HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-26, Page 88 'ltioltdua,, July 26 1300 �( • • - ---- '_ --- THE 14IGNAL: GO ERI0=0INTARIO. COMING AND 13ofna-� , $ sale fwd, wbts hoe bad Set ecce In upwude ofC1ear117 Mn l:ub"ry vialtieRas fort RI&. sweaty yoti The All•Cansda Show t Mew Ur•ae MutIn" vWtlnq to Tstesto. Mur l`i•ra It dwrtr, ..I `:,ralt,rd, Is vi■it- li leotard, of Stntlurd, u vWLktR .. In WJe. AUG, 27-SEPT. (� WITH THE IRSTtow•. intttig Murrla,sit iL,rIPL, la ■pndtnq bar WORD � t OF ALL � � Isere M• vaurtlw ben. 1'800 aper, of New 1 ark, h vbltlbq la Mn. w, W IM•^Vemv Lu bees r!s-leer town TORONTO we diw/re to thank our merry oustomen and DaveA MorDe, al `Itnefcnf, ls nuilda IS •1 UhaMam' litxlrrl petrouage aluue we couuuenced buriaeht in l}tea<L fur [heir simmer Goods In town. y R Matehcw Bloke has Ruro rlt 1'hnm•s Oderitrh a y ar reroy Clukson, of tieatorth, ase lb town vas w ss, -f r t ago. 1•e/ w«k The �i1 (1(tlll�Op �� lisvinR jure finiahwt our tint wnurl rtot;k- lfiw .omit►, of Klmv«lo, I, vulUnq nor � +,l II takin8 we fiu�l we Ylr Uflby telt Itst weak 1« her borne ►[ Dt.tAer, N. k Smuh have a rlatalX)r Of pid IiUtIN iu Button, Lace end QX(Or Balance Of our �UIUUIer Goods nlllst i,r0 IIOW, Sl. 'Ism (hi Mr. and Mrs. D, h. Ntrrohau .res 1a►req Country's Shoe8. As there ore only r few pater in each line we hrve fid Tie None to bo. Gerrit)" over into the Fall if ]trice r Mir Mllee Tye • ri'• tt'p to fault Ntr. klorin ray the eta Jpp to clear them regardless of fonuer prioem. We have i`l Y pest • few Arae m hoe r.ctebarq this ase►, •i..l cul sD. rad ., (ew Greatest Pa' vi two loft •ex:onhug tool) clarljty Dirtxiil thrttl it1 Will move them now. rlwwo inouttiy Of WarIll drag I■et week sort■ m Algoma u,d flu.►, k• 1�r tba ben 111 f11 I ,1 H �i weatheC t kegglN •Pyo left yrtenLy to tltlt ee •. fit of Yr. Straottaa't Waith. I YOUR CHOICE F ahead ar yQtl yet. � OI11(' alltl Slll)Ilty t1v« at NaysaHe. � �• AND irjC, P OLID {Y$U'Q Dr, l'btslM Yonn, of Atlanto, l:a,rgla All the Latest NOYeIU•L PER PAIR, y W at little pricos. Mee NeHle'riadetl, of CArlow, b vbitloq civ old HurobHe, peel hhbtb.r, Mr. Mora., Many Direct her eater at t,oedon. at Sr. L'etor'a a volt bl '%their •r leer. It from Rurape• We hay@ Several lines of new Shoes this S See that you �t A Refreshment H. U. MUsiuger made basic«■ trip to is -4t "OtOt year• ■side Dr Volas by we hrve too many of, end hrvn dexutetl to reduce uuingtunk tk i tai Ticket on your purchase of a dollar. fore M,Igle Mb week, Huros red h• auUaes many ch+apes The �� t'oow (or our new N Itohort kunciman, nl'I'uroate, u v flrloe (cyt. T H Troth.«ay, M N:., lett tut - Ksmurom of tear own (;,ua all Goods. tel■aoa, J. Ii. kuuutwan. week fnr L•n-tun, F,. - 1O1fN01y RxpM'l�j• For the next Two Weeks • Special Bargain q • a° r""'° '"'tn"" --- we will ive 5 •, Mis• h;thel and Master 1'h«ter Farrow ^ud "Iberia, havloq received au svpulgt. - Special 13ar- ers ruLLlaq at Neww,tle. went from atl h:nglith ■ybd,o•Ce to ercmins Brilliant atNl Realistic ItaUle Spectacle gains in a great many ilnel3 a I new in new Muslfub, Ginghams and Piques, worth 15C all( I lft" Ibt Collins, of Klneardtno, is visit conawof as tis^ g41A mine m fisc« diNaar goods, TRY: , 8I>e0, 0? 1�dFE]ZIyTQ See our Girls and 130 h' e r 20e ;(.'tearing Sale Price lOc. ` a Ibq Aar uncle, A. I' MoLsetl AND AL80 THE R 1 Nhoes, just the thing Kw.Arvtatnmq, late of Wlbdrnr, 1<ilsi�i 1 urryfe during the holidays n••'ulrr Mr". N:. for rouKh a t rl las Il end d+ugbtnr Savo hw basa'speudtr,k • hew drvs in town. He Timely cud JyC. per pair. 1 ^ 61 OU cud $1.25 line for r c. Hosiery Bargains' b..a summ«ing at Ungd (tend w tl preach pert Sunday sb the Co°lral y Art'tvrl Of Canadian t Sir Wally. of Hamilton, wee the guest M-thalutohuruh,Siratford. •addurlagthe Artdlltsry, Fast Black Fine Hose, regular 'd.