HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-6-14, Page 1i'.
6OD iR.1CH,
OH'l'ABIO. CANADA : JUNE 14, 1900.
Ooeellias. Jaw II, 1900
rail Wleal 0 0 so W
Tear. tawny. per 0tel.... 9 10 to 1 10
W Wos palest. per ewt,r.eash$ W to 1 00
• Ms. ...l,,.44 „-. 18 00 leu 00
1600 toot 00
Boresa aop. W owl .......v."..• 0 TWO to to 1OD
IU e. per busk ++
Burk *heat. per bar 0 60 to AO
0us bb 10 Is M
.. p Dur' ............ �..._
pe.s. 0 b to /0
�arlsr, Dor hush , 7 N to 00
pal. 0 tow .�........
PPooLwow'.baa•• ......... w to 10
Matter, ..�....... 0 1s le It
Home. we Ib........... .. ..... 0 10 b 11
fresh nnselked. 110�•• w 1I
0.04 ........ ........• or.. .. 00 OD 00
Hides. 4.0 in 00
Lire Han w .w...«..""•" 21 to 60
00 to 00
pilonV, ...,,....- 9 to 11
1 Io e
Lyrr;er 10.... ........��..�OB to ll
p.000d . Dressed Reef. bindfere Ytar..... • 000 to 0to 00
ppr1 ..... 78 to 10
°itte'odiu:, .-'•-•••r.... m to bo
• - A. J. Cooper. ooderloh, will buy wool
et the Ilamlltos Wrenn !)sed Rmportnm, sad
weow, •Mery hast cm awed. £. J 0Q0P
Ips, Ham11000.t.. Oo4.rlo►. t
1T denils a or uodorloh nares to slow nor
,._ p.otly w ad
allot 1 o'clock as Wnesd.ys
hhtr,irr. the masts of Jul,. Ander. .ad SBD
/rmM M. 04117HOl.SON,
gtssed, J. N. TUKNSUL.L• q""��
(1 M. M•8168. 4m
For Hale.
✓ dwelling oo Prluad. read. n x• -
Meow lank uta Aptly io Mit&, AD' • )N,
w the
prenrlaae. 0- •.
VOR SAI.R.--LOTS 66.70. 96 ANI)05.
r Ie H.1,005o0'O stirrer, and amt. 1117
south Wit of 873 runningnumber..11 n
Ooderlcb. For psrtwalue. 7 to
**relater. tow UodsO$r1oob.
March Htk. 110.
P of Um beat 1 Saws forms la •ed4erlob
township. Huron oou017. lot 17 .ad pa la,
sit 000oseslo0, 0t noes from o.drbh, 7 --
treat Cllnten. The form 005talas wood sal
tags ase goad fames le well wowed au
well ander drained '('wowedIsere is • name beans'
orchard and grdeo of small fruits. Terme to
snit purobmw. • d7 i5 WM. 00011), ea
promisee or P. O. 11-41
velu.ble farm. m Western Division
Towneh4 d AObWd. known es the "Hurl
farm. " oonta0lee 100 some. being North half
of lot 1. In the 7th coed•eslon, sad the N Kath
half of nn 1 le the Bib nese e. These I .te
dtoln, sndlwire.fr..l os the gravel read. are well
feso.4, free aglow a and stump; $o11 prin-
cipally ela7 lam 170 sores well und.r•dr0lo-
e d and Waxes In pasture re017 aur breaking
asns peopertl.e there at.. o large frame
weillag. outbaltdl0.s, new frame bars 100 a
it, and stone stabling underneath. tsar Mabe
00.56, ell ie he teem rep•4. ea orchard of
.bout 1b sores of Wetting fruit trees. The far.,
hes lately boss used as •.ted farm. ewe M te
sloshed ou1W•tb0.
Woo the Let M Corea of lot la la lata
Lege. North of tows pie. AObeeld. All
otter. oslefv.4iou very 5111 May loam.
Well faced and A maw frame ow -
Wes and bars •i (with Ohne Madinat
uderssethl oo the I , sed a first -claim or-
chard of .bout eases, Both please are rise
reliant to markets. wheels .sd °burgh. and In
an exc./lest lamas Marta. To 1157 ow
wlabl0R to puritans • good large. or titian
farm. • bear eke.m a "adorn offered. AP
p0 b
Joao 7th. IA7. [e.srdlss. Ont.
Miss Jeanie Bd1, of C►losgo, le Omitted
•1 her home hen.
Roos A. Keat•II left oa Monday oar • bum -
nag trip to Muskoka.
Mrs. A. F. J. Naite1 retur.d I..01 were
from bee trip to Halifax, N.8.
Coodeoter Algae wee away over Snedny
.n • reit to his reroute o1 A1Wo.
Dr. Carlyle, 1soompe0ed by Mn. Carl-
yle and obtld, Wm' gone to D.ttelt.
Albsrt Detsloh left last week for Pilot
Monad, Mae , whore he lees employment.
R. B. Smith. of St. Looe, Mo , le spend -
lag • mouth's holiday. .1018 he mother
Jos Merrett, of Loadoe, has relented
borne dim . two woks' visit Ire friends
O.Ranrt end rosiest director of Nurtb-Ot.
M.10.40s charts. and 30508yr of pianoforte.
pip. °Inas sod theory, will be peswd a 7.
osive perils. Imuael.. Oven Wiser et
studio or ar ,9510'e hese. as desired. Studio
n 810001055'0 Maio Mery W1A•et. 7111
Mho Sloane, of Ow.. 8eesd, vetted for
several days last wok at the medicos of
Mr abet*, B. Biome.
Maser Wm Breokearidge, of C'losgo,
is vetting he eroodpareou, Mr and Mrs.
James Brookenrldge
Jas. Molotyre, lea of the Bedford block
barber shop, left on Monday for Loadoa,
where he has • pesltloo.
N D. Rousts is at Columba*, Ohio,
where he has basions interests, and will be
away for • couple of mootb0.
Mies Nelle (Idby returned yesterday to
her home at Bt. Thomas after • Telt of soy -
Mil weeks with her sister here.
H E Holmes. O. T K. station &goat at
Aoten, and Mn. Holmes were ',swatting
Ooderlob darleg the past owls.
Mtn Maad Elton Sailowe ►ed MW C.
