The Signal, 1900-6-21, Page 5at Tmcgraa. 'lhe htaltktast and presides' town In C+o..t ,"Tt'fhi er11111 °Moistly made by the pod people of Uoderlob for their be.utifui home. The olalm would so doubt be vlgor- eerily ohallooned by many another Iowa, hat 1. • contest ter first plane (t.d•rloh would stead well la the ramal••. The s.: u.•Ies, so the angle formed by the juactlem the Meltiand river with Lek* Huron, 1. • ,..1 floe one. as Nie riveq'ndesed by Its Mob ted well -wooded banks, sweep rooad with a bold and graceful oars* tote the harbor, nosebag many • ok.reelag bit of .oeeory. And iodates from all thet one beset of the h••Ith-riving quality of the otteee-l.dea • brooms that weep over the breed expiate of l&k• Mum, it osueel be mush of • pore den fey the doctor or the undertaker. Ie - deed, t1 Is )oktagly told the% u undertaker who Game t• one town, after wetting for some mout►e is vein for buslaeas, •t length died hlmedl-a 414,101 of .t.rysttoa Tee ' ,merits of the tows as • samm.r resort are beteg more telly re..plaed year by year, ' end many fine cotto s ars Ming seemed in the b../141.1 Mmsestuag Perk. The plan ot the town le quite somas. The huh, or orates, is the court -haunt, w►Nb stands io the middle , 1 • wsll kept park of about sight sores, .round which the phis( batia.en houses are oluet.red Thus central -- space, whtoh- le popol•rly m11c.f "the Miters," le rs•1ly oolsgoasl In shape, and from each &ogle • Isedlug street radiates oat. Four of them .mets Indloate the oar - distal plots of the comp..', and aro sam.d North, South, Best and West respectively. These spew are divided by lour ether streets, es that there .re eight brood and well paved streets, fedi/Alas out tr.m the metre .ad NrmIe.tior In the old.s of a pw- lee% sgs.r., outeid• of wbl.b the streets are ILA oat os the osev.atioael plan. The offset le striking, bat semewksl omfodag to the wearer. who le .pt to leas his beerier' to 'be semewbat .p.darweb-Ilk. Intereea time For many years the tow, j,gred gutsily •loon without any ambition to become a ma.of.otarine and Industrial centre, but within the peas d.oad., owls* t• the eflor'o of • number of of promise spirited bummers mw who formed themselves Into • (:Utzea's Commluss, a Dumber of uoelleetindustries have been 'toured sod • greet impetos ham baea given to the place Among them 1odue• Wine are the orran work., wbirth *vett large b N Rowland sod Australia, the bicycle' Warks, the kalettsg fwtory, the Ksosingtoo $aelters w04114 .ed many otbere. All are hives of tadsetry and oven without assets on the reed find 1t difficult M kW up to their orders. KrI...ly* lmemelr• meat are being made le the harbor N pre- test It prom tin• wild rush of the river dor. lar Ihs.prtng floods. The elevator le maimed le he one of the very best 1a Ossad• and 1h' taolllti.s for the rapid heedile( el drub" u s unsurpassed. Goderlcb is the boom of the Galt I.dastry, but owing Msvw•prodeo- 01m In the early days the Isd.Nty is set is • flourtehl.g ecsdltlon, bar the .apply Is lnaxh•ustlble. The fey Bo. Hues tract is • treat trait-prodootog area, and wells all the varieties mooted well, the •ptoialty is in the production of poems and apples. The keeplog gs.11ty and flavor of the Iattet are •nearp.ead, end the orop In • good veer would fall very 110Ile abort of 1,000,000 barrels. Mr A. Melt. Allan, an enthus- iastic borttealterlse, is the Cemmlalmw Iw ()mediae fruits .1 the Parts Kspodtioe MIs year. 10 was In 1618 that the brave explorer (Ikomplate grit leaded at the south of the >K5.seta.g river. whish wit the Indian same for the Maltlaed, • name wbleh hes bees p.rpotosted In the park. It •fter- wSnlg Wane the looal heedquartsn for the Jima_ rl.4cesrise to their expeditions ' meetg'tb'aperee settlement• of the Ws.. No esMlraat nese made, however, until THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. TiMvltsoAT, June 21, 1900. W.Acheson& So Emphatic high -Class Bargains We quote specie' prices for this week on Dress Goods. A price occasion that will very thoroughly please those who need or desire • magulfioent new dress or skirt --only wade possible by our necessity to realize. 