HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-26, Page 7- , �.. b,.. +:,:...« V;9
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- - �_• _ . .-------'flit....
_ _ __ - -- -"---� 1 -�~- �- was a Ilght "fair. utriking COL !IV- DIVINE HEAIEfl MOBBED'
trier, u(goctod tm very deoply. It W the Burr tou w sent a iv ell day AWFU I TRIES Kullma In the elNmat. lie eau fern pia
the dut of the uuthorltlan vonew ft) BurlorrWni wore tfie wlrt of l'ok,M,l'it uarg Ipo that kills of (b t
RIIVE ON DERD to volume stringent urdere fortGe METNUEN 8ER S I'n•widcut Kruger Sand (:enerulr Ftsfst n large, {oowertul mat, with
rpwtdy arrant &Oil punishment of lhr l4Othu allot Meyer. It W rluttnl Un it hour coolonelm In punr°It
wurdnrurr to tan, carrhal ua1t. ,Ire Kruger went vuluutaruy• H&J,dy cture(1 with him 11wd mtferta•d Ohians Shout fol Vengeance
Dior, totes ouwmoncnmwat (� LILL. RR RS OF ABUSE to punwwl Ww uuut uumi+n±lfuai*A firdf
THE UESTIONI L�uc:k on TWa Tmlu there are her- THE YO�IIY 1'rratmeut of RebrlN• l'ono•II Saul 1 [,our ell +aleft maodef the for th Babies.
Q ei n rub is and autttrtomrbar who l LDuikok, Ji.ly 24.-A Mau Imxok has mutt, and nil four weal tO tha+ flour,
lave, uu acoottnt of 4wnl durturlo. heeu lintel sout&WILW the official oxer- wlW, the little fi'lluw. (rt flit. b,ttorm.
!l lana, Suffered deautor liar of pro- rempuu(hatx+ with reference to the !dc•Mulh,w Pls(•(•(1 hill I[M t+fxl the little RESCUED NUDE BY THE POLICE.
tuerty tprotigh tan dafilt (r( their awn. • treAtuswut of re" lit Death Africa• fetiowde cheat flail pu-,-, him I I Use .,. -
We lwreb,v uuuatnulrl the Goaxrn,r of It uoaUainr au LuWrestlnig nate by ills In Prison Reformers' Model .113 liar I "a'r ,�iR� Fwtidem rep at Murwl4eW, O., .illi? --• "xve„gu Ws,
1'oki,r ao! tLo \'�yruY u[ CW41t to Bruce -Hamilton Also Has a Apse" Y'" oil Brlt4k 111gh t'Onunlr' HII)' t4rtMt Niru lu the ddtrt of the
Full Text of the Chinese "aura vend tt.m N':kur to r" nindu d:olnbr, f•stlmutlug th+ number of col txldIt-, face. Anil tern L Reid)' nlr, dahlia I' "1.ynJn film "Tar root
Outid iorplo tU*do rfm,tu, butes of all w(uW wb, yflfaxI filo Ikmrw tit LO,(". paOcifed film Ib the wea,nWmit loather tier+ 0y,sxrtt0!"
Imperial Edict. latch claim.• except¢Iwro arising di- Fight with the Enemy. Mr. ('ItamOerbah► Bxnalary tfatate Reformatory. lirrtrutgl(x1 w got Away. »not wits Ttwsu wary Wr este. that granted
t(rtdY trues the rt41 attuuds wrth n lar the ('olooler, lays, down the rule •tguln knockeaf (4swn and m»Wean l'yruf B. FkN•kl•r, Wse dfiecll-l0 of
slew to •fiesta u16:uwa Ln rerttl0ah a that there should Ian, M, viud4:tivOucom I.leut.-Col. Fswnelt ran ler tali& tkak fwd
-- view roe, sheir uutdawr ural rdtwt. - In the• hreatment of -Iwlw, but that grabbing a stout stick, trr(wght It Ito%vlt., Wan (Uvttte harder, when he re
jumthx to th+ k,ynllrUt la the oWlRa (fuwu with grer►t for(x+un flan iitflr fel- tur,etl here farm Chi[xlgo yesteniay.
t 0uur Abjects lino Of lute lewoa t un of duty and buster. t (1 low'@ Aeyafl twt(r, reodieriag hum FI(N•kMr duaue t the ago gnthrruf r
WHAT LI NUNC SAID. tli4-uwlvan up to burning, plutrfer. BROCKWAY S REICH OVER. wholly unuwuactiu+w He remained in fuck Isere. &lift by him refu,kng W
ate, W11 g t„ Cha+ grent dian(aiet of BOERS HAVE 18 000 MEN,
the 4,an1 anulsJoutr. Tlmetu attar dog 1 Ur\Yet r ('ally. th4a axradlt4a for {rrutrtbly (rot° give tare phyr4 Pufr (+&lief, a,eaen+l IofAntr
flnow !m law. t.m. hereby 1ttor d tad Lo:alua. July 28.-('wumaMtaut Ue to sevew tWuuGa, wh It they revive(! d4xt umiar hW faith cure treatment,
— -'- tLe ial f +LAW. urs m1f0bY 1, Guvt.r_ Wet hats again INIO% d hhanwif too hum Ly meatteof (•Old water unit apply- and wraerul fit Mr "Zion)«L" follow
vara uMl eutmnuaapro o' of aur (overs cl,al-r for iliac. Rolt(+rtr' vontmautters Suis a stick lir hill tart, err were drlven Insane.
_ ,
Horrible Blanes of the tlralMlpeuu lie was then onlereol to mtaud lit Fled truin Aveuaerr.
l raaAlsu JIIsNluwarles All'4afo l'.N. W barerV,gute the slttsitluo anti to And W/il Might ft Out to the I, d-- in ttie ire, th River C;o11410 »tel
Nlssluuarlrs Lrrv(' N'uu l hull Labe touch measures for the pudsh- Mr«. Kruiter and Mrs. Hinton loll herr, thagh lkileg I Rod nn'1 lour Beret's lirulirllty Tuld by the ntd him a ndso his fa('P to the wsll Tu (mIOUI,e ajago. Toro- y ilea to (•hf
iireat of the ot[wdiour cad rostura- vicar-L&t b? th+ prokwfgaNt au'1 futile Rail hot tanb rmlrwl »love file Iaxad. an g.e a p.�tg sRO. To -day Ile rrturMd'
lulrud M/arluu t'eu{,Ir �rtc A nom fit other all Nan sand deer ug Lerrr 1'rrturla--'/'n•run(•a of efrorW W stop file activity, (Lova trot 1)u(•turs--BtrrUing ResuLt of the l,e refurtrt anti war thrown vk)- and, evading a crroavvi of 1(x) moot who
Mrhrrwlw6 UR'ers r HuSyltrl NIJp trite care dninaMt. We hereby cum- Rebels -- U.•\► rt•r \\ bererboulr wahltuld prudes, of lila skill In Wtkl+sg flan of Matlag a Prison Warden tautly ngahnrt than wall iiP wits thin aa,ere wml6ing for him at C'entrrl 1'Are.
fotnl. Wan+, aur neral euYr4, to the wlaulltage of the natural featured of nlbwe l to rrwnln rtanating at exaaN+ went to .the Mayor +utl d0man.fed
gr 1•:merutlonler Absolute. ,•tome tar (he wall.
Nlory of lgarraerr• foafle- known raw 4he inlovaac,on or Caltnown• the fouutry, uud I° al•yO%4'IU yl film- protaxrtbn.
all A linty c000ern. Rempect this." well with hid a•awmY'm elle+eme11tr• 'lNpechtig t" '1'rerlmru(• l'o his enrpsrn ttx+ Mayor him. epi
1,Oadon, July 21, 0 u. w. -A FAVIet A aa4gk(k-unl statement In that London, July 28. -Thr laser G4-um•r- Tha• Engldh vorreap lulmtm have ire F:!udra, N. \'., rrei+urt: The Botnt Ot \ttertL!ont tulgtt6 Ge .trawu to » to Iwve unithlryg to (k, with film.
