The Signal, 1900-6-21, Page 4.
4 THURSDAY June 21, 1900.
Clearing Sale
of Bicycles...
Ws Me We
We ere aux WW1 Lo tulu.0
our large Meek gat Bicycler,
now and eeound-hand, and
are offering greatly reduced
pet er.
The Close Buyer
Will tied it worth while to
orll here and inspect our
stork before putchaetug.
Our Livery
Maintain eta reputation b„
the test mounts at ,wit I
Bicycle and Music House, West
street, Ooxderich.
Shall I Buy ?
'rhe utility of Cream Nepat-
atoes is now beyond disputa.
Which shall 1 buy T is the
only question asked by the
up-tu-dato dairyman. Wu
Irellete the SHARPLE8
sealed ntd to none and back our
statement by offering a free
ton days' treat.
Music House, Bicycle and High.
clam Livery.
SOME of our esteemed Liberal con-
temporaries are raising high clamor against
that able Tory atatesmaii, the Hon. WALTia
HuMrxalm MoNTAuus,becaum it is claimed
for him byriome of our esteemed Tory Con-
temporaries that, when braises his tuneful
voioe in the rendition of "(kid ,Pave the
Queen," every man within hearirnt should
stand up, take off tris hat snit exu.bit his
loyalty on the bill -board.
Our esteemed Liberal cootemporsnee
have not read history or they would know
that Dooroa M.NTAoui is the only teed un-
adulterated defeider el the faith and
Mandby of Britain and Britain's QUSIN in
Canada, and that all Others are spurious
imitations. The Querns has done more for
Dmeroi MUNTaoUI than for any other 1
statesman, in Canada and out of it. Why.
we remember once when a election was to
be held in a conatitueney called Haldimand,
• Her Majesty war greatly perturbed lest her
heart's friend, WaLTa6 Hlrrr0alar MON-
TAGUS, might not be successful at the polls,
and, notwithstanding the rigid enactments
of the election act, and amerudmentt'tN.W,
she took her pen in hand, and wrote te tie
Indian voters of that constituency to re-
member that MoNTAUUI watt her inend, and
if they had any love and regard for her to
mark a crow opposite ow nano of the \fore -
said WALTIa Humengelm MOSTAo'71.
Of course there were some of the Orli
sheets at that time that didn't believe
Her Majesty had written the appeal to the
Indians, and that. claimed that the docu-
ment was gotten up not a hundred melee
from thelair hand of 'the Doctor himself,
but those of ua who knew the clow relations
that existed between Her Majesty and
Morraetu- frowned ,town the idea that
Town of.Paarll, Oap• Oolony
Stress ReeWg Netweea the Meer had arit-
W Sympathisers- The omit Wier
laamatry •l Ream -lar. Ire0aaisell'e
aslale• el the Cape t*rt.
(SpseIaJ oorteI1,ndenpe of Tem ass
CAPS Toon, May 5, 1900..- le a fei:eter
letter 1 made motion of the town of Pearl,
tame tblrty•Ive miles trout Gape Tows. It
le • plaint of oobsiderable Importance and of
lata bat come somewhat prominently bslors
ti/S Brftieh public tbioogh the prints.. ib.
'pot moral too large seetionof Afnkwdera
owing to its beteg Ma\birthplace and cradle
of the Bond patty. I needed • holiday and
receptacle made from Q tense stay.' ,how.
lag • out!`n measure nest algal to a goodly•
sized n.ra,rt. 'rh•no Uotl ala trie juice gat the
g rape 1•• 1 • pars.' loran, the orwtooe .,1 the
glint ud• of the sot entod;ug neighborhood.