44leek Bleak All Wool Crepone and iesitLjj Moon, muter pries, 91 00, (O„ 46 leak 81k Meha4 i �-- Opopme--a11 tete exc'es's geode -for Modeem* dramas or shirts ; ear prim W beet 91 60 per yard, .shin* title 0Q„ week at �Q� 48 lash 811k sad Wool mixture is Madeleine and trepan designs, very now and eervle.sbN. Regahr value�t Pr yard, $2 26 ; prim now +j .45 CARPETS 350 yards 5 -frame Neenah Brus- sels Carpe". Designs handsome and in beet colorings -a oarpet suitable for any drawing room, parlor or hall. Regular price 91.10 per yard, now spatial at 78 OSNT*. W. Acheson &Son AS SEEN BY A VISITOR. ••eedertek and Meed ahem(' WrIYeta op in T • wwimwSsb A recent number of The weMalaater (Tsrmto) oonteloed • ak•toh et Osderiob, with speolsl relermce to the history. of Preebytwlents•. an this Iowa, wriNs, by Kew. M M.Owger, The Westmtemka's trevelliag repaemNNlve. Tb nruole le ae- oompealed by pietism el Rev. Dr Ure and Rev. J. A. Auderome sad of Koos oharoh. and • ylew at the month o1 the Malsl.od Mr. M.(lresur waste• se u follow. a 18'26, whoa •e ladles tndlas pmt wee se- t•bluhod by N. 8. Gooding esti Frank Deob•mp. Fb.lr Illtle'•ss.re' stood on the trite of the large mill am the harbor, end • trade was carried iso with the Iodises For nest ly two yvere tbry were the eels, whitf/ men at the poet, but in 1828 Mr. Galt, of fhs t:mad• Company, loaoded • setti•ment "ream we have the norm of the preterit Mere. mise Ogleleading figures of those .Orly days of 1MNtilemenl wee the 1st. I)r. Dwbp, whom tomb le situated on the north beak .1 0h. rover, and of whom men; quaint stories are told, bis •uoentrlolt,ee being equalled only by ho•k.ndli0ese ot heart. 1t may W remarked to peering that the ammo of toe river nese uh•oged from the Meuse" time to the Maideud in homer ot 8tr Pere- grine Maitland, the (3overgig ofNpyper U•e•da. The history of I'reebyterteigt a r Gade- r •h data. book to 1840, Dee-b-amaasaera with the oam. of Rev Marauder MaXesal•. 1. nes. the day of smell tbinee, sod chars° united by .11 the etruggles iootd.at to pioneer 1(1e, but the record has town one .1 steady growth, and the maw hu not osly kept pace with the development of the town, bat has else been so small forger le the moulding of its life and eb.r.olr. Mr. \IoK.ozle was •000eeded 1n 1847 by Rev. Charles Fletohoe, and be by Rev. John Fraser. During his pe.tor.te Knox 'bards wee tail. pp Kut stager, the present dM, .t a poet of $9,500. It war In 1862, after the onto• of the U. P. mad Fres Cburoh, Wet Rev: Robert Ure, pastor emeritus of Knox °barna, was Gelled from 8treemeilI., where his name le still held 1n honored. remem- brance. At the Uoloo e( 1875. Koos and 8t Andrew's ohurchge were united, sod Dr. Ure and Roy. Mr. St.veright Moame joint pastors The oh.rgee of Le•burn and Union oh.rohes were added, and worked 10 oonueotioo with the Central ohurob. This rsla•looshlo ooutunu•d until Mr. Sieve/right was appointed as a :Mi lousy to the North - ▪ H• was suoosedd by Rev. J. A. Turnbull, LL H , afterwards of First ohurob, St. Merv'., and now of Wast ohurcb, forgot°. 10 1888 Rey. Jamie A. Auden/oat, B A., wee Indsolsd se mileage* and 55Oeeeee1 N Dr. Un, and two later Dr. Un was cempelld by faille* health to rodeo the charge 1n wile* he bad.. labored .o (.114.1 illy and .aooes.fally for twenty eight years. Is is not extravagance to my that there le 0o me !n Goderlob who to more universally loved and respeoted by all °Lyses than the ysoor•bis doctor who for more th.n forty yuan h.e rendered such seised service to the Church ted to tile oo00try. R@ u e pndlne the 010.1.4 year• of life 10 his beautiful home overlooking the harbor and the blue Huron waters. Mellowed sod sweetened by rears of