HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-14, Page 8_ -,yk;;; o,; , .A, r
11 , - - w.re. a,awrew,t"'
%r'tvas; t.',
-'iFour months of Sommer weather ahead of ins now. . Prepare `
1 ,'j, ` for it with the new Hummer goods in Piques, Muslins and (ling I
hams -our selections very choice and our stock very large. ,
"'lF t t. SHIRTS., A largt• variety, of
' �y'r ppat torus in now
While Iowa Waist, (7, ihotum-white, sad
with insertion, vee) r whi(u with wlotwt
r prutty lwttArru, tali► stnpr-at 1fic.
•460 , -. . 60a. up. I "�. Pretty ch" b alts
?, II
3; Extra value int atsill* Giogh&tua art
iilouw at W. l 'y„- 15u
i'VY - t`- Dress Waist etybi WhiW lawn uu.l
Blanes, newstrit",at' y►,J �'iJ I Organdie 9lushu iu
i� 01.00. ,V .t l ;t F all qualities.
1 Full rasige eeparate� �/ T16o newest stupe
IK, - k .....
wl Skirts t t I. sod and Y / , terve in L16e bust
I v colored�}},, • I t, w�aAhitw Prints.
hKIR" IN HR 1IDED Frekcr.i. I:Ow + , Skirts.
Special lot of sailors, worth 50c. and 750., for 3.5c-
a...s' Great value io Trimmed HMA at $1.06, $1.25, :1.50, $1.75,
Theare greatly reduced prices. r
_ chiid en'm Hunter Tit" Meet h d limoh' Tim aro those
- ...0 y tisittty taut -in -hand lace afftxa, at 60...
In all mizoe and kinds mels
r I we are well prepared
1 with, said our values larggeO range of the new Flowing -End and
�' are rigbL Hutlkerchief effect Tim.
•y Hove goat teen our
'A r spelialNsvcKR'uK New Dog-(.U.''Beltn. �� �;utoak
MNH. for boys, New Yulleyelislle t1W k i
in all sizes, acid our
ial at 2 for 25c :°' ^ vx f ```'
Now Beg Buckles. - '
w -, S ) Wine, W.h i t i .
x-+�- Under , apo• New Bleu" Pitts awl lids. _---
�y11 h/ t �tialNight Gown,If e-. nicely trimmed with ; Corue and look over our vsek+tyr d Roul-
At embcaidery, at'15c. mor�Noveltim.
,�r MEN'S and ..BOYS' ��CLOTHING
- - i
......,.v. ,w,u...w s __. ----------- -- - ... -
_ _� � }ABH OW PRODUM l -
rw �Bra's & Co.�
Smith __ _
____._ -_
IAROUND TOWN for tendon for the yentllstion of the yab-
I Iia whoolo according be the plow and spent-
Trus, Ata IN Da "It. -D. K. 5trsohsn fice►Ione to the nands of the secretary. Mir
I M kept busy these days building his ion- 15hwelo n will 000ttoui to act me principal
, ,proved tsunwri
street warisg wagons. He shipped I til the t regular meeting of the board.
Dao roosmtly to Brawls mud one last week Toadus sell, be asked for the pwaling of
o be Truro, N. S , sad brides bee orders on .Jt• David's word school, two oostp.
ahand from Nara t!111`11807- C. R . Mount Tits TowN WINS "TITS NscoND ROt•ND.
� Ir' t and Sea -
lorth, making two for the On Monday she appeal agaisot the jadK-
tatter mtmiatpaLL►y, men► of Calot Jwtioe Armour in the O"I
Wier Heauti Ke.svrioN Caea. - The wino, Holmes vs. the town of Oo,dsrleh,
Went Huron al"Lles &pnoal is still outfaced- wit board At the DivsiceaR oast iu'lereate,
ed sad will remain te Gaul September a before Chanosllor Boyd and Joetiw Fr -
the surliest. rho Court of Appeal closed its gases and Movedtah. On Tuesday jader-
sibtin/ last west and will not sit &gals to went was gives, the defendants' Appeal be-
t hew wgamsat on Appeals Gatil .September, lag allowed as regards the Joal not accept-
I- and ameag the saw carried over is Mr. ad by I I. , Jef6&dante, end the amount M
e 'l. The celerity of our castle the judgment tobe reduced to such &me tit
UArrewe appea
- _l of inane* is xlto
ams/. as is applioabin to the coal accepted. No
l 'Lsa ODUNTY CODNClL..-dost of the work oosts. J. T. Burow, Q. C., f"r dsfwdaute.
at the Jatw session of the county council E. L. Dickenson for plaintiff.
W64 of Ib routine obstructer. very few AT TH■ Laws F'KONT.-The air. S,. An-
gansYw of importane* coming up. The drew arrived Saturday morning n ith 37.000
` g•GeMllb 8 asiahed thekr lahon on Friday bmsbeto of wheat trom Fort W'Ilium forI he
_tee .- gives slRt as era earllor hour %ban u.oal. For Richardson elevator and Left SatardAy night
No Doembet session they decided to have to ,*euro to Fort William.... Th*str. Rom -
tlh~ and will meet ,is Windham, an I from Fort W illiam with 80,000 LGehels
bmf is the northern town which we hops' I •... • +.► tot : he Goderioa Kisvator Co , ar
iddsaw will duly apprrfate. I rlv*u in port Sunday morning.After die.
A Nsw Oraes Honng.-As undenaa.t I1efaleg ben big carve. rhe loft on MoDdsy
, ,r Lorain to lo. , , .. . %y Iron for Fort
brune Nem" of 'Iowa or" 0erlously N' Illtasp::..'the rhe. Corel ran in on So"
r OOMW*rior tae umost"' of or*OU' a hew day wb le ea bar way (rem Johnston's Har
A• epees bar to Godertoh during this fumtw. ben wet h a load of lumber for Bwyfisid, and
A U Is tett that Gedertok y should have a larger left Alo.idfor the tatter port.....rho att.
gad batInelpWa house than It hes now, lased Mylr, „ expected this week with • cargo of
it is no derb% Woe that better Oempsair whes� '.it Richardson's elevator.... The
Aad gatrWam*ole of a blither ole" could We'll sailer Inspector, John Dodd*, ora
be W,WSM 11 a commodious and modern hon I h e. week Inspecting %he boilers of the
hoar were Available. This will be the owes dredge t.Gd the togs Huron Lad Evelyn....
puMOSIMly Dart as""', when the prey" The ate. Pittsburg, which is to ran this sas
-wowe dental oleoHon will be o° is the Hat" and iron from Cleveland to Sault 5a. Merl•, wll'
--un many Onto is* will wk audiences to Can he hen next Tu.&dwy morning, [sing north.
ads, and if %ha scheme mutert&lirw and the f lovernment boiler-t°speoar Dodds. wht
building is oompleted by next tall Ooderiob laspeotrd the Pittet:11rg, says her maohlamrl
will have a brighter entutsinmen► session is Al and that she Is one of the best beau
than any 1► bas yet bad. In CAuedu.... The waterworks chimney ha
Ma. As.s=ANh.-
DKa'6 PAINT'lli We had reached w hotel,% of about 140 left land
'"to the pleasure A low days age all, 98011116 6 will he ccmpleted this week If bricks strive
nambsr of patutlnse by S. W. Alexaader. Ties LATII Prraet DsANN, Su., lir TURN
of awn, which are on sethibi ie at T. H. Ksaay.-The following, from The Wtw bas
Brophoy'e photograph studio. Then is a Times• retere to the father of M.." W
Istodwpe in oil, giving o bird's -eve view Venatter, of awe, who pasted away an thi
from ebe harbor pack, looking towards At- 4,1i few& • We reeerd %bLe weas tin dead
br111's point, end another in giiii -Vlore of Year ])fans• one of the pioneer Bottler
from the river bank giving, a brood Vim of of the township of 'Paraben?y at the vener
w'.�� the Maitland towards Its mouth. Another .his age of eighty years. IN r. Deans was I
Rif painting is oil@ Is a &no"% on Lske Huron. Dative of Roxbnroaghshire, Scotland, bon
",* BUD soother le a strikinv delineation Of the, at HatJon In 1820, and married to A¢*e
features of Rev. Father McKD, formerly Fillet, daughter of . Teylotdele farmer, u
of 8t. Anga*tloe, Aad Dow chancellor of the 1842 He was employed as a game keope,
Thomas of London, sod we feel that it is 10 oto the Bawisuch estate for a number o
pornral► notating that Me, Alexander is at years prevloae to his oomtsg to America
his boot. rho paintings will remain at Mr. which was is I1357. ID 1868 ho pmrnhaom
e se
Brephev's studio for some %fine. the farm near Wipgh.m on which he reside,
MW WWT HURON LIARelanA 1Ntt'rITQTz AN- with his family till the time of his death
VITAL Mawnivu.-The waoual meeting of the Mrs. Deane, five sons load one daughter our
�° ~_ West Huron Farmers Institute will be hold vivo him. Peter gad Them" rsel,le i,
in ,be ,*will built 1401, on N•ednesday, Jso* Wtogham Henry hues to Nebias kla• ,lam*
.--�, b_Jr.y. This business of the mtettog at 86. PAZ, Mis., U.S., Mrs. Va°.tar live
wul be r t I. Prooldent's report, ID Goderloh, William, the 1'oun¢"t of th
IL DiwWMM "kasean, 3. Report of exeaG- family resides os the homestead. Me
I s,t" live. pgaassM' it writing by secretary- Desats exhibited through life the charsaa
llrosaarR. 4. Anditoes' report. 6. Sag• of • good neighbor, a progrerolve oiet7s6.
