The Signal, 1900-7-5, Page 7..+v �!,.• }wj:•�.,°-t. �• 'y�.s ,.,-+'y,Sfli. Ike .'`'� - � ^' ,�.•k . r1. i.
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`^' glnity d Tor-Chulln. TArge prepare• war misinformed, the Forel n Otftoe Krpeated Bayonet ('barges. C��E COLONY terY. were In IC vary much II It.
NACJ���� ��O���C =1.1 era Ixdnti arum Gr rulN�urt xnJ xwumw tYx uurrLw•tnuw u� h►s c1r "(ht Juue lUth tYv wuunclw) ,std "Wallewwiay at 1 uikXt thw r(-
1 ■ll J J donxr the I'vklu r.,lle%bi lolumu. rwich uutU the t'uutrar it roved, ne,•trw►r4w fur them stary+d by hurt. "an All found f under flaw; aur furca
rr@@11 K 1 Y V waw ,fta,kr up of /ltk•en gu➢r, In(autry
l� .e➢ty theoaa,tild trvula of all Arm". It ndmlLa. however, that It is ns• t►o tureen sumn•htnig plonsilikle the an l nmxtutad rlftent about l,WX) nice,
largely Ja,rauule, have uuw bual rumen that the other ,",wen lave river. Op{xrltiou oaf ex{wrlwwsl four NOW U I ET all Grid.
W�ttkd. out received 1pwe rimllar to t6a% Ing the wlwle comae of the river Iron: ' 1 rWt the ht)IkW of being Brigade'
��� 'T���,1r hr rhxnghu] vurrnntuudeh� ul the uublvd by Admlrnl fScuduwuun.y twwrly etery vill�gr '1'Yr rvbuuW, wtleu
U U j��1 11AFIy Telr•graldl, wiring at V.U3 p. ilefea4Xl ht waw LilI go. retire,' 4) thx a /3fa}vr for tMartillery w'Yltf we kluallt
g m. vrtenhty, rays: CII(1PPING l)I''F HEADS. cams anti skilfully retardant our ad about S,000 Boers. The light IrmW
"et W cram! un good ChIl~ au• vauoo b oxcup in well selected wl from midday er l saw are n, kno ,
awl Y Y 41 W o'clx•t. Taw [bar !oars are no% known.
tiitrity. that the t;u%erameltt, alarm- msecatise, of Criutlualm a Dally tiots, from which they had W be but they spent, all yesterday gad part
. __ . ' ,_ ud by foreign ndatary preparations. forced. often at the point of the of lawn night Miryin• their Brad Thor
Affair In Cautuu.
lou+ InputsI nn eahct onterlug pereutp buyullet ht lee of a galling fire that ange River Colony Rebels kmrner Aiwxfnt to elx,ut fN) klllwl gad
s torily oupprowdon of tine Boxers, unit New Turk, June '_ .--.\ dowpuG•h to was difficult to locatke
ldmiral Seymour Relieved and auiwsitt•tilg n dime -cion to protex•t aIle ties Herald from Cutsttw e.a)r "I'llw wu,n,lo Ww were ita0wd cwt d, wh-
iwtgutlanu at all h+tsltntr." IluWever, Iw gtmrural mltuutioa hose it ulx•InLI19- kit Julio t' I we ooks it . hay t4Ak n ro W stroll the reloclo who
tltle MAX tile, tine British Cutuoul At e,I, aro uaeawy feeling preinilr. .\u lns- Taff Junw L'3n1 we markt fi night Breaking Up. toad taken n, tai In air Lr dlt , a be-
* m m I.hnthghxl rrooJved dtfInIte informer- portal matadmite fruits Cekiu directs +urrch. nrrlautg nt t1#iyllght upprelG• hlgd tlw Grwn, butt 1 ran handy Ball it
the Foreign Ministers Safe. tont, tyluw INtlly Ir<= veer aur r +wad• \!caro 1.1 Hun[ Ctuau to repuaiu lu Tho 'train, w text{w' armory, y Ad fi fight. . hey ear the guns at wit
vat sec that whllo iokrnnlY PrOmis- L'unk. u for taw prevent. Ass uprisiu !r va,1 '4. a whvrc, ire las op tel soul tions, allay want ort fart that Otte
Li cxiuiaeta alrttentlou front aur- [ rnnues, a henry tiro aur a{r:ntrh etwld not mr(o them (flr d,wi. W'e err
a 1 fearer! lu caro ut hfr t4•parturs Thu wh'.le aur mat waw ex,xxXXt un the uw%feg cwt to-worrow tnwrnhig to tr,r
LLke ptepardtiesttlt. the ('hhuru are nunuercXs (tally criminal executions by PTE. ROBSON YERY I��•
uxwntlitit sovit1 new six-hldt guess urtl er of 'the \ Lceruy allow hill rcwllw- uhlxwlk+ rfaer txaitk. TM' WLumY w+w and cHrwt the rnllwny, whlrh haw tXa n
tit Wo -sung forts. tiuu of taw s"oriuus rundltlun ut ntfalrr, kept i t check by rifle fire In (runt, cluXal fur the hurt seven months."
fC Thrwa BrltWh warhl,ts have rnl4ld and his firm intanitlwt to prevent whlko their ,rorltott wax Write,! by It
1 OOPS MST LITT R S1✓TA from Hong Kortg to nghai. tate trouble. Ito n tkslas U Axl by the woe tarty or tnnrbaw ,and retimuo ureter Ptr, ('ralg It 9_11 once .
R L r NC� attic! ryundrwt nt rthutIsTO The with tueaselnatla0 It M rhrwld !curs �Sor JuYtue o who ruaheX( out rats, Whe *, m June _u - emide w Craig,
idi4 iiJJ eetuthern ev4rw,rr ow yettdiug the ctpy,.. __-____�-_-___ . ouleupiwd one of the wllvttt pointe, t'rlrate Larllte 1>rrd-�rltltta L'rrlg e( L,te _ iwt Itrgi ber t rwhfrut of this
ttaxyw towards Pekin. and the exodus seising a gust. Thv GermuAs. Wwer - ---_
off ChLtpue from Shatighat contln 1.1 Iluug Cbang Papular. dow1L ■lletcel two nr, find thea Home -Canadians at Mwfeltlag adla ao a notat,wr of the flat ('a t
int a'1e ndlau ro➢tingeat, oto wax wuanded at
-' at the rate of from 10,000 to 15,00(1 Well-to-do nvddwntr have uflere,l Ll crowed the river Wad captured them. Quiet Around Preturiwo ituberte 1'aar.k•berg, has arri%mo, hone, He
Hung Chung five mlllixi t"Olm ($3',• Th:) Armory war then. occupied by the
a day. Tells of Ik %'fillers' \len urrrtid-, tel Lx many Intercitting atones regard-
Ithough Ghlaese (lobs Harassed them on the N's \\'III the !creole be Itu;%4.n prawn 500.(1110) for the ,wrp,uro ut urgeuls• oomblwxl fun tw. / fa the cam LI m ,
igrr her ►Teen 1nJure l g W g
Taken Back to Pekin and Reinstalled there 't Ieelln that the Cif+ds Is 'luring the recant fighting, and nit i'A muu4lpal guaetim its the city.Ttw. peWrut-rot ntk til) Lo retakwthe erlug--\VIII UeW'etpe Crpltsn•d? Huller's Pralse.
