HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-28, Page 3_ _ titterer _allethe nrapulatteet of fllie Molten ore now in order. tior nonte yonni tzertnirt 4'. 14 imibllen thee. hay,- claimed M0,000.1NMI. bet soberer peril+. VP not. eltilineol broom' 75,-. 000,000, alit proluthlv tItat lat not far from the ft Will notleeti the Witte here given thnt In fatch of the bed. three deenoles the grant hes teen "'bout. twelve millions,. The figure., of tit., Peveral enenterationn are follown : 1700 8.1429,21 4 5,308.488 7,2149,881 14,43:1,H2.2 12.$0114,020 17.04114453 28,191,147R rt1,..08.112 sm.nr,s..3T 1 10,15n,77re a:1,022,250 Wedding 14e4 to Now York emote tete a tor to tilerpkty, onto tinning tile Very •"(nelthy. .%/41,1P from the el.reg3 menet fee, wiedela nt farther Ales weiddiege 1.4 conyntirOw+ am muck not *3,000, the fon of SALIKX1 helot le 4 unmet In, e 1 . n re " re h opon beg' fee, from 111 1 r, 111 00: the er giovidel fee, *21 . the vonalistO fern fnron $100 to $1,000, end gratethee to r• Moon prreenre ithont mit Shiver vele, wItyth SO tatIne ithontel fmy for the po'ielt. Neck 44, Sete -tot Alarkete. be closing prom" metro. to.thly, tank July •4111-- sews SOUS 1.4 (1 80 414a ogee, 190 090 1.7, 110 ler cy leo " ... 0 4/0 1.2 -- - 0 87 84 to4 qeo i.s ()esti _ ... 090 4.1 __ Merkel'. 1.-Opeoing 111101,4 -10.; Angled, 44 June 25.--4.peniter • 88 1.4, Attic om 1.4 2L-Wheete 104 tern awing, ow 51ii; to Ifs 7(1. Futures tkl ; Soot. eu . to. 3[11TTaD errs' litsrliet. ts of farm poidieo • of gratin, w H.; drew.' ROO towhead atti.1 )11 itueltele at 73 to busher at 72 I 2 to • .ht at 72e. )0 Wilhelm .014 41,31 a tondo told at gal e h rot I at ige W ee stenit.. el' 1t1 VS dream.' begs r cwt. Wady st-17. ter Rs - Met chleketit itt 74) raring eltickette O rbs& 4tt VOWS( ran , muse - Wank' brim *Lou wee today wee, .Whfiet Wee firWee.___ My of white, red le to -lir Lighat "indeed bushels M at 31. to :nee r-TrAnly,lead•401 at 111 10 to Cleo loado of etrair-gto e receipt.' role toe t 17c to 19c. 1.3 at 14 to I5c 25e a desert offerings met Ot. to, 110e for chick gobblers and 12 tn tesyt. ialpriisx dirt. .• end otherm at -Meek lillarket, Sle pi:cwt3 el Wee-4:3 el i5 3 r ewt..- 313 tor owt...1 r cwt. 3 73 La* to lope to 5 to :.st 1 ei to 4 ;a to i ICI 10 7; le !, 4 a to octet 43 to 373 io 311w. per 3 a to fere 2 30 to 3 on to 30 to wow& . 3 ;.5 3 ei to . ..... • 3 le to 1:41 to t an 10 a int to 73 to 3 n71 to ▪ 5:3 to 3 tra ta lo rail Market.' "Slater's Mewl Yeller." id" eleitel'ii best feller 11 'neat eix loot three, And hereto/owe and "'trues n• a feller can be ; And Sis, Ache's' JO MAIO elender and mall, you neves wurad think mite could boor hen at all ; Bot I•y ! she don't do a thing hut 'nate him jump mond like lie worked with it *thug ; It hiot makes me 'shamed 1 tam mi eine t Imee, -Yoe& know, To think that he'll let a it 1 bully Illin so. He goes to walk with her and earrier bee muff end cant& and umbrellas, and that - kind of stuff ; ahe coeds hint with thinge that mutt weigh a Sue ; „ And, honed, he 'Wee it, as II it war fun. Anti, oh, ety I Wheu they go to a play He'll sit In the parker and fidget away, And ehe *ten come tkown till it's quarter past eight. Anii then mlie'll scold lam 'cam* they get there to late. as mete& Naps of money e buyIn' a ter Levi I Ittle girl, intlignantly; "itho's roul folks!" And the New Turkana's', belle of two eltiltireit who teamed to that were hest as mueh Otter', eta in this ewe. the children wool theIr 0W11 pc1111103 to buy Mange tirey admired, and when the articled were bought, appreciated them tor- melemtlingle. 'Cleo wanted thew dollti very Intich, Anti, although they were on13 little ten tioit bisque &ills, tele ilirectitneil given for the put. chose hvere particular. "Now, tope," said me. "don't Net buy any doll you we. Take it up aid look et right hi the eyes, and If it 100111 an if it loved Sou, then you can bey te." " WHAT PFZKLED tax -year-old inotudd wait sent to a nrighbor'e on an errand. Wbot he came bock lie wild to hie mamma, "Mr. E's folks 1 com iy and they . were ell telklug In German , but I multi Inut telt what language they were laughing in." JOHNNY'e, CEItTIFICATE. In a ecotch village there Lc a clerk Wit° IS knowu en "Lhift Johnny," ow• ing te ha% ing epent several parr in. a lunatic teoluna. TIM other day int Wlin hal big 1411 argument with hie fellow clerks, when one 44 them ex- claimed: kleok bore Johnny, you'd ...oartisepe --ibeliteelloted- yew- emir, iinalnaWila "Ali, yea." maid the little niew, "1 un- derotand ; they keep their mummer clidlont In their trunkri." wheu do they call %Amen -an old leia"? The iaternal-Whext rho. 'beeouser hopelessly set an her ways, my NOD." • (grufflye-oet away from the fire, Tommy. Tho weather *let cold. 'ftnanay.--Well, I'm not worutiii' the %%wither ; .wariuire Weer Mainineat glad to ree you PleY- itig with /OW little Woo now.. n.mniy-Yeein. They ain't like the 4.1,or kindl I kln lick any mus of there keit. I %ant ter. -I hiladelphla Mamma war tier sing Juni pudding. " Johney, will you take a littleputt• Odlisfir 7" Joliette -Yr ; will you give_ms the untie, please?' Mamuta-liut why du you wish to nave the endr. Johnny 7- - J ohtuty-Why. when I war in the tit -ellen I heard EHeu ray to cook, " Cut a guod lot of Ina Ill tile 01/141, cook, became you know the ere* nru alware left for tue."