Tawdry .0.1104 Rdgewoed Pork Sunda y,
sod wen the gnash" of Mn. Booby.
Mho Armstrong, wbo spent several
months hors with Mus Beaumont, returned
u• 8.turday to her boa In London.
Mrs Charles O. Bailie, aid daughter, of
Los Angeles, California, am Welting •t Ne
resideaes o1 Charles Morrie, 0arbrald.
(1 ardent Young, jr., of Carlow, who left
Monday moraine to •fwd the Preebyt.r-
len Doctoral Amembly as Halifax, was 55-
wmpasld by Mrs. loam as tar as Kltso-
ten., where she will mak. • ran,
• Kph t0wat.g, who is editor y!sQ dnag.
•r of rho 01•dsteae Age, was yelling nil
! arse sod old friends in Breesela lee 'wok.
• came down ea the Wooten Pres As
talon wtoo slrop-Brawls Posh
oar students of (ld.reh Oelleglats la -
eta are writblg open the sealer minden
examle•Iloo at Toronto. They ten
en Oolbor.,e. Mies Lou Mews, Ure
se Frank Monro. They left for
Moeday morolog.
Raft utak* sad lire. Holli..
!ea4rn, were vWN4e last
wok at the lati old home here. They
move at the end ol.this month to Urmeby,
Ids Hollterats having howl !r•usforrd to
Dist plots by the H.nftiton M.hdist o00 -
Mrs. John It roe, ..1 Mountain Home, Ida -
to (formerly of ('Itetoo). who had flees
rk'sg an .1tead.d vele to her see, W. A.
Rose, of tows. end other relatives In this
dl.u,ot, rah lass week for her loose. Mho
was •eoomp•oled by ber grand•daagbter,
Tema Rose, who *ill remain with her for
west. taw.
moi dir.0er Enos bDorm.. pile
ropen[(dews1■ Verl, Ptaoo andDorm..Peale prepared for COWS.
Of Mimic eraml0•tbse. Apply for isms et
" The 9 vwasee, - Beni street, O od.rleb,
or Wade In Oddhllowe' bandits*
of Plano, Organ, TMer7, Bight Reed
lag and r Trebling. • spsd•rt of the
Vlrgll Pr Letloe Clavier method. The Virgil
Perles Clavier et O. W. TMasos' e musk)
emporium may he geed by pulls. Also 110-
0erggrton MMhod for Tome Children. 80.•
dents will pursue the Toronto CenerTNory
Conroe. Terme on .ppllo*Moa at thett i -
deice. M7 B,lannia Kon... INN-
thr elty 0
rake, .f W
r -
anoe agent, bas some shares of The
Trusts* pusra.tee Oo'a. Toronto. stook for
Ode. Aged IOT,.tmerl. Call at omen 555
door ase of P O.. Ood.rioh, Ont.
Oderoh las mew to loan on farm
property from sinking fund. A nesesble
0ammesifs will be allowed to any vireos
rresgkyt imitable bane.
W M. MIT°HS1.1., Tows 01.rk.
Preget knee
m tory
lot Interkneeest 8AMUHL SLOARi,
Hsta11W Gloimeh.
. Aleu�ast awlineuone AWNS
(cooks sed somOe% mode v0.
77111Building. rented s.d leper f ��
ylre Inennnoe la Bl'rtlN
(m..- In Proudfv* ti Ifbe%,MI•••
atom, Coffins` ---�
FORS liotailoo.
To Henry A. Powell, M.P. for West-
moreland, N.B. . r
Ile is Taken to Task for the Utteranccp� of False-
hoods in the House \o Commons-Powell's Du-
plicity Shown Up.
air Ark. )1oQILLIOUDDY. .
Henry •. Pov7U, M• P. JBr We1t0O7N0wd, work of prbtly OM ballot+, sad h.
«fotea, qse. open tko stead htme•lf, end hs
Sts, -Some time Bison I rend In 16.5500•1
the effrontery te slate, boat while he
papers what purported to be retorts of your was ordered to print 6,150 ballots, he
speech to the House of Commons, Otters.
oe what is known as the West Herm oleo
teen ease The statements that yea were
'spored to have made wore at varlanes
with D. tow to N great an osteal that 1
dNldod to visit until iM revive Dopy of
Hansard om. hum the prem, and yesterday
1 receive the raved statement of the do
bete from NO °overomenl printing ef80..
As I expend, the language good la the re-
vised Hamar' was modified so.MdsnNy
from that white had 11sk ttMuiid by yen
on the floor of Parhese.01 la tM heat
of th.t fiorid elogaenoe whtob a peculiarly
year own, portions of which had found
Melt way Into the dulls.. Bot, modified
at* It uodoobtdly was, it, er anything which
you say en LM floor of the Howe, could not
les w revised that It would not be thusly.,
unfair and absolutely nntenthful on varies
polos. Your masterpteoe, now before me,
Mole eat my ■tetemsat In every par►loular,
It la the tp000tt of a bully, a ooward, a liar
and a blackguard, in to for as It refers to
me, and as nob I brand you openly before
the people et llamado whom you addressed
through Parliament. When you assailed
en you "Whored yogi/tell behind the privi-
lege o1 Parliament ; 1 mate my Otwtemeats
against you sheltered by no parllameotary
protege, but relying on my ability to
prow* that you are In Parliament • bully, a
ler and •toward, amid out of radioman an
slestio0 trlokater and ballot distributor,
vetoed la all the ways that are dark, whet
you now so glibly dem'sw with simulated
bope.ty and pharisaical mat.
You tow, as well as 1 and many others
tam, that you sit is Parthenon molest
the hottest Mote of the rooters of W eetmore-
lame. No sag km... bettor than you de
16. methods that have bow reeortod to by
the Tory wirepallen of Westmorelnad to
keep Mist aaler3aau musty be the Tory
oolama. Yon koew how 1t was debanohd
when Mr. Wood (now Some' Wood) de.
footed Sir Albert Smith. Yon wen, and
Mil aro, Wood'. an Friday, and when he
was mode a Senator he allowie you ed M-
oome hr voting machine In the Commons.
You are Wood's veatan as a parliamen•
tare. --he mode you what yen are t booms
you, body and boo- ; he carries you la
Ole pocket. N to speak. When he stye
"Thumbs up 1" op go your thumbs ; when
he save "[Lark I" you bar. ; when he takes
snuff, you mow. If po111to11 turkey -be..
