HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-5, Page 4F
4r TI vmAT July S. 1900
Clearing Sale
of Bicycles...
We are @,uxiowo to reduce
our large stat . -it of Ilicyclos,
hew and rtxoud-hand, and
aro offering greatly miucerd
The Close Buyer
Will find it we while to
4111 1101w liapt•t'1 IIIci'
Block belatw cri.u+to�.
Our Li eta,
tautai a its repu uou to(
mo t�nliable
Bicycle and Manic House, West
street, (10denuh.
Shall I Buy ?
The utiht\ of Ceram Mclbar.
ators to stow beyond dispute.
Which shell I buy ! is the
lady 4"„atio" a'I"" by Lha
up-tu-daty Imr)tnau. We
behe%c the SHARPLES
iietvud it, visas still (rack our
statement by offernig a fns
ten days' trial.
\l,,-, House, Bicycle and High
class Livery.
• Ottawa correspondence Toronto Telegram:
u rotuar>m
3"MY-TMIIRSDAY MORNING Fairly upon the basis of the red bot mlaa;lm
my 0. ■uKWaANT be shot Into Henry Powell. M P., from 'fire
Baran SWNAL, Admiral Dan tilc011tiouAdy
ndTanned with the hayonet on the enemy's
SODIILL IJL =USBDAT. JUIMLY 6, tsLronghutd, Powell is a bis man, ttuite Bill
----- fset. aad It hasty looking fallow tyAa mw: -
THE EMERGENCY FOOD- Gllliouddy is more of fire Uwu•ul grant
tyle, but he walked About lohbin and Oct.
THE Tories in Parliament and the rxdors Y It
he knew ars toe elle, L of Takia
ate raisin a hullabaloo about or Pretoria. He was aalso Y the waters of
Tory press K l:oderich bpi bor on a nld.un,mar night, as
the emergency foul, following On the foot- touch at borne as it be stoud on the hurri
Maps of their Yankee prototypes en the eano dock of Ilia dredge over which he has
-" "n'EIItDt11if6tf brei" ep/sale, mill to hear saptarre command. As vet Met;ellieaddy
nes f
them rave one would think that they ;use I sea'• from
have not root, ars that the war
!loath Africa and Tien Tel sill)
Dot only the custodians of the" Natio'14 holds Ertl place as the hoards. .Dao Mo-
Authsia." but aro also the only ones filter- Ullhanddy wean a look, however, which
.Ked to the carrying on of the Air; it war, .agars the bunting of a storm. He eat in
u (a0atia is crnicieroml. roam sizn teethis &fto'noon the centre vt a
alas who admire the mettle of a man who
We sh6uld think that mots like Hon. Ill, .ean deal such a thrust as did )'a Editor of
Be ars Sir HYVRT JOLT, Sir RWHARI, Tit? Sn.NAt. to the member for Wootmon.
btT. JOHN MAcala, DI. P.. 1h. lend, N. ii. Someone suggested that Ileo
1T. J F. -it other stalwart,)d. Lbsr. Ids,60 iouddy visa indeed brave W advance
acs° w the Powell kopw Ye Editor was
ptosed tbsir- loysity To Britain about to spook, to declare that best [awed
by givn}I their sone to fight for Brit- solthar Vowetl nor iii. Ibry allies• whoa big
aiu'e eauor�,jn South Africa would Ire Puny John MtoMlllan claimed the floor. The
grizzled old warrior from Huron, his
as deeply imterestal its providing for the ,boulders stooped, but his mmoive flame
sustenance of the young men u fife Mou". vibrating with the blood of A Sootaman true,
TATwaa, DAcIIIIS and others cif the parlia- turned an the man who bade Mefallieaddy
rsaotory ruck, *be ha.o neither kith, kill beware the strong arm of Henry Powell
"There's a few stalwarts of Huron left, he
nor anything use mouth interest in the yid to a vela.+ that moot have reached the
Comm son con tin L, could puwul.4 be. throne of the Speaker. Admiral Dan Mo.
