The Signal, 1900-7-12, Page 44 TavaazAy, July 12, 1900. The Big Sale :. Of Bicycles Sas Merrily Oil THE HIGH GRADE YALE . . AT $27.50 1s • winner Prices reduced in all Ilees, Call and see us or drop • card sed our salestao will 0.11. We bey• •gain added new wheels to oar Livery be keep up to our Io• oreaelaa trade. 11 you would have the bat yM get It a1 Emerson's Bicycle and Music House, %Next ' street, Ooderich. V16 : StiU Swear NY THL tg Sharpies. Cream....• Separator We helloes lee ms e1 imaillth►d tad disability is has s. swill • dens A F Wel Iw tea days, tf yin want I$ This Bot weather 1, will dew Fos a gala 11111 Its se 60 per omit. of Sable with Item work said Ina worry Emerson's Must House, and Higlidu • Bicycle 1iv.•ry. mut , te MuLtY= EVERY THURSDAY MORNING" 4 m. shin t>♦S I e0DIRRICH. THUSSDAT. JIILY 11. WHY NOT ARROW. J• ? - Our Tory contemporaries have been taking a great deal'ot chewer, out of the pffering of a judgeship to J. J. Foe, Q C., by the Liberal Administration THa StONAL regret* that this pleasure has been afforded the Tory press. .1. J. Foy, Q.C.. u:a nice man. but neither 'his position at the bar nor hie publi. rviee entitles him to the iefuial of a High Court Judgeship in Ontario. There are better lawyers on the Liberal aide, who are better qualified for the judi tial position than J. J. Foy, (2,U , and Huron ham one of them in the Of the Hoa J. T. GAraaow•, Q C We do not know that Mr Claims would accept the position, as he is credited with controlling one of the largest legal businesses in Western Ontario, but we would advise the liberal Government when it has posi- tions to fill to offer then to their friends rather than to their oppottenta. The positions may not be seeeptad, bat scorn will not auosupany the refusal, year. The impreseioaii abroad that Manx HANNA is really the Republican chess player and that McKim:.AY is rooted about to suit the ideas of the Ohio 1Henater. BRYAN, ou the other hand, is no metre man. He prac tically dictated the policy of the convention that dominated him, and,whether hie policy is right ur wrong, he has behind him a atrorigur peritonea follow nig • than ham had any Presnleonal caudislate aloft Lincoln's seeolnl election. The anti•imperial plank also will help BRYAN, aodl,he fact that every frau with a .ry Wit' �''S THE 'SIGNAL eitGODERIUH ONTARIO l'tltege; Mrs. (I)r.l Brower►, of Woodstock a..d St. Therese ; Mrs. Robt. Hell, of he gran ; Mr.. Thos. Mu( illiuuddy, .1 1br onto ; Mus Kee Dutton, of Toes•tar : I)r Chau lea hullos, • 1 U •troit ; Juho, ut %% mid too*: tied Arthur, druggist, of Doer. It." Thu remains were takes to Wo.dstook for iutermant b.erde those of his wife, on Wedoe.dey morning A short service was 000duo'ed by Kee. John Keo, it A , .t the home of Mr headmen, •t 6 1S A M , after which the body was takes to the U. 'l. K. and placed ou the 7 18 train for Woodet ok va 1. stuwel and Siratlerd. The pall b..r ere were K K. and 1). C. Kone, A. M Ile Key, A Si molten, Jas Foe and W. 11 Kerr Mr I)oadnt•i soiomp►eled the f main. The funeral took plans no %Veduw day alteraoen from Joke 1uttoe's residence, Woodstock, and wee ander the direction of the Maeoslo Order. W. HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. rhe AuntNMllwe tS,Id Rerently Neer. Slerled. According to Ynounuemente, the annual meeting ut the Weer Huron Fat mer. luso- tube wix held at Nilo oo Wednesday, June 20t5 Pres Snell to his report ways so outlloe of the work •uuumplieh.d the peat year, as well as wine very useful eugpeetlons as to the work of the coming year. Toe Institute was ut the ueioltn thet owing to the difficulty in eecurlug suitable •erms drum the U. T. K , it would not make arraogemuu.