Christian experl•oge, he le an altogether lovable type of man, end the .otlog peter, Mr. And.r.o., bnd• la him • warm friend and • sympathetic helper. Bxo l0 Lanerk.aire, wetland, la 1823, hie family was origl.slly Freeoh end of Huguenot stook When a young man of n ineteen he °alms to Hsmlltoa, and while ea - gaged In ether 000mpatioo.tudied privately with • view too the ministry Ie 1845 be a.Mred Kaoz College soder Dr. Bale and erne gsadusled 10 10150. Ru first oh.rgs was 1. Street.vllle wbioh he demltted in 1862 to become ml.leter e1 Knox oharoh, Oodertob, until his resignation In 1891. or two •eesions he lectured In Knox College toe Apologstloe sod to the sessions of 1879-80 he gave lectures In Herniation la Qaeee'. Cellon He received his 1). D. from (looen's in 1876, and "rhea the Knox Alumni Anse. oratlon was formed to 1879 was houor.d be le,ng @looted u Its fins president. H. is how in feeble 'width but the sdvanoiog years are eoly adding greater mellowness and eweetaaas of spirit. Undo, the wise and devoted leadership of Mr. Anderson the 000grogsuoo I. enjoylog prosperity. The ohuroh was to 1897 re- modelled and greatly enlarged at • oast of $11,000, with • seating capacity of 1,120, and Ie now • bwetlfal and oommodloos home for the large congregation. Mr Andantes le • gr.doet• of MM1111 U.iww- nev esti the Presbyterlu College, Montreal. sad spent germs and • hall years le hie first ohuge .t W hiteo1Sroh, Brune mash. H. has proved blrmall N be • worthy sseoeesor of his honored et>yAsMr sed yreeaaamer. PARALYSIS OURAOLE. brim Ouse te b. B.. Bywywhws-Tele This Week's Ba Form el Livia( Death Cared by Dodd'• KIdeey Pill., The mast s0rtilag •mmenls of homes belplesseeas le the paralyti@. The vlotIm ozones year oepmlseretlo0, bat ,..eo1s your oily. H. of the palsied bend agility pressing the benumbed side le to be ee.a everywhere w• 40. The most coovlool•g proof that this piti- able 000ditae. u ehe ouleome of kidney disease in the foot that Dodd'. Kidney Pals stare ls, Not generally reooaolzedas • kidney Ma- mas, 11.sesumbe be kidney trealmwt. 1.114 yea ever knew of • auto! Jset think • mumeoll It you do it must hays bees tha work of Dodd'. Kidney Plll., for , other mdlutne e ver yet oared. A •peol•I tato from 8101 I.rd this mora- ss will 'rise uuurelo@Mt• from aloes the Me for the Mtp to Detroit iso the sir. City of 'Toledo. There will be • special train for the re/aro trip atter Ne arrival of the pity of T. ledo 0o Friday evening. HEART DISEASE Is a 'yap's= of iCIdsry Disease. A wall -know doctor has Bald. I eaves yet madea e♦ surd tuition is a case N death from Heart Dosses wieb- sat finding tip Weeps were at fault.' The medicine which wee firth ea the market. meet mases 1W i r Newt amass sad an IIdrtey Trembles, Aged most widely Imitated b r - gains for Cash !- Binder Twine Plymouth Gold Medal, - Plymouth "Special," - Consumer's "Pure Manilla," Screen Doors ▪ 15 cents lb. ▪ 11 cents lb. • 12 cents lb. Complete with hinges, AC, 900., $1.1S and $ 1.25. Hay Fork Rope : Pure Manilla -7-8 in., 1 in., and 1 1-4 in., 15 cents Ib. N_ ID_ ROTTGVT3 TN% OAAH - HARDWARE STORE.___ SO. . Boller Oil OQD -e►.•e . \cwkotexta ttiWitt,10 It 51IttN4 WIUNOT MASI Next bargain days harm 211 Eat Om JY. Robloaes's. " NE_.. WEDDINGS • ,ten STERLING SiLVER and l8omeelegaverynt prettynewdespiec", full weight igns : BERRY SPOONS, TEA and COFFEE SPOONS, SUGAR SHELLS, TOMATO SERVERS, ETO. Direct ship,just menttohan of dFrench and other fine FINE Cfl1NA Chin• SALADS, PLATTERS, RAMAKINS, BON- BONS, OOMB and BRUSH TRAYS, ETC. in all the newest demrationa. PORTER'S BOOR STORE Our Telephone 1e No. 100 B. Court House Square, Ooderich. Meier Tins i. ism" On macadam roads - on country roads -on good roads and bad roads - Punlop Detachable Tires are safett and easiest to hf �ron�oi�t *Rb a m is - bap ' a pu ture - ten Helices from home-" these '-allitlbl.0alytooIsyou need." •. Tb• out r tool. .