The Signal, 1900-6-7, Page 98 11so111sDAT, Jaw 7, 1$00
Warm Weather Nees......
-" , Pour months of Sumner weather ahead of us uuw. Prepare
Mr it with the new Summer goods in Piques, Mullins and Ging•
hams -our selections very choice and our stock very large.
SKIRTS. A large variety', of
White lawu Waist, patterns w new
very S Nyuea - white, area
with insertion, `� White with reduced
pratty pattern, true 'o stripe -at 1&
60 m+ uP u Pretty ch
.% eeks .wt
Extra rad 'I a in 1 o stripe Curghams' M
Blouses at 50e .y 15c.
Dew Waist style p Whit
Lawn and
Mouse. new stripes, at ,� •d
Y p OrWhite Muslin in
Fubl rangee separate t) ;y all yualitwe:
Skirts it ' !bet aid. ~i Y The newest e1rtgs
'patterns in the bust
washing Pilins,
colored geode.
SKIRTS IN BRUM:Li Emesis. 1 New Crash Liuoi,s for Skirt°.
Special lot o'f-Sailore, worth 50c. and 1-5c., for 35n.
Great value in Trimmed Hats at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.7'5.
Those aro greatly r.eluced prices.
t'he, Lilted b.. La,liee' Tinate those
dainty four-iu'hend law offe:tee at bOc.
Largo range of the tow Fbwin .End and
Handkerchief effect Toe. - --
Mcleod, road work, til 00 ; Star, prlstleg,
$5 75 ; W Illtani Burrows, teed for esmstery,
$3 60 ; Jame. A,t,me, luu,ber for oeuttbty,
12 15 ; Id .iotpal World, bloat•, 11 10 ;
Thomas Jokes, team on grader, 111 00,
reed work, 11 50; Jour Sande, rued work,
$3 25 ; Jobs levy, rued work, 11 00 ;
Robert Bean. tum ur grader, $15 00 ;
nurse fur Kamcud Hogan, ob.r!Ly, $17 00.
Ad+uurned to meet .g.tu on 30th of June .1
2 o °look P.M. F. W. )4tk o eo,i, olerk
To the Ifdltor of Tee !Monet:
Deas Stn . I leave the use of a portico
o1 your valuable specs to report Lo the pee-
ler on the gerund menser tient end wearies
of the boon during the poet year, endtug
May 12. The eetsb6ohmeot of • strew
baud eau be auoomplisbed °lily try years of
effort, and w• trust it will be • pleasure to
all W knew that we art mall maWbg pro -
"twos, slowly, toward the goal. It must to
remembered that tel. • during the year we
bore berm obliged to look fur a new leader,
sad that we lit so many of our beet per-
former by removal that not enough nen
,.l tI to forma band. At this untie the value °I
the Muno•I Moois•'v was amply demons, rat
ed, and without, the effort. whioh the eaeuu•
tive pat torte we oertatnly ehuuld here had
no band here this summer The leek of
player, was supplied by the lerm.tleu of •
I.K.gbegtooer's oleos, wh.uh wee trained
two evenings bath week, Ly Mr. Joedeo, for
several months. sod updef Lit eery able
leedershlp these players lays mode wonder-
ful progress and now fill useful pleura
to the band. In u000euttoh with this class
a new system of msn.gement was inaugur-
ated which has beim extended to all the
First, a strict [•gator et•Usedellne le
kept in a book prepared ler the purpuee.
Thu is renamed after each practice to the
mah.ger, and ouy players who negleot •t-
tAsdanoe are .eked to return their lastru-
meets, as snub are au impediment to pro-
`le000dly, the properties of the society .re
kept tr.ok of by each Loader'■ signing a ro-
omer( for the instrument, music, uniform,
eto., which he uses, ase en to
eke lb• very beet usre of .11 these articles,
to return them Immediately when requested
by the leder or executive oommitte., and
to lend them to no one whatever unless
suthunzed so to do, He lutther agrees {.