Whet a b.wiIJerlug let of legends and
bh,nds are here shown, many of them .dopt-
frau the F,eoch, such w► YioniIggao,
'Penta, Me -doe, lleOtereo, eta, gad malt nal
French whines ha.l ell been exi misted the
n omenclature dropped hack into III latish
with Ooldon 80e,ry, Dry Sb.rre, • Light
Sherry, Brown Sherry, White N Inc., Sweet
Whom, Old tori, Invalid Port and a hun-
dred utter brands that would surely tains
the Mato gat the beet oonnuiueure to di.-
tiovut.h the dight diff...uca to flavor aid
bouquet. taut the wine expert koows that
they all differ to some slight degree E+oh
clam of Mina matt be dealt with and in•uw
frittered entirely opou (1. own merits, and'
the gr.atwt core end .kill must b. ezereised 1
nut ouly to makleg but in blending the csr-
bots assns. '1'he nano has a great deal 1 i 1
Ile wish the quality of the white, a dry ..n
sto giving • rtuber, ,meteor wine, o wet rya
sus • mere abundant yield Mit of an Inferior, 1
weaker quality- The thins of gathering the
fruit, th• owe trkei with It before and the
treatment "of It In the pr.... the various'
steps .ed sieges after the juioe 1. praised
from the grapes - all must be oerefully o00
ddored, that the results may not prove •
viotous, uuwnoleoome, fiery produot that sa
worthies+ and onselesble.
Some W.. of the ono: moue South African
oousuotpti.,u of wine in,y le slathered from
the yearly output of the Purl Wine end
Braudy Co., wh oh rubs Into a half ota!ton
gellgue. There are probab'y a de vitt other
w.ue oon.peu'•a in the wh,..e . uteut
may reach more or tom the same. sod hue
'dr.ds of entailer uoutpaulos, showing teat In
their beverage the today are
following the French custom Introduced two
hundred yeah ago by the Huguenot seuleea.
Owing mainly to • lack of enterprise, the
Cape wines neve Dot oome tato oomp.tltlo\
to any apprsotable extent with Australia\
wines oil the London market, although In
polut of purity and quauty they would no
doubt mai with a favorable reoeptiou.
Capital t• carry en au e z por t trade le tr y u trod,
that. the wanes may be allowed to mature
o•totally .ad d.v.lup a threw or lour years'
mellowness, bslors they can oompe'.
with the produo:e et more enterprising
on other place la ,South' Afrloa affords •
mor., likely sanctary, so I determined to
amend a taw days at Paoli
L.avieg Cape Town station, the deepy
railway sagas* with its and Ilk* train
crept nut through the suburb* peat the mile,
tary o•mps away Into the Dandy\flatn which
stretoh for ■game aniles in the tan of arson)
of mouotatue known as the Blauberge, and
on through an arid valley, stopping every
few miles at small stations where th major•
ity e1 paeseugers aiightiug or flatting po .re
colored people. in all .hales from the
yellowy -white octoroon to the full bred
Ivory bleak -mut all speektog Dutch. A
few well -to do !Moth :armors mud their
wives with heavy loads of purchase. are
droop .,ere and there along th• way
and are met with that peoubar vett outer
Institution koowa as a Gape cart to oouvey
them to their farms. A (,ape cut b -well,
1 oan eoaroely deworlb. 10. - A long sod ex-
haustive examination of the history of cart•
building enable me to say there 1. ootbleg
like 1t elsewhere. It has two wheels, • lone
body evenly twined, sometimes abatis tad
sometimes a pole, and Is drawu by anything
n- 'n alx hones all rigged out in hernias in -
of or: Imeot or barren -dressing. The
oar oommrdloua ; Iia nate are divided
into little stalls, which, new yon have
rmrubled aloft, S nein by Ilntimg up
11.I hinged seats as t u do the stalls of a
the•tn A tailboard extending behind
carries it ton or so of luggage sod odds and
sods., --u •;t as bags of toddler or surplus pas -
mom r i that cannot conveniently be stowed
)aside. Over all a domed canopy cover pro.
mete y ou from the sun and rain. Teen may
be jet a wild rine after dR heroes earns
the be n. dims veldt In • ■prlagless Cape
oar► ou s oloudlesa summer day, while you
rise and fall, not like the rise and tall of •
way. on • summer nee, bot in a fitful,
anxious, morbid manner ; but 1 fail to find
it. months ago I had the ezpsrlsnoe
sod eo ter as i an. Individually 000cernsd 1
oar worry along through Isle without again
into • lap. tart.
there was a forgery in the case.
