The Signal, 1900-7-12, Page 12P Still
I rtultity of shulkjuh
wvc by Luyink your
......froin utl
narked nakon thunk
top tie. Kul Loll want
i farthest, buy herr.
g IN)Wta we wish to,
r aro :
fix any diwtisfaction
We will be pleaded to
Mt are the talk of the
quality. __-- - -
f, i 'Ili .
XI, t •
7 `:
Y; tj
). {Q s!e
k1 .o'•
Ql l
with your health.
igs anti Medicines
uality. Get the beat
■nine pricer that are
for goods.
Itore the stock is &I-
tiuch article pare, po-
)tion Depilrtment
for promptness ani!
Me.licai Hall
t do MYERS,
aid Imbal 8
Maraechumetta Col -
Km hslming.
0001)8 AT MOD&
Gopmom, July 11, 1006
, SO b f SO
11 oil bit 00
-r _
c. per pair
;C. `t
C. r%
. a a
►C. 64
Onto. O back .............------..
IC. 6e
0 1) to 0 10
Hay. O inn...... ... .........-
Porso•a. ♦g,ad►....._,... ._-
Matter ............I.._.._
-e and the
eve are able
o to to 0 11
and Boys
6 so to S 73
J r.
encltl eo.
e cheapest anti ni(wt
lee it at MCKENZIE
cents Ibe
cents I be
W i res
I the now well-known
Modal hrand at the
Barn Fixtures,
Jur .also wen yMvor
mill on mall margins.
roR 1900
Ny - - y 1
,+ `vX: Rlb /i er
\ 4
— fit•
IJ1 -
.. r 1900
C—.` —_ .--. _ - - 0!
- --
Gopmom, July 11, 1006
you pr,iaal........................
Rour. family, pw otos.... _...•..
0 06 to 67
t 10 b 110
OTutv. t«4 par cwt.........-..
toxo -n•-•-•n••••••'—
, SO b f SO
11 oil bit 00
6bowtg, O ton ...... -.. _.. _ , --
It 00 told 00
Snrrents6% Dor cwt ........... .
1 W b 1 00
Ityr, pot bath ....................
0 40 to 0 60
Huokwbe". per bask...........
0 40 b 0 In
Onto. O back .............------..
b TI
0 b 0 6'
lyaa pphet...._... ...-..-..
ILL I pw bmtb ..................
0 1) to 0 10
Hay. O inn...... ... .........-
Porso•a. ♦g,ad►....._,... ._-
7 00 to 6 00
o IID le 010
Matter ............I.._.._
0 I1 b 0 11
(-&.am ter 1h ....................
o to to 0 11
heck uO••ktM. dna....
0 to to 0 11
t k0 be 100
-.-- -b.,-.,—_...
Hides......... •- •-- • •- - . s ass
6 W to 6 00
01O b 0
Live Hera ......._.......•....
6 so to S 73
Urered Holm ..................... .
6 00 b 6 60
Baopa......... — -. --
0 160 0 14
titan. PW 16.......... _ _ _.......
0 1,460 0 15
Lard. ler 1► .......................
0 ON to 0 11
delighted. Indeed, were we to •boomppt oo
rinds et the residence of her mother, Mn.
Ihesssd riser MYgaaawM,.......
0 N b 000
Csttla ax ..........::::'
110 M /
3 m to 1 0o
Ord nary...........•........
A Hoebae&aAtipu CAML.-Miry O'Kstlly,
Idltuauollu Vacant
t 1.... oke barbering. A ppir to lL M U N •
Ito. Hamlltoa St.
1 ) HOY. It to N years of age, to tears th e
pr,aung trade. APO? to rut 8bNAr. emote
_ _ For da161. --- -
I dwdllegw Prltusr rood. "Ott t'd
'"'air Institute. Apply to MRS. ADDISON,
the lana
oc prem
!' of the best lQB-Wn farur is Odwtch
township, Hama activity Lot 17 end pert 111
6th con.assim, mites from Ooderie4 7 miles
from (,Hetes. Toe (hero *."tales good build
Ings god good Samoa M WWI watered ad
w.if aado"rallvid. 411we r a law beirina
orchard and prdm of "Mau /reale. Tf `0* b
toil purchases. Apply to W Y. OOU' ' • m
promisee, OrQodation P.O. A, tt.
i oR SA LL -LOTS 69. 70. 95 AND 96,
1 1• Hatubl•oc'e survey. Sad IoM. 11P, and
osuth half of 016 rcenlog pp•Dpumbeirs. al I0
Ooderloh. far p'YouwPHILIP HOLT,
Barrister. ta.. Gadsden
Marsh 14th. IM. to if
tslm•bl• farm. I2 WORCOM Division
Town.blp of AOhOdd. know. ho the "Hume
farm, ooat&labte Hfo.seea rely North bnl
et lot L le she y i &6&/atb. M4 the e I it
half of IOL 1, fa t0• ate& mfOn. Thane I rte
nd, oie. avid irate M *a 1"vel read. are wall
tetR•.d, hen •m as" slump@ Boll prig•
ci pally slay Iletin - 114.twe@ webl Oederdrslvi-
ed and Maar'a&`11 • r'O•t1 for be king
uv Oa Oagoel&& o oro • loodo fr&M
•.'Mina. ov0poWfu:s. now from• harm 100 t
tL Sad roar @rbllsm underneath• a•r @table
Sit.* 04 In first oho. MPotr. wS on -hard of
stout IA saes of bastion fruit ire« The farm
hu lately boom dead as a Keck farm. and u in
e-60ent ouluvauee.
Also the Moot 63 •Ores Of lot Im in Lake
Mode, North of tows Not. Ashdeld. All
clear, cultivation very ■oOd s)il day loam.
Well tensed sod wetsroiI A Dow frame eat
Lags, and hero MASS (with •tone aMbllng
and ernestb)as the I 1, cool a first ,toes or
ohard of •bout t •era Boob plunge w sod
%snisot to markota a hoele sd church, nod 1&
Y. exambeet t.emi.R dlsrism. 'Ito •ay om
table` b Oer' b&es w god taper, er •mall
farm. •fatter shed" 1. SOW am offered Ap
ply to
JOnlf asrTLlls.
Jnut 7th. In& Klasardlea Oat.
(kcentes addww ef
N w4 me _iio d 6,&
"uM y mtf
LJ Etttil JORb".
0 usloal dire~ Kne■
'rThudhto<M dtOagapl O"oriel,
InsuraeMe •
ANC! end real o•tsle &Root, lint Same
good to and town d.ropmft for sals ertlNsdO
and want$ mors. Oma, ono door east of P.O.,
11 (lederleb W money to loss on farm
property from slaking fund. A rsndmshl*
oomninigoo wW be allowed to my PWWS
.-angina batable leans.
w M. KrFVKRLI. Tow& Olark.
AOOPWMN and Ihonrodm Agent.
Boos Yd as is made up.
Ion tidings gNJ" add wants oolleated.
