The Signal, 1900-6-21, Page 6- - Y
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-_---_. 'ton et heart, pussurdng IuhereuNy landed In ustec but 1 did trot Aran _ _._._.__ HOW TO HAKK FUDUF• ISSUE r 1' 1
Q 1, '3t• F e d 2e,. 1 Jul►,
the old wnu'e ta:ent of umarriOd this until it war Starr loo Irte k, I • _ Lovers of Fudge Will be Dellghted - _
wealth brlug by fes VAW&us un W u( serves " 1 N I h Th H 1
rk reel
unplraewut ltisecuou for there
n ho,ac forturwS were W lila liquids.
••Tau Isis to capture !dm t"
Again the hot flauur of anger burned
a e.
a • T'huoe who etre total of obttaolatle I
R1101101ibill t
C �� JJ
I.aHrrruw HAughwn batt Dust"
bwked chair front the
In I,awreuuu HauYhwu'r face.
•• 1w Wald, " w
'fudge." a ewtlwWwt trier 1.1 wllegeTHE
Wn ioujid
wrlLll/g 1:stlrlr, Berl leauiug loac19. with
tw 1 not trplug,"
iarlp ttUr IweL ,tegrw,Wd euouwtluuu(
IS Uric Acid in the blood. studsuW urlisoclA ,. anti ulutwt uul-
lit. elbows on bin arttd, ds -tttigun W
wy aw-u 11"
Unhealthy kidneys are the I venktll) rtlowu and WWI. will vvol-
acid Wi mow naw reo:ipm fur utter b:uua
- ----- ----------- — - - -1
lold and unfold an empty ouvalops
But for tit" rangy, Intetwo dtwtre Ir
cause of the corner
thee. Itthe kidacyouct of t'ud[e maleotaid from ,w article up
truly Mr. Keith and Oayt+iw '!',.alit dl�lIt a•ujoymnuot of tlau erre un,lcalus
lung thins" Avo"t
un unwhrtakable rlggu that his von
reryaekrp With tits chief clock war urate.
felt to aanure I,Ituwlf of time mrtet
tta'sr of tlmis soapMlwt oI his lrwren%w
es they should they would, I aIle 'llu, 6 Lt rise 1rSI1aa,4rr. !1'La'�a
I 1
rwltiTrd any amount of utWntiWh Tls dancing for a
tw 4ridud thew ter tory rtcxxl lu rl
Mr. Blimp had male a movement to
would ]lave uttered no turtles words
dtrain 4he Uric Acki out rhuuhl ere stlrtv+d wtwRaatly while
of tense •'stem and nccuma- owkuig ;' buttau, vntfil4t anti uutr
fn,ns trio daughter of their htwtetss. lettot+ luoklgg vat un tit" Jim tutamen
retia -a quite unawual prooeedi"K
his heal
oil titin � atltrj(mt. As was,
bear any
% ti%m weuWii t occur. Rhea rhoutJ oder s use aJvfed at .Iia I:trt
w"f though Ilervey was quite aware nicht; cwt it ttuplood nB Inst.
H d, Aware
Juu quite
with film endow �r
sDuwa thin sign of having dolls with
Uaxyi by be woul'.d
wur,tr his , companion might
matiral 6 a Kidney Di.- motuwst. Wooed u of the ouudy I
ball Int ou1J weber it to
ort tlmahough
meal/ty and Ara yvw reSltaxt..• .err
he cwt fret over V.
chooas .0 ray ratter %Joan roe lgn
c:e:e. "d'•D Kidnr)' Piles forams u raft
raxtaw Gu W tuk«n from tier Cee. tvhinh
Seals twL to hem. (Ud rooted
It. lis aottW %tut Jure Je%, Ivw+l Buy ua As les enure he wftly %uuehwt Lha
\u r,ukua4 you wee quite tura,
a havin P,v'"r 'well
the ehenave lit wale day prov'ttg flim
sunt uboapod criminal.
h.,%r )node a gree port Of
their re utat•on curio ( It wort to till a
h S
pleasant commu{..tibine,ai of hlforioril.y hand that lay apart DW urns, and rine
I hilt rival. Looked up with it uuiW tu_saCA lilt
of rucll name
ul•wl the+ records?" repeated Mr.
