HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-28, Page 5tre vs 7. 'ant our • " Old lave re - thing to ▪ sur. 0 THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. TIUUDAT, Jane 2S, 1900. d W. Acheson & Son Emphatic llighClass Bargains We quote opeolal prices for this weak OS Dress Goods. A price ,c,;asion that will very thoroughly pleas* those who need or desire • magntfioent new dress or skirt -only made possible by our necessity to realize. 44 Inch Blank All Wool Orem'''. and MotorEb.ots, regular prloe. 11 00, (• omelet �71t„ 46 Inch Silk Mohair esd Sponge Cremes -ell this etiame'o Ioods-for heads/me dreams er shine ; ear price b•. been 11 50 per yard, selling this week al.... ...... 98c 48 loch Bilk 'tad Wool mixture 1n M•Mlanee end (menu designs, very sew .se e.rvlaueblo. Regular valu•tl45 per yard, 2 26: Pelee sew t+� CARPETS 350 yards 5-fraate English Brno - vela Carpets. Designs handeowe and in best ooloring*-a carpet suitable for any drawing room, parlor or hall. Regular price p1.1U per yard, now special at 76 OENTB. {:Z9 W.A�heson&Son Vine BEEN_ IRE, ETo .00K. Ido b any le in :irikamcut - TOO! sat - Ne m� 9 a _ a - Iaa 3 a -aa a a Pr- a 'e-3 it. a a Ia rune lab, a3 goat -� ata 3 a oohs soh a THE UNDERTOW. Yea hadn't ought M blame a mea for thing% be hasn't dose, For books be hasn't wrltteu or for dead he hasn't wan. Tie waters may look placid on the surfse all aroua', As yet there may be undertow • keeps' .f hint down. Slate the days of Ks* aid •Va reties the fight of Ufa naso_ It ain't been safe, soy brethren. far te light- ly judge • ems. He' may be wring faithlal for to make his lite a go, Bat yet b. Ings glt lessl.d 1n tbs treaeb'r.w undertow He may Dot lack 1a learn's', aa' be may sot west for brain, He may be always workla' with that patience.' e1 pains, An !ergo unrewarded, en', my friend., how oan we knew N hat helgb. be might a climbed up to bat ter the uedeutow` Tne've heard the Y•skee Wry of • bee's _ soot with • hale, Je' how the ben kap' layts'Jima will all - her might es' soul. • . TM sever g.t • sebtii, Gey a Muse egg • I brew That hen was simply kt ilge • hi& den undertow. There's boles a tote of baled Sill,. as' you've got to peep h>tew Tose* tee no • solus' whose they hada'. esoht to g.. Doe's slime • ens for f.111•' to whiles • Ward Until you're woo, sure the .adertow ain't dry o1 elm Sows. BY THE WAY. The !tam u Hon. 1 oar halos speaks bonder then all year logic. Washing a pig will not make It stop liking mad. livery man is serving some klad of muter. A tweed may be either • compass if • strait-0/AM. No parent weeps ever tis face that the boy outgrows We olotbee. We •11 haw self when we me 1t cep out 1..omebody else. The barns of • creed 1. 1a eesvertlog It from • staff Into • oloh. Many • man fights for tils creed wbo never thinks of tarrying em. br.11e for his wile. A short prayer will rot M heaven quicker than • long doe. Wear• mislead by our etas rather than ter them. Omassinsarirearambr mea wleble the best st was. �g1�gg�. ponpontos.ee ►bat persagsl► edi�ia ie that makes at. si• W. C. T. U. COLUMN. tdLgent man or woman harbors • doeM respeot.ag the superiority of prohlbtUen over the limes" system as o insane of re - 'treeing the liquor te.tho. No frlead of sobriety and morality wishes te sabetltuta the latter for the former la Kansas. The persiemot *aorta of the rum power to dl.- orodlt prohibit's'. should oon•Isoe eves the dullest lutelleot of the .Motsauy, nettle! tad potential, of this method r000I.ITION 005 MAIITUBA, Stratford Be•oao Is looks its though the Hoo. Hugh Joh. M•odosald Is •bout to fulfill hts pledge of Iotroduoini a prohibition law for Maniteb., stitch is to his credit. As outlies of the Mil hes been riven by a Winnipeg paper The ant, which wall ,oma into fordo oo Jane 1. 