HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-14, Page 4ta, When you come to the Circus let we cheek your wheel for yuil, it 11111 then be perfectly male. cycles:. IN STOCK gives the urespecitive buyer simple choice Prices ranee, from $10 (0 855 fits soy pocket. 11 yen have acv deems for • wheel it is to your advatitage LO uu. W. sell for oath or trietalmeota sod take your old wheel in esehau,;e. Oar livery le the tut equipped outside the mdse. Yon clan rent an Al. witted by the hourday, week or month at a t enable rate. EllierS011. S. Music Houle, Hleyele and,gigh. class Livery. Only, One T•TAmerIcan • Separator Ar S50 OASH W. are selling SHARPLES SEPARATORS, the It • d ehet newer falls to Eire eads• Motion. at $75 and $90. VY • will give a ten days' trial fru to enyone milking fitre or more coirli. -Epersoo's _ Hoods and Yule Nee" west o- ht $i is nu EVERY THURSDAY MORNING •7S. 1171.110011r WOE. THUOIDAY, ONO Usk 11103. i. - • fiNAP 6146TIS. placating of Bop 0111111S011•11 only proves that Toiriso lain IT in the Tory Part]. haetreation it trying Meer nee* by mouth in the Ttferea- -rtliiitirilitbroglio. . -.Oa& Sam Houma is proving irA South a man may be reve-yrith-a pep gime parlous days for the Tory potty/the honorable 011.1.1r Mactasu carries his knife in his bootleg. • '-FURY-TURN, new doctors were lot locate this Province at. the recent examituttione Sod yet the undertakers complete about herd times and wear crape on thetr hate. _ ... -LAM' year the two "Boas' were the talk of Huron oounty. and now two "Boas" . 1 its occupying the attention of the whole of F Canade-Ganyrai "Boas" and Bolt Mantua- - stalk ( -W1M11 011011111 TIMM, ILP, Of key- hole fame, uow makes a speech in the House,- the members of the press gallery merely mark on their noteboob, _9 ambitious young Mao who hie beeu striving for notoriety for bo, theee many years. He (hurtle every line of opace which he is getting. • UE SIGNAL IGIODERIWI ONTARIO , a. Its the' proem% sesseu grout an arbitratioa1. Boal sob Jbis mattar ; ante • octuutee pod tion from Georg.' Sodded and 162 others of the towniedp of Hallett, requiting/ that mu arbltrotore be appointed se islet' tor by tle tint petition. The atainittess ruessineed- ed that tie melee le mhos, bat thie was muddied by the oeuatidity the odait jou of the words, "until the December mesion of tbbs oonnoll.” The report of the sputa' committee ap. pointed to report on amendments or °bermes to the rules and teauletions .of the mimed was read and weed. Various unsalted were recommended to beteg the rules Mee ouutoratity lents the • Aleut's, partioularly to reepot to the mutilate,' of young by bal- lot ler wartioo and episode/mouth by the ocoucel, upset voting now being oompuleury. speulal committee recommended no *odes in the matter ot • petitiou from the county ot Frontecito asking oo operation in easkiag legislation for the roduottion of ex• .pessrria-the urylue of euepoeues on grand aud petit jurors ; sloe that ne aotagn ho takes to reward to a letter from Daly and Co., tea ireigirters, of London, asking for the treader to T. Lerman of • °0000y dun we issued to J. Gibeou, both being agents for the above firm, the oouuty deepen's', baying deolined 10 mak• the chugs without au- thority from the °Minty council. The re• Port was passed without amendment. A letter from the loapecoor of the house of refuge advising the purchase ot • driving borne for 050 51 the institutive wos sent to the lemma of rebus committee. • Tee 000tity proporty committee reported that they had visited the gaol and found everything °lean and well kept. The gaol- er was a000rded greet orecht ter keeping overythlog In saoh goo(madmen. Tho committee reutemended that halt • dozen suits of meal's clothing be proeured, and that no 'Lotion be taken with refereuce 10 the bolding et the °ethane. They had in- spected the registry office and found every- thing seemlogly in proper 'baps ; tbty roe- ommeaded that a gractoltthie walk be built from the sidewalk to the office door as soon as the town upstream 0 grenolithie walk on :North street, soil that the work be done soder the supervision et Mr. Holt and the *lark. Toe purehase of halt.