,arttal turn to Wan long suc(•utfiio11' of nboVe t.t1let is trete(( In that /err- al lrwet fine cut lard Itula,rts' late (tuently rcIA)rted him for(•(• taw being Mauagerr of the Elullra Itefurma- form of {ouuiblimemtt udmlulrb;re.l lit Flock)er theft went to the otf0w of
fn,trn,Ua•torY ruunmt (rum 1eklO I. +t Kc wtnith drafts as hreftlgutlun of cuiumuniiutiumi alai captured nue utterly tout(] and dimpermed, but tory at its meeting yesterday ap thin oftk,e tits a Chart of meet known till ,tttornie), test !wand nu cotuo:at'on,
uta nil claibtw, '•cxeeprL thouo urts'ar; hftnlr•d Highlanders float •.A mapply these reports have (t11A+rt !urarfal.ly +as 'w r+l•4tjbts" For >w•h nditix rd- allot wlwn hes col ire cwt u( It saw that
g,+eft W1W costuug. The t'hluo+t• Slw Orlsm the raid attach (attack lest train heralded roan+ totr.king Nil ob- tx,lpt(xt 1'ntrlrk J. MelkrunPll . aC fun(ron Cts talkbyg tlx+w+ uten were ob- a ntub of n•000 people hold gathered,
L,d•r itt i ondon stutoa that hu ham •leu Wit), with a view to their The story of thei Fetlerul Command- tuluel by 'th) roote(1 own &dant. r lit rufrrl)rock t fit idle IrtrLf- ItRetd to tAtttd flim 7 n. he until to ivieLi for hht blood.
r,.N,IcHf Wne fO:lowltug telegram from ultimate settlement." er's b,ld rtld cooues lu tlw form of n F'r011t July Seta to•July 18th he war tubo . Mr. Itu•uckw+►y was nlluwed u:w+rL upon their herb, Willi their (errs Fleel+tg like n lwntaxl laical, he
�I,,.,,g, dated Sln+fugh,ti, J u,y 2n ; 'I+ft w appear■ tap •stake pla:rt that telegram frum General Furuastier- retmortaldi ks le hemmeof bol by Tieux. to retain fur thNo present hill P attkaa ckarne lis t#a �u'ull, nail their heuutr rx decur t :I n,cl in thse Vonht)f Hotel.
the Chiswo, (iun'ernmeM- lulde that Walker, dated at Cape Town, Sion- Hpitter anA Rmtdl,•, bub on July lith lendext vertically alovo their hf•n'iw. In ewanrNl fi nwiu, nail beggwl fur {xo
• luforusnthen frum Ideltus, JU!Y IN, �, attack un Tien, MiAt was fill- 41a). Judy 22nd, 'llerwarding a (le- he wits "rehired" near Lindley, and of rutwrinteudeut, but it im extxx•t- hot weather It will flat un uncommon tectitrt.
Tioutog Id Yamoe tluputAO Well Jul, warrantsedt:` - . rpatch frum (Ion. Knot, all- faollowr: on July 21mt he cut (/fill. IGsberW' fell tlutt he wilt realign fir Is, mu{x•r• might to me,. th.,we welt reel Ixnckward The cosh fo:xswed, 1 -fit the hotel
"Krur,.irtadt: July Y2. Fallowing eomwuadcAll+xtr an 1 ca{otu:pd a sup, ly cad d rhurtly. Ike a log unl fall un(xmsw bm++ to th • ,lOunt were ('10(,+0,1.
au Umirr ,'s;tx+Ltry lA Uep•+rLmrat, - -` . from Broadwuud, atm" flay deigxttctr trap: uud lou ,prlronerr. floor. They were reviviet Audi ngadlc Nrrt tae be elxwlnl of their prey, a
t., sell forelg0 Mburterw. F,wod ev From St. Petersburg• funwf to uowlPr th+ ruinw yun4fIr txxoee of niwn climbed thefire cow-A/tor,
er?we well w1Ut(at ltume►itg Atny. ex l.amhn, JuIY '.'n.-JPIn+ ret. 1'rterr rifler to [ioa!1spap+'tait, wired thence Hir whrrP,tbuu4a are naw nnlc[toNnn. 'Pfio IinArd of ry, ,grrr of rho }:1 setarle of Wta ngx+r floorx of tlr+ h0tr1
burg exmrtrytpuutejen6 ul the •Timor to Kruutwtadt': 'Haile, laibwrd0om- but it W ruppswl that Ste I■ muv- mina fG+tarhatory, at u quarterly tltettt
-- .__creta Gwrinetn. Yung Lit W wAni to burr: el'" lil"le(t ttatteto lits\'CFO• wand/officeJuly lath. Hard, sharp lett( M,rWn, nnNl tR tm likely tot, un- lortbilT in eriadvfa today, will seen- A caNO rltfttt to fir+ was that of T, utuWl tlry (wind tlx+tremMingdfwslple
iidsrL►Ilw Wirorxs t,o ewud them all asyd hall cumralted tax. to the ►lure flRhtbg at !'alai ttoutefo, Jnl!' 111th. hes 1164 sumer+ beigets eure'e+r- r4kv thm reaa,val ug ;Supt. '/.. R• N42 Bexamm•k, who) war' felaarte.l us, of I)uwlc, Lund drugged hint down -
ex Yrrar g a fI'oni, ppursuing danger G) Mer, he will keep tCne HrUiah Wiener- Brockway. Tlw chargees agulrort telt a(k10(1 uu Nov. loth. •IN!ili. NLa1rw, ants ell+ Ir was dellverel Into
uu,irr trr•urt- W Tlaot Trill. In hill&• hL•all G1,aernoueut fur Ito information rei,esde. FJigfrt feud Burry hwnd. (dor AW fir) Lr alar haxsks.Mtrf!alt Sly. W'IniI him aro tamed oa the terttalrolly of when Ian ro"44%el C treutmeut, thret. t re luutb( of Lire mob. which tow aum•
yiilluary op-atbrw will be dtuplr i-" Wat kmpeoror Kwatypffl war Itcing camfatties (levo kilted no 7(1 wound- 1(s, Ian Frrr.. and skid". to malontaia file 1)s,. liux4olph it- 1Hfdllult elf v+»•+ J n. 7 Hr ens takes+ to the h- IIUt Is-acxf 13ailiv lraear
--- Auld lin full ,trrwtewduu of him Imperial
- 1.1 liana's 1'ruatlNr. Uu,cWosw uu July 9thi e«t. ►lrmcli \'a&lkrnpts 4o(WY. }atr� flour lutnet there :w I1tHu }vr(alatul- nr.4leit phrsielau fit the Hefuriur-- Juu. Tth. 'd'hir rn+an diel .Ian.. lith, ptoll(•r CGrr�P_Re�11eM. �.
mil rluobled tact 4hruU(b Yaaraki lty of the war eol%g. tory from (k•tiuber, Ittl)ttI to any. "fix, year 1NA7. He haft In", ull Uor Tlr rII:,P had uttered in force to
l i Uu:g Charig ttar eaarturfNl Slit fk+ " Ar mxsa fir kith Itummian Otionerul. is) . in dnrluwck lthro march tie 1898, uud fir Frank 1t. Vrowe, who apx•l:al AAH-11nag lis,t fur fist. ""'math" d rme Wan nooks. anti cltalrge(l ' into
gasp -r. macretiry r,f Lw ►t0IgL0a 1.0 1.1ix•v{ta•h, m -ported frpm \'ludivooluek Krraal i to Ru;ti(lvr+al rtution. fiend Itubrrl ' 1)lfllcultlrs. wits rntployeod its a eierk thereulauL or nxsre. He wits q Sufferer fnmu Itycttbbin sot 1
gartli fit Pekin, ani tow ut Shang- to d+ man•Iurg to tlw 0*110 Of hurtlli- ton the t.000 Hann +tag lornw, the tnuve pertud. Neither of thews g K tt sof left. a Pu Of
gait• that the turefgu MIn4nWrw ars L{r�+ wiNe au army (vrtx+ alai a num- 1°Pf'f l By An Engl4th artuy aetee, o : ?Its i uarrel with BrlR th du -case - kers anew ►erwal.t, but ties pollee
ales, 'ell rtewv u[ tlN• r em!'■ )Acca- jinx seer had 'th i
sAfr, anal 1u r ttrx,wLae(I 4, uhtain fit 144&, Artillery brigade arrivPrt lit 1c�► Iu►cttou fit the IargP furca fit in- Vu ties u.rato4rn tl un exlx+cta+,l vis , (ever werecl, I+ many dtwmidls-
itoe ntaa. I bellecfr_ttw ef,drmnn4s ax,u (antsy which Lord ltultortr J u k 'ata Brorkwuy, nail 'their rwiguutloalr It (roto Guc. illnsk grwaL lsrrpare ian
art co°,m°;•4stiun groin the Ile gintt Tkeu Tmin the advance on 1 ekln will wen• aoluntary• tone were anile to got the lai4'Ittg lin +irtnxd, nn,l retxtlred.
