HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-5, Page 8.,'. i.11� r 4e, . Y r? ., Y , Y'ti t' i. A ,�.j ..e t -+4 7 •.;> "t,,,y, }$,qty .�e•Wt.} . ' , c v ^ -, '.a • , ,'1'+: s ';Y' `' • ' ti%vet, .F+ a-. y -i �''�`, + A,e;, .' N, ' ?`*4 ,* ' '(, Tafei�. It'.. _ � a , , . .. '' ' $ Twouii011 July 5, ISIX _ THE SIGNAL: GODETUCH 0NTARTO. ___ / — - Iawoomm TM amhaa•a�e-mat ezWel n Is oka "of the or•s•atation were Mn- Haab Wilson, M. A. eta bf,'�bm WWKGur, "4 oomools" Wish the various multimillion of tit* Y40110b, Mrs. 111V. U. :Hiller, Mrs. J. Fs the remains wore thus Iter•• be their last � eniver•liy omten.ted uxsr aearly a week, Stewart. Mn Matlock, Mr■. E. F'loody, rwting pinus In Maitland sss•lery, wools We Won t �ee Still from Jude at to loth, wick • ropeprlon tin Yrs. F.sgle p•alw by M14' tfathe Horal Lnbatr Ire+n F" Refreshmentsthe eysolggul the 14th. Sl W IyAN - ll LA Pu IILiN lin \1 @dans Lis poµb and I The pall beaten F,,,,N, Nuav aN«roL,- We have baso lolorored day. Jose 27th, a very intereatlor m■rrl►'e were ,I H C.Jboine &oil H. \V, hall, of the k ubhusohoat tt-.film bard, Jwob Nlnkes tit wiUl you give on &n uppbrtunity of shuvljpb Free that ill R. kssuc a fhb town, rep of ll was sooy Revd Ju Sb. ,arae. church, ranA.h P ` you how much you wn save by buying your M. 1•:Illott, hos sualeelfel in eemanng the all 8std, by 1(•v. Fr. NM.ormao, the oopsrwt- and lJ.ei ch %, matter. et North street Moth TNAi THIS nual old model for first In general o In amts• lads 1 J. Sullivan, Of Chicago, .dist @hatch, end (lap. W. Thomson end H W S S $ $ $ K K W sold Rte• W rt Kub.rlsrm, of Maple I."( L1idRe, • V/ BapTS & SHOES holchoy Id the shorthand department of the wA �LUId■ Marie, yopngwt Of of A 11, 11 \t. AmOrg Thor who at is more delicious these hot days Ihnudu liu•tnrs College, Chatham. Him I' O'Innvhho, of Ashfield I'hm hr1Aa w" !!!l�! y' shorlh• a speed is 150 word• Per minut#, boautdully stured in cream carded milk and ,failed who lurseral warm deooaaM'a •sly brother,.1, I'. Hall• A Ho,lott, WIv ; Jamie than a nice glass of Ice Cream Soda or a dish sod typredi tf r, t,0 words, Mr Etlioitedrtede of ora Lomas.lb Mia, sod M nnie 1 w bengdet n "^ fru,,, w raves credit for standing ant to IIIc drpars of nraam n,tes. Mia Minna l)'Inaghllp, Halls, ,,herein! Ilullm and The Mires Hail", IS BRAN OED of Ice Cream ? Now we propose to give our men with such toed speed, when we ,on dressed In pale grace and e•rryiaq pick rel l)sbaro•; t ,pt Itnhrldgo, or St. 'Whom ON EVERY u ; Tkrw. And,.%..I C- "&fence, anti 1) It. t"OE THE SPOT CASH PRICE Customers on each and every Cash purchase .Iden Ilia be hes The this in . sit coos, made. Cher, at bridesmaid ridesm a oom• ('all" ,it, of Wond.towk, Mr. Halls will of One Dollar a ticket entitltn them to one mouth'•couref The alm ret the !'wail• .\larite,. brother, air«nd.d the !ream g BoaJosem ('.liege, t'h•th•m, we are told, has I' *0 little nfscee of the 6CM0, min" Fahst loot her arm• mh r1 ht hundred. of dish or order of Refreshments at the Bales never beet/ru rush students over the court O Rielly end Ayl& Foley; pretttlY dra.gd donlm wnate store .1 ,nowlsdge we,. Other at which rcnr,thilyl 1• mark«i makoe think lei •dips' oil mamieq bac on the eomtrrry u. whir. efnmdi• oyer pink, acro maids of ore"ed ander his lu.tlo s, either In bho or Ing Iwuple, thueo w to ahup aroulul and want moral Cafe or Harper's Ice Cream Parlor, model school. 1'n his ilrremyad widow ant { U, mak. Chair 1tpllal,I . artheat, bei hare. to Advanm them wm rapidly " la cowbtepb L nor. Atter the ceremony the DrIA&1 $tylts O! g Y with thorough traininv, and this makes our p:.ity drove to the residence of the bride's vensl rod sincere .ro,D+,h) is exteuded. which will be accepted at these places. young townsmen, success all the mon parents, where about two hundred Rva•te Dw,w, The Thr -06 @(rung IR'wt" we wish t.. .redltable and pleasing. had assembled, Among them friends from PORT ALBERT. utG3sr Houscr emphasise to our business are - ' -------- HAIAiANa - NAt7[1. -- A quiet wadding Buffalo, Dotrolt and other places After a TtrrDAV, July 3. Outing, Lt -QUALITY wos solmanired on Saturday Afternoon At very rnjoy•ble afternoon cid eventur bad I It How kens [if, yraivrilty morning fu. Come and look over Bargains in Dry Goods and Millinery, (tote • ennt Nr and Mrs. rain f r lett fnr Soil -PRIGS St, !,"rites church b the rector, Key. 1 tiro north, 81K1 I30N89T DEALING i O.Aarloh to aka the firer train for Chicago. Misses Mary •oil Maud Stevenson, of