HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-8-2, Page 3VOING RITES IN CHINI.
Celestial Brides are Servants
to Their Husbands' Mothers.
. - -_ - t
heR(ka t11e praPs*luor bo ei nit othoe CHINESE W�fl CAflT00NSt MISTAKES. TNf SITUATION. NOW TQWSE WAS
what bears n tray n box of cluthud
ill " w'edd:ng gnrud•nt ,t[ ruJ. _-- _
The It'eddfrg 1'rucr.rlun
•rhe l brig pall rad alai (lay soleal- Placards Which Inflame thQ An En lish News a er on Im-
ed, taw brldeLln)Ixtu C.annr in prfa•ee- g P P
*Ilan to bring the bride hump. she Is
arrayed In her rel wedding garment" Minds of the Ignorant. perial Preferential rade.
and wears on her lend a cap, ' with -
hong string* tae pearls hang'ug dON" 11 NOT WORTH A GROAT.', +
Noble Fellow Has Been Given
a Victoria Crrass•
he•r ace and neck. tier "Lee Ir I MANY ARE UNPRINTABLY VILE.
wl%nuked frt-m vlew It% a halelsoume
dJ„awwr Dally 1'u.11
If, hi -las in Chi W(, you shod l Ulwe crit
In veil, and it she belillgN t-)
Tln cuteae L/r Hae %tv:ou(uNlWtr•1
1'1,e•elld 0(rluur'r'inl outlet lLluJ of u.
wrlru +t rel rinrlupl+ mwawlring
1 "lwruud"
U'-- chars -)f N,mwu whore frH'a ore
sale I" Cfarr: w os the gn oat of tin lilacs fur all furc!guerr lilt"
et,ultry was that It rImould Ifo+it" oil- r
„Ira (,Nit in H•(lstla uud lu%If ea" neN h
mf reit r.red
+ 1
i dr keen'
'- r a'(1
uwrriuge w41+op , Un.r, whloh Ir tee% Iron. a •gram e,Iduce 4 I 1
over with red ciutlt-rod bv!"g I ;awl kn Eur(alae•. IautNl it rtwnls hnredi-
\ to Itself, utNt tl"I,19
1 + II le,
ckw In K I
that cum' lulu it (rose
etery d.
In %+idle: auk,vgWMrrluq ,a wheel
peri covered wiNl uulutelliglble l'hi- tile'
"y "'IN.I -)f j))y-nnd ill wh'(h , Jill• that rideh h hdertl feeding CuuW Jit
front t UI whoa (kat W)Li kfin dill is c
frulll 1X•LIk.v lweakp/111111 N, tt
1 I rlac
p,`,9• /'luarril'teera. yUU lariy 1Mt t-)1rr IIIflrr
never rider blit olMe; it w:slow ar(nlMlit Jiy ordiuir,y , mean",
oiilg les nut flll.rN'pd tU iia,• it, ,ht ainstog ties• densely rlcuorant illhat)1•
ta^r•IUalitlg Illlllly \Volk 111111TH, I/t la
ati ff
holdusg I'm'If "m
ally awrrtalu y'(w have re eive d an hr
U a curious elumay citing, covered Bator of IIs, interlor of China.
ls ono tM longer
rllyf-forutYl cmlrire,
"Ita)f aX Iwmuslbe from law) reel of &Ise
tl .
%It+atltul to u llPleatkul wvdJing, 111
with Cur%ito And dreurittv-1 with Itut thi" secret ,
k(ngt:rllers' INutiters. ni;vco till dimcovery Jif the CaXtoolw lir
aorta) ;' Laich (YwUep.koa k" It de Tial ui
I r 1 xe awl
lu%ivltlun ell 1, +
Ill an"ring from taw green gate of 1N*rters W14Ai alrel.flow W bl found hl
that free intornational hltpnr.ur"" ,
ce♦V♦Ncity. Thu
give, an opportunity of wlltMswlag
her father's house the brldegrt,<n" 11wbi1L phos*► Ill tall tin affected dim-
thltl triett. Tussle Lira le, the uua-
which w tin u11rolute I
gt•a •rel tljimligwy all nnuld is tea "lake %
Dime o! taw clubtrrib, nnd mumlan
..tot seeks,I (uolennNi of those t'titnew•.
precedes the brde, #tail with pactur^*
romtnollees the ri)titt rola t±,y6 Iw+- }lrJLy elf ►IwttADara ;lou a'1W .1111 atD-
iw l7Sltl)IV �nsr i fW_fl N tells L'INA'-
Ir• batter wiiti ib:• fr•w.wl '1N tl
Tlr•ru W ter Innch circuuwto,inew nnd
, ,
les /. hal ,tis 1
• +tltw•ttr 1 Wltit tot• t
.rel I r lUl
tw'een harolaund ,,list wife, the woman , w:)ne fur r•prolucHon, Nut we la'e-
I I hl .
• 1 -)f
X 'illi 1
\' I h a foo
e r rtl•u tar % it
, t u. le, u t 1
h rN'tl ll n I ills {'tl TIC IUw
1 1
a uX %1 1
M 111 Jlx r I
able reotrh t Ifo. K
et -
t f r tlrwat iter, .11► i the oat+ a r ,
I 1 / ria
w 1 U 11 F�W 11M til
IInl Ftiag" Ill 1111 r !ie 1
1 'ti w 1
u'• Its fol h
.I r te,lN" u tun ..
t er I111 111111fa'
N IN) ill ai fK
•oath rhe follU s r
J '
ex�{%�1lull the nver:tgo plelUlltnt 111
+ orf
tN u fu i
tar/+ Ilrv` (wWt N'hkill N1 te•l%1 tits!
,Ntt• won(tPrm film till Ordkltary' persons t•l,fer
I,:a" the+ OUarog" to pilll1�gb+ Into mat-
brotdlern; w11Pn Illarrlf4l wile why
rotation Iter humband ; wisen tier lltltl- Int only' learn but' loathe t'he
fai,oretl nation elailnC v) tel• Nlg ala- 1
ruuo"y. Bent, if l nlltlteaket nut, taw
band i" Head she ISvlk)ws her tl,N1. lite 1 foreign era
I 'nes' dr devoid
lurkrr of th•In. TIM new promise
liowo%pr, IUNknvor to eumpnnula• b' -
I billow tit) nut lrlunge lute, nuythfng.
least of all jus arildlny. An eteclatrd
mays the (lark of allies. m"Yh"•at•J•l'hlnalr,ut
wheII slue steps inter the• "erten hhe oI tit• Active of tkdleaf•y, nnd . till. lin-
two:ll r'oaMthing UN•y like nnd Molli -
thing tiley divilke. Tile% like rieute-
sitanI loon ill di"('uMlog IImmern IuUt-
turns Iter rwlee to the Nast, nad Will-[' /n'1•I polloof asset, whfl .hiLVO follMntawl
ale illi" terrible ulrrihlag dUt%el. Iia local-
lion ,(nil the\ dimlikN free+ Tilde, Road
tel lou I:t:11 WVr: 114airrlltgo IN m ('hills%
!lM n r;111111{' InMt-
rife alights saw• tans'•a t+1N'ard
WPML%yaNl. - ttlurl le, 711yA)NI It(1 taw (or111erNlruP•r
Net they Yay', tit Ifo IUs%/) frit' trride
Lubal-its solo nim i" ter + allrger
tiltiolPred Tale
At Mir thrpwh(.Id tri heir new hose! phw.Iv1:N u1Nl pn'Judke" In Llw pinc;/rdN
Ao be slosh Dy tis'
! r roe %( lead pr(rte•tioll
I ITN 11 (w I M
agnlDvt everybody elme. Thr whole
tilelt (,f the fundly, and a ttsully Ill
N 1l lilt TNI tY M) lou hg
there Ir klnd►ed a fire and tilt, pride which are sold
U held Over %.IIP �ri 1111•w (lir a Nllurt I tPA1WtIN)V 71IRNr►t all nvor Uldna. The
14111.-AT11011 Ir (all e(xHlptllical horryy lllt-
al drrnse
1m111 m 1);wmi nu
nN it Ir ireoomhlg iso%e nuturrunX. It
IooyIcal l hat the
` extrettn,
time, blr�dltlpxla*f•at err (Id any nt the uwdl:♦. un+ l.ndulouw !u LIM
bait Niall to I aril in'he're Implicitly. 0111 that these'
tier the gulaP 61 a pwrlit-Its
The Matteis r.alplre rwu'utw Gr Jill
is. therefore, quit"
10 air sp,rltm whb•h might
husband %ITN carlaw)aa posts--_', Ar�(*,, h is not
lulrt" of the w(WI41L ala+) it eluuwt ad-
hutllNlnJ nett wit" rh,wNl far therake
work mlmill'.Pf between tier
i h)1 • thwlt alio ' tiro pw)re
h/M IU bP PC(d awtlVP "all hallgllt, v. Tyle
How tits, (iurdou (llghlnnderm "Uta
Tlutlo,l Nchu 11%euge•d their l.)"1
lit%* laud he ovd general whu fell
ht llltgerrfunteiu • I" load graphi
ally to the It11NLn1 Dally New" by
%. 11. Il aha. Mr. Unlet "aye :
It war durhtas filunlltuu" flanking
effort dolt the t:or.kma %kndlc#t10d
%bear character for courage Caill-
TOlvike, n brave, eountgoe)"N so ldier
uld gentleulmll, w•no the her-) of I he
four. lie Is if title figure of n sees',
veli wet up, gtA)d lowlkiug, strouK.
