HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-7-5, Page 3► ,; . ,. TRCPolm - U F' Week, , Wheat 71a1•keln. the cllsiag p t".'. at ante. Ill tt1 1N) • 1'te A centres today Valli. ,i til j, ..... Il - FON17-4 .» ... 048 ...». Qua 1' ,M -M. tt{ 11 N••,, . » ••• O B 1 _ . Na :t4 •• ... O9.'1'd-4 11N5:bb 0 O5 B-4 gth. 0Fµ 71-4 11 k4 ;L4 Sold.. 1) OG IL-4 »Z' l O 8:1 Il -k n KI i4 ►_t O SR a -H _ 'armers' Market. wg irUO bushels u1 bushlelr of felts wore street market kene to vheat lower, fall wheat ,e d.1 I I.tk 774 yell 1 to .I• lower I1 2o. and gt&Isl 11-; 7:3 to 791-:a• hundrryt b"kli--Ix -'ill Cher at (Ill G.:1_I• aw-Twsnty-fi%e Itw,le l U to >r l 1.:,0 o f mk,al"I r.a/w/. at $N 511 to ;lig e A ITC'. •+ s aro hiah,•r nn•1 (t1► 'ric4r are firm, tit IS iR duckm lft"I; i serf 'A. SOL: it Imus, ,'htekwG an'1 turkrym tit 10 to w fairly g/P.1. Icrult Markel. - falrly LIrgo a•IIou ipally' I:IrN^ rntsa. Lit prla+t rberryv,; rh.•rn,w, tlQ. let , Movell,erri a+, ;6. w, And :10 t., IIA for fin now h,l+ikoe%, tAlr ve !flock Market. - o•.WrCwL o F,to a :, t, per Cwt_ 1 aI I,, 110 yoke t Y. 1 31 eed .... ... 7:l 11, per cwt.•: • • It, t ., . per esy).. 1 u1 ler 1 .e r cwt.'... 7 :.i t„ 1 a . 1.106 t• f ,s tr I M, Is.. cwt 1 m. In 1 :r A I* 1 u 1 +m "I I .Iter 7 m I, 7 Y IN•iM1n - :n t r r la cwl.. 7 un on x it )erewL !cal In r7t Lrrr CwL -1 i.1-. ••• + f i.I to Zti lcb.. sla M 'i, yl u. / M ee I,. ' I , t 'F 1 In a al tar cwt. -rr1- % om -. _. AL: to ekt .. .. .. Tan ti ._. .. . tM L i l Mark as ear. duets . `t`fieT , kegs poard t(t ( A T w Colored, The hiKhre 39. -The carne 1..01 e bron't int•, Innr while and r In+t, f roe 9 1 •'J' io I r, tp L'9. -At I hr relo, g here to+lvvr , - rise nyorewPnN`I forked. Sah. we'rp u WhitiG**.. tot'') 1 ...." 9 t- . ,nil lfrl , I •:fr. ' Jnae 29 Al :I fUPoN Board hrbl bast a a( 1'tleew•.• is I•roo ale 4'JO W,•rl• ,, Int-' r rte w) Is•I -, It', Irl ern nitatdr ,In, Ow sus ..Or..w .Wc.l hitho ft0fl I", \.,R " twretl, of wit 1 %711) 56 at 9 1 11•. Ile tit 9 7.18:. null r:. At .lull! - a offered. ltaleft--Witt ,IIM :165, at tll:'r: Ik,WLIOX ^ tot !a7 tae_ 9 a -So n "9. --At tilt ('11"" tf07 e• dural Mal 45 were b rdi.T-" - W4 9 1 -'enc ; T45 . weld At rune 39. -At 1lic . h- ifoard mnetinx the bmlxea wM I olyd ed. might 150 Im,_ M mT- ttnnght 900 b tittle at ot balance Ira liiolkr1. WetwWr and ltiorll .Vow 80. -At 1 he f+. of. the Finch I'I~ r swetitrag Ia fAl}(rclra x19 White, hAL•m1'r lfftiMgid on rRwrd 9 3.e.• d tbitp. owi M Trade. ' boo rat1wr gowt tit tfrgk. Thera Im a ILa1"I ff(r hummer dry ,Ds)d• r fairly numervwl, .(.•moa ---- a of the territ.tn, fad orders hnlr Igen can - n the fx")r crop I'P" from thn dart nn' nut ,into haw ho -to 16101 e'- sa rtinw (orders far ill0 learned, The pmsltl(m of market IA very "Attu• omtonk for bmaifn'• N i" other wholesale trn,M = ....—.:. ......................................•.:•e• ftirmA,At On the Plnhn Metol+• BY thW t1um+ timmwal French bad durnmuit1e11 SHOCK TO P UMCEf OSE. ld oP LB'!?BB • • With The Canucks • toe a»1+4y 4MMI)Iwtely, so we beir+g Of 1X orb were,flighe] bwt w we ernlmwd the modeler, and our cum- — pp 2 taw village A1,(dlwr night IIWn•h hl vilag Allow," wltbolit evett It i,llm fit rad Peefted Into Root's Moving P To rill 8uilerere Prom Anaemia • • • 1 n South Af ries with Boors ab6fe us. we (+unlifletod atoll 11 o'Clovk, for we hRd to rtk'k Picture Machine f and [indred Troublee• - • • • 2 /•utlrely Gi - ttw n,ati, mnk►rig tba Ilamllton, fought anti wnteliml our artillery awPryo the B"eFm olmatl of and Sir (Isl orge, Newnew IInvnhl forty mldl Iingx Into court, nn mufrk•it•at toc)m • Z ;ourtr,y, fully`twt+lve acipa. which car nw(s la (our inner u( straight t Mr. Was. N'lleua,01l'Sonll.., 1 r0" Iluw Illuers $a r. ItUTHERFORD'S NARRATIVE OF EXPERIENCES j thrashing at a stiff Balt. 1 tell ?eel AND SUCH SIGHTS HE .SArr I He Itegrlurd Health After au IN THE FREE STATL'. ♦ . bat wr wore tlrwl nod Nur. ►n every 1 Wb its oompletkim, fur we hall eat"n Washingttxl desir+tch : Probably the of OverTwu Vern. Mr. N'llllnw N'llrot, whu W will e(,ee....NN•♦♦1N1•.e.•...ef...ee •. N(/N.NN•N. Igthng Mures :1 a. til., oxvopt our hand Lurk. Th• vimiks limit Wu remidY ukst rewarkubl+• gift ever to oilseed to t,e War Depitrtmeat now oveuplesit ktmowu to Nle c►Wzoaa of larala, oft our loft tnoved op the a1tiPP, re• (*•1111 1mitlm ilr(t.l al aur arrival. anti we slain w,lindly very promltmmv location to tlw uffir'o Out., writs: 'It afforttr ow much Another interesting letter ham just Rmlt of till hills w. halt taken We tilt 7 (text morning. wlmti we were „i f-•+C•retury IIWt, Un give groatp le pleasture k/ tlo able to add my Lis arrived from the a"it of war. !t war rmulN.l tail ulurnng, with our outpustr granted a lay elf rest ro much adowded. of uk•ucev dual windows known its LI+e tinsrlY to Cllr gr**t t**llrlit t1u1t 1 i wrlttWp br Srrgt. F'. 11. Nntherfor all list r41ge More Heavy Work. Smite Rpat. .+Ante, War and Navy tlulldlug. Timm N•IW l•UIIW ntilll gU ill tM' ydl(k'e err Ila YY ltefilal irlra yUUr f71 WllIW llf Nllile 1x1 the Mimi front'"Intiot """U Kabul,"IWin, Ma 5. -After u 14. y That day w" dlopt was a do tv,la woiril r broad rin whoa y' g WIItLtwr 1'Inik ]'ills. 1L Ir now a Tho first rt of war to Kiutsrg• hu adds mnrctl Nu+ folluwlrlg tiny, til- It u tla uttr.rutm,u n Jl,cerrlw, was caused elijon by rnuc slfelb Inntiylg In Nle valley GseY tlfUnk tit Lhe dew feeiture rdlledl I1t01r IUUre Limit too yotr• since I lots Pa,uald oil Shrepitol Imp• reiuis us though aroustrl tit some unonrlhly dougenxsaly near our (:amp, fired Taw ria lmetetr Irl wtlliam Iwr than amim p nifllcttxl N ftJ, Anaemia. Dur toliuvis: hour of the night, our march Into 11111y -After tnrtWklBruhlr ri- Thnl>Itrhu-l,ruuuunuytl Tp -belt chit- from the enemy's long range gun. It WM umlls6ltg to run rulJja^r rlmalmr. u uwllag plCkllre mrt'tya(r-ane of tiara odd Ikwlks in dA• Ing that tllua ► Iw+o recoiled rhuurt tmntutent front lu•IhchI ____1tivlr len,e I w try W Wt yW know wan not startwl Lill t), when we, lir of this. our last notable rear and B Company not from, but aftor oumH detective for their affairs Which ouavVy 1W , ,lid puairtIomr, whereby, with tltuote>tte me11 of the hl he•t rLLllk 111 thrlrpeu. rwurtlling guard. ns ex1N•r.ont• In this wooiderful .van rinaki Tem. eveortell the baggage+ shoelim which tailed to burst, amwwlltion certainly W nut equal to ule aid ui n llkkrl, ulna may, by gaz illg intently lute/ the Ir1Wem, err Rasion, yet apiparently dooroing tau try.. liere we are at the 1&,glnuinag to th onlrklTLr tit Lha village. a of ,+inter with a bot pull all Ik1y that small Plano of mratterwd house., no their gond', On Monduy m ornng we made tin rvrnngo (elonle, guddewwm. 