HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-26, Page 1RENEW
FOR 1900
... 1900
Uooeatml, July ri, 10 0
00 to 07
Fall Wheat
Flour. Camay per owe.... .
Flourrent, pm cwt .......� 1
AsO, be..... -..-.,
Shorts.IPtoe -. �._,. 1
Iterry pet bbushh
Muokwh..t, per bash
flats. a Doak ...... .. ..... �. �
Marler. per buaki
flay. old.. ton..., ..... .......
Potatoes. old. a Each, - .. «..... �..
Palter, _........
I'keese. osr lb.�
ages. fresh unpaoted, 0 dna,__
µ'nod --....-_.-...... _-. _....
lambaklns -
1.1. a Hewn
I,rrmed Hop
Ham. per lb.. . _ .........
lard, pas Ib.
aestad Bed hew quango
Itreesed Beef. hind
fettle, = tart
10 b 1 I0
50 b 250
.0 1014 00
M role 00
40 la 00
W 1. 50
lO Is "06
L b /0
00 b 50
Oto I)
10 b 10
00 to I8
13 b 14
to to 11
10 b it
10 b 00
51 to 00
10 to
00 b . 75
00 to 50
Irib 15
ala D
00 le 00
001. W
75 b 50
$11tu&Uoda Vaoa11 ".
warning. .
anymo shoottag or otherwtee trespam-
Ina upon Auyypart 01 toyl property will W 01-
IUdgewro 4 eprtfke.outod. K. U, ATTRILL,
'ar 1T -ti
FOP Mint.
fa two mouths, in first lase locality ,
every oouveoleooe ; aloe lawn. Apply to bot
91. Stumm..
910 LKT-PROM MAY 1516. DRALIN,')
1t for horses o1 tattle oo Rlg Meadow.
roe terms and pp•arrtticular. apply to •LHERT
WIL40N, ealtford, 81•tf
comfortable house Just east of Judge
hoyle'e resideane, now 000upled br Mr. Egon
er. Hooted by Howard turoeoil ; hot andoold
water bath; aien closet. Spacious lawn and
garden. A *table oo the preail.,s. Apply to
R W. McK1tNZIlC. Hardware mo uh•o►. 81 11
ilio.. UOOD tf•IRLS WANTED. -
Fop dal..
i' first dun tarsi known .. the "Cassidy
Farm" la 11..t Waeano.h. ou,or4fag IOe
•sena more*, lees. This farm I■ situated o0
t .1410,al rood between Aabarn aed Blyth.
.bout one-half retie out of Auburn. sed Is re.
t�ttol..1 es can of 14. 41.4 1.r... to tan town
.hip. There 4. • 1004 r..ldsace and Marg.-
barn oo the ,remotes. 1'h* owner will sell
stock sed fmplem..t0 b • suitable teont
For particulars apply on tar p'nmime to
71408. CASSIDY w to'1'He StuNAL omoe. tf
C()K YALE --'40044 FAKN NEAR
C OODLI(ICII Apply to 1'ft4U 446)07 k
IIAY I,IarrI.terr,Ooderi ch. tl7 Im
1' dwelltagM Nrltanam read. net. t' u
Ieglate !esthete. appy t* MRO. ADDIIIrS.
on the premise. w -1m
r of the hest t0pturo farm. m Oderleh
township. Hums county. 1. 4 17 and pmt Is
aril oonomotio.. miles from Ooflerich. 7 miles
from ('limos. a farm sontalas good build
loge and good lenses a well w•t nd and
well under -drained. 'there l.. large hiring
orchard and goriea of small fruits. Terms to
puit purchaser. apply to W M. OOULD. ..
promises. or ON,rien P. 0. 044.
FOR SALL-LOTS 69.70.96 AND 96.
In Ilutohlsoa'. survey. and 11M. 1» and
..nth half of 070 running numbers, aL In
Oofertch. For part1.ol.. apply to
Darzkemr. (Lx. Oad.rk h.
Marok 11th, 11 _-' - tart
halt or the north ndldlet 1 In the
eoaoesslon. eastern Al vl•Im et the township
d .sbleld.
Tbls l. a first class 50 antes. Holl Olay loam
1-! stare of orehmed . • good barn A a 60 . • weal l
Mme houes4n !rood repair. Tberr sue two
wells o0 the premises.
'Ibe farm . •bd.t 11 mil.. from Itlpley and
l.uoknow, 3 miles from Kl,g.brldgr and 7
miW Nom Duos: moos
For particulars and tonna apply to lee
listed ITth of July. If00
Vmdo is SMMp,.
FARM PROPERTY la the township of
Colborne. -
Under and by virtue of the power of sole
ooteleed In a certain mo bearing date
the 6th of October. ►802 (w loh -111 ase pro
d coo at the time of ealel,there will be offered
foredo by pobhe •uotIo.. by John Knoz,
auctioneer, at Rurton'S hotel In the town of
Ooderloh. on tiaturday, the 11th day of Aug
cot. IWO. at the hour of 12 o'clock pork the
following valuable farm property. 0010 -
Portio.. of lots three . c four In the find o0-
neseoo Western 111011100 of the township of
('olborne. In the ooenty of Huron better
known .nd deeorlbed se follows. that le toesy
('omme0nlnr at the northeast .0gle of lot
number tour aforesaid, thus. due west ..tong
the north limit of road Moding to Ooderioh •
distant, of twenty chain. and eight lint. to a
post. them-odue north el.htee, oft aloe and
seventy eight links to 0 poet on the limit te.
teerm enn-e..lon. one 0M two. thence due
south forty ell degrees and tw50t) minute..
S .4 twenty-seven nh.in. and fifty 11nk. to the
poo• of 'widening, the whole oost&lning an
••r• of Ie acro and eight -tenth. of an sore.
morn or Irs,.
A lI of the proper y 1. cleared. The soil Is
good. The proppe.rty 1s situated about three
mile. from (Md.fie4.
Term. --T.. pea cont. down on day of rale,.
and the balance within one moth thereafter.
For fen -thee particul.n .pply lathe mu:Aim-
ee,. or to the n.derstgued
D.ted Doth July, A. I). 1970.
Auctioneer, Vendor'. Sollolbr.
Ooa.rloh. 88 it Gods lob.
Normca le hereb give that all creditors of
Janes D•vfd.o. late of the township of Col
borne In the county cf Huron, yeoman. ds
°mood. and all parson. oW ming to be hI. next
of kin or entitled to share In h4. estate are
h -ropy required to sent, by poet, prepaid. s
or before the I61h day of August. A. D. 100) b
the undesignrd aolloltor for ltich.rd S. !Aril
lams. Rel., h. administrator of the estate of
the said deoeaaed. their ohri.tlan and ear
nase .- adOreme a and descriptions and full
particulars of their rlalms and rights In the
promisee, together with a statement of any
securitl.. 8s by them.
Aad hour. le hereby given that after the
sand date the dm'mstrator will distribute the
estate of the sold Jamas Davidson among the
persons eot,rted thereto. harino regard sl)
to each claim s as he may thea have notice of,
and the admloletrstor will not oe Mable for
any part of the notate so distributed to any
person of whose c41m he has not then notice.