(k and 25C ; Clearing 'ytbyt �nR n►•nf Fort Ilium, ,• vleftioR "vth of A°quet will supply for Rev. Ile. — if you don't want to buy don't; but look. H .noon at Chatham. Sale Price ISCa t:•rNtftis ArMs" Affil••T St\, Price, ►c The rMldwr,oe of J. i' ttrown. 'i'ee lowlog aro qurle et '• the Mins Vards Beet, of Stalorth, ,o visiting K,wkhry - Nu• Nelson, lura. WIJkIh., n Htcurslous oil AU �� 0t Tn»l. Milliner y at John Salkeld'^, IAyfl"Id road, a"f deaths. r, Mw NeVeahz, Wlndrur; Fur Out famous YtM I:ydlot, of Wladseq b the qurot of ��"•-n.•H•Itu�•u, Were hate, entry toxme. etc., a.ldrer*..: ,.t Harry H•Ifrnas, l'bul., Shoes are giving splendid �. Ml Trinune(i Millinery g ng yi HALF PRICE Vii" koDerteoo, v' Mt .nu ; MW ('edaugh r, oa, Alljerety Smith, F.R,C.Y S,, �• �, tion. H'e'll be t leads" eotirfac UI at nCArl NewraL•etrset (',�ivaqu: Mt.. 'Nfwty esd daughter, Sea Mille. Dalley. of Toronto, a visiting her (sit I b Preetd al call and tee Rl� to have yea Clothing Psmta, Mr. and Mn I;eo. Kya°a, ------ Y�«' - them. 7�_ Rev. James tVllsob and Mrs. W'lleob, of N07Ra OF SPORT -_-. .- �^ ...� ttilalt 1]•it ' t (AeeoNie, are violtinol relatives dM nen. 1'M $o-roe at the qua oiuPORshoot on Fri . ftl1► Bargains in Mons and Boys Suits-ALL Chts. {{'u1wo, ��1 Iiruaklyv, N. Y , h day were; H Koteoe, 4 ; K R. Watsob, R.EPAIRIIV'GF_ ;l)UCED sp•gdiat holfdays at his Game Hers. 7 ; D, Yclvnr, 2 ; C. (:arrow.7: U Mo ggyaaa�yq�'�}"� 1 O gF.a Mr. and Mrs. (;allow, of 1'uroato, •n Iver, 6: H. Kusess, G rrrrTf'►if((tt�r�m L , • iaCtor,/ Cotton � ♦1•ItmR their moo, ler, W. F. (:allow, The three rinks which reprwsentwd Uodw- w Factory Huh •t the suatortD feeling urn crib North ride.of the Syuar•r,, Oaiorit:h. THE CQBH SH � - Mles Smith, oh U61wgn, la vuiettlq .t Eh.. ► OE DEALER The best alae ever otlerefl, regular 7e for . redid noo of her uncle, J K' smith. have been playing off srneuq themselves the -_ Mater fl- Roblasou 14 Visiting with hie Put west. Ur Hooter'- rink played,), 1). _ Best Valu l n � - ' a - , . _. __ __ __ _ _ _. --- dtaodpuaaq, Mr. •aa Mrs. H Heb U'Coogell's and won by • •bot and followed . - �' - -- - - Sh l rtl n g CES. STEWART ""hurch tis school Vbtorl• t1eLD John end Art. Barrie wheeled to Bra, tM. up ray tartlet J tVygo'■ rink nY seven eAW o11urab will hold Ire �t e.b on SaLurday to visit Man dn there. •1144. The Wynv and O'i uncoil rinks will day at Yo/,eaa's aeausi plotllu to l'1i S, till'!i)t'S, 1 �),4 tip I iC; Clealring Sale Price, Ill(; Mn. Walter )nit on Mntlday w mate r Play for second pl+tro. [rote. Shirt tun of qve a Jenks at an en Sobvd. The %Vingham Advances sporting editor 166Th a GROCER Lad • S' V h I rt Wa15`t5` ' Mles ,.race R-Ile° u Spending"r pt^N^s a doubt u w whether all the men -- L_ % A week •1 ou the Moder ah teem which played Che 1Nuf•Wd stood, Wes/-" billable. iII�JC 1vhnrbv with her vise«, Y(M BlfzsloM. WI•ghamilMoo the 14tH real were home �re A11 Il@i► ilt�r 9p0C1a1 white -witll-ill$HptrltrOtn, 're�Llialr Hou. J. "i' farrow and Mus Ke•trleeere mea. We ran reharw fn. ue„wn•iory nes ` �VrATCEB, ?O $ r !�t•-'.) and ;1..5G; Clearing dale Pricer $fi'eo0 \�ltaking( tM ocean hr«x,. ,t Asberti'(s�k, that pole .wry on. of Ihvm ! O. A PEAK. Ono. Sad wool" len here , were 11 h Do �SIginil • -- New Arr 0 of � 1:.