If anything were wanted to prove that
the relations betweeu Windsor Castle and
the Doctor's new home in Hamilton ion-
tmne unattained, the tact that he Dame
nobly forward on the flour of the Howie the
other day and 'raised" the National stn•
them, so that he would be able to catch tate
Orits in ..pen treason against the working
of his mouth, to • full and free illustration.
In a similar way the Doctor, when he Was a
pieacher, teat to discomfit and put to
shame those whom he opposed in the eaoo•
teary. When things were not working
smoothly the Deeter'e aids and
barytone would break out in "1 Want t.0 Be
an Angel," or some kindred piece, and the
thread of the argument spinet bit theory
became an incoherent effort like the sough
ing of the autumn wind through a barbed
wire fence.
The man who doesn't take off hie hat
when MoiTauoa's music -box flies open --
whether in "God Save the Queen," "The
Sewanee River," or "Tommy Make Way
tor Your Uncle" -should have the heal as
tingles the hat taken from hire Our native
Oanadiae warblers mast be encouraged.
-"Gott Save the Queen" and the Hon.
Doo. MoNTAoUI.
NTM.Nu r11.0-w0KK PRal.l Nt1 1N 1'AARI.
A oa•ual Visltor lar a hum .1 oauu•,,
judge very falrly the poitttua' feeling of •
Youth Almon town like 1 earl un the pi. -,-
int peat dt.turbaeoe. It ie tatty tbrouvb
wraps of conversation with the taw you
meet, and many of thew are reuoent to •
stranger, that the political poise ',bows its'
strength or re.koess in the British muse or
avatn.L It. Pearl and u• neighboring town,
Yseh,oboeoh, are note' mealy pro -Boer rod
one hears so notch of their duloved', that
the 0000lnelon le forced that peradventure,
as is the case of Sodom sud Gomorrah,
five goo I mega and true are found In them,
the towns are allowwl to extol, Bot their
cumbers ars not limited to five . My first
eveoiog in the pleoo brought me a frtanoly
Introduction to a hail -dozen as loyal burgh
era as oto be found in South Africa. One
of these, a deemndat of • famous ofd
Huguenot fetidly, dentinal that Queen VI..
toric war he only mother and if It were ne-
oweary he would take up arms In her caste
even If be had to fight him own brother to
the death. file town hes a population at
•bout 8,000, a large proportlos of whom stir
colored people, sad thee* slmot!-_to a mea
mid with the British The same may be
said of the whole of the colored inh•btt•ntk
of Cape Colony. Kut among the whits
popul•tlou, nine -tenths of whom are o1
Dutoh or Huguenot dement, the British
syo,pett:zers Are Ism sod far h,tween. If
• pelt were taken their number 10 Purl
would not exceed • hundred. The soal•l
feeling and friendships of the townspeople
naturally have been much disturbed ;
brother alder .voltat brother, households
are divided against themselves, churches
have division. to their 000rtrgatlone, thou
who have been life-long friends now pee
' soh other In the street without speaking,
ohtldree in the school* have pitched battles,
0.1,1015 gaarrel earns the puck-yards-
everythien to 000fesion and will eootlnue to
le anal Kruger and Stays and their
soolytoe leave South Africa.
A I'I(Tuess are MITI'ATI,�N.
Th►only town of any importance passed
w• 1s Stellenboeoh, • few miles be.
Elisa Purl. The country has
v.d In appearance w we near
saw diut0.sS don ; the old-fashioned comfort-
s Dile)* farmhouses, the Irim1% kept
vineyards sad orchards gad the w.11-outtl-
voted fields are evidences that we ere now
in a lend of plenty. After • journey of two
boom, In whloh the train has wvered a
reourd dl+t.•noe of thirty-five miles, we resoh
Purl -• 1)utoh word meaning pearl -so
called bemuse the town b overshadowed by
• lenge of mountains the tope of which by
some strange freak of nature are rounded
and smoothed until at a distance they re
e emble great pearls glinting In the sunshine.
