HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-28, Page 6T1113 MISER'S IIEIRESS
' "Yea that was no uuert•et. air."
returned Moyes. quietly. "fear It 1s
Notecurwuary, l to11•eve, eine in the
wild. .hl an unpopulated eoumtry, for
a ounulemnexl criminal who haw by
stratagem escaped the grip of Elig.
UW juaU&o K. travel under his brand
el [wore. By what name nay I in-
quire for your cuualu 1"
-You know I cannot tell!" blurted
the lawyer Impotently. •'A :doe mock
ery your offer !s -you had better
Noe mime tante.'•.
'Then l will withdraw 'it." 'Intl
Ittode . glanelu(((...,* the door as r
fuutatep app it from with•
"Of one thing 1 am perfectly sure,"
stammered Mr. Tia bion, looking ad
his tat a■ if shunt to put i.1 on, but
making no movement toware the
door, "no gentleman wou4i speak as
you have done to -day• of Gabriel
M'yd.delton and hie acts unless he bad
personally known sometbiag of Gab-
riel and thoee deeds of hie."
"Comte in."
The task upon the door sad ILr.
Keith's leleurely answer to it alone
had broken the pause which t0ttowed
the lawyer's words. •
" A letter, sir." •
tPiore• canoe lip to hie master with
his noiseless step, and the lawyer hes-
itated in his inlent!oo act leave, watrh-
ing'Mr. Keith's hand as it took the
leiter Irani the tray the servant hea
"Waiting i"
"No, sic -cent by ,a nt.esaerger be-
longing to Kinbury."
Lawrence Haughtone eyes -sharp-
ened not Daly by the years
of prate tea, but by the dis-
trust which every ' mo.>meot grew
upon tem -rested greedily- upon the
envelope which Boyden held with-
out -attempting to open, but they
rested there In vain for all their
keenness. anti one fancy which hail
been Itovertng trothii y le
him laid hold of Mr. Ileiighton's mind
now as a mortifying ono lc tem. Be-
low all the quiet, rather aasiame.T
ease of the yuuag man before him,
lay aill far .trouger than him
own, a�wer more dominant ; and -
above all humiliating to the lawyer,
who built au great pretensions on
hitt reserve --a eight so much keener
and a knowledge so much truer that
-bis motives' and suupiclone had .1111
been laid bare in tha Intertiew,whlch
had shown him nothing.
Was It any wonder that Lawrence
Naughton being tete marl he was,
should suspect that an infamous
truth lay hidden sC uewhoru, and
should vow within ldnrolf that he
would drag this truth to light?
Then way •o rage of Hoyden'. op•
-ening the letter. aed jeawrenott hail
no excuse to stay longer.
•'Gored morning, Mr. Keith;" tweeted,
ani made rather an unnecesmary dhow
of offerJns-'tds t ence •
"Good morning, dr," said Boyden.
with a slight, unt•oneerne.l bow.
Before the lawyer had reached the
vestibule of the hotel it mute
deb reaolutl.rn formed itself from
the Jarring discords of mite
trust and Jealousy wMch gera.Y:.
ed bis mind. Sddwlo he retraced his
step, and, fd:arcing immediately. on
the .lightest signal' .if bis approach
which courtesy allover -A., be entered
Mr. Keith's room once more.
It was empty. but Alir.-B ughtpe
thought be would .wait. for few
meats, so be sauntereet over to the
hearth, and as he framed to himself
the speech intended for ftoydetl'm ear
he aloud with hie eyes lowered. .
Suddenly awe .wift)y a (lamp came
into his fees Stooping upon the rug
and stretching Perth his cautious
white fingers, he took something
tram the grate and placed this seiner
thing within the crown of Ow he ea_
"I see tow it ie," rue sail to htm•eIf
in .el'f-rortratu:ation ; "he threw it
there to burn, Litt:. germing 'Mt
the aches weele lata secrete. 1 -vbi.k
I will not stay now." e.
But Mar. Naughton had with mirac-
uloUs wwdd.ennesw to repress bis smite
of delight and once. more .change__ his
tactics when,as he turned to leave
t]!i gaols, s . ence�Sciy�s
"T returned," he said, -with a little
unisoal suavlte, hi -Ms hnrelr Tone,
" to bag that If you think It (tenger-
one In Ally way to move in the met -
Ver of (Hem ering (talseel 'tyadelton'e
name and prate of eonaialment. you
will not for a moment think of do-
ing an "
Mager, to himself tar to me?" In-
quired Roydea, In a lose of quiet
Isere' -
The nG7 TirtrAt%vriimnt- wadi Tn nR
upon Lawrance Haughtnn's tonin
once more, but there ,was now the
pleasant eoneeloluneea of what he
carries{ In tris hat.
"Your question lst old," he said,
with a curious .mils " For whofl
could there be ffnnger but for the
felon hies eif ?" .