1Yr+ enter- mAmofnclLU.ej of the rhiclt- Itellotit. I11doo,t I minulluall to raw g worse wltU I become moble to walk. dud,h•nly drols bMlnd Ne. hilar about diewalles &fill morythng looking dry !1,;111, to Ix, NCleetfef by Wld irillClr rl lel ba rreyh Liu rid brick still tr•Ctn early mus•, the whole brigade get- ung UUJ9r WR,Y tU }IEst f(mwr ISUuth- IwWing ,+I. filer( overt went to Adjutant lied l'Utrbhl 011e. Jay lids weak, d17d, I ca uw t,l Li** l•Ull/•.11aifoll thllll I WAw and heavy dawm that momi lend tho- rional tiuund runt devoid of fullage ward Cur the adv,uws on Pretoria, e+rul by' tis U IlUlarigt%1 tf ,ferivil oo benuflt from the trent. )g . C1.1im tlruugh YOU, the (•Old la•r"uming Of all sort, ilhllwi y umg rhnrply In Lill tsy'brook, N heit I contrast to taw aur brlgnd" Mslg nttncled to the Rollie inters n IL Ids ltit•,re+sRnd in n projllct to meat and 11nx141a11 W give IL uP. IL in Intensity dusty nadir. An Lim lot ball re-apptotrw Aad the air twt-adkoitlal woman or child lookiD g right wiling, Which W now moving oo Wklbe four miler away. French R, (A etwoo t nue of the Imu'hined W .'ecew lit. tlin latter tbeit War the yueetlersl. What d1All I erluNly w-armY until Itt tWllll wo are ' (pn rtolWly. were the. only IN•Ing ter to •ee•k shatter Under un sruvimett I hlgr war hx.kl.ng utter the but hehltul Ie., Y ver ItCxIl ux office plater f6 U► .lir 0ff►dw where til► who try 7 Iimvitag read the temtiummly of iso lunge w"bit hall ruffrredl In r rami. g: alt to b• toee!n, rove tics uwuflk,• tents r.w.vd with blankets. Thal tat Int Kaffir. .- and we were nwrc11ttig gai1Y xh.ng when ab tit 11 a.m. the 131iro hirer vWts(! tlr Ind ht roe l6 free of Place g un. lar natter anti who load rm*ved flip ,Aonther that soon tell( ua the• i I'rtwlittg Lha dirlxlrltkn of ((Ines. with any Constitutional weak. I e were met by a very hearty tar. from unual 1, he opos.ww nathlog is the proporKiun, and gave g coat benefit fawn your Dr. WI-Ilakhls' Pnk 1'llk,. 1 tir•iltel to give tltrm r teen our lett, halNR1 un the pito teg:ueut aquas" and nr.r, au.l alth.w h the r the uffyforr, ns usiutl, prlx•elrlad to re-IIi(ureemetitr, w11k•h tlnuugh, rep- ernterl farm, (xrtsplsll a txwtauRNun s t tti bis c S 1 u ttw t cutueeot. So 1 WI'1,+' Prromltnrnt taw first and i1Nwt .-...... twtr teal. - - "+ left Hkkomfontan lett Chau 11) buy out all utc In the one gond yet ct jlil•,4jM2, Or/wmW t cud of the spate range of xr their )' 1111 which reeta tNt visitor hap g Itis stow ,lout torso months lance 1 (vramatuoarl to tate your {Nlk( null rttax4t• she Prul store, Ahe Uutch for whk h lr - _-)]lyra utwbig too hand the ralluwnw ".. N. This Ton 4 1.1r mi" enptive brethren. Ar before, their bet Iluu cbrclad rwwd In front of ue, their Ir"'illlg in Lia+ uffiue w flu lwcture- reals, in a dread e( diver. Lu tWy I feel Rllkrt tvmplotely re In,l.hnnLahl w iur being eradital• tlf L11Y Wlrlletlt WAy ill wlllch .liminy Howeromr, we extsrct til TLRIIt (Iallk rPtlt!Ug ua 911 imm"ase garbed tt'ittl Ameriuut flags and engle• Pwiut- stored. Two weeks after I began Lo tiltl K 1 t"It x tkem1led ]m• ler ..ukw vteJsJ Dougherty, aur very Scotch Gunton Ile carried along In the great G"n- ! frWm1. told 1DO of buy( bread tit kopjp, tit lent LO0 feet hlght, with, tilt we afterwards discovered, an til- ,ill all user It take 1.Iw provemout. Thres muntiis ago when (.fill advance tint ox ti" nits talo "tie of Lica "tstor who, Dat Lop rare fur parallel ridKtw, belected the Pictures. , 1 b. n til take Your pule buy flesh R++ t for disrumoo"i. our demtivation im ad bra's er jet' -are rtwl. had brush stony all aver but w," fire wall afforJing good (corer, Nle whale sur- affo N..w, War Iu t the W all very ld P ill iG+ telt mho pinlw •h/wld pn>. looked s wax, nod ruY /non. Cert and legs sero btdV' rwullrn. Them l t -Ityputhegicnl. nail Ito became, h hl Indl nano Ing htlte leo mllom from TIviblacho le Y g wlen 1 Iµlt,rtlrow the Atrurltcy of face being probably three ywlrtere of miles re. A heavy We of Vicker's 1+1a plans, io•rly ale a bar room. Tu add Sothis cosaditiots have fill dlsapprared and ..1"r a curivu which it nlready In Y' tholuarue, fur le reh1, •'1 Memel !L m brhlglag. caw Ikon**, ft/tot and 7 Maxim's', gwlm, ((ring 10 one pound dad state of affair•, the agolt W►oo at utJ@d W tl» lwtalment of title 1t to -day my cu'or u natural atilt my b:ual vemott full of gu(x1 rich blood. right, cLthlug. for at present we are In 1+4pp, +cad WINn tlplr Wg rttiery null e+qulplIMLt,, forming incoagru,um shelW ill yuck socotltrkxl, null naives- rally termed Lhe Punt, Pom, from the _T Ixirtleu ur machine overrteppglt all It will, afford me pk+aatlre to rw+om ),"If rations.:: 1-L blscult• tl tiny fur rt, .'tore' repast made, was our f{nivili eetlag. dUR>ntion In hW all Jet) to itlRkethP niend Dr. N'l1YAlas' Pink Palle to tiny __- n full grown saddle., end aur .letletrt- -lima RtL soldier. a was 1t a4►e{ed wt aH mid" Tlw. Shrlr+rhirAs advaa fid .ua-__111te bll and the machine something one rufforiag from anmemia ur kin - -_ urs 7v and we linden hl ry•d -YIAnt we wore nut sols to toe t+R Y Ywl tlrchaeLlm kyr r ht, while the Oordune were order- " L i rltl- Th-Pj0rP;--tW an tw'tetl from his stuck u( worm goals drwd attmentm` 1)r. N'llllaray' Pink Plls nre,Plrataed . f,rymerly fittp,t o :t. True, we dW get/ by tar+ innumeribk• i that follow W brig ide. Thp rout" lolrr eA gti clove well t0 the. {alt, where the bopje wgw_J(iw•r, rad clear It the WOIt Start Uig anti t of the but. anaxyCrt til• highest In the IRnA. a• pulpy very alio& nary articles, new was ,t tnwwrrr fur all, rix shirts- fur xl rucIemolon of rolling Ifino1, Ilkw hugs of LhP enemy. -'The I anadlans were In in the F: whkdl lie yeeter3ny inserter In the uwcC'Llx• and pn+irerei Cur it+ are. a strelytth(KJng +ind Wane medicine. wheLlter for men. wom"rl or chl:drrn. arint ttll anm! gifts oT-ioEici°b, hand- w11'11. ill te) immrllw, valley, wiNn hills Un rithpr support centre, and again Ciompany' was escort 'to the guns. Fkrretnry