mists of L'•(N)0 .men and Uwe guns, and tier Is command ht South Africa la, "Kill him !" 'Lynch film'•" "Aveugw
!luamter. The roltaLivoxa of the It.,IJ&u Gatgi.((." it nectimpau'Pd by Presklent tate r, 4 Tlwy tell of two usual who were order, (041 parts-Ook lY bo have the
)liuls4+r have MWIvel u und"nige wtut ) IL naw a peau, dote to the lock fit tilt pour re Mere "tier furl fcof the ;
numt Goth the Jir\Nates -_ p drlv(.•ri to ■ufeffle by relmeate(1 pui� dutaReou clemtWl nail all the {sr4N,nrrr
,,oW Llnnt the Munjow taiplvftgasruWRt Tile Cmardlrnr are All Nate. proper t(x,twewr fur Lice oldlrn. lu b,hment ; of fr f umtg fella N wilt) tlr erlots, rel b were the a of di or tit&
(:ton. Knox continue" : "The wire him evideurr given the other day be- ]nal !t . ren:oaHl. llrrutasfure the .fungoton htid vlctorbiar nob its it mav(•pt down the
at«1 Utmdly all+ sat#'. IL iw ra;tatR(+l et sl+orunto. July 2}.-Itr:c. Dr. WaMt'n And malti"'1Yrwm( of ehP ntllway north fury. Lila Cwmulrrlurc -,fr-Enquiry lata, were beuteu and kickwl InCYr acro- Iow( r•qularly tetutnG.f by meet who
Teen Tdu that the IturLw Cuntfftl hnn Sfnsta+ropy nN,rrdn rfvrhed the gal- ttihl+�j lilt t)� atlllted amsuuBm of were to Ix (1Nc1rI1ne1 by paddtbiR. uxnhr stsr+rt, dragging with It Yid
Tid-11ed clew& face u grld,d vial h m K of HOnlullMorult have loll cut. and army 9vontracts, Viscount Beerhnrse lucklass vletlm.
4»cb,g c+tG4•gratu from I)r.•MeClnre,. atmo the, telegraph to Yreturin via, stated that the buoir.lmtitleal to the ptrero-us mus burly iterparrr�(��ea tlov. ell fA11W Tei arrive at, the Ili,' wits tatken Lr the gum house. u
a«s exit Wtat Ali tots b6ii Hter« were data'.I `duutghal. 8.12 u. m..- Daly rkulued duwn-in dudgeon aelltr-- & ',Feted and the puddling WON
alae , Jolly l0. Yotz•befatroom. Aawratintg to my In mea in -South Africa were made yf °�� mike dtrk►nt, and slrh{rtld•d to tor+
.:rd: formation, Ila Wet has srmreef Ills+ two cud them (lays p -it num,itrly alertly etterwanl resuroxl.
-- •'.UI wiwSiutl rives trafP; rrsum u° of +► wap+glad rumemblhug brown {xiprr waist
w Ittwut food fir n fin+p of wutur' «Naw bong on your Lar :" rhmniN+(1
Ntury of Mmsacre• iR'i railway end guhyt north." lurid tuRuthcr by rtri{w fit bather, Hot Water ow l'urons.•tuus Man (
work vyjLlu,t n.'oltr lautrubnbW; wire (;Ws. Ke1Jy Keing telegrnpiw Prow and that the mules, when they were »fid uI biwutes cuffofl up W cell lit addition to hid affidavit lLr. tha leaderw. (
t)a Ww other luudf, a t'hine,re «er inwtiruet4wr:' BI(x•mfoutein, under fate of Sunt duan fur huller until they collntm&ef
\ vast wtmm has mrrive(1 at Shanghai Thim once will b e received gladly by een ort, ut-'@ fi ru tort that aur could and hu b theta wrintm. Owave Ixit tfae ma th rrr %i the way •'tilts ! Tnr ! Wiwir gut the lar Y"
July , 2L'ad : "Tia+ railway lane ireeen poi oitr'r finger thruatgh norm. The a+R Y of tbuR taucla other Scalenes. Hr antes Lim• nruwt.rlug cry fn)m til(rlta91x1N
ri+x gree Unit Ian oft pellet pat July B. 41r nuu,y Mrnb wlw hnae+ tern rax cut north Of jloningNpruit and n muD rvhieancr also glwati its to the qfa!- The old story of the puddle is re e t
�;,tO whu•h (iyv Lite- I�g•at4war wen• 4sms1 a i1Gt utrsurau(x+ of tb• wets d trnhl find inn hiadred Hi h• told. }'ev1!urw lu rtu(� war puufwhd Ka++'e Wwm tlar,iutmu of a keeper who. of Lhnwt tN, test uo t:tr was to tan
i ! wit 4l 1 Y B fty of toe cordite suppl0] fur the Ir• mitfd, awhl II fit n fearful bent- ftoYml. M,'n raged anti currwl etch
Pyrned and all Wte fceanguent killed. tunN,ltt(tlud'ut Wr tlerhrms �,((rnrr Inmk+ra captftre(i 'b7 4hP rurmy. .A taw of Llan Weep ahuwF(1 that i( ht thin way and cottltwatluu rxWrLea1.
' It, lit mtat(ed that Llw Cbl+lo:P Slint and.• a Ws, (':uu+di:aft m4rdournee Whenu IIN41 t+nnaHt their Ian&ds to hg given to a Ylona6 primbllOr In the oill w full offea M+uty tut brought
gd11 utile Writ Lelr,lnetrid to report wits revelved this morning was of inferior finality. The matter lewd fur m(SFcy they were struck In fu,utunl training school. HO WAS so dllows hill o[ fsraWseril, but none had
_ -'y 1 "bittmalt end the (R lanua-Clwwui,d( L, Hankuw. It is pro- that u large fart•& of '.the PnrmY t$ of the bunts had naturally cum& -da V btudly benLru he _ taken to Llan mought tar. 'I
ndatilt. in- Ir►bia Ws it after rruchug l(cnkow the taucbnf oa lloniogiapruit. ill Vufir 61magr"Ible w•neAtiun fu F:nglfutd: the face. dun ton uncuumI1 iii n wiw•ll)clr- "• ucb a pity !" ecrmrmtntod the wo-
re of the telegraph {arty c+iaw d-Wa Lire Vangtsf•klnng tuts ulentfun with Pretoria in cut off. but the evil that ham aceru+d W Bnu•kwuy'r latest hivrilti(mn, known tSc'( $
-- . Lion •urging,Lhap, rattorution tri te'r aw "btewin in des.•rlbeal. .%fen &erre raw. Tlare Ile ens Hewn (m the nine. nn1 uirk n l"A nen-h to aPe
ktvwr 'lo t''Irotghni. lu ft cnb;rgr.aw Tow nr:•omd nail 601"n1 `(YvaRy Efrl• the BritlrH'tnJotw in (miweyuenoefm g•• flw,r. T'Itr kele{sr w: ntaed W throw Wr n(,aa- &spark nuteel pe+f+eu•her.