• for au .xaursioo to the Fat Swok Show .t liuolph to I)ooeuther, Thu .1ueeuu• of prortdinar the ewretaly with a typewriter we. laid over for the pneeot. Inuring the easutcg year those who bring in sirte.0 11.0101 to the lnstltute w111 reur.ve ea bonus • uopy of "Suoueseful Farming," Ly \% m, Rennie, sr Th. wettiogs to be held during: the own. tug year are : regular meetings. Auburn, Dungannon ; supplementary meetings. Kin• toll, St. Hideo's. Blyth, Holmsevllle; speuisl meetings, CarlewtPece Albert, Auburn and W logham. The eeuretery's report ,hewed • year of ur.psrelleled success. There were held 11 me.ttgs, nue .sen at Beomiller, Catlow, Port Albert, Uhntou, Kiot.ail, St. Helens. Auburn, Loewe, Loodebore, and two at Iuugaunoa. There were 78 addreseY gtv- so, sod • Ictal stte°daooe of 3,070 ; the holiest atteodenee was at Clinton, where there were 650 at both meetiaga The biahest ouemberohip heretofore was 210: thus tear 313name' wet. put en We roll. mnrmmnrmmmmmmmmmmmnrmmmmmrrrtt Paint Now Goderich Bargain Centre Absolutely pure machine -mixed paints, all colors, by the gallon, $1.30 cash. .� y:Py6av •a Screen Doors and Windows JULY SALE! Only a few more loft at last year's prices for cash. Fn 1. h? C#9:i)'`" a� eil;�•k 5 xt'�1� SAILOR HATS at a Bargain to Clear Harvest Tools, Rope and Binder ....Twine.... Should be ordered quickly to prices. SHIRT WAISTS at a-- Bargain to Clear LINEN SKIRTS at la.Bargain to Clear PARASOLS at a Bargain to Clear LADIES' VESTS at a Bargain to Clear save advance 111 A. McD. _Allan �IIw111U1111WUUNUIUNYUIUlUlU1WIW WAUIIIIW ul arbitta»or for Uoda:lob townebip. Mov ed by C. W. Williams, se000ded by J. C. Woods. th it the following accounts be esti : News Record, printing, $21 15 ; %%'m. Mall. boll•ed,_rep•tnng \Crisper, $1 60 ; T. .1. Marks. osdm, 9237 70. tiyisw No. 4, now read, es. permed. Mooed by C. %V Will tams, ee.r,ude.l by Jae. Johne'on, that thts round d i not impend any mousy ea a oldie road leading to land river between Iota 50end 51. Mettleud oonceesioo, as • re- quest from• delega'ton fn,m Colhorne taws- ship. A4jnu•ned to meat no thn Bret Mei- day in September. NITON STURDY, oleek. grievants -every Adullamite-will voteA very wu.l.eetul csoanbo was run to The coen#1 stet Saturday. Joe/ Zbrd, against the exist+su stew- :,a,•-osyoss, wosw ,wµ members all memo. Minutes of pommies N is.•- -,,,,,,e.....1,--.....,.....-.:771041°1411... .rer ..:551 •a e..ttd. B rob Ne. B contribute to the Democratic voting power. Y I •seed, makln¢ • ohargn in poltt•a eeh The position which BRYAN takes on for are : - Ashfield -J. N. McKeotleThe directors for muntotpalut.e &ypodo J. An daril lore 10, l l 4 1 12. roc. 7 were • .i `2 r. ham 1, end 4 I.nt• 9, 10 •ail 11. Boer question will cut lath way'', for,whde drew.. Jos. lisyoe. ; t. a %%est w•nosh-C., it will certain!get the Oerinau American Harriet, M. V'oncg, Wm. Bailie ; East W• tekso from divates N.. 2 .•.d put in No 1 Y dtrblos ;e011°"2 lots 4, 5 end 6, We°. 1, •oil to e wsaosh--M. Lockhart, R. , Mot,ow•n, A. trate fairly eolfd� it , will omtltwtbtaxlly cause 4 nod 5, soc2 were pn' to Nc. 4 divl.l0u. ('urrle ; Colborne- h. Keroigbs , H. a.ehittm• in the eaakad the llriN,h Amer-\'ounit, J. Duetew; Hallett -W. Jackeos, Bylaw No. o. 9 wee •Ian pueed, author's -tie lean l)emocracj. p' Jas. Wllsoo, .1e. Snell ; Tarnberry-- Uevio fhb horr..wior of IS. sum 01 91200 (b way It is practically conceded that RoteEVILT Wslees; Blyth -F. Metcalf, U. Hamilton, of debeotaree) for school eert:tm d o. 7 P y The lollowfuq •cooaste was Dodd : K. will keep New York lit' the K.