Mvk Turnbull, when chile J Fte T. Hof where the will reside, As was testified youngest daughter ul the lets John 'II mat 7 Lnadoe, are here an •volt. � Y Y tel, was united In the eared bonds of mat, by Me numerous and coal ly presents Riven Your Money BdtOi[ Is the ,uttmiwWwi we vs you a •m iss&L1eflcWun - - ` - Finnerty to John Olt Haldane, of Handlton, to the brlde the beet wishes of their many Albs Cuuplugh,m, tanker, of Onnd with your put. hnwr. vivo of Frank HalAade, barrister, cf friends go with them for a happy and pros- Ileal, is home for the summer vacation. Aw('omr in and ear us anyhow, whether you buy or nut. We will be pleaeal tt, Bargain List of \\lndaor The bride was attired In her porous future. Mrs. Tbr. Richardson Jet, last week an ,hues you our ot;_Is and Pritatm- • • • • travelling tcetome of grey poolin with Pus UonIJN(. Main.- Last week we ,a trip up who lake to visit relatives n,%(I (fur fanu.u- QUEEN QUALITY Amoriroi-mad« Shoes aro the talk of the _ French toting trimmest with milk chiffon And were present •t • garden party entertain friends town Hot Weather Needs • feathers, and was Rlvon swat bV her broth ment In • neighboring township, where The strawherry festival head yesterday 13B1=1AI Ll IN G3 - • or, F..1. T. Naftel. Mir Croilla Nattel, strawberries and cream were dealt out in evening In connection with Chriet church sister of the bride, and Mir Helen Hat eat» abuadanr, u is always the ore at we,o a great suooee@- �- M. �����' LadieY Fine Summer Vesta, regular 25c ............... I1Wr• 19•• dame, sister of the groom, were bridesmaids, lbose Ono gatherings, lout what struck us .Mf. and Mn. H Pentland, Mn Molll- _�,_ Special range of Colored Drees 41u,iina.......... at 5c, aOd 100, and John halt, of tows, supported the most were the myriads of o^Alin¢ moths water sod Mrs. Urommett, of the Nile, were 11 worth 'lOc. and '15c., %r 150. groom. After the ceremony the happc that fairly covered the tabLy &md *&tables, is the village yesbarday evening North Ride of the Square, Goderieb. "FSE CASH SHOE DEALER 11 couple lett on the 2.30 train for a trip much to the annoyance of all Present. Rlisa McMillan end t:rwie Crawford •r• • rlut!•Or/ LLNII QLLLllty. Men's, Boyie and lAdiei FAraw Sailors at Extra Vsluea._-___._-.- through Muskoka prior to thus! ranking I'bey were uttraoted thither by the blaze of S.YOIUSIYO Atr:•mft�'_Ill 4 Ladies' Capes anti Spriug Jacket@ tat Greatly Realuced Pri9W their home in IfamllbolL _ _ light whi, h the promoters of the party had in Klatul and Minute Cuonlogb&m In 00de- --� rovldrd 4d tLo •besmos of the IIRhs of the ricb, writioq ort the public school leaving ___._._-_.- __ - Full range of Earlier White l'Iulerwetnr. A ('Altrta,N IN CLAV,-Mire LkiN 1tk- p examination. Bargains in Geuta' Furnishing* and Clothing. Areca b doter some very clever work In moon or the dim light of • few lanterns. Chistoo : Died, at her hams In Holmes- GC cls modelling The figures to caricature Severe' wmMon bricks sod drain tiles had Mrs. MacLean, of Lucknow, is visiting ,dl*, on Thermo Jane 14;h, (trace Davis. Great Values in Black and C,oloral press Good, Y R R bra saturated with cal oil and suspended with her father, Was Dougberty. She rellet of the late William I)Av+w, at the von- / of as president Krueer which were exhiLlt- Special prints, all trolOrr, at ac. per ) ant. ed In G. W. Thomson', window • short by mans of win at convenient t places• Lich arms erect on the lake on with •party of @obis .Id age of 711 \•oan and 14 days ,,�y i' ' __ time ago and which attracted so ntwh at- set on tire, n•atteq •glare nes Ilfght which IriemAe no MOsd•y, amour whom were Rev. — - .lq to tion were the work of her hands. Her Illuminated everything• almost rivaling the Mr sad Yrs: Goldberg, of Deavaoneo. 1. . eleotric 11 hts. The 000sel u000e was that a -- --- .7'af . I&tat Production window pretentious. I Iib R 1 CEO. �T�� � ua I. to H'. l . Uooddv window and la Isbellod thonernda ret mothr Inter the nrtrhL.rlos ^'barge lasortment ! Stylcs Right ! -fri ,.es Reduced ! Orchards were drawn to thea ^tend iumhed•'lbs cefy t•test novelties !a (biro." It u rOOo fn reality a art000 in clay on the present-te•tbalr death fo the fi+mea of ISA burrtinR' GROCER _ ' FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS I frisk¢, T}Ibitemma not bre ret much in a,ivasinnlm the troubled Celestial Empire. y The fi,Iurn representing lyrat Rrltare, ter"t to the rver&Re rwadeF who hes ort .r Tutus' ol.l afaml, 1\'est .tale 4yw&1e r I. k' . -flat .oil !lode Nam are to..hn.bbing, and a study we strongly recommend that a few lights be µ� � f! •� ''i • �pp�'/ - - OOME AND LOOK THEM OVER ! n, ,Le ;i titadee and ttie expre"tenn ort ill* burned in the orchard. Tho @mill nal of IN 6pw of the different figures will revs&l a wxPsrimtyt.ltils hat recommendation. 