R I eti•ltur,lin rl lug In tbt, Ltua-Tong \'lueroy u,oprecluteu the,cun(ideuceef unuory were mfake Thr snort curd Ad
Peat, and that Rumor -Plungers Nave Greatly Uxargerated it Boxers May penitwula, }(urian Manchuria, lw pre- the power, gad promnirae to do his lowu daym, twit were. uIrmucve"ful. London, June 29. -The lice er arm- Mlontrral,
yf t,lue,. Jute L'6. -Thr Dbar
dkAod. utmost to maintain order. The nsa• Hoo found humertxe rturew u( Kutu, mundoee in the eastern prtrt ut the piblikh„e the fulluwhig Xpec•lnl eAtAe
1'et Cause Much Trouble Shanghai the Fountain of lake Sloriea. ;orlty of the furelga woma+t and Chin- arena, alid nmmu/tltlun ut the hi Leat Orange River Colony appear W hay" from Prwturlet :
llritlsh In the Vaal. tare hive left for Hong Kung orMfa• patkorlL Several of the gun" were been broken u by their leader', fur
rhe FW, � Juno 29, via Shanghai, Germans .At Torn Tetra ace uninlared. J/mhd011, .lune ^le. -A dempatch to oxo. The Britlsh gunboat lied Isola P rreLorav Junw ::5. -- f tit. d rorst
{ nouutwt fur aur defeu•v, cud wr the Lime Into small {xartba Huai her- Horse para alone 011e u( the great
-,n. .\�[plral Fiymour's ex{xditien -- the Central News from Chefro. dot• find the United St'Wt guatxrtt loot shelled tlw Chiuuwe furtw ower down. film large columns of the British ht- decile of the aur. '
l'. S.'1'roups lttrrt. ed Juste :7th. se, ', ttutt cul Amer- titan ole Austria are hn the harbor. g W
,« !mean relbvexh huviag tnllal to Y " }ievutg hgAhtl ammunit'ol nod cwawantly. cuttlu oft an:uub, rel ng Ixavulg (sauce Town n inmth ago,
Washfogton, June 29. - The Wyr loan newspaper vorrempondent Hans- The French gunteoat (unset W ex• rWw we s0uA leave held out formulae ph'k»ts, and making a allow of tone they went k) Burtwtn by wnLer, and
,na,a•t with Pekin. Th•re b un. naw■ 1 rtment re•w:ved the following ed Fenton and an .Aimerican wnllur pected• days• but hring hamperet by tile- here And there. Contsmandant Utiria- then procre,let up the country, reac•h-
„ut la•kln, Rumsinu Colonel t rldelie, nuc ted cab,rgrwm from Gain. MacAr• of the gape of Rhtgrove urrivexf At Iatge number of wouhale t. I rent W tau LAe Wet, Gee. Ste) n'r pricipal in1gg Gen. Buller's force ht time to clo
.tumanding the combined foreleg of tlui' this morning: 'Adjutant 0ener• Take on. Nlotttny from Tien Tafn, Guse for ('hints. Tten•Taln G) ark for a reilevingfon•e, oummander, lr the genlus of three aptendld rwr%dre in the Advance, from
thoumund Alen. Is supposed w be al, Wilsd,ingGxi : Tratimport left Mia• They confirm the statement that B'ithlehem, June L•9. -The Govern• which Arrived on the morning u( Juue gu rilla Operations. Ho is tine hero on Newat"tl:, on. townrJ, Starxkorton turd
,.,.,!ding kr Yekla, Athmrul ley 'ilia Rt's-30 mourning, ,lune '27th, with the British -American brigade lex, the Ment ham placed nn Order with the :13th. Th: armory wax then evitc•u the Boer ride In thevle Wst days of Pretoria• service fur which they re-
,,.,ir'r exltedltfon br returning tuTion Cuotwl 1�um in cmumand. 39 of- relieving forcing into Tien. Twin. They Bethlehem Stool Oumpanv fur Runs, ated,. allot the fomes inrrlvwti Aft Torn hustilltlew. ceitol "trec•fal utentloa lu (fat. Buller'',
',. . Hls (once lar muttered greatly• flu"rn. 1, 1 men. (1,Iguetl) Mat -Ar- entered at 1 p. in.. -Julie l:;lyd, The Including, ft Is mull], w-vau l0 hteh Titin «r June 26th. On leaving tits Lord Roberts' columns are steadily- dem atchge to tyle War Office• ap-
i eetlmat+xl flat (roto 40,)00 to Thnr.'' ('hhte•se delivered a heavy mnskrtry atilt fuurh lt•inch breach-loadilog rl- armory I droutro) It with tire." coatructiug the`c►nele o[ Lhelr ad- proved by Lone ltotrrtm.
,+.inwy CWfrtre troulr ane uuw tae- fire against the relievtmr, but tile* flew. and fourteen 1:: -inch breech- London, Jane 3O. -Beyond, a fuller vance. Tranevaal officials who were Nott• they liaae, elate Aa deal which
Pekin. Boxery from fill met•tiuns Rsssla•s Inanclal Troublen. were drlveo lack by the Ia$ter'm loading mortars and other wassailer despatch from Admiral KemPff Aa- lntervlewed yesterday at MtachaAo- will five its history. They have blown
m swarming through• London, J 29.-A despatch from guns. Mr. Fenton says that the ones• fur hanediate deeputch to the numcing the relief of Tien Twin. And dorp by a correspondent of the I)aily up the- railway brl.tgo at KomatlprorU
--- Moscow kr the N'estmhuter Gazett 11rotiah And Amrrot t un fine was the report of the German Wnaul, Express asserted un intention to on the railway bttweeil Pretoria Anti
Rtssslr laforraed, [ Orh•uI __
w+aysv "The Box ttvwWes and the !tea ully accurate. -The lns�es -�- \'herr b no otflrlAl infurmatlon doim• hold out to the lust. !'rrxldent Kru- KomRti,rort, nw1 tuave, rut oft all
Wit. Vetr,reburg, June 29. -The Miss- tkwth.of (bunt Mu %left have great, w r - -- = - cerning the raising of the stage of ger will probably retird Lo Waterval cemmunlcettiort Ot the Blare with the
wr of 'lar tau reneivial the fullow I,v accentuated the tfficultiew of the Killed. Wounded. Where is Pekin Party? that city. or Neisprult. His ph)ririnn thinks Itis sea,
g tkwpatch from Admiral Alexejeff: fhtanclal situation In iurrtu, which Ix British % ... a 1 WaahOtgtoa. Jtwle L'), - The Navy The latest rumor Ln reference to condition of health will not allow All th" Irt•laguu BAY Railway roll -
Tort Artlwr, Jtrtw L'7. --Goring tine art such s crltical ata as W &roarer United i Gift* ... ... .. 3 Y. Ilse rtbtslit recoLved thol lO:iowing the nml)uw:idhtg of the 1rusminnr and him to go tp tbe+high veldt. illg rtoc•k, the Motor artillery and the
tt•ttt of June 25th a detnt-hmrnt of the grnvert-anriety. a black flat t'lrrrpnrta ... _.--_ :.-.--tat--__-�„r rpm from JCtlln` i kecmlNf �eo'ktars last walk asserts that The Brltiah�primuners at Nooft Good- whole Rover army, including the gokt
unr companlos us Rumilans. Colonel (if V,O,Iflrtrsfulllliglew)KO ens, and the Rwrrbans ... ... 40 . 37 ••(,hel$o0, June 29.-Secre�t, ry of the til,•y abarnioned @several .field guns acht are mu?w more oomlortablu. taken by YrewIoteent Krugwr from,silo
, lit%hsk)' commanding, &Intl the seaan• of insecurity cud feu ttatwnue- )1r. Fenton says bQ doss no JobOW Navy : Pekin relief exIlediltlhtt uuw ht and much Ammunition. Lurt(e (juautitles gf food and blan- inlet here• err went or that heoeak.