Rtx)L hriJ n bury tiaY They are rid other medicines, real ao ke from Lha ells. lb,ut ll/ n.at we town hiefa, DIWs• "aurid mt•+it4+re". Minta tr1,111 CIN 1111W rtv of Landoll. The box of choetAntw. Morlag rluwly up the rHle 1Ire grew g mil front N It l tle ('fill~ Boxerw yesterday, and botherei Iitt'e about anything Igor Call they' b** Yalta Leh as In ,,, some•timer di,itoaa+tly pretended by et, , from our Hamilton- friends in on curt• IYft,-nrul slue+ of tAir m,xlnWd mnrll CUUe, tar reel, harrying b,nl•k Nrer cent• n g and y 11 ahn four ,rigid t. IUk1 told Equipment els+. Whik+ the stulliu n ent war tff g d]Palera who otter NtstltuLe.l. See µ1r• Uf Mr. Marshall. w•aa very much rrlRtod, and It you (void see mr th:• rldgt•, "ally 41 t1lrm/nnL nn,t (open war lnngpre(1 well to the rear, well to the h the rltaehe atrwt to a. m. the hwtd <,t the K'nr UP{lartment that ttie pn ILkint bPink ihp full Pink fills fur paOe, Dr. K7tiirUs al'1' fire. our uI tit sundry timer atruggllag alar, n K w. w ilei 114.I mov.Nl over to the (hulk, u(m•itod Sul our left but shell from tate' tJ the dun ran F R R Ruue ,of thtt surrounded Elders reach - hassled" oft to attend the Catinrt c, pair Pe+o{ob, Rtpf n (.+ase u( Ituuht rend I.•w embere (wood Ir frsorteer than itant, (uloJ here► IelalearorhnR t0 Ixdl n (fin- and a rtrU of mounted Butre ed it Ion great style, crashing nowt Meeting at the White House. anddW oot return fur nearly thr+me hours. direct to Dr. WILLinnte' ldetliclN+ lo.. Brockville. Ont., which will supply tit Gen of waver preparatory to (mul"Itd W rniptvfhu,ur) went flyllig the wagon.+ and hurilying them over Then It waa-thepicturts machine man pilin postpaid et 50or A blox or *'.:,0 . droi.pifag In a soup tehlet Ili the• hill frons a house. These war( to the )pit of the I.meerlse .-alley. Rot work. -atter view- hr dllt fur six bwhi Thee Idly Garr all yon would realist our a roelatfun If outlamita, inlet wen+ quietly driven In r'1> ling Gunn at Fork. td ing the await of hW Imakeet'unr. he t dis,rvlerw w•hk,h arts from imlmlyer- . 1. ,lurlrel too Rtuces n wddiers' (took- front of fM till at inion their lionIthml -pn Our gnnN (vypring toe advance NvW ulgwrenty rntldlP,f- tint tl**y yeltwl bao.t, tach RA muw•ular Neat- brlk i world •tell yal how to break tier diatxnerrod, n,ld oRlr gunm epPllwl 'opened from It ridge, o top ventre Would Produce a Rtisunatio• unit WOfit Decal, bel of lith l-lortnor of hrllf n hlrrult, tunnR y/x,r Lalli If y<N1r on the ren We mud right (hunk. Tle ihpa wHM titin fe l,rt NW iridal / at file )tighrXt Ix silt Uf LII kupjat Ilnti aN'Ay' WYII {Ile!ame t. { IlrenLfl, {o+tlW III ill" t)Nek, 11"ry1xlM the taa'la fall, into a halt eante%*h of T t)a water, na.l aftwr brinrfhlg IL to n IR 1I1 th, Cnna.Uanw whoubl Ir• fulk>wel by r---. _. av► ativmooe Ill" i"._u• s. with the t%unpnfly extending the left In down a d aingrwtu ted oar- tp • . ' Mr.sttool's Coilers. - _fit'It happened, idle tww 7tt+16t ris t hadtoctt, early At&-&.$. nil i,wmv Of tenial• welknar,. hyrtrria, loarahlilm, 'ervmotor ataxia, rhearontlrm And 4iRut the seep pArtri(iNA a($ as to IAy ' tf.e. Wilto wt•{1 I Nel, alit thell dro Mttllry oil tit,• right Gr mwNRt) 111 tit t)•NI y p eeTver (NI dell#; (lilt of thk, lidwatico .Ttr• (:unlosw,• ellmMnR Nit• r'trtp mLie ore. to the offiess of Secretary oF- Wlir wart• Lord 1'anncetotr, the Rritylt AIS- INoiatlrn. it ie. anal stir well for 5 minu", filter phhr bryinol fir pee vienre i till! hills. Th^ mltual- on ciwll not well he )til- o1 ties hill, ,NnsYll the hrwt r`,'iJ bu•aad(r, and Mr. W u T F'aelg, the W f," ' res•rtd W enjoy your affll►r'r. -prov"t ansa, for the rhpin of loolljes top bit tis• Boprx were retllf(OrvBlgtand f! Sllmats. Stith of theft Ilthr k('Ih:NCM: SF:PARATKU THIsN. .AlllOthwr grand dydn W male by punk- -- W this trroriAmoting tasruit for G•n mint, furlumi u eelinvir•W, ronca" to its, Irld them Lissa, s, tie C'arwdinnto to eelved orders to go at, are to, the trioulmP teleran dtplumltta warp worriwl over the *mo king of war with ('Itlnn, and had Modern Surgery DividesTwlssPlatses utas AJtt then fr) Ing in Plenty- -4 fat an that lour mlvancn would I** mi ter Thtk er11ns4ire. It wNw na-lermtnlli'i Yliat we ...Iack'w" mu(r(f(rt, nein' Inld the ` mud- teal M,l to discuss the mituntiou Ar ffie0 Nwd Jolaed Together. "- t,il both aides me well hruw n,rl I til a royal dish ah,ul,t ao vane a till fired upon heavily, tb,,a tit all pomtw, and tarn as ' lM first Com Marl' Skived u tar ,.Ile tC 1 P tie t p iftitit the attPnm d the ('air cl G p c toren dtrl ell , Ptt th isl Inet IOP n R , ale 7a 1 IttJe, Bra- F4 wRlilw nn I ttA m(s, Nhlrl wN warp to Ile IlowI1 Illld reGlell Had llonc ICgDrrleorp. - tits• f•ice till tine rmainder moll 1'0110• keel ter Nlu ire, tM•re o()1'rell fNM ZTIDyI t .n eeMll fire ghat, direc{ed All>wH NAIL (M a tlrte. ' Attwr tvCmP ftClsi nlmyat N+o wrwNee p xII1Nll giflX. Lw11W. wPM t)Irll juln- like the fRnlfmg tjiame+ae !tut G, get ilow•o 4, Nnr-=dad p ou our flnak. Ar Iwual• we were lilw, tgrtt mLt the ,Rv ell 4 then I.A,e MO cn(NIRh I,( IV- on Friday oven- nll"tept to r(Ona. well uP G, LIN• ka PY•r the Imt we nc.ich14rrlerp tierce (Over each company, n Iron Nun• fine. ,welt uw•d inmt/r+d lot Mr. Wu'm dyLrerning eyes spied toll iwirw, tan- nlA(•hine, and with th" Wand curi- but h1R\'e heel. sRlrf+rats. by iaiL. .April, wh..n n golf«v nu4 nN, null 1vI• l.t R *clock G/ pre(utrl+ to Iwrce next Were emulkAle•1 Ga Ili. riot on the,rpen p m few would Imre guL over fur tsrIty fa mflinr to reslhlenta tit the pAp LhE ittlT{ of mtmfern Nrgrrj as ev(orvinf \-rave nm/rulog AC :, Atter unr PNtu+ant rest lull• With nut n 11x1 d clover i g" rotIY, tar german urtfll palely, btl to walked over to examne It Fie recently In this paper. The uf rrceral WOVILA , Pleasant t-vtrPt ft,r abmlt. It war her.• that In•fop WnM Noodling the guts, wCre exper j(t t l prnsserI taw hatton, and peerng played aR imlr,rtwnt part in th'+ ex- t1," twnseiess attemPtw td the {R,wcrm kilimf M1rwl, triol. Otu•r anti throw men rh cenely after all Ne. (ere orfelr hao imp WB tin NY•rJ rely Iain mho lock wntchwl the Ilea p-Ckfd flock Lwfli bMOro Ilia amnnathro whlcll n fit-]" toe operas ttlo14 Lhr*a atR]rrn GCknlre if Lit be Sri put tar off aane•yn null ;ale wounded. Alan at :, o'.