actlte. lie was,,L41llk. about ter
nilly Xtddier 1 lift%e wY'" `W 1 i old
u , h
alt 1
woe n
•' e I utas s, 1 Y
n e{
waver u
o i . 1
r f r
, ' " lit
e A I N kcal tad Y
L. le, ilgf 11
rrmesulMr Xultppkesa " JIIILO a of Illus
In In wan "tithlug up" the: grave
)f gfilsaut yomlg Iludelnrt, an .%ue-
tralian •'mi,hly,'• N'lu/ lily hurled -)"
IV- %ehft, bill Ler lkwl•X trollected
thilt lmirlr#tIt froal life later till,
worw(• hark.
On this fateful Illy ('feast. Townie,
with nMrut fifiy of the fi)artkusr,
got IM,ll�l arose 1110 uulha Ioxly of
Itritlish tro,que, told 'rh" ikMrs, with
that marva•Colw dexterity for which
they ;are fa Xt bt-olullag (ll tilt law, Xi &Pit
up the pewtitioll and lipsermiued
ienlarkabia Decision by Que-
bec Ecclesiastics,
, tl
,.f torr, prilu•Iple of (Ilial Juin respect said herselt. •• nnrerurlmn f. y -
it union limited by tlwlr fateirentie." � Nuptlal Nuslr %bait w'tlYng to t111y thenWiVt+ With NMIruP•nt It beghw tai -be h,rrtil(• It Mr-
F:%ery village of taw' aaffx from lite I any loov.•ment seeking fW drive out g1net to cut +town Ito 00mulsrea Brit- t
first vlAt lit lire go-b•tw�eit. who No Uhln++"+ marriage of the pr"• illi• •'fxr•Ign de%um." toll eollllnere Witt, the oohmiel IN lett- vim'
. guwlp► and arranges Hal+ initiatory split (Jay would he Conallere it proper• It taw• early' tl:Lyr of tb • Boxer ,,love• thew BrItINh einlubmu:+ with the Out-
rononmtnatrtl without ""'Hie. but `
pn-+rrlillgs, W tile' I,ut 111.711 fw•L In ly mart twlg•wltwk'il herrnt/guea► (►el(waa.- afakr wort,[, eukl e1%Hn if w 1 Kut t
tin dranua, Is coaductel w h the le, ohle" threes we oresa suet l'-)nfll- Illg all fur+•Ignen+Avere psf�e(l le, imam- ;111 the comud-nee Nit's th:' ell- L -f
gn•nvat Kra%lay nasal Meme g W Class eJild: "The famllY that her Ilw•nt plutxw. Int )t wale POOR filldd (mil.+, nn0 1Mt, or nrtterlally, t)
lung satubllelwwl ruler attic's mp- marrlwl a thallghte-r away 11ewa Rot tinea weld re a Coolie would be un- redutxrl, that wlLls the a1tlAdo C
pirehatly unehuingrable ; tet fled pxtil,guirh ita Candles fur thrix motool by tI~. tplorhlgs. Ills florcelef word, w:e xbou:d be wor o off thin t
ill tile, we aarutkua I a vroitild b• :t'ruuited by u cart il. We are ROW. Tette haw title" olemon .l old+
ill rending Llw tleWrlptkuns Of mar nlghtr, thinking { r Rt r .5�t!'> ,,
rLagem w hills Wok place 20)(11 y mrm that little take) plows. 'The family I bcl,a• th•v.p are ,now aim(N+t exclusive- "trate) otrr n/tt over again, nnd io
..ye, Vint they, sale differ fume% at taro familiar to tired mono than re / ,-•
from those of Lo -day iuu mass r,•"!k 'N, - ' wWltplent, In view of the noaweute (. . I
1 -It Llr+ c1u►ryan iris ilea. se, KnIJu I tuaL W often talluxJ by way of lde(Ls- \ -___
ux W tie alm[Ist unnoticed. hug a%f-.q n•pwe'll' ltmade(. The nl^ ` i
to rnt'Ni:r bunt we•ne made ter bring /`
The t'ereanetay. Pl< CnppluR. a1vwL %%hat wa, (aali ed n Clot er louse ` M�J
UL:•r n 3ounl;'t*Nlktfmwbna hewn wltdaC'+waxta hneP bel of Ittlp Her t i
• atilt d" ate may' marry 11u%rr tie- I/- �P-' %i,w to Brltl+th tiatir.. ('sun+kt 1+
for--. The Iwtr umnly of "Capping" b 1 (� protex-tive ht ester commercial lolh•y
nn impurlwat esti+, "awl takes - _._ ,/ ,end Threat 11r:1•tin Is not. The odors,- -
•• tagil. malt alw(tyX in with- the eviall• .,•
- .tiv, lulorw tral altar If taw family .1i '• t tree whilo tax- � '^�
very yeast The deTLLfl/ wf the oars ..
mm�iy ares+namoruiitTn-7Rf--bom tileatett-- __ _.__ _....--- r°t^an. �• �•-•
,,lick at their conclusion the boy hag ,1� nil' tetx" British g(rNf", but LiMY' "`N �d >
b+owe x nulla snit loan rw•ei%ed the tv /'. • :pate +aur Nlw)re+ untlxl.J u"I fop ,It �.
satire of hW WlaWrity. lldt tuz T'nnedlun t9(iar(t" in return. I(
l•luladn thfnkim wee elan In 1110TO Kea
't MOatronJ re(lurti; A insult evtruor
Unary ,kw•arirm had just beech r-ntMred
\(Kr Materiel, ad ljutt"', annulli"g
e, nulnluge' of Ur- 1pkpf4, pri%ltla•
►+rvrr•tarp of I.Jelt-(;-),erlor Jetta•, Of
twhoc, to Jartu:w Cow%. of Molitrele,
klldt, w'10 W tee whw•#ttewl .(tming
rese-hluxln, wale brought from 1'ra"tar
{' thou late I.l+vt.4iloverarr Cha please
r ,Let aN hill w*-ro•tMry', nn 1 hs, fn at
"-tit employwt In that cupe►(•Ity by
Irut.-lio%ernrt• Jett-. Seven ,lPur"
%+ter tut marrl,l Jl-atld' COW, N'h"""
ether, !an Pa-WyPivyt'v of the Tenet
fkY•, t Ia at the U1110 Woad 01 :t ne•t
rf ►Pmt !MtM. Jeanne foto WAN thou
foo tit+ A". The
t' 6
f e swan
1 P N' en
• uulrr
ba t
•n ;nl-
%V .Tt,rtn►+
teres t/f
th l
� f
Irinin Chur•h, •I(mLreal, the 11(-r41w•
ung Issuwl by Mr. T. Il, Butler..tfter
Ie nwlrrltRp %ir a1W,\fro. Delplt
eat tar nv(4to le, tjlletrw•, when: three•
,hlttren were, born, tb-- "Newt tN•inK
rN not, yosonr•e xdl eight nmwtlw Old.
fIc hatestwial Pr'ewrltewl R IletltkNl ter
r• r:LY 11+ele4ACn1 (inert of tee
hun•h of Itonte asking that the mar -
Inge, A• Annullet 0,111. the ground that,
with !Hurtle. hedpg CatimAiCA, Che nmr-
Inge war not cplebraLtYt bef(we eon.
petest nuth/arttic" Taw woman, who
lY Dow remiding with her fl%ther kis
fontrenl, tontewtal the pPtltloa
TI.P cast- Was (Yxt}Ikioml by m evert
vngxree 1 of NIX17. IteCICOU l'hanoine
toy, re•retnry to th" ar•hb:slwp, list
Our prlpwt". The y(Ntn,K worths,, after
er flrAt comillUM0:t hl the CAUKAIV
I,un•h, followeI a ('OurwOf otudlfr is
he Frn h 9Jetholtrt Iniftitat'•, where
Nhe Werk the onfinary' religious In-
trlMtiun and nttenJ(YJ Isouglas Mclh-
a'ipt Chun•h with the other pui to
(rw. DellAt'n lawyer dealel the rrrm-
rtpWy of the 1•:(Y•Iw•lasticul (:Hart.
