HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-12, Page 5W. Acheson &Son 'JULY SALE ! Five Specials for Friday and Saturday, July 13 and 14. Prices a Sary1Je to Nr rivals aid Delight to err Palmas! EngWb end -Can dies Ptoor.Uil Cloths, 1 poPed Y yard/ wide, 2 days price at the rd 100 pairs of Summer Blanket*. in whit* and grey, with poet borders, largest size and very Lw quality. Ws pur chased from the mill fully three times the quantity we should ordinarily have requited, but • price temptation caused our hobos. Regular value, $1 40 Sale price u.l5 20 pueow of American Drone ?dueling iu light .•blurs in neat, small p.tterue. Colne aro warranted fast. Regular v•luee, 80. and 10e. a yard Friday thud eatarday, ell you went 4C at Tapestry Carpets, a large line, fully to patterns, all this .eaauu's. Regular priers, 60e. a yard, your choioe 2IQ„ 51 e 80 pain Nottingham White lane Curtains, 3{ yards long 64 to 60 inches wide. good value et 11.76 a pair July I 10 prep Ikea INSPECTION INVITED 1 'trite W. Acheson & Son COUNTY CURRENCY. Ssefottb : A new bridge fe to b• built on Doe of the oeoowl000 dlyt.ltog MoKullop e .od Hallett S.,fertb : 1(6 Sokol. were *old at this . lotto. on Wedeeed.v oo the Huron Old Boys' ecoarsies ' 1I ■ Zurich : C. Fritz, one of our pap- ular este• dealers, was maerltd es Thardny lea. at Creditoo, to lire. Worts Zerloh : Min. limos Holtzman had the mafortuse to slip and fell oo the Thor, breaking two boos. te one of her ankles. S.•forth : Mite Belle Dickson, of liox• bsougb, who hos bees teaching school 1n tiara. returndIN bar bidders lest ...r-.Au...rsisnsa.:.b-X+.�•:y: .:. Climates : Mie. 1). R. Kmoody woe the *.• sufferer from • awl Imolai entered her loot, which kept bit owie.ed to he newsier sew days. Kraals : The exea.atieg a .twat for tbeetitsr at the hew Methodist pasta• age, ead A J. Lowry w111 buil.' &be.toa. tock a1 wise. Zartob : Mr. O. Buckram) boo hoes ter Maalteba, where he expects N wroth* law. -Makin Buchanan has returned to his studies to Toronto. Chaim : Charles Clarke, b.rrieter, Tit. .osb•rg, • former resident of 1I1e1on in the 60's, was committed for sixty d.ys for tak- Ing port of bus obmt's money. Br.nsle : owing to telling health, Rey. 8. Salary, B. D., of the Comical Methodist obaroh, W eedeteok, formerly •t Itruse.ls, bas ben emoted & three roonth'. vaeoldeu. Morrie • Kebt. U.bsea bed the thumb el bta tight head Drano ed between two *tooth Its was moving oa b e farm reoeatly, and will he partially du•hled tor . time owiar to the .00tdoat. ('deter : b. W. Hovey, of tows. hie pissed his seoe.d year ex•mlo•tloo .uocem• fully and secured • scholarship of $65 in pbnoeopby, teas riving him wooed pleas in steadier for his third year Orey : MIs. Belle Smith, who hes bons keeping booth ler bet brother, Rey. W. A. Smith, for thv rind Tsars. ernvd ►loon last Saturday. Rev. Mr Smith 1. now Ilene at Oil Springs, Lembtea Co. Besomeeld : Mr. Nelson was severely In Jared ea Tuesday, June 26, while working la t►w saw mill. He got meets le the holt. leg sof cams eat with • broken arm .ad ass etherw.s badly ajurd, Orey : Math Sara V. MoL.aoblla, who bee lately returned from t•.e Toronto Nor- mal Bohai. has host engaged to teach the junior department of the Lmdesboro' pub. hob eohool for the fall term. Makatea : Alex. Boa., of the 13th oono.rlm If *Kathy. has Not oe . couple o1 •talks of wheat of the Dawes golden ob.6 variety which be took heal • too -sore field en his farm, sad whisk mNlaaase a Utah •ver tdx test. Climbs : Neat Passages say* that &beet 150 tisk.' wale geld .t the bloke/ . os, and Ibis with the large pewter who drove