HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-14, Page 5Y M 1 4 a- a a a a a 1 x a - eF a Off ,et lilt r THE ,SIGNAL'. fIODETtICJ1 ONTARIO. .46 Troasath. jus 14 ink 5 WAcheson Sone winiMMIntillInsinielmemoten Tapestry Boa Brussels Carpets Our several special lines of Carpets during the past few days have brought a very quick and gratifying response --gratifying to cus- tomers also In the remarkable values they have received. For this week we put out for special selling all ends in Tapestries, Wools and Brussels - splendid goods in the season's best designs. 450 yards Tapestry Carpet., heavy weight and very closely covered, handsome designs -a carpet well adapted tor halls and stairs, and a good room carpet -worth, regular, 50O ; special per yard %ngligh Brussels Carpets -A nice assortment in colors of browns, greens, blues and reds, all this season's purchase, regular "Alit 31.00 yard ; special sale price W. Acheson & Son It in -GAOLER'S RESIDENCE. peeler Shooiaerltta Says *tat Setter £.eeetsea/agea abwld t.n rrsvtdsd. For sea time no effort has been made to Whim the meaty amoral to woke letter omelette for the accommodation of the reeler and hie family at the twenty bout of taoaroersUoa. hat se tar the repreesrlotloa, made w teas body bare bssawlikoul avid. Woes the January sNeeied if the mused fks Provinet•1 Insppwsel•f of Asylums and Ilreees, Dr. T. F. Chamberlain., bao twice -lakes oowlee la draw the '.1150 4. of the Meaty authorities to the 0eoeaolty of teklog Maio* to the matter. Om February 15 be mete lo Warden Rolling as follow,: Duo Sia, -Far *event years past I have dvued la my egiyort that better a• gentinedetma be provld'yd for the gaoler cad .:Al f..11y a1 your gal in bled ,but re ht as balm boa been taken by' our ell - - Complaints have been mod• as to u. utl. bay coodlUon of the rooms saw woe, ed by the tiler sed hie family, and it et SP* bad that no amnia hae been token before this to provide. proper sod suitable, though set.zpenuve, r*e,d5nos. 1 think you will agree with me, Doctor, u e medical mos, is reference to this mat. tar. whatever Tourney toil it your duty to do Warden of the ooaety. I hope that you will, duets, your tenure of offioe, Dense the seely ooeeoll 1. awl, without my hawks' re bars recourse to proosedinws chic* I• die• like eery much. and wbioh. Weald not be pleasant for the eoe.ly either. I Sauk you .01 Gad the gaol s.rge•n, as well a the bealtb officer of the town, Strongly it t .vor e1 my request. It n• to ray the lea.(, uereowoable to ark the Rester to ke.p 11 . family mud ftp wail prisoner,, and le bye 1. rooms quite -11111luttabl. tram the ers0Ap+nt of motree- hem id whitetail Yours wary truly, 1'. F i, 1.A(0. I Spector Then os May 3rd lu.pea*.r Obambertain. wale the Iollowiar letter io the oou.ty Mork, with the request that he lay It before IM ooaaty property committee Data Sea, -1 bene repeatedly retlueeted that 101provemente should be made to tie gaoler's residence is Godarioh, i It Is rot in a fit condition either *e to 1000* spate or matter y requirements for a residen*e for the gaoler's family. When ma►tag my last inspection 1 advised that the stone wall in front of the gaoler's rwldeoce should be take. doss, and that the present house should he rated .p some, two or three liter plated e, sad . v.. ti0 wall plad the village. soder It; the ground ,zosysted se (ball -a lir, ad Mrs,- Wm. Gardiner and Mies *5reltte osa be plaoed 11 the huem5.1,eat Dalli Walker, et Te'•ewater, viettd friends s Arun Iron. the teller to the river. Then, another storey. with Mansard red. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Fg1UAY, May 25. The following statement elver the relative 'tending of the pupil, of S 8. No. 2 ler the months of April and May. Owing to the aIteration lo the olasete at the Beater •aim - mations, the report for lit mouth was otaitte.l• It le heel on punotuahty, good deportment and general profioienuv : First ola s -Wesley Monk, G•rh.ld Me. Cullogh. Fraokie Chamber.. Jae. let. part 1t. -Nina Walters, Rutile Thompson, Gorden White. Sea. 1st, part 11. -Monis Joh0.too, My,Ms Prowse, Maty Moak. - . Jon, 11 - MoKee Jolts ss. Ines Wsk., Meredith Clark: • - Seo 11.-Gert;e ,sturdy"" 11F'"' ,'•" Albert MoCullorh. I1L-Make) !'rows, MabuIWws1115s, Itneet -Clark; eal. Sturdy, 7 Wmnt:allti J abnet on. iV. Sen. -Linde inde Sturdy. y, hotter i. ter oaving-Fewe•lS &.rIy. Mettle Johnston. Fatp J, Teacher. HEART DISEASE\ A Toronto Pbysic..o says It Never Extent witbons the Presence of some Kidsep 'Leese*. Termite, Jane 11 -1 ho number eleadd• Mettle dos to hoe- aue••te to .Groot,' To. 11:01111.1 pr0lee•,nn o devoting More .tleotruo to the heart sad Its aliments at the oreteut time•th.0 ever briere,eud mug pby.toiansere m.ki:,g a spaolsitt of dlse.ssa MI• this organ. A Toronto doctor, soba devotes,nuch attention to the blench of Ali pri.io, •.id to your repurtor today; "I have yet to learn of a Bogle nese where heart dimities caused death, in which a pat moven: oxamioarinn drd not sbew the ex• interne of Bright's dtsse•., diabetes, or mono other kidney d..e..o. ' 1) ,wt's Kidney P111. will ours all die, tee of the kidneys and thus ward off the diger of heart diseases. ter, • to N•eted the subject lre4 • WNW* •04 p.ae►bal point of view. t\ rale some of 1b• 0oatrl hatu•s Wr0 amuafog and °lever they leukvd epiwith!. llty. Amour' others were meal rhymes and short romances. slut the tutors deolded that neither rhyme nor romance. Dor yet mere cleverness oould he of competitive vote* elm oat the torte est szperlenoe. l'.reon.l *aperieooe and o'xnloo hyoid ton expo: fence, as stated W the uonditiouu of the 000tese, were the determluing IaOtots In oil, eating commended oonlr(butlooe and from these the winner was Amen. Awl, w hila niftily good eaperlenoes were veleta, the greater number of them were more general than .poilh°. a Awuug the beet coDtrihulions were some whw6 perhaps shored' more literary shotty Wen that of Mr. Utley ; but the jurors felt that his eon• trlbulton elpresaged tune, "Dunlop' sense in • nutshell, and made t . award a000rd- lagly. Th. jurors with to ournmend the 000/rl huh us trent lieu. ,laeoby, Montreal, Rev. M. E. tletebar, R•Illaa. 1v 8 , E. W. N. Flock, London. 1).u't lot anything Interfere wish you spei •Ito; July 411 In Ooderiob. kWh] be one of Goieriuh's barest days. BLL)EVALE. WEDNESDAY, June 6. Mr. au.l Mn. J.s. Hloohely, of hiobaro, veiled Mr. and Mrs. John king Mr. and Mrs M. H. Elliott end children, .1 Wicgbam, open'. 0ruday at R. N. Doti m. Rev kir. (i.fftu, of tViogh.m, 000daeted the service 10 the Slethoui.t ohurob Sunday evening. Mrs Win. S.ndereen and Mies Jennie Vireos.', .1Torooto, ere ytriting blend* to in the ii1GRi on bunchy. Mea. R. O. (esemore end (Rita. sad well have fn be Dat nes yup of the p15000' -Mw 61.