Wrtpllu' (•umwu'4aat'.ua w{th tIN (red cin Fr14r!' SL wear met�wnwd +(,lir( nrr followit the farm duroal ill alis and %les steam turned
llittbllie nA pnxm ,Of s+fety• renes eOme of tlN, misdbnam4ar hid R 'g Y " beyond remedy. How usuch Of the 1 wutier ,au Ida to bringg him ta. There Moved by Bluecottts.
Hool•r ru:•oi lifts hem (1110 to thin eat Until Llan trmperuture our ul wAlI n s,0 of hot Wath er scrubbing \\'l.UP the nob war In oxrftawion the
Nr. Brodrick's•BtatemerL conte down tis Hau Itiarr in the NJoe- A ( uuutru lu 'Trouble. tante cause ulwie cunuut tee vmatimfttwl, summit mllaetrubte. Tliei they wrrr. Val, floor handy, end In Aplte Of the l,•e made it rand r chibb el
of roY'r laauiicdt, uMt th:xt 11Mo Caua(Ilatyn Loi IL wort Ix ewlsif{ernl)n+. buwnt hand w1d f(x,t, wrnp{se(1 in i R °'
IxNmk,°, July 2&-I tWtA Hoare yFree b 11"cell 4+ M wife. T1dx lopx:- New \'ark, N. t'., Jury :1. -IL we& {wutea(W ug tlr+ kuefter bt yuertlun, Lewis wa to the eP°Lre fit the crowd
latnuesl 4itat Inst night that n lira. )banw•hilc th:•y nrr talking advftn. blankets and lett• lying u►oarl the ,ick(sl y
uuornxoir tudny Yarl A4niI ry".lc, fol vires. It W uuw earn. our lu)Is lluur uuable to move un LIMIT Suis+ `'•wplP. 61iw prlflrufa re'tua. 1 as1 re+cued the nate] vMWtrs {
n•tatry BrodriaJe fxwt •nteatel Ser" flit N'll Rruunf4•d, Tnr ('amdlaa Yves+- \ >I. liukr, woo was arre+tol .tint- t+ygu of Lit. enpjrte(1 cxuullUun o[ the v►etltgx Ln theme citrus who fnlnted it up a III- u c a pi'ufuue rover. threw The , now• earn f ani thinking
unfit? fi ht char f by lied•- Ant- lirltJsTi army to loaramr It Sol every di- Ili (si tor! ulitx)necfow prlrouer• nal) of I re Lira from tt raised I
Win sLtuemPots of Lite L ulmetme au• bytavtnn ills«4.0 ltu:(n1 will ltul,l u g Ran wen matt to the h<rpltnl :dud Lr(n0 rl P y. t
safety Nam Ml nal de l4uMtot:e with LhP theft oil as fol. .rerLi(ui. lienrrul 1)e Wet W repur tel the ram(+ fir fur heat enwtraffuu. \lore Smith Care Details\ n tr+w yell: \Ve'll uch hh>{ s,1 --u
Ma.rlWs with raganl._Lo_ LTi nrteYutg lar m(un um 1 o terrxriowcf+r+i6iU. is LftP Cerin- tulfavu Lilttht up a -vera trtrvAlf )
(d tin Legntforw at 1'ekla, t.1 a tf(k ulxm.a wlutt itirtrurtiunm to tend • rR t The t"alm tt Pt[a+wru.l--�Ls� ilm: tar'& tna goal for film:' aMl
ole de Lear lriniat kin. nil tote oto Llan party. teNr Festetticil, a woalthy Auvtrian L4,1t with the talk of his foroeat ite- Bums, F::lrrrtw. nave lit green t Se,.`� nn the Stu A with oticks ami stows+ it made w cotu►-
ilnChin to Mi aster trdoc Mr. Brod --- o,ble woaunn whore 1184mind died UPI Nook. twenty mile" Nuutlt Of lfeth• Sour extarallAn from Lr. LikeiUrtg'r , naenW(wcd In tum affMAvit., terrrdrh act scattered tilt- police. I
rick lleac1 . b text of d.. lin{milt --- lfvr ?rain( ego. Maw. iIA"tOne had lelirnt On the road W Flekarletlrg. There arflah,%IL are Iwo gtcou : - _,f.,L J l war wholly uwuuum•lo11r w heel Flockler cause Dear being torn tO
1'.'4. Missionaries. wntarl ref hoer act It haring the wo- les+ covers the n,ad.goiag due acetic, luring my Lorin fit ties reformatory
fillet u( .duly pith. and comia('niiug rel Hurrisrnith, auJ cxomltc+lr t►w Isritfsh I stew him In tor• hompital," Mr. Crowe ,ple•em. Several tinufas he war captured
fil RI,if Ju Co mth.s (L.wpratch !O t,bo New York. July _n. -Th: Ye hoodist maan arn+tte-l..unit had tried t.o. to I- - the initiates were pu mL-hHl by cur• �tVIled. "lig war drlirfuuN• i:tlkbtg nal ret•apLurt•rt, int flnallY the Flrr
les Mini " C r'ev's fit the ('nlE(el Fb.e!gn MI„ekmtrry 8(xlrty Of New peace Wtr fact e1 liar i,kmtlty, lest the to condwatrate In !orae it they w+eut {oral psaL(hnN-lit call,iNt "putktliug," wildly I: hoe firllrfum. Hir flood+ wenn 1\p.•n.rtn"t turned n tore upon than
tLaUrq Mr. Atnxtrl(k (xt41.thattb Yo.t LorcbY recatiYe+l. YYe fulluwiaig foreon Mnrteett31,11nhrwt tnight.e'Khe hurl bit en1uua.1 though tithe field of t:uAgeeAj. Whmyai�tlnmate1Lwas tlltl use. of up, Lisa rt!ttShist a appearli Ur mnb ani •the pilled got nanny wlWa
Lire rlrstrnU•h wad of tlr Sande 'tate cah4+grnfu: (C nue, of bt wan. nasi lits ad b txr•we•nt41 wag Ir ant dr,oe him into t Ithe
:w tib+ etflei's as'ouraw.+ of Suh-ty ties '• Fekld•huw•, July' 21.-Uunjtfr•r ln' IIrP` weotllretd In�cvttrt Sale 1.1101f1P1yeV1 (un Iridal i, la IN latent oONWOulU) give he, R,q ti tI fn tua(ar) cof til, tv-1 carie +1A If NMrtgN had trnx•n twllr(d pull,- w ant drove with x lc to the
Iri'LVtr will &tut burns fest by Sl r. t'un- (lro:tring. )tla�mfonnrhw 4•av Ing. a $ {x K Ira wJLi tir.l u,r 4i the Ir.tna of the (T•1 ti xnt them. The f4sah will naw." I«,Ih'P aRafl(xt, whir+ hr w+u lurked up.