•publi.nn A. Blt..o; Confect -IX A. Forrester, %Vm. Twamley, vrsn.l, $1`2.80: %Vm. 1 w.mley, VONT; Oodbrioh-Mr. Wenlock, 1V. Br- tolumn, but-, on the other band. YTEVENMIK V.& vol. 99 1036 I K. F. Aod,aw, gravel, ono. rue; t. YoU All•M Marquis, a tAchesin: 12, $1.9 10 ; Wm. Uerde.r, (wap , $1 :John i. almost sure to place Illinois where it -twill -V 1,. Milord, W. Muguu, Oen. Aobewu; Fersueon, rep rut s K 3 sail 4, 92 25 ; John do moat good to the Democrat• in maty t ioghsm-N . 1' t ;rlerseo, A. Morten, M. Murdoch, gnv'd913 fill ; A. Tole, wnvd, of the other States the litres . ate closely `J. t,ordoo. Audi ors -K Mollw.tn, 1 5... $3.60 . J• R. w..6.68.. (trev,tiii.e H R 6 nod drawn, and taken all w all the Prwaolentlal Gkvis. 7 and ono. 14, $14-.; Jas, Raskin, imp„ $1: The sobjeet ed lie bCm•uos of . Worn. it- N)sow, loop . 9 ; U Ritehle, gravalnog contest o1 1900 promises to be a* a lusely con en's Institute was !Bemired. • namt.-r of coo 12 and $ $ :stud 10, 93230; Jas. Alton, tested and as full of offprint -it an any that women tieing present. !t wain deetded that Reel, $4.Ilt7i R if 1res grovel, s. Sea. we form • N umoo'e leetdtsN, Ebb matter bas taken Owe eine tie ante• helium day* Uoldthorpe desk $70 • Juho'rhnrtoaro^. hong lett wit A SAMPLE TORY EDITOR• AVE don't know who edits The Brock- . Time,. and we don't care to any great nt, but we want to exhibit him.to the Y one of the lopsided, half -larked, ken scalawags who ,omett\\nre, eked over the journalistic feel'e, hey alight with a dull th are heaven -born leaders o e s specimen of the fait pan of the occupant d The Brockville Times following extract: ither The HAMA- reaponnible (;rit reproduce Mc Itmust be inst s poli per wilt Times Mr. Rowell will make it interesti°gg fo that newspaper. - The Hamilton t'thles re Dot - It will be seen from the above that the would-be journalist who wrote it has not real the "open letter," which he attack* no venomously. He doesn't know Mttlu.ti- CUDDY, and he never heard of HENRY A. Powwuost Weetmorebnd. tmttl Tal Nm. Nei, named the latter Y one of the fallen stars in Parliament ; yet that doesn't hin- der the fool from Brockville rushing In and giving expert opinion se to what HENRY A. Powau, would do under oertain coalitions. The editor of The Brockville Times is evi- dently the inspirvxl lunatic who dreamt dreams &bout PETER WH1TE's election, soil when he awoke found CowsToOK elected by a costing majority. He is evidently the rainbow chaser who saw visions of wicked deputy returning offtcerein the Inst Brack• vine election, and promised .-Eta- ill the jail w full of the delinquents that their heel* would stick out of the beck windows ; sal then, when he got out of hin trance, found no one that the strong arm of the law_tlt)u$l take Mold oil. We hate to have to give so much space to eoeh • worthless object Y the vampire of The Brockville Times, but we give it no that our readers will be able to form an idea of the 6y rTo'6ghtm flare emergency food upon which the rank and Ale of the Tory party is supposed to fatten. With such blind leaders of the blind it is not to be wondered at that the whole outfit hoe fallen into the ditch. Speaking on the topic under diecunion, The Hamilton Time. thus take. up The Brockville Time. and drape it with a jolt : The Brookville awash -buckler cannot. mike any glory in that way. Mc(Alli- cwddy'm ohargea are other true or false If tree Powell ought not to he 4ilereterl in public life ; if fates the MAR no def•m Ing him ought to be brought, to book McOillicnddy is in the Beth, and he ie not irre.ponsible either civil) or criminally He .ling* hard word.. but he does not take long chances. Dan knew him man, hende he used plain, vigorous English. The Brookville organ's baby threat won't go. Already many.