or wheeled over, Cuntoa added materially by 300 to make the 4tb • great soothes at Oderlob. Seater* : Mtn AIH. MoDomld, only daughter of the late Rev. A. D. MoDo.ald, D. 1)., formerly of Soatortb, was married to Detroit on Wdothdy of last week, to Rev. Mr. Daka, paster e1 St. Aodrew'. church. Orangeville Ethel : Meth Bells Lamont 1. home from Named, near Lindsey, where she has wen %eashing. She will net return to the eat, bat w111 attend • Collegiate after •.o.tuoo with the inteotloa of pushing sling ter a higher grade of iertlhwW. Clinton : Gilbert Glass, of the Crystal Block, Red Bros., Loodoe, was • guest at W. C. ssorle's and called on other friends bera oe the 2.d. He was Work to Searle & Deyli, former herdwere merchants bete. It is seventeen' years slaw ha woe here. Setlortb : Ametber .f S.afoetb's respired - rid pioneers bas departed this life La the parsec of Robert Jere., sr , who pawed pssoefully .way .t his residence" 1■ Seeforth en Wedoeed.y evening of last weak, having reached the ripe age of over 81 year*. Rrn.sel.: Wd.thd.y morning of last weak, EW. Leena. the little daughter e1 James and Mrs. Danford, of ()lint... died The family were visiting la Rrosse14 "e4 loo•Ily S.tord.y, Sunday and Monday, and on •000aht of the child teklog 111 while here the home trip wee not undertaken until Tue.dsy. The tittle girl was. boleti ohtld, rawly • year old, wan its decease le much regretted. ylorru : Lost week John McArthur, 9th Ilse, dleasrd of el.v.ii bead of cattle to Edward vv.tsoo, of B:yll, that *meted over 1400 p diode each. Mr McArthur re- moved oats $770 for the bonen, which is a very plese•ot dose to take oo • July d.y. Clinton : Oa Tuesday, Joao 26, Miss Nary E , daughter of the late W. K. (uon- dtsoter) H,• tiler, t he Grand Trunk evangelist, Was merrtd to R. U. Wwkwue, of Tor. oat*. Rev. U. W. Snider, of Elmooa, wa- de of the bride, performed the ceremony at the Nteideaw of toe brides mother to For. goo. Bowe(.: Robt. Watt and family par - p•..• removing to Toronto. when three of their tom aro hying. Mr. Watt has been • reaidrut of Kinsale for • god many year', having been manager of the Ronald Fire Kailas Werke beef ore tek lag • position as traveller tor the Waterous Co., of Brant. ford. Brussels : On July 2ed, at 7 • m., the fire &term was sounded, end the brigade got ,.cal and found the stable of J. 1). Ro.aldlll Is es...., posed by putting hot ashes f,'.5 berr.l to the aabI. This Is the only fire Brussels bee had In one year ; oo the ems date last year the O. 1'. R. flatten wee band. Ch.ton : Oserr. Blggart'e friends will be glad to learn tbet he has about reoo•erd from • rather serious operation ; be has had several dangerous attacks of •ppeadloltle donne the last few yon, and early did In some .f tnem A+ the effendtog tippers der has beep removed, is will likely be •11 nett now. Morrie : Monday aught of last wok about 12.30 o'oln ik, the saw and shingle mill of H. Boot, lot 20, omoseatoo 3, was destroyed by ere. Ti. oausc Is • mystery, ma Mr. Bono was at the mill at 10.30 and sew no sign of anything wring. Loss 1. estimated at 11,600 and there is no toaorese*. \Tb. pro- prietor V sympathized with la tie troo- iIon of ala property. \\ Clinton : Ila Tuesday, Jape 26, Mary McK.eg. Mid 84 yews, died at ase house of refuge, where she bed bsso an tamale for four years and for three years and seven months was bedridden. She tame from Ooderloh, where she bad relatives, sod the remains were pmt up there for l.termeot. There are stili 83 Inmates at the house who ere en levies the meets fairly well. Clinton : Mr. •lobo Oovett had the pleasure of entertaining