The plotoresque beauty of its situation is
probably unrivalled by any other South
Afrloan tow.. Stretching for sigmas*
along a obarming valley of vineyard. an
fruit farms, with the winding Berg rivulet
like • thread strfogtng together the white
el& tasbloned homesteads and the more
mode►o villas, the furl monotalas on the
west orowned by the three great pearls,
ihelr rugged elopes covered with vines that
teem to have crept up until they no longer
hove foothold, the I)raokeoebeln rages os
the east with their weird, (antltlo peaks --
the whole surroandings of this sleepy, slow•
going. se f-satbfled old tow; carry one's
Imagination beak to the tut century and
0he New England villages et the l:•tek111
ranges, and you Involuntarily pioob yonr-
self to realize whether or sot you are In a
Rip %so Winkle sleep.
TON N 101 Tt(APb.
Wlt•t • wealth of wisdom and forethought
Mks mirly I)uteh settlers showed when they
trerroended their homesteads and bm,levrd
ed their streets well the ewk• whloh today
have attained • msgnifloent sire and give a
grateful shed. In nearly every old tows In
the onlney, The long mate .trent o1 Purl
Is an •venae of overhanging oaks of which
the burghers area proud as they are of their
•normone granite boulders me marvellously
smoothed and polished to resemble pearl..
The hooses In the older parts of the town
an quaint sed old faahlon.d, many dating
Into the last century, while not • few of the
hostages planes mattered •lone the six miles
r1 Mein strait seam to have been dwrlli.g-
houses'tightly altered and moderetzed to
Ae daffy a. shop Atter stook shoot one'.
first Imprecision that the tows is deadly dull
1. eemelderily altered. Resides Ming as
educational centre, Pearl has some industri-
al resouress. A wine and brandy teed* is tarried e. sad • largo number of
(.bp. germ ted wagess are mssalaotered
and seat to sit parte of Smith Milos. The
wino trade 1. represented priwetpally by 10.
flearlshing business known as th. Pearl
Wise and Brandy Company (Limited),
erhfrrk hen Imes In .Ristenos for •treat • fifty
years, Through the nanny of Messrs A.
Ft N. and T. do Wet d. Vatter., the me-
ager. for the merges?, 1 wee .bows etrtlj�
the.xteeetvw promisee, omeletteg of leveret
Wag brink h.11dier) with eamero0S seams.
-Tint lion. KiynoLI TAYLOR.. d he reads
the "Pilgrim'. Program," will dad a
t.erpart of himself in the ..R1e"f1 . 't$
muck •rake.
-Tim Minister of the Interld[ig-Of ids
way home from Europe. Now, .refnlly
note how the Tory members of I'arbnmrnt
will ring low on sirron and-tSittgniem.:..
-Tits published statement. that. Bo. 114.
YI0ONAM is still doing tmslness at the old
stand proves ooncluaively that MIA
Turret' is not in charge of the Tory pay -
-Trees% adhere to his parliamentary
dee mon Dim San Stamm is working
for nothing and boarding himself, which is
patting a low value nn San's abilities, to
say the leant.
-Wass the Hon. Doc. Monteath sings
"(kw! Have the Qtteen," aril wields the
baton, everyone must stand up and join in
the music, or be dubbed • traitor. That's
the latest. Tory ukase.
-Ur to the time of going to prenot a
Tory newspaper has attempted to defend
Hiway A. Powit.t., M. P. for Westtttowv-
Iasrwi. The vardlet., "Hot wed him right.," ie
preotkrJly unanimous.
-Ten feet {bat only 476 of the original
1036 numbers of the ta
first utadian no'ntin•
gent now answer roll call Is ea otswa••t that
the boys didn't shirk their duty, bat It is
.leo an inclination that i1 the AgkWg one-
tires the .ides .1 whleh are ragged
barrels, pawekeses, hee•heads, tee..
Menem m.ah Iseaar tial will all sora be tit mks of every onneelvable nits, teem Me
011lolam• •
ssede136-fallen Sark te the Inca sass sakes
Paint Now
Absolutely pure machine -mixed paints, all
by the gallon, $1.30 cash.
Screen Doors and Windows
Only a few more left at last (ear's prices
for cash.
