The Signal, 1900-6-21, Page 7f
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N LEGATION "tin F'u wt(1er today r date, ruyr thefig ung ata IN'tef lioscrtgro nt viere s wad t H Fall, of KMorrly � _
"Tho (coins 40f is cumtaifed Ilemtta els [lghtlyty si Tata whkh xg• ear fu I were anon[ taw Jrwrex,ngerr wlx, saitrvl D� 1 � ����
fmx•uptod the Taku.-D ,urts yea• tine WAila with thecepurtr from (:lin- T�€ CANADIAN on the aLeowsbip tit, Paul fur New I
PE Sundayy adtar ex a atagaalne. Axo. 1% stye that the dtkatituw sett York Kntuntay MS Fall .,,•vial with
The Brit sh guut�aa��A ine, bar by taw rtuval ottmmamkrar threaten- the rat.' J4otvs In Sonat tithe lu nil D `�� D 0 �f
A do utxt two u/ her ufrteerd to diwtroy tits forty (edam the the rngmgem612t. Yp to the tlrrx W ''`j``
C ututlt(uur moo warn wuerept. hoop+"boat doomtiY whicpuuok MOUNTED DIFIESI (nxljn's surrautur at JJuante-
R B ND( 1ED iTapwa uud Rurabi ore repxorttal t,,xxko bait deetruyer w Ivf h Lauk VWJ(, where by war wewte•1e(1. TIM lord
b, landing a Jorge furca u/ tiWtxr. tis tmwa to Chefouw a•pxorted that the Mayor of London W defraying hW ez-
"All Ir quiet here.'• n,mma.nder of lire Gormau gunboat _ _.- __- p enams to tate ltultexd 8tat.en.
Itlir war roz4lnmly wumnied• Two Brl- I
Couldn't Reach Pekin. Slob, unto Ame+c4:an, uud fire Chinese Trestmrat Of Rebels.
LutYklu. Juno 2FL-Tba Admlrulty we..••uhlyr are nuns tit ('helix>_ l/n►tuhcriw,Jwie18.-TlwhuWnl' nr- Feelin That Someone Has
. . • -H ' . Of A)IIi star rixetvexl thn tollowbtg of- Qthv:- (orrerpuudents tit 4haeghat Fought Hard All the Way to (Ape Town currwyopdont sPrldis the g
British Admiral S Forces Reported to (lave ficial despatch, irons C Fit, under rrpnrttlaat thelundingtxartlerwhbh' following tleoLmLul fmutomw
to -day's rbate ' TLe Japatiere wan (xe•upled tor, fty:ir drove out the Kroonstad. portanue Is attaiched t6 the publication Blundered at Pretoria.
u( -war T ninon baa Juat a men. ChZ;, tit the ti,Ant o/ the bayonet. of t116 ('+yte Ministry's tnluutsr tan Urs
• • Tlxt r4 uKgftl want dh•.rt. Fully 400 rsubje,'t of the treatment of tine Inwlr-
Fa�ed in the Relief frons T+aku. ribs ritpxorta that the Chilman) wo, a kilhod. The attackers goats. I am able to staled Iwaitivaty.
e Ctutuander-In-Chia( and truupr are nutulx•rctl 000. They were chiefly t)wt Ute Cabone0. Including Pro4dent
bout at Tien Trin." Itlrrbtp", but Dleloded Britlmh, Am• Fuhreiner, war united to advlring that
1'roops From Indlm. e_•k•1tr, Italiana (ierninur, Jxlgaasae, SEVERAL WERE WOUNDED. x Ixoltry should be wllowed anadogaium YORK CETS A PRESENT,
41w1n. June I8.-Jn conaai(pueuee of k'rrtx It, and Au+trhuw. Tho Itwwlnn 4r that orf IAhd Uurhaw ID Ute caro of
the gravity of the Chlueeo situation, Jnsrpa an the land rltf+ aro reported t!s ('ADadlnn ilisairgt+rit•a fhir pro-
t _ rho 7th liwgal In/Hurry hove beau
UUR HI�NDRED CtIINESE. KILLED ordere+tt to pruccteti to Ilung Kong• have c�r pee utad with thn nuvul pawed, Mowetor, wit ovcrraknt n the
e Russia 1).nurands ludenuatty. 4q -- , vola! atfo:1tof of Mi igtryu, flow the
'�17i-'}'tr'e o. Law forts wua lit flrrt •1•`�r {4kt�tf�Kuwr`C-O�e drT01'rrlurlu r'tsJgtlatfon ret ttvn Htnlrtr•y fotluwivt�" Qy( L;etHeeM61y ftetarat tt Ituberts
JAmdoll' Julio 18.-A despatch from dtteetel at Uae gwlbwta lting in- +
-Roberto OKer lu Kruger roti -- ('rlticlfed Ihwth of Mn. Iaad-
Shatlghni rays diurriu hum demanded ahOro. naruely, the Yorktown. Alger The F fight at Zrwt River Bridge.
fifty million Leets Indemnity for the be,. and Itils, Mandehur (tin. -) Bulha--Maden-Povaell at rrelorla Bk,emfuutwlu. Jute 17.-TMe en- stege lid the U1ake lit N'ellla9tue
Bnmherdment tad Seizure of the Tsku forts Chinese I iret I ire Upon For- dawage (folio to the Chiutsru rail• and Atngo iJapunixre). Neceral of thou -The Vtgh/alZaud Itivcr-'Prowl- emy'a attemlhlt too interrupt our tons• Talked of A Quser -- y, Mail -
rundr Lu which Rurslaur are inter- were struck by rhellm from the 12- muttiratbrus have tit last received a
cirn Vi'arships British end Uerman (lunboate Oantiged Britain, France anted. Lith guns, which made good Tine- talent lit Rebels• tknbte,t check anti ono whit -it reflects . Will Baths Bseape Y
And Japan hurrying More Troops it) China United Mates Order Five Sharp But Short. tltw. A alrell exploited In the Mmkd- iia IAutdutt, the gralteit credit ou the little Brit
shur's tmagutLae, toad the veatel was Krua)Datad, tray 1:}, Iph force• 1.01x1012, Joie 18.--wtu►t with exclt-
Luntlon, Jwue la, 9 fl.w,-lletullr of blown up. The A rine' and Itlls June 18.--t, 1% C and I) squadron" "o(
I'houeaad Suldlen Brum Manila Jlasracre of Christian Converts jtale- Emlxo!(denel, n{rpnr+etttty, by the re 112g news irom the war Nies w+as p;s,n-
the fighting lit Taku are forwanted were lordly dbama struck 18 the Canadian Muwtted Rifles came rout liners eucees1 Ln ca oturing the
mends In the British Commons Beare that the 1-ezutions ,'Nay tlava by the Exproem crorrespondent at or 14 truss. into Kroonstael yesterday atter seven i Srully fttppxsetf to is toil• a Nid W
13han Hat. The shf s of torr allied fleet lJe aboutfi n hundred dt mYVposel to
Batt Mardered by the I'ekln MuDs. � 1 The Shnttghnl etoeteetiontiettt of the tLy"' hent maraadng uud coltfu(uxr 3til•a,renrutitxwl rt•p,orb 1n r and W
ror"Istod u( tba Yorktown(, Anlerioan ; toe at me race acke led r seven hon
Drolly .Vin ll, tclugtapltdtug yestentay, flgnUDg, A Squtulrus, under Ms'Jue deed marl attncke 1 Vlrgt12lx, other- the war that t. wow about ua lit C1tina,
nllanghal, Jutle 16-I.wst pd! ht's luwiri mfN/11 u. Th Ju,auese t,r •tlgrcltib: ISrltleh; Ittb, Gertunu; tiR1"r: 1'iNrarter,hel12guwutigtlx+HrrLoltiue winotttownne%AlndRicerrknt!ou.xt ao•l alarming dlrapwattrpetl rehutive to
K g K - { Orr Ja uutsr,, ari•t 3Lautlnrhur, ••The forts "gun firm In crl,edff- 1Jrltlrh t >d to enter the Lown. .
