HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-28, Page 8• TRVYOAT, June 28, 1900 1 THE SIGNAL : GOHERICH ONTARIO. Refreshments Free... • • • • • What is more delicious these hot days than a nice glass of Ice Cream Soda or a dish of Ice Cream ? Now we propose to givr'bur Customers on each and every Cash purchase of One Dollar a ticket entitling them to one dish or order of Refreshments at the Bal- moral Cafe or Harper's 1Cream Parlor, which will be accept d at tjiese places. Come and look over Bargains in Dry Goods and Iillineryt Bargain List of . e e e Hot Weather Needs : Ladies' Fine Summer Vesta, regular 25c. for 19i. Special range of Colored Dress Muslfou, at fie. and 1Qe. .. ,t tt tl _ with 20o. end 960., for 16e. Mena, Boyle and Ladies' dtrrw Sailers M Itetste,Talues. Ladies' Capes and Spring Jackets at Qreatly.luoed Prices. 11 range of Ladies' White Underwear. gains in Gents' Furnishings and Clo Great Values in Black and Colored Di.G. Goode. Special Prints, all colors, at 5c. pay Large Assortment ! Styles ht 1 Pril.es Reduced FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS! COME AND LOOK THEM OVER t _ 5O-YALE-BJCVCLE3S- resr4 0 f1lflflb. • While in Toledo last week our buyer purchased' 60 iligh Grade Yales at a ridiculously Low Price for spot cash. We have decided to offer them for quick B 1e at the Extremely Low Price of CASH OR PRODUCE 1 SmithBro'so. DUNGANNON. NOTles.- The looel agency le 1iun snoob for Tn. 81aXst. V at the oRloe of J. U. Wants, J,1'., 000ve aaoer, ko. who will receive or - den for submiptions. edvertiaing and lob wort. and is authorized to give receipts for amounts paid for the same' GA. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK. vow, will noome We tripe to Dunton neo la April --let and ]rd FrW.y eocb month. 'W'*DaliDAY, .lune 20. Mrs. N m. Habkt,k sad two ohlldreo mostly nonfood home alter having about throe weeks vlett ammo friends and rola *twee at Oedetiob and other points east and math e1 t,oderlob. Coulson *elm.. -A oburob ►tx Sal will to held In the grounds of Trios. Durnto oo Fri day, June 29tb, ander the •mpleee el bb. Ladles Aid of Mb. 1'euI'e church. Th. Lucknow braes band will be there. You• an oordWly invlbld. • Now that Moline'Osatamed in • beautiful habiliment of green and bedeoked with flowers of .11 kinds anti oolors, the re poor of the ootatry, .long with Lb' obeei .Lag prospect of abundant °reps e1 umresL , .ere tables and traits, is very pl.aslog. OaLNouvetc.-The oltlrsos of Dungen ass are determined bo keep apace with the program of the times. J. M Roberts and Mao hostess of the Mmllough hotel hart made enbstanMal Improvements in Iaythe g ramUthic walks, the former ma the prem- ie occupied by Mr. McIntyre, merchant, bbs latter la trent et her hotel on the west g ide of the mato street. LAWN Social. -Os Moodav evening, th• 18111, lost., s lama moist under the swoons of the ell Crewe oburob I)uogao• sea dr. & tisld on Robert +nlseyeo'e 1gws_sA ssMMao 7. E. D. Ashfield. Iwiki.w bead resdend some eroellent pdegtime of mush]. Also Mies Maud ('ro. pier, Ashfield, vtollslst, entertained those pressot with two approprt•ts fele, • ,o. 1n good form, and moalo was also rendered by lead Mime, which was well remind. A Very interesting time was spent daring the eoolaL Prooeeds amou.b•d to $32. ideate Reietsu.