HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-28, Page 1ment. a NW . AN - &---- - - ­; ­­ _. em�____, I ­­_ -4-11 = __ - r,im,w - In -7 . I . I , X., - , _. 1600 - T,;�1711w`;,Y, �.. � , . 11. . . ,L, �, , .- , 1, , , , , 6 I _i it �t, . k,. I I `- ", , J ,Ji��_OY4�6. , 1 , , � .T_V4;1 " I , -, I � - ­ --,16i-------- . I ; . -------------- "rrTMTTTTTTYTT 11111TIPIQ . RENEW YOUR SUBSORIPTION TO THE SIGNAL root 1900 I I I . . " _ . ,�, 1. , I I . I " , � 11-J-1 - - -.. _- " � �­ ..---..-, 1. - -.I--- I � - - � � I I I . ­ � - - , / I I 1, I i - H1 in k , ., .. -_ ­ - _�' .11wei - - - ��__ - - I - � ,:.�q. -X .­i� � . . . " _ .- , -_��,� ,4 �,v ^. I _ I C"Mia _ ,.. ,.Z:. 9�7 ,- , ­­­ SI 11101;; � I- .. " . "Tpr- � 11. %_V;71, ., 10, 016 ___­ . I . . I 11 _ 'i � � , . ,, �,:. " . �', I . - _-, "'.. . . , � i_ .., , , - . .7 , , , ... . I LOOKAT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED )-AID FOR a . . 11900 4r__ - �rl-133 02MVICIA-T, W3B'WB3F`.JL3PJR1X 40X?' �XT-TI;K>W OOTJWW'W- . we __ ___ ___ � __ - __ - __ __ __ - �, FIFTY-THIRD YEAIL -V84 GODERICH, ONTAIR10. CAN,kDA: JUNE 28, 1900. D. M"GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. __ .. _____ __ -- - THE wlMKLY ki^nokr.T RIEPOR1. HO%_MLS VS. TOWN OF GODERICH. sad no objeol4tist to deliver as the abed WS6 baseball. Duties Us goosed year, up be both I Wast Westmeath. On; Goderiolo bows, SM ses, Detratib was reached about b. Lb p.m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - JUNE 28 - --- mad* boateux. the abed -oa allowed, but 30041i I"$, there we" admiety-oloo I -whall 8W. Grand wool -V.437. and from shot time until their raluabiml peg- s new, . issell. ivw Tons of Use 4-ft�es monsivered by U" simply on we ground Uses, an Ube Doctor moo" 6ramond, of wheat seventy mi great- Oasis Homo To Diz. --Joseph I,. MoAvoy. departure She next day the city wee over- Th 'r*Osatbm,,inre-W.(l Good*... 4 ran Whom$ .......... 1. ............ 0 ob W 67 Apr", J -does is This it we. ly improved. mad of M&@", twenty our were %loAvoy, who returned ran wish =Is from the Huron treat. Do- Z --& as 6 lying,. rem, I . pw ows.... _ _.. 2 10 60 I to Following to the juds,mand, Is we mil of put 16, he wast out bound to put to into second acs, of John , 'got% to a y place, and she fieneral wish F -s 'as from Bus'gmem� - F' KOLA - ritour, I 60 So 2 50 ad Use coal abed at all, sod the% to where, I weroo4hly cured ; that 1% twenty gas Pak born* from Ad innea.m. about, four weeks ago Was for moo*obime to visit ohm Places 01 Ixi Clearing Sale Beirraimin-W - A. MaKism. 4 _pam&IL. Pub 611`9 ---- - -- - -- Holmes -a she town of U OF'oh ","'lao' think, be or" wrong. Deals. cured of all she *&am treated. Ito &lose ate &beano* of a number of yews, died Refromb�'m Fromi--8udsh Him. & Oo.. 8 =lam. __ - _....... - tooesmim b work and me ohm sights of the alsy. The 9 test ...... - - - _. logo sea so ad by the 1646" of he Divisional (vets on There in plenty of evido"e of disinterest *eased year showed as i8Dc*&" of six Pat an Saturday of oulasumption. The young Nettling so (kedibero--R. U. Roymolds... I owl - - 1 O' Le 1 00 the &PPO&I balleft by the town from Use ad p.ais showing that there was a space 0086. over Ito firw ji and further is. me Units at she disposal of &tie excursioulabs wait "O"oplanX ::::::::,.::: I to to 0 to a Wast twenty-two year$ of age The in 50 Yale Blayolew-Goo. mma� ....... 8 ".. W jadis"Ous Of ('In"I Ju0bb"m Alrm*uz- who there which could Down bow utilized in we orea"wm looked ties with h*tberloz poi moral took place from she family realdenne, Influst,rionaly otoployed, however, and was Kelfty Warm Alsomentrabor-H. C. Fit. _ ' FIQ= ;""'66 ............ 0 60 - 050 L, ad ,be . 4 Undartoli. The jade" who sogle, She evidence given 1%, baseman %we Duriov ,base Own YO&n ever , 000 SPPII- liNalltil come, on Monday morning to .St. increased to the extent of a whole how 4 @Later. - . ... - - . - , - - . .. - ....... 4 =: ..k.::::::::::�::__=:: 01 So* eVJ ho^rd9Imoa"ao&T.,. were Chancellor houses, mama boiler houses and wine other 061do were refused adialimiest. octme bemuse I..,.,.. church, what* seryloo weA ouai the dzing of the time of departure accord Heriel. por back .................. 0 N &O 0 60 B.yd &ad JusUosm Forrusm Said Meredith : houses, which will hold &bomb 100 tests of of sent at s000mmod&UOIL But that was& ad by Rev. Father West &out whasule tbe full &a ovei agandard time, Detests was Ding Found -H. 1. Service .......... .. I - -.-- 7 60 to 6 00 left so 3. 15 o'clock by suit Mmis and after Notloo-Jes. Wilson, Moves ........... I 9%;anster '!& 0 is the UhaaoWlofL -18 Ude a%" She Colors .1, and Ito was Wirt to place the coal there. was being supolled ; already five "%taxes remain& were conveyed to the Romeo another pleasant Nip the (A I Toledo TOS' -0*0- 869 -az .................. . a to Sa ': " *'Z _­­ __ __ so 3103 6.* 0 3104 .11 agreed .A 6. %Ilia IOCID to Which won convenient to the , 061 shod, an- bad been presented be the Asoloolaoist, and Catholic cemetery. The pull bearers wore few I -N. D. Reelovia ........ I _.... . ..... .1 claturday i;i;�our Los .. . ...... .......... 0 10 to 00 11 which the jedgmeas should be. We had Goderiah so I o'oloo Announcements Sm sit the second SLUAWSY was made ready. more wine promotional, Others were refused Harry 'flows, Fresh O'Boarke. John knowming. On the Way up so address was Tender* for Booth Prtybonew- W. T. W:h fresh sapagolked. 9 dom. .. - 0 10 to 11 think the judgment ahould stood SO far On ,he first day the ship arrivoll-At come lbdmLe4k*a becomes they were an far ad. Phelan. Ed. Tights, Hugh MoEwan and W. ..... I --.--.. a 60 be a - - U arney ....... ...... --- a an 46 diroote payment for she Samoan. of coal 01, Sunday, commenced unloading as Most vanowt in disease that little or no hops Chisholm. We join in the general sym prepared for preemostloo be 0mpL 86o�or Mass. ...... ­­...... s 50 to ; ictogglag he V inns SmUrfsobjec, of the oz' [-&it* Eriat Navigation Os., L:jii�wgg. t..b-MiM .................. - 0 so too received by bho went. pus late the shod, sod day- S strike or some "fit at broulthe delayed could be subarestmeod for their risoology. For pawy at she community for uhs parecia nod " t ' WoollsitS, Jolgir ............... _. 