Dated this 19th day of July, 1910.
Ooderich P.O.,
s4 Solicitor for ,.I1 AdmInl,trator.
'organist and maeleal dlrwmar of North -.1.
Method4m on.ewe, earl Ieaori, of plaaolorte.
pipe omen cod theory, will w pleased to ra
n pupil., ppl(lnmsotbg.� men either at
Mulls w at pMania fates., Wrli.R. 8 Q, tIn
st R,.srgaa'e
Map.ning clams. In Venal 00(000, Pianoea kid
Cunt. Puppa prepared for Toronto College
"R Rusin .xamiestlon. Apply for term, et
The Fronten•o, " South .trees. O derloh,
r stdia 4 Oddfetlxw, b•,lld4tg..
Insomni ,. Kt/.
v ASCE sed real estate agent, hu sees
good farm and tnwa tropert for saleortrd•
and wawa mon. OMo, Into door east of P.O.,
1 (1.dwloe W some, to ban on farm
property from Malang fund. A reasonable
commislm wed be allowed to my perseo
arranging imitable loon•.
W M. MITCHELL. Tows Clerk.
Atoou.teat and Insunnoe Agent.
lfook. ad a000unts made ap.
Buildings rooted ad rent. olloted.
Fire l.snr.nee In British ..ed ('atodian
Otho. In e'randfot 1k H•yi omcs. North
street, Oderlch, t2 tf
For Borvloo.
1 STALLION, Masts H(IL No. IOM1. Vol'
S X., Clydesdale el. O. B., bred by Jas. Ilrowr,
Ke O.. of 0lltoohill, Torres,'Motind, Imported
n 14117 by Ale., in.i, Canton. Ont., will make
to season of 1200 ae follow.
Monday -to Janne MoBrien's, Hayfield (toad.
Nn4orlch township, toe noon. and to Oeowee
O. SLnrly's, 7th coo„ for nlghl.
Tuc.d.y to R H. ElliotI's. 811 non.. for non,
and to John Hathwel,'s. Hayfield Ione, for
W1.t4,,M•) to John Wigginton'• for noon.
_podvto %Y0. coldpp4p s. non. 11, for night,
Y way of Helmo.vlllyq to Honey
Yount s, Maitland on0oesel0. ('olhornb, for
non. an'l 10 M. Phno m/es at It0nmIller
for night.
FNA.y to Wm. Hick's. non, 0. Yderirh
tewnehlp, for noon. then to hie owe *table.
Ilolnillon street, Ooderich. where he w111re-
main untl Monday reormin,,
Terme - $ION 1.011 w payable Januar/
111 1901, For the .ea..n. l to or Id on or
b fore July let next. Peso... trying mares
out not returning thorn regularly will he
•h•hrd .. *moon mares We w111 not be re
onn01Ms for any Mdse(..
Ne Men have the Imported Cl de Stallion,
1",'8,n'. Pride and the trotting stallion Wool -
lawn at our Wbles s ILomllts atom'.
M&sager. P wren.
14IC(ANSea4Eergoes. (Neo* la 9.ak
e(tbmmerw ba4llalt, west aide ef Sooare.
Tk- 8n ell on t nm,lrl,ee„• Do. Oailow,
old reddease, Napier et. K1ate n. w.
'l'hene K. 'Phone 96.
501 .0o to Omoth Itaspte .tree/,
ev0r R111ou. gr Nlget se111 on-
merM at odes. 7ybpe0aae Ne 195,
Court of Revision.
Archib ld Sa.d.. Senntre. admtet.trator of
the estate of the late Jame, Sande, 40e•eed.
will offer for sale at Oundry'e auction rooms,
Momllton street. Oo.erinh. on SaturOq. the
Ydh day of Anomer. 19 1. at 2 o'clock In the
•hereon., the foIowing p.roel. of land
I'orrel L- fart of block C. and pan of lot I,
poo,eslon 1, W.D, Colbone, contai01114( 51
acres. no whioh there is • ommdious d weh-
log and stables, two large or: hard. and throe
sever falling spring..
Panel 2. Part of lot I, non. h W.D. f)ol-
boon., ontaining le e.r-ee, ail cleared and
fenced and in • god .tate of cultivation.
A• Iheeeme time end plane th0 sold Archi-
bald Seed. w111 o• hi. Own behalf, offer for
sale the following lands
Portal A -Southwest part of lot 1, on, 1
W.D. ('olborne, ontelnlnt 1.5 .ores auele,r'ed
and famed. end fronting on the grved rood.
Parcel t The nontne et part of rot 2, Don. 1,
W, D. Colborne, ontaiolerg @evensong partly
For further particulars, turns. oto. applloe
tion should hon made to the said Archiballd
Sad., Rao . co the preminee, or to
hl. So11oltan. 147.1f Auctioneer.
Norrlce Is hereby given pursuant to the Stat
..tee In that behalf that the creditors and
others having rlelme •stainer the estate of the
Ahoy, nomad Jame. Sande. who did on or
shout the 11th day of Jnne. 1970, at the olty 0f
Onelph, In the county of Wellington, are re-
quliwL on nr before the Lith day of August.
11J*, (0 mond by poet pretend. or deliver to
Memrt, 9arrow fx (farrow. of the town of
Uoderloh, In the county of Huron. ollritors
for Aroklbald .Sande, Ro'I.. the •.,mintstntor
of theeaM estate. full particulars of their claim
duly verified and of the security ll f seryl held by
them : and that the sold administrator will
on or after the sold 26th day of August pro-
ceed to dl.trlhnte the estate of the said de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto.
having regard only to the claim. of whioh he
then shall have notice 00 aforesaid. and will
n 't be liable for soh meets or any part then
of to any person or person* of w oes claims
he shall then not have rwoely,d notloe.
Tlat&1 at OodertII 1His 10th 11sg er inly.7100.
Mollritar* for the above named
AdmlalItrator. 871f
newton Mary R. *Boort et al. p'alntlfI'. and
Ann M ai o et Ah detendan's.
In th0 m.Uer of patitlon of Iota numbers
12, 1/, 1t on (ypre.e street and 15, 10. and 17
Pine strew in 1 art anti Marwood'. survey to
bet glh pr.m11 0,dored to ba sold Inn t phis
*Mien. notice Is hereby gl men th.1 any person
or porton. having an) Ilen, charge or en^nm
bream amaine the *ave do.orlbed lots. or
any part thereof, or against the share* or
Int.resta of any of the partite inMr..led there
In. are required to prolom before me at my
chamber'. In the nonrt homely in the town M
Oderinh. 0 tl 1114?. the 2,4.h day of Jolt,
at 11 &Mont in the forenoon, full partlonlan
of all cath liens. rharg e and ,nrambranr4a.
smother with salldartory e,doro. of the
amount sin. 1h0,00n
Aed further mote. notice that In doesn't of
• aforesaiidd. the same willfhe forever tar.
Dated at Ooderleh. this 29th dy of Jona A,
D., I/OS.
Reel Repr..sntative,
County of Hare.
A RE V1e1O1,.
TOWN Ole OotNeNt it.