� papers have repub- lished MoGillicaddy'm crushing reply to Powel'a.ocarse attacks on the editor If Powell doe, not like it he must feet lump it. Rot Powell wea't perime MoGillt• noddy. 07 pub![ honor - are pitc and when imagine the public opinion. play that the b the editorial chair o is capable d, we give But we notice that ton Times nor any othe newspaper hY dared to Oillieu.ldy'e "open letter. • dirty bit of abuse outer! ._-.tical opponent that a (int not reproduoe. U The Hamilto will republish Mc4;illicudrly'e let OUR NEIOHBORS OVER THE WAY. OUR American conning have held their politirwt oonvtmtinna and have lined ep their Presidential and view-PrwMenttel aartdfdat e. Mnkort.ry and Rooney eowipflae the R.pohlinan ticket. ; REYAN sort Srsvaweow hold aloft the democratic+ banrww. The nnnditiena that existed In 1106 are rot changed to any great extent, sad yet It basins to look as if We wield M a Bryan h the usenN►s For fia•1 sr- eel L Ft, St; )$..leaver hosldtng cul •readement. SNAP SHOTS The piece of holding tee nett annual L , $43; ir•disi and Rravellislt 8 K 12 -- meeting was nand at Nile. and 13,. $B; Jolts J'ohwetoe, trading sod -IT wouhl take ' ty awl-nineTAtI.S J. C. Snell, editor-in-chief of 15a Fat- esiistt Id2 Hill. $b 50: D.se Ferguwo, mer's Advocate, gsvo • very country tel talk. rep Del, pea 14. 2501 A. Metbeeo, work on like the honorable KErHut.l to make a mane 8 R 9 aid 10.1110 ; A Mehermaid, rep cal, He said the section of ouoout through which he bad travellr,l from l.obdon to eon 1:42. ,:b: Jes ,- 9Y, plank • i,s cr.v.nna -Tor I)Avta,' pl 0askg*.chewan, hasn't not K 9 and 10, -9 -+.Abe Inrman, gravel, here cacti oo[ toe snrpaseed, it tgaalh4 Ly (i0; R. Ureonea,:np cul, L K, $� ; Mn. left a hair on Lha tuprdNti:a I)iy1N'S heal, soy. Farmers shaald oke adventage of gravel. $6; g Previa:mo s bla.p unipeeldllied _ 1Jirr dher th. turn ul i he times, and pro.iuoe what the F'tn,130 Joint Minn,.este, .hovelhn part of it. k t d d J tV Id ba tad to see grayAl, $3 50 ; 1) McKeasie, •hevallisw • the toms when gucd cattle, both heel and mar a emtm a ou 5 I. $6: D. Jardine, week os eon 4. $13; -No nutter when the general election dairy, would be more plentiful. John Malwod. gree ,. $3:bt ; Jams Kos., take. place, it Will •Ncomplish one good Mr Elliott, Welkerw$n, spoke for • few E av 52; .: Re , graveDonaL le 96: Isaac Dui, Nit -mites Floor, Davie will be minutes, eeplainmg the work log of • pre pond farmers' border twine factory to be i Nr. Henderson travel, $4 40; on the euUtidc nett time. Dims WATe.,N started .t Welketto•. Taos. Lenses, rep fenos,.oea 9, 25e ; John won't nave him, .l Mt. Smith, of The Farmers' Sao, was Hutcheson, map, $6.25 ; 11. Finn, torp, $5 ; d gave some very useful hent ; he Thor. Garver, rep eel L 5, stetting and Iv our old wall -eye -1. yellow dog didn't °o5 an organ.zstlon as the N est posti.E h R. $32 50: Stephen Mutio, plwk, ha.Ve a clearer nonce lion of the political mar.' Institute wee • food more $27.45 ; H Horner, crave', $14.16 ; rep oil P Po th boy at b me The heti $5 ; John l'amphrell. oiteh 00 1) L. $2 ; Plat wttuliwl flu° the editor of Thu Brockville w.• would mighty 50541 not hsvd our eyed, yellow dog. present aJ Yid that s Hurn + Farman.' h 1 t } th A 1 holding tows ¢ i w F owe lobo The 26,e Ila:tors. '0 ,• keep e tote r menet.' entre to oreserve the memory M.Uly,D. grovel, 95 20 • ate-) Qlse, o n u,unears. na.