HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-14, Page 3.71'..-. •,-,tom,•>. }: ,. ,&I- • y„r,
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r ,t, B Binlfrh. Port (blburae . f61MENTAI NIGKNAME51 Tim Signal ,
nal Irl kUted. wo.mled •b .1e T A SFE I R I N G Ji°wtwrapnas-Alezaude,r J. Irwlp y
btg_ nth r Ilttlo chug livard Ue burled A., H D., Purt ('ullxlrlte,. Robert 1 '
frlettei and f,N,, anti there are few - T,-- m rvatutaso y&
gtarieN left by which W dia,tFngulrh IfumhrreWDa aultetruuOrd. J lAa V I, §VSRT THUMDaT MORNWO
• vldit+-l'harins Id. SL»fford, Juhu V. " "' '
Stoney Creek Fight lisle gruv-et. WllrO)n. Wesley l'urruu, 4ll Kenalog ns u. r.• rLuouL,Ll. _a
' ten rove+nue. Toronto, butternpuumWL $core of the Familiar, Alpe- Tfva,a • r
y j AA ll 1 A( jw MINISTERSL Nr
1 tl 0 OP HUa111 l'alrtorvlllo-Hnmunl W. Fells. k - tt,,, == 0 b L`Q .
• . bunt,-Aduen 1. SAideor Foowlck _1411olls' f FamOU r $ fo=-111 •d.Snor
E1 ht -- ,,. George E. Hutto H ,.. D. D. R'nl• meets,
'.0111 'f {. y' ---- eta moot!... ................
"" --- Iuadleort-Tbtaa. tiraudy. StrtlW111 Yx- -
• @ • Hobert IL itell. B. A., Porky ROAd. GATHERED FROM MILITARY LURE
flaaultin Prom clatica in :D j j lb ew ty-Jaum's H. h1vtWo. R. A. Advwth"g VAAd•r ~
TTLE Ag NARILATRD BY i J. 1I, LAND B First Drat o) Methodist StevwWville - Richard lt+tllton. ,yl • otyR.•o••I dr•rtia•m••V, Na
. 1 Aggravated Form, -- 1la , , , /
STD 1' Ol TF[g $A BriclrgoburK -J. 3'arkrr Brll. HI,uNa mfd yells 1 UI txl'n /ori +r fwwlthe r•r n, •ad r or ,W par Itab
. .._..... . ,.' - @d . •sea
a ,s s1
. ., . --_ -'r Stiations Issued. rayag°-- ' H• !111 w a vW Yellow /na•111gttui tbfrir uulturlun. toc■(ietsL baeuuwc tl x nos N
- Mra NI A ° . ill Neely M slew tYtarlor 11111 No nsa, Old kyty" tat a anus, fur site l'rv•rt a 0Dou r 1 r' mala A" leader, M
__ --- 7 k is time HrMsrer-coull Not (Ip4'ie la, SwhitertAm. r Liu anlr. r• + floor tea■
e fatrth of Juae. 1916, was AAl1iIP.Ta!i 9iFJt1TJ4
,) ttt►Y w( tltal,she had lauded fully I,hIN) jolt. lu lied, and 111" Leif Wer Irre- KUItN'1('11 Dlti'T'R(CT. - _ ""Old Five nand Threllf"Inieeft" woe Adrerttr•meuratof f.o■tt Roand. Mnyaa+
a day lung to be reluemDrred by wen W rrblGorett the Yankee army lit 1(eatettarJ CDrrch, !;surge F. halo-Norwk:b Rotx•ra J. F_Iffutt. Thomas tow ulcku+a)ate) of the lurasrr ,led, its.. Obances Wtlu 1110`11 o..A(•r r
for haudtul of hnrnswxl-eatlerr at tile('r ole. l'ht+a preputruN.alr for da ylaemll) Swollen to !'wire ft& we Ph.& 17srle Tuzust0; !las- t'. elle +wow ,art uf,,the Kit 'r Yhrupshir.' La
rautiwtad. W ka,- oaaten supuaunuuta 11 ; W • Y. L o•, aonr.rul. tt Dar men
rlruvilyt ev►rything lu the camp that ?A(ural sIxe. iii 'llalteerr' erp)e 7:t ('tae litellett, TortYtW ruperutiater Light Infantry. Huuisaoasatsaud r•roo or qaN aim N
thil, heal! of the lake. mud Lhn few, cuulid out tilt rewu+'t-"1 wren pimhnl vlg- L'Dureh 1VHUam F. Wilson. Stephen '•Uld St eons" h a seen of the 7th bxoeat 8IWes. tt fur flataicote sl0o roe rob
nF'tynu flu• Juurrlul, tit. l'utleuruefr.) arY. T11wrn►wrg-INa\gl L. BnRhuur, t
,I,N,utlwm trail, w, in whal the ur(wrly uD, fur, rtuuhl there toren r[_ Kappel E• Toronto 1 lifebard C, Hen- Ph. U. F. nulw l.. l' art-snt, nu lessee Hubnars. -i'Old Stlblourlim" war the ou asst mootD. 1 r atdvla lq pfoPor 1. 1
lilt 1 ) stole
deer, rupteraanwaied. Flrrt Udunh, I Yar •peal.! ootltra • Dewdto of w MA'y l;,
thouitht to lw thele Iart camp Oa foot u Jtwctina, ally"att,ewpt L, fureo n Xr. John T. Itf•um,u, rtntiwlmry et,. Wr111aw a nutledgu, B. A. Etlwur . uuatis0t. Burford and F'alrfbld- utuknnrax+ of Lllo w 4Jtll l:ilaerw.Rmf promote We yoaRlsq 1)aoaaat •t lar Yadl'I .
ton HeyphLa. The war rllwd battle would.W alsoi:riu,.d...•w fur lack Gb isell. S. T. L., KuH 1 ' Fur'raterr). tat or oetapuw, to bs roo•lnld •rid as adrsest■►
p;urlilq( a' oI unuuwdtlun, ( roumL pier emu D. gtAtter alt the Ridley Cuitegs; W,. ZunArbary: CIM -e Street, oftos. J. At+ Ilnns'Y a at-
%hi,•II Ilad bilion Revering liver wr tf1R nil they Il, cru ntles rt u[ 1.1t•u ('atharht-st, W kar,wit by nm[sat lit the ups Albert W. tAtelrflerwri, Burford. `tel- 'The ;til tfus I welt eumietimer agate, :.teleas in n•onp•r■en po sse sent PM
kin,a. N'. UuuW Brown. M. A.. a r• run -Fred. \V. Crowle, B. A. tylring- rtyleNl "('aa`cL'r lrfegulnr Ilurw•,' word, no notion Ion th.a rao
e,mntry 441100 Jnus 19th, 19174. Fitrgibb•0114' report, nn Ault olue touts 1 reemkilontr lit tho eltY. Fur years Mr. nnnuatedo, Zk)n Tutiernaale, T. Albert foetid-WJ►Utm J. Brandon, F. IAMJN-"Thjr," seuym Col. t'tmym•r Kileg, "war boos! ootloaoin ordinary r- Lee lone
who+, the great tluMad States of u( eau war held, and Col. Harvey Pro- ISt•uron suffered ucuW agony fruut ,re• r taco!■ Culewuu ; ('hrlstupher c teunts pw word. No aotlo• tort wa,
In n•':a toe( lured vvur agutnrt lxred a might attack, lot lilt- ordy Ian {i emitted, Toronto, superannuated. R. Cl'r. ts. ofie Fllo :old loluthn rt-'L'h e- from Its la." T drill utter ILt L oird ad
resat p meLWA-a, u«•1 nutwitlwUtndiug numer- 8lluo:be F3troet, Theo. J. Parr, M• A. A Clarke, 'P Reterc{eTjoaJ hn H. Mc- from , 14, i They were const- ptrico ►ro4 dofot iltatdots Wince ons
A prumLiing oho It•urt chance or InfUct- aro
igo Ing Injury un the enemy, and, with pum furdea tlf treatlu("it, towed fettle rmnuuated, lieu_ Armies, 1f. U. Ikteliaw-(;mer n F'er• lieu a Ivaget lu the li tlx)urch "on.