-Tit-Bita. Serowe -Now, Johteiy, behave your - ✓ eef. I won't tweak to you agalu about It. Johnny-Aw. MOM. 141111. give up too nary. The rood! boy wriggled under the eireur tent. "Say. feltoWle" hg chuckled, " I feel like a yacht mak- ing the homeward run." " liow's that 1" intrukred erste e lates. " Going in under full canter" , then he diatippeared. A BALLY SICK MAI Suffered Terrible Agony Due to Kidney and Liver TrJuble. Like r and rl'iwirra at.4 Pre•mtd- all Tittihw you're daft. "Ihtft?" ex- claimed Johnny, •'why I'm the unly Riker ow arming you that lutes certificate for tieing WIMP." Ibbone and tinge , But ell 110'11 pit for Oten 's a, chief tame - A tweed np concern nutde Of :mei taco -- Bot iny faint! ite thinks It's jute greed. Taupe rationiade tt, he mart her own Intl. hand." Be Voir -her an eangel"-1 o.Lieeeweta_fertlnt,' Anti bebe on eerti;"- but ehe ain't. Tomo 1 go an errand for her any time t hot make her coax Inc mid give. ne. Mite: But that great big bitty-whs. eat aunt tow 1- . IV.) run 4O miles If mite waited him to. Ole gee -whits! I tell 'tin what 41! 1 Met think it't, awful-thone itc- t4otte libi, I itin't fall In love when 1'01 grown oir•ree.! 113 ehtor'it "best feller" 'r A waren). te ere! - .1i 01Si/0E1d ENT I Kee 'elie late Ihe inure« Fromm:in *1141041 her reirke. wird to toil the, iituireing Pli y a rd. story sir -6-U------7- 43 • r, mite ',At (1110 LIMO my II rig Wan fielt1Of r till . going to the railway stilton to ww. nest. . , toe people. and 1 ale ay s iirdereol The hen made a illiVe to:* l'oll 0 y low 4 in -him tei go home. fearing he wotthi 4" trend, Mt ntinsedOt. Poll. thietking - i is be hurt by the corm. Ile t•amily un- eretlon -the better part of sal a in . 'den -mood that if he went there . it tooted to 'run. the hen, with v--;-"ong wad iontrary to my wi.item. So, wide sq•reottl. folleiwiag-clow after. wlieneter he was tater the 'dation. As she ran, l'oll serenmed in her if lie saw Ube comiug. he would look oliellleet t1010111, "0 Lord ! 0 Lord!" the other way and preteud not t0-3 A member of _the family, WhO had know me. If he not me ltIlly Where witneewed tile performance, thought el.e. lie alwaym 1101111111941 to Meet it tine! to interfere in leil's behalf, nw With great delight. But ut Ole AS the angee hen waa Ital11:1111 oll her. 11 rem out, and nt000lng tlown held -- A GOOD l'ARROT STORY. Our ne t door neighbor, writes • a -SaMelmituudeut..a.whioaneamilellig__Mer- rut. which Is always getting into 'Me Medicine Appareutly fled no Effect, lintel at the ttellettatIonorticlr lend elle "Wed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills arel- Was Cored. (From the .Maie tirsetby. Quebee.) Mr.--Mbere Fiehme--ameratant.. at. chief, but tutuelty_m_44coat_agaiti witle Jayne's' „Ogee factory. fdranby. tatte., out much trciable to hereelf. --When ie known te ainert-eirel-Nieblent of the town. and is held iti the loglieett eeteem by all who twee MM. 111 mu- te:nation with the editor of the Nine recently. munietheig was ouid ler. %allegro' leak Mr. Falter remarked tlett he hart folona thwe pi* a ' very tamable nielicine. It wow suggetted that he should nutite him experienee known. 11.1111 10 this be reodily toosimentet, Inueling to the 'Mail the fellowing letter for pubiloation: • orate.", March 10. - kolice to Dr. William' Pink_ 1'044..1 think it my duty in t ieW %lint they halve dune for rue, to told testlnionlitl to the mitity ,*-1111-11 I have tweit print. For entre,rnonithe -1• suffered noel, peverely (rem pain« 11,1and itown nay hack. It wits thought Clete were due to liter tont OE a hip% trouble, but wletteter the catimi„ the. kept me lit terrible away. Tito. inlets were not coefineei to the bark, hut n-outd whtft tither --parte-44. tho• hotly. A3 a 41111111‘ 1 OtAlki -get- little mit ; *prattle wan -auk+ ialPair - (A, fowl 1 fermi. leatiy n tort Mall. I tried many "fillerent -retueditto wlth• out effect. and %hell ilioeterted me itlis medicine. A friend maggemted it I tory 1/r. Welittine' Pink Pills. 1 itiot easity persuatlel. fer 1 luul n tle the tlea 'tnetkene. ne Toth - 141 helped me Init_ne he tweeted. v oonclutled to• give them n perehtioed one tot. and was 41 to find thee before it. y uhe1„ I watt quite a bit tio1 ter uting itlx.naore. ,rel to my former good e great ',Wafture in re- t I I is va itIll hie remedy. ertyfit by my toperl. for the tortures that be has done anything for which she ws elle ought to he punitated, mite bi her 101041 to 0110 aide, MO, eye - ter inintromm, rays in a eititroung " Polly ite a gmet until her misteert ; thee she: wings fuel crine ont, Hur- t' a good girl 1" tile. lute 1 to gu free In tbe garden. immune haek Not!' miming herrelf, intrudern. hen mtroyed fait of ad wow quietly pea kfart, -When roll Awl called out, ions.. The poor own ouerters. 11.1. " Shoo!" at lug Intne. ska flaw h rah 1 l'o teen alio wh-•re mite th-• era warning off a one Ince • g the chicken. pin) Up ber merehot up to be "Shoo!" in her oliri ben retreetted h rutiningom fast as she to Poll, who screened etery tarp. A _few days tette. Poll 40 -Valk tato the chic Here: with tier lanai ettrP went Imering 140.4. every cor Ale came to'thet fnd hen On h 3 osi 3 7, 3 al rt. nn 1 10 In n nio 9 04 ;inn It we -e large mad wherriee were firm or n genet ; ewer • ilosen. 