HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-26, Page 5* W. Acheson & Son
., - Jaadsome Dress Plaids at 25c..
' We place on special sale this week 15 pieces of new
r ate, 38 to 40 inches wide Wool Dress Plaids in handsome
•«a w.», effects and Tartans, Gordon, Stewart, 42nd Cameron, ? "
Menxie, regular value 45c a yard, Friday and
Saturday .............................. 25cI
• W350 yards 20 inch Japan Silk in nearly all oolon--
Pinks, Blase, Navy, Sky, Cream, White, Bleck, Mauve— . '
' very desirable for handsome bloures or dresses ;
pw am
Friday and Saturday, per yard ............. 2 a c
40 pieroes handsome Sootch Giughams in checks and
g Bin^ with up-to-date colorings. Early in the season
prices were Ibe and 20L a yard ; we make up one large
a table and place them at one price for two tiays, Q
r per yard ................................... V c
100 yds English Floor Oil Cloths, one and Q
e `itt' two }anis wide, regular '35c, at per square yd. I Vc • l
W. Acheson& Son
} W. C. T. U. COLUMN. patatalaeeldenk it mile stableofm I"se
Ipr Habitat d Moore. a hortnmpbag en 1
res! foot Sad crushing the tool quite badly
Railroadcempanl« in Ohio are forbidden, fact 9 Y
under peaell y sf S800 to employ looemeUve Tuokersalub : During • thandentorm a
ouviheen who are addbted to driakleg beibr belonging to Mr. Yiokets, which hap.
Jobs L "lives. Jam" J Corbot% ud peaw to be so T. Moore's tam, London
Kid MoCey, the famous pnss•bahasrs, we read, was Attack by lightning and killed
sh below, keepers in New York and wen all SoMortb : Joan Henderson bus Iron* to
i reoeotly &summoned for e*IbaR openly is de- 8"IsAw be visit his bin, who resides Share,
ti.sos to low all day Sandays ead who Is prlvata secretary to the chief
30 0,,awlso*d are be pro►Ibitiontsto of w P*r'atsadeok of tie Pere Marquette rall-
Amrera, :II.. %bat a year of an Ilosase wt" y'
! convince the people of that oily the the Seslorth : John Restate, police masts
d0ok business ehoeld be abolished, that trate, Is the happy owner of a gold nugget
they use nixing 535.000 to reimburse the rank him from the Klondike gold region by
oily for she law el Ilooses fol« for a year. his eon, William, who Is Is the government
l'olumbla Usfvwity, New York City, employ there.
bas Intradmoed a bow drtakiaa unless Off a Winghaa : The Bell Telephone Its*mee
Apeolal fmaauo of its &asset often day Anoh have put a whe on the poste from Btuevale
a banally Orgy aUl eertaaly Prov* a Rrsat So Wlathmen Telephone wnaeoUOD with
advaeases to *dawtlen. and a good silver Wrox*t*r, Gorrle and rordwioh is expensed
Usemses for Columbia Calverntty. to be completed this weak.
Cusar*rman Wheeler, wham tavltiey 1.1. Morris: A head of wheat was found In
mire) Dswev be visit Kentucky, Amo. •«I Alex McCall's wheat field containing slab
Ike letter with a d.nas bottles of 20 you o.d !J. -seven grains, It being the first met with.
Kentucky Bourbon whiskey. tet. Losse bas Ther* In a possibility of dehblo that combat
rted Dowey with a $3,000 panels bowl wing found In come beads.
M.my lei % as expert a 001tttalaa u many Brawls : Llwoes Inspector miller told
wf our AmeHo&a Gasoline, but he appwstly Information seminal the Queen's and Central
►ss warned part of Ibe trade. 11"Is, fpr violation of the law b telling
The Cadlas Temace l.
perassgue of To en alteirboar* the olght of June 22od, and
roots wooed ap a wary pr«pwose year oe they wave mace Beed $20 ad cost.. They
YaT fat with a bangwsrbuerganisstien pleaded guilty Io the charge.
holds a series of weekly meetings extending Clinton : Chu. clemoros, of Calling.
fru Nov. I as Yav 1 wank yese The wood, who has boos oomti a%ed as she (los.
lied« for 19W I will be hold to the big Mas I serve&, wle
TO candidate for North Slmo, a
my hall. J. S. Kobortean was re-elssto,l distant relative of the member for West
president. The membernaep Isoressed 60 Hsren. He has plenty of money, which
meet. IoM year. may help him be "ware slesslon.