Wer: ( as i of born had by Mr.ploed aesponwr to 16 Salla the rOlrty until thlr afternoon. a good iaccount of ILIUIW,f while, file b! ►dt°fkutfs Utstmod to W wrL+Ld (Before Ids {rudoolumut. Mr. Crowe The Infarinteol null), (If men that
ge ; (Iorer+wr of n lutd,uag r knew fit .I al onsop t f s,1 $aatl1 ti help tfiP Lart F:r-Confederate Memtber. Nupply of ntnmusilWon fur Idsguuts (Aad alit] wits kept nu tied (roan 6 O'clock roll. Kmlt4f waw ruggeft and hearty went to the prl,dxl, bat on aNxeing the
Ism a message from I'etiu raacbrol rola Lo get SWAY. Lr. Carroll AGFnnin,-Ga., •duly 2:t.-,iwlga ItoG rltt(s buts. Ynmid nttiteyn lin isal,l W fit night U'ott/ 7lilkxk L1lrftrxt tuont-
tin wlUt (id -neral Do \Vet, who tsstsif- lug, wiWnotit chattgo of tN><itfon. I caul saemed,ln per[(oct Irernith. HPw,tx whole pili /orce rlrcfdfef) not to fro
total In trwo okays, unit why' its"Wits alO 1 Plot n it•% ave liri'ay front Rev. ort 1-:en,mnnt Trtl)jre, believexd to be rxa 2; (mriv cold. \Nixon ho left, th anpthtng. \
ou ilttainage frum BriUmir Idielrt<•t''!,1(te- ,l. II• ryke, Trearun r of 1h" NrrrtJi the last turvIviog meatier Of the Von. W lacer dkalural, what a prie me tl lavO komn Wnla trentmemtt to be )' 3
for o have ( On terms wlatch oponal a fi nn Inmate- tut donde offence fur liorpltnl hO was (lecieWt nail bent Flockler. tThgether with F. 1'. Flatter•
1 xauhl. Tion Governor •land replied I hha MirNbn, ream) T,ln Tots. •June federate t'wigrss, allot who Wmr n fo is tor: der o tne+ulymarp•rr wad re g e s all fit two (wrrmxntive wax kr. and• Ids arias were apparently ane- nrmrther iYvinw hexalrr, wills SASS with
teat the C'ultert (c.tntes Minist"r'm Nth. Mr. rryked salt th- city Waw thea .lu!lgr+ Of the SnprenN+ Cesirt of (leer- filled, ttuat toe woiuld tmtke I.urd Rohr Tfi., ulksarucu2Se fit f(w t to ca h inmates pan'• H e appeared,as if him oueuntul- Flix-kler from Chicago• were placevl In
umarnge war rrtt by tits Ttuug LI murrouu,k+I t.y Ikoxrrr. They had the in Lr dead. erten ret ill re)+m;t{on. It Is probable Ln noatary confinement war toll ILy Ind Ixru aiatrtied and hie e?es n rloath cab atter dark and drlvrn
I ansids (Cldaloae Foreign Office) by n fnaor of the regular trooper, RIN1 the May Upset 1'eary's' Pians. Lhertfoora that there will moved be sotiae ourm-em of bread and a quantity of ':u kPf1 Iftrto e. frum the c1Ly• He says h0 will return
nmaweriger travelling sixty Fragilar Gwernu°a•nt 4114 not npp:•nr of-tsmN] ntml take charge the cltcrrch.
mllwi n dfoy, "1 us- to iatCrferre- 8t. .Iohn'r, Nrtd., Jetty •'n.-LlruU. brisk flgla'tiug in tM+lumwnlninoadt0r w•uter {)ell day• rrtL11(r1��/---�------
tnwghly, :SOU lreary's rend sGnnter Wtndwunt ton- fur fit use Fme `usie into which the 17dsa+ ietntntes h mOAtary eonflnr 1111"lCo TU ��1 KING( OFIRS WILL F.M1URA7F..
«(are you," the Uilventm r of Shantung -- , r"-IICKI B t NUT
is nm tetegraphic ('hills Inland Mtsrlon. feral idle larder at tort .\u lttarfltter. LurRliers h&ve rwWed &ince tow u(xu• ntenk altl(tmtgL very cbs9 together
Intl added. "there I .......
,uwmiuticnWon. I ca,anot t.x/rhtln ut� tix� twttliw'ilct'rt'tramtty• r,f--thtP gxitiwa o[ BPt,hlehem by rho Brftlsh. anew (urta4klea to r{maitk to e'nuJt Repast 'i'lorl iO,INN) N'Wtld (So lu the
The China Inland MJsebn, the .Aar- k,itil on .Dituniny 'with i art Or her ,tccordiag to private Information grow of ler ufoon arty sub}x t whatever. -
why Maidurtsld Tins t , ,on atr►wd. erican hcadyuArterr of which are In tnwchl+sory rtioahled. riec•er to replace Col. Ylumer's RtaxlPmlan column Woere and i( W,y vloolated this rule they stalls Dewled.
burl I Item ywq not U amxiotutnbout tit'n vity. hum tx+ctivexl the, followinjg th:• tmoken, wet!" reach&] lien by lNve txw,L mutinie+ on three oveamiunss wionlil tae atrnck in the face, by till- lI� New Vo.k..July-0.-Cb:-Lm.'U. Pierce,
� tie ubiliviters. for they M the oth• catrhktgrnm from China: train at riow� to -'fay. It w111 mmibl tR wnPn Changed HIS Itlllld, Killed Uumteu aM1 treawurer of the Boer re -
err �liZ1C111t6[ �1 - Y ninon Low culon0al troo{am that asm (bat of acme kc frly, b
yrj ClrofiTnY u. 7lbtnrtAtt'rt'rr' �hlti tr8 8 ltnr'rlrt7tr t0 mate thereees pea. 1t: t) tat+tonat of atMgetl t11 -trent 'Fitrrw arc i ve+r wt+wtt+ I1 Or Fat fund nM1 Ebrurtf fiPfteral+a( Oho
this I've al y find sea'ernt refln• t,e.n. KingO,lkunn, Whoa. rbtad. -ill way repairs. Tho, delay fully rer!ounly anent and IMnttfictent ratiulu. 12 oello let Lh1s dungwill. and the Another and Himself• Orange Fre Suite, male the follow. '
bio messages." .+wtuoyed.. Fr vivid -IP. ( 111ef11 •lsiet. disatrratg.gevt th., plans for ranching the In us+ Trnnacnal Lout Robert« Is ,'anRoOn was tiW;ttw I in Lice ce:4tr Ing statement to -(lay concerning Boer
Mr. Bro,lerick rtNitinuHl "Se,1nJr " -hunit. exciting run.orm pyeYII I% ins north. -- mild to b' nuakt:ig Kreatt (reparation« betwith the hrrpttal- There wore unit• omlyrratioa W lite I'litt(xl SLAte+e' . .
tfinL over n uxNuth has els{ sings An well In Shanglal. Kluki&M- th:•rP Rrbr1• HoIA 1 -sesames. to LrY olid delve Urlsa:rcommaMloaa all? :w rxtnyix-1?' h;Rlu prfwenre ler GAVE HIS REASONS FOR IT. "lav attentbn ,baylug been ton►
u+ry oonamunleatitna reae•ha1 lice dict.• .w tot anuli cnii,re for. aazlaLy �t lPv,• Kutfljrton. Jamaica. July 23.--('ap:• tint lir+ hart((fng on flan flank of tla: stwtm cnriiw(l, esu flat ttae trmpPrm
«rnmene from 11N Rr1tMh Le/gtt t, ,,ant Liar." _._-.-_.._,_-_ - railway (i,+mmxafe•Fiiww with Ju#cane tor+ waw eery .la/gh. It w any ojslnio n pe erld lint 10,( r nure B lie
nndplat the ill" B i& lr"s Mulkar, of the. Go-rmnaot wtraLier Fran• tirrrtar aM7Nnsalfu lllenorth townnl t11xt than oxsudltksn of Lhlw dun Sun Nip York, Jfuy 2U. -The ntcidci of {wtierw thn6 IU,(lp0 or more Beales*a)!\
a „ - trot, which hen arrival hwa ftt)m R (hrboraa ransa, after the murder »beat to eml nLe from than 9onth
ntn)ileAting by M004 ger with arb Indian hrlmce's Offer. gg �grr
( pusm�'Outho lLtes, Fier Wj.U'd(I,,v• f xi .fade 2K. -In tM Hew++ or l'o4wubut, .retorts that the Goren Mhd(1lebing. Tlr+ Ikrrs are iwtd Lr avaa� nut+lf Wtt+t ,i>ntLoc+nnent in it `lee Afrkan Repuhllr load th,- OrnnRP Frew
rnnm"nt, Ctrl they cannot Rl+ecrexdencd• Lolk(� meat Ways enter�l Cubo frum Pnn- have dretm)'-I suntoatxty mflemor the witthewt ails punionli ltaot, w•witd fn n of Ouisrppe 1'ras:cxt, lit Yatrrs(w, N.. State to the Uulteol States, i with to
'tO nay t feel they ann nttroate,; Conamtolur 1ar.lay the ftr:reta►ry Of arra oa .filly 15th. td+e latter city rnllwny bPtwavt YretuMa nod Mn+ ta- .port tdtrxt Irretrlecnbly t Il fitter any J., has disclosed that Wte man, had satiate In the noat emplattt• language
rte Kite for India, IemrJ Gf Arg.• Hamil rb torp. CltifN a nunrly Impeding u Brit- one's h oadt,fn' bee° chowrn by scilla nuc oty, Ma[fa file th•tt thorn -lin nut dme wont
to the Em or(*hill , Government tit, Mnhnra),h reaitVS fnl4sn Into the hnn,4s fit Lbl• l y. - = bt Such atatemrnts."