--`- rtyNer of points iter which to lfnld awKatae Tr ans" Libral. and t16emgh feebb heals
tooth!. 6 Suggestions of no(ar •t which has crippled his e6frries for the put fiftes
. M bold sapplemeslary mrNsg•. 7. Rlr• or twenty years he bore hie 911110tlons wit
Mea of director* and auditors. 8. SaRR"- true Christian resignation, trusting the
Mop ash how the imetitaa auto be im• "all wait well." Thin funeral be the Wiles
red or made more metal. Woman tepg ppm Qemetery on Wpdtorday afternoon we
-'--' � alslly invited, as we wish to dlson" the for- largely attended. - -
. obit" of a Women's Institute. Please
Make it s point to atsm4. ,IAN. 9NIIJ-, NOTFS OF SPORT
- Pts.
ETUURRIOM TO DerraGtT.-The mteAmx The bowling elob have chosen skips ft
Olby of IDide, wit" lass year ran s very too tenon as follows : W. L. Klle►, DI
gsdpe"ful excursion from Ooderloh In Ila- Honker, Dudley Holmes, W. Lens. J. I
hrsfl, " be too A similar trip this year. It O'Ovenell and John W ynw.
Will bay* Ooderiah on Thursday. Jap The fine game In the Huron county bas
21, at 8 e'aloek A M., arriving at Port His -ball lonvue series took place at Ullg%en c
ire &I 12 *'.look. &ad at Detroit at 4 e r. SAWrday, when Clinton dsta.ted the Winl
lte/ayalag, 11 will Ielovs Detroit no Friday ham team by the moon of 15 to 9.
01j o w. (IW fdbwlav day) at 2 r.yt , and D'- l Hu. The "110,411104 game Mtw"G the ('ilea
L"'"'' rose at 6:30 r.se., srrivl80 sI (ledxl°h a% and Oodertoh baseball teams will he plwye
0 , ,;>J4, 10:30 r.m. Tb fere for the round trip Is here tomorrow (Friday) afternoon Kest,
I i1, Ths ('•1ty d Telede b am 01fg6nt- one should turn out wt this the first Karr
1r ly TG."mid toad fat steamer. In fact• ins here ef ties count leagns ..r1m@ and she
of We bans , I a she lakes, and this ex• ebe hen that their efforts be k"p up msal
'7'%enrol" -& I s rery, desirable oppeetunity wholesome [port are appreciated.
;` fee w visit be Usebeautiful (31Y of tM only &fguesses turned out for ti
-,% SWISsits under tits saes" pleease
s6 amdittes. y few
"Ik If arrma/gesesb cinder wap are anmplaMd weekly ohnM 160 Friday. Reese we
eaWfineterlly the will be sa evenlorr os• scads as follows t
ersles ee the tatty of Telede M WeAw- 1t• R Waleea...0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 -6
1'0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -4
D. Yo1vw.....1
4y sort. ander the twplw of M* Marlue (, Oorrow .....0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 --a
Red. H. Ratty..X-1
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 -8
�a g;,` TOM plrltL OWMOOL BOARD.--Tha rowul&r W U.ttle ..0it ' awmwy mwM•R el IIA* pWe school board H. R.Wm.. 01 0 1 1 0 1 -7
fay bid onJa" bth. X. Nleheletim, orb D. Yolver.....•I 0 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 -G
WOO ewa►seb•d to the heard a the nth ins".. - __
, I after" his •est sad.11 the . hat members A �% t� AmO,r
"ser• preheat Ir E1►armae, ooelsg pets•
t ". IMG , repsgl*d she attendance in y " R,W,,, a eeI back. If she has offs
,., w asd 1170 Klrb, a Wal of ISM. holes sire breath through constipation, biliou
' ill'/, of tile, stago w mm the rolls Annotate
is rssaeli" whir 6" sofewoften of km We now or gNV tnmaoh trouble, list Ur. Kin,
eb 44 S, we "Aced te be New I,Ifa Pills always ours thanee trouble
Iyp. tH titan the system,
ow"wien the broat
day r hew* n1p ne..a.w fd J. H Wer fah headechot ; Meet in the world f
,,1A tilt Ilse, and J. T. Baa.. IB. Appliea%ley �°
A Stressed- aw tram rsrbOm of the tesA. hilar, kidneys and Ixtweb, Only 26a
�N vww af eyMte sterpspbed Ise J. Wilson's drag are.
lull over fes
r , „• ti"sb ssyy YM Jr. R. hall was )flesh win as Ste. ; Plymouth apse)
''',a to the esttesee sawsho beard. "Isis. a" Igo. sod Austria" Il*Id felly •
M sedvmsy IIMsN M MaKsNsO ITHowlizaN.
••moi tlyts (��
:, -119L
Thisis the writ of ilia year when 00016
It ug neat sad natty In wait's wearing sp-
ares is to order. You use get anythlag you
pact In rte& claw atybe at r', J. I -Ad am'e
atlorlate eetabliahmeat•
Have you seen t►e street gates MrKsmi
I& A IIOwa1.L 6011 At $5.00 ewh,
Om, w the Victoria Restaurant, Wes► At ,
10 lee °rear, fruit, tionfeutione►y, clxsre,
to C. BLACK)MNa, proprIOWr.
You can tot all the strawberries you
riot now at the Maple Lost Granary. The
Guilty is 6104116111%. O. M. KLWtrrr.
Wuutw.-100 tubs 01 butter. weAly.
Nioabam mukeit an ao',sarp&NW. Every•
lady pars lie cash and 15i for butter. G.
C KING, Wingbsm.
It to now • splendid time to paint, When
lou use paint be sure you use nothing but
he best. The boat is the genuine !'aephaat
shite lead, as sold by Mt Keerirlsit He"SI.L.
Gino, Musa - 1 have now full possession of
,he store lately occupied by Jar. Yates,
and Am in a position to (to betl,r for my
MOtOMOre, Law earrying a fall Ila" of
)holes groceries st low price*. Call mad try
noIortan and coffee at25J. GSu. SrawAITT.
Lee A Shephard have bought a ahipmwt
of flowers, grsulaware, eW , which was
shipped to Goderlob in error, and for the
week oommeooin¢ Saturday. June 16;b, are
gotag to sell these goods at such low prices
as were never .,,Galled to Godsrtoh before.
Terms oath, If goods are charged. They
will ba b,wktJ at former prlw.
raor BvmNsm -1be onesdat* has goer
forth and Mr. R. R Smltb, of St. Louis,
Mo., determines %hat Mn. R B. Smith shell
retire from the business &ren&. Kvooybody
knows the stook of millinery they awry, the
Izrgset Lod meet up-to-date in western On-
tartc. Thd fella y goods department sad
every line carried to an up-to-date drygoods
hots" In a general way is be" to choose
-"7 r..-: "= '3• -r r .. Beefy pwtiwAt' ^i"illvfw-ly rr!!^-*$,w---"k -iBdIR�
•atY .,•;,x ..t .tlr�=•a��--- . fir, e
wY .ru,x .a,.*r'�p+.�y,,,,!s " tw-,r'3'E+'.� „ ' Y'
-'ed'a'Y '•-�a•Q"t' P:''xt(At""sM , "elar'La+, <attr)ar! 74lpcs!k'rw.3`..wa,""�'
1'eottgnAy, June 14, 1900
as.+ Y ,-
•�0 .:3.5
a - --- ----
.t ,.
W rM
NP,WP111bP1 S
_ -,yk;;; o,; , .A, r
11 , - - w.re. a,awrew,t"'
%r'tvas; t.',
-'iFour months of Sommer weather ahead of ins now. . Prepare `
1 ,'j, ` for it with the new Hummer goods in Piques, Muslins and (ling I
hams -our selections very choice and our stock very large. ,
"'lF t t. SHIRTS., A largt• variety, of
' �y'r ppat torus in now
While Iowa Waist, (7, ihotum-white, sad
with insertion, vee) r whi(u with wlotwt
r prutty lwttArru, tali► stnpr-at 1fic.
•460 , -. . 60a. up. I "�. Pretty ch" b alts
?, II
3; Extra value int atsill* Giogh&tua art
iilouw at W. l 'y„- 15u
i'VY - t`- Dress Waist etybi WhiW lawn uu.l
Blanes, newstrit",at' y►,J �'iJ I Organdie 9lushu iu
i� 01.00. ,V .t l ;t F all qualities.
1 Full rasige eeparate� �/ T16o newest stupe
IK, - k .....
wl Skirts t t I. sod and Y / , terve in L16e bust
I v colored�}},, • I t, w�aAhitw Prints.
hKIR" IN HR 1IDED Frekcr.i. I:Ow + , Skirts.
Special lot of sailors, worth 50c. and 750., for 3.5c-
a...s' Great value io Trimmed HMA at $1.06, $1.25, :1.50, $1.75,
Theare greatly reduced prices. r
_ chiid en'm Hunter Tit" Meet h d limoh' Tim aro those
- ...0 y tisittty taut -in -hand lace afftxa, at 60...