natives from Ttwi TISID report that' petlo boat rwpurta that thn kgnt'urtr ltiva�lurn Pearl un 6iruda unorul i i g daybreak oa Thursday• the rebellion against Blritdsh rule lit
lit Peklu boon Ilea takela' y Y ne enoe to orders rum Pek'TI-ebnvoye+d they were a portion lit that advArrc:ed 'rhe Zaud River bridge, was Ismilly
JnrJ(P irxead'rry flree rx•rurred Ip ( this forty opne.1 fire, and the Algerinf, ht a Personal olid lit the F•mprom Quant lit Lord Robertrt' main army Ashanti, to say ctA,httig lit the .\root
A Irl ht Gula on. Anel litlw wove ladl dama 1, ba ght tinily from Hraed/urd to `lemngal abtrl.tttgg rho }four (light north.
the eastern part of the city. Three ! k R Y rf lag I It% ,r, by advfae tri Of Yd, Pre na 1 f(w To r•lnir It there hundred and fifty 12aetJn[, the Sneath of Mex. Oln,letaxte
t Inter kkwpw4h fru" the ruutu dLreck by shp ids thlrtf+gll or /uullRsu Dhieni sal the )tittistty d Weir• iJev- Lnn.l Rater, 4 dfrGatiew ul uluxrG s matt of the RaJlway P:nnerr C'urlr and tins dmth of the I)uke of Welling-
Amerlcan ehurubea are burned be- I timmul reeeiveA lit Berlin thin worulr ttiatw. The return tin of tho flees enll warrvhilw were struck by ►hells hundred mll12a Among the Plut•ky Inn plot when the ton, tate week b1 England hall b"e0 one
I •ides the res: tired of many for- sLates that am et u o- to1A Lmmatt►it•ly, thi forts wen, Llowu from the twelveilwdh unr of the rental performed by sono of the CAaA- p/x,rxxl to be ve the s
dp tg ge-unlit L pro- g wttact w•na deilvorel Thry thio for• of cv,Drdilerable Intanart, Im tto1, ru
rigne:a. Telegraph (ommuuicatiun w (, Illix at Taku betwowt th • ('mneme to Pieces', the (;hfnero d•ing after- forts. dints force wart the+ swimming of the tunmteh incre:seel the tWy nrrI genuinely ubeurbed has the nation be-
furta Aral the fore n wmrrhl Ir. Berlin waste driven back At the point of the "The heavy Russian loi,.es were Vet Rlver'by Lleutenanta Borden anti
intrrrupotet, the px,lur hatWg herrn' hop no, official notifivatluu from bnyutut. The main fody of the due to the blowing up of i11e magi- Towner with rive men, who put 40 Pott of two hundred and /lfty rth, oche lu Ito owe affairs tit t there t-
ba:nnd, wnd tbert to no hopre of lm- BUalgrhai that, uwirtg to the lnt,r attacking toren turfatext of Rurrfal", sins of the DGundshun • Boers to flight. Llentenantr Taylor, dulai wth- antler ()o' sh North, ext 001lountrlrs Intl W elblt talosllght-
pn 9 J egraph Finite, 1112 and wLth them fought etsul(leu to ext comment.
nx•Jlnte ze ors bels wade. The ru rtf,n of th, tel ten thouaatxl luau_ boort Iatxled lit •'F'ewr hwde+ed Chlrleee are re- 1'aD t�treube12see arW l'oally wore Ina Nxwhier. C'ritklal12g Roberta.
train conveying tho relieving party trustworthy stews ,Whitever b obtain Tato. Thi magas of the Rtudau ported to have been killed. The C'httr- tight place con no leer than three seer The atiwck, futkooe thou h -1t toes,
A,tit food and ammunition wits oar abl- of lh, evwntr transpiring lit Pekin. gituboat Makulmr !r repsrtad to have era, wheat retreating, fell kito the orate ocrarbnw, but' extrluate`t 'their lJ The oat l0 8ixath Arks biito Lateen
.. g N'Irr■ !'lit. 1 }octets hamh of the Rn,min't I++nal. force•" wan met with ts12(linching e,00 -Ag"' un a ulfar v t. Thos tacle,
1g • 1 to return, beim unable UA reach tkwn blown u o, seven blue ate12 with mtracaluurly good luck. The {te I { ro
and heavy f1ghLLpR Iwa%e(1 well Iota ,retentaxl oafs west lit a v-1ctoriottw
1,:udg Fang where detnchmeuta of being title(] and many wounded. Alto- Thr Daily ,News hyo the folltowlnit candy casuattlas ao far ousWulpit aro {
(u s•lgn tnx,lrs deepintched flu fjuDdsy Lulx'uu, Jour 1tl.-'Teavgrnphk, ge hx the Hursbarla aprpxtar to Itavn from C7tefoo: :'opt, [`earce Lieut; \'tip Lutea, Hud the wfLertrxxt. Brltlmh [enerul, la commanld of thw
(otowunL:ntton with t" north,'•rnve kmt sixteen killer! u _itis( lite "Two O( the forte were brown of+• }:a 1y a rho Any IAxILv 4eytLpwr. grNitert nrtnJ' hie country over pot
Inst are now endeavoring to roost, iLn (she hat t�or her Tg! Y Troopers McCulluch, Fergus, Brown the American minlsg ongltrter, who under one mart, shut off roam all
iaR twsllamehnt lit UL111pp woeradetl. wit�teow-the'tts I tax*aitles ArW tfr virstshkfas w6 Talro, age egwF amt Wildman, 411 wounded, two`.-- -.