8 . ..... _.... 6 25 60 50 otherwise placed where the tows diroobod thess. upshipplay, wee '" such so lafirmstry woo bolas. provided other members of this deceased's family. oursiontsta with bh* ti and Bit offloors, - I " .... be 50 by the Ancona , .ze! C.w....: . .............. I 0 : 16 Lo be pub, &ad which war used The oi,somaits the strip &ad everything concerned. par@,, cement -Lee & Shophard. * ­ * * - ___ ... . - __ - - 0 ,Lie a it Loan a day. There were not 100 tons do- through the liberality of a wealthy Toronto DON'T bli,ol Tkill CKLIBRATION --The pro- phojgak� as behalf .1 we captain, reenived Ancouslasinese-G. M. Ellrt%$ ..--- I flow - .. ............. - - ­ _... 0 0 to if is town, senesoUsiff,with %be duty, to " 88, livai that Infamous of we Brat day, Mom. lady. A third clean refused OAMIMLOO Woe* grain for the Dominica Day oslobtaluon and bho address, whi3h w" read by Jae. - ___ - __ I b. . ............ 8 100 11 subject, of course, to oorrootica as t day, and the *videwilt to was Ulters, Was to" the poor, the" wtbboat *4 'Demo So Pay . = '1' - - a the I two qu . ....... folecoo Dam pusawOr thet. with Interest. Sm direct to the Huron Old Boys SO take Kimbell. Lad mads a time really � of room In thl indicated between %Its the necessary charge of $6 00 or $7.00 par reception . oft"mot Osp. K, . kind ...... 0 0 to 0 1111 _ As "a Ple"i'm 'a U*d"Wh next Wellsonday war- that show were an mueb pistoled be know order has to view. The awmbwe at Most 76 Sm 6 W Zeby Moe Judge. Dos Without 0086L L* boiler boom ..161"h. .ther plum to have we". For this stem, a hospital wait being order were vary much pleased wish Mir. '' * *::.::::::: *::: " ­ I to 3 so rut tj ohm nots", which claims a 11041411 001tsimad coal being shipped an that more. treated and equipped, to be devoted entire. rants the explanation &has it Will be me of than their pm"a"n were m"od am they Turnbull's disocurso mad with the nowleW I (led - . .... I 00 __ I forgoer sum, we Stink "at should be ills. ,a,, . the" was plenty of room for that. iy to the ~a and sweetmeat of the poor the biggest days In the bkmory of the town were with %he low dollars they had made. Service. The visiburs were orkborbalmosil be __ mimed without oosss also. that to, no ousts T�s are* sys"ble in the two shade was consumptives froll, at Ob&rg$. FLD&D.A&I The memorial brain from Toreaso to expected An imprompbu program of *on^ splambes, MlItumst. one Vanksoni - to %"ITO about I I A X. I here will LIO 6 Instrumental mustip, moo,, was arranged by 6 dinner at the Bedford &low that blerytee by ====�_ ___ be either side. 631 tons, on thsg. loj,jac that with the provision had already base fQIIv made lox grand proomwion be the obation so gross Uzo . their local broohron. WANTKD-A GOOD SMART The difficulty &rate about the delivery of ower age handled bow ovitaide, is gave She building and Its e(plipanact. Sm a ham- Dumber of the axonmosism mad we& give __ y, 1i to IS loan of We visitors, who will be relesived with address- to the oatbin, which ked wish sudi. I . so learn th a the coal. The ocaLrolob originated in a man pie $Pam for the whole surge *I bites Ship, Piked. Its continued maim6amaloo, however. band, printing trade, Apply to I HK SIGNAL prolimikise, made by Holmes its which he . we"J."441itod wibh She COMING AND GOiNG. WHO as of welcome The 48th Highlanders' fare. E'vervillody Wait offial said that be would deliver kate the coal blob wait only 600. but the doctor, on vat- was the see wing Joe which an appeal wait we Goder,oh Motion band and a band of trip. the Only oampialso being bhat ohm slay I lose frivolous prosest* that the place was bring mad* W the poop" of Uctmao, mad to I ___ jacloot 1000 Laos of 0041 ; that woo accepted portanity to L." 2"y a, , - - . - __ abod as the pumping station or grouni lid mob road V, mi was disproved, objected - order to reach all ohm people, advising L111605 moves Highl ad pipers will take part in the as Dograll Wum Th 0 1'. A� Maloomoon, of lAkobuww, Wu 10 Illictifilad. . day's pr0000diults. Among the "we"b" an Toledo 1. Zly =to DO- town this week, ____==� __� - - _ the w bole place won available- and his op of in* great need mad of the up the Program are a Isotopes, mabob between, � 11 UND.- CAME ON THE by the town authorities so far sis 8W some position:: last placed on the around that be helpers in the good work, associations krois wit, &he Patsy had frommined J. H. McPherson, of Ulcerate, somi a %be Hatter and Ultawn assims. a dumb -boll 0,4W hems from Wediumplisp_ D 0"vrom!Lotthe undersigned &ad ties wore concerned- The proposition came ,he oned at Should have be" drawn up to were baler formed as all the princiPal bull- SM,. brief visit to bown last prealia , --- I 1wrier. t)wDw from the phouLill to deliver to that way So" bmw*tsuOgw had tie= drill. a ribbon, drill. alloloUs names for boys - ­ MLa Annie Campbell, of labieffth. spent �� steogrommin".& young to provide that we owl Shipped by Water wait onto mot,ree. d fifirle and man, piping contexts, dancing a" belongings by proving.g.ory "it pay into the coal libed at the pumping station mot to be put Into the coal shod ; but, un- already formed Is Min otbies &ad towns 16 sa LOCAL NEWS 1;�_BwIEI.. Sunday as the old bm6 loonob 7 .A imgobWpm H.I.STRA . - or grounds adjanitaL thereto There man it fortunately, tb&tW&a DOL Put 10 the 0011111- Wespera Ontario this far west from compositions, bloycle recall, &ad In the eye- Mrs. Tiplinel Is I IdIdna bw I I Kris - ____ - OOQLS"s Afterwards drawn up which may or oract, and, unfortunately. his sea did vat Toronto. nine a Urged display of dreworke. See bills John (,biuslann is cutting a gwome seraw Thomism Miller, ot Wrozow. Notion, may not be binding upon the town authort anderstaud it that we), because we have It was believed snob local ameciaN� tot particulars at program. Don's mine ohm just at 9 to 9 the nuou who wows one �_:,_-_ -� Use. 