"Oh! wet a the -law. Is it?" Dan-
ger oily for the felon himself. That's.
well. Then listen, Mr. Hnughthu. i
did not, as your are quite aware, two -
mine you help In discovering ha name
an 1 hiding place; your return, there-
fore, to insinuate danger to (tint
.was unnecemaary. But...your. tiourteous
and well-li.gttl.ad In.dmuitkwh --(d
.Langer to myself has given a sect
to the Idea for me, Mid I will now pro-
mise' you to do what von desire, and
bo myself the one to bring Yon amt
Gabriel Myddleton face to.faed.!'
'11 yen do, you know the ranee -
memo !" said Lawrence, between hie
"Thee measlqueuce will naturally be
the carrying out of that long-delay-
ed sentence of the law."
"t)erteenly. 'fliough as 1 said !a-
fore," added Luwretwe hastily, "If I
knew hie to be in a d*Lunt coati,
try, trying to Le u better eau, 1
would wish to offer Win help."
"You are generous," remarked itoy•
lett dryly and then tlao tau mansetr-
&reteat •
'I know uothhhg more than 1 knew
when I Iweut lo," wuttered ties law
yer to himself as los tk oewied the
admire our the ..toad drum ; "bit .till
1 hate something now which may
be a Eat/artily t
ily his own office, without
lusting addressed either of Ills clerks
tut itis way, Mr. Haughtotl turned the
key it that door behind him. Triers
%diking bis usual feet before hie
writitgg-table, he eautk*i.Iy drew the
tsrrued paper frow Ida hat. It war but
n small torn pieta+ which 1e hail r.e
cued. arid It was burned perfectly
Week. but won it he could read. In
white. two written words.
"5cieuce would explain thre ihe: a
moment,"aptled Lawrence, lucking the
paper carefully is a private drawer;
"sad tell why, are that peculiar paper
burned to tinder without en irely
crumbling away. iad los whiteness
turned to blackness, the iak should,
on the contrary, :urn Irmo black to
white and fulfil ►t• mission still by
forming the words in its strong con-
trast. But I do sot need IS explain-,
Pi by science. Haire the words stand,
and :hat is enough for me. When
the time comms they may be proof
enough ; and in the wean time they
ale safe here."
('!HttFTF'Jt XIII.
Ln smite of Mrs. Payte's sharp re-
an,t muttered grltrablings.'
Honor t'rawn acted upon the permis-
sion given her and spent much time
Owe Cottage. puce hing and cheer-
ing ni far as possible the wakeful
hours of the insult whose only con -
aslant companion .'e ed so harsh and
unfeeling. Yet Leone veldts to
the cot tag. were -by no oceans
easy o1 -.accomplishment for Honor.
.tear-Srptn being her own mlatre•es, to
spend there what time she would anti
come and go as she chane, there were
continual difficulties put In her w -ay,
beat by her guardian and hie mister. selfishly lfishly forbade her to beo•k
out atter 6 o'cl, when ice himself
cane. home, and Mies Haughton
ered that there were a hundred
thing.. she might be thing more use-
ful and seensible than ',dancing at-
tcudanoe" on a perfet•t stranger.
"'Why don't you mend your .tock-
ingi ?" she would inquire, when' Hou -
or, her morning dutiesu_.er, would
tbogIwermiaatob to go.
"They rten't want trending, Jane."
"Well, Pebe's always want dou-
bt() attending ; so why don't you help
?"would be tiro grumbling re-
ek. '
'Oh! let me go -do, Jane; Mrs.
DMbrowe- u OD very 111," the girl would
plead, without uttering one impa-
tient worst at Danc's.p oposal, though
mho "'triers that Phoebe's unending
always fell entirely upon her own
quick finger,
if at hast she did Surreal' in getting
of(, she -mwwt-however much else felt
herself of lies at the Wattage -be
home again for the six o'clock dinner
or incur her guafdian'e moody die -
Piraeus, and in so doing bring down
upon herself a perfect torrent of tears
from Phoebe ant Mise Fiaughton's
blackest /looks and grimmest words.
So this new task which Ftonor had
taken upon herself was not so easy ae.ed
one as Mrs. Payne aeoto Olney,
when she would meet the girl's bright
face at the cottage window and ask
her stiarply bow many of her day's
duties she had lett undone. 'i'be ens
wee ■Iw_ys had been no truthful the
evi+n t*.sliePlicai -o:d lady could not
doubt the truth of the one whit& a
last took the place.of ail Miters:
"None left undone to -day, Mr
• I war nps•d rly aneverything
bemetroans, reeetvtng this • brigl.l
answer, Mn. Payte caught herself
•tailing into the gir:aaarasat ym-
only sometimes. 'rhe answer generally
most with a grunt of skeptical • sur-
prise, and but that honor looked for
nu thanks her heart might bice
grown idle or rebellions 1n thus tastr.-
!tUt it never did ; and when a month
was gone and October was drawing
to its dour, Honor was ell fulfilling
this one duty, her soft robe and step
-nineiringerndhrrsweetie fitn7fdw m tell-
ing is their prompt aed lovieg wr-
ing. -
hot and angry when she heard it.
" 1 hope aro." rejoined Mrw fayre,
curtly. "She'd a maxi deal of tomo
bee to use•, ea you may Imagine."