` solemn .ttendei yth_e fDfrtiede 1011do„u "8 leery ore .rtt.t.,'te wale M oil their Robe11, i. taste dela ria• prole/7;4'y tyke' dawn, wbi'4. itprole/7;4'y disposed Iay ` \ of, should meet the above upmdltura. or .y lM very neer it. Mlle'IiMt Jam.eaor, of Fordw▪ loh,. 1 am lo hopes that the coracoid wi l *er of M. t rsTh rs anti Mies NA Jtltt5 asstly telt. this matter 1. hand, withoal von, sewn, hi.. "'verde"' In Incise . bey final examination at the New 1'mit City ho.pltal. She obtained honors end eras pre• rented with a road pin by nee olasamatse. Mir Jamieson 1, the yoonses?Rr$wt. In the hospital. heurnattsm. 1s Uric Acid In the blood. •s Unhealthy kidopys ars the cause of the acid being there. If the, kidneys toted es they should theywould strain the Uric cid out of the system and rh•urna- tism wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney Dis- ease. Dodd's Kidney Pile bay* made a great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at the rowm of those fearful shooting pains and stiff, aching joints. Thine 1a but toe sure way- Dodd's Kidne" " Pilis farther delay. eel that by this time next year they will have tee neoe.sry improve- ments oompletsd. Von truly, T. F. CHalsemaLAIO, Inspeoter. Lam week the musty property oommll- F. B. UTLEY OF GALT les, n000rted by a majority of the season, .run refused to woke the Improvemisals mime the ('abs Passage Is r.r*. Offered by which the Iarpeotor says are nso.seary. the neatest r1re imesp•"y Mer.. Melt and Chambers mond to pro 5154 al etas with the erection of . new' 1..1 demos, at • noel not to ezmed 12.500, trot the motion was defeated, sully throe other 01101.1,, timers. Hays, Molna..nd Mo Inds, supporting It. ly !n the seaSna_1ke110olop fire Come Dotty offered 1 prise 11 a osfota passage N Parte for the hest two handed word atm. pow bared on erperlrere...ttiag forth the .d vantage' and pnlolo of superltrity of ib. Dunlop dettohable tires over torose of other make. Seven Years 1. Sed. Several hundred onetributlons were re• " Will wonders ever oeaae 1" inquire the I o.nved from .11 parts of ('.n.d., 'I,.dmllar In many ways, hot all oo.n:moue in praising the *woollen°. of the Dunlap tlrs. The company named the following feriae t'. determine the winners of the contest :- timers O M. Kevlsy, Toronto, barrister; Alfred Wood, of The Evening Telegram; Toronto, and J. Wi.tren, mon"ger o1 the Dunlop The (:nmpany. These IorM8 here terry merefetly theougb Women .offering from htyainate, batik- all the oontribntiors .°bran tad end, from she, nervousness, slaplawneg5, moan. • dumber oommended, hay: selected .e beet, *holy, fainting and dizzy 'petit will find i that of F. R Utley, of Galt, a member of It a prleelass blessing. Try it. Sati.fa0• The 0.11 Daily Reporter tion u guaranteed. Only 60e. St Jae• lo maklut their award the juror, very Wilson's drug Nps. f 'fairly gave the preference 10 those oompetl• friend. of Mrs. 8. Pease, of Lawrence, Han. They knew she had been unable W leave her bed in ,even years on am 00001 of kidney and liver trouble, ner- vine prostration and general debility ; but " Three Bottles of Electric Bitters en- abled me to walk," she writes, " and in three months 1 tett like a grow person." NE 0 NEW MILLINERY FOR