Harvest Tools, Rope -id Binder
Should be ordered quickly to save advance
A. McD. Allan
the pabi o weal of the Empire, not the great
assistance which Ibe meipf Canada are rev.
daring at the present moment to South
Africa In defeading Her Mai.sty'a Colonies
sod la upboldisg the auto blty of Her
Majority in this oouutry, collo for an expres-
sion of sympathy and good. will wdth oar
Cau•dlsu ftllowaubj oto In the °elamlty
which Me overakeu them.
S.heoriptl000 may w mot either dirmot to
tM Tows+ -house or paid to the credit of th0
fund at the Standard Sark of South Africa,
Adderley maw ; the Honk of Alriw. St.
lteorgo'. street ; the Afrioss Bookies Cur
i•orsnor, Adderley .!res, ; lb•
Reek of the South African Republic. lit.
(;eorge's r' Peet ; or to the-Rorle.en $ntieC
Airtime 11.- king Compsuy, !•t` IJeort+s
Hui Wejobiothe Mayor, Ireaeuter. betas
to acknowledge tee follo.. 'ig donations to
the abort, fund :
Mr. H. M Ardsree
Mr. J. Garlick11r..1» . Harris
Mr J. W. Jagger
Mr. 11. Stuart S dolma
1.051. R011eltre ONWAR1. MARCH.For several weeks Field Marshal Roberto
bas boom quietly but vigorously prep•rieg
for the onward much which heroin• tier
days ago, and during the Int two days be,,
has been sweeping everything before him.
The Boers are falling balk ore Krocostad,
whole In all probaMltty the great, and It Is
hoped, the tical tragedy will ha enacted
They ars heoomi••g very nM.artenedaod It
is only the nurse* born of dap•tr that
keeps them together.
This week 1 met four Jan•dlses just re•
turned from Netloy, the great F:aglish
tary hospital. Tbey had had enteric fever
were ot home by the authorities In
January to recover. Atter their visit and
*OA voyage they now look as fit as they did
the first day they tended in tape Teem. A ('
great many of our •nadlan boys are laid
up In lilmfouteio aha other military he-
p10•ts with *uterle, the dreaded enemy of
the British soldier. The foyer Is the result
of drinking impure water while nn the
march. At present there are at leftist fifty
Caosdiens in the camp twain:ale nemape
Town, or In • state of convaleaoeooa on
(linen Point Commoo, where the base Damp
is located.
T(II 111'1.1. IITTA.` 1 111(1.
0100 0 0
100 0 0
100 0 0
100 0 0
100 0 0
0500 0 0
Townhouse, Cape Tower, Wry 2.
Tal CRAZE Fon roar.
blm(x: t Rofcrm.r : O to rf ,be chereoterl,-
tics of the age 1s the e.o.m. for games and
sports, and the big sums of moony paid for
0be Indulgence. It is not an U0ao1115100
thing for men to pay torn) y or tblrty dollars
to within,' two men pounding eee-tt ether
inti. a maya of blood and brotse+, and the
parult.te lhemoelyor rot .mall fortune !or
every such exhibition of brutality The
eatery of • sucenelul b •.tb.11 payer ex-
ceeds thsJ • oollege p*ctwor. and a
champion orieketer or I►uro.e'let will com-
mand for a season's esrv:ow ,bwut sa much
as is paid In a peak m•o.g.r or railway
director. Somebody has berm calculating
thesooet of Rolfe'g an the United Settee.
Heeelim•tee the number of gclfera there 11
300000, mid 1t they play six times s month
ter six months out of twelve and nee no two
balls reoh time they pl.y, It calla for t wad y -
one million balls, which would onab five
million dollars. The halls are made of
Borneo genie perch.. end oast two dollar,
• distil-. This tsonly one Item In the ex -
peen whluh title sport Inv -lye. The of grit ie shoot as puzzling to
This week a cable told us of the great fire
In dull and Ottawa, and within a few hoars
at0tIba aoouaoemeot the Mayor opened
a l.aatll•o firs land for the relief of the
sufferers, an •ot that may be taken as an
expression of ('ape Town's apor.l•tloo of
Canadian help In thle oolony'e time of
trouble. The fund has reached over ten
thousand dollars within a few day■ The
list was headed by five ot (Gape Town's moat
prominent business men, each of whom eon
trtbutad 18500. 1 append the M•yea'a ayv
1). R'. McCoo',t.t.