" Yes. I tan (magus it," cemented
.toy one with retire can dee how
hard it 111 cur use." twrLtlaris.t MIR Ilt•
tie oil lady. waxing wroth at the
thought. 'yet .tenor never will own
it. I tauly hope she w mutual day
hate Jett ouch it phew lir wine to
f111 ; OLw'll wWrrrtand all ahhut It
Tie shrew.: t yaw rattail t.. Theo
.k.ra's tore had au lures eet:le twinkle
in them ; dud 'ehetalure, undoes:tante
tug tluat tl.eau's tsueluct was terrrt
ing rWlcule, litughe l her short, lacy
laugh art.: moved a little nearer to
the dour.
" alk. Mr. Keith is
The wont.•.topped Mira Trent.
1)11, no," rhe said, from a lofty
height of superior knowledge. "he has
been awns caned has returned."
"Oh, that's it, a It ? I thought he
was vie( again; bet old minion are
n..t rel'ah)e authorities: the absurdity
ti( Their tales le proverbial. I don't
woaater lie came bark, the shooting
here a to giro t : I rime% wonder hewer
away again, the al, * Su vile. Mr.
Haughton ought to invite him to the
Larches. Honor he would f lee that."
on Uiw iutzrirul apwrh fell 1dl.a41
Treut'.a slew, .rind question lir alto
harked from one to tba.eather.
" Iger too -you await T Ie Honor un-
womanly enough to try to attract
Mr. Keith to the Larches?'
• l'nwu.uatdy dni lel Mrs. Payt..
la It t. unwomanly, you ask 7 1
hate not kuowu her so long :tat you
have ; please to answer your own
queatlDn. 1 tally raid 1 thought Mr.
Keith would be very glad to visit
at Bassos'. home."
"1 tltlttk note' said Theodora, nn
swami" the qui:cioal words with a
suppressed eagernoe which rounded
al io.t like fear ; ' 1 Wilmot to know,
in fact, for Ur. Keith hart -,prem-'1
to me has uplaiter of Honor."
What a curios* thuig," shad
Honor, IauglUng. • What WAY it,
"f1., saki'_ -tide wort* were utter
ed with but IIttte cuwpunctiuto -
" that yon were not • girl nn whom
any man coukl beittow a etroug af-
fection. You were very well for an
boor w atuueement, but any man
would be a fool who offered you any
thing more serious than a p.aeang
flirtation -something, at any rate, Vs
that effect. Dear nae." Itzetajprd
Theodora, with a 9010.ate laughter,
••why du you look too horeorertrk;kee
over It ? Others have made the some
remark before. It a your own fault
that men thunk you vain and flap-'
pant , surely tea opiniou ' mrd not
liar a turned you white to the very
lips, need it ? I told you for your
own good"
" Dont be ehlldlsh enough to un-
dervalue a hat is told you for yonr own
pod." remarked the old lady placidly.
" 3Lfest Trent, her L ,dv Lawrence :lick•
nowleolge l tluat photograph wit cl,
was et beautifully taken at .tblsote-
muur Ue .J y we were there?"
'i ea, a�rtt she admirea it very much.•'
" flee naturally wool . 11 hen is die
Domain( to England T"
She w,ll be there for ('hri,tnnae, and
we are to meet her lin Lhwl.kon."
" Has she a huese lL LOilduu, or wino
It old Myd.Irlton'a''"
It te her owe, 1'believe,-will Theon
dura," the muWoe t of eon remit am
making even the apeiker bearable -ea
beautiful nauakwt in Kensington. I
am glad we are touted her there : I've
been terribly afraid of her coming
JoWii here. It wosk' have teen nwit-
w:ar.l fur lire to hey.. nppointr.l to
meet us In Who neightx.rhaud."
'• Yeeee assented Mn. 1'syte. "Stay,
Honor, tlat was Set.na's I.11 ; I will
go. Mea Trent, may I ask you to
wait for o couple of minutest e•
Keen if Theodora h.e1 Leen tnclane•l
to refuse. the l.ttle Ind) did not
give her any opportunity ; but r'he
kept her scarcely more than the nb-
luttetl time
°I wish to gaminess," she exelaimed,
coming In with a heavy frown mom
r fare,' that set -tale, were not, am 0
t deter, ouch heaps of selfishness. There
it mine gone for half -holiday,
t g.oineww only knows whore, and Set-
tles moaning for n neva:' melwDip from
Kinbury, fidgeting me till I don't
-knew what to do With niyeelf. FM-.
-e-va (a „tit i, at-t;gbSeto ask for beth
'Our e.rvante never have them un-
less we are away,". a,bserve►l Theedera,
"We think h a very unnecessary in-
'It Is an absurd Indulgence!" fumed
the old lady ; **nod sue how 1t leaves
ton In tideeMus
#-al.,ne In the hoe
with two helpless;Intalitte for that
naleernble Kiri l.el.tnging to the ea-
t/Igo ge is of lathan 0,, use at all. Now,
what anal tsstgo? I ought, to go into
li inti nay: bat -1 tine --b her snit �
The faint, tsw
dhpMenet him
plble smile of tnn-
OMenetMisr' Treat's' opts Creed
he last without this chat-
tering ans
d rtleee little weeny ? she
thought. But sheoaty rail aloud:
' It Ii very awkward for yqut.'Why
le o4 the medicine sent ?"