¢p4 { Mr. sod Mn tobatvb ('or Sad child,ofbw"'' alis Not • dtlgb onrsi"yr hu played '� 'tf�^res` Stock OI OreSS G©OdS hereL"ImlbgWn, ire vlsittnq Lbwu rul+UvM lhu tis*1,4d^rich Dine manylsagnetame ��' Q"O/CE PALMS .7,A yet With two rr•rp•.mna the term II/S `lW NOW is the tlllle to make al selection. I'rlce9 all Yir J;•hth 9'aalor, of Hnotford; lr�tsrr on the 10th was the sone u plovad the Iwt a tpJ LGO t, 'arced. ive Mr. acid Mrs. 1t'ilsoa leen Wellow game in Wingbam. FRUIT JARS v - � - -- state. (Jeoro. W. Ur{oa, the champion rue•«, - / ... . Yr. and Mn. J. h. Mr who pare r.a er6lbltluu in Godedo6 • few ' � � At Y•alsnle 1'Arw. 'GASH - �R _ PRO�tIL`-� f g....A .ee J.nk, _ •, of }acre, wee.' Sous apo, Jou • seea,troo•1 races at one - - '°"-__._--- .. -. .vlsiElnq at {A'm, (ifwb'a last 1'•rb exposition. The moble rl,sepa:ch A«- .__-`_--, o„ l' h prod for A 1 1Bfifdx. Bro souk.O 'Mir Nyde Kgtaon loft fish .- _. _ Mibes fisc race fo parr utoHnws: Tlu Smith �5 � f'hica¢w, re enter Lnkre,d. ""'1"R � zsoo mein sirepletuhave nwdiotp. blob pq{' ry hospital So • bulvdotd .ts,po tesce, • w,tsr jhmD. 6nrd1•e , A GeV((` Snap. if E`-T r3'i cur« .sit other obraulov, dr«,red Huron's Most Popular O � (4pr. 1)ndbV Holmes to at Tomato taking [roarer rorhns a cobra IQ er)af4Non in order to yusilly ts sum tear all the other wveSts of fist day, Nor urea n.u�e t.. me sora•oh, ti v4 Alwr` -- DUNRANNON. major. •oder /irabt sa:d K twat" K. Hwhq^ll of the and Reliable Paper b our AiInver '+nap,'' DON'T tis first sheaf with the binder. Threaten Walter 4hillinplaw. of Mltch•H, was the Vgtrerefq of I'•eanaglv,ah dse(igtnq tnpa►. r• unit. o! which we «h a t'urol • week. Ntrrrca- The hsoal agency 1g UuatSn noon it's weather held back other farmers from toast of his cousin, Robs. Henderson ticipat•, inn ,tut fel; a This isn't our only v„ap, u we carry tar Ta■ alaxst ls at the owaoe of J. U. tV” or' o°et[gq Sul this week. iaw•day. ^a y poo Ihtoa or New evnrything that iso b• found is en °p- J.1•., oonve7y•�oer, ka, sono Jut receive or too to win the event for Amarfoa, sod tight and its Great Adver= y price. TAMPER den tw wheotlpelagq, sdvertblaq end )ole Tbnm.r la.rrol, of t,iodarlah. we, .tis Mn. Billing and til o11tldreb, of lie• well the former did it F:oahbd 1sN pond• to der• granary •tore• sod our wok, sod b authorized w R dent wltb Koafauv, whHa d folk had at• rtghI. 7 he farm. ^' ^' amounts pSld for the team* Rfre reMlpte for gases of .lohn Tohln fhb week, t►oiq •re vbitta ow ►bee tDey With year hraltl:. R M Nes. rMld•nes 416--$, (`nsetalo•. !>a•had reprereteel Oewmasy, . ae 41 way. get from , -w%p for :kelt halev ►aA May 14av¢, with their Orother }"r(luseo. rod Kraaohtll, Prodaoe. 1V• draw li w "a st M (�•A. NEW will DENTIST, OF nnumt- 1ubn, viafted frleods at Ktreq•bridga this M. H, Llulm•ee, of flee Dom Aaatrtai F;nglerut Sed ti M DOD now w(11 t«nme his trips to U°°gaa- posing sr•fI of Franoe In" nearly •11 the r°°m DR. with "aedlam r M,gliwer. trade __ r verythlnq gyg ; f�n't use Drugs and eon t° eDril. let and 3rd frridar each mon:S. week Tteq 31uvA,., Is holidaying +: his name in t)rton resting •t fourth pls•e •t the flnl Ia,aswaro r tsrnw, MCdjCIneS Chu. McNeil's baro sou rsiSed tut week keltev,lb. sorter jump I en the a.00vd round Amor. c t'^ garden staff or Of yuestip lablE ynallty. Get tho Ix t TCrenAv, July ial with block and t+ckln Sad horse power by. Hany DowelaR, rho had hewn tis fisc em- ohm°eat rwhle f•htee. We deal In all there is at the surae prices that are Mrsu'trAt. 1'ucst7l• - '1'M muolal M tor, Franco and M;ogtatld took the jornp ^f Lhem. hth•n of West WswaoMh will meet to the DAb McLuea, the well kuowa building Yloy of J. H. Werytli, returned to Reastels •cruet Oa the third and tnarth -undo +Is Q. charge, l for inferior goods. usual place an Wednesday, the lis day of contractor, edt week. Regl.gd, Mraew •ed Me tete A•e•reMsw TIPLING & Coos August. Mn. Csrrol, of