'I'bat was drawn up by the town ,his @;.rouX piano of evidence &bat when Uoto mLxb& do good serviole in a variety of ways. biomass celebrations of Wellborn Ontario. of I`rId='sn:=s summer units makes a itleaw Orstak of Cleveland. XMIdep Is Vldb- * ,much more attractive figum His it Ing his sister. Idea. Spasm I . NO,Ll(;z -WE4 THU UNDSPAUUNKI) olark mad! Orued by the Major without rof we W. approached Am undertook, on the They mi4rbb do much educational work. re- AT THU LARN F16ONT -A private miling is Prion we rishk and you oaa'%q=Lh_AL. I \ d4masU of GoderMb. porrom to Glenn Oaf oration to the oun,mium who had accepted Second day. to put the coal to the &hod and stal0impt is bboyeamen", 96 Peo**Aw �& &A W&Obs train Detroit, with four persons .8 The public school board will moos Deatil . Ross A. Rais" is away NO um& in - -- -.�ompsouTo WiLseed"y" this leader. and it draw& up that remove we be, bad ham dumped at the iomwoom of ia$Wligssm Ad to win "Kbsgi*&- board, name in an Friday mad remained Tuesday ovailing. *wit globe on a busi� N* . � - G�A IMP- Holmes agreed t . do wet I the coal shod. bit Saturday morning ... I be Dominica J. B. Karen, of Detroit. bess a pmnmqw � - a crime tnd*w�i= Jim". dook and put that &too into the abed, thus as the prevention LuAl She possible aure of am- us The *wooing siourtion on The see. City tomber, . ( �. NICHOLAON, - varying the pbramoloeT to UNA Its"POOL 11 noon ad.ptialt the construction that Is put sumpLion. They mdoA6 be inauumoat&l In Goveran�6 survey @bloomer lisyflold arriv of Toledo Imes week notind ohm blarlas P--4 m the Ofty of Toledo limit Wedstanday. ,,, I to as J I Signed. - J TURNBULL did not speak at the aej&owt grounds but upon it and which I thick is the true can- disaributtag literature In the form of ouva- ad to port Saturday aigbb for lies and ,� - J. W. Visnabber attended the funeral *9 ... I - ( L I IdAsm In4m .,." She coal abed, whereas the proposition, struottoo, that the 0061 Was to be delivered jar@. leanose, pamphlets and be,Djoista issued We Tuesday morninst. Th:QV&vdeld is JIM' � - ______ . -, was W deliver '*into" the coal shod. as the abed. The word "&&" means rather froku time to Uwe by the parent &s000iatim making a survey this year bobw.en this port By a change to She O.T.R. Ume-table, Mrs. J. W. Passes as Brampton an Friday 1� i For ON&& I think the whole trouble *0 Holm"', the within a Pie" than without ; "at" Ule cold I'lin direct object, however, of much local tied Stakes Bay. Lad laws In the mention will the alkoranion m I zed train now leaves sob :15 Id . m Win. D. Cox mad two obildirvis, at - -, I I , " - I or.. lastami of 3:S5 o'glook. I [�u -loft SALK -A 00011 -SIZED IrRAME p1misese a, Part aroma bar*. The plaintiff abed moans "In. or In atom proximity to" associations wait the raising dt money eye- probably maze Goderich its headquart LowakegbiN an riallatme, him Cox'$ p�fm I . -, 14 dwellisor an Nitan&La resid.Anext Oaf- wait a young Mao. not much so�bomed to the shod ; were was pleaLy of room within intestinally mind regularly so be domesed to ..... The tog Seaman arrived Tuesday S. 1'. Halls, U. A., Woolpal at So God*. hormh I . _L inglato institute. AnlY to MRIIII. , )IJUION. do business. The oanorws won drawn by ,be abed. and, it not for the whole, there she main tobacco of She from hospita ter morning from Seeks@ Bay with a raft of rich public schools, died yeabordav as noon. _� on the promise& 1111 lm big father, Or. Holmes, who wait the chief �LkkoapwooataidepWaNdmL Bqtbhe poor OOMMMpLITOOL It was hoped that Imes, containing one million test, for *be The funeral will bulk* plaoo botimorfam (Fri. ld.� of altiergall, of Wisim. be - witness. in fact I think the only witse" on doctor was confident is jobt syj It a Uodortob slight do bar ofsess in this Import- Goderich Lumber Co. The se-mas cleared dsy� afternoon M 2.30 a clock. &POO :� a I '-IF Nab 0 - ,k - moiN -I- 0"" ­ ,; __�vfm of Z . -UM 69. 70, 96 AND 96. we part of thapisixi Howsaverymuch . morning . - The waterworks '. tZ � % � R SALE. did .at somade ,a of am" wal 14i" wait one work. Yesterday The combined Dominion Day damosellow as Said ber #mob"% Mom, Jim , : -_ :' �l . rin Hutabi�'s survey. and IWO. t2r mad ,ntwmbsd, and him @video". where it *"- done as to a certain pan of 120 bass but Mike Afteor glawersl discussion. It was moved by chimney wow eocaplotod last week bo Its fall ties and reception to &be Huron Old ':'eye Archibald. of Seetfortli, wage In bobirs, it few South hall of IN rustakna miumbers. 611 in Biala with that of a asobW of witsomm an t bulk was late outside, which was Rev. Mr. Wilson, seconded by W. K. Rob- height of 152 lost above the wroand .., seat 0. adoesday will be an event so be re" day. lose week. Undn'spi ran iffe"'tLoulcuplisfElVok OLT, she other old@, should ir% I $hill[, be ro- 'b"Ok I a" - orition, thee this meeting of residents of the The wharf just west of the obeckwater " Is membered. be sure not via miss Is. compliance with the oentriso& &I all Andrew Lynn returned Into weak trials Barrissor. flta� Godo6ch. Delved �__ I t.blak it is PLAID that the oowtruobioo at bows of (404060h. hollowing that much very bad repair. Passenger boolts frequent- As the monedew %I the Synod of Huron 1. man& Ink am Wit Of *care* the soubrette, woo be regarded IT tie up there and the Slams of the wharf Sandwich, where he ban base abomdjmg . bbe defendants is the right Dam be tar as the rood may result from a local association In fast week Philip Holt. Q u., was elected L'Amompblas, Ool.logo. - FVR a ALE. -THE 0 A LK F A R M * O C, 1, me she piaiaUff here understastdo it. but coal delivered at the dook is Downtrend Lod aid of the free hospital for consumptives at makes it very unpleasant for those who a mom bar at She extensive ocimmalbass Lad a Mr. and Mrs. & 8. RAbw6�, of diories. offis Lch Lie. Holm" haa walto Idea in his mind, as I as t. ,be, ,her* to so delivery Sod there Muskoka, do now hereby foram ouroolv" bar* Donations to Mir It L A I&rgo,lu&o- .uhnfabutic dejumsto so Uoe k,ray &.