Net that coact lIns Iww ann"1104 the
marringP AMJ it Ir likely that an ulr-
pe•a t ,%111 M mA+hr to Ro me
^r.. - t^i-___-___._
Alexander the Headstrong
Causes a Crisis ill Servia.
�•as•e i,Pre tcLa e,•1. tel • y rare. of
IJ tel II (the time varier In ,differ. tfon. idle and toot I' %hl- whole a (11 -
i IporlweNl Thu ywlug girl tuk•, L(em. 11'p cannot put that Cont du
Iwrt ;n n far loon imlwl+iug ekrr.emy, - - - tie", alxmv foreign (Yyrn that congMtP' CA1"JA(N E. B. TOWNS.
R'hiaJl Inrsets her with take Itairpill I wits Canndlan even fu ureter that _- .•_-
!..,old wamau'r t+wtette• nt • -_ - . Canada may t*mimo W Ilit dude+ um - -
Lite -Trus upon a Capture. They Iltlr alre.uut
14ine, ftp to this period rhe hall worn Britt"h goo'h+. or tM' stature of th0 lion they hu+l
her hair lou"N uuA le,+" hN nn all')pvel Tl'• flrarfere:t'.al tariff, :lout 1th eh rllltred hl their toils. °With fully _ 10
Lite f"k m of a child. raj nm •h foie 1111" '*"'It It' - "lips oke,, they (-loosed in on the alt tiP 11010
.After reeviving War hairpin rail• is , hardly brofite1 u+ nt all. It Won fu- of kilt,iYI men, and fu triumphant
nR•Ia'tet-in i �be tetlulta ill" 1iaa ave- - � __ ."- dirvctly ir-ireflt"l the T'nitwt vtatea. -
_ _ WItpM cI►Ilel u 1 totem ill t.-
mosin. and if she h.so trot Imen b'- - ---�— .---` tt-k'aw`tHtt-apreil tent air++ - -- '
tarrtbwl In infancy, which 1+ often nnd (:Prm,tn LreNtie+, whish we "dP duan tiaras xraw to warns fill air.
Ifo uns"t to rnable uw til make ter [t t. n all mi to warn Ru nrti"t'N
1.110 care. fir pMrPtlLa ttettu tit Os,r - - __ -._ tNxart. On` elf Aklet N?+P the .burnt.
to look about for n wnitA * lonrbind + . -- - pretpr«tt!AI IwlrgnLn N'tth ('Rnnrtl. W#tcl• key)-'ew, rkilgo awe ridge- lir hlhawl-
Jose tier. lit Paye- base bass ben tip- - - _ _-; -- have rnffere-1 fnnn the arrn"genu•'nt. rktable, LIN n Wat(•h-009'" growl. On
In,th 1 during childh olid she may .0,fl�ya Thr ret --tilt., have Mon (ol:tic:al, not C
t+,e,ihly !lave L/ "!'end several yrnrw IYmup-m-Jitl. (`ar ee,loplew flat 'httieca, uimi henna taw little bul:I of Ilighlaml-
1.•fon• nlarrWge lel the fRID0 of iter ('H110NE ANTI.CHNIsTIAN f•AItT00Y, ail m71uY etes", Oma Br1L!xll g+NNrw for eMI th`l lak•WMM(IM +Oki•" Of tllf•lr
.i wEnw )r+whawit;- lime flea _i" anile tilt--•ArWrllletttwg--3LLNWuO&Ci.. yAOamgiug (gut. the F: v+w +rf ea l'11i1N1a' ('otlerrt. 1 t.r•tivP u p(wPa, lint w•r char Lu all a h kilt nl01 itMenL , Iket
` awv •r UdRt a1F Tatting -lilt P+ on fax L le, )all lh:dr lygghltmrn4+. bol
perform till "orLa of domesdi,- dlsig --_--..-.-.-''-.- -- - ----..___.- ----- --
--ry fur ht•r arotlMrin•'aw-, wen can `� roto Jill article" ht return, t'pArr towlMrr eo elruhnte•Iv flnvhelw a+ in
r c + mnkt- her that hag yeaepvetl the new wife for ., ly used anti ten lar•(mdula inure and wad_, (ire•um9tlallcry till, n-)nw,•nNr ILm iPnik•rXhipr I:Idk r reit Iratb•r"
:Ind w mol. rise itx+a, thrre Anyw- bake Her music•'., _- .titer_ ,P.a %irnita" and LIWCL'antr,_-.v-- ale, _
fl. %ve'I nigh a lhelrnhl". I fnu,•y ate a atxrytf'tr �lrrwr tvrn/wN•ralwa-+w- -i!' .- h:,ht %heat those wr cn m
nnL ta•tma re t!Ie aiuNhelelf Hweth; lhy,,p. aHulltlw rhe premetnt,i 1"•rXr•It t" �'O:w wet of ,•:arvwrns.kX fwlp►i+o3er1 t iuu, rf sled witil n pnlLer•tiv LA.r. curl xte •dl\ Hlf•jr- U Tx'UFX .(. 41 Tulrtrd
,hlwxy" h'+nl-herrtnt Aad duh. %hl, adYatrnl Lemll'e, WII#4 • she ut .T♦•lryrap•nt taw rr•atiliat al(. aaLl%e aft, i" 11f1.1Mh. rYoligh mindoIlrerti- Litck taw cfiivalyy of F'riuur loot haul
.�Rn4nh'e% 1 s,6 wee twl%Ing her.0lf stylet -tIM new w•ifr that ham Llirket1:ill" by tin ol"I"sion'Irlivl, Wilkie "iturwf v flllrfi"es' about vi.moer nn- tenuwl. ill• Msw•u%ItP polite, told the•F
»•n (.1 n Itke at-ltlrmlP ApyrrenLoY• coda•." dud n day w cb,-o4t surhk'r "Igtirer 9ugge7LP aariuuS •incth(lW of ifm, .ter lettrratu:h of rhe Nmpin,, were ►vers, to jrnnv thrnlsel%ea wru
.b1fl to ioar .Ater in -Ina. fer•la she to, wncrifles, et taw *tariffs of tier '.re%rug•• 4. iw tldoprte•.1. %)th- A(•ph't nnd rngri Ir;1guP, rust the like. worthy tri their-ralttatn.
Iou+t take. It+Hitirf the llplit gplaera- faatherIlilaw•, which "Prprfw.+w till- mntilttiula ,e,"1 outrage" •almswt In- Thrrf• of f 110 -anon 1*•hhNl all ;e[ Ill taw other mkiv.stump ter sulnriur
Lion lir rhe wPl nut Ir• Pvtrl w►th ter laps teat rife iw -taw the vicabin"ll•- cOlar•t,aMe ly ter ah'llluri null+l• LlleDo wlltau and KU11e'd-tis ii(teice, uumls,nt of Tyle IknM. .\ Wild nlul
world. in any i4a"e it iw tionlfht n orf wife." Ler un%nary, Thr renctionnrc txr• nntley erns thy hwrkwl .vNnlware4LLu
hrrtathAte thing for the hrifle 1I her Nu ruin hoax Mit orf- wife,' though ShP3 DIDN'T3CRF,A11 ANi' )TORP:. w,nw are wo, c!•lpvrr nnwrfidayr, that tit+• Ken of Bads, it firmly. Eloy*.
