HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-12, Page 7"may �., --. - ' . •' ++, .. .., :, . .: <-. ,. .- „ _-- -.s '-,7xt,., .,.• y,, rl s:► It ir,I . . r ,Qy ':.1kt4 e2 >.. ..7�'� +T! - Y. :' l"'rir. ... K.. ,., 1. _. yh..,. r 5 rY. ....i- .' y v '.l a-. 4yly�' Y .�+ , A �P 9 },ice m w , fi, r a e ,: ( . - , . rl r • . - - -- JnI R T' ��j flop Prince mo Aber ghat d'etat U 5k+aci of from the Past One of Anhuel, ailed whu A ROAD 60E8E� �118E1/ 111!iIL• LEGATIONS �� SAF1 td by Ww khluhghul curr1100 enc a left utu. A It ou Juan Uth, W aoatr in BRITONS FIGHT 8a\ . . ww IMa11y Mall to a wrlw•nu to taw Turtoato. Auhwl W Wil eller ibland, ' �caul awuall tat Mlutrt+rs tat which auJ Lhuugh li W nob within the /• wrg'Lu udvuwlteJ taw ru(q,rurrluDo! sphere tat the Buzers' operutluUM, Xr. .. Lada Witl I/c tallied in UP TILL TUESDAY eta secs W -Lu. Lln iswiug war sous ttiuletst called a ,° AND PLAY AT HOME Tdto Emp rew gave her whole sup- by many persons at the Chi" Intend port to Ywyf-Lu, unJ a cacao of Jnr AliSrluu, anzluur Lo hent the Intent • �CAurt TO -day '9'l g unWr etwntud. PrItwo Ttwu pull• tidings of friends or relatives. An- . � I rlwuttxly Intervened. blocked by hurl W situated Just south of .;haw - Kang -Yl, They rushed from the coup .Tung, where the revolt broke out. IL --- -_ --' - Y YOUTSEY THE CENTRAL FIGURE clip cad O�rlr, prlrLWauN ru1Nr•d Ile W reuchr.A hl a five wr•Pts' trip by n:,- - ' , cry, "Ibwd wl Ulla fun•Iguerr!" The tits huwelatut from Shuugbal. f /IMor'grtowr. Ky.. July B.-Prepard- All Quiet at Canton and Li Hung Chang I tewL waw .Ieatrlgal. Tlw cwt Mr. Ewing W ° etatebauraii wl"' bar London Society Outraged by Astons p"a have officials tat all warts, mul rout aiwat thirteen years in Chiuu nud bas tltrias aro twlispis-- for the trial of or use populace Look uy tlw+ rause tai the geography nal recant hWtury tat v \ like amused In the Ooebel murdrr Going Norih. !'Howe 'Tawe and hW ugeutw imnlexfl the Empire oat hlm fingere' ends. coarse l nsult to Milne• i chars, which begins to (kty. (At tine utely put the Emperor and Dowager }le takes au optimistic view of the Empresa wilder restraint. actuation in ChUsa, particularly eta 5. result of the trial (nay kluge the _..----- -- --- - Tlw l'Itefaw (errs{wtuieut ofttZeFx- raagaanlm the mlerlunxrba, of whom - ----- vote' of Kentucky ht November, and, ; prerp, telegraphing op Thursday, ray■ there are 2,600 In the Empire, the Iiprha,w, the Prwldentlul election PRINCE TU 1N STIRRING UP STR1F were lm ass lunger auye Russan ace mouth runprovi of whom are h the MAY OSTRACISE THE SNOB. I•a.nt ware will M+ ata ill le Ill amiss tuts overtntrvi the Ftuwlanfonr, arnathe.rn pruvincrr. !cony oi those In at t4+• tisire [fie trials will ►s In +� of :5.000 that left Tien TSIs for Pekin the north, where the revolution prgrerw, uud the faraterm are ex- �--:- _-_ ou Juni 11. The Iluudaanr halt u full rngaw, have soeapall U, Cake Fao un peN•txl to tie In tinily attristieuaw la.-_.., ---- field of comialement, uud carried their the oun*t near the British naval ata- - ------ - great numl)rrs. Tlw court rotator, own Lrnrwrf let. Ar nothing lugs been tion Wed Hal Wet, where they are Many Stories of Atrocity Told, but Trwtworthy News Hard to Obtain - - tall,nl front them fur 24 dayi+, It ls considered absolutely rale. Why Lord Roberts Objected to Ells Mea Using to China UWn't Waat husidrVd will hold only uiout live Believed Chinese Will Try to Stwtro Uut Pekin Foreigners - Kaiser ar,Umed haat the' have been over• g. Society Hangers un to Take Precedence of His Seasoned Officers in h°w -tor pF. 11nr. y Y \stun of thr Itldw \'Ichor N. Itretdl•• mein Inas tarn wlselnw"d. Trustworthy news lr re- It lm reassuring to l+ttru that with em to ed to assist tete prosecution• Thanks Presld:nt Will Hel Reach the Belea ucre.1 Fore! ners In eelaai to tile• effect that all thecx,un• Gommtading Such an fixpedltlon -Princess Saw Wsles' 1lorse Lose N Y P K Y the extepth)u of Alwrrr. lirtsokr, Rohr wages : •'I elu two anticlpate mace, x' try to tlw tortheaut of Pekin ls fusion uud Norman, whu were mur. at Now r'larket----ifenle Week Dull--Wbat the Ureat Metro ,alis is Time to Save a Massacre ? - A Period of Ureat Suspense. eo%ored with eorpurN of men anti Y P Of c ul s in the eh rdl of x Jury. ttormar of the Woutern arrisons. elrrat early 4n the outl)reeat, dlr. Of course, It will hardly 134+ ,xSasibb g Talking About This Summer. to find men who find not ex ) bonder, July 7.-Jurdlue, M,atlwewn •lu,au rtyalb-,1 that ahe was prepur,+a1 F'Igh%lig of a rlspNvute chaaruru•r took F:w•tttg lanes of tau mlwiumrler w1w p rerrexl A t'o., of Slsuiglat, have telegraphed I to carry cwt tow sugKertlou, and tluat plan+ hl tis• hurnedlxte neighborhood of have been mawacrorl. The point London. .Iuly' T. -Truly (creat Bri- inrposm1w to Bend any' trot" tar all aft opinion rut Lite matter bf the one tlivlblott would Ix• wlilch Is• maker with regard to tn(e . nut of Fouth Africa, his wevi ous „f guilt of . the• prisoners, but if they alir{atclaeal hu 1'leu TNIn un Jou S0. talo lm the land of r t. Brlllrh sal- I to ileacs Iurackori Itcww ns f..11owr: revolution in Its tau fuW nature, I( r hate ikews d ttu+lr a incur morel taerllately. Taku d,+spwnt:ltur say nu attack In err bring tsiaat1 on Im{rer•Irc•t inforua:, p y e•�lauaghal, July T. -Th'+ Itritdah IeKa• it anti-dyunstln, as well tax anti diem are fighting a Nartgtrrow 4,+a tion. W oreupon Turd Roberta' artily frau urwmpaprr nccouatr, anti nut N'urtbrr Currrburutloe.. Rr•nt Pura+ lm czrler•tcxd tit any roe tle,l' was standing July Lt•,I. TIw+ry 1Aualon, July .7-A cable ,lerspsatuh. wilt, Thn Uhlnase commanders are foreign, and Lite furm+:r character swJ in the fur eu,t, in tin enrleavur rejoiced. aud,.tlr War Office wits r - from talking with witnesses• they ;pro tui.