&boo IM&we f1grefte In emitter ,sob," train I imolial Symod. , towvdkw OM.000nty. LA4 17 rt he evidence, that there arm to aboold not be pal meet. Into snob amociabjea, adopting the objoobs. bill of Usti boa been roogdi�od at the forts, were rimilaisit Sit the re@Mem" of W. gab false@ (ram I I a a construct drown, up providing shot, If The 4itfloultv was that the doosor would larms at awmbwahip, methods mad raise breakwabor works and there Is an opening By order of the public library board, the R. Robertson over Ratuday. from Customs. farm DO reading room will be closed during July Died Islas A" to W the coal among by waste. is win& mot to be do. have had to pay Lou cause men to Mob I hs r000mmeaded for such m000datione, the last for employment for a number of good men. Mrs. Edwin Knapp. of Oolowas. hUdoo- , fl�5w. liveried tube topto coal abed. but wait to be us coal ever the fpsnefersys into the coal shod, named, however, subject 10 Moodiness by Application should be mad* as the works. Angeles from 5.30 to 8 o'clock r. st., mangos . well "der *Iwe is a hearing 'a Saturday&, when it will be eloped from lose, as Tint" the the boiling of bar pwomi% orahard and an at small fruits. Terms to loaded is "me other way ; that was In his and he proposed It should be paid for, half a vote of the'someiation allow due &able@. DRATH OV MR8. J. W. PALARAIN.-F.17 Mr. and Mm C. Morris, (Jarbraid- suit pure or . Avg, to Will. GOULD. on mind and the& war the bbimill whIOb he ad- by the town Lad half by him. Is will as@$ Snob association to be known an "The I"& Thursday morning, June 21st, after an 6 vo.7 *'clock only. prm=m 11.0. 1114t bored to throughout, although it mom 001 somebody too cents to put to In proper an Godsriob ,Assooi&Uon for the ProvODt&Ou ilia,= of &beat three Weak&, the spirit I The council of the University of Toronto Idiom Clara Buchanan. student 44 _* ­___ agreed upon or *ym made knovi to she .I,jo.. and that should root on the Plain- Lad On" of Consumption and Ower Forms c ham awarded be Milbon A. boohanan she Golloatioto Institute. loft on Tuams.rim hift rR SALE.- THAT LARGE AND MM �;. W. Posuren, of Brampton, passed home at ZoMoh be speed lobal loollidays. valuable fora, We Western IXVWoo other olibl. bill. b*O&U" he did mot deliver according be of Tuberculosis " This resolution was from Its earthly bounds. Mrs. Postroo was firl zo, for Italian in the third year oleas. , Townimms, of =We-wa so too "Hu, In the result, when the first load of the ocintract. carried. well known to many of our readers, having Mr. huoh"an in a graduate of Goderich Min Sbellis Holmes and Matter Affeed I � rarm."ools, bat coal osrso-4M Was, I think It wea-it Wait Mr. .justice Fargasm.-I agree. I think to wall thou. by motion duly moved, lived In Goderiob fee a period of me years. &Doug. .1 North heir Collegiate Institute. Holmes, of Dobroit, are vietstaill at the roof* M� of lot 1. to thm?A eaft-On. the South whipped at the ,look. Is is idle. to my is. plaintiff could set recover at all but for soloonclod and carried, decided to adjou.j Where she woe known she van Ily I, down of their uncle, R. W. ldaKmasis. . half of Ito 1. is emosestalL Them I its 4 weas loved Privabo oitAtions, can help nisterls. . 0.=. as . � =a" fr"& an the gravel road. an well mind, to say that it was now to the coal we acceptance mad am by the delendmate of she statistics to %Aim evoNJO otTitarsday for her Resignation ,f ofterstobar &ad her Ule o� ed was Wedusibillety'a d�tre� MrS. Willis, of Detroit. Wait me of fieff, t� ad season end stamps. ftS Vrts- Ikomar, so the otentraot was compiled w1w the coal which they used. I'llair �deat, beat (this o,waoing) at b o'cleek, whom or- kindly disposition, Lad bar mom III Mose by dowersUng their reeldenow and In sioursionloss On %be (,fly of ToledIp IWO riyally a" loam I?1I - Is sime dobvered really at Use desk, jual I think. shows an impliked contract too pity n"lzsbwa may be completed Lod officers [*ng iloollortabod Intiodortals. MM.*7..= -war wave make the bown look as most and week. She visibed bar father, J. Relobw \ - L ad and a to r off I tip. On = dumoold dows over the side of the vessel, _ tip for what they need. I have come to elected. was she daughter of ImMale Macaulay. of Inviting an It ought So be. Mim F. U. Shannon ban returned basup, � wet Is" z %ad not put at the coal abed. either in the oometablion Ass the defendants should Brampton. Mrs. Houlem, of Now York, and The garden party given last week by she after a month's visit be her brother. W. X. M 4 Froolb AROUND TOWN. I 1=. sumisa It or wstaid* of It Tisere were 46 pity for whab they have used. but without Mrs. (;lasetow, of Brantford, two winters. Indian of , \ Is am am= fr. t of v oases rates red to about the SH"tait 96 ii church was a remark. Shannon, and other friends tie LA&dm SM - so" f, of , ism was 00@tL 1. 0 0. F. Orvi. Huron Lodiot, No. Her marriage be .1 W. Peons took place able Saco*= finerovially. the not proceeds bo- vicinity. 1\ b" =WWW*y= 1, 0 ram self to to of Use word "at." but all themis wards -vile, Mr. Jubbiom Meredith. -bly view of this 62, 1. 0. O. F.. *I asi followe an in 49pbomber, 18M. Mr. mad Mrs. Poston lox Sm. We oosgratuisto the ladies upon I 03,04 @Wtdfva , posmissigs. adjectives and adjusicks--tathe acted .Mom month&: moved to Brampton frown'Godoriell boo years the maurfent"y repull of their efforts. John A. Buchanan, an old residents f ' Ali= the TA" a meres, of - 0 till IAS ans, ontoriag fr" $hall 09 J iffiffoUsaitanical ones noted at we conclusion, of the artin Monday evening for ohm morning". Ooderich. cow of Detroit, rielbod like Z \ Ramills, North of town pick Alikedc smot is In theme words: "The oeatlrwt Woo N, O , (Action Bold; V. G., 011ner Rby- &fro. and hod also* resided In that town, clear. CUMTotim very good, saill waly boom 'fad attention. It Wait POffmMY evident an, Intended to wary Uoe Items of the bon. A Lad named Osbrial Sprung fell off the town just week. coming up an the Otsy of wasplarred to %home gap V a@ start- To the he Rot. - . - Tuesday. wil 6i-vww�ii food Ismet. - Y.