• dozeu chairs for Judge telearion'e office warereoornmended, also the Rotative of the recluse on behalf of tbe lebependeot Ord wr of Foresters for the nee of the court room during the meeting of the High -Mars The report oontained this ethane : "We are pleased to he able to state that for the first time in 5 treat mm13, eeen the white flag is flying' at the geol, .hewing that th, gaol is wehout • prisoner within do walls." In reference to the proposition from the town oounoil regarding pariah' tic walks around the court house.the oemmit Us thought that'the county had no -grounds around the oourt hostas to build thettralke upon, And to reetineuten. In committee of the whole our/toff. Mi. Holt moved In amendment eo the report, moentted by Mr. t.hanthers. thee the build log of s new residence et the oI be pro. ineded with forthwith, the out not to ex• mod 82,500. The amendment was defeated on the followlne division : For -Chamfers, Hell, Hays, McLean, Molonle-5. Against -Froman'Connolly. Cook, Krrr, Stiller, bthEwen, Patteraon, Snell, Stuart. Tor - rano. -10. The report of the bunco committee th etedsiones to a large number of amounts was presented and pulsed. It was moved by lir. Stout. uundect by Mr. Connoily, that in investing the °meaty !nuking fund money the warden and treas- urer be instructed to lend out the urne in the future on the usual first -clue mortgage at Zee fixed retie say Ili per oue. per 10000). The motion wee referred to the finance ootagehtpg.- HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. / Report .t the Jame neaten. ele14 IWO Week, The county oounoil met on Tuseday, Jess fais. All taw meintera were preeret, -The following °eminent° .tions 150S 515& and referred to committee. From the muidomelitiaa ot hee- ds, Seafortb, timed* and (Totem &eking the °eased to purchase modern rosd 'ma- chinery to that miner muniotpslitim in the county may hire 'mob maoritnee ; 101 • seem., pastaineeespeetters the auto emitter from the -Council ot MoKillop. • Frot4 T. F. (fhantherietn, lespeeler Prisimiarer-regind to the gimlet's reeideeme. Th. inspeotoretrungly urged lbs Improve - mut et the atoommodatims foe the realer and his family. From Meesre. Foy it Kelly. Toronto, re - audio/ the maintop moo of George E. Let - 150, now in the SC John's Industrial School, Toronto. Irom the county of Frouteneo, refer - epos to these:vine ot grand and petit jurors, mid 'taking the oo operation of the county of Huron. Front Matthew Mains and others, aeklog the oounoil to appoint erbdratere in the matter ot • new school motion in Hallett; also • oeunter•petition from Geo. Redden sad others. welts emote. - shot here." -W. T. IL Pastes has 14oAedfor Europe, sod it will now be in order for the Tory organs that were dumb while he waa here to get down to their obi work of abut, Ing the said Paneome. A letter from Morgan Dalteo. reeys Of Astifisid, respecting the mosimob it Pest Albert, was sent te.rthErtind. and WI* OeMmItree. To-i.r. report *ea Iliad and soot to 1 the iii.auty property committee. (Myanar Griffin reported only one inmate In the tool -Michael Sandford, of Howicik tottostop, who was awaiting trial for oattle-stuling, the has sloes btu tried and econittedi. The report of the county autitore was placed before the conned and retorted to the Oconee oommittee. The cority nommIssiosier's report was re rt., to the road and bring', uommithee. • ...wilily reported that the Keel bride. to er.0 4 on the gravel road south ot tYtnitham bad been Mimed under °untrue -Moorlonn is doing the talking, Hoe. 1 the Stratford li ' .n.pany Is to ereot the 60pol-strutter', for $1,394, and Frank Guttaridite, of Seaforth, Is to erect the abutment. at $6 per oubio vied. The bridge la to b ooMpleted by the 15th of August mut. 