412 to le 21 4%.4i4Or414.45411.-16.11.---- • Wor to at. wept $4 toe ist..L..a_w ✓ edo", &le to I I W 1W, Ponktat, :311r 1 t" Outlook. trawl!' of 111.---rsoit Anna/it:01ml ;c1, Amy heelft Chlemire. 1.04int tarring. Ontorie reit helot at 7Re., nortk . WAN Mrt hy per Oudot. No. 1 r to $1 on -matinee - Ontario re e irth not tvivar-4674,e, list, 75e. MA • \ ['Pronto otwi east : L 1-2c.. Owen Soviet 'eel. Wy light market ehanipel at 170. for ▪ \te Iffe d al Pietro. * thew fer hese Nen atoeut-mittill1-34 treirthig:IIIt• the week Jiatm• leen 14tatem agelio4 17" In Canada, Foisted station it was quite dIffereut. Would pay no attention to nay whin - 110 or my call. Ile even pretended 1., be It nothor dog. and would look right iu the face without upper. enter recognising me. He grief OW ihe eut direct lin the most Wiper- tanent manner, the reamon evidently bog that he knew he was doing *hitt watt wrong and did not like' to be „I_ ound l'ossibly be may TIIE QUESTION. y ie-teld of a . eglitednete in tbie manoeuvre.-- little girl wh,. te,a pu .one of the -4-rtnnseet--- e.nateeted woo au Omaha church. The teacher nl yt upends, out tray f Tom tu-ned. enreseed. him lend. Poll Iota no tone in ling op Mohr temolder. Then, r high vantage -ground whe, id, looking down on liar foe, "Hello tia.141 1 obeli, r Tito. frig!. ined hen returnee to her neet am rapid y us she hatIcome.-The Ash* nil Item. nit big I f it trial. loitering wit*. ent relietol. ergo fully Meath. 1 commetuling tOnt othere envie, and not M I did. - tours aim hale relud little on my _011ie 'The felbor log --"-Out nett. SHREWD STRAISCIT Ote--AoleAT-o-olthitut five minute', n eve lemon for the tenting week a Formed mo Offensive wig Dergaglkttag Mika: "-Now, ham tiny one to einotion Ong the .1 then , *Mauve With Three Wogs. %tweeter Last Sunday the hero an lt was net her Nese 1/: tilti beauty leg at length On RA ChiPI thOngntii. 110.11 nut,* IlLot fremarkalge, though and W0410.1 tip the cueteimary way: lam poeteteaon 4of %bees att,:ibutem uf " Now, weo ham a question to ask ?" supereerit,y made nine A little gill raise' her hand 111 o- p -eminent amens the cats le the spouse.' "-Weil, wilst-ebratorm *leo, neighborhood weth whom to ask 1" said the teacher. " Pienoe, be %aged unrelenting warfare, but mneon. are we going to have a pkole 'the fact is that tie poomered a el311- thin summer?" trolling mind and a etrategie --- ity that wi•uld have made Won rt. A ...DOZEN AtelOMP1.1811MENTS. great commander had lie been born ill a moire *maltose rphere of life. I-'ur -that eat, with true diplomacy, made fronds wirt.h the doge of hie particu- lar liomain and went forth to bat - tic attended by a budygua-rd whose appearance inspred respect and as - rioted him In hit combats. An it'eg- asaistKe a bkrd dog aud a email colter Ivilet shared tile meek and • -•irer eta- - -Med Titiii=''W--gaZi over blo hated rival, tne-lentr eat &Prom the street. Theo eat had had many a contort with that gray eat, but the ce,m- always remitted Ls a draw, bee explained no usual. the teneher s' on rode. - the pent meek teri by thP war Mi litho* 1.011tillile nat 1 from the eontitry Phew Wo•ot.-oe•reer 1 gook, The sort rig a Irma 4.1 tont r1i 311 rood,. 11 (lent lent tattoo. of , 'Toronto th Ittolt 41 feettilt I.( the thwevit fuel al ("I now of large i ro1w 00,1 II More MI.., eisinee moll Ctett, re Impro, hag. 'Ili cat fOT 1110nPy and 1 h? 01.0004 fewOoa • ThP irrent modem of re Itry Fire turner- rly thrfnctor., IrounriPAI In Irtimiona? peg regarding Ile' 1 ha IMproved thr os hove experience,' re (rem the .1" ilona ye not nri.3 Money la In preiNI plentlfol eel -rites . !to week the ne-o- e l t,,•nrie e!relen hat for title *Poem *mond for nurnmer fear nomter .1 or - 1 In fell fr0n.la Sfrin • ere homy on fall le wee employed felrly satlefactory Mutat (Woo is 'in- fant for the farm. hrighe. The Inviter The (inner et si'r nol ease" Into" he- t roataduthiy cheaP• reuse of the geserilla totetlive of his wa ry tippuuent , who preferred a shore fight and rapid JAM to eafete to a prolonged conifliet where ht and '11 Ma ability of the hatve a deelded adeantage. Tee thought that vi,•tory, landlaltnt- el, had Deter yet perched upon him bannerol VOtod the end of the ghee. - matte Other, and embittered hie mlik ni bechlt0Ilk with wormwood of ven- geance long delayed But at Mot 4114e 1"flutcY triuMphod owl retribution 'oiortook the gray prowler an I die. turher of midnight miuntiter Nilo day In fatal hoer tan grey. ent 'nettled thee prceinCta of th0 itomorek wren the elle* of tho-isettef *ere at hand. heti ho etruck it mull- ion Now and ran oral," of joy parte eal LW, whiriknOr of thet cat with the tentrialing mind, and with 11011 the ee threc (toga joined le the chart. the i l'incitint0 of their moterior numberit kra owily ealight wet isreaglit te hay the grey cat nail then formed n s lent while the avenger "t4i arflne MO began the bat- tle Continually driven bock Into the ring 14 the three tlogn, the grey cat IC ILA unable to pursue hlio favorite Lof- tiest, and the rowult, after one of the Prettiest "eat serape" that that ward ted ever seen, wits comincto 1443)1%3 for tho net with the diplomntie finly when the grey eat. h3' imp over the hen.