=, committee , At' accepts the Sam. ORANOLITHIC WALKS -Work W beartfolb sympathy of their friends in Godo - 41 I I T gways and ran into the T \`�_, a" ; F. .4.. W. F. Clark; R, 13 , W. W. where Mr. Pearen is in partnership with pier junk as the City of folodo wait coming Toledo. , I Well faboond and Watered. A SOWS:mm is a the character of the testimony %hub der an to the place of dolive" of the coal . big brother to the domer-millixi bottom", i I ism. a" bus Us" 4with "a am= -=I coal shod wait so provided with sum, position : to lidsovicez; treasurer. 0. 11 ,Nairn - repro n from Debrolb Friday night. He wait ax- E. A. Dribloo. of Chatham. travellipsig t-olsom w that won the platuLill a own pro �tattvm at Grand Lodge, W. i Clark Four ohlidrea survIve their mother, Mande tirtootted appareabil I e the worse for him freight and passenger arms for the Lake undems"k) on the I .1, an I- , are ways leading be the dock that all 0061 am- deliver the coal Into the coal shod or ,,a the I Jobs, .Josephine and Willie The beragi chard at &owl I seems, Both Pl d Dudley Holmes. unexpected plmw.YFVS for she wattling Erin Navigation Company, was in bows an vsaims to marko$L walsee" &" =Irl= for there by water obviously would be grounds mAjacosil tberioto where directed b an husband and motherhisle children he - - - th: coal abed ; that W" the outfittlOtl Of thing ; It was not intended %, make I% major ad Mooday morning kowards she martian. I b their hour of sorrow. ']rho tuniallml We have been�p�a\fAA by G. H. Fewler, Mrs. TI�cmsm Carlyle, of Brantford, who rm. a sbam"ionmm offered. Ap 6 r c to imbs, fruit greater, at the Hayfield read. Godorloh has home the guest of her sister, Mrs, Cape. ply to b place which ""wood that to was ob- or harder for the pi Upon Job own pro- e108 Of a Eranolithio sidowaik in front at Idie took place on Friday. Mom in L JOHN GENTL=, vioas that coal coming by water would be poettiou : if the neutrons Ism a different Jordan Horton block. I hie is being done made at Brami I - � - township, with it Dutcher at abrawberribe of McKay, Qualls* street. returned home as _ -1 1=0 1111. IMI Kinstardleds. Oaf. delivered oil the noel shod through Sb� m..,.g it Should be rat - _1 - The whole under last Wear'& contract. The council S-___ peculiar growth From four be six bont" Wednesday. . - . into place, There W" this point hold a special meeting Monday evening and Tiffs LATR 101M. BIRNWrl.'L-8" another have grown together on one stem, making a . __ ___ ___=-- Rungways-dumped evidence as both @idea MOM@ octogenarian Min Elizabeth Wilson lofbh on Mao" nualliff. so attempt be do Ulas ; the doctor refused Plain. altered the rate at assessment upon the in passed away from out midst 00. � jest week, to the person of Mrs. Margaret b1nAtIOQ, "Oln'thinif Ilks ohm Siemens morning for Ortmeby Park, w ore the = - - to do it. Some *ion" was made by Saying "Then the coal is question, not accepted 6ore.ted property owners from 75 per cost. twine This caption of nature did not spoil take a course in sloontions. She will be WGLENN CAMPBELL wee the boil wast not quite to a fit wan never so delivered; it w" nab deliver'. to 60 per cost., councillor 0sabolon With. Bisaiii who" death occurred on Wodoes. the fla'vor of the trult, however. away for Byis weeks. . - stela to lots$* is ; there had bass going ad into the coal shod or on grounds adjacent drawing his oppoolklou to the change and day, Jaime 20th, to her eighty niath year. Maple IA&I I,odge, No. 27, A. 0. U. W., Organist and musical director of blorth st. ohnage made in the coal abed. The old one there,. where the committee directed. and me king up the necessary blires, fourthie' Death was the result simply of old sets. will celebrate the twenty-first anniversary Mr. Lad Mrs. Wylie, of Draybook. X. Maghbodisk centrals. and tobobw of pianoforte. wa, changed to Some ollbout before the van- there in no *zones pleaded or proved for vote. The doolowed was born In Wintonshlre, Dakota, "at a few dove in tows I"t =areas &IA obag", will be pillaged to re 4ocitland, and in 1829 was married to Petar of their oreanizakion 6v attending divine Wmk Um Wylie wait formerly Ulm To "Is. instruction given either me m[ .rriy*dL The to" part of the coal shod ... delivery s000rdinaijr. On the contrary JI!DUMANT4 IN COUNTY COURTCA�ICPI­ Murray. In 1842 Mr. &bid Mrs. Murray "'v too in a bed yet Knox church on Sun- Barbs're Halcrow. of town. @to" or" Is ro home, as desired. mind 10 was cut off and ran Lai a douttie front and if appears &hat the plaintiff wait cover will- His Honor Judge ManseeLpa Tuesday mai day morning. Jur Ith. Members ikre re - at znw"a,o V.1da fluale, Wmt�t. 72 if came to America and settled as Buffsio. Mrs. Carloban, who has spin% the part __ __ ___ __ another put bkoes. Said soother piece added Ing to deliver she coal that ozone by water lair gave judgment In two sotions tried be- w here they lived for two year@, oomin boa quarbed to attend as the lodge room at year In the Old Country, to now an the way HENRI JORDAN. behind, so that this belief area wait greater, elsewhere than Where it was dumped. just forts him at the County Court last weak. to Cansda and nettling in Ashfield, "where 10.30A.m. Visiting brethren and ohm _.___ ­___.___� . timelier Domer adm&x shoes was 00 imago- vff the wharf. The defendants we willfwa Is (4ardow vs. Ovever. in w, blob them wait Mr Marra, died a few years later in j&% ben OF adjactoub Workmen Indent are M*M' howsm. She mine to embark from I.Averopeel - by Lori" ch rch vooksm bus ra*w grosser convenience, Us pay for the cost delivered and so jadit a dispute as to the amount to be paid by the dreamed marrio,i Gor,rgo fl�io*Oto of ad to join Maple Last Lodge &If %bills rts' on the 21ston the Dominion line st�er .1 1!%T.,Pt -(+.. P", ..a I I meat should stand for the price of that. am defendant W plaintiff for hie work sa a Ber- le 2�i�Rle for IN (Whoge (Inderich, who died in 1870. Two Y" wine. Vancouver. I on '( * bo, which there is no dispow. with Internet plasterer, His Honor wave judgment for a ,.