In all mizoe and kinds mels
r I we are well prepared
1 with, said our values larggeO range of the new Flowing -End and
�' are rigbL Hutlkerchief effect Tim.
•y Hove goat teen our
'A r spelialNsvcKR'uK New Dog-(.U.''Beltn. �� �;utoak
MNH. for boys, New Yulleyelislle t1W k i
in all sizes, acid our
ial at 2 for 25c :°' ^ vx f ```'
Now Beg Buckles. - '
w -, S ) Wine, W.h i t i .
x-+�- Under , apo• New Bleu" Pitts awl lids. _---
�y11 h/ t �tialNight Gown,If e-. nicely trimmed with ; Corue and look over our vsek+tyr d Roul-
At embcaidery, at'15c. mor�Noveltim.
,�r MEN'S and ..BOYS' ��CLOTHING
- - i
......,.v. ,w,u...w s __. ----------- -- - ... -
_ _� � }ABH OW PRODUM l -
rw �Bra's & Co.�
Smith __ _
____._ -_
IAROUND TOWN for tendon for the yentllstion of the yab-
I Iia whoolo according be the plow and spent-
Trus, Ata IN Da "It. -D. K. 5trsohsn fice►Ione to the nands of the secretary. Mir
I M kept busy these days building his ion- 15hwelo n will 000ttoui to act me principal
, ,proved tsunwri
street warisg wagons. He shipped I til the t regular meeting of the board.
Dao roosmtly to Brawls mud one last week Toadus sell, be asked for the pwaling of
o be Truro, N. S , sad brides bee orders on .Jt• David's word school, two oostp.
ahand from Nara t!111`11807- C. R . Mount Tits TowN WINS "TITS NscoND ROt•ND.
� Ir' t and Sea -
lorth, making two for the On Monday she appeal agaisot the jadK-
tatter mtmiatpaLL►y, men► of Calot Jwtioe Armour in the O"I
Wier Heauti Ke.svrioN Caea. - The wino, Holmes vs. the town of Oo,dsrleh,
Went Huron al"Lles &pnoal is still outfaced- wit board At the DivsiceaR oast iu'lereate,
ed sad will remain te Gaul September a before Chanosllor Boyd and Joetiw Fr -
the surliest. rho Court of Appeal closed its gases and Movedtah. On Tuesday jader-
sibtin/ last west and will not sit &gals to went was gives, the defendants' Appeal be-
t hew wgamsat on Appeals Gatil .September, lag allowed as regards the Joal not accept-
I- and ameag the saw carried over is Mr. ad by I I. , Jef6&dante, end the amount M
e 'l. The celerity of our castle the judgment tobe reduced to such &me tit
UArrewe appea
- _l of inane* is xlto
ams/. as is applioabin to the coal accepted. No
l 'Lsa ODUNTY CODNClL..-dost of the work oosts. J. T. Burow, Q. C., f"r dsfwdaute.
at the Jatw session of the county council E. L. Dickenson for plaintiff.
W64 of Ib routine obstructer. very few AT TH■ Laws F'KONT.-The air. S,. An-
gansYw of importane* coming up. The drew arrived Saturday morning n ith 37.000
` g•GeMllb 8 asiahed thekr lahon on Friday bmsbeto of wheat trom Fort W'Ilium forI he
_tee .- gives slRt as era earllor hour %ban u.oal. For Richardson elevator and Left SatardAy night
No Doembet session they decided to have to ,*euro to Fort William.... Th*str. Rom -
tlh~ and will meet ,is Windham, an I from Fort W illiam with 80,000 LGehels
bmf is the northern town which we hops' I •... • +.► tot : he Goderioa Kisvator Co , ar
iddsaw will duly apprrfate. I rlv*u in port Sunday morning.After die.
A Nsw Oraes Honng.-As undenaa.t I1efaleg ben big carve. rhe loft on MoDdsy
, ,r Lorain to lo. , , .. . %y Iron for Fort
brune Nem" of 'Iowa or" 0erlously N' Illtasp::..'the rhe. Corel ran in on So"
r OOMW*rior tae umost"' of or*OU' a hew day wb le ea bar way (rem Johnston's Har
A• epees bar to Godertoh during this fumtw. ben wet h a load of lumber for Bwyfisid, and
A U Is tett that Gedertok y should have a larger left Alo.idfor the tatter port.....rho att.
gad batInelpWa house than It hes now, lased Mylr, „ expected this week with • cargo of
it is no derb% Woe that better Oempsair whes� '.it Richardson's elevator.... The
Aad gatrWam*ole of a blither ole" could We'll sailer Inspector, John Dodd*, ora
be W,WSM 11 a commodious and modern hon I h e. week Inspecting %he boilers of the
hoar were Available. This will be the owes dredge t.Gd the togs Huron Lad Evelyn....
puMOSIMly Dart as""', when the prey" The ate. Pittsburg, which is to ran this sas
-wowe dental oleoHon will be o° is the Hat" and iron from Cleveland to Sault 5a. Merl•, wll'
--un many Onto is* will wk audiences to Can he hen next Tu.&dwy morning, [sing north.
ads, and if %ha scheme mutert&lirw and the f lovernment boiler-t°speoar Dodds. wht
building is oompleted by next tall Ooderiob laspeotrd the Pittet:11rg, says her maohlamrl
will have a brighter entutsinmen► session is Al and that she Is one of the best beau
than any 1► bas yet bad. In CAuedu.... The waterworks chimney ha
Ma. As.s=ANh.-
DKa'6 PAINT'lli We had reached w hotel,% of about 140 left land
'"to the pleasure A low days age all, 98011116 6 will he ccmpleted this week If bricks strive
nambsr of patutlnse by S. W. Alexaader. Ties LATII Prraet DsANN, Su., lir TURN
of awn, which are on sethibi ie at T. H. Ksaay.-The following, from The Wtw bas
Brophoy'e photograph studio. Then is a Times• retere to the father of M.." W
Istodwpe in oil, giving o bird's -eve view Venatter, of awe, who pasted away an thi
from ebe harbor pack, looking towards At- 4,1i few& • We reeerd %bLe weas tin dead
br111's point, end another in giiii -Vlore of Year ])fans• one of the pioneer Bottler
from the river bank giving, a brood Vim of of the township of 'Paraben?y at the vener
w'.�� the Maitland towards Its mouth. Another .his age of eighty years. IN r. Deans was I
Rif painting is oil@ Is a &no"% on Lske Huron. Dative of Roxbnroaghshire, Scotland, bon
",* BUD soother le a strikinv delineation Of the, at HatJon In 1820, and married to A¢*e
features of Rev. Father McKD, formerly Fillet, daughter of . Teylotdele farmer, u
of 8t. Anga*tloe, Aad Dow chancellor of the 1842 He was employed as a game keope,
Thomas of London, sod we feel that it is 10 oto the Bawisuch estate for a number o
pornral► notating that Me, Alexander is at years prevloae to his oomtsg to America
his boot. rho paintings will remain at Mr. which was is I1357. ID 1868 ho pmrnhaom
e se
Brephev's studio for some %fine. the farm near Wipgh.m on which he reside,
MW WWT HURON LIARelanA 1Ntt'rITQTz AN- with his family till the time of his death
VITAL Mawnivu.-The waoual meeting of the Mrs. Deane, five sons load one daughter our
�° ~_ West Huron Farmers Institute will be hold vivo him. Peter gad Them" rsel,le i,
in ,be ,*will built 1401, on N•ednesday, Jso* Wtogham Henry hues to Nebias kla• ,lam*
.--�, b_Jr.y. This business of the mtettog at 86. PAZ, Mis., U.S., Mrs. Va°.tar live
wul be r t I. Prooldent's report, ID Goderloh, William, the 1'oun¢"t of th
IL DiwWMM "kasean, 3. Report of exeaG- family resides os the homestead. Me
I s,t" live. pgaassM' it writing by secretary- Desats exhibited through life the charsaa
llrosaarR. 4. Anditoes' report. 6. Sag• of • good neighbor, a progrerolve oiet7s6.
--`- rtyNer of points iter which to lfnld awKatae Tr ans" Libral. and t16emgh feebb heals
tooth!. 6 Suggestions of no(ar •t which has crippled his e6frries for the put fiftes
. M bold sapplemeslary mrNsg•. 7. Rlr• or twenty years he bore hie 911110tlons wit
Mea of director* and auditors. 8. SaRR"- true Christian resignation, trusting the
Mop ash how the imetitaa auto be im• "all wait well." Thin funeral be the Wiles
red or made more metal. Woman tepg ppm Qemetery on Wpdtorday afternoon we
-'--' � alslly invited, as we wish to dlson" the for- largely attended. - -
. obit" of a Women's Institute. Please
Make it s point to atsm4. ,IAN. 9NIIJ-, NOTFS OF SPORT
- Pts.
ETUURRIOM TO DerraGtT.-The mteAmx The bowling elob have chosen skips ft
Olby of IDide, wit" lass year ran s very too tenon as follows : W. L. Klle►, DI
gsdpe"ful excursion from Ooderloh In Ila- Honker, Dudley Holmes, W. Lens. J. I
hrsfl, " be too A similar trip this year. It O'Ovenell and John W ynw.