:std. are dewier/ in the House of
Comma's, you are to your right
plats; otherwise' I know of no rea-
son why you Dumber the Boot of Parlia-
ment or held dowp • desk for • musty. Yon
oaasot pne.ibly be • epeolmen rep.
reeestattoo from Westmoreland, N. B.
Even Wood was your superior la lnt.W
goner -he ko,. whoa to keep his mouth
mbar, althou4b at Times he let he pocket•
book talk. A e(rldeat yoke, .o addled
pato, a barrow bigotry, a 000empt for
Note, and an *heti° QoOwteuae- and theme
oomprles your politiat• .took -In -trade -are
not the beet oompeneat darts fns • would bo
. atesmen. I end you up whoa 1 was in
Ottawa daring the Investigation, and to did
many others. Mr. R. L Borden sod your-
self bad oh.rve of the taw for the Consrya•
flys., and the 000treat between him and you
was apparent to all. The one man was
aim; 'dignified, logical and impressive --the
O hm noisy, blatant, absurd and feather.
Medd. No doubt you did your beet to
.how to advantage on the oo,a.io0, but we
ere bid Not *ilk parses sennet be made oat
of sow.' ears, nor Royal Bengal tigers out of
Waged ata Your only lraiulng was against
you, and 1 oomdet ewe cannot be over-
come. No tae who wte.ead your attempts
N an einnin t ab the lovsetig.tlon before
he Committee on Privileged and Eleotions
o,ald help btog struck with the effort you
made to pro.• that von wan the biggest
Ind in the paddle. Your breast impudence
was apparrot on .wary po.etblo 000aalon,
lied the exhibition you made when yon
palld op your coat -sleeves and showed
your ouffs sod studs, while your rip -saw
vola-ksepioe tamo to the regurgitations of
your ohln-oletl the air and berated
through the oomml/w room, reminded
them of a. from Wooers Ontario of the
Bret attempt of • dI,etoo open shyster to
obtain • hewing in • backwoods °learnt.
Bub to retort' to my mutton, wbioh 1.
Henry A. Powell, M.P Saskyllle, N, B
I find la your spoon peblt.hd In Hansard
of May 16, Ibis year, the following r.fersnoe
le mysell 1
AO nT0anorixo RaoO•p.-How many
people, whoa Devon dlees..iov the woollies
.ad the morrows wed making compo
with previous year,. really know what
1m*5,101 of .nares) there is In their tom•
platoons! Not many have anything Fetter
than • sot Int.11tble memory wi rely 1pos
as . weather nord, and herder* • torpor
in writing, kept artfully from year blear,
has the value of authenticity. A. Sands,
treasurer e1 Colborne township, has such •
record, which be has iep1 ,Ines 1867, .5d
which shows tb.t this swoon is about
an average one. 00.11177. poeslbly, to the
prevailing Idea, mas7 people supposing that
It Is rather late Mr. Sande .my. Mot up
wards of thirty years ago people were fay
lag. "Thu is . very late wase.." He had
n o Ido him 11 whether 1867 was se early
season sr a I*t• oat, but be reeolvd le Bete
It douse a4 has oo.110md toe praotlm-UVOF
.ices. He elided ad Ire.t.nd•rd the heart
or most oh.rry tart.tles and std the der
whoa the trees were In fall blopsom In the
same loallty every year up to the prawns,
with the followlag result :
1867 Jew 4 1884.......
1868. May 94 1886
1869 .. May 22 1886
1870 M.y 14 1887
1871 May 14 1888
1872 Msy 15 18119
1873 , ,,..My 24 ip'o)
1874 ...... May 24 1891
1875 May 26 1892
1876 M.y 22 1893
1877.. .. . M.y 17 1894
1878 April 24 1895
1878 May lb 1896
1800 May 9 18107
1881 May 14 1898
1189 My 26 1899
M•, 31 1900
May 22
May 24
May 2
May 14
May 96
May 10
May 98
M.y 19
May 26
May 26
May 4
May 7
May 3
May 16
My 16
May 3
May 18
It will be method that Jane 4, In 1867, is
flee latest, and April 24, 0.1878, the 'anion
date. -
To Save Iger Child.
From frightful disfigurement Mn.
Nannie Galloper. of LaGrange, 0°, ap-
p11.d Ruction's Arnica Sons to great
soros on her head and Moe, and writes its
quick ogre exceeded ail her hopes. it
works wonders in sores, bruises, skin
eruptions, outs, burn., scalds and pile..
lee:- 'Ours guer..teed h J*a. Wiioo,
STALL1nitMilton HBI, NO. 91004, Vol'
XX- C17dwedele 8. O. B., heed M JM• Br.wo
[deo.. of Mtltn.hlIi. Toren, Beotlend, Im
bin by alar. Ingle, Gunton, Ont., toll nuke
le season of HOD as follows '
Moeda to James 000Brios'l, Hayfield Rood,
Nderl.8 township. for moonand to Ogwp
0, Wordy's, 7th we., for Wight.
a -to R H. Slllotth.
and to John 300th non.. for.thwd.'.. R•y8sid
WMnesd*7 to John Wlgglntw's for nes.,
and C to Wet. plain tb'e, nos. 11, for night
ThnrMa - b way eyr Holmm.vllle to Hoary
To.s'y, Maitland enneeeslon. Oteiborre, for
noon. wad to M. Ptrammer's at nominee
for night,
Friday to Wm. Hiek't ten. 0, Onlwnoh
township. for nom. thea to hie Own We
Hamilton .U. eederlob. short M wed
mean anti Monday monlna.
Terms - 010 b wart, psysble Jan0*ry
IN 1for the s1e. {I(. to Caw T.- on -
n17IK oast I.0reoe1 tryno memo
and not rstnrning Olson risrol.rl7 will be
shone as season mares We will .et be w
snonslble for may e.otMenta
W o oleo have flim Imported (1745 815111011.
Protea'. Pride sed tbe trot' trig Manion W 004
lawn 51 nor "tate* ea Hamlltoo street.
Msa5ger, i'rowingeo
5+,../ 51:x.. sIi� k.00 ..AilAs.elm as
Mituat ona Vaoalnt.
VANT. Apply to MRs. EO8NER.