attend .11 preotloes and .gagemeses MIND
unavoidably datatoed from doing .d;r -
T'bis system h.s.freed► proved of great
advantage and we teen the new year with
more thorough eternization and • 1
°umber of tastrumeats in tile th.o ey, r
As t° instruments. During the year we
have poruha••d three new oyes -•
drum, • h&c -bone hone end • bus drum. all
-1 high grad, sed Worth in all •bout $100
Bestirs the several horse which bad not
been in ease for several year• hove hoes re -
oared and are mow In use. Tbe total num-
ber wf instrumeata now total. 27 : Cornets
5, alto horn' 6, Noor horns 1, tenor from
tones 2, slide trombone. 1, user horn. 2
clarinet* 5, piccolo 1, baritone 1, sane drams
2, bees drum, oymbals, oto. 01 thew 27 we
have 22 in use it*sides this en members
play their own lnetrumeote, m.kisg the
total number of players .t present 28.
tV. ooeelder 24 • fall hand, and as soon
u possible will probably bays • junior band,
permanently. of say 12 The whole may Le
oommeal when drawable, vacancies in the
first hand filled by promotIMo, and the juu•
tors might take ang0gemeats at small places
wbioh cannot afford • large band.
There le still plenty of room for advance
went sod we should have a larger sum than
newel for the advances of the year. Fire*,
we bays some unpaid debta. Second. the
white uniform. 'should be repl.rd by khaki.
third, several of the pourer instruments
should to exoheegad for hotter. If we oar
do more than this several additional lustre -
meets should le procgred for the Pont
A. the .mount teem red from the town ten
the summer cencerte is 0eoeseary to pity the
leader, we are dependent on the eeriest feu
of members and anything we nun make by
amusement enterprises, eto., for the reel.
We should have at least $250 In addi.on Lo'
the loader's salary in order to make good
programa this year. Munn will be necessary
te th• value of •t least $401(oaarly 1.30 worth
has i.een procured shoe Jen 1.1) ; repaire
and small supplies about $50 ; khaki one •
form. about $100, leaving out .1 the $250
oely $60 fee impreiving the isetrement snf-
lit, end more could be well spent. le for
mer years only •boat seventy -6v ot
our chines have joined and p.Id the
.tweet fee This le not u it shnuld be,
The band is the entertainer of all. anA we
should have .t least two hundred members
of the society. Our hand hes become eom.-
thien to be proud of and Is rapidly winning
. reputation through the whole of Western
()entitle. thus adv.rlidog our town as an
up -to date place Already we have hod na-
gutry and oorroepnndenoe from five different
towns regarding engagements this semen.
Thu meet Ice kept getnlfaad growler. The
committee are determioed to make thi •
reoord year of progress. tet every citizen
wage up .red do his or b. r share. If you
joined Net year receive oar oahyes.r'r with
• dollar and • broad nail• again this year,
sod beside. that have some new member
talked up to do the sine. Let es ell belt:
to boom the thing for all it's worth, and IL's
worth • great dal.
"He that both no muse 1a hie soul
D fit for d.rkeet deeds of treachery and
Acral -boom the hand,
W. C. (loops. Manager
(;ori -rich, .lane 4th.
Chtldren'e Hosiery
in all stenos and kitwle
we aro well prepared
with, tied our values
are right.
Have you seen our
special N.vtm Wise
Orr Hie for boys,
• iu all sues, and our
special at 8 for 25c'.
Ladies' Whit e
r 0 Uuderwear --a spa-
cial •4 +OI%� Dimlyltritmmed witt h
embroidery, at 76c
New Ik.g-Collar Belle. -- -
New Pulley Belt...
Kew Belt Bur.-klrre.
IOWBlouse Pita awl Sets.
Coni and look over our variety of sum
mer Novelties.
Smith Bro's & Co.
E. HURON TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. booksy, lee rrreadmit, r.wi weUor tneergee
A esmber •1 Steeliest rape n rresealee mg les.00."