Wks should the Li ral. be ken w heitou. I'illlcuddy smiled, a smile of security Inch
about the welfare of C.ao°ala's sukhers in perhaps as beamed from the oountepapoo of
Atria than the Turinw. Why should the • that groat land fighter, Wellington, when
5 ) kis hear' he guns of Marshal Bloohmr on
not be anxiuum a«I fog tis' m)uip well the hold of tt aterloo.
.ltd feral well til« young eu wjnum they - -- ------
sent to uphold Canada i'= the Empire's A REMARKABLE PROPHECY.
fight! As we pointed out, a leaathig fill—; ' psi taller to Lard ►armee
enkl of the country are far interested "lass x11197 Years Age'
in the war that the men, w kept their Ottawa Journal. March 2G.
sons at home• jtnd it eomes vrlth a grace F.dlter •lourn■I Not too gn farther book
from the Tory laggards in woo tis. raise n thea the first half of the now expiring can.
hue -and -cry len lire question of uutling to the bead roil of Ireland'&r°nlrsant meg
�� ,s y that i i siciou or any people could
the contingents. he pis nod of.1'he last half has also, as t on
It is time the howling of till jackal or clearly pointed na' In your able and
ceased when the old lion, Turrmit, *Ilio leer cut article it, I nrrnal on St. Pat•
take no hand in the fray. The Montreal ri' k's Lay, given Its quitta of able and liril
Star s the be builder for the Tor Kant m a to this service their country
policy Y for M t exposition of Irers1AoA's oonditlow
party, and so long Y it ran get echoes for' aad 1's.d's needs, Irishmea most forever
fts ravings in the shape of the MovKs. TAY- be YP1 'c btor : � after all, It was null
Ass, BslaNrnr, lUrtgm, BIt7t(1¢IMtlts earl °O• .ill a many occasions on which your
able Is o has uphtld Ireland's claim U
other blathenkftes It will shout Itaelf "Brill it air play !"
hoarse and provide garhwe_ for the muck. Howc\.r, my pressot putt w is,in the
take brigade. first place, to direct attenlToajo some of thr
The people of Cbrsvha thoroughly unifier. able men whom the mine firot-meotionee
1ltandtbe of whar>risr tfiat period produced, outside of the politica
pities - Twat tt6lbty msott0e the famdur
set on foot by The Montreal Star, and when i'.f. K. L," -.lames ( Doyle) Hishop of Kit
they we that, despite the effort- W bali," dare and Lelrbl It : the "Lleo of the Felt
- Canada and'the (Mvernm«nt to the r of of Judah" -John t Mao Hai•) Archbishop o
3v" q'o&m : -D A. Cahill, D. U., -all thirst
\the world, the Dominion is advancing in eminent ecclesiastics of the C•tbolicchurch
prosperity b}leaps and bounlm under the All three 1n their day were in the habit o
progrewi`e logisiation of the present Ad- addressing opeaLlettere to the English h'rdm-
ministration. the quite willing to let Minister, or some other eminent Englisl
Y are 1 4 sta.eemao, setting forth the condition am
the parliamentary heathens rage and the the claims and neads of their country
hones imagine vain things. S000ndiv, I wisb to direct the partioula.
attention of your readers to the enclose(
SNAPSHOTS most memorable extras► from a letter writ
__ ten some fif+v years ago to the then i'mr,
-B IIARNOas will maize n grease -.put Minister, Lord I'alorerstors, by Dr Cahill
of BIIo Hat the next election. It has just been exhumed to the columns o
the Montreal True Witness. It to a pre
diotlon -ossa might. almost say an Inspirer
-Tit n. is ".8ave•the-Queen' prophecy -of the events of the put few ant
MofZe. atf 'hargi on to his tuneful current weeks. I do trust you will vivo I
voice. t ------ - , space Ill the Journal, and thus add Soothe
-- to the favors alreadv bestowed. Many o
-Tr■ hmiorable'and eminent KYTIIOIX the elder readers of the Journal will poo
TAYLOR has been apRointed chief of the elbly remember the distingulshed print, a
scavenger brigade in the House ai gta— he visited Ottawa, and delivered a lector
and the man fila the h. (orAwotures) here, ars astroo0my, shout fort
1 years ave. Till" A" 41.1n.