two Canadian pion- eers the other day ; our was Mr. Vaults - Me well knows yr seta of the Heron rod �be 1k aged es pa", tie other wee Mr. �� . of Vlarorla onniTy, who le 84 years of age ; both have endured the hard ship of pioneer life, and are both Orontes and hearty. Mr. Omni** visited Harm newly silty years two, and waked ail the way from London te Ooderlob ; and reams. bars quite well whoa Clinton was !nova si Ratteobnry's corners, with little to It bat the log tavern. hzetor : Ooe of Meter's oldest and high• ly respeotmd residents departed this Isle oo Sunday morning, July tat. We rotor to the death of Janet, beloved wife o1 John Strang, at the age of Seventy -plop years. Mrs. Shang had boon an intense one -area for nutty years from rheumatism. Shp wee • member of the Presbyterian church and was a former highly respected resident of Uaboroe, having resided In that township the greeter part of her lite She loves to mourn her demise her owed partner end • grown up family. Her remains were Inter• red In the Rodg.rville cemetery on Tuesday. Trembles of a MIalleer. T•. Lista•. others, Roy. J. '1. W. Versos. o1 Hartwell, us, writes : "les • 1.. gme I h••1 • rupees sore ea my I. I r • lathy remedies without booms, now 1 used • bottle of Blactrto Bttt,r. sad • boa of Bsoklea'u Aruba !Salve, whilst* cul d n.. sowed and well." Sores, anodes'', boil., totem•, tetter, tale rheum ,ho* umpur. blood. Thousands hays found in Marcum }Sitters • pend blood philter that absolute. ly ours, times troubles. au.el.uYon ie tusreatee.l or money refunded 1 y J•m• s WIlwo. druggi.t, Lorge balotlee Daly Eco. Clinton : R. I,•s.tord (sea of J. Rano- ford, of town) who has been ledger keeper la Ibe Dominion Hank, Se•lortb, has boss promoted as teller In the Belleville Beak. Citui..: 0.I.g la lob. .nonmed alma of Mrs. Holmes. who Is still unable to batt ber tied, Mr Holme• . rned this Yacht from Ottaw-, and well re,.,aa hams as the se.•,00 1s ezprottd tt mod la • few day.. �• forth : Ulm tiuwb Bagels, • former student of JMIUrtb Collegiate Institute, has been winning !wrote for herself and the school which the formerly attended. She has lest er&duated with eigbset honors from the Chiaavo High School, winning the g•.1.1 ...trial for the highest standing, and s gold m.d.l f.,r the highest go during the ye .r She has also passed the ormolus - two qu•lify's* nor bo be • tescbN. One of tbe most danger- ous and repulsive forme of Kidney Disown' le ROPSY for which Dodd'. Kidney PWe are the only certain cures la Dropsy the Kid- neys atu. actually dometteed .s.y and the water, which .bould be ..palled in the form of urate, Rowe back and lodges la -lobe omits of the Leah and' puffs out the skin. Remove the 1111th whdcb plugs u the drain. Restore the to health. Thirds ter i Kidney Medicine D0DD's KIDNEY PILLS Deduced Prices ON BJNDI3R TW/NE 'r Plymouth " hold Medal," 12 1-2 cts. a Ib. Plymouth " Special," 10 cts. a lb. Consumers' lot Pure -Al anilIa," 11 cts. a Ib. 'July Sale J.H. PEDDER'S 13 STILL BOOMtNQ. PLENTY OF GOOD GOODS STILL LEFT FOR YOU AT LOW PRICES. Pure Manilla May -Fork Rope, all sizes . . 15 cents e r�ty;i:f D. ROUGVIE, THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. '^:t SUTTON'S Boiler Compound Seasonable SlI1lllls. H. DUNLOP THE WEST -ST. TAILOR. Owl show you the latest in Spring _.---and Summer Suitings. fano and see his Hpmospune in the newest shades, the very thing fur Spring and Sum- mer wear A large as.ortment of cloths to choose from, and style and fit guaranteed. Prices moderate. ifs-Ta►ipu/ Ia Nee' Your guaranty of good- ness in a Dunlop tire is the guarantee from the makers. "The Dunlop detachable tire is guaranteed against__ all defects of workmanship, materials or desigu,.for one yearfrom dateefpurchase'.