Mire lonfeaN to Bsitlsb mad Gansllan
tnRm-la f4aN6&&t & Hyn' .moa. North
ttrert, OcdwlWL al if
For nervioo. _
1 NTALUOU Milson HIII, No• IMI, Vol'
X X.. Clydesda o i!1. 9. B., bred "Jsa grown
Itmq„ of Milaabill, Torres. 800tlsed. Imported
tr ,m& a My, inn, Ont, will a a
Moeda)-toi m" oork@a•&.DaycdM Road.
o04mrleb Courim Igo, far sect, and to George
O. Sturdy' ,N 0aO tar R1aft.
Tnesday - W H. iH=I L 6th eco.. fi ir=
and to Jobe Rathwell's, Hayfield IAIW Itg'
'A ne•d&y -60 John Wl"Inton's fon MOO,
ndttpp r.Cp 1 w a otm.11. 1&e L
tOrd. y, bor &y Or III to nso,s"
noon. &114 to.tM. P"mad's at Hmmlller
for night.
►rlday to Ww Hlek•a ten. 6, YOderfeb
tow isle
asnl 1 w■ .M
rice shoo
p. o«. firm
IlemllsR sire&t, 9cdesi0►, where be willwa
main anti Monday morning.
let. 901, aVa the nesse" ~111, to er paid on or
before July let east perew@ Certain mages
and not returning them fe ininity will be
eh+rwei4 as seorm mom. We will not he n
tocosiAle for ant scotdena.
W * also have the Imported Clyde Bullion.
Pinken's Pride &pM{** SM t" siWse s W ood-
(JlON, ere.
HICIAN8sN61urgow. Ones 1n "sok
Vo (benne baaMM 1taagc w**t side Of 8quam
Night oasis u rraldMei&
nr• Simoron. Dr.Oa1Mw,
old ramauwµ*, h&pls, OL Kwi %
ever !*. OASa, nemades due".
RIIirRt Nlmhl .&Ila m
ew*r„d nt gr ~ s' Na MK
Oourt of RrIMMton __
BE oriBpi .
In the m*ttw of of
N,ist96 &f tk& rw ap pf¢ y th Y-
ounrnto11j,•eSde. J.O.Q what& her*&
eW •i&dl d
t, „es °' :a.r t "a day at Si fy.
r1Al pill"" iattelowd ire regfigl d IO Nae"
..esti WM' of as
s'gss t ^* 111114 OL i1'
Ilretrll►Y Matte" Mission" of at tee ba"
aesalas M"ek4ma.
Th* recut" meeting of the tows council
Sas held om Friday sending All the am
)e" were m atteodwos.
A Sta&mws from lbs manager of the
Hoak of Montreal flaw. the areoa&t •t the
xedit et toe town tro"ur•r os June 30th
t i200 ; tole! amount under dt+oodat. $12,-
100, Oa&Ide 91 the elevator %cocoa%, $50,-
A communication from H. F. Mooers,
ime•tery of the Klevetor C.supady, «IW
the attention of the council to the dmoier-
out state of the road running along the toot
Df the harbor hill to sh•sawmlll. Heasked
the oounuil to request that In future oo
mere eawdho/ or other lofiamabl" aserial
be list upon It. Mr. Mooers also stated
line'. there was a leak id %he water main as
the toot of the harbor step& which should
be •ts«ded to a► oaa.
Mr. Martin said the «glover had been
ln.uantod by the chairman of the oommitt"
te repair this leek, 'I he clerk was testruot
d to tell Mr. Kelly to attend to It at
James Stewart, on behalf pf bh• workmen
at the dmk, regambed the council to plate a
light on the frost of the bit mill elevator,
b obviate the discolor of awidea•A when
elevating oo d.,k olghle. The water and
light oommilwo, were autboriz•d to act fo
the matter
A letter from Mimwo Th'bwadma, of
W allamburm, In rdnrenM to the brick sold
last fall b A. B, C nioer for the waterworks
obim My, was roc to the water Sad light
nom m idea.
A communication from C. M. Hays, an
&ger of the G T. R., stated that the form
of amreeirrout ro regard b the proposed now
station here as dratted by the town solicitor
was Dot acceptable to the company, who
owslderd the proposition wt forth by A.
McD Allan was fair and reasonable. The
cirrk war lustruot" to notify Mr. Hays
that the oouooll 000ld sot chamois the terms
of agreement.
A copy of the report of the Inspector of
the Fire Usdarertters Association m the
town's fir• applianoes, add a letter from the
secretary of the As000tatloo, oalling &btm
t •.D to dshsiono-os inn ear tire system,
wan referred to the Hre commit&". A=moi
the defl)leoci" fur .las' "O' pointed out
were Chat there was no bylaw for the star
ago of oo.l oil, o) •der, sic , no .1004 lc fire
.I.rm, .od no firemen slurp -•g Is the fire
hal I
A position Maned by Yrs. Blacks=, Cbse
'IyndOM W»>latsd.
Tendon for the cwstr•otlm of about 1I1,0a)
feet of gramlith c Nd•wdts, including •tram
crorfom will be received by the ndentsnd
up b nN fashad Ing Heturday. the 14th day of
July 0 ON of apsol ficetlous can be procured
at of los &f ande"laved.
No lumjor soc"marllr soonpp&tdd :a
ood=Mk, JW g d *A Town (loft.
_— Warntna.
myme shooting w other wow tea gem
he Spm my port of m property will be ar
rwled sad r"••od -- U. ATTRIL'
RMgewded Park. 47-tf
- For Hent ----
dod nomd ~" arm Wthm's Pn
tO 4bsomdehly ienev mnd haw all
Maden seaveniseom J. W 11.9 JN 66 ft
rill) LRr-FROV MAN' 15th, GRAZINJ
1 for baron m! cattle w Bic Meadow.
O" Lama •d particalar* SpOlr to ALBERT
W 11.90N. (ialtfeed. 61-m
comfortable noose )oat shot of Judge
Doyle'. residenee. now occupied by Mr. Egen-
er. Heated by Howard furnace . bot and odd
orator bath ; alsod(ret 8eacloue Itwn and
«. A stable w Cbe Ia.e. Apply to
R pprtosmm merchant. MI it
R W. YrKRNZ1E,H.Nwars
— — I1iof3oo•
B"woM M& E. Hfuartetai, p'&IaLiff4md
Ann Blab eta . dei*Rdan ta, ---- .
In theorett0r of partitlou of lots numbers
I9, l 11 Da (Yprea@a street anA IS, 16, anA t7
films street m i ark and ljarwooA'@ surveT to
the town of Uodef ok. In the county of H tron.
holes this premises ordered to be sob in this
motion, notice to hereby alrm that any person
er persons having any lien, oharRs" safaris
Blake and t. K Bleghem, asking that &
*ranolithio sidewalk be ' Lod me the Samar•
between Montreal and ,Noes stresta, was
rot to the public work• committee, be have
she form of the petition recsltlgd and to
Lake the De &rY ■lepe bwArdm tis• con
tsruotlon of the walk.
A petition for the ocseoalou of the mals
rax from the hand of North street wessm
Iyy •long Caledonia Terrace to the roar of sbe
Naftel residence was Signed by Dr A. Tay
lor, Judge Doyle and other reeldoo& of the
to«I tl y.
Mr. Cantelon tbought the fronta a tat
system should be made La apply M sower
exooD•los* as wall as to the sew ridewalke ;
otherwise the town would not be able to
stood the expense.