r conaAos
•'1 never spwit a day lin Quebec
in Its, ildip"
W %train Its M or
K:xua,nlinal. So I -et at and nmol Al into l l the lir
1.•arfnI tltett µ)Nuts
to LIN,I,see ul passible
trim tDs taut tb:4% Hert'ejy' yus•atl,utgs oyes•
1 too oV/liti7 art wrtlll• ''tilliLe reataed, and cwt pain Ir
Haughtu 1, some supf)rer_,ea excite•
snout Stirring hid harsh &ones.
in illy life," raid Boyden, ■t.a,111y
d 'hard, refer•
rt,ufyWlt uta IN%,I
tt:.+ rarst .cf th.•.e
wa a akk
dl.wtink Pains and stilt. Vluutw. Nuts NA, ba rook+J 4. Wes
wuplo to u d atYu W the ebuou-
'I'll" it ` q
to ube the ►artill gown'."
" Nu ,roof at all. Sir. A ow Bo
1 Y tl[ y'
erne t ace, "w' 1 into unrortuuate•
ff I
rchinA jdI
i late tu.>gr 1f ttetLretl To ntuke cxxwa•
rsafli y of Ra,t'elen's Bator+ __ H•! did not, andw•er, but She knew
"Mr. Keith" lies. 1'ayte, fnini tlutt ruble Strong emotion whk•h able
deur Bictnc war called w the liar
ifl IN,r,tl. bat left tate prol"dketu With-
1 io friends there w whom Cali
�,I)eal OO behalf of yews gelSeruIn
but 011, y' out fudge sub.tttute grated [LICK -taut
for otler mluttl In the rreaim fuACc roe
it"r seat at the Plano,, without turn- I cutild not Luny rowprehend found lit-
Ihor head, tolled him dr hr yeanwrt weaned ill thU%,,% -show, lotlg drawn
4, u year."
"That's no evident+@." returttKl Mr.
pial. I Itav unr f"l"ail. is talamr. In
Peru. E�hall apply to buffs Ito poo•
ttef .r• urt:lg. or that which hnr Isou
Dc ��9 6 Kim, ,trk,al a little lu w rluw uvea
hs s4tudil.K In•«Lk• 1 breath.
Ifuugh"i curtly. " l found that out
wlbltl ttdmahgr r your CosolIIt'
rated ter, Axe b+lora or even tlw
pear, and yause.%,
her; It was a lull between the dun^em, TVs" raise was over trod err. Pat'te'r
a wea'L ago."
"M . Kefth." said We lawyer, 1a
p though tet" utlwr
and Iter as were striking only r shrewd eyes were Wruarl fruah the
few 1%lle olwrdr "erre you going W pi Wo saw' tlw dancers sell-'
"That w the lolly mention u( «ucb
a 'l hr eti,w tutwi." .vtt%luu" 1 W.
silly Lalfrcie"altd athger. It ap-
peace w wee ffihet you wUfnll! mla'
I to ray.
a heottet A culiu l
�s ^ •W� 1l- better. .t outdnl of troll chuplmd
for nut also
j flew may Ir• tattoo--
Q�if6 FV't
elk )iotalr to dams"?" Benno rind nsiuYlc with ilea utltrr al--
Slaup, In lilt µrullar of 114111-
uneerrtand what wish
,� 1 with gawd e"I cis-oafwlled tetrose
. No"A' ouµ►pta of th" rem breaking tinea
filed defere:ue uud nasuraueo. "As for
Such eicalidect would make a "uspl-
kater. i.g.a n±nl ettnur- Wo quote
"Wise WL:' Beturr of that ,dowry in,W groups of two and thtvresl, with
drew. Theodora chose W lend tier, lir Isere and there perhapsawe,
the auruumr, there Dave been ueveral
Ke ths, but iwl, Oau Vince 11439,'•
clans my fancy it euro %man pawed-
ble Qat you yuurrelf are Lro nisant
7 ¢
a tire•+ orate (run this article.
1 11 l'lia+ulaq F'ut Feu cup(u's of
the "is that do not tit.':•' I dolitrary figure lett out. as
"Then th's juunley," pat W Mr.
of Gabriel Mydtleltou'm hiding plate.•
s grrnnkttad Sugar. two-th!rds cupful .