►urb rtporra re arJt:y t'rl 13siwi ThuratNka Jul 6th+ fi uwaltir the arrival of (Dore guns and of tine trouble diLtcxt much further to Nave the liver of some of their !w'tt,ntly obliged to abaudoll a' arc comint•Rt as jurors." lig g' y. Y Io• w•r t+irafor'xgrurniw ttuforu trwkin un w•la•rbe whereby It wait hopexf to Prrruur las tou•h with aha+ prcwecu- veue:vsd to-do frxnn Sher hal at g Ixu k than the InttM, in(dee•1 w1Uh- fellow countrymen and awintAlb Ilvw of Clae Europsvarui. Y attack on els+ city. out the former element tile, tint! irsoli[y away dlsungubhed pseaoe- flan say it expaecM to chow that H. __ Lice Leuubtn office of Lir» hsrlocr tornte fureiirn movement would nut ►lave their country's prestige. British sol- ►c;hherx quid iheIr relations. Im ry lir F.. Youtwoy wits the man who firett Later Yet! of Chlnere maritime eustoms, ways: A dodiatelt from t`laanahai 1: taw "Coutiur h+(t Pekin July Std, whrfs IAtdly Trlegraloln, Ju1J' ,, Nuyr site attained anything like Its present Biers ure eugagud In a similar task no deflalK cunflrmutkw of tills, but Lhe allot, nasi wait xsruted Ly the Washington. July T.-.1 cablegram tw•o Iegittlurst were hofiling out lossej of tile) allies up to June L'll tc Jlwenrloas- It W Wld "With owwhferabW ct(rum. 1'uwer" forethrrr, (Melo aratA Joky In Ashanti, where Brltirh olflcerl, N'1W rweired at Lhe tante De- against troops unit ISoxers, The tatted 600. - Thr anti-dynaatlr srUtimPnt dxtcy rLot►tlatll[ t.:. They Neill dwell nn his possession u( Momen and children are in danger Y• Lrools had lost 2.11011 mPu and Boz- back for 800 year since tete present the rlflr ruppa,inll to have 4otwat trarsd, partment, from CODAkal ' lieaxtaww at err los h ►endear,' Nu Rain, uo (Tops. Manchu dynasty aNume•d lower. The of being marracred by rovolted as v.- fbuse Kralgeutlous. film lapwing [ought cartridges of ager, nod a quarter of a million Bri- The re ignation of lord •Weiwyrr, ami,keleesa owtler end ills ne•rvuw• siaughal, dated JuIJ' 7th, Saying „ Manchus are regarded till foreigners 1 els Kave the Norel Iundua, Jun. 7. -.Au unh,tell Text tbh are at ill }praprplinK w►th the the heaoorary co!o.tei ahe Leel. Y1uRitoe . y gwrrr. and their r»tgn fine uuvrr toeea ac- nPNI+ uftrr tlM+ what find beth[ fired. ,t Ll rat tttp kegnuo+w erre rLanAing un Thin despat.•it to the Dally Mail, stupendous military and civil diff!- flag The defence will eadeayor toahow I nrlm, Iu' T. - Phe Fn•nrh c4ximul clop%aWo to tete untlte t'hirscre. The ttslfuur, the L(kM Ain+ ufIU,14 of July 8rd, auW Nutt the uttac•k of Lhe 3 went by y of Mefoo, July tat, Manchu d neat it war which lm- eaH)M Thai muni ire ureroouw ls- the creek IwNrtktu F+ctrtiYiln Ydwnteetts, that Youtop oarellased- the exert• L tat �lunurgla,l trleKnt{,Iw napier ,Lite Y Y Boxe•rw had been alight. 'Ley Swrad of July ;tr1 that the vure[c,ys up w,ye tutu% the relieving force of 1,• posed upon the Chliket)e the yuerue, lure South Atrh:a W pMcltled, Yet nt nr a resul% of tN:tr ,Nslre,to lirotert rtaMew fur a friend, HIM tIla, -they " disposed to adkop t starvation metlttxlr. Nankin• Ou Chang, Foo Chow nit, 70) Russians, and ;ioo British, after which is really lit haidge of cervi- horpe, raclog, cricket, running, row- agakitt tau Gov is treutaient were rlullveral tar that frleruI Ln tine A Ktrae lienor, ail, too liuvenior of fighting their way, met tau AtDerb tulle, tint] one of taw• first acts of lag, ,colo, tennis, anti alt the con- „f UA- volunteers In the sertyCe, ligve prrsPinw of several witnesses 'oi' Quiet at ('raluw. ' King Si and Ngan House Nave 'put cru relief furca 800 Lt rung, which tit-, revolutiontats is to cut off thlw trrtr of all deaeripumss hull prac= crtyaterl a w,ttaaaflion (bl. Bal sur b' ti . Prublubllltit•r_ are that the Tout- r + had rtart(xf t tar daays proviowly, Nealty unllurinlmhed rw•ny over led brourr of the Cabinet Minister of f ('untoo, July 8.-Qulef (oatlntres tame l a prakamutkanr cewcheJ la clg ubjer Lionnble etem+nt oC Fie+,7fjpear. sty car• will be celled tint. Tis orou4 Wrrmt, fur the protection of to the m,St dire straits. Ore Ameri- "F'or months•" raid bur. Ewing, '•live lie Interest. that Dauty and Lord Wemyas [tall case against Palob coffers+ former, tP•re. Ll Hung ('hung has stationed furtigrtea'if. Tlo (:ovrrnor of ('hr can officer, In despair, had commit. in the Interior have npprelwuded 4 flrwley Week INaII. Itimbabiy+ clove more for that branch �1y� Secretary of State, will next ful:- treops In tie wiretas t, ng I t(rl suiciire. + It Is true that HeIlIe week le■ a of (creep Beitaln's Aefroum than nit _ {,recrbt Bir Kia ukxte, It b ncklaal. uWlmliePl r•vulution of fhb chatraotpr and y � low• Rud Lhlm will, ut'exarding to the a arlrttaxr: Prinz+ Tannin edlet against foMg4+- The• despatch otxh'�Iudes by enylrig Y other ataa. The troutge w•as over haat that+ W no rain, tau oro w, abd tDu°tis ago t wrote to m frlert(►r aocWl aiccaalun hex been more still ern of the well informrrf, cane. __ __. -_ on" I ht Fltglarxl that there might Tae a and quiet than for years pert and 1\'wr Utfk+e rehrsfad Lir give asap! - e)z� tete trial• At. this special ett4.