1901. makes provlsloss tor the entire ol.eing of all places where liquor is sold, both by balk and by gime. with the exception of drug Mum, which are ',emitted to sell under very stringent Iaga- latioo., ohl.tly soder the order of • physi• mm•u, and ter illness only. Any person caught tnfrtaelag the act will be eeatenoed to • fine of not ler than 1200, and sot more !baa 110(0 for the Brat offence, and lm- prtsosment of doe Ise than three months' luted labor, without the option of a ase, for the .eoond breach. Wholesaler. and taaa0• f ,eteren will sot be materlally affected, es they are protected by the Dominion laws, and this fact most interfere somewhat with the oomplete eaooees al the mea.ure. But they will not be permitted to *ell to say pompons, other than druggists, laced• the prey 1000. Stater: Mamma Row Stereo arid Haw heeled to lead,. Seteerd•y, Jame 16- Whom dWbem •t 8s, Jeb,. Ids. Moms.' wheel broke down sad b had to well' 6v. miles 8.atortb Expositor ; H. Humber, who has boss sagarlW la Me jewelry baelame here for about three year., baa derided 0 elms eat his bo.taeus, tette the lauottes o1 going to Norma, British C.lumbl.. N. be - neve be Intends ite leave next wadi, Dur out hie stay hen Mr. Humber bee proved blood! not only • wp•ble byelaw man, but •a exemplary and useful ',Masa, and ba has made hose of friends here who will re- pot to learn of 111s Intended departure. All will 1» pleased M bear of his well -deism In W new hom.. Now Kra : We haat. bees requested by • number .f mltlua. 10 make the preposition to selebrat. Domicile Joy sou tis 4th of July Instead of oo Mouday. July 2nd. (the 151 comm`` on Sunday). \ ,a, .f our imolai' hers era demonst:snag t aa•da'. Natlooal Day and Uod.rtoh is haying • gala day ea W.doosday. July 4th, for tis reception of "Hares Old Boys." We advise that some per.00 start the ball rolling and a.1 t b• bus - low men and Wassail generally 1. obeery. the 4th a. • holiday Instead of the let, and join the rumen, I lumbago The amuse a In the blood. U tM�- no). did thy* wort! rat. I would be no U old Lumbago. do tbdr work- noas��e sure, positive and ase for L tubage Woman's Journal Th. W. C. T. U. of New York olty, lute feet mad. • suooetal outride starlet the sale of "brandy drops" lc the adghborbo.d of public school 57. The sale sea stopped by two of the..enty• two deputy Wtiert& appointed Ly Sheriff Walton at the request of the W. C. T. U. and other .111ed organisations. The shop- keeper. bar* soot the candy beak to the whol.esle dealers. The Union Slgsal says • "1 be eeleotion of Lord Roberts and Lord Kfteh•uer an the sellitary leaden In South Aldo", ought to reinforce also the world wide forme against (atamoeranoe. lord Kitchener, it will be remembered, led • teetotal army to victory In the Sondes, where he established probl- Ntlon ; .ad l.ord Roberts mode experiments In 1od1it by eiders be proved that 25.000 wildler abstainers meld put la the field 2,000 mon effective troops than 60,000 000 - abstainers. Aotou Free Pre ' R.,. F, A. ()moldy and Ite...1 11. Shearer, of the Lord's Day Alliance, h..* spent lour d.y• along the Welland 1'.oal In oompany with Pt,oborl 3urtw, the Government Commisslooer. In •estigatW into the necessity of keeping the oaoal open on Mondays, and enacting est deuce io assist the ('ommiseioeer la pro- moting his report to Phe (oversayt. The repr..snal •se of the Alkaline eeaimOrmed to Weir .plaion that it la �i6iwary M keep the canal open on tis Lora Day, ISA bops for • favorable report./ TORONTO TO 1 HE FRONT• C`C delesdl0 %b.wlng ■od- e by e.dd'• old. nee P111. 1n *area Pity. Toyurto, Jan. 26. -Is is Interesting to sea that this olty, Ibs headquarters of Dedd's Kidney Pills le Canada, and the place where they were first discovered, keeps well in the frost es regards the num- ber of Woes oared is the towns and rubies of Ontario. As Dodd's Kidney Pills bay• atom made friends all over the oivlbsed world, this fact In of wide and sigsl6asat Interest, showing that Dodd's Kldnsy P111. retain their hold on public esteem purely en their trtag merits. Merlin Brown, 119 Elizabeth street, says --" 1 hays been troubled with rheu- matism for three years, also with pale In my book. 1 have triad several remedies, bet .sold not get soy relief. 