te Ire Gathering. Mr. Soott'e .Muer on school manegemeat
The annual meeting of the Eget Huron wee rquelly tutereettug. Every towhee
Teauben' A•wcl•tion was held to the se- should be • student, and should be cootie-
sembly room of the Seeforth Collegiate In. usaly storing hu mind with knowledge to
etitute, on Friday and S.tard.y, May 25th keep hie min l in touch with that ot the
and 26th. The presideet, J. A. Lowery, °hied. 'l'6. important oh.rooteristlo of •
was in the Muir, and, elver the opening ex• good *Wool is to peepers • man for the per
anises, the following oommittoe were oleos• poen of human existence and the chid
means toward. bringing about the desired
end is good ureter, not bidden but spontane-
ous. A teacher should strive to have e
thorough knowledge, cot only of the sub-
ject' to ',• taught, but also of the being to
be trained. He eboold see Met Ala mthd is
to unity with that of the child, and should
know that the great unifying teethe b sym-
!hthy. A te.ober should .Iso posse .ell
centre!, lot one petulant moment may undo
theweNc of s term. Ile should be syetem
silo and diligent enough le sae every,hier
and yet see nothing. Mr. Scott also Bove
interesting examples from bis owe wide ez-
potentate o1 his method of dealing with earl-
f-btore pupils. I)ieeuuestoi followed
said ...ore par. i iipeted in by Meese. Motsul
te of marks than then who have ,red (;•moron.
m In Awing to every .abject, oo.l I ".ancient Arltkme'te," by Mr. Roberson,
eobisindperhaps only the bare fifty -.I the Collegiate le..r,ute, Sealortb, was
ed : tt•portl$q, T. N Forsyth ; pre-
regram, Messrs. Soot!. Baker and Shilling -
law ; resolutions, Messrs. Clarkeoo, Menial
and Robb. The secretary, Mr A. H.
Plummer, read the finaeot01 report of t5e
a+tooietlon, whioh shows • credit belsoce of
about 3w
Before entering upon hisubjeot. "Trafse,"
lipeobor Robb announced to the Woollen
the toot that, at the coming mid simmer
ezamtn•tloes, only tee marks et' - the untue
osstal candidates would be returned to the
pupil. for the meson that, when the results
et Ire ezamtn&tions are made known, many
eats and also oandid•tee think tbat they
latter), although hiving failed 0o one of
•'abjeots bat having btaioed a larger
of the maximum, have as good or
- - Nen right 10 pees than the last
mentioned elan. tie also urged teaohars to
be (meatist In .selloff io the reports of
themselves bed their raepeotive awret•ry•
treasurers rd 000tlnuatiori ol&a•ee ; and
made meetiea of the foot that in his opinion
beeches salaries should lie paid quarterly.
The Inspector's mealiest talk on triflers
will no doubt prove a grin hen.tlitko MI the
teachers present, *spatially the younger
ones. He pointed out the importance of
Little Allege. Calisthenics and rote -singing,
when Idle 1o1ks are tired, cosy be inure
doted with great advantage It is ot great
tmp•rtanoe to attend strictly to the disolp-
line of • school, see that pupt)s stead order-
ly in the ohms, demise them orderly from
the slue and Num .oboe', and by no memos
h ave the edueatloo without the di.olpllne.
Every (eooher should have m method le
e verything, and try to Instill this Idea into
his pupils. Hove tbfege leek niethodtoal in
the aohool yard end premises, and In every
way possible bay,* ohlldren dorm habits of
order. Mr. Robb sago urged the Luther*
to try •yee7 right mune to wale thou nadir
their mire to avoid the use of shwa and te
have a great repeat tot public property.
Mr. H.rtly, delegate to the Ontario I du•
aakl.ead Association, g.e. a very exhaustive
sad interesting report of the convention.
The eubjeot "How to Lttelest 1 apile le
►be Study of Literature," was splendidly
handled by Mr. Cameron, orloolp$l of Brus-
sels public 'reboot. "Literature,' he said,
"Is a very comprehensive study ; 1t embrace.
poetry, novels, history and metbematioa
R. defined it as the finished pr odaot of the
thoughts of the author. "The prinolpal
faculty to be trained in this study." he said,
"Is tie Imaglaatieo; give the ohIIdren a basin assembly hall of the Collegiate Institute on
span whioh to build thought, and teanherl-Trldey evening, wag • brilliant affair and
ref.o4agrest credit es the committee whn
ged end provided the program, width
coasted of • vary excellent looter* by Mr.