^• No other tire is guaran- teed thus. wheels viitliou extra Engineers' and Mill Supplies, Lubricating Oils and Greases, Pipe Covering, . Asbestos Goods, Belting and Lace Leather. The Wm. Mon Compound Ca., 186 Queen-st., Toronto, Ont. t A AEW COOK STOYE M. DUNVOP EVERY DAY IS A. BARGAIN DAA' Snaps in Dress Goods, in blacks, plain and fancy goods of all kinds. Fancy and plain Silks at Reduced Prices. Linings at Reduced Prices. Trimmings at Reduced Prices. Only a few Ladies' Blouse Waists left, to be sold cheap. Linen Skirts cheaper than you ever bought them before. Ladies' White Wear at a big discount. Corsets at 20c., 35e., 40c., 60c., worth 25% more. Lace Curtains from 26e. up. All lines reduced in price. H. C. FILSINCER 1e agent for the Kolar Warm Alf (ieaer•tor, m•nufeentured by the Jas. Smart Mfg. Co . Brookville. Read what • follow townsman says of tits experle.os with the Kelsey Generator : oe of F. J. T. Navel. glee. Life, Aooldent end Plate UWe Inaur•noe taken •t lowest rate. H..mlItoe et. Uodertoh. May 1st, 1900. James '(mart Manaf.oturing Brookville. ('01.. U.wrL.wRw.-The No. 18 Kelsey Warm Air Generator you Insta11e4 in my house last fall has given btu the greatest of n•Llsf•etlon. 1 have found It very noonomlcal In fuel and very really masaged. giving t ver y beet respite In heat. the whole house lag heated from 76 to 80 both up stairs and down, and •t times I have len my bedroom window open •11 night in the month of February. 1 have found no gas or owl dust from It at •ll. no heat In the ostler. end the smoke pipe was cool. 1 have need other furnaoss for • lung time, and from my sxpertenoe in furnaces 1 can eately say that the Kelsey 1a the best 1 have seen or used and eau blab.y r000mmeod it to say nee intending to heat with warm air, as it does not burn the air, but gives • very even and pleasant beat to the hoose. F. J. T. NAFTIL. bes H. C. FILSINGEf , Corner Wntet.t,.nd 9oaaro. Ooderloh Information regardlap uhf• Meer. ally elven by 12,1277 rt n lien's . •t �rrea Esc.,. rum Furnishlngs we are selling Shirts, Ties, _Coilet' , Cuffs, etc., at prices that empty the boxes. Felt and Straw Hate at 25% off the regular prices. The Clothing is going fast, and no wonder, for a Suit here costs very little. Come and see if this is right w+e v:xu,irwe.t•txtray.• ,Irvor WW1, • J • H. PEDD t 02DIERIC7H. •• The otdy toot..• The Dales, Tin Ce . United. Termite. tpwsemt . Wrap. . N sda R, A SATISFIED CUSTOMER.... is a bigger advertisement than a page In this newspaper. Msy we makes walk- ing advertisement for oar store oat of you? We can, if you'll give ns a trial. f oods ae.teere'e to Resta. "Von are in the last stages of consump- tion and cannot Ilvs more than a month." were the words of doom herd by Mn, Roth Rlehardeee, el laurel Springs, N.C., from • her dootors, "bat she began to see Dr. King's New Dlswysry," writes R L. i).aghtoe, of that platy, "end wee wholly oared by it. She is now a stoat, well woman." It's the supreme ours for deeper - ate &thins of the throat and lags. In- fallible for coughs, oolds, br000hitle, math ma, wroth, whooping wash. 11 ted bottles 600 and 11.00. Trial bottles fres at .lames Wlleon'* drat store. THE B - ST.... OIL SOVE8 ICE CREA ' FREEZERS S STERLING SiLVER Some very pretty pieces, full weight and elegant new designs : BRRR �SOONS, TSA and COFFEE SPOONS, • .bII-Ph3 fitELLS, fOIGIVOlIERVERS, ETO. Direct jsust hipmtoent hofand Frl5)eh and other fine FINE CHiNA China SALADS, . PLATTERS, RAMAHINS, BON- BONS, COMB and BRUSH TRAYS. ETC. \ ` g1 newest decorations. g�g Eli ufl PORTER'S BOOK STORE Our Telephone is No. 100 B Court Hous* Square, GoderiCh. 