The Signal, 1900-6-21, Page 8•
8 T.o.nart Joao 21, 1 A
Warm Weather Needs......
Four *nautili of Summer weather ahead of un now. Proper.,
for it with the new Mumwer goods in Piques, Muslin• and Ging-
hams-our selections very choice and our stock very Targe.
/ir b
White lawn Waist,
with insertion, very
ppnnity paters, frum
60e. u
Y x t ylli-V i1U7T1n' '
Blouses at fou
Drees Waist style
Blouse, new stripes, at
Fu'l rouge weparate
Skirts i•• black and
A large timet), 01
ptiatterae as uew
Piques -visite, and
white with color!*1
*wipes at. 15a.
Pretty•"a• a send
stripe Gingham' et
White lawn and
Organdie Muslin in
all qualities:.
The newest stripe
preterite in the hoot
waahiuv Print,
SKIRTS 1N BR AIDED EFFECTS. New Crash Linen. fur Skirts.
special lot of Sailors, worth 50c. and 75c., for 35c. •
Creat value in Trimmed Hata at J1S1,OO, S1.25,.$1.60, $1.75.
Those are greatly re.iaceAl prices.
Children'. Hosier •The latent in Lathes' Ties are those
los all eizee and kind'sdainty four -ire hued lace affects, at 5(c.
'ems• we ere well prepared
with, anti our valuta Large range of the new Flowing -Mired and
Y• :oro right. Handkerchief effect Tees.
ape tial Neveh 1Hs.e you wen our
A' eu - New llog-(;idler lints.
soI 111-e Hofor boys,
in allsiam,attloar New Pulley Belts.i�+� se
�'1`"/ir -) ...IS spacial at 2 fyr,li ! w Nett litwklw-
Laltes' White
...Jiro'? 'iv Uaierwear-a ape. New Blouse fins and Seo.
1 tel Night clown,
a i^ ul••rly trimmed with Core and look over our variety of Sum
embroidery, at- To- m.r:Novelties.
Smith Bro's & Co.
Norms.- The Iooal ammo: 1• Dungannon
for Tog Brnar. le at the °Moe of J. G. weal",
J.I'., oaareroom,. k0.. wbo will receive or t
den for auditortptbo•. advertising and Job•'
work. and is authorized to give reeNpta fee
amounts paid for the same
nowwill resume isle trips to DuttfAe-
s0 In April. -lot sad 3rd Friday each month.
TUESDAY, Jane 19.
The Orange Lodges I. this district will
oel.hraa the 12111 of July .t Dungannon, eo
Dame Rumor km JL
Mn. 1). Lateens for some days last week at
Loroselda. Mir Lawson, sInoe ens w..
1,.r. lest, visited to Jameioa u Marob of
his year. Both lads! will vett points of
interest fo recede and the New Bogleod
States before-r.turntog to Yootlaud.
Karim nett -TPG eesawtlny eeefal ana.
mueleel eot.rtelama/ referred he 1a last
week's issue is to b. held 1n Mrs. R David -
sec's beautitsl grounds on the evening of
Tuesday, 26th
CNICIPAL (:uc.rn_-The data for the
next session of the oouoall .o1 West !Yaws•
so.h has beau ohangd from July 4th eo
July 3rd, owing to the big celebration In
Oedereb ea the 4th.
Omenn., Norwl--tiering to the ranee it
leg and improving. in progress at Erskloe
o6oro0, Dungannon, there will be no .&rein&
held In Ie for two Soudan .... Next Suudav
Kev. R. L Hutton, who has tied charge of
Duaoanneo °iroatt for these year*, and 1e
lea•lag for Grantee, will preach hl. terser. I
I'ase,oreI- -Mrs Jamr Howatt, of the
eownehlp of Uolboroe, a000mpaoled by her
d.ugbter Lillis, had an enjoyable vtoft wttb
frleod• and former acqueloanose In the
township of A.bfleld last week ....Miss
Jennie .Cardin., of A.h8eld, returned home
the latter part of lest week after having •
=et visiting bar far some days with
Mende .ad acuaelatenose In the vloinity of
Mano0eseer.... We •re pleased to be able
So stabs twit Mir ,lacksoo, who has bees
Very 111, Is renovertng nioely Mn.