A owener's lary Is Now York an May 24 Wlagbam : Word same to tow. Imat
r,laed •o Bad a verdict against a soldier weak from Dauphin. Moo., that Mrs R. l
woo, wblis. drunk Is a disreputable wcmat'S Sperlier, formerly of W ingham, had ones
bowel killed bar. This Is what out faster. Struck by lightning one day the week be
Ingof the anak budges for the make of fore. We have not boos able to lean how
apposite and revenue to fast bringing an to seriously Yrs. Sparlmg was Isjored.
If people try to move taxation by hceostar a Seaforth : Master Charles Hoffman, who
erlme,prod"ag basis*", they meet expect bas been going to school here all winter,
be become the T"Mml of arise. left for bus home in Man Seo, Yahltobs, last
The increased Bq•w rebels&* of the Ualted week. He iateodm going to Reglan toApead
States Bader the war %ag M oleo&% %ton *ams a weekwith his brother Norman, who has a
tram ligRer es
and tobao, the fwmmw havtaa good situsUos tbere, before going home.
a InUe the best of It The extra release
from Ilgoor to about 570,000,000. or a dollar Gray . isms Moragaark 16th ounces -
par bead of tbo populasies. The extra on don, has a tall wood with long roots grow -
tobacco to hearty S60.000.001.) Than the Ing on his farm and be wants to r*% rid of
view of it wallas we fostered amid laxed to It. To ascertain a hatIt Is he walled a
sdvasos "dbtllsattes,' WkN a paradox ' *talk of It to the Ontario
experimental farm
and ezposto be bow *kortly from the college
people Mortis F it.
Morris : s Us Friday, 13th Iasi, Edward
Said to be Incapable of Carrier mole of the Mulligan, whose home Is a short distance
Most Deadly Diseases 1 the Agan north of Jamestown, was stricken with
Macaroni, Jaly 23. -Yr. William Brews paralysis end early the followtog Monday
morningmorning he paused sway aged Nvany
ley Nib an alarming •Levy, of bitter failure i
ywr,. He in Sunlved by lib wilew, who sa
of the bcepitale to Der* him of Rrtrk%'S ilio- a Miss Hammlll, sad several children.
ossa. He was Mewed la the best bospltals
hoth in Canada bird the United Stnsee. Auburn; A had and painful a"iden%
They gave him up as favorable. M*dioel Occurred here lost week be Olives Beer.
Salomon had failed ; the hospitals wave While waiting as the grist mill for mom*
powerless to help him. Nevertheless Mr. ohop he anfortusat.ly pathic bead toe Omar
Browbloy is bind. Dodd'* Kidney Pllls %be maohlsery His hand was so horribly
"-it him and he Is a well mate today• matlleted films t% had to be ampul hod.
Say@ Mr. grow. himself : '•I have been Drs. Roes and Wt, of Blyth, performed the
a subject to Bright's Disease of She klds*ys Operation.
for Sweaty year* I have hem is all the Mortis : flee morning recently as Kau.
best hespi:ale In Oasads and the Uolbed bas Jowitt was raking hay at the farm of
81st". I ceold ge% so relief. I bay* just his brother, L Jewist• the hors* he was
finished *levan taxes of Dodd'*e Kidney Pins driving became Mened ru
gbtand e away,
Lad am oemplebay send. I am s loosens- tbrowfng him Ire the rake and breaking
Nva magtueer and well -knows, so many can his osllm-bole. A physician soon attended
vouch for %kbetabe t." be the Injury sad the patient is now gOsting
along aloaly.
I. ca
COUNTY CURRENCY. Conte . Austin Houton met with a bad
o sooldest. He and John Bowyer were build.
Oorrte : A sew belesgisr la Yr. Gough tail a lona when the no In the band of Mu
was struck by an angtse sad both of hes lege Bowyav Ilanood and hit Mr. Houton on She
broke.- Sha bad be be klllel, arias, bortuosesly It was the back of the
Blyth : Was. Phillipe, of Chicago, form- a=a whlob kit him or he would have been
erly an old Blytb boy, Is resewtag old ate taus his left hand As It b It was very
goalmton is Sews at present badly bruised.