--On Wednesday of last week a large number of stalwart men of West Wawoseeb, Ashfield and other point, were sesemoled on bbs premises of Jo. ph Wilma, south half ot lot 1(i, 000eeattoo 6, W. W.wososb, to armlet In the rasing o1 . barn, 46156 and 20 ft. in height above n ose louad.tlon. 1). Murrey sad R. Mr Allister were sslsotd .s espt•ins. The former 000duobd work on the south stele, Me latter on the north olds Japt. MoAI lister and staff of men were the Motors. as ehey had finished woes the south mon were oommmdog to pat up the rafters. The n orth men were quite exuberant la befog flet dose. No aooldeut of any 000ae,ii0ence . veered during hiss raising. Donald Pat braes, of East W.wenosh, who le well karma to W an ezeiellsot framer, bad the oonlreet for the frame work. which is pre• O 00noed to be first-olaes. John Olen, stone mases, *leo did his part in the foundsbbos *tab ardlt to himself. Oar townsman, .1. Wbysrd, tinsmith, has the oontraot for the asv.broteghlog and 000duotors. The new begs, to .ddlbboo to the splendid brlok dwslllas hones meetly ooaltreatd on the /realer, adds greatly to the oomfort sod valueef the property. We trust that the Owner and family will for many years be Is health mod strength to enjoy their wife and daughter, halos Mall'. spent ILO Sabbath with relatives and friends to the township of Hurou, oouaty of Bruce On 'Tuesday menthe Rey. B. L. Hutton left here for els new appointment, Greaten circuit. The reverend gentleman has been 10 Uuoga0000 moult for three year., dur- log whioh time he performed his duties as pastor faithfully end with great energy. tie acid family have the kind regard of quite • number ot friends, who sluoerely wteh them moomse to the new sphere of labor.... Mrs. Thompson. of Lucknow, relict of the late Adam Thompson, Lod youngest daughter, recently visited rola tives here. .. .7'. 1;. Allen has dsold.d for the presort to retire from public school te•eh.un .0d to modern • grocery boslnsee In i ,ung.nn00 Ws rafted to bays to state that Mies Errlegbo, daily/Her. LI David Erringtoo, of West Wawanoeh, who has Wes for some time Indisposed, is not Improving In health, but mentions' to be weakly .. Rev. Mr. Nortm, of limiest., kup.raoouated minister, is visiting his daughter. Mrs. A. F. Treleaven, .. Thos. Pentland arrived home last Saturday after el ,fog relatives fee slew days iu Ooderlob. GOD h. MOH TOWNSHIP. Tiit Io. DAV, June 21. Uoioo eobool so..i ,..'.u. 6, MIN Minnie 1'ompbell, *..nher, hid their annual plonk, on Ws.toesday. There were over two boo drill pioieaa,lncludtng parasite Lod farina' of the ',bolero, and also • number of t Dung peopl.• from town. Football and oilier games .. 4 'porta were Indulged In and mob scholar .• es presented with • bap of peanuts .rod cane y by ahs trustees, Chris. Johnston, D.yt4 Orr and Wen. Elliott. OU NLO*' Morr.Av, .1 ono 2o. Mr mod Mrs. R. H. Mollonmld and Miss Olnppin, of Detroit. Melted hers last week. Mlobasl Tobin and our former towns• man, N. kloLeod, took to the excursion to Devote lasm week also Mr. and Mrs. Oso. MoPhe•, of Loyal. During Mr, Mct'hee's &bosons Wm. Joaee, jr., acted es deputy postmaster. I'he garden party gl M Monday evao• iog at the home of D. wson under the auspices of lockup yterlan church was • very enjoyable affair. The p consisted of piano selections by W. Olean C.rnpbdl, roost solos by Mies lirowo and Jas. M. Thomson and addressee by Rev. .las. Hamilton mad Al.... young. ttelresh- meets were partaken of with relish. The national anthem was sang before the gathering dbpereed. LEEBURN. M"N PA Y, June 25. Mr. and Mrs, H. Chisholm were .mono Me excursionists to Detroit on Thursday of last week. Statute labor was the go IMO week, the beats of Hillary Horton and A. d. Clutton being out to fall Toros. W. W. Stoddart, student, preached hers last Sunday for the Rev. R. Henderson to • large oongreg.Hon, who were into% pleased with his dbmone. Among lets Improvement', our enterprle- tog-i1tb..0, James Uhieholm, has 'mottled and ;redid the hillside in front of his reed home. " _ .