--,--, x stainer hitrudad Iu exanvPy LI __ ' u prospect of pstlleuce ant Pam- tkta grant ki Ltineloin VOIRniet7s jj9g Hwrg Clang northward culled to- tile, rlmleg at any time. This Sue laat9r the geurguur rummer tuialli Jiif alai L4 'tf ghe court. 1+atwwee's t•mltlos, ly on nctwunt of the extortionate Wnaiom as usual on the tuanlrx tat flue w1Ye feted mono trouble, A) I"It to ear- Nat ,,oaf Shp amused will 'discuss ' day ollwasibly bound for Kill Killing. Parin, July 4• -Denial can be made levies maria bg the Empress, who Thames. But while Society deserted lnit been ei tin• frth to mt !SO the $11elr.cahtes except In a general win !cal �lfuc� I�estru�'ed. imp eu theirsord Wil y Gawp f tine y' •111Ys •took L'G0 piwckFiger of i.I Huag 1 tae high authortiy ul [tae rt)rtre LhnL - flaw IrriCaLed Lbs higher erfltclaalr by Kenley, [hero was no dimiatrlinK in• � t1,ISfIbttRlt taH ezprewt+A LhemsHt Ps as • F'rubCe bow uta»rad the wllgfitert tab Berlin, July rt.-.� tdriloatcIt fruw hna nonce•. Wo rent here been these sAaruoegvrxts. Lord WPmytse, writ tag tut = + Claruug's goods. R {jnterrst of ruwlug tar in Wap inter- 1ctn1 LnawL)wne frnntly tells bion he a of sogaittal- with n Tair trial. jretion to Japan Spading a number of C7tefoo etetrr that Suuthrrn Alan- ex -tureens tint in mnt/7 party of Pat of theme whu watch Healed' fur hew LKnorRa tit" original Interttkan of t3MtL_ f�ooahty people Sty they can 1•rlAce 'I own is Active. troop" to China. On the contrary, It chiufa lm in a state of rebellion. China tlerp is a chronic state of uta roasting rattdier than for its no- the volutoLow fom% and hour chat f feat Ameareof of that. luugtai, July 6.-I'risexa Tttnnhar lm 'hoped here that Japan will send The Mukdeal caval mins, the railway hardship, nmountirW In the Shan cixl featurcrs, The wear and the wen- iL chriM avi ounioUtutkw► +g�r - -'-- promptly e, nufficieut number of to New (7iewang, a4id the telegruplt Tong Provluce to poverty and Pum• ther A -ere cliLvfly respwurlble for w- order•eal tieneral Yuan Shl Kul to troolae, with the purpose`of solving Ilwr have been destroyed. ine. Nu one expecaxd thou• however, ciwty's absence from the great river A. \I., waaY who bar part deal fn CRNADIAI�S A6�1� f 16NT that tjw retolutlem 'would' take tau cairnival. The-bpglnning of the Week ton+ at waw! matif-Dourer it ohms rrwrh w, Nnnkl mint lliCxlO (trrmaan thr !leer of the Euro{mans dt� lekinr anti-R)rel n turn. wear so wretebedly wet and cold that kale tat Rlrm!uKhaM Dtufrsg the U. S. drllltl ttxxolrr. It is d(mbiful that France, Ru,rla and Germany; how- Mar11a1laavr at N'el-Ilan-\I'el. Rg innnny nuns cancelled their pro- .'lyll we}r M war nualnlJ' ImutrumeaatNtl ever: du object to granting Japa he Shawghat, Jwy"-p-.\n ad%artlecrav at Mr, Ewla Irsr earn a Dumber of jar in collecting L_W,00) for distribution - Is• will obey, but In nay (•urs \'k•emY a,+le mandate in China. as they r tWtive risings to hlv tLrn, Inc•IuAfnR JPcted trip. 'lip OxWnt-Cambridge ► % in published here by the Britimh Con arrwmg the final men. '�a6e& From 19th Brigade I,,, W bm•lievevd to be table to hold Nan rmue to wee therein un Englixh lib- sal waroing.everybtx_ly that. Wel=t#saL thr• Yangtooe nuts,-tWAIItau,Japanese cricket match did not autfer from �}�� kill Safe. Ile bas fifteen w'ar"Idps trigue by which the latter'ceuntry of lr maths military jaw. Nobolly 6 all Mai a iBeal KIhintow Nalr such astse tYltlsPl It a um ete,l Paihusi- 1 R tI�■ ....-_ for Duty at Springs., l wraats to substitute Japan to piny tete trtuper,uf the ('hingse under such noir In ae lnr9e number■ as evor, SIX 1 RECtOUS IItES LOST u wn Yan 'lye Keung, and Orent al we to ad theft. . I Y ttre rule mite herself would ' have '� ,_-y clrcnnwtuaoes. They err not, be and fur n coral ist r the u°drrKr+, � ,41 lintaht lm rwa►dy w atwlrt this ol,T,u. Sought to assume if her military says, all euld Mdxk,t caloul,ung Bunte nod ills airier• mother and a Lor Tilly T. f►.1.: pr m. -The Fur- rutun of t!w rebel hove.runwut. The toner bud art loeeu tied up las tine Piga Of has (anted the test, .of A rourp-- flat they la vo btu plc- other attachmeaf,ituaTe been ubiqulL- ANOTMI R LISA OF CASUALTIES. t Trubavnu , twRd. In Chinn nr in other countries ous throughout London. The later- ' - - 5 ` ` al{strtore of Llatr anal (onlgD Tuutai• I tewgram m Aethig Crwsrut-(itnelisI there: !• always u {awkxw element to �lNr,g, fur Nankin, ls causing :nbz- --- Warrea, tat teal, confirming from lookeunl rwardier,nnd polo aro •alas ch J' S l 2 OLSawu, July U.•�( llpsob►U: The MI►- Crt Luurw le'rum ftursla. every• mob. anti Lille, h:+ lea •s, h,lr been �aL-alt iIIldr t7waii"�/�p�{h iii -a p„i n thoroughly motworthy source Mie J luulaed forward k with interest, 1M � iiia Department today treeceived it J• trtb,lr. will /cw race rtiurhN, fur Storm lqueloa, Juoy ed. las spite of {lite siar►r ra:rlcext b courier ftxom I'eklq 1'arrpan I Thr YawkrP Inds=. • � re{ort from Lbut.