10.11 street. It
- ROY. 14 to I0 rears of afro. to leaon the
pennon teed.. Apple to Thr Rro!111. omm%
Fos' Meat.
printed so lees thus 6,500 odd ballets,
or 360 more bsllota than he should have
brranted. Mr. Mo01111ouddy 000lly
ought down before the Committer' on
Elections toe bunches of ballots
swooning to 300, which he had 00
bueblees to keep at all, .blob 11 should
ba • orimtasl Offen to keep."
Is reply to .bet 1 may sale, yea knew
perfectly well when you made that state
moot that you were [abhor the facie. u I
explained BMs to yen on oath Wet July 0). -
Ion the Privileges bad Eleo0oo.Oommlttss.
1055 two boats on the stand on that oow-
slot,amid m7 examination motto flfty•8ve
type -written pages, sad 1 defy you or any
man who was present to show tbst my state-
ments on thin ooem0On bear the 011gbtst
devlstioo from bast, and truth. What
are the biota tea I gave on shat mosses t
Thal • local bye•eieetloo had been held for
West Hilton Iwo months helots the Dom10
lo. by...Motlea ; that at the Isocal ideation
10.000 ordinary ballets and 1,000 N.dered
ballots bad been prised ; that a new re-
turning ot1tar had bees appointed (mid a
more honorable man des0.'s live is Ontario),
and that when he ordered 6,150 ballot. 1
Morten he was waken • metske, as Oen
was not mush difference In population M•
swoon the Locel .sd Detnial°. ooustil0en•
oleo. 1 was not primal, when Retnrohig-
.480er Sande left the order ler the ballots,
bat pointed out the dlfsenes bl she gem -
titles Leas and
Hiles orderedorderedto his .lerk M
told him that I would print 6,600, "in fear
that thereturoblq•offioer had been tailing too
oloss to the tow." I told my workmen to
print 6,500, sod when 1►. retur.Ing•olfiw
wild for the ballots be distribute them to
he depute. 1 told him that I had prated
Me extra hallo., and if be ren abort ho
amid get theta. He told me that he had
salfoient, sad I pat three pods, whlob, 1 be-
llies, metalled about toe hundred each, le
my private drawer In tey desk, when they
remitted until 1 went to Ottawa when the
Inveatlg.Mon was on. When I was ask•
ed to go to Ottawa 1 did not burn the
ballota, as 1 might have don., but took
them down with as, and wild the whole
•tory,�\\i.ds, sir, whoa 1 reseed Ottawa,
bad naked Mot cry that oartsi0 ballots io
the Lieber° pollute sub-dlytslise did not
agree with 0..tmba-being eneiixteenth or
ow thirty -wooed of so inch wider. It se
happened that tits p.rtlouler pad of ballots
had hew no tbrooth the oattlw msohine
slightly on the bias, and tM ballots on the
bottom of the pod did not oorreepwd in
slat with those on the top, One of the pads
ej ballot" which 1 took down -and I took
three pads, sot two. as you state -alto had
been out on the bus, and from it I satisfied
even you that the sin of ballots oo a pad
varied to the extent gawtls.ed. On page
5.339 of Hanson' 1 lied soother of your lane
statement 1 _ ... !.J
"Then, the foreman of his (my) print-
ing office, who was Wooed upon the
stand, swore that ooly in the ase of
two pole had there boon an sotnd
oo000, and that the rsmalnlog ba11ots
had not been tossed before being
sent oat This, Mr. Speaker, was done
tor • porpess."
And then you go on to show from ., the
fslekhod-for it 4. .n .buoIut. and unblush-
ing le that my foreman or anyone .lie
from my offioe was exsmlod and mode .00h
1 $r bars sad mite en Big Meadow
Fer tett Ord particulars *PO10 e NIIR'f
It IL Ashford. Pt tf
j 1 entnfortatileadkw Mot meet of Joann
I '571*'s redd.ne5. wow OOenpld hr Mr. Ifwo-
sr. Heated by Howard for' n. 1•.. geld
water bath : oleo asset.
media. A .t•bl5 en th5 prierniwe. Apply to
R, W. Mr.K VIZI* Hard wens mereh•5t. 0100
For Nolo.
IT 00.-A dew F. S. above
=Wet sale. AMMO
first Mew Noe potpie who d..'t koew m*
might thiok that it was mode only to get
ower a temporary stile, butou, who were
dowel at my examloatloa last July, m.7
refresh you memory by looatog at pages
311.12.13 in the West Heron report and
you will we that 1 admitted knowing Sulli-
van. Milloy, Gorman, and others -.very man
of whew e • oleates man politically than
you are -bol I had no knowledge of Prit-
chett, D. F. Molbsald rod • gentleman
eupkonlowly awned Nip loon Now, al
that time, I had no Idea that before motion
year expired. Pend:lett would be gena.
his ready writer, Sam Barker, to grind oat
affidavits while you wait, for tree *foretold
Prttobetl to sips, and hod no earthly objet
to gala In denying tee ..to Impeaobment ;
but I did It beau. 1 was swearer' to the
absolute troth. And this absolute truth Is
borne out by the not that when the Peek -
en affidavit was N0000ted at Detroit, '1"9
the preeeooe of Sam Barker. the Tory wpm
taw, and Woo Flem0r, the P. P. A. ex -
mayor of Windsor, not • word was Inee[led
la it ooaplee my name with any overt sot
during the election. Had you been there 1
have ne doubt you would 01.v. cou000ted
Nmethln4 highly deoredll.ble to me, and
Nat8lag on • par with your fale.hood
dent my foreman giving eridenw aIlir Ota
w.. There is this difference Mimeo you
and Prltohett. He made be affidavit .418
the threat of • warrant hold over him by
uoterupuloss moo, and from fear of conve-
nes, sod you lie by oboes. And now, I oome
to your peroration, where you undertook te
tear passion to tatters, te reduce l•nrsag* t.
awed. and to 9.0.11 1 truth. Here e
what you sold as you entered the home-
Oritob :
"Thew frauds 000ld sol have boot
___p[petrated without batik• 00114)0-
middy wen just the num tp-bilided. He
provided moans for tie tnod-Mag w•
oomplebed. H• printed several ban•
dad more ballots than he was ordered
to print. Did he take oars of thew
ballot.! No ; he gave them to parties
who rue to oonduot thew frauds."