Me Humber warned the council •gam's
making wholeeal• addition. to thm "War
system inn its presents condition. The town
might woe be malCoed heavily In damaged
on &*count of the doodler of cellon from
the eewon. •Che defense Is the system
should fiat be r•m•did, and Mr. Humber
sug/eeted;a plan of reileving the prwure at
flood times. The ma►Mr should be teken op
as woe by the Davidoff be avoid litigation
and save trouble ; It would have to be done
before long, and no further eAdmone should
be made until the present condition of things
was re"iedied.
The petition was sent to the public works
A deals form of the low of the Agrioul
total Park to the OodMob Turf Oiub for she
purpose of holding rw meet• was referred
Lo the special co'nmlttee.
Ao aocomos from Simeon Thlbmaudoeu for
brick tarnished oonstaotor t'o'ner sod for
the costa of obtaining a jo igmwt against
Cement. •mounting to all to i710, was bass
to she water and light oommlttw.
A. Klrkbridoe &sweet for twelve •Sato
Tor the Square, at $1.90 e•oh, was ordered
to be paid, and it was d•olded be order an.
other doses •oar.
'rhe following a000asts wore referr d w
the finance cotumitsoe ; Thompson Kra.,
ladder steps for w.rrwork' chimney, 110 -
('outrgot Blamed, advertising, 82 ; Gdrloh
lumber Co , lumber, 15 80 ; THx MtuNAI.,
.Avartisac, :4 75 ; R. H Cast, relief,
114 62 ; Cattle Bros . wort at cemetery,
172 36 ; W alter Stlllb, 65 tle posts •t cam•
eery, $22 7 ; F B Holmes, lime and
oem•ut, 147 67 ; (;oldie A McCulloch CA.,
(left, latch blocks, 16; Packard RI•ctrlo
C"., St• Catharines, repairing, eon . 110 90
end $2 • N D. Rougvie, hardware, 129.16.
The finance committee's report was road
and adoptd. The committee reported that
Mr, Garrow had been Instructed o write a
peremptory latter to the Elevator Co., re-
gwting them b have the mortgage matter
oempl•ted at once
Mr. Martin stoke of the lime hoe" m the
wharf, which the •levator people hd w lar
filled to remure, and said there wore core
plainer &bin$ the G T. R. track')etwmm ,he
two .leasers, which had oat,bom pleated
T be special committee will look Into theme
The water and light wmmit.tes reported
that they had accepted the offer of Lw A
Shepbord r •apply the pips required at
19.29 per hundred lees, 490 foot to be 1} Is.
and the bales- itch pip•. The Duke Coal
Oe.'* off" of a cargo of 400 M 500 ton. at
12 85 for tare• gowrton Mwllla lamp coal
Od b -ea accepted. The sommlbtne r•cow
moulded the piloting of the standpipe sad
the roof of the power home•
There was yule• an Interesting discussion
between councillors Humber and Csntolon
as oo the effect of pains m shingles Mr.
Humber Mld the Idea that painting shinglee
went i preserve them hd boon expledd ;
1& reality It was sato to roe tham. Yr.
Ostelm dide't pretend to know much •boat
it, bet be ol&Imd th ,a It h&d boon dice be
foreouder Me FTomber'schalrmwblp, Mr.
Martin urged oaetioo Is the expenditure of
money, and the Dammitt« was Instructed be
ae"rMin and report the prob•bio comb of
paintlan the stwdpip• and the roof of the
power hoose, their report being amended to
this respect
A bylaw W regulate the height of awnings
Lad the sine of *rating• on she arata of the
lewn was pawed. Awnings ante he met 1•w
• ve the si ewei •
than ee m t«t ebo d ks ad she
ne n I
tis aro to be n m n tha0 s hLose
qto ge a
Inches in width and thirty six Inch" V
length This applied only b gratings Wd
Liter the paring of this bylaw.
A draft bylaw b prevent the driving of
vehicles en the boulevards of the town was
referred to the public works committee.
'rhe olsrk was Instructed be regoesk the
O. T. K. to rmaw the force along Ma1N•od
Ked between their trewt@ and %be road.
The queesion of consolidating the town
bylaw• was referred be the finance Dammtt-
hraeoe•gsinat the above, desert..of lots. or Th• MSooil than adjoaroad.
any part thereof, or atralnet the shares or
Interests or ny of the parties Interested there AROUND TOWN.
ID. w required to produce before me at my --
chamber'. In the 000" hew in the town Ot THt Twm.rTH or JDi.v.--Td.y I, "tis
Oodwich. an Hatarday, the,8(h day of Jot I. *Irxaoue Tweilth," and the monad at dram
at II o'clock I. the foronm•. hill particulars and file will be heard In the Iced. (lolehn
of oll such Ilona. charaw and dncumbran'",
smother with satisfactory svidenm of the ileum will he bold at Dungnnon and at gee•
amount deo thereon forth, leer the latter pin" a Sp•eial brat■
And further tate Ratios that In default of will leave ab 9 o'clock this morning.
mob "[me betnR twodooed ar the time anti
mPisa foremid, the same will be forever bar• A (7UmTUMm RNRM6RATOa. --- W. H. Rob -
ertsoo, ( Herb), of Toronto, formerly off Ids.
flitted at Oederich, this 1pth day of June, A. rloh, has been added to the stiff of customs
D. 1gOn
• JAMEB MAHHON, moameroton &C tit&w&, • hrwab of '•rola
Real Repretsatt _ reeen Uy lmsltat A by Hon Mr. Paterson
R _ (`.ovoty of H2tN. Is the Interest of the business community.
-T GOAL IMPROVEMENT. -TOWN OF Mr. Robertson h parkloalarly wall qualified
JU OODERiCH. for work of this oharw&r, and so doubt
2&I g2aN will fill the petition with crdlt.
Tui 1 vL ci IN a" =a lfii pu+wla- &w'... - Stuaa- Thm tteklso
ihs mrporet c h
toads to W wrsnolithic Wks o• tis e&" aide school beard I6 ad vrbaton fon a teacher
of North street from the Henan Lo Olonnwter with a first elan mrtihcate to fill the past.
serr&ee, so the west side of Nerih street from Minn of principal made vacant by the death
th north
lh•9Ooare to t`&IsAmt• ternm tm a c( Mr. HaIls. The MlarT la lased &1 OD
at o Went street from Waterloo Street to 1' $7
West a board w
the harbor part, on rise work .IAe of pw an0am. Th h ►0espsed the
street tram Waterloo to Cobcarg streetDa the leader of IA. A Shephard for the vanilla•
northwest side of Montreal street from the tion sl the schools at 1186, and that of O.
Hae&" to Wswrlen atrat m the north wort
stile of Kaamton Street hem int 70 w Victoria W, Block for the pointing of the exswlor ei
street on the southwest side of Eincelon Ss. David's word &ohcel as, W.