I0 t8. aig�t10 M appeab Irom the (`onrt of
Rrvf.ton Mtkatown of Oderloh, HI. Homo.
J•atea M. , J.C,C,C. f Huron. will held a
b°144.h. Wd gp�,m a In hie a kers
.silt boa-_ Op,.rink at 10 ..II*J t` la
IOpo0150051. esMMdaj . the sin day K of 7.
II gorier amereete4 M rooelr*d N.toed
W1f, LI[rroaE ll,
a1 �d t►. Owrt
YLtnlelpalyW (1.4.
Mw41. JINr Igllk. rot
RRCEIYRO 1M f)tsrn 9taofta, C
a Per the qualified magistrate... of
Saalealitld torecei ligan". fA,
ILE Clot of Ibe Pram.
pleating Ytaigata 466 I M 1'Ya71ar1~ L eal% e
tle0tl.e Matter. weedy. ei tee A(tealleta
.r tb. 44.0,111... Friday Evea1•g
Councillor Dudley Hulmes was the oolp
•bout.. from Frld•y evening's motlog of
the town ooa.oll
A oommuotoatlon from Saml. Sloane,
oomplalmng of the 800dlnr of his house o0
the Haro• road, oouupled by R Imrle, by
the wal.r oomtog In Irom the township of
Iioderloh, was read
Mr M•rtla 000flrmed Mr. Slate's elate
moot of the damage done to the premises
end the public) work. oomml►t.. was aoth-
orlc.d to act Io the matter.
The tolluwtog oommuntoatlon from E'.
Harlow Hula... was read : " Pending the
u ltimate disp..ltion of rho litigation with
r..pot to 14 s 00.! now lying .t the dook,
and with a view to prevent dstertor011oo
and lo.. to ogle old, or the other, 1 hereby
offer to deliver the ot.d In gaestion •t sash
place or plan.. se the oouooll may direct ;
the cost of such delivery to be borne oy the
party who is found liable to pay the same,
and In case It Is determtoed th.t 1 am o 11•
able I agree to submit to sn .basement for
muoh deterioration .. bas already 000urted,
If any has 000urred, the •mount thereof le
he determined by any fair mut..l arrange-
ment "
A °umter of motions In regard to obis offer
were m.de, but tea first one whioh h.d a
amender was th.t el Mr. Morelli, wbo
moved th.t it be r.celyed and filed. It
was Mr. Martin's oploioo th.t the oanoll
h.d nothing whatever to do with the coal.
Mr. Humber seconded the moa...nd atter
moms dtouesion It was 0arrid.
Polmuter (i.1. called the attention of
the pouood to the foot th.t only four of the
live town letter boxes wen to position, .nd
the stre.1 inspector was instructed to have
the fifth box plotted at uaoe.
W . L EIlot, m•mager H.ok of Montreal,
wrote Ihat the hood office wished to h.ve
lbs elevator Imao of $50,000, oarrtd by the
bank, paid off when next due, sa It h.d
be.. ruontag longer th., was mtsedd
when originally made. The matter was re-
forred to the finao.. ommltl...
Mr. Ko.. Prior, R. C. H.ye and Mn. ('.
Rook petitioned to b.ve the granolUblo
. •Ik ou Montreal street mad. six feet wide
inst..d of eight feet as advertised. 1'ho
.1.tler was left 10 M. hands of the publlo
works eomre,etes _
An over from J. M Ruoolman etY.eth
m.tto sprlokler for $5 w.. referred to ►be
publlo works om,mltte0,
A. Egener wrote th.t be was •..maned la
1899 for two dote, and th.t both of them
wen poisoned shortly .It.r the .a..sement.
His request for the remission of the tabes
oo them was referred e0 the oeeet a1
r.ylaon. _
A letter Irom the J. E. E111. Cpm, Ylmaa.
to, In reg.rd to illuminated dials for the
Lowe olock, was read They offered to sup
ply .end plus 1n position the four dl.1. (or
4110 The oouooillon appeared to think
the prloe was beyond them .t present, but
the letter was sent to the water .od light
C. M H.ys, manger 1.. T K , wrote
that he would give In.maotloes N ham the
Imo slog tbe Malt osd road .0d also the
teooe •t the ovwh..d bridge Powe.. then
station and the barlor promptly .tNodd
The 000'.y clock notl8ed ►he conooll th.t
18. oaaly rata payobie by the town this
yea was 5984 70
'I he following .000unta were sant to the
Bounce ommlttoe : Paskard Electric Go.,
St. (:.shod...., repalrto0 transformer,
$19 9M ; do , 521 16 ; united E 4.01 10 Co.,
Tereaw, tree 'rutty, $3 60 : noalrea4 g.*•
orator. $311: upper brushes, err , $2.85 ;
Mort try Times,Toroato, .dvertlang, $2.50;
Buchanan & Soo, addition to oo.l sh.d,
$145 41 ; The Star, prInblag .nd .dvertle-
tug, $22,76: Mal and Empire, ode...thing,
$b : Jae, Hoys. livery, $5,50: J. Sha., re.
Itef. $2,50 ; THt SIGNAL, printing and .d
vmtt.leg, 114,90 ; J. Hrlodlsy, work, $.5 ;
Drake Coal Co., Clevel•.d, 644 tons 1 cwt.
oo.l, at IQ 85, 51836.54 ; A J. Cooper, bar-
rel salt for Square, $1 ; Grant Hamilton
(hl Co., Toronto, oil, $22,50 ; F. F. Platt,
teaming, 53.
A petition for the extension of the sewer
from th. corner o1 Kirin and OLmhn• sta.
along Toronto strut .ed the Huron
rn.A, with twenty signatures, was sent to
the publlo works committee.
The special ommtttee's report ontalod
the followlnv reoommsdatton . 1'hat an
agnomen t» entered Into with the turf
olab for • perlol of 8ve years as .ubmiltd
by them to the ommtttoe for the tract and
.table. at Agrloaltural Para, with a ondi-
tlo embodied In the agreement •Moot..'
blryol. mset' to he held,- the tort 0lob to
hors ootrol of the trok .o far u any •Iter
. tion and ohmic.. m.y be required ; th.t
tbe turf °lob Aerie to k..p the track In
sultable oodl'lcn for speed tots •t all ae
✓ loaiturai firs doting said term ; th.t the
clerk be Instruoted o notify H. F. Mooen
to have t he llmehocso ./ the dok removed
within two weeks, and that If he falls to do
len e0 the required time 1hs onnoll would
proceed to h.ve It removed at hie invetio ;
th.t the clerk be instructed to write the (i.
'1'. K. authorl8tes rega..b(og them to om-
pieta the planking .t tie track .t the dok
At Mr. Martin'. sog9..tion • ol.ute was
added to prnvlde that the turf olnb be ro-
quired to love the stables In the same o40'
Allton as they found them.
1'he report was taken up by separate
Doose. and ouoolllon Knox and Oant.lon
,coved N hew. the terf Web a4resrrent .w•
ferret to eh. town solicitor, bat they fai1ed,
and the report was adopted.