•Col. Otter. date+! the, atuicks upon foreigno- s, Ile re Kalsrr Thunk- Pre.ldrnt. mini opw-litluu to "lining Japun Wall un •July :ant, by of Shanghai, to \Yhas milli the large aLhdetic con- Jolaannesbu - 9artki its• steric of wlnles,le mos- rg, JUIY i►Lh. repooruu9 dat•ory' of Lite EungNxtu cuucert in the London office of he hwplexWrate UrgebW nt p,reseat tram the Gaited Cantun, Ohio. July T. -The folk1w- micro lit Lias present outbreak nr pirvob• , � ills twattnlbn hna-been taken Eros Chow it Is bellevel that (iovertimprit of ('hhlame maritime tea omit. Saying stator, aril the annual convention of WENT D0. N IN FIVE MINUTES. ii,g cablegram has bNeen rec-•ived by will tie nothaor:relto Act. (creat Brit- that two iegntitnu wcre,'th:• rflLy the able fabricatiurut. `+a•h stories were tin- largest engineer Organisation In Llwr lOth`Brlgnele aud'.deWlled for 1'rrridrnt McKinle•J, "It+•u�lrsburY, abs. fiermnny+ IVily, Asisna and the courier left, hot 144r out nkyhwt the ti m '`iu�ur rcbPlllucw, and Alden tolling its meetings with• C'IPvelnrtd, 0., my 7. -Time schooner Juty as .prinks. 'U L� [Lo Sia! ~trot AA. I Ile hoot L' (M1O tme� neiland t d t (iuxPrN find Rsag�� - • -. the tiiiuAredo cif exc n)monbtr ho, e n 14 mites .off i ho_ port gait moon, mr and then {of fire INt B attalio uffl• Joni 6. Tu the 1're•wadeut tat tine , were fuvardably' found W be greatly He nista rearts thap follow) y \tem. McKinley. Fur Tour Facet- bD Can- t(/kr a cans+ m Rw ° t) r IsP Reports are laeecrrale. vbdt KIL11 d� u, all members tat the g' lrncy'r warm ins up e,sentlrw•e in event tat %late latter's continued re: leaders. Mr. Warren adds that c Weir way to Parts, pay a fly"ln9 person adlIla kCtiOU •J Itiflrw as nst monad, the warder of my rep most aiivr, in :wsal W "Jrt ha tae immediate tie- waraoag,w mays til • traeloo were mac Moreover late points pput that in Lila to Englund, to may nothing of those tnnnlly Of JI►meb Uorrigmi. u wealthy •V -, tally on 40 Tli irtsioW }'skin, l expretS my tnt)rt aln•ere sputeh of Jalb&6m* troope tu,CIILrua, dl•heurtsus,l by their loess, and thht bw+nce, of modern methods of .cam- whu regularly tensa the; Atlantle for. [gr,el owner�of thin city, abrxird. The 'A(orttlly-Nu. 4l1l1. 1'te. H. [3>.,rKhlte+ ','...' ____ihnnks. I recognised therein the ..-._..--__ ilio 8errees-einim their mystin Iniwe ra insipl •n%Joan some to Nei'- repose are a Enr•op eats h,tllnv, it kr OBm 1D► dawd are: - ---_ _ Vt'at'r[llle, N. S. -- common impulse o! iusereets whiaiC .. -Rastiil 1111 -tensa. , have• -leen brokexs by the foretlmrs, lw(vtIJ Inaccurate. For im[naor, possible W gas anywhere without meet: Mrs. Jumps Corrigan, wits of She r'.Itghtfy-4'ap%. oC.'N. Nelle , oyal. Mall rivtiieed nations together. WU- London July 7. -T1s Itrartaad (tot•- and that"thy dare het approach the front etc° to Nanking, Ls a L'0 e(aYeI big :\meritaanx• Owl" of the yacht. Canadian Dragoons; No. 8:16, I•tst T. norm Emprr,r.' ___ ernirrnt sanwtacet that [t w61 Ivo 1 t!o:u. jratarrtr T H. Ltatrrlutt. AfnrdtuTia Hrraguons: Na ega y Y courier. notwithstanding Ileo absnaly: of balls and parties Mrs. Chases Belly, aged ion Japan a free hared lir apply milliary It is further now-rted that the for• whicu t wildest rumt,,n were cur- haw drivwtr• wx•irty to other worlds daughter of Mr, will Mrs. James Zohi. moi, t'ia. ti. Palmer, B Squadrort.lit. A Glw,rwy t iew. C. •D.: No. 580. 1 oe. ii J. r. toter In ('hltyt, elgtyrs'ntr t'ekbs ought to tit• wMe to teen[ 1e elm• t►ttrr ptuce lung belorle of amuapmeni, tux• lwt thveralou tic- rig:an. M(>�a 1,okinknt. July 7. -"The massacre of -_ _ bolt out'for a Iprtkr time, as they have anythJu, nut tk; could hnTP reached Ing evening bont)ng poartltm -on the Aline Ja+w Corrigan• agell LA) yeara, Brandon Jnfantry ; Nu. 418. Pte. B. • the• Fureigu Jllnbters, the wnpar, The Crop of humors sufficient food not ammunition. 1thme. !nal lit repwrtr are coo• Serpratlne, in Hyde Park. daughter of Mr. +and Mn. James Cor- R. -Armstrong, and Regiment Co. C. A.; the children land the Eurupean gtlsrda _ London. Ju; 7. -Am cwt tw+ aeon Tho fnet ix that hin•e the war with pined, he pro term to ►tope for thebdt4 Saw Hubby Luse. rigan, No. 288, I+urd, lm also Included among Y Y the e-tmunitlee. at Pekin, after eighteen days OI. Isom Lire ties tches re,•eived here, Japan the ChInome have beets doing I Speaking of tin passible result In For tide first tithe Ili ears the Masi Ida May ,Corrigan• ugwf 16 ' ho Bless resistance, Is confirmad,' ca precisely what the Boers tild after the Sho'evaent of the dynasty being over- J yours. rd in it no man look the name of t Liar -re Is piriu t.cnlly n+a aNtdltkwal nevus Pria m, It of \lairs a e mark t. Lhe Loral in the IrE twttntlon C M. R„ clod ra yr a rierpin tch from Shanghai, Bat- from Chlra, wlwt tnrL lsrr efetrts nhJ lA memos rnbt IL is eve4t said that their torvwl, Mr. F,wibg sold: •'It eRcros to Mlme Fath ('urrignn, egsxl 13. ale nn me ofth mnu whose reglmeD- Prina of Wnl(r to Newmarket, rind ftpp Pd. July 8th, and received in Loudon rumors that have rem,ho.l loal,u leaden galf�exl th'elr. chief +encourage- me Lln let thleg for the powers to IAiby Ilrtly,- grauiddaughtPr , Yr. tat number le 248 I it was n bitter disaMoolizitment to ler (orri w L. A. Rea, Shu meat In the pA I% anti forrten tali rt is not Lo attempt eh gh -*O Lbw anti Mrs. gen. ealsrted a%; W- K. GA Nellws w -Jay. - Lo:ccmtlam Lltn- uL•rL.wer• t