the I17e. ' - Tim Order 8atunfa,'s date "cenise(Y of the' x.werr Ont amounted to five ed L'00.(MO tOPA. tt»d ensu , Doose them, however, more than Nlglutl a ods chkf etighteer of Lha Ectwtwln oummltlAcatfon with Lhs union wurJtl,
liflwadlrh N'ork. ", early this irrarmnrg. The Jost [per. knind and twelveywowukd. Nu cur- than thrte hundret Kntv." ' \ > group of the Read mtnws. wits "hut while unlL.i of his forces, to %h" num-
�Pw Yor June 18.-.\ tch W aa9e frtun Tien Tain +rted that thf,fightiny nrwh recltheyohDalderl12g stead by an ezplotive bullet In the leer (R monve woven hundred men, lust
k rthoe ro{ ( unities eM reported W bore trecvrtwf - tit+ fighting Irt wlitch they have (Leon
the .Ttwrnel and Adverttder from flghlhtg had begun, but gave tw (� a orifi qts mot of the Atnetionu coon \ , ruK+►gad. Four truoM of l' nod 11 fo-rhe,wd. dfwwrter by n ■upposedly p,nditesi
Tien Tells, says: '•Boxers control Tion tells. Meumgw fur the north are tit lit --- 4quudr,ne, under Capt.'MoOoneil, nor \ LteuL. Clements, also of the Hand, etternv whims, territory was aanexed,
Txur end the native city off Ands have now forwarded ty ateamer from Che Fears of the Worst.- SEEKS TO Oertoot tO blow up a culvert north of want badly wounded, and ham since wtautls almuat nmegaallhd In mllltiry
bean burned at the stall+, which prat- Fen. - - died. Five privates he ilway history. K'hlle IAord Roberta U not
♦a u atboung the Chinese. "Tbs J4oaer ±1lD4:ii�r Y q.m.-A partial 1 I a_few RI tits nJFo sad sate- oncerw were now, t'_II d andras"von
rev+��_xn [a s -- t11� - ' 6 dlffl- P blamt"F for thin dfanwtrr, Lhwne it x
sea ilf tau Chow. l length after tbt1Y` IatpDnity k , b tt the Boero bell om*ceet*d in w`,�ded. oig te:lttlg among the kadlair Fo+ith
- stn
whb:h tits rwvyt af�rasw have irden report L.the I(iptiDDf at. retia �y r., � 1�pg ttx+fr gun" and 1rwgRnRs•, Ingo might hove gouP bozo with Afrleate its Luntdoa that he or somecnk+ _
- ._iltag Kong, Junes 1@.-Truubte.,is aummttt 4_*, A4% It f111W to epswtd have attaeJ[wt1._or.the retreat ���hnikall s- LJtfle�lmeiliS a . ° Ur+ iltitr+it 4►n «w bond It tart t,esa Ars
. b-ewing Lear Watt River. Riots have np411y `-_ tb, tribe i ry uTmnriaea to Td •n Ten Mh would othirrwlr+o ttnYo certa/nay know rev at 1 chjtrcm Tbouo whd
bzuken out at Hun -Chow, whence over nntl aha ea Wye u[ Lhe Taku furta f lea 1ptp flair luamlw. Am It www, nibs cots, hood +ed and et�hty 40f the Nurilu- kWtw evtvey Liu h nrwmA th" Trnrs-
"11"I geama rewire(! hors yMterdey eni"ecay, ac a Bata war a Am It' w rx+eti timberland Hutwars belonging talo tits ,ART capital say Lord Roberts took
w hundred ref use" arrlted at Wu by the mrrrula from the fife% ■t Ta nn• Ule (,lits( wtturne lit the stony from . Impe-til Ytwmunry, who opportunely the [Hast ardurxw ride to a
uf,uw, June 12th. Chills. TIo1 detailed messu from that h without the• hopped for reawalt. ptppaacJt It,
ku dlurrortt» the Ins+lttun\uf the nonce (� wrrlreA .from thw wouth and wont into whwmam with wn,rter mrd D+ of aaxw
(nowt t),110U rebeMl bore Arrewbled un,k•r Adu:ral ':'eytatxlr. Ito Ile. i'Pkfh our wall ' •non Thurr(1aY uwru- The pe, he Fa`d In thtl «ndertat action with eat dn.h and brit lane
at Kwel UAe,n. lkxlfu of cauuuu kill. us wrloue. oboe 1t io eo ,(,tat Ing• and Litten the riotous outbreak HE IS ON TRACK OF DISCOVERIES. Ing we P In the raddkr conllutaouel} for 1(t ly he wtltht have [use f GenarA and sho-
tr,.Krt through Wit ('how, tot- (;ton. Tu Fli } of Wetifta day til at, and, the da;truc• 2.1 hoopm' Certainty the pluck &nil Pn- The wad: rtvnl of is to men rpxed ly off n J e "I n, h e or, Bh gris m-
ag I)+sn[ trathe cnuse(1 the }k,evt• to decamp. calx There Ins, lxow"ver, such grauiaw
Jane l It n, to tlwlr way to (Hart Shr Hud has fa Uoh of tin lturu an Cutltolm eathedzal \ 1'nrlw ruble rays : Th" spu,x}1irce� daraare of est tuc'n are everyLhihq
tT;" tones of Bur In thn Mauy of eau men wore wounded b) admlrntkon for lord Roberts, Had Ds•
rrtx,b. tzar. R•nt•r Is sonny+ and r rued Uiq English aud'�]trix,lR7an mirn!ua .mint Inst I>acemtoar of dtnrtling that conhl�lw dgolrtx4 oz luwlve buflt•tr, whf.Ch n a-+eutlJ Ilrf fn the efticlnlcy 0f hie tnc6fr•r. Linin
oc'm` taxtrrs. l ,ecru der{a�tth from Ilerlln John A. livvan• P PV
situation harks Grave. mirrnrint defectF,e." 1 dLu•cweried by Prot. Metcbnikoff at the Boom are undmg Ln large ytaant{- evvill rind Routh African ennlpatiti era
toriefly ettatrpt t{Isat ft Ja mese gunboul , tie". I are loth to critici� bdm until total
\ens York. June lg-Tho luuofan Alarm Frlt fur Forrlgne the J•amteur Institute of a aerie, lit l) to Pretoria. Y
r..rrwp,txlent of .elf Tribune days Irons lit trsllitClio Fu tiSaVe . Am -- know n11 taw t:r Iflu
_thy, (:hlttern wlttnlba Las cot Im• IAwidun, •tune lb. The murhlr Jet- tkor" tit Yeli[n31wa'e baa LaFea. its lymph" (iesligrle(1 Lo cheek Jticxy fn Rrtonattad. i y :.0, via Ixnifn, },a1,}oin .rune 18. -Mr. fharles Wil--
1'erp;r IFluwdrrs.
Pd durlrtg tlhe Iwat _'1 house- Ad- loon R"steamily co sonar t11e t1tun 'an the (icrhuw C'uusul luta bkd this t!1.,. human body atsd Indefinitely .tune 18.-Tlta..t�(o J7attnllonm of ('nn• lintaa the military ex Vert u1 the line patent(. /a1liMlf6ies of Lbe pp•a
Pr" in ('hlcia mare serous than Over. he rulhur to tlx F'utrign O(fl in Iferllu, adlan Mounted Rltlee etnrted fur Mornf� Lewder, accuwe+ the (far
niral Noymour. with 0,300 marines, 1lsxrr fey : "The anxiet, with wh •h IL W uiffclnl inturrnutlon alpoou a pi-clong life led to exaggerat re I>returla tris trtbr I The wgnln oral's idglt'Nrtg at t11e frons have
alts. whlcl► rte rod .to ip y yule of - LaltariowM, 4erretary o/
U root gore than rhrterl(tlu reftit 'furLlh"r rows L aweltef Ir helpjhLe Maatlrunalsn(�tefoulwblclfu pnnRxi P I _ >onstlLLlw n f+ortl of the ndcnnce grate /ot Wwr, of hosing rut out caused Pn`1kv+r crlUolelm dnro Lire war
di-tartoe tx+tween Tisn Tsku and I'e- ed bs the painful fact that tit per: twv;il offil%T recrllsd ei_ Use Iro•arl. It Is pert ectly clear. wafter a` p(uunt of the lncmd Army. on of 41r Rt•Atoee Bulperlr jtp4,n K0p de. organ. Hut mcnn,rly any bloater i12
lino. and the itoxerr Are destroyhig of the aauatbn is PPkln ore eharexl Tlw evhkus:e br Iacrooelauslce ant x,s !•LnWn .ltrlru tau drawn upon it too