lioderioh, with Mn D. local Torobujlr of the Hack of Montreal• were ins only once d the int In the race, - Halford block, O nlerioh. UNW[l,f,-We ngrot to bete to •late ltitmmint and Mlse'1'oMn tufted ,. K,nva Chatham, b e1)eod1S[ hu holldaye M his Se 64t bad bewa the poo, Oran was Lel, - ---� >_ At one i>rnjl l9tore the stock in al IheE oar ten«able cad «e«mod citizen, brldRe oa ,yuaday. Th• otter hu rrnarnwd h^me here. And, u many thought, . Ortly not e/ it, T - - --- way$ fresh, and each article pure, i•O_ Andrew Sproule, is Sad Iron, tndamm•• I for sauna days on a visit to friends there Mrs. Tindall Abd child returned to their but ole turning home- he woke 01) peel° • o Ja /� /�a N TO ADV]Sr1[i')('teaRB, tetlt Wel sestitfactory, ties of the bowels. His nsmerous rrlende r A Ivodau lnad%d with two of Par homt at Stretford this week after a visit to •thrat liW. Ando (rein,°the tape, when ease t.l / y 1st pttoe of ehant�tit mast logo. holt At this m "' and s halt dnren of children un for ✓✓ well be pleased r to learn Ib the our future ►ehtlrM ben. pe, Orton uses- l�cA not labor than yatilyday Our Prescription Department of bb speedy recovery, I t6• n `nog nl • yeebl knight of bovn:e Miu Ven Wiggins fnq the ape Are yards ahead of nim, Flub{o. _ lav" Heart had • gnd, left Viatica mowing eon being about the came "'stance •hs•d of 4004. ThA n NNW LlrxRr.-Uooald MoNevthN, ►.,!' > grand spiel when (or(iss Vero Wiggin vee Wfertoa, to morning Newton Thn time sop 1 miovtM and jq CkVy for chwWO@ has s rAputatiOn for protnptneea aril has pvrobaaed she livery oue8t nod baNeeho hon,^ward Ironbd the ^'•• r evc•araq •IOaR • her •tot Ehua matt he left not inter bhan Mop- sccurscy, from our do D dltoh amthe row....., 1 q Mb^ Kirsh Taylor, of Itrantford, is she 2 5 seO1pds. H,th R�nm■ov rgA UrWe fell icy nOOr . Casasl Adve � Liaopopular V. S., John Medd. red , ycl,dt Moved the r«tl )tto p let •e a faint Star craning the line, but they � rtiWMenis rl- . JORDAN now r delver from J. IJ. Allen, grnoer. The Vu •teed W plunge quest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Carioca. Mount were so" Sbewt eRsis. ' aooApt"'I ap to noon Wrrinasday O( pew livery establishment 1s on the estate of eotsl itap, ly, tat the aharloteer's strotlg I'Iwurnt Farm, :� each wnnk. the late Dr. McKay. We wish Donald the arms kep' er in control •ad 1,reveateA a ser- - ----_ Metiicsl 1fa11. best of mooMe in Ab dew eneerprlu. loos mlsf, ,,,. b'nbr Hovey, of Clinton, dtciau etnA- 40cfn� Y BOOK3 AND PERIODICALS Many here tied in E wt Trinity 1'ullwe1'1qSAn(lp'ORRI:Ni`e -rind Dew• hu erHvad itch wilt I 'veeO1•s cbM� of the death ofJKm. Giode wv Isoat TharMay. of tis• dost: of Herbert Jovr by drowbioq IIS, lnbrlr Imghter cr tae lata Uol. Mor I1NlvritvlTv o1'r'rRr,NTu MovTiu" •1 ('h•heaoyaa. The aetoldsbE occurred one gg•a, who � ts marled is tis• late Hobart Moa Ida Harland and little aiew, hepta, vh(vernry oannnt do its highest work with. -- Sunday recently while rowlvq with some Rrowo, m(wohan:, of lrkot4n, [n Yaroh, are *pending a fr.w days this weeks viYliiaR out he 00 4pwntlnn of its gndbatea. A ro!ativr In Clinton,. body of gtAAaatM cannot mcirNla h. erprlt companions. The deose•ad was • sob of ](ib7, Their AsaphEer sou mulled to a Miss Taylor, who bbd bat• ►Nsadtwq We de corp• wlM4et Demo one�tAnO Ann" of ----'--•"`�'"---'�� 8hsppard Jobe, who at one time lived in Mr. Iraqi In 1Ft'I3. Mn. Hrowp filed at ('utleglate losutute h union 1'n strsa than the o4�openNon he fIbMMlghborhard. 7 he rel•tive hrve the I Ylllnrrak, OaL, 6b• home of her sinter, her Home •t ('llnWn. � � are to g Iyro,�yalhy of many here. Yn. 1)r. (rdue, formerly Mn. 1'restnn i N Mn K•gle, of Toronto. after • viols of twSeo the sivmal and the nb/rer.lty, sad to - WttlNa AND OUINu.