pX tot. ano+ttucel. ilial_ lelaelr. Ile nLo ssee;ta tlWt__lylua, Wh ndaaaoe ab�lg LhaL Ire. Bruekww w Amnseenent.
nolasa <h^y `ore fortAtw,l rip kettrra . --- - . - Aaamehl/le, La ts►ia Low l e . T
nljt&= end dare(1 by Sir Claude MLC tt .4waltor had ober - file Goi'ert alio W row In INlddafaslun nt tae inldelr, u The eurp(rral puni+eif•asent, Wh.clf the King of Italy.
bna41. fir other British 61110111, or anent n fnlh cr{nipdpa hogd4r{ ship, h-tfilig IAML exasflY taken ort July 1000 cloAst etrot o[ paddling, anus fk,e In tlAll. lUfa LIIR15.
P 1110.1 which it wam "opap(sil tompeud without a fight. WOMAN S STRANCE CAREER thin dungeons• The paddle wits made fit tt fitrbowinit's IGx1,r. wins (wand t _ _-. •
by some telegram in wn toy{ h r•' twenty lakh+ of ruFr*A, for avra0•e in letter eltowltl(f tot it ith o firs of
AcronlbtR to tttw. trwnslAti(,n rreti dry .Ium ell N'rmn the Tr>a0, - Irvtther, ntx,HL trr1D feet long, two utaeable to eomQly with (xdere of BMtr Held to Itwve Reea Irawae,
Mr. Brodng t th^ Itnp'rinl edict opens China, nes an,mark of t�ep) 10Ynity to (' inchem wade and one-quarter or nn
M folbwr: k' In ku lbntudnn phfl- the g11(rn. Than .otter wam +Ir•rrptdal. dteliPronille, 1'n, Jnly 2.1.-ileturoing - inch tlu:ek. \V hen an InaatAte waw to death, tae !rnd (ieWrmlaoed to kap arta Cannot br Ilxnged.
ant .\ulama,' ft I+ Iia, (lexg' Hsm'I:t'1 also te(tf 1rf lust night avitll ,t party oaf excundiOn Once a Society Leader She b`+ paddled this iwather thing was an&n who eau crtrel to ttiwe uMier Ottawa, July 2:f. - (Special.) - It
owmphY. 'tiprin8 to th+ oovernmrnVm great appre•In- liar, %llw Rnllie Urstiman. of .Argue, mxtkl-d in water unto 'it became film ant tarn LAkP ht (sten life. Than is tttNpenLaod that an Order-ln Cotan-
Written envoys eh(whl not lie killeel. tb of the• genrrodtY of thrdwi, who flag miler, from herr, mtelgm%l from _ letter tr w in- the IenMtr of the pat ell Iran been i assed, cwmmiating the
plow, then. can it he auppme,) Ili•' Died in Abject S ualor. liana&) end weIR0Ree1 w5th router. At lice, rent fie follows:
Illow,e'w p,llop U to ennntae lit allow were &wending the Marine to Chtna. the train,am it uppnmtcho(1 taellerw- Q theme pnddldnRn ]tor. Brockway was 41rath a Mosont pess'ti Apr° A. went
elide, brl-nking bath Henan ao1 re cel e_ "Ttsb is Met ug m) MddlnR, but floe apn, fit Montreal, Ro Im rleomment
bruiwae un her fnc+• +fit+& it alwnyw pre'rPgt. lie sometimes (lift P
Ing 1100101 And ")plc Ui' vent their JRxportallon of Arms. Ing y She gwxl anal brave mx lc►ty W41■ lt. Oa fur Il le.
wrath on foreign Mlnfifti�m?" Th• Lhr /xfl41dinR. Frntxtl, wOxs itowrAlly nd-
!M IN ?Pnnr Old, but thla waw her first r }'e b. "Ml, In Itsly, was my lot and Ik,Orsann tilled h!e ,wllb, anal was
olid th^u Rlcrw the n.murnrttYlnln+a ty Lonfkrn, July 20.-111 the /lower, of ANOTHER WOMAN S DOWNFALL. min'wtPred thin puulshment, wa■ an
\ e thin w e allium Wali [n id su{vixes(t1 Irlahumn over W.x feet In heiKht, h)) order u kill the KnR• Ky Dum- tried anal tmairtt. H Lo be ever. an
.- 11110p known to the pul,ltr. ('hest Lw to dal he a. J, ry. mit I that when the brnk(HnaA am it tial A New York rrumL: Thr. boldly of a-cighrd ubout "00 iOado, string bili caame out Sn aver in& uud I could the 24th Aty(vst. d fa, hoard th wn
FInR Lord (rf rho Tr"asury, nail It , Sellerscllle" She conshlered it th,. out ear It. They Rare the tits v , int
-_.- y r lie t'c of urnmwnd mint, and there
1�TN and ith all r. e f Mow was deliver- P P
____ _ Text OI the Imperlsl kdle gats Im Itmll, in th ptotrnt &tate the renin whish {t'ifraw IFapt frau oro' M°rti°l, wb, dleNl in AI/p+(L 2woV• utcferPd that thn will fit the socnty torp come) ender flat dAas, which
\\',Text of t .i 12A. -TIN+ Rtnt« xe ol'_th_.Triii:"Ir,(-F7wv+tr1 *zP�4fen ,(� vault frofu t rvinil "ii Inst �� ins dhWy neuro of an Keets4da, oil width ell tine furca prmsLWe. mart be Obeyed. w
fbwa mf to leave the train. She
lift "
pirtmlent maks public th+, to11ow1 Anne to Ch'nn„felt nv t :, matter ansa nbwfit station. UAN•mrnt on Holliday ulglif, waw„ent A ttPtrr •w ns on ewch sale lit ahei Thin I e►w this hrttte PPas'nn In Ida,"Ills aInvor'■ annnot be r r, uwh
the mess. He m altirewted his men. He The d I n t w . n 0als,00ps who
L t6 of An erlirL +1Pliverral today l' Pxtrrrri ly prPrsilnR, it bill Would Lar Cauerd h Ilroodtn and (!1 arettew. to hinehiauh, \ill.• last nl ht. Once ties keeper. it . h tl a duty of tht.ar+ { 1 I wortPpd In the C. )'. lt. wluspn.
t.11t ell \\'u ll ti cretnry Hnp. ThM day IP haWu lural tO jrN-e the Govern- Y R R g Sleepers to ('holt tote+ inmate Ig ht brut tthrm like d( a lies mfldw tit(
is the eruct referrP.l to by ('nit(mi .lit th^ iNsesanry power. Bach n bill New York, July 'n.-IAAI! Dubdm, Ot t4foo ed of Icon of title cy nail high fn ••hollered" fir �'yPlled flaring flip g
hiUo hrnI In Wto Brooklyn, Anti at member vt n wail- fix, ewtlnlaG(mi of this country's iso^toll treatment. An Snmatn waw nut n1- Itwts tha worst titan Worma, fou Dewth of Rev. Mr. Creays.