lhP rnllwa to front rat his force nodi t verwetion w1t1i Lhs profeaw,r. tl t humored mPtn from ea tastwliun re- mpntctxs the rritclarn'crr tie:►• Roller
7 by n rsimbW of F.umJx+nn ladlsr mail lbly of Ido villas whatever, but %I pm• y on hinuteu. anti havdnir Wt nn i.ord raw,ft condemnation all the r,crnt .Ill•
it ou the track o[ m(rL ialuabl. furled yortettba ire n 80-mH"
hnrfung bridges baltind it. Excite- children, Includin Lady MAvdonald rt o them Ins momentous. lid derstst ma-lioeucres, whto :(,(100
meat At$hiLsWi al and Tien Tsin is atilt her little dna hters.' u foul of P g� dLnge rim uud it Ir clear at. the mwrch hn n rPmicfrn th ugh the nOf Ba>erW Aeeth (ev real Bol 'n. Ile tax, r n ed 1n a ■loam battle oe
g dr grade e}r{rr•elieaalun h .sa12letime that, w he :;xys, he tx cet$t c•uuntry, to the orae, of 4ienttoal with (1epelrAl Hullers. tin J errg ['
yrs --a Irh1gg and It Is rumd,raot that u cul 1 iu dl omatic drclesr Ire _ LM hotts•et day of vile year. Tile In
th•• ra,,,t column Is Itat•I( In reed •Japaa•rCoerse. PI "u man of mctence anll nut a slim uich they capture] "4 rrfsunerr, also awertw thin Lina rerw,ns fur not
td r.-, lie ,olumn l `tie mo Is w 1 ukuhnm9. Juno 18- a ua oi. follow �tG a4ttenr,•nt, nindo to use leya1I .. 1tg them a commandaan rereral removing far Chnr:ev Warren were q'r'wt ullun tour or for enlftrinxult oleo
y air Th eq by n turner F:uglLrh rewldent of Yukin, died of heat prostnition reeorde the o
pool. Intrepid officer lir exrel!erit of Yatna[ata, tate Premier, at the ia•a mintnmry of Ute rituat:oa: lktmhng to the 1'astenr InwLitutxlo r 1 curnetx an`i JO"uuated hobo f cut ewe, toq"thwr with much ottlec fact that Lhe troops started early
judgment, and he can M+ AepwndPA rellumat of the F:mtx•ror.'cunsrnts to 'If N L.rgatiors hove .beta fakeer 1. Jit, from Cidessd. lie ban amnia de• .tie Juhnnnemburg 4 matter• the mutilating u( the tie- fit tfw morning withont ton adequate _
ut.m ty conduct the force to 1•ekin restrain in onc�o ul vfew� of theChlu- Pveryrrs lass teen niiuewacred. llnrtlur vu d• htrnx,l( to the mtudy of ver• l' 1 crchmer. who ha" Duan I at sptetohes r.Mmtr1R Ix+rfsxant Holme"' rrMVu1. ant] that the forage caps Sh"y
,( snVVlles hold oat. The forelRn nd me situation. Tbr -1 pains (}everts• would tlheobjxt and ("olive of tlxf tub forme. lit disease from 4way. Ca wn. came up Juat borer we Calx, Town. June 18. --The new wore we•rP utSwrly irsufffeknt to pro
mtrals may hd%P mia(atrudntet the runt ins Inellnep' t0 fine lir ac- attest. olxxty would b: sgoured ittian "rot rrmotllr« to core onP by nal• stn ready to uweume tbmmx A, .('wldrwlt haw Ixhan ofCcinll+' unnatne �,t tlw4r heads from the sun. }ins•
rest the other. Iie ez lain ht but beca too of the Colonel'" age, h iwt. Be Gardon Rprigg is Premier and
stremob M the Boxors, &riot It tuny tion in China '.o ph pntertiou of Ewlrare•L,s were captaretL_Thefureign P 6ItfM the m•u who died arsine ;(N) hod
be noortmsry to send a Roman wit Japaluso internetto / 4guUcxiw •Pre In time House quarter, con12ect n with rho Lotter that alto to t Ill and Lhe arduous nn Tnwputry J. J. (Seaham ins ('o (tor. SO go to tike Mowplta{e. "to result Is
Story tote► -q support the m nines(. int nut'chrn 'Toho ct.r1. T11e BritMh mgRerati tie have arireo. And In im tore r the otk i1. wlilch the ]fuitnt• tjecretary ; Mr. Rohe donne. Attix-
N'l1I Vianlsh %urderers. that the set rches are dull lit Lhr ed Hl�(lee we ilk, to be etl9ug_d. y-fiQgeral; smart. Dc•}nrtment of tlutt Slot obvioxiomt forafs cope Is
--Awesln Ready. }Agutlo.a wu ax•V.irutcd from towltua Initials MaJur{(ieutral .Sutton decided to httrv,,R'orksa Hlr Petee Fa'ura A - likely 4, oto ckorw away with.
[Anxlun. June ltd -Tho Tukoham.t rinn Iwgvitlu Fry a lard epee space iieedddJ� opt. Phe (stns i)ukP of Wwllln
Tine Russian refterce of seventeen In n c(om nlcaLion to -ha French main In On. Evans In command. Iluite, and FroW withotli xton.
ecorrrelxudrint o/ ; rho Tfmcr ways : aemrl rw it Mo ulnen rnurkeL, and Shia
bmldred teen io already gehore. with Academy o! iedlclne publlmhml un Major 'Howe r ins behind In the fol T1s death of the third Puko of wet-'
Japan io setlAtript ' 2.0W Lrriopa' to would ire a suur of danger, an great
rons and horrsss, and fhb ran be In• Juts 4th, un r the cn tion, 'Sar remuont depot. �- John A. Ewan. Ilugton renx+vwa one flf tt►P xhyelst and
renMi b 4:000 men from Port Ar• China' At mn udlence, granted to crowds' could ga ter there. Tho COS i' --� Another Isktrmish. le+rast k ton wrrn In En band. He wan
1 the JapoLnew. / LiHem erestine- uunint (• ha gives t [
that. Brlt>•s who (hate a con rePreeeptath'e n* ed htittYe 1:mtlnsar was opoposltr^. Lhs un Interesting s oust( of the Irene Iioert 8(111 etlrfn9. IA„Intorno June 7N.--� twlw4••I ,Im ri 1A'unol tK+r�! "v:alwbufl�itar,” and xher
Iirmad habit of sePl (Seoul, the ('or an EntlK.rnr expense- Rusii;ur laug ation. Tlw udder LeRa-
ng a deep fntrl- eA ret At o torture and ezecn• tions wage un Ltt•xi tt at all #vLnngltt flcinl effe^tn lit he sen,terateutic Iutxdun. June 10.- tie Ht x,r term- pateb from Lord R4ertff, strips from murfei wd"prom a key aprptei dation of
tion o .the tlfvo r"f( ens: which, he wittn tit, crutxl, un lick the IIinsian mandoew are retiri �r1 Mdddl"bu Pretoria under ,bat•• flf .TU12P. 18th, hLr own pxwltbn. Ont+, wnd only otic«
- gee In everything Ruaelat. Are nm• treatment of pro . lie war led Lo
rtnrwl that the duh ins aro burned thlr ex x,rimon ti" dlnc+smelon n% �• he metro nn flttr,m to s k Int
sabl. ocaorred without the Imperial nod HriNmh !,'mtxaxilo were winds(( 1. l Y foLuwal by, 'rho Ilrfibh cncalry Hud Rtcew nn offi(,inl vernfon of nn atttuk 1+t {Iasi P1.1r
and th#- marrows Imnlntrxi in order to the Intrnntluntl ('( resp( .of l P If it wwm ou tins vn duo,
knowle(�� Hfa MaJesty Promised TM, fJerttuan and F rh L ""I(nlr P- artillery. (d,cxwfonal diel twici inpj; on a itrdtlwlr past tit 7aand 111%or, aurae e Y lur"+Rluu,
yarxitYh Ur Kuralwiar w1. 1'urt Ar 'h sirl lwtr ut ldurau In whk h Inst oras nvttl f
that A ' Judicial ofrlr-talo lnvmvrtt wfirF minitto oppdrgtif e h nth •r, an•1 °g "liana( ttm rear iR,ilmrs o. 'Phu mr,• tie. t4th, tay li00 Itcrevis. with three Runs• A mifuh,n of rlr+ts+u lx y tit"raateil.