{iritaiu, to aver Lhu lorult uf- Huwlfton Leith, ssq►lo alrartn
file ruN.rrn hu , + 1JOrehntu Center. )('Illi= o[ Lila LIg11L Brigade lit Balnrinva. eub•odben who b roe•ln 'rna •L y
fer„1 to their new formed flag by p, that It might nt lir no rrliet, wail Ion be•g to the uan of null Street, (Jets• Clark• Ph.D. Rin• Jamee.ChSrltsAL Courtland -Edward Tito armor of the Htwrehold ('uv repIIarly by M&O w1D water • tar.ar_ky el ;
lrlmt (klay thPlr attack un ibu Sher Wan, wparanuuated. Emerald y auatntingaaoott01 dao v r easy• Y
that "tottering and effete" nation. Dr. Willman' l ink Mi►1"a Th"A0 pills rd. IsYrm Ad+ume, ruplrraunu ulr W ttiwpeuarible fur thele suck i,
Hodghtor. Thin dempe,rato ehmace war Htrrut, _.1. Aurtlu Jachwn." `11arLuu (fm
lu,to•rllgt ro Clew 0003"timeA, that lit hart a{w.1d"d un, and the commnml rpvottly rtwtonxl hbl houlth, as Llw - oleo!: Alfred T. WII. like l 111nsst W. norms re "latent Safetlerd" p■•tbls.
uttrrh null crhrrm of Its y Ht re et, Char. L. Btlwlh,Y. Lunda+ lefat•d, Tfroa. W. !Wale. "YenOemakarr wur Nle IWulc Wb•aaeYaaa• d •ddrar■ 1• dol M( x ,
ttu oil X givr.0 Ln CulOtwl Harney. The h;[re aifnUr eliat of tlwurutatr u( Ja)tle+ H. Ilattlewtxxl. Jew pot H• Hilts, +►P We e1d nal lobe noon a4dr•,s •A teessalw„ A
dread thunder reachad the ellrr t.wtw engaged in thin action as of- ruwllLated- CaledoabL-Chas pea- PAUIIP.RA410N DltiTklCT• Ktfati it the or al drhlre R", 11"0
lit till• anxious wlvem.,l muthurr null I flulally reported castellated of five triers who ie,) r Ivrea Nu lt a fair rules w, Jpyn Ft bud, fur u Iwtg Nur, out
R (v)n, S'b.B. Jumer Irlyd, rup•runnuut,- S'olntewWu--Jahr IP• la'bnt Rear. uu attire service, iabttaad■ )taus•.
rlpal futlarrr of our bravo rlreat. bad cuugxulleae lit the }:ighth, uwlrr >tn} WWI. 'Cu Llur r+plurtrr who hip++- tvl. (ill fiford-Harvey X. Hull. An rge,..j t4 y, Kltigrvtlle, .rupitFall-pl000aadilly Itutchrrr" war the J. ti. ion Toasel, of Onoodericnh W De•. yl
n„w m-ttled heavily over the• (lure chilvle, drrl tive cuwpanlert lit the %IA'wet him. Mr. Beur,n st)Mi: "S`lilr^ Carter-Jnmee H. C.dllnr: HlIlRrove- asatMOi, IlPnrrlrttia--Robert Kurus, lib, 11awe gtvrn w the Household •poi° d O oderava (l`otrorw vAa ild wDd
dbLrict. Forty-ninth, under Wo",li+r '-1Pn.-it- 4441Y eons u t1e4,L of -gratitude Jur. S. Ju(INr,n Kelly. Btluhu0wk-Jataee $. p'hi B;.![Irt -,Tads W. (Slgdn, lLur t u%alry fur -their altare, In 6he nu
The openly. C•ommata11led by, Cum. I h+antl+. hu mention It wade lir any lit' Not;iart4my. Bartbhvidle-Chao. . R. ry". Lr'L"M-TWn"L. Myd. u Waw•noeh.
('latnn•,. and Ueu. Dearborn, hull nuid,! N'illlattar' 1'hek Yllb, for they here pnwrfun lir n riot eariY to Lim cell Local purtm•elandive r (.so dlstrlet I*
the utter carpi, that lntirt have been Morrow. Stacey Creat-HenrJ d• !dash Crafts,, q;Mft ldgll, rdil l W empowered b resolve •ab.or(Dtlaa. e• lLvo
u d.wccnt elan )'ark (Turuntu), haul In rawP, lir nr the milltlu, yell there rrkvtreJ fur.- frvrw n furor lit WrWra L)aDtgaip)oe. llamas E• Dyer, Toronto, nuaptil, Alrwt-.lames l4xxte)' null \V. Wry.K BIAII oLommaaloauoq• months gddromaA
t.aulrtr.lod artil drivtvt out, its 111-0- it undoubted p:a ,J that a coneldPr- that, )tool afflicted tub almost 00x1- superawauapwt. '1`aplsytuw•u- AtaaM Tburm n (tae Itueslatnd, B. "1't, u wur sie keels"given to Lhe U T
q;nrir„u, who [nude their way towards able number of the latter were en- tiliuoumly fur twenty yearn. Tho liala H. Milk -r. Ker-Fraerld; Mathers, I.D. V., an vannuated.- epi-Jolmt H. 7Qtlt. uu i the Uukc u. 1!'rlis do n'r D. MoOILt.Ic DD
),u,g.4au t1wo rroarf"1 tile, lake uud gitgod. 'rho fun•+ numbered 704 rack iK el a":L Rwild t ittaetfd Thos f .be- Tar lk•s r,,
nn firm( ha buy tx►ck,-Lhn, rhlttat Yurk- ifmmuel A. I+Ylld>pari. T1We. B. WpaC, lilewtllan. Jamas \1't•Db, lA:: tn,tlou wua [w6 IlitennWal to lw ,Dr- 'r•lepAowC•i180. Ood•r(er,Ost
alow,k.•d Fort George, amt with the 16111- ,,nil file, and having masured himself ioK Trimble: - U'aeny Ktreet, Toox attuo rutx+naAlw` rov,lavtful. but roma from u -reewm _ _ "'
al.kw.•,• lir Fort Niagara bull wan that every muafwt onus empty, anal to illy hip, anti thetace, down my log•. GD'F.LPH DIATRICI'. marl. Mouectield-Holey ' E. ltftt. / -
bl:au(•e, rvnl lir fnuci+xl, of the Iodine
I•,I its arrirua W alwtuluu It after r'tirlemi-J'aw t D, t►(r4ll. Tevlutaialr. THURSDAY, MAY 'ltd, t)rOU.
pr K every flint rmuvtbt Ifie did nut pre- telt lxvalw+ uu rev'eru that le rPPttw•1 Norfolk Street l'hun'b, FraacL A. Irtolgfw lit tow cl Ilsolt L LU animrJs
a m„et grallnOt defence, ait-1 retrL,xt W pollee to rink a recurrence of the Ited at- h the ver renrrow bt mY (-arwld V. A. Willfam'S: Griffin, O, D., -W+alter F _ Tlelraven. "N'Nli,IJ l J. better kneN a In Iiritalp. _ -- ----
1tur11oitUm Heights• uniting un the Hill )ul"h.1p), thlN plucky cuwwauder Y Y' - -I,tuft.Nd, itichaard A• Faaa•r AI _ _
m.:rrb wlNn thegnrrbworuuf Flirt Erle g;lVr the uxler to mnn+tt, rind la t",uet new [wring aq;nDled, and at Toronto; \\'Illlam Ravage, World Cat Tlir_aneu lit Nlo Limulurhlre ltrgi- !i♦ A7Ql>0
rues 1Iswi t•w:a. u Wt:al lauati uawrtllrig timer I t+auMt evargelY .tors tering tamu•h, .Toth Milba, supwra-.-. tf. t t mit were ntekuamett flat "Punch , r
grim tea«Ileo In the first hoary of adt' =ion tioub6, Fn allusion to elle FA- 9RAXD TRUNK SAILWAT.
&l tl( .Aog10 Aaaet{Cau, of rune adz• that rat.•ful sixth lit June, 1tlSa, tills. =lbw! from the) ugoray 1 esrhtrnL- 1 b ublln lost , Jruuevv ft- 3{o(w, X. .t.,.. MOUNT F'OftE iT Uh`ITItI( M
treri Iuurlred (nen. 1 have swell able to hon 1811 of dP me ma storied tm 'tried all alerts of kin atom nrNl 1). U.. James H16rrlr, anpx roauuatrf. !bunt Ftrrert- Wna. 6etLlowels. Ar pwlw uW balLul of Llrr ••itltreWorhire
luol ire Official rap ort of these tro ut". ame hasard.rcps as inismion ax ever Brltull lutturir, but got ton rotlet. t<d od I'alrJry Str.•et, J. Frevl. Kayo, B A. tlwr-H: Wafter :Wright. B. D. !!reed 1'o:u Ilse." r
1gy-he LDee EcexmnL of i1so.-rihm-ii wu I ) 1.On+wlh-Ilenry J. Harvtwell. Flora Villay-Setlitmla L. ('ulx)e. CJWtt L• T1w Uuko of Cambridge'&_ Own MJd• E
orose u is ;rant r teed .................................. >4
►' rL `li,. rga I 11n•1 naentiuut- 1 the pfolet ores •1,000 well armed and Buffalo tra_SrouUnotat by u ml,rrialimt horwu • , . 2 irVine (][onttcetlo). UarttsLn-Cy,aV. dlrlez Hegimmt iealreies 4hw-iorttisr int! anti 1l prea.....:::::....:.::... P vb
in{+p I enemlew. Fur twtl or three thee Hulliverake. B. A. Clifford-Alft'e( , E. ) ...................... le -u,
Fittrt)rnhlth RegiAlwilt and doetach• e. Let tl [rs tato ipi I ever rIt Blum FL iinnll. H.A. Jlattllew 11"olu, Ztrl litAl aaa the "1'uilPrinc ttzed.....,.....