Lu nee LWnwrul Jubilee, Lite 1'rlrx+ei :. soai,eavininto of the adtuntMn. Fair• t4)Ift}l' 7fitlH"t1lw t@f1TaFtnhR+ mttrrrasla tgfDnLiy' tbsmeNlctw, v(hlrh :T►bnld be ][t g. .iolui C'orrlgan waw tine only �' -_- "Kebob the ammwnitba a entry, anti thlm y"Pnr'N wlna•r tat the from Toruato H. N. MarrloLt' were exhausted;' cuntinum this del- they Cbtmwe reports c We4d from of the Boom agalrtst the Ilrttlah la4la hopiluSr task, but to place their Imuniningrr aboard who was aavcd. i>rrby', loop. rouses from Ashover, Dprbywhire. patch, ' 7 he Ohineiae flende cluas,l 1] Stann9hal 9lve dptuls pwrp,ortitng to winter. a,mineit on [lir throne and make film (. H. Halmos, Us+ cnptt,aln, anti Wtm- Tlmn+ to no lou r itnY rbutrLthnt �r rruible. LI Hun C10n Adur'N Hwmptlousne"x 134.1 Bi England; Ptr. Roussy Palmer comes up,un the legntaine dal Ie. AJt r w rd tiut.% 7- the arcate+ v 1 ound ion lit Rp ePl* B g• lite ggngjt tlo mate, tows sallow, from 44 Greyhound strw.t, Unidon, h„ae who rem:aiwd olive. Atterwwrd nun} or msp rwa0 NaTP tvwndntion In tin ('hhuvae Lmophs are arrad with '9nrLs +nit tW old lir make a Mr. \Phlinm \1'aldur'f Amt,r's ravrot tau routes, � and tine mhip enrpnD(Pa• t ry ant the I . ation buildings un fact. Ole• of thaao nortw Is that five modern w•teaponx, anti know how to ,rult•r, and Wolin Yung Ln, the pre pprugraph In lila owa paper, Lhe fall wore also slaved. England ; Pte. S. J. Mc(irogor comer ---- - wbk•b uatwy eke[- we.t.. ilsw.vwarw--Irwt at a+t sha._1as- (lawfa► ssHyff.- =tet=1n _ 1Lt Tlae }rasohLJwit 4+er4. F{ea,y-.-few. rim_gf^sLsl!oit�Maa.: Pte. B. B..erm- 7ir and the remmaihi "Of Zlin ' 1Lc--Musfz1R[ MttTw-tYttt+r%hms 4Nt r of war consumed to nue horrible holo lave Meat butchered. and that the ago. 'ITS• British mistake. of unrlprrat- 'pprinl Itlexxti im on of the IikPllst wit• keia'I M1b % the Naval and Mili- day with the filially of Mts, (lorrlg,n rtroa9 comps Irum St. Doha, N. B., caw[.' �, vr'Ilbb city IN reeking ilii carnage. dreg Sir- enemy. If trade by the powers'pirnalta If tine retolo0oniat+ are nit'- tarp Cine . Ilrocatfilly." formerly tom- nbaard, and wterted u) Cleveland, Mr. nod Yrs Sia of Liewt.-Cul. ArflSMrong. __ pato �� unZ�'L�'i8^ R 6i►P. f+T(1m'Rt )MlJ1MYr _--.irwwhl-M•-h+i,(wI. YNilg--�+w,'iwi-WiYa4�lw- ille-- L4MlIgaR--wwlF tifr--#M(- ie'4t is,+-. ^- �. _-_ raiauree t m whleh news of tkin can- 4 The Legate,■ in rlsm rs. tall mhults two dpi{ailina' to ren- of very grunt uWllty a.tnJ turcve of rand a`tbell-lawn rlRbmart, siSethdM Tta• yn<'ht wens In tow until vibe N v T Chats, rinse. I tompint•. 1n uplwnval then would elmraeter• boot unfortunately -Me has a econrrt nt thb AwWr rewkiwnow with- reached War Point, wlm•n the cap ��r .RUSFF 1 0 NOM iwaidun.. July 7.--\ eltfepata'l t, involve Lis who{P f aNitre.'all ear• Irwl tlw• levtal r ID fikictlaagg the poo- out as laltfatksb Is making a great talo left her low wnl turswl tiles 1„ , No aFa(ations Now. i.►A• Telegraph from Canton. datre,l ,.igner. would flee slaughtwrvxl or grwN tar un troops to Pe•ktn. comtttotlon las Ioaelon society, and Yacht for C'Irveland.' .lit 2 o'clock clue Jul,r loth, Pays thaf InWnw+ excite .1[iveu Into 'the sena and the Yelkiw' Tu show the nature of the dtw're threaeta.+ to w-t•}uwiJ` affect Mr• As- wt,rm crap+ u r anti liuda r of five min . It r thought tla:at this IN indicated resin, Ine taxa ea►htr(rl by u tkwpaU h I 1 by awother 8h hal rltwlotch, low• pr all wcwld Hternlly D►dau►re els+ en- anrlew fa repeSrlR whish reach the trr'r laseitlon Lherrin. It see ms that ntr+r iia, yacht annt. All tau: woman tromS4r lobert hurt., i hector of tile• ng pM lig p lig g Four or Five Miles of Baggage . eter, whish afoot that tic Tnoti tar tar world. It world (Inn Ia• na+epar- istrtNllP world. Mr. Fwl rill oat ('aptnfu N+trip mull diner nt Lhe IroOtsee ••xtv ,til Mn. Jolla Curr) nit nod Rs' \ (!idrrtare imperial, •C.'ustome, et:atinK ofrla+r In "hna f «+feral tlaper6 NnrJ Lao (Y+rkle mintier to alxhndun Llrat tit wnN tug F.mprreeS who 0leslred of u wPlitnr,wn lisrty• waw arkM him Afisaa F'Lta l;,urlgnn wPr In tlneat,in uxtt tile: Brltlrli I+egathns in i'ekus ix (•tuna utterly, with the future menace ter won of Prince Tuan to aasome the to t mpata at lihnnglral' arvi virinety flew !a fdwtaar. Tls daespatch adds that Li qu N'LLh ter party to tie Awlot'n wlwnthe gain ca roe up. They tsx•nrr34) at Wat' r s Edges;_ fT . "admits thnt ro 1 Hoon exbrte tr Hut (tit Lire Ylceroy, lima bNax'd whi h wOrnM alwnyr M imps Puling, (ill 'Mire of p0awerP, IhPac a ids lacailNSy b cx»uert. Tltir Ir dally tltme In Iwxttdcatat,, pat4ih: wsrlekM, nal refxeect to Iroice - Prkin. Thr'+ are len to bale beat, xY itg to mend the ylnwwt re,wur•ex oh all tererlit tiro rriae,Ne of tiler attempted and ('nptalea Milne untie iltatlugly me- bum• lilme. The mats. I ,lore, ,hem a prro'Inmuuun by ' jm}s sial orders.' cltlliaalti0u town( y 101aunlag. eeptu L ---. •----- • - -.- to come to tiler (irk, twt�hey refinaed. axtPrminnttxt nn, it w dmitte, tMt Ort mt sae -t num marl -r b gtudiedly Coarse and lrselting. Mrs. John Corrigan' clung t, tk»cork A CARGO OF DAWSON GOLD. - t }triple a4t0f pNaeer ere iii ba pro to forelgonrx h:tye INx+n t n1lye. trerltyr irorri n gnnrter lir one-third of Rtorses of 1,eaan rN, - w'l, and truth between untivew till' hunniun race. It b easily umber• and native convey ptvveated. Those , tlwrefotr, why Fatropre Is ,,,- ����5 f� SEED �R II's a►rrtvlrtg A[r. A»tor, lutex,d orf sofa wtrPn tlw gale came up, ua13 w ehaktaR buns with tW+cnptaln, nNkrd asvoil '4vtttl,. Wo., JuIJ ll. -Tau steam• Iteepaftm of tl34• ntrta•Itl.