thaw with a pretext fur nerellryt nn should - enbhed- The IncWent Ir flu, An,trhiq-lraatb+ moa r -mut •. Th" Moan"-Aoerdoan do tors 41. Iy nil- stroyhlg the lsridRew land burning the it ton, m that (Soni. Knox, ivtth m mlzwt J y t1"fuFe him xn
arty; t, Pelton. hr title ('hipeee at b° .. v(x•Atca1 rho trentmont f lopnr"r veldt bobbed totem. carr i df rru- fomP, drove ufr LIh ituorw, w110 IPft Ir+ wryD In the HuireP u( tonins. He
these t1 + F:uulwu,x}' e& kxrnn« wrmll. Ix, nr.(,waP y n,S t 1 Jx•Imonorm oil tl caligltt tlx, IA,rd Cliatwellor's' eye,
fwir. it la ,piftirndt wnuugh Io find -; - xbie (,L defr.12c� agxttl"4l'h leer, Hach.#. by the hdM"Ino of Irer"In- NriPg•, viwtons and cattle+ and lewvl the lour tf 111 Hort fuer r
ort what. in ...i the car t, without f Vs 1'hls Likely'(, Pr. head of Lhe .Kcxh ltstl Se flw- fM•lal. T1ro itrltbrh loss wan Major rolemruly nsP, errengeA JJs notes
pre , The Che Fu Ctiblul't :-alxlrt, not coal- er+mntry tarren. ----- - cJ";irext hon throat, And sat down with
trShag t•, I. at nooks it. Y Jrsn 78. Taw extrplm" drrntce, bot thea, MltauaLiarn. w must t+l, oppcxsetl this, emybsg: Wal Adorer faun Mnchw(1(xdorPsa hat `o-yrnour wrid tw•o men killed uud non"
__- Huaalr dial gnat t oft ChIDtlse erlet In t11e a1 n It waw evhlt,nt ,m the u1ir. )art the leant ((Howl lit the Iluerw have rue nb+wibincvl uta nm w"ounMd. ort e a tall q +t hiblP. i1"
i x' n lit n nil
1hY- --ill----. w of -9m Brits�i .n► ell t�rlf,'eays - - - Whether the-uprum inrlaoor an to -----------�— cur Lrteal Agraln.
The BrltL.b pxo.ruy Is tot nuderotoo,! nuTwrun trnitnnL a cot ammunttf„n. w(th dyn+lmlte n its
_ int tiv,rn Ls a grrwral I tqs ,A -d o cklrraepcicidet of � 1m..s�••,s iMet is Japanesto go"Is a ped has �l� 9xeit' and that Ihey are Preprarf CwdP Polon 's FabinPt. A tltury About Yurk.
ru rreseitai World. k shown b)- Alts deem:tall to do- tarkle,l to Chl• 1•'u Lwow of tile, iota- Prut. Sletchnikolf is _(Ions able henry wagon trninm fur n' retre t Cape Town, •Tune 17. --It to mumpawn,' A curloas msnry Is batrwl arding
among members of Pnrlinoxgnt that t:seh a divdwton (10,000 mea), cot In- tarduserot of the Talon rbrtr and tis ply. thanks to the dincoveryet It rtR
a F:araJxntt Cptlrrrt "111 le111 to Run the cell bmlua. IL ma Lu the Igtk,nbarg dbtrlct, vvbere the 1 LhwS the Hurl .1. RorsrrinriPs+ Solid tors 1►uke of Yurk. It gnaw fist bt
faDtrv, three bnttwri w(dJarLllfery and Jetrreat of the tunrlorw, and that a W 7 be nosiest chlers. notwltt lnndin rumorm W D Lite Vflniftry which la heinK Jru+luar n bar of four toewuGful ori
plan ocruJrnt(r•1. and Stant IA,rd Salts> that the scrums em 1 � g J )
-.hos, wlfh rt0t entre( oh Intal, H • rlsgr train from the NataF181r Iter)- oonflrrruatloa of the armor lit a grtaPr I V eyed la IeVrosy uo cAntrary. hale idotetminlyd Lo rnalre f 1' by the [Soto Gordon 9prviRg. etnWl trinldenH arrircd wt Yart lixnitoe
Je+1t 40- kaq Buller'nl foveae for immwilate dei- attack upon the IA•kntlorw lit Prk Inclose toxins. notably hemolystne i rtaixd. - 8t g pMeaare, le being br light to nand announced tatDnteIvan an a Tom.
__ i eta #v%' making a settk+mrint of some patell to China. Whoa nsktil how many hart been received tit the Foreign Of- Aral leucutuxtn. to Boerro omtleve to work the boar ts ex-Attnruwr-Oarlaral l+nlclmop ernLfrom n oertnlndusty ix,t nt,ate.
tend with .in ry n in l'o rm ell wleeit" tn,ops he could elate from !bath Ilm I'ruf• MPIcINifkott Jx+rmlttwd a cur gee stun minae, wit's a deepA4 h to JuID the ('abinei, ataA the effort olid Tess Prltd, rN R'aletr' sun dJll put 11P
will bare a �rre hand a.n d will rent Ire Afrk'a, i.or* R6M1rtmi at first repilf4i -The Attack ow the Rorts. J,ort(]ent to read- ata autvnnee cop,' from ZA,rentoo Mnrgarz, and there are probabl tueopeect. AM to o/fend tins giver, JPS Iwcould
i12terfeve.l with I int h" could nut wpwro w wingl" mon Th oro eeceral pereiu12m of Lha aei a pamphlet, ••Revue de Quehluev a 1tt
The'Prrrlble Gels fg $a. -bade of bar golcd, valued at It a tetrtrorl that nx=['remfer wewioely nccr,prt, su hu some wry or
R• until he hn•1 lLxaght n deckrice tattl., .whit i,pxon the Tnku torte, one being Tr vnnx aur In ik•}Cecerasenc•e 4o"ll"." E:; 000 (b0, with PetwLdent Kruger. Schreiner will be wntufled If Mr• &,lo- anotias taw mulderr worn returned
Kong. June 18. --Thio Jirtttsh with (.Pn Botha, the rummandrutt•grit- that the C'hlnseo It extreme!" tPullalcal fund felly In- p ccepta a paiJollo In the new
apeued foie upon tine ]i:. hltl�}n, In hLv ruclnmatfm c1e- mon n anon Llsrre was no offence.
-firot C ass crubier Terrjth�e witk erAI of the Roev arfRv, Am tis men,ling fleet, another that an ultimatum war Le &td only to mpxtillmtt. Tt Aenis cls -fax title F rill (hate mtAl free wand Cabinet
trvxgle, failed fur Tien TaM %hill (morn Away of any part rat tho Hritlwh force agnt from Chit Admirals, and thA rtdrd larg wtth the o+tu.ea of senile ds- lndependout says the_ fact that the , --- mal. Tttl'F:.1/)HN BROW V, '
Snag. (wV%min Percy til. Scott, of the mmdd en,rwtrngw the Fkwr.# to prolon nay, nI%,Ljr in rf,.,th. Referring to
[ that a Irirge force of marltser was f: ret arm!' >b Ye to the field renrlwrm The �lotirtrd <'Anodlaun.