"Mhle wisher' for :t Ia.tt.l' of
One she used to take. Nick women are
so fate -ern She thunk'dew a deof then
wnnl.l give her a gond night."
th eor looked up bright 1,. at the
%v ora.
"1 we go, Mn. Payto," the said.
:"'The little troabh. all: Ire well re-
paid hr thing tltt lflnbrowe a
going away
%tilt Rut tines visite-though lila
talar was gvxxl to hear and lila face
g..ti 10 ere lu her .it otihy hutut•.
aid though his thtnightful gifts were
luxuries, awl his tenderneeo to the
little Wilk' was now the little fel
laws one idea of hupp{n.ew-t•rought
u growing gloom lnrtttead of brightness'
to the mother'■ Noe. And this. ver.
day to lad (tend the cottage lock
tat nod empty, tipsily,' nn his last
%felt no nteitka, had been made of
the probable departure.
Ruttiest mused deeply over the dr-}
cunutunos. recalling httw, tet that
„lust trait. the had terse again talked
.d Mnryrmret Terrltt and had rte
deed w IUt what eager, petulant haste
the mother had turned imide the sub
Net, hurrying to m.ty. am she had
Pahl heetre, that int had rru neigh
leer Marge net --no I tghbor at till --
anti that rte waisted node. Yet two
the day afterward she had left and
had taken her child no one knew
whither. How (uwkt Rovden help
musing upon this mid:tenni that the
one clew which he had for a moment
held within his hand was tort again't
Still. the smile broke in Item eyes its
Honor canto. very lingeringly. up lo
meet him.
"Not going Into KIvibury along, are
you, Misr cern ve n ?" he asked as Itis
total rioted firmly over hers.
"Yes," said donor, and she simply
told him why.
"But this Mould not be," he ob-
loottel antiously ad he made a 'sud-
den stop, "You (swuot pmei ly walk
duck. Let ine wed the medicine out
t. Fant t'uttagc."
"No, thank you," returned Honor
proudly. "1 will go becomes he euua
mIw1.1i was glen to Me, and I can
„home home with my t•uuein. He luta
the wagonette in town.'
Ro3-tion said no more. He could see
Lwow firm the girl's resolution was,
and If he could not also see how de-
lighted she was with an excuse "or
displaying tide pride, which was
anything but natural is bee, why, It
woo not very much to be wondered at,
considering how little lee knew, of the
pellet*. uuufldentrei of Mlate Tbetxlurn
"1 felt perfectly abwlhed when you
began to talk to we of business in
Lown, ilii, that Irmo;. - b '-I'.arl• 1.►0
air, Miro Craven," he remarked as
they walked on ride by side. in spite of
Honor'. proud and Ineffectual little ef-
fort's to (cave a space of unucctip led
highway between them. 'Your tone
eunveey'e.t an nimatatkabke rebuke jp
nett I began to feel overwhelmed with
i)wInre at. being only__ .."On pleasure
Honor. feeling the Incunewance " of
unfamiliarity In 1.-r new armor of
pride, n:ttttraliy made a atrenuoul ef-
fort to appear very much art her, rare
"Captain' Trent considers 'shooting
very liar( \w\_ork,' she saki, with her
e ven far on:before her and a general
eipreation ofetMtire Pane -and tneiiner-
mice "I dank. tttm see," rhe added to
herself agate Meet per.tatently, and
triing to take Into her free and fig,.
net' nn e.Idence of tee.
"Then 1 ought to CongrntulaUe my=
self, 1 aup.psore," hr ii 't with, n iIl hlI
"that this will the for :t '•time my` Wet'
.lay'41 hard work. I nut got i►g away to-
. Angrily nee silently holo framed
tie wont. in her own mind, "1 am
t for
trio afternoon. when Hotter reach-
ed the rutte.gn-sloe Haughton hail
kept her at hods0 all the morning.
detesting table eloUte with Preset*,
whose propensity was is keep u
novel under her work and ambit* lite
Contents rurreptitf nsty while her
younger cousin worked - %he frnuwl
"Theodora Trent with Mn. I'ayte"1n
the cottage parlor. Miwm Trent haul
Auntie her duty call to brief an pah.-
eible, nein now was relieved to feel
that the ten minutes were over nod
she might depart.
-r. r__ eery sorry to hear leer
Dabrowe Is .o iR 1 hope we Klinll
groin have bettor titling* of her."
no she was Raying, in her languid
t.wies, when Honor entered the room;
anti the col.: wall. sea ImpOinehle tor
tiiinns(Itt,-mA.ke the girl's heart feel
of Itching Piles.
By the Use of Dr. Chase's Ointment, the Only Positive,
Thorough and Guaranteed Cure for Every
Form of Piles.
If there 1/ one single reader 1,1 lbs
paper who Is at all skeptical regard-
ing the valve of Dr. Chime* °inttteett
as it enre for any kind of piliw, the
following .tnternentw by well-known
inmates men of w-rrrtiM' f outs rio
ah«old be s»tfM.IPst to cnevinlre him
that his unbelief Ilse no foundation.