* of the (logs. recaped, 441 h431 Ipt, tip In the work rIght.POMI retramitien 'Thom, In the ontimelotexeles of victory. the conipientr h'turn"(1.dlosionletanled hy TOP MIMI, to hie roonnt or ene beefetook, lord of tin own 1101710 1,1 Anil the eirrometi- LnK neighlorleal AM far ne three 'meet* motel hie 11 1 II ng 11111,4 I og .11 (tram! Rauh% liern1,1 BYMPtTlIFTle one!, fielly Wet a plaything,' Kali Someone has suggerttel 12 thinge that every girl cttn learn before she, is 12. Not eteryone can learn to piny or sing or paint well enough to give pleasure to her friends. hot -the following "acromplimle mentos ttre within everybody'll retch : Shut the door and eltut it portly. Kee our___Aterii room In tasteful Have an hour for riming and rise Learn to make bread ae well am cake. Neter let a button mtity off 21 Dr. WrI 1110 Ina thP root of the disease. They ni,siew and build np t.he heed- end strengthen the nOMPO, thum driving 41101P11100 (min the eyetem. If youx deal- er &too net keep them they Will be meet roetpaid nt 50 mitt* it thy% or Ms boxer for te2.40,-by 4412.5111111K -the De 'Williams Meilleine t•o., Brockville, Ont. Albert' Fisher. /fot fife N'Ilfe. sobso- -ast.F 7" -asked the crafty politician who had referred the comsaittee to his wife for inform- ation MI blot intentitram. "She ref to talk," reettendeil the spoluoman of e committee. "Then it was ' my wife you met, gentlemen," he r ed with great pooltiveness. It Wit lanilebOdY else•" -Meagre HOW TO KEEP BOYS ON THE FARM. ROTES Of INTEREST TO AfpRICEILIURISIS. --reelect rt Ore* of entaly. *rut, dr auy other ground that will grow a rempectable crop of tore ur potatoes. veld It ir better If ons OW the other lute emu grown the year. late in the fal1 manure heavily with mane-v(30d conuposited manure. anti i.low as early in March um the ground w1I1 voruidg• Oise a good top dna:elite 4.f heti manure or tionimer- rant tertiliter. l'beet Pikt fite•t•itttil cultivator. Acute harrow, ur drug to going and keep it, going until the ground W worked floe and ill good condltket. Half a &men tame hi 110110 WO °lieu. Laet, Use a clod crusher or roller. Pay a good price for good seed. They are cheaper thou poor reed a., a gift. Jr you are gibing to do the work with a hurt*. wow erect In rows three feet npart. If hand or wheel low are to be mud, rowit lecher apart are wide etiough. If 1 were goLug to plant but 0114, variety it would be the yellow ,Dativers. about fifteen or twenty days the young plantit will begirt to iippear above groutel. and then coulee tbe tug of war. Once a week Is none too often to go tit:tough thew. When plante41 iu moil' three feet apart a seed harrow is at good tool. ue it doer not throw stay dirt to the platita but tears up ail the gram aud weed*. Ana keepe the crust broken. When five or six Inches high thlu the ploute to stand two and a half to throe *clew apart. Onlone will rotate' con- siderable erowdliet. but 'when over• crowdeol they will be oildediaped allt1 ltheV011 ill Idle. COMIlderlible hand woofing is neeeemary. and you wilt litiVA a fair croo of 01110101. They Win repot wheu the time come euit the nerseerom of mesa ur. bent, 1 have just the tome faith breaking dewn the tete as I have ifl planting butter Maw when the whet is eitet, or planting crow in the right moon. -8. (.1. eablItlete in Farming. CHARM/AL FOR FATTEN1)0 'TUR- KEY& :Fiicic Stomach, Biliousness, Cramps, Spasms, Nausea, Vomiting. Cured in a few M inutes by Poi- son's Nerviline. into ooned 3 hie wonelerf i power tontre in totinjuing 14.1,.,1, .1 pain. Pol. Internal Het eiwnen know weeen,.eone...wigg...:=Iiirb417,10.0.414, •le, Arm thing ean 'woken' iTht pellet rat nig power Fen ronger I tom an) other. but plea.not to Never let day one without I lo - trig Monlet114114 tee melte 1H eh, y Try a ten eent bottle. !•told 4.44ry etabeetable. a ."An" Vtt171"1"Ytwt "M""14-'-' IVealT11-157-7ww"ratteawr Neve ge about With your show It would be difficult to eatintate precieely the total weight of Kohl In unbuttoned. Apenk elearly. enotigh for every- the.yotlean. frit It is mare to nny that rthere 'aro at leemt thirty tone of It. body to undermtand. Neter fidget or hum NO as to dim- worth In the neighlewhooti of *2m. ool),000 at LI* prevent market price turb other.. of the nnwrought metal. Of this huge --Weer-- Imo, oe•- trete aenount of told there is prohnity not n. • pouted In its virgin atnte. A FUNNY LITTLE flIRL. Nearly every ounce of It has pawed threingh the hands of Attend artisans I know the dearest little • %V 00 heve worked Into eonntinan• Int An sweet as ham - -.mod tit stated *he kr forms. thee adaing porieepo /11 1$11,41 0? a quarter more to it. V11111474. "grandma's blemoll lamh." 'Whirre-terkelte ameseriamei lu -open during fattening it 111 f0t111.1 that thwy win. make a .more Icakrt theY have t1C011110 to a. plentiful eitlifilyeaf broken tharteal. 