Territrie•. to stilling• Arratirgl their nvdatetrmw. Nit when the Govern• rlpp(ipd for the rotection of the wort. the ell Iatte.d M•Ilef that tie 61i )+
to Into! n noel." x,u)xier And utltr•r ,runt wt }AnArxi th, cit and P J IAr:d Jtaibe nnnezxtJrw contrary /:ommowtlenaP F:►tlmwte lir Hln ('hrr-
1 proposed m ThP ('hltsrs" an Inite t attrtlxitis of all IfchR � Mantrenl, Junw`,17.-Tlx Roar pots
glung wrtr, sllPnrel jn nay tr IntP: nn law. Ilwtsvr Lhe follow 1
whtPs guru (o: land iseri•iew. Tit" Ixard Roberta coneonilott to taw ore of t#vl.g.. P Metd►r1koff says that g mplclal cable meter by If lit Slater.
ev-int nftrr wrvernl hewtrm' ltomhsrd- bti: La `v -e too Urt'er Ifnrger• from Lu$ufn:
8rltfnh flrotc:,trar armcrrefl rrulm•r the mtx+rP mPntlrmed tone from GPs- Ment, null the fortes were, occupied by ogler ght In vain ti(or The only murvlvlgg m"mtx+r of Lh"
('mf,antrni her,nxldenly M1wn order oral Fbdler's commmed the mArlat,a. :u„ proof o fh1w. i!A potnL ort the IAond,n, .Jun+ 18.-1iv. fi.4 \Vhlt"• y wldrlt Acis John Brown to
L.M1(m, Jaa*e 19.yThP L i:enf,)iur- Tamil
wf north nodes me'lled orders. Nhe Welopormarm i. olopmmtlt of Lhe Wiwi of ((urs c:o-r nt Vf the Tbmem, un- Lir, apex•lal war co Melt : of the the world and th"
Itunalm V\'tont., Vxlfnrsctlen. ItPlltf Mor(,P Returxa: - .`Ur, with the ('ruga( n Mounted YonrngAxt and Inst
x ill wail lrnni e�s'r it+,ly. I Immortality o tdtl(llnlap animals and tkr yesterday's dual,, nays : of tine ili childteun Ins Mra. Martha
l,ondnn, June 18.--.1 demlontch from Tie. Brltteh Admiral, with •',8011 p:nnta, whih re reprro.luce.l Intfetl- , "Jean a Van LPuwon, who left PrP- Rlllrw, write, am follow■ r der Ilateor
Fore nrr 1'umltlon 1'rrllunn. v 2i [ Uncls. of Ht. Johns, king In r re -
4t drhnRhml rmys Rowel" has Amm�u,kct tixtrmat, (Ari returned to Tfect Tein hlLrly tw reppoa► .J Ivlebn. Reis tains with n permYt fru the Mllltnry Krcxtrlsturl, lin,v led: "Durlpg our tout ,,tit la4snlww In talthtg of bre two- -" - `-'
CohAon, Jou, 18 LVlth tit,• re ,rte fifty mildioh tnelm Inde noity' fur tlae owing to lack of supplies and other mourn hoI is tI 't ith rfglnate,l by Onvernment, is un(krwtt I to have Im•n, we havoc hear oat ""ey hand ox' +
1x y po,yeillnlnr or rnl on ,nceount of onsite ther'x rearetesr. she mnbl, when nrtcl
,-,ming tl�rargh Tier Tsin that the Anmag" done to tit Chinese rnllroade rens v ns not vet crit dell annoaunced R town taw boarbr (ff :a vo I meseng i„rw of admiration At thdeefflolant If rho thought hiwlory #vital ,lone Juw• -
�a bt which Ruasiarw ate_:4 tag teed.__ ThCv wildndrawiil of the relhH force tine difference arising _ ,bgiLvys f yes• mnuuer in whIch the Canadlnrf aunt .
-- ifnxe,n Lorene tnsesactel a Hunner of - - - - - f•-om the Brtt}mh nuthoritl to Preal- flus to him : •'Nn. 1 don't. Hlsto --
oatl, q�wnvertr tial eervantw of for- Y.ngrtement fiolwg oa ! hav left thnT.rgationm, if Wbe mem�"n mlitatnR unit nom,ratle cell+, oonclud- cent K'r Pr, to tar effect t�nn% if hs ell Riflon have performed town ro -
aro wtlll allre, rnt'rely dependent ulxxn itg that tttn rtrtl venae of Anatb must rind eery elan maw work nsa laxw been eery ftx,llmli. ()nw clow
__ ei(zmrh awn of tis city of 1'ekla, the would eu: render now he wood(] not be . ifP ,
Berlin, .Tune 18. 1.80 p. an.-T1hr fiver• ttdr own res6atvet wnd at the metvy tR, moaght, llbt Iff wtutel tit tdlgntle (Iran. The marvelonw wn tow h historiams h s calind film a "Alois
sit ton In the ear Past appears p: r- mon Coulml at Che•Foo cables that nn tw•nt entd (of Lhe counDry. Vn12 LPuwen y flit% he wan far from roil •inn
of tit, $rorbw Lotxd tirtlLbtsty'e and Jnr, calk+, but In Lhe (Inuitq thwn of the re- they Ince gtxte through the tneavfeot 'R
titA grwvrr. T)u wrilt to th” dlfff- , t war tnablo to see N.-. Kruger, nut There were thooraxrxN of tathrr sn"n
emgn[em-nt to proceeding at Taku Broderlcko atatPmente in Farliamralt ro•tnctive '
":"Ltlele cwm•s the 12rtre that Lair p ilowcr of ha cetlr• {salt. w•hwtt aranng the h b[Achttdix r i rltl" wrul wind IN lige itnt wuf}erin�
tlelbweetu the Chlopoe forts anti the left the painful tmpro,w'on that tt1#- Netchtilkoff entero fully Into th" P rx� p nay cruufaAtlws Its also n aubjnct n( who worked. with him and 11PIw Lhe
Rh+rnlb I•orafn:ml(;,sio.n 1ee11vpgrl fo n wnndil he told fitata 8we:rtnry Rents. T same convictions who ware lit ms
,+hon lets P"• worst had Dot been told, and that atrophy- of certain vo11A of old people much cxommeriL. llurhlq tlw weak a h
(shat and Tien Tain is toltaltyin' pprngal Infantry (Irdrrrd ort. teen• how h1 n n mtutfacn of frirelRn� oral brute nnlnualw ntid the exlerl fwtLrpormrteA atm tdrin of werralin I (ktechrtwut 40falna+Inlrrlrr"1 of oarrn n good AN Joho. bit% they hnvP nAcer
trrnppteA (k,aruqux12tly, the pwcnll-
AL-• R. •1. H. Fortnier, lured sof bre•n px•ntlurletl for n
ere At Patio The only mcxrrreof rondo- mrhtm maple on the dotter by thn from Ur/ four_wqundronw, under rem• Pine" in the
irnR nnoertalnt,• nal to tare fitctr And ;yndn, .Torr+ 18.-I12 rotiwrpuen,,r, of latlots for memtx•��f 'L,313ovanl Secret 4arvico, ;w toting to enlPndnr nal snlntm. Another clary of 1
lxsaiMlitlwn of Litt• wdtuatola will Ile the ravit of the Chinese situation, 1'arllame,at waw Lnrualoh of f"ranor „ to, erlleok tbw A� Eu-� very mp,i,lant re,rret do•u- r1d of Captain Chaltmra, togetieT
R Y ttwJftkwmatkin t�L'T`hmillt1"LlFtttitwTt f" T)IIiM`Irt+FJ[l tide dleadly struggle tri n expmdron of the Imperial hlrtorisns has mrulw him out n rmnw-
4110% entuated. (6 is generally reoog- the eleventh 1 Infa hawbten meatb,'. tic Anti n fool. lie,. was neither. He
BgW Irltry jklt urden.T Lo mail pffi nuns t1+nL h -"a can the vW-io,r relit, n s&,e Mou tttl Fn(an:ry, (lin whr,IP nodwr the a -��� ytang tea. wttk-.-•-•-
nasal tx»► that t1lC I,oeltlQp{ o.� the for ordrreal to ( BrlLlraa.-Jx-^^^n ,..1 r..,..,r , _yw.. herL_fyfL Jllnthr �f,w,_e�. ..�•,�-
„1'Ih at Pekin 1s pf+rtlas, tie theire 1 . !4. 'rroopm tw Pekin. irould ham I at Tak l art Thursday, with n filch detour the ntrophl,; c•e'kl Hud IAmdon, dune 111.-11'ILG 1.h" Px(ep- ova's witty miler, wlLlxnit coop nfi and. stmlig r-onvl•tlonm. who did halt Tr. -
aro Dtrt a fpw shit wtepm front the additional r"perveln (n tar, way from atrunetlmnt captain plinxetcytas. e.g., tion of cert, fioh+rts'- dao tch an- dibi ca Ilevw that he round co1x a"r thw
m anners of the wercenta.uf.tate4taerm . 1Vnellingta.A, .Tup!!•18.,.-no War Ile. \feitfiefwaxF Aritish, pxortA Ther" 1t#-- Ixt R prWeed twenty -tour Boo_ . In- lieve . but rho co thwt the Htit%
b+ tt" klllln sal the foMl Hers theD1- Vnztnx,+nt rerraflrmv tit" sopor£ that mn,:cn;nr ,orcololap•ma, AM do the at• nonhetnR the xrrivnl or Gtai. BAdota- eluding a commandant, a6mo Fleld r$[
ill tb R g latel relnfer,Pmrmta Impliral, necorA- m•,h,4W of rtrint.,d ribrem.,, per's Ferry stroke would Arou►w . _
It a mafuael" in iavo+jP&11 mays the Oth J:ntantry haw lawn ordered ing to nlnrmbAr, that n cntantry he + Powell »li 1 re4ront than+ ► , atsnhiLPl,v Cornet", wnd ottllt,I t CAtn, and re4urn h,Lh the North And the &outh And
then polar redncxd from Mnnlln to' Chian. Cut. Llnc:nm tthV . Uo rtlfy -the v!t nc•hrtnw Is,.bplPi nn war Hewn road 8nith .1fr n. ad to rump pIthroilt rtvualtiwal.