Scott, of 'Toronto, an &dere.' of weloom• by
the mayor, John A. Wilms, oholrmab,
songs by Mn. Somerville and Mn. Baldwin,
Instrumental duet fay Mtwes Eerier and
Weir, also by Will Mcleod, Walter
Willie and Melvin Stott, all of which teen
h.ehly oppr.oloted
The next meeting of the oe.00l.tios
be held In W ioghem at tie fall of Ilre
Wauhsnu t, May 30. Shaw, from Porter's 11111. hu Werth
ell au our nudist &ed will be un the Pettit
Farm etatl dwiug the euu.W*s mouths
Leeburn extends . h,-.rty gr.ntiee to vur
new townsman, wLu wilt be a reiuiorue
Anent to the nuke of the beohelore 1n this
Rev. R. Heudr,su., 1,rec..•l.ed herr lest
Suuday. There was a good attendance.
For tee present chyme service wtil teat
4:30 e.r. on Sunday. The weedily prayer-
rayermeeting will be hale ewe Wedueeley eywisg
and Mr. lieudcraon .111 attend to aouduut
it unto • fortnight.
Thu monthly meo'.nv of the W. A. F.
A. S , bald at Oil residneoo of Mrs H.
Vwlieaur, was well attended. Mr. H.ui
duo, who mss /u Ottawa ju.t alter the big
dre gate an lnt.areetlud &cuuu•t of her stay
there, and ales reed • letter from her siet.,,
Ur. M•riou Ohvwr, of blas, which rof.rred
to the sufferings from the greet 1&mio• in
that country
ably dealt wits and many new ideas were
thrown out to the teachers. It was pointed
out thi.1 a bietorlwl knowledge ot arith-
metic x.o exceedingly helpful In the teeth -
log of t', a *abject ; counting is not confined
to the hamen family alone; looks,
orowe, .i .i. ooaat their young. The speaker
gave r. very interesting synopsis of the
verities modes of rotation In arithmetic, ex-
hibited uy different ranee of people In by
goal egos, and believes that the prevalent
number system, suoh u 5, 10, 20, 100, eta.,
weight Mute been dlff*seat, bad the number
of fingers and toes been different 16.
paper wee en intertwine one, and evoked
much hearty dhroelon.
The election of officers for the coming
} oar resulted u follows : president, Mr.
Natter Raker ; 1st vice president, Mr
Robertson ; 2nd yioe president, Mie O'Neil;
seeretery-treuurer, Mr. John Hartly ; ex
scathe committee, Masan Dobson, Jam-
eron, Npeeton, and Misses Matheson and
Mardis ; provlsoial delegate, Mr. 'C O
Sblllinglaw ; &editors, Anderson and Met-
calf. ,
The teething prraident, Mr. Lowrie, In
tassels address pointed oat many defects le
odd eduihobal system and also many of
the banditti derived trona 'I'eeohers' io-
'tltet s.
The principal of the ;'..olio school of
Wl,gh.m, A. H. Musgrove, was 0l
gnat interest and inetruotlou to the ooh•
vsotton In bin able addres. no "I'raotiosa
Teething ' He advooeted that teachers
should, above everything, attend to thele
duties. 11e showed olearly the Infinite ad-
vantages of a grouped oluelfloation an an
ungraded wheal over tithe el hewing • sup
orate ole for every grads.
The reception to the tesehere In the
ebould eno0arege any natural Impulses
erbfoa eery strew tbermestms le the perdu.
Oblldna the do • good deal if eeooers/ed,
hut an nettled word or even a frown may
destroy all. Sellable books should te
pieced In the head■ of the growing boy or
girl t hooka al trowel and advenksro M well
se books on tempsraone and religion ' Mr.
Cameron's method of having the young
minds avoid bad literature le to give
Obi= a tants for the good. Parents should
h.bitaally read to their screwing ,hlldren,
and we should sol ezpeot seek satisfactory
reesio from children of Illiterate homes as
from homes in whioh Intreet is taken In
educational matters. Every boy and every
girl should have . library of his or her own,
even if this should neneist of only one or
two books Tauber. rhoold eeooeage
the hove and girls to tercet • pett.leb of
their (tette speediest mosey le good book%.
Interesting d'.00eslem were engaged In
by Mr. Cl.rk•en and inspector Robb, In
which were narrated the neeefits el the old
township libraries. sad d. Noreel the dis&p of these.