title number of ftm•ignorm relfeveLt Ad thhig worse fr k, come hit ruumeed the carna,tlw Among those Imobo,wejoe Tleu T"hl, with -21Y) Nick nn wound- Runors recur that :Let Im,wrlalor. kets have been forivarded to them, Anti Haut now hte%lttbly fall intooar
ural SeyDtouir and taro 1!(- "�' )0 of ';int summ to be tem{oruri • with- beleaguer 1. but bsllawas theee Mhe4+ters a.ud 1'ok;n tx,rty not der hum tear fritted fur Lilo Ultinwrw find their enclrs�es � is lighted by' baboon.
t; trots w 0 retake the Takn. torts and electricity. Stratheona'a Horse has "I'ltrtunlly
Ins uvourstted W Tlen Trin. drawn tram the mnrkot. In uscow arra no woman ur Chlldre4.kUlecdor vlth thein. i•W..,t>Rt[L$O�,tIM011• ( l:
nlonw withlrt twO m,mLhr:lt !s alai wo➢ndecl:" adi kr rtrpfF-4;.•urn T «se, arrrWttlhtg in the Peetorla trlegralym aRy tl1Rt rup� lottlwtl up thw Ikierr•
Ministers With Landing Pa►y_. on goo -I authority, 8_0.(1)0,0(10 Thr tkgartment alms) wan adv nrigllliurhooI fur that'"purpose. pile* of warm clothing aro reaching ---
iaes 29.-Wmmam r&- pt blow• maws cA irh'Clt WAS pte%JQy«I ' -,.Tia-.JRs1L44 i.nsssr.- Lille itX)rt;Mtft tYwG Admin+tl Two French mfeshmarlew and 100 Lord Roberts' . infantry, vv ho had Prrlrr for I+trathrones.
Ire t.rrinaa q�roo nt hake tail currrnry, liar Item Iolgotl In Tia I try(e'•/rooMWrM-hpW-Tr1et'teormir M" setive. a ars said to have been mire the cr:egrll and had' eutferetl arum (,ondpn, June f9. l:PnerAl 9teyn's
_ "er!!al !Truk, wlttwut IntererC, fu Lindon. iTtite 'oii- tw 7tdmirnity L tune lrL Lire (hangw River ('calory fire
r:t )Iw ander date of June "6th, am 1 hoi en conte W Tnku. dereco 1n the wmthern art of the the cold.
1 safety.' lesuew a 7,." ut the oritfeh eosin! ' Yro%hlce of Ye-[1tl-Ll. IL Iw rumored Commandant -General the le un- (,r alae flame t Rob tot a of ttte at
nnwr: •"I7iw foreign fillnbcLer are Tu Itellerr Krwpfh, W
lie dt T1Pn Tmin up w the rmc,rning that :,,0(10 H11refAn trues are ud- comenxhi,r active east of """'a. Ge,tHhm of Iwrn! RoMrim retlorr antic
tu: ate Istading furca. 1
Iundon, June L'9. -Bay the main ° .luno 23n1, showing that four New Yori, Jmte •'ll. -A 81)(4 l to Lancing tram Mutlliden. The CuniuNane are tlof s,,1�➢did t lect of Commandant 4irneoral
tt•conllrlg to its* reports of T'hrlr- lrYd T� -
i.uw, it is aAt1e1, figb%lag continue,{ tori of the reweuP of Admlr+,i w•y- na rs we're• kllleoii. n Iienitetuuit nu(1 the Tribune from Washfngwn ways: t work. - Iwatin Botha find President Kroger.
fou mea da emend wooncled. two IL Is expPctee, that the outbreaks tl�atpOa
t Tfeu Tails Jore I ..tit, the fortlflnd, algnr's force, which Is mfwi brlrfly W' Y Admiral Remy Ir expected to re will rproad ht the southern prevtntnw. 41r. Jnrme•vtn fan" t"•en elev a mem- T►r meverance between the Trunrv»rl
rs tied, there Ir no nerwa Of 1m ,r• Ilru cram, a mitl,hi man, ,tint' 11 Ilrvr, AAimlrxl Ksm ff arcs Saida
ros nni outside illi, town bring still p J' p y Trouble ins predicted from Nanking. b-, Of the, Cape I'arllnTnrnt ftonatb and tow Orange River Colony was cern
t ,xsmxwsion of the Chlneole. tenon irom China. The Britwh Uov• nen rionaty wounded, nod i'oro• Rud mend hlru to Nagasaki ur Clip miss the Lastly Telegrapli'r Canton Opp sition. --- _ _ pletnl ycwterlteay, ax Iw)M Robertt
__ irllment Intlesd In without any nswfo mnallor tty, of flee itarllwur, twO lira. Official dim',utisfawtiou with correspondent sends an alarmist air• wild It would he by tlw arrival or
NOIMAlIaACRiyM. from Admiral Seymour, aro I,Ord m41"hlpm t and L',; risen Slightly Admiral Kempff ham bec•a diaplayral swatch ex Where Interest Centres. (►swmntl Huller'', udvatre archer Iwon1
1 ptrwlltg Itenrr oI anenrw of
--- --- NrMfr,v admitted in Iht H(roxr of wowadeet, _-.__.__ -. traak►Y_ fa;_ytl L1Le aitilLurLtiatltere- bloodshed-rrmt- Ali rrhy only paint• Nrwr waw n�ee)j+red Gr -+lay of as - Vu. dsual•1 at :;tunden{on. Tfiw wlrlw
Iwrrdr, but St. I'etrrMwiq and Merlin' Chrfo Also Threatened, Tlty ueceaslty for Admlrnl KemV(f" -fatal by there of the TAi dr rPlwl- gngcnoe,rtL hetwwsrn th • forron of G . reef around Umi 6,000 ur 5.000 Own
f wrMe ut Norrora !feet Utrt *rrOwr I W
-supply the ttfrlclnl "tatemrntm which speedy detachment, it tw raid nt the lion. Thr wealthy Cldnew: are bur- Hamlltors nand tarn. Crinaho nt Hr unfi" Miteyn wilt tow contriwt. Adroit
Shanghai, F'alfie. - - Till, conutut-r of flay Aumtrlau gun- NRvy 1rP 1 P i
art, supplemented by pryem teregnrm" partm,nt. Ionic tree m, nr• }Nally heaving Canton find itm neigh- Mlhrg. nuwannvmr AnA trlxk tighkng ern
New York, Jesse Ls9.-The sitmatles t"Nct %c•aGt 1 sent to theAll"tri l" fent ever elnoe It wu" learned :lust
Duna u claarin olowiy Mat Xurel itnd ih acc osr, neo 'mat w het)' BouWtry of Mari • u tketlrsGch k) valuable wi is thNr the par and All i(ml" f 1Y lot- Wnq upon tlls l,v i t„ke ed ate anm a iv tine will
K 7• xnA the Aexnuntw differ nr to wheal!. 'i�'lag ('nptaln Mic('alln hn.t gone N' %aluahlee wl h t r at(m1A Of Gwi. Ire Wet. r Rrltaxh Ihse of rommunlaLWa will
'I,- hstrow pail dangerm of foreigners er Admiral `iryrmwr hlmmelf returned effort that C1144co Willrh hawhit"erto the front with .Ylce dtuir,al Se j h m. The pr(wemr trpe,r
y' of I.i-flung-''hang #ihme rentnaiue (;wl. Ilotlta'•Ix rewlCnrr nt the iXexot ntLt bn *ate,
'fiat Trin are uuw krwwu to bare ban qukit,, ir._suw, tbeenGunl. lie _
to�'ien-Twin. The Russian de*Mtclf sbuur'r column. leu It was weU elle n•vOlptfoniar r:cmtat. Ff ! hie,nt Hruger'e sone, W In ver
,•r•it gnrsly exaggeratnl by the ways that only the wounded were RrhF1I Litat 1trt�nrff-:i man 'tnprotett tnuyrti to offfclala Lama w !tout Ile-• .he �w Gr fakir iiia tir,tntturw w111 tr reit rw1 to 11wt. ILtdrn 1'owrll, are
.uwrmur rv,. ThPre has fawn nO ur• Curw,ulukr os MO •ty. an•l wenK the, mY nal fur tho lo,wir of the Black g I'll
taw taken Ibere, a bile the German dee- - l'ulln'r amwtaci #tdth t the ITt SJc' back on LMIr (arms workln nor
,.trracee pf forw'gnrrx. 'Ph'• c uunithw with all deed to T alt Litt�wlxr Stnkw rrn4t [
to teerit few earl the damn patch intlmntew drat the whole force f naval offtowr could Flogs and Rml flange. Lt Hutag Chang, i fatty. !Tell. Rnflea-Powell rude with
gw tb tlwimitot , depe W the eerres ondeut mn x, trWI the Y g.