'fhe contract for painting at the uric route and registry office had been ewer ir 1 to Walter bhannon 00. 4149. New fleet. d been put on 1 bridges this sprb ..nd other repeats made, and there still anointed • great •itionnt to be done this summer In the way of repairing. The amount 01 11. order, imened 1.7 01.. comune. 'loner from January 1st to the date of the impost (June 6th) was 1502 14. Mr. Ansley estimate.' thet the amount required for the county buildings, their repaint, eta., during 1900, would be $6,600. A letter from Geo. Stewart, Choi Ringer of Court (thderlob, I. 0. F., Wing' tor the au of the ooart room during the 'Imlay ot the High Court In Goderioh, was sent to the Gooney property committee. A request signed by Messrs. 11°4.1111e ouddy, Allan, Kiild and Campbell, el (lode - /Oh, &skis, • great ler the entertainment et the Huron Old Roy. In Godertoh on July 4th, was referred to the exeouttve tom - mine*. Morgan Dolton, reeve of Midfield, and W. Mothers, olerk of the same township, waited on the oounoil in reforente to the outshoot at Port Alberta few months ago, and asked the council to pay the ooet of re. Pairs, amoiriting to *517. The unmet asked Mr. Ansley 00 50 to Port Albert and make a report on the matter. Jens Remit/tee is doing the thinking, and , Dos linuitsoneo, like Bre'r Rabbit, "He lay low." Terra* appears to be on top, int he only appears to be: -Douse the week last pest Slim Bast Batumi has not written an affidavit and had it signed by Parrcurrr or any other scamp, but that doesn't Mean that Sam isn't a boss affidavit visitor. -iv may ape be gerrallokuusio that one of the most able and wi11iub liars in the House of Oommon* is Hanky Pownta., M. I'., for Westmorelend, N. K. He does his work very effectively and sticks at nothing. - Tits Dominion Day celebration in Gode- rich this year will be held on the 4th of July. Aril with the tuitintance that the Huroolefta Boys may give, promises to be blimp( and better than a circus with three rings under one convert. -Tug esteemed manager, or ex manager, of the onoe great Conservative .patty, ROB- ILIST 13nnarlanliAll, Fsi., ili not Raying a word these days, and it begins to look an if he had got ids price He squealed fur hie rations, and when he got the-gloff be quit eqbealitig. Tory organizers with five -----jwm- -syst-lirs watching the gr,,.,,. Torras feeling in Oaten°, Hexer DAUM, The Montreal Star's hired man, has an eye singly on Quebec; and the funny thing &bouttii that he claims to see more growth than ell b. others. ' -Tall unanimous nomination of Da. Maopouatn„, of Windham, by the Keit Huron convention keeps the ffT1poT0- (les one of the brightest Liberal parliamen- tarians tn Western Ontario. He in a clever man and a good man, and clevernene 0.11d goodness are not too ocinuArie in the of politicians nowadays. 