hu+irtnd'w lyl0tleer aiewr,w In one or the he may have ns minty coew-utll tem eta I they nlwflyx %ry to wrap up an ltd "tisNl of s' try Xidn with old awn. Inhbl
horimishoe gravel which fill the Chin• he can effort: hilt with thpwpthprn The Dectut Tained Thin VlAent heresy in +a of-cocprirlLa. An PmlAre brnfY)1 tle•nrw•Ici•" Ahoulir ter .hale
e4r•.PerpeteTles. IS nu reretd)ny whateter, nnd Wl+('t1 eter with mean in tar it manho rl'r
Il mall ryp)Oker a wklow thPM' i" ( Tramper. league i* title + d Pnclna•e in n big- trrinM. ragged I)PAr(M fell nit "till inure
MerViers o[ lite I:o-HHNeen, pr form. it Itttetrntem the'.uld
eery little eeremt)ny. N'ith pairs % ynulig tiawyer Imre in town lin* Routh Ilnlf r "Ler IF hilt prlewt rngge.l ►hirt'froatw. But thl-rv• erne
Wlonld a yolilya man (lerflro W nlnrr, h n r circum- r u wife wMi hfl rpN ns to belong W (,JM P ser n many 1MnrtR IX•hldt tlw,w rnggsd
hP mu+t (Y,elna.t bl+ pareYlt" heardre people, nnd thome kn notN er L p •'writ Inrgp." The word f" for fes u
"tali%", the entire pltrnphprnalls of tbp most, fnnluus ftnlilkem in the � Karti(If be, h -n ail (lint ry. high With
Laki. g any steel) Io tilt- matter. TIlr necepthga Yore tend fir many rr•11' IovC ,rf huanr nd1 ,vllfttry, htnrW that
fItIH•r's (onlMnt tong obtnluPl the for the weklig, IncludiRg the Me. fauth.,slip I" n Smith, of Alnbnma, mm". Ilut It world Tor dlMltrtrour fflr
r•rriee+ u( a gn IYetw•eett are ,•nll•.1 thiel and br11k''a drbrn rand %eke, "Ir Il,% n" way, and "Ifo npcer forgrtr It. this country • If we `Ileulikrne,l our Th, nu inen lel ht thee -lour of ("•111.
tar thptt no.lxtRrur. Thee goJwtwPPlt borrowed yr hlr(41 for the .aeuIs Tel- Swtltha lib AlnMlm'a lu+vp noway* Tho'`r riflrW any In lu►n,k+ X__- •cud
Lellcf la IL-nnd_n'1Rt r�iill!�I-. Ler .Aa+H Taw►-lkwt--.feaala-In,v rn-_lane
r. u -n all,v nn eltit- Ir wom iu. anal ale Thr griacbuslle+m -)f the EmIS•r"r Iu1+1 %ii.7t;nlf' 0tlf(W"; 11h%T-1ehr ` yr a' IMMtrumw of ter nr•%v w•hfrd, w•iiu •
Allow" rapu n rominon ('Iiimner%u to true• Smith in that regard. TIN• \ with the Ill ltoa: the nunilr•ro lily a"1
kIN,N'N Lne I:nmlN-r of eligibb. yomivaa muddle• polltirw rued M, Ill.•",, mud the oWte of tin. Ihwr, Inst the hnyunet
writr the thrown of N mnlldarlll off stilitl" Or %iatl:l m'% ha%'f• 111 N'Ilyw IleV•11 Ivan with alp 111,111011.'
,tomen who.ha%P nut tilt- acme 'ur full Lu andpratnu.l ph hp A Rrltlwh
nano• nee her elulier,:Pr", for Lw,i p•o. 'haw wwhlirlg tiny. To weir f•vu n hl Lhl-lulhiL lit hnvllg tlMhr oen writ rmpiry tradlrg freely. betwi(en fill it" "Tlr%rw• u , your bawtr nal 9nrr•n-
p'o atf tiM snore "n me, stet tli[wgh borrowed st nvidarf1l'w I,utt,w all 1119 about mor%Ahkllg ,Had She'm its timithy 1
_alt _b:_ lir t,... tt; J.h(eNty' xJl4.11 't Co w r IwarLN, is n lie ldp i,le`N. IL a %n 1M M- ik r:' Tlw• hulgung.• WaH P:nglixh1. amt
I art i n t h • ke f y[ h u•e}, I jl s ' T•7V t �d: -, i fl. ' "Tr iw--n-- I+Nrf"Hw..ara+twl+(•4y. ".,_.,r. -',r-- -he t'--� i4te-+r+'aHrNen'-
vot,lit th-ml trh marry. de"iriA by fill. A red evert, tending Lhot, Tn qty tlwlt "hl- hit" Ie41 her itlrl7-tr:�-n- '�-
farm oMHdek•r ter flip, i9 Lila -)sty h,wlnnd fi Ili• would IM puttit"( It tfaxing Rrltioh p(iNPlk II . M" lilt :•w•fili recottilof tjn11•, tit• rifle tx%rn•1+
Ila%) K ,jek-htpd uprl the fa%ore''I - npt•risttrily In%ol%v h'Mtility 't�o th I+,Iated fultlly tow'ardle' tlLlt little
,.,s•, -the g-)-twtwre:l kt "put to arrange ttd,11t1Ou UI the signal strewn of a Ifo mlhHol H i lowil i uree, ,rule a %rat. initoolde worl.l. It mlpfllt 11%tbhr grow r of yarns. woo eters( their gFMln'1'
mnrringp. Mein ( remin.N41 that Pbr mAn. his wino his awn abs+r, IM's I"r•n nblt- M•0 K l
treatieo SIM It ` a" oriel 14 ,aH Ito tree rdAnd on th it mnuntnln
nPc,t r'memb-r tit• boor prlmnry rulf4. Ik4ore Lep hriik• Iray.w her buns• Lu rl111 err that. Om• night u-)Lnl:tuy' (heat Britain nnd other +van leg le v.
n nnllxnt uI" u fusel lit he -r rmffw- n frtet11l of the grvN,m --snow to her tnnllthe ago- he anuouupY41 hi" listen- nt ter rn•menI tuument. That is nes el•k++ in IMuny (ottani, 91hrn out
+loan. fit.: Flnrt the Indy mat hart- With n Totter farm err le•tn/ttewp, tHnt Of R•/ifuff to tlMctub. The Stuitll 1 on the Afrf,-fin lir lure rginga v-)lce,
trop tdefl for tip tul(rnitis �ttttt nro0. ckulr, fuel bT' h +I" clarh,n noting:
rt-tnatnNrxt foe groat amintrillLr ; n.killK lues L-) rose•+ L„ bias without of .Uahaina, partaf-r ill film wowadl Is nn other worth It'jtnkett. I R
,•on1, wee MUHL dot lee It %ulabl+• .belay It i" writ"" un rel paper jay", declarer) hu Niluruldlt'L gu. He weld - -_-.-_ "Fix Ifayouet+, I:nrdona!"
tmlker third, slip millet lie well Pdu- u"d kept M, tie bride ale :a sort Jit• hp w•uu1.1. Site "told kf IM did she'd SOI,11IMUS, 1?ISITRA?IClii,. Like lightning the "tremg handle
Cntwl in all iw"wY•kwefl(ng noel-tbrnww- mnrrirlgr irrtlfiraLP. otand in tit,• middlo of the floor an+l rljoprd tar+ rva:ly rdAlr•I : IIM IPIY(flw•tr
T.�ig_=ttejop; foarth• she mull not .be TM hrlk•, waw iN 1(N•k-I ill ser M•renal till hl- elnM lack lac WId iter rhe l'ompsnyt%Arnot Derlde Which .w V:t Tamale yr TIM Iwlrn•I law taw• lith
lllwlllle t. nrithor evantitgg 11 » Iltnb iir rI at, I.h•rr: brinarsel " lite'-Tywttt►F-f -nbP mewhtr "tminti-,io" wimvee--gue --- - ,,P to l'w------ tat lu%ea-.ltlfl.xa. gpaate. fr ori....
lin eye►, and rAwtty; tMr Xroos�tn r poo Ale tcl. 1\ h it tdley. arrl%k- alt tit and Mr naything oh^ plwas.l, for all y tt11+ Lor lia, e,, and ,,len mak-1 a.l"Ice
a.kpa, waw R"Ipt lap IrasttatI---Wllafl b.1r Of IMr futur:r--,horn- the groom iM cnnkl. fol- wan go'rlg to thpch(h, A Illflntnvll rka.lrltell ways thntttenr• [fidfi taw' British A.nd fell, AnA any
the groom offers In exelilalgP IN Also court+ (Ant and ta1M o:n ih- ili'mot r Ltd:' Ulf did gn Sib+T titP t nlitlr Of Alntrlma rv: hill thkrr ,kits, tin %c plot iffttni%ns Irn Wtrrr tlMj fell. tg:ua that vuier
e•Rumirnted; - - - -- ra tan with hl+ fan, aePt. p►`rinluXfon .NtOod ill the middle lit the flour :%fill tai ltwurunce du:` un Liu Jllea of mem- watt th:e Neotti"11 burr oil every note,:
A Trying Orolt•al for ter Gh4 101119 guru, h• unlorlt, the door nn.l kerreamel with all the co"eeutrate(d byrN of taw• llrwt CarWdlan contingent "Clwlrge. (lonlitiio: Charge -!e nhd Lhr
R'Tltil the (r/owertt (tf Lite girl'" Pette the hrllwmai 1N lift out the' I,rl te and fury Jif it lonag Ione of SMitaid orf .%ate- who itn%e net dratit in `oath Africa chortler !,cote•Insi an ruwhel un at
vu4e hat been „hofithf .old the 1MIp her auto the+ hou4P. till' groom imam7t, tab' wervameat herself litto have compiled w'itl ,the requirements t!kn broad of hie flerY few•.