Street tram told 4quon, to Victoria at Met, Oa N, H. ItNTRANI;/ KXAMiNATinN. -Ths
north of I@ of hast street tram the Bo;men to
trait and ood 0111 the Marosh anAo'hall tr et member of o&ndldet" who wrote ts Ne high
the veldt. M 6 feet. Mr en northwest Nde of school enrwee •xaminatdtss &a •sob of the
Hamilton strrmt from the Hquam to Virttiria °•spree fn W sSt Rorns b aO follow• : Gads•
street, on the north*1 o t WWw t. trent froom wish, R5 ; Rayfield, 25 : Rinrll, 19; T)aeran
the _aaaru 60 nm. 21 ; N%. Helena, 14 ; Koster, 42 : Hen.
g&2{k ddm at West street from the Rquare to .11. 91) ; 7.arioh, 9A ; (hioditon, 16 ; Total,
M.IgRIMgtreml, to be of the width of 10 fat,
AY&gB southeast side of Montreal street 7M The etamin•n ern Mim F. R. Rall, L
afoam t II 1 t foot ptrthwmDt of 00rth .1. Hagan, R. L Rraec and •1. R. Tom. Ie
- MiNNO. 11060 Waterloo street. en to orpeesd shot the welts will be paha
rdm of (blho its ou"t from • II&hed Is tis locel nsx1 wash.
a¢Ml yg ft. Rsrthwrt of Mm "athw ,, segle papers
kf IOL Non br s NOtwn and Waterloo *trusts, AN(lTwgR A rrurnoM. --The family of the
on ¢Sgt sMe of tis"th "rest from the isolates left Roy..Joseph Edna has seals been be-
te Ity, ,,Is rod. M the wont aid. of Moth caved, shm *se sss se
•cat frem a Prost 4o ft south of the north- 1 a d&agkkw, Jwlm, d
art mels of let 111 to prrrnd• r(ad ad On eight ysawa, lasing died « Monday &few.
do South std* M Nowois s from Lmllto's nets as Vittorio hanII64l, 1.nsdod. Hhe bad
GOMM M VlOterta •treat. & heof the width of 111 wtsa dlphthwkL for ion daTa Wltk
6Mt. AIw on the south sldw of (:ohearm
aMW front Wet strost s Wellary Great, 60 ►he beet of medical me* she improved mnail
Ngl tis* width of doe foot. a" M the Rgners Smudgy. when .he took a "1•pm Sad bogus
Ii 114ole "wa" to Norah street, to no of M •t.k rapidly. Th % fusers; book piss •e
y,Mq of 11 r4 6 inn.. Sad to sasses the final Teedg gfsersets. '1Tf• mna friwAa ei
g the IxOOwtl &battles there- y 1
gj j M~Otgsd the"b , and that a the family In Oaderleb svmpasklba deeply
jtcwlag the lo&Aa 11a1 b pg► tM with M 1. hist mA ah• ewe nmutaing
SW Me h e mo0i bsoned (hr nhllArm this rbeir neetsA grDo1 Iw with
y1*gtt w at& o6Rtost roll Y Mw filed le le w short a mons.
tMedleeet ei&etelthe ntsa141pI1ty"A IIAN„6ttR AT PnuT RIAIN. -Mies .1966
b dON fe¢¢ t //ef tM wort aRMca2ltntn6t.61, Mel.arw awA f*Nr sl h" plla le daeelwgt
TN Y Y be be 1 •tied not of the Allo• and Holes Reck wei , irwm Aselli mA
gffsea%l finda6 ablli ng tilt Oldy6 Whitely, beth para to 1111• i)o MIGI"
is" ad"%24 wAl `hast the par Thy e6Mbnkha ons P"k RIgMI. W Tbt
mid too pea Tines sen : "TIM Hiirkk&.d I 14 Mt(
psac htmw n ofaNm . p ego* SaTif #o Mm w icy pnvlen .
sde**td lg r • p .sw.a. Tint bear d&atw6 few. (ledwbsb
M I& s@galt►W a1 *mer. on" 1M dte+*Mus of Mir Jsea Mdwnon
Jail► aft, low W&Wwsste Mo do do bmmion r :fI
ertormanosa wse mat favorably sem-
gaestlm of bis ability me of bit possession I
mond•," based on the little poem which spa
torted DO......Tbe verdict of toe majority
01 the 4Dallues which make the successful
Penn elsewhere. We h artily wish that all
ruuld be that the Highland music and
pPhydotm Ili. Oallow rraduabod at the
the Christians of the city could have board
&wlat were 6menf the beet ever given ID
Uutvarsity of Toronto to 1d96, and ID the
It. It was heart aftrching, spiritual, In-
o"• wuoty, where mok kinds of &ranee
same year took the eraminatlou of the
epirlyl. Then the footmen on •'homely Pic.
ImM have always been sought after."
Umberto Colleto of Physicians and murgeu«.
plm, «pbivated the large audience from the
Mysas-Bm'Ksa- * On Tbunday, July
He pr&*tued for three years to Toronto,
start, and hold them onCr aced to the close,
th, the marria00 of Mlles, third dauchrr
dartos that time holding the positions of
welch came all to qulokly. `Sparkling wit
i E. Beaker, to Gooeste U. Myen, Of the
physician to bh• aarelsc-s►•bdme lalasloo,
and racy humor were helpfully Innerspersd
rm of Booker A Myers, Lowe, Won place
physician and surpoon & the Hen" of
with the utmost rood Mo . sed sound
mostly at Cho Presbyterian 'names, Cllatm,
Providwce, leoturer Dud examiner to St.
Christian philosophy, until all Mases were
Lev. Alex. Htswars performing thA care
John's Ambulance Association ; rhe latter
gratl9M, •II minds Inspired, and all hearts
many. Mom Myers will he at home to her
P"Itloo be •till hold•. Drs. Shannon and
delighted. Indeed, were we to •boomppt oo
rinds et the residence of her mother, Mn.
O•Ilow have bakes the ofilce to the Book of
describe Mr. McGillicuddy Ie true ooush•rn
:. Booker, on July 24th and 26th.
Commerce building leooly occupied by
fashion, w• would have to call him a nor -
A Hoebae&aAtipu CAML.-Miry O'Kstlly,
Kroess Heston, barrister, a neutral and son•
feat tornado of antbusiasm, a cyclone of
rwldmt of St. I)Dvld'e ward, bd •young
St. a
vostent location. Night wile may be made
good chose. W e hope be may be Induced
Doo who of the oamm ward before
at the resldmce of llr. 8ham000, Napier
to visit w mwin, when he may be toured
Inflate M Istrete Beauty last Saturday oa
slew►, w llr. (;allow, KLc1a avenue.
of crowded Oou•os. Me. William Johason,
charge breaking lobe her house w the
Tits ADAwwri Slluuuusium-The ao
who u an old friwd of Mr. McGillicuddy,
most at the lecture, mod
morning of July 4th. She swore that he
eked to he let In, sad upon hoc refusing b
aunt o ndpokluw tog the" two «holanhipe
offered to students of the Collegiate InsM-
preeidd gracefully
contributed oo little, in a number of ways,
Broke l0, whereupon she chased him wtth
tate took place as the ole" of the term, old
Lo the suoow of his visit. Snob flowers ere
a ate. The defendant denied the whole
the result bho now been sleds t"... The
Ilreatiy OPP-G"s*d."
tory sod she mtagintraM dismissed the
form 11L, malhemiucal, doe gess b Wm.