SPRING AC* .,M Iu roniwtshtti W announce. that she has eseered flue ialsa, styles newest Zoete in Millinery for thellprtg Soon at 19QO and invitee the Ladies of Uodorich and vicinity to call and see her dtock. The leading new shades aro Pastel, Man Dyck, Watiteau and Athos. - MIN alum rou offers seapeoial valuer in Plumes sad' I. showing Noe Novelties jn Veiling. vw iiawilton M , ()oderieh. - I 1 ISS CArt E RO N HELLO ! THE OLD 1 . „ -RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL a ALWAYS ON HAND itli Scra olisidT ard Coal IN Tex MARKT.. All Coal we'gifhod on the Market Beales, where jou get 70111 lbs. fore too. 'AMYL. LEIS. OrJeg■ left at Lai b ilaZPIIAAD'0 8ssn Kemp iy intended to. "r `°,,;CAY panlep Ti wlseie Your guaranty of good-' --ytrtttisk • 1tte k,pti ei4the 4ju_tratileerr(intille maker a. - " ; t: ` rluhlopdetachable tirel8 yl$uar.tnteed against if Jofcdts of workmanship; aerials c'r design, for one Yom date of purchase." No they t,ireis euaran- teed- tji T _ yt • Dunlo ares on all good -wheels a'thout extra' charge. - •• The on:y tails. 1 , 1 atweeip'hree ,°sena- - Ten -sty • - 'ilseewr • Wee"5i - to Lt a C CANTEION'S Pasiry,OysterPatties,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,Mlnce Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses, Macaroons, Moral's Brandy Snaps, Etc. aro aa goat an the test matte iu any city in Canada. Cantelou leads Use Ueda in WEDDINGt CAKES iu farmy dwiming aid ornament• ing and yImond iotaµ Give him an otder and your eat, isfaction will be assured. D. CA NTELON. WEST -ST. A Week of Ba[sMns.... EDDER': Dry ti dsand Clothing Store ,,0. .• AT 1,- erfS5.7ICW 13'1'ARTINO ON THURSDAY WE COMM= A FULL WEEK DF BARGAIN DAYS! ' r NEARLY EVERYTHING REDUCED ...NEW GOODS... Wit. as well as our usual Staple Stock. Don't miss the snaps! Terms :--Cash or Produce. est• MADY'S LIME kept constantly ea hams Alae the beet *rands of HYDRAULIC and PORTLAND CEMENT Bali:ere w.:i ,1„ ...•11 1.0 we the riot ore pier ;ow Ihmr..Mere. F. 89O IIOLMES 1 a 1e agen' id(tbe Ketery Warm At, (lener.'or, roittufantur.'11 y 1.1.• Jas. Smart Mfg. (.0\Hr.okvilly. Read what it flUuw teerasi am says of his t-rt»rlsiMll wflb th• K.Mey Generator. aodertob.Ont.,alq-111. *IR James Smart Mf po . B-a:kvIlle, Oet. Deer i`re,- The No. 18 Kelsey Warm Air Lseentor your agent p*toe, to my hoax lit fall has sive.. me the greatest of settefaotion. IMO boon using w bot air fnrn.0e and could never keep my hemp. properly heated although 1 cursed 12 Unroof c )al besides having run • Boal heater la the poll west ye,. `ince I hate neat the Kelsey I have only barnod half of the coal sod had nu use for a coal heater. I have so trouble in hest the whole house to say de- gree dewed and the air was mild. not bErnsd: and mi house pi nis did es well eels summer. I had no cold draughts in the room.. no heat In the cellar and the furoate pipet were cool su you n c 1 am thoroughlyeatlefed, and sose after soy a Ith the elsey Goner& for 1 would buy WO other. and I take great pleasure to recommending the Kelsey 10 the 1'011. aea1.6K. ['obits!). ,•.\[Aft. J. DOYLI t)FF1CK, West -at. Nur the Square. Hall Clerk, u. . R j Information regarding thisy eater eertulty given by kE.COK1TOYE . C. FILSINC k I ‘‘ lawns W*etet.and uuare.