•x nnmltteet Stan afar% uptishs�a will fro at cave tnting before. n ImoblPrn to glganllo- file laattrr fila wawo. Aliliu• trill him• AcnrdUng to the• textlrn)ny of wpv- raw, the ('basica NrIS,n anti Centen- hy Prinro Tuna upon tbo ('h eme 'am liPlteaded. 7'tK*o sproadho't retie r+- tient there is nothing in me,(t,rn timer - cad guilt that L1adJ' ----- lx(naKht sial anibrm the tolsmli, matnmall anti nial, have arrived from Nome. The hinualling. He ha, four finnan 1 loll mors will be severely punished. `e* with wldeh to comtstre It. ib wet* till Set wiuon t►re storm Centennial re carts Want fsntr or five Ing Chinwr hutcho'n. it is sal for vete pwuilsiunent InChlnu meftlw ow -_ _ him mini her isartJ. Apr. amWr rr j 1 ,n1ed that he land not the plenxnrn rnmTMe Up. Tlils ds dented by Samuel milrx up and tk,wn the venter front atrnin hf. follower". Tile devi,atrh can- strangulnuon. Confirmed by 1.1 -Hang -['hang. Northwest Settlers' May Not him acgnnintanw, r-rpnmV,ii hhn t, ttlggatm, tlw• mate, who dra-Inrw(1lPy at Name iL it Intjaawrible too mime un Lrol the orgie of the blood and ThIN rrUct hwludem lanang-Tung and Paris, July T. 10.40 p. m. - The - at . tind nddex4that h» would lnoaert were• tU g(tod conation to fnc+e tits account of h, a e merely dnring to iwtttion him t, rr a Quarng Tib tarp Oocernorx of which Fromb Conanl at Clanton telographa Patent Their Lands, ,Rcorm, dowry the water'w ell e�Nlwl up anti that acowding to the informatlos n lee l to Lhe newgpupPrs. item t e 1R O+Ib(tes with Lhe anttouncemwit that ex tmvp slgrted. � \flint left .Jn tvoahwl.ua, nn, Ininn thr ('At+%nli Jnut+lr (brel9on drelured to• hr. Srolth, who Heturnwl on the Viceroy ('hi LI Waling Wen Cbiu) hes ' :triuttr-r p roclamattion of L[Hung- that he ham resolved throuugh LI -Hung Naa'al uta, Atflltwry ('Ine, the arms aiRlal• that 90013 aeamrtanhip could Nelson, war one of the chart rers of tMert killed by the DimIrm. hang's dlrr to the porefeetwtend other Chang the situ'Ltlm nt Pekin had no% lutea± nvert"1 the tra dv.. Ile IN, the bar ue Northern L tea from nnthee ho left Pekin o 1 loht everywlw.re todetet+tared be ORDER TO PREVENT HARDSHIP night sent Yr, Altar n iPtte-t car .lie v q t9ht 9 which Reiter R rnatPrtnlly rhn.tigaf by Lo .1uly tat. ygy, pxptesetpl9 tau+ he►lap Lhnt . hP nlaroesrt fra+rizte"1 wltl► tfMPL moot rhotth,t, .i4rk. the crew. sTn -_. G[lle 'till lune 24LTc ronttnnM tar ire Teefvef: • a+F_sPvrx4y Path li lluzesa .lend. Ptatvw ia-w RPt(rirhd mea EPra Ot th4 t 4:�1f>(iut?KTT=Hii7i. Air. wo,fl,l allow LM nuttier to ,sup. In Ttai A1TPP A aA-n - urdih achuouher drsCer£ec1 end Indians were substitut- tol they are to n large extent there• +all l'tactvr. All the officials aro Eusopgans [vow freely of a Rted, Ta" - lit varintibrw of the xtorlas alrextcty IM Irl rlorwiWe for tho thorough exe- (natal on .iw!y ALh, tut It ens time �rSou kfis given Instrwctfone tint' the weft of file fir. Awtax, to his imprnr, 1luuwrf ftmnJolwkrRlit#tyreof �h� tem ted ilio thaot�%hedshnk nn 1 with mblliayrL eutl It t tlto'vkrroy'a order+. I axity nled by n to ram received by ubr of pct ri+specttgg relief of bondinnen fur cowshed, p rn rarf nt It I t y irp i p pp folbw'Lhg (onrngrnph : "IL W my ekwlrr rn�'er. Tis+ capSnln tlp(•Inrtr that ahs d►ff(culty were eJectall. ThP ,Aiip was I tar fttltu trnaans d+eitth to the officials, the (otuants. The Froenc h Conwtl nt eteral grain itdvanco m !n the Northw•e"L ru d li.•tte weather0xl the storm un• towed to Nome, where her car o of Cungrr's last Neasage. both civ and military, who are also Cantors nddert In hLs (lest tch thnt IL C maks known that 011e pravi,wwr et g Pa+ Terrltarles should ire made effective n ,M r geJO l haApw pilo^oL. t ,. --+R-alrrpeat'h item Take sats 11W 11J fespeie«ttAe. les tt+e'.ngn-�1 -stntet nt tint tnt•E that __ -- -- - _lit NAVAIln Rlr Bilitary. \litttrr sal. Lhe .. TJiiir'�- The tNL�. mums p tuYl-_dlaposnd�ifl nt u 4�a the last m,milage from Mr. i'AwlnH. eatety of axionardPs nudnatiVe con- p eaMT l bon , am m i Aly (OrnrSa wTw at M and Military ('lust 1'krnoelity all write were pithed up by tap aurae props.57: . (:els. Lang Yn find te!ey;rnphaetl the xlgna•, lxmtkr nit aivrurl floc settlerw n t(•w mDiutxs ntLer tly oLard Seattle, K'n.,�Uly 9. -Thr wtrnmPr re•rtr. it is IkceKd (int the Vice• viceroy at Canton to con.-ll!er ns null rxx•Ii Ing me•xl rain ndvani•ew under b Ju ht into 'this 'T'orngPr, the [lnitod States Ailuixter � nt \(r. .Awtor's cxrert Inst Thnnday {lq lectin, nmrrghL there fiy runners, toy's deaNlt'w rtloa nnr titre, nt the nal vul.1 all so oalkrl [minrinl r re »e g PrrnlnR, waw uninvita�l." R _ _ Pers. _ Itoswlte hes arrived from hynnP ('anal f }� u:e late Cortgorcaticu (iovernment with 600.000 )n Klondike KuM eon- ro-ad as follows: We Itre .1 * new o lit McWadei the Amerl- promo,gateol since .limo Slat. 1 Down on thr Nnub. err Police In Cklcrgm g are now rrllPv'exl fmtn ell riwpotutMl Irsinged. The ,prrovlrloull ora syn Consul, rind tlat it will Infhrrnce ,ani ry a.d+,..