1 ` .. t _ - _ E� g -d,Joel that would be mb^el In a Ousel PRmN$VTATIOA TO MI- Ft:NNIN11To4N -. t CASH OR PRODUCE ! vl.nc.. Misr Aedrewelnshowing decided Miss LwrsPchaingtetreafter more thandl • toleur in this work and should continue to vs-, ret faithful set vice u operator -lot the 'The built 50e. Tea for 45c. ails week only. I s develop It. R,,,, relephopr (b., has given up the post - SS>0 �Rla.•k urjgroau. :i, - DON'T 11AMP dT@D Tug (:ADSTv -On W edre•dayl tine to hecomw • pro(esi^nal nurse, and - The jolly rout. -_ This is s'eup Dtwt't mfr it. Bros & Co of 1"t week the 1:. C I adet. were 1 con Saturday morttteg for Chtage to ...� TAMPER.. #+ epioZ by Lt (Jul Stacey. 1) S (I, of take a assume Of hospital training. Pre• )'ler ['all.are comi"g! W he are I he Pnlls! I,snd..o The senior oape paraded In their victim to her departure the reomiived & tali- They are the world's favorites and kings of with your health. !�Mith new khaki suits and the juniors in their mental from mutiscribrrw of she teleplie s hypnotism The people who pioneer the - _ m•rlo• uniforms, and both corps mar"hed a^mpany in the term of all "ddter and a hirhest consult pow ere, who osny their sue - Don't use Drugs and Medicines- -- - --- - - - -- - end drilled with sawtoom and PrecWon, handsome Oers• constitutes r� in gold. gmMlowea� to the m�e_et lo�t_wr!�anA who ,QOn t Q Of yur+tionable quality. (tet the blot _ IJCCE8SFUL PUPILS• I for a number of years and on account of this, Lt. Col. Stacey wait delighted with the earn 'rhe presentation was made on Friday even menage to extract out of every a teatinn there is at the ■tine pricer that are bad to Is �Ifs up active basins• life, return and dad Ihem '• I " all round 7 he foil on behalf of the ■uM.rihrrc by K. S noon ton Iliad will last as &*•rake man & �� ���� teen!. ■1•sam,ssr Ish11e school ler te I rantlord, when ne had lived before D•w7 char rel for inferior goods. Rs&r-IaalleN. I-. t -R to l;oderinh. H•. w" forty five captain r,f the junior eorpa, he Wtwd, wos Williams and W..1 Pumom. '1'h• address worm of steady IAugnrar. 1'hwy are the oily R id AearrvinR Of ep«tial commendation for the w" no follow$: onto upon the stage who cap 'iapio with Follewto Ibe Dams of the popib of years of we. effieiont manner in which he h.ndlod his _ AL Our Drug SWM the stock la al- IhsuAl BKA �T)IIRU .l oho Fttw. MrKsy, 1)&AK MINA PRA NINaTtiN :-The, under earth rod neva telex the fsal•I mo.cles of •mit R the publla sobeols of fodrrloh who ware men, A% far so phym•alue wet concerned he tlRnAd n quest your arfmptamce of the " the audience for two soil.] hoa.s. It .imply ways fresh, and each article pure, p0- saoosslul at ►b• midausitmer examtnotome. em of Mn. Clifford, formerly of t;oderioh, said the O. U I cadets were the finalst nom companviag Parse air s token of our appn r+ppies from ane Tons" to ,anther dur/u,l tine �\ tent and satisfactory. They am ¢here Is orals of mats died st Itr&atford an Saturday, June ?ird, DA„V he had seen In Ontario He expressed maition of your services in the telephone ex entire evening. Their wo. k is maivelloue. after suffering for several menthe from hinasell very stl..Rly in approval of the change and en a tangible expression of war Proof. Theo vuh a a•aistrd by ,Iw,ph N t I Our Prescription Dephrtment 9T, &NDR[W N WAaD-JUNIOR 01%I'l"N, rbeomati•ns. He was only siehtrm yuan R - 7 malnlenumce of each corps• and stated that good wishes 1•r year ounlinuwd ustalaer Pall 'Piney have • tiowlty lki• year to n• his a reputation for promptnew and flsermas Lewis, Uswell )'odd, John Mc- of Z. The lotorment took place at Brant- in future they would receive ruoh more at and success in the new duties you are about Ing very •taforstr costumes for different , NFNi)ALt3 _ Lead, Yarroy IlcUortald, fieri!@ Nol.as, ford the follewtut Monday and wM •trend- tonlfon than heretofore. • It was the Iotas to aroma. i'oo have been uniformly court- cornea, It b an original ides et the Polls, `p !e s00•l�C�• Viola Johnston. Harry Armstroog, Norman ed by his uncle, That. Pastes, and Mrs Me ties in the near future to supply th.m with eons and patient in the trying datfesof year and something never Attempted bV any-`.