- this family the only surv[von are the IStter, three weteks itl tow°, nes• gobs res keryls to Supply •Hood wnich shsil unite more rlrir. • -� (lupe • vvin e s IV the scattered •Ihmot, h the work 'hotlots -so out prominent citizens rook la tis• (iters. Mn. Hnlmu, of kung wed ProfM• net r Dela ietn n,ln • ,� reuse ►t the Clroul►rTown .... Mn. 'i'homp- Par H. F. Yttrgan, n( Toronto. K' ftstt.y« �"1 e• Monthly, R the Ilvivenity of Tornbto _+ MO MOD Sad the Circular Mho Assoc, telt here mn `11t■• .1. H. Tennant Sed daughter On 4f 4 "'t" -lehie g th the erhh wb1oA �ra`�a. - - den's plain heavy, ^�C_�ongress $5c, r � Monday of this week on So extended ►Jolt ' __ have ono" on • visit to friends In (ioderfoh, periodical i■ Joann upon the jdnrnallalo - Men's lace plow [stilet pelt b relatives •t ForM0.....,Mles !Wady LEiBURN. � Wmthrm AdyrSw. _- _-- w w 7SC. u � tYoung, rel ives at of Forest Young, London- , 24. Mrs. it (•. O. Mint ebd little daughter cies. Trial, Monthly anpon t e v•rvall o[ ---- _ _ WOmen'3 heavy lar,•Q 13(Ibts w w tt TI'cwUAt'. .1 a! y srt(olr d Interest to GSC. boyo, b sa)oylaq herself ♦iNe1a Yra Tilly Wm' W. Stodart divialty student, are a trade+tM rat the F'ro• "- � t Thom II y fxndio¢ the hot weather aE (loderioh. vinnfal (lelverelt end 60 4thwr• lntwreted `. Misses rr er rt 11-2 58C. er � Thompson , . Mn. W. (otiose and son, preached Dere tut Sanoiay to a good o4ugrs-Swsfnrth Rrpeettar. le ertivwrNty wer�. Ito a 4`pip �' Child's r t u Bart. of Horrlstob, and formerlyof !)sib- Ratio°. The Service we@ held In the morn- 7p-irr+pDtn•t f*a •�tiry�g,D u�pp o Aa ge i 0 4SIc. -�� fq N•rry Iiradshgw ebd k. Ynnroe, of tares are wrnnllw°t DDbb1V� AAL wi LA1,D, � Women's i.� rt _,� Kanner 1. left here reo^otlj for home after R. a the former hour of esryloe. lttrat(ord, vlaiced Aloro damp, Lewis e, of Mrrre excellent MAGAZINE eco K[vrtw roR Lp best C,at'�} havibq a pbcecut visit -With rel►q res and The W,N. F. A. S. met ItsE Werin•May on Sundry and Monday. Al'ucwr. -- A wNl•IIlaotrAt•d article on �` pp r -- S�ier8 I.SC' tt fnebdt .... Huey 1'i•rM, of Brabdun, aftwrbneta Ib the YoaLy school room. Mrs. UilfdCi'Irlesllld ��� p!f1h9lmLptt � Or two pairs for 2Sc. � III 110116, and Sir Iw11S Berry, 01 i,aak Walt, of WfoalpsII, a6 praewaD the quest nl William` Ats v[NHeq Mn. tlmlath �' of Mort "I3Hfsia's Oldest Golony,n Newfoundland n111Y❑ ! 0 Sow, during Itst souk ware the Rev, end Mn. Hamfl'wn le (1nAerioh, sou rears, i'y the Rev. OM. ,1. H4bd. R A , will to Ondaate rat M.t,,� o'.u..•Ito Cul_ P ISC. 'bottle Of Polish for Sc. 7 gooks of Yr. and Mn. Roof. lett. reed wlrh mush lgrwrset. "Kele loos Lear!• � ld r. Sea Mn, k. .1. Cnwtord On Prevent rt the meetlet wtth her AeteM. Mies Day, returned ole M,adey to 6hr wertnite, b bqe of Res l*tlmini;. � Also finer itnesln the same proportion. _ ldeaday A. K. Davidson and elle, now .d an in (:rent Iiritr(n, weth five p portion. ited Mr. and reooatly rat UvaIIaaaon, vis home •t le,trott ►leer • tuft of ever" of sp+eolsi fbtvrsec, rrofaeenr W•Ilaoe WRIT; ffRAfirilL �-- As We have the largest -� Iced tor. and Mn H. .1 Crawford PORT ALBERT. wseRs with trleedr In town, writes civ adminble character skeroh nl OPRY ll.LY lNO NtAllr. �- 1� shoe store and the -` John Hilr, jr., left here the otter TITPRI,AV, -July 24th. Rev. Hnderlok Murray, wife and ahlldreo Onyon •r 7 raw wrhaotrlve BRdT (i00itft A'r MOUIt largest Stock in this _o Part of Miss MoKay, of Mobarbf, b Gere vlNElat have left for (heir home !a Mfnbtset• after y wemae, •'Madame county, we are able � tut week for I)etrolt M, have ch