` _-des 4 p.b up • seat wire resew with r1-artmt.:Jt•e 2o.J ffiTait be the lake shore road frontage. (Comm,hen of West Waw.noeh will meet In the township hall on Tuesday next, the .aril of Joly, .t 10 o'olook ,hero. Seethes or l't - The meatolpal The mammoth Sunday echoel Dtoolo at the EIAws.-There are les oandidates for e■ aesls►Mea from Dungannon public sehoel, five for eetresoe,foar for public school leev- tty and .oe for matrtonl•tion HmtaAveowelt.-Mr. sad Mn. Thomas Begley, W. ssawaaosh, have the Amore sympathy of their bleeds sod eala.lnb. nesse In the death et their Weed eblld, JOS. Albert, from broadside and leff.mmetioe of Woo beads. The lube sae, who was only five menthe old, pared •w.y ea Wedges dayafter • short Illness, and the funeral took pl•ee os Friday. Haar Aim THtttt. -Quito • number of Moe eiisws o1 Desr.n•ee and vlehlty Mel ht the •xonrdm to eh• City of tk1, Rtreila. They report having bed an enjoy. able sad plesrat Mme.... Walter Stewart, .f ineks•w, formerly .n esteemed resident .f Deagseaea, we. In our village last week. �js Tuesday of last week Mrs. R. Wileea road daughter. Mies Maggie, along "deb Mee lterb•er, lege here en • vleitlne tear se relatives In M•nttoba and other pyre y ties Prairie Provisos ... 11evId JmldMse1 M A.Nl.ld, eeeolmpsnlsd by Mrs. JJ,,aliss, heft hate ea Monday the 25th, on • ,1 leer be Medea' nett former se. la Melees, Kteeerdise, Paisley, ares 11.ute mir1.01 ofe nate.... Joie alrWea wile Anes leer. ea Men lay be basso Y fes bwe-bfp of Sit ...u4, Grey,sagrafte doer fesMM14s, s eti et►. . 11. F.bbstra, O.eioned 1A. Ha was Moho p(esead with esm agstion fes .f age wile" as rise of Ibis apeeise et las of y ee INN Se bad se lUIppeeed Jamas Its be- bM Point Form Tusd•y of last week was favored with • tine flay and bracing lake air. The 000asion proved to be one of enjoyment to ell who attended. 11. A. Herta*, sapertn- tenden% of the Sabbath school here, wee ens of the maoseen, dlmharvtng the duties of secretary of the oommlttee. Cr. -toot Hoon. . Ellen May, mooed daughter of oar respected towsaman, ,1•s. Horton, was married M John W. Farrtsh, of Ashfield, on Wednesday night of last week. Rev. M. McKay, formerly pastor of bbs Presbyterian ebunh hers, performed the osremooy. The bride will be much missed here by a large olrete of (deeds, who wish her and her bod,sod every noose la he journey of Iles beton them. ae,ealeee 1mM or Tereere. "1 hod • had cough for seventeen lean,- writes Mrs. Samna' Hamilton, .,f Lawnville, Tenn. "No doctor or medi- cine could core it until ,.ne year ago i began to nae Dr. King's New Disonyery for oonsamption, whish did me more good than all other medioinoe I ever used. it fa truly • grand cure for stubborn coughs. colds and throat and long troubles," Positively cures consumption, poet' monis, ;rip, bronchitis, asthma, hey fever and croup. Price GI),,. and el. (luennted. Trial bride free at Jan. Wllerwe'e drag .tore. hinter : A pretty Jose saddle' was quietly esebrood at "()reherd Vella," Me reddeses .1 Mrs- iso J.wall, ltswat•a- villa, en the 13th lest , when her aie..l demister, aim tree.O R. Jewell, was earned M Nsleoo R. (J•bbledteb, SiM.r. $27.50 CASH Othcr Styles for Street, Diggs, House, Outing. We Won't Keep SUIS eta until ytw give usi au opportunity of Mewing THAT THAI you how much you eau save by buyiug your e IS URANDED uN EVERY BOOTS & SHOES frun, ❑, THE SPOT CASH PUKE ilk which everything ie marked shakes think tug people those who .hop arouraf anti want to make their Dollars go farthest, buy here. The Th1141111 strong points we wish to emphasize