�s1N .,URE F. JORDAN McKay. Pherson, of town. free smm"altion for target prwcice,sod they or fit 30. &oil the qualities we feel "ore will hvpaetlsts. They will be here on There %T. rATRl1'a'• N ARU �K Div. To CV.STUI. PRINuN - Too young men, would become, in fast;lhe feesdatiOD of .fit fed in your new and +rill mare ,..prone Aay, Friday and Saturd.y, )Litt 12th, 13 h t,l blrriical )��. Merrb Manson, ('lursr Stewart, Eddie named llsytd Smith and Wesley Party, onr militla system - Owe phage of caring for "poor heimitnity." wail 14th, at Victoria Opera If. use. AA - -_ William Ago*@ Hamilton, Eleanor Walter• wore la.t t k rntenclid by .1vAR^ Mwnn Ove neem Elm TWD -TRO sAtoaotsed meet The addrer was signed by filly live auh� mission• 100.• 20.i. and 30••., nu oa'e, at _ - Flonsr Sallows, Maud Mclirstt&n, Nelson to twuuty three mouth" to the (:ental ion In con•setleo with the free hospital for serihrrs, to whom Miss i'enn.ngry,a I1qu•st. Fnrter's boek.t Ore. • Murray, Delay F(soleor, , )'risco, for ete•llot two flee"" from J•a. oossurogtivee at 1lfavenherst we, held at ed I. hes th.ske he re«vevwd los Ih. if -_ . _ Thia tan knows what he did and BECKER & MYERS, -a.-._ OT. DAVID WARD- 1K DIV, I:emmlll, of Tuckenmit.h. It, in only s few ill,- town hall en Thursday -Telling, when gift. _ how he did it. Such endorwrmchls as Lily RoMa•os. Myrtle Nlvlw, Mltole month• don tbse same young men were the following offiomr. were elsc:ed fnr the I.D. In lite (,.nit .1 A MXW the follow In are are a suR:clent proof Q Q apmvtoted of atealmr watches. They will local aneclatlou : Chairman, ,Indra Mu- gnnde ♦tall last week the rase of Marr vs. LM w •& of i:* nwritsK I ���� �"� �� ���"� Johaetce, Hattie R�leher, clots, Smith, be out of mischief for a while now, son ; treasurer, K S. Williams, men• er , I, ; . Lotti• Mal, Is, Attie Kirkbride, Jsonie R S,nlre, whish wait triad in umlench, ams - nn on an &pW%i by the drtendanre from the '+knee' Ira"a., re&.tt.tara (1rwluatA of A1s#e,u huw*Lt« Col- Nlobolaori and Wilfred Lewitt, tyerNe Van f:•aLa 111 rIAT'/iaN -The 'l sonic (}Ic tw Pltok of (%ommernw Stanch ; +wareter •, .1". I•nr mire:-IT,ta.,rwi nes ,.,....ry,a,r Twemttr en Diane, Nine Kerr, Fred . Armstrong. fast Tlearsday talked about someearly Dols: Yates- Division ('nnrt rlerk. Addition+l j,i f mens of ('haaceli..r K . 1 In favrrr -of ah. It, n . r,., ww b.wa .m .,,.rru..•.i ,•@ 7n" lege, of Rmwming. R Y' I. m.., t'.neu.h r,pet. I h.,,• . -I ie„ •,eater. 1 ismmsh&t Professor Hlnohf*Idea had raised menbwn of the committee were appalntwA plwln, tH This was so actft p &R&ip,t V•n6 �F:AI^F:U Th.N11h:KS •AAreord In the .A ... t err .u" I— tarty. ,,( ,.,,.r k.onar. rNOM vsNluR n TO JUNI'114 Ill h h•• forded to Itnaedalu and wh oh were an •fellOwa ,lodge Doul#, Kgv. •leper S,Ivire and Mary Catherine Pltimmer, a S aade vigned, end endorsed "Tender for be■re,1 "_I",..erasen— WHITE AYA AND Wale Kan. %'era F:Ihost, Harry Morrow, rods, rave nn the 'Lith of .lana. That b Wilson, Rwv, Jas. Hamilton, Mayor \\ Il.no• „odd +nil the widow rspmo•ively of \Olen- 8"pptyisr (bel for the Dominlon 1tu11dlr.n.. , tftANt n NKR1s1I1. ut'ix DAY AND NIGHT. Willis 3mhb, Bruce Reiu, Hugh Dsvld.ce. nlher ,wily fw Twrante, perhaps, but Gods, Ju. 1. Turnbull, M I) , W L M.liot, .J. h: will twlrocrivrA at this oTre ties Tne•Aar pt fee ft: M: lrrr $s At w liniment far flitfr GOOD• ♦T MODL tine ('trimmer, deeessed, to haw it de- 2 th of July. If 10. In Ausively for the *,tor 1) loamiVi, w It tuts nn o,ileI AAy,.,r droKgist KATE PIUC AND Hs" Vwtons, Uuvld Aitken, .lana Proud- ,;ch ono best It, ala the 2A I of Jnow--t�, Rrydess and .1 H. Colberne. Tit, an � elarM -hat delundant C„nira received the of ecal for the pnMin hiildi"N. store without h,r KCMDAI l •R SPAVIN CURF. waw, A 0OURTBOU8 ATTZINTiON fouls, Stub Beattie, Croak Murray. (Yf&ar R P.ohorrson bad ri r .taws, lints loge nous, "o+.ot wait made that fifty-Oha nam." sum of $1.000 from tit cm+rad in his lifetime the 1)ominloa- Trrwtlw• on tla• Ph,r*e." I.,nk On— ,or mldr,-w (;lark. Val.. Ibalos, Oliva .Johnston. oags, Amid green pu", clan, which wore had ,ween mubscrlheA in Ooderinh to the t ombined sD,N•It th,m n and form of Irndnr RsiAts tA(l, 1pwoftQCM• u{wn n parol snpar ie pit, ,he ioreremt. them ,yes benbalnet i1 thiocalm, whom all n@nee at.1.0.mF.NDAILCn., ENettllRO FALIS, VT ctNl'R•L trl;N.OI.