prnu of the 1st httn and lgLty/Int fKrtt - rrelrt- more than tenlpuiurY relkL, It rnapwrupnlu►LPd, - Eraanxlsn - Il_o(\r•7 Snith, B. D.tiubteln-\\'estlry J. 1L'ag- rte. I1Wr liuesarp are I'rloce Al Mau seed gaprw..................... 0.s
tup tg M the comrry¢ea, wiv'er. ono- Y wuo7, Dresr-Davol Eck •r (Mount Pero hut's Ow•n." having formed him Dsaatf. '".
oleagarrym rand a _ cwitmaillatld Purple, ahe-s anal ch4dwn i.f there davuted [ilaY Lsi avaNa lmagh,exl that abs ppht, Brun:`; :\twrfayhe-T11um. L Nmtth. OF lest). Kenfl urLTi-Fret! 1V. TliumpNulL guard orf !lou 0t- from Dover Iso Canter Hail end Szprnal...................... ?.1/ a s
EagLL cvntlxuw s' of Leu F'uyty-nlwttr: Iran waltod fworlphlY, brenNllessly I euiurwd Wld upxou ma lu uLtr a -way■ ion-. arose! N1^htilw,n...HelWealweyft = 1j1 Hull sad Axpawa......... .......... its 0.s'
tke seem{"nN'+a lit the F.IghtD, -Lhrer for comp sign lit the tray, Jllsi be- uud 1 twti:atnp AILLIC" rt, phyii'l-Al elft' A. Flaagg. B. U. Nassaq nweya- If• A. (Arth&r). Varney -Dixon t3D'tFlr:. bury Deture lJs murringe. f
nLa ni ; o tato Asha . -t roi_ wreck. At this+ my right log would }:dwarf J. ('lack. Ro,kwawt-,taLm%M lliurjeoul" Cedurvllla-0eorge Franc,!+ Tutu Fouth Staffordshire Regiment to Xhad """""""""""""""" tJe 0.o
cna,W ai.ca krw--.lawn there came to their
lDu \owfuWriturW regitaOaaL. aDdYlta ■weU tie tectrty ton (w lir nurwal W. Ho101en. Acton=Jar. A[. Lagos.- rylst (Cuu1D. t lllllnpt k Ullloy. a i utg eLnY lit Mwlta gnlnetf tiro gicll• Ds11rrtHLsi.
sttatnt*4g .»tea, the eased of Ilrtarg; Lhe' null aNelllu Wm.. BrJerm MW,rannyateci. Frio B A) * rules of 'I'uni; natio Turtolse:"
artillery 'were „tutiAnr..t. AV Fort seatterr.) lit first, then in heavy - else. That ey l g , ' W WALKERTON DISTRICT., •'The Ragged Brigade" Ds a nick-
thurgr, with :SOU milittn and about 50 ley+, and then the boom of can". atbl shift to wy lett Ic atul the -e 1, W If hitworth, Anttrtew In Cot. ie OLFION, LUROVI
IIxIL,ur, In all about t.00) men. Three then It all died +awn), null th-y knew ago(fy was something awful. 1 sup• well• B'Uou•taln.; leulwrL J. Xclntyre. hatterLt.ti-Ju1Su Knye. ImvW D. osteo for tl loch Hlusurr. sexes runosor
rhulaltatl,-olid fifty-•0 gght of thew aro• thuL eltbrir vlctury lir death had fol- pore that doting this PeCWJ i WA&at- Fti: U►'l IdfAjti]tlls.S DISTRICT. pakten, William Tiwiall, George "'ftatnuluggtr- ISoyr" it flan f&>urlte w IRooauo rte theP Qies,_ o' .
.stow! killed. wolirulc+l lir wberlti(t fileted, 1 Move hundncW oP'tlmasa laud i Rt, CalMtrlAa+--lit. 1'atrl 8iredt. A. •aespt, John Il. N'ntta, ruPaeran- ttlekname of Ltle J4th tfuArars, to Oold PWiag. rorwa sad YIWr T►rsk •
yyyy Ire ou that- comraldea and lcoved ones. hn u;l the flow Wjth my a falls
a1feM the IxatNe At btu fort, anal It W Wb,# ono int the soul rises that tot- O of ssn Qk 'Wiopard Gary h'J Welland AveNLw, Hamov, Mt1dWuY-Robert Keefer. ru hory of re giment bio tar -tin t y gxp•r(new - -,
Ir[blu CD• L Lhn, drtnrlumruls faun and Ing rlernted un u chair in \\'tlila.m Nmythe Ju)ur•1 llftidsaiti, w{r Hawlscr-Thutnny L.-WNtlnsnn. John Tlxr l'heeletrc Re'ginwrtt begun lu Due _ -- _ ,r
P"' jObl. -lowed? Ar day bn,lw and the ran soder W Obtain sl lot o:asa from Lite e
nieu, \ln t frow Fortt Erle alit ig erapnnate+t. IkL►gurn Htre+,t, Arthur Garner, Andrew (lurk, aN3pwr:nunua►L mhed lit tAm loot tedowe' tae yled Su HAAY! D.D LD IlltT t
Fbaagg , her. they 'male" the YaniP-e;vemmt I,eadured-The muotclot And'aiil• • 8urseon-tat•u apprev,.,pmef
(blppi•wa told title ouch more N,aan 1R4't' Edy, B. A. Loath and l;ttaathath a l: J`Imseutld-John W, Heander,rn. n red wllforro, and t"-sio, warestyh•d L rod
Illug SWAY arra a messenger came, ewes 1►t,nty ked as sitmt h the fd
ousts LDLs -lues. nrul w.e may .anfely - ►r'Rsi.F.-Edger Rtuls. ETL. ('stharines. ]tcr- L•Deusle --Charles J. Ilt,Vsun, .lf. U. ton "!teal Kttl bre"-a wtpx+ else aunnitlieyiih iitioru.«u Won. ,•*
rring aty rtruut:ng vlcp,ry:' had LwosL A 3a. tMl to lens Tire }
epnaplmlw: that, tie Jurce ae the Helghu K• .n the culR9rw..ieel' rrachPA the rlttop- Nuthxd ti. Marihall, B. A„ B.. app Qruse-Robert L. (h:ktey. 1'uiw ttFv'nt to the 10th Kent ,.• sl sad AQu•n Iq 1Catr•oae m t/orA
oa elmLod lit Lbe aLuvd ien3wot turps+, lir eoe of Lieu*._ other's asbn"- Ltuubte "Ltont oro In thle way until D. Thooro ,l -Atmos F.• Rttss;•M. A. Nin- ley -Au xMin Potter. Port FJRIII-WIll- The Butfe or le est Kent itaglrneut' Tolenhour xo. a,.
rath •r the rewrutaL of Manu: shall take- Cade, COI. Pierre halted lt, null LUglly l:nthfttrtip ,Litt opintes would $urn I'altr flcwth=John ( fstevr1102 , ter S. Jamfoom- BuoNiamptoa - Iwsc b(ech cul►sol "Itaxaurre( LiooWtle ' -
de3idett the ptala AIew.yesKa'_ yi
thc'(wttafatle given, I,K00, ion Ut:, total ca11Pd Chi. ((hop sell► Robert Lnod. tel iagnrn !?rifts FtaneDr F Kugeut. ^Iieawy A Coral, •J7r►ugLwb-N'm. U. from its+ fact that lit Albyerp, t)►rY; . T . TURNgU (Iy D-'.!! -D11[.
effn•tive force to maim! til -e vb tefLou" of the hl:d (lora pBllsiu, ell hum, null pPad at a cars Cn a" mTlar rose NIngurn-George Lrwn W, Samuel 1%It- DAnard, Chippewa Hill. (J lit ('. Ibm- were brukea up Dy-Nre'rutDih Lancers, D • W ell atrm+lLre•1 wttJ.