Ann Johoebe, (Laughter of Andrew Plate,
who hes been for ,out. months •way atteed-
tag to bee duels, as trained nurse, returned
hems to her parents on Tuesday of lase
week In lase week" issue the name of
James Medd was wrongly Inserted tor .lobo
Medd as psiehmaaar.
Our hoard of edooetios met 1Verioeeday
evening of Let week and disgusted sobool
a5elre and the tweet. repairs made to the
=hoot yard femme. The eagegemeat o1 Mir
Coates teacher having expired, her sprit
oration to amitosis* as teacher to the close of
1900; with an inweeee of saler}.oeme ap
before the board who unanimously granted
her request. The question of bevlpg a pIt
o io for the sehool, as in the past tie years,
was re. . sed. but ne degrade melon was
Friday afternoon 000trantor Ma Lana
with he famous moving app.ratoa arrived
the noel and his staff of workmen soma
planed twenty two jacks Is position for
hoisting the buddinghent day neighbors
and friends Dame to the bee 1.r 13, toting
and under the direction of Daniel and Ide
staff the building was r.t,41 In the required
• before 3 r 11„ and tbrn many of
ho to -k part west to the relator at
.len \-hang sr. W• undesatend that
"r. Baker, of St. Au'n.Mne, will do the
,•o0 -work, Men,- 1VeIneeday of this
week K. Carney, 61 , us. undertaken the
job of excavating.
TI'aatAT, dans 12
Jas. L Tobin, of The Lowdon Free I'rees
staff, 'pone Sunday here with relative'.
W. F. Young, ot Maple Urove Farm, hu
pat up a new wire fence oo he farm near
the home.teed.
Meese Ella Healy and Fanny 1,maid
wars the eremite of hire . Harry Shields
near Port Albert, this week.
Mine host of the E*ohangs, having a
year ago purohased the hotel, w111 this gam
mer p01 reader it a large stops huement
and •lr.•dy le having the stone drawn for
1t by iriends and neighbors.
David Corbett, Corbett, the junior foreman ot test
Hamltrk farm, fete tat week for the voles
beer oamp at l.endon and will again dte-
oharge the dories of ohef to Capt. \ Dung'.
osmpay, whish post he hes filled before .1
the aa.sal drill.. ToM year be has an s. -
Mutant, Wm. Collison. Loftus Lemming,
who In 2ebruary last joined the force at
Louden for three years, has been • osiier at
She o•mp to see D.vyd sad, qld
oemrads here.
Welter Carpenter, it mini lIa(<a popatdr
reside.! of Taylormoeee, 1. the Bold water
township, alter an abseeoe of many moons,
reo.ntly visited among Ole old oomr•des,
among Mem Mr. O'Meara, Major lamprey
ani other friends. With the latter and
1 old Dunlop friends he dined In the
&bestir town previous to taking the mid-
day Wain for hie home se Dublin The
theme of oonvere•t►on was to regard to hav-
ing a new pretofflos opened al Taylorsoote
in Mae neer future, served (nm the Kew
miller route.
TrganAY. Ina* 19.
Mr. Wm .Jones is vleltleet in (loderloh
this week.
W. F. 1 Bang whetted to ,ireoo6.ld for
several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Young took In the ex•
minion to the Guelph farm Friday of lost
Idles Ren McKay, of On4erloh, was the
f nGeo. Mel'hee at Loyal P. O.
1 we
Owe fernier hlack.mlth, Wm. Phillips, of
Bt. AagweSbe, was • transient vlslter here
lane week.
Mem Bseght a and sear Allot worn Um
amok' d MMs Swan 10 .11.., Reyfleld road,
Bile week. .
lair.. (tiMbg, wise 1s soldiering at
L...4... woe ea es • abort furlough and
visaed Id. Emmett. He like. She military
Ute f ..S-r.te.
0•Swrday absence, there was • raking of
et sew ddvl•* homes at Jamas V°ono's, (sr
gam war Ns Rob Rey &arse'. The halld.
eg wee Ch.. Menke. Theeatneme
a sides
WOE Jew ViSag, jr., mid Wm.
eM Laelisee. the WNW' adds Wag e0m will.
