HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-12, Page 8CAti Tormant, July 13, 1100 C learin Sale ..... ..... OF ALL Summer Goods Balance of our Summer Goods must go now. None to be carried over into the Fall if price will move them now. Two months of warm weather ahead of you yet. Coin° and supply your wants at little prices. See that you get a Refreshment Ticket on your purchase of a dollar. Special Bargain in new Muslins, Ginghams and Piques, worth 15c and 20c; Clearing Sale Price 10c. OC*41, 24024,42,4412 Hosiery Bargains Fast Black Fine Hose, regular 20c and 2e; Clearing Sale Price, 15c. Millinery '113We =.46`MOV't 04,44,4. Jr -a, 41, e, All Trimmed Millinery going at nearly HIALF PRIUE Clothing Special Bargains in :Pipe's and Boys' Suits -ALL REDUCED - Factory Cotton The\bsest value ever offered, regular 7c f'01'5c. BestValue in Shirting Ti Checks, Stripen,12i to 14c; Clearing Sale Price, 10c Ladies' Shirt Waists All new styles, special white with insertion, regular $1.25 and 81.50 ; Clearing Sale Price, 51.00 Large Stock of Dress Goods Now is the time to make a selection. Prices all reduced. - CASH OR PRODUCE!! - Smith Bro's & Co. THE 141GITAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. the homestead; Uni. Alm. Wonsan, of lituevele, and Mee. Rendersoir, widow of the lets lames lieriderene, 01 Bolerrave, The eveume wee *pint at speeches, floes and ▪ y, all er w kWh tae o mpany dispersed wtshiug their host sod hostess many more years of happiness and prosperity • CHURCINOTe. S Next, Sunder s coil...Mon in sol 01 the Iodise femme Neel fund will be taken in North street Methodist ohuroh The pantie given 011 Dominion Day in aid el the new Roman I ohuroh at Dub- lin was very suienissiul, the sum of $3,000 beteg the net proceeds Rev. Jasper Wilmer, pastor of North street Methodist church. limit Sunday .en - log will eddies" bis cons, petition on tee kab- inet of Christian Solecton Rev. W. N. Dathis. who has been sup. plying for Rev. (Noon Young at Weed - home, Norfolk °dusty, darns the latter's absence in the Old Countre, pri ached both morning and evening in St Ceorges °heron last Sunday. • The Y. P, S. 1% le of Knox church, 111 hold • Nun social on the beautiful grounds of John (Nit, Nelms) M.. on Thous day, July 26th. A good program is toeing prepared for the elution Farther per oculars next.week. The Sentiment of the Lord'. Supper will be dispensed the morning omelet., in Knox ohuroh next Lord's Dey. The mike turn will be on behalf of the poor fund. The service preparatory to the oocasion will be held on Friday evening at 8 o't look, when Rev 4.1m. Hamilton. tt. A , will prmoh. At the close of the service new applicants will be received and oonomunien cards dietrIbeted. Then wag a lerw•turnout ot members of Msplit Leaf Lodge, No. 27, A 0 U. w., and visiting brethren on Sunday morning, when the twenty first anniversary of the lodge was celebrated by attendance at di- vine esteem at Knee church. There Were ninety Workmen In line, InoludIng members of the order from Clinton. Dungannon, Ben miller sod (arlow. Rev. Jas. A Anderson occupied the pulpit after an absence of three week• and preitohed an appropriate, earnest and helplul sermon from the text, "Hear ye one another's burdens, and •1 fulfil the law of Christ'. (Oalatiane 6, 2.) After re turning to their rooms, the Workmen, who were greatly pleased with the sermon they had listened to, passed a resolution thank- ing Mr. Andereon, and an expression of thanks to the choir of the ohuroh for their services also was missed. DUNGANNON. . Novice.- The local agency in Dungannon toe Tea 1314111•L teat the olio° of J. 0. w J.P., cenveyencer. &a who will receive or- ders for subsoriptions edvertieing and Job. work. and is authorized to give receipts for amounts paid Nr the same g'l A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK- • now will resume his tripe to inummen• non in April. -1st and 3rd Friday each month. IDNVIDAY, .1121y 10. Mrs. 