The only better or more eonvineing
yon can pouslbly get 1. to be
wad M n perrtotutl trial of this mar-
Ur, chow's
w cure. By ming .lino
a)latment rr'gularly you line foetal,'
to he cure,: of this drendlully 'annoe-
Hug Affliction, and will he just as Pe-
thsslasl(-le as tlhenrnnls of other. in
prefects this olrrtthoemit. tile Halt n
tun' and alenlnte care for (titrw
flare a the evidence. Weigh It ,are -
Tully, nn 1 If a .sufferer, nal three men
lime, profit
by their
oxiiorionre.anlrn then hove related for tb,
fit of iter sea* p.rwxua Yon twee not
anffer for flf toes pers, or even fee
three teem Re them men loon ,mfrs
L a week or two yen este he ther-
ougltly and pereetne ttly cored M
neleg pe, ('hege'a (lletwr'ntf
Mr. Georl.' Ttntwpeam. a feeding
eoerehnet Oef flnnheim. one, Motets
"1 waw te.IMAd with 'whine pllee for
/mien yearn. end at Uwe they were
pe itad I meld anaresly walk i tried
n great many remedies, bit neve
trmn•1 anything like lir. (Thane's Olnt
'After the third ftpplleatbn I r
teltkil relief, and was completely cher
ad be nslug one box."
fife. !layers. A flue WIR 1n, Ont., MVR
"I have been trnibl.d with blind nett
bleeding pile for twenty yens,. tris.
e verything, 1 Mord orf, and gust treat-
ment from Meet physklnne, int nnth
i did etre any t rent fa
R R'(•(a
Port far rtwlMlnest hut they rid int
nn prep' i 'was ndylard to t.rt her
7'hnn. S nint i wteL I get it hoc ate
furan Model l newer 1x 10 ben trwlhtPA
.l 'a, nnd that li than years age 1
has been n greet Mein Id me"
Afr. te. flarn:ether, et Berlfn, Ont.,
statist: "For thrr.h 1Pare f wase %le-
tim of etching and -blending pilo.'. nod
tried nearly teserything, fever obtain
lag more than .light temporary re-
lief. A Aregglet rweommen.lal Dr
f'hmme Olntme,nt, nnd Ire. than note
box romplet•ly wired tee. The Itching
ellopprel nt olive. the cul eding wwon
gnit,an'1 1 VIA net Pr Alive Iron trol.
blast with pilaw "
Dr ('hrtwe'. ointment 1. weld nt M
routs n boy, (x by nodi, p.rt wtl,l, ,in
receipt of prise, Tlv Edmamaon, Baba
* 40. • 1,
very glad -very glad Ind.rrl " li
e ll that there passed a little epi
aera her lip., and for an instant
.teeples of Kinbury anti the Lon
'.treteli of white bettert;v-•w--re wrap-
ped In heavy mtet. Then she spoke
with gnlet uneoneern
"You must la vert' glad. Your. le
rather n solitary life, horn"
"Mine. 1s always a solitary life."
Ity mistake -nano mortifyingly by
,.take- elle looked up to meet - his
"i hntat not," ilii. said , and that was
by mistake, too.
(1b be Continued.)
'ro Cure a (;old Is One Day
Take laxative Brmno (Maine Tablets. Al
Irtytjoet. refund the money If if fella to cure.
eta N W. Nruve'nwirratrre is on each box_ -
Not Broken, . ,
"so you gnnrrt'I'e,l with Oeorse?"
itti.l ote youttg woumilt:------
"Yea,' muttered tete other, with
"V your ntagag.mhent broken 7"
"Ob .po__1_tsild him:.I never .wasted
to see ha face twilit, and he awp1.1
that 1 would leas me forever. But
we dl.bi't go en far ea to Moak our
engngena ent."--Washingtrn Star.-
That hot. dry eczem'ttoitm ronilitita
,of the ,kin velli dienigweir by the
OAP o14 huller', Compound. trot[,
.A1 .kali., is -054,011.--- ------
A Mean Advantage.
"Anil how's -your, friend Hughl., Don-
( -not spoken to Hughes for
three week's."
"Deter me! Ilnw'e that ?"
"Well, I will tell you how It wane
I wars gulag stood to la (ruins'., to
pay U► resit, an' J dropped in nt
Hagntes, nes' livable he wags pourin'
see amt a dram. an' I said, 'Stant,
floghte, stop' -an' he stopped! That's
yer 11u*hlo fur y e !"--July.
is a symptom of Kidney
Distant. A wall-luwwn
doctor has said, "1 never
yet trade a port -mortem ee-
antinationinacase ot death
Irons Heart Disease with-
out findind the kidneys
were at fault." The Kidney
medicine which was first on
the market, most success-
ful for art Disease and
all Kidney Troubles, mud
most widely imitated a
PUCAatati t'OWlt $cF1i A1•.