11nkeslnL. b[ her (bwa•r tA!t .&fill the IT"Iltlnl- Xlilg)h,g hl nh nil of her by"terics; 191111 When the husband cants of the lk•(alu •%+evident ata d Guarantee Tar J'o•r'n Ilam Is n brave lwart.
amorpua►lL not wlth'•rtt whom Teiy until• an,I takllyr 1114 pear+• 0.1 a IdAlk "01""I, ham•• iehe It:fiNi ila convnlsorns Hawaii tbrporntJon, Litioltf'd, nee in irruo[ of nnd h- wt10 talLf tlMm eowar,l IIeN
from wh.th rolgn of cnntnge it • res t'rrifled nt\\that nnd "Pat In mild their title, and theme claim" nye naw but ureter before had ttwy fasce.l w)
:N•tlunv le, China e%rr tnkeX 1Hner, 111 felrevl ►for. hn"te for the% rwarevot demur. Tito pending wettlenwnl. Throw lentil glial n clarge, never before loved
calle.t In; and he dreidlre fry' tlla:till Of Yom liter h .krS•pii,to and raMvf+f d(N•tor esu., samined taw patient clfalaw Imve ulraady b`en poled, Tad• tlr•y wN tt n torrent of "t(rl advatic-
taw ! a4te-thnL iw, I ht- e1ghL rhmru: - the rw1 VPT nn'1 "m+ for tine first tamp :tail pronounced Pier on the verge of ro",pruty 1" exp erienoing t% K(m)-1 .Ie'll Ing on tyir Iidxt In front of n tornado
term roprexA•at.ing the yens, the month, the f11c- of hid wNe. They con,ovree for volinpse. Microform alone could of trOuhle'In t-traighte-Dinja out the (of fltwh laud bl(od, Un ru-hp%f the
the day Anel hour orf birth -On n lucky a little while, nnd tlM,t they err co-i� ,-giant thoep8mlth oU,%labama nrrvew, problem rut W , who ks the rightful Irote, on o%er fallen comrldem, nn
day fOor the fira6 IatgrVlPW i lotwe!en dueto I to th" -niweettral final, whrrr
lite gtH eDtf ilei tootht+rin ►nee p{Pet. Jllla+iy tuuAPft aL tie T►ord chli rO• IrMr hes Aons rcruww. Cl,ilmx b %vee leen over rockw rued clef4r, nn W tar rank"
thy' praftrnte, tlMnspl%e+ nn•t make ---- --- -----� - --- - -
The tortnrar the poor girl radurr nn form t W4, tm tcrrmmnt e( wt+mp ,latilrw-- Uhl fat- hien down lT -tits t e',
tel" day are wymptlrhtg teeyomd d:� "'utrlfhrw. Th'wt n mobs, Ifo cat 11 tWfl •'I 11 have yon know, sir!" who iwu %fie tlrrp% diffcr0td mlativt%t,nnd a%%•e^Inllg fusee +lawn iaA 1 ha %r ,+ren
thi iel.+� re Ir wxtIria9 d ph sk.•ally Asst eAch ,fritts Out of the hair on It : ehrlpkaYl, "that 1 1411, n Ainith of .%1- Jin le, Lir• :sen ji)rlty of tIM camera tui- .•hit latrmp.+ Sweep through 11 firl,l of
-riRahe apse a71 animal elle oict -- tit'" t" called Ul- "drl:%k offerinam Lot..eMlma. i, won't take chlvrb(orm. We unpmbprn (A •tee• routingent +11.1 1",t tllN•ning corn. Tar MayorwtioIola"el
ittN1ke(r he I" In n way -and If ter thf1 nnvo,imtor•w." NmithS nes%er Ao take cfilerrolorm.- furniri) %110 name Of tiMir next Jif kin tin Viry iernfeIMA thnAlgh bremnlbofit•
re Tj1)e ceremvaY pl,er,_t•lwy IUl in ter --_•%%Tint (IM you wfig oil it trT' tit tlr coau`Nluy 1n•forn arriving, tlw and Irlckl"lea. Vainlr tIM ilrer
ti ,.pet or hirmiwh Nikko Im r,•)WtPn trV kr:rk nt th- l I!jnl.h.l, which fa ,Tari i] ri '
tr•rly err n grel►t 111Cte+Lea- In err nwkel lute phyXlClul. +r?rlcGiG"ny n%t tileconflictiR 711LTIItR (hllrTnrl her sins• nftT"IBiN)C(r bark. .IM
"tTrlwer dPmfan(kY1. ornteh• derrrattrl w tit long rtrklw -)f % yiullth lit AlnM+mn," raid all�e will glue Wtem kale of Iw)Ih,•r. la n well mlgh4 the WRif 1toNtt ketrlkr with
Tln aatrfin'tod. lee ayaain Pnllal 'In t0I pap^r, each 011e 1'earlllg it els" )rr)udi (Ynlr)Ir Or (quo" where 119.1'. Ia'1%P +l1+Yl Imlay !Hoof" ell'n Use tg,-r rpringeo.
br Teat ter hN•ty day krr th0dr 1%t-- Rrittulntory l egeui. Theft they Pit p Th:• dw-tor tsm* out A rwteefwesrt. ,Nor VI- 1 (T w.", UIPy tilt%P nlnde A attar 4N_01M:l�j ('fluid Xtny th! fury of that
.t-._ ---- t._ +'oma to h't%c- "cnlatZ, A1►;l-t!!i►_,: nnd „Tole_ hs_itntprtaut," said he. ''I (.bop leaving Canada, whVii changed drAlke rp t.: rllah. ,
The Signal
Ili Ir. getill.1.ICUDDY. .J
Terms of wwharri Pllees:
One month. ,n advanno I It
lht"n---,tits• .. Is
SIx month.. '. le
One your. 1 M
Il./re w
A r
per IIs,+ 11.111.1 liter ca'uwl1.w4, t tit ell per 11 o
for ea'•h.ubwouent iawrrt,in. ►l—Cured by
a nm,{{rwl real .•ale.
Il,lane.s card. of •I x linea and under. 116 poo
Advrrti.r•ment• of Lost. round. 9lrayed.
eltw'tfa)- %'.cant. Allna tun- N•wn led and
Buriuo", ('haneoe %%'anted. mot ra:redlne l
lin►. non Rtrell, h per muuth.
Hotirca on Sale and own,,. en hale, Not to
etaeed N ninety. $1 Vr fimt munt h. 51►•. Per fob
s,muenl month. ester wdrio. In pro ppeert ion.
AnY-ps,•tat nOf I1w- the lib l eel of wheal, I. M
formulaic the ptreuuury Ver fit of any Individ-
ual or ,,Omt9u*%. t , tae c.e,s durrd an adverllae
ment And rtar,sed aneordlntily.
Lneal mo tr in "onparNl type ata cent per
wort. na uotje tow than fake.
n f »
orA na w l
nal l
acs In Y
Asn .711.
otlee f
nes b•. t
n d Km n
r w r .
\ot,eere+frrrAnrohorand other lYdl*Isua aad
tlenrvolent ulslitallom. bait roto.
Mental report.:' Til" allaoulleeraeul
by King alwxavaler of Soli:I of els hjV-
trotilal to alnd•: siam:in, formerly u
Ito I,t-In-wdlting to tluePtr • Notnlir,
aliwe_:l a srnNiutlon throughout 1+erv'la
lots n aaamotion le, i'ieluut. Ttl"'lady
I" olimetim, a*I her birth Iw regard d
its alns(rt pletwian. slip IP 1 ' year"
olMr th.u1 King .%levuldt.•I•. 'raw ser -
%inn %phllotry. op It learning ,of Lne
ftN•t raatur,lny pnHuptly reselgaah and
able E Ing Into ILK yPt fuhl•41 to find "Hc-
iw isorX to them.