r„Irrty pees began rllght ixy{,tnt.chey Ix there. ()IIP unuffirhLl rd•px,rt 14'1)w not he sled u n to 1 y onl mere from MMfekln AnA M
. "inlfltir_ fm-- Lin -,- raaat* hart meetAtau of H1e ride Ito
that Admiral Mrrmonr'w trrx)pa grin- mrri the grave e®wrgenelea ix .%trtrrrcttu tar thW rrlldT; mnyit;.�'that
e-r%exl from Shanghai amt ('he FIN, uuufficial moue+ acea,nling G) which r' th •y Abate tic tat want terrltor r
ed a ■t rung force, a itch is now asp- ti4*•retfu➢ cif hu orders. Keo f tans Prekrda tall only :15. Iw+n1 Roberty
rw Int mhdmtr.hig the,rrlb to%vhlch d to tic marching stn lsekln. fuer gars Iwre I"r•n addeoil , ttW alwn)m kern rP aril I as one flf the Y' ii•e- tne+t him�ln tits oUtrkirta of tlw
1. • fornigtt tptarWr hax been expOne.t,. P(T firutnruwtt of the Wowt Girt t Che R h.• pfar,x hiutIlot. vl, " o"Jiut rr• - �. .
Tllrre fa still com,rlete Ignurnucc• fin,•t a,tilorw in ails viclnlL), grad am wv)e tee their h»evix. .\L nu fn fortune Wan unA evpOrted Ww to the Prof
I +t EUrr,IX•rart what has mach..l the fin), tar garrh.un of whk•h I taws M _
!Tare rnncrrtilnit Thr membsrm of the goxxf a fighter um afar cuinmanokoid a t•onfrrcxtee Hynlny hi nitrraterl that 'Jnrcy•
•.s6 front Tows Tatar .rwports tltut hscreamord to 1,(M)U- ttw•n. The rt+• ente bat ne warn niter- I tier. Ile Wof"m farin•louwm have
!t rr law tet•n nnxwty, Iwo no ap• Iw p(atis)n", 1ud tiara Is the' mrwt ,d ur: fawn nr.• uu.xuy, cud mhip, Iwroflefwtet In arntih ,r•f,t. earl acacia, that tar ars Nor /
rnrfoas discrepancy regarding %item rlunllir war Are dela odficrw ;, . iltpluIAAtlr matter++, na.i Wan declared terminal at all hntan," kr wryeure Lhe \ been burnoil by use British. /len.
full G) w !lana. __.____-----_ g - k) Ix• un4ulu.l to rt•priwent the Ildt�oii Inst fur China alud fur dila '� Itul►t'r law imattest A spr+'iul Order euh-
Met Little Uestfitxncr. --,.. _ -'..__ - prrirarityt to heave. r !•lobs• •it n grrnt Rnsherfn)f Of `1hr. i„
Ttrl'nrix roams{wNnil•nL ofthPIM1i rtCitntc•ttAuee ell( the mama frMndly re- g tr,g tlr•snfrh,ew of the Ytrattwtrton
i;., naval power". Thr failure tco,particl- Int'.o,w with tlpe 1'olGrl B stet+ and s+ [form-. ('n . ,tortes #into title brigade
'Ill • r0ipf .-r,I,imn wlm h evitoorw,f - Ryrrcvn . "a)a: "F,whr Huati,•ta. Act ,V�
'I' m on 8 ituninc night ,twt, with. e I L •trl,va,lor" am herr by acx•Ideutor tk• oak• With the uthrr xotmirnlw, in flue oth,•r foreign {owerm. from H. M. .ti forU• laaw bort urdrt,
, i • r-iakonao•. The lois-e tit b,wwo , Aldi. -fount Caa«ini,. Aaldxwgcuk)t to - t king cif the Tnku fortes will repdrw s Th American qunlont Iw)n .Irian de tel Iwo k to Lite mhlP At the admiral's
n•ImrrG•.I ct r rxphunttion •from Admiral Anytrlp• which hm hitherto) tum uta I�) ,;�• nrIIseat•,
am 1„nr ildh-1, and ur• 1"niGed F't:ttrw; Onint iN• Neliluft, 1 f
,,.,Iv wonndrvt, turf the cr,Aualt1oP---------------._ ___.____.___. Amtxttsc:ul)r err Ittity; fbmit hnpnixt, Jae• ,f( ru• woo na the• prwcent catlins uuly furefqu wurrhip +,t ('unkwi. hnA /if ---
tar• other r)rGtrtunt•ntw wrrr light I Amhumwtker tO Italy; a- natgkni And pram tvf n eucirt of ragnlry. cow been reinforaol fey th•- Britlwh Canadian lilflws Soffer.