(aierbb' r C• v- -_ At any season,11,E year theretef.arl ,, m 1111/ OoS relie b le Cook Stove its the kitchen. iii■>tN ► -it eo ►K't.tovee like.every- ,Inje elee., there are good, bad an sties. •e- - We- #__ yon- 'Y'- 1 • THE BEST tit ndlfietent Vag' OIL STOVES wAirtsur- ICE CREAM FREEZERS ANI) BICYCLES from t*t:e.05 up. PRESERVING KETTLES n ot aft kW* 0f GRANITE and TINWARE bElifON144ljEEZER8 DAIRY TINWARE - oar Owa make , EAVES TROUGHING RootITNUind SIDINt3 ' Agent for the, oelebrated Carbon faint far paintti9jg elf-kis3a . _ . wood or renew - _- eeee FAMOUS and ABBBD 1 :1 Stoves ndRanges C..TTLE BR OS. oust Guess At Results. f. --r,NnAtts ! FAt'1N ,URE 1, Thfi man knows w t L -e 8ti1 how ho did it Such a onements u the follawln are are a Itlficiont proof aw hear ,ire: ,.Ie tweed... meet Mar MOON the Mors.. rove, bole., Fauna. Print 1 +'5 rand te0 %pvti !.d e.w (•era.etth ten hi,(Nee of your teadan % epavfsl vire.n fu.r w'eirk... 17tAna Jr1Ln1re. r, • peke, $I; six for 58. A. a liniment for (Wally teal U has no et'qual. Ask yroir dnigglet for KENDAI.L'S SPAVIN CURE. also •A Plumbers, SUUW tteil and Ti111 W 9 . i smaacgg PALLS. VT. Neat nide of II tier' next t•tard; t'•rntt. Jai..:-•-. ,., s•r ssan.+ -....--.•.-.-•- •• WHITE SHIRTS IV in 17 Ire good on any 75o. Iannggred 'Met yen con fled* Inc. retch ; 8 for 11. 11 McKfZl'S NEIN IDEA PAT- TERNS of New York are the beet. We *ell all kinds at 190, Rig MAN LUSS IS ANOTIIERT GAIN ..,, WORSELL'S tote Cheng Mer. .ad Tiffs..Mae. wrung etas of Hamilton -Bt - Oderloh. LEea Railer Repairin , Tho Ooderich steam boiler works ""'ilsving been reolOved from Dodench, i have made arrangemnryts to catty( on boiler repairing and also the mann fracturing of-eriniceskreelociffti . Repairing of boilers, erisinex and other , machinery promptly attended D K STRACHAN EDDINUS STERLING SILVER Some very pretty pieces, full weight and elegant new designs : BERRY SPOONS, TEA and COFFEE SPOONS, SUGAR SHELLS, 1T0XATO SERVERS, ETC. I•yrf 1 FiNE CBiNA Direct shipment of Frani and other fine China just to hand SALADS, PLATTERS, RAMAKINS, BON- BONS, 001111 and BRUSH TRAYS, ETC. a`gewa; in all the newest decorations. t PORTER'S BOOK STORE =' Court House Square, Goderich. Our Telephone is No. 100 8. . r M achinist, Uoderich Works off Victoria Street. ILL WOOD FOR SALE. The %hove ie cut into stove wood ten=th and will be delivered to any part of the town the name day as ordered. Orden received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98, PETER McEWAN. flad15lah. Notchbsr hill, WA. 63 -ben -A1 1: :t tg(irHfaa S 1 Deng Hat's,"flood-w year vesting top ..:.... 93.00.E en's tan Balsa, Uondyear laLtwEi. Men's heavy plough Shoes "SOROSIS" - A SATISFIED.. CUSTOMER.... is a bigger advertisement than a page in this newspaper. May we; make a walk- ing advertisement for:our store oat \ ofeyou,l We oan,; t you'll give us a trial Mannish Shoos for ladies-- ladies'. gentlemen -shoes -a man';shoe built • for women. I am the sole agent for " Soaoe*e, " the latest American shoe. Call and see them. ST. GEO. PRI Another tot of Favorite OIL Shoe Dre.stng 5c. Repairing neatly done. CEO. W. THOMSON & SON, Pbooe 92. Mssic and Bicycle t-. d' Our I90cyc1es re • m r r,a; - ''NendersOn, raescent, , Rambler and ideal.... et are letter value than anything ever offered before in (loderich 13itr Orgsb eaill are increasing melwth sz over witbAb►hwleaperlor lines we handle, viz :- G -ODE IOH and DOMINION The stand they now ooduplt with thy, best maddens and player*Ie Something 3' to be proud of. WvRMWZTH PIANOS rrt These artistic, fine -toned, high-class instruments take a first stand with us. Highly re ommended by all musicisne and fully guaranteed. 