The niatt•h In regurdtO in Belgrade
nes pr•1NNftprtlX, Isn't nes ;t 1111•nuem to
the State. Fciding t" Mo str(mg that
ti"• King haw pat•fwl a guard stn"Ind
IIaN• \IntN•idw tenet-, (•raring tau►
t fin
attempt will am 111100 V) nl1,111. t tier
hive-Icf`ttjr \lilnn. KmK AtrxluplPr'"
fittl,er, wfio fon" tal llg tilt% water" At
C arhaMul,tearneA of the Iwetnrthal with
Mier Amotwoment Itwt.Ultthl %%Itldu
ten minulrw he Wegraphetl ht" nWlg-
natlon of hill command Of the Nrnlan
army. ]111nn leQOw In %Ilimnayou m11te'
to .4r%l.1. IIt iX rumored that KinK
Ale.,Al/rlrr elle a p him at ehr frOn-
tler. In an Interc'1 w' \Illus rxprtYwerl
regret "idl grir.4 fo ht* woil'w action.
Populace P seed.
%'iP•alra rekort"ay": ter telegrarnit
frons Belgrn0e rd,atr- that I,ubliv oldn-
lou is ,li%hled oa the sllryjeelett•t of tite
TTnK's Iw•trothial. Many' M the 1oYriNp
npprovo or It, nn -I they Illi*r %imiteed
tilt- K)nK nn0 \11111•. Mu»•In Moil ff•Ilcl-
tthtel than. Thi- Tov%n Cotinrll went
ill II 1•oiy and rtmilaratidaterl th" King
M any. huube,i aro ,IeY)rnttyl.
The Ring's Pohang(. Career.
Kliw 'fevndlor l., Of Nervi,,, will'
horn on Atigtut 11th; fill".
. He b the wrist of Milne I., Wen $Ib -
talented hl favor of the pj~nt••Kilyt,
March 8th, IF04I.- after the rr%eln-
Hon" of his ts(trat turpitude; which
ol asideIIxerl every rrnlrt of Eunyw,
likes nd%enturem In like dirertlnu of
matrinom*y harp films tMon quite ne-
ruipro1L+. in iMMI) Ile! 'wan reported to
tee betrothed 'its the l't"r'w t•Ideat
itnu[hter, Me -Geand ilurhtlMN Xenln;
to the 1'rinvenin Helena,.uf t1onlPne-
gro : hl 1810:) ter the Grand Duchene
Alexaudrovnn, the youlgteo , daugh-
ter of the ('t!tr ; to 1911/11 to 1'rincf d
Sibyl:e, yomlgpr daughter of the
Orland Duke of Heaso: an 19108 W
Ire tf i,Ppm Marie, dna irlitpr of the
King of ()ren(•e.
In JtlnB Alrxlndpr' Is wild to have
ite'n hdlttuated with and to little
prnpMed to Above Pitilruotu, slaughter
of Mr. f ie). Ni. Pullman, of l'Idc11go.
Later fu Lite main+• year hp 1(Mt his
heart to fi braunl if l mlwtic hall Ming
Or; Mile. R(I"A Beuku.
_ill-VAwtwry-.-o[-41411.-,Y... ,a. tlajla.
paint ml0"pntgln to the Berliner Tngp-
hlntt IturlounPpd Ihp regilgemelit of
tat` %tn•hAriehwrl /garde ChrlolhM,
daughter of Archduke Fre,lorick, to
Hr Was the(-filnrllPtty ire will"If
Anti1o"y littler founded lots nn m,
"The hlrlR'S +Mirror,"
aubsrribem who) fall to receive THr Mout.
ell lurly by mail will anter A favor by ar-
ub,Uua uN or the tact at al. early a date al.
When a nhanre of addre - 1- desired. both
Ie old and lbs new addny- should h i give.l.
Publisher's Nestlee.
J. K. La Tourel. of GoAerlrh, he- been •p-
ointed Local Trai ullhva Alien: for t►e Town -
"1» of Ooderkat. colborne. Asbdeid and
a w a nosh.
I,W.%l po.t(nw.Mrs over the dl.trk-t am .1.0
ullowered to receive •ubarrfptlons a Ter
I,ax A 1..
All oommunlcutlSON must be add reeled
olep(+a*e Call m. Ooderleh, Ont.
THi RSDAY, Al'H. 9. 19[10.
� �
talent � ...........I ................. It " LM.
Mt`I nil Rsprow:..................... Tale - :
(tall andtRxpruw ...... . " aL
yy,,. DRPART. •..
roll ska,,rxprea►. ...... ..... ... ��d a.m.
Neil .ad Kit ... .......� L Fas•
dix (I _. .. i�6ps.
MNICHOLSON. l'- t- , __-
a nLNTAt. el'ussow.
Rooe+. opPseI 0 tb* feat Otaeo.
Gold Filllna, Prows, orad 8rldso wfork a
Spry wt..
SS Yeas,+' [xperieoP9,
LM. MARR F.. iR it. P.. I_ay.A. I)r.NTAI,
et Snrtenn lAtest and aPprove,d warsh,As
for all dental nprrellons. Pre -11 wILsA of tau
mat tires trelk a epm+fally, ()tit" C'nr' WIN"
d, and square lop elalnl. [rtr-ucu on Woof
-•Teaophale No. J0.
�ad Tt'RNBULL. D.D.P. I..D.R DRN
e Tal .■move. llAtely ra.oalat`d lei b
r. Dlxco, of Tmey"mot.l OaM and paroebe,e.
arttrel tretb wlsewb•d on gold or ahhe-in,lw
bmome. . jieclal Attsntiow euros, to the rr.er
vatloe at the natural tooth. OIRa'e% olo
TAanaasw libill
\OTT([ - K'R. 'rH[ 1'NU itUYRD
A -il's O,Nirrich, agree to clbW o it
ro+pePt► t AI 1 roclock on II'odneadi,y-
dnfsngNte wtbllth� ,d JW,. AIM4 wml weep
temlwfr. --_..- _ �p .
I JI M.17Ukh1s1.
N�seA. 1 L. M . tN A llxi- ,
�CAMPfON, a0 --B RItI!! 1 [g SOL&
Ae oltor. Notary. aka = ovor. 1[edteal
Halt, S*aares.Oo,lerloh.
** U. .10ANSTON-RAILIUSTi1t� e01d-
1,1[e a tr, comm!s•lone . Rq looney ta
loan. f1lptN»: Car. Harnalon and at, Awl
stretip. ualisel Ou6
.oucltorN, notarice public, pmrtors in tbo
Maritime Court. Ac. Omer. V rth at.. next
doorSlo:tAL P111IM Prlvate F'unda tolend at
Ioweat rales of Interest. '!Wm
W PROUDr00'I'. R. C. HAY&
Il•, . '�Q C.. Chrtrl� .Jim. odarich. J.
�T �---
Dg p'`U()LT. O. C.• BARRIri[M
i jtre'tkdiao'sO�arrn. N� .y to oan at
sows Ooa
few rates of Inferost. _
x tonolicitors, Notairsee, P Mac. etc.
&� DIClfINS0yi. DUDL[Y ROW[Re. .
�Ip11tM notary and eon,eyeaow. Volume
on Rsmllarm .tree* Ptot"Ite the C-Atbmt
Hotel, taoderfrh. privates funds to feed os
two rt gibed. t per cont. Intere.t. rarmforil
•1 m rmblwfaluner for Lavin. a"A r'wlviPr
fore"t mmint'eo of ball, AflldAe Us ser aMrwm%
times, depneitfana Or s+Jmw,tl dMl►(wtl... be Of
cwnrernin` an% .+'tie", snit er prwo-4ioa In
{he Il,.Ili �mlet ,If Justloe. the I'*art n( Apsonal
for Ontwrin, nr fl. Ally 1'n'Inty or I"Twfe t
Oourt All tansantlmn. rwretNlly and prenp+ly
ereeute:d. Iteddence and 1'. O. addmar�llien
Rumom. Cool --.—
FJ. T. NArl M,-LRitE. LtfIll AND AC.•
e eMsat insurance . t; at lowest restos.