Will bay* Ooderiah on Thursday. Jap The fine game In the Huron county bas
21, at 8 e'aloek A M., arriving at Port His -ball lonvue series took place at Ullg%en c
ire &I 12 *'.look. &ad at Detroit at 4 e r. SAWrday, when Clinton dsta.ted the Winl
lte/ayalag, 11 will Ielovs Detroit no Friday ham team by the moon of 15 to 9.
01j o w. (IW fdbwlav day) at 2 r.yt , and D'- l Hu. The "110,411104 game Mtw"G the ('ilea
L"'"'' rose at 6:30 r.se., srrivl80 sI (ledxl°h a% and Oodertoh baseball teams will he plwye
0 , ,;>J4, 10:30 r.m. Tb fere for the round trip Is here tomorrow (Friday) afternoon Kest,
I i1, Ths ('•1ty d Telede b am 01fg6nt- one should turn out wt this the first Karr
1r ly TG."mid toad fat steamer. In fact• ins here ef ties count leagns ..r1m@ and she
of We bans , I a she lakes, and this ex• ebe hen that their efforts be k"p up msal
'7'%enrol" -& I s rery, desirable oppeetunity wholesome [port are appreciated.
;` fee w visit be Usebeautiful (31Y of tM only &fguesses turned out for ti
-,% SWISsits under tits saes" pleease
s6 amdittes. y few
"Ik If arrma/gesesb cinder wap are anmplaMd weekly ohnM 160 Friday. Reese we
eaWfineterlly the will be sa evenlorr os• scads as follows t
ersles ee the tatty of Telede M WeAw- 1t• R Waleea...0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 -6
1'0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -4
D. Yo1vw.....1
4y sort. ander the twplw of M* Marlue (, Oorrow .....0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 --a
Red. H. Ratty..X-1
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 -8
�a g;,` TOM plrltL OWMOOL BOARD.--Tha rowul&r W U.ttle ..0it ' awmwy mwM•R el IIA* pWe school board H. R.Wm.. 01 0 1 1 0 1 -7
fay bid onJa" bth. X. Nleheletim, orb D. Yolver.....•I 0 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 -G
WOO ewa►seb•d to the heard a the nth ins".. - __
, I after" his •est sad.11 the . hat members A �% t� AmO,r
"ser• preheat Ir E1►armae, ooelsg pets•
t ". IMG , repsgl*d she attendance in y " R,W,,, a eeI back. If she has offs
,., w asd 1170 Klrb, a Wal of ISM. holes sire breath through constipation, biliou
' ill'/, of tile, stago w mm the rolls Annotate
is rssaeli" whir 6" sofewoften of km We now or gNV tnmaoh trouble, list Ur. Kin,
eb 44 S, we "Aced te be New I,Ifa Pills always ours thanee trouble
Iyp. tH titan the system,
ow"wien the broat
day r hew* n1p ne..a.w fd J. H Wer fah headechot ; Meet in the world f
,,1A tilt Ilse, and J. T. Baa.. IB. Appliea%ley �°
A Stressed- aw tram rsrbOm of the tesA. hilar, kidneys and Ixtweb, Only 26a
�N vww af eyMte sterpspbed Ise J. Wilson's drag are.
lull over fes
r , „• ti"sb ssyy YM Jr. R. hall was )flesh win as Ste. ; Plymouth apse)
''',a to the esttesee sawsho beard. "Isis. a" Igo. sod Austria" Il*Id felly •
M sedvmsy IIMsN M MaKsNsO ITHowlizaN.
••moi tlyts (��
:, -119L
Thisis the writ of ilia year when 00016
It ug neat sad natty In wait's wearing sp-
ares is to order. You use get anythlag you
pact In rte& claw atybe at r', J. I -Ad am'e
atlorlate eetabliahmeat•
Have you seen t►e street gates MrKsmi
I& A IIOwa1.L 6011 At $5.00 ewh,
Om, w the Victoria Restaurant, Wes► At ,
10 lee °rear, fruit, tionfeutione►y, clxsre,
to C. BLACK)MNa, proprIOWr.
You can tot all the strawberries you
riot now at the Maple Lost Granary. The
Guilty is 6104116111%. O. M. KLWtrrr.
Wuutw.-100 tubs 01 butter. weAly.
Nioabam mukeit an ao',sarp&NW. Every•
lady pars lie cash and 15i for butter. G.
C KING, Wingbsm.
It to now • splendid time to paint, When
lou use paint be sure you use nothing but
he best. The boat is the genuine !'aephaat
shite lead, as sold by Mt Keerirlsit He"SI.L.
Gino, Musa - 1 have now full possession of
,he store lately occupied by Jar. Yates,
and Am in a position to (to betl,r for my
MOtOMOre, Law earrying a fall Ila" of
)holes groceries st low price*. Call mad try
noIortan and coffee at25J. GSu. SrawAITT.
Lee A Shephard have bought a ahipmwt
of flowers, grsulaware, eW , which was
shipped to Goderlob in error, and for the
week oommeooin¢ Saturday. June 16;b, are
gotag to sell these goods at such low prices
as were never .,,Galled to Godsrtoh before.
Terms oath, If goods are charged. They
will ba b,wktJ at former prlw.
raor BvmNsm -1be onesdat* has goer
forth and Mr. R. R Smltb, of St. Louis,
Mo., determines %hat Mn. R B. Smith shell
retire from the business &ren&. Kvooybody
knows the stook of millinery they awry, the
Izrgset Lod meet up-to-date in western On-
tartc. Thd fella y goods department sad
every line carried to an up-to-date drygoods
hots" In a general way is be" to choose
-"7 r..-: "= '3• -r r .. Beefy pwtiwAt' ^i"illvfw-ly rr!!^-*$,w---"k -iBdIR�
from, and at prior that ere bound to mAlio -- s
L eeoe•tion to town and country. Ao oxws r
staff Of motive eat"people tee rgaKdtor the00 ,L- ,%irl*7 , .,
greet business 0000sloD of the you. The '�r�s.t�AiAfdF'+;i _
&Wes will M closed every evasion At 6 )--a-, , i'..b`,,, art• + fes:. tgq�q
In prepare the ,look for osxt dy's rte, + v "Wit" r y ,; f 1y,, -
'I'be e&Ia commet.uee on 54IDiedy,Jone 16tb. iia _ ' -.' Jr..:, l s,.r+^.y- •- )
R. B. Smith. C. W. Andrews, Manager. I . '
Ntrrt:a- The local Ageoas In 1Jupgsnnen 0 �
for Tse 111ONAL b &t the odtea Of J. (). AnD- "^' . .
'J,Y,, twavaqyawoog�aSC.� to.. who will receive or, iv 'n+ ^� -$•'
den for enbsorlptlona adviwtisloa and Job . •,q f.,
work, and is anthoeiaed to give recdlill fx
amount& told for the acme "rt. " 't:; ----
(\ A. NKWTON, UKNTIBT, OF LUCK. •i a a.„ .011
am i cow, -U femme kis tw to month- 'tom k{�_ A N D R%STR
N �..o - -
thea in April, -tat end teed Frldv esteh manes . -
TcssDAY, Jane 12.
The present driver of the stage between ar �--'.
lAcknow and Godertoh deserves special ^n rY,
"''e •�f..�.i. .•I I
mention for his punctuality and obliging de. *, M, -,. w, , Q•�portmeot. lie is • citizen of our village. a w. .,.THE FAS R• 0""!* \ p,
tuuw:u NuTis.-Rev. Mr. Goldberg on .L
,,_v last oladooted divine Bolivia* In theKpuoopaltao oharob at Lncknow ... CITV� �ODes000w \1J" M, M&Ilough conducted
evening service is the s"ahedist oharob
test Sunday evening. Then was a gen••'_ _1- - - . - _
tend"as' i \ IAF/LL LEAVE OODER/ H
1 m rfiev as aNTN -Our vlltage palbatastae,
T. Smiley. Jae. Medd and A. Pluto, with . `fns \
their staff of wen, made good noprovoments x:
to the ddewsUte, crommings and streets.;: -
which add greatly to leo appearance. The
ext Improvements will probably be gran- �,g V1
llthio sidewalk,, oto
SOCIAL (IATn&RLNG,-At a meeting which I .. -
was hell st the young people is Ilth lost
900 , a:... -, .u-- � -
wttb KrsklAe oharob bete, to the 11th iwt , a' e9Yyd'a"? -' 9
it was deo,d d to repair a:d reonvats the_ • \ 0i �'
oheroh and help a provide the uc.eeasry - Q.oa i. M. tern - Time, arriva�P_ ort Huroelt _ funds by by having • eir*wbairy an.,iAl wtt4 ---=-a6VtR _ r�•� �-
music, ato , Ya the church on Tueedey, , 12.oa, nn-oorn_,'` trait 4.00 p. n1. • Re urning;'
Jane a nor when •good time to arrtioipaPA. leave Detroit, rids June 22t. at 2.00 m.,
All an ccrdlady invited. Y+ p'
TtiarT.-Saturday alghL, the 2.d last . Port Huron 6.3 P. m., arriving at aoderich
come person or peons entered the koro of .T m,
David Judice, A.hHeld, and stole upaarls at IOa3o p.�i•,ii., .d leave for Detroit. Satll�
of forty dollar,' worti. of cared puck. rbicb . _'Ilia*, June 2,3, at 5. a. m., Eastern .Time- ,
he had stored in the ¢npAry. there beingelle tare on this tri will be 51.00-Slii&_ a
*Looe four huadreds pound,, which wit all rb •,
taken. We have also been iofnrmrd that a • /r...� %� "`"�"'"(.�
ose or two other farmers' granarie. In -this ;x--_,_--, "' Cie I e IL:�LM♦A� N♦�, •' .