—u RAUm 1. ^3RD C�A,Im. Rows Id IL• open str In his gardea, The membership roll. Mr. \\ &term, in behalf of art to it,. pla,n,iff, ,.hn i. "ten • d.nisht" of b►ry loformatine may be had on application, ,,, Dsleea Rays, Reeab'Phomson, Tromso Professor will have to try •gain the N+t.fouat Sweilartam Asseeiotiesa, eft- dwremwed, ddrfuR hes life. t'ha Aele"A•wt Ioresartenderf&q&teaoti9ad taut tendon ""' =�' — _ -- -- rored thanks to those who hail taken an I'frlmmer 9s scan dr. i.r. f ,r her life, and will not b,+ mnsi'erwl unless made an the ser Thomos, Rile Robinson, Irene Biumtt, V --T11 I•,R HAKI'UM W ORhtt - In the%np• interest In the orwantutlmt of the foal " printed form suppliwi. and •Ignel with their went T Tie, Maud Risrtt and Clarence plemgutar, n•timat" brought down in the delendani R,{ulrs la mole devisee in the r" Air,.a1 s.Rnsrore•. monlstlnrt. Mr. Williams. the treasurer, msirtrl^t of Mtwtw or Arewwse,J. An emend 1rmrh tender oriel h,. mreompontl, by ,an �rrrmnrn�rrntmmittit�rrrtttmmmmr� Tenor. Edith AIRIs, Melville Khydos, )(oar a'. t, :awe Its week were the follow" w„uld Ls lad to reorivo the names of any nes„ r I frank ohM nw m,taln rpwywbin t” t6r Grace Hogearth, Rosalyn MODonald. Wits- sun Item R.yfiald, extwO.lnn of parr", twos who have omit et joined the nese meet wu allowtul mt ictal oharr�nq 1m the motor of the llnoonble the Miol+ter of Pahlin dpr sou Rook, Nilh• Nor *tell ReRgi• Y&thrisch, ij5,500: s•reinohMthe, rernetrvetisoof pe Y 1 alternNtv!thttdw na•nrs rtrstvwl iheo N'arem, equal tofcspctcciN.O!amomistoftil( rection and wh wish to become members. ,ate mubiwt t" the Ir�at. it was contend fre,h r, which will be fee/"ked if tha part? A@ - - -- -. _._ ....--. Chr ,owe, Ivan Kfrtw, `lam. Andrews, breakwater, els. (revote), {111, 0 : droOrtdg. g It �SNAPS I N SHOES --w l�olb Tarn ball, SOis Sutherland, Fnaoeo lug• a complete (rewte), 811,000 ; ibrt MI'NNINIA Rrlissn"•i --Tbe reelderte" of ad IM appelivrife that the lanq"arm need .li� ter intlf h cfalsl&ot when wathe r DiNr/oh, Allan W&Iket, ('Arts Campbell. Albert• dredgtmw, ♦10001 (iod"fiob baster. AU, Avoid Mrs. \1'm- Rrrrow&. Nslvop •!Witt, soilJu0n1i121vnt to at -to • fru.', the Aa werkoostnared foe. if the tender tie not ac ~ --w lhoujrank Unlll, may Stoddart, Nellie On balance payable to coobnotmr, L. M&divan, was the amen n( a pleasant event on Wed- reseed havtog mgt Iv said in the preeenrm et e,pted anenhegne wile M returned. • � `' ham. Flora Roes, Kota luketer, Massie Ineludlog nearlly deposit anti Interest, nesd•y, Jane 27th• when their second d#foodante that he dirmi them to pay the rhe IMpartrneet Aoem not bind tim#If t0 he ► •.� Bal, John Nurwfok, Joha MOlvob F:ms• C5,03`),IC ; blasting sad removing rocky Awughtor, Min Jennie, was nnited in met plaintiff the in'erra on $1,00(, " if Rho """"'the Iiw" m any tan"" - we, Kvsma, Helen Shepherd, Ulan Swart&. •hal in vicinity of elevator, 11,700; repairs rimq" to Renjsms Meanings, the wall- oe'atm it nes i* in wwht end algia that the - My order. �" Agg"Melbaald,HarryReid,CelesteL)&DW to northern entrance pier, $2,000. it own builder. The ceremony freak plane i,ss rel .drh antler lay her father to the '. -- - JUN ttit(lY, ` Plen'S Iain heat/ CC tees = 85C. r air Rouse 1ta+tall, (bre Olvee, %t IIIb •t noon, Rev. ,lam ,"r Wilson pronouncing mother of thn plaintiff Telt the yueation of Asim 11milaw . �. p y w p Ins. Rog¢ MILAN (.IIAKI^s+' R"Jo NATION.-- 'rhe ( dP'talico WerTim, ►-- Men's lace plow Boots 75c. `t Wcebwrt, Naw Sharman• the words that mwdo the twain husband need or went t„ the unwise pawOr rel . friends nl (:oAericoh Collegiate Institute wilt ���. nm9, � >k~ �- otunx tl. Ttt O1aADs Ill l.rarn with deep reareb of tyre remignstbm and wife. The bndrgmald was Miss MsgRle the mother to determine, end that In any - - _ _ Am-- Women's heavy lace Boots w 65c. " M.I.I.Mir 1:bules. 11. A.. !fuer hit position u Burrows, bitter of the bride, and Melvin W. event. defendant Squire not having4n estate - `- , Delpblae fvalro, ilelphine HOves, 11r•ew il.wellaribled the 'I'll* tying of to powest"n ttl,OelA wM how's bass ordered d► Misses " " " 1 lw2 55c. 1r .