•gn or revel ut on s R3sed4,r 1.12. !false, ship it "stings once a month ; it was also • neap 92 60 • M 94 80: gravel 14 49 . good rtea to hold a M•roh • meet leg when McKay, grant, 94 80: Julie Badman. rep farmers would bring s•mplei el the grain, L Inn,* ; John O'Neil, leap, 91 ; .lames JAMES ROBINSON'S They're . Coming --Sure The Bugs on the Potato Vine Are You Ready? .. The Henderson Bicycle Co • .081C VIM OWN BUG -FINISHER, '_T PURE PAS ti1�'EF,fIN" _ Fertilises the soil and de- Berger*, English -and as stray, the bug. Cheap. Cheap as the Cheapest. WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF FL1'-PAPER,~, INSECT POWDER, HELLEBORE, Evc eea•,.vr.... W. C. GOODE - - CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCK . Presoriptioew personally attended to at all boon. EL :O -� THE OLn 11,:"070:4,9A' RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COA eta, that they bid tet sale. •Scott, np cel L K, $1 , Aha. Juno -, A direotors me.tise at the .Toes eTud �riaww er,ej-04-1 am• lieu* S the executive, Y follows : Pres , ,lames grovel, $2 88; 1 W. $IC :elm, rep bridge sad petll. ee Snell, Clinton ; 1st vice pre , Rod. 1 uuog, cul S k, 9 and 10, 9b i J^hn F: Nnlnve, a' flaw • 2nd vlo. prey John yk ir.nn tewlot •tatnr. letter team•. $3 ; Abel -al N DUTTON DEAD "Man" of the Harald of Tuesday, June lost of the death of Mr. burn : Imo. tress . F. l i Elford, Holmes. TO SBD Tei l'att,-R'$2-t. 4. 14iiggstth, le ford and nor • fe ysere will learn with regret of the death of Jelin l)ottoo, druggist, of We oity, which occurred somewhat soddenly early Tueedey moralov at the home 01 hie leo-toJaw, 11. A. 1 Ned m•o, o1 I Trawls. Mr. Dutton's death took place coder circumstances strongly p.thetle For &boat • year peat he bad been ailing from an affection of the heart. Oa May lith last, hie aged wife 1 the shook of hie berea.e- 4 effeot upon Mr. 1)at ed system. Daring the ams much wore, and In fact for • day or t his death had bees momentarily expeoted\ Mr. Dutton dit- ched very much to "pend• his d•avhter, Mrs. head and this desire .row upon h Ido generation In Strat- nl those of ler mature passed away a meet had • v ton's already eate lest dew weeks he Is last days with o, of Brussels, 1Qt .n muoh of law that It was thought best tit humor him, and his business was closed up on `letatday. A000mpaisled by Mrs. Ua•dmen and Rev. W. .1. Mohsy, of the flautist ohuroh, he was taken to Brussel* Monday morning, though his rendition was eo low that It was thought the and had name even before he had been lifted Into the cab. He retched Brus■ele 1n the afternoon, but oases l away. Y indicated, teeth being due to heart failure ser. Dutton was over 72 years old seri was • native of England In t he year 11351 he married his Tate wife, Ming then proprietor of • targe ahemist's store In Southampton. Some years later he met with • .•ere soot - dip whloh developed Into blood poisoning, TRr faintly, oame M Canada, hoping to Improve hie shattered health. He at first wept to Delaware, near Leedombut in the Fall of 1860 moved here, and opened • drag store in the well known premises ou the corner of Ontario and Krlr streets, where he hes hien In nosiness ever si°oe-a record probablyut unique In the history of • Stratford bane's mss As • young men lir. Dutton took • very high position In Masonic Modes In this vieinity. He we s charter member .oil the Brat Worshipful Master 04 Teameeh Lodge, No. 144, A F, & A M., 0 K, C. Daring the time he was