elu}uyi, then 'vlthln aeveri' trtteti Of nrkPtl h u It lu• crrgld place hlm"rlt ihtlonglr the else u[ Dr. \1'211:muw' ion j aaalon ; !)arbl AitM, superannu- font ettu(swlexi ,ln re turming. Dr. Utzur. colas oolA •od • n
slay, A.) cW Lwect D motloteo oa gold or ifasklaot ,
w tt u f of Iwoe•nt where he Orsuld i'Ink YllW rad Ikorlded to try thein. atoll. Stamford and St. David's-Jabcs Tor : nd Uragr t?n (itturdlt. are kta'vn r .. . t+w
ismi. AM•ertcart foteee celu/Lsieol Ot i? F'ax so t`•me attar•! ter, nn their lase IARTaN DiBTRItT. Daae.. of at onal .lase to the yrenor
chuck the ativrttSe of the 1rriRntle Ft. Dyka, Kt. DUTITN. WAI'ltsvilh by .1 Dill ams of u lit _n o1olglfuCli W• n►tarrtl tarYr oioo l yee°
two tKlRn+tss-+mn nnfer (iPn. W{nd•=r: camped 4n tfiP BPneo sh;nl.l the [ t+nold t see thalk toley were hell+• Jacobs F:. Nowell, 1H. A. FrwferMk lar T6oe• CulBttf. B. A. Taea h•' a p[irsae of nnknOwp of In. •uwWoot -
t• :, I.,mel,l tri the F'UNu, TJeirt(+1•naN aryl InK nes t I akn•ttib l that I w(Nllit Hayorw, 'supernumerary. (irimmhy- - I.: ICterewleh.. John WPbaster. T11P Itamp>•hlty Reg:mrue W thgl t(x- ' -„
i, irGm,i h Regtle outs of liltmiLry, tot•
try either )corm 6 Jmgetlun with give them fetr tt1n1. Iic toe Lhme 1 Jn•,ies.A. l\[ociecDlln. Jmm f c;cllxtwln, rupw+rannua Arkwrlght-Weal H. tagr'tTth atul 07th. The Inviter wow -LSUAL {
„lh' r lint Hoa t hwrclk•r. of til-> S.x• the wniri bu ly lir Ilei ori Dad used a . elf ek)zett Luxe+ Lilere •slues Criswell, Rlrharl J. Farman, Oaenhsm. A•. B. D. N'ro• K. Ai•' tquwtt v the "!loyal Ttgi)rss" item
kis rear. '• can, coluePl, F ons Wan'S! 11rb Impro%~.ut in mY pep. Dobbin -\Vet: 1+1. V60look. AI• \ j+ CAMPION. 4O•-HAKRISTSK tfOli
a. nth .T W-atseoad next Twenty _the ready ter •Thea Enke threes cfaNP, s3ad I tittmccF Lilo u+llr lit (fie rnperannttate(1. RmtthvlllP-Thomox R. t,1 li3t I u aIle, Naar Ro Delo• ores llodb•t
" evni164w!'i •`o°M oten with Fy ._--and tbfty--wllY rydelt. John B. Ctithr, nrperaanlIL--,K, lewlfpni-Wm Ott- to liepwur eal • St. CJe11 r b a -4bo-Asci for H
-l.mrn east . tugelltcr wilt: NN) nr- IiLlr ultilT P t:lkrn tWotve boxes, .Janine Ntatkat-dairies Awde, Ill 1C. iT W Wit`! H+ >ms thaw --- mon
_ •ll. 1•/,ia.ra eat
p1Mvy ueN1 cavalry, its :all a,,)U ,y. Your drty loon! W the tler. .when I f AA)' oro iu:tu_,(vsmpt( tel Cori Ualhouele-Joke A. Ibyld: -r;+ low Lgka Oxe lohn W. hitch• a contmantbr In 1745. O. J03NtlTOV-BARKI9Tk t eOLi-
v) yalri b.tiyih `'rscarn s11rT John .tii'Pk' weans! yetrs hnv ri►ur jlsd++nl nm Artg, 'B ' A: iTrm >Vm. M. BIIIby. The c'rP laOUer.l'Wartlr arm tnOwA Y • sit r, ('omrubdune , fcq Xouey w
-tpvk _at4tD arab tptalr ug:abulL thew It cattr wrion fund sgalfbdrduty aonAd t_ have had mr a L iL'i that Brp:itB(RiM Ree I t`Rt f`Jari {.f'un ry Hese(-!tub sret»i 1►y( Ir Th 9utttt (ttarY ltv►eaPs' ones the _+ is O1alr: ter. lirarllton nos et endrew
M iittlP lruroltY teat Nle /lrt+.rmlwa tow !teen (st (h mora till. Lfrnt. l}t , rro-th ti I tf.afa N R- I O each, Onc /es_
Lust was rearhal tcI dPrlLruy all tied Cllex►P 16 ition not rfrum w N•re the curl tar leen I)rrdlaurnt. Pickering. Brant Avenot --ofim. h. (ay-1'FPWP, .F. (il[pin, B. A. Tnbrr nirknalne'uf the King's Royal RifW& •payor:, sotou
Nmw Lha( teem Nut Iter rrwuvrtl, sire exp') mut Iia steps!mtriklra dd N;at my wife Ilam AilaLwm; Jamul VrPetairt, mperatutrat•
r caapi t`se larlgbLr ' Imp Lry,q! rw t tttety atoKle maty -John •W. Worraif. Cape -Crile• fonlaerly the 60th. Ttie allualon was aa•a+aaf 't■.octal loco sell r .' wsrsva•a
y LM ` honey t'rn•k road fn n the i eaten. u„e,3 Lilo pride fur ijkligertiun, lewd- ed. Volhorow Dttr@eL--R4'lrorl-4. Ter. uo o u • o a do w
rel , W Iwh,gsW3t 1-uvlug tDo whop t'r =.1dae1 (+lusher. - to Nle+ ieil baa[ tugs err u akart Lvrtuire, V'A l t p V 1 q t O 't1eWli
sell apNnt the flours to i^Irina the ncbPN »u.l dlssuwew, nnsf' hhp t t 'te1 "fir "I IturerLt, super• ThP DorArLrhtre f Invent lr the ter a"a Yi t ""da° ia'r>. aetti+orti n
, ten IvnnKy in tD! c14.,wy r l,auNaf. igMm until swutit lit t.1M ft, tc•Iling Y i(Jia ' Stationin of Mintatero. naen•:3OLh ntul G;thEconjoine.I, The' °oUlOto'agrrtvaeon Y- XOTS aovFf D I
4t,+ et-• tr was p,w.Jt+r uA that camp Y g. gre•:it beficht froom talent. Wurdr edfl- numrrrar K r.l W. Woollwdrth. g
at t ,u hi), *+nee the ti is r I:Irth- of the attack begun, aral►Ned m. Ax nut Pxpr~ the great b-n@tlt -Dr. Tociantu. w.2t wIthdout a stattion at Tho Stntiening Committee has. of ter .nth waas know at- t'Sap try's $arms," ll'lJ.8f111HYQ 1t9DT7Y 9YH i
* ft oi, swmh of twatth+ I1Mn:tAn 'tlk,.A(n• \\'Utlnfnr' I'Ink Plllr hove ►r•en to free, film own request, Sy(konhwm Street• hearing varl)tw fk•Putattrenta regarding TAe Wortvwtershlre Regfttle►tt Ilei WANl0l[.1 a R11(I 'NOW! .X)10 -••r Y
airy, til cL►re nut wtret:e tela!! -rMflnA reet•mrl W 1xNv)mP Ionic rlrk: lantea''X. W t. lh[frr,l SirPc t, (•Itaalgrw pat the tlrwL draft of atallout, a ,fro aopp0 aEo m torioyR ;
> tantt l Requkrwl qt- Llep usuat awl 1 hupi, AlmUrt: sufferers w, pro- rich etudea til [ormotr 806h, known at,+ the t M' 1
aK r fit by ton? *es single+."-- \ TlwrgWe Y.-- ty u••"••^ Stret•t. H. prepaml a second draft. Which can• t vm este ■ouaqu 'a+4 N0 o+•+ Y l,oflo
L.• lith Iwmlr. -ti, D d.1lstPad of rwwrr+tal son juin pP , Pis' tahlN nunt'rous ch•3n form tbo utJip'- '^tansy Jreeas." i:lUp4FR _ toTlye'pOlp Nl)sN!>sOIQ
t'ry•l,ntat were wrote fri'r (Iola! in sir• frny: they hurr4i(I on sees 1 hair Dr. WLIIF:tnm' Pink I'llis cure by gu K. (1ur.abfw I'wrin-J.rlln Wxkefirld.. gxs Thr. #ArPt ldeg{mPrti leri (ka the
seta.!, nnl wdlrrl nonny Wittwyt he pug Lu the te(x)t of Lhn e1 sPflaxe. They D. 1). tot. (;slogs+--UIitturf T. BPWrett, flail namiKnw.•nt of wii(t"uera.. Ti A furltmr GOWa who were ehilod the Ha'ot°Fy eMmr [ ,s