Powell, you Ue 1 mind you know it. Me-
NIimo>ra HIrorrisisLBBT IV:11 !IAT
"A. reopens the printing of the bal-
lots. Oh eeyy were handle over to Mr. Mo-
tHttlead4y, wte i., no ho himself says,
• mugwump, • gentleman epos whom
has Mtn bestowed • deal of political
Now, I am w1111ag to admit that the Wil-
hite wen Wane 1. T.. Knorti . job *See,
and L am .Ilh01 to admit that I on some-
what of • m.gw0mo, but whoa you stabs
.QN►." The thin bade lespeotor, Mr.
Hogan, .wean
"Thal the warden told him be had
been to Sackville the day previous, and
had seen Mr. Powell (yourself) who
told him then were quite • few o18wn
on the staff In the Whit of v0►lag
against the Government That he (►ho
wardeoj lli►d then allot of saoh dhows
wind' he read to Mr. Holton, and whloh
motioned the names of Meese. Hogan,
Ood.oe. Tsetse and Downey, and one
ether memo whet Mr. Hogan did not
rootlet. That alter 7.adlrt, the
n ames the warded' had maid "shot sure
ly no 0.Ihello would vole against tM
Dov.rorueal the tame," and that after
the oblation there might be some
changes, and U there were Horns used
not ora to him (the wsrdert) am he
would do nothing for him."
how, sir, 1 find that in the election of 1896
your opponent lo Wslmorelwd, Mr. 0. W.
Robeson, polled 3,427 votes to your 3,442,
and that you wen *looted by the sorrow
majority of 15. I hod ea Idea that your
majority Wee small and Tory mush in guts
ten before I proved suob to be the os.. by
aooual IovesUgatioo, for I have found It to
be On Invariable rule that men who Mve the
least right to Olt no P.lemenk usually Choat
the loudest for parity of eleotlons and hon-
esty of motive. John Gert s Rykerl and
Jobony Howklas stores to me as past
grates In this lin., and, now that they have
goal Into otter d•cka[[a. took emtaent
purist. N yourself and lmpmNeaMr Mem
Hsieh'. friend, Nle0olee Mood Davlst take
the vacant planes sed rail for (Motors' par-
ity, for the British 00ustita0len and for •
oeanoe at the treasury. Honest moo don't
hays to waste pages of Hansard shouting
about their love for integrity I virtuous
women de not hoaet of their Moe from the
boom -tops, It'. Ihis other sect In owe oasis
that does the shouting. And to prove that
this theory 1. absolutely oorrto% in your
owe I quote the tollowing from page 7 of
she 1)orohesler penitentiary report You
are the Powell In 1M ens
Otlloaddy u not "just the man to be med."
He didn't proylde the means for the frauds
being ,000mplehd. He s000unted for
every ballet that pared through he hands
outside of chow 1urslebed be the retar0l0q-
ofil er. The extra ballots were oarelolly
gdard.d mitt they were depoitd
with the
Clerk of the Prlvtlegee and Eleottons Com•
Mew at Ottawa. They ion'. burned as
Pritobott'e affidavit alleges was done with
the baUote that he dreamed he had, and
when you slated to year plsoe lo PsrliO-
meet--ehleidd by tie privilege of ParllO-
ment-that I gore the tallow out to the
parties who were to conduct the frauds you
led, foully, dellbersely and aegualtfledly.
1 little earlier In your sped' you found
Mutt with me boot, 1 had kept the three
pude of ballot. and took them to Ottawa ;
now you say I did not Mks 01r5 of them.
Iiyidently you would moot rather that toe
pods wen not prodieed Meet, and that 1
had burned them, as Pritchett says he did
with 'u alleged bailout A little pod of
Prltobstt's mythicel ballot. would be worth
• m1111ors to you at this inside of the game.
Dad as you We maws to the type -blocks
from whloh the ballots were printed 1
wonder that a pod or two have not got Into
olroul*ttoo. Yoe musty have "some Mend
who, seeing the blank and style of type
wed, might help you over the dlffioulty.
And right bete I may say that • great deal
of talk has been made about the expert est.
doom and the meromoter szameatlon. It
as clumd that the result of the mlorometer
examination went to show that the stubs
did not oorre•pond with the quality of the
paper t0 testate ballon. Th.111 easy to es•
plain. Some interested potty swipd the
original pad of stubs and substituted en•
other: Aoy person who veltd the oom-
mltle. room Mad sew the exhibits knows
Mao It would be no trick to go up o0 one
000wto0 and go1,the size of the little pad -
say 9i 1 lath -and next evening go up and
.wito01 it and substitute another, made to
order. WWI switched the pod? I don't
know, but It anyone told me that Henry
Powell of Westmoreland 11d It I woaldn 0
move an eyelash. 1 read 7007 bye-
wnie! peroration, and 1 weaderd at your
supreme nerve, knowing that seeding out
bailor' at elootlons need to be • habit
o1 yours, and then It dawned upon me
why Mr. Borden had allowed you to hate
year "bead" at the tamethrothe to mob an
• atatomen►, and I oho:lenge you to make
that al.terltent good or stand ooevloted of
beim, • wlllal liar on the floor of Parliament
-tore,r My. working on your f.1io pre•
mien you endeavor to show the °halo of
ooaditiens is completed by the falsehood
whteh you oonooutd. Io other word., you
found there was • mlselog link to your thein
ot 'torments, end, Dot thinking that I
would bother ...tit Foul urookd sever Dons,
you deliberately mwafaotard the falsehood
• boot my foremast's sweeting to the state
meas that you desired to have made to
osrry out your hypothesis. Now, my oroek-
d trend -if (rend 1 should cell you -I
will (save you to squirm on then hook tor a
few mt0ote1 while I ooander another por-
tion of your oowardly attack on o,s. I find
they you next rtre• me Into your epeeoh io
eonseetioe with we alleged affidavit, said to
have been mode by • person n*med Pr41.
(AGO, In Introit, In whloh be stand, or 10
was stated for him by "Slim" Sam corker.
of Hamilton, that he was an expert to elect
titre vtll•loy and bad supplied eertaln
deputies with bogus ballots and oo election
day tied burnt all the others. And herr,
agate, yen .seems your " Blood, imo,
blood 1" stye of oratory and say in your
most Impreeslve somata :
"I pow hers. Where did thus bal-
lots oom. from ? All the ballots were
printed with the blocks of Mo(ldlload
dy. MoOW,00dd, or MoOilllouddy'O
agent mut, hays been frmadaient abet -
tore df 1040 sobmme."