1 hays a..d two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and awl sow • well man." roto rearmament mirrtuoxy. Freak Nalene, 8te s flaPwlsw.dest at Public IastemeIl.s : "PIeeSlalsa le morally tight. Is Sprigm. Limes* Is eta fmmerah Icy, faretwa !Ives and, h alos, is worthy of die Oieeor% of all friends of geed trevitramea. sad Glean e osiety •' The Westminster femme Mateo 'bat 5,000 of the English soldiers sow eervag 1. South Africa ere membere et the Army Temperasee Aasoolablo. Lord Yetbus Is • member of the oes.dl of tills body, sad Lord Roberts and lord Kit.obeoer are es- I6asiasMe •dveeatss el temperance muses the fess sod 61. of the army. The meet wuseeld stockmen of Texas will set molar • mw m es their moots.* who desks. They 6.d mob help is toe orison sive, as they are net 50..1.4 easyb with the stock. The Texas "eewboy" must he • sober mu, at least wile et work on the plains. and Huns ►be temperance game ad vane, sod in quarters we least leek for It. 1)r. Edward R. Raab, president Nicker - sem Normal oo11og., Nleksrsoe " No h- odd's • •. All thinker Ti * i• .p' When you hire ;wheel froin the Bicycle I.ivery look at the tires. If they are Dunlop Tires then you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi- gree in its every Dunlap Tires on lived wheels. "The may to.ie.- ?Mbabane /k.. time& review eteew5I. wwu,s `. at iota Sununer....Ilo OIL STOVES Blak• : Word bee been received here of tate death, at Wetesklwlo, Alberta, on 1'seed•y, ,dao• 12AA, of Jeanie Blau/the, to taut daughter of Mr. and Mn. Wm. Think, formerly of Blake. 1 b little see was. aged ■Ino months and two days. The esus* .aa death was Iadlgedlos, bot .he had bees deftest. from her birth. ._.JUNE. WEDDINGS This Week's Bar= gains for Cash 1 Binder Twine Plymouth Gold I`ledal, - - Plymouth "Special," - - Consumer's "Pure Manilla," - Screen Doors : 15 cents Ib. 11 cents Ib. 12 cents Ib. Complete with hinges, etc., 9oc.,--Sl.13 and $ 1.25. Hay Fork Rope : Pure Manilla -7-8 in., 1 in., and cents Ib. 1 1-4 in., 15 N. D. ROuG-VIE THE GASH HARDWARE STORE. SUTTON'S Boiler Conipff Engineers' and Mill Supplies, Lubricating Oils and Greases, Pipe Covering, Asbestos Goods, T Belting and Lace Leather. Tk Jo. Sutton Compoaad Co., 188 Queen-st., Toronto, Ont. A NE# CQ.OITOYE ICE-CREAM FREEZERS BICYCLES from MOM cep. PR18ERViNO KETTLES and U1 kinds of GRANITE and TINWARE LEMON SQUEEZERS DAIRY TINWARE our own make EAV&S TROUGHING ROOFING and SIDING Agltlt -i11e the `celebrated Carbon Paint for painting all kinds of roofs, wood_' or ironwork. STERLING SILVER and elSomeegveryant prettynewdgheaignaee,., full weight BERRY SPOONS, TEA and COFFEE SPOONS, SUGAR SHELLS, TOMATO SERVERS, ETC. Direct shipment of French and other fine China just to hand : FiNE CHINA SALADS, PLATTERS, ?q,AMAKINS, BON- BONS, COMB and BRUSH TRAYS, in all the newest decorations. PORTER'S BOOK STORE ETC. Our Telephone is No. 100 S Court House Square, Ooderich. like Cheap Stove and Furnace Man. Wrong side of Hamilton St. Ooderloh, Scam Boiler Ropng. The Goderich steam boiler works having been removed from Goderich, i have made arrangements to carry on boiler repairing and also the manu- facturing of smokestacks, etc. Repairing of boilers, engines and other machinery promptly attended to. D. K. STRACt1AN, Machinist, Goderich. Works on Victoria Street. At any season 01 the year there is no greater. comfort than a good reliable pock hove in the kitchen. It is witn cook stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our OUS and ABERDEEN VeSandRanges CALL AT \ OI.TTLE BR OS. P1ambers,Sleamhtters all Tinsmiths MILL WOOD FOR SALE. s 1 II hlo ZllitillgL K �uN� Ni WE ST -8T. TAILOR. Can show you the latest in Spring and Summer Suiting*. (kill and see his Homeepuns in the newest shades, tho very thing for Spring and Sus - mer wear A large aeutrtmont of clothe to choose from, and style and Bt guaranteed. Prices moderato. H. DUNLOP West street N. C. FILSINCEA A Week of Bargains... AT PEDDER'S Dry Goods and Clothing Store r aTARTINQ ON TUCRSDAYWE COMMENCE S FULL 111[N: OF BARGAIN DAYS! NEARLY EVERYTHING REDUCED ...NEW GOODS... as well as our usual Staple Stock. is agent ter the Kelsey Warm All Generator, manufactured by bas Jas. Smart Mfg. Co , Brookville. Read what a fellow townsman says of his experience with the Kelsey Cementer • Umoe of F. J. 1, Nailed. Fire, Life, Aooldent and Plata niers leattrance tales u lowest rales. Hamilton st. Goderlob. Ida, 1st, 1900. James smart Manufacturing te.. Brookville. Pot.. OarrTtgran. --The No. 18 Kelsey Warm Air O.tterat0r you Installed to my house feet fall nes given me the greatest of satl.tactlon. 