Rlhtea Corunl FOwtt'r nt-Ch'efr to aulreguentlY exow11austitilise. ales hull ran tbo tiuunl• It wws tRaat 1 was sontPnte(1 to so- +-'2
Bt em anu n+rice 1 here yewtentny : Flo •art I.or(le by Earl Ilnlahurp, T.bM ithnu'll tamily, rOrmntttirl ntirtdr Inwt lowv'A to tarn hies Nice, acrd !f dean Alf 1awg.uon...-of li . t kn Tlwmns
(of Lrlbr. The hill pnsldblG tht+ night by a0.xatlnR. }yew pi'nr« nRo Slr. I„t fir' Jife'm descending seek+ And died ht• rex•eive(I a tflow lacrosse the fare lent film. AfYa+r tinct, before wLtnew- trews, one of theytxat known Stat h•
"An Imperial ex+.let irnrtesl o.1 ihP IIIR1 tion ,of former lir ammunitlOn Diallyl& mnrvitel Slim MInnIP I-hlor, ort thF, wire orf n »(fro bitlOr. from the flat ref elle 0 tM kP(Yr.ra. I I shall til takike,ratler th&n hl- MIIaL rotnlstrn in R'estern tJntmrio,
firmt tiny of YM mixth nNxith (.July exp& While at the nnacle of laxuky Anti It oaRm ti frequent sight tts go latt, low Others to take my IitP. WhO dl+(1-at his r-sldence here thin aorn-
17th). tralsmmlttPd by 1hv VI(rmy• to l'hh under aev-em I,rnn{tka- Jolter im n notev heli-. Twu ?'Par. m�ln: n1ce"a” Ilk lid'' n• Mrw, M:arLinl. Llie ria (wi and me fella paddle cue_ will may, colaradPa, that i dt.l nst Ing lit the rl a e of 7A
th nail nc(1va1 Inter files wlfn devel+op(d In+mnity. \Ir. gee ` year&, i .
- Wkt{py ; e and nwlum•hOlr. Wtxow+W LIN M{w }'olw,m, mnrrirol errd with bio(wl after the trent- d° rlRht Y Ling I:vP nnarchrv. 'Choy land not been wrio(ul � t rem
'f y Mlnlater 0 an e _ ��}r�, an ec(•ey(r cP sax ell c n Ica+ I via 1 k 1 til
bfly Rt 7 o'cltut. ���I.`11Y, Or. F'or n Wur they prisper'Pd. Ia �n Pr c 0 ( s n,thtng, but . 1 w on Snturds, , although Ian traw .... _-
dgn M1r, aMl Pvrmtnntly 1(xvt Ms rr+nsort. Dtdceaa 7(i ltllempt '41110140. rlww thein that 1 du Mtt talk ugly. Th iN
"on presr+nt conflict between t -� CrrCti•m fntlwd and whorily atter died, na Haunt. to Morning w Ian dream
• China and the foreign ptswera find �__ ('retOrba. .lnlp L'1. -Clea. Pale -Carew Hawing him wife /rnnll~. She obtain- The case fit Falter, nn imm�tat t re- Gompantotxt, eith"r renount- til, so -
"t lir to In the IOn atnndlnR nn rsi a mmltlon lid truwPke( r with n membered. HP wen severely ptddl+d ciety or M lAtenee obey the oath (tog Ing hes fell heavily to the flcx,r nail
k g ' made m rconualalmance to.Amy Point { -W expired in a few minutes+. Mr. ('reww
tftgonism betwern the pvOPIo And x of IMnderhonk. The Boer" mhelleaf ('rel, tnmlly in Yro%bit•nr#', where whe Inter on,lrr the orlern fit thn superinten- JALoa1.
Christian mbslons. The oshilPtj'Pat Bulletins Warning People, t0 Ifenry'a mounted infantry, but did married n negro tatter name'1 F:d. dent, and wan vwrA to the ho"Otnl "Furthermore, I txrtdfy you that entered the fuhaaftry it Kine um4
wardMarti°I. Tb•yearrx+Ga this cit to heave lids wounds dressed. i found you will mx+(i hear of the death fit who (drat Int th lit 6lnenrhard
fall of the ff,fo festa prn I ”, '14'a p nO damagff: The Brltk(h ggnaw rrgslle41. y' wfilrh Wns 'lit that time n hard
Lfta 1111BIfL11� df'it7lrs with force. 4`►a+ fl8maii3 y fiaa.'1TA'IKi horn. of) tit( fAtt, IflaRP x wilt►re they Nvefttis life ani him ImbaMr .. allele. ridttss .Afio7__ ttrua frum flue -1H James, (lol� Roanann and .•-*- a$ 11 I is Iw-6av i of him dries .Y,
ifu{arlal Government Irnving due tee Similar movement. Thr enemy waw nit far away grunt th,• Martini ten- wtrn on hU body. a came W the Ornin'n' two, ins broth bury was the fact that thirty years i
Rnrd to the rnme tnni•i Of Interna- similar out entiond B he Pn m al+rult, em'mt•, rO n poor wand of one of this hospital n unrnhpr of t.mem to hill'" ars, have mO right Urs soVat. They roll°
tionwl Intereourse, still refume(1 tae AN ARMED FORCE NT OUT. rttp'a tiOrpftnla, Mrs John RarAwy •hies wouMla dreswsNl, And wf)urtly lit- PAA only rambies, tout countries. of files netive seryl(+, with spent In
A yofwMg i4x r Ilow 'aLadPat, "who R Obey. i„ than Iwlhdtm district, within a few
o mol tar ns to Interne N t0P exGL- ('rnl(re n, nnoth'•r a IrLhn r+( IifP'n ra to rW-o Jumped frum the al,ethe til- mllem of London Clt and up,n five
--- __ { rlattt r Ran A< Grey'n Inn, Illoil 1, ante pritio«, diad oA Muntlay. Iter body ler)_stlLth4 mouth Side tu, t0e (lege In YaitettlGO, the Italiana, oe us- Y'
nR relatlona. We,, iia"ve all's,. -- , 1MMQ����`
_-_ �_ , l' 1t�T )(+lw'a7 Jnauaty �fJt, ,-'-tea war takwA to tnrtwr.n. M4w., roe taws- hPkiw. 1 rhai raR till hila. ifs waw Sn fn 1, txPmPrvP un entire alJPncw Don- rttrtmttw he fafxrred /(Tt n wassail testa.
peatPdly laareef derrePsn prOrldI (or of art yuttmnx+(tk hj this Bla of In- ICrltlwli Ont{lrmtd, brings g n fettbr Amorq( him np{wlntntents were pert•
the prolarrtfon Or than Urreign l rqa. fill Inert night- Otif,e m faller fu \('mesh the htowp tial when I left the Itef(rr- learning the murder find Nuritye. They minater, Tanol(,n South, Fin
Wena, end ntnn f the f rel the pn+- ,liana wt Red Lake iw Ilnereaalng, Tow for the foreign (tmaals Hr dhslared I, n arx•lety, high ht thA rounaPla of oratory. Atter he etas taten to the tahrnq their shoulder& w hen asked Knl. tile.
fr »ran that the iorre were determined ter moot, to Ise wait nail nrotlood aid
vinrinl nuthnrftles tO p!nterL min. Irttiart police from tha+ ages y h dipbnintot nn.1 mtAteinowl IiflAq n htNgoltAl ht+ exhStrltal a?rrr{ttrma of ,ab.ut him. In 1HNsf Ian waw sol Nrnnnunt"A and
sontinuh the war to the utmfmt Jim- !
abnArle,a imnwmitrh ins there Ian &Lill lie tsar to th+ point where LLtP Hre of nffltieme•, 4rwtsmnrr4•duue Inmanay. HP t,.ld re tha6 hes want- Yore IntSmnte that M www wn An- went to lanukm tO reside. He was
R Ito. The total uumber of Tranrvwnl nrchlort, ottlfr,rs any he may have tw-
IN, (•#'maattltxr lit the emPlOyme+nt of IljaakPtrrs are holding tMdr wa� thna. nhd was Sheds,- dhOrrwul. rd to d!P, that M+ t.,.+dd it,t Ntmnd hyghly ratPPmel b nil who knew
(arse, (Orrygn mnrohantw nail anis. dianOe, col It U ezfliru"I trouble oil faaghPrin now In the field Id Ix+Ilrvrrt y
to lie 11(,000 men. Mro. l'ratjlr•n waw fla• daughU,r Of that pnAishnwnt of {rt41dl:nR. I(,nRewl fes the Knfln, wh'JP otherw nay film for his nonml worth nail great
forte roe lag In Chinn• who forma e,rinlP. Ileo. 110 R'rt, niter hirnlnR n train, ItenJirmin Burial •Y. At on• tint^ ( hill l;rnn4 n negro, wtrrr nnmtxvr waw he was possesml of "evil eye."'