Net st, my g•otle gsmle I Not s, my
that I am or have hew • re0d7or of pap
from the present 1)ominle. Oovernmeat, or
any other (internment. you Ib, and you
know that you lie. Its quit* true that
I .m • p•rteer In • 000tnol for building a
breakwater lit Ond.rtoh, but that °entreat
was rewl.ed In open tender against all
tenon. There are as extras Involved, no
eoaowlons have been geed, and the firm 10
ander no obhgeldoes to the G ant for
pap, pant, present or preepootiveAs to
being a mugwump, 1 don't oon1der that to
be • orlme. Poeslhiy you don't know what
• mugwump le, and think that the word
moans semeth1ag with Annie horns and •
spiked tail. i hive heard that imelllge*.e
bl the neighborhood of Dorchester posit's.
tory, when yen hall from, is not retail ae
hole, pp•.rtloolarly brig's. Well, ear, for
your editcatine i may say that a meltwater
Ie • pelt teen .ho doesn't t011ow he party
through Al°k and thin ; .bo endeavors to
Ar. ones is right as he saw It to be right ;
wke woe's traffic' 1 i ballets to hale oat Ale
party That a the mood of • 510300mp.
Yee, Mr. Powell, haw se nes tor that
Mold t yen balm bees guilty of redoing the
three petits *hieh 1 baro eenteer•tod, and
It is Intl. weeder that mn0w0mp le an 111
toeing dove ! While you mow i will toll
you whore the b.11ote same from, They
e.me from the TONT. Imagination of year
friend Pritchett- they existed le any
n01b+r sham.. Prlwihet0, so ledge Morgan
stated daring M. West Mile *wintry, Is "•
sell ooe•lotd Sow,' be le elm • forger, an
Impersonator. an bisector of erooki politi-
oil work, aoonrd!0g to he non •howi•r,
000as1enal17 using Sem Ratko, the Tory
organizer, as his private ..nrstary when be
desires to wet np something partto0l.rly
ornate In l..frosge and goody In style. Rot
you will may, Now you have dropped Into It,
for you shoo aro • friend to Prlto0ett Not
on veer life, P.wsil, net on your life ! And
then you will point that loe4, slender hide:
linger of yours at the following paragraph
in I'riloh•lt'. affidavit
"11. 0. the eight of the Wootton 1
look pert In 28. proosa.100 oelebeating
the 1Aborel verify. 17 Nn(Illllou44y,
To lawln and 1 nenaple4eneearrfego.'"
New. It's Bele wee that when there is o
IAbsr.I promises 1n West Hems i nasally
tido le alto proowrlea, and I aloe usually
ride 1s a o.rr1.1. well ■p to the frost ; so
that Mr. Prltnhett, tonne' from the re•
eruo0. He wanted an expert to ballot
distribution, and you won an erper►. Von
had imperiiLw in DerohNter. Hen is your
peroration :
"Under British rule, wherever Brit -
eh institutions exr0d, it Is the glory of
the British enbjNt that he empire is •
put. empire. Let but for a moment
Oland eat la way Into the vitals of the
body politic, and the empire Ie gone.
Tbers never has been a else from the
dawn of ,i.114z.tlon to the present time
but whloh, it It 1d1, fell when oorrnptioo
was r.mp.nt mod booms. of that nor-
rupNoo, Against it prophet has thue-
dard, wed philosopher, has reaeon.d,
and poet dlreeted him withering Bre.
Let as be worthy of our British tradi-
tions let 1 stand me and all for •
pure eleohrate and alma Wootton. iI
from does prevail it the country, of
both side. In poll;. i r -gage more or
Ito In fraud, lot w not per lower than
the.0ndard ot 9.070'. y that prevails
among Ibleves ; lot use'• least hove
honor between ourselves. Ire o0 ,lye
smolt other a fair thew 00 the eoodao0 of
the pills ; let joe►loo prevail ; let law
prevail therm. 11 publlo opinion winks
et doled. of • shady oharaster let them
not les done by those gnardlans of the
.eats who posse. ever the Mild bore.
Sir, 1 say no Mere."
Well, I should say set I only wonder
in the light of what 1 know of your .1mt1o0
biotin that honest words suoh as thew did
seendtsg word te yes 1 hen, der that pert, Is the monympp1sv. Mar lbs. 0114
101.4.waled, baw•wl.4.wed .pests.. •/ Mee • pree mlea la 0.4erloh, might Melly
Ft.sOh Twy alp-hyslty, Hergleen .4 "ma.' mrtelsa-er hie .....Cods, Sam Sorker,
bwr.01s, ksj WM1se0d nprdhu a. "Hs might writ. - that 1 r.A. t. rets es.
mew meshes' M moody -isms' delWrq" b.t I miesei ealty bay tot 1 ser had the
yes pressed s s7 t b..1ral Mr. Pritehd0's •moolwbs1► It
"Mg. McIUUYwady wee SINS the IL11 111011.1111110131 wee mode by me sew fee the
"It appears from the widows of
good la[ere,that In the local el.oUon 0
Wstmor.lasd 000ay 1n 1891, when
More. Powell and Sonoma (Opposition )
rue against Masers. MoQueen Lod Killion
(G meat), that he was sent by the
warder to drive Mr. Powell to • polttical
meeting at Pro d'en Hon, some nine
miles' distance from the p..itaallary,
and that he droye • Government team
there. At the meeting, Mr. Powell was
the only .p.Oker. The w5rdea states
he does not remember all that loos
plow In the oonnootloa, but 1s positive
that It was his two tram which Legere
drove on ths said wooden. H. ad-
mit., however, that it was with his
knowledge and moment bleb Lome
went with Mr. Powell to Pr. d'en Haut.
Legere .totes that at the same election
the warder' drove him on he way to
VOTERS at the polling pion. T.
ward.° donee baring driven Le
dere on his way to rote, but he says he
may have picked him op on tho read
and eves him s drive In that (linden.