-- - - - -_ -_ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heard and Mrs. L ON examiast Apply of = ., - - - ---,��ern flay Mr. Binett's death the doombled went CHURCH NOTES. Moore, of Detroit, were senting Min exenar. I .. Froatimma, " South mtroot� 0 oderich. I ; - &�_ I would make no ordor as too costa." I the plaintiff for V70.37 and full County to Wind Myer and lived thers for a number or eadW in Oddlellows' building. --=;Z=- - - __�___� adhere to that Opinion. Court a*@%@. In Butler vs. MoMicatin, in alontato on the City of Toledo last weak. - ----TEA- TUNDERN FOR BOOTH - __ __ __ of years. afterwards returning bo Code4mob (too. Porter ham been appolabold roobor's They wart, the guests of Mrs. HowdIg C ,HE which plaintiff *nod on an, old judgment". F f the past four learn she bad resided with ,R SEALED , ISS EMMA ANDREWS, I prl,fl�r to Agrionitu the Huron )LTl Part on the ONSUMPTIVES. judgment wast given tot pie Is tiff for W 32 M -action for 46. (imigen church in place of permute. Mr. and bdra. Jamieson Raid. M of foukao, Orliga. Theory. Sight Road 000"iOs 101 Boyle faced) FOR POOR C r. nod Mrs Warnock. hho had three E Ing wA mar Training. A @POA&ity of the tion(Weduseday. July 4th will he received __ with County (our% ocess at sablon. children. hut they %it pro-doo"oed her. Hanson. remilaned. M. F. Waabialob". Q. O.. of Hamilbon, Yfrril Practice Clswun, method. The Virgil by the asoundeced up top O-eloolit I.. in on re A torso Atimil,latIlem refined to OOQPP*"\ Ithe HUNT111t CAM91o0N. -A Rev. John Kenner, of Mitchell, an Sun- Dr. Aalbet Waothfitiftoo. Mrs. Washington Proaloe cisviser as 0. W, Thomson'@ music day. Jam ULb. W. T. MURNZY, Chairman 1111-kohn V� M"vttai. very quist vi The funeral took place on Friday afternoon day will preach both morninly and evening Lud Idiom Loulso Washington. of Newark. we used V pupils. Also Kin - (30MMitt*& ding was solomomed In Koor obar7u an to Maitland oernatery. The ser,loole we """ I Oil 1. ..an Children. PA. . The meeting hold In the town hall on the 10 in North street Methodist church. in the N. J., yinibed during She D"l Weak at the dernertso , , I P, __ Wednesday. June 206h, by Row. Dr. Ure, conducted by Rev. 4pocce Allan and the a denim will Pursue the Toronto (;omwrvatery ___ 7 evening of Monday last, although Dot �ffy when (trace E , youngest daughter of the broom of the timber. Mason of John Washington. Haos-ok, a . poll bearer@ were Ham. .1. T. Omer Terms am orldlostiOu I the rest. warlifillififf largely attended. resulted in Important late HOD. ad. C. Oftmerou, wait sulked in Hood Joe Buchanan W:I,. Than. rge Unman. --- it R.,. Refit. Henderson, of Auburn. wUl Rioh&r4 Orapp and Wide, of South Lgem. demos, U7 Hirmensta Ram-. rm-tt �__ . John or, A. F_ �ps being taken to aid this pbilanthropi, woriliock's boals to �*. A. VL Hooter, of 8,rai" an'd D. S. SooddarL 000 th pulpit of Kane church next don, have been @Pwo ___ - __ - - - ­ UTICK.-AI.LPERSONS ARKHFR 4tovemotit. His Honor Judge bf&moo oc- , y. both mortmag and sormolsoll. Rev. Mhantion and f&a2U* #& 79 I - - ___ __ __ N BY warned opplast @41owtnw horem to mo bows Thoweddiniftwonforly . only the S.M., a ". a few days whb 1. - noureanost. goi rem at lame to the allrests of,wo town. Any noted the chair and W. %V. St6djart acted im , .­­ F�IYAL, TaimPLARM. -Eureka Council. No. "=� - --- __ ___ - jolatinig the by :1 .......11'. mediate rels,Uvrow-AU 411si ­ __1 10.3, R. T. of 1'.. met In the Space* Allan w* Sol. AW. *9 They atiovider O odarloill; = ILOM - - - - - ___ ___ -=�� aggiarkerible notification parties being progress. The 0 Was ZtL Temperance work. sort, with The beautiful seem", and 1148. K. SHAW, GKNKFLAI, INSUR- laws of the town In this rolivOrt will be Probi His Honor opened the cosmetics. remark L Hall last Monday "Youlnif. rbroulth the actions, low "me ishargin of The anted. JAMM4 WILAO". Mayor. t.d.d by tu - likole sim" a a 0 how, . reeb Motho, lake formation. They be I ..= C ing upon the firms Owed for oomothLnu I* children of ex -Mayor Wilso . I on. boonco of some of Its members the cow Flower Sunday so North at vs ~ Sm Trustas 0 Oo-a. Towasi Plook for 040dwish- Jules lfth-_19W- - Ing dove %-a atom the tide of O'"numptlon The happy couple lelb on the .3; v in mitten appointed to make arrangements for disk church was attended with pleasant .ad further b*uGvmOlm trip ,- - .I--- ad* A U law Oull 1A adwe one - - mrs on a the ntonic proposed to be hold as Rayfield tustruesive servio". The church was de- Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Mot)mald mad Min l doo; a "VAIP. O.. Ovidert-b. Out. Y GIVEN THAT which Is taking the lives of to many of our v loft be a sumber of points I ( no a and - __ Noraft" Is HRRKH did not present a report, but it is fully ole. notated with a orefusiou of flowers and (laffin. of Detroit, and Obw. FlawkirA. of ,a" shouttoof or otherwise tre@V�- people, and the retire worbhinmm of the of- _ ONNY LOAN.-THR TOWN OF I=j.- say pw of ty Will be an the Slows. veoW they will do twit next Iff-defty-syt&o. PIMBU, and the childrOs. lie Weil an �Y Windsor. cast* up on the ()toy of Tot*" mad 12, 71.7Z. ATTRILL. forts of the National Sanitarium Ammois. M Ueda all 00.7 to lama an farm Died Xr' 47 if fleet In that connection. and Delbert upon A New POTATo Bi ,i. - Windsor Record - Ing. A wall on the take in still under Of the older Does. all some Dou4sofmL Hay. Imes week mad wage the nu4sto of Mr. a" - ­; - property fr4c, tag fund. A remBOMb[O RidWw - Mr. Waseca, of Torente, representing the P.m Daniel. . A now pobsto bait be. made Its appearance consideration Mr Lemi Royal Toniqlar RlOhsrd "hiting, of Mitchell. was the Mrs. W. F. Clark. "a (lark a _.