+ Irl slgoed to the Seattle wwxyer, by a �aa �_ .. a._ ..ID+attY..._ ' lel. JJlIJ. +T«w Al •-...-._ _ 1d[ffR laxTfTlflrSfrff 11111? oi'pwnTr'TWe-:l'bilf•FB:'-�' cele d Rrnl,n will bite held liable fair re- frleraeta, who liwimle till, Duke of fork, all hlprr'J tr+lny admitted that tints IN (temperate. Let the ftrrcP 'led• I9vor of for•ig Lon,hon, Jn!Y 8.-A despatch from [meet, Much cwnplatat waw_aaa(1e _►Eaylrleae, the slake Aral other♦ rr,wa two pollkvpra•oa Nall op4MtJ' ketal %an4+ Find give 1W notice lit wlgti6 4=,ii. thea lar d Cannot. pa njr afwf "bitNC sTVPtSior nowftlnR _ -` Rminers new, ronflrm thr mfort art Tleu Thin. ,Intel July 3rd, xny,r "Renew bey- tho,n pnrwns w•lo acted all Monts- officers regntrding Mr. Amtor'" c(mrlurt abtrW't a rnnn In brad daylight, he nr -_ doe,, July 7.-A tch to thr R men h cllaw- •thee were held reapsoe- nw art Insult So their pmtewrtnn ne well gnnly adm!tt++, that the Men will runt From Launchin Hlx Boat and (iota filo 'burn of the ratite city eiR Icor mrlJ' masala Uno ('h.reaP have beau- t g i knit Tolman from Tien Teln, dated ilv Iamtearle,t Ulw settlements. Ad s1Me for the fn,lobta•dnomm of others, as to A personal of icer whown pts!- be p+inlahmi. • Pekin I July 8rd, esys that meneenger miral Seyrrrrwtr halm ordero I thn wo the Gov'prnment going an far tall to t:o:t In Lorton wea•lety la unquention'xf. The virttnn on sunedwy Inert attende,l fo UPatb in Ntagarr. - IrortAen hleeavir the Werwh - (M*3twbrrli hast --•a rted that Mo.n ntnt rhilttwn Pev,vors,i to Taelw trente n tfnMttt� at fMn agltlt,wt Itft1T tpxtw11te11w,rf Mt+!'tlnvnl Rtttf ]Il`It- • P14'Akl orf the etwerhooh NntfavAnt t4tlt'f= Niagara V&Lhlh tat., July 44 -Flew- ---�-- in London it to hardly doubted ob June 24 nine soldiers a the ilrl- at the enrltev+t p,nShlke moment." Jnndw and ref)w,tnR'to lxwup pxatmits tnry Club are also Irwligntint at the ewpe wt Rharpalrotsra' Park iter• the ntwh elle h,u iron bene the chat the worst ham happened. 11104911 fish Legation hall been kl ed and till the Inh+bts-,ni+m in each came was fact that Mr. Astor dragged In the While In a tmerluded part or the Iwut week with the IHeteat hewish- the foreigners tamteged at Pekin many wounded. The women d chit- Willi Holiing Water. pelt tiff Tbp Lnnrlr Governu,ent con. tutnte of thPlr eftlb. The whole riot- 9leounllw, he waw liNd np and robbed ew to aavtRnt- tho whtirl(-(s,l rapids rnulit grump the lost straw nit(] hope dren wereMfe.Fralwagbed,a Soma London, July S).- A drmpitch to altered this tit be a Brent hnrdmhlpt ter, with Cn Mllne's latter• line of $1R,i nod'n gold watch by two Iso- wtUi' mtuM nn ntt.emut to munch Join tint Sir lt,(isert Hnrt, flip inn lector- muottlon low..The despatch add that ro lxvlt Ln the river nt the Mald of the I hhn Tim+w from St. PPtprabnrg ways nn l eL the parewvrt irratAcrn look stirpw lawn pylArart the ore the Prince of WsNa, Idt+eronn do full nnlf(xro, The r'oblrrrr -4iPrrPPa1 (A (•twtomm, w4uo was Licca•_ .%bee Chinese have cut the grand, c nal that m) offinlai news has leen re- to relieve all bxanLnw-ri from Ilablllil. nl soclfly is awaiting the ne R e Itlter- drreeted, _�-__--_ Mlat landing 1n!nw the tittle tin the with the o6 t bt fkoo(llirg {he iK r 1?hh"aAl�tir s7+in raft unt- liarp(,aN thin -- __ 01*hly trtwtif by the (ldnowe, aWi ceicexl reg,trdirrg Lice fate of the for- The refect of Lila IPRlslntlon enc iM Why ltubw Rr1A xn, neapwx(ar i(•1lPlmryer nud Chlaaf havo manngwd, by the promise of and prli fitTti4 a6 ArT♦nncp tm fee elirnerm In Pekin. , The newapaPera pw►wainR of an onier-in-Counell ass r(i- X101Py were 441 of the nfralr, Mut he- nitaf7wson. iT» had taken the boat hrll o. to tnfit P tlw Broxer lenders Admiral Alexleff, tlIP Mant!en COM- niblish wahat fur wtN to In a tele- commro,led b Mr. Kifton fa that all Lord Roberta' Berlina Llan t) allow Into- lamt ProtAng front the AlnPrdcan t J 1* Y ydud (eon ng the rertltution of hhn i t) protert til» wottrn end children warder, b At Tnku. T1oP Enmpwena rnm mtatflg that flap meml,erm of permons entitled to thrlr patents, waw ttaipha to hoe withdrawn tmm Bntth vktlro'w mrtMy amt watch their ef- si n tan, elowT hw tarry mud• and Petco wt Tlen-Tsln nnmhera 7,(1011. Africa for PPr%l•e In Chiu,t i" meld to nnna"nnvxl that hP woln!+I tnnkw the from the vlolenep or the mutt t Rtwaminn miwaton were tortured are not tntebte-,l,to the Crown on fors M♦e b. eq dlracied tnwnrrl hush- ___ TwpntY-two hundred Jnlmnme troops by having hailing water poured on their own art•onnt, wilt be able to tie. have co:De allamt In thlm w -ay : Thn Ing It up, trip boetwvx-If 1 nod 4 ti Nock t4ib of Australians for China. tate reached Talon, with fourteen thpl heats, titter which tlivy werp enm a rrtlenwn of their land on theft F^,retary of State Tur War, Lorol trrhmat. Sovwral hundreof pot one Mrlhnurn•, .TUIy 7. TI1� Imperial utteo but the landing of the force hw rk"•np At lei anti Lhadr lrallw PUL to awn adxeottnt�__-__ LAfratowrip; rnl.lr I pard Itol,•rtN. nak Acquired w New Line. Rntheml evn }xoth banks M the river. irovprn urn[ has a , )ted Imiterial M(Zmt. Eight hualred of them wsre irw If h� vould Plowre n dh imion• and \dmwrt L',ItO o'ckx•k to+yt.y when the i e! ted at Tdnn-Twin Twesdaynight. plrew• _ W,Ath Nrom !tmmlipox. Rohertw repinl " Yea.' Lord i.nnx MOntrml, JuIJ' 6 --The Grand Trunk mPn wet+ pwtt!ng UIP '•Ik.rlwy" Into . Mier of w novel ouAtlrl9euS for PIM• '- downs Lien apkrtnt n. nnminr n( env- Rallwnv Company announm that the the meter At tbwi 1wn(wn they wPm•e. lean sicced ter Rlshop. Montreal, .holy e.