—w mIn mOdern Ianqusges, • position she ' Lake Erbd1W ;fiW- C4. Ltd `` M•rtla, Nasle Noble, WIIs Rlsestt, Client It the nuptial knot, which was wltdseseA to Day arrears 0r o"&t's. Appel dismired ` Child's •` " st i3w if) 45C. as (. M011osold. Res•)• Mcleod, Ellen Spark, hu filled with Infinite credit to herself and � I h relathxa mad u few intimate lrienis with nests, (;atroirt Q C , for defendants with treat profit to the u Ue. We under 7 V -'----e 40 � t as ' Merman Rmmbell, Ser& McKinnon, I1laAys D D P of the ronlrsoHoR parties, wait followed by KlAdwtl, '! O , and-lhw"ey (fYwlarloh) for •I'ho.horfes,t&adrheepeiiioafeto �" Women's best Carpet Slippers 15C. A bltely. Flo MoDonald, Kshel Hotµ�S►rth, .tend that Mlas Charlea a taking this "woo An axoplieot woddfnt `repass. The bride plamtlff. Llnls Cerfell, (;ertio ()!vans, 0ortl* No, [no, on account of the condition of her 1,"Ith' area the recipient "1 momeroas soil vwln.M• tt� C� r► or two pairs for 25c. Fye, Graham soil Carl Wonsll, Ju. Wig •rhioh has not been satl%fwtOry for moms p TnK LATF. I'Iuvt n AI• Hilt L^ The death Cleveland' %iotvia Port Stank >' a time soil which Inn not improcl•R •• le gilt*, ehowlog the high estrm in whinh she at Sammi") 1'OBard Halls, N. A , which wan ' I Sc. bottle of i otish for 5c. One. Fred KRssse. ids Thom". Lilian should. We trust than • Rood rest will ra is i rghtly hold by half friends. After a brief announced In these column lost week, n- Through fan from Ooderinh 8ingln $1.15; `.t Framer• Cathartie Lswls• Adelaide Nairn, stere her nom Istel. hone moan tri Mr. and Mrs. Manptngo moxwd from this life one at the Leat known Boarrn $0.10. Itetoro tickets ¢oral fn- Ort; Also finer Imes in the same proportion. 011ie Robertson and Uh". Muir, Mario" P y, and it would be meet[ V t'• h,.ve , rtnrn"A to teem and have enmmroceA moth. Npmelal ratM ROInN `tahtM •y end res Olive flrnso And Chs Harold Spark, lying it her aervlrs were net alt"gwlher to rea',lrnta of I3nAe[]cA, air, we might say, n} turning Mond.y• t• As we have the largest shoe store and the I bau.ekeoping in the comfortable new real the onnut of Huron Mr. Halls had not Itat le•vri )'ort StAntrr on xundsym, 'ruem g Vest& Howell, Jeslb Inlwter, Nellie (101 be Tat to our usillerl&te lwtltats. y disjoin lately .teMwA by Mr. Monolog+ on Senn quite himself sinrr an Illme*@ over • Any*an fhondare at 11 p.m ,and nn fn, nes �- largest stock in this county, we are able harem, Wiliness Reid, Mabel Mcleod, (,'at 'P1,RnNTti w(iR&ATFXttinITION.- -Theprixe II'mWismir street. Tim SDisir, joins in the yrsragn, lint• hie energetic spirit kept, him dayeat 1 p,m. tate Uopp, Myra Morrow, Herbert Andrew•, list for Tornnte's great annual exposition rlmd utshes for their fut"rw na vidne•m and •t his writ. is March lost he w" ^gain Ppr tickets and further Information apply to to fit you in style and price. Arabs Mo(}illtyray• Bert Moore•th, F:thwl and Industrial Fair, which this veer will he prr(w rlty. tictitt wKont. O.T.it y, or write taken Ill, with what Oros supposed to be un T. MAIt+HA1J., WN WOOLLATT, ►- Come and be convinced. Rom. Alex. Cralgb• Ftw•trlr Harrison. held from August 77th to September ltlh, A CI.INTON WF.nDIN1. (in Wrodneansy at.t'snk of tho Krip. and his system wall so A+Mt Oen•t )Toes. AR't, Manager. Berry MoCnash, Laurier Dyke, Katie hos jnve been publish@d. It shows sum• In mnf• users 77th at 6 45 o'clock, the ah&kea that, although he reemioRly re wdkervl0o, Ont. Rt epi Just received a line of dents' and Boys' __ ----_�.. Mo illllemiddy. areae• In the premium* and Rives evidence wR• rod end w" able in return be his dash• - -- - -- �- �� of the minor"& attention to the promotion wed Asng of \V. L (Ihto", nidi*t tan of 11. �Ovr oleins III. To .RADA ft•' of aha fest interests of the country. H..I. I!Inns, formerly of Onderioh, and Mine at th* model school, b" soon after-varda i`' �_ Bicycle Balls. 3 t9es Been, Least Srtell, Blanche Knox, Hill, the managoir anti secretary, has been Itnhy Fair- yuuognt daughter of the lane found Siert!! nosh!" to r•osslNo* and me A Great Snap-.* a Jobs worsell, Rats S&all@. Ma tele Hewitt*, in Europe after some .pn.lal attraction, and !'hums. Fair, and on. Of iainton'w moot I?eater h* offered to wand In hb r*@ignatino $arty WAeblgfbe, Myrtle Howell, John 10 la axpscfwd that hes will Ibe ed�rq fol In P^DI11wr y0unv lar11es, took pled* In Wllliv to ,he ,reser- board, The, board, however, _ �._ Q'resbeweq, Maltlaod Ddsm, tally MOVIar. manering some f*alpres of the hlR110A clams ohar.h, I111ntrYe. Kwy, andAleNtewot {or granted him IesYn of that a for tw• ~ . -M.A A N J r and the bride was month*, It print ha chat • rw*t wOp1A 1r rear Ringer Soap, at 5e, b �-- -`- !