'The following a all account of nn experiment in which chariest -wan led: Four turkeylo were merited he a pen and fed on meal,' bolle.1 putatoes and onto. Four either* of the ream brood were at the name time, foe- Itt 011.0ther pen, and fed daily ene _the _game ,artiele. hut with 0110 rant; Of very finely puiveileed eh/tr- io:11 mixed rith Alleir fool -mixed meal end potatoee. They also bad a pleetiful wupply of charcoal (broken/ in their pen. •The eight were %re' "in 7. and 'there vino n dif- ferett filf one and one-half pounds each lit favor of the fowls that had homi 14111111111,1 V th (.11/1 rem' I. they being mtleil the fetter, 111111 tile tileat 111111711 superior 'in "point of tfll- lierliown 101.1 11111111". It a a weahnown fact that plmi re %or,' falai of thereon', eepeela II y whet. fattening. and experiment luoi shown that they intilto more, rapid going If they have secoot Why not tiolieym anti chickens alse? Try it. For eight rare it Mit- been ray etoitem to blanket honer' white' are warm and wet after A Ittar.1 drive. TIM remelts 11114V0 been very satire faetery. and there are physiologi- eel reastme why they should be. Rap. id evaporation extrnet• hetet rapid- ly; the rapid eitractIon of heat canoe the gre-at network of capil- lary ,blood vemselm to contract, their enuring intern:t1 eongestion. Many have .obeerved torso standing with front and hind feet elowely to- gether 'and spinal eordmn curved up ward, till he reeembled dromet ary, 1111• mid morning after being put knor_ it all. whiter I am mure I' 4141 away viearm without blanketing. „not, but I have been through the nifil The desideratum im not drting off of experience at both 01141/I, 11.11 a boy quickly. but the application of a and the father of boyar, and this Kul. - woollen covering. that doesn't ab- tect has heen burning in my heart mob heat rapidly. hut prevent'. rn- for a long. Unto but I have reit that pld tette-Olen. - thereby preventing -1 4r,133131,tairapreethia. ALA Leiter the impairment of IninorUhir thinlie, of no better chained through which which will simmer or later be reeog. to rench the paretatai of other farm - rased natiocular poreefell. Not only horn clehlren Dinh through your oat. thle. hnt the internal organe-ilvee. umme-M. Arthur, Prot elenee. It. 1... hinge end inteetinee-have to accom. In Farming. moditte en abnormal quentit y of Meld if the eurface Is cooled rap- Moves This V' 4 I i I ment One went to pert iee In the tilinge meeting bowie. She oat oio ot111 nn -I ehy they called her "mother's little inoune." .An 1 when pee went te Aunt.* May's. et lewd. so have heard, That little glri ware told thnt she wan "nuntie'n preemie Mel" Now seimehidy, Pc.p4.1kin It, Om my brain Ito In n whirl, Ito WNW"! n tenth, it monle, n bird, nail yet little girt' FIYN FOR THE 1.ITTLE F01,104. liontheretene What te4.1114 pale Prin- ter no long, Willie?" Iler TAttle Brother -Kite's patting oe the linnet teethe"' she has Fenthereteinte Whet'a that for ? Her Little Brothee-She said the was mom to land ion to -night If It on11,1 be done, TIMINte- --- a leacher ivrtm explaining to a. little girl low the trees detelevell, their toilette in tbe orprirsgtlee There ere 11101.117 'remelt.; elle. nele elinereo Worm Powder, I a 11 age. in came a biliounnees end elitim bet- ter Moult,* then from any other Sallow Comphellon. ete.; nhe correct the t•roubtri. __.....- Nonsticeitilic Medicine. game tenfperanee people of Boetrin are eorolderInrg the fenelhillte of retehliehIng hoocitel In Bourton In *Melt aleoholle mencinee mhall be need. They any thet the temperanee leeptal 1,ontion, estnatieheol In 1 873, and the temperance lAspital Chicago, eetablisheol In 1 44.44, have teen eneeerful In their treatment of patient* and their death rate 1* lower than that of the ordinary hospitals. whea 1 did fedi gut ranch week "eel took more care thitepc to moo tlutt nothing wee wartal by neglect." I naked MOWN of thine, 11W11 why they did not have a Leek wItIt their fathered mei tell them how thine« might be made Mare plemont. The reply war, ''Wo 4.1td, but father raid Vint when hri hod done with it, WO AlOtIld 11110'0 it NO 1110 0414014 hilt to worry " One man told me that he (email neter have teem to drive unloose some of the girls or hie mother Wanted to go nontewhere, awl him father woo too bury te take ill VIII Another told toe Unit if Ills father had been willing to pay him ao well and no regularly' as he paid hit hired men, or would have Wren a share in the heather or chruice to raise son* *Wein 1 c nip WWI have part of the proceetto, he would gladly have etayed at home, but Idor (tither suite "No, when I am ckete 3.0u, y do no you like, but 1 intend to do the man- aging while I live." and re the eon went to tate city where he bad ex pee ted hie efforts would be better npereciated. and where his individu- ality would not be wholly merged Knottier, but he had pet -et' loot him h.1.1 for the old home. 1 have in mind a family of buys where the father never allowed one of them lei go to market while 1144 Tho remelt wail that when lin died Dot one of the tons knew how tu disputa profitably of the crop, grown. It requires' years*, not days or weeks, to learn buelnew. We should train uur chilaren lti the 'financial affairs the farm TV11114T they are young aged eager to *aro I Wile at the farmers' market 111 one of ti0r large erier letet reamer extras day. _ sow loos with Melo of produce well reown.but poorly put up, and badly arranged on their wagon*, the result being that they lind •ell at from 20 to ell per cent. below what elle same goods would Mee brought if properly hantilkt in the pocking and iliowing._ These boye 'pimply lacked the experience they eitoul-ol have had when young and arobitioue to learn. Now some of them seem to- feel that they are handicapped, and have ra- ther ked ambition; coneequently they are anything but entinirlastic farm- ers. They My "father thought vve knew nothing," and he Dever gave ter e chrome to 11061TH. We do nut expect our children to beeome good teachers co- amecemmful banker -Le without a training for their 11110 of work, but too many of um think tlutt anybody can be a farmer without giving time to lean" the bush new. A greater mistake W11;11 never matte. Our chihiren slimed he given a chanta to develop then facultiem. Take them into our o.onflatince. Tray ball with the boys and other gene.