No," Do answered, rather grannie, MUr bolt own just then, thougu
Haughton, hsp'ttiratly. •'basgl,On Vont
TLe one txwl lun'ie w-hlcJo Royd"ll
- - to grunuluted Sugar, two -third+ cup-
tulbwlsS the moving fingom on the time brsk little old lady did not 91%e
" that fait the fitful"% bh.iliuw ,A re.
no farther eluu? You tell me now only
exactly whit yew Wit Ill'! 0:1• Tue,
C,aTe theG►ue bnleav_.DLu reed the
w•1s,le depth and %width of tills fuan'r
fill of n"w milk. two sglia" of chu-
'1 111•: 1•: dl'.Itli!l.Y.lIF' l:ll INA. .I caplet^, butt'Y thm sine+ of It walnut.
key's• ' not for that -reason
•'Nie is al- pratty In her ugly gown;' I guet. did" "a* her ;ruldtion so little
day alght whew you rrturnel from
vile+ aurpleical ; but then the leswu
-- van';I W flavor•
t'lew of a tom*u uf�u-
ra+wumetl N,e ofd lady eneretetically, W haart that rhe found herself
a wary amtutealent. as Nvual.
-Tille is ail b -tin been able W
had been Slowly learned before that
Nepal Fudge --Two cupfuls of nut.
care is the(tricnl• rwnJ flow before masaur'
Mr awgar [
"psi TJoeo bra b ler [albala.' to cull
f&l Inu¢LIq¢ly. front the remarks which her keen
"FThoodalbalis !" 4e
•,liecuver, Sir."
„ You evident) uu,'erntand tie an
A aoLrespoaMat ni rho Londe• �Ng, two thlnkt cupful of milt,, tetter "I
•'How stna;e t hear that word! ears received In an iliielt innener. -
--Lawav_ace wan t foe A missatr,`
n +
' yore of a muspiclo". eau. rte skid,
Hatt: -^writ from Pekin, des iribee the Size, td a wpidnat, vafi Alt W fla--
I MOM I�.last la 13puaish Anserinae "Whitt mnllas Your look ru artkuut.
absently .lolding n1µ1 rr.u•diug Lhe
with a stalls.
inn granted the mete lir tor.
' ''Itti a common enough word," re IlotlurT' h►t Dspils • raring uuthln¢
-Will you tell me." inquired Lae'-
foreign w,th the C ree,m Nut Fudge -Two, cupiq's of
[Neem reltre.fedle
the old lady "among "I am not absent.•' said the geed,
of ha clerk's wily )atter linea lib,
with n ded;.•rxte Inst aplwat,
U,ow F:mrx^es lit (9rlua Uh. the rpualatel Sugar. iwotla'nta c
of (
ogee R R
ttwee wio low not solely I:nBllah. It turning tree Dead' from Ixw•nnte
those solely E
ling tn;o. tl-td.len reK•ulle:tiug
•• U you tblait you can let tr! auY
tolbwltts words: In the reception Jul of atilt. Dotter td►a Beth of a mal•
Haughton when he JoAned tier wltli
huladelf, as it seems; ho',whurld,i bur
sarvler to jos in titin?"
hall. the Dowager Iwnid hRlt: vtttanut to flavor, artN egpfYl S?fc .
trrlost[a w Tpafn and Italy a^.l
1 +x,111 to him with o
•irate esft*•e his w•rltfu -table' sga{n
.. L! f kid Kd Ito tiro rava'h'
, ,11 1 nut meati.