'Thomas Peetland and daughter, Miss Cella, have nose oa an extended Meit• Ing tear to relatives near Sault Ste Maes. The teasel of the late Mary Krrtngton, daeghter of David Errington, Wert W•wa. n osh, who departed this Me en blonde', July 2nd, took plum on Wednesday of net week. Rrokine ohuroh, 1/u nnnnn on, was re•opeo• ed lam Sends', after being closed for re pairs. Rev. A 0 Stewart nessobed in tte morning and again at the evening service. and Rey. A. Millar addressed the youag people, their parents and others in the Moutons. Rev. Mr. McNair, who has been appoint- ed as eueesseor to Rev. H. L Hutton, oom• ineneed his duties os Sunday. July 1st. The Tilbury News of Jose 29th speaks of Mr aiNfar's farewell thaeourses as follows :- Rey. Ur. Mohair sod family left ne Wed- Oseday fee their new home in Dungannon, ----Dena oessey. Mr MoNidek farewell die. Menem last Sunday were earnest and im• .min nod be Mote with retest et his de pertare from bis oongregation. With be- t:amine modesty he ascribed the measure of snoowseattinding his effort., here, not to his own pewees but to an all wise and !ovine Providence. During his two years pastor- ate here Mr. MoNalr has labored zealously for the spiritual welfare of his oo don sad the oommanIty is general. He is • mese estriagly eloquent of tongue, hie D emme befall a harmonious flow of "kept - Bah muededled.'We wish him and his faul- t* aw noreased unsaid* of prosperity and happiness he Mier inew bones is Dan n DUNLOP. tt- Mornay, July 9. Our monition boa been working ap in &mbar° for several days past. Names Ildebeed ie amongst us again and VIII remain here foe iseveral menthe. Miss Tebbe, who Neches tie Merlin. Kent °misty, arrived home on Wedneeday of last week to spend her holidays. Oa the way homeward she visited her brother James, of The Free Prem. and otherttrIends in Lon • for several days. The improvemeate that have been ;ming _AM el kb at The F.zohange are nearing to e el, mod when finished mine hod Metier \ Inn bans the beta oeuntry hotel to Ontario, Abe objeciti M which he has aimed mince he here aye years pp. Purchasing the betel last year, he this year has raised it elms lame ism tram the d and now has • good hutment of stonework under- neath it. Areind the hotel enteride le hes Me graded and gravelled on to the hetobt, and Rlohard Danny. sr , doe a drais from Ma cellar to the oreek to oarry off the water. Rummer has It that his shovel struck • jar of something shout eight Int In the heart of the earth. As we mentioned before, friends and ninny of the near seighbore turned out with their Name and drew the (ravel and mom required for the work 'hoot/ Mosier drew the heaviese stoses for It with his Seam. Rises be oame hen aur beet bac been ripoiar with all. sad thesis whose Simper Mhos views are not In s000rd with • her ma and • drinking Mn at the pomp when water- ing *Mr horses, and a eery *1We( rime" to waft ler • dinner or have a warm without Int..fed On bar. Some time ore we montlosed that R. Grad eied bis enter, of this place, bad hem galled te 31. Thomas by the Masse of that brother JAL which smiled by his death es aged Itt. He here his illness with Christian sod mai his end with fortitude. Rtr.Thaiseie papers speak of the sad NON eg follows : "Mr. Jobe ()geld, RO Lew* Mew* died this morning front the ed/effh ei Wren. erred sirm-tbres. if. was here le Astride musty, Ireland, and has re- sided le Me nil ler eayeebeea years, being employed es the U. 0. R. wad 15 11.411'. foo- lery. He was a .member el Come Maple, L (j.7. Re leaves beelike his wife three bream mod dye aneare.' The following also woriared 4. rekiressoa to bin Amaral ("The Memel of Ur. dohs Us(/.aid reek Oise yeelsiday shereme Ms 41. 