actively Interested In Meeoory, he was honored with many maidens of treat by his fellow Mssnns, and wee for some years 1)1.tr101 1)ounty Mester of this dietrlot. As as OJdtellew, too, he was promisent, jnlnleg Avon Ledge, No. 41, 1. O. (1 F., en Aped Id, 1969. In this ledge he eras at nee time • past grand, sad he was en settee member up to the time of hu death Same 26 years age he became a B member of the local .otlet ohuroh, and M ever "leo* he hes en smont Its most vol wed adherent. For many years he once. nled the responsible peeltloe of treasure et the thumb, and had been • deaoon for the w past 7A ye. in Mr. I)°Yea's death. the e ohuroh losone of It eldest pillars and the olty nee of Its m,+rt nprlght hardness men, and ow. whose familiar form had Mrnme a landmark. Hb demisewill be • shook to • veru large ninth, of friends and acquaint YON As has hese Indicated, Mrs. Drab*, whoOVUMhad, OVUM te falling health, hem beteg gosh • daughter at W nmiatnek. pawed twee • Mils over • month ago. The follow'se (sally, three eons .nil ail daughters, sur- vive : -- Mn. Ile,adlries. wife of U. A. Deed• mud, pbartwwut, of Brwaels ; Mrs. Clarke, wits e1 Prod. D. K. Clarke. .4 W eodalleek as oirgli-wiadrive-orne,4 1(s, .111.. and ehovelhng gravel, 117 50; Mersa "A The meeting closed with the feeling that Ford, armee et 1' A grave.ling Doe 9, NI we are enterics upon • year of great results. on I, R sol 1) 1., $.50 ; Pat Moran, three The Institute era is but beginning. cwiverte on D 1., 91540 ; Thee. Ford, shoe - `The membership to the Institute is In the odic° gravel, $1.50 ; W. Vroomnn, rep grey of every farmer, end all eboald avail bridge and cul nn boundary, $2 , W. Mil themselves of the advantage derived ; the anneal fee is .troy 26.1, sed satiates tae stes•- her to the reports el the Ontario A.rioal - tursl College, Agricultural .ad tsxpertmen• tat (,uinn, Ilalrymee'e Associations of Ess: ern anal Western Ontario, Ilotarin Creamery's Association, Fernier's Institute, Dominion Sheep and Swine Bteoder's Mao. oration, Kset and West Poultry Association, lined Reads Aeneiation, and Hollering of Agriculture) College and Experimental Farm. A -y one wishing. to beoome • member or to renew o*n do eo by ending 25 mete and name to any of the directors or the seo'y. .IAN. SNEL.1n F. ('.' Stamm. President. Ssereeary. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. I OUKRL11 TON Ne11i1'. .lana 25t3, 191. Cooaoll mat today •000rding to adjourn meet. Minatoe of last meeting red and pared. Moved by.lohn Middleton. wooed - ed by Jae .Johnston, that petition of E. .1. Draper and seven other@ be granted, re- questing that • gnlon eobool eotirn be form- ed between Hallett township sod (loderioh until I need hold 'n Kidney 19i1e. i have pubo», and th.(Wm. ('osjes be t2po1n1- -0ee.1.1$e0•11vee.keeesersdeve asseal' Knight, burying • sheep, 503 ; W B. Haw• kis, lap, at P A, 11 85; John Kilp•trlok, job a- Perk Alpert, $2913, and rep cal S R 3 and 4, 11 ; E4 Johnston, plso.og ewer p pe, $6.30 ; 1'. M. Soilless, teaming .ewer pipe, $1.62; Jos. Dittos, teaming sewer OM 91 98 Next oouncil meeting, Aimed 24:h. W. Sear ANOTHER NAME ENKOLLED (Jrn List of Those Who Testify to U.dd'. Kidney fills in Montreal MONTREAL., .101y 9 -rbe list of those who have reoelv.d benefit from the great mediatse, i)ecid'e Kidney Pdb, ie ate dily growing in this city. Mince Knbert 'l'hom eon's nem. was published, M. Mallin, of 4 Klein street, hen *tapped forward and sub- mitted his 1e•ttn, my. H1. Daae wan then matiam, whioh, thonvh now venerally r\Cog- Diced as • kidney die.Y., in not elective