IWsi Mossil Laws.., el Absolves, !loot'
Ni owe~plkaet were weak' et Mr. lee Mead. Mies slid
The Censor rears sad Gomm -s0sdean el
the Peace.
The June County Court and tie.erel 13 .
mous opened on •I'uestay. Joao 12,0, before
H?. H000r Jade" Memos.
Th. lollowtee gnitions. were •wore to
as grand jurors :-J. R Williams: of Gur-
gle, poromas) ; K.rbert. Armstrong, Steoley;
11 13. Chant, Clinton ; John Eider, Hey ;
Allen Enlace, K W•wanu"1 ; Thus Ham•
altos, Hallett Wm. limas, Stephen ; Joo,
Kerslake, Uebor0• ; Attuheson Lead, Hew
tok ; Douald N. MuKeoale, A•hdeld ; John
McElwee, :Stao:ey ; 1.1,1.k O'Cunuur, W.
Wawslesh ; .1uho Walker, Tuokeremlth.
The Drs, ossa takes up was Steep ve
Warren. James Steep, apple dossier, of
CI akin sued Henry 10 arum, farmer, of
Hullett towaebtp, fur lees moues uoed to
uletunf by reason of delvtdent'd heeler
delivered to him apples of inferior wade,
some of which were shipped to the 064
Country and sol.( ata longed wben stored
l0 Cholera and altorwards repacked at •
foes. The plaintiff clamed to have taw.
gabled 101 tint oleos apple, at 11 7S
per (tenet, end had paid bun at this rate
less the .um of $29 26 The $raowotioo
Conk Wipe to ibe feel of 1898 J. T (Jar-
row, Q l,' , for p10 ; 1? (Topton. Q.c, ler
deft. Fifteen wo.ce n eo
this own The Jury rendered • vstdlol fur
plaintiff fcr $100 end aceto, ler the amount
of defendant's ooutrter-ul•tm, 26, aid
oast* of *ouster claim.
Tie Oases vs. Beni Allen wee tried next.
The obarge Oras that of common emault, the
complainant being Alexander 1 " Dad " )
Bogle, ot Colborne township. The smile
upon Itotls was alleged to hey• been nom
milted on the 18th of May, 1898, .t the
Gotta. betel. The hewing of the ow oc-
casioned oonollerable intense County
('rows •ttoruey Lewis prosecuted sad
Philip Holt, Q. l'., appeared' tot the de
Teem. The jury returned a vrrdtot of 'bot
Baker vs. vs. le.Lty.-An ao•-un for the
Pelee of building • hoose. Henry Baker,
the plalotiff, a oeetraotnr residing to Wet
V'.iwaneea, otatreetsd wttb lh• drf•odenl,
Dams! Lwddy, • farmers! Ib• woo town
shies to Mild for 10, tatter a haute
for the sum of $375, pert ail th.. materna 10
bs supplied by defendeot. _.'gibe .tete. (Uri'.
claimed the? the eutbline was .•tel in
e seork't•ol,ks rummer or auc•otillo to the
opsoifl a tons and would not allow the pl.Is-
t.ff to fiot.h lee work. He bad paid plain
1100 es Amount and *leiw& that this
mots lase he wig aentled to. E.
C deo, (; U,. ter PUL J W.-Prwsdleot for
sled!. - The orad -nese sT a foes eemk«. .f
witnesses wan tskeo Theory y brought In
a verdloe for plaintiff few
The Qoesii v*. Alex Mt'ob. fur_J{aadr►_
lently disposing of property, wee next
I reed M l., Cameron appeased for 10e
1'ro en and ,1 '1'. Bart°•, Q C., oenduut.d
the defence. The jury rendered a verdict
of 'bol annoy."
in th• other owes against the Mit,b.11
brothers, Alex ,Jami.. said Julio, lot fraud
sod pnrjory, the 1'roan. on .0,0,1010! rani
tattoo being made. produ.ed no evl
deem and the defendant* were found 'bot
guilty" anal 1 Wine. These oases erose
oat of the receot prooeedtogs in regard 10
the Insolvent rotate of Ale: Mttohell.
D.oby v. L.e.-Aotfun to rank oo the
1sale of Alex. Mitchell, toeelveot, the dr•
foodenl tieing the a•dgnee, 1'0. pl nttff,
I;eorg. Denby, of Stealer. had • .. 'Mort'
note made by Mitchell for $160 wi later.
est and .Mo • chum of $178 for wan J.