- Milita Molatyte, Andrew Mair. Jennie ,hat have never before basis sen In nny city Intoned the ceremony, hoped �sd of which we eels a barrel a week. � Will' ' • pr iffeet, Harry Mclean And Hwy Pulley. or town .f America, 11fir. Bete can be had River' aw^y by her brother, IV. It. Fair. rm*tem him t0 hawBn, 1 at him term Of roe We Isn't our only snap, os we carry "'- Laron Atrto, Mabel Pollock, (}write Gar- by addressiny Mr. Hill me the, ^Rio*, (Pl. The hridomma-ld won Mlma .loan Cavan, of loisa has ended with hie release from all •Terything that. can he found s an no. 1'' rtok, Annie Lawson, Willis Armstrong and King at. Frost, Toronto, 1'01., and the groom w" &@dated by h4 thing. Mrthly Ile rnolinv#d gradually to N -date graOery store, and our rioes ������ ,.•� - I Bono Ilei, Mary Miller. ..__ T'ftxvflr'ff'rte••r-T'Y.._�*..Y_jlyA,a,r,A,�.. brother 11+res Alter the A"w 1ny aha AmoLnO timtll fhw Nrsaw bw dbrnambOood •a i Mew ...Y>t rlgAL._-.241�![1P9.11 R 94.IS�le1..lRY appy nouwi 1r7f "I'wtrArl}nAtrwtr wltrt�bttrt*1<vlt" l•est••r w••b1ettrs @ami always Ret from u• a snap for their Y Darns n . Iv ua•n• V. - following Is &A assistant from a (lrfmsily pep 4 agar• F&Ile. IluffalO, Toronto And other nor a0th• phydcat end mantel power% Jean Tom. AIIr Rolsbweli, Lerno Todd, or which •bows that !luring the time Miss la,lnte, after wbfoh they will bvin hones were Inert. Am noon on Woonrdav, Jona prod non. tea strew the Ian" At ee ------ --- - -- Lon& Harland, Willie Proddfools, Roy Strang taught In the high school there she keeping In St Lnvla, MO Among the 77th, the spirit tlalttmd Ito m.etel hsblta. legitimate [rade -- everythMq gar : I• Newtos, Rem• Usrey, Rita won the ood wall and appreciation .f the p R IA.rwar" or petatcom, a scion .tuff or • Qit•sa I y R ,he 1 bandannawere w"Adlnp Rests receival hV tion. Mt lay O was horn In it Asian to ohOlos#t tables Chine We dal in all • • • American'FieldFelacill Jerd&a, Isabel Fromdfeot, Willis (:aotelem, students At the Flat. of fhw high whcol ,h. brldn ware ^ hrrapah with pearl setting Eprland, minty awn y@vw wgn ^nil aero to ottN Yet}Illleaddy, Nellie Narwlck, !.Till• term on 7•uoday, fhw ppupils, drafting t0 from the groom and & bapt.ifnl Bible from this @"entry when a yon"N boy The rs rel them. Bank, Doses Sura., MARgte Mal%evta, .how their rtrn. for Mbs Strang, who b the tnrstees of %%'fills church, rel which she melnder of hie youthful days were Open► to t•�•t a • • Wal'»r sounders, Arthur Me rereted her with an &,I T. G. TIPLING & CO. '•• ,-"9' Nan& Us•t•. about t@ !@sots, p wait organist for w number of years. The Pt Them" He entnrwA the losehIng pro t Lomas. May N yeti, i.11ian MoDonald, Rea dross and a hoaotifol sovvonit, ¢pori MIN Rrnom's Kift M the bridesmaid w" A hOr"w fesion And fnr fifteen years NufMf reheat Rsdlcfd Monk, 0 id•rloh. bas Sallow•, Jobe (isle, }fell& Wy11", Rao& Strang h" boon .opplying for M1.. Barr for �ba, pin with • diamond aettinr We join in the t^wn•hip of 1,,borne, daring mod of - _ - _- Subberland. Agents NOiTsv, stale Nlralson, some months past. Anil although the pupils Have you wen it? Do you know what is the chew and matt wllh many trlwoAs la UOAsrl.h In hearty this, tier" Aottpt also " township oink, M• y Marty) Tweedy, Joshua r Thomas, Arleta welosm. their old teacher D&elt they are ...aratnlatiorts to Mr. Ctoose, and wsmh sidM holding other ntftotal primltdao& durable fence mold? if you haven't Been it you can we it at Mr.KENZIE Staddert, tie• Miller, CTMI Garr)•. sorry to part with one who hes tek@" sdnh him end his bride • happy totnre. Twenty-four years &to he name to 11ode D1LAOR V. m DRADII Vs. Interest In them sod their stadia• and wish ,Pits OL1n ROIs' BANNxR. SsturAav•s rich to fail# a Position nn the staff at the & HOWELL'S At from SGC. w facet up. bar susses whatever she mile mate, h school. &od he continued in this a- Msy Bissau, Obester RlaesM. Allis An (}teh. Rave the following scooust of s pro- trfh dwr&em. Ielstde Retaliations. pawl F:wtr, F:m A RRAI x DDRB One morning lost week entatien to the Huron Annotation by the pmaity until lire years awn, when he r#"lgn. Spring Coiled Wire 3 cents I b. r Year. Mary Nf•bsMee sail Harry Ulere, the little arta of Fill. Swsrt•. was •'!!crop Old }Iib" : The flmisl at go .A. Nhnrtly afterwards he wu A`=pd Itad WOOL s 11s►I>, M&ggb setherlasd, Willis Glover, playing on the wharf niter she a"% "oil of ,events for the visit of the linson Old Boyer' prim@iD•I e,1 the model sohoOt and hilA fhb __ . - - w pearl Mdwtyre, Irene Somalia, Me' (Teff, the harhOr, whole ymtmw I)ed&IA MMBe hall Wre Comp) to Uod"rtoh rte g of the next ition rep to the t.lm" O( hb Barb Wire 3i cents Ibe ' Frainsls VVLRflsa. IWIIO M*L•Aa. (}race dy. of Tor"ota, who b put(ieg in some Soh w*n nnmoletwA at • meeting ul fhw mann death. While teashloq In the high 1 am prrpwtwi to Ftuy Biywee. Y P, I.An•, Maud Tilt. Nig@ days har@,w"smatterhimself onthe raft here Ofthe •••rlaHrmheld In the Temple mahout he wrote for and ohtalnad t.himseaton'nclip ofwool, Galvanized end E�lack Wires drr&cs. Mahal Sothsl&ad, Pearl Tre which *area os a ferry betwaa the wharf ,sat #vonimg J S Willtorin pr*@Id+A, Rod the dogs n1 It. A. and afterwards that of an usual, at the Gimbal and the island. Clete happened to m1wo OR an Interestina fosters Of the evening w" M A Hes winsr ala found play In many L■7 'wT . __. ______ I ■owe rotten slmber and tumbled over Iste the Dr.