• -Sona of the members at Ottawa• Ottawa. Marais 18, 1900.,
jetted to Parliament sitting on"July 2nd Ota. Cufn.t:. LatTeu.
and the Hon. CLAfRs WALLACris figuring *'My Lord : the day will come, under th
-- h itst --- "Was and chemical operation of a broade
al'� age tineg-.Oo.� t- tom{ng oil the clytllratloo on which the true worth of in
i' Glorious Twelfth." people will he recognized and ankaowledged
Straove and fanolful as the plot°ro me
-SIR C:RARLLs TurPaa ham aailed tit now seam, I behold a period &down th
rY Eur'ope. That ailvertoned_ marth N slopes of futurity, when the 'vrown' will b
MONTAOc¢, mhould have got) with t e her- rA to ttrrTMrs hY1tr of peer tagtt
tenet baooth him tom wi h "fiockeb it iature, the sbamrosk will deoorate th
leeP t hreass of your mtlitarv, and the very say
the Cradle of I he I)eep." .reign of the realm will be inspired with
- --- love for and a confidence to the Irish people
-Ur to the time of going to Ircpae Hrow 1 will not live to behold It, no more wil
GRAHAM, of the Montreal titer, has not res- you, my Imrd and Ireland hmi counties
oeivid the JenAt16rahip wfi1Ch TrrrxR trials to undergo. reverses to meet, befor
that gal Is reached -lint all nertain as th
promised him u) 18%. But Hron is strain- sun well rise over the Hill of Howth and es
ing every nerve to gat within hrnw-mhot "f it, beyond the holghtm of Connemara, on surel,
so that he will thereby get a chancy in ole will the gonias of the race one day r.cely
lain a 'staodidj Tn ohEreal •tmas.iely,„ the homage of the British people. Th
sword of Ellrabeth, the Bannon of Crom
despite him pities bti Mone. well, the stalutso of the I'Ale will be role
Noted W the barbariam whence they dreg
-UI� day tall week LM Hon. JAMIA their erlatena, and a grander impale
Hc'm¢ 1firn was replying to Opposition solving upon the people of i:ogla°d, wil
attacke on the departwent of the Interior. throb through every vein and artery lit he
He react a declaration from Major WALSH, IfOndarful Empire. In that hoar the vu
i fila Y pions {!Fiat had horn .sat lens of Irish statesman will be reeKyed, th
denying ng Poo prophecies of Irish bards will be fulfilled
upon him by Mir Haaw¢wr TrrreR. The the itrayers of Irish...-tin+'tl 1 ngranted
who didn't want the truth• raimxl a and tient',ries of wrong will rte swaliowet
numlear of point* o1 order, which were duly up In ahs wh rlpal of anthbdasm that m,
0c....ry'e enemies shall experience atmen
maniml to by the deputy speaker. Final. Men of her name, or at eight of the steel
ly. MONTAoOs ail mailers tank o rwl I- to $hamteek of Errs.'
the reading of It dornment aignwl by it man Y not a membtw. Quick as a ilmah emmd lack Adowwdod the sGlllar.
the retort from Dr. LANn1RK114, "That's EAiter S.A Brown,mf Resuetl VIIIA, S.('.