T (J-ariow, laG;Ter phi P6i11,
C„ for doh. By .&went el counsel
Honor d•rooeerl that judgement be onto
•Ilowiog pl•tnuff to teak 011 Alexand
Mttchelfa separate estat- for he wages,
With siat.tory lien for three months' wager,
sand on On egael tootit.g with the ether Dred
icon of Elliott & Mitchell for the balance
of hie claim, with °este to plein►(Q on' •pf
Ineolreet's estate. y
Butler vs. McMioken.-- Ike abtiff,
John Butler, of Godertah, .laimed $122.87,
with interred, en • incipience given In 1877
attaint defendant*. The del.•odant H G.
MoNtoken M io London, Keg. .1. T Gar.
row, Q.Q., for plff. ; Philip Holt, Q.0 , for
deft. Judgment was reserved. _
Coen adjourned Friday afternoon until
'Tuesday morning.
The following presentment was heeded In
by the grand jury :
The neon for mer Lvdy the Vines beg
!save to report a. follow. • -They have e:-
•m1n.4 the jail and hod the rooms sed
every bine therein clean sod in goad order.(
Tnere is ons person In the jail, a young
woman of unsound mind.
They wouldreoommwd a mots suitable
?eat-denos for the Jtliera- sdi iTmily than
the one DOW 000apld by them
The rooms ere very unsanitary and inooa•
v".1,st and we think the jvller'. lamily
shopld not be compelled t.. 1iv•• s0 elastic
wok the prisoner&
They also went 1u Clinton end examined
the home of relage sod found therein nighty -
11 four lama's*. The a000mmodetinn is for
ewenty-6ve only and the balance have to
shop In the buement, which Is not very
The hour and grounds ars keel la email.
lent order, and Mr. and Met French (the
- manager and matron) appear to be well
adapted for the p.eitton.
J. R. W n-t.uA.s,
Gnd.rloh (send Ivry Room, Foreman.
June 151.11, 1900._
(0' Tuesday morning the Court resumed
I he noes, ion of or -ate In the ammo of 1(.ker
we I.ed4t was srgoed by ouuoul. The
plaintiff was )allowed I)ivuiou ( curt onto,
t Beed by oohsest of parties at 525, and His
Honor oertifled to prevent the defendant
setting off County Court ooete of defence.
liardner vs. cooper wag then taken op
The plaintiff, John R Gardner, lea plats
•r, Aad thy defendant,- S. S. ('neper, a
batliiog nonmotor, Myth residing in Clin-
limton, Plaintiff did plastering for defendant
for two years, and the question at Jaoe be•
ten= them le the price per yard to be paid
fir the work. W. 1Mudleet for Off ; Jas.
Smit. Clinton, for del. The ease wee not
ooneladed until oyes yesterday, wino His
Honor anneenoedr that judgment would be
fJlgyrlel aitil t)yttl:L' .dee mornlnz.
Nis Wesd•rht Nerve
Alone sustained editor F. M. Higgins.,
..f Seneca, 111., when all doctors and
mndiotnes failed torelie,e his pain from
piles. Then iiueklen's Arnica Halve
wholly (cared him. Infallible for ,in.
juries, pains or bodily eruption.. Core
guaranteed. Only 25o s box. Hold by
.las. Wilson, druggist
NOTFS OF SPORT Ourieg the &teem Wedredey WISH et
lam ...It ...k D.81.1 O'Br,.o, a terwer ItrittO von
1..r n i'•. from C..ralla, while eleeleig a •�
emir, wee It ,taketwiuie and IMtsa' If lMn'
kt!Ld. Ho vu onme.ried
'The aoheduled baseball game. Udertch at
Wingbam, will not be pley.d tomorrow, a
a count 01 the mecur.lon to U•. trot,
'lee Turf Assuobtieu s. a actively peeper
tole for the r.oe meet ren July 24 h and
26th. '11, track has teen widened and
various other improvemeule have bow eau
reed use, and abs canting meet grummet to
be a record breek.r.