(Logen voted Oboat nee miles from the
preop, .ad loft the priom the night
Odors the .lootlon to b0 on hand at
lbs pollee pens election morning)
The,warde0 denies having given Legere
any ballot. MR 1'O W 13LL, CALL-
How doeetb0188 to with your&munoetlon
o1 bogus ballots! How does that barmoulre
with your invocation to justioe, purity and
11 Is Detroit-8er. City 01 Tel.do
Farms for Ssle--Jolla Oestlos, Slwsr-
Home Sooners' Exearelo.-C. P. R
Binder Torino-lwpeotor e1 Prises,
Horse for Nle -Mrs. Addison -4z
Jose Weddings -0.o, Porter.... ....
timing 1. Bellevlog-A. P. Melena
Om Man'. Los --W. A. McKim.
Takes a Drcp-A. MoD. Allan
Amoroso Feld F.o.ing-MoKessle &
Butter Wanted -0. E. &tmg, W1.gbam
Cord.. Party -Ladles St. Pout's shuttle
Hans (Hsi Boyo -Js. Rotuma
An.ouooemeot--Ow. Stewart
4,nnsunoemeot-MOKen•le &
AaaounNrne.t-W. C. T. U.
Anbounoament-R. B. Smith
Anoounoomeot-LN & 8hopbard
A000uooemont-O. M. BW.e
H. B. Clued Is oomaAol0g tem study a
law sod has entered the offing, el Menem 00
W m. Aoheeoo has porobaeed from U. A.
Nairo the later's house and let on Trolal-
gar street.
Them hes bseo • ootloeabe and swoon'.
ins tmprovemeut the put two days In Mr.
Salle' oo.ittton. -
The oouoty admit Iasi poem�
phot of 8100 to aidathe mossiest
Huron Old Boy. is Oedertob oo Jaly 4tk.
Last week Tie Exeter Advocate pampa
bM telr4e.oth toilettes. is Its briery. We
wish tog it many more Mean of prosperous
At Osgood° Holl ea Friday last ON. A.
J. Fraser, who recently pawed he fl.•1 ens
examlo.eio0, was sworn la and ..roled as a
barrister and soliottor.
We regret to lees of the very mime ill -
nem of ldr.. J. W. Pearls, ot Brsmp0s
formerly of ('.dere'. Her (reads ewe
will hope to hear coos of her resieraNes to
health and strength.
A,nolon pleal° of all the Sunday wheels
to Colborne toweshlp will be held of Peet
Form on Tuesday, Jan. L9th, Separates -
deans, end 1O are Welted to
sienna Motherseaten t
be present ea well as the *deers.
On Saturday Wt • remlttanse of 111.00
from wmeooe la Kingsbrldpe was roomed
by Tu. BIU04AL, un*000mp•nfd by say
oommaalo.tion whatever. 1f the m.mltwg
will send us his name we shall be plowed be • •
acknowledge receipt.
During the Worm o. Thursday ofteroom '^
the I4htnloq *trunk Rev, Jams Owrriree tR
house, onset Gamble read nae 'T,efi--..�--^
street. It knocked the chimney to OMNI 1"1 -
and pawed down tato the stove M the
eitoben, knooking open some dampers. bat
doing no further doms'e.
The attempt of the rum men N overthrew
the Soot* Aot election In W ests1rM•.d U1.,
N.Y., has felled. They made an appeal te. tk
the Buprerre Const, all.glsg Irreg.eedim
In the dation. Tbe Court held that ..thin/
had Me shown to tnvrlldas tke els0..,
and dl.me.ed eM appliostlo0.
Aix. Molter 1s in spleedld form Seale
the year. A few days ago be made Me
test oeator, run in his reoord, and the fast,
est mode by any one In O•oeda slam 1898.
He wheeled tM hundred mins la elx beers
and twenty-five minutes. sat. the in spite
of • strong head -.lad oo Cala int bolt. the
route Mina to Stratford sed reams. ...He
made the trip on • Rambler. ' s
tom 4...41.4L.14 the pilin of the British
Empire warp, when you were freely de-
srlbueloQ ballets to your meets In West-
moreland to 1891? Bab I w111 not harrow
your (*shop by dwelling further upon this
exposure. Ideated i0 written en year par-
liamentary maser. Yon are a dINrdited
polltidan, and when next the money Is
heard from the Commons ohamber, whloh
ter the p..1 four years has eohod your
calliope tone., shall *oho them oo more.
Poll,toally, you are as deed mit. jots hall..
('.sear. Mr, 0. W. Robinson, or whoeyer
may be the Liberal oesdldste, will not be
bandlosppd by intimidation of the .mploy-
rN ot Dorob.. r penitentiary, nor will
Henry A. Powell be distributing ballots to
Ito Forster. and Legere* to reckleesly as
wee done in 1891, and possibly l0 1896. 1
see your flo:eh. I do not wonder that yon
did not favor Sir Wilfrid Lander's proposi-
tion in favor of • judteial *Wintry, and that
yet preferred to shine In • partisan fishing
committee. By Sir Wilfrid's proposal the
door* of the penitentiaries yawn wide for
goetlemeo other than returning officers who
dfstri010t*d ballots se tar book as 1891.
Hod I peen dl*tributblg ballets In West-
morel.nd In 1891, and had • vete In thm
House, I, too, would feel pooetnlod to vote
against Dottier'. proposal. l.nrie6. bhoory
In rsrord to a ju1lol*I eogalry doesn't give
• ballot Oxprt • lair show ; It is nectarine
with the liberty of the purist. who were to
the ballot-dtstribatiag business to 1891. Th.
hands of the olook will he turned book tf
Laurier presets : the Britian oonslititlon
w111 rail up tight ; the ancient preodsnte
will form then. 1104. to M* wall ; and some
of the parliamentary .rotors may visit Dor-
chester, if the thing le •Ilow.d to do Its
deadly work. Powell, the outlook a bad,
and that man Laurier to playing the demo
with your Old traditions, wsloat hiWary and
familiar quotations.