1 have found it very eoonomlosl in fuel and very easily managed, giving the very best en results in ht- the who • house below heated fr.m 76 to 80 both up stain and down, and at times I have len my bedroom window opso all night In the month of February. I have found no ga• or coal dust front 1t at all, no heat in the cellar, and the smoke pipe was 000l. 1 have used other furnaces for a long time. and from my exp.rteum in furnaces I one safely say that the Kelsey le the best 1 have seen or used and ono high., recommend it to any one intending 10 heat with warm air, a• It does not burn the air, but give. • very even and pleasant heat to the house. F. J. T. NANTBI, lolormation regarding the heater obeerlully given by H. C. FILSINCER, Cover West.t. and egunre, Ooderioh Lime anil Wul ST. MARY'S kept oon.tantly on hand. Also the best brands of D is t miss the snapsl._ �11s:-.Cash or Produce. Men's chocolate Dong. Bat's, Good -e year vesting top .$3,00! Men's tan)Bal's, Goodyear, $3 to $5 Men's heavy plough Shoes . .....750. "SOROSIS" Mannish Shoes for ladies- ladies' - gentlemen -shoes -a man"'shoe built for women. I ant the sole agent for S -.. " 8080818, " the 1MMesM- 1 • American shoe. Call and see thein. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER... s bigger advertisement than a page In this newspaper. May we make a walk- ing:advertisement for oar store out or',you,1 Wolcan,tif;you'il give bas a trial. Another lot of Favorite 011 Shoe Dressing 6c. Repairing neatly don. The stove is cut into stove wood length and will he delivered to any part of the town the same day aa ordered. , Orders geed by telephone or left at ,1ddlime 1 128 Cambria street, will motive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Guderleh, November 21st, I89W, Id4s Westside of 8 nen east Sturdy Bros. TWrr.. n . A. McKIM, CEO. W. THO.MSON & SON, -'- Phone J-, Music and a.yeb HYDRAULIC and • PORTLAND \ - CEMENT Builders will do well w see me baton, pl•o• Mg their orders. ARbO ao11¢s UTUYf3E. Wsst.M. Near the Square. Reid's 01d Stand, Mederich, GSALE RGAINS , u y :�"' , we 1 beginour semi-annual All Summer Goods will bo sacrificed. All Staple Goods and Clothing will be cleared at lig Reduction on old prices.-- .. _ - . _ ..� _ _ . - Bargains (we use tlleterm with caution) will be brist- ling all over the Store.. --W-• will not spare anything, The Stock must be cleaned up for Fall Goods. '''Little price tickets " will do it. Now is your opportunity to get in many lines double the quantityI your money. Base we de- ceived you injany of our salell? We aro not ,ming to begin now. Remember McKim's Clearing Sale. REMEMBER THE DATE JULY GRD, AND UNTIL THE GOODS ARE CLEARED, Now is your time to save money on wantable Goods at M(,KIM'S BARGAIN SALE. i 900 Bicycles....- Henderson, Crescent, Rambler and Ideal.... ore betttarvalwtbes anything ever offered before in liotlerioh. Our Otgsn\lMltji are increasing more than over with the two superior Tines we handle, els:- c+ODE E ILII and DOMINION The stand they now 000up , with the best musician. and players la something to be proud of. VJoH1401- TITH PIANOS These artistic, fine -toned, high-class instrumentil take a first stand with us. Highly recommended by all musicians and tally guaranteed. WHITE, NEW WILLIAMS aid QUEEN. Besting Machines -=too well and favorably known to need comment._ clA tull line of small instruments, strings, etc., Mo. 0.11 and inspect Reeds snd;get prices. G. ;1111. THoMSO1 & ON. A Woman's Shoe should be like herself -dainty and delioate -yet.hong to endure. This 1s the King Quality all ever. It's M pretty as a shoe clan be made and as strong also, sat $I it doesn't look es though It wu made for a ata. People who don't know it, guess the price somewhere around $1, and yet it is only $3. Ask to see King Quality. t}io QWYU Made by J. D. KING COMPANY. Limited. Toronto. • ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MOD'S SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES: Manufactured by J. 4At MacLEOD5 God•MCh, Out