4.1.. reel. deem 110 Lessee etre* end wee intended ill . Hier. D. R. Drummed eentleeb by mb; el Overt Mae* L O. 1., T. G. Omersesp, W. Illeydemblis4.1 Ild erembees. thPan- e biereet Matelneh. JONI User* sad ap. ell sextealWe el Osese Uspklime Foresters wwit meeshalled by A. Millard and A. W. Wilkinson. Theme Mom of the order were cediducted at the grave by F. Mc(ormick, Mr. Hollway and George 1:odd's Those present from • die• canoe were Rev .1 H and Mrs. Courtney, Port %sole'? Quaid, Port Albert, and Rene s 1 Min 14 Quaid, of Dunlop." itemeseces mother, who resides here with hie brother Robert, N in her eighty.ninth year, and is until in geed health for her ad - yenned age. Mr and Miss Quaid feel very grateful to the friends in Me Thome" who e xtended kinder,'" and atteneion to them during their May in the city. LELBURN. MONDAlt, Ji Lir 9.1. leoN nun, of Seeforth, wails tran- sient isitor here Net week AIN Horton is m•king improvements her house. 1). no , nI Dunlop. Is dreng the carpentering work. After iso abeam» of nearly three mentbe In the embryo burg of Loyal, beeeph Mo Nevin, bee returned to reside among,* us again. 11.1. a great favorite and la recei•- ing briget miles and hearty greetings from the mattes, and !melee wherever he ap TIN megmational emeseleg held here last Thersdav evening had net • large et medusa.. The prevent hour ret "erten" is not at all popular and them present thought it best to try to have it the same as before On Tuesday of this week F. N. Shaw will attend the Presbytery meeting at Clinton, where the other oongrerattone interested le the proposed alteration of the charge" will . peak through their delaptite on the met - ter PO81VAUSER1. TriniDAY, July Rthel Dsleng is home from Toronto for a vielt. F:dna and Freddy Nelson, of Ridgeway, are Halting with their aunt, Mr.. 11 Hey- de.. Mre Gromarty, •iter 'pending a few days with her parents here, returned to her home In London on ft riday last. There was no server. In the Preshytertan ohuroh here last Sunday owing to the re. open ng 01 Rev. Mr. Fairbairit's ohuroh he D aaaaa non. Quite a number from 1.41. 05.. gradation attended the nrvios., GODERICH TOWNSHIP. ' TrirRADAY. .7111y b Tbe following 1. • statement of the stand• tor of th• pupils in M. M No. 2 for the month of June It la based on ponotuality, good deportment and general profiolenoy : 1st olase-Weeley Monk, Ilarfleld MoCul- legh, Frankie Chambers. Jr. Pt. H. -Kathie Thompson, Nina Weibull, (linden White. 4*.. Pt..11.-Mnry Mask, Wiul. John- stone, Joey Y Jr. II. - Irene Hun, McKee Johnotinie. Meredith Ulark. Sir. 11 -Genie liturdy, Arthur Willson, Albert MoCullagh. 111. -Mamie Y.111. Alice Hlek, Irene (lark. IV. Pearl Willson, Nettie Sturdy, Alice Johnstone. Sr. 'V. -Linda Sturdy. 1n51er Leavieg-Fmtwoie Storey, Mettle Jellsetese. Fem. Lawaetwe, Towhee. HLUEVALE. Trsainiv, July 10. Will Rowers, of Drtilla, Is home on his holidays. The tanners In the vicinity are busy hay. lag at present. L. S. and Ulm Folly Doff visited friends le Llaberel on Seeday. of Hamilton, tied Mies Annie Retherforti, of Tomei*, are 'Wiley their mother, Mn. Walter Itetherferd. Mr, and Mn. Magnus Sp.., of the Ant Ins of Morris, oelehrated the fiftieth &nab vereary of their waddler last Tuesday ever - lac A Number of their friend' were pre. - seat who were at their wedding in the pay leh of Riegle, Orkney !slimes, ineindiss t W &enmesh :Veit week hare with blit roe, W. Oamp• bell. Min Clan ated Master John Roe. et il:ete, wen yi•ii leg in tows the past wek Alin (inane, of Kippertilin. Is vis• awe her errodperent., Mr and MN., Wm. The Mime* Lizzn and lidiunie Martin. of Presto°, ar• visiting their sister MIS J. 11. Peddee. Mrs. Mitob4411.011.11, mother 01 towu el., Mitchell, returned Tuesday eveniug noir video& 0. W. W. and Herb Stoddart. are sway ea a •lieledng trip. Thm intend to go tut far a• • liven Sound. Miss Wiggins dnil Min Skelton left eured•y morning 1*, joie oemping piety at Orsad Bead. Jas. Mitchell, of Cleveland, qophew of W. Mitehell, ,.own oleek, teeing his relatives here. Mrs..), Helmer