eu our business are 1st -QUALITY and -PRICE ard-HONEST DK&LINQ Your Money Baolt: is the satisfaction we give you for any dissatisfaction with your purchase. W.ome in anti see us anyhow, whether you buy or not. We will be pleased to show you our Gouda and Prices. Our famous QUEEN QUALITY Ancien -made Shoes are the talk of the town. P.EPAIRINCF- P. T. HALLS 7 North side of the Square, (lolerich. THE CASH SHOE DEALER Exclusive Agent for the famous Queen Quality. Clinton : Died, at her home la HORN vllle, on Thursday. June 14th, lirmillOWls, toilet of the late William I)avts, et ohs vile arable old .gs of 78 years sad 14 days. These are the cheapest Whee = ever offered in Canada, and it is _ your opportui to get . a, first-class =\mount, fully guaranteed for, he season of 1900, at LESS THAN MANUFAC'T'URERS' PRICES.__. have also in stock Second=hand Wheels at,from $5.N op. _r N - eels expressed to distanc .�., with privilege-ot exami ation, on receipt of One o11 ar. Gode ' ch on J y 4th, in o r Wheels while here. Come t and see CEO.- STEWART GROCER Yates' old ibud, West o.lo Square. TEA e The best 50e. Tea for 46c. this week only. Black or green.DON 'T en. This is a snap. Don't mer 'it. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••••4061 Don't Guess AtResults. EMERSON'S IC CLE ANDMl1J�SIC HOUSE AN GH-CLASS NOTFS OF SPORT The gun club shot twice 00 Friday lest, and the following worse were made : let shoot --C. Darrow, 5 ; D. Molver, 4 ; E It. b% macro, 5. Zed shoot -h. R. Watson. 5 ; D. McIver, 3 ; A Rongvle, 3 ; E. Campion, je.. 3. The club will have • match oo Mon- day moroldg Derr at 9.30 o'olock. A warm game of baseball was played at Agricultural Perk last Saturday by the junior olubs of tbooertoh and Clinton. Honors were pretty even, and when Gode- rich wont to bat for tbs last time they were one run behind. 'rhe boys were not to be beaten, bowever, and managed to tally the two runs mammary, the snore being 7 to 6 in favor of Ooderich. TM employees of the Kensington fu. u - tors factory have organized • Meehan olub, to be knows '•. the Kensington beesball club. The Other. are es follows . Hon. president, F. O. Rumbll; hoe. vles-prest. dent. .1. Shannon; president, W. Hinton; atos-pr.sidebb, l'. Keene; secretary time - mar, E. Robinson; members of normative oommittse, 1'. Griffith, E. Irving. Simon McKey; monomer, 11. i' wards; oaptaln, R Met ertney. COUNTY CURRENCY. kayhdd ; 1t. Bailey loot a valuable nib through 1uHamm•tory rheumatism. Oodirtoh township • Edward Rathwell has a floe l.elos.tsr ram from whioh be clip Old fourteen pounds of wool. Nile : On Wednesday, June 13, Jobe MoKnlght was married at the messy As. burn, to Miss Minnie Steele. - Hayfield : greed Is now four omits a loaf. The new bakery established by Tons. King has given the people sheep breed. Nile . Mn. Ju. litrvtn 1. out again, Mier has eeeffeement b the M,we. fee Moms three weeks with a sprained ankle. Hlllaeresis : .las. Turner bas sold to Mr. Noelle of Enter, • foe young driving horse, for whioh he reoelved the sum of 0110. Rayfield Mrs. Dewar hadbe min - fortune recently to tall off • chair O whloh she was standing, and she enstaliliff yew severe Injuries. Ethel: Amour the saooes.ful students at the late examinations ot Varsity via Cert Kesler, of Ethel. 