The siuree at last Friday's Neu club prate
tits* at the tripe were as follows
(leo. Spewed.. 1 001000001 --3
A. Rosario.... O 1 i 0000000 --2
h. it Watson 1 001 1 1 0001 -6
H. Suwon.. 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 -6
W. E.Cetelo.. 0001 00000 ( -1
D McIver..... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1- 3
H. Stanton ....1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 -6
J. S. Platt.... 0 0 0 0 0 C I
uovsatcn 20, ru+row�s
lbe brit game ail the county IwgswgedM
to be played to (iods-rich oars.& ..ff at the Ag•
r e000rr; I'.rk ou Friday, the eldtot, being
the CI:obou teaw. Toe game was au easy
•..o for the home teas! : the boys played all
r. and the men from to. Hub and piled we
a so. re of twenty rune to their opponent,
Vnee. Alihoagh they .111 not .how any
great amuse1 tit ..p los their wurk -ibe
geese was too ooc sided to bring it out -,..LN
(,-td.ri.•h boys deenewor.ted the lac: that
tf•ey are In god playing ft rm and (bat wee
urn have some wood 'uaeeball here tab year
tl the visiting teams w11 do their altars .e
reeks IL tntereetiag t.odsrlob has some
new blood of 10e right sere is Kees., 1h.1.
sire sad Irving. "Dug" Straiten pltc►.d
• .p%es4W Name sad punted the Chiron
better . Jack Wiley took the pitohar's
box for the. last two tun eve and .trunk out
two mite Badley Holmes gave good nils•
faction se ampere, and the gan.e wee
4 gentlemanly way, the
log their detest good.
that the attendance
should be able to
it res very peer
o sae the hand•
he next
Clow the
Trisnav, Jain 12.
Mus 1 . Ole Fotberlsgbam, after a pleas..
sot 11 m '0 her sister, Mn. A. H (,Totten,
return., to her home 1n Tooker•mlth o0 Sat
u rday. While In this district she enjoyed
• pleasant vine to Weed* et Astatine'
During the •form lose week our well-
known towoni,•0, Harry careen, wt. nearly
struck by ltgbtoing. Several hoards were
knooked off the corner of be hero and one
of hie horses was stunned foe several mom
mints, but It mowed unhurt /ferry, wb
was driving it, wee likewise unhurt,
The children s vervioe on Sunday was eel
attended by members of the Saoday eihoo
.ltd by the parents of the children. The pal
pit was Wooly deoorsted with flowers. Rev
R. Heodereoo gave en interesting address'
to the little ones, at intern le qutelioniog
hie juvenile hearers 14e urged them .1
ways eo obey their parents, as those wh
did seldom tailed In the onlertakinge o
Iib The mode was appropriate for th
seryioe ; Miss 1.. Horton presided at th
M ns. De v. Jane 19
.las. made hie annual trlpt
Guelph Medd Farm Friday hut. Mr. an
Mrs. Hugh Chisholm, Mr. and Mn. A. 11
(Tattoo and ohtldren, mod others, also wen
with the emersion to the Royal City.
played .d a vale
tStotoa ployere t
maturedly It ie • p
sae so ••uelb linden
support a Lal team, hu
oneouragennet for the u'0
tut who west down to are • I
everybody give the to,. •
time ; 6t1 the grand at.r ' .m..1
rreard.--bus-I«n't 1.. ti.o
ager H.rry Watson is • h., 1 Werk
has goo. to s good steel of mrou'dede a
the ground• to .i.ape and gentleman) a
good play;og not aides, 'wed It sow
for the -tittle-me of tiederioh le ere the
club their pr•ottesl mapper.. -T.Uiwl.R
ars lb* players and San
Sn'l, 2 3 2
2 0
4 ..ones, II 6 3 I 2 4 0
Al lee, r l ....... 3 3 0 0 1 0
Tilt. F..,3h 1 2 2,1 0 2
Irving, of 3 1 0 1 1 1
Keene, se 0 2 1 1 0 1
I Immenoo, 1 b .0 0 0 6 0 0
Straiten, p., r f1 1 3 2 0 0
Dulmatp, u 2 1 2 13 0 0
Wiley,p • ...,... 0 0 0 0 0 1
- •-" .- 90 16 927 8 b
Hatband, 1 b 0 1
el, Commit, s • 1 0
epeld?u4, 2 b , . 1 1
Mcites, e 0 1
Finnan, p 0 1
Doherty, of 0 1
Johnston, 1 f0 1
B nett- 3 h - ._ 1 .Q
Claridge, r L .. ' ,�.... 0 I
0 5 0 2 e
1 2 1 2
1 0 0 3 Z o I
212 0 0=
2000 U.a
0 1 0 0 •
0 1 3 1 //0 1 1
I 2_0 1 ♦■
1 1 e
'3 lir,
1 1
c '
Styles for
Dress, House
We Won't Keep Still
until you give um au uppurtuuity of 'hewn%
you how much you esu save by buyiug your
at which everything is marked males thwk•
Jug people, thaw who shop around atdl want
W make their Dollars go farthest, buy here.-~
The Three strong pointe we wish -a- -
Mlphastw in our hushes art:
Your Money Book 1. the satin action we give you for any di.satiefativa
with your purchaw.