•hm•k we Isoorf.1 gartbo drill and dutk. with nor fN,•n(lr sumo vulleyd. nail. fixing b+yonotte, follow, ime range And by this tine ge y w,,n•e i•rinR Base. F'ic (x, the but cane girls c►tre wh,wfng Hutt Lica I ttio gi the (:ardent• there tit .-rupto naceo t1re1' ower the Iilior." 1 taitlde n for• t Imil li, hel ind Imfo sae dor and the m ile,m follow' e(htlm for n ylml'G+r o(n alk, ktrfkhlg n falMRe,1 Atlantic Pity fairy ea(o'T- nn Ing i htly through tile• murf, arbed In R ace •e(la sato organlmm except tie to the liver. Now there is Ie. more difficult ,rirdly' pntn111oR CrwwMlsR plud•hit ther attemilt to secure a bottle o1 for critnlss that tM+ }'(alas; "fights D h:ktem •chile then•, lint when It N'as rued hnlrx us, and tw PI cum teawl tit i rand xn to g C>Pxvato upon than the liver. f'ann,llan" cotildn't rightly underotuud• Im,st ,thin my ran) ph" relent- R t sa inn tun ve.41■Ily 1 stw meet tumbled ayes, yet eva•A pis Ilnlmn-t.. Axflie frv,m the ef- - a Pairnl• br n pato fair appear and n pair oL Rasters. maid It p of small Il W ILw mtructurp iY tm at Iti t which• thr ugh igtoran est he ►P- itws guard luterfe'red and we had to bqe, ex -I 1 e of tle foe, null few wwrP appear the aria pr of i wfrnelhikntly nK to retire v ser, extol -r that vtesGill and Vo tin' IL will tart hol.l n stitch. You I •ulmitte4 next .Lav 1'.x)r leave. .After a two hours' wait we I -tad to move as rhnrply, flnld their' marched throe h the town month. K lwrt, tar nmrul efnect was immense. hurt, tho ftas fixe whige to anagrot to ami whu 1µd loon. rant tier' up a rent tis larislon in the -Pr t ,. l+ M slrsartl)' Itllll LUTr1 air p "" ward. `wiled) three• mllem awal a Y '. \\PI1, dill cies Nf■) wntclued i)uff Of NIU.•k" In i,bri. liimttitioe, Rad tIHII Wh il% air one nil Over t e fkG r. n is Naw fRtr OI1w {\ did ar tureen is Allawn ill f011l mol here(•w of -tile. nix - T11Pre Older tine way it whish 91,1, ler aw the GordoolM wP a) lin tt little form(%! Lile (mouth R 1 th arra trI Klw whirring, IIx•reaNtng sholmI" rentarkabler {fMLUrfr1. at Cil!r ePpwrntk,n r/uk1 Im+'Pf(w•tnt tlU,- .•.,r . Anvwny. ,Vltt dR marning we werl• a tib :1, rntrnnre 't(1 (ht, town. lleerp caw 7 P le•nrnwh that Gen. French wamehlasr bb n root, t+r' tie rtm•II live. inial. GI pkRlp, Wlrow-Uyt-up A cloud tit dunk. 1'Lems efote Shocked. emsfully, nail that cavae to Cut nWny hlmt n tiny t>it tit a time, wall fur „fir n tit twur wMn un the wnrch, t,u i of radng tit daylight the Ing the. Hoer four towards its. and Dn► to hoAd the , only. fr cru APIWeciate the h•Ipi(srl There war" other scones, Luo, not to by describe here. All tnannpr of the on(- UI heal• and then rutn In. t RR we wen• loans at fill o",ce w lostponed till Cto,n, w h"tl we a_ tdsr- that bas-Mswamw treat which overtaken him. Ila%we,rri ea h tllhett bh aslnommit caw dprltem who d ell Ip th+tt mtrnrlgP. Iowa Bach a methal of prooeeiure meant for Lin— w lAv t4at -7Mb "M uu 11e An y maa(V, Of Slurp o4 1" ON r Painfully rnmilinr tit lar mince then. prylgfleld, dor Scat Inrtn igMN•ndua- notke%IMe, tle M/nap,r bullet" bussed hand whereln tb1g4%,areoxw erul•I requtring the gntvbing of the hunter .:- f Ileforr nightfall we were j 041 by tel.. Here blvauu'ki.d tUl m +ening, ,three gtltie 1,f fiMd nettdieser, and 1+ um but acarel 1xithertrt u,1 is Y nual weclimbpll Ur hill find Look up it form were there, +ind In many of the - tl her t r ,Ir right mnyrd ,Nit ( nimf relipvM the (:Ior- nrnntt•tl owtr,l mklrtwl tit+ hIIIR. on Isimitloit on the left tit time Gorlinm, ovene" they came in\con es and tries. PI -The spry genial lir. Wu simply .O.NIt n mlir eolr arrival wo tib onon'"t to work •t.Nr•,, cairn fiwd rlcl lire hHls call Ai11-i1RilRlir iir&4W,"-a-f9il"ll" lodlik" aril tlrulkful to rv.w-tk mlm•itcr and".reset. L)Itie t11PTe .tit• fmarm voiteyar into gest him. Ayes alramrL out of .-their __-.-..- II.• were in for rel'eved Ott n.N,n, and 11( Mt1111 lei bxlllt Illi n ffew' tMlo, nNiti+Ily' tn! rselil y, Until ld'Irk llf•MI sttlel t, itockets and then after A second round , ' • - a.' IA'.; led the ell." of the 4th llri- , 1 e out.•r mai ) of w pp t the root ,r ern til )t 1 'n „ Ott Ns, hill time trld wit, 1 trump. he auselfishly Race WAY to Like rtRld ?. kc, _Elft) raw- t fighting tit le oat mire Nate"rwartne, w c IiaA teen hail -L, -µ( _ .n1"r (wast+- LanLPsuneP t1fte - The represhntative-Tn---tie lioltP11 - Ivkletl. Oor 1■Irltk,n wnR Wer)' If P Bolero. Thin da• waw n newt aR- tr(Ing, kir covering th9 a on did R P nLT (ickock we were GI"clwrgn taw rl. Ir'ge ntnrve w, wlLtuaut. (Yell a *twt, States of Creat Britain and Ireland vie se list.. lip - RrRv-atltlg ore. Our rAwgv,rtm pas a annul k( li affording M . and to take It At nil co"to,g for we hied t e oat tpawa (mfr fhTst ea >. whish wlsm 4 j - of the pte-in iryan/t frog. the teflto, and through eared n rfaak. move on our longer est mwltp had not been mistaken, nail then al- mile TNpt'nigh0 two ciM*otm manna) ... \mIx tip we were rr, pplle,l atter the trfn^hM,hut the Wlly Boer NllP1w+1 by the iters. 8) it wow Imperative that we. whould clear ole front. ('til. mood fell over In amusement. Tiles I , c,nn oft out-prnt to arch ,Mown teat to they nAwtwarrl, Wjmere they GN,k whit o wp car- Buchan, Nnuntwring along the ritge. he grasped the silk hat and bolted fur the'cloor. He was tit once follow- \ and I caw a .blanket, 111) (Rxaltiun on a Frage of extrnumily ly hack the mile. nit after witli a pipe in Ilia toorth nerd a rifle un Bnrrnrk PIt h Mr. Wa. ' r Pd pr high. bill-, Pre securing part of t,MChIR oto terns Ttttg cap nrefiwd IhPlr ev.nvo), Th(tt rine "wTiT ktnR be his arm, wn as call it on &lotirr, had jsltrl hs eye nn evPrp- The raaehiww still stww/M n the. of / hifiek the me maid wbth oil call- rtmcmbtreol, for the prw•fow bimenit tali lig. I admit we didn't relish til• flew of Necretary Iroot, blit the YiPwe teeBs fur tier, whLch we, rely failed, and w:> warn gfre:t a handful of work before tip, nail were glut enough hncp MPn removed. A tet of w fir - hnd tlrlae to eat, wMn W,• er^ flonr nm 1 mrrle bwlkin , powder to to halt• the (rider cancelled ; s, till views in the Philippines are being pre- rnArrhed back tell in forte dim 1m1- nmume alrwplverl with, w1lie the• offl- night we lay and •watched and n. Paired, and terve will he. substituted t, .n of our co alae in case of t- cer" forbn•lp the residents near by G) LII'',. ckfeittnlly gave the Highland brigade G/ to fur those which the dl{lnnvntm maw. The ,minchlne in also to Ile pine^,1 in -- fril Ila Any' prollmkma, in. ilaetrol'ing Monday mornivlg ._ a had )neat IV- >ibionr orf a meat "piglot," which nom^ (tomin (aur support 11 Vh,.tace mo%ri lou the pemy'o flank. In the Adjt. Opn. Corbin's office. -N. Y. Tplp- III n.cely settled In our tits wlten the 1 1f tui. nPrgrants had Lorton to Nrr, mornin the Gontonm under cover R gra P11• II II11111ild,1111! 