what's worrying y- : the dorament is wait eaete ImmeeeelT earprisad "I hroogl
a signsvl. You don't want algrn"d s�tiekmi t long snRerinv from Arspspin," he writer
j "my wltw was greatly ran Anwn. She hee
ssnenyluouo torrssponlence is your iris• 01 on strength or vigor and luffered rrwel rW
att�k " After this ApplaflM livom tho 16b kw from her stomach, Mit ebe triad 'tooectal benches, had anbafded the Howa« got on *10 Irl►tee•, whlob 1101)04 her A% ilea, aad,
r t that waw e0ald almost haw X&THOI.a ata °sing fear bottles, she is ovili roly welt
desist am est aayshlar. 10'- &. granA tonna, saj
TAYLOR think. It. castle IaxaNvgt1aa11 Hes are splardid felt
_ - torpid liver." Tee Iwdl¢estlee, lees of ap-
W. dry SSbtt ro-rnad bore las weak. peUte,aMmaek snA livor freebies 1%'s • pasl-
/erSW• nil aeR, hwm ()bargees, weer* he tivsti Il. c dnt Neess.- ()BIT 60 eeaM at .f.
etlfilar Ne bash 0 .silage.
T°"°'T'''" GoderichBargain Centre
J'hoo Nord, it , is hu,us tioti n uolledo ou
Ws vaustf.•o.
We are pleased to stars thft Ke".th;
M L.eau Ie too,Yeriup from ills recuar 111 Paint N
°"'� THE
silee Mary Worth. at Ingersoll victpiry, Huron Old Boysb up vuiung hot unuls, K Soott, sr., &oil Absolutely- ptirt' inachlne-mixed palllt9, all
relatives In this locality. I
Mr. rd Mrs. Jse B
. Durnia, Min by the gallon, $1.30 cash.,
K&Idwin and bit" Neill* Howard, of this - WILL BE IN GODERICti, JULY 4th.
burg, took In the exeureloa to Detroit on
Thursday, 21st.
The statute lah,r is now nearly liotshed Screen Doors and Windows Now is the time W gob really to reciaive them. We want our
In this pan, suit the rosA• are iuAbad ooa I irla to look their heat on til+t o1a
ditioo for wheeling and driving. A great K y
many in this notion would be to favor of Only it few more left at last years prices We have received 9 v0 uobb Paraeolt. The " Old
not doiag road work until naptember. sop very Y
for cash. Moya " like to wee a lady with a trice Parasol. ,also we have rte-
BLUEVAMS ceived another shipment of white Kill Gloves, just the thing to
Taa+uar, Juua 26. � P Tuss
Id eueBMr spent ck n vi to Krn Brise Harvest Tools, Rope -soli. an mfier wear on filo` `'.y.
Mies Bird 6fuCnokro vidt•td In Bra•sels.
Mir Liza Messer visited friend. in New Shirt Waist°, Innen and White Pique Skirts. The "Old
Exeter. T II �ne Hut on Boys" will like to see you looking am well as usual. "The
Paul Powell went to Detroit on the ex- ! eNs saes
ourwlon. I Old Boys " always had and utill have an eye for the beautiful.
%Vrll McCully, well known to Blueyale 11
people, wall married on Wednesday to is Should60 Ortlemd quicklyto S;IYI' AiIvallCe 111 We have some Bailor lista which we will rdlaoe in price w
wealth) 41rattord lady. that you can have ono for that day.
W* arm entry to barn that Albert 1'ut
land, of (bstham, formerly of Blue%o'c, in I Also we are allowing Carpet Squarest at prices that will sur
very III at his home in Brussels. priso you,
\ir arA \l.-- Ira B..rolay, of Ype, Me, �. McD.
