wtlh warm Mr, "h don not burn tee sir, but givesboom, • •s.7 eves and pleasant heal to the hoose. � >; Jr. J. T. NAIT91- ' AT OIL STOVES Information regarding this hosier ICE CREAM FREEZERS ehw`'n'iy Rivet by Price's Shoe Store BICYCLES He Ca FILSINCEt",, ` ON from 4L7e.e0 up. Comer W est-st. gad as Pre• Ooderleh y1 PRESERVIN(; KETTLES - g i�1 URSHy , HDREMY I and allof GRANITEe �1�am goiter Re ai�i� , THURSDAY. GRANITE andd T B-- INWAR" j� 1 � �'A' LEMON SQUEEZERS w. N DAIRY TINWARE --- A118ttmmer goods must be sold at groatly roduced prices to make room our own mate a Ooderich stAtam boiler worksfor fall Roods which have commenced to arrive. EAVES TROUGHING having been removbd from Goder ll, Hrls"eIs: Yrs. (Rev.) Holmes mle"d its mor* . Tory a .os, had footins whfl* desem,dlsg, the stain •t the nom* of l'on. Reiter on handay, .July -. _ ROOFING and SIDING ; have erode arrangements to carry on boiler repairing and also the manu- her home and spTalsed her foot very badly, 22nd. Hto tittle three year old boy w64 around the house for some time. wb,oh has temporarily Im13 bar "ads. I playing Exeter . s Millie Mwtio, daughter of looking,llr�t f the tone hismassed him and s,0 IwklOg, tote him issued his body In • tesla Samuel Mart!n, an seteemed olds" of F.r- barrel Life w" quite extinot and all efforts star, obtained In the recent high sohnel " 1e Be.* atm were awlew. instrthe ossly.stlo. 856 nuke the highest I Orev John Brown, 10th 000., arrived tr the ooanty. last week from his trip to Mavlwba Pe t Brawls : Alex. Koen, who recently took thinks Urey 1s good enough for him for a Mon Y H Y. oustoin@. Tornio, has (wbile yet ser. Brown has travelled over b promoted to Uttaw•, where he will he I flood deal of the aouotry, met many old is the statletwal department In ng00000"a I friends and gained fifteen pounds. He says with the eastome. the failure of the Drops is wldespt"d and Tureberry : 1540044% H01mes, •god "see- many will have to bay their whest and bay. by -sight years. died at his b„m* In i'arubW- (,flown : The many triads of W. ry " Friday, Jody 20th. Mr. Holmes w" Brownies, formerly of Clanton, will regret ase of the earliest and most highly reap-' to hear of the sad •flhotion that has befall" d plos"re In Turaborry. his family at Webster, 1.x61. Hie third pestorth : .lobs Swot, Dottie dealer, of sen yid about 15 retire. with another boy, 1.14t*.41, maA. • shipment of fine export got poisoned by mdng canned "Imo. (art settle from tbis station last weak. The dently- by earn* torsion aub4tbong thereto). cattle were of extra good quality, mud were I'll, accident w" fatal in the 0640 01 young ell pareh•4ed I. this neighborhood. - Brownlee. •"forth : Yrs. Hicks and d•aghserl Wingham : Mr. Taylor, of Ripley, and have returned from Toronto hospital, where brother of Mrs. W. U. (;toy, of town, and Mt" Hicks hull sndowro0e " 4persUou for ,o„ of Yr. Taylor, at %used, w64 of"nloa appendicitis. Her many friends will be out hu well a few days yo, and when he pleased to 1"s.0 that ahs a recovering,. bad It oompletd he was looking, ever the It : Reuban Jewitt, teacher, who well andlin memo way slipped and tell to the is working ter his brother, Iwwis, of Mor bottom, a dlste.ng of twenty-two feet. H* rte, daring, the holidays, had his Dollar hese w64 rescued mad Is was found he had one broken else day lately, by the bores running shoulder broken, a @praised leg, and w" away and throwing him off the bay Take. otherwise Injured. Rnmele : Weds4sday morsleg of last Bros to: Tuesday ol/bt, Ja17 17th, the weak Yrs. Harbar• S%rboban, who bas bests. Whit Of Chrisboph4v Ortmoldby, of Owed Souvenir China Postai-dards Agent for the celebrated Carbon factoring of smokestacks, etc. Paint for patnting all kinds of roof@, Repairing of boilers, engines and `rioo� d or.Ageawork, other machinery promptly attended ol�sL��h�s toD. K. STRACHAN, Y►/ Machinist, Goderich. the uheap move and Furnace Yaw. Works ran Victoria Strout. Wrong Mite or Hamilton St, Cloderloh. _-- -- �cgI�'S RX[D'S OLD' RB REMNANTS Now for a general clean 1)!9..11-sftShQ rt_ Ends and Short Lots of all kinds of Goods. _Prices are not con- sidered. To Ret rid of the Goods is the only object. A few samples am: Sailor I fats, were 6ft; - - ies' -bluff` 31.1111 &ad B Men's Straw Hata, Hard and Soft Felt Hats,were g g g t e 50c. to $1.00, all at ... 