- - so oommintom will allowed to an, -- --,------- in city feardmir- a more voracious Inmot Organ prmtgtow !towe i ­ ta-ioredibe sit said Am*ai&biu'4 00 StAbill we general Ohm, izer from Palmerston. was present Preacher Of the do)-. rho subject of his Panied them on Their return Lad will spe" .". � Will. M RI,4 Town (lark. No __ enter of the work. present and prospective Sham the Colorado Importabilm Up to and In an interestair aldie" Itsye the mornInR&ddrom was "The Beautiful Gate a few week@ in Detroit. I __ - - - - - Mr Walloon stated that kralet credit wait dabs opportunity has not time afforded for members main* excellent Ideas am to he. ofthe Temp 1w " In the slaternoon a program \ I WR. K0816RT, ON. OTICK Rs. __ Identifying the past, but growers may read. different council@ he han visited an@- of notice and rooltablens of an appro rtabe e AonoveMet and I Mae. Agent. N - due to Mr. Gage, the scho,4 book publisher Ill rmobletato it by its eall-gray color, and its eal. T ad morons%@ me"* UP. iro ,it, samil,,, orRobert R. Smith, of the 1� of T,,routo. for the tuanturation of this Internet In the order, On* character was riven by members a ohm L=V.�ftam X -e.4.1 ".60se looted. cif Goderkh, in (he County Of Hwmm- %,fit. Mr, (Ing* made an offer of $25,000 long. thin body. Unlike the follow so Ism method which he mpeoislily r000miriended ,Sabbath school and Mr. Whiting ravo an (leonine cold mod'ki hisider %win* for 1,7xi. I' Isoures" is British (oDGA I&" Morollaolt. Said the Ists Mr. Mamey a similar offer "lly known, the now arrival in Its a nit was the holdbilo of program o0ve,01A, Lddrow, The reverend reableman delivered a Imund at N. 1) Kenryte's. - form, dealt the mloohlef, Instead of delfast, &",I the council Immediately acted on his another otirrine dioncturee at the evening 0 '"' Proadfook & Iwo' othoo. North N 11 Its h b I o that the above towar,im the faUloddUlt of S 0002amptiveo, Ing the duty of devouring f011sffs be its Off- advice. Two otepasins were appointed and service. It = want a rood wheel cheap. call and __ Irs '41 if ..'acR.bwtWFm LAh,hat, made an abi hospibal. The National Manibartum Amoad- "a & ShopLe,rd. They have a tow sm WSOIL Sod ____ to me andarthm proviolons of ­Ais Act all.. .I England arie the model upon vrblob spring. A few dayn' coolant of Ilia depre. each chose sides. A prize In riven to the � -,--- __ ____ - __ __ atinat Assistannest. for the tionefit of in. datioa will @office be ensure naked stedlas, On Sunday evening Rev. S. .1. Allis 4m&Pm- Fillose 80"lost. r Vs I tar%." hat off ChAp. I 1; 1 R.4.0,. IbI7. the association here was Looted. and tborefore the wine me who has obtained the high@*$ number preached him lost sermon so pastor at Via- (;a M the Victoria Rliabourank, Webb ali I- (Z I �tor% of the mid corporation was obtained from the 1�6nn nyoworm will. 00 its of marks as the end of three -location. Each toria street Methodist church. He %"it as for ion assam, fruit, onsfoolljounry, oiaw% - - __ - ___ A toomelftle of the Ored a disooverv, promptly minister is ,in" of rptilo, C"BBRATRI) C DKSDAL Robert R. Floolth will he hold Rt my office in Initial Parliament ; I,nrd Strathoona ad person on either aide Is expeolod " oinp. his bait ohm tooth worse Of the sixteenth aim C. BLAcKirmyls, proprietor. J WfALL1018, Wilson Hill. NO. IOMI. Vol' h �-1 ho ,PA. In the town of tioderiah. as moans Royal was Its presidents. Sir part* mona". give am Instratneftbal, read or racism or chapter of lot Corinthians: "Now it Time. IYL,. 011yAmi Ill. 0. ,afternoon. on Mandell. the lAs & Shophard are offering memo@ to she 4 Ft., twed t, W. R. Meredith, the Obtaff .Justice A Fifin oil Tmm HARDOR 111111.1, ROAD. - write no easily. and a limited Ume to given Show come. soo that be may be with you foll.ei ! al oelluid- Brown jl.116.0464�101 .,,,1".1 - i%V). for the appointment of Wksh bottom, irprinklint ease. _ litoahill. Torrew So . fro In :5, with of Ossetia, -46 on, Satur. to "oh number Any person bringing in a without fear : (or be worliath the work at berwry and milk Wis. promervisig Satellite. I ,ner end t a ,riving of directions WaS The y1m prosideft. The tire alarm was rung at I a = Ajax. Ismis. 4-111ston. on%. .11ftek. in or Zo. 7 ad 84 follows ! rot to the diept" of the ti -tato Mr. hops was It@ treasurer, and Dr. Povroll. del afternoon. Orts having broken out on now member is entitled to fifty marks. the, Lord, as I &I" do." M AIlia Dom. W4, - .. -, Z ore" oltair he on%tU@d I r' dish paw. and many other somessaMe "'... Died. �, nine to '. M- recut " . Fs.yeald n Vne"IF proved bit affidavit I me of Toronto. its monetary : other bromanne the "labor Oo.'s road as I'll@ hLrbOr, 2,106c As them contents begin cook Monday owes- mended their mining poster to the macre. loswaship. for noon and to ("Or" ran It L.. .;-r-.,.--,r red to furnish to 066 .0re.1m. ROOM E I as% son a" wotm lower goods. 0. ,V* - ,.or. nX %coo., I cni ti a or&@ side She now *lovelier. The to 0, I 'I I go stoondamos to requested, and all cation, asking them not to overburden him Wanted. - 100 bubs buttaw weekly. . r TOO - Sm H. gjjj�ik , of . Crt= tlos)., ad too voriohows as the saw oar of jdwmtr;ai.`w&'0'�m Moles. 14...r.. a made a tistaft ran toAhe notice end the ofti a are requesbod to staged for tassel. with responsibilities cabstdo of the work of , ohm RallewdilL I ADC for @Amtta of Ir R, U. R prominent P111181614,111 of that olky, SLID Ed- which was Netting for several yards &lose lattice. preaching the Oospol. He .poke earnartiv Everybody pays llo mob, ISO trade. low . I =dLe J Farfold , �SyNOI,IM -Wee. If Imitation in the efigoamt Out � . night. t4hri ty at iturem. ward (Jurnov, K*q., Hugh Main, the He,, the road, vow, most eiziniguishod. The first T,t. TRIP To Dwitorr.-The ot,samw of memo of the truthii which he had tried be own " , , Wedwsam Is far noon. horiff'o Offloo. we might be pardoned for . so 'I for Night R Oed ,1900. AAawn". 4�&bw Coz. &lid the Has. Premier Ross. stream of water thrown was from the of* (,,fly of Toledo. of ohm Whist, Some Ilu,. air Immune upoft his eamigragation tintlail hie foollmot rather I . a" 20 WD14 I, - artak. Jose - . - Th reft V ( , I Henry __ and others of Toronto. all rood men. loomp. voice. from which two ]fees of loom war* filed In port from Debrolb on Wednesday P"torsto, urging file a'", Dom of spiritual sensitively oar Position. Note the a tota - In --- able of benching anything that wait not an. warked. The fire to supposed be have else. evening of last west, wibb " exacrolemiss, mtodedson and endeavoring to Improse up D Tomie�: ;;i , Tandeve anted. If our Inspiration. 