1111I111I+I InerttAlde ndvnnna w again tinier- About .1 Ix m. wa careen e>nlerei hlMek rreept up on the. right, wolf wP circ{e/1 jl ! I p,l. arm( at abNtt .:IO a.m.. car I G town, arrlvfmR there ju"L b40M N1c Ipft flank. The enemy nttelnpte] (]RTS HALIF A CItNT DAMA/i KN. ellrrchnd off stNl angtwa ArrlvinR off wo. Ila still going Int) ^nap on the hill- to stand against thn 0 ord ms, and one n t shad , o lop n botit p.nl., A .i.lp, ot11Y to bNe mutter tip next morn- brave "Dot brunn." thinkingthom rut An Kuroppen Prince Classed With ser 111 poll where arm nil y R InC s to climb over frrl oil in the off, cried out, " C'ome on, Jorkm ; throw tJae ConvletG Wearing Coronets. the outmtda p(Olntm are rECPI 1 for ,lark, hr(wnRh n tinrmw• gaP. Pn+w1 up your hnntil." The ural minute hp 1wmlkin An IntprettlnR 81+rgpry Hnt 1ieiNtrate%1 TMse 13ragil- Lila city. our mnro11 from lief art gtmw#tly 'nHlr hua, novlog rnmtwnrd wen" fIYll,g with Lha reeR tit hb crowd, cable: lilrl Nutt, has beet. on trial In ban Twins. mely plow And cantknw, an Ian with owly dawning M we ('limb- we littered the weterwark4,,thi. wt le mer I tomer'able 040:09, Rt Ipng`th and the Oordorw held the hill. At noun that tiny we reeplyet our flrmt folxt which tw court Cit Lora Ri% gMI, of Klllo , of tilos extended, we c gild hoar the to flea to r rlRht Into tar next val- - heavy of Nle Boerm, anal Rot1+R MRlfer load we begun to silnv,• this previous murning at :I O'ri(x•k. Irwo and one-half bitrlllts alma Welt• Nn LOT41 (Idef Justice, result- n1 to.ny ltd I'r1M,P. CtwTleg de IiOD•P, Lilian) rl%k, yet when. they were offered inti• r Litt nebegi nin joyfully• glove Ie)-, whet n onto camp At nlghtfAJl, n taw urllae than the tmdletw (alae. hum- a al!cp of corned lyre(. The orderly often tit Cortwnrea, the heoir rwmumptivp of Thnt wnm tit the tr,gnning of Fear wax ndcanrf• fr"m the worloe, the mounted men aling atinnt n striking the ground atcurmling the hills routel the oil gone (or Of to lending families of Lhe (am dairy, an11 thin IR the middM of .Tame. teilorted the nee clear. (hr di-Itaer P• with n cfciatw •hag.•' TIIP f4N•rR IN`- —tratne 8 a.nd mattorn, car- h rot hills on tit', Rgln, Slot IOr Half Rtl 111 lids MIIe11M imrAt about w. (me pieet Ntriking Uw UIIeII t. and n cllrnt dam•eti11ant of 1 r SPrutl■h King C'harloe IV., Ratting a It men raR thnL lids tl ills nl(lilt IR coll- Ntmul null ufteit ngt,nititlg Pala hoe at p.m., roup tvplee!I,tIs I-- 7100 from our Md camp, tint we were right, With their (lank holding 4 Rtone that nhtlterelt my head. fly :i fart ing_1hit agcy againmt a news- ben the lot Of the two girls. Little by G", hungry to be Pnrticudnr. Next ri11Rr In fr(nit Of uWa This Gork)tlt hold- o'cicwk that niternoon this plenty pNlier. 'V lhlvh had included him among limit or r(nlvlctm wearing tiro- little th, twlnd jldning them together had be en rut awnv, anti nearer and nm,rning we br•akfnated nL 5 and Ing the hill* on air t, cap, tyle Gorn- gave up hr,pe, of ont roring their rum- n alleged hua tt hope a( fnegkmn. earring a dice Uf earned beef in east wads, RhrnpRAlrtt* nm crioro. inum, fid- mals tku. we started out exilif ,.. ». I ,>m the rldirp n tit, While the radew, arml had to fly, {nrmnwt by Our q,nw anal cavalry, load wt• folluwnl IrR". I Cllr+ 17s+{Nr n•flxl.• to, Inca of Wr nent:•r comp dncl flow they have renpM their re- rtorte,s Rn,l_mlllt )'A," o .. ,I s.. A tar c'learfelg the waterw(rkm oorfWM rm,olr.. ......... .. .. . hPailia. l'nreltthg tfrrPotgfi IarnWAlid 'w" •--- •- -- •• --•------• --- ---• whorl we me chaol fourteen. milm to - - Among :OsOOO ariortocrata occupying m hand ti kClp 11irm we ernlmwd the modeler, and our cum- Iinr, wE ttt nppmarl A t 1 to air IlrabPllpfon"it, nnI the follOWbngdAy, European lorteon cells team (te noose. alnrsn of the trlmmrr amy twin AataNPd nw enClrrt to p R rt ht front, wl1070 we con neM the liavfngg Jo4nei our (vdumn antis Url. Thop latter Nal fur 15,000 damagrR, • Rrm. , first tit flnmllhrn Irn. the twelve pautderm we advanced nPrr Lai tin open to a ridge where the encomv :retiring townnlN tI !r main Wty on the rlglst. A Kaffir vi 'ng,• r a Ilamllton, fought anti wnteliml our artillery awPryo the B"eFm olmatl of and Sir (Isl orge, Newnew IInvnhl forty mldl Iingx Into court, nn mufrk•it•at toc)m Iva Inuit Tht• artnll gioull orN,nw1 on a fl[Ilam` tin the hill- the. slant a the 011{N,"1 : ri rltamA Ian, null lag tit WPI(vmw, M1 na(wIC {Ih' {RlagaV taw PrinCe fl lr any .1AmllRe to be Iti gV"Nf mtNal)r 01 fat Rending a Brett aaglstat wurrYUM -Lr* tit h!!!"We war awarfglug_ ILh turmstus villa In the lull of a valley, dont to hfa elwirarter, claiming that fir Lica toll gra-T" the (nil a f. full fur the ridge. Tote OOrdonw extending ire, who could ate MPn mmm Ing well wodPd nail with n stream Ill If flop Prin ee wnm not In prison, he can r mule Are large nn,l the oft our loft tnoved op the a1tiPP, re• (*•1111 1mitlm ilr(t.l their 1 mea and allpfdng away f m Hoary flea. Forming flair mn the Cp1Lre. Here we got s•ttleA a+loitt ti p.m., arm. t►trn off next day at clay- had, tit lea"t, Mw. C nvh3ed of wwlnclllnq latging hintlwn terprea In nhmwss In mnnhk rel M ing tr Wh'Pile t 1 Ifs tit oar isLty the fight weeaed Lo thee. r*ll light, Maching Winburg late In the Pars tin tar faille pretence that he 'le ('Inial rltlrvr fa ,:"T # tf+ri+wnitm and f•nnndinrtn c+atlnuing ft rr-whamL they. -had a Meloy gun glnmsrN t leera fternaxnt--sixteen adieu..,.... MAII in rising, el will have to PRML- wax atsmt to marry t1wo_ wealthy Pfime•ap i)Pmldoff. - I" wilt" Are MA Ad large taw work to the right, till tie whole tr"nt was rM+nrerl by noNm, null wl3tlp Ip It hut. and with rntli,I Tr• ,g•an the trrtyy ►lenroled (rl- a further hl,b) y -tiH-we, reach Pt>akw nffkwtN /tom Wr>1IMA 1teh1 A tit rr>IIPI•tiorin',n RF bash dhgtfMlc>Iflh tam• rtoauntPd men, ilw n"unl, movlOR Iowa In Nhlrt "ke+lna, nmving Atsmt K mRtwdL. Tlilnk of cads rerarvl-•,he 100 In t>e,t.Iflwl