f I d •ti Rt total I
Franc�dun't fancy It peculiar to she a bl , app hg l [ u, a Jr. ro t J [ TOWN. lotlai tg o d e y . r .trolH -.- ---
South Ast dim, peay-and It ll- Agorasea" underly illss liar Impatience. and, nr4&utg toward the door, • toot ••Truth all due defer,, a WA yes and Bot tit all the meatless clrngu she _ Kot W enjoy 11fo. but to elu,.:� i ,
natural lir metlsnn the stupid. (its -"1 wish y(w w,ntld not loot at toe; un hie pert. W %Jnr law you upitold. I would hot, is atnitaonly dCyictrl. weir nr•,ttwlon It your child is pale, peevish, -Sad ought Were our nim and hop,r.,i: ,'
Laicren.w-- wiry should Jou?" Ur'. yi'tn milkel ewftly act`tesr teen 'f I ouold. Iia all aglinu, Istmo er re w rnteM dais. anti wA a rl lhtl hiw• yaodutf. I
girls word Isn't
Itlowd, which there '[ s dtrew tSrt thrice, a due+ uI f)IUNr�s -
G "Let ntu loot at whom I mKS•' to car reel (none and rlursd tDe a ere- para, In leadiu u Ina nNn iuw un
girls Bra lan't It aaA," she nJJed, F ¢ 1>r .orW rent.. wit the Emlwusti w ho kwk• N'urw Puwdc+t'ryp'caalAounlly w141 core. - --- -
with a yule% change of tone and a atstcertd moodily. "It W AI%varn you li'.nJ hot witU•wt a wyrel. •lin s u61 ilv'tty`' of more ohaertul tins nduul, brit was r
- keen upward glance, •'to see Hogue I(g� � Bpd %has Sudden thoughtful fit hA summoned, fipiri, Ile knew, w`bea '•}up do apt kuu%t, thetl. saythfug P%itlrntl Is ver feeble health. Af• a /► N F
1C(fee your last rendre was. W land the ariy, ferther p1411" were tsieemtxhtml. ,at OabrW it•,.s?, --- Y J , iratla Rubber ,dila. VININIfl ROME ..__
-_ ----- Craven euJtlnR helaelf so childishly, - F -4L -Aw:tar >rnSl-1'l1ciloPtION thu 1 filer 1 ■�v
least. unlike you, Honor. and Ait7f tiitTi7aiY"s!tt'r tt(rryar: finugtf , h.rtD1 oou7rf ur,ro ilttttiv $ norm. where tea and 11 A.hmcatr pinuw wltPrs
1p spite of captain Trent's repeated ,.Naw 1 mutt g„ and th,u,k liar 1 w."* wuductud int nn ndXiiillu(� Tudla �uTifiiF-�t►iht for lir" is
reprimands " tat' opoked the duo friths chief clerk's shuWU the dfela+ra u• .+.igerurr« with ordGgtry, Salim are list
,,captain 'rre:ae is Ari weariul1�� Liar• Payte for playing for me,." uff;oe. Which t:awreoea Haughton soaght to
self out," said Roydan en a IefiurEly For you?" rejuin.til Mr. Efd"ll "I shall be out for ton minute•il." d at a Muth %, h,ch Illy to -10114 perm eervitl`a pa soar atter the Ins• bIP w ntrrtlAlon, e`lC a QPrutau n.,v 1': u turn all IeEiIro ucolands, nil,
Lou sulkily. "Tial thnutt ere duP Ito tw saber "ao p,ayre."- s hl.` -teach than title µ•rrlfrnre in h1r, p"rhtf lutlr rutted to and )ninglr.l nn- Plty. I w►ter, clilaatr, rerwron, truluet►; irrits.
tune. "Captain Tre•n• is one 'of tion qt eemitu'llbusly with their. guest". ber•ies, rnAe bf eaklrat elan h
1Yhe 3a•ra and her ler. Lease it He tint not lance Jot at the lower foNla of Rcl+.lrn i►eith and lflcani'r Llnlrtwnt Ir usu l by PII rl- iOO+ {'rte•
isdividua;s who ars sW_to L g [ r [raylolr e' few w•dntrs to each end J' r
to them. Herpr." ---- _�- __ ar"M as tee Attested tent the -two Jot himuetf open t•• the 00011 eRA . Claus reading the \'ia,:tniA Fnatu►a. SeaQ 1ri<.,
•troll through _liter:_.-- . r •Treat linage w mote ualatniaoa• rhathsg hapdr.