11e obtained first ole honors In hie 3rd year. 1-oodesltoro' : M... Woodman an4 Mrs. Pringle book Me peepls by marls' ons day last week, end were united in matrl- moni.l hoods. ('ongratolations. Blyth : After .n illness of five months, too Int mires weeks of *blob were spent In bed, Mies Ethel, only daughter of (;,orge Powell. died on Suaday afternoon, 17th Inst. Itruaele: M. H Moore, V.S , hag *enured another assistant. His name Is Moors and he is • relative of M. R.'s. rho yore; gentleman will be as the reserve list for a wells. Sea(ort : Then were 125 tickets mild fat ilia farmers' s.00rstnn to the Export mental Farm at Ueelph. There won 56 ol.k.es sold et *Ale station for the Detroit steaming. Orel : A very ple.esnt evening was ' epees ea .1as. 13M, at Rowan Tree Plane, eho maws. of Aloe. Perri, when Mus Meigs. Porno, his sister, was married to Jam Orase. Nag Kra : Mies Doff, of UMerloh, fera,erly of (Mabe, zed Mr MM'm,n.11, r.1 ReIl.4I, who were attending the Normal Sobeol at Ottawa, have both ntorad home, he term bedlam sl.sed lase week. Tbay IVERY. were the only Hureataos in •tteodeoci at the Normal Mum Duff, we believe, ex. ports to resume her former poeiu0.. Blyth sobool, Exeter : Alen. iiamwell bad new potatoes for dinner on Monday of last week, grown le his own garden He bas .iso In his gar. dew a rose huh profiles with bloom, °ontain. for over 200 bud'. Exeter : Fred. Treble, who has teen working la St M•ry'e for Lome time, u bl•ok.mhb, 1e home parsing a sore arm, having bad it dislocated while working with • hone In the shop. Exeter : Miss Hattie Fitton left Toes. day of Dot week for Owen 'Sound, where she will ttke the boat for mond where .he wilt ond the wloter with her sister, Mrs. O. H. Tom. Seatorth : Mr. and Mrs. 1). 1). Wilson returned from the old 000etry os Saturday evening, .100e 1601. '1 hey had • pleasant voyage, and both look well after enjoy Inv old country air for • couple of months, Will Work at Maki ( •ountlt•w 1 houeands have found .I'msing to the body In Dr. King New Llle Pill., whioh positively ours constipation, sick hesdaohe, dizziness, j.undloe, melarle, fever and ague and .11 liver and stomach troubles Purely vegetable ; neper gripe or weaken Only 2,5o at Jae Wilson's drug store Late Erie Navigation Co. aid Tb. dies .awl and rheuii route to Cleveland, Ora, ria Pert Staley Thr3rtgh fare from Itndnrtnh : Rorie 51.13 ; heft -n y; 70. 111.111 Onkel. Rood fns one lncerh '"t10ee1at *stet Igenrg attnrear'merry-- turning merr1rturning kk((nnde). Prot leaves fort grantny on Rnnd.t.. Tens days and Thnredays et II p.m., and on Sate- d/Is at 1 p.m. For tickets and fu.. her Information spot) to Motet • mats 1).T. H y, or write T. MARSHA LL, WM.W(N)I.I.ATT, Ain't Yee rage. / , Manager, Wage. ra%t cot. es vin Illatflety Twine for ase•. "Ntik BIh11N:RTWINR FOR 11ARMERS.- NNllppder twice from the Omani' Prison, for the seseoe of 1900, w'I he sold to farmers or farmers' for their own nae to stir Irentt' y, fro one bele to any number rereult. ed, at the foliokkking Srlees per poaad "Astra Stands d,' Int .1.. of 00 Ib I. 'soh, 012r "Farmer* spotlit), In balsa of 00 Iba each, 11o. rush mnst an, ympary every order or be re oei,e4 M,Inre tw•`e le . hipped ; freight In e11 sees most pe paid hy no retrainee and order,. will be arnnoted for nit bales Only. I" 'r fes when a flintier mist J a greater foreig ty than le regtndred for hie own nee, the order most heIgnM by the osrsnn. inlninp In 'impeder and ane amount r.gulred by esr must .n'empany -e, am well as the poet *Moe addends of each &pennant. The twine ie sell mmnnfeetnred. every ponnd gnarennwl of ser r!nee hleggal 1p, zed it nay prove faulty in nae. no being reterae' money will he refunded Rllryr� Standard is held poly to smell gnentltles, tint "Ferment R el,"wbloh will prove M spools& 'Meese farmers using It. le le liberal sootily. Orden addressed to " rhe Warden, Csietrd Prison, Toronto will receive pr.arpt a sten tion. .IAMiMI NO YON. 1 sepeesser of Priem. Peellamit tld ya. Tenets, Jame let. fids It This meso knows wt : he did and ow he did It. Such int rscments as t' ' following are are a ut proof of merits. teens.., Maw . Feb. . tial Do -r ' n. -Www seed ru..w.edye., Wen the Ho )tor o.