drug Ir. bhurht they be'forc•.v1 it. e+iamt lilt+•mpt to learn whist had hr B. A. C Wvvit-kioiu►nf B. RUw'<e. rrtx,al draft. which will probably hl• , is rlxy lt Luo eamb8 ono "A bplr
lir! t ►results tpa eurremtrr of t111w spurn_ and build up the bk,gd, ntl(1 I,yn 1Nf o-( 'n) H. CorAlrh, LL. Ir. adopted by libA .Conference thlr nfp•r Snecy l ompeyr." ' mle pa o u wur u tolgp ooplp v►e Hpe(nd uspP('
last peonit tet the Ilse od Lure. pa -314.1. Slaving paten too stresegtben the_ nerveto, thea driving rhorte:lts of "1ac,mplatlour:' Lha+ yAJ il)Itlt/Q Q 'D '1708 d.,.a
Durl►tg rho .buy n +lamer brarght Iw+Oantiber l'ul. IlnrvPy tau dLwrtre front the syrtPm. tt .Your Ton)-cielfge ('nrpeentrr. Jerspv'sills Iwuri. withrntt further niteraNunr. forms! u( fila tanLngs Wh1ch were
Ids lu►fleJfsl lit Mnww, pwrahed sjpr d0N0a m,t tPPp them, thtNv wLl K'. At. Te:pele. Hermes thestot. roper- tont.bur rh(nugiew As fellows: purple. the favorl4;e-(011ba-of We ails- ti'17'Do++at)a (MiD"1 'stO3^b'Z
•wt- of ttW IeLmrrty ap oro•lch of ties n, all ns Lor tint tMgPr lit 'the sraL t tilt wt CIU'terntmr a bu:. auroral='1• (hir'(rALtga-Norley C• Yanrt. HamflWn DLstrlct'-Itay. H, O. Ids• irk w nl• 7C IV. [ 'Qoi+oPoO " ' itotlott y aaOvnY 4
Pr y, xa.l u [JrtashWeut of Lhr 49th t pu• p- r Ft A. Caatl:svl to-JtAtn T. Smith nn1Y ing"Wne, takes the place of Rev. Cha•. The "telauc Seventh" Is an obvious miA• uYQ AiOUHVU V MOHH
gntaol tM enst cane on the sen• o boys fes $2..)0, by addrfH Wg Y 1 A\
Rol f Ir(vll, under apeam.%nd of Lieut. call \li. D, 1Gfriw Iq_- (Mrm:an (F;dw) ern et re ('orgbo ea sire Rev, lir. nictnaroe fur til Heventh Hnsears: "J,OO6,o"Uill"
'Pr::w r, wur rent k [RlPnnttAitie; W:•t fbn_chtuCh . _ liil _ _lletlLlnn.,.4v.._Brt?( k-- _ Nen. t'tsals. miw•rtrrirrvtatntt: fePnrcm Roew t.► 6toeeey E31eek.i til* -R• H O ti - -_
awl. I.t+rlb;e, ctlat w odcnaco. of " \'iii' K'o'• .taiCre wtls olwwerrl vl Ont. Thee "StAtJC1y tlDttll" 1f L1f6lUt'tAa1a8 DtLlt p'a"rt°t)°
• Frh 1 "' so Llie ear ri el, wow nt the. Mounty FSesiMtnt-lam++ ft,. F'M,tP, Ittu- Calaec ruc(0•e.lr Rev. Amnaa Bs Ylller the Wnrwtcksttire lieglment. is > •t°t oP°4+1 ot••tad "'p►O 7sYYlti JeoD
Nith gnus look. and dr r ire) tread turn LUIw+ rpRlrrrd b14w taawsil nrard River--WUltam Walker, at Taploytown t bu '•1■ quad :angio liv vaco, 01109 lt(
fhr Ir+new IPrt fhr le hDr. cnNrrr) Ord lull clove N'or the Invaild. "tw!ven•nnd-slvfwiltco' tvs a mate /Ax' a of aa,l.,ua.f'.+(ynr ■clause •rw7tnlla
file p►ratrMr-ilhe pltstn Aon ereei W him to n chin with him natm•, Thho The 1 seheeper who ran make NtrwP(n0'----D ,. _ ( uelph DFrtrkt-R•+v. W, B. After- Lhn Duke of WI-sa I In West 1 ime
ilwid, liti restaated differently by n WOODEI'r()('K DIATRt('T: Au(pnoofr Ror• T. J. 8mlth nt Aller• R NHa,L)ll.lj►IVd IcAVI[ JAUd(11O11t
.Lur_gpibuuolm cetd-uu whtell 11 the fnPab n rnctNn at all ti rocs, null K- nuent of tiefte, Ip 4he rPglroeo- -- -
fat,: tel 1 rellwef Li uu •.Iwo FoFty-a1wtA mono {a flag .1Jtptlu-Anel! t{se tae4 eittil,g down to lbeeta_A K'oa>ftoch-Crtltrfil SLurrh. Nalit• fu) a; Rev. T'. R. Alls)tt succeeds lions. .fanumherot the turtba+r48Lll. u. wARn.CONVBYANCR[t R..A)iD p
^'s lu le Fort -ftat sen rant^- Lhnt the float .- IL: __ B. ). R lt. Ate•w. An•lrewi• S. (IolwelF at Wrials -- • "Slllners" if a flame for the North- J • eemrai.+lonor for (.king sold reteWlra
ealare pe tm antlrif"apvl nM welt niraet•o4 of bull, amd rile or &Mrma•
111 of they rrew'r f1Rbt- wu .y tt-,i by . Iw_ PmtI (t1A p tseo: Mift•r, wt , rnmuated. 1►wlgt,)s St. CaUtarlas s INrtrlct-Ref, Jame+ amberria"d Ftwil►rrs. r•A0a
_.-.. a [el..(aTltel. w ,} i` LI •"••••I••••t a-highittAgg j tgrw, dr ,-0esttoneniall,•ma at pe tion■ Ir it-
A rull (Iaa u! tor. FA'ty Ainth,-undrre tut. , crllalur. n,l Ft mile can for• * f h 4. IM e*Pon ih 11Nrrttiest iaturvD lt►- - -... At7p• wa*ttnlrstgMiirtxn6 nates Ero,, cent y artlw. salt ec rweAwstsg to '
.A aers wore w thfe rs►Lnut rotates n d [ cod Hunt, Onlwny, 1(\nl., supwernnun- spend eN ikov S. FL Mnrxhnll u+ *-
u.,r wl+a+ rad Ilttle teri m M rho fur itutdord, tor• -stun+l -carry nerved In titer th»a tld rand matkP an hlvul- If iJ g of the former a Re n•.,witt p rt of the Urs!Dell Dort •f many n toastof A
L l r' M1tn o in ti tlf Lose Nr+ MIIM• 1i11mIM[,Y Irp31fi1a11, WINNa• Itl'M atlri, aM Ze Nlag at- bL ropy bP stall, with permku+bot W 1'.`slllr 111 the tll:'re; a\'• JUIIfI Kaya anC('abtLl.,Iter. (ila ePJ( PrrlllrP ltagiAll!nt. fes rtAlltr, of to ■ot ('a,lllly or Irssliiptir
a h( 11 IglitN; ort ile An flour at- tfliall u•ntry, wt 1. ticitted Stsatr•p. College Avenue. Wil- Ames F,. Kum+ wt Thurol:l ; Rel•. F. W. ,Phe 1•Slet•py Wupen's" le, n name (o°rt. all titeside o soarotud4 and DtagpW
lit l t, 11#4 the }it 111 ui oltl ILartun notritione, rhe h, a wen two of the i0m B. ( iewv4t, K. A. IP. ell-Kbig Holliraraht- slieveeds Re v. J. IIcl,ach iven to the'QueVon'r !loyal Wert Self- •:•toted. lle■Lt•txee ated P. U. ad[lrrr- Durr
gwtw non Unt
l..yre Lay lslrlod. along Lite r41Kv, road, 1 1'at tom ul eldflood. Tbsey O1'tr+ (Insist diplomas, t F- an unfurto ;ytreaL, JMd (i. fboit. (iw)rgP Lcw• but nt (3rlturny ; RPv. F;. B. t3p•seu qts a a•O
r mvl till Lle aleepinR g turd, p few remP, superannuated. with permits. "nrct•odo; Rev, .latr►.4' #tufa ut Josiah rP>` East lit. ---- -
krtgruug a odlarp h)uktxut fur 1prev eon- nnL fact that lar ltd dirt IA urn- Tho Sias( Ytnkshlre RPRlment h:aa
rm , Lh n.!ogh the w'axxW whore tkir-- of 'twin c*rrllleed. 7trhrg nm Nery ran; ally Iduln 'to mon ton-+; patla•tatm rlwl iii fw:chke In -tor• IinitPtl Stater• Illation. LOANe ♦ltD 1tlteUllAlrCi<. .