tint de IwNwP last w had repu- tntlon nm'a Continental nwindh+r,find (the Cy 1n t.hn Ulmlrr>iP'•rn- ty he r•utul ire flanks nwrpt them Along the Ie1K(Oe „It tilt, hillml,le. -P, with Lha Shrol"rhirfw, hell flgh ng 1:)* Rrigad miles thir t (Llys. with ntnw vletarles. Rob- Uwt Ir wnm Runty ti( nlm,minnble prat- Iry fn lat,c iaM e e*oxwlragirfg fextntA w" ntr "lir belly Mrf null Iwrdtaot bowb+ke tow guru, and en}eyed wnr, wfter whfrh wl'ni Intl rtimP in nn While 1v itN• front, Lhe Cornwillle nloveol emund to the left, flunking tam+ hill rrtA v gratulatood lel, affil after our bel>tinm of Aheli fire tit float's Nek Misty. ___r__ ---- tuntltrs for Lha fntnrP to n on fo well wP tdml s{*tt on n hillahle, with the rtet+r whish rvw, grndunldv by mtry)t from our gen til thnnkf+Il the CAnndnnn, "(!Anadlnne Nlrm. Curren's Autographs. +nth art• below us and wco,l and w•nG•rIn than, n,+(I wheNl well nrnmA wP ad nn.l tNI a1rhP1 Ikllw: Vornwnll Stnndnrd: Mrs. 3nmea tin rnrnt tendo 'Fenn t>r the Rt, nasi nNindaw*j Is wM nor Intention tit 1•anc.,l +;p tin hlllebkn. jr,uing force+ :1(Nl front again limp wlendI Ily." (own yam itlame ? No tint, Arthur Curran. Cannla•t mllitnry elm pn • inn fn 11 M Ip.'1 firm. Gs hold theme hills for n fpm &)Ym, Mrsaiml on n grant Phitwln Slant nlarCe Lha ground, with Only ane tie for thin nmthl R rrorP s) g,xRI byp;- 'awl Il. RntMrfonl, nrtlat, hnN nn Intelwtatltlg ,•tille•tlon n( notogrnphm which she has reply tnnt.ldtr tit t\'innilN•e f+ Th" 'oA- whiip the nnglnaerm lir+ w-nterworkw, Imlt of rnurAre thlN 1,fsth••r e,tgn ht frrnt or tie, which we Ry' •^mgt. e1 from mostly diNtingoishosl Persian. •v tk* work rfhIA w hayn ,li*+ll' "AN too) n(nrly a paradise, s) when I.,IIp1pl it, Ise rla,lrpo or ium•rR. ft waW rrPnr nit. Lyn - Berlin now h n IMhmh4 far e.0 Orly lm from tw Qattpn'L private sr tits* The g/,nrrnl (I"Io"Z it wnm IPnrrw•d that tin Ittre v„•rn re I film Llmol, h" i I ind int"t s•ttlat annnht+ in groan men librarians. a It* two mgrww retary, Mir Arthur Blago. Other* fir+ frim Lord WidRPiPy, iwr11 itnb,rtR, R crvt(, Of wfN L fen p` lrP hs#r*}) Sea mNM ahnn.1 we wt•n• tk,ved h the Hlghlarn -r ilrl wivnal Thio I for tit,• night, N'hel, time holt of „+fr scerm adore ns nod lot Inotraetdan InstA is nnnntu, nn.l In for the training )IbrarlAnn for Lntll ('bplmdonl. tical. Flutton, Unn e All tttat(cnff rpwult bar M.•n n ire' loft Ort Anuttwr Roar hent. ,bier firs Rnyal Ca+nadlanm itllvurm•^ nuc rrlmortfml morn retorninx. the) no .l+.lit' InRr the onll.Ary VoIlr ihrarle•m, while tlydf y. i Mrr Vnrran has had the R reA hevaor of Iptters from Lht retrrrhmi•rlt. Irl LIN te,wi, pnmmnnit,l Tbnro were RnnrA, and E ('o. wnm In tr se .n.l tin". InR Imr(x r*,ly retirel ,own the pAnY rgr{)trdt#' nf(Opr to draw n* Into nn. the Other, fir throm ro. pr•epeirew the mAaRIlX O to tali LII Ir plume. tit nbnp, hwvl )nlnttal ie 1 rgllltnrY ■n a jnt•tn for dim a. w 1 nmrley lout Me lnA / rr At a breakneck lance we otartt••1, enrlcavoring to mrnp tip with the I'll otter Mtl jrinM tfRP, for no dm ltew lulvw wf vpl nL top Iitvt.s of Rrhntlfb• 1 rnrl.w. ll, ON. (if u rm*In of Mr. Fil. ulltw. of I Ufam, 1GnteP. ray' hnfOne noon. A strop wrmn of m+olnotfrl o fmu, and however high would frown thl•Ir rim• wheoin laorning camp. Tont which i& rwl!wA I rs eI 1* frPquwml) nolo nR m'„rr Ih'I the van- England. win won Resect (naw lean h hl* relMrntanl start of niterl ALtiww, "0104 ,n covered uat rip tlanke, w” we Ja11 MY, tM firsttttaP whtw of"IromPnt watt IrtugwlMP, iAx RnA hfa ?faacY I Iter rd givInf. ,•f whfrh we. a mare. the IiPns nrlgndP wt Rnlnnlnvn, y and ZI In ('AnnMn Lamedpa'm Hhrmp, from Vpvlon, wide 11it'. All wax harry, wills reties, ttro"no oP a fooled than d 1Aw th:fix Rfyrn. aria- fewraold. Khleh the QnPPn hon. wad hP I* "'W t re,nr atm, tl,-It In 1'Irnl(Nag „fir thoAr haemin Ilt.tle ►sande., Ahont to ►u„tieri Naw hill, (only to are, Shp Inst. M wtrngRled mhpltPr. fTtnC wek+k it can* tM ar'SW then to pto? work an'I retire. tlOak of Tltp wAgre IlFlth (Can. Frrnch't nrloy. In Wnith Aointir aketrr en fur rutnrp w rwlno cm'v Alin", 1► UIP PAIOM dlappw►rhlg seromas nn t Iwemly .,tylvn hill units Ln -Pr of dart- Init I . lot en Talton: grentPwL Panay IR 1' t a Mrs. 1N+Intlttgw. Mr wall MM. t'srrnn nrP ' will hm.M plain. Circled hi hills, with t ill' .Ulemtly we felt .Nur way oyer h M1M1 her MlMtallt ermiw+AbA In town tit P.rrmrat, stoplAng at the 1. Lehr.^ gw Theba 'NPhw -flw• etlpa ' elon nese.. - A,ai hollowg. anti an rilpntly we FlnAlllty.-Oolton BAlapral Hotlel. oa tog gpput 1r At Nn It " shopping In 11100"nad. fOREP U6H'S WIDOW EDSI Husband a Bank Clerk Two'. Years Her Senior. OFF ON A BRIDAL TOUR, New York despatch : Mrr. Adam winaldnn aotl_M;arta are free. WINly are, srpnrat`a being: 41aIentl* Amer- Irn n. He Wait ( onvinced. " Once. when I wits publishing a paper In Stattle, I convinced a wan in tit moat Pmphntir Wny that It paid to aticertine." said net old journnllA. " Ile wan n tnirly pronporruuv neer chant, nail I ind trleol for n long Limp t6 get. him to Insert nm advertisement in my paper. "'Oh, It',1'finawe!' he would Pny. 't -lever read Stiff ndvprtlormentm lit n paper, ars(] fin one PIRA (liken. i Relieve In advprtistng, Mit In n way Nat will form Itself spun the public. Thwi It pays lint In n newal)nper- pthaw ! F:vpryhryty who roondn n npwNpalN•r 01"igwk toe Advprtfaltg pagev M If they Were prAoor n.' "'Well,' Laid (,'if 1 ran (%)1I%lllcp vols that (mople (k) road the AdvertiraR lot" of my M'per. will you I+,lver top ?' "'of course f will. i advertise whrr- perr i t111nk It will Ito Any g)al.' "Tip n^ct flat i hold Lim• follnv/ing hoo, .tuck In the moat obscure enrnpr of taw• paper, Im•twmpn a couple. of tntent Inedtclor ndrprtlmempnta: " 'What ;k C'oiten going t" Ill/ n hont ,t f• Taw nPct clay s, many People. Ion- noval him by Asking whnt that meant that It bsrgged me to vxpinIn this amt ler In my ►Mxt below. i promised G) ,l0 No If he wand IK uses wrlto the expltinat!crh, end stand by It. imp ngrPsd: anti i wrote, 'He Is gong ter Advertise, ppff conarmp,' An(] he dIA."