-» Imr.0 as advertised ,r pert l..4$Ies, is letO.,t. 1 h... or.•I 1-4..•.it1oa eel .a.l' with too bather of )oar K Y Sonne tui. 1.r.r swim roman irazWze. Price, Ss; for 15. An • liniment for family lime it I av eeqnge. Ask it dn.KRb.t for KENDALL' SPAVIN CtkP., .1.., ".t TrtotYe no the H. ," took free. or address -t•.J. e: tensaft . MASON pulls. TT. TAMPER.... with your health. Don't use Drugs end Medicines of queetiousble quality. (}et the bent there is at the same prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is a1 ways fresh, and each article purr, Po tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department has a reputation for promptness •u l accuracy. F. JORDAN Medit:al BECKER & MYERS, Uudertaters and lidalisrs (lra,lusto of Maneachwr•tte Col- lege of Embalming. WHITE HEARS*. OPLN DAY AND NIORT. BLIT ROOD. AT MODE- RATE PIUC AND OUURTSOU8 ATT111TION. Welt. Qes1YCY. Will RUN Home - Seekers'_ 60 Day Excursions to the Canadian NortlWe8t 1LRETURN tom-_ IrOarmmin. Itamlcta Swan River ..,. IfeoseJa,-, 1 $30 MnomeJaw Yorktoo `,eailhpe Albert.. .. f $35 ery )ted Deer..... ldmontob .. .... 1 Ome ngQ June Irl Returning until Aug. 20 (All rail or H. P. Alberta) teoing July 13 Returning until Sept. 12 I All sell only1 Going July 1Returning until Sept. 18 (All Rat( or 8. 8. Alberta) For tlorete and further Info' .nation tipD ly to any Canadian Par"Hc Agent, or to A. 111 NUT. MAN, Asst. Geol. Poser. Agt., 1 King et. Rest. Toronto. 84.11 A Great Snap. le nor (power Snap, .t 5o. a peapod, el whir+ we sella harm a week, This Isn't our only soap. as we carry everything that oan he found In an no - to -date grocery store, and our prier ere right. TM termer* know that ttrey oan always get irom us a snap )or their Tt7Mbee. We ill iw the hoe at no legitimate trade -- everything goes I;I.esware or ;soothe*, garden stuff or nhnloest table China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Raiford block, (1Idol-lob. T sin prepared to buy this season's clip of wool, ail nsnal, at the BEXI[ILLEII WOOLEN ELS FOR... HIGHEST CASH PRICE - or in nxehange for mann tseturoti srticllu, JESSE CLEOHILL 001 t► Os - di. der-- 1110-- dee- SP- die-- 1110-- mmmm SNAP IN SH lien's P-Plen's plain heavy Coigress - BSc. per Men's lace plow Boots - - - 75c. •a Women's heavy lace Boots - - 65c. •s Misses' " " / • 11-2 55c. Child's tt ,L .a 8-10 45c. Women's best Carpet Slippers 15c. or two pairs for 25c. 15c. bottle of Polish for 5c. Also finer lines in the same proportion. As we have the largest shoe store and the largest stock in this county, we are able to fit you in style and price. Come and be convinced. Sir Just received a line of (lents' and Boys' Bicycle Bal's. O. ie \ W. SHARMAN, Jr. ?lIUI11ulUI111111U1U1111111U111111111111111fi ...American Field Fencing... IENNINEMOWIN Ilave you soon 'it? Do you know what is the cheapest and most durable fence sold? If you haven't seen it yon can see it at McKENZIE & HOWELL'S at from 35c. a rod up. Spring Coiled Wire 31cep is Ib. Barb Wire - - 31 cents I b. Galvanized and black Wire. BINDER TWINE: We uthe Gold sell now stthe lowest price going. Let um have your order. Harvest Tools, Nails, House and Barn Fixtures, in any nuantity. The people know where heeds, value" are found. Our males were n.yor known to be as Targe as at present. We boy for cash. We bey in quantities. We sell on small merging' it is to your edvantsge to bey your hardware of McKenzie I-Iowell