.ern w'e•re (xa)onetpnl, the stet Cape tilt ulck-aaawt of "8nappe»."
tou+ilt axrty urAtb+ lit tor• tout lit complain that everyt trap, which 1• (;tMrke f•{tttilet, Goor'SP W. Calvert. WoutWWe•I[ Dirtrlr•t=Rev, C. ('otok• The •H rinRprn'_ is a name given
A,r Milf, ons fur at- Nle (tat t)6U1• At tarrtii• -_: • worth-rasierg Fr to Lhenl• ,latest T• Duvls• Orient, S. D., sulk -ran• mail follows Rev. Albrrt KPDnodv lit p N. LLWT9, cter MarTlgR oast. Om*dw .
.j , est.i"; .t_u pnatt Ditellglli N'u T LIIaL is`sari Ar isnk•-AtpU,kPn guard gild often th ert• Fr tun h trestle In ••lintel, (vlth pPresirtion to r,si,f.• I to the LFncoltWb(rc Re Imrnt. Tha Tr )(clary, !•ratter Hultlmec;wrt Omoes
P. .afford ; RPv. liamuPl F:cker rue » K g.
til« \'aulu,rl were jiwt un rte _i s aro (Delp: of a ail tie'N We monri- aalOtoT NA _.
ulw of tilt tttw creek, amt a bright u1:noGcd Y tM few of the Pnonly gnIn • e'e r tat' that by nu Kennelittly. Rtveahurg-Cloorg( Y- "Ital, ;- Rev. Arthur Kennedy follows ora ' ' vee t h« erica nJRe . J. T. it PT - F a In LIP¢. Adise
+al •a rtrutk rho liewrtca gut -fie wtwfd 1\'ho tve•ty i4snlfsR W nluvo alx,ut meuna croettat bslP. Ixtcaltae L /y `aeon stun. OxtoM (tgntre Ihty d W Teyn pens. t'. ('exekmas at , I±trntlutltnn ; QIIPt IA the war (rt the Almrrk xn He- a s dealt alt 4RstetHa a Imannax Airaot
rrai,nsh upd raptor• ►lime whoa 1'i►u ilfini: t•D►ir iimtrtltrN. drplu l,) Iatt,, Q thP.3rtapks rnsittf•tse int whk• - the :oP-•rtflcd ArtlUlr JL ('nrirby tel E. Ekv. l Iieeter 3rucoeettle Rev. James vMution. al luw•eat tea1e 9 [ gee oa_wHernditoa arab[
t.a nnuY. ('[tw+siluyT hl• men in ills ills in tdn flu uud-irnnut op OfiP nurwt eller. a 11•.I for we(k to t rusriryg. Ftatwo:al - ESam kPtgateon tLL WarldngOoA. "►(tnlfnrdahlrP Kttota" Fs ay uhv4,ua Intxt door to yWrlw';' • w'aafXoe,Oa1 t
hht•h, ho gitvestrict twtReM Lhat Met •Hort, ms/vp hulk of Nle liNle•valley, gether appear rFith painfel lar- Comdr, 1-trorkip. Prtneefon-Jewhan R, w1moroeDlotrD•t--itev. A. F.. Smith .hire reg for tow South $tnffutd- ''ri•h.rl, «,
u +lean wir,t rruvP until he gnus the' It•iv►srrt' Lor+ an Ia lit tJYe gladb. iLy. Top erten Ixrih nurse and Ix ter• PattPrt•cifv. Drumlw-.fuwprli D. RtcD• 'k>fluws Itev. Wr L. StnlHa nt t'urt "hlra ItPRlanent. '_ ,, uNRY TO 1.1Clvp-A (Ait(7R AHO( NT
%,.rot. L,1oag ;a the arumh "I t st 1 t sir -hos rug filers ' otiose topper forget that the two • artisan, B• A. Cathcart -Andrew D. ay j Th North: 4th, oho re kno n\ ist of Ifill0slr otooil i meatal lo+v.
wu,n is lbhM tilt mould Iward ,round" 'ir-t Mnt art Llve 1 wfJ•,t_y( au one- Dover : I4 s. W. Ef !long as stiocPort w.
tlnl eltemeats of intalW dIPL nr• Itolrh.` Pjtrnthntl iD-('hrlstoPk-r C rnh• incl+ufeN Lh i,yth. who were know e•t rale• uud •zper"e on g ars morta•goo.
Vf the comNlK ft),P, wu1 with ever)' niy tiviet flit• loyotict hrust flinttuuk itPv. W. W. Prudhnma,tJarvla; Putt nim the "stcrtba^IDs." Tills Is eel$ f.o APDIy toUnrrowdcGarrow, ----
+meets strains! to Lhr ut:itiA the my I llv y)h!" alae of wry!, Bury ton Dnsare tits filed ItmeR rul- man. Platteville -A. Watton Tome. Rowan -anti Ft. WJl"&nw will lx, In refer,to the sWla-lam with whlelt the -
Y al ill rig its share: of• the--tyeatAent trfght-Hugh S. Dougall, B. A., B. U. slnrg- et FAA. A. 'l. Terrybeery hl -
waited. Howl the glitter t)( baluaetm 'I tell Yowl% wets Il.•rri P worst, that, s dell am sur Irian &fill duintinew. ashIng+too.--lanie3_J•'ergltson- aunt! of Rev. Ephraim W.•venson. wren e1 plaIu the finggfnge khat wore e1l8 ontlOr.
shovred through ttDe b u h, than, ale IN!- W nntrrh rlKil, lip In fro It of th(sae !wL i NtPn u pinlp null /iimtrPdltablo mPth-
If t elemo•tltx aro Mfr lint or CL\hT DISTRICT. lfitton l>fntrlct-Jb•v, C. G. F. ( old
C"kigaJ_ g[lmpee of t cuckudol lint. ,,anntaN, nut" cowing w t lustani. rever tea utero I" email coil&nawtot art fur mnintnlning rilsnlprllne.Tlle watrw+ /
then rank! the Ixrt cr/ the hUl air the ttl.a-m1'ggt^l h' forth flll(ue and tilt ft, to ba of murk beuPflt, d t -Waiter E. Posicatt„ B. A. Jae. will gu W herrn! (hrLea01 of Itev. Mr. name Wier given to take 57th (Duke of T ooderfeh, o•t. 8p•dsf rtubUos given e
0>),pNoslte ■hob of the creek cn1pP tk•ntll, Hg 7 1X r'IRr tljfho, +(tilt" to McAI ter, anperannunt,ttf. Alex. W. TPrryberry. Unmbrldge'r Own ►Plddleaelt Reg!- to arm and loam( ■ta it •ale. Sale• attended
,a( wliata 11 its own Intrinsic wurth Crawl rd• M• A., left Without a sta- Welitand Ltrtrlet Rev. W. io Jamie• Mont to fn any part of the county.
---imutiving tom Veterans . of _illy ad (tick n y7 bayonsot,, Into, ton RPp►ing . " finest,- sola rs to tptriistitI to ga "v. J. )'-_, _._
ran/+rt geanl. No azxxaer luau -they gull - "- a.(31tar(ls.ureltJkd OHN ENOL( pttN1RAI, ♦ OMgq
conn Neto tall ckew floes mala of our Iter null rt scPAn (rt, fills wlh)r-t )a Kot h ' AFurt of NeltovW. Spratgue illtnnlmm, U. U. J. W'Pr ry Y • Ir e : "Htrgw boots," a designation said to J and Lnd Vil tor, Ued•rickOis Hav
are, with felon Irrll Impe uoeity, *uabn enrlxNl, our tr Pushed tin --- (iPrmnn,' rnnnnntatl. i'nprl(x/- rna-seals ILav tuittt tS. Coftwrnn at yysa W
deep Chpp me a Plowrt: aMit tee dde to tl:Pl: Mlnre In Nuplrr++"rinK Y,s tont aondderaDle -:pastel p elle
Waurd away of Nwtw, nttsel} fc t- eivrr tld. camp firer It U were halted tkrrrgo A. Mltchdl, B. A. Hesp•ler-J. F'unt[dtl ;ata) Krv. Mr. CortorsA takes some Tlats numrng farm lntx,rrr". it tlon••rtss (rode• As Is to • tlsu b daF
1 Mies Hew ridiculous of da. Rev. Mr. Manith's church at Port Roil IN ajeo nppilPd to the 7th Humsar", shayp• with thoronjA a•tl•eeo)fo?a bora
l j p I ui ufflcurr' urcleri M et_temy maxi a rail fr/►tvt W fix ttlelr fllniw upd 4P(1 \Volker S'.ullpliu, B A. free; P 1 41sat. ) , The - 11Ltr l,uttcers._Jlkre, known as ptwl,n■ ntnated to hum. aMp M
Dnitad- a ileo n ru ley 1M6 163117 - Ry 1Jtts thele wc+mo of LAw ant _ - W. (heeler. --L a-- o p Dy to w
( y ') . A, 1Corwlch Dlatri " t :._ li' 1fisP- ttlr "Hup)pin Twelfth." odwteitoA . O no rih ply •Mudd to.