The ho.rd n1 h0.lth sported th.r having
h.d before them the mntlen of W. T Mur
nom to amend emotion 29 of bylaw No. 8 of
1875, they roc'mtnnded to the muno11 the
pears' of • bylaw le a000rd.nes with Mr.
Mmnsy's motion.
The publlo works oomm,ittee roommend-
ed th.t the sower be extended •log (:.le.
dont. Terr.oe provided the parties Inter.t-
d pay h.If ►h. oust o1 the pipe .ad the
work n.oeseary in lying It. In reg*rd to
the howlers for the laying n1 grannlltble
walks, the oommittee recommender, that
the oslr0et for Montreal, Routh and K1ag-
aton streets he •wardd to the lost mo
t..d.rlot, vlr , ('has. Reid, W.1 ., Spar.
rear and Junieme Reid, pro.ldd they
wnoll .en.pt oh. work se the earns flour..
u P. 1.. Morass A (;o., 910 for w.lks, 134e
fm h..►v ore..lnp and 1 Pilo for light mese.
Iogs ; cod /8.l the beta.... of eh. oeetrasl
h. awarded le P. 1,. Mard.. A O,. at the
prima moNoed.
The report 505 adopted.
TN water .nd 11ght committal* repnrtd
se0mates 0t sae nn.t .1 painting the .tand-
pipe, 511,0, and that M painting the roof of
Me peva hewte, 52,5 The q...tt0e n1 In
mr the pinus/ m.atloed was referred to
tks enmmittee fee thole report.
Til* alert was iuererdd to notify the
101104tnr of tae amendm5b .....*wary M
ompbt. the Ire.. Nth. turf nieh *mord.
lag to rhe In.Nentiee. of Ike 0anotl.
A .roti.. by o.aaelll.s Mersey and
Matin that a bylaw h. pupa's., to .wlend
t1.* hyLw reep.rtb9 Manghr.r houses was
▪ Mr. Heinbor mood, .se..ded ► Mr.
Mortis, rk*e N* Qtmtl. M efinetiag
single ekesaas is t8k sesMH ohmmeter b.
referred 1. Me petals weeks eemmltt e be
testi j: tad wool N 0M emit maaftag,
Yr. Rambo/ asked 1f gay more noel had
been deli.errd too the town by bo.t thea
bad own ..rdered. kir l'aulelin replied
that he did not koow how nitwit nod tie
boat tied d.11v.r.J. Mr Hulot»r thought
th.t Mr (outelan, as ohoum.t of the oom-
mlttee, ought to be to 0,0,14 to such m.t-
Th. of,rk slated that 614 tons was the
•mtuet .livered. Th. .snout which was
b have been ordered was "400 b 500 tons,"
end Mt. Humber thought .n ovrrdel,yty
of 150 tone was loo much.
Mr. DJent.lon didn't think h. was 0011ed
opera to run down 8* ,ne dock .0d eu what
was cu the boat.
The matter dropped sed the oouuoil thou
A ('ooaarrIoN.-Ia 1he results of the
W..t Huron estreooe ex.mlwation, the
marks oredlted to Aho. Stephenon m the
Stanley township Ibt, should be 684, In.
stead of 664,
1:zC12DeluN rtu)I. MTKATro41,. -Then will
be an etoanlo° from Stratford to 0040,400
oo Moeday, Autu.e 6th, the dot* of the
Claesla City'. onto holiday. A special
train w0l Lav Stratford •t 7 30 s. a, re-
turning at 7.30 P. ea, so that our .1511104
trlead. will haus • rood long cloy •t the
I.ke. The 28th refitment band w111 •Doom•
pony the ezounloe.
DrATS or MAS. JArio l'Ktct -O° Saw-
d.y morning CLthartae, wife of James
Prtoe, pawed away •t her home oo Stanley
street, .Iter • lona illness of 000sumptlon,
whioh she bore with pattens, uaompl•fnleg
resiroatlo. B..ld.. her husband, she
leaves two young daughters, Nellie and
Nettie, to mourn their 10.s. Ibe fuoenl
look pl•oe to M•.tl.ud ..meiery on Monday
after0000, Kam Mark Turoboll onduot.ng
the service.
Dleo AT Samosa.- Hugh Kon lett 51",
day moro10 for S•g i0.5, Mlch., having re.
oeived the ..d lotenigenoe of t8• death of
hi. 4.athaer, Mr. Hays Eastman, of that
olty, the day previous Mrs. Etslmao loft
llodmloh •bout titre* yeas 0go and •iter
spending some time In Sooforth Went to
Sigi0•5, where st. woe married two years
ago last month. Sh. leave. her husband
and one child two week. old.
ILP IN WIs'olestN.-1'he remains of
Js6egk Mitchell, youngest son of .John
MIteholl, arrived on tb• moromg tr.th See•
terday from Marinette, Wu, where the
young man died oo Suod•y. The deoe.ed
was thirty Sean of aye and was • algae -
maker by trade He left (iderloh •boot
six vm•re ago. The tumoral took pl•os yes•
1.rd.y afternoon from the reside... of d♦
ceased'. father, Fast street, the mlermest
being made In Maitland omelet).
'1'Ht MIIPirifO R Rate. - The nose
under the auspices of the Ooder(ob Turf
flub were to bore opened on Taseday, but
nwing to the heavy rain storm that ..t to
Immediately after nr.,. no that day the pro-
ueediog. h.d to be p,..pooed. Vesterd.y
the weather was auspicious, and there 1.
every •pp5010001 o1 • ■uo011u1 sortie of
roes Ther* i, • vsyfull entry lt.tfor.very
.Seat and • number of Bnt-..las. horses will
(0 on the track The rioes w111 be ontlnued
today (Thursday) and • capitol dsy's sport
4. promised, Full p.rtloul.n will appeey to
oar next issue.
A MI0TAKI IN TIIC No -t,. The Kmate-
dins Review m.ke, the tullowing explana-
tion regarding the •0000t of the .a..olt at
WValkerten whlob was reported l•.t week :
"The Kevlew last week 140ye the tame o1
Martin H.ys to the rnan who attempted to
murder h4 mother -lista.. The name
. boald be M..1. Hays A. there 1. • Mar-
tin Hay. In Walkerton, mod he is no 00
0eot1o0 of M. J. Hays, the error must he
corrected. The would-be murderer has
been 1n W.Iksrtno only • rhort rims, hal.
tog come from Pittsburg, Po."
(�nLl..f4IAT1 1!%oTlTpTe liu•n1),-Tb, (;plc
legi•te Institut. trustee board mN 0a Mon-
day and looked over the application. for the
yo•ot position. on the .teff of the ohool.
A committee was appoloted, oon.tloq of
,lodge Ma..on, .lhdge Doyle and tit. chair
moo, Mr. 'Tornio, to select some o1 the .p•
p.nntly most desirable among the applies
floe ..d- ehosit the same to a meeting of
the heard to be called by the chairman.
The supply o0mmlttee wee an►horized to
take Loden and purchase o.1, and t8.
ol.rk was lo04,0nted to request the town
manoil to levy $2,800 1or (:olleg4e.. ins,.
tote purposes.