Dslghh.,rhod were foterort and • ynentlty , .,-White �t#g l�n:'s
of grain ale. Tffc. Mn ,-
CUmING AND GOING. -Os Friday of last '
week llutosAs McRae, of Laokoow, a retired \.
11:x6141.+, Lt"+ .,d' -t -. Stat c�YTg y"ix,r � 4p ,- 'i1,
farmer, who bed a very pleasant visit st " _ . . „ . - u4 ,_..�
D Judlne's. Ashfield, about a week. left �. - �---_ .
for home. Mr MoRse And Mr. Jardine " - -
www in former yeers Door end intimate ---,-- - -- - ---- --
neighbors in the township of Kinlos, wl.ere THE MAN WITH AN AD-
both oarri..d on (arming. Mr. MoRse witsUL
higbly pleased with the appearance of our ThoWa the mw 't the pi. le a -•f tRw tdta
villa* and expressed himself dollghted with tie too, s
with Mr. Jardi e's comfortable rosideo" And the man with lbw eOrni"LD'T""y."
and the good condition of his iarm. It Is gut ilia man witi, ,t+a."atd'__.>z_st&men ` [
about three years since his last v11416 .flew over filed, .JILI - �4TUi1N,FAIIES
N alker, of uorris, accompanied by 1610 wife, F,.r he collar, his share ul the trade. Aoyyl l' v►Ina
16tt hen lit home on Monday. after [ [herr 1i1 llllll❑
visit to his parent&• Mr. cod Mn. Walker. There's the mon with the bat• sad the man RR�y pPpJ�tirt) Ag�n,tler.:,........
....Mies Mary Crumble, of Belfast, after as with the shoo, Seekel Y �LAA A...... �extended visit to Mr. bull Mn. Ju. Nalker And the m%n with the autemgW Rin+nar'b �` ,.1$1
1y Nnosorn r...-.:.
left for item* the latter part of Wt week. flat whoe'er, east err west, la an` ••gAr"•60111 60 Day Ite"'tcta"''
A. K. Treleaven lett here. via Goderich. invest Swan Rivgr
r - '
A e to of the deal. Ex n�1(�
on Moodie ea • trip to state that.
Marie.is them n A, tie p BgC➢r81UIls EteRlma..
.'.:. We regret ell have to ante tbAf,ls coo• MMsym 30
� ergoepra of the serious Illness of A. David. There'* the man with tlielrowo anp tile mac }n }j,8 w '
---whn the YU the Ttrrkum.
sea's sop at Qodkc%T), he *od kL family are rtl(16
leaving our vlllawe for Gederih. We. Yid the man .1 perpstua grist.YRdMx1Mrt :: !
, along with Mr. Davidson's o°lnerous friends But-iut m*bf up ynor mind, that no man Canadian - eratgary - f
doo*rely hope that his hen may soon be rem. ` of ths• kind Q North
q Hrd Ilex ., i
toyed to good health, In an "ad." hes the dlpbtert belief BorthWest Rdmontou.. J v=%/
I Nor the man of the East, er the man of the
PORT ALBERT. N ", Gotn¢ June 10 Returning until Auer. 10
MONDAY, Jane 11. IA I nil or H 8. At -. rte)
%X till a smile and a face all aglow, Goin July 13 Returning until Sept. 12
Will B. Hawkins Is away at camp to
L the mon who has haA, by the aid of 1 All raN an ►
'1 Landau. an "*d ," GoinJuly 1� Returning until Sept. lA
I Gsnrvs `l'hurlow, of Oodnrtob, is spending,A Inde that has brr.uvbt 10 the dough. (AiQ l fall or e. S. Alberts,
o few days with friends ben.-KPRRIT Wmi&RT TRxttrNR. Ree licenseandPer,
elle Ag nt,InforntolA*"111 ly to
&D ('unedi&6 !'ar, flu Agent, or t0 A. II NUT -
The Hood Templan of Paramount held - -_ - - T. A N sat. 9°el Pa10r. Ant., 1 Kinv .„ act.
I their sonnet pienin have on Saturday last. Thos la,lw- of the W. C. T U. next Nem.
I Jan. Quaid attended the imperial of hie &T OT"l0¢ will give*pwloreeetal-a. Mr6. -._ -_ _ -_ _ -------._
I broth". John Quaid. last wrk_AL-Bl Q". Aobesion's, Nelson street. At 4 e ellook
I 'Phomas. a taper oh Miinnhtae w w given. A}�--_
Rev. Mr. (11uk, of Wingham, took port i%6.'clock tea will he served; gentl.mes roa naQ�
r specialty Invited. Following this will '
are &
, to the mervtoe In Christ church on Sunday _
morning. be an Interesting program of music. sto.
----- - A collection will be taken in .Id of tithe work our (Alurler Plump,) . week.
I MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. of "he Uaieti. ps
d, of whichA
Tnahis len't out only swp, as w. carry
a ARIII'lli --- - - ____I everything that can to found ,n aver.
Council met aatulydsy, May 26th. Mem. 'i'n AvVICHTISBR9. to-d&ts grocery store, slid r,or prices
o tins all prosect. MloulalJ� sod •yproved. are right. The tarmnre know that they
Appeals Against the somamoTit roll• call#, (TIT atutnangra meat he lett ir1 'MA atwayr got TI' M Ht't'n[tp ter fMl p
an that the court of nylelos had nothing to Office not .-latetr than Hattlydst Wbdnof. We dr -kw the line At no
do The followingcheques woe issued : f4timste trade -- everything gone :
«{ noon. Tho Copy for changes
Jas. Webster, rep. rend Dec. 14, $1 W ; .las. Ol.rware or potatros• garden staffAr
fi&ird, re red nen. 14, {'d 601 R. Sprind- must. les Inft.' not later than Mon-, Choicest, able Chm t ices deet In all
ler, rep. R. 3 And 4. 600 ; .John Lit is, day noon. (ssual Advnrtimentents of them.
I. rep. 8. R &nd 4, 60o. ; Wm. O.rdpor, accepted up b noon Wednesday of nn TIPLIN4 aTi n/yn� t. .
-- rep. 8. R. 9 fled 10, ill John Meer' each ,-�..,_... .- A. Irv. GQ..
I. sop, D. Lt '50o.4 W. Nivees, rep oil. 8 R. Redford blank. O+dmloh.
E 9 and 10, Ip ; T. MoKsith, rep. road D. 1.., --- ___ _ __-
_I• Il 26; K. Henry, plank, W 57; T. Harry, Binder Twine fol 'now -
rep. h, 11, 600.: John Kilpatrick. rep. __ __ �_
a brides, 1). L., 84, rdW bridge, nose. 12 60, A
d 10 yards of gravel one. 6. $2 50 • Thomas
1. lannan, rep S R. 3 ateA 4; Al : `ions. Mal- Idfi 7�� 0„14
0 laugh, rep. nen 6, $1 ; T. Anderson, rep 9 I� r
„ 8. 6 and 7, 40a. ; Joseph DIs*sp, rep 1) L, � '°.Ab ' ., .0.-:0 OOL
ia: Tb". Ford, rep out. I1 L., It 6(i; �iNIlF:RTWINE FOR FARMERS.-
sam Statham, work on rod N. 1i., $6; R Hinder Wee from the O*ntml F)rleon,
A. Garrick And extra week for two Teen, for the woman of Ifloi, will to sold to I`= i am prepared to buy ,
N Jm@. TI art• rep. cal. N. R 3 and 4, 112: or tarmere elutes, for their own use io •say
,* {6 ; at axitl•7 , from one balm to any ouraber Miele this section A clip Of wool, t
J.mtee nlmpsep, rep cul. coal 2, tl ; Jeho at, &t Ih,vilallowing prinns per pound • an usual, at the
Rlllo%►, rep out then. 2, fid ; DD (Toff, rep, "Itietra Rtandaml." In balm@ of fD IM, ouch,
out. ea°. 4. .1 : R. Drfmen, rep. out '' R , p, ° BBN�ILLBB w00I1BN MILLS
Raewtfei N,te,lalIn bol w of #li Iia each,
i5 ; .las. Jobnslen. rep. read 1. R .SOD, : it e.