ctarke heard his step tmd looker' pelt Immid jriuders av il:ch Calied - him 4, for Nene hoot*' w to _
And they ars the wIhmiW. too,' is• M' retnArkeet r ihfso .t\e flowngt'e Fmpv Subscription
readily with low Iwop w �d�• which way he wept: more as iia b or ttlell mune could
sertavd lin. Payee, wits unmistakable Theodore, to Captsip Trep�as wire Che itaM d eleoark fee* lThluisee 1e t`' ^'M sit! KS►w•'=_
haunts Why skt+hld ed_ t!o for dh'enlm of o Ines the laevo biter anA )I�e l ltim with n Iruu /PII• rill"*" orf t rbu � M"'1
-- - . tea kn.urouallD
tbroush _._._ -_� tnantPreA miter 1t1+R T*P �< y►leess rtrcot Llf\tf t3F E1L�-R ..'e-.: drat tttael� 4.rn+rr-�rewtegs► ale! -- ars r" w - - -- - -
top - as soma o Jts -D out °Fr7imttr Sc' ua• 1t we fpb*U'fmw O•h EmpNrla, 1'a,
Ix' m )Utter rat. "Duern'i slip loot • O
"Or trip through It-ao some we- they fed is the lawyer'. firoeetst were NYtited'-b;• thin roan wth,at he strwilit. and J�althy•hx,kiag boy of year." "I know- The ,lure• worn _ _
nheard laying howl( out to •,tlr►tLngp. 61341)acted. yet abed w"t he could , wUd, but the farmer %v Liu owtleI thein
taco dor' sai4 Roydaa. with a smile. ,.W -W that cxtstlt?" cocrect.ed M1M o 14. who liar n rerPntiy selected LIVrAOaMTaa••trtOfia►tiilVtGOprAnllt
"Or stalk through it -ss some other 'oto Ube Royal Hotel l What's pn.ce tfaAltlrtg. Ter putt t.xu, lit whom as suo(+asoor to - the thrcuw in de- I wes' neer our new '•hlssow slid 'Return Iheuuum
Treat, uncomfortably caxsw+hour not up I" -thaw h , haul c vpnutrrohdmled e'en _ plans. Agents41don or Roane orris au1„)ut.
women do r' added 4 b old iady, with s fault of a direct twir. wan brought
Royden'S. presence. " Bitter Use ." Illmaelf the turcP: Jr Strength. or r:perka.r. mortes In rani oautl. In.urun
• sl), swift glania at )Ails HAnghl d.. „ice--c.h. yes, of contralto,
nation T, forward .and tntnxtu, to the dud• s
"Rave you asked iter to dancer, But It • war et" order for bitter aaeauucas of the Inn -he wits acute la twee orae tante �Ulon. later Lire w..ur
.1 Tea I have as Oa knelt Hervey, obeying eery read• } r les. Sham t,^ salute b) AnAAPnty I A VALUABLE RECIPE anaeHaelatt'Torwaaw
ked Hien H ht•)n, . P J r which Sir, Ha,mgDN>n gate sa ly ,cud bltkaly wit.' -tier
and she retuned raft -+s )vu did:' Ile Itis cousin'/ command to look atit* walked Into the :entbule of the smallest and [tort cable je&1• thn)whiit o jlwtxl n. right an•
ro\,u Otte Haim �lw looks pretty, doesn't Roo al Hotel unav of mulch z' start' d b cu fdi+ wi A Tine v with lu« t 1, e. ,.rater , For Courhs Colds and Lun �Isealit?!! I T$'_.I(luie. Use\ -TLV Nerve
l'SA, BY
For raj rewron p + y tier? Very pretty. But, (d cotsraa, IY. wi . n and dome _._..._ M. Oivrt Kenr 14. air. G
x bly Ilia Lha of Wfaking hawd•r. 1
evening of dancing would rave me Ik Mr. Keith wi int -'he gek�d Ab meanly jl+alutte of t f:ue rind or veno NU A atter not tit
Like the Dutch skipper Toho came Loma you are right, Theo." at the, w'a'ter. figureso euperkrr w his %%'a . Ael[Ish TAP Ik,wrDgPr F:mnitrntts pre-wntr,l Tatra holt unmoor full flat Doti tea telt Hsrtd to tet An•n In t. Im.�+
v ilow of the luzarl„m at r.Al!1etm Pach euuus with f�Qp aa•t tti�t, h' n( t11e GERMAN DRUST BALSAM delemu li for tL.e.tut crus t- • int la.ila