A lilt.■ StiAsv.atp,-A daring highway
robbery took plmo. la town on Saturday
night, Sadie Mo1Mun11, a young woman
,n the employ of Mrs. Gorr. Port.r, while
walking on th0 Square between 9 cod 10
o'olok, h.d her pur.. o•tehed Irom her
hand by • man. who then m.de tff.o golok-
ly that he knocked the olgar oat of the
mouth of • 011,i,n whom he brushed against.
A number o1 men who were near darted in
pursuit of the thief, but failed to ov.rtsk•
him. Sunday mor.leg the puree was found
oe Netne.treee, near Mn. Kiely's. The
money whioh it h.d oontained w.. Roue but
some ,tamp. and other artiolee were lett In
it. No one reoognlzed the man and there 1.
not the slightest clue .. to h4 Identity.
noway, •luly 18.h, Mrs, McKenzie, widow
of the late 1))onald McKenzie, and a reddest
of town for a long pond, paved away at
the age e1 seventy elght ya►re. Mn Mo.
&oasis was • saliva of la►esa.aesese, Hce..
lona, aho and 41,r hu.ha.11 homing to thl.
0u0try and settling Ih Godertoh thirty-two
year. afro. The lore 1)onald MaKozle ltd
In January, 1896 One doughboy, Mn. Alex
Johnston, of town, and • on, Roderlok Mo.
Komi, thine 4. the United States, .urvlve
their mother. The retains wen l.ld .t rat
In Maitland cemetery on Friday afternoon.
The tenaai .orvioa. wen performed by
Rey. Jas. A Anderson, and the pati-beatan
were Arthur (.antelon, David Ila,, (lord'..
Coat's, (Large I(t.estt, ,Sohn Johnstn and
Wm. Bell.
AT Tr11 LAta Frasier. - PoqulMk teatie
by water I. k..plag ap to • 81148 mak and
the gar. 1'tlteberg rs oarrylnt • large num-
ber of summer trarellers on emote arty
Tb* eta, S►. Ands*. arrived Moed. ' from
Fort William .ith Its tonal tarn0 of wheat
for Rlehardsee's atwitter, and Isis nett dmy
fa (Heywood M Ind coal to Fat WIIII•m.
.. The eehr. Koller* •rrlvd on Today
funs (Jhath... with • cargo of eak lumber
for ►h. orgae fotory .. There wen • few
ealm day. the put wook and the divot, Mr.
(Cods.., who h.. boon her. fnr some time
In the (Inverse oe1 .mploy, took Layouten
of t.hem bo stamina the waterworks Intake
pip* Re .Lased the sand out et the Orin
hat did net dl.ovor the break or leak In
the pipe through whioh the town'. water
. apply has hewa mining ..Title month
has hese .n exceptionally Otermy .loly.
Tap Dun, i.erron Rors. The mallet
Noe fit mail ►r0.. the hater Mx.e pland In
various parts of the town was 0mmene0a
.a Friday I..t by nen. Rts.e.., The horse
are plod as follows . O.e at tie ..rear of
East .trot and tk. %pore ; sem* at tie onr
des of VIntoris ael molINa streets ; ewe
at Mo orator mf Vlotoria and KI.p8.-.t. ,
..d am et the 00rser of W allingt,, *Mo.t
sad Rrltana4 woad, besides .N oeo •1 tie
(1. T. R statism. (;el4184.. •rot tsad•
Nit. a day',.4 ILAO r....ni *5 10 ,. r.
PsMmeww O.00 asks w be Maes Nat is -
1 •lead of the oeli..tioa .. Saturday .light
there w111 be • ol4ctiou •l 10 o'olouk o0
Buod•y night. So far the bones boys 001
boo used to • great extent, u • good m.uy
people are out yet aware that oolleottuo.
are Ming made ; bub ,t b • convolenc, of
which the publlo wlll soon take full advan-
Ton Vlcrtr or Nltuuter.-The olroum-
neweo whioh proceeded and probably led to
the death of Mrs. Mary Well., whioh ow
ourred on Thursday lest, have .rou.ed
great Indign•tlo .mom those who are cog.
n lxwan of the foot., of the wen and It is tilt
that the deceased was the ylotlm of shame-
ful ...plot. The woman, ono was of weak
mind and was Incapable of taking proper
oars of herself, was found at her house on
St. P.trlok's *fro► on Saturday, the 14th,
In • 000ditton of axtrems ezh•ustion. She
had last been seen the Monday prevleu..nd
during the Iolervl had been Ill 1a bed •ad
w hen found woe pearly stormed. Medlool
cod other attendance was "soured fur her,
bat with •11 th.t ould ire doe she died the
following Thond•y The deo.•eed was
comparatively • young woman, 1»log In her
'hirty-fourth year. Her husband, Thomas
Wells, is hp the take 0.8log The remains
were totrred in Maitland oemet.ry o Sat•
Don't' Bo MIAL.AI, --lo another column
U. t 0 Merriam Co., Springfield, Maas.,
worn oar readers .palm Ming duped luto
buylog goy ut the cheap 1.9(40ta of •n ob-
sotet. .situ.... of Webster's Dtouo0•ry that
have bee° planed ups the market. Soob a
diotlohary is of very •.n.li value, cod could
n ot be old without ml.repr0.ttatIoh. At
the time these photo type reprint of t4• old
Webe0.r first Ippeor•d, •bout ten yeanier°.
rhe msrepre.entstlon. were ■o palpable that
the oourta intervened 5418 injunctions and
rutriottve ruling. .nd the press generally
gave utter•.... to expreestons of no uocer-
tsin sound. 1'8• geouine edition of Web•
star'. Unabridged Dictionary oo0ta10s over
2,000 popes, with Illustrations on nearly
worry pope, and bean the imprint of 0. d.
C. Merriam (b. oo the title page. It Is pro-
tected by oopyrlght from cheep imitation
This valuable work has bon .uooeed.d by •
thoroughly revleed publication, the name of
w hioh Is Webster's io..rnatlos.ai 1)Iotloo•ry.
Mit. Rush'. D•sn1 A well-known and re
speoted resident, las. Wal4o Rusk, p.•.ed
•way Wednesday, the 18th. at hie residooe
On Elgin •ve0°e, after an Illne.. of six
moths' duratloo. The deoemed was 10 hie
sixty seventh year and had resided In Gode-
rtob for • long period. He leaves • widow
cod • family of two sons and three daugh-
ters, who ham the sino.e sympathy of •
large circle of friend■ to their bereavement,
Tho children are . William, Mn. E Sw.rta,
Mi.e.. Mary and Bertha, and Alto. The
funeral took plane from the fan, ly residence
on Frld.y afternoon end was •ttendd by
the member. of L 0, L. No. 182 to a body
and by many other,. Service was conducted
by Rev J. W. Robinson, pastor of Vlotoria
strut Methodist ohurob, and .t the Frame
the Orangemen performed their funeral oaro-
mooy. Six of deceased'. brother-Or•oge-
meo acted .. pall -bearers : 1.8... Tweedy,
Robs. Sharman, Tho Wells, J. C. Martin,
T. H Bell and Jas. Mokl•th. Among those
who followed the remeln to the huri.l
play,. In Maitland oemelery were A. 0
Allen, of logereoll, and T. 1;. Allen, of
Duog•noon, nephew. of dooeaesd.