to Mfo^rIng o, -lief the Mad nlrenrdv cmxurrecl, aaJ Llpat I,", tv fortify •Lha, ueakwt alFllf, and Th^n, ore a'few' tumors fm , r- "To -day U marl And hormem, much would etystalllre sentiment Into ac.
ming pltt"11et1oe, the grauni difll eummnnpfw 1hP reglenPnt, which ham the rellef Tot'oe_had retired Uecawe Lha ax IhnP[ijfAre foot! to PnrAr Mnr p (*a brinefited by t.imlr long rent hPre,Ar" tivity."
vttTty will fx+ Leo rlrclde on t.hP next hod itsl!wndglfl[!twrs At Tarlar abrInt th" 1.PRntlr�pt ha•1 lxett mrissacred that tIM P talo fnlll w vhthal '(1.'m' 'rn" of whish t "iion't !Fall$ think n groat 4tate like
mtwp The wen can neither enrnm two hourn' dlwtult by rail from tfwQ raR y th • Brltlmh trcx,}st news Srcfiwrlu p. now In A arot{IUon to stand any
De p There were alta, e,sp.elotns that the will be able to offer to r resat. \'irgfnin tmlg,rs Imor hen more sent
rv'rnutsnantly to Pekin new leave until Inn. War Ile artment offbr•fate "nJ,v 'ite I:It ntntes flat Oe,n Roberinnt wamonntnf rJ,iPt Ix4w k and henlxhlpw.
It In ewtAbliaheal that the Oov"rnmrnt that the r Rimant robahly tw til- Tnku to --t•.# me lawn nnyth ng t when Of n rs tato eh re,igta- o,may he lit .Imo• 1^th thatat"1 to ('gmmnrMnnt' two b lutcP JnAk Ixedy Il erawt fur the rout force? she a o Anll 1, A l ry
P It wttm tit+ In tA, to do nnythtnq to snore or ooa wurh rerfvtnnca' malty 11e In kss tomo 7" etre tofu n.rtwl, Mull r,
1" Prepared to respect Internnttcxlal rmdJ aboard tow tramPllrt nn'I the IA+gatla4m. 4hanghal deepatchen Aetiilterly (:"n. H,tha thmt hw dfsnrM. VrdntlnR bw'a t,nttnituu,a,ivlth tI1P Hast of (k•n.
f Pro'ongerl. out thnb-anrrencMr, wft"r 4hw bravo Nutton'w brl apt•, anti a strop Pllrvl to a snrprlaln ton
"bllgatlrltwe, wed Able to hold l'hlnm err r# -odor to moll fur (:Alan. (fr ort mention thw Atneclemn fret ns - vondurt of tis burglierm, epukl not 1x, et envnlry to m:aml• tai,morroa art 7 "No; John wnd �la mmrAflon werm
R M.ner. , y Porta RerreaderPA to timg pn.rt in Huttday's ham bard- hot Iealmnt toward V1 eta: pteA
Rrlttola la AIPrt. Unrtyle w Rapid Madder. dfrhumornMP, Anti wonla preventmnrh A.m. T111m to nnAr+ratxxt to b1 tine
Wwahingtun, .lard t8.-ThP Nn, march, which Inwte•d siz h:.u-a. in Irulltutionw, And 1 never bbame.t
Rete ren at Pekin. y VVI A fit (3(y* Buthn, It lm wvM, wont- oil PrtAi of raid genwral riclvmn(r ups
(r•n,lnn, .inns 16.-A ('AMnet m"wt 1)epartrrxnt haw hePn Inform"d by R ora• do wt Alnn"r n J�t,ualPmwn- M a a1x tlayn' armlmttce+ to\corutAPr era PrwtArrin, Ltr, f?twt na mmny hnvP. .\ceetrdfng
Inn held t g nosed. d1. may ire, by tNNo fgJhO of „lily "(bl. Evarin commands tins drat 4t ear' N11t(nu,l, nt"i v4ats ('oestitn.
ander the Prettldencr Admiral Kempff that the TAkn WhNc the monber. of fore' hers In Mr. olntystolie" connr•IPntdns Rtesti- wi uir tour. Orn. - Onym,w whew Uorai, John 'Was u rn No nation no,
of Lord (xIt v, wrha etaxe,rtled AI- fo-tm ,aRPrdny fitwd fln the lorslan China Is auppwterl to b" nbntt 12,000, t wlflhl 4, gtnnt flee do}s, whratP,ga m txh.ttnllon In J,Iwr1P of (bl. Hwipntnrr, rrlJ
I r n"*t wholly, lth the mltuaVou Iii nhlram total wftwr A brief engagement lwcludlnR 1,800 Americana, tit tenet rat.bon a him Loud. for Lhe grant Onrr. thn tfacltnel err ant"rJrilniha hdrwllAa:1 ix+trhe. 11ia}or HhwwrtihpAlan Wta4Pcnn trlwtwtP Ito tkl,redatkx$s0f
Rhino slirrentMMd. ora• -half Lire In J3hnnghnf, and not statesman was not one to Pat In p}opomml, and hosttlltiee woM mwumed. hnldnd W flHan Im +rtant manindilg bandn of men, nn ntatl"r
p pomltfef12
___ mo a than 8U0, tt w> mwey, wrntlA hnate nrM rryNnt wt IeltuM - rr Nin ,1P want t "ale•Ir pnlrpdw Im. 1iP would n(vt
t'mku I/rrupMA, l rmai Vwere iry `Mrs n
i "plOn, •Tune IR. Ahnn hili Im t., Tkr Mtddlw(1 t thwr ip the F.mhnwwy Vft I 11 olio( o . "Ye Lo dy.'+rpshi Hwdrw•PoAdll 1n Prebrla. Hail nlmo rrmnlnm hrtr fnrharRw ,1( fA'Ip•rnte ft tocfwT. .( Mttd tram nn
1h••' K Joubn. .htwae IR.-.\ (Its ali,e h trpitn erwlriwtvvw tit Pwtln. Notions cnnv"rte ('arlyk• hod Dwu. 1'Ps." �aM ylr bhw rrmrxmt M a li"111109 ,�+4i4s wt4.m wln
frAnt w aln with tbr, mtat"hlent a U,n,knn, Tun" 18. -in a dew t•h p*'t••' 1 R t+, over
that. the Teen forto hmvp hewn fx•(•n ('fFc Fax+ npA"r.-to rNy'w An 4, fay", to Chtrlerllnntt,v anti wPrv.ants of Euro- of ton". Ise smoked taxi mach. 1 , P+i - - throw our Ment Inntltrttioull would
The forces Of this comhined floPtr intnl F rrtlrIn, .June 18th, Oen. Rah he ca otur"(d,
(aivJ b� Lha IntPtnntlunnl trop . Ar. nM wcarld er,nwlAe, rally lhrrwwww hove (recti Lull that its me gnnntl- ' Twenty-thrwr Prr+on- nno,ta.•d, 1 JOh1n utPrl and pry,bmbl
rv.rAln exrnp4N aha Twkn nxrtth fwN yw • Pe rrW inlormm aha K'ar Offlae thnL fi"n- y
R ter w ('IrP Frx,1 17 Liar mrmbs of rrfott(s,we wt aha F'm Lks of w(rclAwn JRlrt(terbrow(1 pod ha exkc•utwt, sins Jotrn ant hen pRn wEh.