nnmerotn bNxkl let the countrY, Bulletin In ('hlpprwa publish warn cellos .rf th> State of Msam{nNljryd. Her 8,744, wnw bnnnght d, tlr bse/sltnl arralB . the ehureh. Ifiw test (Oran
rsalsnpal four thllem from the rail- C:C)Z.LI1t1U111 IN THIS RHANNISL• new Rev. A. ('. Cmwm, R'Oronto, Gen.
should Ian pmta+rte'l without dlStinr in to nil friendly In,liana and whiWw RO ,Vre, rr wnw 1.. t1+ me Lamar, n anktra. ip, from nr•rrvoile in le the kid- —
preme ('exert, nnst wepw. iI" Geld ms, whiles In the hr Wrretnry Ot than F.pworlh i,engine,
Liomn. We hereby tr,rnmand nil the to emAbn away' riven th^ I -Int or "Ar)pmixer M perff(wr aymp»this'ng J11 nswr m the Su ryHLw)
t1 (flues memlwr of ('ievelnMl'ld ('ahl- that fixe avian ntnN•k nrnrm the be0k Cwmpmnlm Rnsws Ilbwn Bwrgre wand nail Ftwv, H. ill. (1•ews, pwstor of
TwrtAr GrAnernlo, Governor -(;marc'& auffer the ('t'+anlmtn0wa. with m Johnnneaburg conapirh4ors (Pntroil Methodist Church, St.
end (IOverrncws Of 61+e t'ruvin(es• to Twenty mvlur ton haves Icft lid Inst. )Ins (drat huaixind wnw G,ortrr wNlr• bring pn,M11M He wnw in Llr -1S ere DrowwHl. -y - I
mAMK w V01ta:4Nl WIW41 the ell pian- Thomas,
kxok ntLwr the foreign mrrrhnnlw and way, arid w1I pra•ot+,l 1x+ ttiv-att0)1ry Monnvrw, orf Annn{N+liw, fih1. Th• nn• txvN{+ftnl nulla a thaw Fie wnw vP*y _-___.. __. _._-__
rniwal(xinrletr ilei In the o n porta, aMl lathe Ilutriwti,nw from Indian t•Or* /xiasllrl thmtygh thh &Least to :art ens anhn ail, nn:1 n Hlcro>1dr fOl tNn nod rmnrinGxb, hies h#'nlLh waw London, Jolly '1...=•?C`AftfimM'"ltilruwg
rtR t+e the stnfkeh. They were off Ily Pl mer tine Irldh ('hanowl yesterda ItoAe OT the WAsif.
bwe 1. Her melon 1 marringe wait the i nhsvl. and M• ens n/ta rwanW glvfaf 7.
I prafPrtarool dodpartmenta And dv- Agent Mrmr. Thin mon are all weld arrfeateA and brindled Into n train and the Cunard Line ateamahl Cam• I
trlrta ander their resaiwe-tic" )Arle arrnwl, and earn roarh a tha+Nnnd and went wouth. two,+nit c m nrrge w n tKa. Tt porde, nes 1 rwtnrmloi,r. P NOrth Rny, Onfr. el . Theholy Y
dietihn, and to fi l them du" rwnoM of extra ntnmunitlon, which A motet mttrril A with .rove (:. li Drthod, am 1 of It, "warn : 1 ip wa- pwuln, ton routes for Lt e, Li from Oo f -pot E'uThwi nRe l wood h(, dtew/r
{xrrLexl to 1x0 atm- Ka.>, lit n (&•fill nffnlr, pnrvwl tan Ile liar tM saws of lt11mmnge. Hr www N#'w York, atrix4 thh Liver{wxd jxutrnl On Thnr.iny, wnw r#'(vsverefl
prot.ectlon In meron)nnr•e with treaty will he diatrihutaT nrtNrng th+ me'ttlers. rentrat�reln rKbe Rnstenbn file- t railings. fp ; (wllr+l lip Ls tt s+ Cokm#'1'a Ofriefs f w•ww lxan/tx, Fmblrtnn• bound fOr NPw this mfter,o xf, n,wr th-, new Govern
atlpnlntlOnm wlthuut fn1L rwtltbn will tN+ cent k, Gncrrn(,r rtR rR val'rl, nail dlcorrn rax
trtrt and On the himh veldt north beat. Her th!r,l bn]innd was .hrhn � prawwt Tn theofflee, lit the fim,• were ZPatland, nmitlshl/m, cutting bar in nopt vrh•frf, whom he Wnw rktl him
"lAid. month we hemi ,vi,b Lord- Lyn41, wsking that a tfat+ichmrnt of nR
lanai mfftonlohment nail r(tRtet n( �Qtntr tn(xrjm Ix lent to Rnl LAke wt of litre FPIt, a Itmm�n Cn1M,IM. il• Ixrnmm Llefit-COL F'eVrnrll nerd Ctdl Hrllnllpn, tannin Tha 1:mMrton madk IFTnra-slid- hk•yrM whar Iwwt wan alit.". Hlw
tha kIIIIriR Of the (lonnroll(,r of to pare. it lit maid that wmnll MrNW of \ntict+a retx,rl tFnrat n IwrRe III, aril th fact Lhnt hr, Md iaroten brWi InrgP ns 1 pncrrinl urn. IIs one Aptly. whe#'1 wnw tlrwt rxvrcerM, alrxlt Len
Lox r0urrh'w ,Owes prrywl rxu film Ara rMrgerl with ram mlrirx offwns(\
•that klmw / of thsn, u�n .11,,r o, ane IrtdlnM are 'cluing Lh+, mAln Ixxlp nmxnmt Of maned M mull hurt#'(] In Seven Of the rrPw were- rescued, fe,•t nwny from whore het ixrli Jay.
The white whLLl"ra at tha WhlmnrAn'a garden. They nrh huffily that Joe mi,•urel n diharrw. Kra. CrAlq which he wGm,tl, dhdrii,] teat (IPnyinq but It 1n blieved the other eleven
the name rate lxefrin the (;Pr+nnn %Fin- Ihrnitly. for un nttnrk. dyrginq fir It In the hO/n of n re- an'a (earth nn,l Inst htaffben t www.Umhn the ehnrge hr wnw nwghly wlap{wx1 nwmtwrvr Ot the nhl{in (mmpnny, In- Ur. ('lltuw tyinreeholm FI(,nq diel wt
later Phortly n(terwar,M Thr fill {vtlnt new priv,oa tR ward. J. Rnnimt Crnit;,wt, i( am rAptair From ameba, the rare by ('uI \ic\(alfrn The eluding thA rnptnin, were dmw•ne,l. Brlltrwtx+rt yfrste"Im.1 atter a Pro
IPnt roomocnl of the (S#'rman Mli I \(,thing hn« lrrn lienal farm ('n� ---
tPr, whow reai,MaN•e nt 1 hn rapltnI Merrer affths hN ttftyaKur" roe tfo In e, Mn. Krr er bares a Pi's�w.- tlirx+ fo tlmr Mr« Cralgfo had irlm.l hoop, wAO wnw +wap iry mil mail yniti• ThP ('mmrived hand liar trim atovw @NJDw l Ilii n limial q mlv ti nthe HP
ne•,eessnry M the trAriaaSatlnrIAM few*, ere sw"iJowafl ivr �� R tp rinwp h,r 'nnlsltrvf ftrt+inPa Mut vletMwtex itrrnm- +wap angry, end• In. Ant wrrlvoA mately at Llverpal (!»bpfN1 n nst4wAl r"twtation Y a
wws )I{aeptres, Jolly L'8.-A111ottg wrla aU►aYm urn° oessfnl strpplag beck, threw lids Dap, which flue hours hM. tgtec Iwllat In tnitwren)osts cares
Ol hrinels botwnsn 1Ms test eon• tNlsiy. ,
- /
. a J n
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