A Ihei THAT BITE* -- A charge laid
again.t Joseph Goldthorpe, of Saltford, of
keeping a vicious dog has developed Into a
oase of come importance In It. legal aspeol
The ompl•i0ant le Ch.rles W.1tes, also of
Seltlord. The ons. o.ms before Police Mag•
Istrate Seager on Friday, L. E:. Danuy
prosecuting and Philip Holt, Q. C , o(ing
for the defeooe. The ompl.tuant stotd
that on the 18th iost. while he was riding a
bloyole ►he dog ren at him and bit him on
.h. leg just shoo. the bot. The dog was
noning with Mr. Goldthorpe's rig,and when
,Mr. WV•Iters overtook the ng and be
,o speaking with Goldthorpe the dog hit
him again. Evidooe was given by other
witnesses shooing th.t several persons had
Men •tucked by the same dog. 1 he de
tendert stated .bol he did not know that
the animal was vlolou•, but the magistrate
pfd if he , Ildn't he ought to have known It.
The complaint is made ander • bylaw of the
township of (lolborne, whioh slat.. th.t no
person shall keep any dog dangerous l0 1te
nature to man or beast or which he or she
know. has bitten or attempted to hits any
person upon the public highway, nr whioh
habitually barks •t or otberwt.. annoy
pasting teams, sto. The deteooe claimed
that the towmohip bad ant power under the
statute to pass euoh a provleinn, and to els
oldot.e the pent the case M, bun •d.
joorod to Monday next.
ScAx)No 0*,.Y To "HORS." -We h... r.
named from our friend Oen. SolvwrIght, of
Calle°, Hotrod, who has not forgott.o hie
visit to Huron a few years ago, • spy of
the British Weekly ootaining the refersoe
to Sir Wilfrid Laurier whioh has bun so
widely 4toted as showing the regard In
whioh Ste Oenedlo Premia is held fn the
old land. Referring to • speech by Sir
W (lfrid In the House at Ottawa, It ..ys :
'Sir Wlifrld Laurier apparently believes
that 'many battles have vet to be fought,'
and be duo nob andaseNm.4. the wrvtty
of the problem■ whioh •wait us when the
w.r le over, British snhjot. the world
over will -re oho his player that the life of
her Majesty may never : ere be dletorbed
by war, and that h.to4" 1,01 glorious reign
oma to an add hie eu j•,. Mouth Africa
'may have learnd to spore. i ate those Rrlt
I.h Institution. which In this •fe and In
every I.nd Mgnlly liberty and *moil rights.'
Many of those who h•ye read with Coors
and with pride the noble speeches of the
Fronoh C anadian Premier during the war
most feel that on the day when we w•loome
home Lord Roberta and ha army the pre,
snoo of Sir Wilfrid Iaurier must not ire
looking to 1.he general happin..s. In there
testing months we have learned what mon
the world over are mot prenloa. to the
Empire. Before all, and aspirate from
*very other, comes the (,)non's noblest .ub.
jest, Field Mar.hal Imrd Roberts. After
him, le there any nom. we mould mention in
proformaoe to Sir 1Vllfrid lnortr!"
A PIONt6R MRTH,tpr•o PR•At'HlR, - Th.
death of Rev, ,1.mes Oaswell, of Brampton,
n0nrred oe Friday last at the rsid..os of
his sen In-law, William Motile, Toronto,
.Iter an ,line.. at s0m0 months. The de -
°eased was one of the pioneer preac hers of
Methodism In ()atarlo, Ho was horn In
Shropshire, Ke,land, In 1817, .nd In 1844
was sent tint to Upper l aead. as • ml..len
cry by t4. parent hndy of the Meeh0Al.t
Now (`oesettoa ohoron Ala first nlronl.
was at (Javan, In llarham ..eery. More
than twenty. flv years ago hs was tit. pas.
ttr el the aid Brook etroel ohnroh In liod.
rioh. In 1874 M. choire* and the Weel*yan
Metho4bta formed • onlen and he was
.Ie01.4 to tmm first q.n.rai 0nf•renoe of the
n ew hotly. Ho was nn* M the n'mmltto
appointed te complt tit. hymn hook now I.
t oe In the Mothor 1.4. nharoh. Ams, the
noire.. ups whleh he sowed wore (7avan,
St. Them.., Aurora, Milton, iedorinh,
Lead.., 'IbrsN, Simone, Lynda*, Luck-
e.-, Inneennee, I»edsebern', Anh.ra,
F.11artas andT rowbNAge and hie name le
h.nere4 le oriby .aerie. le .8Lh he la-
bered H, ase seperansuated la 1891. TN
6....aed lett b.bbed klm • loll*. sad •
ItmUy e1 arae kup8. s ad lista .saw --
Mn. A. W. (iwthwalt., of Barkoavllb;
Mn Wm, litokl., Mrs. Wilia.0 add Mn,
M. Smith, of Toronto ; Mn. Robert Me-
000ke, of Br•mploo, and two unmarried
daughlsn, Mime Jamie, a stenographer, eo•
gaged at Vtotorla CoUsgs, and MO* Eliza,
rewritsg at home ; N. 1'. Caswell, publisher
of The Endeavor Herald ; E, 0. Caswell, of
the Methodt.t Book Room, and Kev. W. H.
Caswell, B. A., pastor of the Norwich
arsons Methodist ohurob la Woodstock.
Tlr■ W INUHASI S. S. Ex mannup.-The
ex0uta100 under the •npioes of ►he W tog -
ham `Sunday schools will oaks place to
Uod.rloh on Tuesday, August 7th. 'l o,
excursion will loolod• all 'Lotion o, the
0. 1'. R. from L4towel to W tngh•m .nd
from N Ingham to Chats, tool..tve. A
special moth will run from Li.towel, leaving
that place at 8.10 A. ie Returning the t.,n
will leave l;nderioh at 7 r ti. TM day .111
be Wingbam'. olvlo holiday, o we may ex•
peck • very large party from that town,
ST. 0.0005'. 0H0.OH ()1111)111 PARTY. - -
A very pleaaeng affair was ►he anno•l gar-
den -party In oun.eotloo with JI. Gerge'.
ohurob, wb, )h took place on the grounds of
C. Seager (the old R. It. Smith property),
last Thursday .valor. 1'he w..aha ould
not have boon better and the attendance
was large. The ground. wen prettily
deoorated, and the various tables for the
sal. cf refreshmota, f•aoy work, .to., did a
largo boohoos. Near the aloes of the .y..•
Inv Mr. ('uff turned actions 1 and got rid
of • lot of useful •end lanoy work. During
the evening a good program was ghee by
the tend. The financial resulte were high•
ly .atisfaotory.
A Srtxrcamr'ol. TPA 'Heal. -The Windham
Times pay. the following tribute 40 M1..