-Ftlohar:l Hlgglme, nrlt• nfrlwra, wh'o bout tarn raw,! Clocinnnti, Saginaw A Atncklnnw Rnit- Atnprp,Pd by Pollectivp MwRlnm, of the, AIS ulna In ('bine. qew Phe RINr9 TltartMY the tar -k r of the Landon Home nil _ __ -..___-.__-.. ...-__._ (>kwfon ♦ T. -The ['nthollr _ _ _ _ �"eIN' _ way, a trlbwtwrY terra oh ,d tlmi Grwn+} OriLwtkr (iPrm v rwxhdrwl..lnl,v- 8-Re^ILnM�tnrth.•r bixMn), ten lata and twit Nixt'" n' wlui tnien ill s Tow days n90 tjbPtr-lw!et" 1n tin alrnwMgrrh?•ilnw RC Trnok, In the Ibrt Ilmm� dlvihlrm, wrw'k nn ontnv�nn[1twMwp%tr 1 the Borth July T. - An iolal note horror" In 1'ONtln nrP Knthrrr(1 try rnr- +rcre mur,)rm at Mnk,rn IANt Frl with xlMlJpnT, rlla�l nt the Pelvis Hns homes. for b111P41 with LTs� for P. Tn rnnnlnR from Dornnd to lint ('It Weya: "Ip rrptytng to apaa's re rerpaselentw nt Shanghnt from Chinrese pital this m ring- Several toretwaw the meantim,+ Roberto rnhlol, auggnsL Y• fine a they 1Yd hot Awvbt ttiwp monad tvs - W day. Thp mlwn waw have. rived irrrlh rPlPaus•l fawn U,r• hnisr4l of the nrtrwtel. Tho ortker wits 4,hai lend u aRramt for• neww of the povrprs' wttM aO+rryw. aesprvdnit}- of the alar Witter In have bron aeht [)the h,r*l,ltn 1. Ing that NPy Prnl of him tried rtani alstrra nuA n p rat have nrrhaxl mantte•rm ahnul,f ncroml,onv tum• dlyi rw'Ink,a of tin Clillp w k GrAad Lhe beta% ewe Icft lying on the Nhorm. � l tD,ie• (owaMt Chinn, (ierrw.vt,v de- the fhlnt'ts` not Tnrt.nr t'Ity rd Llou- 1rMe fiy atenroa+r' t m New ('hwnug , Trunk, nnA tint the Inns• will In friars i4owwer iftvknPtl t tit• mnc•h ,•fin rinewl, clArwl ahe rrRnnfet thr rrntalntenn rP �u,p e,( nntice ('hal"tinna, S, that the 1lfiled by Lightning. 11 nn h- waw prepnrltia. tattling thnt If M R ' ( huarton w tow ,nwpr. ns f -- nn army c0r w was newhrl h e w0n1.1 be work,•tl nb,Mr the dlreet pnrl",ll•tl,,n And a -lye he will hp' ve the hunt Wench• Y 111e+nR ' cwioltnt treks with carnngo. Thn ruth- Imperlal 1'utrr`v (linin. Rle:nbelw. Ont., July 7. --During of tar- ( of the Grand Trunk. Thom Cincinnati, ed to tnurrnw, And make the lir hrhmw imlxortarmm, mn+l w'tmOl nrru 1 , teem thlrwt for hrr,d Is aprrn,linir In nil a rihle thunalerxtorm Uria nftpin,on Ilk#, to g., himself. Thoep rwcommen' hL, N'. IragiY nwsrtit to any rbmFarw not f,unrkon, rhlly i -Jt fa ropororte,lthat +lationa nt Lont Ltanwtrowne in nn gftinw A S(nrklnww line it aboult',:1 --- - --- - tro , area•rn pv, v( hrl a, nn, hr. reser Myrna ar y, the 11 year nhi w,n of P n llev In IMXth'. ' oh}rtkorufile In any Ptflnr onrtpre, the Impw•rual Ta%0r, tlan•Tmtg, nn , awkwnr, fix. Knew itis IIaA 1'elaow, _ til is err n he a pitnttare efa,w•ene anti-fomigner, hna breen mtir,kerwl i Pt•r F: he f of thiP town. whip vlelt- Intl 0n the farm of Mr. wnrtl ll, near phut Out Amhltloas• lsanothrred Iw Rrwn. Kingstni, .iDeY la.- 1 mr,nrr a Jalir} rnnshavt to thr rapiLAl eme repralncxl h il,xrM In F'rkln, trgPLa(-r with bern, whu struck toy 11 htnin and In drialt with ter+ sniclte of Loey Ilss- .Ispwn Wlll Art. In miniwtutt+. F'mm tiers` wt)rle ntr 7 .O( [ JR Rpfore Ir rawer I,r+nl ROMrtot At r, Ottt...121 T. -- A g rnnn mdwra Invt tti(tlst. .A vwrBrt .vwa hill honmehold, nnnotho, l 1 ) r y girl• wIIt term 1 R sons. stonily killed..! wnggrmuon tin Initrr hMM rmm,erl Dntrwt wII1fAm t'emfiMton, of Ayr, rvwrMrw! that nim •onkm, Jany 7. - Thee ,JApron'~ thing (norther oromaw rrgnrAln Lilo io- t(wtn Mlnistwr, Kato Tokaaakl, received w trntkxu heel rxnapt a mpoptlt!Pn that -- --- , vat• Solrers tlutt note nt him mart was swrothop" I In (4wdin'a mill hprs "Able (Warvntrh Prean Toklo thin the.v nM nil dead The rorrpspondnntw i�.St111wN)AAR\"t L'Ib:W. Rev. R, lib. Raysstn, pastor n( All Poop.1 llrutrnantw were• to V), tut this interning lie www scant t, lord n lvieftrol nr��. took.na.eI 1 ghct 6# morMngr giring irfi (love-Tn scion t'w re wrrr Lhnt if the Chlnna- offMln IN In Saints' .A tWllrnn Chnmh. Kingman, tont wnrriora who had fniteswsl on car of brnn, and In of tl►rrI at jiCtorL� Iiuepltal. Ur tic" o m nR tem r+Pnr Thw yOwmnR mPn. (irrorgr iM!wnrr Itnri ply tai Grwwt Rrtaln'N gnret!nn nit PMnghnl wLhoi fro throw Ilght nn the• Iter, R. Rwlwg ('oat. houht ew,Nwwr'` J U of lila+• city wrrr, com til.• ,gwwmt hm- www r.nng t by the vnmoel Rahrr•k, who lone 0f fly n t.r whether with the maw nt of ap real stntP or affairs to the rApArIl they ,•_ Yarns. The whrtieonle priep of FAWIsh NhoP■ Ing not to Inke nil cumin an,ki In the bolt Of bran And enrrirrl ,k,wn with girl hAvlim tho I W on in hs•r iuiwhe other licwvsw, Japan wow wi'twg M aswld Aro wet. amt "w"Were Wit w'oM r ihipnortwd to PwpAPn le frbm X1.(10 tulrxpavllu.wr, wltrrPatla,n L,,rl RnMrtb It. Vo ore- knew of the a►e,•.ltoo, until PIM'. were ceensare(l for tbsir com. gaud large• reWeresmMhty to ('hina. �M aro smsposd as fids il#,. NaMbeld Ewing, who comes $2.68 a pair. preomptly wired London thin( It was the bran s Ltrppetl trotating down. diet. � )- I .t , . x , L ^. .. .,1+s a Ad i..__ a 1A .- ,.s. -.•..,. r. n. `J -._-4w drtrw�-x<.n.� a *~aNe9 POs.. Y _wad .-. Y �k®- , " .,. _.«_ -y__- ,.v ... tad-,_ `a[ - ..... _...d.. _.. ,..�.......an-..,:..la