- New York Herald. Furr{wugll. widow tit Lit" falutill" shuwwait, h n hrid" ml the br'xad Adnate She sailed for EuroPr uu the Anguntis \'iclurla with tier 1(.n" hated. Walter Nn lo, A 1'hlladelPhia bank ,•lark. last hurrdAy, the day attar .hay were re. n•I ler lnarrleet nt Ora(se Church. In this city. The Rev. IY lY+ e fI tet tl ro- N"final 11N• l'ar y {car ,re. ,many . The Hlaltu war marsh intertionodin tf** news U, duy. It was u emaplete surprise, except on Lk -few intimate (rietuir. They deny that Were w'ar fifty particular mom-rery about flip off - (air. The brlAl"'a maiden name war Mary C, F'allwan. Stow Ir :3N yeasrs old. Her family Ilveo In 1>hllitdelphia. where Mrs. Nagle long war regardext as title of the must chic and In.t gown ed women in society. All of her gowns +sere Parisian creations, wad" by Worth, Felix and other well known toasters n 1110 dretomaking art, find ' Mrs. F(we- paugh a appearance war striking. She haw fre{uently vWltest this city, Whmro Gifu ham a ►asst of friemW. Her marrllago with Mr. Nagle has a tinfor lit romance, alt hough their ac- yuaintancw hew bee.. of several,•parr' duration and fur the lust two years they have be!n beNrothwL Mr Nay(ke W wtief tot** han11rume' null A IIttlo mors• than 40 yonro of age. He is employed at the Berard Bank, tine of tie oldest financial institutions hn the (hunker City He remignoid him P(sl- ttn in the bank boVore file marriage, Mrs. Forepaugh, after her husband'm death, lived with Mr. nod Mrs. Fimh•In uuw of the IMltrt luxuriously ap{wluUrl hoxonm In I'hlladelphis. - I i•'rleml`Af Lha maple. say gnat -filets. wedding trip will carry tncni to Chlon, where the bride haw friends. ,- At the time of hs dlvtth Adam Fo er twough wM wholly devoted to Ilia young wife, and he left her the bulk of him fortune, helNdes the euntrolllnlr Intocresol In the circus, which for y'tarm turd borne the names This shn after - warts mold to James A. Batley, repre- denting the Barnum k Balley interest Diarrhoea Checked. t L t seawn of the year Many peeson. art, tY eat b Lh1. dread malady. but no one need su r when Nlich a helpful remedy fiN Polo i'. Serf illne IN to be bad. A few' drape taken Is a tiviapootful of warm water Once Ir twice b sure to check It. For all mtumach disorders, hesadache, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc., nothintf Caul excel Nervillne. Prompt, Gles",.nt and efcient Try it. :cold by &U dealer.. C 1'01 (' 'in on Sena !Oc to \ son A: o., 6 t Ont, for a trial uutflt of their ruaraut el•tl ,tire for Catarrh and outhmA. Knew the Photograph :' A PC■It olflle+ Was opened 1, ward•' Ing town In Australia, and oxo t11e flrmt day a mail festered It in order tocamh tm 'l t (1[,e CwJer. Tie new >• art f s o/ a P' er •1 it df nit tot his of ear, putt 1 up w ti K Y face, examined tat orllpr, and said : •'1•s you've signer] It ' J. Brown' btlt Iryw am I to know ),till are J. Brawn?" nus town pro used him toandkis"ief; "Clot." he Maid. " my Ila Ole I8 marked tit the Corner, ' •'I'alww." granted the other, "you probably mtolp It." "ala rr it im again tial my shirt." "Prob ehly stole th.nt, vuu." Tlat Wan was lit d stair. He krrsw nu one in tke town, And had tea more money. Then, n brilliaot idea struck him.. Hs put him hand In him pockeit, and produced a plmotpgrnph. ••Look here," he sold. "herr'r my it " Tow stmaxter Pxntuln p(rtrn P' eft It carefully QuIGe right," lie unit], and handed him the nmoey. St. Martin, Qte., May 10, 159:1. C'. C. RICHARDFI a C O. : Gentlemen, -Last November my ehild stook n nail fn file lute causing Inflammation mc, severe. that 1 wnm advised to take film to Montreal anti have the limb amputated till move film life. A neighlo,r advined itm to try NiiN- ART)'S LINIMENT. which we did, and within three ,laya my child wnm ,ill right, anti T feel s, grateful that I semi your this trmthuoninl, that my experlPnce nay lie of benefit , to others. t LO1fIH OAONIF.1t. The Mantle #'Taylor." The Signal ■TRT THURSDAY MOKXlb;Y re. U. Y•r'ILLJOODLY. ! Irelse of owbaowty w" fir•Steell►In aAraao•.. . ... ... ..I fs res aosthe. " tax months. ............::::...; ! M One yea►, ` Adveruelog 14904• I,eral and *tar *areal ad vertlwmeuV, IOw der le for ora► L&eertl . ant 7 oeuu per Use fw ewh subseouest In•erWoo. Meusred b a nou Dpaared scale. 8_000 cards of stow Uses and under, M ees rear. Adrertteestenu of Costt rolltd. gtrwyed. JftwUutie Vraoast, Bltra,l,rls anted an Ad Bpr;wluer Uhancss Wasted sot exceeding 6 Rtes ■otrMrell 1 PW moult,. liuuses, ou Bafe and rarms o• Bale, tet b* exceed 8 finds, ti fur ural moot ", Aro• Pe. etgantmoutb. 1 rad v.► n Ant speolal sottoe, tie.Zl of proose"the peons Lary betedtof r1 • ddwd s to be eon ; mal er oemp&ny. ,neat and ebarred nstrox,rdlwrl . _ -. , Ioetl modow b eonpudf yp• sssgtl ow Ilatloe lee■ tpaa f6o- wits s ■ 1 read Ltsal r word 1 o s nu -y tn/ _ M oasts per ward. No aotlt>• for 1 leouoee for churches And ether benevolent las ltutlo mi, half mi*. Subscribers who t1all to receive To s JIYAt regularly by mall wW *outer a vat ►f w Quaktuas es of the bol es r a Rale u p*wlble. entered @ybas a die n (+( Oddaer L ( be dye& de old Sall the sew address shoo d Publisher's Notice. 1. g. Tesse . of Oodrloh ham bees op sRlo TraveUl i for the Tows- pe of Uoderloh, Co)borAe. Ashfield sad a w aseab. Load poetmasters over the dW.rict are sow 2"powered Le resolve enbscriptlots t• Two 61aNAL All *ommuALMtIODe moot be D. MoOILLiC DD7• Teo Tele Dhow Call 1 L ridt7 MAY,`JULY 4, 11M. GRAND TRUNK (RAILWAY, -_ Anted tied .............. .....1 L p ar¢ Malt and lflogramr...................... Lf0 p.A, , Mixed, f -b D -a. _ Mail and' :.............. »...1L70 p. m !1!A>K. r.16 ►la. Mail and Ixpeegi.. t/k............ yycall and IxpresL... .e.I............ 1170 Pat. Yfixed .............. L36 Po. DRMTls"y. Ag, NIUHOI.SON, L.D.B., 11 1 LrIfTA eUA(liOr. Rooms o M the Peet OMO& Oold rUllna, own and li SA Work s J wait►. !6 Terri Exprleaew - LM. MABIE, D.D.J. LD. .