•fnvir,l M^ymoiWoo miLr.l rurre, will- If I Prime ourtaoacrff. A'nbuuwul,r G) N w I:ood Ccnnspondeol, Runlxstt RAdpa)Ge, front Hrnlg Kung. Knorwkal, .lune L7. -- Tate Can
,� rr•trettiT townrl Tbvt Tsui, .L., -m ? Th't reahtenta cuntinve thAr defence l
tg ` France, Jt iw multi tat('OuntMura%1 Kot of tin Arrgratch,vr "raft by ndbtn 1IIfIevl acv Ne uttorwi xkwig thw
,-t applerir to have t"e,"i ut wr, ,hal"•r I �� f- eft'" iuorewmor AttheRamian Foreign the n.tml l 1➢ alta Itwt tau wewkw b prrparat.o+u: Thr l;ormnu edony railways In tit• northern sea:tkxt of
U•, n plight ,tx the eve rlhwt :old nu "+t O(floe will oto o'►e of three•, ford I :un. ,•tear ID tiulm. Sup•: rfhxwr wurcbn nAkecl for, raft Obtalnecl by k•k'grnph. Orotate• River !'ahoy. wllerr GPne,r•
•nsntunpal dwprtrhw msd,• ant, earl I / hdurrwaf flat Count ('hasinl mtfnde tare Mmuon, and lit *eLernl Inmtbtooee 1%mp�ror WiNlnm'w perm!+sloe 4,►Onm AI hnwe%'is cnadtsg rorsw trouble. .%
tgnNtay It wits, only till*-• hour" brstL cl►nfine." "igaAl aura ave Iowa axniitotxd_whlch n %oluntomw furca W Amrint Thv Britlah
l'�ar�wrttck joovt of Ir Stpuadron war at
�ierrh from tlhe, ally. The tleGuhe .d "FOret n Otpcere' n nlnna harp,' authorltt(sr. txcekwltt on Jane L'�nd by n rn )e
g PI woulA )oars to orf gmRt v+tluo to LhP I slur
b•• rectae of those IuneP tw n relic•( r,.l ra)raalnsipatch Irum:lhanghal tL the Tia. Tulin rorrrwpmtk,nt s)1 the• num r, at n cant four mi ew Truro
{:evsr•nniont. ritutkar Admiral tlF
ins, tan tho,unnd rtnn)K :Ire wail! Ufilly $xprexff; eL•LLect )v,rterday, "in- Remr)' warorA. to go to Nngnxakl Dnt1t"?frwx «n )•x taunt til', TmpetlaT ticlr teamp Atdnq Sprit. Tho - "
-king. Mit th" return or til,• entnn• � / cline to trldeve, that the worst )stiff load coal the Brno _yn and bo ready an-t4nrttj�•s xrn rwrkoulog with lata IX"! � Calin(Wtrs kook- to their horse•• tat
•• tp G, Tien TXin la a furca; ,Tie con �, f, � , '� hn goetsed tO the Iw:guts)ns nt Patin, rlblltty of furth-r ro•tnforr•i-montm for - muffere•.1 eeversly. 1?lrntws T. F. Ywot
>, 1 to relicts T►mnpft. )fdatday he was ('hear br.omlu n,ceairn
I'Woom. -, �/ / / and to Admiral Scymuur nn well. liven Order "I W procwd nneoilinkel)• W R ry It Is elate 1 t,wsails (of M sscLmodk .1. F. Mordrwh
MohA. If the Legations were Mate on lune that seventd thousand trcwitm• will be IPlneher Creek), aqA Frrr aero kill
Ilrrw*ae.1 by ,•1 ..-. __ _Tato and annnrhq run.nfind nt ,ore ",,lit In Qjt,_Pvent Of_eAWrXKWIles--:._1' Har has been orderal to Taku'wlth. ty1. Lieut_ W��L. UaW Berkahtra•-"---"
Tho nxfe,t u( Thr ton' n I II11 tHtill. flair is-ne�fwrrn*teYiAnt-flay !tenni Ort f`nnrtnr �- >Ta
y iWn "t pro naw' agile, The ett➢ntion,In fake, ' TAG'iisplTp, the Brou,IC gin: He hii Ito invent)• Pte. T. R. Milem 1PInehrr
Tums lr aaeurecl. Th • furr•i opts. / e,0 , will reach Taku . will %, find from 'R
g , r , London cable• .June 30. - The itleq been orderM to take with him C e•k), anud Pte. A. mail. N. W.
w!S�I thrip_ pan-- guanln. wrrr Mon. grows more and more glounly. The that day the autl.oritifA 11 brant hr
_-._ _ - . cnMe from tihe far win to- wall floc{mil a* Gen. MaeAlthur van % 1'., ge n •
hso-w out of file voil fa£all s� ac- - �eo�2t� _t strata _flat!
d unlet• the protection Of May- tl
nnur's force. which retired slowly
„walls Tien Twin with Its sick and
vvmindle•rl The rolumn wan" hnre"ewi
,y Chinese mission and ~upwllel to
isow" "lowly, but anart from the
fiffic•u)ty of aro urnng "u(n)lit•". it
toles hot ttppear to them to have
:r"a In oprioow danger, ata„h !s"Lu
creat extremity.
still Ministers" Iteturn to Pekin?
e t th
It ow ) b flu wl
t fimmn rnlNa I L
the 1(1.(10(1 trro,w, including thedap•
mote, trtween Takn ane 'Tien Tahl
I'elifn ran lee approarheh with lit-
hs• dlffitulty witit.0 A few da,yn. and
rnrmtrrrof of till- kWnt.iona rotgatat-
-1 in their quarters. Thin may` be.
to Optimistic view. hilt Lit• "ituatidn
hnm ImprorPA so rapidly daring the
In"t 48 hours that the votlnpwe of
flu• entire Boxer movoo meat within a
wtvk la now forecasted by well
infornxoil men. The uptimint* are
l+rRhably over sanguine Jews as the
•roaterm have Irma unduly alarmed.
Rat the improvement in ate mitpn-
tion Is nninbtaknhis.
( rlf 1. 1'w"t. •
Information was mot definite At
n,hlnlght, amt there wnfi n gwtwrni
feeling nnlong those watching events'
In the far east that there hull been'
nn catastrophe, and that the crisis
lull pawed Whe➢ Sseymour's force is
rrfirned dlrtlmm�rr will rnme in. Itttm-
Hie ca{dial oceans+ to Justify the
1f 1n the Rnstenbprr= ilei rfct.
.Troy are 0) con c nq nI rr kaur
St. loichon, French Minister at Pekin•
wort conntructiou which can are put
Still Fightlux at Tlen T In.
tint uluxrrt any elPN,lnd \1,w of the
_ ..
upon Is.
"teats Mla'rasseY,"•rLyaacorr ,
Berlin, Junw .9.-Tlhe Gertrxln ('an-
"it4u►tion V dellu•Ible thero(rom. On
tin• whole, howeLer. ate news le en -
Inaaprr won. IIronkPrsirn,tt, kmpluq In
' tOttrh with tato IIriu"h
In the rr ,res ut ',tin tn' tte Of-
t" P g
!tart at Shnn-IGa-H'xl, "rinnbtinq of
sui Rt Che Ftx) telegrn{the under ate
cotpnRing; adz It saemr sofa W aU
mom'kr1 wttrr,b mm�r the Ilonker-
Thr nctilal room tion of Admiraj
4,( 00 Allen, left a week afar for loekin,
of June 28th tint nothing is kn11 n
concerning the foreign Aliniwter
mflrlre tint V{cw-Admlrnl Sr)mrn(r,nnd
tins legations, whrthrr together or
"oi,k hili".
Srymcrur'x deliverers In not known.
end Gemsnal Sung-(9tin a force, num-
tering L',5W, left for the sumo lace
lie ndoln that the railroad between
svlwirakxl, will ultimately reach »
Rev. Mr. Van Brovkhu4xTt. mlelater
Of til+ prinelpal (hltrh rhnrrh hare, drt
%arl tis r "rte (virus: front Chrfnir
0n .little 13th.
Tutu and Tim-Tsin wan* still thee..-
rinrn of wnfrty. VArloua m,xottw lxfito
the pulpit yewtrnlny, caller III")v the
nad sbaughal regaLNIng the uJoetsit_luns
at Tien -Twin, Mit note of theca►enh axe
„•.[ Ck_fM ostimrttw of tins .lorubrr
tells" •and that the bombardment of
Tien -Twin In went elle continua",
leguilwxers , at dLxerre "J. -Ow,
Mt It owmn its"] that the Are
lore ttnR to ttt�d ndd,tinnnf toad
nuthetttlerteol, ',tor can th,•ir siourC,f lie
and armament of the Chinexe troop"
around Fvetin pyte rho total nt 36(1,-
tiumgh the Chinimw "hells rxplodr
y ,
wi[ away fmm Yekfn
"upplNw to the Bo r prlaonerw In thw
rlty. liw alas) dr•+Inrel Llunt the Intwt
tracer. Ono aaed•rta tont aha t'hlnwwr,
f t •kw
t e ca c rtes shpt the,aa
0011, nn I is 1 I ➢k 1
t n l s e-
Mlle. ii wAe Tao sail htec r sI
Fur x New C It
w wl
, " d.
r rta fn nil s hen r war
Ppfl Rr
+ran h
V r •r r
(1 ern h {r n I nt ru )
un'1er ansa I I
fns torrlq➢ enol nt altar the f(rroe
ink){xa {Mwfie"n L'L'0 7.10 Ctcu*ot gums.
t 1
lents haA freer kIIIM r r wunnrlyd.