10'4 -Tire Toronto preachers who hats been using their pulpits to state that the success in South Africa is a direct manifestation of God's will, and (.bat the British nation are His chosen people, have about as much gumption an KRVOSR had when, during the Boer sucoesses, he claimed that God was on their side. The real fact i* that neither 011.41111OLL11111 nor Karnes were very do. voted followers of the Loan, and He simply let things take their course, the result 1.. - Ing that the big battalions and the heat rommisearist won. That's what happened when the Philistine caught Samson where his hair was short. -The Editor of Tillt SIOSAL thie week presents hie compliment'. to HIORY A. Powati., M.P., Westinorelend, N.B. hit Powell. is comparatively unknown outside of hie own bailivriok in New Brunewick, and rewires:varied to gain an outside reputa- tion in. the West Huron fit After today he will he better known in (u.& than he ever wee before. We may say that lir. Pownt.r. has not sent. any cheque for the advertising we arts giving him. We are giving the advertiaing gratis, Mt Of the goodness cit our heart. to aid in ° t/tItfttt/ttrtrtrttrtItIMITIft1111“1“ 4.1 r'r Sr Binder Twine drops for one week for orders 6.. -Plymouth Gold Medal, 15 cts. f.: ' 4 Special .• 13 cts. • 66 ...•'411r; These prima:are good only for one week, from JUNE 13th to JUNE 20th. 'r11. Above are the two best grades of Twine in the market, because they will bind more4sheaves to the ball than any other and never ravel or break. A. McD. Allan Chambers, Mali, Haye, Miller, McLean, Mamma. Snell, Stuart, 9 The report -Of LW equal.zatinn committee was preeented and paseed. The equitire..4 asecemests are the sante as last year, as faros : Ille•LIZSD AHSCOISICINT. Townehtes 1. ct Asbeeld - 931 4.1 Pape swoon MEM (Whores 39 01 l' 0 1340079 131079 liodetich ... 31 00 430 frxr-is 10041:18 deity St 00 Ike 1007622 3014622 day .. 31 00 t0000 1798228 NORM lineelek .... rere--.11 t i tYde MAU 131509, 11 . . 10 4,09 1103509 Male ilreKluop,9-Tor, 4)0 3.8114)1 Morris . ..,:9 00 SSW 1781476 1770756 Siemer CO IWO 18312C0 1833000 Sthphan , , 1933-11 14144te Yuckersmith 1"47 01 7110 ,1915511 1921111 Turnberry IIII 00 476) 11011107 1111s -a Usborne 1700 MO MOWN 9011200 10. Wawanoeh it CO WO 1993011 1101871 W. Mammoth St 00 0130 141110011 149111( i 'rte treasurer's report of the iodinated expenditures and reoeipth'Ior the year wee read and referred to the tioanoe committee. It was as follows 11 PIN DITI'RILS AND 101 1111" 5010 1900. Expenditures - Administration of jostles II 5,500 00 Gaol expenditure 2,000 00 LUOstiC4 and cbezities.. 500 00 Id unite pel governmseb 4,000.•00 Stationery, oto • 800 00 MusoolI&eous . . • v./A le, rrertsw•-• 200 Oil Schools .. 5.700 00 501001 maaagenbsas (erects Deboatures 5, ..... 5,50000 1)1,0400 06n5. jeryium11777M4,---- 900 00 lodustrial home 4,000,00 County property .. 1.400 00 Roads and hridg. a . 6,600 00 2.300 00 ,.;. 1.60000 en 1. 1474 um v. A oommenloation from C. A. Haulier, chairman of the puling, works committee 01 the town of Goderich, asking that the tonisty 'meet the town to oonstruot gran° 1111.10 walks lo the Square, wu wine to the oounty property committee. A deputation was heard In reference to *he new sohool at Londeeborough. Mr. Maine spoke la favor of the new sohool rad bfr. Britton against it. The report ot the huge of refuge cionsinit. tee was Mean op and paased. The oemmittee reported that they had acoepbed the vendee of A. J. Kum for the gaper of butte at $1.85 pre omit; the% et A. Couob for meat at fly• unto per pound, front quarter, and the teaddr fif Cooper for groceries. The committee had made • thorough inspeotIon of the house and out. Wildfowl and atm the farm. mid reported that everythier appeared eadifeetere, er- upt In • few owes where repaint were os uses v. They had agreed with Mr. Her. land to put to a latnelty hot water heater In roleoe ot the mit one, at • out of whont $401, and had ileol&sil to build • new Pagr wire fen°0 oe the