R. Wilk e. ren. N. R., 61 36 ; Joines C;uah most mureameany Ovary order or he re
JA&ehed for two now off. $37 75 ; meW baton tw;nA IN &hlppwd : fralght In all .. VIM,
A. wet. Owe TL SOn : N YeKeh "omsense p••lgtd by u-oh*merm aAd ord#n
•.. w"t(ms6&I be hPr `,,or `r aro HIGHEST CISH PRIG
K.- re .cal. A. eK.t 18 and 13, -. N ; T. Me. )h . wnorw a farni n I a oMelm ly & grr1"
DZIN: rap. R R. 12 Aad 13, ill 00 : A rluantfly n tar wgaI= for h'a own new. tike
Matheson. rep. n. R. 9 sad 10. $1 00 : R. oMfr test ,t he Oign.1 by the n*r.ars joliti
In the or and the 6mnnpt rennlrAA by e.c or in exchange for mtinG-
Sklside. rep. bridge. 8 R IS sod IN $18 50; matt ae»nmnony It, as well as the pia odlre
V. Carrell• rep rated a Part Albert, R; fir, siltrraoof each applicant. tsctnrrvl srticlea.
'a and lot tea of plank, $3 00 ; W. R.ohard. I The twice in her l manufactured. °very
peand gn.r.ntt-d of snrvlertaMe gnAllrt. as , JESSE C
, gen, rep oil L. R.. $1 00 • 1) MA )"GIA, i &q prove b.lt� In tittw, not bwing rotofllt .
* top. Kletad, {b 00 ; K, McLain, work wA
p money .111 t.m rhe and
a: le 1w, $I 60 ; M. McGregor• posting at Ritra Mtandard" to hold only in small
1. Klntetl, fid` 00 ; Joseph Goldthorpe, plank, e♦nantltles, but ••Irarmwrs- Asionlar" wbl.h .111 _-
fe"ir 448 OO ; R. A. Garrick, wart ea hill, for rbsfel°suppi sal Valenta farmers n&Mg ft, b In
it Isobar. and sop. brldge, SS 35: K. Ye. ()rdwre addresseA to" rho WGrden. (teetrel
Lean, rep. MI. R R. 9 sad 10, V 00 : W. Prison. Toronto." will receive prompt sttsa-
Stewut, plank, $6 85 ; D. Mellwals, rfp tie°.
al ani. Is. R. 6 until 7. W 00. Next o"nml JAMgY NOXON.
Iyggg�or of F'rlseea.
re . -, R&butday. Jsse &i. W. iirmRaaw, plsMtmemt Ha11Msn.
Climb. I TowslgJew UL MM M WOOL
., - y,I,,.6"'r Alt..:
5... '+'d .n.'iti+ivh'w dtisori fAt:aiK`riit.nl.., ,. ,.,-, ,..�----ter..-, w,:. r„nt,.t;%"let'"tJWk,.•...-.. AI ft- 0-Ah-tn.....::r,t&:a:•"s-,r •..:,.era-a*r...4
love Fittin D14 �ttm,9*i -
t �
-.4,6"Ti; ._:�
.,w ,,Easy..:.�nan
A ti's AI and Mrfeot Mas frons Ir ani day is fife etperionoe of women who -W. .,�,
.75 Queen,#
sea tl 0 0 e
TNATTHIS O 3•• Quality
/I., The Show mad. by Titus. G. po
/!!J!! /f aFP,
of Boston. _A
They aro ties Shoe Suc"tess of the wit.
tRAo A ' tury Our illustratiwt shows Otte of the t
If BRANDED 0,4-, Itght, graceful &till sit I hie styles, as.
ON tvLity sO pocially desirable For those who ,lairs
)Not. comfort, graceful files, anti estiO1,41"
iu Footwow. -
This is only we of the many.
I Art In
All up-to-date Ohap" and styles for
Shoemaking. ovary ttr&aon anti use are includes) in '
sew our Men's dewhle-solei, 1*•ggwl lhiten, with Dion tow hep, lust the thing for i
joncral wear, only 41.25.
We have 1 (los.ppaain of Maris black and tan silk vesting top lane Show, Good. R
ane Welts, regular 13.00 line, to clear will Bull them at 11. per pail,
During busy soatt o we will keep store open until 8 o'clock, .
-> a
REPAIRINC+. _, L-'0* n
P- T. HAZ,LS, � a; 'I
North ride of the 89stara, 004Wio►. THE CASH SHOE DEALER .
-- __ _ - � - it
�so�a�le Sa". - A
ila s.41 M
- He DUN r. . " ~
"J Can show you the IatwA in Spring ';n `GOOD I
and Summer NuitinW-
Call and see himIlemespstss iw-t ho mwwwAt - ' )' _ _ ___
sluulm, the very thing for Spring rend Nuat r %♦, .".
liter wear A tirge moortmouL of cloths to ' ?}. ..
ehooee from, an -1 style and ft guarautood i,.tt`• i0
Priem moderate r
H. DON e
eei .treat �{ :s
_ t "
�._`_ _ �
sVW 0N`S' DON'T V ,�4�".s1
- a '111-11-1-
TAMPER....with your beelih�j capl'o'JI Don't use Drugs end Medicines
of questionable quality. Got the Lest
than, in at the sante prices that are
t4 charged for inferior goods
o�.v y.-' < _ • 1W\. tures At our Drug store the stock is al-
- A I 4151 ), ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
. wtlLNCfstlA,t,' ' 1 tont and satisfactory. , .
'_ in Our Prescription Department
_a40MY : /1 has a c pubstion for promptness and
Engineers' and taA. -'�11 w -
Mill Supplies, ..,
Lubricating Oils and
Greases, res
\ Pipe Covering,
Asbestos Goods,
`. Belting and
t.. -,.--.I,-- Lace Leather.
The Wm. SHtOn Compound' Co.,
a�1.,. - (68 Queen-st.,
Toronto, Ont.
- Medical Ball. ' .
Uohnaten and EA&M
uraduate of Massachusetts Col-
lege of Embalming.
� tAtCIL, uewsurw.
. - - _.
�tirrfmrnrrrrrrt 11MMmmmmmm11
� --w
� [len's plain' heavy Ct igress - 85c. per pair :Z
Men's lace plow Boots - - as 75c. ee
-me- heavy lace Boots a I 65c. 64
f Misses' 'e '• Y l- 55c. t' E3
' s e1�Childs 810 _ E►
I► Women's bqs-�t Carpet -.Slipper - _'(I
or two pairs for 25c. - _ ,•;
do--ISc. bottle of Polish for Sc. :3mss"
:-- Also finer lines Id the same proportion.\ `
As we have the largest shoe store and the
\\ largest stock in this county, we are able
E to fit you in style and price.
Coble and be convinced.
Ear k_t rived a line of Genu'_ '
!JL- -
...American Field Fe,ncin ••_I `s
_" _1 , �i�,
�� _ .�
Have you •seen TO Do you know what life Ithe cheapest slid most ,
durshMe fence sold? if you haven't seen it you can we it at MCKENZIE i
& HOWELL'S at from 86c. ti rod up. ,
z Spring Coiled Wire 3i cents Ib *,vr,
Barb Wire - - X cents I be r�-
t Galvanized and t lack Wire. °"
f BINDER TWINE ; Go Boll the now brand
Gold Mttdal brand at the
lowest prim going. i.et us have your older.
Harvest Tools, Nails, House and Barn Fiaturest
\ in tiny nuantity.
The people know where best values are found Our sales -6"110"r p
known to be as large as at present.
We tiny for cash. We buy In quantities. We sell on small utargins• a
It is to your advantage to hay your hardware of ,,ryµrr
NYw%.,'rtt kvX-r`4+.ey let"'AL" "'
r.; (may . ,...: N E r tt .4'
&Howell�wMcK. .enzie . $*
kA r.W.. ®ea. 4 fie' a''.,4 t tr'4 . , '.t
IJ/'/ t' Y �. ' �" Via, nA
PXFI� *,. t'',.?4:: ,I .. ,/ = s � `"Ii.l)I .i!
r w.W
it e 4 -1 "
.�6, L
. ... 1 .- ft"
- , ., ., -z"
... 1'r 1{ .:-,
i V -
�, - -d:. .
�:: . lx- - ---..
_. S -
- ns
from, and at prior that ere bound to mAlio -- s
L eeoe•tion to town and country. Ao oxws r
staff Of motive eat"people tee rgaKdtor the00 ,L- ,%irl*7 , .,
greet business 0000sloD of the you. The '�r�s.t�AiAfdF'+;i _
&Wes will M closed every evasion At 6 )--a-, , i'..b`,,, art• + fes:. tgq�q
In prepare the ,look for osxt dy's rte, + v "Wit" r y ,; f 1y,, -
'I'be e&Ia commet.uee on 54IDiedy,Jone 16tb. iia _ ' -.' Jr..:, l s,.r+^.y- •- )
R. B. Smith. C. W. Andrews, Manager. I . '
Ntrrt:a- The local Ageoas In 1Jupgsnnen 0 �
for Tse 111ONAL b &t the odtea Of J. (). AnD- "^' . .
'J,Y,, twavaqyawoog�aSC.� to.. who will receive or, iv 'n+ ^� -$•'
den for enbsorlptlona adviwtisloa and Job . •,q f.,
work, and is anthoeiaed to give recdlill fx
amount& told for the acme "rt. " 't:; ----
(\ A. NKWTON, UKNTIBT, OF LUCK. •i a a.„ .011
am i cow, -U femme kis tw to month- 'tom k{�_ A N D R%STR
N �..o - -
thea in April, -tat end teed Frldv esteh manes . -
TcssDAY, Jane 12.