FOR _-
11 S11IN611 MILL
I♦ ..40U
CALL ANi sal 1'Hae.
TRsy AR. BAw•AINs,
The Henderson Bicycle Co.
?aaeroX NIver,eterts oxo 1.
Y+mookraves ,
"Orders raref.Ily attended to al alt
Yea,., 515111 er day.
Stare es West street. Reindeer., etre
Yee same..
Goderich Bargain Centre
Huron Old Boys
Now is the time to get ready to receive them. We want our
girls to look their lent on that day.
We have received atom, very nobby Parasols. The "Old
Boys " like to see a lady with r nice Parasol. Also we have re,
ceived another shipment of white Kid Gloves, just the thing to
wear on 1 lent day;
New Shirt Waists, Linen and White Pique Skirts. The "Old
}felon Boys ' will like to see you looking as well as usual. "The
Old Boy." always had and still have an eye for the beautiful.
We have some Sailor Hats which we will reduce in price so
that you can have one for that day.
Also we are showing Carpet Squares at prices that will sur-
prise you.
Next Bargain days, June 28=29
"Tho Climax" makes old furniture
look like new. The brut, 25c.
A furniture Creast in hulk for thole
who prefer it.
in packages.
SAMPSON 5 Rzn-Bt.00D Pit.IB.
����s�t1ler Btrkbeek Batldlag
Iwlww'4a.set may wow
We oan supply many things you
need during House-cleaning.
Two kinds - we have an extra
Rood one.
" Seaterall " Pipit yarail16 _.
Coat the pipes beforepattingaway
to prevent rust. Excellent also
for coal -scuttles, outside iron work
liuggy tops, etc. 25c. a tattle;
five for $1.00.
and lean Co.
plea and owe year btsms.
Tit% HN+T
Scraiitofl lard Coal
Ail Coal weighed on the Market Scales,
where you get MOI{ IDs for a ton.
"Orders loft at 1i.2E A ShJPRARD'S
• Stare t,,nrptly attended to.
Pastry, OysterPalties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cres Rolls,Iince
Pies and Lady ?infers, Kisses,
Iacaroons, forages,
Brandy Snap:, Etc.
an- ae ,(, 'o i a --- beet mile in any
, Ity' 111 (,a.ada.(i\
Uantelon leads the trade in .
WEDDING - \ ---
in titscy defirnigl Iran
ing aaoda ahaood iotttR.
Give Alm an order and your sat,
iataotion will be assured.
the nolmtl•ted as the otono-,atatioo •;f door
uvrw ler.
AN orae LITTRa
gro,irepbio•1 sod other cArne+ I•ILr ,•tato
The Toreetolgter: Mr: Henry A. Pow -1i
t i, 1, In •►beg to the C,ewotooe ore t►s �
W int Hh' on Toch, cane, referred In Ow•
ell, theO. nseavn iv t WY ler ived,riers i
.no1p\.pllw+etar w., Mr. Den Mu(fifBr.'tjei i ev--m
1 M
oa l�y, rdtlor nl h. (to.lcrbe 1 SiosAI. r.
Mottltho\ddy in this week's SioNAL write lies -
be unoo .tpllmentery as was the epeeek.N
the latter.
Mr. Mo011llcuddy'r letter w111 on doubt
pose Into llterstare as u example of treate-
gat style in politloal controversy, and (1 r I-
501 surprising 1het the author of It sheraill
heve made tt hot, strong and long, wheelie
(e remembered thee Mr. Md tllloaddy
quite u ,t
respectable and respe.ed as Yat.
P'owell, who sought to make him oat to be I as-
• dark lantern end dagger pelltlalan.