�\• down of ears M �a
SO tbia that his wife and his sister CHAPTER XIL \taw hotel well BMs rule, k•Volr .rte j. A.Aarto Uw�otruU«u,e•tn t
The officer of Meirrr. Cottee ♦ quick and observant: atm the mut OW Donn IK.sees•sal: anl�rlly " ('litrrre are'etarier remi4ved (lo1r I Vernal10!- --
could not boll lurk at trim at the q __
Nme time. Tea minter ago," she [tau 6Wu,rls of Mo wPa'eu i{Frt - W whom the lawyer-nddras.-rl tlu. or the mystery whlch \ surrimunded _ Four or it nevertrtl- loeire
resumed, p!a)iug a diddle `` ¢ P'I questim w s.urr Pzcrpt;on. While he h.u1 : en%ageiy jeoakrid, a to u u( nulla of alit_ I Iwo wrerlaie reuet. M is Shw!d as
V lwyal Hotel, lu the moot important the -o••vior Ire sti•a(mi W rr.rea, lit
Bader, "I board Nies Hrugbtos won •reset In Klnbury. Tits aituattat win aru'wured, believe he Is• sir, out i' i't it yottr ever -eY►y datlaa are a tv E . cera at an 1lnituO t. tx from
I meet It,toanxe
de+riA to Mise Trebsrt w6 she uvi:e.l I 11.111 fetch 1�in sermu%." he was w Wining a love for wthWh ther n 7 r. F. Enr, t•hc,n1R, F'.ua It:Itter,Or,r. the,lio
s 7 ae decidedly the beat sl*datlon Jon the lent t himself In n very alit• m Bink jaWr atld rlglt In Bin. '. It :w Aeraaw you nI�e put•IKell. �11111111a .. Ieet Tw«uta
that diragreea isle iiltle Mrs. f'a.;.r Wwn fur u lawyor'r of Og Irf¢ tretlug ksr stra,h, than ll- curs. Mliler'sr O mpuund Iran l'illr will p,r- I a%o •
hero. And unr whom do you think "kr floe, al- ler. 1{pttghtrxt %vas foreat strain. ' ,I,aw;ver Haughttln S t thin etwAlsklm. - - -- - - - --- -- -.---- -
hord� laid the iniquity ll" hunlselt the moot prsperogt lawyer_ Aatsa't t t�el_ir.uuAly air (lie tesuptible atnl u%er-marte ng Jeal• ____ _ • __
o end ruapl'1011 could ha 'e made -'-
"Ua me, 1f she did we justice;' 8414 ,"jitl the r mist were so furnished and ,- -e'e never, been over W rice uey _- Nu Dossier.
wiRpoe Sa bion Wngtlen thW11 �-�1
Boyden, pioYaatly- - - itged as to gtse ate a"Wtec Art ler. Leith brforS -tlliae aren't _ _ °E. _ W coo thittt th►t I lave-wwtaw - -- --- - (��` '
his usual rim torus. tow bj a tes,aewad atieinpt tis L ---JL -- A,
Tee, on ytavii I wan your genote for intprTettre k1QrL�f the wide utas se ff w r a t of same ten ietin oq t bww41, tkx t .h t" asked )Jr.
the'day, sheesald, aqd I of course was practice of the firm. Not that Hr cart one morn k 1 glance at trutg froa�jtw ca,mpanuun. lint use florgorl aexiuusly. J
•tt�� Mr. Ha htaru'r fa ---e ,ell lie re.
obliged M laTited. How Ila yes Llnwbew Houghton had any part- u6 _ •Oh, Itoa" rep;ied tits plryalol►a J
turned with PWrce as thou he did rt), and rdpentetl and enl'iarged
feel ." - tier now. but aw4ig tl.e old ellrnta his gtteitlm "1'm deg I. der up kilos►." _� Imo,
, "Decidedly better .'• Mr. Ilanngg ston's offka+ were •ti;l time went on Into the bar' -wt am un. "Have M% r. there's too hrabl fur I F - -
j�_ - -
•'Then now you are going &o ask offlaes of the firm. alae Lawrence ruuved cousltenance. ' " I properly nsaleratand you -40 t. the water io to on "-Rxch:iuge. --- -- ---
tiomor Craven W Alan,. tills vatoe' lfaNghtott�lmmelf but a mpre«Pnt•v- Rovdirni Ke:th roe!