t'lla%On: W. J. Parsley, who has bore Brussels: On Tuesday, July 176h, the
beIplait Thomas McKenzie for a low days, earthly exbtenos of Ilecres Booker, et•reave
lest the and of his hssw Is the shaper. of Rruwle, came to an sed. Yr. Ra*kar
Wuaham J. J. Blllete, 0.1., and film- bMem alllov for tom* time with heart
til, of Clifford. have removed be tows ..Yr. trobhls, and elites Boston were moiled 1. os
Rllle%% bas opened up a vsterlsary office Tow tow him. but be became Ae ot•
Beaman . G R. W►Iker, railway sono% cited over %be momlar sf the doctors that he
died suddenly. Mr. Rooker will be grmolly
a%Oskviile, and fm►m@rly Of Heaton, has moved by his family sod the public at
base an the village vleltiag relatives and large,
Ibisobi : Mn. .i. McMurray
and )inti,
Wt.Rham : Babe MoDesold resolved lerivJohnson left Inst week for the wool.
hA Looksew Iss% weak a very ole* oil war The former goes to W*ybmm, Man , what*
faelat Sb* bed wan Me modal a% t.uokoow her husband and son have been for several
he dancing some Mm* see. years, and mhoula Mn. McMorrav like the
R man : will. Ralpeney en*t wfxh a pill" t% to likely thh fealty tell, remove
aiaza;ts ►, irlmtg+k:,r;'a :;: . ..aOd m-.-„.m, ::::,r„t - „,
,. .. n.. m. P10-st-0 Cvards
Also a line of Souvenir Stationery, with views
of the Harbor, Court Hoose Square, road to the liar -
1 ''” borate. Your fritw'ds will sppreciatfloerreapondence
on this op-bodate Stationery. M
I We are also showing an elegant range of Khak1
- Note Paper, with Envelopes to match, in different
&shapes, with and without red wigrn.
,r2. The above Paper and Envelopes in two quslitieg . i
Envelopes, l0e and 20c pkg.; Note Paper, 15c and
200 quire.
Our Telephone It N0. 100 B. Court Mouse Square, Goderich.
woos Yee. JobsHen went to vtafl" ta
all, a ,ad otitw m
potato, going as lar as MIn-
use%a. when sgw baa a broebav oamiurt.bly
bmlwth : Dr. Churl« Yoram, of Atl.a
be. Ueorgta, Is at present is tow■ as a ten
days' vials Se big mother and ether teembers
of the family. It le envmwm years slaw
he was last bare, and he notes a Air*&%
shaege to the tows. The ooutheru Ou=Aw
*some Sam agree with him remarkably well,
end his many trtemds hemseboate will W
Planned to know the►, like all Hurecitmo
who as abroad. he Is prospecting and doing
andb W his early tsalalas.
Grey . Joe. Lyon, lot 0000ewloo, was
experimenting wish a Ieng pole In moving
away tray from the hay fork Is the baro.
Tho bay did not strike the pole direct and
*timing down about twenty feet mat: Mr.
Lynn mad nnuly broke his mock. He was
thrown In the mow ►- ' bad his law
scratched and his nook *ud obut lojursd
eon•ewlial. 1► was fortunate he oo"ped u
well w be did with a bayfork lead oomina
on him in the shape he was. He says he
wao't exporlment any men.
Clinton : "All ease an not all of the
freshest" which are brought lob tows, par
tlouisrly at this Uwe of she you. It esu
quite eviden% a J. W train's rancor} the
other day. Is keeps She meruhants on the
lookout when handling to watch for tainted
fruit Sad while doing this Walker Irwin
came across one welch had a "chirp" to It.
Laying I& wide in the sats next day out
esme Ilia youngster, the sun hasten been a
natural Incubator Yr. Irels buys all tbo
fresh eggs be can get, bas draws she Use ant
ohickens to the shell.
Clanton : From The Ottawa Evening
Journal we lean thea Mn Anna Roes,
formerly of herr, has baso again engaged an
principal of the Presbyterian College in that
city. Mn. Rocs, " Mir Onnman, was for
@-Total yew a suoowsful teacher In the
Hamilton Ladles' College, of which ebe was
a dleslorulebod graduate. She west to Ot.
Sawa from the Ewart Missionary Training
Home• of which she was superintendent.
Miss Elrraboth Ker, B.A., an hover erad.
uate of MoGill Uolverelty, a dauRbtav, hes
boss m4aged as ons of the staff of teaohen.
K Melo* He world.
No discovery in medicine has ever
created one quarter of the excltemost
that has boon caused by Dr. Klotz's New
Discovery for consumption. Its severest
testa have been on hopeless victims of
consumption, Pneumonia, hemorrhage,
pleurisy and bronchitis, thousands of
whom it has restored to perfect health.