* with the glebe Take' all hit -rest in their youthful tiff:tine anti don't I* afraid te 1404011 tO one of them. Live near them nnil buttinew with them, to yott would with your mhop- keeper or blackernith. They need just` that experlenee. They will doubt- lew Walit 11(11110 thinge that may te.ent footled', but remember they are ything, and time, it le bctIPT to let them hate a little leiewey now while you are s them to (emote 'and 1141 lei, than to throw them at once mon ile•Ir OW 11 judgment when mature with ho pre Ione training. ehliclreti better make little mis- takes hoW than greater onie later. Do mit time yonr children In such a way 11.04 will make them glad when ten are going awny and merry when you return. ltather have It theother way, if you would have ,a happy 1101110 for younmelf and for them. Perhape some reader may pronounce me con. ^rated mid imagine that I think 1 ANOTHER CASUALTY UST. Three Canadians Dead and Three Others Wounded. ONE IS REPORTED MISSING. rape Town. June lg.-Regret j4) report followies casitaltiat : Capt. 1. (•. McDowell, 2nd Mounted Rifle'', druagerotwly wounded in abdomen. 101.), Pte. W. Frort, taid Mowited trangeroutely wounded, wince tf. Mop. II. Rifler, el 121.1. ed itt1 torte. 1:rireeuitrunclutiet.1,12nd2utilim"olunit:I. • elightly wountied neer Pre tine tette - Lieut. II. ti. W01111411 011 Jane lathi tecoe, late ci, W. Leonard, wound. teorl Itft117-ditel 7.820, Pte. .4 IfeElkenny, May 21)441. both ralliltiin 11 IPVint0113 of Infantry. Otigned) Metier. Lieut. H. O. Branclittral nor former ly captain In tito• British oolumbia oarrlson Artillery at/item...1 at 1'ie torbt, B. IC.; Capt. A.1'. Meliuntell all iltereCtor Ill the N. W: II. P. prior to las enl6timecit ui the Batt/Okla Mounted Itiflee i'rivate Walter Frost beloogr to legewary. MA bro- ther is E. Foot, Creiff, .1rietitland. corp. !ferry Hewitt Beirut ailieteri at Calgary. las tether being R. Balm., of Latiettatter, Etigienti. l'rivate Wee nal Im a mother Calgary Ittlii. 11111 neat of klu Is Mee. totem', of Shrew.. bury. England. Pte. 0. 'W. Letnierd enlisted ill B. Cemptitiy. Find tem- tingeut from the 2211.1 Otfool Itifleo. There ie no 7.820 Private Lace:Ikon,. on the 'lumina' roll. NO there is 7.- S30 Pte. J. MeE.11hiney, 62nd Mt. John Fumillent. dice! of ... CHATHAMITK WANTEDCIIICK ON - sliVil a Boer Into Selene Ills Fowl te the Soldier*. 1Valker lea has revolved letter rom HeSner „Jo mett'Anderson,. n eniploee of the nee Company, itobt. rthore, dated at Orange River, May 10th. In it tie. •Chottliam boy giver AOIDP intertart111$ detail's of . the long inareltee el which hie lottery par- ticipated. Ho also tells of the excit- ing capture of a Boer opy, who war tirlutie:itlum:liii•byey ..:nottoryy wh:030114t rodttemisilt; lt\ ing to carry I ormation to the ell - outlet of how be and a. Guelph end bluffed an old Auer farmer into selling Itle clackene. The Dutchtuan war very obdurate when he was asked to put a price on mole of the fowl, running abunt like burn yard, but :there's coin- pankne turned to him and /mid : "Cep - 'tale, this. man metres to own MO /1111' Med; .1d1/101 1 Motet him?" It1D1 lit tlIC MUDD time IllatiP ft movement to (Paw hie revolver. The old Wee 111 once cried out, "Don't , Moot, don't Moot, 1 will have my boy cateiteas many nal yOU want 1" and so the 'hun- gry artillery bore fared well at din- ner that day, by werkIng a tame of bluff. (lumber Shore ileelree toi be remem- bered to all hie (teeter in the city. He W 1110 Wilk, well at the time of Writing, /11141 in mod mpirito.-Chet- her Banner. - , From July lot. peel, to. May 241h, 1 feel, the nnielmr of troth,' In the 0. rt. Army In the Philippines', teeth in lia.t,tie awl from MOM/0e, WWI 1 0451 o77 offi- cer« nn I 1,774 men The nnmlmr noun led ens 1,0114 -1 114 afar" and ',AA° men Idly. requiting s ger mpa r of their funetlonm. Retained heat on the surface keep.' up a normal fte- tkm of the mkin. T110 tweet glando crepe to exerclee gradually. end the oti gbirah the venis /Mir f 'Irwin/nate normally. hence the omedthe_coat of old, nod pliable hale we find in tbe morning on the hard driven horse whielt haw been properly blanketed at night. T11800 state- mentm refer to stables not ortifi- tinily heated. The writer once broke through the lee while creaming the river. The temperature was tenoid- erably below the freezing point. A touted, of good blankets wrapped about him enabled him to ride six mike with comparative comfort (and unplenennt after-effects). with- out which there would have develop. al. notch muscular tiewenees. the ee- planation of the same having nl- reatly been given. -L. E. Barton. in Western Horseman. -- CHILDRKS ON THE FARN1. ' ' They Should be Treated sallavIng an Interest. For a long time I have boon .41141y - ing the quest:hen, wig du 1110 many etead? After th yearn of °trove- tIon, I tutve come the conclusion that It le largely the fault of parental. 