Oasoe : Cor. North st. and naso, Oodmi0k. Tt
of Prtva & runde for JntMtM*rt At Ice
OARR W R pAOUI)FOOT. � Apply to
-Y' --immm R.-Xw.nt;..the 10 Nh.Act:- AS"t
1,oaAon wwA iwwew+hllu fire Ins ('o.. the Gm
Idol rk(Mutfld In.. ( o. Sales attended lm in
any pari of Ika,rol ly. ,Io ly
end tend t alu"Inr• OodAr6 h. O,A. Har•
Ina had r,"),Idotabl'a At'imertelVo n the ewe,-',----'--.
timnneNne trade. he 1. Ju a pbhhm tm ills
rhAry�te with thnmis Is Pati-fesetlan all Bow• o
ttll"Zoo. Pntrosted Io blur. Oriole heftt M_ I
Amann'. Hotel. me sent by man to M afvfrt11�► -
OrNlerleh P. O.. CAref•Illy AVendad b. ORIS
YNOX. Carfnty Anettm`fer. flllLU
r • tt^w the tnrtrohn, or ttw +atlnllg n9I. j,h, mnnngw tea gP% a p)PPe of ler btu•- � frl*h.lh'tI Frewehmer Af'l - ltat wbou they tilnae.l to gdther . A (:rrlond rrola_--Kim ato.s Peal-
_, \\ hen the (Jay arrives tiro bride iw ar- A 1)ullapl Targe
r:wynl In her heat gnrttMntel And Npnt- tand�" tlr&W Had"" Iwo ah0n rite Plta}{ Ii1Alisins. IWA-teglMithm cave nnd (fon• l.lwr"• wife hart [,Nht'I theme thrive [0-M - TMlltty-Ral'-leP{Awaewt
of cloth e'own, nw th'N wIIJ in"un• it -r gnvlt..I genital Idiot", but i Hitter hefurofiml in ;► cisme WRAW-n PnFI." (vurt, Ui that. fl.• whotteL Itol trio hid I"rintel)
In R chair covered with. rpt% ,olltliel over him during tit air nsarrkld '
to nwnit thea cornettg nes %hit 1hXwM^h An ulrlNlrtnnity_ttr glue chlundorm le, whMlt.A Icy:a•+ar Actrfwr hnN had t.' ter then tyle colts, col pith to c:aty (.alien. Ju Y n.-(tap:el q -fame
first -- - a Smith o• isinhnart. 'T bh'11t wiHd nTyf>�r ire wJhrwrer. the JatRr wwumt .nee tot 1+Ytd twenl INl iiiirie. Tfia niiTr4 aWro, tfw+ tkimtnion ifovenimpttt
Ptlgnetto (bnnrnlr fmm the Rtrofo' 1s,. th^ et(vling Last. new wit• trrcparjor4 to pact- whowhl em%Ulerabhr , ffkkrlrw
elect. 19racelerls are ouIL+lJcr(ml ver% a report of tho opeorntlnn to Lhr IwrurL that IIwaL N) ton- vet hoiwrr'P firrnnlRef tent fnrmerke cvu:d pAlr-
elect. B prele tee, reel tlry are mnhfe w T+ArHorrsrt for hiss huglaud'KjXk enter .+1 lien" u( ttis f+lYwt asking thee body, nee he WaA In chane bander LwhM fnxn the factory
Et L loty' la)Rn0 1'0 M',-"oMT- " J)-Jtltextt )ales stho nut Ifti 1(11 t, cut n
+if Jewh% gold, silver or Rlnlw In indtat- +anti wnits, nlon them while they et . bmm�! lit)w rpmnrknblr TA tile->1lialring the htilln hju noel ant 1Ltng:llrla 1!TtttPnff�ry rtoafs AiM
tirrrl ref )AAs, nor»Mlrhg to the wealth when tit •,v hrlvoo f.ntrlsel they Klve the make a ante. What iw the tiny nr i1K'•, F.vL olltly Ile eoneddea-l.'1 that htN pyv+ forever Vr Ood'M ta,lllght, plication for tuploI" e'er" not ►fes
d lite fnmlly. 1w t11to he ealth bl,kf wb•1t IN left, nnd ehp proltrnttes the month, I)lrnf+e7' to h n gne••tfHW IibLt_tt Nnrh d alt- IPnving elm br go LhnnQh Ilfn fn nunMMlm pee waw P%Iwr•twl. nnd the
gl)lM iwer arm wit•• IY1PPia•eat the POs,_ llwrwPlf 1111+1 MImpM 1Mr fOMhenl (m BnL mom -whets hl the drptllM of Ic,r IoW:, W(r11,1 tel R (RiRct InPlte•glellt tin 1lnrklwrm; 11m1 LIIPy ICO,,n1eN1 for hem +'erlleltYjnPlleP IA f11Rt lien• IN R ryw-
RrallllntlMsl of ter frletwbt nnd their tMr iklrtr tolled Thur a wl-1,la i na-i tlCr,ito ..
hp naturr the Smith ,if AlatMma Wool n ale tJw.y liaaf rlwroneel for rwb:e rllorable•garrittty tri twit:" fru IIRINI.
w1"1,ek for her lotkg Ilio arwl hnp,ltlrr+si. is f OIre/1feIIi per'101 tdnli nnd p4mek of Oak'moving malt of a w•urm Thp wily In whkh iM gds ogt nt aIle wl)ite;Y(.ti`•et . WAuclto.e. who (• proto. Th_ie Iselwtrtment of .luitlep. whish
T eTwasggirter to -fret• muthPr-lit•Inw. At tlee res! humor !•Tile rim" lwfrmpti,v from ,1111"Ity wRA tng(9TWINIM-'" Illow0lgft Lyle- IM waw. They knew• that ninny 'Ut(t" e•h'irgo oT U Tai•Lerry. hA" at
Ilhoe* for a TrouNNewe w"M foist tit) brills, miles nitalmn l'I'lwlly Irrv.Rsfitr. Tie-itisltwT hpr'her -nulgel Vr ker-ud n e%trloa'I ter tIM
K lite flexor, whprn NTN• end flltflg her- ft w:IR, lr volve woad l roll Away le
After her 1hPtrothol 11 young Indy a me.elfty If lite• hnA IL nfrL, Told err ngp lefore Ahl- h nt t)eeu Nworn. Nort•hw'ewt art ave nn R w,rtanity Lo
i" au )red Ao excl7wk• herself e•+1tirro 'elf, nnd dn"heol nut of the re"rm lite. itai In c wlip (o net ntm'e hl+ IM
1sT% eery evtMYlt nttpmpve to amm rosy "fGnV 1111 nn yon. mn+hm 1"' UP wail• GI(• f"rtAero t tt, nre•hnte wt
0 from ublle spend her Her hIMT"and inn I"Yol to the clnh Ilut At gi o rn.tlip err Irlxely fIPIA. 1
pp g#tM nn.l to IrlShfol dnring tit+ onlf+n, err wmle- titer ) Ittth• 1) •ktntk%o the Indy f1%ornhls• l
time mnk'n ethnps, tit which Nhe mfiet ninny n night Nlnrr• Lhpn, Mtt, ltat It glnikkworl tlwfir stern war p rlewt. .o offtetnf of the
g Ltr11Pw soming In tA'lr tnuonm'kAw tltotttgh hr w•nikx warily nnd IA1l'lnr flWlprl W IPiryt D yeAt,! of ngp. lwewrlw tar kuMvi Llmt LhP Iawt hewirLnMlst ala Ifo In ednnrge o! the,
hn%r .►poetise n[ pnirm. nnd 'n Pull mil- n crit nn1enay, t Think hp M•Iw r•onfl %s,1 rN,te tll)at yew hncP tol.1 find n h . M ever gnpvl a.:oa wns %A(r)t I
„p„(M, Lanre 11. 8'nrr. car. n•1,1 if Tile rt rt-rlmrnl protea x
,kering the gnrmpnt" fa,r tier tr,mim _ __ .--- --- - alar) your nRo, i'ontin"wt tho gnl• Il 1 (fol tJwdr ffw., to •.r••:, n truln !oad will Ir- sweat for ,
Ik-lit that the Smithi of Afrbam,t isn't Inht ,la'11m, ,fill X%%oer to Leda file ritv�r! +R ward.