uz -wl
wlx,le lietnchtnwnt wee p3(>t(►b lute t►Ly had beet► g )t Into order dtnl o t )pplsie !'rp(w -1't s. N'h the (I rep 1--( h IN. -,L. r Covers. Elmira- trd W Kelvin ; Rev. J. Si.
h of ranks. Tent fihlt w! awl fire the etK W Ith fkta r(rcet y" iR iaxu " SwePpwl' is fl nnrT44, for flue Rifle OZ, (:aunty Asedoaorr,
and tl,e hrolie fur shelter, our min us ilsY .tel in nt of tfro flrew, its IL56 nrNtern circus Is It 1 fit, V. R t -,h:' Roes to kpetrlgford on !)lase of Brigsits' stir! Yater ►M- 9"k (:DPrM d(1
ge tthlg to another vulbv to hurry and wwoore fair mark , arej twit for tM uttlawal InL/•II{Rrp(ve, who msaQr tmrlr fawpinam (olds. Ltnwaxf-Siwnry Rev. F', Lculn harbet &nd Ityv. 11Irc +^•'+
a splendid salar Batrtx•r token Rev. Mr. Well's plate E Tied- Th 1EA]ItElf♦ti]t 1LIQl 1t
. lJ. -,, .," I— Lg=ltl m . would hone Y• 11b,lwhlgcr. The "Three Ten"•' was a nL:knatne i} _ l r
leupr►nwCr p►an was a m+lle1. null our -ten mer 1 • -- - a> OaD------ .
-' soa Nuccerde Jtev. John H. Jl(cArthur nt
} LBncnshlrF Ittepina( at f •
raga fellow nu buucdr. Ile W said W enfflclrl p, fI; til ftlut-, and atx,n a SImca►-Davll W. Hnkler. Water• TiletPrv'lllo, and lieu. 11 .1. ;_4mlth
« "Tichtxrno's O " le a it -kname ?I ;.DCLIFFk- GENERAL INYUii
hare belaborel that unfortunate pptcrh voNry from our tro opm Incroason, ti+ = fond -Rob -rt Davey. -- 3'ort, Dover- will t,0 courthead in +flee of 1eev. • ante. Keel Senate and Money Loaai
dl.•r all the w'o+y htame, Ahut pwnie; It Was foHuwc.l by a chilrgr gq lei fin LIM'6Hi Itra iltsarti% hecansP ag
.t„•'•.,e u Dr ws-I of p0lvulect on those nuiking n I eve MIVARD'R LINIMENT will Wray R. Smith. atah- Charlm D. Edward Nr -plat . the real Sir 11„RPr hborne Lias n „r, t out, a m, r gl ti. IrR, at the w.eessi
dnotvnt sole! yunrtrrell for "tad : t'y 'm tnetetutl-L'LsL[h e_ 11 aemisPr lit Site tones + • ratoveri-terrr.t Irnin .ln an way to snit W
nwt+n itax'1 ( lit. A., 170. rt,., allot Wm. W. r •tsr, Doti lam IN ra movttil fnlm Aleut ared Thu LcFcwp•rmhirA lrsllt are borrower. Ofllce::I`erm,d oor from wt-•
Y• ng oacertahv"1 that the, Iva x+ of th" enemy in muw'em"luu vv,•rv• IIRR. RF;UBF;ti IIAKF (f. R
r•griny war In rlrtreat and tiloL the lrrrnnwl: waNl neem broke, by bayonet 1 bell a 11INARD'S LINIMENT will R, k, (CIIPAIx,lle)• Ha •:astlie-- +Dart aputhor nrwistn t Wtll bon aill"Antal we"strsoL,4be1•rie4 tt
t ggP. p mtyhel "Tiger"," brPc/apee ([trey wear
mail Txwa war etrocatlAac W hat he ,D nigh unWl ell I)rO acnttPrnl, sorer• pnxftslce nth of hair. WnikPr. Thomall 8. Hownnd, Charles+. her Rev. Mr. 2.12 ity that•. til, tiger badge. as'F sign of mervitlu
Harney t'rtwk, tis reWrnetl W the flyhlg ah/nR th, r,a.l taowmrts Fort P.S. CIIAS. ANUE1t80N, Stringfellow. mnporannuateol. Cayuga Mount Fortiemt Dimetem--Rov. .1. R. In.Inilia. , %
ht,t ills n3u1 ge,' --.+Iter+! A. He,wnrs, B. A. Ta)wnAPnd- 1'nttPraarti goon W ('rated Vai1Py U, Ton HPIR+>M" 10 the dPrl.lve Ion -inn TFiP i net BurrPy RNRI►rvnt iters
g rvpr>rted W riHt. 1'iaa•nt. (irot m)mP townr,bl the hlkP: nnrl l+tanMJ. 1'. .. I. 1 ptncv of Itev. B. L. (btlon; Ree. W. It. fr)tn the' teretes :11-0 flims enrol+ nt .,,:.
hu -iglu ttiP port,etatoe of baring memo up alt Ilan icx/LhIIIA tlf the morn 1 twelleve M AHU'A LIN1M12NT Is WI Ilam W. Hpnrling and Jahn M Mr the urma)r wvrr. dy th- 1Pb hold. t
hell ming the I l- rtance on fu to polo. R(pit t nRlm^ntA gad awry the hist halasr•h?rld remedy un earth. firnitlt falmeov). iinvl I A111111111IN tenth will go to Clifford In place of Cavalr 't'axl 14 illdfA." at lolc 11. I" sold ll
thPlr namDnr 3trN1 thin, Ljiilit tkere. and rafter unr troops were with- M iIM FOLF.Y. (Nlxotr), stop rannnnt 1. Rtx•kfonl- 0. RPr. F. W. ETIrlltorwhf ; Kev. PS F. taste NacLalm+wl nt It+rttlnReo, ''moll "
Jn disPaoi' til drawn til'y' ram- trI til /'.•amps. ate- ltly-nlnl-. , W. ih,wrn. !'ort IG,wnn null St, Wil; `Thn .nAL-Laneniihlre R/+glmeA iia Clone, Md Bufrm I" and when pdd that '
llatahall will nuccesd Rev, A. I:. Smith P,Imle, Nue former AOth, which toad tM
uiM I ittRlhf"onr, of the Fort)-feilli y 1t none Acre the Red Frrlt, rte rPp)Ilev1
stroyid wfvit, they euuht not carry (411 City, un4 Kams-F:phrnlm It. BpevenAon, if. A. at (INffond, n►NI Iter..Tan)P- F'Prgolmxl Obriona rdctnnrre of 'Trnhle's X'x." gall &m:•, yaing Ruff-, than ,
volnnteerrnf to vLgtt the enpm)' m camp; •Lyne.loch-J, h•1 SL•wart, tkcow"v:119 goewl W Drew ln"ten,I lit RPv. DAIIIPI Tlw Liaanrambirto Fusfller-, ksrmPrly r•-•
M.1, dLeRuLthtg hD1lsPft us A rrttltlR, • oft. IPIL th••Ir eMnd null mann of the Wm. J. Elld t\111:•-' (:t t'nPr-). R'nLi- The 7th iflawar- hgvn Drrttt known r,e•,.
nn toot n !!(fork! t lit bettor nml march- wmtrestni on th'+ field, nn,1 re•tivrateed, A {{ F0 kPa. sie 20 1ZPgfnent, ons nlcknnmerl J M
he tmx* a Inco tum Ynntes Ilnem, rch- wall nlLnl mob, p,Ward" the rVer • I Ingham C`wntr.-John F,. S. Iinihli8, 1\'alkertm)ts lokstrht-Rev..T. W: Cott+ ..14 cr •• M "Young Flyers," Mct why' IA w in *_
fen=t 1 Now credit-F:tlward H. Taylor (SIW' ley goose to VV.Alkeerion inatowl of Raw. The ( 'cry that Tommy Atkin- flus nuc rP-
Y alo)ut, nrotexl their dis mwilian lir It I" wild that to chits w•r m coo rn erl"U10). 1outa," P Rcwlmt w wn- -tyle! r•I,aItM.
tra,tgloe an•.1 guards, Knot the Pv{d/mt with artnt, knnlmcni ke null aertnutrt, ____-.-_- .. 'John Fi;ayP; RPv. A. R. M{Iler W Xihl- '7Le Tubs;• lxcnuar it ons Won T•Snd.