Brydires, Oederioh, who obtal&sd a bowl
p•rosontacs of 76, We@ Hattie Downing. of
a.-1 here bas toot base Issad from the
Brussels, standing s•000d with 65%, and
two others obtaining 64'; and 56% respect-
The Huron Old Hos had a good day in
Ooderlon last week. They w good @suit, and
frtrg• prw, Torusse, a pamphlet of aserly
00 pages, entitled, "Plymouthism sod the
Ively, The form II, proficlenoy scholwhip
it ere the mein. ser th&t !r. J. 1'tidham ts Dut-
ng to60 oke One sommer0ulte that he U turd-
dodern Z. burohs• ; or Life, Light, and
mode to Frank Kdward, Ooderioh, with a
Ing out •e each sunny day passe• hy.
Auoing." 11 is from the pea of Rev.
total of 76i., closely followed by Charles
N*woon, Gederinh township, with 75%, and
Albert Dickson bas tekm a position as
klexander Miller, A kfield, Huron o*sDt y.
Dthor of "Kvenlassknt l461wtion," old
MW Olive Turner and Glee Mollocald with
fords to the thok of Montreal st Httat
IGSU ith the cardinal dcebrtaes of she
Ained" faith. Oe sole los she bookstores,
74% and 68 per owes, Throe other oe petl-
ton obtalued respectively 61, 6,3 and 51 per
lAat mmth'@ @hlpmmte from the Gds
,wlos 50 oenM
cent. For ROv. Mr. Wilson's prize, which
rlob koltstng fsotory were the hoariest to
Includes an additional eubjeot, Charles New•
the history of she company.
Clark, who bas boon emplvyd at the bicy-
cle stood fires with 73 par otst., Mies OUre
7 h• low othoes of town will oloee daring
le averts for wvaraf yew, Ioaves'thls wesk
Turner coming named with 69 per cant.
July and August at 1 o'olook r.m., on Hao
e visit bis home as earls before leaving for
AT TH■ "hit FRONT. The site. Saturn,
"days and 3 o'clock o0 other day.
he Northwest, w►w be will Drobek:y go
Government lyhthow supply boat, ar
The Jaolor Koval Templer• held • plocio
■te reaching. T-od""Y a t" sMe se@hese
rlysd an Tnesdsv be deliver supplies w
lighthoato keeper Campbell. lnspantor P
on Monday afternoon on the flats at Most's
old @&It wall. Phe outing was wall &ttmd-
f the Twentieth (Jwsury Club, of wbish
dr. Ulark u president. prwntd him wish
Harty, with lire Horsy and two daughter•,
d nod was much anlovd.
ranohman'S bat and • gold locket, with an
paid Tau SLUNIL a plasmas call... ..The
Miss Lucy Keane, of (.listen, bas been
ddr•m expressing kindly omtimeer w-
tug Salver was In pots Tuesday Lad Wed
acting as wutant a the Office of Dr. J. L.
reeds him and wishes for his future
ttesday. A ruts whish the Sal••r was
Tomball while her sister, Mim Maud
bringing down the lake broke away daring
Kenue, i@ Caking holidays•
MK WAILNa-t'e GAantN.-W. Warnmk,
Abe earn of Friday "igen, and tt tick bay-
ar&I days W locate the log@, They have
The regular mmmtlsg of the Harm Medi
or wall known amateur gardener, to grow-
bow fmmd at dlfferant ptnoes "long the
cal Arooutlm was bald In the Qtly bill,
•e Same o1 lib famow quash for •xhlNtlen
e the Indiaho Sbate lair, which Mke* place
*hon beswean Port Alt»rt and PoH Kigln.
&t .v. None of Gedwioh'@
.ad, rd, oti
medloos were to •tkandanM.
6 Indiana lie in Se timber. The prize to
pa D
ag ro gt. Andrew arrived er usua mora-
Iy from Fort W llllam with br usual cargo
A peddler was fined 110 and oneM by {'o-
ffered by a firm whose fertilizer Mr. Wer
af when., w6isb she diwhertwad as Klcbud
lice Marristret• Smarr last dt&@k for osmlsob-
gook Is aging this year with his egwh
was elevator, leaving Tuesday night......
Ing to take out a Hoes". The constables
'be Hoosiers will probably e" •eaa0thing
The skr. PittoburR mod• hoe reactor mile
are looking for other@ who make the same
his fall that will cause them be ravine their
otioho •bout Uaoada, and they would upon
during the week......The tug Kda. Ivan
hdr ayes wider amll if they Mald e" the
Tete yesterday worming, for she Deck Islands,
in charge of Oapt. James Punto, of %b•
A. M. Molle b mow rumba • hoodsom•
'bug, comfort& Y Iorniabed within and •le -
iso, he•lsby flu tree, with it large Drop
1 well developed fruit, which u •rowing In
Ducks, and a crew tram Ged•rtoh and Hay'
rwtly pointed without. The pernting,
Mr. Warnock's garden
Sold. The fine hn•s of the ■ew sell have
which was does •t J. E Brydg"' oarrlege
been much admired by frgaanten of the
shop, is much admired.
Mxmdzrrrso PARK. -This popular resort
barber ... Vutbn will Sad god boats
The •sores were rods the
s rapidly filling up with guests and a pees
fee hire &s C&pt. Batter's host house sod
gun b's we kl
.►R. ahees m Friday ; C. (Jam-
erome ••assn Is wand. With the Im-
will have is the gonlaf Cepteln • DaDrteoaa
. 4;
ppm, 4 ; K. R. W6swo, 6 ; A. Rotxgvl•, 1 ;
wo•emoale constantly being made to the
add ebll*iog •Nmdan%......J. S. UoDI•o",
C, Oarrow, b; D. Maher, 2; Rev. J Wll-
laterally beautiful apes, It u this year more
a diver, Is hero examining She *honest op.
ma, 3 ; H. Re tom, 4 ; Max W ILoo, 1 ; K,
ittractive than ever. Several drlvlDit par.
pod& the elevator b ••certain the off"% of
LaBy m, lr , 7
406 from Lown have visited Monwttial
luring the week and have found it a most
she blessing operation.. He will Llso ex.
ammo the water lysate pips for the towp
By • mllltte erdos roeessly les0ed ►h* fol
ionvctient and plma-,t resort. The losses
mprovemont which baa been lnstltatSd by
W' L T. 1'. MtaTINo,-Tbrre whoa very
lowing offloen of the 33rd regimens are
authorized to take a special coarse of Ir
tie. Hamlfnk b • ww•r *vstens whish L
flood atteadsom at the Union on Monday,
and.)the interest seem@ to be steadily Cnoreas-
,uucUoa at London : Heousd L bsetwaaM
". J. A. Boyd, J. A. Snell, J. C. Maawo,
monocled with the hotel and the Several
lNMg". H. C. Vkhm ger, woo hd tis
Ine. Jhos Sow we w very much Interested
W. M, Sinclair.
totes" for patelonoi In this system, Sam-
to the asalhllotion of the oleareMe,sod who
told walk oar wtrceM without beonmlor
A Wiaabm paper mye' "The Sunday
st•s•d Me work the week,
aromned to do something, when ono •Sas boys
wheel ozmnloa be (iod•giob lase year who
,,; twelve and fourteen or •vm youemer
ss successful that one M talked of to Klm-
otohanc@ Say that the business men of
amakio es, even on Saud& S7 0yo woo-
media*. to Mk0 place In August," Why
lAbLis Correct w ler Owre@poodenoo with
den where Choy ant them, Dyad I( such •
sot 0000 again w0oderloh, Mends! We'd
epttellsM to Torrnto with reference to the
%likes as an sot respecting the ane of ,
be rled to have you any time.