Trilled. WoumMd.
Tlw atewt ±haughnl mp)rt eAje
htaltel to rrlieLo Admlrnl Srytnalr•
18 Kntppx, gaff 1:. M/nxlrrr. Ther "ap-
l:ritt*h... 97
1'rllsc u,iD (t:Txt Pndf( ('h1t►srre for
ijin Fb^r hitlgee, ('nrk%va, Orrgtrn,w
"ub 31ng It G. n terrift•• lxsulwlyd-
ply of ammunition In prnetlailly in-
... ••• •• ••••••
Am:erlcan.." 4 ::)
c•Ign off! find fntwee of the heir rap-
most .•t►nd Morlw, nrrl the ex jaulavac,
tox'nt Thr gnrrlmrt nt three tholwarl,l
rxhnxetihlr. it len teen mainly "np
firm Cario*its.
... ... ... ..
Frruch ,, :....... ... ..•... 1 10 '
,anent), h wont tots leg,alfonenox to
Amerlkoff and fot Korff, remnha here.
men, rntstl)' ItnA"hLnw, half Mhly "mall
P( lest by a german At
Frrtly firer-fowrtha of the ('hinrae
GrtlrarL__ ..: 2 _ '
1. " - -
I Fu flat r ew ort, a-neF1w(lthr that
Nan Fn will "• the new capit•tl, in
Lorif RoM•rt,4 han wrltkvt G) the mar
cu Of the Swiss" Ro+l Cm -iii who were
artill,r), nm th^ 4 7-in•h Kirin front the
Britixh wnrahip'te-rrihle had bran Irft
force" era hhdly drilled, whoily undla-
Ik,llnn... 5 - fi
•Inlxulevo..,.,, 2 S
tlw• evetlt of 1 In hang trcugLlM try
ane hefom iia entry, thanking them
nt t.lx roll-hrn,l, right mikes fmm
clpltned, and quite unfnmllhtr With
ltswtrinrK 1
tlr Irtk•rnntlum tome". \.Imirnl
at Ixhil( cif hi* army fur their vela
Tlen-l-Ars, owing to the lie snit in tis
modern weariness."
Another Shanghai des tch says :
...... ............
lWonlan... ... ... ... ... ... 1II Y7
fle.%inteir, it Iw rted, «utcee(iorl fn
itwbting n rrxrsutg. ko T'en T- ,Mon.
able work. _•
Tax+ OewtaAlPtlanh i Loyd, 'a nsw*fq-
"Ll }sing Hong, former OOvwrnor of
Shun -Tung, who fa intensey ant! -toe-
Ts)ktl... g� ' 18
cloy, aaortf{ng to Mil 1'v ons totem
l-lAlrt miles wtwtwnrc terribly hnr
Oalble Prom Roberts.
,,Pr puMlr'sll fn Mlanghnl, declares
e11tli line gone to the Kiang -Tin forts
London, Jurat 29.-Tlwr Admiralty
ttsaw+d, c(mhi nilly hold o t another two
•• Lon(lon, JurM+ 9. -Thr Weir Offbr
And c. I'. rose. roger, It. W. TK. Y..
were made priponers. The Boers pur-
xnei the party to within rifle shot
,r( the (vamp• wham Pte. Fed. F. Wally
WaIgnrv), not rnring to i* Shot or .
„npturul withtit making s goon ft ht
for It, jemixol from fila horns and till
coil two Horn•. ' i,.,ther w an Lhot front
the• camp. Their frpluds dnrwl rim nt
tempt k, remu%e the bextles amt the
Mnidltnc Muted them. John A. Egan.
Thr r r wo a n-
1 r xr t heave la til l nn
Alan Mounted Miles. lots. 8, and life.
R. J., of Msmwx/min, and Piuc•her
('reek. res{xrtively ; Sir F:wnn dcnw
Twit give th• Initinlw flf the one wit('.
venni killed. There naw Also two Beote.
lot,- W. unit lite. U., of Ca.ttary, and
Ifarle Crock. refoloretiveely. lots.
ErnuLtinger In n Noun of .Iflftgr Ermn
tinger. nr St. Thomeax, Ont. \ -'('rw
"ad•k font" In the name given to an
nuti)nat of rnvalry er Mounted In
that the los'a-at T!-�t-Tta.halil!e n _. - I Man loco Woal the fullowillap-.dsspaee! The Ho• hale Mrandwl.
neatly exit gd•rnGoil, end any« trot► off thw Ynha7r-t"e. liw hitw dec•L•,rIn hi� fat[ fie dnodr1 Mar footur.itme Lily way ilnyr, Arid had 68 ki , and over p
a g 1 from Iord H(Ax rt« :
ably not ore fomign rowhient wax intention, of re"I"ting the landing of fmm Admlrnl SPyroo"r, wcrlt by any 200 wounded. He did noes ntion the Thr rxp,«uro« rrgnrding aha bont{N-
Brltish fpprees In that region." of Cli foo t}o day : mdnlatsrw or (Blare fmm alta. It Mfr Cha room Wit ren relorts that the tats in uth Afrlc:a have bhade a
killed., Extenave preptrntiona by the allirlt "I Boyo t t➢rtrrd tO TIPn Tain with I lA thought nt Wuolghal that ow Tien. re+DPll4rn In tic{«, ('ohmy. north of great, aw➢xntton In England. They
It .IA stnte•I tint til" Grtal nllled are going forward. Tia ti ret irgi- Lily foreew. _ I wag utalNe tO n gill T«lu Ix rrlkvasf Lhe cumMned nirrnn- the OraftP River, In now over. The M,gnn with three columnm o[ rletrala-
force lAnfled Pxr,wot+ 16000 man. f menta A( the Britah ladles, 10,I1t10 iAekin )s,Y veli Llceutl forcer will h,Lve nO 66nv dif- Iasi formidable hotly, under Oom. Pd Inn un P In the Times )osterday
A ciespatCh_to-the Tl.rore..froa, lTp• yrst --law Ionar 1Hth two a}trawose Off-. >:y-tn :archin I'rttn. '1'hrt TT mandant 1)�e. YUlisrs.. earrwndered ow
ttts•n;`emrtlnrtwd-r[t LAtentt#t !treat from r. A. Burdett-Coutta, Con-
hmm� ,rnyw the ('hinewe rrwidentw ie,- Jf Jane 20tH, ronxia%Ing of atout 220
n hn,e tItio:TM tot '- nn e c c_ day, Azul 6A3 more mworinoa rece,lrM adcmotI l guava! by lioxettr ware tr,- ix, tt-will tae iniad that all the r «ervnH-o mcroeer for N'ewtinln"se,',.