and Mrs Maar, 01 '1'..toa• to, are visiting nien.de hod relatives le and around Ooderloh. Mn. 1 sylor, of P.okfurd, is visit Ing her parents, Mr. and Mn. John of the Hayfield font __- Mrs 0. (2. Wilson. of iisaterth, returned home on Monday after a week'ngisit at the reeidenoe of S Sloane W. ti Clark sod family have removed to town iron* Nile and have raki,') up their residenoe on Rrook streetMr. and Mrs. MoCrae and daughter, Lilies, of Detroit, ;visited Mhd rs. oOrse's tether,.7. Hamplos, the past week. John Green and Meter returned to their boors In Port Dalhousie on Tuesday alter • pleasant Melt with friends In todelich. Mr. end Mrs. (Norge l'atboart and ohildrut , of Toronto, are visiting Mn. Corti- caree mother, Mn. Wilson, Keay' street. Rev. Kithers West sod McCormick left Monday monolog for Sandwich to mailed -1 retreat for the priests .4the Moran) et Lan don. Mr. and Mee Jolla 81014.,., "of Weed. stock, are taking a driving trip to Doneme noos,. lloderich and other p11115 al", it. iAk Mrs. David Coseaday and ohildreo. of Ayr, who bad time visiting at the residence et the lady's father, Wm. Iturroes, lett on Tumtley. Miss Jessie Ceuta Nit on Stiodev. per str. Pit ten.i-r, for Cliften Fo'ge, Virginia, where eh- • '1 'peed several weeks visiting her broth... 11 iroll Turner arrived on S kt aridity from N w York on a visit to his home here. He will take • trip on the hike.. h.fore return Ing to New York. Mite McKenzie, of Pitarolea, who hes been visiting at the rectory for a few weeks, left on Tuesday a5(15,0000 to visit at St. lbs.... and 1.,241o0 ,,• D. a Sallow§ left yesterday on a _trigt_te the beet Islands and other Otos' on the 'lake. 8. will put in part of the Line shooting with his owners. 1: 1.. Bien, .1 Brune 5 ns in town (*6,Sands), end pc his return home on Mondry vim aacompented by ldrr. Hisir and their son Wilfrid, whir had been visiting ere. Mrs W R. Miller, of Toronto, and her daughter, Mn. Mei/oriel& of WitilliPee. visited its town for • few days NM week, and left for St Helene to visit Mrs R. K. , ll'arleton returned to town last week after an absence of a year in the Old Country. She enjoyed her trip abroad. greatly and her health has beton very mush lent fitted. Miss Rusk and Mies Alice $haegalla rived hilt week from Print). Ailiert, N. W. T. Ulm Rusk wilt remit itttiht:wive.esbetisterlis Sharman will to *pendia./ s few weeks' holidays id hem. At the recent meeting of the &)0m! of Huron • report was adopted recommending that, in order to provide 'efficient means to oarry on the work of the diocese, sash per- ish be required to ocintribute to the funds of the .,nod a sum amounting la the aggro gat* to not lem than 41 per annum from every family of the °Atwell in such parieb (two or more persons of s common household who depend upon the clergymen for spirit m ual tnistrations. shall constitute a family), tbejunds en raised, unbars otherwise dente nated, to tei divider! ea follow' : re the miming' fond. tour eighthhe @ of twhole; to the geueral purnme Nod, three eighths of the whole; to the widows and orphans' fund, onenighth of the whole. Any unexpended balance of the general purpose fund is to be ttanatarred to the inietliori fund. In order more fully to promote the general work of the synod, annual subensipttons and dons thins shall he irellemed from each weeniest - Lion lo such mintier aseball 4. deemed most effective, sod 'very endezve. made to augment the resources of the sy cool. An eneu.1 missionary meeting shall be held, or sermon preached in each etturoh or other imitable place, and • ooll...ion mac for the mission fund of the cif At the recent ....invention 11 the Herei Sabbath School and Christens I(edeavor Aosoniatios, held st Seatorth, an 'Aiken was gives by Rev. S Allyn upon the sub- ject, "The el.libith school In the home ;Mole." A Oodles* home, Mr. Attie said, I s one of the mad trieritut ions of today. The environment of