Mt •h s, a Mrt it Notw father, Mr,Wtllumo, ■ ro J rids ax woo June 28-29
V r and Mrs John Mazwtll, of uraudoo, 1111111 111111111 1 1 - . Next BargainQays,
Mao., era ler* on thmr welding tour, visit- -
g Id Mazwell'. father and wort ores file'
timevate-road, and other retativee,'--- -- - --_�-`---'''-_-- T -
_ . --- - -
- i
TL'raDAT, Jnos 26. —.'-
Miss Shepherd spent Sunday with friends TI ssumY, July 3,
in Dungannon. Our aohool olosed last week for the sum'• ` r
Mr. and hire. John Bennett attended the mer holldave. Four of the scholars wore E
funeral of the Ise Mrs Btescte in Voderieh eapoldaten at the entrance examination la
last week. Goderfoh anA this week Robert Cumming
and Etta Young write on the lsavlagezam• NA VE They're Coming --Sure
The Literary 800isty of the four h cars* lontion. Our prompi rw, Mtr (ontU, X111
oss�ion had • excrete piaals a► the lake hese spend part of het hohda)a on s vnett to h1t j� -Bugs on
! oar trdey. - -!] the -ft ft Vin e
brothers at C;itt�ee'iru�ii; :ivgiFla. l
Mbaeo Annie Crawford, Lottie BturiL. of C. -- -- Are, You Rea y
and convention
Hyden attended ars E. L. of C. LEkBURN. w SALE
E canvsptbsn in $mlorth tut week. TctwuAY, JPLy 3rd J
Muria a oumberof our uftizeee took ad. Among last week's vieiten ears W. USE OUR OWN � i•
vantege of the excursion to Detroit list F'ot°srioµham, of Tuekenmith, with his CHEAP week and report having had s good time, daughter, Maggie. They wore the guests of BUG FINISHER. PURE PARIS GREEN
Charl- Hawkins, of Windsor, and Mr. Mrs. A. H t lutton.
cad Mn. Robert M41.3topsld, of 1)Nrodt• What ha. uo1 been In oar m!dst for many
Fertilizes the °oil and de- Bergen, English-aad as
worn radewiog �egawa is the villags yea,. was a logging bee, which Look place (I SHINGLE HILL otroys the bug. Cheap. Cheap "the Cheapest.
on Friday lest. - at J,mss Chisholm'•, on •Fe Bron form,
which he purchu,d a..tral vnrs ago. 1 car NORSE POWEi WE HAVE ALL KiNU> of FLY -PATERS, IN19plT POWDER, iiF:LLP:1A)KF:, F:•ro
SHEPPARDTON. Among old timers that had evu ossa work
M-11AY.Ja11e25. log at bon in the long site, were James THRESWWe ENGINE wWe o, 4SKMDE as es CHEMIST
Duo°an McNee Is on a burlaps trip to Moklater, Tboe. `itarAy, T Kelly, Thos.
Tivenoo. Tiobbor•ne and Joseph Thompson. Instead IN otau ORbsR. _.. j 4 tf IL&ORD BLOCK
Joe. Move, of W Indoor, speali a lira deis of politics, the chief theme woo on a *isi 3 um MIX 15rt>wllltlMae pscesons"T s'Ital ded W u an beem
With his parInts._ Um that the township fathers open the -- _
Mr. Motlregor, of DetrgJL, lnds(1� Itis shed out foto a regular road around Doolop
ooadn, Peter (.reap. ..___-_ _. ,__- town It a uldbet M •gain In time going into - -1----- CANTELON'S
N m. Johnston s having a stone froadee town spits Is intershoItime the laky and CAu. AIrD k I -
s river winds Is winter time YArt of the ,
tion put under his barn. proposed road belonged to the first road Thr MO BAtwAIIM - TH D
\ir and Mn G3rdon are spending a low when the road was opuued to Saltford fifty 'N1� Pastry, 0➢stUrPllitiUstTW lilt Ull�
days;o Cllotou this week. ears ago and then charged afterwards to w!' c g� �pr�n R ��,,((��ppp
Mrs. Jas. Bogle and two daughters, of the present route Ji ooh Mo ter, Thomas R E I Bread and Cre3ID LLo�,lII1L01)
Goderloh, ate visiting Mrs. Hovlm'. mother Sturdy, James Watson and M Tobin led The Hood Bicycle Co. ALL KINDS OF
here. In the debate on the subject. �Jp 19 o Y,p
Our popular blacksmith, Mr. Maw, spent tL,sultedl, _ P]es LLlld Lady �YrS lklDge$
Saturday asd Sunday in Uodetieb town- fHE WESTERN FAIR. I L}pD�liI08_ L--
t,sblp..— _�-� "gaiw.7gNeswMr 4(b 101111th, IM t. - r r
Mir I.Aan Tharlow, of Goderlob, i. n- ( iLLacarooas, Yara�e8,
decal)) acgiulatanoss here and al Purl The closing year of the aster) givesp9 n Etc. Albert every Wester of airdeveloping the most sun -
BI ody Shap, Etc,
Mrs. Jas. McNoe spent a few davo lit ever b Western since
at Landon that has ALWAYS ON HAND
ever bsea oseo eine the into reutioo case fiat pare Y goal Y the best made in any
LuoknoElliott w, the guest of her sister. Mrs rooton •d v 11fir Smos that time the alt • J- BROPHEY & SON Y
rt in C:anaaa.