1 shoeld hnve nnevrered the queetion differently ten year.' tmenez.4411. laid the blame more on the ehildr but with a longer experience, partkml in nki own family, I hate been cometMled place the blotne l'IlleflY on tilts pny. Prato Too often they are not alert emerge In trying to keep in torah with the young -imenhere of the family. Mognehow they "teem to think thnt the tor, Ana glehretre a mart of tlie wnrt- nig force of the farm and ArP paying, in part, for the trolible earn or the porente In bringing then% lip from infancy to neeterity Are not nur 4'hil- are% rt part of ourselves? They know they rtre, mil they feel tiara they ph01141 reonlro DPW" care and ntten- tkm than lit heitrowed upon the Pattie and ether dumb animate of the farm. Meet 'men tire carrell of their mtoellc teenier It paym In (keine' and, eente. How much more 1110111,1 they Intermit thernmeirce ln the welfare of their chil- dren ! Madness. AN ft Milkt1111 II tweets me teethe city dally, and I am In n way of notleing the home life of a great many the horde of which In metny enin•I Were orientally from the reentry teem Too many of theme are barely thine net a miter - /tine exletenee, while otherit IIIIVO nl- reedy gone tr. tho brut When ask throe conntry-horn people why they left the fn.rrn. nal If lt wain heranon tbss 41laUkc.1 11440 ;wet, they oftsn any, "Ote no liked farroIng, bet rey father need me like h hired mnn. ex- cept tent he mid him hired man let- ter wages than I* wits *tiling On pny as, end seemed mom oitt•efttl theta ti'e offer One Hundred Dolle.ra Reward for nny rage of Catarrh that c.annot be cured by Hall Catarrh Spiro We.F.tteCniintlnieri,g1Tertiked!'' h4 Iv'emkP Zn°1"dr.°%1() 43seitey fee the he tr. rows. aedielhavelie. itin.ecatnlyd fibnonozie an bitalnons transee- rf to carry out any obli ration. made by Liar Senn Warr &Teti X, %V hnlwal* Druggitt.. Toledo 0 W•1.0040.KINNAu lir MAIO Wholesale Druggios. Toledo 0 Hair.. Catarrh Core* taken internally. 141' Mg directly upon the blond And milootin .mr- tiyet..9141oali4erantemt Ptriloe 7.itt,e, per bottle. Sold Hall', Fondly Plihrarenre brat. P. near and Brooch Pln Leek. Pear cony! and brooch phis am generally WO are liable to enav displace- ment, And frequently become het or cause annoyance by slipping out nod conning In eontact with th,e person Or clothing. A pin lam been Inventot pro- %Med with gettafety entch which can he easily /*Potted by the wearer. 1111.1 Which 13,111 nob prove a detriment or Pinery addition' to, the pin itself, TIM pin le slotted lorwitiellnally nPrir the ' point anil provided with a idiot pin.'on bleb it tar of the /Jame elze an the Safety De• for rleart -Odd les. The Signal so roster. 51, WIZRY THUHAID•7 11101teleti 14 e•-tax.147VD14Y. Term& 6.? Oub•••11•••••• Fmonth, IA advent,. rew mouths. " montha. There are e..13,000 different kinds_of lititterfl . The Itit. Portent', Horne. WWI mete' Alum ,000,000. averege *etch im oommeed of 175 different fd0040e. (linegow hen ,about 80,000 more itiliabiteuite thnn Liverpool. The number of roma born blind averages 85 in ever. 1,000.000. Tin. OP Vent0P11 w thiert persons in Prussia own her 18250,000, 000. Five new Italian eteamihips mato bo built to ply between Mediterra- nean portal and New, York. - e It le known from Arebian ,schirees that Egypt wile once free front_ ague ler ablenet nob years. ' The fastest flowing river In he world -le the feutlei In Indite deecent is 1 2,000 feet In 1 80 heiliPh. The greet popular maladies,throott, nasal lileLbronchta I catarrh, it re 'Nit* unknown in esitteenhergen. Over 40,000 tram, reoresentIng 100 different eariethei,_ are to be we tot In Inverse& l'erk, New Trek. Canerieto have been known to lite 2 1 year*. °wirer. - When ehlitiren are mtle, peevish -and resters nt night they require, done Or two of Miller's Worm !hoyden.. ' Protection's', 1'8'1 1. I 1. la t C Anlowlaams B.Uw. and other ousel ad•trtlemitate, ea pellt for drab laws/Wino. awl 3 *wile Per Hue for tech autetouoat lotortioa. Memoir es • aonparoll wee Bushoes card. of es Lbws and under, lid pot year e ltnatiout Voent_11111no Adverthomon It of teal r:"Viiril=e1 D uthie. Obotoot W oil osatiodhas line umpire' $1 per Houses nn Saie end en nale see ho *geed I Lines 1. for ire Me pee sale promote LW pious lazy Kay email notarlillit vin 1:itlia et .wv, piquant ntouth. I est Or oannpany. to toi Seel Vand 4144,0100 • eld 00ttine In tum p• sae some yes las Iroclor is=to ord In. tee en* par word. No note* forirstaP Nutter. for &bombe and other ths M benevolent Meleugoos, kaR rata :-A-Toeff---41**--tot-asewort--porotrah-41**,- Kneen. Paladlum. What kind Of A tett 411 poptilar ?- New" York Fran. An indirect, tax Vett the other fel• low playa, or that le paid without knowledge of the payment.