the home hut much to do with the suceess of our work and 0.0 55 the 0.055.11) of training the parent and 'minimine aequalnted with the home lite of the pupil The work done In the home is the most permanset, and many are the illustra- tion. el this men im the world. „Mae of the best aids to home training Is the home de- partment of the Sabbath entre!, and should be tried. The Sklibath school "herald de mend from the hoe-, sympathetic, enthusi- sotto' interest. We should me the printing press mid send 11 quarterly report tram the school to the home The lesson should be stunted at home. Etnenoial support should aorporde4 by the parents. A vent to non interested homes and help given along the teaching of the Truth will du good. The topic, "How aaa I get the moat out of this reinvention?" was introduced by .1. H. Mil• lian, nf Ooderioh. , The gist of his remark" wa" 7 Make preparation before coming by prayer ; by antebook ; by waking queer tions at the convention. Offioers ef the Sabbath school section were elected IP fol. lows • Prevalent. Dr. Towler •, vieopreel- dente, Ree .1. S. Henderson and J. P. Rom: mi luta searetery and ter, 3, C. Phone man ; oorreepondinr secretary, L. Harold ; executive, M ()ordeal, .1. Ken. G. E. filen, W. H Kerr, .1. H. 1411110., .1 E. Tom,.1. 11 Wilson, .1. H. Mo - Clinton, .1, Dustow and A. oust. The 1'. F. officers are : President, W. H. Kerr, liraseels ; vice president, Rev. T. .1. Mur- doch, Clinton ; seoretary, Miss Washineten, Clinton treasurer, Mies Cash, Mf -nth; Meier superintendent, Miss Maud King, Myth ; executive. 8 O. Stone, Rev. Mr. Anderson, A. T. Cooper and Mies Ammon Clark. The ems vest ion .1 1901 win 4.4.44 Lkunijia-19, at ClintaL___ DOMINO AND GOING Frank Satendlege le Ashlar/ at (lank Him Gress Nekton Is visiting all attar- -- tort Mrs. Eagle. -of Toronto, le visiting bleeds ie town. Ilia Elia Menton 1. visitleit relative, at Seafonh. : town lest week. Mies WInnle Han 414.4.4 -VON Isom Exeter last week. Ren. Allen, of Chicago, le welshing aid scones in Onderieh. Mr.. Egenee ie at earatterd Hailing her sister, Mn. Halley. Mrs. Knox and Nub mKeel are visiting in Toronto Miss Hellish Whitely, of Clinton. is vis- iting relatives here. • A. Petite, of New Yea,11 speeding boll• days at the eld home. Mien Oberlin, KA., left nn Saturday for her horns in Toronto. Mime Strang returned home Settled', evening from Orintsby. Min Hamilton, of Wronger, Is visiting her aunt, Mn. Farmers Elswood Campaign* is home from Chi. °ego for a holiday visit. Herb Stoddart, of (9s4,-4.epsedine holidayeat his hem. NoraMis. Miss of Tortoni, 11 vieitter her brother, Dr. W. F. (tallow Mime Scott, of Stratford, is visiting the Mimes Roane, West street. Mn. Rethwell left en Tuesday moraine be spend • few weeks In Ternoto. if re. Robert cam.. widow of the 3.h. cum.. Arl•me, ef Tornnee, le visiting In 1,Inkiefer. of Wawanesh ; 1 sows. 1" gnat Mr•• 41"1"4"1" Peter lAnklater. nI Wineham, and Andrew .1 1' Le Tooted left en Taited•y 10 whet leek later, of Milord ; also Mn. Omit, et hie daughter, Mrs Jones, at Inert. • Iliremfmd. Yrs. Sebes, whom mem WM Frank Henderson, nf Owen Sound Am Mary Sperume, was bore in 1.1141 garb* of Ellyglit. Orkney, and was of the Elessiews of mud Yr. Sperm wee of the Ames' ad Reber. Ur. Speen* hes hem • sailer. and bee travelled ewer mammy Nee aid hes hose Is messy Imam. All UM family 90.5 41115.11 iamb Spews, wee redder es been visiting In town the mat weak. Chas. 11. Williams, M. 0 ' . arrived T.. 4.7erasing ass Men 1.5 hisimovit here W. H. Hones, of Rolla, Is vieiting in bowls ond 45 1.4. guest .4 (4 W. Thismi. J, 0. Campbell. of Aylmer, meet Imet net M,ads Might "Lerge sores Covered the bead sod foam (lour child," Writes C. 1) 110i11, of Mor• gantnn, Tenn., "that n. treatment helped till we need Flocklen's Arnica Salve, which quickly owed her '' Infallible 1. eruptions, braises, socideuts and p lee Curs goaran teed. holy 25, at Isa. Wilson's drag/ store. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Trade at Smith firm' en I get s refrosh• meat ticket on m pry driller purchase. "Oaf July and Aerated stile is now en. 115(0.001410 Meek to be sleughtered for 60 days. G. 2. Wingham 'Ort te lb* Victoria Restaerant, West mt., fee fee eraser, heir, entifeetionery, cigars, eto. 1:4414 NS, proprietor. .) Now for "nape. We will common. a /Nat three daye' nate at the Hamilton st. harimin Mere on Thured•y, July 12th, ()air bankrupt stook of clothe and 1.5.1.bought in Ripley at • low rate on the $ will be offered very Mime. 253 Japan tea, 6 lbs. for $1 00; beet bOy bleak tea SI 30a per lb all shell groceries at half prim dor.ng this great cleat -in, gals. 1. W. 1312014nitit A. The garden party to be given by the ladles of St, neorre's church will be held epos the grounds of Mrs Jordan, late of Mrs. R. R. Smith, Colborne street, no the (menthe of Thursday, 19.4 isst. Refresh- ment' will be served, the band will be in al. tendance, and there will be a number ef novelties. Admirmi elon 10o. All are readt by invited. - Blown le Atoms. 'Ilse old idea that the body sometimes heeds a powerful drastic, purgative pill has been exploded ; for 14. King's Nen Life Pills. whet!' ere lerfectly harmlese, gently irtimulate fryer and bowels to erpel Dolenn• oua matter,cleenee the system and alivoluts. ly our* oeinitipation and si( k headache. Only 250,\J. Wil,..'. ming Mors. hz ret) Rivitsas AND Cl:ttr0118 Wowing Is statement of reoeipte the„outport of Onderich, in the inland revenue division of Stratford, from July 1, 1899, to June 51. 1ai: Os licensee $ 170 00 (in malI .. Ott eleetrie1 .• 46,684 11 'I he euenms receipt* fo; the port of (lode rich for tee year owlet .1nne 30th last were 435,790M. The &winner onlleentil at riederioh and the varioue ontports were as follow. : Ilorterioh ...,... Clinton Wingham Kinoardtn• Siefert h ..... ... ,„ $8,138 81 6,4S6 82 6,712.16 2,4,31.47 P . . 9,082.59 Sonthempton , • ..... 2,923.79 ALAA. Luoknnw .... 15 00 • $36,710M Three rinks of bowlers Were at eleaferth this week, taking part In the tournament there. At the time of going to preen we had not heard how the I loderioh rink. fared. Twitnhall and family, of Clinton, will spend the rammer in ooderleh. The7 have taken a hones os Chareh 'newt (leo. Emerenn's fiend wheel was nee of the attractive features nt tha prnosselon ere the 4th. The demerit inns were from rhea. 141 .11.' garden. A. S. Chrystal and s number nf his week. Mee from Lenden have been doing some Irma Mcitwee's salt -well. tan 1'0 ADVIIIRTUIRIFUL Renee of changes must he left at this Onioe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes meet he loft not later than Mn. week. aocepted et to noon Wednesday of earth any noon. Casual Advertisements! - 5EOOND ANNUAL TOUR hug ELITE CONCERT CO'Y. WI" Foals. Dotter the niammesest to 11 RICK TAO Three flours' Continions Performance High -Class Vaudeville The follow' it artists reimpose h, ELITE CONCERT COY kie their Snood Aube.' . our Thie le a purely Canadiau Company oomporerd entirely of Canadian sr dais Mile 1..lian Faiths... Descriptive N'ooalat Mi Jas. F. Oaatle Monologuist and Ducar Mr. 8. Lee Moore.. . Beaton. Miss Amino Taut:ie....Juvenile Comedienne MrHarold Soott. Impersonator and Reader Master Sydeey Roy Atiist MID Mr Hams. Llotrd Ottesda's FIVOID Humorist. TW. Gomm appear at the VICTORIA' THEATRE QODERICH uly 24 and 25 fteestiret1 Siesta at P. rerlt BHA S•ore. QK.11.E11 TENDERS addieise I to the unierognod. mut ..domed "T oder tor Dredging. Sarnia, tett.," wilt be reeetved at this oteoe until "dueeday. the 94th Imp., 1900, inelushele, frr dredging In th harbx of sgeetg, i int., &wording 0.0 a plan and com- bined speciticatiou and form of tender to be 'menet the office of 11. A. 11 • ay, Esq., engineer In (huge inu nor and river works for mart.). Conf. deration Life But:dins. 