line on the south of the farm, the county's ihare being about one hundred rods. The stock were found In good condition. and tho three mei Were Oa Ing • sufholent supply of milk for the house the o munittee advised that • water.plpe be laid from the louse to the barn, so that • supply of water might he had few the stook. end that an agricultural furnace be be tight for the piggery if it would not maniere with eh. insurances. Oa mules of Mews Haste Ind Meleen, ehe quest -lee of rem 'Ion for the rove Ing and consolidating of the old bylaws was referred to the exteetive oommItten, te report. A map of Pert Albert, with reference to lbewaahont at their plea*, whboh had hem prepared by Mr Ansley, was planed haters the outwit and referred 0.the reed and brides committee. The report of the mineation oommitrbas was taken op. The report stated that • petielme was protenimed from Matthew Maine and tweedy flys other ratepayers of the VtIr Ii.. et Lotelashorougli, asking that • out wheel Geode* he formai In the township of nomprising thirteen lets me We itleyeeth nomumeo, thirteen Iota no the Moth 0011C4111111111 aad pert of lets 90 aid 21 ea the shath neeesselee, osetainted about 1,940 urea. add thee the eregp1; iteRneg at ' OmMil••••••111,••••- Tosino and il r 11 1 11 e• 7 .17; cta .3 re 867110)4.... ..$ 01706 $ 1140 $ WM $ 87581 Myth Imre 2)375 215655 124540 Droassis ........ Er tte 35010 302165 744000 CUAton, 6613.45 3435) 5953 - 041911 /Meter 440(r0 18)25 1911175 SC1060 Galore* 1001280 eztie 1173192 triSSOO Hensel' ....., MAUD 110000 Seaford. 11735I0 IWO 630440' 512900 WU(914 !IMO "aflouheroll11711 92771))361710 Receipts - 1,212 12 Surplus 18151 Registry office 1.400 00 Lni . !,;;:.-4-7 160 00 .,0-,-i'3-'- 060 1.30000 . '1" $ 4,062 12 Nominating officer.' for the county oounoil election* to be held at the close of this year were appointed as follows ; Olvialon No. 1, Wm. *Pothers, clerk of Asheeld ; No. 2, e Mrs. Nelson Graham visited her parents James Campbell, of Loodeaboro' ; No. 3, at Nee River last week. Fred Hem, er ; No. 4. Fraools Morley, of Usberne ; No 5, A. G. Smiths ; No. 6, F. S. Soott ; No. 7, Peter Voreerfield, olerk of East, Watraeoeh ; No. 8, Joseph Cowan, of Wrozeter. It was decided that In the event of peal from the equalization ot the auteminitith by the mooed the final otealtretton should be lef t to the county judge. The report ot the road and bridge oom• mitres was preteented and paned. No action was recommended 1.t be matter of the pro. poeal that the eounty should purchase road machinery for use by the minor municipal- ities ; and the request of the township of 4ebtle14 for finanotal aid In repairing the washout; on the road near Port Albert was refneed, the aunty not being _otioMd_ered The eiseetlekcommItte• made Ike follow 'ng ruommudatione : In referee°. to the letters of Messrs. Foy It Kelly, reriusatieR that the matter of the maintenance of (Mo. E. [Mem be referred to the oetinty Judge of York ---its the comity of Bruce has already been directed to pay .thile maintenance by the Pollee Magistrate of Goderich, end there wan no oommuniostloe from them Intima- tes that they would comply with the re- gress of the teeter of Masers. & 40et9tmutite5be Lakes ; 01 10 the request, for • draat to assist in entertai ling the Heron Old Boys on the'. visit to (lorterioh on July 4th nert, that 00 001400 be taken ; their gm be paid lo Cult tor Itte metope in onenution with the re•Ision and eon soildation of the whnle of the bylaws of the °entity of Huron. The report was emended by the putting of • emelt of $100 for the rum ion of the Heron Old Boys en Joly .7.h. Connoiller Connolly and Inspector Cute were authorized to purchase • minable driy, leg horse lor um at the hour.. of refuge A modem by Mr. Torrance.. seconded by Mr. lemmas. that the question of the grant to the Huron Old Boys' oelebration be re. nensidered was lost en the followtng divis ion I For -Bowman, ("tat, tieEtrie, rat. torsos, Tarmac*, 5 Agaiast- Oteinelly, bylaw 1 c • . Total -equalise& sesessmeriT. 