Mies Brook's recitation, "The First R•t
tier's Star," was exceedingly well reoffered,
sed well received by all print 11 nee•
lathed W. moral, "Be ~slid with words"
sad 1• better •dvlos than "Re oarefnl with
A• ezeeedtngly pleasing (•.tare of the
seemetlee w the pres•ane sed wistsoea
of William Floott, d A , prfeelp.t of
Ireerste Normal Retool. The talks nn "l.- ,
direst T.sebing' and "Scheel Man.gemast"
free 'soh as daiNen.11•t moest bat be
.rl 11wrsare hewer to •11 these engaged h
the mastitis/ ptofeselee she h.4 the rare
privilege of be.rlag him. le hat *shiest,
"Redirect Tebehleg." be 'looks el the mu
k...lity •f the to ober r.•ertlee tlr.dness.
1k was •levly petered set h 1s tit.
6.t l seteee
ee►iseee may he b.gk ).
tbsr.hy • met semens el v.ln.ble Mme
Yid aeeentemry labor eea be meed. "If
IMO leek mese time fee mature study. we
g;le6id hap sten Mme fes every .thin.
iffillatnelaries .f lediraM tesibhg, he
111$$. •'tree& se Yoe mai' ee mbbles. te the
NM& ,mein& ggie see Minya et the rope
Moxpty, Jam 4
u.■ Seell, of !Ruts field, foreotly Nellie
D.u.e, visited relat.vw hen this week;
J rhe MoNoytu, jr , and bide, of Wing;
hs.n, were visite.. to the tamer. wows
',eco this week.
9'6. otroes le Goer lob drew yilts a item
her of oar re.ldwts to vin -w the prones -two
so -1 sea the man take the le.o, but they 416
wtoh&Mtead the thews thaw had an er.
Irani t ckvt to my.
'there will be • ohi,dren'e .ervio, on Sum
clay. Tee Rev. Mr. lioodersoo 556.0 the wheel 'etiolate to bring their
.b4drrs bwoda whn do notlat,eud Sandy
school with than -'J'"reu'■ .re also .••-
quailed Ike gene. The eervloe w111 be at
4:30 r, s,
A wit..,.. 1. president of the board of .du.
eatlun In Vancouver, Weeh. She ties Intro.
ducted •ohool savings books tato the oity
.obool., .art during the tint Mx monobe
mere then 3700 has be"n deposited by th•
chd d tee
A Great Snap_
a our (;aaver Soap, at 5o. •
pound, of wbluh we sell it barrel a week.
This mu't our wily seep. be we Mete
everything that osn be baud in an SP-
1. dots :.assay eters, and our prices
ars right, 1 he 1 -.ansae knuw that they
ams ale °)5 •.•t iron. u. • soup for their
Minim. We firth the lee at no , .i exude -- everytbiug goes ;
Ul.e.e •m o ..r pot.. er, ,aardru Mug or
ohniowt table Chin.. We deal la all
of them.
T. G. TIPLING & 00.,
Rio turd bleak. Gtiloriob
World's Champion •tete'.
"1 t m ted many remedies to core pilot,"
writhe W. It. Smith, of Latham, 111 .
"but fntmd no relief till 1 need Ituoklien'e
Arnica Selye. i have not been troubled
with piles since." Grandest pile cure on
earth and the best salve in the world.
per bot, guaranteed by Jae. Wilson,
May With.
(;01500 • ' .teoll met u • oourt of reel•
•ion of the aseamment roll, the members
haying simnel the seminary d.olaratloa• e1
•Sloe. Tbs follows. were brought
before the enure : he Roesler, William
I Washy O Al sea Fetes Fisher.
I tin prepared to buy
this seasons clip of wool,
aft ueunl, ret tl
or in ex/haatg.: for u;muu
lecturer aril, los.
Nrrru.'a,- The local amrmot in Uungenueu
for Tits Bw,at. el at the o'lf oe of J. t). Wan,,
J.P., conveyancer. eta. who will receive or,
den ter ea pttena. edvertlstng and job-
work, and is authorized to give receipts for
amounts paid for the same
X. now will resume his tripe to Dungan-
non In April. -let and mrd Friday each month.
Tras,A', Jane 5
('latae -In °misscoun00 of the heavy ale
with which we were favored nn Saturday
km, • great Improvement has taken place
In the growth and •ppear•nor of the orope.
('Hearn Nitrite.- The sacrament of the
Lord's Supper wen lutSabb•th
is Entitle* oberoh to • large number of
gehmunlo•ota, on which occasion three new
.,•mbar. were added. )'reparatory services
wore held nn Friday afternoon anti were
wndnet.4 by Rev. M. McKay, of luck -
n ow.