operation y paper nb "The RATIt pRfCRrf, AYO �►- t0 fit O oettovmed no his oatsl member, which was her friend, Miss Leigh. • rl•It lb Dnwb and vicinity. $nen enol ehw Natives fv 844th Ala "T le (`OiJRTR0119 ATrRle'rtON you In style and price. -1 Mime Mamie MoRride, of 13vflalo, b visit- Mir. Y. .t. K46fmnn, of 1'hl • tremendous fedtor -� home time peer IblureA by • 1.11, We hope meat of the cruel treat Rs7wsw.n fAtr'r, awNttlCN ` Come and he convinced, � b w111 be bombfi ted D the operation.IHR her grandmother titre. e•Ror and mint of the hts,•k r,ovs. Tho rnmeotlo --I tMiss _ . daughter, f 11us, res visiting the former'. story rat "F«hx Nsfl, the H.ro(o re■tnr l �� Ytster keit 1hvIASeb and sinter, Mles Sar Mr and Mn. Cuva[agbam, of Toronto. parentr, Mr. and Mrs. Hao ` t �. Just received a line of (tents' sob, of Ooderioh township, ap*ht Sooday •re hers otl a vials to relatives. - U- Riftb Alpo." h IFlmttrated thfrteee $rad UVy81, --.Me Me leo. w11h relatives and friends to t vectis- Min Lrm and her ebier, 011ye, •rw ale. Mr. end Mn. Jolt ifmton, of Laados, eraphlc engravlage, r•sry'e wrpinratlooe d1 Bicycle i l.'_•� Y have bwetl visiting Sha laEtwr'e parents, Yr, In hlRh latitudes are ale^ well IllattrAted. Spavins HingbOnAs,Spllpt� �► �� IIS ....Jehe Srneben SDA w11q of Wood• !flog In ftranrfnrd and nth•r polnb. and Mrs. {{'m. Nfnton, here, A portrait, •u 1 character study of the late Curbs, and All Forint f J� ebok, are elativeq Memaends la their la- Y, rrleolpsi DcJSea, with hie artlab on "The O ab►1 vbtt to relatives and friends ben. , 9Emph.n Toast and H. Hawkins, nl Klb� •Inhn Snwnrn nl (:read k.pldm, Mleh., Rlohmoud SseAr, who has been for coma aardlne, .peat SneAcy In out mtd•t. sou Yidolaq Mo put eta days at eke tai• (lrlgln of MOD," well he raw t with special Lameness Yield to 2 A✓ ■ 1 A R1VIA NMme mail e1•rH•r Mtweee l.noknow and Mlr• Anquetine Sed • party of friends 'sono• ot.lnhn Ssiketd, Bayfield road. Ieterest. •'Methi,desm s Haedred sef • v e hasfrom lean r p Ago," it w flttlnt rotrM Jr.r O Buflin, fm to ft for inn pew«rat and pace R 4444 lotliottd it the lake yen Mies furl ( reefer, daughter of Thin (oar. poor for the end nl s �~. y ■ OO Horllnvt4n res fir up manhlptry for coup terA•y. ter, Nnttlogh•m.n., Ili 09 b • the rrnrnry "Moufctp+l AolirlNM (n IJwr oratta[ IIaII. Robert Thompson, the pro her v+^atlon with Mlse Thhzc I,to pending many" 1. every lncirpol ci Mlos I •rhe orlelor of the LvoRocw Sod I1nAwrinh st• r, A W18E V--�'.'..,,..__-._ MNeI and .bort wLnrtws mgke •dm vahl^ m,d U (N' a M.ests ll•Icy Sad Abase Rand nlaraad b anmmer r Dae tekm charge nl aredaoElr►t. the mail .. (�*�R� � tnwir home •t Wingh•m mt Mnnd• ehw ab wnt°�� •,�"�-�k�•"'x • ���fkA`d � ----- .... Mn, Irneper and ohllAreq, of corn At. manML obit an ehw rwidano« rat Hv kftar • ' T ) tnb►tn illplrareA .rrt44.- Ihbr, Sed Yrs. Seniton, elle of A.Straltea, J M. Mn1wtM Yet ��' nee ypes in IaepTeww"oadawsreewuesef fM 3DAViN CURL;- $M:Iso°-master at Ondalah, were las week Oor�nrinh. Oral. ,1. A fire .101 Prinmpa! n! ehw pnhtlo 'I^h•nneahWt mfr.« an well 111wfnpA, _ O she earn of Yr ebd Mn. Jardine,f&.9tAsh I)aAR IA0, Your bynld mwMay ' ;gcisk •rhnt rat Vnrklnn, An" , ano.Agpdif •few TTy" : Will To ore *-O-Mot McK e n z i e & Eeid......Ob Natarday tut Your humble aeA Swab," has onrwd mw entirely of the days renewing old nryuuetanrn.shlpa In {{' UOS"•• Ffrlihr : S F Hnewtl■ >j2 Op "Owell scribe had the pleunn of tutiaq the goes: of sore i had 4e my upper jaw. The Acdttin town. ► year : =1.0!) foh•i monrhr. _ Mr. aeA Mn Jaralne r,nA was very hooptl- told me that it tots a cancer and &bat the (rho. D4wes, lormerty •student n( ehw �-- w..t. tie ena,a, , " Shly selwrtAineA. W nll.t Sher,• Mr, Jat fwnw would have in Ste out ^let end the I. tt' t' I • *lose bar Mean twoenteq In the v-AJb&W!l,-(Alts Lar/r ta.e r'rI rw^ •^+ n. ..'