Rot»rtsou, of l'arlow, who Is one of the
traohert of the Wingham publlo school
Miss Koberteoo, of the W logh•m publlo
sohool is to be oomplimehted o0 Ike me000
of her pupils in the ret»ot ..w&uce exam•
thatlo.. Out of • olas. of twenty-three
who wrote, twenty have passed. The total
perce0(50 of thou rho pawed In Ea.t
Huron this year was 57i, while Mies Rob-
ertson'• ol•o shows ao avr.ge of 87 per
o.ot Only eight of these who wrote •t
WIngham 000e•den in gge1tlog honors, and
of those were Wingh.mltee. M1es
Robertson i. a very pai°ataking teacher,
and .H wed be pleased to hear of her tipl..-
dld showing.
M1aothe Onto L l) lc, -Tho lorry-btkh
annual oommuol..tloo of the M•'ooto
(/rand Lodge for Ontario was held last wink
•t London and was • very targe and most
s000ea.ful motto.'. Oyer nine hundred
delegates wen registered. Seatbtles pro-
moted showed that the oumertoal net In-
cre0se throughout the dt.Irlot daring the
Vear had teen lager than during any pnvl•
o0w term. Tho NW membership In June,
1899, was 24,957. Th. muster roll et kos
t time .bow■ • net increase of 1,238
and an .ggsg.N of 26,195. The largest lo-
oreases at• In Turooto, Loddon and HamlI-
too 1° the two Toronto dl.trlota gain' of
113 and 158.re credited to the dI•trlot' 11
and Ila respectively, 109 to London and 101
to Hamlltoo, 91 to Georgian, 88 to We111ng-
ton, 87 N Prime Edward, 66 to Erie, 65 ,
South Huron, 54 to Frontns°, 51 to North
Hurs, 49 to Uotarlo, 48 to 7t. (;lair, 42 to
Algoma, 26 N OOLo.., 24 to Wilsers, 2'l b
Niptsang and 19 to Niagara and St. Lww-
reom respectively. The alotlo. of otlioere
resulted as follow• : Grand master, R. B.
Hungerford, London ; deputy wrand master,
Judge Harding, Lindsay ; grand senior war-
den. A. 0. Mo W hInney, London ; grand
juotor warden, Alexander Gibson, Peter-
boro' ; grand ohapllh, Ilev. J. C. Earthing,
Woodstock ; nrand treasurer, Hugh Mur-
ray, Hamlltoo ; grand registrar, J. D.
Clarke, Ottawa; grand 0or•t.ry, Rev. J. J.
Mason, Hamilton ; board of general par.
ppoo+se, Lieut.-Uol. Howler, Ingersoll ; A. R.
01,14, 1, l obeurg ; J. S. llewLr, l esd, y
D F. Mowatt, Sarno ; W. 11. MoPhermotda
Toronto. Those appointed 1. member. of
the hoard of genord purposes wore : 11•oj.
Allen, 1'nrooto ; Dr. 1).Witt H, Martyrs,
Kmegri n ; 1)r. I. Heoord, Brantford 1 Wm.
Rea, Ottaw.; F. C. Martin, Woodstock.
1) Munroe, Auburn, was •Iectod D. D.
It. M. for South Huron district, No.
4. Hamilton was ohoeen .s the place of
muting for 1901
ANOTHER ()1.1' Rr-'IbgNT D6rART6n,-
The death of Ms Margaret B. Hodge,
whioh 000urrd on Tuesday, July 17th, re-
moved an old and muoh respected resident
from our midst, Mrs. Hodge had bees an
invalid for . number of years, having never
recovered from • 901.47tio.trok. whluh.he
had lour year• ago. She was horn In lndl
seventy -fiver year' ago and was married
there to the tate levld Rooth Hodge, of the
A000antant.U.n,rala olfioe, Bombsy , Some
years Iter Mn. Hodge went to Edlnhargh
with her oblldren for their duoallon. Here
her health failed and, Mr. Hodge retiring,
mu •0.,umt of his own ill.health, after thirty
year, of service for the Oover,meot In
lodia, both came to New York and after-
ward• bo Csoada, and finding that Mn.
Hedge's health wag bene8ttad by ih.
ohaoge they sent for the family and re-
malo.d here. It is •lout forty years Mom
they settled In Uododoh township, and
after residlog for shout twenty years there
they moved Into town Mr. Hodge'. death
00arred In September, 18814. A family of
four eons and two daathton le left ; A. (1-,
R Bnd Corine, of Ohlo•go, and David,
who i' llying to the South ; Mn, .1. M.
I'roodloot and Mies Hodge, at home Th.
lun.rol took plane nn Phurday afternoon.
the tamales L.Ing laid In their find resting
plan in Maitland cemetery. Th. lervlo..
wore condaate' by Rev ,tames A. Ander•
.on and Rey. Spenne Allan, and th• p•ll-
bnatarn were A. Mol). Allan, A. Saunders,
R. H. ('umt, Hugh Dunlop, Andrew White-
ly and Wm. Cnx. Amon.' the floral offer -
Ings latd upon the rehot was a beautiful
wr0•t.h of 0,0.1400. and fern' with the
word "Grandma," a token of thn affeo►lon
of the deoeud lady's gnndohildren. Mr..
Prnndfoo5 and Mies Hodge repet that
their thanks be 51pre•0•d for the great klod
nem that was show° them during tit• 111 -
noes of their mother
N. (7. T. 1;. Mtr.TIN,. (b Monday last
a very euaoasaful Bower mission program
wet mined nut by the Union The H•1!
was quite gay with t1. lovely flows
brought by 080 members, to whloh wen at.
tanh1 some beautiful let1s, and Sham with
their word. of Inve and nheor they wenn
after the meeting narrid to tome of tit•
• Irk and sorrowing ones, to whom they
world no Aonbe tarry their own meseago.
11 any of the friends know of sink ones who
wnald Ilk. to h.ve flowers brouoht es Mem,
by s.sl,.. word b the pr.•Ide.e es nore-
tary they will b. oh5erfolly supolled. In
Me •0ount of th• flowm ml..lon work and
how it name to he 0nn0o1d with the W.
(:. T. 11 , Mrs. I.v.11, isnmtnl,n •aporia•
teadsnl, writ..: " In I8 MIs. W lllard
w•• riling thrangh th0 attest• o► i onrsvtile,
Ky , with 1 note, Nmper..n• ..rater.
Pointing to • 0ttage he ..id ' in that op.
per wlndnw fee ea. last res the Ned of the
most 10.041 woman In Kent.eky.' Always
on the *Iert to hear •f wmnan'. work, •he
p11d him .1M momr .(...Nen, thou visit,
ed Nae .hamar et •nfferty, and as a ro
elk the flew. 0111.4,. depart ant imams
an mornd4Ni luro.oh et sN W. O. T. U.
and the beloved Invalid, Jessie 0asamd•y,
lose mads the Ant esprlatee4leat, Tklek
e1 Use plash e1 welt • ware.. Dal eU been
F•rmen, Horsemen 1-W, U, OeMe.. .