0. K ytimm. Wilgebwo. , ,- it Dom. "A to 11AW.W4 l(W I I OZ Nt for night. " - -1 - _� shrel, worthy There were so obarsholdows. ad from a spark from a l000movive. Snob ft on board. I he some evening she been .so am the ontede of the young people the do% A Itto DAT IN GOINIMICH.--G. U. RIH00% 1, Irriamy-to Wei. Ifiek's. Dan. A londarieh JCNDRRS WANTED. - me - ,'bold* @,me dividends or Drofito to read. hallb me it In of Slabs and sawdust and an excursion under $be auspices of fib* of "mm~tng sarly is lIto the work WhICK of ohm Maple boulf (I goopy. Flagellums at, _.�_J township. far moss. wes to hie �vra momi T Will bm woosIT by �@ under- anybody. the work being entirely Phil". 0001k MtfAri&i, 10 ft Demises 001111`61111 Of danger, Marine Hand. seven handrod people enjoy- they were oalbod be do. The musical me. Will Ole" him store an MOD&Y, July sac If7 J, on Jung felt far the we, %h,.O. lismilton strsgs� Glodarlob. T A41 wh@­@ he Will 1i clignak W. . rld particularly to the elevator, from which Is Ing the two hours' mail on the lake. lqowb "am ,Wss apprettriabs. said after the Oscar.. and will he open for bumb� all day Wed. _ main no I Monday amormialt. A.., beelftFl. 'omiltV for Use first haepibal happens to separated "IT by She railway t"Olt. _,�� t in ofirobeffe on the cultural Targets jaWbol, loan" payable January PwkdmMdtbe arialk races. ty i4 and the I morning at H 4h at'alook she left far Page cation wee dismi�d the rtheir " --("d mooday. time, when he Still Vainness NA Jobs . mos, mom"& A to - "OR for iav"tilt.wes. Is wait knows LVIIRLATTIR ORAWT To PlIftLic 4cl,1001A. Huron and Isetratt with .wet 700 an board. be with you till we meet again." friends who Gail "Vele him. I-fireak, jah so totpre4mly lot ment, ]'meow tryroar = im"Alm aloodarbe WM we received for "mond aftqa-s I, high altitude mad ,wow *oMfy tight -1%0 apportionment Of She L49161OUVO 64691Y = of whom mama up an the Special Over fift� Meeting, Including members the abate will be believe can of while ywis %via ao:i�� ow1ki It will he pbJr0s" dun Ube NWO& sibmasphare were mulva"balloome to week ar wheel grant to the saboolis to this county train from Stretford &M planar sinalt the f own she C hopes and 0arlow lodges to ad. are 06i"Tiall the 11111114111111 of th . at. re we r a day STWO4 Ir. sol he r* I Percent. Sir amrtlW choose -_ A a "do %goosed Image; me light an alivinempbors.how, for IQW In " fellow* : Pabli, school& In line. The bewrightips surrounding Underiah diblem be She local DOM-ty, nalialwased the 1, I 11,10% a d US glgr.jr aemn�psuy each tesitior. - ll� & me Upply a Im, over. much as Is Use mountain heights. also bowaships: Aelliffold, SM61 Coltoree, 1111": aim were well roproomtmd In the 016arvion festival of Sit, John the Booties 1.0,4and. MARRIEM 7:1Z Mron, obtatilon. - - I Plabou'll PZ'". 2VElplif "a Wood ..,0611s. havisel a degree. fluderjoh. S&16 ; (it". SAM : Hal. 8.561 ; party. Ilia weather wee perfect, sod the morralmle by sAlanding So. ("affie's church. rAltRIRII HORTON. - At Logbors Iowa Us *as re " Z ­­,", ­ hill J - OTTI11t, 09. as 4ir-iii-st. - �ig, iNdOssm EPm 664 boom Magi Restioit $478 ; Hallo. $318: It ,Kilbli good ship made a splendid run (Iowa the The reeser. It". M, Turnbull. Seek 'O""".0 ?,=? ,.b."JUMT, so, 112=1_r - - - vnie fraud as fill the " strounmbo as mostly ilAll : iias .111,126; R"Itty, 07.11 4ts lake. ,moodatic ['61% HU"M S few POINGaNd %wro. "The @owes of the Lord in with" vi ji`�W; KAM!! !Rmilm__ I --- . ___ them Miami. you ,a-- danigh. . saw ED& - __ In bit@ w=, sod ben" blos� piston. 9W ; I askammita, I=; Turobervy, After 1 6'61"k. A tow of %be POSOMB"rf thee foor Hill. " We 9"114 of the symbol, _____ rFv) i,KT FROM MAY Isgia, (IRAZINti - &AT plame in@'. Of ('611oftrim. nomeaL JL far burger and nattle .. Will Meadow Itak �_ - The 6rIV down She r1wer mad ism of the Rible satil supsevilinifly to the beach- DIED. ==-_ �=_�_�-_�� Far - ,,& pi,ftiogjars, apply to Al.hg her less .1 wes' "cured IM: Usb*"*. $204 : Kong Wsernmosti got off hows' Oh RY s a PRYSICIAN. ofill,poON. FWttw& itt-tt "A bt;r Xild That* I'm and 61 it PM ; WWO Wawao�h. 10111116-botal $6. IM. obrealob lake St Clair was doligistful. she for of oar bord, whava satered Objects wore rKARNW.- In Rmmoem, an Th 4@0 H. J. L TURNHULLI, I ____ - 66 a "O Nearly moon. The=1 Public $*beef& is bows 61W villaRm: evor-ohninging engines of lead end river mad send to oneway instragoint, to disdam things. If*-- Ansto Mookeday, W".:".4f"J.JV. _ '�). Poor" (formarly of 60 R ROR, man open" ohm lot, of Osbobar. IW7. lie (gig".. pill : (1.4or"k. SM: Itestorth, lake. wit towed &ad ,1116600 &less till* Foram and mronmet" War* seeemary to the IRRKTT. to Qedent h ;!�� ____ - -THAT LA I 0 g,,I'm, LC'. ()Ijglt TO LET. &no Ines I wage vs" Sm"- $W. Whisharm. 9971 I Hayfield. "; bank.. ships of oil kinds and @4ww pending abursh; the desire, Jay is Making the F1 a . " W glpm��W 'me 0. Ing. tog" )set as q Z Dwaine Jaw mith. M I I .J."Sties, =Xby a. .- 111111y"k. 1116; Brommik 6146; X ohm. SM I up end down. The Summer hosess QWUig symbol of gas" in tking, William P the to" ( , un & in* , L . *some's -we _. tnnaeft bbas the = In - 99041A7L`E7"_ I " "" show k�.,Lw G"LOW. Pffilyrsit", or. ; raid ; bwo we nommll. $1061 Wrowbal,' SM -t"al 12.039 "the Flow" "a fispoliv boo bull b%UiW evabolimd. The "Iter usedis yous. It .0. =`= to" in I 0 &Vigor*" ff. F. 41 ; AoMk". 07 j. Hay, 141 SO vile city. one" a b�b" posaft� deleaft W Free Moslem I enables , wbe N V ave� %=79 "- = 81 !Will i !Ellk& .a.. ., �" : " y ,:::tot L 9= V . I 'A-tial'i L:LM71mf"Us`Ddd ��% X'Sess . Mallodiloolle 80 I lb*b"k OW food 81 61I PONEWS 850AVA64 d WANIP- §6bwbod It WA Main& *0 objeaft 11ho . I " , - I I - .,-1 , , , I eit, , � ­­ - __� - most ..t 1, ii NZIE ' :nown Bit the iresi, nflVer 4114. 1 1