1=2 - The Wanes oommittee• reported SAM*. reochmentling that no aolloo be taken in refereooe to the motion ot Merere. Stout and Connolly in regard to the toterest on the county's inveetmente, and that • bylaw be oaseed authorizing the werdsn and treasurer to brow for correct expenditure • sorn not exceeding 410,000 The total est mated eipmditere tor 1900 would be about $40,300 end the receipts $4,062 12, leaving to be retied $36,377 15, uquiring a rate on the oqualired aseseemeut of the ocein. ty, $52.336,230, of one mill and one.eightb of a mall on the 'teller, and it was moony- mendcd that such rate be levied. The re part wee &domed. The clerk tea, Inst ruined to putledase (hp tarle Statute' for the use of the Utinoillega. flyttwe were pseud to sqteIuM the roe Assist esso•nren's of the esteem! Squad: polities di the county cud auttiwie. the warden and treasurer to borrow moose for MOW y enquire Chet on, Wing0,m1rod Housed wei• pre - posed al 1 0, plot, of a enstiog b,,r del:hoe her meson, and Windham was rhoeerry session lie oesnoierke ext the firet Deorox. vvi HAVE"L9 FOR p HEAP _Lt SIMILEILL 0. PRISON BOW oderich BargaknCentre 4 _ T" illuron Old Boys g, WILL BE IN QODERICH, JULY 4th. r- 3 - 0. NowOf tile dee to get reedy to naive Oen. We wool' W' Ws to "tat beat on that day. VFatave reosTid Wine4114:7110W-Pfliall. The 4eOler-Thrl, Boys " like to see a lady with a oleo Psnta Aleo we haws ceived another shipment of white Kid Gloves, just the thing to * wear on that day - ''•'i, Shirt Waist., Linen and White Pique Skirte. The "Old ton Boys ' will like to see you looking as wall 11 usual. "The 014 Boys" always had and still have an eye for the beautiful. We have some Sailor Hats which we will reduce in price so that you can have one for that day Also we are showing Carpet Squares at prie00 that will ell prise you. JAMES ROBINSON ;.1 SPRING NECESSARIES URN/ TURE- TOL: "The Climax" makesold oiture look like new. The best, 25c.--, A furniture Cream in bulk for those who prefer it FLOWER and GARDEN SEEDS in packaged. . 11.0TH CAMPHOR - Dannmantits (i 145D10111111 1 5 HORSE POWER 17 I/001, 010)511.. tre ?1,3 NORSE ?OWER5 Tait eao_lleaGAI., 4,2 The Rehderson Bicycle Co. 11.10,i701e, 431-0/DHIELICEI.. .1 BROPHY I 301 7.- WI 41114D1/00 Wthtlf "Mr otters sh.. evk Y...viNeakviNtra. Orders earerselly *deeded to at ail Iemrs, night er elay. .4.5. 0. West Pereek Minideare. bee Weer. AinAPRA1 LOODEMII SUMMON'S RED -BLOOD PILLI. W. O. GOODE We is sopply many things yea -4 need during liouse-cleaning. rtk HOUSEHOLD AMMONI/LA 'Two kinds - we good one. "Reitman" Pipe -Tartish.. Coat the pipes beforeputtingaway to prevent rust. Eacellent also for ccaldouttled, ostiLlidi iron work buggy ToA Mkt & bottle; five for $1.0O. DRUGGIST ;;;:t. sad Lose co. *50ewe your henna ,gervdistiValigereok Ditignad nowise Wow iniumereir 44J.0.55 0 67 I t Pays to Paint. J ,' ,,,,,- - - ."PEttel There ls nothing.thst Edda to the selling value or ''''11, q; , the renting value of a house like good patnt-there litat ... is nothing that makes home more haute -like than trdiirWrta,4 good paint. . npaystopaiso. The better the pilot, the WOW cr.x94:t7,i it payn, 1. _ ;14 HE '',7141f 311t*e".;*tiktilii SHERWIN-WILLIANS -- PAINT "„. pays- In the bestnning.bees use it goes so far-psys Id,...1011440 the end because it lasts so long, and looks so well, as irot,:,ir,-4.:47 long as it lasts. There is no paint like it for beauty and durability., for economy and satisfaction. 