'racoon). in ap ti eation 10 14. postmaster at Sarnia. Ont.. on aerlication to the posttnae.er at Ohatii•nis (Mas.s. t .mW and at the I/apartent of 14.411, orks o Persons tendering are notified that tend,. well not be considered ultimo made on the form supplied aod signed with their ,actual stietatures. leach teederinnat he accompanied by sta cep ed bank (Argue made payable to the mein of the Bonn attic the Minieter of Pu orks. /or tyro 1 honewel sIt000,511 dollar...I, whloh will be forfeited it the party de dine to enter into •eontract when called upon to do soor if he fall t3 complete the wort contract ed tor. If the tender be sol anceptel the cheque will ne returned. The IMpar ment demon bind Neel( to se eept t'•elewest or any tender. Ity order, J0 44 lettalo'g.'.1d Aeeretar3. Department or Public Werke. Ottawa, Jnly 101h. 1900. 4 Et hhout authority from t he 11.'9 .rtment win b Sewesmapadpvfner. iisn.sertiorr this advertitement w 15, Otha Styles for Strict, Dien, Housc, Outing. Your,A14,yu rputarory mse nirl'ome III end ode us anyhow, whether you buy or not. We will be pleased to show you our I ;mode and Prices. Our famoue QUEEN QUALITY Atuerican-intade Shoes are the talk of the town. 4 111. JECADMS 'r! 7 ;! 1:3 North side of the Squire, Goderich. THE CASH SHOE DEALER We Won't Keep Still eta uutil you give us en opportunity of showing THAT TNIS you how much you can awe Gy buying your net IS BRANDED 004 EVERY et`011. BOOTS & SHOES •It..froni THE SPOT CASII PRICE at which everything le 'narked utak.* think • ing people, those who shop around 411141 want to ritakTh: Thr .u. tbeirremplhillans,7igfarpoith:wt,b.wuyhereiida to emphasize in our busitioes are : t'01 ardlanlistrd--44LI :HPUORANICEETBYT DE‘AllIr:rL:N111; Back to the tiateita, tern we wit) you for arty dinateduCtioe Ratelusive Agent for the famous Queen Quality. (I51M.1M TO.NDKR8 istblressied to the 1.3 unders1s4*ed. and eltdOrred ' Tender for flunplyinit Coal for the 00701111On Buildings. - will he receivei at this Aloe until Tnersday 21th of July. 1951, trillueively, for the sues I of oast for the outillo buildingt thro shunt the lionoln10111. Combined sperellemion and form of tender can be obtained •t thla.ortioe, where all neeee w iry Information may be had on Slitalret10111. Person* tendering see hot lied that veneers will Myt b' 00110 leved miles. made on the printed form supplied and signed with their * renal signature.. Each tender must be soroanneeird by an. accriotnl haek eheolua made reyable In the order of the Honorable the Minleter 01 Pdblio Werke, 001111 to ire 'per 0011) of Wooer./ of kr tettrier. wttielt .141 4. forfeited It tha party de aline tar ester into a (entreat when called upon to dose. or if he fall to complete the work contrasted for. If the tender be net ac teemed the eheque will be esteemed. The Department does not bind itself 10 ao rept the Ilweet or anyyteller... it . JOS ft ROY. Actiag Secretary, usearsesieasr Public Works, t Maws, ft. nth. 1990. f Lake Erie Navigation CO. Ltd The shorted and fltealliggionte to Cleveland, Ohio, Via Pot Staley Through fare from Oortertnh. Riegle Return SEM. Return talkies good for one monthepeeist rates cotes tuitornay and re turning Mdnilay. 110Ol bevel Port Stan'ey on Sundays. TIMt days and Thursdays at 11 p.in and on ftetur days at i p.m. leer tickets and further Information apply to tleket agents 0.T.ity, or write T. MA/V.111AM., WM.WOOLLATT, Antic Oen': vase Aiet. Manager. Walkerviile, Ont. et 2m A Great Snap__. te one Diaper Snap, et 5c. • pound, of which we wells barrel a week. Thie isn't our only map. as we carry everything that son be found In an 017 to.date grocery store, and our prices are right. The fernier, know that they oan always get from tie a mop for their predate). We drew the line at no legitimate teed, - everything g0011 tilimware or potatoes, garden stuff or ohniciest table Chine. We deal in all of them. T. G. TIPLING &0� Redford bleak, Oederloh. 