//tome in and see us anyhow, whether you buy or not. We will be pleased to
.how you our leo d. and Trio!..
Our famous QUEEN QUALITY American -male Shoes aro the talk al -the
tow.. RDPAI.RINa ..
h side of the :Square, Gtxi�efoa. THE CA -W-1 SHOE DEALER
Exclusive Agent for the iltmoue Queen Quality.
0 f . ii
(i 0. r Yates' old stand, Wast Bide ti luaro
3 �ii' »»� Heady, triers for
1Ch�ice Berries1 Ilti
w '
\solea. and Retell.
Thio is the' week; 10 procure your 11er-
ries. They wi be at their beet.
I 'will offer a -- ._.
30c. Coffee this week fir 130. DON'T
1.IIN'•I' MISS 1'1'.
•.•«•..•.•..••••.. ....»«w
Don't Guess
At ' esults. .
- , 7 724 4 .9
- 123466789
otos 20( 000001--•3
ooh .. 4 2 4 4 2 1 3 0 x-20
14 auk oat, by Flares 10, by Straiten 7,
by %VNey 2 ; hoarse on belie, cif Fta:nan 6.-e6
Steelton 3, off Wiley 1 ; pawed hall., Mc -
Rea 1. Dunnage 2 ; hit by *Lobed ball, Ir•
viog. Thnpnp roe, Mutsu ; two -brae hits,
See11 2, Tdt42.
11 Clintond10 beat teIngham 15 to 9, and
Wisteria= o.n Mast (i. &Anis 17 1. 10 what
will he the .nitre between Clinton and
Oderisb! - This eau the prehlem the boy■
had to Indy* Friday afternoon, and when
they worked B ou' !goy found the anewsr
wia20,to 3 infavor. oP.Uodertuh, do tette of
the rules of arlthm•tic.
There will be • goo-( 1 et iu:ereet In
the emit game b -ten t'r rite and 0 vie
rich,_1 I r�•1►t'ughaet ma_nut 11 top
on the lM:h ot Nay.
r.!ain thy* eine gilTinn 1Nal alas.
Rebteeoe'i, •
Binder Twlne.for flal\
MO*OAr, Jane 18.
Mae Bella Or... 1s open/ling a couple of
weeks in boa.
Mn. Rtchardsoo, of Torowte,,' virMifas
her sneer, Mn. Haylee. -_..
Mir Hessle Rlohardees, d Daspaaefiir
I. epee iieg • few days at hrme.
Our Sunday school takes part in *be
mood Afoot° at Point Farm tomorrow.
A member of ear rwoM.nee honed vein, ors
Detroit on the eroonlon, on Thursday.
Me. Florence Ilraham, of Gederloh, spent
Setarday and Sunday at the home of her
uncle here, Benjamin Grsh,m.
Mr. and Mn. Ileo. Simpson arrival home
from Olsen, Glob., on Friday, where they
had Men visiting their daughter.
We are sorry to .ate that Mrs. Wm.
Reernws, who has been 111 for some time, is
not r.novsring as qulokly as her friends
would wish.
Nest Sunday Rev. H. R. Killington will
preach his farewell sermon. se he beeves the
following Weil to take charge of • ohnroh
1n London.