1,a.14440,9,414;i*,1‘sati sionatort *MIMI .1\L ROTTC4-"VaU THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. tt/Mtt/ttittItIttrtr!t/TTIMITIttItttlItt!tItTIMtIttrtttrt IT11112 a SHEPPAROTON• TIMSDAY, Inas 5. Mies B. Green's brother presented her with a very line bioyele. Mee J. McKenzie, ot bioderioh, le spend. a few days at Wm. Barrows'. Mary Gordon returned last week from Clinton after a pleasant stay of some weeks .-. (1. Johnston and wife, of Goderloh toe n. ship, were the guano of Mrs. J. 5. Graham this week. Frank Hawkins and family lett last week for Colliegwood, where -Ur. Ha •kine bad secured a situaticu., Sheppardten Sunday sohool has decided to join with the union panto whiob is to be held at the Point Farm on %ha 1911. 4150, Wen. Vroomso heti the misfortune to lose • bne drIveig bone try getting its foot fast In the rope that tied le and mosequently ohoking while Aeon ("cordon was worths( 1. 11.. field with the horses and wagon, the horses became frightened and ran swat, injuring his ankle very bidly. Jew Tweet, eon of Joe. Tigert, .1 this plume, who has been teaoh)ng at demoilier for the put veer mod • hallbaa, we are plumed to learn, been engaged as pr' wipe! of Duadeanon public school et • liberal ad Tuft0 saiary. it Inessies the World. No discovery in medicine hits ever created one quarter td the excitement that has been esneed by Dr. King's New Discovery Tor conitiapTrili.' til 13711est tests have been ou -hopeless victims 01 co nsum pti on , pne m on la, he morrh age pleurisy and bronchitis, thousands of whom it has rest,,red to perfect health. For coughs, mrlie. 'esthete, croup, hay fever, hoarseness end whooping cough it is the iinickest, surest cure in the world. 11 is, sold by J. Wilson, who guarantees satisfaction or refund. money. Large bottles 500. and 111.00. Trial bottles free. When are wit to hies that vete. oa a oow House-cleaning Time.... GOODS J Jr r"."113 Brings many requirements which we can supply. Let lie have your order for anything in our line, and we will try to please yon DELIVERED PROMPTLY. LA, ror rI6v; STURDY c51 Telephone No. 91. The Cleocers, and 17"kr:61";"•113:6.;, OW, 4 eeing is Believing 1--=',.=; 4:zanaue and Compare, and pa_ will find A. Pe MoLEAN'S '4:72t RETIRING FROM BUSINESS SALE 1 a marvel and a wonder. a I E A- great quantity of Goods has been solicigerrbeignarlin 101).- a Elf Only Two More Weeks of This Magnificent Opportunity I to secure the Best Goodirat such Low Prices. E _ sacrificed by July let. • EThfvviiiithER CLOhftNO- Balton -Underwear, $1.00 suit 80c EE Men's ,fancy ittokir•Coats and Vests, were $4.00 to $4.50, fors.... ; Men's black and grey alpaca 'coats, were $1.75 and Men's white and fan were $1.25 to $2 f� for $1..25 - 51.50. cis& Vests, 11.00 - 31.25 FOR LITTLE VS 4 e best in the market. a 25 dozen btack Cashmere J Hose a bought at ft bargain and were cheap at 25c., our price .... 204; ,3 bicycle waterproof Capes, Non' a i3.00, for, • .31.50 a Fowles Kid Gloves,were $1.26, for 98c See our immense stock of fancy sum- "' All our 50c. Neckwear goes at 40c mer blouses at 40c, 50c, 25c. Neckwear for.... 20c \ Save money by buying your Spring Suit, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Hata, Caps, etc., from us. etkr2 E. Examine and compare our prices and goods with others. • • ,•,41,4„tAti,„('Jt7e• 44_ , 4„1 "t1 P. • 3 The Palace Clothing Store, Ooderich. EP.S..--A11outstanding accounts must be settled by 1st July; all unpaid after that date will be handed in for collection. rrry Akk 1 1/1 .":"" " 30 4 qrs,„ 774' r.7:AN,A/ ot, 157 J3 19