establishment of a pte"ngw eteamtmst title
bacon by minore t known is our town, and
hank• Coonoll, No. 10.3, K. T. mt T., will
from Termto to Sault Ste. Maros, calling at
yet oar supertmtondms wares no she has
hold a plmto at Hayfield on :Saturday, July
All Csasdias ports on Lake Harm and
placed Daptw Ill all plsoes known t0 eell
21st, to which all members awn cordially In-
Iteorwisn Bay The company proposes put-
rhos• articles. It has been suggested Chit
vit•d. A very Plasmas time Is expected.
ling throe steamers on the route, each to
they are given to the small boys by older
A fall attendmSa a reolaested ab M=¢atRlal
m&so tee round trip In twelve days. They
persons. It mighs be as well to lob the"
m96ting 0011 Monday evming. ""
mgr•• & carry all freight at 25 cmt* a hum
periods knew that they are just as liable to
(i. K. dills, N. A., who Magbs is the
deed from Toronto and Hamllton to the Soo
%he law as it they sold them. Seo. 1 ID the
Collegiate Institute here for & short time
old oatarmdla& polote Thi@ is probably
wt reds - "Any p}r@oS who directly or to
&ad •lace than has beam science master of
the same scheme which was before the
directly Mlle Or glues, or faralshM to a
4tratford ('ollegiste lbetttu&, has been ap.
Oderiah town council a few weeks age, and
minor ender • ithwen years of age, clear
petnbed principal of the Hamston high
for which the town was asked to give a
doles, eigrs, or totaoco In any form, @hall
wheal lot a salary of 11,100 a year,
bonus of $100 a trip, a request that was
promptly and properly refused. We wish
om mammary ooavlotion thereof before •
iaatlos of the D••Da be ear • .malty
'rho sew moan in the ! w 6 Groat
bile project ■access, but If It cannot support
of not ler ►hag 110 nr mon t6ao 160 with
ore a
owp*sfegce and the LawD Muneit hsve
«rod the (erye"t thanks of those who non
Itself It u woe worth boou•lag.
or without eau, In the dieorstiou of the
them. 1 well• more e"te of the mme kind
W p MINS WEATHER. - Here Is • lilt of
oonvlotiog Marie►rate, and In Ow of ■ooh
are being procured ; some of them will
valuable information- Professor Wi¢t*las'
Soo net Wag paid the Iasttae may commit
probably he placed io the harbor park.
oo-nim of the weather during July and
August. It was given a low week• "a, and
the offender to the common goal ter thirty
days.'' (Jan any tnessure of relief from this
The remark was overheard from • tea
the render can judge (or himself how nearly
poet of child lite be boo rad1aL1I Rxbormin
of men converting at the railway @&tion a
correct lbs Professor was as be the weather
&%for) throaab prohlbltlon of manufacture,
tow days ago that "that the power@ ought
we have already bed, The famous prog
ImporMtied and MIs, Is the mly satisfactory
to Mod *sough troops to Chlas to kill every
masticator, being asked for his opinion at the
solution, At ►be next meeting, to be held
Uhissman In the country." A Tanaetal
weather for the %we menthe mentiond, re
on July Mrd, will be taken up oar Hower
wlob, certainly, bot a rather mature] one 1n
lied : "1 will at•@ it to ou without host
p y
misolm 'work, *s pail• Mn. Col•
the" day.
tatlen, not as • pwadlatim bat w L" oplolon
borne. Mn. Yates will omdoat the F(Ibl*
Ooldes Newton, of Odartoh townshl p,
The temperature of the" moukho will not
reading. Vulbere to the brown w cordially
the young man who was so terribly injured
be above she average, bet there will be
Invited be meet witb us -Rx('y.
In Pardee'@ mill on Cho 24th of May, bas so
Strome Splashes of hoot. The bottoms days
far recovered as to he able be be removed to
will he Joly 24th to 27th and August 23rd
,easier meeting of the trustee board of the
his father's home. Hopes •re naw anMF
be 28. The" periods will be i,nmadlately
(,oll•gl•le Institute was held on rharday,
Mimed that he will entir ly recover from
followed by cold weather for several days
with all the ,nowhere in attendance. The
els Inlanw.
Maesd oy •lolent thunder eu.ruu. The last
following soconete were ordered to be paid :
The results of the senior matriculation
d• ■ of Jane will be very warm, but .July
Mrs Cumming, Sag pole, 16.60; Ow. Por
examination of the university of Toronto
will come to ma with a cloak over her
ter, stationery, oto., 12.3 b0 ; Buchanan A
wars published on Raturday. Frank R
Son, oiymDaslam fi►hegs, 111.30 ; A. Kirk
Munro paved, standing first to clic 2
Tin RewARD oy (la)D WORK. P L.
bride, flaw -pole flWags, 12.40. A letter
Mies Lou Mammn Lod ,1. Urs Stewart own
Marden R Co. completed their contract
from Mios (-lharlm rdmigning her position to
r quird to pass a supoldmenbry uamin.
with the town by the construction of the
allow her M tate a mooh-n•edid rest was
•0102 to complete matriculation.
graneUthlc walk In front sf the Horton.
read, when the following resolution was
Guests at Monesetuna Park hotel : A. G.
Jnrdsn blank. The work was done so satin
moved by Judge Moe"e, newndd by Dr.
Limbach, Mrs. sod Miss C. Limbach,
f&*torlly that the property owners between
Taylor, Lad cerried unanimously . -The
Omelet Rowan, Iletrolb, Mich.; MI= B«a-
North and Hamilton @treete som in a past
hoard receives and accepts with regret the
moot, Gnderich ; Mrs. C. A. Higgins, Mrs.
ties be the council asking that Marden A
rMgnation of Mir Charles. and the regret
K, H. Ellsworth, Mrs. L. J. Brigham, 1'0-
Oo. be allowed to construct the walk to
felt a all the greaser le Hew of the fact the%
laid, O. ; Mn. [ahM- meld, I. 0dm ; P
front of their block. A* the men were
this step no her part Is don be the need of •
T'urver Wilson, Mew WHOM, Mature
about to leave town with their wtatpmest,
*96•en of rest to fattlittabe the recuperation
lAart@ R. and .larding T. Wilson and nurse,
the public works committee hold a meeting
at her strea,tth Th" boa d tally approost"
'I or0nte.