'AND BICYCLES from *15.15 dp. PRESERVING KETTLES and all kinds of GRANITE and TINWARE LEMON SQUEEZERS • DAIRY TiNWARE our own melte \ EAVES TROUGH ENG \` ROOFING and SIDING Paintt Tor the oelebrated for painting all kinds of roofs' A Q&rbon wood or ironwork. Wt?S,3LL'S Os amp stove end Fanew Man. Wrong of Hamilton -St. Uderioh. ��cam boiler Repairing. At any season oi'the year there is no eater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is witn eoo1 stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges adLL ALT CATTLE EROS. Plam>Iera,Sleamattera and Tinsmilha West dde of 8 taro oat Sturdy Aro. ST. MARY'S LIME kept oonrtantly on hand. Aliso the best breads of ----HYDRAULIC Ladd- PORTLAND CEMENT Men's chocola year vesting trop Kvi's tan Bal's, God BaUden will do well to the ow btlNw piss' Ing thole orders..--------_ F. BARLO HOL'IS TUR (maL PR•Laa. OFFICE. Wort-st. Near the Suiten. W. A. McKIM.d JULY.. SELLING 'A SUCCESS 1 It The Goderich steam boiler works having been removed from Godench, i have made arrangements to carry nn boiler repairing and also the manu- facturing of emokestack., etc. Repairing of boilers, engines and other machinery promptly attended to. D. K. STRACHAN, Machinist., (ioderich. Work* on Victoria Street. MITI rrOOW FOR SALE. The •t ova is cut into stove wood length and will he delivered to any part of the town the same day an ordered. Orders received h telephone or left at rr.idt roe, 128 by street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER MCBWAN. OaMriaht Nov.mlrr 21s1. 1901.. 58-7m max. rarnesvoisaget t* We have yet quite ai lot of Summer _Gods which we are done with. If you want them at any old price, come 25c. French Organdies, in stripe and ydondl pat- terns, light and dark,, for 121c. at4y38 in. Fancy. Stripe ..$s1Aek wcere_gO. to_ clear • Shirt Waists at half price. "W''"*'"'".""'"'""' Men's Straw Hats, were 122c. and 15c., for 10o. Linen Skirts for 40e. (SCh, t '"i los., 'llo'f))J't'5-tis 4ri1.'y let va',xea 0s.odr04, HOUSE AND HOTEL LINENS I Table Linens, mill remnants, all lengths, at less than mill prices. All Summer Goods must go in July. Now is your time for good Goods just when you want them, at money -saving prices -price no object. WSA. McgIM. Merit heavy plough Shoes... "SOROSIS' Mannish Shoes for ladles- tlemen-ehoea-a man shoe bu for women. I am the sole agent for ii " SosoetA, " the Meet' American shoe. Call and see them. - ST. GEO.. RR!CE Another lot of Favorite O11 -)Shoe Dressing 6c. aepalriag neatly done Douse -cleaning Tim _Brings many requirements which we •,• . �l.CR - ' have your order for anything in our line, and will try to please you. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. ST /RDY & CO Telephone No. 91. Thee Groeera, Cor. Square and Montreal 130. �. When a woman buys Ring Quality Shoes she saves $2. They cost $3 and have the appearance of $5 -that is how she saves $2. These shoes are irre- proachable in material, style, fit and finish. All trimminge are Q1milk, sad they are the hent shoe+fotrhepries on this earth. All the ward..inthe English Ias- guag.s could not tell the facts pildsollr than \t\• I'441 that. \•' 'wsihuveaee POI (04 4,004, 04, KitioQuAid r. .L • £S 4•t••piS &' e. 11. 4416 110qte .4% v# • ••ice �w •llk •o; yet t�d •••. Made by J. D. JUNO OOYP&I1. Limited. Toronto. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MEOWS : SYSTEM : RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Godet'ch, Ont. .,.