„own "n°air seta ,r eh. die Showed him twenty head of then footed prru remove] by the kn11e. It sots Rainy Ktvor dlstrlot, le malting 1n (own at Raoefhes •set hnrk, it ehw has nflon- Ren J tt►.vsaugg (v r. r+owe. ►.1„t sir d, have jolt tYCrivMl another whiprnOnt of thnw0 wOritl reDOwned As ll•/•yar roe re•tere ••• M qa. sow •.real. Which be hu rte his beautiful and well oil. this that . frightened m , sod made me qM present.. wen Iwwr,e. r.etarin, ern., tier. it. ink - IlvAted fun, putbrluq for ehw social nude the " Snore and Vw•n " rive brraf h throngh cunwlipptinn hilinna DR " wi,w A err are I nM • ..,awns, t centre a I tue.d only fnr« 1'hu. I) W fllhme. M r t , cher w viols fn ^"•+ "r ohnnarh trnuhle, tet 1•we. I tMs nem t., ehw v ' • and shop bvy.r, I :hail« Mrie. '1'hsy Ptal bottles . I Sm well ever throw, $sod it hit hate« here, rwbtmv ,, ,a.t w bat 11'r. Kien'• Hie^•mnrM a tse.eu w errrre•n *a n .raw Fai� would t» hard to ersel, ts they or* with* ut es the« vsen now •Inns 1 not" It. Hsvfeq 1•n", O., en r.ts.ema foe dnttwr"tO Inkeetd• e1Mn1tMA1�1h'alwwyoeteyelh.Mrl s1te..wren.,t •.'t•"e"s•••w,e uiiM'nw1a,, ba11�s F1m1 veltFtlta: way....r..a•A�re•w1,n�yrnhhw+r. TMwr•nAe tMcv 1 ISc;�les etoepsioa •fine let of cattle and le give) great otofidwgee le yonr mwdiain• 1 will H«Dual. 7*terrr, .wrieltea the firwth, �^I,"fa„iH,M,rau.te.�m,t��� "n14 D After err l,a w..rythlr,l, 1a «er .r. � loot trim for artlortatlee M foreign markets, r onoca"nand et to f.hede In Dead' >!r. Wend, n( Inndse born, Yr. .lona hellish hwdarha ; tout in thet tnrld fnr Jw rhwkr aeA I e•hdlM flyMrn lite We sntlo.d,iS t•s1eR • walk over the farm, i am, *to, livor, kidneys and itnwels. (1 twtrrww;t.«tend.,twwwe,no,wrnrwr.,r"rm oA raaattor and Miss 1'oreell, of Stratford, I lVilonn'e Only Qfec at (��. r.nnM wMwwnw.t r..rtuw.�r'i'�'"'^t Thiw is s owpital tirttA t0 t)a thA • field of Slee Acted of fall wheat, which Miu ,f. HARMAN visited Mr. and Mrs. John W. Varuitttr drop ttnre. D rwfswi:ermn.w ,, nsnren4,rrti„naa'ew y heft make Of tesle, ti there it a (gist looks floe and will qh. •gond y1sld, We The fnilcwtng was received from the Name - - ---_. fwM row nr.iwneew .•w e.r.l 1 no/1rM worm tut souk. ane .tae tow aw..etn r„"raw was ,m. n•�i s n4 on with the senile maker. wh6 Ch•rlls stood enooees with his stun.. lady ten years apo : Yn, N. Morris, of Wclkervifb, and her ANNOUNCEMENTS- a b�mn '"yr�..v.a •e+ .nnae f%..se a .. Ylr Rolla .1ardlne had a )o•oaat visit 1 seflwred for nurlq fnar loan front fits, trabrs N M r is of Welke, ^f !'and he, a • '""tnRR tn•rinwnt , 'p'AIkRJ7/ttgt $CALtlI wOM never known to }, sol,l pp sw,r.e, Rw.,w MM .r„t ere rwnw IrNirt..•rt Jun A�m,.1,a. so cheaply. fee • few days with YIM SallOwe. of fart Sad almrrt we the Sem• hour dally, out n( u• vleitln Mn. Ynrrie' Aan bier, Yn. M. ecewftuollco•► earSv�..,.taw 1Mrhn't Mn. (J4 to IM VbtoHa RMf�bnet, West sc , sks hrraa n•M Sea ew car wwreM ..err.wu„n n. never an awe It It h,A .fwenaA •,.,,,., 1 eMn rf*rtM res low Vise Mary Jardine, of Uodwrlon, w►leis ac ue. non1A woken me, nntll 1 g R for toe •ream, fralr, require a tet Of Scalps for prMArvinftf sow Gema o° • s►ort volt In h« par•aiz 'he •woke of moat( weak and warted after (}re (. `iwsntr,e. stn. C. Rr.Ar xsyv Nq, Y, nlgars, I,wn ew :w �t [.w""i.fin ^� �tin�e.a ry YY . Yrs. end Mn. Archdale Wilson sed two proprfeter. •sw.ftatte, unfit • erM rwm«t.. r".n) latter part of last weak. Mr and Mrs. I•pu sof from tall fn twelve hour' tlmtu, To the ladies rat (lnrlerl4h an vl4lnfey _ w'"'w�n�e.