Rose-Tluted Insertions uu a Blaek
A styled, toilet of block canvas
with entity tl toilette bite a pretty
ethers* of anktr tttcoratlou itpplted to
the twolice. Thte b clan. -fitting, nnd
IAA three narrow box pleats down
the witklle of the front and two others
to each etre of et. A rose -satin rib.
tool two Inettte wile, stertr from un -
.ler the arm ape ie rue over end un•
.ter the box pkeals Ilkg the draw
rib„ uta On hale htat'rtiuur lu wash
dre.ea'p. A little to the left doa a
fastened with- It .wart taw .d the
roe:"eolore I ribbn ti. w itll three
loops and only one end. 811.41 riWten
t to saw ct I'.r fnrmw the rout (Oi-
ler of the walrt. There is no other
bit of eelor In the Arras,, :aid light
trimming es I teek•d.
N'e,'nr a Sleek hat, slightly t,Ute1
backward ieen the furs;.% to show the
aureole Qt travel treason over the how:
are used -Pm -tile trThe gI'l
knows .too tench to gttra.leee a...reg-
gestkon of pink Into the hate dor that
would "af(Ieher" it with Ude toilet,
and she intends to use It with other
Haaaptoa ('curt Sold to be llrunted
b3 Catharine Howard,* Ghost.
The Intart ghost story themes from
Hampton tAourt. A eorreepteMent
write.: Duties the hart few deer
one of the ghteette which are retie to
haunt Hampton l'uurt Palace liar re-
appeared, mei 'peculation 1a rife no
W itd kleUtlty. It app Bare that the
Pu4uee authorities' have re(•eivral 1
complaint from an nrttrt of repute,
wleo stetted that whilst engaged on
cetera! nooert occasional lu sk,t'hlu►�
old I'lewbh tapestry iu the timer.l
Watehlug Chamber a spyotre hand,
white and delicate, and richly Jew-
elled, liar pwerelstently intruded be-
tween him and the tapestry. On the
curt appcaratt•e of the phantom he
made n hurried sketch ul the baud,
anal alio of it brllllaut diamond ntar-
guiio' ring on the furefiuger.
The Itrtitet it so unnerved by the
vlritatftxw that he her suspended We
skoteitlug. The phantom hand le be-
lieved to he that of Queens l'atherlte
Howard. one of the wives of Klug
"teary 1'111., wise. spirit 1r dest'rlb-
ed as the emelt fearful u1 all the ap-
pnritknw that wander within the
walls of the historic bulldlug.•
llletur3 stater that ('nthertne one
day ora•aped from a room to which
wife had been euullued by order of
the king, and on hastening aortas
the Ilauntel Gallery was seised by
the got rlke, and despite her shrieks
ane tart ,test wits removed Go
her rta,m. Sinee then the scene had
been rt -enacted repeatedly by a
tali ferule" „'lad la white, and Mr.
Ernest Low, the historian of the
!'nine., Mut pvoxduced wthat is der-
cribed lie "undtp utable tertimouy"
nit the matter. -Wetton, Eng., Mer-
ity their action on the tttomarh,
Liver and Bowes. Miller'r Worm Pow -
dere correct rill sock troubles nis lack
of Appetite, Billouaneev, - Itruwsluaat,
itenn ow (simpl'xlun, etc.; nee to
A Judge of Ilusna■ Nature.,
":low .11.1 you get courage to pro
lore to your fleecier 7"
- - At Ytrst t was afraid t % An- It.
nntH the said 0utueluelvely that she
fwd revolved never SO Many !"-Flis-
gemier Bleetter.
New IUs for a ' quarter, Millers
tbmlwunxl Iron
Mr. ('rawfoot (wildly) -Flt. hum-
drum( dullard gorse. au' nothlte In the
greet geode boo but shavin'r.
Mrs. l'rnwfoot-(`neer up, lllram,
there, rough rhavin'a thar to 'start
the fire for days to come.
11 Is Own 1''ree N'111.
Dear $Info -1 can i it .pewit tor)
rrtroegly of tow!- rxe.ath-nee of MIN-
AItD*T S.INIIIENT. ' It 1s Till: rem -
tele In my hottwiwdd fur hurtle, moraine,
et', an .i ww would not Re wltMnit it,
It to trSti n Nta�(TirTitl'qq�l{rine
• .TOhiN .t. MA('iWi.N.tIl)
Twhlaher Areprkrr ('hroniele.-
Longest ('unnl the + i te.
l' hinged raid U4 that wntTaT_ii -- _
the k', in New York, extending
(nein -A y to Huffnhrr-w 4ieteefisa Iodor >
44t :sal In err. ,r rarr > • la Paris nano
,every g waft ▪ rtarsanald.. and tart 13, Ot {M suburbs of Para, 1,-
every body e' dile lie N11011141out en 19 ; 1 the rest .of Franc*, 2,t5.1;i
joy uur.elvtes- n nr. not. Melt that In the - isle f Germany, 1,127; ID
any --H. a. Ke 11. the whole f E and 800; In ole Ua-
Itsd Mtn less ban 300.
Minard'r Liniment Lumberman'.
- IM Was hatlsned.
-'Be lot Is•Ileve Unit those whet
can sing ,uud won't ming Mould be
made eing, Mr. iourdr opp 7 ' tusked
]Ile Mchreeelier, with a coy ghat*
toward the pplait°.