-.DENTAL • BurYeon-Meet and approved methods Mr aU ddenw opsmuon'L P •&Lien of the sat uMl teeth a special. . Otace: Cor. Weal st. and Pvuare (np el ttatsatesea West . Tu:eDluint, Nu. y). . T M. TURNBiTLL, D.jyA LD eJ a tad fFArason. (Lata,' awa*l...J Dr. IMioo, of lsontt•e(11. Oold and r. or at er Uflol&1 Leetb mouute o Gold \ batten S atttu al glva■ b a pf'esew vsuon of las natarnl beth. f¢I Me• Waste mew hunk 1Slf LIOAL N. LRWI9. BARRISTRR. SOLICITOR, - OY—BARRISTI CAMPI Q.O. fit, j, t, motor Nulty Ito. Omoe ova 1[ediaal L/e ry. I e Ooderioh. Hall uwr . .fa -lig O. JOANSTON-BJRIt19TRR, BOLI- a MorseI to at111tou stoat. • allow, Com one-, loan. OAow: Car. amilton ani St. Andrew Tallon' although nobody eeenlw to Iltr "Oodrich, Ont. bot --_f PROUDF'00I t HAYS BA IS F'H!i eelicitimm notarlen public prucWn in the , Maritime Court, &C. Office: •,orh sL, next door SIGNAL OIA— Private F'uuds W lend wt FI(Pmeege n Ifmp n a tall, thin glare; b west mien of Internet. "I W, IsItoUDFOOT. IL.C. HAYS. drop the ]line In the pini ; Put in tit X'1AHROW AL GARROW BARItINTICBy, G Attortgn. Solknerw, loo„ Ooderlch. J+ -_ T. earrow. Q.C., Charles narrow. Li. B. han,thil of Cricked ire; Imdur a good- HOLT, C., BARRISTER, PHIIdP Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. OMce Int sired poker of Scotch whiskey over sideOourtbouse Jtiusrc. Monty to loan st 'I law rates of iutorest. the ice+; fill with giiWer naw, stir "ICBINSON a IIOLMES -- HABRI9- - 1/ un oolualLon„ Notaries Public, etc. alTher 1r Money tolowa e, Wast ate t. R L. DICKINSON. DIJDLY ICULNha. + 1RAA. SEAOIR - BAR(LIWI-Eft, BO I. Omo• ' i illLor notary and coarsyi row: Hamilton street opposite the Colborne thigh -ball aart all the rinitays.-Wash- on Hotel, Uoderlch. Private rands fmi dud un moortgagee at 9 per cent. Interest armeM' - notss tR1e1,e1d, .. ' O. WARD. CO%'VEYANh7RiL'Wr; o -- -_ -- t • cumm4Nloner for taking find re,.,dvinot rw-agnlr•uw of ball. allldavhr or &!firma- a Unas, depoill ions or solu,n dn,Jaaaltone It or '. •rnnaruing any Ochoa, suit of OMrGeding In -7" are High (court of Ju•tice, Ih• Court of APpI'al I for onb.rin, or Ill any County fir Mvumom, Court. All 4ansal:Uo is carefully and P ompug what IS to mad where It Is : nor eon executed. Itseldeuoe and P. O. address-1)atr . ensconce, Out. l Mit amt fixed Lig had oo milderable erperlswoa to the ono partienlar nrn•Ilnnt until they have LOAN) AND I(IwfltfltANCL I WnhlagUml iN reveing la a r»w' N. LRWI9. BARRISTRR. SOLICITOR, ' dAnk InvPntood Iry A geoup of oorr - . NOLWT. Procter MartumisC:ourt. amigos, I aponclentio it im CAlhef the " Mamie at111tou stoat. . Tallon' although nobody eeenlw to L J. T. NAFTKI. FIRE, LIFE, ACC[ I' -nnd ' know why. Thin is the recipe, a d,•nt PIAto Ola„n InsurnsRlw Agent FI(Pmeege n Ifmp n a tall, thin glare; tit. lowest rate. Otho: On Hwmllkw nuns, to Oarrow x uerrow's oAlox, ll,rd- drop the ]line In the pini ; Put in tit h.door -_ han,thil of Cricked ire; Imdur a good- - ---- -- sired poker of Scotch whiskey over 1LONEY TO LEND -A LL TO AMOUNT 'I the ice+; fill with giiWer naw, stir lYl ofPrlvabFundsfor wtaa ,tow- - alTher 1r eat Mies and expease or neltasgaL Apply touwmwt(tane% - _ 1' nk hall+ impermaded Scotch I thigh -ball aart all the rinitays.-Wash- — ---- - - - e1jCt10II 9T• i ington corr•eirl>ollllent, St. Loos Ulm• ' patch. a NF.CIrSSITV /►M PI11t1.ICITY. ►PNOMAa OI NURY. AUOTIONKRlti l Go,dort,h, Ont. Special attention given # •-Y I'eu(llC oanUot Inir'hMe any mom. to farm and farm awk •alta Bales attended b In any part of the oousty. 4 M(Xiity until they have Mpit Informal . what IS to mad where It Is : nor eon JOHN KNO1C ORNLRAL ♦UOTIONIIA dalostor.Goderb>h.Ont. Har. 1 try he exispeted to pntrnisp nay amt fixed Lig had oo milderable erperlswoa to the ono partienlar nrn•Ilnnt until they have okorestriag trod°. he is I■ a pealuon to d4 sharp with thoroutb est4faetten all eoM- to ! bfaPn enlightened iW to Wile_ _ why l oeu trn•tsd h1m. Or ew ti null IN,w ►r ,isms bttnhesa.• Yublk•1t nxtoni *tel or sent by mea to sin er1Irh O„ o.r.rnlIT atter+. Io. much nm s eobtialtied ht n Boll n,lter NOZ CC•nntrAaetler+eer, tw-rr timing medlum Blip title polo•., _ am " MAIt>uA >1 ttJOldd. t neweRfiry to. the Rrvrwtll .d n Inial 1 :m We a•naM Ont, unit gelWrp{Ig gutwhino-Ut44mv - pn*&- _w_iE ___ - - `t", o r nowii and rrnlw,-'--- 7 ..•:D('LiFyZ-OENERI►L INRUR• i • anee, Real Comet• and xfµroey- iw walt Agaeent. thJY flint -dans oompanim 4:I Why He Celled It '#bhp." repre•rnted Istoney to lend on straight leane, At t he 10*00b It wan dpiibpratrly plaMW tin, ew1eoflnterr"tgdng•in anj w -ay to suit the borroiMe•er. S c nd oor tram mg 0 . executed Ili 4.0111 blood. Of"ice; 7Wf tt They were Willing of anmmfor vn- cation plane, and *In wantah to know T '-_____ -- If ie. could afford a pertain trip on DiRT1t111KN'B KINIONrili t, ••-....,_,.._. J wh►rh Rho hall milt Itwr hfanrt. •` _ Wpll, i Ikn.'t know," Inn rp(rllel. British General Carefrl of the Ses. "Ftlfh tsn'R very plentiful now." - slbl)Itles of 'Others. "' Wr 11 " lrelairnowl him wife. "What -- _ (k) you mear( by ' sial' ?" Tar brother of Colonel ile Ville "Why, motry, of course." hp An boy.-Mniruil, lute, Ray■ the Timem' wwpral, Apparenthy astonished At Parlirconr+sloondent, foommundented to tit gltsrtion. "And ter I.Ihro*6 the following letter nd why do you fir^ Ow feminine p onoun In speaking of mosey ?" slip 'Irvww.l to Nindpnmrlmelle tie V illet•,im ,btranded. tlillroull by Lord Mt immvl tin the to• Ir anything, IM• gspowl arm Lear• (UWOII p1 tie uoloaei'G heath : . p►IRe%1 tMn Ipfnip. Baallof. May 10, 11)(11. "Morey talks, do" Is It P' lip ask 'Ma1lenr,lmpllp, - 1 am forwarding pal.-1'►d(•agr Pana. yon n Photograph of a marble NG me _ _ Which I have IWO irlaRwl in the. " shopping In 11100"nad. churt•hyanl at Beghe)f, In mammary of %anr (av ivir. i hr I nave fcstind flip t -! it has Men RAW that the Se,t- shad Ir+ wore, and If It Pr)vew to his tiph dnaPe•t W perullar v tRrwprfnl In an It rllnll nhlo iot writ 4/ ycia. lcnld l Ito lisp of vowels, nod the fallowing Ilcyt place vonr father'N body' n a dytl'>guo• IR•tweoen a "hnpman And a Romani Vath"ile churcloArel, nm 1 I oaMG,mwr hasp town Rivrn M1t n appol- feel more yob wout.l IInyP wimhe'l, but : J men The c,nverantlrm related, to w Nr funeral rltrm wf•re carried on% by Plaid hAnging tit the thgl limit : Nor : ( k• Con►tee oke Rro%tn, And malllteory ' l'llwtorrrrr (Ingnhing the ml al) ir,norn wnm arl'r1lrel to the (Ylolwei. -(1) ? (w,Nil ?) We ,all ragtet thin dronth of can aAe%)In i Shofornwn--Ay, (lo tyro, of whol) ILMeI nail gallant sddlrr, hint h' Cuirlionw-4' tel T CAII wool ?) lwpfe•rtvrt dfath t, becoming L prs- , ."... Nlx>pmwn-A,p a' no f (ye., all wool). enter. Let trip convev to yM)e Illy myln. ruo$U,TDwr -A' ae ou? (alt on m.' prtthy and the xvmlonthy fir my eon f, wool ?) . IrwdOn I.li yolr vwsrrow. Ye+ry truly' -;,'1'M Shopman Ay, a' ss fro (yen, all Mee "i ooloPl en, Lieut. Oe+npral. Come mtmQ. wool ►.-Wedoldy. Tghlgraph. Ing 5%h Dlvk&n." . . f t 4 ,:, • a . •. >. , A ' _ r