t*oten have bcan ser prcgrwilm, and THg IiNlf'r
Cbso. Hawkins, of Windsor, a former -oh year the problem has been to find Cantelpn leuls the trade in
resident of Shappardton, made a short visit .pap for she souldfwious ezhibis, while l ._..._ ..•�_..._ -.
here last week. still leaving ample doom for i he crowd to —TUB LaAprN" - Sera�to� flud CO WEDDING
Mres oshu M
MoC, who has stayiot at wander at will through the park like p
Nelson Urab Gk's for some time, returned grounds, or find seating capacity on thk FfAh2ra\ D'Vrec�oY16 D\Yta CAKES
house on Saturday./ spaoious grand stands. Last year it will be IN T H 9 MARA[Wr in few, dooivnin awl ornam-•rt•
Was. McConnell aad J. H. Nlmpeon so• remembered a great msnv ori were �.mof\\merA. - Ing and almond icing. --
meds in the locatt"u of the various build- Ali coal wetg had ea tls� Yorkist Pool
joyed ss pleasant trip to Detroit tut lhurs• g sail
mce other then the main (me, aad large ad• where you get t00u lbs, for a ton. Uive him an order and your Rat.
day, via sir. City of Toledo. Sider. earorwlly attended to at all
Mrs. Peterson and bar son, of Detroit, drtl°os were made to all. This year will boor., asgat or day, istactio0 will he armed.
w" --d witoeas many Turther addition*. together �M. LEEs
Barrspen• b @,yr Petersenher mother, Mn. with InahIll added aao as sugg te the ez /lore on West street. aesldassre, tae- Ids S 8MRY�1! D CA NTELON,
Harrows. Mr, non a still visiting b per:co,e of the put has suggested Some @,er street. Orders !o1't at •
this viclodry,store pr•mpUy @,blended w. WEST -Si.
of the largest manufacturers of agrtoolrural
M w Emmeline Hayden was one of the implaneats in the United States are .again j
delegates to the ooeveetiwrs of the Heron irsg for eliace, with r stew to i&lroA uol@,11
O. F. forth S AaeeeiaUeo, whish seat hold poet good. into crops
while file pros��tmmmnrrr�rr�mmmmmm rmn�mntmnt�ttttrtttmmm �e
at Sea(orth last week. peso of Toed arose throu¢hont Ootarl0
— —� should tend to make the Western Fur of .,-so
COL BORNE. 11900 arecord hreakmr in every wtioolar.