For cough*, aide, asthma, croup, hay
fever, hoarseness and whooping cough it
is the quickest, surest care in the world.
It is sold by J. Wilson, who guarantees
satisfaction or refunds money. targe
b,dtlea 600. and $1.00, Trial bottles
AA t q
"i VE
FOR 4.._.Y.;
7/I A•t
r IN 40011 011.10011
CALL AAD site THsr.
tir ti
The Henderson Bicycle Co.
"M ttrrfd,Tiope tan "an-
s.. Ir.t
When you hire k,,wheel
from the Bicycle Livery
.leek'--N-the tires.
If they are Dunlop Tires
then you can rest assured
the wheel has a good pedi-
gree in its every part.
Dunlop Tires on all good
"The only tools.- r .
Tb• nestlefln ole., Unfilled. ad
teeeweei. slowest. at Jame
Fuel, labor and expensive r"mire
in your plant by using
B Hv
Tie Ali sift® Chi Co.. L'd
Iles Qsns St. BM, Towle, Mf.
..p dtr' • d T r; , ,t t', .
.h. ✓ °l`"Y {. ' `', t :' ,,° t`. r '4r ' ,r.
Few ? a "
If yale have Backache yon have
Kldaey Dleaasa If you se letet
Backache it v►W develo tab
somethias worar-Bright a DIr
ease or Diabetes. There to no
use tvbblot and A ---i
back, Car. the tides VIThww At any Season of the year there
le Daly tt.. kldn.y yZiicias bag iS no greater comfort than a gRood
Is air.. BalskacJea essay flint_ reliable Cook Shove in the kitehem
Dodd' , It iS wit, coGx Stoves like every-
ti49 thingelse : there are goGd, bad and
indifferent varieties.
We know you will be ple&4ed
Kidney with our
PMS Stovesand Ran ges
- --- ----- GdLL AT
Lj p pj p j CATTLE B1108.
11ll11 Ulllllll Plukra Steatters aid %Whs
vd«t aide of s can sari Stwdr Brea
kept constantly on hand.
Also the
Can show you the latest in Spring
Ralldere will do well to nee me beton plan- yy and Summer 8uitings.
Ing "heir orders. Call and nee his Homeepuns in the newest
shales, the very thing for Spring and Sure•
mer wear. A large assortment of cloths to
F. BARLOW HOLMES thdoec ode aryl„ and tit gUaranteod.
Prices moderate.
lITl1CS, WsKe0. Neu She Sgr
na. Went Street
F0 SA Gs le agent for the Kelsey Warm Air
Oeaerstor, manufactured by the Jas.
Stuart Ufa. Co., Brookville.
The bOVe Ia cut Into doveRead what a fellow townsmen says
Ien2th and will be delivered to any of his experience wish "a Kelwv
part of the town the same day an Ueaenkw :
ordered. atmos of r. J. T. Naftel, a'4e, 1]}0. And dent
Orden received by telephone or and Plate Glass latataooe taken a lowest
lett at rcdd rates. Hamilton n.
once, 128 Cambria street, J.m« 9mat ManufacturingGoderi. Uma, I't. ileo.
will TBCelye prompt alltentton.
P P SrookvW ,
'Phone 98. - GUNTLOlgII.-The No. u Kelsey warm Air
v ANv 6e or
you IrtmlleA tom hop« lot full
K 'EW 6M given me the greatest of matiefwtlon. I
have found It very economtaat to fuel and
Oodwich, November 815t. 1890. fid -3m To" fuetel IMam the ed. g vent,basthe
betty beat
run-- - --- - ---- -.- ----. --- fnm 75 to 9e both aD stairs and down, and at
ti toes I have len mr bedroom window
All olght to the month of rebrurr• 1 have
coal d from at all, no
hest to the ctellar, and the smoke
e pipe was
cool. 1 have used other furn.oee for a to
time, Lod from my 01190"060001190"0600in tureen« I
Summer Goods boon no gee
- coo rfd7 ear that the Kelsey Is the beet I
have seen or used mad can bighilt recommend
THE BEST.... It to any one Intending to host with warm,alr,
as it does not baro Ube air, but gives a very
even and pleasant heat to tee hoose.