Mr. Willson, • negro, of liro.den, gave .n
interesting address about hie r•o., outlining
the filmy of hie life, In the .obeol hone* ors
HanJay .owning, He was • day, for tweo-
ly-three years. Afar the lecture he sang
aver.( negro soon, whiob were well ran
Tr•anAv, .lane 19.
J. H. Hawkins M bpsading . dew days
with his family bora
Welter Hawklas returned en Saturday
from the London Normal retool.
Mn. Kloberdses, of Tr -waste, la Aare oe
her 1 visit to her sister, Mn. Heyde*.
ker. and Mn Gray, of Woodeteok, are I • tits backache, nenus
onss. headache
hen vlelUnr ►hair eeowe, Wllllem .0,1 „me 1 and tired, run down feeling, but "Mee -
(*ray t tris Hitters are jogt the thing for a man"
TrxenA,, .lane 20.
Mlss Mermeret McAllister is platting
friends In St. Mary'..
Mr. Wm Stowe and MIs. Lire). John•
sten have returned to U.taerioh,
Mr. and Mn. (seems Pocock vgeited their
mother, Mn. Walter Retherfnrd
Mr. and Mn. theorem Mal)onsld end bites
Mary King spent Sunday al Molesworth.
R. Il, Os.emore and hi. father, (leorge
(.asemors, are •way on . trip through
Rev. W. .1. West is attending the as-
sembly meerini a1 P.alif... Mn. Wr.t 1s
,njenrning with relatives at Allis Graig and
Bravo Nen Vali
Victims to stomach, Neer end kidney
troubles and feel the results in Ines of
A anion wheel Monte w111 be held here es
R•tnrd.y, done ..010. Arrsngemats ere
hel.g m.ds ter a most enjoyable day.
Tbe onngrsgetlne et Christ oharnh w111
had • strawberry fslJtsl es Monday, .1.1)
tad. A m..tael program 1. Wag prepared.
Neat !.argot& d.yn Jane 28 .aid 29 a1 Jae
write•'.1. W. (lsrdner, of Marine, ind.,
"when he is •11 ren -down, end don't etre
whether he div.• nr dies It did more to
give me new strength and gond appetite
than 1 *mild take. I ran new
est anything sed have • new lease on
life" Only 60o. Ivry bottle gusrsn
teed by Jan. Wilson, druggist.
)) Binder twine from the Ceetrsl Pigeon.
for 10e season of Woo, will be sold to f,rmwn
or farmer.' elute. for their own nee ,n any
quattl•y, from ono hole to any number *.molt
ed, at the following prices per pound :
"Extra Standard." in beton of 50 Ih.. each.
1112 a.
"Farmer.' '41 ,1*l .. In bales of e0 lbs. each,
11 0.
('ash must acs :moony every order or be re-
oefred before twt^.e 1e ehlrpnd : freight In e11
oases most pe paid by rnrchaetrs and orders
will be acoeoted for fun hales only.
In emees where a format orders a greater
gnentity than is rPgnlr,d for h s own nee, the
order mutt be 'signed by the perilous joining
In the order sod the amount required by each
moat anaompauy-t, as well as the pest office
ddress of each •ppllant.
The_ tidier is we -1 meoafsctured, every
pound guaranteed of .ere oeabhlequality, and,
If any prove faulty In nee, on being Foramen
moony 44411 A. reloaded,
"Extra Simard" Is held only la small
quantities, but "Farmers' Bp.olal,' whiob w111
prove of special valuate farmers suing It, le In
liberal supply.
Orden addressed to " 1'be Warden, Central
Prison, Toronto." will receive prompt •tten-
Inspector of Prisons,
Parliament Buildings.
Toronto, J1ne 1st, 1904 31
• t
a fa: •`+fie•
60 Day
to the
North West
This 111., 1.110we what lin 11111 and
bow Le did t 911d/ I nd..r.out. nts 0*
the following a arc a sttlticigtlf proof
df its merits.
• at e. v.a,ft, J?r
!sear .a -Ilea., ,trim ' P.,jesrdt' 5 ,
then .ren. yoet .•-. I....* 0' ,.h..rtl*0 n y r
1• .111.0., t.ngliali V. •..rt 1 los. c.m red ten •ea.1re
sea en. 1'.r► t .th t. • 0,4,,Y.sday'.