1l Was demonstrated practically to us last week. A commission agent who knows we are always open for Halal AMR came along with an invoice of goods from the houses they repre... at. in Eng- land, Ireland and Germany which wits ceneigned to Mem for a Canadian retailer who was in financial difficulties befoto:ac,goods wet. deliwesial. We boeglrt that whole lot ata discount of 25 per cent. We will make you the gainer this time. These are all ' Staple up tui dale goods ; many of the same yo youTriTaTriaid u lar prices for and got good value. Here area few of the bargains TABLE LINEN- tea power loom 52 inwide, mood lea at a0.. par yd., or prtney1-rev . ... Ube w ad 66 itfF K prise for TABLE LINEN-U.blsatl e alas, revnlat petite 46s.,,a this lot TABLE LINEN -Hall bleach 50 In. wide, very bearyoPC45Ier pr,oe, 400 , .6051KIgs. -cam., 303 A hamster line ct Ns saint goo le. tire Oar latae 45 ..or jrtee 35o TATTLE 1JNBN-Belfut damik, fall hlaalyb, good vales at 500 , nur priory 37in 50 dezwhite linen Towel., 18.40 to., rood value 1. 12io , ner prl s loo 20 des. 18118 Takla Napkin, very hoe line, assayed p.tterne, good value at $1 45 per dor , ear price while they IMC 11.12 Others worth$1.75 to p2 for $1. Mend 11 50 LINEN fat itefa and d • ROM grate l,.ieelk 38 1a. wld.,.wortb 25o.,. Off eeter-.r ......d.. See P. K. -Two pilo.* fanny stripe English Pique, regular pries 180 , our price . 1240 i! Tf -four pito,. fancy stripe English Ppm 311 Io. wide in good oolors, just Mo th rg for summer waits, skirts. dresses end hove' sod girls' sults, regular 20c., oar price 130 MULL -Cardinal and white oord Mall, the newest muslin goods for wuete arid dreasee, 45 In. wide, gond value at 2.6o. or 30a , our prion.... .. 200 150 doe Cabmere Hoge of gond totality at, leet than oft prime. B LROAINS IN TEA CLOTHS (14e sad Re HAROAINS iN ALI. SUM MFR GOODS RAROAIN- 11.4 ROLLER TOWELS BARGAINS IN CKASH TOWELS These are no old re*nrreatrd goods brought forth for sale, but new goods n.ver opened from the limn they loft the looms in the Old Sod till opened in this atom, and ata lee. price than it cost to manufacture. Don't you think it. worth your while to inveati gateW4 think you can save money hete_Qi_Ihene gouda• 0 ,_ W. A. MI M WHITE, NEW WILLIAMS stud QIII --• Sewing Mechinee-too well and favorably known to need comment. A tull line of sma113mdrnmenta etrimgll, eta, eta Call and goods and get prices. . l - C. W.-THOMSON & SON. 1. There is no fairer offer than that of the King Quality Shoe for $3. We , w •haveaqueezedthis shoe Actually rt r' t more than ti worth of style, dura. bility and ease. Nowhere else that we know e!, aan you buy the same amount of shoe satisfaction Int $3. You are a Judge -every woman is --so please wale and judge for yourself. We are not afraid to have you do so. Remember --ging Quality. e . TR ADC '.t... MOMS G QUALM Made by 3. D. LING OOMPANY, Limited, Toronto. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MJEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR, A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont. • 00 It W tf