No, 1' b•Ik've. In letting well
enough alone.'-Idaltiniore .lmerlcua,
Keep Mlnard'm Liniment In the house.
Rulers,' Incomes.
Ruwl►'d l'sar hys-an due ome of L -OO
rMur,,. the Multan L1T0, the Em -
oar of Nutria s:IUU, tete Keiser Vete
the King of Italy OA, Omen Victoria
ow: mange the I utenr'h 1'revai,l.nt fell,
ant he King of the Bel_Rlnrw Oil.
sk MinarN's and take no other.
GAM Itt1EUMt111SM\dt GURW-,
Yon can't tell withotl( tryi
Thr New ('hemi -til r"nmpound, icund fly
.Rectite 1n curing Rheumal i+m, ta'tomato
ecistiu, l'ahe lathe hack and Mils... 1
Sore Throat. Diphtheria, Frnet Bites
ache, Bnolc.. kidney and Bladder
Sold by all druggl,t . at 16 rents, or (reel
M. F. lettee Chemed, Port Elgin, OM
wises GAO
ISSUE NO 26. 1900.
Youog Girls
„tow easy it la for young
girls to go into the "decline."
They eat less and less, become
paler and paler and can
harldy drag through the day.
They are on the steady down-
ward course. Iron does then)
no good; str'chninc and bit- 4
Pers all fail. 'they need a food
that will nourish them better,
and a medicine that will cor-
rect their disease.
Scott's Emulsion
Is both of these. elegantly and per•
manently combined. The Cod -Liver
Oil makes the blood richer. and
this gives better colo, to the fact.
The hypophosphites of lime and
sada act as a strong tonic to the
nerves. Soon the weight increases,
the digestion improves and health 2
At e!1 drataisa: ora. sad 1 <. I
SCOTT a MOWN/S. C►saw.. '1 ,,r,mt..,
Order L man's greatest need Weal
his true well beteg.-Anlsl.
~Zane In Et'ER1' TOWN and ti 11.I.
in C.ta ADA. to +e11
Mats -to -measure Tenement*, Cloth -
For part kohl" apply to -
Grown Glothing Go., Toronto,
One of the finest in the Nia•ggaara Penitent la. u
Winona. lo tulle• !rota Hamilton, on two rad
way. Inn erre■, uef which 1. In frau, no.. I,
pswhew. Will b.sold 1,1.1.10 cult purrhn., r..
Till. h • barraln. Address
I'M. Box re. %them, '1st
You learn all about Virginia lands, sol,
water, climate, resources, products, trot,
berries, mode of cultivation, prices, etc, b
reading th. VIRGINIA F.nuia, Send toe ,
for three months' subscription to
Farmer Co., Emporia, Va,
Live AOMTa.sak 11100R.s$IVE CON renal'
See our new "(Itnse and 'Return Pi amluw
plana. Agent. Olen or Womeol even ',about
rxperl•noe, wound lo yyour locality. 1n.tuna,.
to force over Eighty Million. Star Life Aaeur-
att.. Socket r. T.orwato.
FITS Ennis 0 NY
CC eY Ulu
des v'. GGdrrer..tt'' NNirres dta�•t, i.'dfyQN►�
•Ipt t, I a 4wUas and te t ee�g tr4l MIt1•
ca sale by .1 A. Harte, IMO N.tro Deem• .beet
Winslow's Soothing Remit should a-
▪ used for Children Teething. it .001-4•8
tris rhlld, eoftesa the turns atm wind
sad 1. the at remedy for ana s& Tweet,
lye oeel• a beetle,
---W.11aw the
tum et i nib sy, Fits.
,^.t.Vi tug Dame. sad Falling Well-
AL: tlt*RIIE to aap sasses awns{ter.
et th.ir name/and address a
mentioning this paper.
mentioThening this
KingSt CO.
KInQ sew.,
Mintier, Liniment 1d teed by phy.t
Trouble for e' the late."
,.My late husband," began Mrs.
"Wiry,, i dirl't't know that you
woe* n widow," Interrupted the new
"Neither em 1," .he replied, "but
our dinner inn been waiting Iwlf nn
iiruir sued T wets about to rem:;rk tTiat
my tardy husband would get eft If
Ire hale away Beach longer,"
Ma. Trent glanced at Hotter with
unconceaied surprise. int evidently
ronh1,! re,l the matter le'nenth nrgu
"Yon„ must no.t go, 1l.mor, be entt.+er
haw could you come leek 7"
"Lot me go,' pleated Honor, nate'
the old bright self forgntfalin.ww -I
will come hack with l.awrenee In the
Wag, met te.'
'Yoma wow 111.1191.-yrer't e.n 1St our.
"Quite sure," raid the girl. knowing
how pleased Lawrence would be to
bring her home.