Inlavmaoon regarding this heater
ICE CREAM FREEZERS cheerfully given by
from SU.ee up. Corn West-gt. a.d Square. Goderfsk j
PRESERVING KETTLEStied all kinds of
our own make The Goderich steam boiler works
EAVES TROUGHING having been removed from Godench,
ROOFINO and SIDING I have made arrangements to carry
on boiler repairing and also the manu-
Agent for the celebrated Carbon factoring of smokestacks, etc.
Paint for painting all kinds of roofs, Repairing of boilers, engines and
wood or ironwork. other machinery promptly attended
Mao6iaist, fodsrlch.
the Stova and Furnace Man. Works on Victoria Street
Wrong side
de of of Hamilton -St. Godevleh.
Now for a general clean up of all Short Ends and
Short Lots of all kinds of Goods. Prices are not con-
sidered. To get rid of the Goods is the only object.
A few samples are:
Sailor Hats, were &)Q, 7Ha., leafliee' lr+ften Skirls -tea
61.00 and 41.r)o, all at 25c. low as...............mw.
Men's Straw -'Hats, Hard Ladies' White Skirts with
and Soft Felt Hats,were wide hem and cluster of
60c. to $2.00, all at... __-tucks, to clear at ....25c.
1107s' Fedora Felt Hats, Shirt Waists—just half
were 50c. i for ........1 Brice.
ruts of Table Linen of Ribbon.
less than mill price.
RetWAntb of Print.
Bargains in towels. Remnattw of Wash Goode.
Bargains in Napkins. Reaulnnt of Cottonades.
µ The Goods Must be Nardt "IR **
We'An"iMoK I M11111
TamusLT, July 28, 1900. a 1 ;
J. H 5 P E D D E R'%Qftw
.w +,.,, s tit 4;
ask+^ Icy ;
Snaps tri Dress.Goods, in blacks, Sin and fancy
goodsof all kinds. aA
Fancy and lain Silks at' Reduced Prices.\_
Linings at educed Prices.
Trimmings at Reduced Prices.
Only a few Ladies' Blouse Waists loft, to bo soli cheapg 1
Linen Skirts cheaper than you ever bought them toforel@
Udies' White War at a big discount.
Corsets at 20c., 35c., 40c., 60c., worth 25% more. ,
Lace Curtains from 26c. up. All linos reduced in priesy
--T"' .: — - r U•:iYi 3Nririana 7
1 n
men r
..a drtl, jR $¢1 , 4""Lg "aII"".w5ie ayp las
Furnishings, m
we are selling Shirts,
Ties, Collars, Cud's, eta, at pries* that empty the boxes.
Felt and' Straw Hats of 26%- off the regular pricaL °o
The Clothing is going fast, and no Woad,,r, for a $pit
here Costs very little.
mmlieitbi_ .rw6w•..cAeaa.as,.ae
Come and see if this is right. ...
J, He PEDDER, 6-19
t , is a bigger
advertigement than a page In this
1 newspaper. May we make a walk-
t `CIS ing advertisement for our stare out
Of }ou t We can, if you'll give as a trial.
r w
N. fRAOE MAR+` rwan
Men's chocolate Doug. Bal's, food- r ` ,• r _
year vesting top..... .$3.)0 '• IL Men's ten Bal'*, Goodyear, $3 to $5. F(Men's heavy plough Shoes. _.. 76u` 1 ` « la f
tar 2
Mannish :shoes for ladles— ladles'-►"
gentlemen-shoes—a man shoe built
for worn&_- I am the sole ageut for -rt
- - "Somme," the latewt II"`. }.
American shoe. Via . _.._
i' wYYtl
Call and we thein.Ap
_ 1
Another lot of Favorite 011 Shoe Dressing 6n. Repairing neatly drone It
Nousemcleaning Time....
Brings many requirement4 which we can Supply. Let an
ai• :,1, have your order for anything in our line, and we will try ;„`
to please you.
STURDY & 00„
.. t
TelepEwe So. 91. Clow Square and Montreed St. Y
This Shoe
is fix the rtQh and poor altTte.
What is the nab of paying tnore.
when you can got perfect shoe
satisfaction d 63 ) That to
what you g*.Rhe2 yox bay
King Qua1i111 When a shoe
welttg'swe,11, when It is stpliah andcom.
feruMet, what snore can be desired)
i`ry King Quality 0206. and yotl'Irm t/115ssss
fgl wear thea.
$3. and
and the appeasanoe at
J11111.11114116 Dy @r. U. ILLMi pp=PAjY. L{WU& Toronto.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured biniy J. Ms MacLEOD, Goderleilf, ()"L mol