I a0M'NNTkATIbN ear Rr..ou'tN.. - On re -
net vinw new. of the interceder of Johansen
herg, • largo number of the Mentes of nor
village and vlol.Ity eemhlwl eo damns
striae their rejoicing. The Union Jacek was
gees fluting oo .II nor Misers of ht "emus and nn 01.07 private dwslllsf�. 7 here was
• torch light prooe*sIon nn out -sweets -sed
bonfire., eta
A satgunw eNT. l'he .'•evement roll of 1900
for West Wawanooh foes the value ni reel
property as $1,123,500. an Moreau of &beet
34,200 ever 11199 ; population. 2,055 ; head
el e•ttle. 4,220 ; horse., 1,IOR ; sheep,
2,337 ; hogs, 1,534. Thea were nn •ppeele
at the court of revision, whish spathe well
for aseareor W. A. Wilson H. has been
• aeawteg the Iowe•hlo for eleven yeah
Aliso. ey ('owiNo A,in
001elli John 1111.., jr.,
jr. with ezorohne eif Peter Fisher, jr , and brother, Loyd, took • trip en their
Who waif lowered $160, so lotion Was teems. Mlles to Kimardtee last week, the former
Alez. Rebertsen moved, donned by jai. on • yMaltrs. latter returned hems to
Taylor. that eke roll ea reeked he &eeeptal KInnordlne after Melting •nnnaint.neoe
le marr.n%. ('.rried. The eonneil teak np l hero. (Jetta • number et our Mayens
their rainier business, ell the members week In the etre•. In M* ()Welder Town es
beteg proeut tznaot Capt. Verlag: the .-inr4ay last Rt.. R 1. Haase felt
reeve Is the shale. The hllnwleg oosansts hen O. Mender te famed oonferesee . .
were pseud ebonies Ifamllres, .eeneser, The ',Weathers lett hen ea T.etdee, via
350 00, sutras, $9 00 ; MIM.I Helrhaiea, Osderteh. for I.n.dse Mn .1. M.
eherity, 310 IA ; Minheal termer, flea! Hebert,' "'new"' hem. kb• 1.150, p.H of
for Mlehael Helthme*e, °Amity. peel 'lest week free ielteronll, where eh. heti
Jeb. Send., read *ere. $1 00 i Ale,. MoD, Wee .tteedl.e the of her aunt, ee.
All.., .hew.!e lee nemete,y, M 5C ; John ISaM, 4.emeed,
Il.rkes, real week, $10 50 i Jas. Ohlsislm. Temkin* ever OW elle faults makes •.
t00 • Jehs Ruam weekkttl gredee.
76 ) Jeb° ate, read wisely $1 l Ahs. Wk less abet* liege e1 ethers.
TAMPER.... -
wtEh year ►sally.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the beet
there is at the same prices that are
chergod for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory......_...
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
fr .m *J..1 J 0p
_ and all kind. of
our own nuke
Agent for the celebrated Carbon
Paint for painting all kinds of roof.,
wood or ironwork.
the Chrep stove and Furnace Man.
Wrong side of HamiltonSt. (7oderloh
SesouMe Su1lills.
Medical Hall.
Undertakers and Embaliera
Graduate of h1ses,,chua,tte Col-
lege of i�mbelming.
wHlra HeAlt s.
Barr OW!!)a AT MODIC-
MKi1.AR. L (b,. GOD SUICS.
W. Acheson 6r Son
Tapestry and Brussels Carpets
HELLO ! -:
Our several special lines of Carpets during
_the -past few days have brought a very quick
and gratifying response --gratifying to cus-
tomers also in the remarkable values they
For this week we put out for special selling
all ends in Tapestries, Wools and Brussels-
` splendid goods in the season's best designs.
450 yards Tapestry Carpets, heavy weight end very closely covered,
hantfr.omo designs- a carpet well adapted tor halls and stairs, and 1e
a gual roues carpet -worth, regular, 50o ; special per yard 39c
English Brussels Carpets -A nice aeaortwenb in colon of browns,
grveus, blues and reds, all this season's purchase, regular value,
$1.00 yard; special rale, price
W. Acheson &Sn
Tits Bather. will be sent to shy address In North America for Sea. tram now until Jan. 1. trot.