� voer.trey. oAit�,Ri!,trNel '�'qry Lulls, of Chlea e, lilting s000m sola” ohlldrwn and Mies (Seek, of Hamilton, n. Oar Jot) sod ;Luque, Nle of hi nl•.. Arturt "� rsvatlr• 'i s11-.4 Ill w .ta n, yes p try dsHeg wbieh Mme i sots wholly holl nano°. , • J 7 torwad en Saturday altar a vide •6 (:. ,►, tt. R(to(1s, nrganAlM ►rad q*nest div nods 1 K fa, L � ^^'.wea•,,,s Met HAYf A rfW L+/es• . MMt YuftSrae mIM. NNtet of Yn. Will*, .ogee.. I sow asNwA.d to cod enaeoltad nn an vlNtly relatAved In this vlr tatty. Mrs, fewev than eiriteaw Aootnn wtthnet any Neftel'., Hayfield read. now on, To any I+dy ha In q g l sit eMIMNt. tNttttt eJtlL tl M /�,,�� LAllte and ewhr YultSrmt sn Aaerrnten of hsaefls Sae len rNfot. 1 Rett to he aliewen w•rAe wa pay onr k R Y e i2o or nP -- /Cej� ,scree[( lJ�/(/rs Mies Lewes Martin aeA Mir Hcenae, of �' Mnkat and return. � - e Joseto SmIM, sow la (:hlnsge• who umo minded, nft"n anenewleve of my oerrennA 1)wtrall, arrived !ts/ weak per steam« Il. R. IifNli, v{Ingham. nd other lines of Spring G000dt which ' ytrn ape wee • resident el lhtegaaena. .. fr i'ret.Abrq and are nM q,ewsfs rat ehw fnrm.r'e g e u yi (',, saC1780e _ __- t --an �� to OI•.O pat !�'!tl •t a q•, trt4R no A4Mtio of aeythleq, aoNl, le ------ bake Erle NaVi�atlon Co. u1 d '= 1)r Ynhdry !•Sot D YoNevlere, w., hada the pried prnvldaeriw of Oml, • hltunA lesi.t gneAlaRher, I). Mergnsnn. Mnndeyy Aagnst 6111, sold b olvin half eery' Olarsarl vb11 with W m. K r., had a sh an nd Pfo o .t. M. MI1"el. to our hatlSe keg. Cher' who had hang tunanwnfwA for Awv in lirosewls Tho day will raw atulm TAw rherl..*r and IKilitet rnntw Ie 4baold ...Vies i,abt•NN Reeeb, "Sold He took ma not of Mw fit in hell w mienitu'a y hntw" 6 We have esvabil son wish A. r Melssny t•Ilnrinl 1 Y having s nes«. $77.5 will he a full line Of Thfft ' IM of our poste! 1»kM, b » • v Who fear elm^ 1 began son re gsie rapidly after MIs le Mi c ehm.et, Iwsf son TaMAay M ertard the hong rap In pnnse The *vents arm 2 40 Cleveland rt{, hers Supplies. M IelSads as KlserrAlete .. Ylhr Allle ffeallh and .nnSAbwr of mled, end fn tblo Yrtoheit r1a(.tleq ehnnl al Nsw York trot or pace, 222 Rrnt sir pace, 2 12 rmt er y Vwp, 71R 1'•rl ClRRIE =Nty of Klaea►fila.. Id1 far Aeas* •ftor day r Neve not but any more 8M. Fraser YniMvIA, of sit. Hwhns. sed Q.ih paM ad • t,j fnrlewq yaks. Tnrnngn farm hmm rtMwrewh. • week's pleeraet ►atilt wiM Mn. { own, ao-. (sols. Wolwtar, FnvA e. It b •muter nl Cleveland, balmon tf tA; OUR 7 won have ►eEl M.%0, Nwtnrn rMkwh stvtoA fnr see n■ee •,. .heMese ne ka•. M•t mneth. reptue,g, e.ew• PRICES A R E .Inat►Rtwt K YARTIN, IhadieR Sha (rollMb/e insllEo`a her* Asrinq tw Mtu belt erAlAlw at reels I{rperr(tlon (nrnln� Monday. acini tretnrd•y end to RIGHT I O HT I DUNLOP. _ KlnNebMdRa. �i voce, retora•d to their home Twat A,n1Aa heat #we” ether country la tM !tort Pert Mtaahq no etrsA. s. t _ MtM D 7 Move RseNa, ee it and TherMars u tI n. m., and an eater** 7ff lima, Jolt 9t, Abs. Yeirer es far les Stet reehlvM r I KHtbn (;ebmM• heck R ' (ltiiser/e avd Asy a.m. iter wM•a b•t►ShtlwR ah•salewesd here le bb neap 7 Mea iMrev, .irks her sea lm1o, of Ss. iII OrhM, Now Fm tlnker and fnrthwr Inrorma is 1>•• lttlb hut. Dltrl•f el/dswd tvrfaiy $a�, 1st • IwN of ewoed w tba wbssk stn Ment, was here Ise► wesk o1a • vtslt 1e ►hr ltraa^lek "If r, wNhsaw stunned, aeA Prises s, Nod 7^txes�t�•M -+,.R ar � ~McKenzie&"oweii ffnhwd, 1Qea e7sbe N.1kelA, w(.h. iL.jBiY itLsl fisted. The AAStteggq sow nh•Ma A�Y.Wpol.t. Tr, ML ♦Sa't rHtH IsAINA t f 7 O tf1JY NANDWARN ONtAP .., .MAitit.. . _ .. _.. _.. - .. _.. -. .. .. _ �_ tin �'�'iiitwtrr --- -"w.•.,��a" -_' u