^ The Dale, tor. C... tb1W. Ti.net•. Illastrisl. w1Ylp.. at Jam, miner -!fads THE -BEST.... OIL STOVES ICE CREAM FREEZERS AND BICYCLES from 0311,410 op. PRESERVING KETTLES and all kinds of GRANITE and TINWARE LEMON SQUEEZERS DAIRY TINWARE our owes maks EAVES TROUGHING RQQI'ING and SIDING Agent for the celebrated Carbon Paint for painting all kinds of roofs, wood or ironwork. - _- WOR.§EGI;'S Ow Cheap Stove and Furnace Man. Wrong tide of Hamilton at. nausea. Tam Boiler ftapairiog. The Goderich steam boiler works having been removed from Ooderioh, 1 have merle srraagementw to carry on boiler repairing and also the manu- facturing of smokestacks, etc. Repairing of boilers, engines and otter machinery promptly attended tos. D. K. STRACHAN, Machinist, Goderiob. Works nn Victoria Street. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The alcove is cat into stove wood lomat)) and will he delivered to any part of the town the aamn day as ordered. Orden received by telephone or left at rvddeneo, 12A Osmhrie street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone OA, PETER McEWAN. (iodarts*. Novraber 21.t, 1803Q. 18•ia Engineers' and Mill Supplies, Lubricating Oils and Greases, Pipe Covering, Asbestos Goods, Belting and Lace Leather. The W6. Mtn Compound Co., l.rd 188 Queen-st., Toronto, Ont. a xew Cone STOVE of the year there is no grea -r comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is witn cook stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. _. We know you `a1 be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges CALL AT Sllasouahle Suitiu�s. H. DUNLOP THE WEST -ST. TAILOR. Cas show you the latest in Spring and Summer Suiting'. • Call and sea his Homespun is tine nevoid( Aides, the very thing tor Spring end Rum- mer wear A large sasortment of clothe to choose from, uta styli) owl fit guaranteod. Prioee motlerate. H. DUNLOP West Street H. C. FILSINCER 1a agent for the Kelsey Warm Air Generator, manufactured by the Jae. Smart M(g. Oo , Brook vllle. Reed whet • 1.11ow bownem.n says of his •op.rlenee with 1h. Kelsey Generales Goderioh, Ont., May 1st, *000, James 4mertMfo Oo Brooke oat. Door dine- The No. 18 Keiser Warm Ale Oeaesotor your spent pl•oei to my bons. lass fall has &veto me thermostat of mtiefootlon. 1 had been using • hot air furnace and could never keep my hawse properly heated althone' 1 ourned 13 tone of onel besides having rua • goal heater In the cold weather. elnee 1 have need the Kelsey 1 have only burned half of the goal and had no age for • coal heater. 1 have no trouble to hast the whole house to any de - Erse desired and the air wow mild. not burned, and my house pleats did .s well as In numm•r 1 bad no cold draughts In She room.. no heat In the Dollar and the furnace pipes were 000l Ito you case n a 1 .m thoroughly stuffed, and atter my ex*srle0m with the Kelsey Genera tor1 would buy no other, and I lake great pleasure in reoommending the Kelsey to the public. JAB. J. DOYLI -Melt Clerk, O. T. R. lhteratloa reeardtag bhla:h.ater ohserfully given by H. CWFILSIHCER, I,e.ag CRl A Week of Bargains... "PEDDER'S Dry Goods and Clothing Store STARTING ON THURSDAY WE 00 A FIJLL WEBS OF 8996 DAYS! NEARLY EVERYTHING REDUCED ...NEW GOODS... as well as our usual Staple Stock. Don't miss the snaps! Terms :--Cash or Produce. J. H. PEDDER. Men's chocolate Dong. Bal's,'Good- year vesting top Men's tan3Bal'g, Goodyear, $3 to ilk Men's heavy plough Shoe.... " SOROSIS r r Mannish Shoes for ladies- latliee'- gentleman-ihoees--a man^shoe built for envies. I am the soleent for tt Snoods, "-the latest American shoe. Call and see them. SATISFIED CUSTOMER.... • • Unger advertisement than • page In this newspaper." May we' make s wtlk- ing:advertisement fodour store oat of;you t W e;can,;if, yo*'11 diee ns a trial. ST. GEO. PRIG 1 lot of Fa16rlte 011'Bhoe pressing 50. ampalrtno,neatly AMN. ST. MARY'S LIME kept ooaetantly on hand. Ales ,he best breeds of _HYDRAULIO PORTLAND CEMENt BsUder@ will do well to see me before plea log their orders. CATTLE SRO$: �'-� HOI1RS PIam6¢ra,Steam6tlen and Tinsmiths TES (e*L *SALM W.st'dde of S oar@ next Sturdy Bros. t)fllCS. Wast-ot. Neu the 8.05,0. MITESMITS 19 to 17 lee good ise any750. laundered Mrt yon mit Bed) 35o. each ; 3 for $1. McKth'S ... ONE MAN'fI- :s INOTflERS GA1E-.