There are • number of other plates where
I mold lift Moor petiole and let eho raw air
bite on your Leader flesh, but blas and
. pea ory nay, and your 90.4(0on bl Portia.
mint doesn't w. the prominwooe that
I hove given to yon. My only cense for
doing w is that there are times when it is
O eo0N►ry to wntoh a or skit •
Meek, and this Is one of them
I bye the honor to be sir,
Veer oandld friend,
God.rleb, Juno 8, 1900
set blister your Ilpe, you whited sealnhre 1
In the light of the revelations that hive re•
wetly been published of intimidation In
your behalf by your oousin, John R. Forster,
er•werdon of Dorohester penitentiary, N.B o
and of the peddling of ballots at elmWeae
by you and others is your behalf, the f.R,ld
appeal to boner and loathe seand. as . hol-
low mockery and • travesty fromo.
le the supplement to th. report of the Mls-
ere of Jostles as to prnl1ntlarles In Oar
ads for the year toeing .limo 30. 1899, I
ted that in 1896 you wars a candidata
ler Westmoreland cenaty, and lived is
Sookvi11e, N R., that Doeoheeter peel1ee•
Miry Is In that district, and that you gave •
list of employees of the penitentiary to your
oon.ln, the warden, so that ha mtrht tetlm
Idate then to vole for you The warden
maul In th0 prepense of fear of hie o8{oers,
"that h. hM teen ever to R.ekvill0, and
hod 180,0 hoop wormed that some of the
staff whose names had Man given him were
Liberals, and hod voted UbarLI .t the Wt
W.11..n,' and ho said farther, "that the
men hart boner be careful, and intimated
that 11 any1ug happened to them after the
0leetloas, they 'ed not sane te him for
sympathy." • Ose e1 the .nerds, McCanl,
swore that ►IB r.eelleel.le of the warden's
worts ware, "That 11 there were any
sacstiler., 'Wag Liberal, wk. woes Mead
i 0.i Nip Ilea , aptsentelling 35 that
We veto pleased last week le sae I. H.
Ayer. the genial exonr.loa 08on[5r 51 the
Whit" Star Lis., of Detroit, whit was mak.
log arraogoments for the exen from
Ooderloh to Dittro18 by the sir- qty awog'Toledo on Juno 21.4. Last wog' Map by
this boat was w s000esaful l h .1 t011Z enema
Mr. Ayer has but to make Oke
went of the around= to home •
The m.mb.re of the Canadian Order of
Foresters w111 attend dein. ferule its
North•el. Methodist obureh ant Saad.71
The annual Flower Sunday at North-..
Meth/eel ohurek will bean the 9416 les►
TIt1"IZICMilitli`(i88*01 01 setting pr porsMmr-
for tie day.
In elle •bw.oe of Rev. Mr. ALln a1 mgt
fereno., the pulpit of Vittoria stress Meth-
odist ohukoh woe onapid Sunday morels,
by Rey. J. Spence Allan and in the evening
by W. W. !Hoddtet. Rev. H. E. Curry,
of Watford, pre.. sI to North street MO*.
.dist ohsrdi.
The Moho Deed eI_)!fe01L-et, Methodist
oh'rroh held s plane es flasur4.y afternoon
oe the fiats near Plain's salt well. Ther.
we. • good turnout el members of the Band
and their friend., in spite of tbe *eel
weather, and the ptenekert spent • Teri
Moment Its.,
Owing to 111 -battle PAIL Mr. Hews..m,
pastor of Ratteebury street Methodist
oharoh, Clinton, finds 11 01011ear7 to take •
rest from his m(oetorll work, and about
rhe middle of July h. *epee te leave fee
a Pennsylvania sanitarium, whore h. may
toss:• for several week..
As next Saturday i1 the eighth wisher -
wry of the Madlilllvny Mesion Baud,
thea blr►►d.y party will! ba 01.ldrthea 4. the
Minute room of Konz oharoh, terve eyeing
at 3 o'oeck. A god program by tie
ohildren of the lend, aerated by sem adult
,oealteta, .111 M diem. All are mob me-
dially invited to le 1(1.00,
To the Editor of Tn. 0.lw*r.:
D.A. Si*, --Hew le it Mat ear oeanoll
Is to blew la getting the work of laying the
granollthe sidewalks started ? I. 1►e el
poems o1 the last toe years to be reposed?
Nearly half the year a gene without any
ot0el work h•let Anew, end It.111 pr0babl7
take a NOple of mtnM. .iter wader. sn
recol d for the toenail to •ward the son-
tr•ot and get t►* work ed. Ityr teak
lege i1 0111 ba shoat f.lme for ogblde work
TM..ngN mm� he mod. that the law re-
gelres °wee delays, but MI. law applies
to nth., planes N well as to G°de,teh, tail
i see that several towns an the meaty h..s
gives 'outruns already. Tb. oeaseil
. bald set wrote tin*. Orman.
Gedere.h, 73.0 12.
TM regular m s0ag or Moo town wadi
will be belderes sy*w (1146y) erabie.
Rev. Jas. A. Anderas.''ied $g►. Janos
Hamilton, of town, and (Jordon Tome. jr..
of Carlow, oommesleneru to th. Presftyter.
ian (1•wral Ane mbly, lett en Mesd*y for
Halifax. Rev. J. Spence Allan will preach
In Knox oharoh the next two Sundays, and
daring Mr. Hamilton's shames hle week
will be takes by W. W. Stoddart.
The radon pert' ander the ...aami d
the ladles of St. Peter'. °huroh will be held
on Ta..day evening, Jane 19th, 1a the Har-
bor Park. An sSM55tlye program will bus----"xt
relegatd, oonsm4.g of Metal and Inetr,..
mental 000110, reelta4pus, Me. The *o
ground. art to be prettily deeesated and
menu new feature. ea he 4nsred..... t«yf
(derioh marine bud will be In atteedanen 'r*'
sod the greeds w111 ba epee fres 6 be 10
r,ts. A e.rdel welcome sr0.eded to all.
The seman
i-waa1 •
I.eMe. al *Memo of the
Y. P. 8. 0. R. of Kew ebareh took plass
Iasi week, with the following result : Prod -
dam, Roy. Jas. A. Andante. iI, A. ; Ip
vlo. presldeat, Mies N. Nairn ; 2nd ties 01
president, Mies Cowan ; nosedey mere
tory. Mies Murray ; oerrespoedlog mem.
tory. Mies 10.1.. (0(01... treasurer, MTs
Mary Monts ; mienote y Measurer, Mee t+ap
anion. ; °oarw.n-leikent, Reg. Mask f
prayer mooting, Mint Mary Mont.; weld.
Mas A. Morrie ; ramie. Him Oewr 1 01
flower, Mer Murray ; mlwfe.ry, Mies Y.
Melees; rigida., Mies N. Naini ; Thera.
lure, Aro B. Remits.
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