4sa giongsmitiy .14 am .prepitred to buy this season's clip of wool, a, wood, at the BILLER WOOLEN MILLS llEST CAE PRICK win exchange for maim- tecitilted articles. \ JESSE MIMI CEO. STEWART GROCER • YMus' old stand, West side Square New Arrivals CHOICE PALMS FRUIT JARS Ae Molecule Priem. spavi no, Ringb0190141111Pik1b I Don't use Drugs and Medicines Curbs, and All fit Lameness Yield** 54 questionable (1001117.Get the best there is at the flame prices that are vv,vrutki charged for inferior goods. At our L)rug Store the stock is al. trays fresh, and each article pure, p0 - tent and satisfactory. DON'T.41 Art, 'Ayr 1 VA -1.341s.."4 "TIPCWIIKL:ZW"Kr TAMPER.... with your health. Wort• themands of elms mess)ly. eseanas by tam beet broaden. awl hormirem everywhere. hien lit et Ser M. As • Ilatemat for family me 14 Me as Meat was Lome, us., (Ms Dee. la. Ifft DR. it irlDWALL Dear 1110. year moot be • wale•Me bore. whim\ dot lame 1 took lam to Me Ileteresnry %Man. •Iha yruanuacatt It Ilawaht flpaelle mad nam • Itine hen. epimere I...pelted anion. Miner Thls made matt., only worm and the bo. Moor tome toe, 14,0.14 eel stood ay Atter trylne ...within, In my poem 1 met to a andland and toed elm shout the mar Redeye motor of •oer boot. and 1 e whet ilrorehaly .01 5.. Om resolved to do tee menet la teem of my team, met tv the neatest drum Mors end rota NMI. or yoorepa•le t are end Awned It strictly nsonung to dtreralem. Be- fore the On* !fettle ea. emd 1 noticed an teltimmwtelst and whoa tee seeonth bottle em Mem telt mad, my home tem completely eared and eltimet lowelog • bletolsh Alla Atter manna treatment I ones the bone (OW rare and did mom light wort rout welsh - lag lo me If *5 5.4 ellterted • sere 1 then alartnel In wort the 1*,.. Mada01 to my entire setlefartloe he never Mowed asy wore Immems thrown the .11.0 ransom, 1(150 mew. corl Keedall's Opsele ..r, not oely was excellent, bet as a sere remedy, to aar not that It say cancers traly, It•IIDICL ?KITTEN 551. 700, dronnot 7sr iteinitates seam. cue., ewe 440 Treailiee eft 55. Nemo, in book free or mtdreal N. S. I. Meet' SIONNAlrellShOSS rms. 51 • Our Prescription Department hits a reputation for promptness and accuracy. fly 461 F. JORDAN multi 17111 Medical Hall. BEOKXR & MYERS, Undertaten and Diallers Gra4112212.2 441 Merstachusetta Co1 loge of Xtetseloting. WHITS INIANDIL OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 81411' tionne AT MODS- KATZ PRICES, AND 00UR1'IOU8 ATTENTION. IBEIBIARED ERICK, 649111111Elf1B. 11•1•111•1=••••• mrttmtrmrtrIttIMITTMITIMMMIM E SNAPS IN SHOES EE rlen's plain heavy Cc; igress - 85c. per pair Msn's lace plow Boots - - - 75c. Women's heavy lace Boots - - 65c. L- isses' " " " 11-2 55c. ild's " " " 8-10 45c. W en's best Carpet Slippers 15c. " two pairs for 25c. fa ...-,:,......chi E ure. le of Polish for Sc. , Also finer Imes in the same proportion. di- 4, - dito fit yot110tyle and price. Come and ben ille- Illa- -F Just recelvediiiTall.di Oents' and Boys' 1 largest stock in this county, we are able 1 dee- Bicycle Bars.'. ..-- a- • -4t '!Le,,,p ill - - W-,;FFARIVIAN,--;-jr:7-7----- ---1 --°----- - , --4P 41 tZf 1 a Aswehave the largest shoe store and the 01* r 114.41 4R14 4..11 !ttli ...American Field Fencing... - Have you Reim At Do you know what is the cheapest and moat durable fence sold? If you haven't seen it you can see it at McKENZIE & HOWgLL'13 st from 46c. s rod up. .'•1 Spring Coiled Wire 3i cents Ib. „Barb Wire - - 31 cents Ib. Galvanized arid Black Wire, BINDER TWINE: 010e1c7"hrefidanrbrand at the Wind prkie 'ohm. Let us have your order. Harvest Tools, Nails, House and Barn Filatures, in any quantity. The people know where beat values are found Our sales were n*VW known to he es large as At present. . We bur for cash. We buy in quantities. We sell on IMO margins. it is to your advantage to buy your hardware of 001 lificKenziest Howe te, 1