Point by pool, u. hi. ape. letter, Mr, r-
M,dlillioal ty **reeved. the eter.meoti 005
arming him made by' Mr Powell, and
ansae•s them' hay and With characteristic Om -
vigor. To fit a tbeory to Mob f't(tohntt •b
tldsyit .Iter ibe affh.vlt had been fitted gpi.--
fairly well to the theory-li was thought r
o soe sary to nearest thee the man who
printed the hsllna for the eleetbm had sap -
,,11e.1 sonic for corrupt taw M,. Powell deo-
an epectmter to Mr. Powell, whish to milks. r
est" -
M M ()lel dd
Examine and Compare, and you will find
a marvel and a wonder.
suggests this a lie hi r ca at �A eat quantityof Goods has been sold and a large balance has to be
who glow it the Ifo hinted end eshenre that �. - �'= '
shy extra ballots printed were kept by him d►- sacrificed by July Isis
Faeotlons C.mmltme at Ottawa. His ladtg
and handed -over fA the Privileges and
nation over the sepniet, mane apex. Ole . - Only Weeks T a
ohareotar by Mr\Peewell isstrong, bat be Two More of This Magnificent Opportunity
sertaInly "gra rtes' :11th his ad yr Sr li ar
'I'be Mayor ot Ceps Town has belied the
following appeal to the pantie of Caps
Town : Having regard to the recant dts-
satrans fire *Mob has destroyed the greater
part od the town 01 bolt, and hes aloe de-
vsetated • portion of the olty of Ottawa,
Canada, twitting In s number of deaths,
the deetroetlon of property to the veins of
newt,' thotmnds of pounds, and rendered
thousand■ of people homeless, I have de-
cided be open • fend for the benefit of the
sufferers through thin wrest dingier, and I
appeal with cwfidenoe to the benevolence
01 the public for • genernea 'option to the
movement, whleb has the uequallfled au -
prows' and sympathy of lite Excellently the
I to verso,.
The patriotic devotion of wbleh we have
smote abundant avideao.e in the saerlfloes
wh oh Canada and her sone h+vs made for
/a the Jawa.,M a tLsea.
The gallant Major Swaine tells of be-
ing knocked senseless by a lion that
laeerrt -hie erne.. iiia theiiintiremigre
from the jaws of death is only equaled
by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-
eumpi ;on, which has saved thousands
from desperate throat and hung troubles.
"All doctors said my wife would seen die
. f consumption," wrifle L 0.Intermit.wt,
of Elgin, Tenn., "hut your wonderful
rnedieine cnmlllntely cured her, and
Navel her lila ' Seliefacti .n I+ guarad-
teed by Jas. Wilson, who gives trial
bottles free. Large bottle b0c and 11.
Tho Oranevmen of W inehuo lotto nom
moellleen suoo. afnl in making tot1. with
the lt.T. R for t he,r menet mound: n to
Detroit. Thin ykar the entire trjp 1t lap be
mid• by rail, Ineving Wingham to the
morning and rewhlnI Detroit at 2 P N.
The nate ie set Int Satard•y, August 18th,
remade%*on the lollvwing Monday.
Nouse-cleaning Time....
Bring+ many requirement' which we can supply. iret uq
have your order for anything in tor line, and we will try
to please you.
STURDY di 00.,
Telephone No. 91.
The Orocere,
Cor. Square and Montreal St.
to secure the Rest Goods at such Low Prices.
EM en's fancy -nt,)hair Coats and Vests,
\were $4.00 to $4.50, for $3.00
were$t75an d$2f $1.25 51.50
E See our immensesum-
stock of fancy su-
mer blouses at 40c, 50c, 75c
Men' .'black and grey alpaca Coats,
ite and fancy wash Vests,
1.25 to $2 for $ 1.00 - $ 1.25
Balbriggan Underwear, $1.00 suit 80c
Tho best in the market.
25 dozen black Cashmere Hose a
-bought ata bargatn an were
cheap at 25c., our price .... 20c
3 bicycle waterproof Capes, wer:,
$3.00, for.. y 1.50 a
Fown's Kid Gloves,were $1.25, for 98c a
All our 50c. Neckwear goes at 40c
25e. Neckwear for.... 20c
Save money by buying your Spring Suit, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, lsiats,
Caps, etc., from us. .
E Examine and compare our prices and goods with others.
E A. P. MOLEAN,The Palace ClothinStore,
L I'.S.--AII outstanding accounts must he settled by 1st July ; all unpaid after that
°111'date will be handed in for collection.