on the toluic an Thursday and dwlded to
Miss (,harles' excellent ga%Hflostions as •
The Wlnuhamt baseball team will he here
grant the polltlo0, and_Itttt Wilornlnr les
teaobor and the that have
fief"yAay uviol a pine to etre tenons
work of MottoR up the plank sidnnik sod
attended her Ca"bing In the Collegiate In
angles Oo its own *rounds Wingham bas
proverfnr for the oonsbractlas of the gran
mate& during the ten roan of her unnnw.
mas•god tq defeat (;odorfoh so foe this am-
hthlo pavement was oommO ood. The
tion with It, and Is i@ the earnest wish of
ton, bat ie remains to he e"m what ehq
awarAlOg of she eeetnal Ia Mia way was •
every mem"" of the hoard shat she may
eat de away from home. It will be •warm
little 1 h
mere r line tom"Imes 11 •
is ad is
Lhle La dis peaty with rd Mpa, and we think
hSwe M tis fatdre • cartar of as hl • •
E b A
grM of honer anA oeefmlR*es as that seg h«
game, anyway. HPark. y nets, s%n
this Is a onto In point The crating at ►he
had in the past, A committee was appeleP
.e Agrlomltanl Park. Admleeiom--lbs.
lune, . There onah11 u be a I
head of North serest will be oemornoted
ad, mosisbisg of eh• ohalrman, i r.
. 0-
by the Same firm.
Judge Masson and Mr. Strang, oo dnyt a
TRT1Nn TD RAULK Y0. CLARK.—{terlin
suitable testimonial M Mir Charles. Tu
..-,Theo frlwAe of k. }101mes, M. P., of 0112•
News. Regard : J, H. Clark, of the P"t
view of she Increased stteodanm at tis In
inn, wfr en 1*f to know that AIo wifn.
Dever, R„ K. A G. Ry. Ce., was 12 town
SHtate, the board considered It advisable be
•ttor a serious Ming" with pion Is now
m Wdoesdov. He has ougait•d J. D.
sewn & si1111 Cetnber, and It was dwldd to
nn o fair w• to roteyrr
Jacor, C. R., Turemto, K H. Darling, Ham•
advertise for two Mashers, a specialist In
coofind b her bad for a mon(t11• hOrsDaeAl
lltm and Pierre Thompson, of All. be sur
md•rn languages and Kechsb, salary 19(10,
ties beteg so critical t►at to was soom'Sar y
for Mr. Holmes temporarily be I«vs his
Toy the road out of Berlin and these gentle.
men and their have lite". ops
and an wiste"t for junior English and
neral work, mal• pr*tweed. salar 1600
parliamentary duties. With the forenoon of
s end O
Ss the wt and ei th0 Hwa. Ths
The board ad oarnod M most m Monde
i y'
his office don dek In bed, the representative
rants is laid Prem she MrminSs nl t11" R. A
(h" 23ad loot.
et the riding has he'd his hand@ fall.
W Hue anti will pw threS*b the farms of
Mt T. MfOtLLICUnny'm Aflnitsomm.-
Arrivals •t tis Point Farm. --Mr. and
J. R. and W. Shantz, both of whom have
The Rall•vilie kfirrw speaks as fellows Of
Mn. Geo A. Griffin. Miss Nora Griffin,
Master Campbell Griffin, Miss
•Ivan a ft. strip of land along floe read
Thos, McGillicuddy, of Twente, who"
.loan Ori in,
Mr. (flick My@ he will lay ne ties ow ratio
repeMCtm ho a leetaret la steadily firs.
Mrs. C. T. liaed*rson, Guelph ; D. Bowen,
enrol after the 16th of bels month, when his
fog "We used deme very strong language
Mn. Kau Roper, MIM R. V. Mets, iN-
Mmpan will nest•• the franchise as the
last mouth •beat Mr. Thomas McGillicuddy,
"$: Mr. Lad Mrs John F. McLAren, Mim
0&" any " gisaranssed by the imaaoll. He
who Centered for us on the 14th. These w
Aunt@ Mobar m, Matter Douglas McLaren
96ry Sherell be Mme lattroeeing develop
Mme who thcuthb It might publicly be on
and nurse, Brantford ; ,1. Blackburn, A. H.
mesbS le a mbork Mme. H• is Set at all
Sha "ragged adg%" of "tagger"100, bat now
Casw ll, Mind Helen ManHe, Miss Jean Mac-
fie &beat the move that Patbo IN boa
everybody is agr«(nr with us He came,
fie, Mr. and Mrs. R B Nicholson, Mr. and
get us sed sayw mob pattlyely Mas the
he Dow, and he a"ad F(is fiwg Berman
Mn J. C. Doffield, Mr. and Mn. R. K.
(;rand Trunk Ry. Company is behind she
en she =Dealer of e e 13%h & children, was
Cowan, Yrs. J. M. Carpenter, •ares Dad
mews. They want to baulk the Clark pro.
a mMol of its kled, and held the sizeation
ehlld. D,eodes I Yrs. M. K. Yana, Asanhem-
jeee and be "TO that this la the Oka they
of beth gong anA old from the stars M
"]*• Ohio.
Mous. He is MMI demAd en the
V040 and may@ he knew@ what he M balking
finish s venture the assertion %ha% me
use who heard H san ever after e" my
A Mant(AL PANT"&aNwt*. --Dft. (I. U.
c.Mbimatim of the "Istersatl6sal coda *I`
sale,' epee which the addr+ was =
Ait Cau gitsiing theh MII* printed &t
trig oAes will yrsya n.t{to trt*"wd
Rleaaea and W, F. Oeilew hers farad •
wNhout salllag oo mled Sas• 1=pwMst
h► th list Se M tt2 of Sales
Pwtmwsblp In the pestles of medrlN and
spiritual lam n, We are gr•stly tndebted
itRIDAT. July IA%k--&Mo" Salle af a As-
eev/ery. Its. shams". Me sick" pr"m
se Mn. 06#4. RMub, of R .Icloe •Meet for
sinble retMeaeeon Piglas,f4lgOesewWel%of
"sow V We", is tow well know• through-
Ns aSa of their beautlfal model few the Sa
Sloths reams, Olsson, .icy. taw & room,
out this district em ts "Is and eaper meed
Owen. I& the stbell "M Ye. Mdllltteuddy
std. There' a geed State Sellar, hard
y6ldlea lie require Say See" m *61s*
Nave be Me R R. mw mesweg Is Rridge
and @oft wooer and a god stalsla. Alm 7
ODIMw is 0.6 es weU knows. baThg
afresh, done of the 0e" peaeMenl (rd epos-
lef b4 aueg m Nerfolio, O.ylsy Died W H
hon agrllMN t• (kadarish for a" li is
a not dbmadam for h. IL WWIXL war 1aVe
w cMNM Mae. Jwo, Kn>t, pro rie"Won.
F' . oAma be r -I IA n Y M
won Mage. Tic &2kj&M vow t'IbMM, DIB
braes. (ianowv, &M&M*m&de.