The present driver of the stage between ar �--'.
lAcknow and Godertoh deserves special ^n rY,
"''e •�f..�.i. .•I I
mention for his punctuality and obliging de. *, M, -,. w, , Q•�portmeot. lie is • citizen of our village. a w. .,.THE FAS R• 0""!* \ p,
tuuw:u NuTis.-Rev. Mr. Goldberg on .L
,,_v last oladooted divine Bolivia* In theKpuoopaltao oharob at Lncknow ... CITV� �ODes000w \1J" M, M&Ilough conducted
evening service is the s"ahedist oharob
test Sunday evening. Then was a gen••'_ _1- - - . - _
tend"as' i \ IAF/LL LEAVE OODER/ H
1 m rfiev as aNTN -Our vlltage palbatastae,
T. Smiley. Jae. Medd and A. Pluto, with . `fns \
their staff of wen, made good noprovoments x:
to the ddewsUte, crommings and streets.;: -
which add greatly to leo appearance. The
ext Improvements will probably be gran- �,g V1
llthio sidewalk,, oto
SOCIAL (IATn&RLNG,-At a meeting which I .. -
was hell st the young people is Ilth lost
900 , a:... -, .u-- � -
wttb KrsklAe oharob bete, to the 11th iwt , a' e9Yyd'a"? -' 9
it was deo,d d to repair a:d reonvats the_ • \ 0i �'
oheroh and help a provide the uc.eeasry - Q.oa i. M. tern - Time, arriva�P_ ort Huroelt _ funds by by having • eir*wbairy an.,iAl wtt4 ---=-a6VtR _ r�•� �-
music, ato , Ya the church on Tueedey, , 12.oa, nn-oorn_,'` trait 4.00 p. n1. • Re urning;'
Jane a nor when •good time to arrtioipaPA. leave Detroit, rids June 22t. at 2.00 m.,
All an ccrdlady invited. Y+ p'
TtiarT.-Saturday alghL, the 2.d last . Port Huron 6.3 P. m., arriving at aoderich
come person or peons entered the koro of .T m,
David Judice, A.hHeld, and stole upaarls at IOa3o p.�i•,ii., .d leave for Detroit. Satll�
of forty dollar,' worti. of cared puck. rbicb . _'Ilia*, June 2,3, at 5. a. m., Eastern .Time- ,
he had stored in the ¢npAry. there beingelle tare on this tri will be 51.00-Slii&_ a
*Looe four huadreds pound,, which wit all rb •,
taken. We have also been iofnrmrd that a • /r...� %� "`"�"'"(.�
ose or two other farmers' granarie. In -this ;x--_,_--, "' Cie I e IL:�LM♦A� N♦�, •' .
Dslghh.,rhod were foterort and • ynentlty , .,-White �t#g l�n:'s
of grain ale. Tffc. Mn ,-
CUmING AND GOING. -Os Friday of last '
week llutosAs McRae, of Laokoow, a retired \.
11:x6141.+, Lt"+ .,d' -t -. Stat c�YTg y"ix,r � 4p ,- 'i1,
farmer, who bed a very pleasant visit st " _ . . „ . - u4 ,_..�
D Judlne's. Ashfield, about a week. left �. - �---_ .
for home. Mr MoRse And Mr. Jardine " - -
www in former yeers Door end intimate ---,-- - -- - ---- --
neighbors in the township of Kinlos, wl.ere THE MAN WITH AN AD-
both oarri..d on (arming. Mr. MoRse witsUL
higbly pleased with the appearance of our ThoWa the mw 't the pi. le a -•f tRw tdta
villa* and expressed himself dollghted with tie too, s
with Mr. Jardi e's comfortable rosideo" And the man with lbw eOrni"LD'T""y."
and the good condition of his iarm. It Is gut ilia man witi, ,t+a."atd'__.>z_st&men ` [
about three years since his last v11416 .flew over filed, .JILI - �4TUi1N,FAIIES
N alker, of uorris, accompanied by 1610 wife, F,.r he collar, his share ul the trade. Aoyyl l' v►Ina
16tt hen lit home on Monday. after [ [herr 1i1 llllll❑
visit to his parent&• Mr. cod Mn. Walker. There's the mon with the bat• sad the man RR�y pPpJ�tirt) Ag�n,tler.:,........
....Mies Mary Crumble, of Belfast, after as with the shoo, Seekel Y �LAA A...... �extended visit to Mr. bull Mn. Ju. Nalker And the m%n with the autemgW Rin+nar'b �` ,.1$1
1y Nnosorn r...-.:.
left for item* the latter part of Wt week. flat whoe'er, east err west, la an` ••gAr"•60111 60 Day Ite"'tcta"''
A. K. Treleaven lett here. via Goderich. invest Swan Rivgr
r - '
A e to of the deal. Ex n�1(�
on Moodie ea • trip to state that.
Marie.is them n A, tie p BgC➢r81UIls EteRlma..
.'.:. We regret ell have to ante tbAf,ls coo• MMsym 30
� ergoepra of the serious Illness of A. David. There'* the man with tlielrowo anp tile mac }n }j,8 w '
---whn the YU the Ttrrkum.
sea's sop at Qodkc%T), he *od kL family are rtl(16
leaving our vlllawe for Gederih. We. Yid the man .1 perpstua grist.YRdMx1Mrt :: !
, along with Mr. Davidson's o°lnerous friends But-iut m*bf up ynor mind, that no man Canadian - eratgary - f
doo*rely hope that his hen may soon be rem. ` of ths• kind Q North
q Hrd Ilex ., i
toyed to good health, In an "ad." hes the dlpbtert belief BorthWest Rdmontou.. J v=%/
I Nor the man of the East, er the man of the
PORT ALBERT. N ", Gotn¢ June 10 Returning until Auer. 10
MONDAY, Jane 11. IA I nil or H 8. At -. rte)
%X till a smile and a face all aglow, Goin July 13 Returning until Sept. 12
Will B. Hawkins Is away at camp to
L the mon who has haA, by the aid of 1 All raN an ►
'1 Landau. an "*d ," GoinJuly 1� Returning until Sept. lA
I Gsnrvs `l'hurlow, of Oodnrtob, is spending,A Inde that has brr.uvbt 10 the dough. (AiQ l fall or e. S. Alberts,
o few days with friends ben.-KPRRIT Wmi&RT TRxttrNR. Ree licenseandPer,
elle Ag nt,InforntolA*"111 ly to
&D ('unedi&6 !'ar, flu Agent, or t0 A. II NUT -
The Hood Templan of Paramount held - -_ - - T. A N sat. 9°el Pa10r. Ant., 1 Kinv .„ act.
I their sonnet pienin have on Saturday last. Thos la,lw- of the W. C. T U. next Nem.
I Jan. Quaid attended the imperial of hie &T OT"l0¢ will give*pwloreeetal-a. Mr6. -._ -_ _ -_ _ -------._
I broth". John Quaid. last wrk_AL-Bl Q". Aobesion's, Nelson street. At 4 e ellook
I 'Phomas. a taper oh Miinnhtae w w given. A}�--_
Rev. Mr. (11uk, of Wingham, took port i%6.'clock tea will he served; gentl.mes roa naQ�
r specialty Invited. Following this will '
are &
, to the mervtoe In Christ church on Sunday _
morning. be an Interesting program of music. sto.
----- - A collection will be taken in .Id of tithe work our (Alurler Plump,) . week.
I MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. of "he Uaieti. ps
d, of whichA
Tnahis len't out only swp, as w. carry
a ARIII'lli --- - - ____I everything that can to found ,n aver.
Council met aatulydsy, May 26th. Mem. 'i'n AvVICHTISBR9. to-d&ts grocery store, slid r,or prices
o tins all prosect. MloulalJ� sod •yproved. are right. The tarmnre know that they
Appeals Against the somamoTit roll• call#, (TIT atutnangra meat he lett ir1 'MA atwayr got TI' M Ht't'n[tp ter fMl p
an that the court of nylelos had nothing to Office not .-latetr than Hattlydst Wbdnof. We dr -kw the line At no
do The followingcheques woe issued : f4timste trade -- everything gone :
«{ noon. Tho Copy for changes
Jas. Webster, rep. rend Dec. 14, $1 W ; .las. Ol.rware or potatros• garden staffAr
fi&ird, re red nen. 14, {'d 601 R. Sprind- must. les Inft.' not later than Mon-, Choicest, able Chm t ices deet In all
ler, rep. R. 3 And 4. 600 ; .John Lit is, day noon. (ssual Advnrtimentents of them.
I. rep. 8. R &nd 4, 60o. ; Wm. O.rdpor, accepted up b noon Wednesday of nn TIPLIN4 aTi n/yn� t. .
-- rep. 8. R. 9 fled 10, ill John Meer' each ,-�..,_... .- A. Irv. GQ..