Remoaats-W. A. Monlm. 6
A Wise Lady --J, M. MoL.od, O
rtloyolse at Coat -N. D. Roogol* 5
Mortgage Sele-M. 0. Camerae' 1
To Rentr-Hoz 91, JIU*AL 1
Notice to (;reditors-Phtllp Holt 1
Toe All C.oada dhow -H. J. HBI, Mar
ager, Toronto A
Ootello Statutes -Ir L.wls 1
Aauounoement-Kaon Obanh Y.P.S.C.L 1
all the activities of lite, .114 ao hap if ev.
er leaving her couch of pain, she realised N
the full the pale of belpg abut in from ee
muoh of nature's beauties, and se ►he
thought of cheering the elok with Mese
itttle meeseugere of God was espesNlty
beautiful to her. That the divine IMM.
beauty might M o oloesly linked to Ne
outer as ko be apparent to those who kat
not eyes to m e 1► for th.msol,es, earl
thought of tying the text card to tk.
booqu.t. " The next mooting of the Unles
will Le b.Id on the 2714. of August. A oom-
mltt a has been appointed to cell.../ ..l►
able articl.. for the filling of the oomlort
begs las be emit to the lumber ..amp.. Mem-
bers will please note thi., or anyone wish-
ing to do so o.o send them to Mn. R, W ,
MoKeozlo, .upertnlandw0 of lumbermen's
work. Hgdy,
Don't get left to the race but buy your sum-
mer clothing froze, the peopple'. clothle, F. 3,
141dhanL whoaiw.y. 00tfsfle. 14. inner tas-
tld,o..Its style and gnailty,
The basemote of the aters@ la F. Jordan's
block are now lighted by latter prtsm..
F, B. Holmes .tates that 11 ls Intended to
take his ottoo amont the town to the
(hurt of Appel.
The results of the high sohool examina-
tions .re published this week on the 4s4
page of Tec .IONAi..
Edward Acheson, of Uoderloh Nwushlp,
1. oontempl•ting building • reeldoce in
town cod wining here to reelde.
A bylaw ea beaus ►he Pore Lever, Brae♦
ford, Berlin et Goderloh Railway 10 the •z•
tent of 5:1,000 w.. carried at Watrlo oe
Then .r. • large number of .ppiloa4eaa
for the prloolpsleblp of ►he model school.
1•he board met Toeday evening and west
through bolt of them.
County olerk Lane was at his office yes-
terday •t0rnoon for the first time Moos Me
llLer. f tee still fob rather weak, but ex-
pecte 80 be himself before long.
The ('rown attorney was in (29lneon on
Tuesday upon the requ1Mtlos of Mayes
Joksoo, to 1°yw►Igaie • .rime of • serious
n ature. The porton who le °barged dl..p-
peared an(bas not yet Men fou.d.
The mems»n of Alert eamp, Lewis Park,
ase Jobo Bradshaw, James and Oratory
Stook, R. Robinson and Joho and WW
Hethurn, •t1 of Stratford. They •re de-
lighted with ►heir location gad are palating
in • good time.
lieu 1'oson, • young man em loyed at the
organ factory, had the lodez floger of 41s
left hand badly 5.ppfie by the shaper oa Tues-
day morning, He left •t noon ►he same
day for Stratford to visit his home then
while tbe tooga le heating.
The attention of the members of Ohe taws
ou.oil i. rwpooNally called to the engot-
(.lon that It might not be • bad Idea to have
• vote on the propooad now oylaw before
the nice new er00olllkilo walks are all
spattered op. What think you, reuelemes
et tit° oounoll,
At hors° broke away from Buxton's stables
yesterday afternoon and ..riled along wl►h
It • flve-tool board to which 10 was tied,
In Its efforts to get away from the board It
cut a gr..t many wild anile rn Hamlleoa
street, but finally was oaplurd and takes
back to the stables.
Mrs. Seger was surprised a few days .go
on recelvlag • handsomely Illuminate' cer-
tlfio•te ootltuting her • life member of
the Church of England Auxiliary to Mls-
slan. for the dloeee of Huron. 11 Is need-
less to say that Mn. Sesta t. muoh plead
and highly appnolabes the honor optioned
upon her.
The plenlo of thee Sable: A 0hool mal Kp.
worth League of North etre... Methodist
ohurob will be held today at the Bl.ak
Th. Epworth league of North Orme
Methodist ohuroh *111 bold • o►tate
pravor.meeting tomorrow (Friday) outman
•t H o'clock, at Me home of 0n. Robs.
(lordon, St. Andrew'. ward,
Rev. George MoQulllle, of Cenrtwrlght,
is the saooeeser e1 Rev. C. L. Mills as le-
oumbent of Trinit ohnroh, Blyth. The
1•tto, h.t goo. to Hamilton, whet* her will
rest for • .hort time Where rim. aing el.e1-
°e1 work.
The lima saalal alkdit. the anapeees of
Knoz ohnroh Y. P, S. 0. R. will be held toe
morrow (Friday) evening en ►he ground. .f
.lohn Gait, Nelson .tress. There will be r►
freehm..l., a f.ocy work table cod • geed
program, InoludInn the M.rina
mission, 10o. Tie served from 6 be 7.r.
.l. A Gregory, of Yorkto,, Ams•„ N
Tuesday sveoing addressed the F.p*era
League of North -sl. Methodist ohnroh, glv.
lo.' an .tile and Int*restlng talk upon the
hl.tory of the Northwest and the p.ople.
with whom hs has come In ontanl w8110
oat them. He szpri med • higgh npinlon of
the Lookhnhon as seethes of ►he right °las
for that growing on°11y,
Th. bl.hop of the Angllren dloore of
Huron b.. ordered • ollaelee to be takes
In ell the churches In the dioo..e fnr the In-
dia famine n.et Sunday, July 291h. Ae-
cerdingly, the nnlleoinen next Sunday le
St, (large'' ohnroh will he devoted be that
ebjot. The ontrlbntinas will be forward_
.d 8. the bishop of Ifombsy, 0. It ls to his
diose.. that the greatest .affesing prevail.,
An Interesting address upon hes experi-
ences as • missionary w.. given by Roy,
,las. A. Molsohlan, of Reir.w'. Rives, Man.,
oo Monday evening 0t North .•rest M..e-
°dist ehernh. Mr. Melaatbl.n tin been
engaged In mission work among the Iedlan.
for twenty one years met Was able 8* speak
with latlwt.ta knnwl.ge of the Indian .lyra
•ones. PLrtlonlarly interestlow was hi.
•mount of the Indian folkla., Led tie ad -
dram. throughout was roll of Iaterm•tlw re-
garding Ih. aboriginal Inhabitants .f tie
W..t .nd rhe work of s.angellratlee whish
1. hsteg minded ne amongst Mem.
OI.. .
MITl'HRLt? , v V.,1.0 e, Wls., s 80.4*,,
.Int) 111,4 J,emph Mltnhell, yonrit.,t sea
of John 1111'1taee11, RAM 'treed•
PRM'E. On Monde Jnly it`d, at 8 a. la
her r•sMAAnce, Stanley street, Oda
(ethane., calfs M Jetsam Pelee, .gd
R(18R.-t.--$M,Ho4 o. Wednesday, Jaty 111.
James ailmee Root. eaod 11$ year. gal 1
Mr• .ANZUI ta a
>�iaY 1�il�i��lsi j "rim reg