Snarls ton 1. tour ...eke
Price, Se; six for ed. Aa a Intent f..r
familyy nen n bas nowyltil Aak yl.rt Orn ggt.,
Trestlgo on the flora.," te.,k freeor rem
• Ill, J. 5. ECN*AU. CA-. mum FALLS,
with your health.
Don't two Drugs and Medicines
ofitte>rtionable quality. Get the best
there is at the same prices that are
charged for inferior.-gooda.
At our Drug Store the stock is a1 -
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tont mud satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
hag a reputation for promptne•a and
Melton] Hall
Undertakers and EmbalIers -
Gr.luato of Manse -4 usrtte Gd
lege of Embalming.
s ire
E -
ST1 t OESa
Kebrio ... _ //xx Plen's plain heavy C' lg \al
M ova m n.- 4, U • Men's lace plow Boots _ - • •.
1lamicta�- ,
Swan Klvw ►- Women s heavy lace Boots - -
► `- Misses' .t to tt , 11-2
To---- Child's •a .e- ." 110
Women's best Carpet Slippers
or two pairs for 25c.
Fie;low $30
YYoork•ou.......... IY
Prince Albeit:... i 1 $35
lied Deer1 .0,fn
gdmouton .. . 'z(J
Going June 10 Returning until Aug. 20
IAll rail or S S. Al, -snit
Going July 13 Returning until Sept. 12
Inn rail 0111,1
Going July 17 Retnrning until Sept. 10
(All Rall or h. H. Altu.*t.l
For tickets and further Informallon apply to
any Canadian Pao fie Agent, oe to A. ll. NUT -
MAN, Asst. Oriel. Pager, Aet. 1 Slug w.
Leading Hairdresser
of Toronto, is
Will be at
British Exchange Hotel
Haile 25, 24, 27, 28, 2! & 3I,
Gents' Wigs,
Ladies' Wigs,
Waves, Bangs, Etc.,
Hair Restorer,
Dandruff Cure,
Scalp ('reparation.•
Mn. Mar .len Jona Heir Dressing
and give.. Ill.irrint inn in mune. Treats
Falling Hair, or after fevers .w ether
ilht.... Shampnreng, (lipping and
Singeing, and all other hair dreaming
requirements a .perialty. The very
brad work at w retry untform price.
A OaU $ouolt.d.
A Great Snap
do -
15c. bottle of Polish for 5c.
la our wooer i3.ap,ae •
podnd, of whiob we sell a beret • wsekl
This isn't our only mop, as we carry
eyerythiog that o.n befound to en on.
to -dab grooery 'tore, and our price"
are right. The ',mats %SOW that they
0.0 .Tway. get Iron, us a map tor their
produoe. We draw the line at no
legitimate trate - everythlug goes :
(iLrwsr• or pots,..., garden stuff nr
nhnilwt table (:him• lee deal in all
of them.
Redford block, 0 sierloh.
1 am prepared to hey
this emuion's clip of wool,
Ir nmol, at the
or in exchange for manu-
factured articles.
pair a
ss a
Also finer lines in the same proportion.
As we have the largest shoe store and the
largest stock in this county, we are able
to fit you in style and price.
Come and be convinced,
j' Just received a line of Oanta' and Boys' -a.
__- Bicycle Bal's.
= - W. SHAR-MAN, Jr.
r 111,,1,1,11 �l11,1 ,,1111,1llll 11l�ll '�11��
...American Field Fencing...
have you seen it 1 Do you know what in the cheapest and moat
durahio fence *old 1 if you havvn;t seen it you can see it at McKENZiE
& HOWELL'S at from 35c. a rod up.
Spring Coiled Wire 3i cents Ib.
Barb Wire - - 3i cents Ib.
Galvanized and Llack Wire.
BINDER TWINE: W e &Ali bhe now well known
Gold Medal brand .t the
lowest price going. Let um 11.10 your order.
Harvest Tools, Nails, House and Barn Fixtures,
in any uuantity.
The people know where haat values am found Our miles were never
known to be as large se et. present.
We bey for rash. We buy in t nantiUee. We sell on wall margin'.
is to your advantage to hey four hardware of
MKnj& t-Iowell