Apart from be oine speeding "d�
exhibition of prisee&Ill animals In the ring, the
'rhe residenta of Colborne were startled P
by the news of the death of James David- al )turfs committee in this you have eclipsed
sass, one of too treat-konwn residents of the •IJ proyious rRnrr.. in rise way of providingLE
_- - Aw Pull _
township, which 000urred early Saturday thrilling and ,mnoatleseJ eer•batio lesturee. -
morning last. Tho Aeoseaed had not been Several important additions have been mads
in it." hoalih bar *-me no,oths past, but to the liar.. list, rsples of which may be had t BUSIN"SS
o° appllosuon personally, or by latter to J.
i wasDR
We able to 1» Arouon on his term at to A. Nellss, the secretary, who will bepleeeed 1
Wednemdav, sod eu one suspected that the to give full information to all, (- file
! hand of death was so soon to (all upon him. .chole we feel uta in predicting that. thefi
lair Ihndmon was unman ed and wudxty•
: Western F air of London will be one that so ! TIRING
I pa year■ of age, He was • oath. tl the previous fair has t(ivalled. It may Interest r
I parish of this cc, tryAbein Irsshlre, Scotland. oar readers to know that them %regio longer Time too eiifort to dispose of this large StoCk of Clothing, Fur -
coming to ►ilia country in 1853 and settling anstreet rail^ troablw In London, and
In IKm township of Colborne. For twenty- ) Y g -�
there will be no repetition of any tliscom- nishings Hata Claps
I four vrar• he had lived on hu fine farm In forts from this osu•e t + + etc., SO We have decided t0 extend the
Via third concerloo. and hs was known as time until
an omin•estl} Progressiveand saooesefal - - - I
farmer, keopm¢ thoroughly abreast of the Brawls )'cat : A few days ago there 1 �_ -Go
was • bridal couple ors the tarn Mtwesn I the 15th dayof Jultlmeo to his meihedo end having one el the P �be.t colleiltioes of ogrlooltnnl maohlpery te Stratford and Detowel. With calm Ars `-I be found In this district. For four lean he liberation and to the amusemans of many
1 had been a director of the Great North pasemogers to the oar the f.ir brido time � a
from her coat sod took her islocs upon her' �-
r western clanexhitlno. In religion he was • "hubby's' kites while his stro. right arm when the stock will be taken and the Balance sold at a rate on
r 1'r st. Mrs.
He Is b r Robertson.
by (can ds• gs
t tors, Mn. Ftobt. Roberson, of ('Smllle, saotroled her ws.st and prevented her from the dollar.
Man., and Miss Imboll& Usvidson, who failing off. it wait very yam I yam ! �_
. Ihed with him, and one brother, Alex. eight and proved that all the silly people 40-
°°` dead yet.The sensation this Gigantic Sale created is more •thafi one can under -
cemetery and was largely attended. In the stand. The crowds that visited this Store -during the last month have been an eye- -�
absenaof {ter. Mr. Anderson, Rev. Npoti Montreal Recruit to swell the Henke of .�
AHS° conducted the services, and the poll- ('ores by 1)ndd's Kidney Dille opener to our competitors, and. they tried to follow th,Q„8tep but are not in it. �
briers were As. Samu , (,00rR Alersnetar, Montreal, $. Try us, 18 all we ain Say, and follow the leader's for lead we will.
e and flys o0udos, Samuel, t,•or •sod Peter a} . •loly'2.--Rotsrt Thomson, � �.�
r Moser, (Tee. 1vtiven (Guelph) and J. J. Mo• employed at Auld's Cork Factory, 642 i
Moth. Laagchletlere street, Is 4 h term% recruit to
- - -- - -
the cam who have d0 ) d'6 __-- --
y h v• «r rid i nit reldnall _ SHIRTS t SHIRTS I SHIRTS I
1 A rear Mllllossnlre Pilb In this city. (iradgolly lent surely all '� - CLOTHING
s Lately starved to death In Loddon be. prejudiced persons acs befog wen over to r
s canes he could not digest his food. Furl the side of the rorq,i mr of Jtright't Iii• -us Bicycle Suits, $5.,x0 and $fi 50 for .$4,50
- •, fintattw;vi+wevreferelartyrsmteef 41tA•t6i3f1t? .... in $ilk °� ` patterlw
ase iil him. nk"y strengthen
iiooldh:: FroBf1111, 11�Uch Cambrios, Englisl,,
s uvoA him. 'rho eenagthen the stomash, Kaman nos. _ _ i. ..