&Mtatl.n to fh. anoniatilm by Mn. ether dir^nt'ian%. lie was a Prominent Dr�rILLOR �OOLBN MIIIh3 BINDER TWINE WA sell the now well-known AROUND TOWN. the water. The ynveg Molltlllou,ldy H. MoMsth upon (shelf of the lady main. member of the North str#"t Mothadhrt ^0n- BE lR - promptly Awed up the *itself" mad jumped Mtn of A hand*O,n. hsnnar, whinh will be Rref&tfee an4 had been r#eoordlnf steward gold MldAl Stand at the I. olal,hs and all, after the younger be IOwegt ria+ Ain i,rt us LwVe your order. 'PIM TAG, 1•arr,M. The antume misting6 y• arrleA at the head of the Prrruslwn of Old of the church for w groat many Van H. FOR .. , p P going. of fib• Hlgb l7oart of Jostle for aM tasty whom he brought M • plant 0f •&)•to, (lout o I Was & lval ar i tod•rlch. The, may. was t.rm*@stwr of the pa o library beard, HIGHEST CASH PRICE Harvest Tools, Nails, House and Barn Fixtures, of $ages w,JU be bold as follows: Jury (tiara made for hems Am fost"ha nnelA R0, a"tetlon w.. &�mmp&"iwA by • warmly- fast Meter l\'nrk and "1 tory i last slmlf.M. fission, Me. .1"&Ama F•rgasow. Team while IItuald went over in the riga and worded Arldror. And a refArsnce 10 the ore Lod A Il If. 1V„ end *seretoy frmwm"r in any Ousntity. ley fjgtmilem 11 . •ms jury mtttieRs, be- wont in awlmmlag while his elera•rdried. mlfennion was" follows : --"Von Re er of the H"rnn held Mlnisq ('o , sod was dr in exchange for maoa- Yr. is@Uow irulwebrtd-. Moa,fav, r, with tiled hvmrla, joyful fee", rad rmnsoteA wvh ether hedsos entafprira. factored articles. The people know where Joint values are found (fur galrtm were ney"r ton iia I- Nnw AN M. U -We are Pleased a o tug• Ilevewher it loan t.h&t at Me roesns normalizations at, the "far at►wnAod hands to meet the warm I H• was saw mtemtlot lef#r*@taA Inn tnudn th known to be as large Am at, prmAnt. . (A,Am'%w Ilia CATv'R. -G 6, T"edng medical college of the Wmssori-1 A"Orve Mednlosp Of rhrlse •weltlq q"" In the desr for about hfth"" van was IMAM Of eM JESSE GLEDHILL We bay for rash. We buy in quantifies, We •ell on small margins �� a (lederfab *e,1 now Is Stratford. lass' University, of Ulmvalaall, Okla. Chea 1) 014 humin, sari t0 kleAlo •new the dying "heir "1 North .l. Metb'"A e-Od" fa I case mres/wd • e@s•elimn Y the (Aa&e10 "" W illiw. sag of .I. H. Williams, Merk.s firms on the .14 tow,hatose. W" g" with politics ticiseafternoon,Oldtthe " aha [•acral ttea,k pl►*@ i It is to year advantagie fie troy lriur hiLrdwiLm of �aINM a Mm Igj leobee is MURA tasd ewes, ws• manrestal Ie, abtalelnr hN M. D. yen to share your planta pod the h&ppiy Y- _ _ _—_,__ �eWlsN r pe1R►t Tres VluMrts 1'&ks' /agrees Yr. Williams IstsnAa saklsg • rresslep to the 'Clroalar (YeT' 0e Hnr1m s from tt , de@a•wt'm late resldgr en NOVtb ; Is geld M be an iIs&t s&teh that bas 9"6.9v&Aoate anarse at John Hop itlaw net. rafrrrd ellffs, by •es•Nal Maitland'• wind. Maas, where a !the lastrber of Iso the had •veR Nes gad• is Retroed'• IIMI• bks Vern)) after which he will aka & peettlos tq •team. when vt&tely a►funtoree have gathered to par Mo last r•gooM M aha A. - ad egg• alb till sJ tb• •Ity ter dsya is =;;d• Hospital as ordees"r e( gysw• replaced th* pelmltlw wigwam*, and w&v- public"rWThe teachers &sal o dy t d &" •s•ea.l., a Dr W.I.Yr. ell hR nen A•M• ew�•r the emirs received Amro- pgAll" se►e.la Attended Is • y M hos*@ McKenzie&Howell SM& I)I{lltrt Nf • Fe�s+lltl P.MrsewT --D. S- ••lyy r W he non et appy ed lsM lsbsir late "I"Pal, sad tis tammbme of t lusting of tba 11Mya1• Nests M Tell k�ww" Y•' �weN�Wim$f M WIS*tiow Well a boawN '•at. of tkanks we• Maple Lesf l.odt * &I" Wer! to &"sodsasw- lmae /I4/ M lseasltmrd N)louse 11m• Mme Is tm�"a ad big Mflirmd Mm Name. The Win N• bd Sw/l••m taw mmadtt&1•i by Rae. JMK =%! % bd beet bt W bgaf h minty ! rims MB be F�'d �I e �tIM ilh. , ,,I ...-,..... ...:._.,..rt.,.-...ri_A•,.3,W rr:>r�r � - ...:..-...s,..:.:::,1,� .r.-_:,.t..:....keelIx.t.,wt0sf'_?eu::..irt„j�;t.k�' ..el 0