She would not go In to !lire. 111..
browe, she maid, for fIar of tete nick
lady's begging her not to nn,dertake
the wnik, and she only tarwhled
a -.Quiet good -by --to- Theodora. -
Rho at out, singing softly to herself
Is the wide and nnfretpiente l road, to
Mown the memory of those wor.ir
which Theodora Trent had repeated to
her. l_
"Whet rurferenee date it Melte! to
ane ?" she said to herself at tart, with
a funny little Rhnke of the hand, when
she found that the half-wide:worrrl tong
1. drove w
would 1 n of n the wordm. "1 don't
Warm nn atom"
Atte weeerted that fn.•t Alstinetly
twin, over , nn:l yet to, faint, tremml„has
pole a,4ret the girl when !toy,k',1
Keith, Inemitting dural
Kel n r mid with h.
Iw R 1
gun upa,n hie ahonhMr-nnd M. d..gn
nevem! hint, came through n gine t. -
tore her and out hitt the mind
"Ile- tho tight of him nloked* no, feel
very nngrv, 1 dislike hum woe die
eahl, r'se ning with herself In Mar-
%aknt' wls,ktm sa the teenier 'anew.'
and the flash of vivid color felled "I
leer he will not welt for me -f do de-
nier. him ash!"
it woe nn imnoreesery ipereh, bre-
cane' an. some 'delete wee that Rory -
den lied net only waited, tut wens
conning toward her. He had n amest of
rewire un 1.1. !nee when they met,
t before that It h t.l worn the wer
'row of thorough dlbnpgw,inteeott
(:vert. few anyaiPAve hie ohm 1.1 118
the life of that While et, , Ilt.•,I 1, tn.,
solitsrl' nonage Aon .eg the groan
k►ew Rigden Sad paid the mnther
- THE ON1.
Corn Cure
That acts without pain in
twenty-four hours.
Leiter of Rrenmmrndall,.n tram
lint ton, Ohio, .Inn nary AN h. Item.
Mown,. N. r . Pnt.nn Q ('o. Klirgaton, 1ml.
ill' lit Hilts, 1 time ago 1 .'nl f„r
1,0111c of I',1' nam. 1'wi,,t, 4 ('torn Extra. tor,
nnd dolt rr.. i'r,1 i, tyhh gr nt pk•n+nri 1
In "
t 1 tell nu 1 int.
{ire r
red roti of v nl1'n
fel Needingr.wn.. � 1
Refire ening 5 .',r monody 1 wow quite Lti t np
and 011,111t1 nett own .„nnd the per.+ter" tf a
Io.wrpy Iottonel .her 1 appllyd the "M.Kraet
or, end in .rry few hone nhtatn.d metol.
and 1..n mina. ni„null •,hart time it enml'Irtt le
cured me.
i haretakrn morn plrn.are In renommendin
your tamalee mmr,ly to my Frienaa, worn • of
wh.m, tars ewer, weal It with the .ante happy
nentl.. t.hnt. 1 did mvrlf
Vont. very Indy
51. f.eette. '.
er Zona armor.
1'ntnnn,'. Penile.. corn L:vlrselor 1- a guar.
ante"' rum, for all Lind. of root. and wart•.
Yore. mono.% w III I. ref n n.trot 1111 (a(i. on , Inc
halt In nllre
balms. 1,,, n. 11, hoe or ten, our
WOO M teem of rile try Ibla and fa .1 Kina.
Man, Ont.
Asking i.t Yea
re Ancl,StrenrSugar.
de. Year Part (duly Them
% Pur
Ins so
The Handsomest Baby Gets ?he Handsomest Prize.
1l1 $Til isTin�•nTprriw.au.,,thy.,„ ah.nat the world
English Teething Syrup
A TWENTY DOLLAR COLD PIECE to the prettiest baby in
A TEN DOLLAR COLD PIECE to the 2nd prettiest.
A FIVE DOLLAR COLD PIECE 1.i the 3rd prettiest. A TWO -
AND -A -HALF DOLLAR COLD PIECE in order of merit, to each
of the next 11) prettiest babies. A ONE DOLLAR COLB PIECE
in order of merit, to each of the next 40 prettiest babies, while to every another sending her
baby's photograph, will al.e. le given FREE our ILLUSTRATED BOOK."MOTiIERNOOD," On
tit. Care of Children In Health and Meas', on receipt of ten tet,tt 10 cover cost of mailing.
intending to photograph t^Rra
bat!, moat send
pest card •
t ems
• stating
will reach nor. .AI1ph•tea sent in ono !oat* us not
later then J.ly lath.
Do not send photos of children ever a yews old; they will not be oonsidereel.
Photos must be plainly marked with age, eel, name of the child and full rime and OM °face
address of the parents. The smelled picture will receive as ranch consideration aa the largest
• The pricey will to awarded by a ammn.ittee of seven disinterested ladies, and distrihhted by
mail to the'resp♦ective winners, Altered Ith, 11100.
Theriot/three of all bnhits competing will be p.ihti.hed in beautiful halt -tone engravings in
Toronto Globe, beginning Saturday, Anglia 1th, Itfl1. 1hntos returnable on receipt of
nation, 'imply Bend poet card, rating when Pirre will is nt.M we lave no time toseemsneedle* retrrpnndon N. please donok�lnr further i
we Vittoria Street, TORONTO, CANADA.
1. P.