They _ .. _- $9, $10, 411, for - — .
ofd digest.lon, promote wimll&tlon, Im- M4 Thomson saws: ^I need several res „ "' ' • • • -fes-- MatlrRs '
a remedies and consult •d some of Montreal's $6.50, 17.00, for, ........ 5.00
prove appetlla. Price 250. Mose) back res � r, Tailor-mar1P 9hirG, 1.
if not utlstlsd. Sold h JY. tt•iisan, beat dt,ctore, but they rnalA not glow any '$8.00 and $5.00, for...... 3.7fi
$ 00 and $1.25.
Y , Oar White Rhirt--BoeOm Shirt -the most -•�
1 druggist. relief. I read of ieddd9 Kidney Psh6, Ytgthg' and Boys UlaMlin(r, similar RedactAoiis. comfortable Shirts made, Were Cheap at
s - bought @, box, and tried them Reform foie
I Cltntoo : ]'[tnr_to_IiavioRtgr Kioglvilie, I aa_Id not 8I2s h••w" to_Ret ap so often. 0yet_K�0_$1..�w� ifor .: ? ,fid ,. 1.00 ;. they now go at _
e oohere they will rw1Ae Iss frstare, tM safe- gt now -T
am' aB richt io Ihim and every „
1 Lima in connection with Onr&rio street M*th• other respect." r �• 754., for................... ..50c. is OQNT1
F 04161, church ware not forgetful of the mem. -- -- - " 50c• and 600., for.... ....40c. .
1 hot* of their lata pastor's family, who have Trio Iowa seaeml bolds fes regalar moor. SPRING OVEROOAT14
a been very onergstdo in doing everything to Ing tomorrow (Friday) event°¢ $10, $1 i, and $t`t all for
further the respective societies with which - -- - -- -r t►7.50 PlaOti
theywere Identified. 'l o show tbdlr & Waterproof Costa at about If Price. - - • a- '-.:.... it ei-16 Q :� . each
epre- It girdles o'sm Globe. � rpT ' p- - ..
r illation of filo valnahls eervimN rendered l0 1'M leets r.t BucSlea'o Arnica Naive, u � .,e.$a, to $1.00 each
time• put the L►dlws Aid presented Mrs, the best in the world, extends aro°°A the
1 Clement with a est of sliver knives and earth. It's the ono perfect hoslorobf eats,
r forks. to Ml" Freemen the junior Epworth oorns, burns, Moises, •ores, eesldet bride, STRAW HATS
. l.esgum gave a beautiful clock, slid Mies ',test*, felon@, arthro, poino &nit all skin scup
o (:lemon% was pressotsd with a silver berry close. Only Infallible palm ours. 35 aer a are ilyinq. They have got in the wind and' Heap of Collars
see and stand. box fib J. Wilena's drug state "e9011419 -fast at about I1 ALF PRICE.
Any Hat in the Store for $1,75, were $2.25, $2.50 Every itht, F:very Style, Every
-_--- sad $3.00. I'nne.
House-cleaning Time.... � B; Reduction in
Big Everything.
Brings many reyuiremenL4 which we can supply. Let wi
have your order fix Anything in our line, and we will tri•
to pl(u►9e yon��`- - 0 E Am
The Palace clothing Store,
STURDY & Cp r P.9 All otlt.standing IteC(N111tA M1111A hO fiettled by 1st July; all 11111)aid after that
� date will be hnnd(A in for collection.
The C)rocors,iiuwig
Telephone Na 91. Cor..�1(luttrc and Monteeal 8t