- NEW IDEA PAT- TERNS of New York are the best,e 5811 all Ueda at t1*. Was demonstrated practically to us last week. A commission agent who knows we are always open for BAkGAINB Came along with ,on invoice of goods from the houses they .,..,,..,,t -tae Itt7ge""K land, Ireland and Germany which was consigned to thrum for a Canadian retailer who was in financial difficulties before t::e goods were delivered. We bought the whole lot st • discount 25 per cent. We will make you the gainer this time. ese are all staple up to date goods , many of the same you have paid tis regn- ' lar prices tor and got good valve. Herceare $ few of the bargains : -- LiNRN for skirts and drosses, • pure gram Linen 38 1n. wide, worth 25o, our twice ifo TARLK LINEN-. Retro power Zoom 62 In. wide, good value •t 30o. per yd., our prlae 23o TABLK LI N KN- Unbleached 56 In old•, rwolar pne• 350., our price for AIM lot .... 25e TABLE LINEN -Hell blew\ 60 la. wide, very heavy, regular prim, 400., ear pries.. . . ..... 30o A bottler line of the same goods, rop- ier prine 45, ons prim 35o TABLE LINKN-Relfeet damask, fall bleecb, good value at 500 , ear prim 37ie (.0 der. white linen Towels, 10E40 1e., Road vales at 124o., pit.prl'e 100 20 des. 18118 Table Nephi.., very flu 11ee, sesert.d patterns, Rend value .t $1 45 per deft , oar prim while they last $1.12 Other* worth$1.75 to $2 for$1 Mend $1 60 P. K - Two pitons fancy stripe English Pique, reenter prim 18o , our prim.. 1240 P.' K Four pleated' fanny stripe English Pique .58 In. wide In good oolors, just the thing for summer waists, skirts, drone.. and hoys' and girl.' matte, regular 20o., oar prim 13o MULL--isrdlnal and white oord Mull, the newest muslin goods for walla and dream, 45 In. wide, rood value as 250. or 30e., our prim. ..... ..., 20o 150 dor. C•ehmen Hoot of Rood gn•Hty •t l.es than old priors H4ROAINS iN'l'KA CLOTHS (,ie and Ito BARGAINS IN ALI. SIIMMKR (mom BARGAINS IN ROLLICK TOW1ld9 BARGAINS IN GKASH TOWRLH Theme are no old resurrected goods brought forth for a male, but. new goods never opened from the time they left the looms in the Old Sad till opened in this store, and ata lea prioe than it cost to manufacture. Don't you think it worth your while to inveti gat.tt We think you can save money here on thew goads. W. A. MCKIM CEO. W. THOMSON & SON,\- soe J2. Music and Bicycle Defiers. Q u r 1900 Bicycles.. Henderson, Cres tot, Rambler and Ideal.... are bettor vales than anything ever offered before in Goderieb. Our Organ are increasing mora than ever with the two superior lines we handle, vi EI ICH and DOMINION The stand they now occupy with the beret musicians and players is something to be proud of. %-) R.MWIrrH PIANOS These artistic, fine -toned, high-class instruments take a tiro stand with us. Highly recommended by all musicians and fully guaranteed. ---- - WmTE, NEW WII.T.tAMR aIId QUEEN Sewing Machines -too well and favorably known to need comment. A tull lino of small instruments, strings, etc., eta Call and hapset goods and get rices. .�;.....- _ C. W. -THOMSON & SON. This is -King Quality It Is 1.tty sloe looking thou, but fine aa It looks, it feels a great deal finer. The King Quality should be worn by eery woman who desires oomfort, style, di i% ability, and wants it ioonomicaUy. Thia describes the Zing Quality Shoe. It mate $3. and it is worth mors, Ie QUALd Made by J. D. KING COMPANY, Limited, Toronto. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR KLEOD'S : SYSTEM : RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Godorich, Ont