Property for Sale --Chas, IE .... i
rsoy Wanted --K Munro ... ...... 1
Notlos to Lrmcombranoon-4ag. Madaus. 1
Reams be lwr--J. Wilem .............. I
July `Sale -W. Acheson A 8on.......... 6
IA«l Improvemwt--'Town of Uodoriob. , 1
July `Selling --W. A. McKim ........... 6
Olearing Hale-Hmlth Brod. A (A,........ 8
Aunouooemeot -Smith Brod. A Co ...... 1
Mbaralss Cream `S*perabor-O. Ir. F.mant 4
HI* a61e of Bloyoloa--(J. F. Emor"o .... 4
Medical Card-Dn. Shannon A (Wiese.. I
July Sale -J. H. Pdder ............ .. 6
Bidder Twtno-N. D. Rougvto.......... 6
July :hid -,las. Robinson .............. 4
Palms and Frolt Jar• -O«. BMw oto .... 8
Announoement--KnexChnroh Y.P.S.O.R I
Appeals from Court of Revidedn-Was.
M 1 tohell .... .................... 1
Gordon Parey-ft George'& iJbr' hweSe-
an's Guild........ . .... I
Announcement -G. K Kbill- iigb&Se., 1
Aunouncement-J. W. Br:i..lok ....... 1
T•nden for Dredging - Deps. PubUs
Works... , I
Elite Concert (Jo. -% losorle Opera How B
4'irlm'W •aced - Mdodsesaag Park........ 1
('11atm and H«forth helped masertslly u -
beil the crowd in town.
Wm. Dickson and A. P. McLean looked
Ins Io their Scotch bonnets.
The financial statement of the DaI@braslm
lea dot yet bean prepared, bat will be pub -
"ad Id due course.
Warden Rollins invited the visitor, to
tattle up the lake breezes, "bommm," said
e, "they w fatter than she broom you
00 down in Toronto."
The Huron Old Bovi banner, which was
womoted to them by the ladles odsoeoted
with the Assoolotim, was carried in the pro-
eesion by Athol Stewart, ton of J, bMwert,
d Toronto.
P. A. Maloonsma, of Luoknow, arlsNd in
harrying mob the m of &&blame .ports
Tn noting as 1a Pwoy himself is a
urod "old troy~ Im mtlle—Joest ever the
'e maty border, - .
A noticeable foabmw of tib OMpsion was
:he high standard of the apenitj , On she
)latform, as well as in ebbar )&a{IImoo
Huron's old boy, at beM Sift = M
trellis to their origin.
hmong the former reoldussd' of Oodwioh
who cam • from Toronto b speed the day
were Dr. John T. Duncan, Harry John"on,
D. A- and F. G. Eagle, Graham WHII&=@,
Mim M&;,oiis SIMMOD', Mim Wh11o0y.
D. Welsmlller, who has ham through
wine 01006100 campaign• In Huron, gave nu
DpiDIOD regarding them by falling hu hour-
brs %bat "they Blobs political battlm app ttere
that will mak• your hole atend on pat"
The party from Toronto would have been
much larger but for the fact that Ln the
morning before Cho suis left It was rslalar
very heavily ID the olty, and many probably
thought It would be wet here, or did nee
oure to risk It.
The business men of Blybh bak (heir
holiday oD Wein .day ao as to be able be
Attend the Huron Old Boy' f•ception. A
very oonsiderst• and neighborly action who
that of Reeve Carter In proclaiming &be day
■ public holiday In tilyth.
Chad, imwons was umodoi those who n-
visited the old town. A. Standen drove
him around Lawn and m be had not bum
bore for ten yoare. no Dow many Improve.
■win. Mr. Simmons u now head of a do.
psrtmens 1n T' KatoD's @etabllshmene.
The green Bev with the Union ,lack In she
career and the harp of grin on she Sold,
that deoorated the Bank of Commeroe, was
contributed by K MmCormm, of the MHISI&
Sad Defemos departaaML Ie removed law.
orshle oommwt from sin Huron Old Boyo
and girls. -- - _
A game of howling won piay" aM 0,
West street lawn betwom rink¢ 6aolmwe•
Ing the Old Boys and the Goderlok "tilling
club, the Old Boys borrowtuc • assn to Seek•
up their roam. Tho ``ame resulted " fol•
Iowa 1 Old Boys J. 4. Wllllem, Dr. Sloan,
A. MaD. Allan, W. M. (;ray, skip -17.
Ooderioh bowling olab-Sbwiff Heynoldge
D. C. Skeosban, {h. Heater, J. D. O'Oon. "-"-
Dell, skip -10.
Mr. Mair paid a handopme tribute be the
ladies of Godench (n his oration. He hod ----
bats asked 0006 Upon L time In what pore
of the world he had Stan the groateas nam•
bar of beauties In a oer aln ame, and "when
1 saw the galaxy of bounty as I @topped off
the train &t the station 1 would have given
the palm to Ooderlob." We didn't think
the ladles of Ooderlob could be Surpassed.
Among throe who helped be reoelye bba
Old Boyd were er•WurdOn John IActio, d
Hrme"hs : Thm. Herm il.n. of (Grey, and
Thm. E Hay@, of Smforth ; Danobty ootm.
cillore AI•t. Stuart, of west W&wanceh f _ _
Hugh Chambers, of Ashfield C Donald Me -
Innis, of Kreger ; J. B. MoL'sn, of ruoken
Smith, nod Jamba Snell, of HDIloilo I fwvng
Morgan Dalton, of AShBeld ; R. Mdd, of
West Wawanesh ; M. Lookbirs, of Sent'
b . .las. I,00kh&re, of MoKlllop,
and Nathan Jobns, of (;olborne ; J. N. Mm•
Kenalo, ex -r ave of Ambdold ; Jam. l.. Grant.
Loohalah ; M. Y. MoLe", *x -M P,P., ,4",
forth ; Dr. Mtanbdry, reeve of Ile]fi" I
Mayor Wilson, So forth 1 1). D. W
S"siorbh ; SJ pl. 1110g1gtm&fy.-- "%
1. (ihe5ip.
- -' -
nlARb nN 71I■ TRAIN, ""'- "'Y` - =
" IO was a splendid roMption.e-Pn@f•
dens Willison.
" Everybody seems to have hem de.
lighted."-Rwretary Floodv. '
"They did It up to fin• •tyle for us."-
Vlm-Prbeident Weismiller.
" My r000ption Rurpri•od and delighted
a." Maple IAst Mair.
" It was a groat gathering of the olan*,
and we owned the town for the day." -Tem
" it who good to be there," -W. R.
" Wasn't U firms?"- Im Hislop.
" Usti* Wlllte did us proud." -All bks
Toreoso Folks.
" Is'@ a m•gnlSoent tarnost, sad I'M
loaded down wish outs." --Ili. Sloan.
" The (Worie11Da p10 anew how u Ment
a follow well."--Choplola Tanboull.
" That Khaki band i• good." -The High.
" What S let Of pretty girl@ then we in
Gdsrlob."-The new gws0rittus old vii-
" We alwave know th.e.e- The Old
It was dead ahoy pl.yyinpp la Stink n dc•
must crowd." -- The Highlanelwa' Mad.
" TM Gat"iab eemtnitsed had • h! w•
trunk desllue with %be Ormond peak.'•-,
Huml i'bmvi DyATTLICH.--At the nmbilmoa
wtewddsyo' Jol lmor 1 "toot, us
R.A. aMra J M R&rv, J A.
AnA a1e of
Aw. e°il nI rlauabtw'wmRl.b.IN