The kst is the Unapt rel TBE SIGNAL Is the Beat.
Tilere are so any Deflces..
• to win business nowadays that it's hard to decide
where it's best to trade. We should be able to
settle the matter for you when we announce that
we are determined to reduce our stock of Dress
Goods and -general Dry Goods at least $2,000.00 by
1st; of June, and, in order to get in quick touch
with those who have yet to buy their Spring Goods,
we shall, until the 1st of June, give with every $10
purchase one pair of best quality Kid Glovear guar-
anteed worth $1.25. You will get - a check for
evel'y purchase, and when the different amounts ag-
$1 Qthe Gloves are yours.
Lye also laid aside for Free distribution a
line of e 1 1 : well worth 60c. for those\ilio spend
$5 with u: in the same space of time. \
We anxious to show you our iew and
strictly up- ate Spring Stock. We see to it that.
Ho. sky goods concern can give you lower quota
tiob s ; and n it is that during our Great Re-
duction a no firm offer the same in-
• ducements for the ext thirty five days as
+ 1 Stoi�ila �1( Will
ALWAYB DN HAND 'The R„ B. Smith Dry Goods Co.
_ _ _
Sante Hard Coatirmwtmmlymmmmtrtmntrmmm
IN Tait II(ARKII ✓ _
All Cosa mel hod tto the Yarket scales, ^ P -S' .IN SHOES
W Mt LEE. -
.. tis gas left It LEE II: SIiZPSOAD'3
Store LT"'i'{.'ly 0llendorl t.n. 1111w---
r -
TAILOR, -___
Call Show you the latest m Spring
mid Hummer Suiti gr,.
(tall and sen his llom int du the newest
shades, the very thing for Spring nrul Sum
mer wear A large assortment of cloths to
cli ft'ovit _ ime-styln'smt-ler fnaraoteed
Prices mrrlerate,
West Street
Pastry, OysterPatties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mi ce
Pies and Lady Flows,Kisses, _
Macaroons, Marall oes,
Brandy Snaps, Etc..
are as good ae t he Islet male in ally
city in Canada.Cantelon Ievle the tra.le in
lien's plain heavy C"ngress -
Men's lace plow Boo,' - - -
Women's heavy lace Boots - -
Misses' " " 11-2
Child's " " " 8-10
Women's best Carpet Slippers
or two pairs for 25c.
15c. bottle of Polish for 5c.
85c. per pair
75c. e /
55c.1 45c.
Mao finer lines in the same proportion.
As we have the largest shoe store and the
largest stock in this county, we are able
to fit you in style and price.
Come and be convinced.
CAKES ------ s•-
Just received a line of dents' and Boys'
Bicycle Rai's.
in fancy deeiVhing and ornament
ing all &Intend icing W. 5 kI A -RM A NJ r. -,f
Gave him an order and your sat E '
D. CANTELON,?111�U11��ulul�lU11111�1U�1111u1ulU1Ufi
idaction will be aermretl.
Engineers' and
Mill Supplies,
Lubricating Oils and
Pipe Covering,
Asbestos Goods,
Belting and
Lace Leather.
The Ws, Sotto! Conwouud Co.,
188 Queen-st.,
Tof'onto, Ont.
-fear Boiler llcpairing ,Portland Ce ent
The Goderich steam boiler works
having been removed frotn Go•lertch,
i have made arrangements to carry
on boiler repairing and also the manu-
facturing of smokestacks, etc.
Repairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly attended
Machinist, Goderieh.
Works on Victoria Street.
FOR SALE. Barb Wire
hydraulic Cement'
The best brands kept.
Scotch Fire Brick and Clay
American Field Fencing
We can give you a good Fence from 35c.
per rod up. This fence has the approval of
fence builders. You can sage money and build
it yourself. We lend you a stretcher.
The .l -ova ifl cut into stove wood
len,4th and will he delivered to any
part of thn town the same day an
Orden received by telephone or
left at rddence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
14adslfi&. November net, Me. Who
The old Rtandby. Wire Nails, House and
Barn Furnishings.
These goods we are busy distributing to
our customers. dhlr prices are right. Let 118
figure on your requirements.
The place to sat your Hardware.