-Phila- delplaa Revisit • It ip reperted that Cecil Rhode', Is Interented In when* for a system of rallwaeo In Mexico. pin. When It le deetred to Ineert the vie ICI a tie or other fahrie the bar ht tilted into the Plot to render the partner of the pin finundli, which ollows it to elem. the ClOth o/111111,' rii4 an ordin- ary pin. When the 'harp entt proneeto thronelt to the other abie the bar hi tilt", out i4 the imeket andl pleeeti right angle* to the pin Minnie °bee ouely preventlne the nechlentel ping riot ,af the pit Another good word thot nutty be natl.' in Ito favor It that It vele ahmentety orieveet. the anatchIng of rens from the tle or other einespieu- ,nom Marne hs -11 .the wearer In Von1 pelted to enter a'erowd of people. Tito t red nom will soon liseniew re srprrAtt Alp In appottiiitnes Ivy tat Mg MIlleree Competed beta POW SO down 25 rents. reaniara mote wilt or • &weal!, do Dabooribtro wbo 11.11 toTivo Tes 111141014111 gehlees um of tho foot at tarty a Sae at prelble. - Woo • Omer ed *dares dedirod. the MI Lad ate new Eddins' should be genie. Publishers nese. 3. IP. fa Tante, ot Godertell, kw Mem sp Vawa▪ nLood Trsys/iMs Atirsel for We Towle- oah. pa of Clodatele Oulbor Ashead &ea Lead post.multera over the district are also encoworod to rocial•• .obsortptloot ta tee Shine - D. MoOLLI.JeUDDIr4 oematuraoation• mutt le odd i-Cnsod=sot Telephoui can Rt. a THURSDAY, JUletl 211. 190S. 113161,110=11411 4111/1DR. SRAND TRUNK 111AILWAT. azure& Stet and I:prom axed tad Mail sad Ilitirellsociarra =PAM gall wad Uproot nti end Enamel& 1.1S IL's. t.N pw. Ixed LIN p.m Fe. DKATIATET. Af. NICHODLI4ONAiLs.vD.O., Gold Velem, Crown end lirtrorWork a noomo opposite go Pott S pectra,. Da Tame Zeportsaes. g M. MAIDDE. D.D.S., LD.11.-DENVAL 1./o Biargoon-Latost and approved mete& for all dental operation& Praervatton of the neural tooth a apootolty. Onlota Cor. Wee t it and nquart Do these. Xeres/teem wool toicieh000 No. 3, y M. TURNBU D.D.S., LD.S.-D11111. a/ • tel Surgeon. tely &tweeted with 13r. Dixon. of Montt 0041 and prodisho lettere teeth mountod on sold or siesallim bare special attention epee to the jinn** erne el tee neon] tooth. Odnot Lonifoasw Meek. Mat LSCIAle. La CAMPION, Q.0.-DARRIBTER, ROLL 0110r. Notary, ato. Odle over Mediae Ball, Square, Ooderinh. af 0. lOONSTON-BARRISTEle SOLI- IVA o &tor. Comwthatione-, ir.A Money to loan. Meet: Corilandltoo tont St. •asirte arena Ooderloh, Ont. 501 •pe,twoo Penal .suetwe,4 leticeitti luso Jed l• etn•bpoin etuukuo.3 4qt otteuddo law* tionituta ti0 pool a) spew iinaiiod 44,p•pon 90930 artealottora pew &emu 'enot rA -1011 '111.1.3111110,11 - H:dOVIIS 'Beat/ - '8341011Arlailt1 'II Want Poe woo -motel totem •ato tinppt4 totiviox '&1011071011 "Pi a - OKIVIOH NOSNIZOI warm jo Orral Anoi le neol oi AMON rumps eonoetutoo ems rev some ee•oeuene Lome ooleetal Of 111.,LittilliVEI "0 'b '13011 driLact *9 rpi 'Aittano memo "pi) 'eatery 1, 'f 'Wetmore erm 'auntotron IleateliV KA OO112.LeitIlITH MOIDIVO V MOURN" or @AYH '.1 'H ".1.00A(1401h[1.4 OM • *wee PI 1101•111."......s 114111 '19 gone; .001710 '37t 14000 :leg* to ;maim opting wiwatm vese, iT a SHZ.LSIHnial 'ileV11 Z .1.00dU3014 ton to asolorri -mood seprm011 hrentai 0. WArtD. CONVItYANCIR. . AVM el • roniettedoner for taking and reeving AtotwrOltnewat.of ben, iondavtie lei.; denial dons or rotten donlarodoe. la ow *van,/ any aelltat, null or preotediog le tirli Court J notice. tho Court of appeig tor ehmee, or oily l'aninty or lariekill Coma. A11 tr linaactJOna carefully •nol prontpUr oxeruted iteadenot and P. 0. addrest-Iloa gannon. that. Met/ Los.14 AND nertramrce. ✓ N. LZW111. nARRISTKR. SOLICITOR. &Balton *trent. 3* Notary. Procter MaritImeCourt. °Moo& -Le SereTSI,-- Filitle LIFE. ACCI- 1 • d,•t awl Plata olt. in.uranot Agont at lotted ratee Otter On Hamilton :wet next door to Caro w k Oorrow onloo. Ood erich.74. • - (MEV TO 1.1840-4 LA of Private Funds ter et rate and impetus, oo Apply to Ostrow & Gamow, Auctioneer. Z AMOUNT tint at low. scepter HOMAA OUNDRY. ACCTIONKKR. • Ontleetete. Ont .09•Ifid attention glean ttg I avian an rd ft,rorthiecolingitr. "I" &".udid TOHN JKNOX.011INIIIRAL AUCTSiNKAR te &ad Lend Valuator. Oodorich. Mor- es hod omelet -able experhiso• In • silo- ionwartat trade. bo la in • petition to din .harpre with thorough tableacttan all guidon . Dotal. or tont by easail(t)ortts nlealone Aatroatad to him. an 00,1ertoh P. 0., oarently attended to. KNOX. °own, Auctioneer. MARRIA4111LICIrlfelte. 'gm LANZ, C311407 v- • ~els 731 I:nut:prim GENERAL 1 HSU fle Itt• anon Real Mate lied Money Loonies Arica. Only Snot alase companies reprenitittad. Money to lend on straight loam', at 1 he lowest rate of lotertet dolniy ht ditty way to suit the borrower OffIce ne000d door front Vans Walt 'nowt. Ooderlefi. t/ Valuable BoolFree Dr 14ammond•Hall's Orast Beak "MOTHERHOOD': 1 landenine edition, library etyle, hmind in cloth, half -tone engrsv- inp. titerustine and inst riot Illtibjent which every marrrol woman, and those erontemprtIng marrtago should know. SOME Or ITS TOPICS Phralologt %lothert,00ti. tio Mother etyl .1014, it'ornatiA 4 Mlles' 1"erk.l. I are of the healv hon., redo* and clothier the flaby; What to 1111 ihe Doctor core teiieroot Infant M,miallty. Is Standspe Fettort. ^ l•rt• Nodal Influent* vain Not . The Teething rend, Tsiomt nhothi Kn.*, Retnelldi. Sok to Fee, .1&eful Itrripwa, 1‘'f, are giving a limited nsisnlot of this five shilling book Plat Oh reecipt of 10 dints to cover nulling. Old id once if you denim OTIO. 44rrel MUSS COMPARt. 8/1 ati TOROPerb, CANADA Aee.. ,