rnrelr+iAnavw null !seek /lf tllmclpllaln lump", ther,w'n away In the (light Th Tier Wrong Man. >t JIM111i DIRTRU'r. may In fAsnrve of RPv. Itobe,rt Keefer; 'Tho Vebf•Opvpterr' wits t.ie ealr"- TAP Pen " Wvarl 14oroonars worn
ear it them, rxrl'I ills tRdt.0 (amt toe, cannon worn omni during the flghL, +u Ygior►-(its). TtlrthnrvLMn. Oakville_ Rev John McArthar to Elaiw(sxl in Uv'e title cef .toe 3 , now the. Wor known ass • f%wwnrd'w ('erten-," Huw-
i'nnkeer), foul cmmn nwaY satL+f{evl the oMl church hull n numlm r of NDet Doctor --Well, sill! cue confine your Daskl A. Main R, D. Th/m. At. .IPf• plat o of Rrr. John W. Wandesssin ; cset-nhlre, ROSIVI itti. ar'i hrfnR t►v4' nnnN' ^f NtP Porpmnudrr
NP rep/>rp t tht+m PlknmlorNl 1)n .Innen Insane In It, ahuwin that in th,1 Mm mP1f to one Plgnr otter til.malm, aim I .It- Voov. J. I'. AlslAu Klin to e( the rrRtmrvri curly In fhr Inst cx+n
R 4plf t ?" festa,- No vrrnnnnnt 1 Runt tun-.. R J' . • ilib( .Thr "\'Irgln Mary'm (iluatdm" Iw n t
I Invtelacl orf RPv. Walter ti, JAtAieAo►t. tl y-
Rl,'a farm, on the grtNLnrl,y lxank orf healon tot+ gena lin•! heen Oral Jest Wm. C. flPtxtprmon. D. 1). Willinrw name fur the 7th Ilragemm !inert 'i`ho Royal WeLllt Fludll(ms Arp nick- ,
a rlv'ntot, hart Watt (rf the Hton^c whrP thPV PbmNl: later, h+)WPPPr I'ntleuit-Ynl, r r. J'•rk, anplprnnnnaprl. (iererg-tune._ Nlnrprn hlmtrist NPv. 0rhn A, Which otlRhlnp f ho Lhn rlrrnulAtnnav
t'rn•k, whlrh roll til h n RfigllaW they were talrie•'i ell the enemy nil, T tMLtN- I:/MMI i Y1111 Wr/lltdll'L Rnd ft IJohn Snnn,lerm. At. A. t'Ininet and At; tolyls will naselmt Iter, .Tollmm Tmnl tts►e In 11N. trigs .,t G,rrrgr I(. NMy rogim the "N, th,. gest w room ill-
vnllcy > y rrwvt p 1 po rempintr til, rmlt. Th, oftl hard WIW pr give up Pvoll the cigar by -Jona oh Arrher, Frer•mnn, ,it Ilcpwarth ; Rev. 1'. W. CrrrW1P will wrteJ with th,v army of Arch.hlthivsl ePRimrnLnl pet, the Rlrat wldch roue h-
srrrfp-:OD ones nisi-w'ith vtoP h^If"o n azul nr rhrsL wPn after mvalm, wtNell yam" pplIee h al with t[Nm.
hanks twPlv,• or fitte-,ve feet high, their teres' frlggnR " , Watork)wn-.IRtln F..'AsxI Pivlr r. talo+ Kemhl- ('lurch t . A. c(' derv. Mntle, lit Austrin.
Y Thr Wclsfi RPRiment Is mt,rA• a of
nko-- Wm. 14trorlgmnn. I'll. D., I'l,. \V. R. ISlrlhy, nal RPv. A. W, (blwell ••Wartknur't kt•Rintrat" wnm the name
Ron" plAaltnt on the -rigs lit the (rank cnptng In Hr. (toQ1_11 nIN1 brine 1 ntKIvi tr ip silly tit, Nilft•n T' t\ the 41st nn l the NS1tJ1, bo,tfi of which
aw ori n pxaraplPL, oclvNx)klnR the font; spikhag til^ gusts Ile /Y.1dd not firinr hero RIrLIR np my anrnlm attar til- U. Tralairnr-'rhtxl. Amy. UrltaRlt N111 p►kr ('olprry'A,Bs (Aw(th IIMt(tad of NIa.41 t,-flow tart of 1h•+ Welsh hut) n \CPlmh arlRln Th- mm orf Lhn
see Lia lionry wet- Pncnntpx•d hehlnd nwuy. oil• Harvily with Ircw 1114 littl, rfgnra. j unser Rnmrkat Io•furP, caw .anti lien, W. Rmithrrmnn. Onein4fi. of Rrv. ('hnrhw G, F. t)IP. R+yTlmrnt. -'-
the"rl In nn or were ro Lhn north, and hand ttowar nth•+ Hetitht", with threl know. Catholic Spuldanl and Tirnrw. *orvaF-.ArNnur f. Terrytx•rry. i;rtw' " Warwirkmhlre f.ntl-" In all nppm- •Pram,! held fmn, Nel•nn the num- of
to ttx/ tie11iN rc ar (instil of Nt- road. R uestion of fuse. file 'Old Afgnmcmn ori," atter til Twat.
nnm add one MAAw hsend Cr, dl, r KoP lllnnrTio Liniment In the li,m r. Ily"W-Jafuns Wass. t'ur11a;P T \t'ch prbap [k"IgnAU na fur the Warwick
" i want tr1 i ane ti filum Lhin a," dolry K to It. tIP of (ape St \'In:•Mlt, In whleh tMY
while f)fitkerals W1nMr and ('hnndler the geaoernU, 1Vlnder null I'hnndh-r p _ _ - --- star KNIy, II. A. f'roeltun - \ndemv An MI tb- nk1 la1y, InlntlnR to nn nim Tho R aU Mmien ArtilhPry nrP vo•11 nm mannan. William !;. A. ". ,; ,
%&I their A'aff hall r,opon Atm at Afr. And over too prlaonera of wur, not Dally Hot netA for .fapa. Zarili4►n, B, A„ B. D. David Kcarns, Avon, lie "Nntat Aor1 Qrarifn." •
at- It wIA- w rrrnnln In nn ex Tw•rmannat,.l. mrtmoat of the r.nomoterra. l wovvn n- the "Water Ouunerm." , _• . ___ _ _-
1'AR"'a hnu"n all Lhr1t hrn,hpinrtPra 1 ming p AP et1A Y illeMter. R'niter L tthcrlI VPito D•n'nm." r,ydinl til • dpaI,•r . The Terynl North i.nnenethlre Regi- MIIIPr's Worm pinrt>ftla OM tM )est
'1tv hwklrNr a.lvan•rvl rand! lune 1"'•'1'1 mtltlnn with mo +mull n ollip. N the rifle When pelKrle ape, tt",DPrior " h,)w,high du you r•ltrn to gn?" nlent Incindra the ftrmnr 47Lh, k,N,w'n tnantlM mntkilM 10! .AlNlfs'fi; M
(x don. qh., nal UNr high uud not po n" "Wolfe's Own." ht allualtin to Ito nk•P AN mtgAIV l
Towtal In the srwPtlnR htmun Ord the (Bur itr+a was 9 kills I. loll w,nuNtn
rwwt alb!- of thn flat, ato)aC a ynartt•r nod mbsdev p. • Pnrm)'a In.h lie t.r .1 11 n Forth 41 tpili own too. s WIMLAIND DISTRU"r.
As n roles fn)m til- ramp mut h nn,rn "e•vPrn. ('hmndb•r In ills flee t.h-y Ilatrrtnise the paMk• Ant s. Inn w nnL one filet'!! krel(r my twwaR lrirchvw In Q11Pllrr __ - „-
rlsltand-,toils W. (`nol, •, F,,nt J%INt, r Rht title unmet, r." ''Yellow-MrkiP+l Rorblwr"'• Ix ja nirk- Whwn an alit mr►id. ftyy to act kit
is till mrom the n rAfl ane surctl rel q.Aw9i porn it nt I tA, Mlt. mit- wr-dl tvnT"wln•I iron i'111A ;oaf `
tun thea m•kl taw Arr{s til- Mach, tl.l I bas It that Me* I'Ant-rs rn+rr Mlller't (' y '4 IIIN- Johe R. C'oR•ntAn, Allnnhnrg a lAlrps, for 1 rirlrry Alhart's Hortx•raP► to llwh It oil a alga t -fir, le no
las ht bested br our trava thall we host rents ter 50 tk)swe J. 11I111tlet Copeland Port Robinson, Ask for Nlnard'e and tayr so 66 tiMre Light Infantry. . kNlgoer t• eetring prloLinaale.
('l Ise ba, anal a former hrotig ,
.Wenn r-+>.. .adev. .a •)+. ....
/1, roan's ,•±: 4 aee. w., .. - ,
..e' 4Re':'" tt: io*_-_,. "w•. rswirs .- -- .-..,,, _ __.____*;::-_._- i_ - .-_.- , _,.e -.,- fes..,-_......w,..a ,!.:.:._w.., - - ,t_.___..", -r ,y. -__,u..