(nrtr, o rrpwn %Palm} n/tar wxp1a11etR n mngwtMr. Aures. TMv Witieh enrh.eur" WAG w'wr a rtp1d fowler. 1 lanrhel with ilnikn-Powell, thm Myo of th•• w1eXe Kingntun. Jnrenlcm, Jane 1:r. R-1- Tha*'whia rswrb to war itstow nkat
Iwnevl firm upon tit wnrmhlpn. The Rrltimh r$nlxnk AWor'lnn wan him unto dw writ hw tumblM Ills of MafrklnR. han arrived In the Trnns. twh (Inlenw mnif new.# rery,rtm nn -..thy anii
whrrrlila,zl the ►Ir Pt N Lel 1111,1 >< ennt varalt.d. other river brat neeldiant .Tian#- 10th, J y i1eTJah
LhP In.. ivrt, lx$% all that LwRwton„ by It."
rymnrlRwrl amt tor►of ries nffkwn And ww-•e Optomlly AefenPPlaw Lady food Into he stmm�rh. It tram like whom a bat with 28 pesono was �,ff"rn Idttl" Pwwgs.
.Ih•nrM Lhe ('blooms( Rann, amt Lhaln• frau milt( were wonnilP:d. JAp,n nnI , xaiting lwttv"."Afteramlis(hLpnnw•. `--
t•rnstional fore" "IIIr.Ploontiv landed RnrrM mit M;x,rtwl tr+ lr" Innrting n Macdonald, with mpvwrnl "hJdrwA. I
all"l m•Ised the ionto. ThP news of Mr. (Ilnrtwt/n" AdMwl: 'Y7nrly,lP 1111 Nem. Iteltz Mwtlm f"r Knrope. pti,eipita"d over the !Alin of (IuynN
tarrte• fon" of trop All Ins (t, Thin with thw anent Al:xhm ndor. ! i,or,•nzop Marr net, ,Tune 1H.-- lira. rIvor, and dashed to IYhPh Jlrit tont young hr noffPrewt
(* J TM1 mrxrt omhx+nt F,n I tAtmart In talk ,11 to pmt ala JAwH, rx ,, t to t pinoes. All betide
thI" Prt��,mr+stt 1" rtntr l to hm:P q ' � 1 p (;d.l.t, olio t the Tnuutnnl L4taM "err Ipst, from n kwPn and knowing {loin.
i hem.' tmlt '7
'"e•n hrnng}1L to f'h1• hm br n .Imp Pettit WAG R1rtr+rt Hnrt. wt"a hnA k Bernuwto h#- tvir$IA Mat w"nal w lot of
4""' wnrobip, halt rife ,ret.• of 11.1112 •Imp. Flack el Tien 'rpfn. ev"06(thiorlmp,rlAl marf.tlmo else- Now It. 1. the 1Lt11kase. nccomnntwdnla hi,r�(nmlly. to•tety, Thr• NAtlr,nal Rnnk Irl Mwxdno has wnt•hrharm on film chnln.
f1e,•nrrcnae M not iven. .%(_,,rain to iAeok,n. •Tina 1R." The Admlralty torttw and llvrai anew- the French Em- y --_- declared a dividenr1 flit 17 r Now he to old# -r, And of poor" he
"'I'cP " th, ('Sheol, ham' nnlm-nt OffIc` how,o•f the fotbwln¢ •,f heavy. t(oflw, June 17. Ot, Ing to tit ant. Pr' muff" m mull the while,
foil, It• 11 I.rnn Chw Foo. under --_ Vthm tnmh'e Ili tiro varnn (+lmtrlet, KruJrPr In Nrrhlr atanMllea. "#-n t, nn th" twwlnatst Aorx1 Immo yew-.
1 an nitlmnlnm wont Iy the fidtl (lacap fur thoush M 12sa S,xrw owe
,,mmnhderm of rho first., toddy's .lots ' The Japwow•x, MAI 4040 ('HINMMt KILLER. " "quad" of cn,alry sent to the (Aon•fta, Judie 18-A drop t( -h from The ontArlo flesh Mittens' Amenre hay %hwr'vw Mryr Rowe d� all
ref wmr T• cnhawl ham jI t nrr',r I 11 hit" of 1Mrrgtik,ltuk wwrw fired on cap1 Tow* matt Jt t" trprvrtell there tion to holrIII a c6eventlon at the styls
An Anah{9awwm I►rnpatrh. that `rtr•14rat Erager 1n Id A fr"irte Bellevue Instttttw
frvxtl TwkA Wrw teipxitkm that the ftrlven F sono the /NM t( eM rfdnt 't12ttrnq tit march and two offhPtw l
f" official A tch from t.h- f -r rommwiewr In ,•hW nn I tr ot- nal• killed The potdlwrsp relnriwl the fly", (con•titlttn 04evrel Aylmr.• !nsppr'tc,l the I,on t atrllu, ham Mhen
Handl rellw of the Ilaye"t. MIN— wt the
rnnw+ilfi" at ('h,• F'oo res Pival Mitt tit Tk•tt TWIn." wennrting thirty pentoenta. A "oak" o/ dap, u)mt., m0lta-y enmp and i ke RPlle Inland mltw. a ion m!fva f-om
hu Prrlln Panflrrrhs tbn nrrlvsl of w IA,nrfrn. .f+are /9,--A 1st>/R1eA t.A wIPRn hwa ►mien( pdrlrtnirped In tM,Vfr Imrd llsynr f•otd elf. \\ m) . ID opmpltmentary brmx of All be Rt. .Inlin'w, Newfoundlwnd, where Z,-
f"P"neq tarp*& boa$ wltl tit fol- iondu*, ,tone 11it.-A drapatch r• : 1 the Tteee.e frvrm ftainglal S1 1 from no and Rksmta dbtri&b. llwthearis", Jure 1[ -Roy W. tow. 000 DN* are e
,.,. - yleyeA.
..-. \" .. Al ,-..w, •.rte w .--.Wmm-
. . -_ e
t -,
,,,1 }vols ., ata .e ' 'I�I[x .,w ,
7 ': '"!,'.tiro .,-r:j,.. s , , , - sh-.:,iltlt _!_ .>•` s_ _s`td,-,�C( _s�TJ�. r JAI&-, H;... t._.,. _ .. ., . _. r .. `v. ,"'k1�iSer3Ldl .... a . ri..r'`.._.. _, _ ..s...._. 4.1.E � ,,y;"•a"' • ..,,.log i._. N_
: xra. �.-.....:L-,,.A:al..._. ..dee__ _ 1 _.-.a....e_i»E.4._ 4nr,_ _ _ y ti. 0. ,x•.