treated Y .uoh. People wants • lot of m .ney trying to drive rheumatism from the system. If they wood follow Mr. Mallin'* example they would he saved much pain sed expense May. he, 'I have had rheumatism for sour time and nnnld wet nothlna to core me CEO. W. THOMSON & SON Phone it !. MUM, anti Bicycle Dealer* Our -I900 f3icycles.., Henderson, --1900--$icycIes..,-_tfenderson, Crescent, Rambler and Ideal.... are batter video bail anything eves offered Irofore in 1;,xlnrirh. Our Organ salts are inereselarmere than ever with the two superior lines we handle, vis G-ODFRIOH and DOMINION The stanri they now onropy with the bast musicians nn.1 pleyere le something to he proud of. - wortmwITH PIANOS These artistic, fine -toned, highchumin,trumonte take a first stand with no. Highly recommended by all mueiriene and fully gnarat.tned WHITE, NEW WILLIAMS and QUEEN Mewing Machines --too well and favorably known to need eomment. A full line of small instruments, strings, etc., etc. Call and inape. 1 goods and get prices. C. W. THOMSON & SON: retry °y"e ri...:z ' 1 BRO?IIEY & SON Fu 'tern\ v'hree<ore and tlllioQ\iuty . Order. carefully attended Ile at all beam+, alibi er day. game on meat mese&, RYMewee. See. her agrees. ALWAYS ON HAND THd BETE' II Hard coal (7th THR MAKKZT AU Coal waBoniestd on the Market Boniest whets you get ►�����oa00000a00114 Its. for a Ion. WM. LEE. Order/ felt at L1 & BEIP73ABD'B Ston promptly attended to. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Cres Bolls,j1nce Pies and Lady ?infer:, Kisses, Macaroons, Yaraninea, ,10„ Brandy Snaps, Etc. are Y good Y the beat madeln say city in Canada. Cantelon leads fin foals th WEDDING ; CAKES in tang deeiening and orruneht- ing and alrwarl [cog. erre litre him an order and your rt - infection will be assure!. D. CANTELON. WEST -ST. - rrrnr11rtrmTnrttrtmtnmtnttt 11 tntttttnttttttmmtntnm 2 _ A. ---P EE r- Ow- Ow- AP- 410. - JAPPA, r%,- - -,,,..a RETIRING FROM II 'SSS SALE II Time too short to di of spasm this large 5to11:.Ih\ot Clothing, Fur- nishings, .r Hats, Caps, etc.,`so we . have deetded to extend the time until the 15th day of July, when the stock will be taken and the Balance sold at a the dollar. - - The sensation -'Gigantic Sale Created is more than one stand. The crowds that visited this Store during the last month have bee*an opener to our competitors, and they tried to follow the step but are not in Try us, is all we can say- and follow the leader!, for lead we will. CLOTHING 2.1'l and $13,10, der ..,-1-6$50-- " :-r,-stip-- " $9, $10, 511, for 7.50 « 56.50, 57.00, for 5.00 " . " 46.00 and $5 00, for 3.75 Tie*? Rad Boyd Clothing, similar Redootio i.. Boys' Koichi, $1.00 and $1.25, for 75c. 75c., for 500. 50c. and 60i.,br, .. -- 40c. SPRING OVERCOAT*--- -• $10, $l 1, and $12, alto! lot terproot Coats at about Malt Pili. - STRAW HATS are flying. They have got in the wind and are gang fast at sbout HALF PRI ▪ Any Hat in the Ston Ips Woo wtwe 2 j$„6Q.. and $3.00, a e- t. SHIRTSt-SHtRT9 i st11RTS bargee and Moat Mailing Pstterni 111 -Silk Fronts, French Cambrian, F,ngli,h, Madras Tailor-made Shirts, $1.00 and $1.25. Our White Shirt -Bosom Shirt -the most comfortable Shirts made, Were cheap at a they now go at _— _r 1 75 CENTS. BATHING TRUNKS SUITS Every Pnoe. a ..10c. to 2G.. each A 50o. to $1.00 each Heap of Collars ight, Every Style, Every pig Reduction in Everything. . ;t,t a ,6 iii - A. P. M0LEAN," '— The Palace Clothing Store, Qoderich. P.M. -A11 outstanding accounts mast he settled by 1st July ; all unpaid after that date, willbe handed in for collection, 1ci d?Ant s