M P' P o Oral ran to aO dot from Engllsfi pOrt". pwdtoeli Total rnnfil(k rAMo Irxrn to the Ngnerw ince lett AlMndyr men. 2811 her«cw, 18 wagons, 260 Il in diaclahures here been wldelJ' re-
ernrrrcnt to nor itw Infinrner Indw(c Thr N'nr, OffMe, In untied tlo➢ ut n i`oxwrrr and arae kr our foeew. F:TOAus F'n)nu shun hr1.` rlflrw, ani 100,0bO mandw of anima- produced, and tin wr.rn w Ismsnt-
ttN• (N)wrr•w to rewtoM the ,mprmr Of g nlilnn. y vPP
!'hien to Lhe thtvinto, n to temnve pI�rolonged enmpllgn, In contracting "0:1 .ratio 14th the Boxers attacked It In'elainiet that Nl, r tnrta'tx to ed thin Morning with drmunchttor%
. . __ ..--. unr winter l-h)u,lntr and unr raw:- a Lrnln nut LAnginn In la tmfn- 'q "Oe,n. Baden-Powell reports that tear ram" and Int rel f
• tt wilt Iib tO • ,• --
tic grounder nd IC will mat hw! nae) _this is tlw (only man ref t w,torls►g Ar-
lt, bring ntxout tIoPlr arta, but than div iN i)f eRrt tint; farm".
will he . a diplomatic situation In til DOW word Flahting.
Maes of a.riffle In Aslan affairs, with
Chloe at war,with ChrintlanAnm. T.ondon, J 29.-1'01. Isere WArrd
_r- (Britlah) c manded the column that
As Alaratlit Romer. reli ved Admiral S'eeymnour. Attlert-
- *-- f air tr nrinm - parlksluated la the
iiwrling June 29. -TTI o�rwerr w fiehMLemPnt. The Admiral was found
"")": 'From an atsx)letely reliable ,nLmncl"oil and "tlrrrnhndsll by tm
"rinrre w" hear the Roontlan Wnr Min-
1"Try hNs sent to all the military and' °rs� innmwxs of 1`AittLa"' who were
Plvil nnthprlttas to Rntndn twM• dJ,ea off by tir relieving column of
grhpidr aMret orders to pro"r* Jwrr a brink fight. TTTs irfreh haA made
evrr)thing for moMllsntlon. l'hr nr- I n twilllent tawt"tht"r, neverTniNrrgin
tkr" bear the date of .lune 18th and °0nrng+ for LL (!ryas of ronumxwia
1nth. figh'theg. fhtring Un rktyw the men
The Csrmnn rnmmnmk,r nt TAku were On quarter ration". They
rrpi,rt* tha0 Jn the rellrf of ak� xtnrtal with provlalon" for trndaja, li
And cry coned have ield amt n day
ii t
' IeA-
ha e t F r
le t I
',man" kir 1, a ew
rr. ansa was f
rich snto ten men klllul, anti hall 20 se tan longer.
town wounded, The fi ht IAetel flight Truro ing it iol-1
ht�nrs t Itra•ming It M,lrlrvw (a attempt kl i
hrak through the hr,nl,*, Admiral
1'. 1. Admlrnl w Rrpm1. `P)rmatr Pnwnyed n night mtreAt to-
ward Tien T*In. twit hrenme Into rob
R-ashington, .Tune 29. - The fuf- Ilwicon with A *trona forte o(Chinlivoa
Irlwing vablelf "m wam receivewd til" irrl,lAr fn,m tr nortllweat, and
"lorning by the Nn%) lherxirttnvtti rowt•l neithr'r nAvanAw nor retreat.
frvwtt Adetral Wernpoff VIir,foO. .11111* I Ti em wax m,thing Gr do tilt entmaCh
2s `tra•retury Navy, Wawhiugton:Innd lot, xtnn,t alWe. Hr vainly nt-
Alaxnt 12,004 for,d,rti taxa!" VOW brrnW,l Ix Iingrnphle enmmimfeatann.
nmhnr". @Ms:diwrin urtl,s•nl ,hould ra• s,w,smoar'm mtellmlight wvern, Chin
text Takn Irstead m t'oMfoo. Mnb- I veer•. who field the JAWAtlons had hren
stltntwrl Nashrtiln ftx• Yorktown At burned nml the Miniosvrs killed. Oth
f�l"'Itn. Vorktowh nmAg�r(1 q� cue IonG•h l ern *old thnt live Mllnlatrrx hat! ie eta
h,oilI t�� snore malt,be+: (Sloan 14i. ImprInolnecd, i The Inhtnl n1tII kN"vwd
fni,aWal rrfUrage
, __-_ - RaCpwy imumu"t"htlO" Wtwr+vl
tlerraana "Afe. Takn And T1Pn Trdn hire tarn m
Ilnrnbgtg, Join 29. -- ('OnllnercInI sinx'd, and the tivxttxc lyre hrrw, nA
flame harry haves rMelrr 1 tel�'grano" vam•InZ townrl" pe,kin F' wax
frr,ln BbAaghal saying thAt. all the I Ln P►gtro� on Wotbomay tm the vl•
- 1
. '
. .
. •
.> -
_ Jlm•� -
by if umdw, nambers (,2„ 1(10 man, w-I"h
84 guns. Japan purpoAen to Innd 15, -
Orin men on ChlnP*e territory within
a fortnight.
A tl•alaG•h Gr the Tlmew fmm
Shnnghai, dnti"I Mixttny. Allyn thatn
ml ltary corrox{ondrnt, w7,tirig from
Tang K,►, under dots of 1wAa : Alth,
hay" tfflnt a further coutingecit of
210 Mnejaekete, natter (vrntman lar
Cmdo•t, b leavhhq to join the ofern•'
tirtsnx.. Ho Adllrm that Y:� i vombinwA
tomer ern *offering W want or a rot
elownhrtrt hand. Artfnrt re tl-gan►xatIon
And the nb"s;nreof tranalort.
"Ont)• Otte eemmuntritimi from
a r e ce
Arkin h, a vara halm cin r n I
mm n
t+nt'.OnA erre Intrrnhptw•1 on Jnnr
i0th. it rows dntawl ,Tune 12th. NO
t1ligcY or indite t new" from the Min
titer alnen. Al,dr•'t 430 fome gn t•ro•"r,
Including rob Arm'rl+,n mirinem, w-vt
to Pekin k) grand the I-egAtiona. %
fo rm or 101) Amrrtrvwub uniting with
a total force of 2,U)n men of Ail An.
t'nnIIt,,�o relrtvtwr•ntrd here, w^Jit on-
.tnl"• 10th to naval the ronto and to
mlloto Pekin. Thta awmemrmt wax by
p�,rmcmto't of the Chtrerr ftovwrne
ment Thw IAnt ITO" (mm the eapr
ditlon wax d•rk•,1 .Tette 12th, when
the evlxvlWoovin wile At Lana;-FAng
T1W rAllm id hes Iwvt t dantm) mA h e
hind it winr.e."
Berlin. •tune S,9 -Rh1rr tit* rctrvelpf
nt Admiral Renrk•mann'd ,fentxtteh
flnnOum41119 the ArrIVAI nt the IfItA
tfnnwrn nt Tier,PTaht with AdmirAl
Veymrwir. £SIM Pnrwlan Offlrn hrrye
hnr rmoolvcxl the farther tnforgta%(l,n
wither way. To"Ille, AelmittlnQ tots .
dltrllltpr that Admiral Be�a(I
. 1
bat wrrr rr wibsrd ._. with about aur
1 I
Casae es among[ ore n nwl{entrr
iYtvr flava htgMy trrhttvrt. •Tat^ rvtwhtw
1f 1n the Rnstenbprr= ilei rfct.
ws r9J11,.19p_._ .- -
vu a not 7urtny mw r,,Fmwn.
A dot (ape Town, fn
hundred killed. Our taps was five ltnl-
of ('hlncvw from 8hnnghnl H Ann Mitdrt.