"Pitti and "lotlgeVltt lrllown" for ha•r Nrrwlmlt nL INrrsw.' T a•ew-�[rsswlvnl tM• %'I •torlgi ('m+"
swell nnd husband. if her father I.• , I lR • trafh, Litt- whole, truth, "A IlothblK -
Toolhac6eCured in olio lint a fr�„It tl» �,�ata laws wpwk.
kw d. hpt guArrNan MIyN her turn: Ml,lanl'on Un'sia-ut ('tarn lMttl:emloor. fat tAe telt-_KRtwlwiCll,v (i:ole. _`} _� -_ Throe Klm'da.
tltrP Ansi arrasgeo all that hart ,a One Application ofdhe Old Reliable �___ —A
IhP PrrPtpQtly. TIIP number of r:ech Rlrthplare of Iiv11A IFPM! rtcNsii� Ay •1'UpnP It i" NR Id lh:ut there• err lisp
- Inrrro%rd tttrrnxth of 1'hnlna. kl".W orf ixarfj)1- in the wor'd. the
nrtu.lee and the k.:td1 h IATA rt•wn In Polsots s Nerviline Always Cures WiIA golon e, It TN "old, breed In the, "He'llo ✓
aha• (adored N(xrk, ter Amount and l Gprinnn enghtmr has Imsoghtfor- hltserlor of AIAXkn and knstwar4 to tl"tM. .Will". til+• wfm'to. ao.l the c.1111AN.
tn111P orf dwefratlota depend nit IIp NI Toothache at Once. Mini 11 Ifow nw•tlw"1 nt conrtroefing thp H1dim0_ Bay rYa1tIL1',V. iL Is f4i s,1- y w,. TIIP flr"L Ilrrntp)IIINW every LAing, tM
the wealth walla aortal g/and!fiR (A yb «els 1 fso of "rndktwe bee- curl al. s1) uS k) a Ilmin Its alae Weokfl M , tAnt 1, Pulses ej
,�a,�,��p}},,�� j� t, "rl atal hunt fully I,U(1LI,000 o[ _ all w• y,." p"'(sed nplxwr• verythhag, Apd the
. _ �, ��a -.____ !T_ ick 4v,giecrful it..d slew -nn, teeth rAm Ry )t. rtmr try fnatty lMtr•rt;si rrr trileettrm+' birklm rPiurn rrbin" I - 1[AIM---teff '�l AIN Its f`ar w ] watiia iii iiilit volt=_^ ort fail M *�wi►yiltlilR - 1+trM(ltr
TIN.rw are certain other Rifts �'k('n" �r%rtnlr r9+n row!.,-*. ►r*— ar, Tabilm 1s, piRflSj�sty TlfrlllryyTiT�RRgAIa,IR _ axpwrleum._�
llwle..lronarr then ally athrr Itnmvn co,mbl o rind of Poll 1 rd tel. Tie meth«I rort- •r in u ' ' fi flal�,-r Ittirtf` - -' --
IP)nitty, wine, k:ngr4ul►Pr*' feather•, tlwn.wMlAraO+tnwlllmio. Il 1. an lmnhnbie any G) ttrlr fllnce flf hlrth to rP ty RPri"cwe err APrr wnlnitR br talk (onlda'1 (fool Her.
A fired anlownt ,d tf n m:mpy. etc., Tamely for the bmuaA M wml wt+en a Are of. rd'Vt In wtnrllnR win+ Inver flaks nail pto her t.h •Ir kine. One-tenth orf their too nMI " r
ckennM hr hail nim ^+' +rj mmcraVr.,Y 1 e, wl MndinR tr turn• of WIrA by JippknR nnmher IN nnnngillc wlnughtefwt for '•( w)HI. 'Rte art- Ro'n'a far h- " n 11Irw tllrnm frffe•a•- Rol pt, did ew
PLP., whIAA LAP hr'IP,l rteslatl m11A& w.ay..ire,I n:, to AdlAol Boer Nerr ell.,.•. Tr> It � y
wend to hie hrlflo n mrnlh iwhrrr tMw At n Mth s,f Isquid Linc or others Item• tJsX If11m• d aha Hu,b-u Rnv flffMlnlw at rhMkwn fee Almlrr, and tlwv ill wnatw "tying the Irn;w Res 1 to yaw'
AT.%ItIt11O?)ON►: sorer (•al rrh. C,.rttrulcf• mmk•r1 ill. Tun wlrtml Ilnk" t.h" cn� ofiN Hm1w(ri Rnv ('o rany's R
wesMing eprsoloolosay. All thew' R;MV ' -_ reel nM M n1k pen how ala• sleight Itk RI11 Newe ►Pr%nnt Not, yna'atn•, 1 di,tin'L.
m•ly nIN) h• ►tifh•nrt by testing w,wnl ort" flail lot Ili• Moslvitgnai( ff"llinN It. Shall alae - " %n' art m• t -dl y1 mom, yp can't
nnd the heirloom Pnt!re tr-mmlwm" are" of ,ill ,.lin think• Pcenww fare the, of nn Intb'rtual Vol elnln ndA M tar I t
went to &he h(rtw ,d ter cr0wlm lite e fi f„ n[ tit• I,nMw,!fw /'"nhmnla. Rn I %liMr- l eyih, ring ,df "' wtrlt►rR m 1' • klm naw %Aim Ikxet+ nes
Ps"t to his like , mArr.roo thou `"Ir9 t ft ttym r.�rl• t r wra)yoll, n win•. It M Iran tp)rtkenMn or•- ninthly re+pHt'l IP, tat the ,IrAr little ,v nevi at tbo not of 1111 PhllswMlphla Proton,
IMr Ir meds the cure rf ,ss, err n liar- -I.: ,hi etl,migh 1.1 g'ri,h• m wt at, Ifo rlalh, 1 VIM rh111uf 11114,10 Ay Ihas o- ih^ ,kwt.nd•t'rwl that krep ,'own 1 otl•wr rpt tri the war' Immr1r Q'ntetr told -
sde tilrVtlgh Jibe street*. A hand Is Ri'wn• or Iont""or mewl or we,.: tie Ilwtlwwl pro%ble equell strength alit, the nathrnf hwr,•are of the rlwPles tar the girt to n In tit, kltcbon`snel wrtmg UMrretlon In I(tpeetlb M moure than
■aklag ills MEaek t 8MCdaat rwrlse Nob. -,Southey. Tesla walla of aselial• about Ito normal also. tip cllbkenss hand off. ekwlifeco.-liaalo1L
r . w
i" Vii.: .. •
_ . _.
1aARRtARK MCI -@area_- _..
WLAN[, 1891'[R Olt MAJ1LIi1 O9 Lt• Y
e einem, (aedarkl4 OoR ti tl
It tl"'LIFT► GICKYRA I. I V 9I' R+
it. "fire• It.•al I(etaN and M nay 1,n%nf s
A K.+ f-res(ITY WM-t"swr rmo , ser- es' I -I- _ . -_._.. -_ .._ ..
M nary to lend on straight Inane, at ,he lowe.l
rateof fate. wt"Iffr. In n"t any tee suit the
borrower. OM++e: Bond ,Ater from 9geaf
\Ye.t.treel, "itrlrh. __ — — .
- FMgJh , In I,Ifrlrowf. -_- --___--.-
An engine to trrop•I n life Mmt, nnd -
whlch will work ao well uprlde Ihrwn
nee attending upright, baa Isoen tent-
ed at Marquette, Mich. T11P englnt-
Ifo IfseAtPd In the after wootprtight
rale rulrtpkefttrornta aierpnty-five RA1-
Innes Of gamr'Ine run the Nult C(MI
mileet. The propeller fl. a twin M rPw, .'
nnd ono Pngine driTfeer the two) M'reww e
Indefornsser lY of the other. In n rr-
vent toot the lifeboat wns wuddrnly
otolp•d nnd turned nrunnd a1n11"tt to
Ito own length by hnVing nap "llglfan
run forward and revers ng the other.
The bola{ can be stopped in e'o Mom.
oudo g(dng At Tall or*p,l nnd atnrlesid
)tePkwerd-at fon gMt-st. it was aa+oi -.
(lontoollp enlbflNil in A slip tWtWPPp
two dockso, Mut she come up rmiling.
the rnRlne milli revolving.
Mleard's hlIlment Cur" (Mile, eta. a
%t the thlr,l nnnnnl fiewting (I( the
Ittltlrh Fngdh• I^igvw. hp1A In INrn ,
,bot, tar prinel w1I ►pp herr mom &lie
Imke of taor%ollorisf , Iwrrd Bransey Rad
heir Charles Tjji g r,
% t '
♦ 4 H k.