I. sop, D. Lt '50o.4 W. Nivees, rep oil. 8 R. Redford blank. O+dmloh.
E 9 and 10, Ip ; T. MoKsith, rep. road D. 1.., --- ___ _ __-
_I• Il 26; K. Henry, plank, W 57; T. Harry, Binder Twine fol 'now -
rep. h, 11, 600.: John Kilpatrick. rep. __ __ �_
a brides, 1). L., 84, rdW bridge, nose. 12 60, A
d 10 yards of gravel one. 6. $2 50 • Thomas
1. lannan, rep S R. 3 ateA 4; Al : `ions. Mal- Idfi 7�� 0„14
0 laugh, rep. nen 6, $1 ; T. Anderson, rep 9 I� r
„ 8. 6 and 7, 40a. ; Joseph DIs*sp, rep 1) L, � '°.Ab ' ., .0.-:0 OOL
ia: Tb". Ford, rep out. I1 L., It 6(i; �iNIlF:RTWINE FOR FARMERS.-
sam Statham, work on rod N. 1i., $6; R Hinder Wee from the O*ntml F)rleon,
A. Garrick And extra week for two Teen, for the woman of Ifloi, will to sold to I`= i am prepared to buy ,
N Jm@. TI art• rep. cal. N. R 3 and 4, 112: or tarmere elutes, for their own use io •say
,* {6 ; at axitl•7 , from one balm to any ouraber Miele this section A clip Of wool, t
J.mtee nlmpsep, rep cul. coal 2, tl ; Jeho at, &t Ih,vilallowing prinns per pound • an usual, at the
Rlllo%►, rep out then. 2, fid ; DD (Toff, rep, "Itietra Rtandaml." In balm@ of fD IM, ouch,
out. ea°. 4. .1 : R. Drfmen, rep. out '' R , p, ° BBN�ILLBB w00I1BN MILLS
Raewtfei N,te,lalIn bol w of #li Iia each,
i5 ; .las. Jobnslen. rep. read 1. R .SOD, : it e.
R. Wilk e. ren. N. R., 61 36 ; Joines C;uah most mureameany Ovary order or he re
JA&ehed for two now off. $37 75 ; meW baton tw;nA IN &hlppwd : fralght In all .. VIM,
A. wet. Owe TL SOn : N YeKeh "omsense p••lgtd by u-oh*merm aAd ord#n
•.. w"t(ms6&I be hPr `,,or `r aro HIGHEST CISH PRIG
K.- re .cal. A. eK.t 18 and 13, -. N ; T. Me. )h . wnorw a farni n I a oMelm ly & grr1"
DZIN: rap. R R. 12 Aad 13, ill 00 : A rluantfly n tar wgaI= for h'a own new. tike
Matheson. rep. n. R. 9 sad 10. $1 00 : R. oMfr test ,t he Oign.1 by the n*r.ars joliti
In the or and the 6mnnpt rennlrAA by e.c or in exchange for mtinG-
Sklside. rep. bridge. 8 R IS sod IN $18 50; matt ae»nmnony It, as well as the pia odlre
V. Carrell• rep rated a Part Albert, R; fir, siltrraoof each applicant. tsctnrrvl srticlea.
'a and lot tea of plank, $3 00 ; W. R.ohard. I The twice in her l manufactured. °very
peand gn.r.ntt-d of snrvlertaMe gnAllrt. as , JESSE C
, gen, rep oil L. R.. $1 00 • 1) MA )"GIA, i &q prove b.lt� In tittw, not bwing rotofllt .
* top. Kletad, {b 00 ; K, McLain, work wA
p money .111 t.m rhe and
a: le 1w, $I 60 ; M. McGregor• posting at Ritra Mtandard" to hold only in small
1. Klntetl, fid` 00 ; Joseph Goldthorpe, plank, e♦nantltles, but ••Irarmwrs- Asionlar" wbl.h .111 _-
fe"ir 448 OO ; R. A. Garrick, wart ea hill, for rbsfel°suppi sal Valenta farmers n&Mg ft, b In
it Isobar. and sop. brldge, SS 35: K. Ye. ()rdwre addresseA to" rho WGrden. (teetrel
Lean, rep. MI. R R. 9 sad 10, V 00 : W. Prison. Toronto." will receive prompt sttsa-
Stewut, plank, $6 85 ; D. Mellwals, rfp tie°.
al ani. Is. R. 6 until 7. W 00. Next o"nml JAMgY NOXON.
Iyggg�or of F'rlseea.
re . -, R&butday. Jsse &i. W. iirmRaaw, plsMtmemt Ha11Msn.
Climb. I TowslgJew UL MM M WOOL
., - y,I,,.6"'r Alt..:
5... '+'d .n.'iti+ivh'w dtisori fAt:aiK`riit.nl.., ,. ,.,-, ,..�----ter..-, w,:. r„nt,.t;%"let'"tJWk,.•...-.. AI ft- 0-Ah-tn.....::r,t&:a:•"s-,r •..:,.era-a*r...4
love Fittin D14 �ttm,9*i -
t �
-.4,6"Ti; ._:�
.,w ,,Easy..:.�nan
A ti's AI and Mrfeot Mas frons Ir ani day is fife etperionoe of women who -W. .,�,
.75 Queen,#
sea tl 0 0 e
TNATTHIS O 3•• Quality
/I., The Show mad. by Titus. G. po
/!!J!! /f aFP,
of Boston. _A
They aro ties Shoe Suc"tess of the wit.
tRAo A ' tury Our illustratiwt shows Otte of the t
If BRANDED 0,4-, Itght, graceful &till sit I hie styles, as.
ON tvLity sO pocially desirable For those who ,lairs
)Not. comfort, graceful files, anti estiO1,41"
iu Footwow. -
This is only we of the many.
I Art In
All up-to-date Ohap" and styles for
Shoemaking. ovary ttr&aon anti use are includes) in '
sew our Men's dewhle-solei, 1*•ggwl lhiten, with Dion tow hep, lust the thing for i
joncral wear, only 41.25.
We have 1 (los.ppaain of Maris black and tan silk vesting top lane Show, Good. R
ane Welts, regular 13.00 line, to clear will Bull them at 11. per pail,
During busy soatt o we will keep store open until 8 o'clock, .
-> a
REPAIRINC+. _, L-'0* n
P- T. HAZ,LS, � a; 'I
North ride of the 89stara, 004Wio►. THE CASH SHOE DEALER .
-- __ _ - � - it
�so�a�le Sa". - A
ila s.41 M
- He DUN r. . " ~
"J Can show you the IatwA in Spring ';n `GOOD I
and Summer NuitinW-
Call and see himIlemespstss iw-t ho mwwwAt - ' )' _ _ ___
sluulm, the very thing for Spring rend Nuat r %♦, .".
liter wear A tirge moortmouL of cloths to ' ?}. ..
ehooee from, an -1 style and ft guarautood i,.tt`• i0
Priem moderate r
H. DON e
eei .treat �{ :s
_ t "
�._`_ _ �
sVW 0N`S' DON'T V ,�4�".s1
- a '111-11-1-
TAMPER....with your beelih�j capl'o'JI Don't use Drugs end Medicines
of questionable quality. Got the Lest
than, in at the sante prices that are
t4 charged for inferior goods
o�.v y.-' < _ • 1W\. tures At our Drug store the stock is al-
- A I 4151 ), ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
. wtlLNCfstlA,t,' ' 1 tont and satisfactory. , .
'_ in Our Prescription Department
_a40MY : /1 has a c pubstion for promptness and
Engineers' and taA. -'�11 w -
Mill Supplies, ..,
Lubricating Oils and
Greases, res
\ Pipe Covering,
Asbestos Goods,
`. Belting and
t.. -,.--.I,-- Lace Leather.
The Wm. SHtOn Compound' Co.,
a�1.,. - (68 Queen-st.,
Toronto, Ont.
- Medical Ball. ' .
Uohnaten and EA&M
uraduate of Massachusetts Col-
lege of Embalming.
� tAtCIL, uewsurw.
. - - _.
�tirrfmrnrrrrrrt 11MMmmmmmm11
� --w
� [len's plain' heavy Ct igress - 85c. per pair :Z
Men's lace plow Boots - - as 75c. ee
-me- heavy lace Boots a I 65c. 64
f Misses' 'e '• Y l- 55c. t' E3
' s e1�Childs 810 _ E►
I► Women's bqs-�t Carpet -.Slipper - _'(I
or two pairs for 25c. - _ ,•;
do--ISc. bottle of Polish for Sc. :3mss"
:-- Also finer lines Id the same proportion.\ `
As we have the largest shoe store and the
\\ largest stock in this county, we are able
E to fit you in style and price.
Coble and be convinced.
Ear k_t rived a line of Genu'_ '
!JL- -
...American Field Fe,ncin ••_I `s
_" _1 , �i�,
�� _ .�
Have you •seen TO Do you know what life Ithe cheapest slid most ,
durshMe fence sold? if you haven't seen it you can we it at MCKENZIE i
& HOWELL'S at from 86c. ti rod up. ,
z Spring Coiled Wire 3i cents Ib *,vr,
Barb Wire - - X cents I be r�-
t Galvanized and t lack Wire. °"
f BINDER TWINE ; Go Boll the now brand
Gold Mttdal brand at the
lowest prim going. i.et us have your older.
Harvest Tools, Nails, House and Barn Fiaturest
\ in tiny nuantity.
The people know where best values are found Our sales -6"110"r p
known to be as large as at present.
We tiny for cash. We buy In quantities. We sell on small utargins• a
It is to your advantage to hay your hardware of ,,ryµrr
NYw%.,'rtt kvX-r`4+.ey let"'AL" "'
r.; (may . ,...: N E r tt .4'
&Howell�wMcK. .enzie . $*
kA r.W.. ®ea. 4 fie' a''.,4 t tr'4 . , '.t
IJ/'/ t' Y �. ' �" Via, nA
PXFI� *,. t'',.?4:: ,I .. ,/ = s � `"Ii.l)I .i!