2Sc. f� jMOeo/ Boys' Fedora Felt Hats, 50 f 19- Ladieh' Whits Skirts with wide hem and cluster of tucks, to clear.at ... . Shirt Waists — Just half were c., or. y price. ' Afri, FAAAF - Remnants of Ribbon. lrlts,ognw = Remnants of Table Linen less than mill price. Remnants of Prints. lwtvlil O t .,•� �' &fill -- -- Bargains in Towels. Remnants of Wash floods. SAVE MONEY, --- Fuel, labor and expensive repairs Bargains in Napkins. Remnants of Cottonades, in your plant by using 40 SVTTON'8bmaots1t..6rjtht-- �' t r ,cit 010�f lrjElk Must k The Oak Asl1 Pafiat,' 5n11fle- Th WILs➢lle compudCo.,Lit Woa An MSK I Me ij M SL Eat, ?stinks,OIL We must have room for new ]weds, and we will not carry over any old stock. This moans that you got these goods at MANUFAOTURER'S PRICES If you will call and exauline prigs wo will prove this to your satisfaction. We guarantee this will save you from 20 to 30 per oerak Isn't that worth having t No goods charged ; strictly cash sale. ST. GEO. PR/CE. West tilde of Square. douse -cleaning Times... Brings litany requirements which we can supply. LN>M have Your order for r kllyAhigg in our lino, and-mcAl-ky- to please YOU 420008'�DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 5T URDY dc CO.;- _- _ \ __.-. _-------_—__--_-- The Orocers, _—Telephone No.\,►L Oor. Square and Montreal St. Pvn� JAN V OR . •1111N 7ovMl.,em me: � M tST yr age sw 2ao1 ww Sautnq uo daai1 111m ags'ited Quo IAnq aqs q osntoaq lmotn AA Oi Q111mO1k A1QAQ ;LyBm Qt -pa3g8F19 a1 2uig10u-1wn Tim oars gsiug par 3B 'dip -UrM31I0Ak '1wllajLPM to g y + .° Iqs,(i?1tnf) At=1A ogi 30 uol;ooN. oq; io; siunoom how.ie" p3pm lade by J. D. B►ING OOMPANT. Limited, Toronto. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR NUOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOYATOL A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLE8. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont f 'al�v' r a r t - ' y 'L .. -. .ie �OF� � P r • Also a line of Houvsnir Stationary, with views nom A. take . of the Harbor, Oourt House liquare, road to the Har - mod bor, etc. Your friends will eippreciatA, oorresp andenle hem on this Up todate fttwtionary. We are also showing an elegant range of Kharki Note Palter, with Envelopes to match, in different shapes, with and without red edges. ill e, The above Paper and Envelopes in two geiLlition Envelopes, i0c and 20c pkg.. Note Paper, 10c and res goo quire. r of PORTER'S BOOK STORE ■ Our Telfipftor � *100 IL Ctgltrfi House square, Goderich. Agent for the celebrated Carbon factoring of smokestacks, etc. Paint for patnting all kinds of roof@, Repairing of boilers, engines and `rioo� d or.Ageawork, other machinery promptly attended ol�sL��h�s toD. K. STRACHAN, Y►/ Machinist, Goderich. the uheap move and Furnace Yaw. Works ran Victoria Strout. Wrong Mite or Hamilton St, Cloderloh. _-- -- �cgI�'S RX[D'S OLD' RB REMNANTS Now for a general clean 1)!9..11-sftShQ rt_ Ends and Short Lots of all kinds of Goods. _Prices are not con- sidered. To Ret rid of the Goods is the only object. A few samples am: Sailor I fats, were 6ft; - - ies' -bluff` 31.1111 &ad B Men's Straw Hata, Hard and Soft Felt Hats,were g g g t e 50c. to $1.00, all at ... 2Sc. f� jMOeo/ Boys' Fedora Felt Hats, 50 f 19- Ladieh' Whits Skirts with wide hem and cluster of tucks, to clear.at ... . Shirt Waists — Just half were c., or. y price. ' Afri, FAAAF - Remnants of Ribbon. lrlts,ognw = Remnants of Table Linen less than mill price. Remnants of Prints. lwtvlil O t .,•� �' &fill -- -- Bargains in Towels. Remnants of Wash floods. SAVE MONEY, --- Fuel, labor and expensive repairs Bargains in Napkins. Remnants of Cottonades, in your plant by using 40 SVTTON'8bmaots1t..6rjtht-- �' t r ,cit 010�f lrjElk Must k The Oak Asl1 Pafiat,' 5n11fle- Th WILs➢lle compudCo.,Lit Woa An MSK I Me ij M SL Eat, ?stinks,OIL We must have room for new ]weds, and we will not carry over any old stock. This moans that you got these goods at MANUFAOTURER'S PRICES If you will call and exauline prigs wo will prove this to your satisfaction. We guarantee this will save you from 20 to 30 per oerak Isn't that worth having t No goods charged ; strictly cash sale. ST. GEO. PR/CE. West tilde of Square. douse -cleaning Times... Brings litany requirements which we can supply. LN>M have Your order for r kllyAhigg in our lino, and-mcAl-ky- to please YOU 420008'�DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 5T URDY dc CO.;- _- _ \ __.-. _-------_—__--_-- The Orocers, _—Telephone No.\,►L Oor. Square and Montreal St. Pvn� JAN V OR . •1111N 7ovMl.,em me: � M tST yr age sw 2ao1 ww Sautnq uo daai1 111m ags'ited Quo IAnq aqs q osntoaq lmotn AA Oi Q111mO1k A1QAQ ;LyBm Qt -pa3g8F19 a1 2uig10u-1wn Tim oars gsiug par 3B 'dip -UrM31I0Ak '1wllajLPM to g y + .° Iqs,(i?1tnf) At=1A ogi 30 uol;ooN. oq; io; siunoom how.ie" p3pm lade by J. D. B►ING OOMPANT. Limited, Toronto. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR NUOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOYATOL A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLE8. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont f 'al�v' r a r t - ' y 'L .. -. .ie �OF� � P r •