1'rlvwte Larne Dead.
l R pm Ifhap
au Aodre"* Irfure tin etc «•Irty of
_Every fitelmier In thnmatrel, and fife
(food list pro, In the (+ape GOvwrnmsnt
ensa)e Afternoon • the Boxers nntlWrlthw have Iwcn ut11ge1 LO ro
Otte a, onto, Junw 29. -The fol
Horne on Mond+ty, expressed great
nttackel thto ILrIL1wh guard thatwnw , court G) tho uuw of fire haute kr loreveat
Ing as wgram has been rlxciv*�
dimatlstaction At the way in which
IPft to proteet Lhe Lnfa "tafJf»t: Re- I th^ bigitPvrel fmm oveorcrowding the
from ('n Town: "June 2,;th.-Re•
.the wick and wounded were treated.
Infor•ee,ntenta were went bark. aodtM . LPearV, .
gret to r rt that 7,818, pts. L.
Tie declared that the worm alOth-
also,- . warm--Arlism bash.---Ons-baa
Imewwr- ibagins, I; i"lift tPyI
tag Lf+aL . www wtiwiatwty nwee,mnrY
. dr"d of -them were killed. Two of our The commander of the British brat-
died of sat c fever at Wlnhurg
wan freely offarml, but woof rarwly
sPnmon ware wounded. i rht" erniver hntirnnni, 1 ban Inndewr
Jus"91tnl On til 24th Jano,'
It Pter, dlatrlhntwd hp the army rkrr-
"The guards pnxhd forward in l tArlYre anpplicw cr Hfrm and arotaunt
Larne wax an Orfirer In tha.A7th
tore: That the nick alept on the hare
. Andra. and rltgaged the_nnemy .un `:+nsr enetyrl►mt havet"wr lata!'(' i Itrlwwrt,
Bat&&*= gad r. big eotumlff
ground,. and that even In Cap" Town
,fans tAth and 11th. 115fllcling g i t`.oi: at commadllryt;rrtinLr, wltJi tlw
ashes of 176. There wwrA nn .rneuaf• rr"nIL tYat tho torrlgrrrx ern eonR�lrmt
alas un Onr eldk.
ebq so vett*t In a first rnntlhtg•
ant. Tia win" worm nn tho 181 h
Of Frfirndry at PAA, bong.
the cop In whish the hirdr,tltAls were
mlfira nnatcot mods onto'* Mtxx1 1x)11.
Mrw. flan)sully-WllllAmw, alfa nt MA
ran rrver(oma any attnct of thw
"The extenahr destruction of the
Ifo wax
jor John finabury-WIIlhima, Sdr
I ne foment, Into whlch..the forelgner"
railwn on o,rr front hh
7 hAN g mnAe I front a dMtnnoA ane raphly ecmgrr-
a anti of i►r. Larne. O Qttgw,.
Mllnrr'A mlhtpry *e,crrt,try, katal Lhe
further advnnre by rall iospmwible, i ��{,�,
T deeldal 16tk
One Cxptured, On 111.
meeting that It the vi*iting full" I,Ad
nn .Iona to rwlurn tO
f)rstrOying Railway Mrtrrirl.
Iontlon, Junto 21). -Thr I eat rna-
repxlrtrd the mismanagement thw
1'nry( Twun. where i prrpowrxl to or
gnnlxp an advance by the river op
I Accord) to a r STM from Nrw
naltiw In Mouth Afrlea Ine r l_
door" would have Iran Phot In their
Chwanq, the Rtsffimom there Atrabstre
ly ab,e tv «►P" with 1hA wltiwslon.
Kwnwl Lon. Of Thr Ldfw OUA wild
hex dIM at RMrmfonteln irn the
A nwwa navurp Ara{r►trh tram l'„ w
flerldeA in ltetarn.
The (lioness. It apiwars, nM hurninI
wffrrq yr wnnnsir; ('a t .f, ,I. r•
Town "nyx: "Certain reirwlntlona
"After my departure from Tang•
all the railroad matrhhl, kill! bo•
lortnald- Of the Canadian Infant
pX,lnt to mnlfenwaneP fn conmertion
,clth the wntntrltos Of contfotM /or the
t_wo train" which hall heel Intel Rnmebine nt every oppution.
MM ti► fAlTow wrrr nttnekr"1 nu Ity, and destmping the• e-dnal mlow
.AlAunwt: and Pie. A. Roltm,.n.
the t'ndA Illn Tn'TAhtry ilnthtfc•rcnuly
alsk and wrntndeliI
Ter [frilly F:xpwxan tat
Jane 28tH by Hon. nod it frinl I Thr St. .►nhis, 111not In Teoverb
from tint (1ibili h
win Istat from els ries.
►00 ngrftl
vef� the
' IsMIaglcxea, Ont of do M' nmhwelan,vm"
t filled.. th
4f)b to f(ll klllyd. fila !nal win« K Amsrlce the, Imt",nfilhlllty of AaJreal
Canartluns at Mafeklnit.
Of tlxt Hrltlab. And ennk•enl• that the
Pnei. nminllnlXvw
klllwl and 48 woundtoil. Threw trains trading natinn na:oidhMt imperial-
jnhnil mss nt Yang Talon the name! tam": adding. ••tmrrhew'm rxlxerlPnve
TIN• Trenivlin K%ening Ne,ww lua•1 Iho
are m-torirrlraly Pit
1R*rlrrr. PriwwvstChrlwtdnn;%thilcly Axim
rvrning Ths railway At Vnng Tans � will tench hor it Iw 1101 the. Amore,
following "luo,-lal ye•atonlny
Mnntrortd. .run* 1:9.-Thw following
for %otntr••r nnrmxt.
Tlr CAlw Town ,,ormmpw,ndrnt of tint
was (nand tel Ir entirely eMmoll"hwd to agral, dfatnnl Inndw, hilt lmavOld
and the train wsa nnosrivaMe,, I able dratiny tint drivrw Oront lint
letter, rn 4,r,1 trrtrt0 Llont tsrrltr, elf
irnlly 11•hyrraph way" thmt Lord Rob
"The Boxrrfi aero •!tort of provl Ain ever forward Wrinhingkln' has
(' Battery, ('nsatilnn Artillery, atatM
Mafeklaq, Ma) tooth, tw the fir"t ,.)m-
arta will mil. 'Idly tel ton Chers#0
of b1r B,oro RRCnntfw. Mfr Fre,drrk!
filonfi. nml we-, em alVerwd by floor; no rholeto but to protect the imp"
wounded. wit I forefoot, M tar
I mnnl•athrt from a Cannfl an taking
Trr%rx, rnn"nluhg *firollon M thin
with. , fled American cttixeum. And llnvdrtg
draw en Tle-n Twin. with which we otter Interfered in (Minn. Lo pr0fo•t
IMrt In the memoenMw mile( or tiff
Mer,dr• gsrrlarm Of Malokltg
i4,11,ioil fxtwi,lk,l, why waw rerwMly at
the front. time
had mut Ixcn In l-nmmall-A•tion for her Inter•rwta. she will never he #title
flays, And our ampplles from
I The letter oa)a: "1 fade )int ,,are
any" chnrgew mat* IO
I Idnl no ,O, nt".lnte shopos. and aro
'►titre Cut k) shake her "Maas thw durst Of
hwartf Pro thin that 1Mareking 4 Mllm-
i gnitw ini•rMlhlr- Nr• pvwksw flee allot!{.
. the Oelwtlal F,awrims."
,tel, and Wet the Cas"Ist., of C Bat-
Cal LMttmrtons.